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Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 2094 – 2103

4th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization

Analysis of Fatigue Stresses on Connecting Rod Subjected to

Concentrated Loads At The Big End
Mohammed Mohsin Ali Ha , Mohamed Haneef b*
aAssoc Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagaram-562159, Karnataka, VTU, Belgaum,

INDIA.bPrincipal, Dept of Mechanical Engg, Ghousia College of Engg, Ramanagaram, Karnataka, Academic Senate Member, VTU, Belgaum,


The Connecting rod transmits the piston load to the crank causing the latter to turn, thus converting the reciprocating motion of
the piston into a rotary motion of the crankshaft. Connecting rods are subjected to forces generated by mass and fuel combustion.
Connecting rod is modeled using CATIA software and FE analysis is carried out using ANSYS Software .Load distribution
plays important role in fatigue life of the structure. Bush failure changes the loading direction and distribution. Present study is
concentrated around the fatigue life due to concentrated load and cosine type load distribution on the bigger end

© 2014 The Authors. Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the conference committee members of the 4th International conference on Materials
Selection and
Processing and peer-review under responsibility of the conference committee members of the 4th International conference on
Materials Processing and Characterization.

Keywords:Connecting rod, Static Analysis, Fatigue Analysis, Cosine Load.

1. Introduction

The connecting rod is subjected to a complex state of loading. It undergoes high cyclic loads of the order of 10 5 to
10 cycles, which range from high compressive loads due to combustion, to high tensile loads due to inertia.
Therefore, durability of this component is of critical importance. Due to these factors, the connecting rod has been
the topic of research for different aspects such as production technology, materials, performance simulation, fatigue,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 09880522905, 9845142953; fax: 08027273474.


2214-7853 © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the conference committee members of the 4th International conference on Materials Processing
and Characterization.
H. Mohammed Mohsin Ali and Mohamed Haneef / Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 2094 – 2103 2095

etc. Webster et al. [1] performed three dimensional finite element analysis of a high-speed diesel engine connecting
rod. For this analysis they used the maximum compressive load which was measured experimentally, and the
maximum tensile load which is essentially the inertia load of the piston assembly mass. The load distributions on the
piston pin end and crank end were determined experimentally. They modeled the connecting rod cap separately, and
also modeled the bolt pretension using beam elements and multi point constraint equations.Yoo et al.[2] used
variation equations of elasticity, material derivative idea of continuum mechanics and an adjoint variable technique
to calculate shape design sensitivities of stress. The results were used in an iterative optimization algorithm, steepest
descent algorithm, to numerically solve an optimal design problem. The focus was on shape design sensitivity
analysis with application to the example of a connecting rod. The stress constraints were imposed on principal
stresses of inertia and firing loads. But fatigue strength was not addressed. The other constraint was the one on
thickness to bind it away from zero. They could obtain 20% weight reduction in the neck region of the connecting
rod.Folgar et al. [3] developed a fiber FP/Metal matrix composite connecting rod with the aid of FEA, and loads
obtained from kinematic analysis. Fatigue was not addressed at the design stage. However, prototypes were fatigue
tested. The investigators identified design loads in terms of maximum engine speed, and loads at the crank and
piston pin ends. They performed static tests in which the crank ends and the piston pin end failed at different loads.
Clearly, the two ends were designed to withstand different loads. Serag et al.[4] developed approximate
mathematical formulae to define connecting rod weight and cost as objective functions and also the constraints. The
optimization was achieved using a Geometric Programming technique. Constraints were imposed on the
compression stress, the bearing pressure at the crank and the piston pin ends. Fatigue was not addressed. The cost
function was expressed in some exponential form with the geometric parameters. El-Sayed and Lund [5] presented a
method to consider fatigue life as a constraint in optimal design of structures. They also demonstrated the concept on
a SAEkey whole specimen. In this approach a routine calculates the life and in addition to the stress limit, limits are
imposed on the life of the component as calculated using FEA results.

