Auto Sum
Auto Sum
Auto Sum
The AutoSum feature makes entering formulas easy without the need to memorize the
syntax for each formula.
Excel is an incredibly powerful tool for getting meaning out of vast amounts of data. But
it also works really well for simple calculations and tracking almost any kind of
information. The key for unlocking all that potential is the grid of cells. Cells can contain
numbers, text, or formulas. You put data in your cells and group them in rows and
columns. That allows you to add up your data, sort and filter it, put it in tables, and build
great-looking charts. Let’s go through the basic steps to get you started.
Excel documents are called workbooks. Each workbook has sheets, typically called
spreadsheets. You can add as many sheets as you want to a workbook, or you can create
new workbooks to keep your data separate.
1. Click File, and then click New.
2. Under New, click the Blank workbook.
For example, cell A1 on a new sheet. Cells are referenced by their location in the
row and column on the sheet, so cell A1 is in the first row of column A.
When you’ve entered numbers in your sheet, you might want to add them up. A fast way
to do that is by using AutoSum.
1. Select the cell to the right or below the numbers you want to add.
2. Click the Home tab, and then click AutoSum in the Editing group.
AutoSum adds up the numbers and shows the result in the cell you selected.
Adding numbers is just one of the things you can do, but Excel can do other math as well.
Try some simple formulas to add, subtract, multiply, or divide your numbers.
3. Press Enter.
You can also press Ctrl+Enter if you want the cursor to stay on the active cell.
If you don’t see the number format you’re looking for, click More Number
A simple way to access Excel’s power is to put your data in a table. That lets you quickly
filter or sort your data.
1. Select your data by clicking the first cell and dragging to the last cell in your data.
To use the keyboard, hold down Shift while you press the arrow keys to select
your data.
2. Click the Quick Analysis button in the bottom-right corner of the selection.
3. Click Tables, move your cursor to the Table button to preview your data, and then
click the Table button.
7. Click OK.
Quick Analysis tools let you total your numbers quickly. Whether it’s a sum, average, or
count you want, Excel shows the calculation results right below or next to your numbers.
1. Select the cells that contain numbers you want to add or count.
2. Click the Quick Analysis button in the bottom-right corner of the selection.
3. Click Totals, move your cursor across the buttons to see the calculation results for
your data, and then click the button to apply the totals.
Conditional formatting or sparklines can highlight your most important data or show data
trends. Use the Quick Analysis tool for a Live Preview to try it out.
2. Click the Quick Analysis button in the bottom-right corner of the selection.
3. Explore the options on the Formatting and Sparklines tabs to see how they affect
your data.
For example, pick a color scale in the Formatting gallery to differentiate high,
medium, and low temperatures.
Top of Page
The Quick Analysis tool recommends the right chart for your data and gives you a visual
presentation in just a few clicks.
1. Select the cells that contain the data you want to show in a chart.
2. Click the Quick Analysis button in the bottom-right corner of the selection.
3. Click the Charts tab, move across the recommended charts to see which one looks
best for your data, and then click the one that you want.
The cells are set up like this: =IF(B3=90806, "$80.00", "0"), the resutling SUM of this
collumn always equals 0. If I type in the 80, it will sum this, but will not do it based on
the current set up. Additionally, if I enter in each cell to be calculated (e.g. =B3+B4+
B5...), instead of doing this through the auto SUM (in the footer) it will add them up. I
would really like this to be able to easily add rows, also once a month I delete some of the
cells (as they reference old info) and currently have to go in and manually correct the =
box to get rid of the cells I deleted. What am I doing wrong??
Also I might be using the wrong words here...I'm not so comupter savy. By auto sum I
mean when you select a column and push the SUM function and it adds a footer...
AB2302 wrote:
I'm confused! Why will it see it as a number if I format the SUM box like:
=SUM(B3+B4+B5...)? Why would it see it as a number in one instance of SUM and not
in another instance of SUM?
SUM interprets text as having a numerical value of zero. The arithmetic operators (+, -, *,
/) interpret text as numerical values IF they can do so.
That's the 'What' answer. For the 'Why' answer, you'll need to talk to the programmers.
Not the ones who wrote the code for Numbers, but the ones who originally set up the
SUM function and the arithmetic operators. Failing an answer from them, the best one
available is along the lines of "Because I'm the Mom!" or, in a different context, "That's
how it is. Live with it."
