Tourism Management: Timothy Jung, Namho Chung, M. Claudia Leue
Tourism Management: Timothy Jung, Namho Chung, M. Claudia Leue
Tourism Management: Timothy Jung, Namho Chung, M. Claudia Leue
Tourism Management
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Tourists' augmented reality perception was measured by the lens of modified DeLone & McLean's Model.
The higher level of personal innovativeness, the more important the role of AR system quality.
The lower level of personal innovativeness, the more important the role of AR contents quality.
Our findings explain which quality factors are important for AR satisfaction and loyalty.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The increased availability of smartphone and mobile gadgets has transformed the tourism industry and
Received 22 May 2014 will continue to enhance the ways in which tourists access information while traveling. Augmented
Accepted 17 February 2015 reality has grown in popularity because of its enhanced mobile capabilities. In tourism research, few
Available online 13 March 2015
attempts have been made to assess user satisfaction with augmented reality applications and the
behavioral intention to recommended them. This study uses a quality model to test users' satisfaction
and intention to recommend marker-based augmented reality applications. By applying process theory,
Augmented reality
this study also investigates the differences in these constructs between high- and low-innovativeness
Process theory
groups visiting a theme park in Jeju Island, South Korea. Questionnaires administered to 241 theme
DeLone and McLean model park visitors revealed that content, personalized service, and system quality affect users' satisfaction and
Satisfaction intention to recommend augmented reality applications. In addition, personal innovativeness was found
Personal innovativeness to reinforce the relationships among content quality, personalized service quality, system quality, and
satisfaction with augmented reality.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0261-5177/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
76 T. Jung et al. / Tourism Management 49 (2015) 75e86
the area can realistically and naturally experience unfamiliar places destinations. They also concluded that AR will be used by the mass
(von der Pütten et al., 2012). However, introducing AR applications market, making it even more likely that the tourism industry will
at tourism destinations and attractions does not automatically engage with these new and developing applications.
bring positive experiences (Yovcheva et al., 2013). AR is considered a tool to provide content and enhance tourists'
Haugstvedt and Krogstie (2012) concluded that little research and theme park visitors' experience (Casella & Coelho, 2013;
has been conducted to identify the extent to which users are willing Martínez-Gran ~ a et al., 2013). However, AR could also become the
to accept AR applications. Snyder and Elinich (2010) explored AR main reason to visit theme parks and experience new and inno-
within science museum exhibitions and discovered that the usage vative technologies. Dong, Weng, Xu, Dong Li, & Wang (2011)
of site-based AR can overcome some of the key barriers associated examined the popularity of AR based-games as theme park
with AR. Site-based AR is developed on computers; therefore, vis- attractions and reviewed an AR game that has become an interac-
itors are not required to use their own smartphone or glass devices, tive tourist attraction in the Chinese theme park “Joy Land.” In
further enhancing the ease of use of site-based AR (Snyder & addition, Disney theme parks are investing in the development of
Elinich, 2010). In addition, Snyder and Elinich (2010) found that projection-based AR attractions to offer this novel experience to
users with limited technological experience can use site-based AR. their visitors. The creators of the Walt Disney attraction aimed to
According to Mascioni (2012), several theme parks including Walt bring old movies to life by augmenting their characters, thus
Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Orlando have integrated mobile providing visitors with a unique experience (Mine, van Baar,
devices. At the same time, some theme parks have started to Grundho € fer, Rose, & Yang, 2012). These examples show that AR
incorporate on-site AR into their indoor attraction rides by pro- can be used to enhance existing attractions through the overlaying
jecting pictures or ghosts onto what looks like a mirror (a computer of content and that theme park attractions can be created around
screen) in front of the visitors. The animations enter the visitors' an AR experience.
