Affect of European Corn Borer On Yield of Corn
Affect of European Corn Borer On Yield of Corn
Affect of European Corn Borer On Yield of Corn
Research question
Investigate to what extent infestation at different level of European corn
borer affect the yield of corn in 140 days?
As per the assumption, addition of ECB at different level (low & high)
would affect the yield of corn because corn will have small amount of
kernels which will affect the condition in which corn will grow. A corn
plant goes through a series of phonological stages during its growth and
development. During these stages, the plant uses its resources in rapid
growth areas and for general plant maintenance. The plant's ability to
withstand stress varies during plant growth stage; the stage(s) at which it
is attacked influences its ability to deal with injury from the European
corn borer's feeding and subsequent yield reductions. The corn plant is
susceptible to European corn borer attack and injury after the 6th-leaf
stage through physiological ear maturity. (Iowa State university)
Independent Variable How will it be manipulated How will the IV be controlled
(manipulated/changing factor)
Level Of ECB infestation By changing level of ECB ECB can be kept- high
Controlled Variable How will it be controlled How would this variable affect
the data if NOT controlled
(external variables that need to
be kept constant in each trial)
Soil By same soil for each plant If soil is not controlled some
plants may get more nutrients
and some may get less.
Nutrients By providing them required If not given then it might kill the
nutrients plants
Watering amounts By supplying proper amount of If not supplied proper water it
water might not grow
Light condition By keeping it in sunlight It will not get light and will not be
able to grow
Data Collection
Corn variety Level of ECB Growing pot Growing pot Growing pot Average
infestation 1 2 3 yield
Yield yield yield
Golden corn None 181.6 182.8 189.8 184.7
Golden corn low 177.9 171.2 170.6 173.2
Golden corn High 135.4 139.6 138.3 137.7
BT-123 None 160.1 164.8 164.2 163.0
BT-123 Low 164.0 162.6 168.3 164.9
BT-123 high 155.1 163.0 163.9 160.6
BT-456 None 190.0 183.2 184.8 186.0
BT-456 Low 178.8 172.6 179.6 177.0
BT-456 high 157.3 157.0 159.0 157.7
Super None 164.1 164.3 161.9 163.4
Super Low 159.1 155.0 157.5 157.2
Super high 125.5 129.0 130.0 128.1
All through the trial each plant blocked none, low, and abnormal amounts
of ECB. My speculation was right in view of the result of the trial. The
information that I have gathered confirms that the seed assortment Super
Collect did the most exceedingly bad with the invasion, the high ECB was
128.1g. BT-123 did the best becoming through the pervasion, the high
ECB was 160.6g. At that point the BT-456 seed had a high ECB of 157.7g
and Brilliant Harvest was 137.7g. In conclusion ECB is not the response
for healthy corn crops.
European Corn Borer (also known as European highflyer), is a pest of
grain. This insect is native to Europe, infesting varieties of maize,
including broom corn. It was first reported in 1917 in North America in