Filter your Excel data if you only want to display records that meet certain criteria.
5. Click OK.
7. Click on Select All to clear all the check boxes, and click the check box next to Qtr 4.
8. Click OK.
9. To remove the filter, on the Data tab, click Clear. To remove the filter and the arrows,
click Filter.
Excel functions
Applies To: Excel for Android phones Excel Mobile Excel Starter Excel 2016 More...
Worksheet functions are categorized by their functionality. Click a category to browse its
functions. Or press Ctrl+F to find a function by typing the first few letters or a descriptive
word. To get detailed information about a function, click its name in the first column.
Compatibly Function
In Excel 2010 or later, these functions were replaced with new functions that provide
improved accuracy and have names that better reflect their usage. You can still use them
for compatibility with earlier versions of Excel, but if backward compatibility isn't
required, you should start using the new functions instead. For more information about
the new functions, see Statistical functions (reference) and Math and trigonometry
functions (reference) .
Financial Functions
To illustrate Excel's most popular financial functions, we consider a loan with monthly
payments, an annual interest rate of 6%, a 20-year duration, a present value of $150,000
(amount borrowed) and a future value of 0 (that's what you hope to achieve when you
pay off a loan).
We make monthly payments, so we use 6%/12 = 0.5% for Rate and 20*12 = 240 for
Nper (total number of periods). If we make annual payments on the same loan, we use
6% for Rate and 20 for Nper.
Note: The last two arguments are optional. For loans the Fv can be omitted (the future
value of a loan equals 0, however, it's included here for clarification). If Type is omitted,
it is assumed that payments are due at the end of the period.
Tip: when working with financial functions in Excel, always ask yourself the question,
am I making a payment (negative) or am I receiving money (positive)? We pay off a loan
of $150,000 (positive, we received that amount) and we make monthly payments of
$1,074.65 (negative, we pay).
If Rate is the only unknown variable, we can use the RATE function to calculate the
interest rate.
We already knew this, but we can change the monthly payment now to see how this
affects the total number of periods.
And we finish this chapter with the FV (Future Value) function. If we make monthly
payments of $1,074.65 on a 20-year loan, with an annual interest rate of 6%, do we pay
off this loan? Yes.
But, if we make monthly payments of only $1,000.00, we still have debt after 20 years.
Descriptive Statistics
You can use the Analysis Toolpak add-in to generate descriptive statistics. For example,
you may have the scores of 14 participants for a test.
To generate descriptive statistics for these scores, execute the following steps.
Hypothesis Testing in Excel
The first step is to get the data for the two groups you want organized so that the
observations from one group are together and the observations for the second group
are together. They don’t have to be in separate columns, but this is one way to do it.
They would just be sorted in one column so that the observations from the first group
are all together and so that the observations from the second group are all together.
This is what I generally choose if I have no reason for believing that the variances from
the two groups are equal.
Then, complete the t-Test box by highlighting the appropriate areas, indicating whether
labels are included and specifying an output range.
The Hypothesized Mean Difference refers to the difference that you are testing for
between the mean for the first group and the mean for the second group. If, as woul
dusually be the case, you are testing whether or not the two groups have equal means,
the Hypothesized Mean difference would be zero.
Also, the window asks for Alpha, or the probability of a Type 1 error. This is used to
generate critical values in the output and isn’t all that important as you will also be
getting p-values with your output.
The p-values and critical values are given for one and two tailed tests. If these are small,
the means are significantly different. That is, you can reject the null hypothesis of
equality in favor of the alternative hypothesis that:
2. the mean of B is greater than the mean of A, in the case of a one-tailed test.
Note that the second of these takes the form that it does because the sample mean for
B was greater than the sample mean for A. Given the data above, you would never
reject the one sided null hypothesis that the mean of B was greater than or equal to the
mean of B.
Below the summary output from the regression will be a column with the residuals
You can then do a scatterplot of the residuals against the explanatory variable(s) by
copying the column of residuals to a column next to the explanatory variable of your
and simply doing a scatterplot by choosing Insert/Chart/XYScatter
Ideally, thee will be no pattern in the scatterplot(s). In this case there is, so I would try
to add another explanatory variable (maybe X2) to the regression and do it again.
