Subject of Study
Penology refers to the general science of punishment As: a scientific discipline, a subject
of study and a topic of education it has evolved within the science of criminal law.
Penology deals primarily with the criminal punishment i.e. the punishment inflicted for a
culpable act defined as crime by legal provisions. Penology is a section of penal sciences,
together with the (dogmatic) science of substantive criminal law, the science of law of
criminal proceedings, the science of criminal executive law and penitentiary law, the
science of crime detection and criminology, and criminal and penitentiary policy.
The name of the discipline comes from the Latin poena (‘punishment') and from the
Greek logos (meaning, among all, 'knowledge' and `reason'). Thus, penology may be
defined as the ‘systematic knowledge of punishment’. Its findings are important both for
criminal law and for general considerations on punishment in social sciences and
humanities. Penology sees punishment as an institutionalized and complex process of
legal and social nature (i.e. legal and social institution) which may take various
organizational forms. In such context, criminal punishment means the process of
intentional, legal and social condemnation and of intentional causing of objectively
measurable personal affliction, which has been legally defined, decided by judgment of
an independent court in the name of the legal and social system (State), and which
consists in official, organized deprivation of goods of a person who, in the opinion of the
court, would presumably cause illegal prejudice to such System, by voluntary violation of
sanctioned norms which provide for the existence of crime and which correlate with a
specific penalty. In penology, the fulfillment of criminal punishment (actualization)
starts with the announcement of the valid judgment and lasts until the end of its execution
process (full actualization). However, penology is equally interested in the stage of
criminal proceedings and its social repercussions to be called "the potentiality of
punishment", i.e. in research on legal and social aspects of influencing social reality by
official actions intended to accomplish the administration of individually defined criminal
punishment, i.e. actions which have been taken since the opening of the proceedings ad
personam. In penological sense, the ultimate function of criminal punishment is to
reintegrate a shaken legal and social system. In this perspective, the influence of
punishment ceases to exist only when legally tangible and socially and individually vital
effects of punishment process come to an end.
Historical Overview
Any act of affliction caused to the human being has always required substantiation.
That is why it has always been sought to give a specific justification to
punishment understood as a general legal and social practice and a case—based,
specific action. The reasons for punishment, while discussed on specific case
practically oriented penitentiary studies. It was but due to the development and
institutionalization of the science of (dogmatic) criminal law and to the
professionalization of penalties (imprisonment) execution, together with the
subjugation of the process, at least partially, to scientific rigor that the need
appeared to separate penology as a subject of research and lecture . Since then
any research on punishment as social phenomenon and philosophical dilemma
would be carried out as but one more contribution to general social, philosophical and
legal thinking, and more and more often stimulated by the needs of modem science
of criminal law and penitentiary system.
Modern science of criminal law, together with criminal policy and penitentiary
science, which were in the 19th century emerging disciplines, needed solid theoretical
grounds built on the accumulated knowledge of social sciences, legal sciences and
humanities, institutionalized at that time at universities. Such knowledge was, to
some extent, provided through lectures and publications of penology - a more or less
distinct field of study since approximately half of the 19 th century, and through the
lecture of dogmatic criminal law and prison sciences.
However, since the end of the 19th century the influence of penology on
criminal law became somehow limited due to the rapid development of positivist
studies in etiology and phenomenonology of crime, i.e. in criminal anthropology and
criminology. While those sciences had an important impact on the functioning of
justice and its specific institutions, including the development of punishment
organizational forms, they did challenge the very ideological foundations and the
rationality of criminal punishment discourse, and thus the identity of penology.
They grew in influence in between—war period, and became dominant in three post
war decades, which had significantly impaired the development of penology. The
dominant positivist paradigm weakening in the seventies of the 20th century had a
negative impact on the condition of criminal and penitentiary policies as they were
losing solid scientific foundation. According to theoreticians, since that time, penal
sciences have been undergoing a serious cognitive and political crisis and loosing
unequivocally established legitimacy. Such condition has contributed to the revival
of penological studies and thinking since the end of the 20th century.
Yet, we should mention first of all Juliusz Makarewicz, the most prominent Polish
representative of the criminal law science in the 20th century, a leading co — author
of the Polish Criminal Code of 1931 (named also Lex Makarewicz). Makarewicz
wrote a penological work on historical and anthropological genesis of criminal law
institutions, entitled "Einführung in die Philosophie des Strafrechts out
Entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Grundlage" and published in Stuttgart in 1906. Its
Polish translation was published only in 2010, after more than one hundred years since
its first German edition. Some would consider the edition date of this penological study
as the beginning of the independent modern penology in Poland.
In common view, the leading representative of the approach was Jeremy Bentham. In
Germany, the genesis of penology is associated with the 19 t - century prison
reform program , on the one hand, and with the contemporary development of
legal, criminal, anthropological and historical studies on the genesis of criminal law
institutions, mainly of various organizational forms of punishment, including the
penalty of imprisonment.
