Dwight Barkley, 2015, The Rise of Fully Turbulent Flow
Dwight Barkley, 2015, The Rise of Fully Turbulent Flow
Dwight Barkley, 2015, The Rise of Fully Turbulent Flow
Over a century of research into the origin of turbulence in wall- determined from direct numerical simulations in pipes of length
bounded shear flows has resulted in a puzzling picture in which 180d, with averaging over typically 20 runs.
turbulence appears in a variety of different states competing with In both pipe and square-duct flows, initially the speeds of the down-
laminar background flow1–6. At moderate flow speeds, turbulence stream fronts are indistinguishable from the upstream ones, signalling
is confined to localized patches; it is only at higher speeds that the localized turbulence. For R > 2,250 in pipe flow and R > 2,030 in duct
entire flow becomes turbulent. The origin of the different states flow, the downstream speed increases with R; these values mark the
encountered during this transition, the front dynamics of the tur- point where turbulence begins to aggressively invade the surrounding
bulent regions and the transformation to full turbulence have yet fluid. With further increases in R, the downstream front speeds exhibit
to be explained. By combining experiments, theory and computer complex changes of curvature as a function of R. The spreading of
simulations, here we uncover a bifurcation scenario that explains turbulence shows neither a square-root scaling nor an exponent assoc-
the transformation to fully turbulent pipe flow and describe the iated with a percolation-type process, as proposed in earlier studies4,21;
front dynamics of the different states encountered in the process. the speed of the downstream spreading exhibits far more complex
Key to resolving this problem is the interpretation of the flow as a behaviour than these theories imply.
bistable system with nonlinear propagation (advection) of tur- In a previous theoretical approach22–24, puffs in pipe flow were cate-
bulent fronts. These findings bridge the gap between our under- gorized as localized excitations, analogous to action potentials in
standing of the onset of turbulence7 and fully turbulent flows8,9. axons, from which the numerous features of puff turbulence were
The sudden appearance of localized turbulent patches in an other- captured. However, in that model, the transition leading to an expand-
wise quiescent flow was first observed by Osborne Reynolds for pipe ing state is first-order (discontinuous), which does not reflect the
flow1 and has since been found to be the starting point of turbulence in observed continuous behaviour at the onset of fully turbulent flow
most shear flows2,4,10–15. In this regime of localized turbulence it is (Fig. 1c). Moreover, this model did not include nonlinear advection,
impossible to maintain turbulence over extended regions as it auto- a feature intrinsic to fluid dynamics. We have devised an extended
matically16,17 reduces to discrete patches, each of approximately the model incorporating an advective nonlinearity that enables us to fully
same size. Such patches are called puffs in the context of pipe flow (see capture the sequence encountered in the transformation to fully tur-
Fig. 1a). Puffs can decay, or else split and thereby multiply. For bulent flow. The model is
Reynolds numbers (dimensionless flow rates) R . 2,040, the splitting qt z(u{f)qx ~f (q, u)zDqxx , ut zuux ~g(q, u) ð1Þ
process outweighs decay, resulting in sustained disordered motion7.
Although sustained, this turbulence appears only as discrete puffs where
surrounded by laminar flow (Fig. 1a), and larger clusters of turbulence f (q, u)~q(rzu{2{(rz0:1)(q{1)2 ),
cannot form17,18. ð2Þ
At flow rates larger than those sustaining the regime of localized g(q, u)~2{uz2q(1{u)
turbulent patches, the situation is fundamentally different: once trig- and the subscripts denote partial derivatives. The variables q and u
gered, turbulence aggressively expands and eliminates all laminar depend only on the streamwise coordinate x and time t. q denotes the
motion (Fig. 1b). The flow is then fully turbulent and only in this state turbulence level within the flow, which is physically representative of a
do wall-bounded shear flows have characteristic mean properties such cross-sectional integration of the turbulent fluctuations. u represents
as the Blasius or Prandtl–von Karman friction laws9. This rise of fully the centreline velocity of the fluid and plays two important roles: it
turbulent flow has remained unexplained, despite the fact that this accounts for nonlinear advection in the streamwise direction and cap-
transformation occurs in virtually all shear flows and generally dom- tures the physical state of the shear profile, with u 5 2 corresponding
inates the dynamics at sufficiently large Reynolds numbers. to parabolic flow and u , 2 to plug flow. The functions f(q, u) and
A classic diagnostic for the formation of turbulence2–5,19,20 is the g(q, u) describe, with minimal nonlinearities, the known interplay
propagation speed of the upstream and downstream fronts of a tur- between turbulence (the excited state) and the shear profile3,18,22. An
bulent patch. We carried out such measurements for pipe and square- explicit derivation of these functions from the Navier–Stokes equa-
duct flow (Fig. 1c), focusing on the regime where turbulence first tions has yet to be achieved. The parameter r models the Reynolds
begins to expand. In both experiments, fluid enters the conduit number, f accounts for the fact that turbulence is advected more slowly
through a smoothly contracting inlet, which ensures that, without than the centreline velocity, D controls the coupling strength of the
external perturbations, flows are laminar over the Reynolds number turbulent patches to the laminar flow (via diffusion) and E sets the
range shown in Fig. 1. Turbulence is triggered 120d from the inlet timescale ratio between the fast excitation of q and the slow recovery of
(where d is the pipe diameter; see Methods) by a short-duration, loca- u following relaminarization; see Methods for details.
