GN107 - 29th April 2018 - Easter 5
GN107 - 29th April 2018 - Easter 5
GN107 - 29th April 2018 - Easter 5
Masses, Intentions & other services
I am the Vine - you are the branches
Check mass intentions online at
The Barn Dance on Sat Adoremus is the
29th April • Easter 5 • Growing 21st was a great success. Eucharistic Congress in
Sat 28 5pm Philomena Owens RIP £870 was raised which Liverpool from 7-9
Sun 29 8am Sean Costello RIP will be split between the September. Tickets are
10.30am John & Kathleen Murphy RIP parishes of Our Lady of £40 per day for Friday
Lourdes and St Mary's.
and Saturday, with
Mon 30 No Mass Thanks to all who seminars and speakers
Tue 1 7pm Bob Simmons RIP supported the evening including Bishop Robert
Wed 2 9.15am Alice Jones RIP (Sch0ol Mass in Church) and to Mick Jobburns, Barron and Cardinal
Thu 3 9.15am Shelagh Gleve RIP who organised Vincent Nichols.
1.45pm No Mass at St Thomas More (election) everything. Donations Sunday is free, with
3pm 6th Form Leavers’ Mass of prizes were made by Adoration and Holy
Fri 4 9.15am Clare Breeze RIP [First Friday] local businesses Mass ending in a
7pm Schools Governors Mass
(Hednesford - Kitchen Blessed Sacrament
(Bishop Robert Byrne) Cupboard, India Red, procession. Visit
Sat 5 10am Parish & People Station Road Chippy)
(Cannock - Crayg Ward, uk/adoremus to find out
6th May • Easter 6 • Love Hannah's Cafe, more and book a place.
Sat 5 5pm Michael Staciwa RIP Georgio's, Chacha's bar,
Sun 6 8am John & Floss Probert RIP St Mary's Community
Pilgrimage The
10.30am Michael Wuk Snr RIP Centre). Please try and
Diocesan Pilgrimage to
support these
Saints: Mon St Joseph the Worker, Wed St Athanasius, Thu the Shrine of Our Lady
St Philip & St James, Fri The English Martyrs & First Friday of Lourdes, Hednesford
The 100 Club
is on Sunday July 1st.
Children’s liturgy during Sun 10.30am Mass
A very big Thank you to Volunteers are welcome
Baptisms: 20th May Flyn Keogh everyone who has to join the choir.
Wedding: May 13th 12:30pm Christopher Allen and Hannah returned their envelopes Practices are Tuesdays in
Cownley and are continuing to Our Lady of Lourdes in
Exposition (Holy Hour) Saturdays 9am to 9.50am support the 100 club. Hednesford at 7.30pm
Rosary 8.50am before Mass on Thursday and Friday Please contact Veronica on May 8, 22 June 5, 19 &
on 07808 899239. 26. To sing at the
Morning Prayer 9.40am Saturday pilgrimage you must to
Confessions Saturdays 9am-9.50am, 10.30am-11am, Outing to West
attend at least two of the
4.30pm -4.50pm. Midlands Safari Park
practices in June.
Mon 21st May £15
Parish Income 22nd April: Collection £485 (£255), 2nd includes coach, entry, Bible Alive for May is
Collection (CTF) £302 (£110), 100 Club £125, Carpet Fund guided coach tour, and now available from the
£45, Barn Dance £435! shows. Meet at St Mary’s sacristy.
Second Collections (full details at
at 9.15am. Just a few
13th May Carpet Fund, 20th Catholic Communications; seats left. Meals not APF (Misio) red boxes
27th Comboni Missionary. provided - bring packed which have been
emptied can now be
Parish Development Fund envelopes - please note these lunch or purchase food
extra envelopes are for anyone who does not already have at the location. To book collected from Church.
Thanks to Eileen and
Gift Aid envelopes - those with GA envelopes already have a contact Veronica on helpers.
monthly envelope for the fund in their boxes. If you would 07808 899239.
like to make a monthly standing order to the Fund, please
let Fr Peter know.
Please submit notices and items for publication to Fr Peter by hand, by text 07766 335591 or by email to
29th April • Fifth Sunday of Easter