The very name penology appeared in scientific literature in the first half
of the 19th century (not later than in 1838). Then, social-philosophical as well
humanistic reflections on punishment became visibly autonomous in subject and
methodology from the dogmatics of law and from practical prison studies. As a result,
penology was more and more defined as including, for the purpose of research subject
(punishment as social phenomenon) and for the purpose of academic lecture, various
so- defined social and philosophical studies on criminal punishment. In some countries,
such studies were resulting mainly from penitentiary reforms (e.g. England), in
others, like Poland, from the lecture of criminal law, deeply rooted in social,
historical and philosophical context. In Germany, they took an intermediate dimension
and concerned mostly the history of criminal institutions of both substantive criminal
law and of prisons. Independently of different shifts in the area of focus, the
definition of the subject matter of penology became more and more refined: it
pertained to criminal punishment as social institution and its different research levels
(historical, sociological, legal, philosophical and penitentiary) which laid grounds for
its methodology. Studies on criminal punishment as social institution carried out
from historical—social perspective or philosophical—social perspective, or
sociological, penitentiary—legal perspective, were defined as penological ones. The
starting point of such research, whether these were theoretical generalizations on prison
reforms, or social — philosophical general reflections on the evolution of punishment,
criminal liability and sentence in substantive criminal law, was of secondary and minor
importance for the identity of the discipline, especially that the lecture on penology
might be subject to a greater subject refinement, depending on the direction of
scientific thinking. Within different research angles, it took the form of either
theoretical, social and philosophical research on the notion of punishment, a
According to these two authors, the aim of penology is to establish real, socially
tangible nature of sanctions defined as criminal punishment and not solely to study
logical and linguistic, systemic and aim—oriented interpretation of regulations setting
such sanctions. Thus, penology differs from the science of substantive criminal law, law
of criminal proceedings and executive criminal law by not being a dogmatic science
of legal norms. Penology includes normative aspects of criminal punishment, but
normative and linguistic penological studies on purely dogmatic analysis of
regulations are dominated by the analytical research on language carried out for
the purpose of further studies on punishment as social phenomenon (analytic
philosophy) institutionalized in legal provisions.
It is only at the very last stage of such research that penology combines the science of
substantive criminal law, law of criminal proceedings and executive criminal law, as it
takes into account the results of the analyses made within the dogmatics of criminal
law. Penology is then an auxiliary discipline of the science of criminal law (the core of
penal science is made of dogmatic studies), but at the same time carries for such science
a fundamental meaning, by defining its foundations. These are:
First of all, ontological foundations, i.e. those pertaining to the real existence
(action) of the criminal punishment institution and of the whole criminal law in
their different dimensions: normative, sociological, psychological, historical,
cultural and economic;
Penological thinking was mainly forged on the basis of some general social vision
of punishment and its various forms, in particular the penalty of imprisonment.
Originally, i.e. in the 19th century, ideological involvement and general sociological—
philosophical reflections were combined with detailed penitentiary studies. The
progressive development and professionalization of each and every stage of
punishment execution led to the emergence of more specialized studies on specific aspects
of punishing. This caused a horizontal split into, for instance, penitentiary pedagogy and
psychology and politics and science of penitentiary law, and a vertical split into general
studies on social process of punishment (penology) and disciplines focused on selected
aspects of professional execution of punishment (penitentiary sciences).
and reflections on the most general foundations of criminal punishment in its cultural and
social, historical and philosophical context. In this sense, penology is an autonomous sub
—discipline of the science of criminal law, and means an interdisciplinary approach
to a defined subject matter, which is criminal punishment as a social phenomenon.
It should be underlined that the question of the place of penology as a separate discipline
within other penal sciences and the resulting definition of the scope of its interest has
important scientific and teaching consequences. It is certainly not problematic either for
science of for teaching whether the very term "penology" is used or not, as it is not
problematic whether penology is classified as a sub—discipline of criminology or a
separate discipline of the science of criminal law. What counts for science is whether the
adopted solutions give rise to socially and scientifically important subjects. Similarly,
what counts for teaching is whether the frame of topics in penology is defined in a way to
adequately complement knowledge brought by other penal disciplines such as
(dogmatic) sciences of criminal law, criminology, and particularly criminal and
penitentiary policy. By limiting penology to some apparently erudite introduction to the
proper, i.e. dogmatic, lecture of criminal law or to some short sociological and philosophical
introduction to general considerations of criminology and penitentiary science we will
lack in—depth studies on criminal punishment as social phenomenon and philosophical
problem, and fail to transfer appropriate subject knowledge within didactic process. As
a consequence, we will face "a penological gap", seriously impairing any practical
possibility to diagnose reliably the issues of the functioning of criminal law in legal and
social system. Such approach hinders the full use of works in sciences of mankind,
society and law which would help optimally devise, at a given stage of civilizational
progress, the actions of those involved in different forms of social control, specifically
within criminal justice system.
will remain the theoretical foundation for research on the definition of sanctions
(institutionalization) in legal provisions and their interpretation in the course of law
application, as well as for the specific research on the execution of various organizational
forms of punishment, first of all those executed in liberty (deprivation and restriction of
liberty) carried out within penitentiary sciences. It combines the study of philosophical,
ideological and cultural institutions of criminal punishment and the study of its real
functions within criminal policy and within a broader socio—cultural, political,
economic and institutional context.
organizational form that social institutions may take, for instance the specific
organizational forms of criminal punishment.
