Triple7 Eor Enhanced Oil Recovery Sds
Triple7 Eor Enhanced Oil Recovery Sds
Triple7 Eor Enhanced Oil Recovery Sds
GHS Product Identifier
Triple7 EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery)
Product Code
AAEOR-5 5 litres, AAEOR-20 20 litres, AAEOR-200 200 litres, AAEOR-BB 1000 litres
Company Name
39 Coghlans Road Warrnambool
Victoria 3280 Australia
Telephone/Fax Number
Tel: 1800 777 580 (8am - 5pm AEST)
Fax: 1300 777 580
Emergency phone number
1800 638 556 (24h) / +61 3 5564 6455
E-mail Address
Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use
Bio based biodegradable liquid for crude oil extraction and enhanced oil recovery operations. No restrictions on use.
Additional Information
Free of ozone depleting chemicals. Triple7 EOR does not contain petroleum products, glycol ethers, terpenes, strong
acids, caustics, phosphates, lauryl sulphates, or volatile organic compounds (VOC's.) Safe for rubbers and seals.
GHS classification of the substance/mixture
Not classified as Hazardous according to the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
(GHS) including Work, Health and Safety regulations, Australia.
Not classified as Dangerous Goods according to the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road
and Rail. (7th edition)
Name CAS Proportion
If inhaled, remove affected person from contaminated area. Keep at rest until recovered. If symptoms develop and/or
persist seek medical attention.
Do not induce vomiting. Wash out mouth thoroughly with water. Seek medical attention.
Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. If symptoms develop seek medical attention.
Eye contact
If in eyes, hold eyelids apart and flush the eyes continuously with running water. Remove contact lenses. Continue
flushing for several minutes until all contaminants are washed out completely. If symptoms develop and/or persist seek
medical attention.
First Aid Facilities
Eyewash and normal washroom facilities.
Advice to Doctor
Treat symptomatically.
Suitable Extinguishing Media
Use appropriate fire extinguisher for surrounding environment.
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media
Water jet.
Hazards from Combustion Products
Under fire conditions this product may emit toxic and/or irritating fumes including oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide
and carbon dioxide.
Specific Hazards Arising From The Chemical
The product itself does not burn. No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted.
Decomposition Temperature
Not available
Precautions in connection with Fire
Fire fighters should wear Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and full protective clothing to prevent exposure to
vapours, fumes or products of combustion. Water spray may be used to cool down heat-exposed material. If safe to do
so, remove containers from path of fire. Do not allow run-off from fire fighting to enter drains or water courses.
Emergency Procedures
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing. Stop the leak if safe to do so. Evacuate unprotected
personnel. If possible contain the spill. Surfaces may become slippery after spillage. Flush residue with ample water. If
spilt on electrical equipment will cause short-circuits. Place inert absorbent, non-combustible material onto spillage.
Collect the material and place into suitable labelled containers for recycling or disposal. Dispose of waste according to
the applicable local and national regulations.
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