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394 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design

experience more than 14 min of cycle time under the new design, which more than satis-
fies the goal of at most 30 min. Furthermore, no type 3 patient experiences a cycle time
longer than 45 min, as was the stated goal. As a matter of fact, less than 3% have cycle
times above 40 min.
The conclusions from the simulation analysis are thus that the redesigned process pro-
duces much shorter cycle times than the existing process and that it achieves the goals for
the cycle time performance articulated in the vision statement.
Although the redesigned process satisfies the stated cycle time goals, it is not necessarily
an optimal design. A common managerial concern is the trade-off between the customer
service and the cost of installing new technology such as the new local area network. One
possible cost-saving strategy is to reduce the staff by operating with two admissions offi-
cers as in the original system. The cycle time statistics must be recomputed to figure out
how close they are to the numerical goals specified in the vision statement. How simula-
tion may be used to aid in optimizing business process performance is further discussed
in Chapter 10.

9.7 Summary
This chapter presented some basic statistical tools for analysis of input and output simu-
lation data. For the analysis of input data, it was shown how goodness-of-fit tests can be
employed to determine suitable distributions for random variables such as interarrival
times and processing times. We also explored techniques for generating uniformly distrib-
uted random numbers and random variates from well-known theoretical distributions.
For the analysis of output data, the focus was placed on the problems of estimation and
hypothesis testing. These statistical tools are necessary to be able to draw valid conclu-
sions with respect to the performance of business processes.
The last part of this chapter focused on the analysis of two process-design cases. These
cases illustrate how input/output data analysis and simulation modeling in ExtendSim
can be used for analyzing process performance and for comparing different design

9.8  Training Cases

9.8.1  Case 1: Improving the X-Ray Process at County Hospital*
County Hospital wishes to improve the service level of its regular x-ray operation, which
runs from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Patients have identified the total required time as their main
concern with this process. Management, on the other hand, is concerned with utilization
of available resources. Management has created a process-improvement team to study this
problem. The process might be redesigned as a result of the team’s recommendations.

* Adapted from Anupindi, R. et al., Managing Business Process Flows, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1999.
Input and Output Data Analysis 395

The team has defined the entry point to the x-ray process to be the instant a patient
leaves the physician’s office en route to the x-ray lab. The exit point has been defined as the
instant at which the patient and the completed x-ray enter the physician’s office.
Broadly speaking, two types of patients arrive to the x-ray process: emergency and non-
emergency patients (priority levels 1 and 2, respectively). The emergency patients arrive
according to a Poisson process with a mean of four patients per hour. The nonemergency
patients are registered as they enter, and a sample of the arrival time data is provided in
Table 9.14. Until now, no attempt has been made to further analyze these data, so there is
no insight into what the arrival process looks like.
The team has identified 12 activities in the current x-ray process (see Table 9.15), which is
the same irrespective of the patient type. The only differences between patient categories
are the activity times and their distributions, specified in Table 9.16.

TABLE 9.14
Sample Arrival Times of Nonemergency Patients
Time of Arrival
(in Minutes from Time of Arrival (in
Patient # Time Zero) Patient # Minutes from Time Zero)
1 6.30 31 197.89
2 10.13 32 205.50
3 17.07 33 215.42
4 17.09 34 219.95
5 23.94 35 223.50
6 26.06 36 233.33
7 27.65 37 234.89
8 29.21 38 239.20
9 41.65 39 244.29
10 44.69 40 247.29
11 49.79 41 249.90
12 60.07 42 250.25
13 70.34 43 256.34
14 70.73 44 257.90
15 74.32 45 268.97
16 84.59 46 276.82
17 91.77 47 280.43
18 95.78 48 281.94
19 98.20 49 293.23
20 117.24 50 293.57
21 122.85 51 299.79
22 130.58 52 303.75
23 137.46 53 306.58
24 139.76 54 308.13
25 142.52 55 314.06
26 150.70 56 322.84
27 151.95 57 326.51
28 154.74 58 338.21
29 157.48 59 339.91
30 193.25 60 365.79
396 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design