1.Family and kinship institutions which mainly regulate the rules of biological and
cultural reproduction of the society in the course of nurturing and child care;
2.Political institutions which regulate the relations of power and define the
political organization of the society and the functioning of coercive measures;
3.Institutions which regulate the rules of social stratifications and define the
distribution of social positions and social resources within the society;
5.Nurture and education institutions which pertain to religion, scientific and artistic
activities, mass media activities and participation in higher culture.
Considering the classification above, we may assume that penology, and more
broadly speaking, all types of criminal justice studies investigate first of all social
institution belonging to the second and the third type, in other words, institutions of
political nature which regulate the relations of power, the political organization of the
society and the functioning of coercive measures as well as those establishing the rules of
social stratification and define the distribution of social positions and social resources
within the society. However, from the pedagogical point of view, the most important
institutions are covered within types one and five; these are family and kinship
institutions regulating primarily the rules of biological and social reproduction of the
society through nurturing and child care, on the one hand, and nurture and
educational institutions pertaining to religion, scientific and artistic education, mass
media activities and participation in higher culture, on the other. This is quite an
important assumption as it helps set the initial pragmatic difference between the
sciences of pedagogy, including social prevention and rehabilitation, and penology,
and more broadly criminal law and the sciences of criminology, which is theoretically
vital and bears some in—depth practical implications.
It becomes clear that pedagogy and penal sciences often raise different questions
even if in empirical, none—social sense, they talk about the same events. This
theoretical distinction was introduced within culturally integrated studies, and may
pave the way for the practical integration of works from these two, fundamentally
distinctive, research fields. The integration of findings of sciences of education plays
an important role for penological studies. The role of criminal punishment is to fulfill,
to a large extent, the needs of individuals and communities as for the sense of order,
security and justice. Such role may be fulfilled within the limits set by the ultimate
institutional principle of the State, which provides for philosophical foundations of
rights and freedoms of the human being, i.e. within the limits of the respect of
human dignity. This requires taking into account, in devising punishment
organizational forms and in establishing the sentence and execution methods, the
humanistic knowledge of the human being, including any findings on possible
humanitarian methods of modifying human behavior.
also why the knowledge from the field of sociology of education and pedagogy may
have a significant influence on findings pertaining to the objective scope of
punishment (penalization) and its forms, particularly regarding the minors and
juveniles. It is universally important in shaping the forms of humanitarian punishment.
It helps establish limits beyond which, in the light of present humanistic knowledge of
the human being and its social behavior, there are no sufficient reasons for applying
some particularly inflicting forms of influence.
Penology is the branch of criminology concerned with government policies and
practices in dealing with persons convicted of crimes. Its etymology, from the Latin
poena, meaning “pain” or “suffering,” reflects the early conception of punishment
as the primary objective of state action toward criminals. However, in modern times
interest in punishment has been largely replaced by concern with changing the
abilities, interests, attitudes, and emotions of criminals. Accordingly, as we move
farther into the second half of the twentieth century, we often find the term
“corrections” being used instead of “penology.”
1) the feelings of hostility and desires for revenge that criminals arouse in their
victims and in those who sympathize with the victims;
Usually all three of these motives and rationales operate simultaneously, but the
sequence in which they are enumerated above corresponds to the historical shift that
has occurred in the relative power of each to determine penal objectives. These
objectives are epitomized by four words: revenge, restraint, reformation, and
reintegration. All four have always been pursued to some extent, but there have been
marked changes in the frequency with which each has been explicitly set forth as the
primary penal goal.
Until the eighteenth century in Europe, and much later in many other areas, the
structuring of penal policy by the prevailing religious and political status hierarchies was
explicit. The nobility was subject to a criminal law different in its specification of
penalties from that which prescribed punishments for commoners. The latter were dealt
with most harshly, especially when the victims of their offenses were of the nobility. This
was justified by an explanation of crime as the consequence of a base nature, a condition
presumed to be most frequent in the “low-born.” An alternative theory, that crimes result
from the possession of one’s spirit by the devil, through witchcraft and wizardry, justified
both the imposition of some punishment by clerical courts and a strong church influence
on the penal policies of secular courts.
Two major influences on punishment that may be latent at all times were blatantly
manifest in Europe until the end of the eighteenth century. These influences were the
social distance between the punisher and the punished and the economic interests of the
punisher. When the punisher could perceive the offender as both alien and inferior, there
was little reluctance to impose death, torture, physical mutilation, severe corporal
punishment, or some combination of these. When punisher and punished were peers, the
most frequent penalties were forfeiture of property, forced labor, and banishment. Rusche
and Kirschheimer (1939) exhaustively document an argument that the supply of labor
also determined penal policy with respect to lower-class offenders: when labor was
scarce, punishment was most often forced work in galleys or in houses of correction, but
when there was a surplus of labor, punishment by death or by transportation to the
colonies prevailed.
