BS 812-103.1 1985
BS 812-103.1 1985
BS 812-103.1 1985
Testing aggregates —
Part 103: Methods for determination of
particle size distribution —
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 16-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Principle 1
4 Sampling 1
5 Apparatus 1
6 Preparation of test portion 1
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 16-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI
7 Procedure 2
8 Calculation and expression of results 3
9 Precision 3
10 Test report 3
Table 1 — Particulars of sieves for sieve analysis 1
Table 2 — Minimum mass of test portion for sieve analysis 2
Table 3 — Maximum mass to be retained at the completion of sieving 4
Table 4 — Precision data for determination of particle size distribution 4
Figure 1 — Chart for recording sieve analysis results 5
Appendix A Preparation and cleaning of test sieves 6
Appendix B Checking of test sieves 6
Publications referred to Inside back cover
© BSI 12-1998 i
BS 812-103.1:1985
This section of BS 812, prepared under the direction of the Cement, Gypsum,
Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Committee, is a revision of 7.1
of BS 812-1:1975, which is withdrawn by amendment. The remaining sections
of BS 812-1 and BS 812-2, 3 and 4 are also being revised and as each of the tests,
or collection of related tests, is revised, it is intended to issue it as a separate Part
or Section of this standard.
It is intended that other British Standards should call up BS 812 test methods as
the basis of compliance. Nevertheless, it is not intended that all aggregates
should be subjected regularly to all the listed tests. Requirements in other British
Standard specifications will refer only to the relevant test methods.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 6, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
ii © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-103.1:1985
For the purposes of this Section of BS 812 the NOTE 2 Some advice on cleaning and checking sieves is given
in appendices A and B.
definitions given in BS 812-101 and BS 812-102
apply. Table 1— Particulars of sieves for sieve
3 Principle Nominal aperture sizes
3.1 Washing and sieving Square hole perforated Wire cloth, 300 mm or
plate, 450 mm or 300 mm 200 mm diameter
This is the preferred method (see 7.2) for aggregates diameter
which may contain clay or other materials likely to mm mm
cause agglomeration of particles. It involves
preliminary separation by washing through a fine 75.0 3.35
sieve before determining particle size distribution 63.0 2.36
by dry sieving. 50.0 1.70
3.2 Dry sieving 37.5 1.18
This is an alternative method (see 7.3) which may be
used for coarse and fine aggregates free from
particles which cause agglomeration. 20.0 µm
NOTE 1 Dry sieving gives inaccurate results for aggregates 14.0 850
containing clay but is quicker and less laborious to carry out than
washing and sieving. 10.0 600
NOTE 2 It is not possible to specify accurately the amount of
clay or other materials which will make the method given in 7.3 6.30 425
inappropriate and unless it can be demonstrated (e.g. by previous 5.00 300
experience) that that method gives accurate results, it is
recommended that the method described in 7.2 should always be 212
used. Because of this some materials specifications may call for
washing and sieving to be followed at all times. 150
4 Sampling 75a
a For some applications, 63 µm is appropriate.
The sample used for the test (the laboratory sample)
shall be taken in accordance with the procedures
described in clause 5 of BS 812-102:1984. 5.5 A mechanical sieve shaker (optional).
5.6 Trays, that can be heated in the ventilated
5 Apparatus oven (5.2) without damage or change in mass.
5.1 A sample divider, of size appropriate to the 5.7 Containers, of a size sufficient to contain the test
maximum particle size to be handled or portion plus five times its volume of water (for
alternatively a flat shovel and a clean, flat, hard washing and sieving method only).
horizontal surface, e.g. a metal tray for use in
quartering. 6 Preparation of test portion
NOTE A suitable divider is the riffle box illustrated Reduce the sample in accordance with the
in BS 812-102. procedures described in clause 6 of BS 812-102:1984
5.2 A ventilated oven, thermostatically controlled to to produce the required number of test portions each
maintain a temperature of 105 ± 5 °C. of which complies with the minimum mass given
5.3 A balance, or balances, of suitable capacity in Table 2. Dry the test portions by heating at a
accurate to 0.1 % of the mass of the test portion. temperature of 105 ± 5 °C to achieve a dry mass
which is constant to within 0.1 %. Allow to cool,
weigh and record as M1.