lized perturbation. A pressure sensor at the outlet determines the To elucidate the core of the transition from localized to expanding
subsequent arrival of first the downstream and then the upstream excitations, and to identify the different states occurring in the process,
turbulent–laminar front. Speeds are averaged over many realizations we carry out a standard asymptotic analysis25,26 in the limit of sharp
for each R, corresponding to a total travel distance of typically laminar–turbulent fronts (E R 0). Three distinct turbulent structures
5 3 104d. As an independent verification, speeds in pipe flow were are predicted: a localized state (Fig. 2a), an asymmetric expanding state
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. 2IST Austria, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria. 3Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Bunsenstrasse 10, 37073
Göttingen, Germany. 4Institute for Multiscale Simulation, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, 91052 Erlangen, Germany. 5Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, 91058 Erlangen,
5 5 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 2 6 | 2 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
(Fig. 2b) and a symmetric expanding state (Fig. 2c). The essence of are strictly localized and their speed monotonically decreases with r
each state is seen in the local phase plane (Fig. 2d–f). Equilibrium (red curve in Fig. 2g). Expanding turbulence is first encountered when
points are located at the intersections of the q and u nullclines (curves this curve intersects the weak-front curve (green in Fig. 2g). The tur-
where time derivatives of u and q are zero). For low values of r (Fig. 2d) bulent state (upper fixed point in Fig. 2e, f) bifurcates at lower r, but
the only equilibrium is (u 5 2, q 5 0), corresponding to parabolic initially the downstream speed is smaller than the upstream one,
laminar flow. Nevertheless, the system can be excited locally; when resulting in a contraction back to a localized excitation. Thus onset
perturbed, the state jumps to the upper branch q1. This forms the of bistability and the expansion do not coincide, masking the transition
upstream laminar-to-turbulent front. On the upper branch, uv0 _ and resulting in a non-standard front speed scaling (in contrast to the
(where the overdot indicates differentiation with respect to time) case without nonlinear advection shown in Extended Data Fig. 1a).
and u decreases to a point where turbulence is not maintained and The strong front (blue in Fig. 2g) is stable at slightly higher r (solid
the system jumps back to q 5 0, forming the downstream front. The portion of the curve) and is perfectly symmetric to the downstream
downstream front follows the upstream one at a fixed distance, thus front (red in Fig. 2g) about the neutral speed. In the asymptotic limit
creating a localized excitation: a puff in pipe flow analogous to an (E R 0), weak and strong fronts co-exist over a range of r, but for finite
action potential in excitable media24–26. E the front speed continuously varies from a weak to increasingly
For larger values of r, a second stable equilibrium appears (upper- strong front (solid black curve in Fig. 2g). During this adjustment
most intersection of the nullclines in Fig. 2e, f ) and the system is now the front speed exhibits two curvature changes. This, together with
bistable. Here, fully turbulent flow begins to arise. The downstream the eventual approach to the upper branch of the parabola, is a distinct
front lags the upstream front, giving rise to a growing turbulent region signature of the scenario described by this model.
between the fronts. Initially the expansion is asymmetric and the Using the theoretical model as a guide, we combine the measured
spreading rate is modest (Fig. 2b, e); the fronts themselves are not very front speeds from pipe and duct flow and compare them directly with
different in appearance from those of the localized state. The down- theory (Fig. 3a). Initially, at lower values of R, turbulent excitations are
stream front occurs at u , 2 and is formed by a drop directly from the localized (as illustrated for duct flow in Fig. 3b and pipe flow in Fig. 3e)
upper equilibrium q 5 q1 to q 5 0 (Fig. 2e). We refer to this as the and the front speed data from both flows agree very well with the
‘weak front state’. For larger r the weak front becomes unstable, giving parabolic scaling predicted by the model asymptotics (solid red curve
rise to the final state, a much more rapidly expanding ‘strong front in Fig. 3a). At R < 2,250 in pipe flow and R < 2,030 in duct flow,
state’ (Fig. 2c, f). The strong downstream front occurs at u 5 2 and is expansion begins with the formation of the weak downstream front
the mirror image of the upstream front. As seen in Fig. 2c, the value of q (illustrated for duct and pipe flow in Fig. 3c, f, respectively). Although
increases above q1 just before the drop to q 5 0 at the downstream upstream fronts of both data sets continue to follow the simple asymp-
front. The downstream speed is opposite to the upstream speed with totic form, the weak downstream fronts do not display the same
respect to what we term the ‘neutral speed’. scaling. Nevertheless, with appropriate choices of the parameters f
Before comparing the model to the experimental data, we discuss and E, the model precisely captures the two curvature changes (solid
features of the front-speed scaling that are intrinsic to this model. black curves in Fig. 3a) encountered as each flow continuously adjusts
Figure 2g shows front speeds of the three states. (From the asymptotic from the weak front (green dashed line in Fig. 3a) to the strong front
pffiffiffiffi presented in the Methods, the front speeds explicitly scale as (blue dashed line in Fig. 3a), corresponding to the emergence of the
D; the results in Fig. 2 are for D 5 0.13.) Starting at low r, excitations final strong front state (Fig. 3d, g). As the downstream front
2 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 2 6 | N AT U R E | 5 5 1
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Space, x Space, x Space, x
d 2 e f
0 2 0 2 0 2
u u u
g 3
Front speed, c
0 6
Reynolds number, r
Figure 2 | Model predictions in the asymptotic limit of sharp laminar– localized turbulence. In b and e (r 5 1.2), the system has become bistable
turbulent fronts. a–c, Three distinct types of predicted states. Cup and Cdown with the formation of an upper-branch steady state (indicated by the second
are the upstream and downstream front speeds. d–f, Corresponding states filled black circle). There is also an unstable fixed point, indicated by the
viewed in the local phase plane, with arrows indicating increasing x (not time). open circle. Evolution on the upper branch is restricted by this state so the
The q nullcline (f(q, u) 5 0; cyan, for clarity labelled only in f) has three downstream front speed may no longer be able to match the upstream front
branches because f(q, u) is cubic in q: two stable branches, laminar q0 5 0 and speed: in general Cdown ? Cup. Consequently, the turbulent patch expands. In
the upper q 5 q1 branch, and an unstable branch q 5 q2 separating the two c and f (r 5 1.8), the upstream and downstream fronts have the same character,
stable branches. The u nullcline (g(q, u) 5 0; magenta) describes the decrease in but move in opposite directions, Cdown 5 2Cup, in a reference frame moving
the centreline velocity in the presence of turbulence and its recovery in the at the neutral speed. We refer to the downstream fronts in b and e as ‘weak
absence of turbulence. Fronts are formed when the system jumps between fronts’ (shown in green) and those in c and f as ‘strong fronts’ (shown in blue).