K = Stiffness Matrix,
b = Outer radius of inner cylinder,
a = Inner radius of inner cylinder
c = Outer radius of outer cylinder
Eo = Young’s modulus of outer cylinder
Ei = Young’s modulus of inner cylinder

1.1. Finite Element Modeling of Connecting Rod

The figure 1 shows individual components in three dimensional spaces. Bush, connecting rod split members
along with clamping bolts with nuts is represented. The geometry is built in sketcher and layer extruded to three
dimensional parts in the part modeler to get three dimensional representations. Material color codes are used to
represent the problem in various color codes.The figure 2 shows Connecting rod modeled with Catia software. Catia
sketcher, part modeler and assemblers are used for building the geometry. Catia is a solid/surface modeling software
in the industry and various modeling and assembly options are available to build the geometries. Also geometrical
dimensioning and tolerances can be provided for the modeled parts

Fig1 Individual component representation in three dimensional space Fig 2Three Dimensional Catia model of Connecting rod.
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1.2. Material Properties Of Model

Material Properties are shown in Table 1

Table 1: Material properties
Material Modulus o f Elasticity (GPa) Poison’s ratio Yield strength(Mpa)

Connecting rod
Steel 42 600 0.3 550

Bronze 105 0.3 221

1.3. Design Specification of the Problem

Bolt pretension load=210Mpa

Gas load=365Mpa
Shell interference=0.058mm

1.4. Results of Static Analysis

Initially contact analysis is carried out to estimate the contact pressure between the members due to press
fit of the bush. The interface is defined with contact elements. Geometrical interference is provided between the
members. The results are as summarized below.

Fig 3: Hoop Stress plot Fig 4: Contact pressure between the members

Figure 3 shows hoop stress in the problem. The inner bush is almost in the yield condition due to interference of
0.05mm. Tensile hoop stress can be observed in the outer small end region. Both the tensile and compressive
stresses are represented in different colors. Ansys, plot-controls, style option is used to represent the axi-symmetric
problem in three dimensional spaces. This provides to help the customer to understand the reality of the problem as
axi-symmetric approach is technically correct, but represents the problem in 2 dimensional spaces. Nonlinear
material property of the bush allows plastic yielding of the problem and converges to correct solution.
The figure 4 shows contact pressure in the member. Maximum contact pressure is around 54.916Mpa at the
interface. Contact elements are created to find this contact pressure. This contact pressure is developed due to the
interference of 0.058mm between the members for press fitting. Higher the interference, contact pressure between
the members is more and load carrying capacity will increase for the members. Also fatigue life inner member
increases with compressive stress on the structure. A fatigue failure generally starts with tensile stress on the
surface. With compressive stress on the surface, fatigue life will increase. Shot peening is generally done to induce
H. Mohammed Mohsin Ali and Mohamed Haneef / Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 2094 – 2103 2097

compressive stresses on the structure to prevent fatigue failure of the structure. This preload also increases the
holding strength of the members. Also helps in increasing the resonant frequency of the system.

Fig 5: Compound cylinders with shrink fits

Where ‘P’ is the contact pressure

‘b’ = Outer radius of inner cylinder
‘a’= Inner radius of inner cylinder
‘c;=Outer radius of outer cylinder
Here δ=0.058mm
Eo= Young’s modulus of outer cylinder
Ei= Young’s modulus of inner cylinder
b=13mm, c=18.75mm, a=11.5mm
E0=2x105 N/mm2Ei=105x103 N/mm2.
On substitution of the values contact pressure equals to 50 N/mm 2. Small deviation of results (10%) can be observed
between theoretical and Finite element solutions (Theoretically 50 N//mm2 and 54.9 N/mm2 from FEM solution).

Fig 6: Radial Stress in the members Fig 7: Vonmises stress in the joint

The figure 6 shows radial stress development in the problem. Maximum radial stress in the compression and
represented by 54.919N/mm2 at the interface. Both the steel and bronze are subjected to decreasing stress from the
interface. Higher radial stress is desirable at the interface for better load carrying capacity. Radial stresses are
minimum at the extreme ends. Higher radial stress also indicates bond strength. Generally structures will not fail by
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radial stress as the extent of radial stress is less than the hoop stresses. Ansys has the provision to have virtual view
of three dimensional plot of two dimensional axisymmetric problems. This helps in imaging three dimensional joint.
The figure 7shows vonmises stress in the problem. Maximum vonmises stress is around 433.47 N/mm 2 in the
bush member. Almost 90.401 N/mm2 can be observed at the outer end of connecting rod. The bush is subjected to
maximum stress compared to the small end of connecting rod. The inner surface to the bush member is subjected to
maximum vonmises stress. 90.401N/mm2 stress can be observed at the outer boundary or small end of the
connecting rod. Vonmises is the stress is used to find the failure of the ductile components as it accounts all types of
stresses in its calculation. Also vonmises stress failure is the most applicable theory based on literature. Tresca
theory also can be applied, but tresca theory neglects the effect of intermediate principal stress. Whereas the
vonmises theory considers all 6 stress components of the problem.