real space and enhance their experience (Mascioni, 2012). Never-
theless, there is limited research on indoor theme park visitors' 2.2. Marker-based AR applications
satisfaction with the quality of site-based AR and their intention to
continue using and recommending it. Thus, the aim of this research AR applications can be classified into marker-less and marker-
is to examine the relationship between the perceived quality based. Cheng and Tsai (2013, p. 451) stated that marker-based AR
(content, system, and personalized service) of AR applications and “requires specific labels to register the position of 3D objects on the
tourist satisfaction to predict tourists' behavioral intentions to real-world image.” A specific marker such as a QR code is used to
recommend AR application. Furthermore, personal innovativeness overlay an object onto scenery (Lee, Lim, & Chun, 2013). According
is considered an important determinant of users' willingness to to Siltanen (2012, p. 39), marker-based AR adds an “easily detect-
accept or reject the usage of new technologies such as AR (Mazman able predefined sign in the environment and uses computer vision
& Usluel, 2009). Therefore, this research will explore how personal techniques to detect it.” As a result, marker-based applications are
innovativeness moderates the relationship between perceived ideally applied indoors. In contrast, marker-less AR applications do
quality and AR satisfaction. not require codes; they can detect specific features from the area-
based GPS locations and can thus be used in outdoor environ-
2. Literature review ments. In addition, marker-less applications are considered more
interactive than static marker-based applications, which depend on
2.1. AR in tourism a certain object (Lee et al., 2013; Patkar, Singh, & Birje, 2013). Jung,
Kim, and Kim (2013) acknowledged that marker-less AR applica-
Danado et al. (2003, p. 1) defined AR as “a technology that allows tions are resource-intensive and that marker-based applications are
the superimposition of synthetic images over real images, expected to perform and recognize objects more accurately,
providing augmented knowledge about the environment in the particularly within indoor environments. This was confirmed by
user's vicinity which makes the task more pleasant and effective for Kapoor, Ghufran, Gupta, & Agarrwal (2013, p. 604), who acknowl-
the user, since the required information is spatially superimposed edged that “marker-based capture systems are quite popular due to
over real information related to it.” Consequently, the emergence of efficiency and accuracy but are highly costly, require laboratory
AR applications has changed the way tourists can experience a setup and restrict the movement of the actor.” As a result, much
destination, leading to more interactive and diversified experiences future research and development will focus on using marker-less
(Fritz, Susperregui, & Linaza, 2005). Due to enhanced smartphone AR applications. Nonetheless, for the current state of technology,
capabilities such as integrated GPS, Internet connections, and marker-based applications are considered more reliable and are
cameras, tourism destinations and businesses can deliver tourists therefore often used to enhance the visitors' experience within
an enjoyable, personalized, and context-aware tourism experience indoor theme parks.
(Chou & Chanlin, 2012). The capability to superimpose images
enables tourism destinations to present tourists with historic 2.3. Perceived quality
buildings or events, making the entire tourism experience more
interesting and enjoyable. In addition, destinations can differen- The importance of perceived quality was confirmed within the
tiate themselves from each other (Tsiotsou, 2012). According to DeLone and McLean information system success model in 1992.
Martínez-Gran ~ a et al. (2013), AR applications are particularly DeLone and McLean concluded that information system success
valuable for the tourism industry because they increase social can be measured through “the system quality, the output infor-
awareness of the immediate surroundings and unknown territory. mation quality, consumption (use) of the output, the user's
In addition, AR applications help tourists gain a deeper under- response (user satisfaction), the effect of the IS on the behavior of
standing of the origins of geological heritage (Martínez-Gran~ a, Goy, the user (individual impact), and the effect of the IS on organiza-
& Cimarra, 2013). Casella and Coelho (2013) acknowledged that AR tional performance (organizational impact)” (Wu & Wang, 2006, p.
has become a popular tool for the education of museum visitors due 729). Later on, an updated model of information system success
to the availability of applications such as Layar. Benyon, Quigley, introduced three perceived quality constructs: system, service, and
O'Keefe, & Riva (2013) agreed that AR applications have become content/information quality (DeLone & McLean, 2003). According
popular ways to present historic events and introduce tourism to Bigne, Sa
nchez, and Sa
nchez (2001, p. 608), perceived quality is
T. Jung et al. / Tourism Management 49 (2015) 75e86 77
defined as an “overall judgment made by the consumer regarding Therefore, the level of satisfaction examined in the present study
the excellence of a service.” This was supported by Parasuraman, refers to the level of satisfaction with a specific task.
Zeithaml, and Berry (1988), who revealed that product and ser-
vice quality are highly dependent on personal perceptions of the
3. Theoretical framework and hypotheses development
product or service. Previous research has shown that perceived
quality affects the intention to reuse technological innovations
3.1. Research model
(Ansari, Kheirabadi, Ghalamkari, & Khanjari, 2013; Bayaraktar,
Tatoglu, Turkyilmaz, Delen, & Zaum, 2012; Koo, Wati, & Chung,
A process theory is a commonly used form of behavioral
2013; Wang & Chen, 2011; Zhao, Lu, Zhang, & Chau, 2012).
research in which events or occurrences are the result of certain
Petrick (2004, p. 405) investigated quality, satisfaction and
input states leading to a certain outcome state, following a set of
repurchase intention dimensions in the cruise tourism context and
processes. In behavioral research, the process theory explains
revealed that “future research should therefore include other in-
“how” something happens, whereas a variance theory describes
dependent variables to aid in the determination of what combi-
“why” something happens (Chiles, 2003). We adopted the process
nation of variables most accurately and parsimoniously predicts
theory approach to explain the effect of the features of marker-
intentions to repurchase”. Ahamed and Mohideen (2015) asserted
based AR applications (content quality, system quality, and
that within the tourism and hospitality research field, few scholars
personalized service quality) on the intention to recommend
have included quality dimensions as an antecedent of consumer
marker-based AR applications. In our model (Fig. 1), AR satisfaction
satisfaction and intention to revisit or reuse. However, those studies
is used as an intervening construct on the causal chain between
that used constructs concerning perceived quality supported the
marker-based AR application functions and the intention to
strong relationship between quality constructs such as content,
recommend marker-based AR applications.
