Test Methods: Classes of Tests Frequency of Testing
Test Methods: Classes of Tests Frequency of Testing
Test Methods: Classes of Tests Frequency of Testing
Test Methods
Quality control and acceptance testing are indispensable cyclic freezing and thawing, harmful materials by petro-
parts of the construction process. Test results provide graphic examination, and potential alkali-aggregate reac-
important feedback on compliance with project specifica- tivity), and to assure uniformity (such as tests for moisture
tions and also may be used to base decisions regarding control, (relative density or specific gravity), and grada-
any necessary adjustments to the concrete mixture. Past tion). Some tests are used for both purposes.
experience and sound judgment must be relied on in
evaluating test results. Fresh concrete is tested to evaluate the performance of
available materials, establish mixture proportions, and
Most specifications today are still a combination of pre- control concrete quality during construction. ASTM C94,
scriptive and performance requirements (Parry 2000). Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete (or AASHTO
Specifiers are, however, moving toward performance- M 157), specifies that slump, air-content, density, and tem-
based specifications (also called end-result or end-prop- perature tests be performed when strength test specimens
erty specifications) that are concerned with the final are made. Following is a discussion of frequency of testing
performance of concrete rather than the process used to and descriptions of the major control tests to ensure uni-
achieve the performance (Hover, Bickley, and Hooton formity of materials, desired properties of freshly mixed
2008). Such specifications may not have acceptance limits concrete, and required strength of hardened concrete.
for process control tests (such as slump or limits on the Special test methods are also described.
quantities of concrete ingredients) as with prescriptive
specifications. Instead, physical tests are used to measure ASTM (2009) and Lamond and Pielert (2006) provide
in-place performance. These tests then become the basis extensive discussions of test methods for concrete and
for acceptance. Of course, even though process control concrete ingredients.
tests may not be specified, a producer may use them to
Computational Software: to provide an easier method
guide the product to a successful end result.
for recording test data and calculating test results,
NRMCA (2001) provides a CD with spread sheets for a
Classes of Tests variety of concrete and aggregate tests.
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The frequency of testing aggregates and concrete for Strength of standard-cured specimens should not be used
typical batch-plant procedures depends largely upon the as an indication of in-place concrete strengths (ACI 318).
uniformity of materials, including the moisture content
of aggregates, and the production process. Initially, it is In-place concrete strengths are typically estimated by
advisable to make process control tests several times a testing specimens that have been field-cured in the same
day, but as work progresses and materials become more manner (as nearly as practical) as concrete in the structure.
predictable, the testing frequency often can be reduced. ASTM C31/C31M (or AASHTO T 23) provides require-
ASTM C1451, Standard Practice for Determining Uniformity ments for the handling and testing of field-cured speci-
of Ingredients of Concrete From a Single Source, provides mens. Tests of field-cured specimens are commonly used
a standard practice for determining the uniformity of to decide when forms and shores under a structural slab
cementitious materials, aggregates, and chemical ad- might be removed or to determine when traffic will be
allowed on new pavement. Although field-cured speci-
mixtures used in concrete.
mens may be tested at any age, 7-day tests are often made
Usually, aggregate moisture tests are made once or twice for comparison with tests of standard-cured specimens
a day. The first batch of fine aggregate in the morning is at the same age. These are useful to judge if curing and
often overly wet because moisture will migrate overnight protection during cold weather concreting is adequate.
to the bottom of the storage bin. As fine aggregate is drawn
from the bottom of the bin and additional aggregate is Testing Aggregates
added, the moisture content should stabilize at a lower
level and the first moisture test can be conducted. It is Sampling Aggregates
important to obtain moisture samples representative of Methods for obtaining representative samples of aggre-
the aggregates being batched; a 1% change in moisture gates are given in ASTM D75, Standard Practice for Sam-
content of fine aggregate corresponds to approximately pling Aggregates (or AASHTO T 2). Accurate sampling is
8 kg/m3 (13 lb/yd3) of mix water. important. The location in the production process where
samples will be obtained must be carefully planned. Sam-
Slump, air content, density (unit weight), and temperature
pling from a conveyor belt, stockpile, or aggregate bin
tests should be made for the first batch of concrete each may require special sampling equipment; caution must
day, whenever consistency of concrete appears to vary, be exercised to obtain a sample free from segregation of
and whenever strength-test specimens are made at the different particle sizes. The sample must be large enough
jobsite. Air-content tests should be made often enough at to meet ASTM minimum sample size requirements.
the point of delivery to ensure proper air content, parti- Samples obtained for moisture content testing should
cularly if temperature and aggregate grading change. be placed in a sealed container or plastic bag as soon as
possible to retain moisture until testing.