Fig 8: Hoop Stress variation Fig 9 : Radial stress variation in the assembly

Fig 10: Vonmises stress variation Fig 11: Vonmises, Hoop and Radial stress variation in
the assembly

The figure 8 shows sudden variation of stress at the interface from bush to outer small end of connecting
rod. The stress is changing its sign from compression to tension at the interface. Maximum compressive hoop stress
is around 487.555N/mm2 at the inner boundary to the maximum tensile stress of 156.665 N/mm2 at the small end
interface and stresses are reducing to outer boundary. An Ansys path operation helps in representing the graphical
plot of the problem. Nodal coordinates are considered along the ‘X’ axis and stress is plotted along ‘Y’ axis.
The figure 9 shows radial stress variation in the geometry. A high slope reduction (increasing values in absolute
system) can be observed in the graph. Maximum compressive stress of 54.919 N/mm 2 can be observed at the
interface and values are converging to smaller positive values (almost zero’s) to the outer boundaries from the
H. Mohammed Mohsin Ali and Mohamed Haneef / Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 2094 – 2103 2099

interface. This is also clear from thick cylinder concept where outer radial stress is taken zero for obtaining the stress
relation in Lame’s equations. Lame’s equation helps in obtaining interference pressure for compound cylinders with
radial interference.
The figure 10 shows vonmises stress variation in the problem. Maximum vonmises stress is around
433.264N/mm2 at the inner boundary and reducing to 90.401N/mm 2 at the outer boundary. A steep drop of stress
can be observed at the interface (This drop is from compression to tension on the smaller end). Generally interfaces
are the stress raisers and also possible sources of crack or fault generations. Heat also will generate due to frictional
sliding of the members which is very difficult to simulate. Present algorithms are based on iterative techniques
which consume considerable resources of computers and time and accuracy is mainly based on convergence levels.
This also depends on the algorithm adopted and frictional values. Generally Lagrangian algorithms provides better
quality compared to the Penalty approaches. In the present problem, augmented lagrangian methodology with
standard contact algorithm is considered with Newton Raphson convergenece technique.

1.5. Pretention Analysis

The analysis is carried out with initial pretension in the member. The pretension load is applied through the bolt
elements. The results are as follows.

Fig 13: Displacement due to pretension load

Fig 12: Pretension in the load in the
connecting rod

Fig 14: vonmises stress due to pretension load

A pretension load is calculated for the bolt diameter of 7.5 mm with pretension stress of 210Mpa applied through
an axial element by coupling constraints to the connecting rod big end. The pretension load through the bolt holds
the member in clamped condition. The bolt pretension helps in joining the split parts and also holds the bush in
position. The results are as follows.
2100 H. Mohammed Mohsin Ali and Mohamed Haneef / Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 2094 – 2103

The figure 13 shows displacement in the connecting rod due to bolt pretension. A displacement of 0.004mm can
be observed due to the clamping load shown with red color. Other region displacements are also shown in the status
bar. The status bar at the bottom of the figure shows varying displacement in the connecting rod. The values are
represented in color ranges. By default 9 colors are used for representation of the displacement variation. Minimum
deflections in the blue region and maximum deflections in the red regions.
The figure 14 shows vonmises stress generation due to the clamping loads. Maximum stress can be observed at
the joint region. Other region is relatively free from stresses. Maximum stress of 186.871N/mm 2 can be observed in
the problem. The stresses are maximum at the split parts where bolt pretension is applied. The shank region is
almost free of stresses except at the constrained small end region.

1.6. Fatigue Analysis (Model A- Load Through Complete Contact)

The two dimensional analysis results are used to apply the loads on the big end and small end regions. The three
dimensional mesh is imported to ansys in ‘inp’ file format and analysis is carried out. The inner nodes of small end
are rotated to cylindrical system to ease load application. The interference loads are applied as radial coordinates at
the small end to create the pretension effect through inner surface elements. At the big end, the contact loads are
directly considered as uniformly distributed load at the inner surface. Two load steps are considered for fatigue
analysis at the big end. In the first case, no external load is considered except the Assembly loads(Both pretension
due to bolt loads and interference at the big end and small ends). And in the second case, all the loads (assembly and
service loads) are considered. The boundary conditions are as follows

The figure 15 shows boundary conditions for the fatigue analysis for the Assembly and service loads.
Assembly loads are considered for load case 1 and assembly and service loads are considered for 2nd case. In the
load case1 the shank region is constrained and the assembly loads obtained from the axisymmetric analysis is
applied at the small and big end regions. Bolt pretension loads are also applied. In the load case 2 the constraint at
the shank region is removed and small end nodes are rotated to cylindrical system and direct interference loads are
applied. Similarly at the big end the service loads are applied uniformly through shell contact along with the
assembly load at the big end.

