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Carolina Wilderness Outfitters

Case Study (A)


Thomas Wilcox, Chairman of the Board
Ann Dawson, CEO
Robert Henderson, Board Member
Janice Quill, Board Member
Mark Sentor, Audit Committee Chair
Norton Bell, Audit Committee Member
George Li, Audit Committee Member

Ann Dawson, CEO
Christine McCoy, CFO
Bud Stimson, Head of Hunting Division
Steve Bauer, Head of Fishing Division
Rocco Merli, Head of Apparel Division
Sue Ramos, Head of Internal Audit

Mark Tomkin, Head of Apparel, Texas Region
Betty Koster, Apparel Division Accounting Support Team, recently terminated
Simon Peel, Accounting Manger

About this case study:

This case study was developed as a joint effort by the Center for Audit Quality,
Financial Executives International, The Institute of Internal Auditors, and
the National Association of Corporate Directors. These four organizations
have formed the Anti-Fraud Collaboration to actively engage in efforts to
mitigate the risks of financial reporting fraud. The Collaboration’s goal is to
promote the deterrence and detection of financial reporting fraud through
the development of education, programs, tools and other related resources.

For more information about the Anti-Fraud Collaboration and its resources
please visit

© Copyright 2014
Sue Ramos, head of internal audit at Carolina Wilderness Outfitters (CWO), found herself at a decision
point. One month earlier, following an ex-employee’s call to the company’s ethics hotline, Ramos
launched what had seemed like a routine investigation into a claim of improper termination. She
had thought the investigation was winding down until last week, when it turned up a new allegation
of possible accounting irregularities. The new allegation, however, was not well substantiated. Her
instincts told her that she should pursue the matter further, but she also knew that it would be difficult
to do so. She had little reason to believe the investigation would turn up something significant, and
she had a full plate of work already and few resources she could assign to the task. A further concern
was that CWO was one week away from its SEC filing date for its third quarter financial statements,
and company management would be in no mood for a distraction without strong supporting data.
Ramos considered her various options: should she notify management of her concerns, bring it to the
attention of the audit committee, and/or alert the external auditor. Alternatively, she wondered whether
she should just focus on her other high-priority work and not pursue what would, in all probability, not
amount to anything material.

CAROLINA WILDERNESS OUTFITTERS (A) accounted for half of CWO sales, with the remaining sales
approximately evenly split across Hunting and Fishing.
Carolina Wilderness Outfitters was a publicly traded
specialty retailer that sold gear and apparel to outdoor CWO carried both its own brands and a selection of
enthusiasts. Founded in North Carolina with just one leading national brands. It sourced a large majority of
small store in the 1930s, the company grew slowly for its products from major suppliers, but the company still
fifty years and attracted a loyal local following. In the manufactured a few apparel products, mostly camouflage
1980s, a small group of investors saw great potential in clothing, in its own plant in Texas. CWO maintained
CWO and bought a majority stake in the business from a company website to promote its stores and provide
one member of the founding family. Other members of general information about the company, but it had only
this family continued to hold a 20 percent ownership recently begun exploring opening an internet channel to
stake. The new majority owners took the company sell its products online.
public with a successful IPO and grew the business by
building new and larger stores throughout the southern
and eastern states. CWO now had 35 stores in six states. COMPANY STRATEGY
Texas, with 12 stores, and Pennsylvania, with eight stores, CWO had built its reputation by offering quality products
accounted for nearly two-thirds of the company’s $310 and superior service. It targeted mid- and upper-income
million in annual sales. Because of the importance of the consumers with enough disposable income to purchase
fall hunting season to its business, a disproportionate
that special item to complement their vacation or hobby
share of its sales came in the late summer and early fall.
experience. CWO sales associates were some of the best
Headquartered in Hendersonville, North Carolina, in the industry in terms of product knowledge, outdoor
CWO organized its divisions around its three main experience, and an ability to connect with customers.
product groups: Hunting, Fishing, and Apparel. The CWO located its stores in tourist towns close to fishable
Hunting division sold rifles, shotguns, air guns, waters, in areas open to hunting, or areas with high levels
ammunition, optics, hunting blinds, and other gun and of outdoor recreational activity where shoppers were ready
hunting related gear. The Fishing division offered rods, to buy. For the past decade, CWO had pursued a strategy
reels, fishing tackle, lures, live bait, nets, canoes and of steady, sustainable growth. It opened a new store every
small fishing boats, and boat accessories. The Apparel couple of years and company management focused on
division sold hunting and fishing clothing, jackets, running each store profitably, increasing same-store-sales
raingear, camouflage clothing, footwear, and other annually, and only opening a new store when it found a
apparel for outdoor activities. The Apparel division good location in the right area.