The number of strength tests will depend on the job speci-
fications and the occurrence of variations in the concrete Reducing large field samples to small quantities for indi-
mixture. The ACI 318 building code and ASTM C94 re- vidual tests must be done in accordance with ASTM C702,
quire that strength tests for each class of concrete placed Standard Practice for Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Test-
each day be made at least once a day, at least once for each ing Size (or AASHTO T 248) so that the final samples will
115 m3 (150 yd3) of concrete, and if applicable, at least be truly representative. For coarse aggregate, this is done
once for each 500 m2 (5000 ft2) of surface area for slabs or by the quartering method. The sample is thoroughly
walls. In ACI 318, a strength test is defined as the average mixed and formed into a conical pile. The pile is flattened
strength of two 150-mm x 300-mm (6-in. x 12-in.) or three into a layer of uniform thickness and diameter (four to
100-mm x 200-mm (4-in. x 8-in.) cylinders tested at 28- eight times the thickness). The flattened mass is divided
days or other age designated for ˘. A 7-day test cylinder, into four equal parts, and two opposite quarters are
along with the two or three 28-day test cylinders, is often discarded. This process is repeated until the desired size
made and tested to provide an early indication of strength of sample remains. A similar procedure is sometimes used
development. As a rule of thumb, the 7-day strength is for moist, fine aggregate. Sample splitters are desirable for
about 60% to 75% of the 28-day compressive strength, de- dry aggregate (Figure 18-1) but should not be used for
pending upon the type and amount of cementitious mate- samples that are more moist than saturated surface dry. A
rials, water-cement ratio, initial curing temperature, and sample splitter comprises of chutes that empty into alter-
other variables. Additional specimens may be required nating directions so that one-half of the sample introduced
when high-strength concrete is involved or where struc- into a hopper is diverted into one receptacle and the other
tural requirements are critical. Specimens for strength half into another receptacle. The sample from one recep-
tests are subjected to standard curing as defined in ASTM tacle is reintroduced into the splitter as many times as
C31/C31M, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Con- necessary to obtain the required sample size.
crete Test Specimens in the Field, (or AASHTO T23).
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sizes – can result in reduced workability during mixing, using methods outlined in ASTM C127, Standard Test
pumping, placing, consolidation and finishing. Durability Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and
can suffer too as a result of using more fine aggregate and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate (AASHTO T 85), for coarse
water to produce a workable mixture. See Chapter 6 and aggregate and ASTM C128, Standard Test Method for Den-
Graves (2006) for additional information on aggregate sity, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of
grading. Fine Aggregate (AASHTO T 84) for fine aggregate.
Moisture Content of Aggregates Only the surface moisture, not the absorbed moisture,
Several methods are used for determining the amount of becomes part of the mixing water in concrete. Surface
moisture in aggregate samples. The total moisture content moisture percentages are used to calculate the amount of
for fine or coarse aggregate can be measured in accordance water in the aggregates to reduce the amount of mix water
with ASTM C566, Standard Test Method for Total Evaporable added to the batch as discussed in Chapter 12. In addition,
Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying, (AASHTO T 255). the batch weight of aggregates should be increased by the
In this method a measured sample of damp aggregate is percentage of surface moisture present in each type of
dried either in a ventilated conventional oven, microwave aggregate. If adjustments are not made during batching,
oven, or over an electric or gas hotplate. Using the mass surface water will replace a portion of the aggregate mass
measured before and after drying, the total moisture con- and the batch will not have the correct yield. Table 18-1
tent can be calculated as follows: illustrates a method of adjusting batch weights for mois-
ture in aggregates.