Imprisonment and forced labor, because their ostensible severity can be precisely
graduated in terms of time, were well suited to the employment by judges of what
Bentham called a “felicific calculus.” This is the prescription of punishment in precise
degrees of severity, so that the pain the court imposes balances the presumed
gratifications from the crime. The high valuation of liberty and the respect for all humans
which were fostered in the democratic revolutions also promoted a preference for
imprisonment or labor as penalties, rather than torture or death. Furthermore, the public
felt protected when felons were confined. As a result of these several factors, during the
half century which followed publication of Beccaria’s work, imprisonment replaced
capital and corporal punishment in Western Europe for over two hundred felonies.
Like some European Roman Catholic penal pioneers in the same period, the Quakers
were inspired by the monastery cells in which monks sought spiritual reformation
through isolation and meditation. Prevailing penal construction congregated groups of
inmates in large rooms, but the Pennsylvanians advocated a separate cell for each
offender, cutting him off from communication with his fellows. They claimed that this
promoted more penitent thought, especially when these “penitentiaries” limited the
reading matter in each cell to a Bible and religious tracts, with little or no work and with
visits only from preachers and pious laymen.
The “Pennsylvania system” spread rapidly. It became the predominant prison pattern in
continental Europe during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, it was
opposed as costly, and its claims of reformation were challenged by advocates of a
system developed at a prison in Auburn, New York, during the first half of the
nineteenth century. The Auburn system, which soon prevailed in the United States,
emphasized solitary confinement at night, but congregate work during the day, under a
rigid rule of silence. Later in the nineteenth century the striped suit and lock step also
were identified with the Auburn system; these features largely disappeared only after
World War n. Despite their ostensible contrast, both the Pennsylvania and the Auburn
prison systems were based on a conception of crime as learned in communication among
criminals, rather than as a purely individual calculation of alternative utilities. Both
prison systems also claimed that they trained offenders in legitimate modes of thought
and behavior, instead of merely deterring them.
Emphasis on training increased in the latter part of the nineteenth century with the
“reformatory movement,” which is usually traced to the Elmira Reformatory in New
York. This special institution for young felons developed distinctive features in the 1870s
under the leadership of Zebulon R. Brockway. It borrowed from Alexander
Maconochie’s Norfolk prison colony in Australia the “mark system” of awarding
inmates numerical credits for each period of good behavior, with loss of these “marks”
for misconduct. A specified total number of marks were required for each small reduction
of restrictions or increment of comfort in the institution, as well as for release. Elmira
added to this an emphasis on education and vocational training. Most major prison
systems established reformatories during the subsequent half century. However, they
generally replaced the mark system by less mechanically assigned hierarchies of rank and
small privilege for inmates, known as “honor” systems in the United States, and
elsewhere as “graded” or “step” systems.
The cognate or other equivalent of the term “conditional liberation” is used in non-
English-speaking countries. However, in much popular speech and even in some legal
statutes within the United States “probation” and “parole” are used interchangeably.
Both probation and parole represent a shift from the classic penal goal of deterrence to
the modern goal of encouraging the offender to find some legitimate alternative to crime,
while continuing to restrain him for the protection of society. Probation and parole also
involve postponing a final decision in dealing with the criminal; the offender’s ultimate
treatment is left uncertain until he is observed further.
The most prevalent explanation for crime, therefore, became “multiple causation”. This
justified the major prison management emphasis in the second quarter of the twentieth
century, “classification” and “individual treatment” of inmates.
which the institution may help to correct the inmate’s deficiencies. As an incentive to his
compliance with this treatment program, the inmate is advised that such a self-
improvement effort will enhance his prospects for parole.
Two major problems have been widely recognized in these reformation efforts;
The first is the fact that society has seldom been willing to invest in its treatment
programs funds sufficient to correct serious educational, vocational training,
psychological, and other deficiencies of most offenders.
The second is the demonstration by research that, for many offenders, such
treatment does not prevent a return to crime, especially when their social
acceptance and their conception of themselves as successful has been and
continues to be much more immediate and frequent in criminal than in noncriminal
Accordingly, the second half of the twentieth century has seen the penal objectives of
deterrence and treatment, inherited from prior periods, augmented by concern with
changing the social relationships of offenders.
The term “punishment,“ in its psychological sense, is most commonly and
appropriately applied to a situation in which a deprivation or unpleasant experience is
deliberately imposed by one party upon another because of an actual or supposed
misdeed which is knowingly and intentionally committed by the latter. The misdeed may
be the violation of a rule, a law, a command, or an expectation and may consist either of
an actor of inaction when action is called for. It is generally presumed that both parties to
the transaction perceive the “punishment“, as unpleasant and the provoking act as a
misdeed or at least as punishable.
destroyed in the process. Punishments which are externally equivalent from the societal
standpoint may be very differently perceived by the individuals upon whom they are
imposed and may, indeed, not be experienced as punishment at all— as, for example,
when an offense is committed to obtain free board and lodging in jail during the cold
winter months. Those who regard certain laws as immoral, discriminatory, unjust, or
tyrannical often feel that the imposed punishment confers honor and distinction upon
them; the question in this case is whether it is the ethical duty of citizens to obey the law
or to violate it.