stable branches of the q nullcline. In all cases, the upstream front is a transition g, Front speeds as a function of model Reynolds number r. Upstream and
from laminar flow (the equilibrium at u 5 2, q 5 0, indicated by a filled black localized downstream speeds (red), weak front speeds (green), and strong front
circle) to the upper branch q 5 q1. (These fronts are shown as red lines speeds (blue) are from equations (10) and (11) in Methods, with solid lines
with up arrows in d–f; the corresponding speeds are indicated by red arrows in indicating stable fronts as E R 0. The nominal critical point for the onset of fully
a–c.) The cases are distinguished by the downstream front. In a and d (r 5 0.5), turbulent flow is masked. The neutral speed is the speed about which the
the system is excitable and the downstream transition, from q1 to q0 (red upstream and strong downstream front speeds are symmetric. At finite E, the
line with down arrow in d), is unrestricted by the upper branch and the speed transition from weak to strong scaling is continuous (black curve).
(also red in a) will be selected to match the upstream front Cdown 5 Cup, yielding
approaches the scaling given by the strong-front asymptotics, its speed turbulence for 2,250 = R = 3,000 is not always uniform, but com-
forms a parabola with the upstream front speed, a feature overlooked monly contains intermittent laminar pockets16,27.
in previous studies. The simplicity of the model permits investigation of new phenom-
Weak fronts move more slowly than the bulk advection velocity ena associated with fully turbulent flow. In the model the creation of
of turbulence; once the downstream front speed exceeds the bulk extended turbulent regions hinges on the upper intersection of the q
advection velocity, the front switches to a strong front. At that and u nullclines, and by manipulating u this fixed point can be
point, a turbulent patch invades (nearly) fully recovered laminar destroyed (see Methods). Likewise for pipe flow an analogous profile
flow at the downstream front, in much the same way that turbulence manipulation leads to a reverse transition. As demonstrated in the
invades fully recovered laminar flow at the upstream front. This Methods, fully turbulent flow is eliminated and only localized excita-
produces the symmetry between the upstream and strong down- tions remain, offering a very simple and robust way to control tur-
stream fronts. bulence and to reduce frictional drag.
There are two features of pipe and duct turbulence that the model Although much progress has been made in our understanding of
does not capture. Both originate from stochastic fluctuations within how turbulence in wall-bounded flows is formed from unstable invari-
turbulence and are most prevalent when turbulence first begins to ant solutions28–30 at moderate R, little to no progress has been made in
expand (Fig. 3c, f). Fronts fluctuate, especially the downstream front, connecting this transitional regime to studies of high-R turbulence.
and it is common for the system to sometimes exhibit a strong and Explaining the origin of the fully turbulent state is a decisive step
sometimes a weak downstream front. The bifurcation scenario pre- towards connecting these regimes and paves the way for a bottom-
dicted by the model is only recovered in average quantities. Likewise, up approach to turbulence.
5 5 2 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 2 6 | 2 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
b Localized c Weak d Strong 2. Coles, D. Interfaces and intermittency in turbulent shear flow. In Mécanique
0.18 de la Turbulence 229 (Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
3. Wygnanski, I. J. & Champagne, F. H. On transition in a pipe. Part 1. The origin
of puffs and slugs and the flow in a turbulent slug. J. Fluid Mech. 59, 281–335
4. Sreenivasan, K. R. & Ramshankar, R. Transition intermittency in open flows, and
intermittency routes to chaos. Physica D 23, 246–258 (1986).
0 0
5. Nishi, M., Ünsal, B., Durst, F. & Biswas, G. Laminar-to-turbulent transition of pipe
250 (d) flows through puffs and slugs. J. Fluid Mech. 614, 425–446 (2008).
6. Mullin, T. Experimental studies of transition to turbulence in a pipe. Annu. Rev. Fluid
a 2,000 4,000 6,000 Mech. 43, 1–24 (2011).
1.6 2.0 7. Avila, K. et al. The onset of turbulence in pipe flow. Science 333, 192–196
Duct flow
8. Pope, S. B. Turbulent Flows Ch. 7 264–332 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000).
1.4 9. Schlichting, H. & Gersten, K. Boundary-Layer Theory 8th edn (Springer, 2000).
1.6 10. Emmons, H. W. The laminar-turbulent transition in a boundary layer—part I.
Dimensionless speed
20. Duguet, Y., Willis, A. P. & Kerswell, R. R. Slug genesis in cylindrical pipe flow. J. Fluid
300 (d/U)
Received 6 June; accepted 4 September 2015. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests.
1. Reynolds, O. An experimental investigation of the circumstances which determine Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondence
whether the motion of water shall be direct or sinuous, and of the law of resistance and requests for materials should be addressed to D.B. (D.Barkley@warwick.ac.uk, for
in parallel channels. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 174, 935–982 (1883). theoretical aspects) and B.H. (bhof@ist.ac.at, for experimental aspects).
