Influence Line-Model Correction Approach For The Assessment of Engineering Structures Using Novel Monitoring Techniques
Influence Line-Model Correction Approach For The Assessment of Engineering Structures Using Novel Monitoring Techniques
Influence Line-Model Correction Approach For The Assessment of Engineering Structures Using Novel Monitoring Techniques
1 (2012) 1-20 1
Abstract. In bridge engineering, maintenance strategies and thus budgetary demands are highly influenced
by construction type and quality of design. Nowadays bridge owners and planners tend to include life-cycle
cost analyses in their decision processes regarding the overall design trying to optimize structural reliability
and durability within financial constraints. Smart permanent and short term monitoring can reduce the
associated risk of new design concepts by observing the performance of structural components during
prescribed time periods. The objectives of this paper are the discussion and analysis of influence line or
influence field approaches in terms of (a) an efficient incorporation of monitoring information in the structural
performance assessment, (b) an efficient characterization of performance indicators for the assessment of
structures, (c) the ability of optimizing the positions of sensors of a monitoring system, and (d) the ability of
checking the robustness of the monitoring systems applied to a structure. The proposed influence line- model
correction approach has been applied to an integrative monitoring system that has been installed for the
performance assessment of an existing three-span jointless bridge.
Keywords: influence lines model correction approach; model updatimg; fiber optical monitoring systems;
LVDT monitoring systems; proof loading.
1. Introduction
In recent years major advances have been accomplished in the design, modeling, analysis, monitoring,
maintenance and rehabilitation of civil engineering structures (Bergmeister et al. 2010, Frangopol
2011). These developments are considered to be at the heart of civil engineering, which is currently
undergoing a transition towards a life-cycle and performance oriented design (Frangopol et al.
2008b). Monitoring is a key factor in this transition process, while the term “monitoring” includes
all types of acquisition, observation and supervision of an activity or a process.
There is a large interest from scientists and practitioners in the investigation and development of
monitoring systems and approaches for the efficient incorporation of monitored information in the
performance assessment of structures associated with the identification of defects and degradation
*Corresponding author, Associate professor, E-mail:
2 Alfred Strauss, Roman Wendner, Dan M. Frangopol and Konrad Bergmeister
processes (Bergmeister et al. 2010, Doebling et al. 1996, Messervey and Frangopol 2009, Strauss
et al. 2009a, Frangopol 2011, Geier 2010, Inaudi 2010, Wenzel and Egerer 2010, Zilch et al. 2009).
Promising statistical and analytical models (Messervey et al. 2010, Strauss et al. 2008a, Frangopol
2011) have been already developed for the optimization of monitoring periods (Kim and Frangopol
2010, Strauss et al. 2008b, Strauss et al. 2011, Kim and Frangopol 2011a, Frangopol 2011) and the
incorporation of monitoring information in the performance assessment and the lifetime prediction
of structures (Messervey et al. 2009, Frangopol 2011, Dorvash et al. 2010).
For instance, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) “Technical Council on Life-Cycle
Performance, Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structural Systems” Task Group 2: “Reliability-Based
Structural System Performance Indicators” characterized structural performance indicators that can
be derived from a few structural quantities as essential parameters for effective maintenance
planning. These indicators must guarantee the compliance with a series of design codes or general
specifications (Frangopol et al. 2008, Strauss et al. 2011).
In general, monitoring methods are very suitable for the performance assessment (e.g., with
respect to design codes or general specifications) of the region in the vicinity of the sensors but not
for the entire structure, and hence cannot simply meet the characteristics of performance indicators
as defined by the ASCE Technical Council on Life-Cycle Performance, Safety, and Reliability and
Risk of Structural Systems.
A pairing of sensor readings with associated loading information (e.g., temperature or proof load
magnitudes and its geometric coordinates) by influence line or influence field approaches provides
the required sensor information for adjusting the model to existing behavior, using novel model
correction approaches. Consequently, the sensor readings and the numerical performance of the
adjusted model allow a comprehensive performance assessment with respect to code specifications
and allow the definition of performance indicators in conjunction with monitoring processes or
model correction quantities.
The objectives of this paper are the discussion and analysis of influence line or influence field
approaches in terms of (a) an efficient incorporation of monitoring information in the structural
performance assessment, (b) an efficient characterization of performance indicators for the
assessment of structures, (c) the ability of optimizing the positions of sensors of a monitoring
system, and (d) the ability of checking the robustness of the monitoring systems applied to a
structure. In addition, the model correction approach, which is a key ingredient in the assessment
procedures, and its properties are presented. The proposed influence line- model correction approach
is discussed using the integrative monitoring system that has been installed for the performance
assessment of an existing three-span joint less bridge structure.
