TOPAS 1000: Power Network Analyser

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Power Network Analyser

TOPAS 1000

Effecting measurement tasks in medium and low voltage

networks faster and with a single tool::

• Analyse disturbances and their causes

• Determine load capacity reserves at the
transformer or its outputs
• Acquire and analyse transient events
• Monitor voltage quality according to EN 50160
• Detect interfering mains feedback and expensive
power peaks
• Check the functioning of the ripple control system

General Analysis of signalling voltages

Power quality as per EN 50160 • Measurement of signalling voltages
T OPAS 1000 is a Power Network • Harmonics on 3 voltage channels
Analyser that can be used to locate • Interharmonics • Measurement of signalling frequency
interference sources and assess mains • Flicker • Level of ripple control signals
voltage quality in compliance with the • Voltage variations
• Unbalance Transients
applicable standards. The extremely
• Frequency • Recording of 4 voltage channels
rugged mechanical construction (IP65) of
TOPAS 1000 is highly estimated Averaging intervals for 20ms...24h • 100 kHz to 10 MHz sampling rate
• RMS voltage per channel
especially under harsh or wet conditions.
• RMS current • 20 ms to 2s recording period
The large data memory (up to 2 GB) • Triggering at voltage levels of high-
• Active power
provides a method of effecting long-term frequency signal components
• Apparent power
recordings. These recordings are the basis • Power factor • 6 kV input voltage range
for detailed evaluations and analyses to • Energy Hardware
assess disturbances and the mains voltage • 8 identical insualted channels
quality. Oscilloscope representation of
• Synchronised sampling
• Voltage • Rugged insulated housing
Measurements effected with TOPAS • Current • Dust and splash-proof as per IP65
1000 Frequency spectrum of • Large memory for long-term
• Disturbance source detection • Voltage measurements
• Voltage, current and power analysis • Current • Buffer battery for 5 minutes
• Active power Communication and data transfer
• Load and energy measurements
• Reactive power • Ethernet
• Transient analysis • Symmetrical components • RS 232 serial interface
• Signalling voltage analysis
Disturbance source detection • External modem
• Power quality analysis as per EN
• Evaluation of flicker sources TOPAS 1000 was developed in cooperation
• Detect sources of voltage dips with power utilities optimised for field
• Detect sources of distortion applications and the requirements of
• Analysis of resonances operating electrical energy assets.

Measuring Functions
TOPAS 1000 is a data logger recording measuring data for long
periods of time (months) and transferring them online to an analysis
computer (typically a notebook). Measuring data can be retrieved
during data logger operation without interrupting the
measurements via one of the existing interfaces. An online display
is also available.
TOPAS 1000 measures 4 currents and 4 voltages or 8 voltages
The tables below give an overview of all the measuring functions
currently available.

EN50160 Power quality

Day Daily average values
Long interval Preset average intervals
10 min 10 minute average values
A multitude of supplementary measuring functions are available in
addition to this overview. It is only with these extended evaluation
procedures that the source of these limit violations can be
Events Events
3 sec 3 seconds average Transient switching or lightning surges can destroy electronic
devices due to the high level of voltage. It is only by monitoring
RMS RMS values these pulses by means of transients analysis that such influences
10 ms – 1 week can be explained.

Oscilloscope Oscilloscope 6.4 kHz / channel

Transients Transients 100 kHz –
10 MHz / channel
Ripple control Ripple control analysis

Electronic devices can also be the reason for such

interferences. These influences with fairly low voltage levels
are frequently the cause of computer crashes or malfunctioning
devices. Finding these interference sources is only possible
Online measurements Oscilloscope with fast-sampling transient analysis.
The oscilloscope function is used to evaluate current and
voltage waveforms. Highly distorted voltages cause thermal
Measuring Data Analysis overloads of neutral wires and transformers.
The measuring results are displayed graphically as level time
diagrams or cumulative frequency functions. The data can be
superimposed in one diagram. Each data point can be
selected by mouse-controlled cursor and its coordinates
displayed in numerical fields. All the sections of a diagram
can be exported as a text table. This table can be used with
“Cut & Paste” in Windows via clipboard or the measured data
can be saved as a text file. The table format allows for importing
into spreadsheet applications. Several analysis windows can
be opened simultaneously. The analysed data is maintained
until the respective window is closed again.

EN 50160 Analysis
This analysis provides a rapid overview of the power quality.
By red and green bars it is possible to determine the voltage This function can also be used to represent amplitude
quality at once. spectrums of voltages, currents and power.