system, or service quality and the satisfaction and intention to use
Our model thus emphasizes three basic processes of relation-
or repurchase (Ahamed & Mohideen, 2015; Petrick, 2004).
ship impact on marker-based AR application functions (content
In previous AR and mobile service research, scholars have
quality, system quality, and personalized service quality as “input”),
acknowledged the importance of the three quality constructs for
relationship-formation processes (satisfaction as “process”), and
tourists' AR usage. Within the mobile service acceptance context,
relationship outcome (intention to recommend marker-based AR
many researchers have confirmed the effect of content quality on
applications as “outcome”). The model shows how to enhance the
users' acceptance (Chae, Kim, Kim, & Ryu, 2002; Kuo, Wu, & Deng,
understanding of marker-based AR application functions that affect
2009; Lee & Chung, 2009; Wang & Chen, 2011). In terms of system
the intention to recommend marker-based AR applications through
quality, Wang and Chen (2011) investigated consumers' perception
satisfaction. Our research model was developed based on the pro-
of mobile services and found that system quality had strong direct
cess theory (Chiles, 2003), in which marker-based AR application
effects on both satisfaction and the intention to use. In addition, the
functions are the antecedent of satisfaction, and satisfaction affects
construct of service quality has been used in AR research.
the intention to recommend marker-based AR applications.
Bayaraktar et al. (2012) and Kim and Hwang (2012) pointed out that
service quality has important implications for users' continued
usage. Furthermore, Leue, tom Dieck, and Jung (2014, p. 3) pro- 3.2. Hypotheses development
posed that information (content) quality influences tourists'
acceptance of AR applications, acknowledging that “AR adopters 3.2.1. Content quality
desire rich and high quality information that is contextually Several studies on mobile service satisfaction have incorporated
relevant”. the construct of content quality (Chae et al., 2002; Kuo et al., 2009;
Lee & Chung, 2009; Wang & Chen, 2011). DeLone and McLean
2.4. Satisfaction (2003) reviewed studies that used the content quality construct
in their information system success research and found that all
Satisfaction is a critical measure of information system success studies confirmed the importance and relevance of content quality.
and effectiveness (Zviran, Glezer, & Avni, 2006). It can be defined as Previous research examined content quality in relation to job
“the degree to which one believes that an experience evokes pos- effectiveness, quality of work, accuracy, consistency, relevance,
itive feelings” (Chen & Chen, 2010, p. 30). According to Zhao et al. timeliness, and completeness (DeLone & McLean, 2003; Wixom &
(2012), the psychological process behind satisfaction is highly
complex and requires a differentiation between transaction-
specific satisfaction and cumulative satisfaction. Transaction-
specific satisfaction is the judgment of an experienced service
encounter at a specific point in time, whereas cumulative satis-
faction is the result of “the overall evaluation of all services
encountered over time” (Zhao et al., 2012, p. 646). Johnson (2001)
stated that these two types of satisfaction complement each
other, as consumers have to experience services and products over
a period to create cumulative satisfaction. Zhao et al. (2012) argued
that the majority of research is unable to differentiate between
these two types of satisfaction. However, the difference between
the two is important to acknowledge, as intentions to use differ
between these two types of satisfaction. The present study decided
to focus on transaction-specific satisfaction because the research
aimed to evaluate theme parks visitors' intention to recommend
marker-based AR at one point in time. In addition, due to the
novelty factor of AR, visitors have not had an opportunity to build
upon previous experience and create cumulative satisfaction. Fig. 1. Proposed research model.