2 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 2 6 | N AT U R E | 5 5 3
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METHODS velocity field, in which the velocity is represented by toroidal y and poloidal poten-
Speed measurements. Speeds of laminar–turbulent fronts were measured in tials w, such that u~+|(y^ x )z+|+|(w^ x ).
experiments and highly resolved computer simulations. In both cases, long obser- After projecting the curl and double curl of the Navier–Stokes equations onto
vation times were necessary to average out stochastic fluctuations that, although the x axis, a set of equations for the potentials y and w is obtained. A difficulty, due
intrinsic to turbulence, may disguise the underlying transition scenario. All mea- to the coupled boundary conditions on the potentials, is solved with an influence-
sured speeds are nondimensionalized by the mean streamwise velocity U. Times matrix method. In the radial direction, spatial discretization is performed using a
are reported in units of d/U for pipe flow and h/U for duct flow, where d is the pipe finite-difference method with a 9-point stencil. Assuming periodicity in azimuthal
diameter and h is the duct width. The corresponding Reynolds numbers for the and axial directions, the potentials are expanded in Fourier modes
two flows are R 5 Ud/n and R 5 Uh/n, where n is the kinematic viscosity. X
Pipe experiments. Experiments were carried out in a pipe with a diameter d 5 10 A(r, h, x, t)~ ^ k,m (r, t)eiakxzimh
A ð3Þ
mm (60.01 mm) and a length of 1,500d. The 15-m-long pipe was assembled on a k~{K m~{M
straight aluminium base and made of precision bore glass tubes with lengths of where ak and m are the wavenumbers of the modes in the axial and azimuthal
1–1.2 m. Customized connectors made from perspex allowed an accurate fit of the directions respectively, 2p/a fixes the pipe length Lx, and A ^ k,m is the complex
pipe segments. A specially made pipe inlet consisting of several meshes and a Fourier coefficient of mode (k, m). The time-dependent equations are inte-
smooth convergence from a 100-mm-wide section to the 10-mm pipe was used grated in time using a second-order predictor–corrector scheme with a dynamic
to avoid inlet disturbances and eddie formation (see ref. 17 for details). In this way, timestep size, which is controlled using information from a Crank–Nicolson
the water flow could be held laminar for R . 8,000. corrector step. The nonlinear term is evaluated using a pseudo-spectral tech-
The laminar flow was left to develop its parabolic velocity profile over a length of
nique with the de-aliasing 32-rule. Using the expansion in equation (3), the
200d. At this downstream location, the flow was perturbed by an impulsive jet of
resultant linear differential equations for the potentials y and w decouple for
water injected (for 10 ms) through a 1-mm hole in the pipe wall. The perturbed
each (k, m) mode. This linear system is solved using LU decompositions of
flow was left to develop into a turbulent patch over the next 250d and at this
the resultant banded matrices; see ref. 31 for more details of the formulation
location (450d from the inlet), a pressure sensor recorded the arrival of the
and solution.
upstream and downstream laminar–turbulent interfaces. A second sensor was
Initial conditions were prepared at R 5 2,000 in 133d and 180d pipes for simu-
located a further 1,000d downstream (50d upstream of the pipe exit), once again
lations at R . 2,000. At low R < 2,000, puff-splitting is extremely unlikely7 and
determining the arrival of the interfaces so that the average interface speed over the
puffs remain approximately constant in length (about 20d) as they travel down-
intermediate stretch of 1,000d was measured. At each Reynolds number, the
measurement of the interface velocity was repeated 10 times. stream along the pipe. Hence, simulations at R 5 1,910, 1,920, 2,000 were carried
out in a shorter 24p < 75d pipe, with initial conditions prepared at R 5 1,950. The
The flow was gravity driven from a reservoir at a fixed height above the pipe exit.
lengths of the pipes and numerical resolutions used at each Reynolds number are
Because the turbulent fraction in the pipe is increasing over the course of a
listed in Extended Data Table 1.
measurement, the overall drag in the pipe also increases (turbulent flow has a
higher skin friction than does laminar flow). This unavoidably leads to a drop in The fronts were detected by setting an appropriate cut-off. Here, the local
the flow rate (and hence R) during a measurement. To minimize this effect, a large intensity was computed as
reservoir height was chosen; in this case 23 m above the pipe exit. A precision valve
positioned directly in front of the pipe inlet was used to adjust the flowrate and (u2r zu2h )rdrdh
hence to select R. For the Reynolds-number regime investigated here (R , 6,000),
and a cut-off of 5 3 1024 was chosen for all the simulations to determine the
the total pressure drop across the pipe is much smaller than the 23-m water head,
position of the laminar–turbulent fronts. We tested different cut-off values and
and most of the pressure drop occurs across the valve. The increase in drag caused
found that the front speed was insensitive to the chosen value.
by the expansion of turbulence is only a small fraction (,0.5% of the overall
pressure drop) and hence, even at the highest Reynolds numbers, investigated The expansion speed of the downstream front was found to accelerate substan-
flow rates were constant to within ,0.5% throughout the measurement. tially during the initial stages of the simulation. To obtain the asymptotic value of
the speed, we determined the length of the turbulent region L0 beyond which the
Duct experiments. Experiments were carried out in a square duct with width
speed statistics become length-independent. We found that for R , 4,000,
h 5 5 mm and a length of 1,200h (6 m). The duct was made of eight perspex
L0 . 60d was sufficient, whereas for R $ 4,000, L0 . 100d was required. This is
sections precisely machined to an accuracy of 6 0.01 mm. They were assembled
the reason why very long pipes were used, as reported in Extended Data Table 1. At
and mounted straight together on an aluminium frame. A well-designed entrance
section consisting of a honeycomb and a convergent section, with an area ratio of each R, the speed was determined by computing (xend 2 x0)/(tend 2 t0) for each
25, allowed the flow to remain laminar up to at least R 5 5,000. run and then averaging over a total of 20 runs. The initial time t0 corresponds to
the time at which the turbulent region has reached the length L0.