There are numerous national and international regulations and publications which indicate the
necessity of simulating the phenomena or event to be monitored. Simulations can contribute
significantly to explaining the structural behavior in a comprehensive way, and serve for the
detection of critical elements or regions. They can significantly support (a) the analysis of
measurement uncertainties, (b) the experience for simulation procedures, and (c) the optimization of
the monitoring layout. The simulation of phenomena to be monitored is considered by many
engineers and researchers as a basis for an optimal monitoring layout and minimizing monitoring
Influence line-model correction approach for the assessment of engineering structures using novel 3
uncertainties (RVS 13.03.11). The ability to correctly map monitoring quantities to structural characteristics
by either numerical or analytical models is essential for the success of updating and identification
strategies in general and the proposed influence line- and model correction approach in particular.
Several aspects must be taken into account in modeling. The effort in the simulation and analysis
(e.g., the use of 2D and 3D software tools) is determined by the complexity of the real structural
behavior that has to be captured under variable loading conditions.
In structural engineering simulation techniques range from (a) efficient simplified static calculation
techniques to (b) highly sophisticated nonlinear calculation techniques which are taking into account
the overall system deformation and material laws.
Software packages such as ATENA (Červenka et al. 2007) provide advanced highly nonlinear
material laws that can accurately represent existing material properties.
The application of the finite element method for capturing the real system behavior requires a
careful discretization of the structure into macro- and finite elements. A proper selection of element
type, element size and number of finite elements is highly important (Bathe 1995). The discretization
must guarantee the detection of significant structural regions, such as areas of high strain and stress
distributions and strain and stress gradients (Mayr and Thalhofer 1993). The knowledge about these
areas is essential for the optimization of monitoring systems (Strauss et al. 2008d). Nevertheless,
Bathe (Bathe 1995) suggests a top-down approach starting with the coarsest mesh that will capture
the dominant behavior of the physical model: (a) use the simplest elements that will do the job, and
(b) never use complicated or special elements unless there is perfect confidence in their use. An
iterative refinement in the discretization of the structure with respect to stress or strain concentration
areas ensures computational efficiency (Bathe 1995) and finding the optimal sensor locations
(Strauss et al. 2008d).
One main concern of the influence line- model correction approach is the adaptation of simulation
models by incorporating information from monitoring processes. For this adaptation process, the
previously discussed aspects of modeling are of great importance. An optimized simulation model
that captures the existing behavior of a monitored structure is the basis for a reliable evaluation of
the developing monitoring processes, and assessment of code specified service limit states (SLS;
e.g., deflections), ultimate limit states (ULS; e.g., bearing capacity), and durability limit states (DLS;
e.g., corrosion resistance) (Hoffmann 2008, Strauss et al. 2009a,b, Zilch et al. 2009, Wendner et al.
The structural effects due to specific loads or load combinations can be obtained from the load
associated deflection of the influence lines by the following energy based general approach
* * *
ΣW = W a + W i = Z i ⋅ ∆δ i + P ( x ) ⋅ w ( x ) – ∫ Z ⋅ δ ⋅ dx (1)
with Wa* and Wi*= external and internal work, respectively; Zi = actual internal force in the entire
system due to the force P = 1, ∆δ i = virtual mutual deformation of the inserted degree of freedom of the
associated mechanical quantity of interest, w(x) = virtual deflection of the influence lines on the
4 Alfred Strauss, Roman Wendner, Dan M. Frangopol and Konrad Bergmeister
Fig. 1 Numerically generated influence lines (IL) for the three span abutment free bridge S33.24: (a) for
stresses associated with the fiber optic strain sensor d7u next to the bottom surface of the slab and loads
located in lane 1 according to Fig. 6 and (b) for stresses associated with the fiber optic sensor d90o next
to the upper surface of the slab
location and in the direction of P due to ∆δ i = -1, and δ = virtual deformation of the entire system due to
∆δ i = -1. Eq. (1) yields the following form for statically determinate systems
Z i ⋅ ∆δ i + P ( x ) ⋅ w ( x ) = 0 (2)
which is the basis for the following statement by Betti and Maxwell (Hirschfeld 2008). The relationship
between Zi, and w(x) for a moving load P = 1 in x is valid as long as the relative displacement in i,
∆δ i = -1 is used for the generation of w(x)
Zi = w ( x ) (3)
The generalization of this approach for statically indeterminate systems was formulated by Land
(Hirschfeld 2008) as follows: The influence line for an internal force Zi (e.g., Ni, Vi, Mi) in i due to
a variable load P = 1 in space is equal to the bending line w(x) which is caused by the relative
displacement in i, ∆δ i = -1 (∆ui, ∆wi, ∆ϕi) at the location of the associated internal force Zi of
interest. Influence lines can be generated numerically (e.g., using the finite element method) by the
gradual assignment of the mechanical quantity Zi in i due to the unit load P = 1. For instance, Figs.
