G / N - G C - E A: O O O Heckpoint ND of Nalysis

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Purpose: This purpose of the Go/No-Go Checkpoint – End of Analysis is to decide if the project should proceed to the
Design stage. In order to make this determination, the Delivery Manager (DM) should compile information below and then
setup a Go / No Go meeting with the Delivery Director to review the results. Based on the information gathered, a
recommendation will be made as to whether or not the project is still viable and should proceed. The DM and Delivery Director
may seek the Executive Director’s approval for the recommendation. Once completed and approved (email approval is fine),
this document must be filed in PPM.

Project Number << DTC Number >> Project Name

Project Manager Delivery Manager

Delivery Health


Was consideration given to the impact of change on the
organization and its business processes (i.e. were the Yes No
activities required to for Business Reengineering been
included in the Analysis)?
Have “change” tasks needed been factored into the time/cost
2. estimate for future stages? Yes No

At the end of this stage of the SDLC, is the Problem

Statement still valid? Are the problems being addressed?
Consider the following when responding:
3. Yes No
ü Business Problem
ü Technical Problem
ü Organization Readiness

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ü Capacity of the OCIO to deliver

Have all potential risks been identified?

4. If no, identify additional risks. Yes No

Is the vendor performing as expected?

5. If not, identify any issues or concerns. Yes No

Are there any issues related to the project management of

this project? Consider the following in your response:
ü Timeliness of deliverables
6. Yes No
ü Client relationships
ü Scope Creep

Has the client/project sponsor been engaged /committed

7. throughout this stage? Yes No

Are there any concerns with client availability in future

8. project stages? Yes No

Are there any reasons why this project should not proceed to
9. the next SDLC stage? If so, identify. Yes No

Estimate History
At the end of the Analysis stage, the Project Estimate History in PPM should be updated, exported to Excel and embedded / attached to this

<< Embed or attach document >>

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(NOTE: This section should not be completed until after a consultation meeting has been held with the Delivery Manager and
Director to review the contents of this document).

Recommendation to Proceed Yes No

<<Provide rationale for decision from both a Delivery Health and Estimate History perspectives. Significant risks (Delivery Health) or
variances (Estimate History) are recommended to be documented in Decision Document format. >>

Delivery Manager

(Print name) (signature) (date)

Delivery Director
(Print name) (signature) (date)

Executive Director (as required)

(Print name) (signature) (date)

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