Carolina Wilderness Outfitters Case Study (A) 1

EXECUTIVE TEAM Dawson also hired CFO Christine McCoy, a CPA with
whom she had worked earlier in her career. At CWO,
Ann Dawson, CEO of CWO, had practically grown up McCoy was well regarded by other members of the top
in retail: beginning as a sales clerk in high school and team. She tended to stick to her areas of expertise—
becoming a part-time assistant manager in college. After finance and accounting—and stayed in the background
earning her MBA, she became a buyer for a national on strategy and retailing issues. Her financial team
sporting goods chain. Her confident leadership style, mostly predated her at CWO. Its members had adequate
work ethic, and bias towards action soon led to executive- experience for a company such as CWO, but McCoy
level positions in two different retail companies. Dawson believed she would have to invest in additional expertise
had joined CWO as head of store operations five years as CWO continued to grow.
earlier and, after two and a half years at CWO, she was
named CEO. CWO had a small legal department. The general counsel
provided legal advice and expertise to senior management
Two factors that had led to Dawson’s career success were and also served as the company’s ethics officer.
her personality and her ability to set and achieve ambitious
All members of the executive team received a standard
goals. One executive explained, “People like Ann. She is
compensation package which included a base salary, stock
approachable, always projects a positive, can-do attitude,
option awards, and significant incentive compensation
and is the kind of person people enjoy being around. At
based on meeting individual and company targets.
the same time, she is very focused on the business. When
Dawson in particular had compensation heavily weighted
you see her working so hard and doing everything she can
towards company performance.
to improve the company, you feel like you never want to
let her down.”

Bud Stimson headed up CWO’s Hunting division. He

had joined CWO twelve years earlier and had been in his Sue Ramos had headed internal audit since she was hired
current position for five years. Stimson set his personal by Dawson 18 months earlier. Like McCoy, Ramos was
goals high and pushed his managers as much as he thought also a CPA, and additionally held the Certified Internal
they could bear. Managers who thrived under pressure, Auditor (CIA) designation. She had extensive internal
wanted to advance their careers, or learn from one of the auditing experience, having worked in the field for 25
best, wanted to work for Stimson. years. Before CWO, she had held a similar position at a
slightly larger firm. Dawson had wanted a new person in
Steve Bauer and Rocco Merli headed the Fishing and the position because she felt that while the department
Apparel divisions, respectively. Bauer was in some ways might have been strong a decade earlier, it had had
a holdover from an earlier generation. He joined CWO little turnover in the past decade and had not kept up
before it went public and worked in upper management with the growth of CWO. Nor had the department
at a time when many managers still considered themselves been progressively evolving over that period. Ramos,
fishers and hunters. At executive meetings, he often however, did not completely fault her predecessor for the
prefaced his comments with, “What a fisher wants…” deficiencies in the department. It seemed that CWO had
invested very little in systems, training, or new personnel
Merli was the youngest member of the executive team
in internal audit in recent years. Ramos had begun to take
and had been at CWO for two years. A graduate of a
steps to rectify this situation, but her budget remained
leading undergraduate college, Merli had been hired into
tighter than she had hoped when she took the job,
an executive training program at a major retailer after
limiting, in her view, an ability to transform the function
earning an MBA from a top-tier business school. He had
as rapidly as she had initially envisioned.
held a variety of retail management positions including a
stint at a major consulting firm for the industry. Dawson Internal audit consisted of four members in addition
hired Merli because she felt that he had been exposed to to Ramos. The team evaluated risk exposures related
some of the most up-to-date thinking in the retail field. to CWO’s governance, risk management, and internal
At CWO, Merli worked to prove he belonged on the top controls. It periodically evaluated risks for each division
team. Though he often had more technical knowledge and region and selected sites for testing on a rotating
than his peers, he respected their experience and tried to basis. Internal controls at CWO seemed adequate, but
learn from everyone. Merli followed the lead of Stimson were perhaps not as strong as they might be. Processes
by setting high targets for his Apparel team. and controls were in place and regularly discussed.