TABLE 9.15
Activities in the Current X-Ray Process
Activity Description Type
1 Patient leaves physician’s office with Start of the x-ray
instructions. process
2 Patient is taken to the lab by an orderly, on foot Transportation
in wheelchair or lying in bed.
3 The patient is left in the waiting area outside the Waiting
x-ray lab in anticipation of an x-ray technician.
4 An x-ray technician fills out a standard form Business value added
based on information supplied by the physician
and the patient (done outside the x-ray lab).
The technician then leaves the patient, who
queues up in front of the x-ray labs.
5 The patient enters the x-ray lab and undresses, Value added
and an x-ray technician takes the required
x-rays (all done in the x-ray lab).
6 A dark room technician develops the x-rays. Value added
(Assume that the patient and the x-ray
technician accompany the x-rays.)
7 The dark room technician and the x-ray Inspection
technician check the x-rays for clarity. (Assume
that the patient accompanies his or her x-rays.)
8 If x-rays are not clear, then the patient needs to Decision
go back to the waiting room in anticipation of
repeating steps 5, 6, and 7. Historically, the
probability of rejecting x-rays has been 25%.
If the x-rays are acceptable, the patient
proceeds to activity 9, while the x-rays are put
in the outbox, where eventually the messenger
service will pick them up.
9 Patient waits for an orderly to take him or her Waiting
back to the physician’s office.
10 Patient is taken back to the physician’s office by Transportation
an orderly.
11 A messenger service transfers the x-rays to the Transportation
physicians in batches of five jobs.
12 Patient and x-rays enter physician’s office End

The patient priority levels determine the service order of all the x-ray activities.
Emergency patients (priority 1) come first at the expense of nonemergency patients (pri-
ority 2). However, after service is started, it will never be interrupted to benefit a high-
priority patient.
The resource data for the x-ray process are specified in Table 9.17. The orderlies will
always take one patient back from the x-ray lab when they have dropped one off. Assume
that the transportation time back from the x-ray lab is exactly the same as the transporta-
tion time to the x-ray lab. If no patient is ready to go back, the orderly will wait for 5 min; if
no patient becomes available during this time, the orderly will return to the ward without
a patient. The time for an orderly to walk back without a patient is always 5 min. The order-
lies will never go and pick up a patient at the x-ray area without bringing another patient
with them from the ward.
Input and Output Data Analysis 397

TABLE 9.16
Activity Times for X-Ray Process
Activity Time Parameter Values
Activity Patient Type Distribution (Min)
1 All types Not applicable Not applicable
2 Emergency patients Uniform Max = 9, min = 5
Nonemergency patients Uniform Max = 12, min = 5
3 All types Not applicable Not applicable
4 All types Uniform Max = 6, min = 4
5 Emergency patients Normal µ = 9, σ = 4
Nonemergency patients Normal µ = 11, σ = 4
6 All types Normal µ = 12, σ = 5
7 All types Constant Value = 2
8 All types Constant Value = 0
9 All types Not applicable Not applicable
10 Emergency patients Uniform Max = 9, min = 5
Nonemergency patients Uniform Max = 12, min = 5
11 All types Uniform Max = 7, min = 3
12 All types Not applicable Not applicable

TABLE 9.17
Resource Data for X-Ray Process
No. of Units
Resource Activities Available
Orderlies 2 and 10 3
X-ray technician 4, 5, 6, and 7 3
X-ray lab 5 2
Dark room technician 6 and 7 2
Dark room 6 1

Part I: Analyzing the Current Process Design

1. Draw a flowchart of the current x-ray process.

2. Develop a simulation model of this process.
• The model requires analysis of input data regarding the arrival process of non-
emergency patients.
• Modeling hint: Build the model incrementally based on your flowchart. Do not
try to put everything together at once and then test whether it works.
• As a first check that everything works as it is supposed to, it is often use-
ful to run a shorter simulation with animation. Use different symbols for
­d ifferent types of items, such as different types of labor and different types
of jobs.
3. For a first-cut analysis, run a 1 day simulation with the random seed set at 100,
using the correct activity time distributions. Look at the average cycle time, the
throughput rate, the resource, the queue, and the activity statistics. What are the
problems in this process?
398 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design

4. Simulate 30 days of operation and compute the cycle time and daily throughput
(average, standard deviation, and 95% confidence intervals). Also compute the
activity and resource utilization statistics and queue statistics with 95% confidence
intervals. (Use the Statistics block in the Value library of ExtendSim.) Assume that
any patients remaining in the system at the end of the day will be taken care of by
the night shift. Every morning, the system is assumed to be empty. Are there any
surprises when you compare these results with the ones in question 3?
5. Assess the performance of the process using the values calculated in question 4.
Where is the bottleneck? Which are the problems for reducing the cycle time and
increasing the throughput rate?