© BSI 12-1998 1
BS 812-103.1:1985
Table 2 — Minimum mass of test portion for 7.2 Washing and sieving method
sieve analysis 7.2.1 Preliminary separation
Nominal size Minimum mass of
of material test portion Wet both sides of a 75 µm test sieve (5.4),
reserved for use in this test only, and fit a nesting
mm kg
guard sieve (e.g. 1.18 mm) on top. Mount the sieves
63 50 in such a way that the suspension passing the test
50 35 sieve can be run to waste or, when required,
collected in a suitable vessel.
40 15 Place the weighed oven dried test portion in
1) At the time of publication, BS 812-104 is in preparation. When published, it will supersede 7.2 of BS 812-1:1975.
2 © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-103.1:1985 When the mechanical sieve shaker is used, 8 Calculation and expression of results
after sieving, check that separation is complete by
Calculate the mass retained on each sieve as a
briefly hand sieving. When sieving is done by hand
percentage of the original dry mass (M1), For the
alone start with the coarsest sieve and shake each
mass of material passing the finest sieve, add that
sieve separately over a clean tray or receiver until
not more than a trace passes, but in any case for a passing during washing (M1 – M2) to that found
period of not less than 2 min. Do the shaking with a during the dry sieving.
varied motion, backwards and forwards, left to Calculate the mass passing each sieve as a
right, circular, clockwise and anti-clockwise, and cumulative percentage of the total sample mass.
with frequent jarring so that the material is kept
moving over the sieve surface in frequently 9 Precision
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 16-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI
changing directions. Do not force materials through Estimates of the repeatability and reproducibility of
the sieve by hand pressure but placing of particles is sieve analysis using the methods described in
permitted. Break lumps of agglomerated material this Section of BS 812 are given in Table 4 for a
which consist of particles representative of the bulk limited range of materials.
by gentle pressure with the fingers against the side NOTE 1 Reference should be made to BS 812-101 for guidance
of the sieve. on assessing the precision of the methods given in this standard.
NOTE 2 There is insufficient data available to permit the Record any extraneous material not inclusion of values for Vs (variance arising from sampling errors)
representative of the bulk that will not readily in Table 4. When data is available it will be incorporated by
break down into individual particles, such as clay amendment. Some values of Vs for a single experiment are given
lumps, and remove from the sieve for separate in Supplementary Report 831 published by the Transport and
Road Research Laboratory.
weighing. Do not apply pressure to the surface of the 10 Test report
sieve to force particles through the mesh. Light The report shall affirm that the particle size
brushing with a soft brush on the underside of the distribution was determined in accordance with this
sieve may be used to clear sieve openings. Light
Section of BS 812 and whether or not a certificate of
brushing with a fine camel-hair brush may be used
sampling is available. If available, a copy of the
on the 150 µm and 75 µm sieves to prevent
certificate of sampling shall be provided. The test
agglomeration of the powder and blinding of the
report shall include the following additional
apertures. Do not use stiff or worn-down brushes for information:
this purpose.
a) sample identification; In order to prevent blinding of the sieve
b) either the cumulative percentage of the mass of
apertures by overloading, ensure that the mass of
the total sample passing each of the sieves, to the
aggregate retained on the sieve at completion of the
nearest whole number; or the percentage of the
operation does not exceed the value for that sieve
mass of the total sample passing one sieve and
shown in Table 3.
retained on the next smaller sieve, to the nearest
NOTE 1 Some sample masses shown in Table 1 will thus whole number;
require additional operations on some sieves, as described in 7.1.
NOTE 2 In some cases it may be possible to reduce sufficiently NOTE A specimen chart which may be used for illustrating
the load on a sieve by incorporating an intermediate sieve into the results graphically is shown in Figure 3.
the test series. c) the method used by reference to either 7.2 Weigh the material retained on each sieve, or 7.3 of this Section of BS 812;
together with any material cleaned from the mesh, d) whether or not lumps of material not
on completion of sieving on that sieve. representative of the bulk, such as clay lumps,
NOTE Samples containing dust should be sieved into a receiver were found to be present and the sieve sizes on
to prevent loss. which they were retained, together with the total Add the aggregate passing the sieve to the amount present expressed as an overall
next sieve in the series before commencing the percentage by mass of the total sample.
operation on that sieve.
7.3 Dry sieving method
Use the procedure described in 7.2.2.
© BSI 12-1998 3
BS 812-103.1:1985
4 © BSI 12-1998
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 16-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI BS 812-103.1:1985
© BSI 12-1998 5
BS 812-103.1:1985
6 © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-103.1:1985
Publications referred to
2) In preparation.
© BSI 12-1998
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