2 Carolina Wilderness Outfitters Case Study (A)

Management generally took them seriously, but as one CWO CULTURE
manager put it, “no one ever got promoted because they
followed the rules.” Internal audit reported its findings to In its early days, the CWO culture was driven by
the audit committee; however, administratively, Ramos individuals who lived and breathed hunting and fishing.
reported to CFO McCoy. It was difficult for them to draw a line between their
personal and professional lives, as many of them left work
Ramos also handled special investigations and had to go fishing at the end of the day. Following the IPO,
some experience in this area. CWO’s previous internal the leadership of CWO above the store level gradually
audit head had typically hired outside experts to run took on a more professional feel. Many of the key leaders
any necessary investigations, but McCoy suspected that still enjoyed hunting and fishing, but they were executives
sometimes things simply did not get investigated unless first, doing their jobs to ensure the success of the company.
they were deemed important enough to warrant bringing
someone in. Because of this, McCoy wondered if there Dawson wanted to kick the professionalization trend up a
were other issues that may have been ignored or overlooked notch and reinforce a performance culture. Her goal was
in the past. Consequently, McCoy wanted Ramos to run to run a successful retail company that continued to grow
all investigations unless and until it was determined that and perform well for its shareholders. To this end, she
outside help was required. Many such investigations held her executive team to high standards. She encouraged
originated with the company’s ethics hotline, which was them, some would say pushed them, to set high goals for
also operated within the internal audit department. themselves and their teams. Accountability was also high
on her list of important personal attributes. If one of her
Two other factors challenged internal audit. One of its executives made a commitment, Dawson expected him or
staff members had gone out with a disability six months her to meet it. While Dawson believed that success was
earlier. Initially it appeared that this employee, who never guaranteed, she also believed it would never occur
helped test controls around obsolete inventory, would be without ambition and holding people accountable.
out only a few months, so Ramos had delayed hiring a
replacement. The disability, however, had lasted longer Most executives and senior managers at CWO had
than expected, and Ramos would have to decide soon competitive personalities. Like Dawson, they tended to
whether to hire someone new. While Ramos had asked work long hours and liked to show that their departments
about obtaining outside resources to provide assistance, it were functioning at high levels. None of them wanted to
was not pursued because “it was not in the budget.” The be seen as holding CWO back. While the performance
second challenge was that other than the CFO, Ramos culture had taken hold at the executive level, and to a lesser
was the only manager at CWO who was a CPA. Dawson extent throughout headquarters and field staff, things were
and other executives would occasionally drag Ramos different in the stores. Store managers and their key sales
into issues outside of internal audit to tap her expertise staff saw working at CWO as a way to meld their love of
on accounting issues. While this did not take up a large the outdoors with their work, and CWO relied on them
amount of her time, and Ramos wanted to be helpful, she to provide that added bit of enthusiasm and expertise
sometimes found this practice distracting. that attracted customers. While store staff could be relied
upon to follow company initiatives, these employees
tended not to think of themselves as sales people. They
EXTERNAL AUDIT enjoyed talking with customers and showing products,
TK&R Partners had been auditing CWO’s financial but pursuing aggressive sales targets was generally not in
statements since its IPO. TK&R had grown along with their nature.
CWO, starting as a small regional firm and subsequently
becoming one of the larger regional firms in the Eastern BOARD OF DIRECTORS
half of the United States. CWO executives generally felt
TK&R was doing a good job. They also appreciated the CWO’s board of directors had seven members including
firm’s willingness to build expertise in the sporting goods CEO Dawson. Thomas Wilcox had joined the board 10
retail industry. TK&R had always issued unqualified years earlier when he was named Chairman and CEO.
audit opinions for CWO, and CWO had never missed He relinquished the CEO title when he promoted
a filing deadline or restated any financials. Historically, Dawson to that role. He would likely retire next year, and
when TK&R proposed audit adjustments or questioned he expected that Dawson would become board chair at
any accounting treatments, CWO was generally receptive. that time and would retain her CEO title. Wilcox and