Part II: Suggest and Evaluate a New Process Design

6. Based on your insight about the current operations, identify a plausible way of
reducing the average cycle time by redesigning the process. For example: What
happens if the x-ray technician no longer has to stay with the patient while the
x-rays are developed? What if the messenger batch size changes? Is the messen-
ger service necessary? What if more personnel are hired? What type of personnel
would be most useful?
7. Investigate the performance of the redesigned process in terms of the cycle
time and the daily throughput. Also look at the resource and activity utiliza-
tion statistics and queue statistics with 95% confidence intervals as before.
What are your conclusions? Is the new design significantly better than the old
process with regard to the cycle time and throughput? Are there any obvious

9.8.2  Case 2: Process Modeling and Analysis in an Assembly Factory

The LeedsSim factory is a traditional assembly facility working as a subcontractor to the
telecommunications industry. Their main product is a specialized switchboard cabinet
used in the fourth-generation (4G) network base stations. The company has been suc-
cessful on the sales side, and with the 4G expansion taking off, the orders are piling up.
Unfortunately, the operations department has had some problems with reaching the
desired (and necessary) productivity levels. Therefore, they have decided to seek help to
create a simulation model of the involved processes as a first step to analyze and improve
the process design.
To find the right level of detail in the model description, they want to start with a simple
model and then successively add more details until a suitable model with the right level
of complexity is obtained. The simulation should be run over a 3 month (12 week) period
of five 8 h workdays/week. A schematic flowchart of the manufacturing process is shown
in Figure 9.35.
After the cabinets are completed and inspected, the finished cabinets leave the factory. It
is noteworthy that each workstation can handle only one item at a time. Moreover, a forklift
truck is required to move the assembled cabinets. Workstations 1 through 3 cannot store
items. Similarly, there is no room to store items before workstation 4, but after it, there is
room to store two assembled cabinets. At workstation 5, there is ample space to store cabinets
before the workstation, but after it, there is only room to store at most two painted cabinets. At
the inspection station, there is ample space to store cabinets both before and after the station.
Input and Output Data Analysis 399

Storage of
Parallel operations Assembly Painting
inbound Inspection
(workstations 1–3) (workstation 4) (workstation 5)

2 4 5


Flowchart of the LeedsSim manufacturing process.

TABLE 9.18
Estimated Processing and Inspection Times
Processing Time
Processing Unit Distribution Parameter Values (h)
Workstation 1 Triangular Max = 3, min = 1.5, most likely = 2
Workstation 2 Triangular Max = 3, min = 1.5, most likely = 2
Workstation 3 Triangular Max = 3, min = 1.5, most likely = 2
Workstation 4 Triangular Max = 4, min = 2, most likely = 3
Workstation 5 Triangular Max = 6, min = 3, most likely = 4

Each cabinet that is made requires one unit each of five different components/raw materials
delivered to the inbound storage area. Workstation 1 requires one unit each of raw materi-
als 1 and 2, workstation 2 requires one unit of raw material 3, and workstation 3 requires
one unit each of raw materials 4 and 5. Table 9.18 specifies the estimated processing times in
workstations 1 through 5. Table 9.19 shows collected inspection time data that have not yet
been analyzed. This needs to be done in order to build a valid model of the process.
The performance measure that LeedsSim is most interested in is the number of cab-
inets produced in a 3 month period. However, they also want to keep track of the

• The WIP levels (measured in units of raw material)—the total as well as at differ-
ent parts of the workshop (the mean and the standard deviation for a single run
and the mean with 95% confidence intervals in case of multiple simulation runs)
• The inbound storage levels of the raw materials (the maximum, the mean, and the
standard deviation for a single run and the mean with 95% confidence intervals in
case of multiple simulation runs)
• The cycle time, measured from the instant a component arrives to the storage area
until a finished cabinet leaves the factory (the mean and the standard deviation
for a single run and the mean with 95% confidence intervals in case of multiple
simulation runs) (Hint: Note that all components for a particular cabinet have the
same cycle time.)
• Utilizations of workstations and equipment such as the forklift truck (the mean
with 95% confidence intervals in case of multiple simulation runs)
400 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design

