‘Anne Flanagan
NIKKI, 205-305,
NIKKI is in a bar with her friend TIFFANY. TIFFANY has asked NIKKI
hhow many times she has gone out with a guy NIKKI has recently started
dating. NIKKI has found a woman’s shoe in the guy’s apartment.
NIKKI First I find some random woman's shoe under his bed and then
‘Tom acted really weird when I brought up the future of our relationship
and we've already been out three times!! Plus four phone conversations
—one that was like fifty-five mimutes—so really, we've been out 4.6
times and we've had sex twice—both on date three, which, as I said,
‘was really date 4.6 50 it’s not like I’m a slut and we had a real
connection but now I don’t know what to think! I thought he lived
alone; although he is a teacher and he probably doesn’t make that much
money so maybe he has a toommate—but he never mentioned one and
| know he’s got a daughter but she lives with her mom and I don’t think
this was his weekend unless maybe they switched weekends, but | think
she's like ten and this is not the shoe of a ten-year-old. Maybe his
daughter was there and his ex came to pick her up and she lost the shoe
—but what, then she just left with one shoe? Like, you'd notice
something like that, right? It’s not an earring, Those, sure, they get lost
without you noticing, but a shoe? No one loses a shoe and doesn’t know
it unless they're totally stoned. Oh My God, what if his ex was there
and she was totally stoned—what if they were both high? I’s like a
aphrodisiac afterall and what if theyOH MY GOD Is this his ex’s
shoe? Would he tell me? Was she there? Are they TOGETHER? Oris it
enmothing sles entirelv?!s01do the only thing
ofthe man who