78 T. Jung et al. / Tourism Management 49 (2015) 75e86
Watson, 2001; Wu & Wang, 2006). Lai (2013) confirmed the improved satisfaction rates. Kim and Hwang (2012) pointed out
importance of information (content) quality in the behavioral that the satisfaction with mobiles and service quality has important
intention to use app-based mobile tour guides. Lee, Park, and Han implications for users' continued usage. This was supported by
(2014) acknowledged that the quality of online content influences Bayaraktar et al. (2012, p. 105), who revealed that mobile service
active community participation and acceptance. In addition, high- providers have to improve their “service quality so that they can
quality content can influence the popularity and increase the so- improve customers' experiences with mobile phones and by doing
cial value of websites, networks, or applications (Lee et al., 2014). In so improve overall customer loyalty”. In addition, Cronin, Brady,
the study of Lee et al. (2014), online communities that uploaded and Hult (2000) found that favorable service perception leads to
high-quality information or pictures had much greater success in higher satisfaction rates. Meanwhile, Lee, Lee, and Kim (2007)
acquiring and retaining new community members due to the studied the effects of users' perception of threatened freedom
attractiveness of engaging with the network. This is relevant to the and degree of personalization on the intention to recommended
present study because it shows how a high-quality context can services. They found that high personalization can be a major
influence satisfaction and the overall intention to recommend AR motivation for users to accept recommendation systems. Kim, ma,
application. Based on previous research, we expect that content and Kim (2006, p. 899) aimed to identify the determinants of
quality will positively affect AR satisfaction. This formed the basis of Chinese visitors' e-satisfaction and purchase intentions and found
the following hypothesis: that “information needs is the most important factor for e-satis-
faction”. Thus, the effect of personalized service quality on satis-
H1: AR content quality has a positive effect on AR satisfaction. faction is expected to be positive and significant, forming the basis
of the following hypothesis:
3.2.2. System quality H3: AR personalized service quality has a positive effect on AR
The importance of system quality has been thoroughly investi- satisfaction.
gated in previous research (Jun, Yang, & Kim, 2004; Lee & Chung,
2009; Wang & Chen, 2011; Wixom & Watson, 2001; Wu & Wang,
2006). Chen (2013, p. 27) defined system quality as “a system 3.2.4. AR satisfaction and intention to recommend AR
wherein the desired characteristics of both mobile devices and web According to Wang and Chen (2011, p. 8), customer satisfaction
browsing services are believed to be available to users.” According is “viewed as the most crucial indicator” when investigating con-
to DeLone and McLean (2003, p. 13), system quality has a strong sumers' perception of reusing mobile services. This was supported
effect on information system success, being “measured in terms of by Luarn and Lin (2003) and Vranakis, Chatzoglou, and Mpaloukas
ease of use, functionality, reliability, flexibility, data quality, porta- (2012), who concluded that satisfaction is among the most influ-
bility, integration, and importance.” Wang and Chen (2011) inves- ential factors in loyalty within the mobile service context. Zeithaml
tigated consumers' perception of mobile broadband services in (2000) acknowledged that high satisfaction rates result in return-
Taiwan using the information system success model by DeLone and ing visitors and higher profits. Several researchers (Almossawi,
McLean. They discovered that system quality had strong direct 2012; Bayaraktar et al., 2012; Garin-Munoz et al., 2012; Vranakis
effects on satisfaction and intention to use. Zhu, Chen, & Lee (2013) et al., 2012) have found that perceived quality has a strong influ-
also integrated the three service dimensions into their e-learning ence on satisfaction within the mobile service context. Thus, to
acceptance research and found that information (content) and develop long-lasting relationships and customer loyalty, businesses
service quality both influence satisfaction; however, the influence have to ensure high satisfaction rates by offering a high level of
of system quality on satisfaction was not established. Chen (2013) quality (Bigne, 1997).
researched the intention to use mobile shopping and concluded Choi, Park, and Park (2011) examined users' intention to reuse
that all three quality dimensions, including system quality, influ- mobile services and found that a high level of customer satisfaction
ence the behavioral intention. Based on previous research, we leads to the decision to continuously reuse services. Fishbein and
expect that system quality will positively affect AR satisfaction. This Manfredo (1992) stated that postepurchase intentions are a
formed the basis of the following hypothesis: result of consumers' satisfaction. Furthermore, Choi et al. (2011, p.
191) concluded that “if the users are satisfied with mobile tour
H2: AR system quality has a positive effect on AR satisfaction. services, the possibility to reuse these services will be high.”
Satisfied visitors who are willing to return to a theme park are likely
to spread positive word of mouth. It is crucial for tourism
3.2.3. Personalized service quality attractions and businesses to ensure high satisfaction rates, since
Service quality was the last addition to the DeLone and McLean word-of-mouth is considered the most trustworthy source of
information system success model in 2003. Zhao et al. (2012) stated information within the intangible tourism industry (Ayeh, Au, &
that service quality is an important determinant of an information Law, 2013). This was supported by Harrisson-Walker (2001), who
system's effectiveness. However, the concept of personalized ser- reported that uninformed consumers rely heavily on others' ex-
vice quality in the context of AR is different from the service quality periences to form an opinion. Thus, AR satisfaction is likely to
construct by DeLone and McLean (2003) which relates to the effi- positively affect the intention to recommend marker-based AR
cient operation of systems. The concept of personalized service applications. This leads to the following hypothesis:
quality within the AR context refers to the ability to provide
personalized information, understand needs and preferences as H4: AR satisfaction has a positive effect on the intention to
well as personalized interaction. Personalized information enables recommend AR applications.