Parents are generally conceded the right to punish their children for disobedience, but
the injury inflicted by a criminal upon his victim for disobedience to his commands is
defined as crime, not as punishment. Similarly, excessive parental chastisement of a
child may bring formal punishment upon the parent. Critics of current penal practices
make frequent use of the phrase “the crime of punishment“(Shaw 1922).
It is commonly employed in the rearing and education of the young. All types of
associations and establishments, such as educational and military institutions, political,
occupational, and other types of associations, tend to have established ways of dealing
with recalcitrant members. Expulsion from the group is a common sanction in voluntary
associations. Punitive sanctions tend to be emphasized when membership is involuntary
or in some degree coerced, and they may be specified in relatively formal sets of rules
and regulations, as for example in boarding schools, prisons, and other similar
establishments. Our concern here, however, will be with punishment for crime.
Penology comes from the Latin word poena which means punishment and it is concerned
with an in-depth examination of the formal institutions of criminal justice such as police,
courts and corrections. It is concerned with the process devised and adopted for
punishment, prevention of crime and treatment of prisoners. Sentencing and punishment
are currently increasing profile policy issues. They have generated debate and proposals
for new procedures, criteria, social life. This is a policy area that is also complex and
issues of criminal justice practice and the administration are continually with the public
domain. The modern society has attempted to address the problem of increased crime by
building more and more prisons but the futility of incarceration is apparent, calling for
renewed debate on how best to counter this. Sentencing and punishment are by no means
mere academic matters. Policy and practice impact on actual and potential victims of
crime if they fail to prevent or limit reoffending. They affect the offender and family and
friends and also leads to a large expenditure on courts and prisons. These are also topics
where they are strong personal and popular feelings about what should happen and how
justice should be done. Policy and practice in this area are also contingent on and
influenced by a very wide range of factors. Political, social and economic issues are not
only of great importance in the broader development of penal policy but are also relevant
to the particular circumstances of individual offenders and their experience of
- What is the particular level of penal response? I.e. how much to punish.
3. human rights have implication for both the theory and practice of
punishment in justifying specific punishments in assuming the justice of
punishment and in improving standards in penal institutions e.g. respect for
sponsors, treatment of remand prisoners, bail, right for fair trial, presumption of
innocence etc this principle may act as a control on judicial discretion and
inhibiting disparities in sentencing.
4. There are also influences on penal policy which may reflect the political and
ideological principles underpinning the penal policy. Political dimensions raises
questions about power, how much power a government has to implement policy
through enhancement of law. In economic terms, crime punishment is costly in
financial terms and has a significant influence of penal policy. Cost of processing
offenders is enormous, therefore there is increasingly a move to cut costs by
introducing e.g. community penalties and when deciding what to punish, some
offenses may be uneconomic to punish, such as minor infringement and sometimes
it is better to use lighter sentences.
6. Prison population: these are increasing in number and felt that there is a
need for alternatives to custody such as community penalties and fines. However,
this requires public awareness and information on crime levels, sentencing
decisions and policies. The public has to be convinced that alternative to custody
will be effective and to be aware that the greater use of imprisonment will only
marginally affect crime rates.
from society. Prison is used to warehouse offenders at high risk of reoffending and
because of managerial cost concerns are , prisons will be reserved for the rest risk
categories. Actuarial justice provides means of selecting the target population to be
imprecated. This approach has been..a significant influence of penal policy in USA and
. Both theories accept that punishment can be justly inflicted but differ in their views of
what constitutes the justice of a particular punishment. Both seek to limit to use of
discretion of sentencing in favor of a more vigorous principle approach and both address
issues of proportionality. Both approaches have had a strong impact of penal policy in
recent years. One major influence of penal and sentencing policy has been a particular
reattribute idea of just desserts. Justice will be served to better through a more consistent
approach in sentencing so that convicted aims get their just and deserts which is the
calculation of seriousness and the consideration of a sentence proportionate to it.
4. Policy trends in the late 20th Century, due to the increased repeat offenders
and increasing during the 1940s onwards the rehabilitative deal lost much of its
support but have recently received renewed support. In the 1990s in the USA and
UK saw a marked increase in the use of punishment and incapacitation with focus
being a proportionate punishment rather than treatment or deterrence per say.
Trends in the past 20 years or so have seen the emergence of law and order as key.
In the UK, more policies focus is being shifted towards the heed to rebalance the
system in favor of victims, witnesses and communities and to give paramount
importance to protecting the public and resting public confidence in the aim justice
system. The aim is to increase the rights of victims even if this means fever rights
of the defendants.
The purpose of this section is to examine the ways in which it is done through the law,
guidance and also the use of justificatory principles as a constraint. As we have seen,
what is
construed as fair or just depends on the charging ideas of social justice and theoretical
approach that is taken to understanding the notion of punishment itself.