The flow was gravity driven from a reservoir at a fixed height and water was used
as the working fluid. Analogous to the pipe experiment, a precision valve was Model details. The model is a two-component system of advection-reaction-
positioned directly in front of the duct and was used to set the flowrate. The diffusion equations
pressure drop across the valve was considerably larger than that across the pipe. Lq Lq L2 q Lu Lu
The temperature of the water was controlled by means of a heat exchanger that the z(u{f) ~f (q, u)zD 2 , zu ~g(q, u) ð4Þ
Lt Lx Lx Lt Lx
water had to pass before entering the pipe. Overall, an accuracy in R of better than
where q represents the level of turbulent fluctuations and u the axial velocity at the
0.5% was achieved for the investigated Reynolds number regime (R , 6,000).
centreline. The nonlinear reaction functions f(q, u) and g(q, u) are
The flow was perturbed by injecting water through a 0.5-mm hole drilled in one
wall of the duct, 120h downstream from the inlet. The duration of the perturbation f (q, u)~q(rzu{2{(rz0:1)(q{1)2 ), g(q, u)~2{uz2q(1{u)
(t) was varied with R so that in dimensionless units it corresponded to 5 (t/h/U).
The evolution of the perturbation was then monitored at five locations where the where the parameter r corresponds to the model Reynolds number.
pressure was recorded. The pressure sensors were positioned at 100h, 400h, 600h, The model and the role of the fitting parameters (D, f and E) are most easily
800h and 1,000h downstream of the perturbation point. Sensors measured the understood by first considering the equations in the absence of spatial derivatives.
pressure difference over 10h along the duct. The arrival times of both interfaces In this case, the model reduces to the ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
were detected at each location and the overall speeds were determined by a linear q~f
_ (q, u), u~g(q,
_ u)
fit. For each R, we averaged the measurement over at least 50 realizations.
Numerical simulations. We consider the motion of incompressible fluid driven where the overdot indicates differentiation with respect to time.These ODEs are
through a circular pipe with a fixed mass flux. Normalizing lengths with the diameter the core of the model as they describe the interaction between the turbulent
d and velocities with the mean velocity U, the Navier–Stokes equations read fluctuations q and axial velocity u locally in space. The functional forms are
designed to qualitatively capture the well-established physics of this interaction2,3
Lu 1 with minimal nonlinearities. (In a previous approach22, the variable u corre-
z(u:+)u~{+pz Du, +:u~0
Lt R sponded to the axial velocity of pipe flow in the frame of reference moving at
where u is the velocity of the fluid and p is the pressure. These equations were solved the mean or bulk velocity U; here, u corresponds to velocity in the lab frame so that
in cylindrical coordinates (r, h, x) using a code developed by A. P. Willis31, which uses u 5 2 for laminar flow.)
a spectral finite-difference method with no-slip boundary conditions at the pipe wall, The nullclines for the ODEs are f(q, u) 5 0 and g(q, u) 5 0. For all parameter
u(1/2, h, x, t) 5 0 and periodicity in the axial direction. The pressure term was elimi- values, these nullclines intersect at the fixed point (u 5 2, q 5 0) corresponding to
nated from the equations by using a toroidal–poloidal potential formulation of the laminar, Hagen–Poiseuille flow. E sets the ratio of the timescale of u relative to q.
(Previously22, two parameters E1 and E2 appeared in the model; here we have Extended Data Figure 1 shows model front speeds as a function of model Reynolds
simplified the model to a single timescale ratio E, where E1 ; E and E2 ; 2E.) number (Extended Data Fig. 1b is the same as Fig. 2g); speeds are from equations (10)
Now consider the full model equations. In addition to the local terms given by and (11).
f(q, u) and g(q, u), the model has first and second spatial derivatives. The first- The neutral speed in the model is c 5 2 2 f. This follows immediately from
derivative terms account for nonlinear advection in the streamwise direction. For equation (10) where one can see that the upstream speed (minus sign) and strong
the u equation, we use the advective nonlinearity that follows directly from the downstream speed (plus sign) are symmetric with respect to 2 2 f. This is the
Navier–Stokes equations. The parameter f accounts for diminished advection of q advection speed of turbulence in the absence of front dynamics due to transitions
in comparison with the centreline velocity u. The streamwise velocity is maximal between laminar and turbulent flow. Without the parameter f, the neutral speed
on the centreline and the turbulent field is not advected at this speed. We simulated would be the maximum centreline velocity. This is neither consistent with the
turbulent flow in short pipes (L 5 12d) and verified that turbulent structures are observed neutral speed, nor is it reasonable that turbulent structures would be
advected considerably more slowly than is the centreline velocity. This effect leads advected at the maximum speed found in the flow.
to complex processes in the pipe cross-section. We include in the model the Extended Data Figure 1a shows front speeds without the inclusion of advection
simplest term that can describe the diminished advection. (Previously22, the model terms (first derivatives in x) in the model equations. Without these terms the front
contained only linear advection; the fixed difference in the advection of the q and u speeds become
fields was expressed by an additional first-derivative term on the right-hand side of pffiffiffiffi
c~+ D s(2, r)
the u equation, which effectively corresponded to f 5 1 in the current model.) We
describe the importance of the parameter f after we derive expressions for front for the strong downstream front and all upstream fronts, and
speeds in the model. pffiffiffiffi
c~ D s(uss , r)
The diffusive term in equation (4) accounts for the processes by which a region of
turbulent flow couples to, and thereby excites, adjacent laminar flow. The physical for the weak downstream front. The transition to expanding turbulence is discon-
processes involved are complex and not fully understood3,7,16,20,32,33. However, the tinuous. Including linear advection (as was done previously22) will result in an
second-derivative is the most natural choice for modelling such a coupling. The overall shift in all front speeds, and can affect the asymptotic stability of branches,
coupling strength or diffusion coefficient D is the final model parameter. but will not change the discontinuous nature of the transition.
