Ejercicios Bloque I

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1 Resolve each forcé acting on the post ínto its x and 4 If the resultant forcé acting on the bracket is lo be
ycomponenta 750 N directed along the positive x axis, determine Ihe
magnitude of F and its direction 0.

f , = 300 N
Fy = 4 5 ü N
F , = 600 N

2 Determine the magnitude and direction of the

resultant forcé.
250 N

40nN S If the magnitude of the resuhant forcé acting on

the bracket is to be 80 Ib directed along the u axis,
determine the magnitude of F and its direction d.

90 Ib
3 Determine the magnitude of the resultant forcé
acting on ihe corbel and its direction 9 measured 6 Determine the, magnitude of the resultant forcé
a>unterclockwise from the x axis. and its direction 6 measured counterciockwise from the
positive :i: axis.

f , = 600 Ib = 400 ib

= 700 Ib

= 15 k N

Ing. José Carlos Huamani Quicaño


10 Determine the magnitude of the resultant forcé

and its direction measured counterclockwise f r o m the
positive X axis.

8 Determine the magnitude of the resultant forcé

and its direction, measured couníerclockwise from the F2 = 250 N
positive X axis.
11 Determine the magnitude of the resultant forcé
acting o n the píate and its direction, measured counter-
clockwise from the positive x axis.
f 3 = 750 N

12 I f the resultant forcé acting on the bracket is

9 If ^ 1501b and B =^ 55°, detennine the required to be a mínimum, determine the magnitude of F j
magnitude and direction measured clockwise from the and the resultant forcé. Set ^ = 30°.
positive X axis, of the resultant forcé of the three forces
acting o n the bracket. y

Ing. José Caríos Huamaní Quicaño

16 Determine the magnitude of the resultant forcé
and its direction measured counterclockwise from the
13 Express each of the three forces acting on the positive X axis.
column in Cartesian vector form and compute the
magoitude of the resultant forcé.
f i = 60 ib

F2 = 275 Ib

f i = 150 Ib F3 = 75 Ib

J. r

F2 = 70 Ib

17 Determine the magnitude and orientation, measured

counterciockwise from the positive y axis, of the resultant
forcé acting on the brackct, if Fg = 600 N and O = 20°.

14 Determine the magnitude of the resultant forcé

and its direction O, measured counterclockwise from the
positive :r axis.
FA= 700 N

F2 = 600N f 1 = 800 N

f 3 = 650 N

18 If the magnitude of the resuUant forcé acting on tlie

15 Determine the magnitude and direction measured eyebolt is N and its direction measured clockwise from
counicrclockwise from the positive x axis of the resultant the positive x axis is 0 = 30°. determine the magnitude of
forcé of the three forces acting on the ring A. Take F, and Ihe angle ij>. y
Fi - 500 N and 0 = 20°. y

400 N

= 500 N
f 3 - 450 N

¡ng. José Carlos Huamani Quicaño


19 The magnitude of the resultant forcé acting o n 22 If F i = 600 N and (f> = 30", determine the
t h e b r a c k e t is t o b e 400 N . D e t e r m i n e t h e m a g n i t u d e o f m a g n i t u d e o f the r e s u l t a n t f o r c é a c t i n g o n t h e e y e b o l l a n d
F , i f <^ = 3 0 ° . its d i r e c t i o n , measiured c i o c k w i s e f r o m t h e p o s i l i v e x axis.

20 I f the m a g n i t u d e o f t h e r e s u l t a n t f o r c é a c t i n g o n
the b r a c k e t is 600 N , d i r e c t e d a l o n g the p o s i l i v e u axis,
d e t e r m i n e t h c m a g n i t u d e o f F a n d its d i r e c l i o n (¡>.
23 D e t e r m i n e the magnitude o f F i and its direction e
so t h a t the r e s u í t a n t f o r c é is d i r e c t e d v e r t i c a l l y u p w a r d a n d
has a m a g n i t u d e o f 8 0 0 N .

21 D e t e r m i n e the magnitude and direction O o f the

resultant forcé F^. Express the result i n terms of the
m a g n i t u d e s o f t h e c o m p o n e n t s F , a n d F2 a n d the a n g l e (f>.

Ing. José Caríos Huamaní Quicaño


24 Determine the magnitude of forcé F so that the 27 Three forces act on the bracket. Determine the
resultant Fg of the three forces is as small as possibíe. What magnitude and direcüon 0 of Fj so that the resiiltant forcé is
is the mínimum magnitude of Fgl directed along the positive « axis and has a magnitude of 50 Ib.


25 Determine the magnitude of forcé F so that the
resultant forcé of the three forces is as small as possibíe.
What is the magnitude of the resultant torce?
28 If the magnitude of the resultant forcé acting on the
bracket is to be 450 N directed along the positive ii axis,
determine the magnitude of Fi and its direction 0.

Prob. 2-53
26 TTiree forces act on the bracket. Determine the
magnitude and direction $ oí Fi so tliat the resultant forcé
is directed along the píwitive x' axis and has a magnitude

Ing. José Carlos Huamaní Quicaño

30                
              
         

31               
      

 
 

32              

           
     

33                
          
      

34             
       

35          

           
              
            
    

36             
           
   
          
            
   

37                
            

38                
          
               
         

39                
             
 

40                
              
             
                
        

 
 

41           

         
             
             
       

42                 
             
             
              
              
               
                
 
            
        
            
               
               
              
 

43               
               
              
                

             

               
    

44               
               
               
             
             
   

45               
               
            
             
   

46              
           

47              
              
           
     

48         

           
              
     

49               
              
             
               
           

50            

        

51              
       

52               
            
    

 
 Ejer. 50 y 51

53              
              
              
    

54               
              
               

Ejer. 52

55                  
            
              
           
   

Ejer. 53



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