Provisions Section 41. Appointment of Receiver.: Estate
Provisions Section 41. Appointment of Receiver.: Estate
Provisions Section 41. Appointment of Receiver.: Estate
The court may appoint a receiver who is an officer of the court who will manage
the property of the litigants pending litigation. This remedy is found under Rule 59
on Receivership. The purpose of receivership is to preserve the property by placing
it in the hands of the court to remove it from the control of a party because a party
may dispose of the property.
EXAMPLE: The obligor turns out to have an interest in real property as a
mortgagee, or he has a right to redeem, or right to foreclose, or right to repurchase.
The obligee can levy on these rights because these rights are property rights by
themselves. This time, it is not the property which is sold but your interest.
EXAMPLE: The obligee cannot find any property of the obligor. But there is a
rumor that Pong owes the obligor a sum of money. Upon examination, Pong denies
indebtedness. But the obligee believes that he has evidence that Pong owes the
obligor money. In this case, the obligee can ask the court that he be allowed to file a
collection case against Pong on behalf of the obligor.