Asymptotic analysis. The asymptotic analysis follows very closely that of ref. 26. This highlights the role of nonlinear advection in the bifurcation scenario:
Let the three roots of f(q, u) be denoted q0, q6. The laminar branch is q0 5 0 for all without the physical effect of nonlinear advection, the weak front branch has a
u and r, whereas the upper and lower branches q6 are functions of u and r. The distinct critical point and the transition to expanding turbulence is first-order
laminar q0 and upper q1 branches are stable. For small E, the dynamics of (discontinuous).
the system separate into slow regions and fast front regions. In the slow regions, In Fig. 2a–c, solutions q(x) are obtained from the full model equations (4) with
the system is ‘slaved’ to one of the stable branches (slow manifolds) and u evolves E 5 0.002, which is sufficiently small that these solutions are visually close approx-
on a slow scale; for example, along the upper branch q1 imations to the E R 0 limit. Figure 2d–f, shows the nullclines for the cases shown in
Fig. 2a–2c; however, the trajectories in the phase portraits are sketches (with the
Lu Lu fronts coloured for clarity): even at this small E, the jumps between the branches of
q~qz (u), zu ~g(qz (u), u)
Lt’ Lx’ q are not completely vertical in the phase plane.
where x9 5 Ex and t9 5 Et are the slow scales. A further calculation determines the stability of the asymptotic branches (D.B.,
In the fast regions, fronts in q are formed as the system transitions between the manuscript in preparation). The result is that the weak downstream front is stable
stable branches: from q0 to q1 as x increases for an upstream front and from q1 to in the asymptotic limit (E R 0) if c , uf 5 uss, whereas the strong downstream
q0 for a downstream front. Let c denote the speed of the front and consider a frame front is stable in the asymptotic limit if c . uf 5 2. These criteria determine the
of reference moving at speed c. We set the locationpofffiffiffiffithe now stationary front at stable portions of the branches (plotted as solid) in Fig. 2g.
x 5 0 and work in an inner (stretched) variable x= D. To leading order in E, the There are many documented exact coherent structures in pipe flow. Most of
equations in the stretched coordinate become these are spatially extended, in the form of travelling waves28–30,34, but spatially
localized states have also been found35,36. The model captures these states in a
q@zsq’zf (q, u)~0 ð5Þ minimal way. The fixed points q6 (one stable and one unstable) arising as the
model transitions to bistability can be viewed as upper and lower branches of
u’~0 ð6Þ
spatially extended travelling-wave solutions. The cubic nonlinearity in f(q, u) is
where the minimum requirement for this separation into upper and lower branch states.
c{(uf {f) The model also has localized states (puffs) and, importantly, unstable small-ampli-
s: pffiffiffiffi
D tude localized solutions (not discussed here; see refs 22, 25, 26) corresponding to
and the prime denotes differentiation with respect to the stretched variable. From edge states, both in the puff regime and in the fully turbulent regime.
Finally, we comment on what takes place at the critical point where the system
equation (6), u is constant to leading order across a front; we denote this constant
first becomes bistable. As with all material in this section, the discussion follows
value uf. Equation (5) must be solved subject to boundary conditions, which for a
closely refs 25, 26. Extended Data Figure 2 illustrates solutions to the boundary
downstream front are
value problem in equation (8) in the case of a downstream front. For a fixed value
q({?)~qz (uf ), q(z?)~q0 ð7Þ of r, the eigenvalue s and solution q depend on uf, as do the boundary conditions in
equation (7).
For an upstream front, the boundary conditions are reversed, but this can be
Downstream fronts are heteroclinic connections from q1 to q0, where ‘time’ in
accounted for by a change of sign of s in equation (5). These inner solutions the phase plane corresponds to space (in the reference frame co-moving at the
determine the shape of the front. In the original length scale x, the front thickness front speed). The phase plane is two-dimensional, coordinates q and q9, because
scales as D. equation (8) is the second-order ODE. As illustrated in Extended Data Fig. 2c, for
In summary, the speed of a front at a given value of u 5 uf is found by solving generic uf, both q1 and q0 are hyperbolic fixed points (saddles) in the phase plane
and a heteroclinic connection exists only for a unique value of s. This determines s
q@zsq’zf (q, uf )~0 ð8Þ
as a function of uf, as shown by the bold curve in Extended Data Fig. 2a. However,
subject to the boundary conditions in equation (7). This gives a value of s that is a when uf is such that q1 5 q2 (at the nose of the q nullcline), the upper fixed point
function of both uf and r, and which we denote by s(uf , r). From this the front speed is (q 5 q1 5 q2) is no longer hyperbolic and there exist infinitely many heteroclinic
pffiffiffiffi connections from q1 5 q2 to q0, and hence infinitely many possible values of s.
c~uf {f+ D s(uf , r) ð9Þ These appear as the thin line in Extended Data Fig. 2a.