TABLE 9.19
Observed Inspection Time Data in Minutes
No. Inspection Time No. Inspection Time No. Inspection Time No. Inspection Time
1 0.994 31 0.218 61 0.343 91 1.532
2 3.084 32 1.498 62 2.129 92 2.561
3 0.169 33 2.433 63 0.756 93 6.198
4 7.078 34 1.491 64 0.991 94 1.663
5 2.440 35 0.088 65 1.001 95 0.984
6 5.546 36 0.502 66 2.070 96 0.183
7 0.201 37 2.324 67 3.216 97 1.385
8 1.185 38 0.458 68 2.037 98 0.212
9 5.308 39 1.474 69 5.358 99 0.757
10 0.989 40 1.180 70 0.024 100 1.291
11 0.590 41 0.307 71 2.397 101 0.063
12 8.476 42 5.252 72 4.718 102 3.571
13 3.676 43 6.797 73 1.478 103 7.869
14 0.504 44 2.461 74 1.089 104 0.233
15 0.016 45 0.418 75 12.196 105 0.661
16 1.392 46 0.699 76 0.109 106 0.697
17 0.552 47 0.293 77 4.355 107 4.937
18 2.059 48 4.245 78 1.158 108 0.045
19 2.858 49 1.594 79 0.003 109 1.239
20 5.982 50 0.733 80 0.137 110 0.357
21 2.337 51 0.389 81 0.293 111 1.143
22 2.426 52 1.088 82 0.193 112 3.068
23 0.252 53 1.457 83 1.263 113 0.548
24 0.290 54 0.206 84 2.249 114 3.460
25 5.139 55 0.755 85 0.689 115 1.271
26 1.727 56 1.786 86 2.376 116 3.401
27 3.859 57 0.510 87 0.729 117 3.082
28 3.356 58 3.400 88 1.408 118 0.357
29 0.884 59 1.690 89 5.199 119 2.098
30 1.992 60 2.186 90 3.286 120 0.728


1. The raw material arrives by truck once every week on Monday morning. Each ship-
ment contains 15 units each of the five necessary components. The internal logistics
within the factory is such that the transportation times for the incomplete cabinets
can be neglected. However, to transport the fully assembled cabinet to and from the
paint shop, a special type of forklift truck is needed. The transportation time from the
assembly line to the paint shop is exponentially distributed with a mean of 45 min.
The transportation time between the paint shop and the inspection station at the
loading dock is normally distributed with a mean of 60 min and a standard deviation
of 15 min. After each delivery, the forklift truck always returns to the strategically
located parking area to get new instructions. The travel time for the forklift truck,
without load, between the parking area and each of the workstations is negligible.
Input and Output Data Analysis 401

Transportation of painted cabinets is prioritized. This means that whenever a forklift

truck is available for a new assignment (at its parking area), and there are unpainted
and painted cabinets awaiting transport, the latter ones will be transported first.
Currently one forklift truck is available in the factory. For the first model, assume that
all painted cabinets pass inspection, so no rework occurs.
a. Analyze the input data for the inspection times and fit a suitable distribution.
Build the model and run the simulation once with random seed = 5. How many
cabinets are being produced? How is the WIP situation? What does a plot over the
storage inventory levels tell us? Where is the bottleneck?
b. Run the simulation 30 times with different random seeds. How many cabinets
are being produced on average? What is the standard deviation? How is the
WIP situation? Where is the bottleneck? (Hint: Use the Statistics block in the
Value library to collect data and analyze it efficiently. For the number of units
produced, use a Mean and Variance block, connect it to the exit block, and check
the dialogue options Calculate for Multiple Simulations, and use number of
2. In reality, only 75% of the painted cabinets pass the inspection. If a cabinet fails the
inspection, it needs to be transported back to the paint shop to be repainted. The trans-
portation time is the same as in the opposite direction (normally distributed with a mean
of 60 min and a standard deviation of 15 min). The transportation of painted cabinets
that has failed inspection back to the paint shop has higher priority than any other trans-
portation assignment. The forklift truck will always go back to the parking area after
a completed mission. When arriving to the paint shop, repainting has higher priority
than the ordinary paint jobs and follows an exponential distribution with a mean of 2 h.
Inspecting the reworked cabinets is no different from inspecting non-reworked cabinets.
How does the introduction of these features affect the performance measures?
a. Run the simulation once with random seed = 5. How many cabinets are being
produced? How is the WIP situation? Where is the bottleneck?
b. Run the simulation 30 times with different random seeds. How many cabinets
are being produced on average? What is the standard deviation? How is the WIP
situation? Where is the bottleneck?
3. Based on your understanding of the process, suggest a few design changes and try
them out. What is your recommendation to LeedsSim regarding how to improve
their operations?
4. In this model, collection of statistics data starts at time zero, when the system is
empty. It would be more accurate to run the system for a warm-up period, say 1
week, before starting to collect data. Implement this and see the difference. Does it
change your conclusions?