Carolina Wilderness Outfitters Case Study (A) 3

his family were friendly with members of the founding Board members received annual retainers for their service
family, and that had played a small part in him becoming on the board. CEO Dawson, former CEO Wilcox, and
CEO years earlier. While he still had feelings of loyalty to family member Henderson all held significant shares in
the family, in reality he understood that the family’s role company stock. The remaining four directors did not.
in the business was diminishing as family-owned shares
passed to younger generations that had never worked at
One board member, Robert Henderson, was a descendant CWO had done well in recent years and, with Dawson’s
of the founding family, and with 6 percent of shares ambitious plans for the company, performance
outstanding, he was the largest individual owner of expectations and the pressure to meet one’s commitments
CWO. Henderson was a capable director and he played an only increased. Dawson and her team met weekly to
important buffer role with other family shareholders who discuss the latest revenue and expense numbers and
sometimes demanded insight into what was happening at to review market and promotion plans. In years past,
the company or otherwise criticized executive decisions. these executive team meetings had been held monthly.
Henderson understood that these family members had no Individual executives in turn increased their meeting
legal standing beyond that of any other shareholder, but times with their teams. Merli in particular, who headed
because CWO was well-known in the community where Apparel, understood that because Apparel was the largest
it was founded and where many of the executives lived, division, much of CWO’s success would come down to
“managing the family” was sometimes problematic. him and his team. He spent significant time with his team
driving home the performance message.
The other four CWO board directors were all independent
as defined by the NASDAQ exchange on which its shares Starting with the executive team, the performance
traded. Two directors, Janice Quill and Mark Sentor, were pressures trickled downward. CWO’s buyers historically
North Carolina business leaders well-known in the state, spent time looking for new and interesting products to
and the two remaining directors, Norton Bell and George attract customers. Their focus had historically been on
Li, each of whom had retail experience, were from New ensuring that high-quality products were placed in the
York. The board had three standing board committees— stores to maintain CWO’s reputation. As performance
audit, compensation, and nominating/governance—each expectations increased, the focus behind product selection
with three members. The audit committee was chaired
gradually shifted as buyers were asked to work harder to
by Sentor and included Bell and Li. Compensation
get the lowest prices on products from their vendors to
was chaired by Quill and included Henderson and Li.
maintain or, where possible, increase margins. District
Nominating and governance was chaired by Bell and
managers also began pushing their store managers to take
included Dawson and Wilcox.
store sales targets more seriously.
Sentor had been on CWO’s board for six years and had
Three regulatory shocks further increased the pressure on
been audit committee chair for the past three. Sentor was
CWO managers. First, in Pennsylvania, the state’s game
not a CPA, but he had an accounting degree, executive-
level finance experience, an executive MBA, and was the commission shortened the hunting season by 30 days in
board’s designated audit committee financial expert. Bell some zones. This made it harder for hunters to schedule
was currently a CFO at a public company while Li was a hunting trips and reduced their need for hunting supplies.
retired banker. Sentor met quarterly with internal audit Second, in Texas, the parks and wildlife commission
head Ramos, and Sentor made it known he was readily added more hurdles to the process of obtaining a fishing
available to Ramos should she ever feel a need to reach out license each year. Under the new rules, some part-time
to him. In practice, however, neither Sentor nor Ramos, fishermen did not bother to renew their licenses. Finally,
had reached out to the other beyond their quarterly also in Texas, the game commission instituted new rules
meetings. Sentor was impressed with Ramos, and he on hunting vests. In response to a hunting accident that
believed she had the skills and ambition to do a great job received extensive media coverage, hunters were now
at CWO. When Ramos described her plans for internal required to wear orange-colored vests on public hunting
audit, Sentor’s only concern was whether she would have lands. This reduced demand for the type of camouflage
the time or resources to do it all. clothing manufactured at CWO’s Texas plant.