1.7. Results for Assembly Loads (Case 1)

H. Mohammed Mohsin Ali and Mohamed Haneef / Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 2094 – 2103 2101

Fig 16: Displacement in the connecting rod due to Fig 17 Vonmises stress developed in the
Assembly loads connecting rod due to Assembly load

The figure 16 shows displacement in the connecting rod assembly. The symbol ‘Mx’ indicates maximum
displacement location. Maximum displacement of around 0.028455mm can be observed at the big end. The
figure4.16 shows varying displacement in the problem The contact pressure obtained from the axisymmetric
analysis is applied through constraints at the inner boundary of the small end of connecting rod. Minimum
displacements can be observed at the shank region as it is constrained. The displacements can be observed at both
big end and small end due to interference loads. But maximum displacement is taking place in the bigger end as its
dimensions are large compared to the smaller end.
The figure 17 shows vonmises stress in the structure due to Assembly loads (bush interference and bolt
tension) at small end and big end of connecting rod. Maximum stress is around 298.935N/mm2 is taking place at the
big end split joint. The more stress can be observed at the joint region. Almost minimum stresses can be observed in
the shank region as it is constrained. The fatigue analysis is carried out for assembly loads and service loads with
assembly loads.

1.8. Results for Assembly Loads (Case 2)

Fig 18: Displacement in the connecting rod due to Fig 19 Vonmises stress due to Assembly and
Assembly and Service loads Service loads
The figure 18 shows maximum displacement in the connecting rod big end. The color red shows the
maximum displacement location. Maximum displacement of around 0.11051mm can be observed at the big end.
Minimum displacements can be observed towards the small end . Maximum variation of displacement also can be
2102 H. Mohammed Mohsin Ali and Mohamed Haneef / Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 2094 – 2103

observed at the big end. Elliptical shape can be observed in the big end due to the loading.
The figure 19 shows vonmises stress in the structure due to assembly and service loads. Maximum stress is
around 565.017N/mm2 is taking place at the big end joint. This tress raise can be attributed to the discontinuity of
material at the joint region. Almost minimum stresses can be observed in the web region.

Fig 20: S-N curve for Steel 42

The figure 20 shows S-N curve data for the connecting rod material. The alternating stress value is
reducing with number of cycles. Fatigue limit corresponding to one million cycles is represented by 160Mpa for the
material. So fatigue analysis is carried out for this endurance limit. High cycle region is considered for the analysis.
SN curves are obtained through experimentation for different material. The curve varies with alloying elements.
Generally fatigue life is specified for one million cycles which is defined with endurance limit of the material under
reversed loading.

Table 2. Stresses for the load cases

Load Sx Sy Sz Sxy Syz Szx
1 -53.824 236.74 38.742 25.949 1.2019 0.28512
2 -95.309 471.81 75.336 -44.827 -0.7001 1.8273

Fatigue Summary:
Alternating stress =139.58 N/mm2.
Cycles used/allowed = 0.1000e+07/ 0.1000e+07
Cumulative fatigue usage =1.00000
The Table 2 and results shows developed stresses in the members. The alternating stress developed is
around 139.58N/mm2 which is less than the fatigue limit of 160N/mm2 for one million cycles. If number of cycles is
extended, then life of the member will reduce. But for present consideration the structure with stands one million
cycles for the assumed load transfer through complete contact and load transfer through the bush material.
H. Mohammed Mohsin Ali and Mohamed Haneef / Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 2094 – 2103 2103

1.9. Conclusions

. The connecting rod analysis is carried out to check the fatigue life and alternating stress development due
to service and assembly loads with variation in load distribution. The results are summarized as follows.
x Initially the connecting rod is built to the actual dimensions using Catia software.
x Axi-symmetric analysis is carried out to find interference effect on the stress behavior in the joint. 8 noded
plane82 element with quadratic displacement variation is used for accurate results. The contact pair is
created with Targe169 and Contac172 elements. Interference is created through geometric built up .
x The result shows contact pressure development at the interface and higher compressive stress in the bush
and tensile stress development in the small end. The results are plotted for radial, hoop and vonmises
stresses. Also a three dimensional views are obtained through ansys axisymmetric options.

Further three dimensional analysisis carried out to find the fatigue nature of the connecting rod with variation in load
transfer. Two models of load nature(Model-A and Model-B) are considered with assembly and service loads to
analyze the fatigue nature of the connecting rod


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