Unit-1 Mobile Communications

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Introduction: Mobile Communications, Mobile Computing – Paradigm, Promises/Novel

Applications and Impediments and Architecture; Mobile and Handheld Devices,
Limitations of Mobile and Handheld Devices.
GSM – Services, System Architecture, Radio Interfaces, Protocols, Localization,
Calling, Handover, Security, New Data Services, GPRS.

Introduction to Mobile Computing

The rapidly expanding technology of cellular communication, wireless LANs, and
satellite services will make information accessible anywhere and at any time. Regardless of
size, most mobile computers will be equipped with a wireless connection to the fixed part of
the network, and, perhaps, to other mobile computers.

The resulting computing environment, which is often referred to as mobile or nomadic

computing, no longer requires users to maintain a fixed and universally known position in the
network and enables almost unrestricted mobility. Mobility and portability will create an
entire new class of applications and, possibly, new massive markets combining personal
computing and
consumer electronics.

Mobile Computing is an umbrella term used to describe technologies that enable

people to access network services anyplace, anytime, and anywhere.

A communication device can exhibit any one of the following characteristics:

Fixed and wired: This configuration describes the typical desktop computer in an office.
Neither weight nor power consumption of the devices  allow for mobile usage. The
 devices use fixed networks for performance reasons.

Mobile and wired: Ma of toda ’s laptops fall into this category; users carry the laptop
fro o e hotel to the 
e t, re o e ti g to the o pa ’s et ork ia the telepho e
 network and a modem.

Fixed and wireless: This mode is used for installing networks, e.g., in historical buildings
 to avoid damage by installing wires, or at trade shows to ensure fast network setup.

 Mobile and wireless: This is the most interesting case. No cable restricts the user, who
can roam between different wireless networks. Most technologies discussed in this book
deal ith this t pe of de i e a d the et orks supporti g the . Toda ’s ost su essful
example for this category is GSM with more than 800 million users.

In many fields of work, the ability to keep on the move is vital in order to utilise time
efficiently. The importance of Mobile Computers has been highlighted in many fields of
which a few are described below:

a. Vehicles: Music, news, road conditions, weather reports, and other broadcast
information are received via digital audio broadcasting (DAB) with 1.5 Mbit/s. For
personal communication, a universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) phone
might be available offering voice and data connectivity with 384 kbit/s. The current
position of the car is determined via the global positioning system (GPS). Cars driving in
the same area build a local ad-hoc network for the fast exchange of information in
emergency situations or to help each other keep a safe distance. In case of an accident,
not only will the airbag be triggered, but the police and ambulance service will be
informed via an emergency call to a service provider. Buses, trucks, and trains are
already transmitting maintenance and logistic information to their home base, which
helps to improve organization (fleet management), and saves time and money.

b. Emergencies: An ambulance with a high-quality wireless connection to a hospital

can carry vital information about injured persons to the hospital from the scene of the
accident. All the necessary steps for this particular type of accident can be prepared and
specialists can be consulted for an early diagnosis. Wireless networks are the only means
of communication in the case of natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes. In
the worst cases, only decentralized, wireless ad-hoc networks survive.

c. Business: Managers can use mobile computers say, critical presentations to major
customers. They can access the latest market share information. At a small recess, they
can revise the presentation to take advantage of this information. They can
communicate with the office about possible new offers and call meetings for discussing
responds to the new proposals. Therefore, mobile computers can leverage competitive
ad a tages. A tra elli g sales a toda eeds i sta t a ess to the o pa ’s data ase:
to ensure that files on his or her laptop reflect the current situation, to enable the
company to keep track of all activities of their travelling employees, to keep databases
consistent etc. With wireless access, the laptop can be turned into a true mobile office,
but efficient and powerful synchronization mechanisms are needed to ensure data

d. Replacement of Wired Networks: wireless networks can also be used to
replace wired networks, e.g., remote sensors, for tradeshows, or in historic buildings.
Due to economic reasons, it is often impossible to wire remote sensors for weather
forecasts, earthquake detection, or to provide environmental information. Wireless
connections, e.g., via satellite, can help in this situation. Other examples for wireless
networks are computers, sensors, or information displays in historical buildings, where
excess cabling may destroy valuable walls or floors.

e. Infotainment: wireless networks can provide up-to-date information at any

appropriate location. The travel guide might tell you something about the history of a
building (knowing via GPS, contact to a local base station, or triangulation where you are)
downloading information about a concert in the building at the same evening via a local
wireless network. Another growing field of wireless network applications lies in
entertainment and games to enable, e.g., ad-hoc gaming networks as soon as people
meet to play together.

Limitations of Mobile Computing

 
 Resource constraints: Battery

Interference: Radio transmission cannot be protected against interference using
result in higher loss rates for transmitted data or higher bit error rates
shielding and
 respectively

Bandwidth: Although they are continuously increasing, transmission rates are still
very low for wireless devices compared to desktop systems. Researchers look for
 more efficient communication protocols with low overhead.