visitors to choose exactly what they want to see and explore based
on their preferences, wants and needs. This is supported by Ghose
and Huang (2009), who identified that the increased availability of 3.2.5. Moderating effect of personal innovativeness
modern technologies enables businesses to facilitate quality The construct of personal innovativeness has its origin in the
enhancement through a personalization of services and products, diffusion of innovation theory. It defines an individual's willingness
increasing the value for customers and benefiting business through to try new services and products (Agarwal & Prasad, 1998; Rogers,
T. Jung et al. / Tourism Management 49 (2015) 75e86 79
1962). According to Mazman and Usluel (2009, p. 406), personal 4.1. Study site
innovativeness explains “why some people adapt an innovation
while some others reject to use it.” Recent research has considered The study took place in Characworld theme park on Jeju Island,
it an important determinant of overall acceptance behavior. South Korea. Jeju Island is located south of South Korea's main land
Consequently, it has been increasingly used within technology and is one of the most popular destinations for Korean tourists
acceptance research, particularly with the emergence of new (KTO, 2014). Jeju Island offers its visitors natural waterfalls,
technologies such as biometric hotel systems (Morosan, 2012) and museums and numerous theme parks. Its latest addition (March
mobile marketing and services (Gao, Rohm, Sultan, & Huang, 2012; 2011) is the Characworld theme park which shows its visitors
Han, Kang, & Moon, 2013; Kuo & Yen, 2009; Zarmpou, Saprkis, famous movie and cartoon characters (Shain, 2011). In the theme
Markos, & Vlachopoulou, 2012). According to Agarwald and park, visitors can engage in virtual horseracing, play video and
Prasad (1998), personal innovativeness is also considered a medi- computer games and tour illusion studios (Shain, 2011). Right in the
ator in the decision to accept or reject a new technology. Within the middle of all these attractions, Characworld has designed and
tourism context, Choi et al. (2011) included personal innovativeness integrated an interactive AR experience in order to test a marker-
in their research on travelers' acceptance of mobile services. Lee, based AR application with the potential to enhance the visitor
Qu, and Kim (2007) integrated personal innovativeness into their experience. In a showroom, virtual characters are overlayed using
research on online travel shopping. Using the factor of innova- marker-based AR technologies into the real environment. Visitors
tiveness is particularly valuable within marketing research and interact with the characters using a marker-based AR book that sets
market segmentation, as high innovators can be distinguished from a 3D animation in a TV screen in motion, telling original tales from
low innovators (Morosan, 2012). Lee et al. (2007, p. 886) concluded Jeju Island. By moving the book, the 3D character corresponds to
that “less innovative travelers rely on both attitude and the re- the movement and therefore makes the AR experience real and
ferral's opinions to reduce uncertainty inherent in online interactive (Fig. 2).
Furthermore, while innovative consumers positively accept 4.2. Measurements
risks and uncertainty and attempt explorative purchasing, less
innovative consumers avoid risks or uncertainty regardless of The model consisted of six constructs which were measured
whether something easily accessible is more important for them using scales from previous researchers. These scales were modified
(Rogers, 1962). Particularly with AR, less innovative consumers may to fit the context of the present study. The questionnaire included
place more importance on content quality (the non-system aspect) sections about content quality (Kuo et al., 2009; Yang, Cai, Zhou, &
than on system or service quality because becoming acquainted Zhou, 2005), system quality (Aladwania & Palvia, 2002; Rivard
with an AR application requires an initial mental and temporal et al., 1997), personalized service quality (Aladwania & Palvia,
effort. The high-innovativeness group appeared to have more 2002; Yang et al., 2005), satisfaction (Choi et al., 2011; Kuo et al.,
recognizable AR quality (system and service quality) than the low- 2009; Yang et al., 2005), intention to recommend (Choi et al.,
innovativeness group because they enjoy using new technology, 2011; Kuo et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2012) and personal innovative-
taking risks, and playing the role of opinion leaders in spreading ness (Agarwal & Prasad, 1998; Goldsmith & Hofacker, 1991;
new technologies. Roehrich, 2004) which were measured by three to four measure-
We can therefore infer that system and service quality have ment items. All items used a five point Likert-scale ranging from 1
greater influence on the intention to accept information technology (“strongly disagree”) to 5 (“strongly agree”). Questions included
among the high-innovativeness group, and that content quality will “The Marker-based AR application provides relevant information of
be more important to the low-innovativeness group. Hence, the traditional tales” (content quality); “The Marker-based AR appli-
following hypotheses are proposed: cation is easy to use” (system quality); “The Marker-based AR
application has the ability to understand my needs and prefer-
H1a: The relationship between AR content quality and AR ences” (personalized service quality); “I am satisfied with using the
satisfaction is stronger in the low-innovativeness group than in marker-based AR application” (satisfaction) or “When I return
the high-innovativeness group. home, I will positively promote this marker-based AR application”
H2a: The relationship between AR system quality and AR satis- (intention to recommendation). In addition, questions about
faction is stronger in the high-innovativeness group than in the personal innovativeness included “I like to experiment with new
low-innovativeness group. information technologies”. Furthermore, the questionnaire gath-
H3a: The relationship between AR personalized service quality ered demographic information about the respondents' gender, age,
and AR satisfaction is stronger in the high-innovativeness group education, occupation and smartphone usage.
than in the low-innovativeness group.