1(a) and 1(b) portray the simulated influence lines obtained by the finite element model presented in
Fig. 5(a) along lane 1 (see Fig. 4(a)) for the stresses of the associated sensors d7u and d9o, (see Fig.
4(b)) respectively.
In general, an initial model layout for the description of engineering structures will not capture the
real behavior due to aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. These uncertainties can be reduced by
engineering knowledge. Uncertainties can also be taken into account by model correction factors
according to EN1990 Appendix D (2002). The model correction factor based evaluation requires the
development of a design model for the theoretical monitored quantity mt of the member or structural
detail considered and represented by the model function
m t = g mt ( X ) (4)
Influence line-model correction approach for the assessment of engineering structures using novel 5
Fig. 2 Recorded and computed stresses of sensor (a) d7u and (b) d10o due to the nine proof loading locations,
see Table 3 and Fig. 6, on the S33.24 Bridge
Fig. 3 Case study “Marktwasser Bridge S33.24”: (a) Side view - Picture taken from North - East, (b) typical
installed fibre optical sensor and (c) vehicles for the proof loading campaign
The model function has to cover all relevant basic variables X that affect the design model at the
monitoring locations. The basic parameters should be measured or tested. Consequently, there is
interest in a comparison between theoretically computed and monitored values. Therefore, the actual
measured or tested properties have to be substituted into the design model so as to obtain theoretical
values mti to form the basis for a comparison with the recorded values mei from a monitoring system.
The representation of the corresponding values (mti, mei) on a diagram, as shown in Fig. 2 for the
recorded and computed stresses due to the nine proof loading locations on the S33.24 bridge, see Fig. 6,
allows a pre-assessment of the developed design model. If the design model is exact and complete, then
all of the points will lie on the line ϕ = π/4. In practice the points will show some scatter, as portrayed in
Fig. 2. However, the cause of any systematic deviation from that line should be investigated to check
whether this indicates errors in the monitoring system or in the design model.
The estimator of the mean value correction factor represents the appropriateness of the developed
model (i.e., the finite element model of the S33.24 shown in Fig. 5). The probabilistic model of the
monitored quantity m can be represented in the format
m = b ⋅ mt ⋅ δ (5)
where b = “Least Squares” best fit to the slope, given by
b = Σm ei ⋅ m ti / ( Σm ti ⋅ m ti ) (6)
6 Alfred Strauss, Roman Wendner, Dan M. Frangopol and Konrad Bergmeister
In addition, the mean value of the theoretical design model, calculated using the mean values Xm
of the basic variables, can be obtained from
m m = b ⋅ m t ( X m ) ⋅ δ = b ⋅ g mt ( X m ) ⋅ δ (7)
The error terms δ i of the recorded values mei and the paired design model values mti are given by:
δ i = m ei / ( b ⋅ m ti ) (8)
The logarithm of δ i
ln ( δ i ) = ∆ i (9)
∆′ = 1/n ⋅ Σ∆ i (10)
which serves for the determination of the coefficient of variation Vδ of the δ i error terms in the
following way:
2 0.5
V δ = ( exp ( s ∆ ) – 1 ) (12)
In addition to this consideration in the scattering quantities, there is the requirement for a
compatibility analysis, in order to check the assumptions made in the design model. If the scatter in
(mei, mti) values is too high to give realistic design model functions, this scatter may be reduced in
one of the following ways: (a) by correcting the design model to take into account parameters
which had previously been ignored; (b) by modifying b and Vδ by dividing the recorded test
population into appropriate sub sets for which the influence of such additional parameters may be
considered to be constant.
The jointless “Marktwasser Bridge” S33.24 is a foreshore bridge leading to a recently erected
Danube crossing which is part of an important highway connection to and from Vienna. The
structure actually consists of two structurally separated bridge objects, the wider one of which
allows for five lanes of highway traffic. The S33.24 is a three-span continuous plate structures with
span lengths of 19.50 m, 28.05 m and 19.50 m orthogonal to the abutment (20.93 m, 29.75 m,
20.93 m parallel to the main axis) as is shown in Fig. 4(a). The top view of the so called
“Marktwasser Bridge”, see Fig. 4(a), shows a crossing angle of 74° between center-line of the deck
slab and abutment-axis. Further design aspects of this non-prestressed construction are monolithical
connections between bridge deck, pillars and abutments as well as haunches going from a constant
Influence line-model correction approach for the assessment of engineering structures using novel 7
Fig. 4 Monitoring installation plan of the Bridge system S33.24: (a) top view indicating the traffic lanes and
instrumented area, (b) longitudinal cut of S33.24 including sensor placement in the deck slab of the
southernmost span and (c) serial system topology of fiber optical monitoring system
construction height of 1.00 m to 1.60 m in the vicinity of the pillars to account for the high restraint
moment. The deck width ranges from 19.40 m to 22.70 m excluding two cantilevers of 2.50 m length
each. The entire structure is founded on four lines of drilling piles with length of 12.00 m and
19.50 m respectively. Further information about the geometry of the structure is given in (Strauss et
al. 2010). The side view during construction presented in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) shows one of the fiber
optical strain sensors shortly before installation, and Fig. 3(c) presents one of the trucks used during
the proof loading campaign.