However, there is a consensus that it would be unjust if an agency or individual could use
its powers to impose and implement whatever punishment it wished to impose. Justice in
sentencing then requires at the very least that those individuals who undertake the
sentencing of convicted criminals are constrained by a set of principles be they moral,
The proper control and exercise of discretion is consequently crucial in the quest for
justice in sentencing and punishment. Discretion is one of the most contentious concepts
in criminal justice because it is so important' and yet as difficult to define. If we consider
discretion to be operating on a continuum from complete to no discretion, he/she would
follow the penal code for the word, almost like a robot. Where he has total discretion, it
may be unfair. At one extreme, sentencing is unjust because there are no constraints
whatsoever on the sentence who can then make decisions if he so wishes based on
personal prejudices and whims. Discretion can become a major source of injustice if not
confined, structured and checked. At the other end of the spectrum is the sentence who
has no discretion whatsoever, because the rules and the principles are so highly drawn
with all potential factors accounted for that the sentence is simply the technician who fills
in the date and reads off the answer, in this case, the sentence. These two might be
viewed as potentially unjust in that it would not take into account only individual
circumstances that had not been foreseen. The logical conclusion is that justice is to be
found between the two ends of this discretion spectrum. Constraints are placed on the
sentence because totally free discretion is inherently unjust. There is an expectation that
the rule of law will be upheld so that the citizens can have confidence in the law and
institutions of the state, without that confidence, the criminal justice system will be
legitimacy and will not attract the moral allegiance of the citizens putting the system and
the government at risk.
In democratic states, then judges should not just do what they might want to do when
sentencing. There are rules that to a greater or lesser extent guide them in the exercise of
their discretion. However, there are those who still criticize the idea of sentencing
guidelines as contributing to higher rates of custody because it reduces the discretion of
the individual judge. How far rules should constraint the sentence is then a matter of
debate. There are also constitutional matter about the independence of the judiciary on
one hand and the implementation of democratic decided policy on the other.
However, discretion is also seen as bad because a wide sentencing discretion leads to
inconsistency of sentencing in which similar cases may be treated similarly. Differential
treatment of offenders allows space for discrimination whether institutional or personal to
occur for example, based on race, gender, ethnicity, geography, class, etc. even if this
discrimination does not occur except as a perception the legitimacy of the sentencing
process may still be undermined in the eyes of the public. A further argument against
wide discretion is that it diminishes the possibility of accurately practicing sentence
outcomes. Sections cannot give a clear deterrent massage to past or potential offenders
and advocates are unable to advise their clients effectively. Also,if judges tend to sentence
at the top end of what is legally permissible over sentencing occurs. This can lead to a
crisis of resources for the government. Too wide, sentencing discretion could also make it
difficult for a democratically elected government its desired sentencing policy.
Trends in structuring sentencing discretion show that a number of changes in penal policy
and legislation have incrementally seen the widening of choices of penalties for courts
while narrowing the discretion to choosel The number of sanctions have increased to
include probation borstal training, preventive detention for the mentally disturbed,
rehabilitative and community based penalties, fines, suspended prison sentences, absolute
or conditional discharges, community service orders, compensation orders, confiscation
of proceeds of crime, mandatory minimum custodian sentences, extended post custody
supervision etc. these can be termed as statutory constraints to the exercise of discretion.
They are the so-called traditional constraints i.e. penalties available to the sentenser.
Judges can only impose a penalty which is legally available in the jurisdiction. The range
has widened over the years. Judges are also constrained with respect to the amount of
punishment they can impose in relation to the available penalties. There are restrictions
on the upper amount of sentence that
can be legally imposed, the maximum laid down in legislation whether in terms of
sentence length for custody or community penalty or financial penalty. The statutory
maximum is meant to be used only for the gravest instances of the offence that could
occur. Courts have therefore established their own normal range of penalties to which in
practice sentenser refer.
Further, not all these penalties are available to all sentensers and offenders. There are
several different sorts of limits which apply in addition to statutory maxims. There are
limits on sentencing powers of magistrates' courts that cannot impose sentences above
certain set thresholds, e.g. there are certain penalties that may not be available for young
people and children.
1) Secondly, there are also extra legal factors that influence either the amount
of discretion the sentencing court can exercise or 'the outcome post sentencing.
These include allocations of resources especially in relation to 'community
sentences e.g. if funding does not allow for the establishment of community
punishment schemes it can lead to custodian sentences. Also the relevant
government official, the President or the Parole Boards can exercise administrative
or executive powers which can affect the length of custodial sentences served.
The government may also give guidance by way of circulars with the message of the
report be that prisons should be used as little as possible.
Finally, the role of public opinion and the media is also a factor in sentencing policy.
(b) Using mandatory sentences is another method for example life sentence for
murder and more recently, what is known as the three strikes and you are out
become the site for increased professional activity to negotiate justice clients in
order that mandatory sentences might be avoided.
4. The lack of discretion at the sentencing stage could encourage more 'not
guilty' pleas. The accused might consider that more is at stake if the likely penalty
is severe and so chosen risk a trial. This would increase the workload for the courts
and add to the financial costs.
