Jalcom S 18 03001
Jalcom S 18 03001
Jalcom S 18 03001
Manuscript Number:
The Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Respected Sir,
Uploaded please find a manuscript for your kind consideration for publication in your esteemed journal.
The brief details of the manuscript are given below:
Title: Efficient UV photocatalytic dye decomposition activity with cost effective solid state
reaction grown Zinc Orthotitanate (Zn2TiO4) nanoparticles.
Type: Full Length Article
Lizina Khatua, Rudrashish Panda, Arpan Kumar Nayak, Avadendra Singh, Pratap Kumar Sahoo,
Debabrata Pradhan, Udai Pratap Singh, Susanta Kumar Das.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
In this work, we did detail investigation on the UV photocatalytic activity of solid state reaction
grown compound semiconductor Zinc Orthotitanate (Zn2TiO4) nanoparticles and demonstrated that
they can show 6 times higher reaction constant than that of standard commercial TiO2 nanoparticles
Degussa P25. This is the world’s highest reported value on UV photocatalytic reaction constant in
comparison to P25. The cause for this superior photocatalytic activity is explored through absorption
spectroscopy. The reported nanoparticles were prepared from the laboratory grade ZnO and TiO2
powder of extremely low cost ($10 for 500 g) in comparison to P25 ($200 for 100g). So the overall
cost of these nanoparticles is much less than that of P25. Excellent recycling ability of the
nanoparticles is shown through their multiple uses. Low cost, significantly high reaction constant and
extremely good recycling ability can make these nanoparticles a better choice for applications of UV
Lizina Khatua a, Rudrashish Pandab, Arpana Nayak c, Avanendra Singhd, Pratap Kumar
Sahoo d, Debabrata Pradhan c, Udai Pratap Singha, Susanta Kumar Das b,*
School of Electronics Engineering, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Deemed to be
University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751024, India
Dept. of Physics, School of Applied Sciences, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology,
Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751024, India
Materials Science Center, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302,
School of Physical Sciences, NISER, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 752050, India
Corresponding author: skdasfpy@kiit.ac.in
In this work, detail investigation on UV photocatalytic dye decomposition activity is done
with Zinc Orthotitanate (Zn2TiO4) nanoparticles grown by solid state reaction method and
shown that these nanoparticles can show 6 times higher activity than standard commercial
TiO2 nanoparticles Degussa P25. This activity is the highest among all the nanoparticles
that have been compared with P25 so far. The potential cause for higher activity is explored
through absorption spectroscopy. The Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles are prepared from laboratory
grade ZnO and TiO2 powder of extremely low cost Excellent recycling ability of Zn2TiO4
nanoparticles is shown through their multiple usages.
1. Introduction
Industries like textile, leather, plastic, pharmaceutical, paper etc. release various dyes as
the waste products. These dyes are non-biodegradable in nature and generally cannot be
removed by the conventional water treatment processes. These dyes even at parts per million
(ppm) level can cause serious water pollution. At this moment, heterogeneous ultraviolet
(UV) photocatalytic dye decomposition with semiconductor nanostructures is one of the best
methods for removal of these dyes. The absorption of UV radiation by these semiconductor
nanostructures produces electron and hole pairs, which facilitate the breaking of dye
molecules into smaller harmless molecules through the redox reaction. The semiconductor
nanostructures like Zinc oxide (ZnO) and Titania (TiO2) have been found to be very efficient
for this purpose [1–8]. Therefore, worldwide very active research is going on the growth of
various types of nanostructures of these materials and their application for UV photocatalytic
dye decomposition. Efforts have also been made to get nanostructures of their compound
green fuel etc. [9–21]. However in all reported works of UV photocatalytic dye
decomposition the nanostructures were grown by solution method[9,12, 14]. Solid state
reaction is one of the simplest methods for growth of new materials. Hence, in this work we
did the detail investigation on UV photocatalytic dye decomposition activity with the
method. In particular studies like estimation of reaction kinetics and rate constant,
UV photocatalytic activity than P25. The potential cause for this is explored through the
absorption spectroscopy. The obtained result is compared with the previously reported results
important factor for practical applications of the catalyst. So this aspect of Zn2TiO4
Experimental Details
The nanoparticles were grown by solid state reaction method by taking the powder
precursors of TiO2 (Product No. 28375, Fisher Scientific, purity: 98.99%) and ZnO (Product
No.28975, Fisher Scientific, purity: 98.99%). These precursors were taken in the molar ratio
of 2:1 and ground for 3 hours by taking acetone as the medium. The grinded powder mixture
was calcined at 950oC for 2 hours. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning
electron microscopy (FESEM) and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) studies were carried out
The XRD pattern of the sample (Fig. 1(a)) shows the strong peaks at angle 2θ =
31.97, 34.62, 36.46, 53.98 and 56.81 degrees. These peaks were identified as (201), (211),
(202), (204) and (105) planes of Zn2TiO4 respectively. The obtained results are found to be in
good agreement with the result published by Nikam et al. and Santhaveesuk et al. [22,23]
indicating that the dominant phase of the grown material is Zn2TiO4. Some minor peaks were
also found at angle 2θ = 38, 48 and 55 degrees originating from residual ZnO and TiO2. From
the statistical analysis of this FESEM image (Fig. 1(b)) the size of the nanoparticles were
found to be in the range 40-180 nm with maximum number at 58 nm. From the BET study
the estimated specific surface area of the nanoparticles was found to be 8.78 m2/g.