As the design and the performance of abutment free structures depend not only on dead load and
the traffic loads but especially on constraint loads resulting from temperature, earth pressure and
creep/shrinkage processes an integrative monitoring concept had to be developed covering the
superstructure, its interaction with the reinforced earth dam behind the abutment and the dilatation
area above the approach slabs. In total 5 different sensor systems consisting of strain gages, temperature
sensors and extensometers were permanently installed (Wendner et al. 2010b).
Due to the different nature of the relevant load cases the instrumentation of the deck slab had to
ensure that both a constant and linear strain distribution across the cross section can be detected.
Similarly by a proper placement of the temperature sensors constant temperature and temperature
gradient were to be measured (Strauss et al. 2010b). Based on those requirements the contractor
designing the monitoring system opted for a fiber optic sensor (FOS) system consisting of 12 strain
and eight temperature sensors, which were placed in the southern span’s deck slab, as shown in
Fig. 4(b). For redundancy as well as installation reasons two independent FOS strands were placed
in the top and the bottom reinforcement layer of the southern span’s deck slab, see Fig. 4(c).
All temperature and strain sensors are equally distributed between upper and lower reinforcement
8 Alfred Strauss, Roman Wendner, Dan M. Frangopol and Konrad Bergmeister
Table 1 Layout of the fiber optical monitoring system next to the upper and lower surface of
the slab of the first lateral field
Sensors Position [m] Sensor Position [m]
t1o 0.70 t1u 0.30
d2o 4.10 d2u 3.15
d3o 5.10 d3u 5.65
t4o 5.10 t4u 6.70
d5o 6.10 d5u 11.70
t6o 7.10 t6u 14.00
d7o 8.10 d7u 14.90
t8o 13.60 t8u 15.70
d9o 14.70 d9u 15.70
d10o 19.10 d10u 23.00
w3 5.68
w2 10.19
w1 14.38
layers. The location of the temperature sensors allows capturing differences in the environmental
conditions due to solar radiation, wind and the development of cold air pockets below the deck.
Strain sensors d2u, d3u and their counterparts d2o up to d7o provide information about the strain
contribution from dead load, creep shrinkage and temperature gradient. The placement of sensors
d7u, d9u and d9o was governed by the goal to determine the zero-crossing of the moment distribution
whereas d10o and d10u are mainly affected by a constraint moment near the pillar. Table 1 gives a
summary of the individual sensor locations, where u denotes bottom reinforcement layer and o
denotes upper layer.
During design of the monitoring system a 3D finite element model was set up in SOFISTIK in
order to (a) optimize the sensor location with respect to the expected structural response and (b)
allow for a meaningful data interpretation. The abutments, columns and deck slab were discretized
using shell elements. The four rows of drilling piles were modeled by means of beam elements
resulting in a total of 569,035 elements and 18,945 nodes. Geometry and material properties were
taken out of the initial statics and available plans. Table 2 gives an overview of the used material
properties, in particular concrete of class C30/37 for the deck slab, abutments and columns and
C25/30 for the piles. In the initial model, see Fig. 5(a), all piles are placed on stiff vertical springs
with an initial spring stiffness cp of 3 GN/m. Horizontally neither the abutment nor the deck slab are
supported. The piles are bedded considering a linear increase in the horizontal stiffness modulus
from 0 to 40,000 kN/m² at a depth of 5.0 m below the top end of the pile. In the lower area a
constant stiffness modulus of the bedding of 60,000 kN/m² is considered.
This initial model was idealized as depicted in Fig. 5(b) with springs of cp c_{p2} c_{m2} = 3
GN/m vertical stiffness and cm = 3 GNm/rad rotational stiffness in order to study the influence of
the boundary conditions in more detail. This model is referred to later on as Model 2. No
Influence line-model correction approach for the assessment of engineering structures using novel 9
Fig. 5 Numerical models used for the description of the monitored behavior of the Bridge system S33.24: (a)
three dimensional linear Finite Element Model incorporating shell (Quads), beam and spring elements
and (b) a simplified idealized beam element model representing the modified 3D FEM by spring elements
capturing the variability in the stiffness to the abutment (Parameter studies have been performed with
c1 = c2 = c3 = c4)
differentiations were made between the springs at the abutment axes c1 and c4 and the column axes c2
and c3 respectively. For Model 1 the stiffness of all springs was reduced by a factor of three to cp1 =
1 GNm/rad and cm1 = 1 GNm/rad whereas for Model 3 the stiffness was increased by a factor of
three to cp3 = 9 GN/m and cm3 = 9 GNm/rad respectively.