4.3. Data collection
4. Methods
The data were collected at Characworld theme park in Jeju
This study uses site-based AR, using an on-site computerized Island, South Korea from visitors who used the marker-based AR
book that overlays 3D character animations into visitors' real world. application in the AR experience center from 1 to 30 November
This study is designed to compare high-innovativeness and low- 2012. Random sampling was used and 241 usable responses were
innovativeness groups of marker-based AR applications and users' collected. According to Shenton (2004), random sampling has the
processing of their perceptions of marker-based AR applications advantage of representing the opinion of a general population
functions. In addition, this study will examine how personal instead of a selected sample. All visitors were considered part of the
innovativeness moderates the relationship between marker-based study population; however children under 18 were excluded. Even
AR applications functions, satisfaction, and recommendation. We though children are an important market for Characworld theme
used the process theory to develop a research framework. A field park, the views of parents or companions are equally important as
survey method was employed to test the proposed model and this attraction is for both family and children. Therefore, within the
hypotheses. Additionally, we designed a questionnaire using con- present study, we focused on parents and companions. The
structs that had been previously used and validated. researcher approached visitors as part of the random sampling
80 T. Jung et al. / Tourism Management 49 (2015) 75e86
technique. According to Newman and McNeil (1998), random assumptions about measurement scale, sample size, and distribu-
sampling is a common sampling technique that allows the gath- tion (Ahuja & Thatcher, 2005). Before conducting any analyses, we
ering of data from an unbiased sample which represented the first calculated the constructs' z-scores for skewness and kurtosis
intended study population. Visitors were informed about the (see Table 3), in order to check their normality (Tabachnick & Fidell,
nature of the research project and asked to participate in the study. 2007). Z-scores for skewness and kurtosis values ranged
If they agreed, participants were handed the questionnaire and from 0.317 to 0.235 and from 0.627 to 1.165, respectively. As
asked to fill it in after trying out the AR application. The shown in Table 3, the mean scores of all variables are close to
respondents were introduced with marker-based AR before they neutral and these results are as expected because there appears to
took part in the experiment and survey. Terms used in the original be some uncertainty or even hesitancy with regards to the use of AR
questionnaire in Korean was easy to understand and match the applications within the theme park context which may can related
‘ordinary respondent’ level of knowledge. These terms have been to the novelty factor of AR applications. A similar outcome was
used a number of previous Information System research focusing found by Kyalo and Hopkins (2013) in the e-learning context.
on information quality, system quality, service quality, satisfaction Considering that the items were approximately normally distrib-
and intention to use (e.g. Kuo et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2005). uted, we estimated the measurement and structural model.
By using random sampling method, a total of 241 responses The measurement model was assessed separately for the group
were collected from the field survey and coded for analysis. As as a whole and for each subgroup. To validate our measurement
shown in Table 1, the respondents were similarly distributed model, we undertook validity assessments of content, discriminant,
between males (57.7%) and females (42.3%). The largest percentage and convergent validity. The content validity of our survey was
of respondents (43.6%) was aged 30 to 39, followed by those under established from the existing literature, and our measures were
29 (26.6%) and 40 to 49 (23.2%). Most respondents were highly constructed by adopting constructs validated by other researchers.
educated (43.2% completed university; 29.9% completed 2 year According to Nunnally (1967), all constructs in the model satisfied
college). The largest category of respondents was office workers reliability requirements (with composite reliability greater than
(17.0%). More than half (55.2%) of respondents had used the 0.70) and discriminant validity requirements (with average
smartphone for more than a year. Table 1 shows the subjects' variance extracted greater than 0.50), the square root of average
demographic information in terms of gender, age, education, variance extracted (AVE) “greater than each correlation coefficient”
occupation and smartphone usage. (Bhattacherjee & Sanford, 2006, p. 815), and Cronbach's a greater
than 0.70. We also examined the discriminant and convergent
4.5. Grouping check validity of each indicator (Chin, 1998). The results presented in
Tables 2 and 3 demonstrate adequate discriminant and convergent
The respondents were divided into two groups: low personal validity.
innovativeness and high-personal innovativeness. This distinction
was based on median personal innovativeness construct scores 5.2. PLS analysis and moderating effect of personal innovativeness
(3.333) (Renkl, 1997; Yi & La, 2004). The low personal innovative-
ness group (n ¼ 106) had a mean personal innovativeness level of We estimated three separate models in PLS: models for the
2.544 and a standard deviation of 0.597, while the high personal overall group, the low personal innovativeness group, and the high
innovativeness group (n ¼ 135) had a mean personal innovative- personal innovativeness group. We then tested for differences
ness level of 3.780 and a standard deviation of 0.439. across all three models using the test for differences. The size of the
bootstrapping sample that was used in the PLS analyses was 500.