P = 100(M – D)/D
Where: When drying equipment is not available a field or plant
determination of surface (free) moisture in fine aggregate
P = moisture content of sample, percent can be made in accordance with ASTM C70, Standard Test
M = mass of original sample Method for Surface Moisture in Fine Aggregate. The same
D = mass of dried sample procedure can be used for coarse aggregate with appro-
priate changes in the size of sample and dimensions of
The surface (free) moisture can be calculated if the aggre- the container. This test depends on displacement of water
gate absorption is known. Absorption refers to the increase by a known mass of moist aggregate. Therefore, the rela-
in aggregate mass due to filling of permeable pores follow- tive density (specific gravity) of the aggregate must be
ing a standard procedure. It is expressed as a percentage known accurately.
of the dry mass. The surface moisture content is equal to
the total moisture content minus the absorbed moisture. Electrical moisture meters are used in many concrete
Historic information for an aggregate source can be used batching plants primarily to monitor the moisture content
to obtain absorption data if the mineral composition of the of fine aggregates, but some plants also use them to check
pit or quarry has not changed significantly. However, if coarse aggregates. They operate on the principle that the
recent data are not available, they can be determined electrical resistance of damp aggregate decreases as
† Total adjusted batch weight is higher than total mix design weight by the amount of water absorbed in the aggregate.
Concrete suppliers often request mix design proportions on a SSD basis because of batching software requirements.
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Figure 18-2. Slump test for consistency of concrete. Figure A illustrates lower slump, Figure B a higher slump.
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Temperature Measurement
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The gravimetric method, ASTM C138/C138M or AASHTO Air-Void Analysis of Fresh Concrete
T 121, uses the same test equipment used that is for deter- The conventional methods for analyzing air in fresh
mining the density (unit weight) of fresh concrete. The concrete, such as the pressure method noted above, only
measured density of concrete is subtracted from the theo- measure the total air content; consequently, they provide
retical density as determined from the absolute volumes no information about the parameters that determine the
of the ingredients, assuming no air is present. This differ- quality of the air-void system. These parameters – the size
ence, expressed as a percentage of the theoretical density, and number of voids and spacing between them – can be
is the air content. Mixture proportions and specific gravi- measured on polished specimens of hardened concrete
ties of the ingredients must be accurately known; other- (see Testing Hardened Concrete, Air Content); but the
wise results may be in error. Consequently, this method is result of such analysis will only be available several days
suitable only where laboratory-type control is exercised. after the concrete has hardened. A test method has been
Significant changes in density can be a convenient way developed to determine the key air-void parameters in
to detect variability in air content. samples of fresh air-entrained concrete. The method uses
an apparatus known as an air-void analyzer (AVA) (Figure
AASHTO T 199, Standard Method of Test for Air Content of
18-8). The test apparatus determines the volume and size
Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Chace Indicator, can be used
distributions of entrained air bubbles. The measured data
as a quick check for the presence of low, medium, or high
are used to estimate the spacing factor, specific surface,
levels of air in concrete. It is not a substitute for the other
and total volume of entrained air.
more accurate methods. A representative sample of
mortar from the concrete is placed in a cup and intro-
duced into a graduated glass container (Figure 18-7). The
container is then filled with alcohol to the zero mark on
the stem. A thumb is placed over the stem opening and
the container is rotated repeatedly from vertical to hori-
zontal end to remove the air from the mortar. The drop in
the alcohol level and the mortar content are used to esti-
mate the air content of concrete.
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Traditionally, the standard test specimen for compressive Beams for the flexural strength test should be 150 mm
strength of concrete with a nominal maximum aggregate x 150 mm (6 in. x 6 in.) in cross section for nominal maxi-
size of 50 mm (2 in.) or smaller was a cylinder 150 mm mum size of aggregates up to 50 mm (2 in.). For larger ag-
(6 in.) in diameter by 300 mm (12 in.) high (Figure 18-10). gregates, the minimum cross-sectional dimension should
In 2008, ACI 318 was revised to permit 100 mm (4 in.) in be at least three times the nominal maximum size of ag-
diameter by 200 mm (8 in.) high cylinders. The smaller gregate. The length of beams should be at least three times
cylinders can only be used for nominal maximum aggre- the depth of the beam plus 50 mm (2 in.), or a total length
gate size of 25 mm (1 in.) or less. For larger aggregates, the of at least 500 mm (20 in.) for a 150-mm x 150-mm (6-in.
diameter of the cylinder should be at least three times the x 6-in.) beam.