Ripple control signal analysis Configuration
Some equipment such as street lighting and heating devices
are remote controlled by means of signalling voltages. Multi- Before starting data logger measurements TOPAS 1000 must
tariff meters can also be switched with these signals. be configured via a computer in TOPAS 1000 software.
Interference may result in comprehensive, time-consuming Configuration files can be stored, loaded and compiled with
analysis and damage to equipment. menu-guidance. The configuration menu provides for the
following settings:
Descriptive text
A descriptive text can be entered into a text box with information
on the measurement.
Nominal values and limit values
All the limits complying with EN 50160 can be set.
The rms value of the interharmonics is measured. When a certain
level is exceeded oscilloscope values are recorded and the
intermediate frequency is determined. All the intermediate frequency
(IF) signals can be acquired by the means of this method.
This function provides a very useful tool to detect the source of
interferences. All quantities which could influence these Measuring time
signals are analysed and displayed. Start time, stop time and a pause time can be entered. Thus it
is possible to measure at precise times (e.g. midday peak
Events list from 12 am to 2 pm daily).
The events list provides a compact overview of all events that
occurred. This representation is particularly compact. Thirty Memory management
thousand events occupy 1MB memory only. This list can be It is possible to limit the amount of memory for the various
transferred without problems even with slow modem connections. types of files. This will avoid the memory being filled
unintentionally e.g. with instantaneous values. The memory
management can be circular or linear. In the case of linear
storage no more data is stored on reaching the memory limit.
In the case of circular storage the oldest data records are

Trigger conditions
TOPAS 1000 can determine the trigger thresholds
automatically. This operating mode requires no settings. The
trigger thresholds can also be set manually by the user. When
the trigger thresholds are exceeded harmonics, rms values
and powers, oscilloscope views of current and voltage,
transients and signalling voltages can be recorded.
It is also possible to trigger upon exceeding one or more harmonics
(1 – 50). For all channels it is possible to trigger on upper or lower
violation of oscilloscopes or rms values.
Hardware settings
Current and voltage sensors can be connected to any channel.
With the sorting functions it is possible to select and analyse the
The assignment “measured quantity – channel” and the setting of
most important incidents. From this list you can make an easy
the measuring range are effected during configuration. Certain
and rapid selection of data required for further analysis.
measuring ranges or sensors can be predefined. If the wrong
CBEMA curve sensor is connected in that case the measuring instrument will
The events list data can also be displayed in the CBEMA curve. In react by flashing the LED of the respective channel. An additional
this list the events are evaluated according to their level and duration. scaling factor can be entered for each channel. So it is possible
to take into account the transformer ratio of current or voltage
The calibration menu shows the calibration data of all eight
analogue channels and of the connected sensors. This menu
can be used to calibrate channels and sensors and check the
deviations with appropriate reference instruments and signal
TOPAS 1000 features comprehensive functions for system
diagnosis. The internal memory, input channels, sensors,
interfaces and battery are tested and a diagnosis protocol is
output. The analogue channels are tested by measuring the
noise voltage and the offset voltage.
This graph provides an excellent overview of events at the test

Amplitude response from 0 Hz to 100 kHz
Amplitude response at full modulation
Block diagram

Amplitude / dB
Frequency / Hz

Phase difference of any analogue channels from 0-0.54 fa

Maximum phase deviation of any channels

Analogue inputs Phase difference / degrees

The instrument features 8 galvanically insulated analogue
inputs which can be configured for either current or voltage
Each channel is equipped with a passive low-pass filter as a Frequency / Hz
protection against voltage transients and to limit signal rise
times, an anti-aliasing filter and an 16-bit A/D converter. All Linearity
channels are sampled synchronously based on a common At a sampling rate fa = 6400 Hz the measured value error at 50 Hz
quartz-controlled clock pulse. amounts to:
Linearity error
The filter structure of the analogue inputs reduces frequency
components and especially the noise voltage above half the
sampling rate of the A/D converter by 80dB, thus achieving
very small measuring errors in an exceptionally large amplitude
Error / %