5. Analysis and results Before hypothesis testing, three models were tested. Model 1
contained only AR content quality. In model 2, additional one
To analyze our data, PLS-Graph Version 3.0 was used to analyze independent variable, AR system quality was included, while the
the measurement and structural models. PLS has been widely used Model 3 included remaining variable, AR personalized service
in theory testing and confirmation. It is also an appropriate quality. Table 4 presents the standardized regression coefficient, R2,
approach for examining whether relationships might or might not change in R2 (DR2), and effect size. AR content quality account for
exist and thus is useful in suggesting propositions for later testing about 32.4% of the variance explained for AR satisfaction. Model 2
(Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Moreover, PLS regression makes few accounts for 41.2% of the variance in AR satisfaction. The effect size
T. Jung et al. / Tourism Management 49 (2015) 75e86 81
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of respondents.
Characteristics Overall group High-personal innovativeness group Low- personal innovativeness group
n % n % n %
Table 2
Reliability and cross-loadings (overall group).
Table 3
Correlation and discriminant validity.
1 2 3 4 5
Note: Leading diagonal shows the square root of AVE of each construct.
Table 4
Effect size of effect of each construct on AR satisfaction.
and significance of the change in variance explained between coefficients from each path for AR contents quality and AR system
models were measured by an f2 statistic, formulated as (R22-R21)/(1- quality were significantly different between low personal innova-
R22), where f2 of 0.02, 0.15, and 0.35 have been suggested to pertain tiveness group and high personal innovativeness group except AR
to small, moderate, and large effect sizes, respectively (Cohen, personalized service quality (see also Fig. 4 and Table 6). Tests for
1988). By adding one variable, R2 of model 2 increases 8.8% in hypotheses H1a and H2a demonstrate that the impact of AR contents
variance explained. R2 increases significantly (f2 ¼ 0.150), sug- quality (low personal innovativeness: 0.429 > high personal inno-
gesting that AR system quality plays an important role in explaining vativeness: 0.169, Dt ¼ 1.978) and AR system quality (low personal
AR satisfaction. Also, adding AR personalized service quality innovativeness: 0.050 < high personal innovativeness: 0.303,
construct, R2 of model 3 increases 8.2% in variance explained. R2 Dt ¼ 1.832), were statistically different between low personal
increases significantly (f2 ¼ 0.162). innovativeness group and high personal innovativeness group.
With regard to hypothesis testing, Fig. 3 and Table 5 present the However, hypothesis H3a was not statistically significant different
results of the hypothesis tests for the overall group. All direct paths between low personal innovativeness group and high personal
in the model (H1eH4) were supported at p < 0.05. Tests for hy- innovativeness group.
potheses H1, H2, and H3 indicate that AR satisfaction was signifi-
cantly influenced by AR contents quality (b ¼ 0.314, t ¼ 3.787), AR
system quality (b ¼ 0.167, t ¼ 2.072), and AR personalized service 5.3. Testing mediation effects
quality (b ¼ 0.368, t ¼ 5.324). The test for H4 also indicates that
intention to recommendation was significantly affected by AR In order to drill down deeper into the mediation implied by the
satisfaction (b ¼ 0.768, t ¼ 22.226). PLS analysis, we conducted a regression analysis following Baron
In order to examine the potential moderating effect of personal and Kenny's (1986) widely accepted approach. According to Baron
innovativeness, we conducted a multi-group analysis using PLS by and Kenny (1986), a mediator must affect the direction or
comparing differences in the coefficients of the corresponding strength of the relationship between the independent variable and
structural paths for the low personal innovativeness group and the dependent variable. Following Baron and Kenny's (1986)
high personal innovativeness group models (Chin, 1998; Keil et al., approach, we conducted the mediation analysis using a three-
2000). As shown in Fig. 4 and Table 6, the results indicate that the step process. First, the mediator was regressed on the indepen-
dent variable(s). Second, the dependent variable was regressed on
the independent variables. Third, the dependent variable was
regressed on the independent variables and the mediator. As
shown in Table 7, Step 1 revealed that all of the marker-based AR
applications functions (AR content, system and personalized qual-
ity) were significant variables in the first regression. Step 2 revealed
that marker-based augmented reality applications functions are
significant variables in the second regression. Finally, Step 3 of the
analysis revealed that even when we controlled for the mediator,
only AR system quality had a significant effect on intention to
recommend augmented reality applications. As expected, the AR
system's quality effect on intention to recommend augmented
reality applications is partially mediated by AR satisfaction. In case
of AR content quality and AR personalized service quality, the effect
of completion on intention to recommendation was fully mediated
Fig. 3. Overall model: path estimates by PLS analysis. by AR satisfaction.