Proof load tests have been performed on Friday, Feb. 19th 2010 between 10:50 a.m. and 14:45 pm
10 Alfred Strauss, Roman Wendner, Dan M. Frangopol and Konrad Bergmeister
Fig. 6 Proof loading associated details: (a) Geometrical configuration and axle load distribution of the proof
loading vehicles and (b) static proof loading positions of the vehicles along lane 1 of the bridge system
with ambient temperatures between 0o to 2 oC. The results of these proof loadings serve for the
calibration of the static linear model and the verification of the assumed structural behavior. The
concept for the proof loading procedure was developed with the following goals in mind. Firstly
defined load situations with significant structural response were to ensure a proper model calibration
mainly with respect to the boundary conditions. As a consequence three 40 to trucks with known
axle loads were positioned in 16 static scenarios. The trucks were positioned independently as well
as in the most unfavorable configurations on lanes 1 to 3, see Fig. 4(a).
Furthermore dynamic effects and the respective amplification factor should be determined to
ensure a proper interpretation of real traffic load effects on the overall performance. To that end in
total 35 load scenarios with moving vehicles from walking pace to a speed of approximately 50 km/h
were performed.
For the model calibration nine static load situations with a single truck of 41.55 to in lane 1 were
considered only. The trucks axle configuration and axle load distribution resulting from deadload
and freight is presented in Fig. 6(a). Fig. 6(b) illustrates the load positions with respect to the model
point in chosen local coordinates. The stepwise moving along the bridge axis results in an experimental
determination of the influence lines for all sensor properties and sensor positions respectively which
provide great insight into the system behavior.
The main goal as already mentioned previously is the assessment of the validity and adequacy of
the initial numerical model to be used during future structural performance assessment. To that end,
the predicted structural response is compared to the real response recorded by the monitoring
system for clearly defined load situations.
This model validation is, in particular, for abutment free bridge structures essential. Due to the
Influence line-model correction approach for the assessment of engineering structures using novel 11
nature of these structures and the still limited knowledge several significant assumptions regarding
(a) the soil-structure-interaction, (b) the influence of temperature effects, and (c) the stiffness
distribution within the structure have to be made during design.
For example, the effects of deformations and nonlinear material laws are not being considered in
the initial finite element model for the determination of the internal forces. Furthermore, the stiffness
distribution, which in case of reinforced concrete structures is variable due to the development of
micro cracks (between the uncracked state I and the fully cracked state II), is not considered either.
These significantly influence structural response, especially in a statically indeterminate structure,
where constrained loads and force redistribution govern performance. Within this contribution the
model validation includes, on the global level, a direct comparison of structural response between
real structure and model. On the local level, observed stress/strain distributions in individual
structural members (e.g., deck slab) are checked against the original design calculations.
The influence line concept in combination with the proof-loading procedure allows a simplified
comparison based on short-term relative measurement data instead of absolute values, which are
influenced by long-term processes and initial offset. Only the nine load situations Pi with trucks
positioned according to Fig. 6(b) are considered. Due to the limited duration of the proof loading
campaign, the effects of creep, shrinkage, changes in temperature and settlement on the monitored
quantities can be neglected, thus yielding the basis for an unbiased comparison.
The actual model validation is based on a comparison of the expected values of the monitored
quantities E(mei) = ( m ei, 1, m ei, 2, …, m ei, n ) for the n sensors and i = 1,..,9 proof loading positions
with the expected values of the respective simulated quantities E(mti) = ( m ti, 1, m ti, 2, …, m ti, n ). In
both cases, influence lines are obtained by plotting the expectations against the load positions.
The agreement between model and reality can be expressed in terms of the model correction
factor b. If the numerical model can fully capture the real loading situation, resistance and accurately
represent structural response, then a perfect model would be present, indicated by b = 1. Furthermore the
characteristic response mk according can be calculated.
For the case study object S33.24 virtual proof loadings using the axle load configuration of the
truck presented in Fig. 6(a) have been simulated. The center of mass was positioned in the first lane
and moved in increments of 1.00 m yielding the simulated expectations E(mti) for strains related to
the fiber optic strain sensors d2o, d3o, d5o, d7o, d9o, d10o which are located in the top reinforcement
layer, and d2u, d3u, d5u, d7u, d9u, d10u which are located in the bottom reinforcement and for the
vertical deflections related to the LVDT sensors w1,…,w3. Since mean values are used to describe
the material properties in the models, the simulated influence lines for the respective sensors are
directly obtained by plotting the resulting simulated expectations against the load positions, see
exemplarily Figs. 7 and 8.
On a global level, the model validity can be checked by comparing the global structural response
of the real structure with e.g., the initial finite element model in terms of the influence line values.