9.8.3  Case 3: Redesign of a Credit Applications Process

The management of a mortgage company has decided with limited information that the
company can save money if it reduces its staff. Before downsizing, management asks you
to model the credit application process to provide reassurance that service will not be
severely affected by the reduction in staff.
The mortgage company currently employs three loan agents, two of whom perform an ini-
tial review of credit applications and a third who performs a second review of the applications
402 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design

that fails the initial review. The second review is performed as an attempt to correct the defi-
ciencies by contacting the originating party. The process has the following characteristics:

• Approximately four to eight credit applications (and most likely six) arrive every
• It takes 12–16 min to complete the first review.
• About 20% of the applications fail the first review.
• It takes 25–35 min to complete the second review.
• About 50% of the applications fail the second review.

Your task is to compare the performance of the current process with the performance of
the process using two loan agents. For the downsized process, management wants the two
remaining loan agents to work in either of the two reviewing steps; that is, the loan agents
are not assigned to the first or second review step, but rather they are to perform initial or
second reviews as needed.


1. Create a simulation model of the current process. Use the triangular distribution
to model the arrivals of credit applications and the uniform distribution for the
­reviewing times.
2. Simulate the process for 5 working days (40 h), and collect the following data:
­utilization of loan agents, waiting time, and cycle time.
3. Modify the model to simulate the downsized process. Repeat question 2 for the
new model. Compare the performance of the two processes by analyzing the data
­collected during the simulation runs.

9.8.4  Case 4: Redesigning the Adoption Process in a Humane Society

The purpose of this project is to redesign the pet adoption process of a Humane Society.
One of the main goals of the project is the development of a simulation model of the pro-
cess. The adoptions department of the Humane Society would like to use this model as
a tool for evaluating the effect of proposed changes to the current pet adoption process.
Management considers that the model significantly reduces the risks associated with this
redesign project because a number of what-if scenarios can be tested before implement-
ing any changes. Furthermore, management believes that the model can help them obtain
buy-in from the employees directly involved in the process.
The modeling process consists of the following steps:

1. Flowcharting and analysis of the current process

2. Simulation modeling and validation
3. Performance analysis of the current process
4. Discussion of different options for redesigning the current process
5. Development of several scenarios
6. Modeling and testing of scenarios
7. Selection of final proposed process
Input and Output Data Analysis 403

A task force is created to understand the current process. After several meetings of the task
force, the current process is summarized as follows.
Patrons arrive to the Humane Society and look for a place to park. The arrival rate is
about 10 patrons/h, and the interarrival times follow an exponential distribution. If a
patron finds the parking lot full, he or she leaves. If the parking lot is not full, the patron
parks the car and enters the building (between 2 and 5 uniformly distributed minutes).
Patrons then walk through the kennels (between 10 and 45 uniformly distributed minutes)
and may decide to leave if they don’t find a suitable pet. About 15% of patrons leave at this
point. If a patron finds a suitable pet, then he or she finds out what to do next to start the
adoption process (between 1 and 5 uniformly distributed minutes).
After receiving the instructions on how to proceed, the patrons count the number of
people in the waiting area. (This includes people filling out the sign-in form and people
waiting for a counselor.) If a patron finds fewer than 10 people in the waiting area, he or
she lines up to sign in. If 10 people or more are in the waiting area, the patron leaves with
a 70% probability. It takes a patron normal (5,1) minutes to fill out the entrance form. After
signing in, patrons wait to be called to the counter to meet with a counselor. Counseling
takes between 10 and 60 min, and 20% of the time, patrons also must talk to a supervisor
after counseling, an activity that takes normal (15,2) minutes. After finishing counseling
(or talking to the supervisor), patrons decide to stay and continue with the adoption pro-
cess or they leave. About 35% of the patrons leave at this stage of the adoption process.
If a patron decides to stay, he or she must wait for a kennel technician. After a brief
conversation with a kennel technician (between 2 and 5 uniformly distributed minutes),
the patron and the technician visit the animals and explore options (between 5 and 45
uniformly distributed minutes). After visiting the animals, about 15% of the patrons
decide to leave. Those who stay work with the technician to check on holds, which takes
normal (15,3) minutes. This is necessary because some of the animals are held for people
who have visited them at the Humane Society and currently are considering adoption. If
there are holds (10% of the time), the patron is asked to return later. If there are no holds,
the patron receives instructions from the kennel technician, normal (10,2) minutes, and
walks (between 1 and 2 uniformly distributed minutes) to meet with a counselor.
A counselor and the patron then fill out the adoption contract (between 10 and 45
uniformly distributed minutes). After the contract is signed, the health of the animal is
checked (5 exponentially distributed minutes). After the health check is complete, the
patron walks to the car with his or her pet and leaves (between 2 and 5 uniformly dis-
tributed minutes).
NO T E :A processing time given as a range of numbers is assumed to follow a uniform
distribution. For example, if the time is between 10 and 45 min, the actual time follows a
uniform distribution with a minimum value of 10 min and a maximum value of 45 min.
Also, a processing time of normal (15,3) minutes means that the actual time follows a nor-
mal distribution with a mean of 15 min and a standard deviation of 3 min.
The current process operates 10 h/day and utilizes the following resources:

• 30 parking spaces
• 8 counselors
• 1 supervisor
• 5 kennel technicians
• 1 veterinarian
404 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design

It is assumed that the process is empty when the doors open every morning. Also, the
doors are closed after 10 h, but personnel stay until the last patron leaves the building.
Working time beyond 10 h is considered overtime.

Part I

1. Draw a flowchart of the current process.

2. Create a simulation model of the current process.
3. Run 30 days of operation (using 55 for the random seed number).
4. Analyze the performance of the system according to cycle time, resource utiliza-
tion, ratio of number of adoptions per number of arrivals, and daily overtime.

The report for part I of this project consists of an executive summary with the objectives
and main findings. The supporting materials should include a flowchart of the current
process, a printout of the simulation model (i.e., an annotated task network), and the fol-
lowing charts and tables:

• A frequency distribution of the cycle times observed during the 30 day simulation.
• A table of daily resource utilization with five columns, one for each resource, and
30 rows, one for each day. Three additional rows should contain the minimum, the
average, and the maximum utilization for each resource type.
• A table with 30 rows, one for each day, and two columns, one for the daily ratio of
number of adoptions per number of arrivals and one for the daily overtime. Three
additional rows should contain the minimum, the average, and the maximum
overtime and the adoption ratio.

Part II

1. Discuss different options for redesigning the current process. For example, con-
sider eliminating activities or performing some activities in parallel.
2. Develop a redesign scenario.
3. Model a redesigned process.
4. Predict the performance of the redesigned process in terms of cycle time, resource
utilization, ratio of adoptions to patron arrivals, and daily overtime.

The report for part II of this project consists of an executive summary with objectives,
methodology, main findings, and recommendations. The supporting materials should be
the same as in the report for part I.

9.8.5 Case 5: Performance Analysis and Improvement of an Internet Ordering Process

The management of a software company wants to study the performance of the company’s
web order processing. The interarrival times of orders are exponentially distributed with
a mean of 7 min. The orders arrive in the form of e-mail. Upon arrival, a clerk looks for
the buyer’s name in the company’s database. The time required to look for a name in the
Input and Output Data Analysis 405