To determine if your results are significant you need to perform a statistical test.
Your null hypothesis is usually the hypothesis that states "there is no difference. . .".
Scientists always try to disprove the null hypothesis. So you will probably be comparing
Here's an example: You measure iron concentration in 3 separate water samples from a
stream and 3 separate water samples from a lake. You're null hypothesis is that the stream and
the lake will have the same iron concentration. Your results from the stream are 1.0, 0.5 and
0.8 ppm. Your results from the lake are 0.7, 0.2 and 0.3.
two treatments or a treatment versus a control. In statistics you usually compare the
average or mean values.
In this example we will be comparing the mean stream value with the mean lake
value. The number of replicates in this example is three, because that’s how many
samples we have from each treatment. The means in this case will be different. But is
that difference due to randomness or is it due to the fact that they come from different
water sources? We will use a statistical test to tell us the answer.
The test we will be using is called Student’s t-test (named after the statistician
Student). It is used for experiments where you are comparing two treatments or a
treatment vs. control. For experiments with more than two treatments a different
statistical test would be used.
When you run the t-test, EXCEL will provide a printout that contains the mean
values and other information. The most important part of these results is the p-value.
The p-value tells you in an unbiased manner whether you must accept or reject the null
2. Go to the cell in the upper left corner (cell A1). Type in the name of one of your
treatments. Move one cell to the right (B1) and type in the name of the other
3. Type in your data in column format beneath your two headers (see below).
1 Stream Lake
2 1.0 0.7
3 0.5 0.2
4 0.8 0.3
Figure 1. An example of data correctly entered into an EXCEL
spreadsheet in preparation for a two-sample t-test. Values represent
the iron concentrations in each water sample in ppm.
4. Click on [Tools] in the menu bar. If you see the option [Data Analysis…] at the
bottom of the drag down menu then skip to step 3. If not, then select
[Tools/AddIns…]. Check [Analysis Toolpak] and then click on [OK].
5. Click on [Tools/Data Analysis…]. Scroll down and select [t-test: Two Sample
Assuming Equal Variances]. A dialog box will open.
6. Variable1 refers to one of your treatments (or columns). Click on the tiny spreadsheet
icon next to the blank box for Variable 1. The box will disappear so that you can
highlight your first column (include the treatment name as well as the data). Click
again on the tiny spreadsheet icon.
9. Select OK. Examine the printout. First double check your values to make sure you
didn't make a mistake. For example, the number of samples should equal the number
of samples you typed in.
10. Record the mean and variance of your two treatments. Then look at the value for
P(T<=t)two-tail and record it (see below).
If the this p-value is less than 0.05, then you must reject the null hypothesis.
If the this p-value is greater than 0.05, then you must accept the null hypothesis.
Stream Lake
Record these numbers!
Mean 0.482 0.752
Observations 3 3
Pooled 41.58333
Hypothesized 0
df 6
t Stat 6.908216
Step 1: Calculate your expected value. The expected value in chi-square is found by
dividing your counts (the number of responses or data items) by the number of
categories. There are twelve categories (zodiac signs) in the question, so:
29 + 24 + 22 + 19 + 21 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 23 + 18 + 20 + 23 = 256
256 / 12= 21.333
Step 2: Type your data into columns in Excel. For this sample question, type your
zodiac signs into column B, the observed values in column C (the observed values are the
counts in the question) and your expected value (from Step 1) in column D.
Step 3: Click a blank cell anywhere on the worksheet and then click the “Insert
Function” button on the toolbar.
Step 4: Type “Chi” in the Search for a Function box and then click “Go.”
Step 5: Select “CHITEST” from the list and then click “OK.”
Step 6: Type a range into the “Actual Range” box for your observed values. For this
sample problem, the observed values are in cells C3 to C14, so type “C3:C14.”
Step 7: Type a range into the “Expected Range” box for your expected values. For
this sample problem, the observed values are in cells D3 to D14, so type “D3:D14.”
Step 8: Click “OK” to calculate the p-value in Excel, which for this sample problem is
Chi Square P Value Excel: Easy Steps, Video was last modified: November 15th, 2016 by
For more than 5mouths I have been searching where or who will teach me how to
use excell to solve my research hypothesis till this night by coming in contact with
your stuffs. Thanks a lot really appreciated your work. Good night and next time.