If, for the majority of available sensors, the shape of the simulated continuous influence lines
shows a good agreement with the measured discrete influence line values, the assumed load transfer
mechanism can be confirmed. Figs. 7 and 8 illustrate this comparison in terms of the sensors d9o d7u,
w1, and w2. Although the black columns (measurement) generally follow the shape of the theoretical
influence lines, deviations in absolute values as well as e.g., the position of the zero crossings are
present with respect to the different numerical models. These discrepancies can be used to (a) efficiently
identify inaccuracies in the individual models, and (b) finally choose the model with the highest
12 Alfred Strauss, Roman Wendner, Dan M. Frangopol and Konrad Bergmeister
Fig. 7 Influence lines (IL) extracted from the Finite Element Model of the bridge system S33.24 (Fig. 5(a))
with respect to the measured values of the nine proof loading positions: (a) IL of stresses associated
with the fiber optical sensor d7u and (b) IL of stresses associated with the fiber optical sensor d9o
Fig. 8 Influence lines (IL) extracted from the Finite Element Model of the bridge system S33.24 (Fig. 5(a))
with respect to the measured values of the nine proof loading positions: (a) IL of vertical deflections
associated with the LVDT sensor w1 and (b) IL of vertical deflections associated with the LVDT sensor w2
In addition to a qualitative comparison between models and reality based on the shape of the
measured and simulated influence lines, the available influence values can also be used to quantitatively
assess the deformation (deflection) and load bearing (strain) behavior of (a) the northern, (b) the
middle, and (c) the southern span. For a given sensor i the average deviation ∆mi for n discrete load
positions is obtained by
∆m i = [ ( m ti – m ei ) P1 +…+ ( m ti – m ei ) Pn ]/n (13)
For example, the discrete measured influence line values related to the strain sensors d7u and d9o show
for the proof loading positions P7 to P9 located in the northern span deviations of ∆md7u = +1.15% and
∆md9o = -1.38% with respect to the simulated quantities for the initial model, see Fig. 7. The deviations
related to the deflection influence line values of sensors w1 and w2 amount to ∆mw1 = -1.43% bzw.
∆mw2 = -1.82%, see Fig. 8.
The observed discrepancies are mainly caused by simplifications associated with the initial linear
model and assumptions regarding the boundary conditions (e.g., bedding of drilling piles). In particular,
the analysis of measured and simulated influence lines based on the initial linear model reveals a
Influence line-model correction approach for the assessment of engineering structures using novel 13
systematic error BFOS,P7-P9 = -0.0012·X for the fiber optic sensors and BLVDT,P7-P9 = -0.0163·X for the
LVDT monitoring system. In a first approach, the modification of the boundary conditions in terms
of the rotational spring stiffness for the support axes allows a minimization of the residuals (see
dashed lines in Figs. 7 and 8). However, due to structural and mechanical nonlinearities (e.g., load-
dependent micro cracks lead to changes in stiffness) the deviations generally cannot reach zero.
For the proof loading positions P4 to P6 located in the main span, an average deviation of
∆md7u = -10.77% and ∆md9o = +5.92% for the strain sensors (Fig. 7) and ∆mw1 = -0.82% and
∆mw2 = -8.61% (Fig. 8) for the LVDT monitoring system can be obtained. Considering the shape of
the simulated influence lines according Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) a reduction in deviations for the fiber optic
monitoring system can be reached by assuming an effective rotational spring stiffness of cm = 3.00
GNm/rad - in a first approach abutment walls and columns have been substituted by idealized
translational and rotational springs, see Fig. 5(b). An effective reduction of the respective residuals
for the LVDT sensors is only possible for a significantly smaller rotational spring stiffness of
cm ~ 1.00 GNm/rad as compared to the initial model.
For the main span, overall the initial finite element model shows, a stiffer response than the real
structure exhibits.
The systematic error associated with the fiber optic sensors and loads positioned in the main span
can, at average, be expressed by BFOS,P4-P6 = -0.0243·X with regard to the initial linear model and
BLVDT,P4-P6 = -0.0472·X, respectively for the LVDT system.
For the southern span the influence values associated with sensors d7u and d9o and proof loading
positions P1 to P3 show an average deviation of ∆md7u = -29.55% and ∆md9o = +12.51% with regard
to the simulations, see Fig. 7. According to Fig. 8 for sensors w1 and w2 the deviations amount to ∆mw1
= -14.64% and ∆mw2 = +28.87%, respectively. Furthermore, both sensor systems seem to indicate
a systematic shift as compared to the theoretical influence lines. The resulting systematic error
may be quantified for the southern span by BFOS,P1-P3 = -0.0852·X and BLVDT,P1-P3 = +1.0712·X. The
simplified model N°3 with a rotational spring stiffness of cm3 = 9.00 GNm/rad would allow a
reduction of the observed deviations, thus suggesting a too soft behavior of the initial model in
the southern span.