Fig. 1 XRD patterns (a), FESEM image (b) of the Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles.
Three sets of UV photocatalytic dye decomposition studies were done. In the first set
of experiment, photocatalytic dye decomposition studies with Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles and its
constituents were done for the fixed time of UV light exposure. A reactor consisting of a 6
Watt UV light source (wavelength = 365 nm) and a magnetic stirrer is used for this purpose.
Firstly, 40 ml of aqueous solution of methylene blue (MB) dye (2.5x10-5 M) and 0.02 g of
nanoparticles were taken in a beaker of 50 ml capacity. The solution container (placed over
magnetic stirrer) was kept at a distance of 10 cm from the light source. Prior to light
irradiation, the solution was kept for 30 minutes in dark condition for complete adsorption-
desorption of dyes on the catalyst surface. Finally, the sample was irradiated with UV light
for fixed amount of time (8 minutes). The whole photoreaction (dark as well light exposure
condition) was carried out under continuous slow stirring. The dye decomposition was
measured through the absorption spectroscopy of the solution after filtering out the
nanoparticles. For comparison, the photocatalysis with the same condition was carried out
with the constituents of Zn2TiO4 i.e. with ZnO and TiO2 after grinding them for the same
In the second set of experiment, further studies like photocatalytic reaction kinetics,
estimation of reaction rate constant and comparison of the reaction rate constant with P25
were done for the Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles. For this, the procedure given in the above section
was followed. However, the UV exposure time was not fixed for this case. Here, the
photocatalysis was carried out at different intervals of time until the dye gets almost
decomposed. After the photocatalytic activity for a certain interval of time, 3 ml of sample
was taken to do the absorption spectroscopy to find the concentration of the dye.
The third set of experiment is similar to the second set except the fact that in this case
methyl orange (MO) was taken as the test dye and recycling ability study was conducted by
nanoparticles and its constituents ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles (all grinded for the same
amount of time 2 hours). From this, it is found that after 8 minutes of UV light exposure,
Zn2TiO4, ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles can decompose 90%, 63% and 32 % of the methylene
Fig. 2. Dye decomposition behavior of Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles and its constituents (ZnO and TiO2)
after 8 minutes of UV photocatalytic activity.
This figure clearly indicates that solid state grown Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles can show much
superior UV photocatalytic activity than its individual components. Better charge separation
ability and enhanced life time of the photoexcited carriers in Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles [9] may
3.2 Photocatalytic reaction kinetics, estimation of reaction rate constant and comparative
performance of Zn2TiO4 with the standard commercial nanoparticles
Fig. 3 shows the UV-visible absorption spectra of MB dye solution around its highest
absorption peak (664 nm) after 0, 4, 8 and 12 minutes of UV photocatalytic activity with
Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles.