Hi there,
So, going by this example, the CHITEST function is the same as AVERAGE?
Where is the .9265 value displayed? I keep getting errors (502 and 522) even after
enabling Iteration, but I’m using LibreOffice Calc. I’ll test this example in Excel
tonight. Thanks!
I have been struggling how to do statistics in excel for quiet some time and many
assignments locked before I could finish because I had to d them manually but
now it is easy for me to do in excel with short time. Thank you very much and I
really appreciated your help.
I followed the same steps but got a value of 2.3672E-106, which I do not
Hi, Shadia, without sitting at your computer and watching what you’re doing, I
have no idea :/. Perhaps check each cell to make sure there isn’t a hidden formula
(and check your inputs too).
Can anybody explain why chisq.test gives results depending on the way the data is
arranged, eg, single columns or matrix. I can attach the example taken from Excel
Help and this gives anomalous results unless I am missing something.
Actual (58 11 10 35 25 23) Expected (45.35 17.56 16.09 47.65 18.44 16.91) in
two adjacent columns or as two 3×2 arrays as cited in Excel Help
Excel is probably the most commonly used spreadsheet for PCs. Newly
purchased computers often arrive with Excel already loaded. It is easily used to
do a variety of calculations, includes a collection of statistical functions, and a
Data Analysis ToolPak. As a result, if you suddenly find you need to do some
statistical analysis, you may turn to it as the obvious choice. We decided to do
some testing to see how well Excel would serve as a Data Analysis application.
To present the results, we will use a small example. The data for this example is
fictitious. It was chosen to have two categorical and two continuous variables, so
that we could test a variety of basic statistical techniques. Since almost all real
data sets have at least a few missing data points, and since the ability to deal
with missing data correctly is one of the features that we take for granted in a
statistical analysis package, we introduced two empty cells in the data:
Treatment Outcome X Y
1 1 10.2 9.9
1 1 9.7
2 1 10.4 10.2
1 2 9.8 9.7
2 1 10.3 10.1
1 2 9.6 9.4
2 1 10.6 10.3
1 2 9.9 9.5
2 2 10.1 10
2 2 10.2
Each row of the spreadsheet represents a subject. The first subject received
Treatment 1, and had Outcome 1. X and Y are the values of two measurements
on each subject. We were unable to get a measurement for Y on the second
subject, or on X for the last subject, so these cells are blank. The subjects are
entered in the order that the data became available, so the data is not ordered in
any particular way.
We used this data to do some simple analyses and compared the results with a
standard statistical package. The comparison considered the accuracy of the
results as well as the ease with which the interface could be used for bigger data
sets - i.e. more columns. We used SPSS as the standard, though any of the
statistical packages OIT supports would do equally well for this purpose. In this
article when we say "a statistical package," we mean SPSS, SAS, STATA,
SYSTAT, or Minitab.
Most of Excel� s statistical procedures are part of the Data Analysis tool pack,
Unless otherwise stated, all statistical tests using Excel were done with the Data
Analysis ToolPak. In order to check a variety of statistical tests, we chose the
following tasks:
Get means and standard deviations of X and Y for the entire group, and for
each treatment group.
Get the correlation between X and Y.
Do a two sample t-test to test whether the two treatment groups differ on X
and Y.
Do a paired t-test to test whether X and Y are statistically different from
each other.
Compare the number of subjects with each outcome by treatment group,
using a chi-squared test.
All of these tasks are routine for a data set of this nature, and all of them could be
easily done using any of the aobve listed statistical packages.
General Issues
Enable the Analysis ToolPak
The Data Analysis ToolPak is not installed with the standard Excel setup. Look
in the Tools menu. If you do not have a Data Analysis item, you will need to
install the Data Analysis tools. Search Help for "Data Analysis Tools" for
Missing Values
A blank cell is the only way for Excel to deal with missing data. If you have any
other missing value codes, you will need to change them to blanks.
Data Arrangement
Different analyses require the data to be arranged in various ways. If you plan
on a variety of different tests, there may not be a single arrangement that will
work. You will probably need to rearrange the data several ways to get
everything you need.
Dialog Boxes
Choose Tools/Data Analysis, and select the kind of analysis you want to do. The
typical dialog box will have the following items:
Input Range: Type the upper left and lower right corner cells. e.g.