In addition to the global comparison of structural response between numerical models and real
behavior based on the proposed influence line approach, 2D and 3D nonlinear finite element
analyses (ATENA, Červenka et al. 2007) have been performed in order to study localized effects.
These detail investigations reveal the following additional sources for deviations between
simulated and measured strains: The initial as well as the simplified linear finite element models
are not able to accurately capture the real strain/stress trajectories. In particular, (micro) cracks
and the reinforcement layout locally affect the strain/stress trajectories, which also partially cause
the observed shift between measured and simulated influence line values. Furthermore, active
(loads) and passive (boundaries) contributions to the real strain/stress trajectories caused by the
soil-structure-interaction (e.g., variable effects of the earth pressure against the abutments) as well
as temperature loads, dead load and traffic loads cannot be fully captured by the investigated
numerical models.
The evaluation of the LVDT monitoring data is, apart from the above mentioned effects, mainly
influenced by the variable stiffness distribution in the deck slab due to micro-cracking (transition
from linear elastic to nonlinear elastic), that cannot be accounted for in the linear model.
Finally, a combined investigation of the individual, partially redundant monitoring systems together
with nonlinear finite element analysis has been performed in order to exclude the following reasons
14 Alfred Strauss, Roman Wendner, Dan M. Frangopol and Konrad Bergmeister
Fig. 9 (a) Measured spectrum vs. lower eigenfrequencies obtained for the initial and the simplified finite element
models N° 1 to 3, see Fig. 5. Mode shapes of (b) 1st, (c) 2nd and (d) 3rd natural frequency of Model N° 1
Fig. 10 Influence lines (IL) extracted from the Finite Element Model of the bridge system S33.24 (Fig. 5(a))
with respect to the measured values of the nine proof loading positions: (a) IL of stresses associated
with the fiber optical sensor d7u and (b) IL of stresses associated with the fiber optical sensor d9o
for deviations: (a) inaccurately documented truck positions during the proof loading procedure (Fig.
10 shows the influence line studies for shifted proof load positions), (b) insufficiently calibrated
monitoring systems, and (c) effects on the strain/stress trajectories caused by the haunches near the
column axes.
In addition, to the traditional local monitoring methods, global monitoring concepts can be
applied which open up further possibilities for model adaptation as well as a verification of the
Influence line-model correction approach for the assessment of engineering structures using novel 15
local monitoring results. During the proof loading procedure two accelerometers were placed in
midspan of the southern span and the main span respectively. Fig. 9 shows the experimental
frequency spectrum derived from repeated measurements at site using a fast fourier transform
(FFT) with respect to the numerically generated eigenfrequencies for all four models considered.
This representation places the first numerically derived eigenfrequency at 3.682 Hz, the second
numerically derived eigenfrequency between 5.106 and 5.985 Hz and the third numerically
derived eigenfrequency between 7.998 and 9.837 Hz, depending on the respective degree of
restraint to the bridge base.
The results and measured values outlined above show that a model adaptation for this structure by
global monitoring information (e.g., first eigenfrequencies) is very difficult due to (a) the low sensitivity
of the first eigenfrequency to changes in the structural system, (b) the fact, that the second natural frequency
is associated with the torsion mode in midspan and thus cannot be captured experimentally by the
accelerometer in the first field, see Fig. 9, and (c) the large by scattering contaminated range of the
third eigenfrequency, which is a combined flexural-torsional mode. It must be noted, that the large
scattering in the experimental spectrum is in all likelihood be caused by spatial effects in the plate
system and the small energy content associated with ambient vibration.
The quantitative comparison of the numerically derived influence line values with the measured
values (see previous section) facilitates, (see Fig. 11), an efficient evaluation of modeling concepts
and sensor data sensitivity. Fig. 11 represents a five-class evaluation of the agreement of the
measured values with the numerically derived model values of the sensor properties for the proof
loadings. It presents the four numerical models that differ in their degree of restraint with respect to
the supporting structure. In particular, it shows the evaluation of the influence line values for the
measured values of the fiber-optical monitoring system without correction factors. It emerges that
the best agreement is achieved (a) considering solely the fiber-optical sensor system for the Model
N°2 (e.g., highest number of class evaluation ≤ 3.0), and (b) considering the deflection monitoring
system only for the initial model.