Dynamic changes in communication environment: variations in signal power within a region,
 thus link delays and connection losses

 Network Issues: discovery of the connection-service to destination and connection stability

 
Interoperability issues: the varying protocol standards


Security constraints: Not only can portable devices be stolen more easily, but the
radio interface is also prone to the dangers of eavesdropping. Wireless access must

always include encryption, authentication, and other security mechanisms that must
be efficient and simple to use.

A simplified reference model

The figure shows the protocol stack implemented in the system according to the
reference model. End-systems, such as the PDA and computer in the example, need a full
protocol stack comprising the application layer, transport layer, network layer, data link
layer, and physical layer. Applications on the end-systems communicate with each other
using the lower layer services. Intermediate systems, such as the interworking unit, do not
necessarily need all of the layers.

A Simplified Reference Model

● Physical layer: This is the lowest layer in a communication system and is responsible for the
conversion of a stream of bits into signals that can be transmitted on the sender side. The
physical layer of the receiver then transforms the signals back into a bit stream. For wireless
communication, the physical layer is responsible for frequency selection, generation of the
carrier frequency, signal detection (although heavy interference may disturb the signal),
modulation of data onto a carrier frequency and (depending on the transmission scheme)
● Data link layer: The main tasks of this layer include accessing the medium, multiplexing of
different data streams, correction of transmission errors, and synchronization (i.e., detection of
a data frame). Altogether, the data link layer is responsible for a reliable point-to-point

connection between two devices or a point-to-multipoint connection between one sender and
several receivers.
● Network layer: This third layer is responsible for routing packets through a network or
establishing a connection between two entities over many other intermediate systems.
Important functions are addressing, routing, device location, and handover between different
● Transport layer: This layer is used in the reference model to establish an end-to-end
● Application layer: Finally, the applications (complemented by additional layers that can
support applications) are situated on top of all transmission oriented layers. Functions are
service location, support for multimedia applications, adaptive applications that can handle
the large variations in transmission characteristics, and wireless access to the world-wide
web using a portable device.

GSM : Mobile services, System architecture, Radio interface, Protocols,

Localization and calling, Handover, Security, and New data services.

GSM Services
GSM is the most successful digital mobile telecommunication system in the world today. It is
used by over 800 million people in more than 190 countries. GSM permits the integration of
different voice and data services and the interworking with existing networks. Services make
a network interesting for customers. GSM has defined three different categories of services:
bearer, tele and supplementary services.

Bearer services: GSM specifies different mechanisms for data transmission, the original
GSM allowing for data rates of up to 9600 bit/s for non-voice services. Bearer services permit
transparent and non-transparent, synchronous or asynchronous data transmission.
Transparent bearer services only use the functions of the physical layer (layer 1) to transmit
data. Data transmission has a constant delay and throughput if no transmission errors occur.
Transmission quality can be improved with the use of forward error correction (FEC),
which codes redundancy into the data stream and helps to reconstruct the original data in
case of transmission errors. Transparent bearer services do not try to recover lost data in
case of, for example, shadowing or interruptions due to handover. Non-transparent bearer
services use protocols of layers two and three to implement error correction and flow
control. These services use the transparent bearer services, adding a radio link protocol
(RLP). This protocol comprises mechanisms of high-level data link control (HDLC), and
special selective-reject mechanisms to trigger retransmission of erroneous data.

Using transparent and non-transparent services, GSM specifies several bearer
services for interworking with PSTN, ISDN, and packet switched public data networks
(PSPDN) like X.25, which is available worldwide. Data transmission can be full-duplex,
synchronous with data rates of 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, and 9.6 kbit/s or full-duplex, asynchronous from
300 to 9,600 bit/s.

Tele services: GSM mainly focuses on voice-oriented tele services. These comprise
encrypted voice transmission, message services, and basic data communication with
terminals as known from the PSTN or ISDN (e.g., fax). The primary goal of GSM was the
provision of high-quality digital voice transmission. Special codecs (coder/decoder) are used
for voice transmission, while other codecs are used for the transmission of analog data for
communication with traditional computer modems used in, e.g., fax machines. Another
service offered by GSM is the emergency number (eg 911, 999). This service is mandatory
for all providers and free of charge. This connection also has the highest priority, possibly
pre-empting other connections, and will automatically be set up with the closest emergency
center. A useful service for very simple message transfer is the short message service
(SMS), which offers transmission of messages of up to 160 characters. Sending and receiving
of “M“ is possi le duri g data or oi e tra s issio . It a e used for serious appli atio s
such as displaying road conditions, e-mail headers or stock quotes, but it can also transfer
logos, ring tones, horoscopes and love letters.
The successor of SMS, the enhanced message service (EMS), offers a larger message
size, formatted text, and the transmission of animated pictures, small images and ring tones
in a standardized way. But with MMS, EMS was hardly used. MMS offers the transmission of
larger pictures (GIF, JPG, WBMP), short video clips etc. and comes with mobile phones that
integrate small cameras. Another non-voice tele service is group 3 fax, which is available
worldwide. In this service, fax data is transmitted as digital data over the analog telephone
network according to the ITU-T standards T.4 and T.30 using modems.