Fig.4(a) shows the photocatalytic degradation of MB dye (plot of C/C0 vs. time) in the
presence of UV-light with Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles and P25 (Sigma-Aldrich, BET surface area
50±15 m2/g, average size 21 nm). Here, C0 is the initial concentration of aqueous solution of
MB dye (2.5x10-5 M) and C is its concentration after a certain time of photocatalytic reaction.
irradiation even after 30 minutes. The degradation efficiency [(C0 − C)/C0 × 100] of Zn2TiO4
nanoparticles was found to be 99% after 12 minutes of UV-light irradiation, which is much
higher than that of standard P25 nanoparticles (37.48%) for the same duration. The P25
irradiation. This suggests the superior UV photocatalytic activity of Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles
for the degradation of MB dye. The plot of ln(C0/C) vs. irradiation time (Fig. 4(b), scatter
points) shows a linear behavior indicating pseudo first order dye degradation kinetics. The
rate constant of MB dye degradation was estimated from the slope of the linear fit line (solid
line) of this plot. The rate constants of Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles and P25 as estimated by this
method are 0.179 min-1 and 0.030 min-1 respectively. So, the dye decomposition activity of
Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles is found to be 6 times higher than that of the standard P25 TiO2
Fig. 4. Photocatalytic decomposition of MB dye in the presence of UV-light with different catalysts
(a), ln(C0/C) Vs. time graph (scatter points experimental data, solid line linear fit) (b).
of MO dye with solid state reaction grown Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles. Fig. 5(a) represents the
UV-visible absorption spectra of MO dye around its highest absorption peak (463 nm)
indicating the decomposition in the presence of UV-light irradiation for different durations.
Here the inset image displays the change in the color of MO dye solution after 0, 4 and 8
minutes of UV photocatalytic activity. As can be seen from this figure, the MO dye was
Fig. 5. Absorption spectra of MO dye solution after 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 minutes of photocatalytic activity
with Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles(a) (Inset : Image of MO dye solution after 0, 4 and 8 minutes of UV
photocatalytic activity), C/C0 Vs. time graph for five cycles of photocatalytic dye decomposition (b).
The C/C0 vs. Time graph for this is shown in Fig. 5(b) (curve: 1st, C0 =5x10-5 M),
which indicates that the MO dye got decomposed by 98% within 8 minutes of UV exposure.
In order to explore the recycling ability of the solid state grown Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles, we
repeated this study for four more times with the same nanoparticles and the results are also
shown in Fig. 5(b) (curve: 2nd-5th). As can be observed from this, the dye decomposition
efficiency is found to be almost same for all the five cycles. This suggests that the as-
synthesized Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles can be used multiple times for the UV photocatalytic dye
4. Discussion
The comparative study with a standard commercial nanoparticle like Degussa P25 is one
of the best methods to quantitatively evaluate the activity of the efficient UV photocatalytic
nanoparticles [24–28]. This study has been done for the first time with Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles
in this work and shown that it can show 6 times higher activity than P25. This is the highest
activity than all the previously reported efficient UV photocatalytic nanomaterials that have
than P25, we did the UV absorbance study of these materials by diffuse reflectance method
using an integrating sphere attached spectrophotometer. The result of this study is shown in
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. UV absorbance behavior of Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles and P25 (Dotted line corresponds
to the working wavelength).
From this, we found that the UV absorbance of Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles is higher than that of
P25. This higher absorbance may be attributed to the superior UV photocatalytic activity of
Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles.
prepared from the laboratory grade ZnO and TiO2 powders of extremely low cost ($10 for
500 g) which is much less than that of standard commercial material P25 ($200 for 100g).
This low cost together with significantly higher reaction constant and extremely good
recycling ability can make the solid state reaction grown Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles a better
5. Conclusions
In summary, Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles of BET surface area of 8.78 m2/g was grown by
solid state reaction method and used for UV photocatalytic dye decomposition. In the
comparative study, it was found that these Zn2TiO4 nanoparticles could completely
decompose the MB dye within 12 minutes whereas the standard commercial TiO2
nanoparticles P25 (BET surface area 50±15 m2/g) took 80 minutes for doing this in the same
experimental condition. The reaction rate constant of Zn2TiO4 (k= 0.179 min-1) nanoparticles
was found to be 6 times higher than that of P25 (k=0.030 min-1). The cost of the prepared
nanoparticles is much less than the standard commercial nanoparticles P25 and has extremely
good recycling ability. Therefore, these nanoparticles can be found to be very useful for
Acknowledgement: SKD thanks, Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of
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