T. Jung et al. / Tourism Management 49 (2015) 75e86 83
Table 6
Comparison of the path coefficients between high personal innovativeness group and low personal innovativeness group.
Hypotheses Path High personal Low personal t-value (AeB) Test of hypothesis
innovativeness group (A) innovativeness group (B)
Moreover, even though this study used proven theoretical 6.3. Limitations and future research directions
framework, a significant contribution of this study is that it re-
flected the characteristics of AR by proposing new constructs such The present study has some limitations. First, a larger sample
as AR personalized service quality, which was not explored in other than 241 would have enhanced the possibility of generalizing the
studies. The concept of personalized service quality in the context findings to a wider population. However, using PLS-Graph as a data
of AR is different from ‘service quality’ construct by DeLone and analysis tool overcomes this limitation, as PLS is known for pro-
McLean (2003) and it refers to the ability to provide personalized ducing generalizable results with a very small sample size (Wixom &
information, understand needs and preferences as well as Watson, 2001). Second, the study was conducted in Characworld
personalized interaction. The concept of personalization in the Theme Park in Jeju Island, South Korea. Therefore, the extent to
context of the AR experience in the theme park is particularly which the findings can be applied to other theme parks in and out of
relevant as visitors experience in the attraction using a marker- South Korea is questionable. Third, the present study focused on a
based and interactive 3D book which allows visitors obtain marker-based AR application that has been tested only within a
personalized and interactive information to bring the experience to controlled indoor environment. With increased technological
life. Visitors have the options to choose content and have it dis- capabilities, marker-less AR applications are expected to rise in
played to them as well as engage with the content through the 3D popularity; therefore, similar research within the outdoor environ-
book which adds to the personalization and interactivity. Another ment based on GPS-enabled AR applications is recommended.
unique strength of this study is that it conducted multi-group Fourth, this study adopted a quantitative research strategy; however,
analysis using personal innovativeness. qualitative methodology using focus groups or interviews could
For destination marketing practitioners, this study shows that reveal additional factors (quality- or non-quality-related) that in-
tourist attraction theme parks are a future market for AR applica- fluence users' satisfaction and intention to recommend the marker-
tions. The results highlight the importance of identifying the needs based AR application. Finally, as discussed in the methodology sec-
and wants of the target market in relation to application design and tion, the present study focused solely on visitors aged eighteen years
functionalities; while highly innovative users require high-quality and over. Taking into account the importance of children for the
systems within an application, less innovative users look for high- theme park, future research has to be conducted from the children's
quality content to enhance their tourism experience. As Agarwal point of view. Focusing on both markets, adult and children, within
and Prasad (1998) stated, personal innovativeness is an important one study would have been problematic as the questionnaire is
factor in rejecting or accepting a technology. Considering the nov- difficult for children to complete and therefore it would have been
elty factor of AR and the recent adoption of AR within theme parks, challenging to get valid data. Designing a children-friendly easier to
this study provides important indications for academia and industry understand questionnaire to evaluate children's point of view is
in regard to overall satisfaction with the technology and the ultimate therefore considered an important step for future research.
intention to recommend AR applications. This was confirmed by Wierenga and Oude Ophuis (1997) investigated the imple-
Steenkamp et al. (1999, p. 65), who concluded that “innovativeness mentation success of innovative technologies and identified
is a key variable in new product adoption, affecting the rate of adoption as a mediating variable in examining system usage and
diffusion of new products.” Furthermore, Park and Jun (2003) noted satisfaction. Future research could include adoption as the inten-
that Korea is a highly innovative country; therefore, the intention to tion to recommend marker-based AR in the theme park context. In
recommend and accept AR in Korea will be stronger than in addition, a comparison of tourists' acceptance of marker-based and
“countries whose national culture is less conducive to fostering marker-less AR applications could advance the development of
innovativeness in its citizens” (Steenkamp et al., 1999, p. 65). future applications.
Table 7
Mediation analysis following the Baron & Kenny (1986) approach.
Step Independent variables Dependent variables Standardized coefficient Standardized error R2 Comments
Step Independent variables & Mediator Dependent variables Standardized coefficient Standardized error R2 Comments
Step3 AR content quality Intention to recommendation 0.093 0.050 0.615 Full mediation
AR system quality 0.113* 0.059 Partial mediation
AR personalized service quality 0.085 0.061 Full mediation
AR satisfaction 0.601*** 0.060 e
* ** ***
p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001.
T. Jung et al. / Tourism Management 49 (2015) 75e86 85
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