range. Nor will this small measuring error be exceeded under

extreme operating conditions such as transient voltage swells
at the output of converters.
The instrument effects narrow-band measurements with precisely
defined frequency response. Between the 3dB limit frequency at
0.45-fold sampling frequency and the 1.2 higher frequency the
amplitude response falls 80dB below the A/D converter‘s
resolution. Within the range of this amplitude fall particular attention Level control coefficient / %
is paid to identical phase responses of the analogue inputs in
order to avoid errors during power measurement. Measuring error total
The total measuring error including voltage or current sensor is far
Frequency response below the error as per class 0.5 and harmonic class A of
At a sampling rate fa = 6400Hz the amplitude deviation goes from standard EN 61000-4-7. The actual total error results from the
0Hz to 2500Hz. specification of the analogue module and the corresponding
Amplitude deviation over the frequency at full modulation sensor. The error values indicated apply to the warmed up
instrument at 25°C ambient temperature. The error limits
indicated apply up to the maximum voltage rise time.
Amplitude deviation / %

The instrument is basically suited for current, voltage and power

measurements at the output of frequency converters. Direct current
measurements at the converter with shunts are also possible.
Taking into account the maximum voltage slew rate the same
error indications apply as on the mains.
Total error for rms values < 0.5 % of measured value at f < 2500 Hz,
full scale, ambient temperature 25°C, averaging time > 10 ms.
Total error for rms values < 0.1 % of measured value at f = 50 Hz, full
scale, ambient temperature 25°C, averaging time > 10 ms.
Frequency / Hz

Total error for powers at f < 2500 Hz, accuracy < 1 % of full scale, Power supply
ambient temperature 25°C, averaging time > 10 ms: < 2.2 % of The instrument is supplied from a wide range power supply
measured value at cosϕ = 1. and can be operated with the following voltages:
Total error for powers at f < 2500 Hz, full modulation, ambient • Alternating current, 45 Hz to 65 Hz, 100 V – 240 V and
temperature 25°C, averaging time > 10ms: < 1.2 % of measured
• Direct current, 100 V to 375 V
value at cosϕ = 1.
In the case of a power supply failure an integrated battery takes
Total error for powers at f = 50 Hz, accuracy < 1 % of full scale,
over the supply of the measuring instrument for up to 5 minutes.
ambient temperature 25°C, averaging time > 10 ms: < 1 % of
After that, or when the battery hasn’t got enough capacity, the
measured value at cosϕ = 1.
measuring instrument switches off and continues with the
Total error for powers at f = 50 Hz, full modulation, ambient last settings valid after re-establishment of the voltage supply.
temperature 25°C, averaging time > 10 ms: < 0.2 % of measured
value at cosϕ = 1. Safety
(The errors of connected sensors are not taken account of). TOPAS 1000 conforms with CE Marking requirements and
complies with IEC/EN 61010 “Safety regulations for electric
Common mode rejection measuring, control, automatic control and laboratory
Common mode rejection between 0 Hz and 100 kHz: -130 dB of instruments”.
measuring range. The housing and connectors of TOPAS 1000 are made
exclusively of non-conducting materials.
Temperature drift
Change of amplification through temperature: < 150 ppm/K. Protective system
With closed interface cover TOPAS 1000 complies with
Ageing protective system IP65 (dust and splash proof).
Change of amplification due to ageing: < 0.06 % / year.
Operating temperature range
Noise 0 ... 40°C ambient temperature.
Noise voltage, input short-circuited: < 20 µV. The instrument was developed on the condition that instrument’s
Spectral noise voltage density: 0.4µV / √Hz. temperature upon power ON would be between 0°C and 40°C,
with enough heat to operate at ambient temperatures down to –
Nominal data 20°C. The only component which cannot be specified for operation
Input resistance 1 MΩ down to –20°C is the hard disk.
Input capacitance 5 pF
Dimensions and weight
Measuring range (peak value) 280 mV
H x W x D: 300 x 325 x 65 mm
Overload capacity 1000 V cont.
Weight: approx. 4 kg
Maximum voltage slew rate: 15 kV/µs
Sampling TOPAS 1000 features 9 LEDs as status displays. The mains
The sampling rate is synchronised to mains frequency and will be LED shows the power supply status. There is a separate LED
6400 Hz typically on a 50 Hz network. Synchronisation is possible for each channel providing information on signal level and
in the range from 45-65 Hz with a resolution of 10 ppm. The possible faults for the respective channel.
absolute error limit for frequency measurement is 200 ppm.
Mains LED
Measuring cycles • Permanent light: uninterrupted power supply.
As per EN 61000-4-7:
• Flashing light: supply via battery in the case of failure of
Frequency 3 s, 10 s, 10 min, 1 h, 24 h
mains supply.
RMS voltage 10 ms, 3 s, 10 min, 1 h, 24 h
Harmonics 160 / 320 ms
Channel LEDs
As per EN 60868: • Brief light ON: too low or no measuring signal
Flicker 20 ms, 10 min, 2 h • Brief light OFF: overload

Data memory • Permanent light: “channel o.k.”