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6x12-in. cylinder strength, psi exterior of the mold to prevent confusion and errors in
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
Standard testing procedures require that specimens be
100x200-mm cylinder strength, MPa
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cold weather, to determine when forms can be removed, Accelerated Compression Tests to Project
or to determine when the structure can be put into use. Later-Age Strength
For more information see Strength Tests of Hardened ASTM C684, Standard Test Method for Making, Accelerated
Concrete and ASTM (2009). Curing, and Testing Concrete Compression Test Specimens,
In-place concrete strength development can also be evalu- uses accelerated strength tests to expedite quality control
ated by maturity testing (ACI Committee 228 [2003] and of concrete. Strength development of test specimens is
ASTM C1074, Standard Practice for Estimating Concrete accelerated using one of four curing procedures: warm
Strength by the Maturity Method), which is discussed in water at 35°C ± 3°C (95°F ± 5°F), in boiling water for 3.5 h,
Chapter 17. autogenous curing in an insulated container, or 5 hours
at a high temperature of 150°C ± 3°C (300°F ± 5°F) and a
Time of Setting pressure of 10.3 ± 0.02 MPa (1500 ± 25 psi). Accelerated
ASTM C403/C403M, Standard Test Method for Time of strength tests are performed at ages ranging between
Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance 5 and 49 hours, depending on the curing procedure used.
(AASHTO T 197), is used to determine the time of setting Later-age strengths are estimated using previously estab-
of concrete by means of penetration resistance measure- lished relationships between accelerated strength and
ments made at regular time intervals on mortar sieved standard 28-day compressive strength tests (Carino 2006).
from the concrete mixture (Figure 18-13). The initial and
final time of setting are determined as the times when the ASTM C918/C918M, Standard Test Method for Measuring
penetration resistance equals 3.4 MPa (500 psi) and 27.6 Early-Age Compressive Strength and Projecting Later-Age
MPa (4000 psi). Typically, initial setting occurs between Strength, uses the maturity method of monitoring temper-
2 and 6 hours after batching and final setting occurs ature of cylinders cured in accordance with ASTM C31/
between 4 and 12 hours. Temperature, water cementitious C31M (AASHTO T 23). Cylinders are tested at early ages
materials ratio, and admixtures all affect setting time. beyond 24 hours, and the concrete temperature history is
used to compute the maturity index at the time of test.
To use this method, a prediction equation relating strength
to maturity index, is developed from laboratory or field
data in accordance with ASTM C918/C918M. The predic-
tion equation is used to project the strength at later ages
based on the maturity index and measured strength of the
specimens tested at early-age. See Carino (2006).
Chloride Content
The chloride content of fresh concrete should be checked
to make sure it is below the specified limits, such as those
given in ACI 318, to avoid corrosion of reinforcing steel.
An approximation of the water-soluble chloride content of
aggregates, admixtures, and freshly mixed concrete can be
made using a method developed by the National Ready
Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA 1986). The total
35 5
chloride content of freshly mixed concrete may be esti-
mated by summing up the chloride contents of all of the
Final setting individual constituents of the mixture. The NRMCA
28 4
method provides only a quick approximation and should
Penetration resistance, 1000 psi
21 3
The water extractable chloride content of aggregate may
be determined using ASTM C1524, Standard Test Method
for Water-Extractable Chloride in Aggregate (Soxhlet Method).
14 2
In this method, the aggregate is not pulverized so that
chloride ions within the aggregate particles are not ex-
tracted. These chlorides would not be available to initiate
or contribute toward steel corrosion (ACI 222R). See also
Initial setting
Testing Hardened Concrete, Chloride Content.
0 0
180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Elapsed time, min.
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