with 1 for a downstream front and 2 for an upstream front. For the strong down- As the parameter r is varied (as in Fig. 2), the nullclines vary. The critical point is
stream front and all upstream fronts, uf 5 2. Hence their speeds are where the upper-branch steady state occurs at the limit point of the q nullcline, that
pffiffiffiffi is the upper fixed point is at q1 5 q2. For r smaller than this value, the downstream
c~2{f+ D s(2, r) ð10Þ front speed can take any of an infinite range of values because the downstream
For the weak downstream front, uf 5 uss where uss is the upper-branch steady state. front occurs at uf 5 uc. For a puff, this infinite range of possible values is the
Hence mechanism that allows the speed of the downstream front to select the same value
pffiffiffiffi as for the upstream front. As a result, puffs remain localized while travelling along
c~uss {fz D s(uss ,r) ð11Þ the pipe. However, for r larger than the critical value, the upper-branch fixed point
no longer permits downstream fronts to occur at uf 5 uc, as seen in Fig. 2e. This are plotted directly in terms of the model Reynolds number r and the model speed
restricts the possible values of s and, hence, the possible speeds of the downstream shifted by the model neutral speed, c 2 c0. For D 5 0.13 the upstream front and
front to the bold portion of the branch illustrated in Extended Data Fig. 2a. Hence, strong branches match the combined experimental data extremely well. Note that
as r passes through the critical point there is an abrupt change in the allowed values the strong and weak asymptotic curves in Extended Data Fig. 5a are independent
of the downstream front speeds, from an infinite to a finite range. Without non- of the other two model parameters, E and f.
linear advection, the abrupt change is manifested as a discontinuous change in the Using only one parameter, D, and fixing its value to 0.13, the model not only fits
speed of the downstream front. With nonlinear advection, there is still a discon- the upstream and strong-downstream front speeds very well for both flows, but a
tinuous change to the allowed values of s, but the speeds are smaller than those of simple relationship between model and experimental data are fixed, namely
the upstream front, so the discontinuity in allowed solutions is masked.
Combining pipe and duct data. To combine data from pipe and duct flow into a R{R0 1 C{C0
r~ , c{c0 ~ ð13Þ
single plot, it is necessary to determine specific Reynolds numbers and speeds from R1 {R0 2 C0 {C1
measured data (see Fig. 3), which will then be used to align the data from the two Given the flow-specific values R0, R1, C0 and C1, equation (13) is inverted to obtain
flows. Although the procedure is informed from the model analysis, it requires the Reynolds number R and speed C from the model values r and c; this is how we
only measured data and the same procedure could be applied to data from other map the model results to Reynolds number and speed in Fig. 3.
shear flows. The remaining two model parameters dictate the behaviour of the downstream
Extended Data Figure 3a, c shows data from pipe and duct flow, respectively, fronts as they transition from weakly expanding to strongly expanding. Here pipe
plotted with the upstream speeds reflected about the neutral speed, labelled C0. and duct flows differ and so the values of the fitting parameters will necessarily be
The value of C0 is determined to be that for which reflected upstream data coin- different for the two flows; see Extended Data Fig. 5b.
cides with the downstream data at sufficiently large Reynolds number. Extended The value of E dictates how quickly the system jumps from the weak to the
Data Figure 3b, d shows the same data, but with model speeds (determined sub- strong branch. Large values give smoother transitions while smaller values give
sequently) also plotted as a visual aid. In the case of pipe flow, it is possible to more abrupt transitions. The value of f dictates how long the system follows the
determine C0 to better that 2% accuracy. For duct flow, we estimate that the weak branch before transitioning to the strong branch. Larger values, as for pipe
downstream front speed has not quite reached the reflected upstream speed at flow, result in a delay in transition, whereas smaller values, as for the fit to duct
the highest Reynolds number accessible to present experiments. Nevertheless, C0 is flow, result in more immediate transition. We did not apply a formal procedure for
quite well determined. From the same plots, the value of the Reynolds number R0
determining f and E for each of the flows. Rather they were determined simply by
at which the upstream front obtains the neutral speed C0, is easily determined.
eye. In both cases it is quite easy to adjust f and E so that the transition from weak to
We also determine the Reynolds number R1 from the data, where the down-
strong fronts follows the measured data.
stream weak front first deviates from the downstream front. This can in principle
Control. The model suggests that the fully turbulent state can be destabilized by
be determined solely from the data, but using model fits to the weak branch gives
removing the upper turbulent fixed point as depicted in Extended Data Fig. 6a. In
further confidence in the determined values. C1 is the front speed at R1.
the model, this is achieved by forcing the variable u, which corresponds to the state
Once the values (R0, C0) and (R1, C1) have been found for each flow, the data is
collated by plotting each data set such that these two points collapse, as seen in of the shear profile. The reduction of u by forcing corresponds to a blunting of the
Extended Data Fig. 4. This is equivalent to simply choosing the origin and scaling shear profile.
the axes for the two flows. The upstream and strong-downstream fronts each To demonstrate that the fully turbulent state can indeed be destabilized by
coincide, whereas the weak-front branch does not. removing the turbulent fixed point, as suggested by the model, we performed a
Determining model parameters. There are three model parameters, D, f and E, to direct numerical simulation of pipe flow for R 5 5,000. Initially the forcing is not
be determined to quantitatively relate the model speeds to the measured data for applied and the flow is fully turbulent. Starting at time t 5 175 d/U, a global body
each flow. force is gradually switched on (fully applied by time t 5 200 d/U), which blunts the
The generic model cannot be expected to predict the flow-specific values R0, R1, velocity profile to a more plug-like form (the same forcing is used as in ref. 18). As
C0 and C1, and, moreover, there is nothing universal about these values. Instead, can be seen, turbulent intensity subsequently decreases, and eventually the fully
given these flow-specific values, the model should capture the form of the various turbulent flow destabilizes and degenerates into localized turbulent patches, sim-
branches seen in the combined data of Extended Data Fig. 4. When fitting model ilar to the natural ones (puffs) at lower Reynolds number (below about 2,300) in
parameters, it is useful to plot the combined data in terms of the reduced Reynolds the absence of any additional force.