Penology: An Introduction
Penology (from the Latin poena, “Punishment”) studies crime and punishment by
theoretical perspective. It analyses role of theories justifying punishment in
different ways. It covers retribution to re-integration of offender. It assesses
whether or not punishment achieves its goals. Broadly, it also deals with
correctional institutions, their design and classification of prison and security of
It is study of theories if crime & their impact on prisoner seeking reformation and
rehabilitation and re-integration.
It understands role of prison environment and its impact on inmate, his reformation
and rehabilitation.
Penology studies of crime and punishment. Penology covers a vast subject matter
spreading from crime and punishment to reformation, rehabilitation and ultimate re-
integration of offender in society. It deals with management of prisoners, security of
inmates, services and programs within prison setting. Penology develops keen interest
among students to explore impact of Prison designs on inmate satisfaction, inmate
security and freedom of movement.
2. Punishment
Punishment is defined as the price the criminal pays to society or individual by inflicting
some harm or damage to someone‘s property. Punishment is a sanction (penalty) to
prevent and control humans from violating the law. Herbert Packer, a Stanford University
law professor, argues that punishment may be described as way of dealing with people
who are marked by these features:
3. Obvious purpose is neither to compensate the victim, nor to better the offender but
to inflict on the offender what is thought as deserved pain. According to Herbert
Packer punishment achieves two main goals:
b. prevention of crime.
Concept of Punishment
To conceive means to form (an idea etc). Conception is an act of forming an idea. This
relates to forming an idea about punishment. The criminal has violated the law, so he/she
has to pay the price for that violating act. The violator deserves to be inflicted pain upon
as e knowingly did the act for which there is punishment set by the law. The criminal has
taken away something for which he has to pay back. The criminal has to compensate for
the harm he has done to an individual living in society. The punishment arises as
consequence of the act that criminal has committed, thus choosing punishment for
himself. There prevails society where there laws when protect citizens. Anyone breaking
such laws is called violation. It is clear that those who break the law must know
consequences of breaking-punishment.
Justification of Punishment
According to various schools of thought, punishment is justified as outlined:
4. To return the offender from prison to society in a way that offender has learned
skills of earning his livelihood by lawful means.
Ends/Goals/Objects/Purposes of Punishment
1. Retribution
Retribution is a justly deserved penalty. It is the act of correcting for your wrong doing. It
is the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that
he has done). This is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, another name for it is
‘Desert’ meaning that criminal offenders deserve the punishment they receive at the
hands of Law and that the punishment be appropriate to the type and severity of crime
committed. In Saudi Arabia, a thief’s hand is cut for the wrong act he has committed. The
retributivists believe in like-for like retaliation in punishment. Severity in punishment
must be proportional to the gravity of the offense. The best justification of punishment is
also not purely retribution. The retributive justification of punishment is that the guilty
reserves to be punished.
2. Incapacitation
By keeping offenders in prison or other such institutions, innocent people in society are
protected. This means offender confined in prison would not commit or repeat crimes.
Thus criminal is denied opportunity to commit crime.
3. Deterrence
This is an act to convince people that criminal activity is not worthwhile; its overall goal
is crime prevention. Specific Deterrence seeks to prevent a particular offender from
engaging in repetition of crime. In general deterrence someone is made an example to
prevent general public engaging in criminal activity.
4. Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation seeks to bring about fundamental changes in offenders and their behaviou.
It is an attempt to reform a criminal offender. It is an act of restoring someone to his
previous state. It is teaching good habits, importance of time, collective teamwork and
learning some skill or vocation for survival after release from prison.
5. Restoration
This levels the harm done to the victim by compensation service or other ways. It may be
paying a fine or doing a community service.
3. Fines: are economic penalties which are paid by the offender in a specific sum of
money within the limit set by law. Fines are imposed as an addition to probation or
as an alternative to incarceration.
assist offenders while permitting them to live in the community under supervision.
Probation is a judicial act. If conditions are not met, probation officer can bring the
offender back to court and recommend that probation may be revoked and sentence be
served in prison. Probation is advocated as a way of rehabilitating offenders whose
crimes have not been serious whose past record is clean.
6. Restitution: is the requirement that the offender that the offender provides
financial remuneration for the losses incurred by the victim. Restitution requires
that offender pay to the victim the cost of the crime. Restitution is compensation
paid to a victim who has suffered a financial loss as result of offender’s crime. It is
restricted to property offenses. Restitution is often a condition of probation.
Jail / Prison
A Jail is a place keeping under-trials during trial or a place for convicts with punishment
less than one year.
A Prison is place for confinement of offender whose punishment is exceeds one year to
life imprisonment or death penalty.