4 Carolina Wilderness Outfitters Case Study (A)

THE HOTLINE She was 58 years old and believed that everyone else in her
group was under 45 and that most were under 35. “What
CWO introduced a hotline program in the 1990s. else could it be?” she asked.
Following the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002,
CWO upgraded the hotline program. First, it hired an After the meeting, Ramos felt a need to think about
outside contractor, Tel & Tel Services, to receive calls 24 what she had learned before making any decisions. She
hours a day. Tel & Tel had trained operators who logged all understood that age discrimination sometimes occurred,
calls, and the operator conducted a preliminary interview but just being the oldest person in a department and the
to get as much information as possible to help support an only one fired did not prove the case. Over the next few
investigation, if necessary. Second, all call data was turned weeks, while she struggled to stay on top of her regular
over to the head of internal audit. The hotline protocol work, she found time for a quick meeting with the head
specified that the head of internal audit determined of human resources to get additional input.
appropriate next steps.
Ramos decided to speak with Koster again, so she called
All employees were informed of the hotline when they her on the phone. Ramos wanted to explore one more
were hired and during the annual process of reading and time the question of whether Koster had any concrete
signing the firm’s code of conduct. Dawson characterized evidence regarding her age discrimination claim. Koster
the hotline as an important tool. Its existence let did not have any specific proof, but she seemed more
employees know that they could raise issues at any time, agitated about the situation than before and said she
or alternatively, become the subject of a hotline call. The thought she should be compensated for what she had
CWO hotline received a few dozen calls each year, most been put through.
of which were easily addressed.
In the course of the conversation, Koster demonstrated
what initially appeared to be some of her alleged abrasive
THE HOTLINE CALL personality traits. She complained that people didn’t like
her because she did not mind speaking up when she saw
When Ramos received the Tel & Tel report, she noted right things not being done right. Ramos asked for more detail.
away the call from Betty Koster, an eight-year veteran of Koster continued, “There are rules in place that we are
the Apparel division’s accounting support team who had
supposed to follow, and too often people want to take
recently been terminated. In her experience, whenever
the easy way out to save time or to avoid questions from
ex-employees called the hotline, Ramos knew she would
accounting or finance. When I say something, they ignore
be conducting some type of investigation. Ex-employees
me.” Ramos asked for examples, but Koster initially seemed
were often bitter about something, but it was best to hear
unable to come up with any. Under further questioning,
them out to potentially defuse a situation before it led to
Koster appeared to be searching for something, and then
a lawsuit. The call notes indicated that Koster had been
finally stated, “That young man in Apparel, Mark Tomkin
fired by her boss, Simon Peel, the accounting support
(Texas region Apparel head), has been sticking his nose
team manager, and that Koster believed it was a case of
into places he doesn’t belong. Asking people to do things
age discrimination.
we are not supposed to do without the proper approvals.
Ramos started her investigation by reviewing Koster’s It seems like no big deal and people do it because he is
employment file and going to see Peel. Peel explained that nice, but it is not following procedure. Just last month he
improved software had left him with too many staff and asked me to make some journal entries about a volume
that he needed to let someone go. He felt Koster did not rebate he expected to receive, but he didn’t have the right
fit in well with her coworkers, so he selected her for the documentation, so I said ‘no’. I don’t think he liked that,
layoff. but he never asked me again.”