database is uniformly distributed between 20 and 45 s. If the buyer is not in the database,
the clerk enters the buyer’s information, which includes name, address, phone number,
and e-mail address. The time required to enter the buyer’s information in the database is
uniformly distributed between 10 and 30 s. Approximately 60% of the time, the buyer’s
name is not in the database.
Some orders are for an upgrade of the software, and the others are from first-time
buyers. For all practical purposes, it takes no time to figure whether an order is for an
upgrade or from a first-time buyer. Approximately 30% of the orders are for upgrades.
If the order is for an upgrade, then the clerk simply enters a code in the electronic
purchase order (PO), created when the buyer’s name was entered or found in the
database. (This code is later e-mailed to the customer, so he or she can download an
upgrade from the company’s website.) Entering the code requires an exponentially
distributed time with a mean of 2 min because the clerk needs to verify the customer’s
current software version and platform. After entering the code, the electronic PO goes
to accounting.
When the order is from a first-time buyer, the clerk checks whether the buyer wants
the CD version with printed documentation or whether he or she prefers to download
the software from the company’s website. This requires an exponentially distributed
time with a mean of 1 min because sometimes this information has been misplaced.
About 70% of the buyers prefer the CD version. When the CD version is preferred,
the clerk needs to retrieve it from the storage room. This activity requires a normally
distributed time with a mean of 5 min and a standard deviation of 1. The clerk then
prepares the software for shipping, which takes between 3 and 6 min (uniform distri-
bution). If the buyer prefers to download the software, the clerk enters an appropriate
code in the electronic PO. Entering the code requires an exponentially distributed time
with a mean of 1 min because a computer program sometimes is slow at generating a
license for each customer.
POs for upgrades and first-time buyers go to accounting after a clerk has either entered
a code for downloading or prepared the CD version for shipping. Accounting person-
nel charge the purchase to a credit card (exponential distribution with a mean of 2 min)
and prepare the invoice. Data on invoice preparation times have been collected and are
available in Table 9.20. Finally, the accounting personnel mail the software or e-mail the
access code with the invoice. This activity requires a uniformly distributed time between
45 and 90 s.
Currently, the company employs two people for this process: one clerk for the initial pro-
cessing and one person in charge of the accounting. However, management is considering
adding one person to the process and would like to use simulation to determine where to
add this new employee to obtain the maximum customer service benefit.


1. The first task is to understand this process, and develop a flowchart. This chart
should be the first exhibit in your written report.
2. Using the flowchart as a guideline, develop a simulation model of this process. In
order to build a valid model, the available data on how long time it takes to prepare
an invoice need to be analyzed. More precisely, a suitable distribution should be fit-
ted to the data.
406 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design

TABLE 9.20
Observed Invoice Preparation Times in Minutes
Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice
No. Preparation No. Preparation No. Preparation No. Preparation
1 0.987 31 1.037 61 0.875 91 0.721
2 0.881 32 1.103 62 0.763 92 1.132
3 1.022 33 0.965 63 1.283 93 0.705
4 0.799 34 1.199 64 0.856 94 1.211
5 0.986 35 0.989 65 1.091 95 0.831
6 1.053 36 1.055 66 1.028 96 0.866
7 0.493 37 0.916 67 1.163 97 1.243
8 0.883 38 0.611 68 0.972 98 0.431
9 1.028 39 1.044 69 1.082 99 1.193
10 1.057 40 0.775 70 0.578 100 1.193
11 0.793 41 0.975 71 0.717 101 1.220
12 1.068 42 0.699 72 1.473 102 0.954
13 0.836 43 0.948 73 1.418 103 1.050
14 0.984 44 1.072 74 1.119 104 0.747
15 1.092 45 0.929 75 1.102 105 1.270
16 1.006 46 0.752 76 1.208 106 0.754
17 1.113 47 1.041 77 0.970 107 0.807
18 0.914 48 0.878 78 0.757 108 0.890
19 0.877 49 1.180 79 1.189 109 0.771
20 1.196 50 1.326 80 1.183 110 1.099
21 1.139 51 1.064 81 1.300 111 1.114
22 0.937 52 0.803 82 1.280 112 0.982
23 0.640 53 1.035 83 1.023 113 1.235
24 1.347 54 1.073 84 0.852 114 1.152
25 0.961 55 1.011 85 1.148 115 0.708
26 1.004 56 1.300 86 0.972 116 0.745
27 1.068 57 1.333 87 0.747 117 0.938
28 1.170 58 1.043 88 1.031 118 1.384
29 1.406 59 0.810 89 1.190 119 1.033
30 1.288 60 1.141 90 1.017 120 1.378

3. Set the random seed value to 34 in the Simulation Setup of the Run menu. Run the
model for 15 working days and collect the waiting time at the queues, cycle time,
resource utilization, and WIP. (A working day consists of 8 h.)
4. Discuss the performance of the current process based on the collected data. Include
the following exhibits to support your arguments: queue statistics, line graphs of
resource utilization, a histogram of cycle times, and the WIP value at the end of the
15 days.
5. Identify the bottleneck and add the new employee to the bottleneck. Compare the
utilization of clerks and accounting personnel before and after adding the new
employee. Also compare the frequency distribution of cycle times before and after
adding the new employee. Include line graphs for the utilization of resources after
adding the new employee and a histogram of cycle times.

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