Inmate is defined as one admitted in a hospital for treatment or one incarcerated for a
Prison Programs are variety of initiates to entertain, treat, reform and rehabilitate
Jail is a place keeping under-trials during trial or a place for convicts with punishment
less than one year or jails are the places where less serious offenders are confined or kept
during or after trial. Jail, historically has been a strange correctional hybrid part detention
centre for people awaiting for trial, part penal institution for sentenced misdemeanants
(people involved in less serious crimes), part refuge for those social misfits who are taken
off the streets jail is the traditional dumping ground not only for the criminal but also for
the public drunk, the mentally ill and the deviant moral. Jails is usually a facility where
prisoners generally idle, without opportunities for programs, like reformation,
rehabilitation or education. Jails are entrance way or entryway to correctional institutions.
Jails serve two vital purposes;
they house those sentenced offenders serving terms usually of one year or less.
Radial Design
It is an architectural plan has it roots in the works of 18th
Telephone-pole Design
An architectural plan for a prison calling for a long central
surrounded by a fence.
Classification of Prisons
Prisons are classified according to level of security required:
Prison Problems
Prison problems are defined as baggage of unsolvable issues related with prison inmate
population, prison management, health & other facilities.
Rehabilitation is defined as:
The basic principle of this theory is that the offender must receive as much pain &
suffering as inflicted by him on his victim (Severity of punishment be
proportionate to the crime)
It works on central idea that the offender has gained unfair advantages through
his/her behaviour and that punishment will set this imbalance straight.
Retribution could be said to the ‘natural’ justification. In the sense that man thinks
it quite natural and just that a bad person ought to be punished and a good person
Retributive holds that each offender must be punished even if the victim wishes to
forgive the offender or extend mercy.
It acts on belief that man acts rationally therefore he is completely responsible for
his act.
The hedonistic assumption is that the people regulate their behaviour by calculatin
of pleasure and pain. The potential offender evaluates all possibilities and chooses
that activity which maximize his utility (William E. Cobb)
The problem with this approach is that most criminals have relatively short careers,
which has support of some researches.
It is designed to deter future crime; it frightens other citizens so much that they will
not do what the defendant did.
If the purpose of punishing the offender that he avoids doing criminal act deterring
by punishment is called specific deterrence.
The general deterrence principle in economic term is ‘pay the price of a crime’.
The hedonistic assumption is that the people regulate their behavior by calculation
of pleasure and pain. The potential offender evaluates all possibilities and chooses
that activity which maximize his utility (William E. Cobb)
It acts on belief that man `acts rationally, therefore he is completely responsible for
his acts.
Using a punishment, a deterrence has the fundamental flaw that human
nature turns to ignore the possibility of punishment until they are caught.
Theory of Rehabilitation
The retribution, deterrence an incapacitation involve a process of thinking that
proceeds from the Crime to Punishment.
Rehabilitation assumes offender violated law due to inner or outer factors beyond
his control.
Bean gives strengths of the rehabilitation position as being its emphasis on the
personal lives of offenders, its treatment of people as individuals, and its capacity
to produce new thinking in an otherwise rigid penal system.
Vocational Programs: one of the oldest ideas in prison programming is to give the
prisoner as skill that can help to make him/her comtitor in the social marketplace.
Behaviour programs: According to this idea, what needs reformation is not the
offender’s mind or emotions but his or her behaviour.
Social programs: We use the term social therapy to denote these programs
because they attempted to develop a pro-social environment within prison to help
the offender develop non-criminal ways of coping outside. They are based on idea
that people learn lawbreaking values and behaviour in social settings from peers to
whom they attach importance. So those values should be altered.
There was a growth of human social science, which admitted the idea of criminal
behaviour as caused by psychological and environmental factors suspect able to
change. Reforms, rehabilitation is therefore associated with ‘modernism’ and
‘positivism’, mean belief in the possibility of change and improvement through the
application of science to human behaviour.
Although now a day’s penal reformers try to discourage the use of imprisonment
on the ground of acts tending to make people worse rather that better, it must be
remembered that when imprisonment changed from being a means. Primarily for
holding people awaiting bail or deportation, to being primarily a mode of
punishment, it was being a primarily, a mode of punishment, it was being
introduced as an alternative to death or transformation not as an alternative to
probation or community service.
In recent decades theory of criminality has been linked with possession of an extra
X-chromosomes, meso-morphic body shapes, extra amount of testosterone, shifef
eyes etc.
Theories of Punishment
Retributive Justice is a matter of giving people their Jus Deserts. The central idea is
that the offender has gained unfair advantages through his or her behaviour, and
that the punishment will set this imbalance straight.
The doctrine of hell was framed in terms of retributive theory of punishment, the
wicked receiving their just deserts, with no thought of the possible reformation of
the offender.
A retributionist assumes that the law exists for a reason —a moral reason. All
crime, even victimless crime, involves a social harm—a moral harm. In other
words, violating the law not only offends against the law of the land, but the moral
code of the land.
Retributive assumption holds that each offender must be punished; even if the
victim wishes to forgive the offender must be punished, even if the victim wishes
to forgive the offender or extend mercy.
Bentham questioned whether there really is a moral duty of retribution. How can
one act of violence cancel out another evil act?
Further utilitarians have criticized the retributive approach on the ground that it has
no social utility.
Deterrence theory:
If the risk outweighs the benefit they will most likely not commit the act
General Deterrence
Specific Deterrence