A more analytical and statistically based procedure for the quantification of the agreement between
numerically generated influence lines and experimentally obtained influence value is provided by
the model correction factor concept, as presented in Eqs. (9) to (27). The model correction factor
allows (a) the assessment of the model behavior with respect to the real structural response, (b) the
assessment of the time variable structural performance due to degrading processes based on sensor
data, and (c) a limit state analysis with respect to code given requirements. The simulated and
recorded sensor characteristics for all nine load positions associated with the proof loading of the
bridge system S33.24 serve for the computation of the model correction factor b. Fig. 12 portrays
the mean value correction factors of the previously discussed simulated and measured influence line
values associated with the nine proof loading positions. The individual b-values can be summarized
with respect to (a) the goodness of fit of an individual model, (b) the capability of an entire
monitoring system to represent a certain structural characteristic, or (c) to evaluate single sensors. In
that context, an average quadratic deviation from the perfect fit (bsys = 1) is proposed as system
indicator, as follows
1 2
b sys = 1 – ---
n ∑ ( 1 – bi ) (14)
From the representations in Fig. 12, it follows that the initial model may be interpreted as
statistically suitable with system indicators bsys= 0.57 for the FOS in the upper layer, bsys= 0.71 for
the FOS in the bottom layer and bsys= 0.44 for the LVDT sensors measuring the vertical deflection.
The more flexible Model N°1 in general is the more suitable model with bsys= 0.64 for the FOS in
the upper layer, bsys= 0.54 for the FOS in the bottom layer and bsys= 0.69 for the LVDT sensors. In
agreement with JCSS a spectrum of values ranging from 0.60 to 1.40 is acceptable due to aleatory
and epistemic uncertainties (Vrouwenvelder 1997, 2001).
Going from a positive shift of the computed influence lines to a shift equal -3.0 m the agreement
Fig. 12 Model correction factors associated with the fiber optical and LVDT sensor systems: N°0 = initial
model; N°1 = model with cm = 1GNm/rad; N°2 = model with cm = 3GNm/rad; and N°3 = model with
cm = 9GNm/rad
Influence line-model correction approach for the assessment of engineering structures using novel 17
between model and monitoring data gradually increases from bsys = 0.55 to bsys = 0.88, when only
the 4 analyzed sensors (d7u, d9o, w1, w2) are considered. Although an obvious trend can be identified
for the system indicator bsys, no such trend is present for any of the model correction factor bi
associated with individual sensors. The lack of an optimum within the investigated feasible range of
a horizontal shift in the load position indicates that no systematic error is present in the available
monitoring data that affects all sensors equally. However, the proposed concept based on the influence
line and model correction factor concept would have been able to identify this type of error.
5. Conclusions
1. The influence-line model correction approach has been theoretically presented and combined into
an efficient procedure for the incorporation of monitoring data in the modeling and subsequently
assessing the performance of existing structures. In particular, the proposed approach was applied to
the three span abutment free bridge system S33.24, which has been instrumented with fiber optical
sensors, a LVDT and an ambient vibration monitoring system.
2. The investigation of the influence line- model correction approach, using monitoring and simulation
information, shows its ability to efficiently identify the comprehensive load transfer and bearing
behavior of an engineering system.
3. The model correction part of the proposed approach provides a statistical quantification of the
agreement between a descriptive simulation model and the monitored structural behavior.
4. The model correction approach is not restricted to a single sensors but can be applied to a group
of sensors of an individual monitoring system and even to a group of monitoring systems.
5. The influence line- model correction approach separately applied to the lateral and middle fields
of the abutment free bridge S33.24 revealed that the chosen linear simulation model is not able to
completely capture the true structural behavior due to geometrical and material nonlinearities. The
mean value correction factors are indicators for deficiencies in the current model. These indicators
can be considered as objectives to be optimized in the course of a model updating procedure
(Hoffmann et al. 2007, Movák and Lehký 2006, Strauss et al. 2004). Furthermore, probabilistic
sensitivity analyses techniques with respect to these indicators can serve for the detection of those
structural and material parameters, which cause the ill conditioned indicators. Finally, this
knowledge allows a rational approach in the adaptation of descriptive models by the refinement in
the geometry or in material properties of the initial model and even in the selection of advanced
simulation techniques (e.g., two dimensional or three dimensional nonlinear simulation techniques).
The influence line approach has been performed for the fiber optical sensor- and for the LVDT-
monitoring system. Despite the great potential in acquiring information regarding the real stress/
strain state at given locations the fiber optical strain sensors, did not show that good results as the
LVDT measurements for the linear design model. These deviations may result from (a) the sensor
location and its bond to the reinforcement (e.g., the measured strains might directly reflect steel
strain, concrete strain or something in between in case of an already cracked cross-section), and (b)
the principal strain stress direction which is not necessarily aligned with the sensor direction.
The presented approach combining the influence line concept with the model correction factor
concept for the incorporation of monitoring data into modeling concepts does not only provide the
basis for efficient and objective model updating strategies but also is essential for the performance
assessment of structures over time.
18 Alfred Strauss, Roman Wendner, Dan M. Frangopol and Konrad Bergmeister
This research was conducted with the financial support of ASFINAG and BMVIT within the
research project “Monitoring and analysis of integral bridge structures” and with the financial support of
the Austrian research funding agency FFG within the EUREKA Eurostar research project “Risk
Lifetime Assessment of Concrete Structures”. The opinions and conclusions presented in this paper
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring organizations.
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