The measuring instrument is equipped with a 1 GB, or 2 GB • Rapid flashing: “sensors incorrectly connected”.
hard disk or 512 kB CF-card.

The instrument is accessed with an MS-Windows compatible
computer (Windows 3.11, Windows 95, Windows NT) and the
network software included in these operating systems, preferably
Ethernet. For this, the instrument can be integrated into any Ethernet
system. For 10 base 2 (twisted pair) the integration is direct, for
10 base T (coaxial cable and BNC connector) via an adapter
available as an accessory. As an alternative, it is also possible to
communicate with the instrument via serial interface (RS 232)
or external modem.

Technical data Accuracy of Voltage Sensors
Inputs Temperature drift: 100 ppm/K
Insulated (each input separate), 600 V CAT III Aging: <0.06% / year

Rated input voltage 0.2 V rms Voltage probe Voltage probe

One 16-bit A/D converter with anti-aliasing filter per channel 400V AC/DC 100V AC/DC
Accuracy <1 % from 0 ... 2.5 kHz A680502002 A680502001
Precision class A to EN 61000-4-7 Range 4...680 V 1...170V

Measurement Linearity 0.15% 0.15%

phase angle
Sampling rate typ. 6.4 kHz at 50 Hz mains frequency synchronizes 45Hz...65Hz 0.11% / 0.005° 0.11% / 0.005°

accuracy /
to fundamental frequency automatically
65Hz...1kHz 0.15% / 0.034° 0.15% / 0.034°
45-65 Hz (error <10 ppm) 1kHz...3kHz 0.2% / 0.125° 0.2% / 0.125°
Transients 100 kHz ... 10 MHz(500kHz)/channel test voltage 5550Vrms 5550Vrms
Measurement intervals: 10 ms, 0.16 s, 0.32 s, 3 s (10 s), 10 min, operating voltage 600V CAT III 600V CAT III
1 h, (2 h), 24 h, 1 week
Logging mode sensors 1V 5V 10V 480V 1000V
Mains statistics as per EN 50160, rms values, max. values, A 6805 02004 EP 1002 A EP 1110 A EG0001Z EP1010A
flicker level, voltage dips, overvoltages, supply interruptions, range 0.01...1.7V 0.05...8.5V 0.1...17V 4.8...820V 10...1700V
(short and long-term), harmonics, interharmonics, THD, max. input voltage 100V 100V 100V 1000V 2000V
voltage unbalance, signal voltages, harmonic power by operating voltage 300V CAT II 300V CAT II 300V CATII 300V CAT III1000V CAT III
magnitude and phase, ripple control signal analysis, Accuracy of Clip-on Probes
range accuracy frequency phase test operating
On-line mode band angle voltage voltage
Oscilloscope current and voltage , FFT of time functions, distortion Vrms
factors, active and reactive power spectra, rms values, mean CLIP-ON 0.1A..1200A/ 0.5% 16Hz..5kHz 0.5° 5550 600V
values, active power, power factors, positive sequence, negative CURRENT 0.1A...120A CAT III
sequence and zero phase sequence systems. 1000/100A
CLIP-ON 4A..500A(600*)/ 0.5% 48Hz...1kHz 1° 5550 600V
Ethernet (compatible with Windows 3.11, Windows 95 and CURRENT 4A...50A CAT III
Windows NT), serial interface (RS 232), external modem TRANSFORMER
Memory A680501051
Hard disk or Compact Flash card CLIP-ON 100mA...120A/ 0.5% 45Hz...10kHz 3.5° --- max.30V
CURRENT 100mA...12A to ground
Dimensions and weight TRANSFORMER
H x W x D: 300 x 325 x 65 mm 100/10A
Weight: approx. 4 kg
CLIP-ON 50mA...14A/ 0.5% 40Hz...5kHz 3° --- max.30V
Protection class CURRENT 50mA...2.8A to ground
IP 65 5/1A
Operating temperature range
LEMFLEX 10 ... 0.5% 45...3.0kHz 0.5° 5550 600V
0 ... 40 °C 10-1000A 2200A** CAT III
optionally -20 ... 50°C A680501053
LEMFLEX 100 .... 0.5% 45...3.0kHz 0.5° 5550 600V
Probes 100-6000A 12.2kA** CAT III
Voltage probes for various ranges between 1 V and 1000 V are SHUNT 20mA 55mA/ 0.2% DC...3.0kHz 0.1° 2300 300V
available for TOPAS 1000. A680501057 400mA*** CAT II
Current sensors for direct current measurement (shunts) are SHUNT 1A 2.8/6.5A*** 0.2% DC...3.0kHz 0.1° 2300 300V
A680501054 CAT II
available between 20 mA and 5 A.
SHUNT 5A 10A/12.25A*** 0.2% DC...3.0kHz 0.1° 2300 300V
Passive current clamps (AC only) are available in ranges with 1 A A680501055 CAT II
and 1000 A (switchable current clamp).
Errors in % of measuring range at 23°C +3°C, at 48 to 65 Hz (calibrated sensors)
All the probes feature a memory for calibration factors and serial Phase angle error at nominal current
number which is read automatically by the measuring instrument. * 10min On/30 min OFF
** for sinussidual signals
Current clamps additionally feature a software-controlled measuring *** max. overload
range toggle.
Basically, any measuring transducer with an output signal in the
range +/-280mV can be used on TOPAS 1000. 1000