A1:B100. You can only choose adjacent rows and columns. Unless there is a
checkbox for grouping data by rows or columns (and there usually is not), all the
data is considered as one glop.
Labels - There is sometimes a box you can check off to indicate that the
first row of your sheet contains labels. If you have labels in the first row, check
this box, and your output MAY be labeled with your label. Then again, it may not.
Output location - New Sheet is the default. Or, type in the cell address of
the upper left corner of where you want to place the output in the current sheet.
New Worksheet is another option, which I have not tried. Ramifications of this
choice are discussed below.
Other items, depending on the analysis.
Output location
The output from each analysis can go to a new sheet within your current Excel
file (this is the default), or you can place it within the current sheet by specifying
the upper left corner cell where you want it placed. Either way is a bit of a
nuisance. If each output is in a new sheet, you end up with lots of sheets, each
with a small bit of output. If you place them in the current sheet, you need to
place them appropriately; leave room for adding comments and labels; changes
you need to make to format one output properly may affect another output
adversely. Example: Output from Descriptives has a column of labels such as
Standard Deviation, Standard Error, etc. You will want to make this column wide
in order to be able to read the labels. But if a simple Frequency output is right
underneath, then the column displaying the values being counted, which may just
contain small integers, will also be wide.
Results of Analyses
Descriptive Statistics
The quickest way to get means and standard deviations for a entire group is
using Descriptives in the Data Analysis tools. You can choose several adjacent
columns for the Input Range (in this case the X and Y columns), and each
column is analyzed separately. The labels in the first row are used to label the
output, and the empty cells are ignored. If you have more, non-adjacent columns
you need to analyze, you will have to repeat the process for each group of
contiguous columns. The procedure is straightforward, can manage many
columns reasonably efficiently, and empty cells are treated properly.
To get the means and standard deviations of X and Y for each treatment group
requires the use of Pivot Tables (unless you want to rearrange the data sheet to
separate the two groups). After selecting the (contiguous) data range, in the
Pivot Table Wizard's Layout option, drag Treatment to the Row variable area,
and X to the Data area. Double click on “Count of X” in the Data area, and
change it to Average. Drag X into the Data box again, and this time change
Count to StdDev. Finally, drag X in one more time, leaving it as Count of X. This
will give us the Average, standard deviation and number of observations in each
treatment group for X. Do the same for Y, so we will get the average, standard
deviation and number of observations for Y also. This will put a total of six items
in the Data box (three for X and three for Y). As you can see, if you want to get a
variety of descriptive statistics for several variables, the process will get tedious.
A statistical package lets you choose as many variables as you wish for
descriptive statistics, whether or not they are contiguous. You can get the
descriptive statistics for all the subjects together, or broken down by a categorical
variable such as treatment. You can select the statistics you want to see once,
and it will apply to all variables chosen.
Using the Data Analysis tools, the dialog for correlations is much like the one for
descriptives - you can choose several contiguous columns, and get an output
matrix of all pairs of correlations. Empty cells are ignored appropriately. The
output does NOT include the number of pairs of data points used to compute
each correlation (which can vary, depending on where you have missing data),
and does not indicate whether any of the correlations are statistically significant.
If you want correlations on non-contiguous columns, you would either have to
include the intervening columns, or copy the desired columns to a contiguous
What if you have two populations of patients (male/female) and three different kinds of
medications, and you want to evaluate their effectiveness? You might run a study with
three "replications", three men and three women.
Here is how to perform Two Way ANOVA With Replication using the QI Macros
The QI Macros will perform all of the calculations and interpret the results for you.
Unlike other statistical software, the QI Macros is the only SPC software that compares
the p-values (0.179) to the signficance (0.05) and tells you to "Cannot Reject the Null
Hypothesis because p>0.05" and that the "Means are the same ".
To analyze data, Excel requires you to set the data up in a way that can be analyzed.
The example below shows how to set up the data for two categories of patients treated
with three different drugs.
Then, if you're just interested in the single factor DRUGS, select and run a ANOVA
single factor on the three drug columns.
If you're interested in a ANOVA two-factor analysis (patients vs drugs), select and run a
two-factor analysis with repetition (more than one patient in the category receives the
same drug).