Action Plan
Action Plan
Action Plan
students feel like they have important abilities to offer. I strive to foster a classroom where
students can solve complex and open-ended problems both on their own and
Undergraduate Studies:
Objective Steps to Achieve Outcome
As a teacher:
Objective Steps to Achieve Outcome
Help my student Some ways I will achieve this goal are If I can achieve this goal in
move from by utilizing signs and tools in my my classroom I will disrupt
elementary classroom that mediate learning. I fossilization and get
psychological will also work jointly with students to students prepared to be
functions to higher model logical thinking and process, able to solve more complex
psychological mediated perception, and being problems because they will
functions. deliberate. Students will learn be prepared with the skills
deliberate behavior such as creating a and metacognition to do
mental plan and having the ability to so.
block out background noise. Through
modeling, scaffolding, and working
jointly with students they will be able
to move toward higher mental
functions such as being self-regulated,
using metacognition and knowing
when to use information, and