Ramos then called Koster and invited her in to talk Red flags started going up for Ramos as Koster treaded
about why she called the hotline. At the meeting, Koster into more dangerous territory than an isolated complaint
explained that she was shocked at the firing because she of age discrimination. Ramos asked Koster if this had
had never been terminated from any job. She continued ever happened before. Koster indicated she was not
by indicating she had always liked working at CWO comfortable getting into any more specifics, but remarked
and thought she did a good job. “Eight years of good that she thought her accounting support colleagues
performance reviews ought to show that,” she said. In the had let themselves get too chummy with the sales staff.
end, she concluded, it must be a case of age discrimination. Ramos didn’t get much more detail on the phone. Ramos

Carolina Wilderness Outfitters Case Study (A) 5

wondered whether Koster was blowing off steam because Still, she understood verbal agreements were often made
she was angry or whether she was trying to make a specific over the phone in the retail business and documentation
allegation. Whatever people’s opinions of Koster might caught up later. This was becoming a headache she did
be, Ramos believed she was the type of person who had not need.
a good understanding of what the rules were and when
they were not being followed. But could Koster identify Did she need to investigate further? What might she do
a significant violation, or was she just being obstinate first? Who should she involve? Ramos also considered how
and a stickler for the letter of the law? Ramos wondered Dawson might react to how she proceeded. Earlier in the
what she should make of what she had learned—was year, Ramos was investigating a hotline call on a different
Koster mistaken about what Tomkin asked her to do, was matter. At the completion of the investigation Ramos
this a one-time incident, or was this possibly the tip of presented her findings to the executive team, and Dawson
something larger? complimented her on a job well done. However, Ramos
also recalled Dawson’s final comments, “Investigations
Ramos decided to call Tomkin. Tomkin answered the call should be handled internally if at all possible. Never
but said that he only had a few minutes as he was running involve the audit committee or the external auditors unless
out to catch a flight to visit an important vendor and that absolutely necessary. I have seen those investigations get
he would be tied up for the next day and a half. Ramos out of hand. They become a distraction to management
asked Tomkin about the journal entry he had asked Koster and impact shareholders.” Ramos agreed with Dawson
to make. At first, Tomkin did not recall the specifics and he in principle but perhaps would not have stated it so
added, “I am in and out of the accounting support office all definitively. Ramos believed that the audit committee and
the time.” When Ramos provided more details and asked the external auditors had important roles to play, would
specifically about the missing supporting documentation, expect to be informed of potentially serious matters on a
Tomkin remembered. “I get verbal commitments from timely basis, and should not be seen as adversaries.
vendors that we have been doing business with for years,”
he explained. “Sometimes I receive the documentation, Ramos had another option. Because the allegations were
and sometimes I don’t. When Koster requested it, I asked little more than just talk about not following the rules,
my vendor contacts if they could send me something. I too chummy relationships in the office, and chasing away
planned to follow up with them when I got a chance, but someone who did not have proper documentation, maybe
I have to hang up now to get to the airport.” there was no financial statement problem. Rather than dig
in and look for something improper now, Ramos could
Ramos hung up her phone and worried. Suddenly an simply remind Tomkin that he should not rely on the
investigation with no particular time pressure had raised support staff to make sure he had the right documentation.
the possibility of some sort of accounting issue one week She could also schedule the accounting support function
before the financial statements were due. Could she trust for a complete compliance review in the upcoming year.
Tomkin? He had been around long enough to know he But would that, in Koster’s words, be taking the easy
needed proper documentation for making journal entries. way out?

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