number and reduced speed
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R1 {R0 2 C0 {C1
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neutral speed C0 to zero and scale the onset of the weak front to the point 33. Holzner, M., Song, B., Avila, M. & Hof, B. Lagrangian approach to laminar–turbulent
(R1, C1) 5 (1, 21/2). As will become apparent, the reason for including 1/2 in interfaces in transitional pipe flow. J. Fluid Mech. 723, 140–162 (2013).
the reduced speed is so that model speeds are typically about half those of the 34. Kerswell, R. R. Recent progress in understanding the transition to turbulence in a
reduced speeds from the experimental data. pipe. Nonlinearity 18, R17–R44 (2005).
35. Avila, M., Mellibovsky, F., Roland, N. & Hof, B. Streamwise-localized solutions at the
We first consider the value of the parameter D. We select D so as to fix a simple onset of turbulence in pipe flow. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 224502 (2013).
relationship between model and measured quantities for both flows. Specifically, 36. Chantry, M., Willis, A. P. & Kerswell, R. R. Genesis of streamwise-localized solutions
in Extended Data Fig. 5a, we plot the combined pipe and duct data together with from globally periodic traveling waves in pipe flow. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 164501
the asymptotic results from the model for different values of D. The model results (2014).
Extended Data Figure 1 | Speed of model fronts in the asymptotic limit of still gives the speed that such a strong downstream front would have; these
sharp fronts. a, b, Speeds as a function of model Reynolds number r both speeds are shown dashed. The effect of nonlinear advection in b is to mask
without (a) and with (b) advection. Although strong downstream fronts the nominal critical point for the onset of fully turbulent flow. The neutral speed
cannot exist and have no physical meaning below the formation of the upper is naturally displaced from the mean speed U 5 1.
branch fixed point, the expression for strong front speeds in equation (10)
Extended Data Figure 2 | Front speeds at critical point. Sketch illustrating are heteroclinic connections from the upper fixed point q1 to the lower
solutions to the boundary value problem in equation (8) for a downstream fixed point q0. When uf 5 uc and hence q2 5 q1, the upper fixed point is not
front near the critical point. a, Eigenvalue s as a function of uf. uc is the value hyperbolic and there are infinitely many connections, each corresponding
of uf such that q2 5 q1. For this value there are infinitely many possible to a value of s. When u . uc, q1 is hyperbolic and there is a unique connection
eigenvalues s, indicated by the thin line. b, c, Phase planes (q, q9) showing and hence a unique value of s.
solutions for the second order differential equation (8). Downstream fronts
Extended Data Figure 3 | Determination of corresponding Reynolds simulation data only; b, d, model fits to the experimental and simulation
numbers and speeds for pipe and duct flow. a–d, Speeds from pipe (a, b) and data. The determined values for R0, R1, C0 and C1 are: R0 5 1,920, C0 5 1.06,
duct flow (c, d) are plotted, as in Fig. 1c, but additionally with the upstream R1 5 2,250 and C1 5 0.92 for pipe flow, and R0 5 1,490, C0 5 1.12, R1 5 2,030
front speeds reflected about the neutral speed C0. a, c, Experimental and and C1 5 0.90 for duct flow.
Extended Data Figure 4 | Combining pipe and duct data. Pipe and duct (R1, C1) 5 (2,250, 0.92) for pipe flow is aligned with (R1, C1) 5 (2,030, 0.90) for
flow are plotted together using different axes. The data are plotted so that duct flow, bringing into alignment the onset of weak fronts.
the two points (R0, C0) and (R1, C1) align for each data set; for example,
Extended Data Figure 5 | Determination of model parameters for pipe and agreement between the data and the model. This choice of D fixes the
duct flow. a, Determination of D. Points are data from pipe and duct flow (as in asymptotic branches (dashed curves). b, Determination of f and E. Pipe and
Extended Data Fig. 4) here plotted in terms of reduced Reynolds number duct flow are necessarily considered separately. In each case, downstream
(R 2 R0)/(R1 2 R0) and reduced speed (C 2 C0)/[2(C0 2 C1)]. Dashed curves branches are shown for four values of E. Smaller values yield more abrupt
are asymptotic speed curves (as in Extended Data Fig. 1) plotted in terms of transitions between weak and strong branches.
model Reynolds number r and speed c 2 c0. For D 5 0.13 there is very good
Extended Data Figure 6 | Illustration of control by removing the point thus eliminating fully turbulent flow. b, Proof of concept in a direct
turbulent fixed point. a, Control concept illustrated in the model phase plane. numerical simulation of pipe flow at R 5 5,000. Without forcing the flow is fully
Without forcing (that is, without control), there is an upper-branch fixed turbulent. A global body force is applied that blunts the velocity profile to a
point (upper intersection of nullclines) corresponding to fully turbulent flow. more plug-like form. Subsequently, only localized turbulent patches remain,
Applying an additive forcing term to the u equation corresponds to forcing the reminiscent of those at much lower R.
shear profile and blunting its shape. This can remove the turbulent fixed
Extended Data Table 1 | The domain size and resolution for the simulations at all the Reynolds numbers we considered
In physical space there are 3K and 3M grid points in axial and azimuthal directions, respectively. N is the number of grid points across the pipe radius d/2.