Order references TOPAS 1000 Accessories
Analyzer LEM~flex 10-1000 A, 61 cm, 2 m cable A 6805 01053
LEM~flex 10-1000 A, 61 cm, 10 m cable EP 1101A
TOPAS 1000 Standard equipment A 5505 10010
8 channels (4 x current/4 x voltage or 8 x voltage), LEM~flex 2000A, 61cm, 2 m cable EP 1022A
EN50160 option, Ethernet, serial interface, LEM~flex 3000A, 61cm, 2 m cable EP 1003A
hard disk >540 MB
LEM~flex 100-6000 A, 91 cm, 2 m cable A 6805 01059
TOPAS 1000 TS A 5505 10011
LEM~flex 6000 A, 91 cm, 10 m cable EP 1106A
with 3 LEM~flex 10-1000A, 3 sensors 400 V,
with trigger option, without EN50160 in Current probe 1/5 A A 6805 01049
carrying case Current probe 10/100 A A 6805 01050
TOPAS 1000 S EP 1130A Current probe 50/500 A A 6805 01051
with 3 LEM~flex 10-1000 A, 3 sensors 400 V,
without EN50160, without trigger option Current probe 100/1000 A A 6805 01052

TOPAS 1000 S EP 1140A Voltage sensor 1 V A 6805 02004

with 3 1/5 A current probes, 3 sensors 400 V, Voltage sensor 5 V EP 1002A
without EN50160, without trigger option
Voltage sensor 10 V EP 1110A
TOPAS 1000 S EP 1150A
Voltage sensor 100 V A 6805 02001
with 3 sensors 400 V, without current sensors,
without EN50160, without trigger option Voltage sensor 400 V A 6805 02002

Options Voltage sensor 480 V EG 0001Z

Voltage sensor 830 V A 6805 02007
Trigger functions A 5505 00110
automatic, manual trigger level for 4 voltage Voltage sensor 1000 V EP 1010A
channels and 4 current channels or 8 voltage
Shunt 20 mA A 6805 01057
channels, harmonics, THD
EN50160 option for evaluation of power quality EP 0160A Shunt 1 A A 6805 01054
Transient analysis 10 Ms A 5505 00210 Shunt 5 A A 6805 01055
for 4 voltage channels, GSM modem set A 5505 00330
sampling rate: 100 kHz-10 MHz,
range: 6 kV, event storage depth 20 ms - 2 s ETHERNET cable set EP 0004A
Transient analysis 0,5 Ms A 5505 00211 Adapter for current and power measurements A 6045 10200
for 4 voltage channels, Safety adapter with high-performance fuse A 6805 02003
sampling rate: 100 kHz-500 kHz,
range: 6 kV, event storage depth 400ms - 2s Attachment for belt assembly - 2 attachments, A 5505 00411
1 carrying belt
Ripple control signal analysis
Frequency & level measurement for Carrying case A 5505 00410
8 measurement channels A 5505 00310 ASC-02 certificate with measurement values E012000030
8 digital alarm outputs, relay box A 5505 00320 for TOPAS 1000 without accessories

Hard disk upgrade 2GB A 5505 00340


Printed in Germany Technical modifications reserved

Publication A01480E

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