Supplementary services: In addition to tele and bearer services, GSM providers can
offer supplementary services. these services offer various enhancements for the standard
telephony service, and may vary from provider to provider. Typical services are user
identification, call redirection, or forwarding of ongoing calls, barring of incoming/outgoing
calls, Advice of Charge (AoC) etc. Standard ISDN features such as closed user groups and
multiparty communication may be available.

GSM Architecture
A GSM system consists of three subsystems, the radio sub system (RSS), the network
and switching subsystem (NSS), and the operation subsystem (OSS).

Functional Architecture of a GSM System

Network Switching Subsystem: The NSS is responsible for performing call

processing and subscriber related functions. The switching system includes the following
functional units:

Home location register (HLR): It is a database used for storage and management of
subscriptions. HLR stores permanent data about subscribers, including a subscribers
 subscription from the PCS provider, he or she is registered in the HLR of that operator. 
service profile, location information and activity status. When an individual buys a

Visitor location register (VLR): It is a database that contains temporary information
about subscribers that is needed by the MSC in order to service visiting subscribers.
is always integrated with the MSC. When a MS roams into a new MSC area, the VLR

connected to that MSC will request data about the mobile station from the HLR. Later if
the mobile station needs to make a call, VLR will be having all the information needed for
call setup.

Authentication center (AUC): A unit called the AUC provides authentication and
 each call.
encryption parameters that verify the users identity and ensure the confidentiality of

Equipment identity register (EIR): It is a database that contains information about the
 mobile stations.
identity of mobile equipment that prevents calls from stolen, unauthorized or defective

Mobile switching center (MSC): The MSC performs the telephony switchingfunctions of
the system. It controls calls to and from other telephone and data systems.

Radio Subsystem (RSS): the radio subsystem (RSS) comprises all radio specific
entities, i.e., the mobile stations (MS) and the base station subsystem (BSS). The figure
shows the connection between the RSS and the NSS via the A interface (solid lines) and the
connection to the OSS via the O interface (dashed lines).

Base station subsystem (BSS): A GSM network comprises many BSSs, each controlled by
a base station controller (BSC). The BSS performs all functions necessary to maintain
radio connections to an MS, coding/decoding of voice, and rate adaptation to/from the
 wireless network part. Besides a BSC, the BSS contains several BTSs.

Base station controllers (BSC): The BSC provides all the control functions and physical
links between the MSC and BTS. It is a high capacity switch that provides functions such
 BT“. A u er of B“C’s are ser ed a d M“C.
as handover, cell configuration data, and control of radio frequency (RF) power levels in

Base transceiver station (BTS): The BTS handles the radio interface to the mobile station.
A BTS can form a radio cell or, using sectorized antennas, several and is connected to MS
via the Um interface, and to the BSC via the Abis interface. The Um interface contains all
the mechanisms necessary for wireless transmission (TDMA, FDMA etc.)The BTS is the
radio equipment (transceivers and antennas)
 needed to service each cell in the network.
A group of BT“’s are o trolled a B“C.

Operation and Support system: The operations and maintenance center (OMC) is
connected to all equipment in the switching system and to the BSC. Implementation of OMC
is called operation and support system (OSS). The OSS is the functional entity from which the
network operator monitors and controls the system. The purpose of OSS is to offer the
customer cost-effective support for centralized, regional and local operational and
maintenance activities that are required for a GSM network. OSS provides a network
overview and allows engineers to monitor, diagnose and troubleshoot every aspect of the
GSM network.

The mobile station (MS) consists of the mobile equipment (the terminal) and a smart
card called the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). The SIM provides personal mobility, so that
the user can have access to subscribed services irrespective of a specific terminal. By
inserting the SIM card into another GSM terminal, the user is able to receive calls at that
terminal, make calls from that terminal, and receive other subscribed services.
The mobile equipment is uniquely identified by the International Mobile Equipment
Identity (IMEI). The SIM card contains the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI)
used to identify the subscriber to the system, a secret key for authentication, and other
information. The IMEI and the IMSI are independent, thereby allowing personal mobility.
The SIM card may be protected against unauthorized use by a password or personal
identity number.

Radio Interface
The most interesting interface in a GSM system is Um, the radio interface, as it comprises
various multiplexing and media access mechanisms. GSM implements SDMA using cells with
BTS and assigns an MS to a BTS.

GSM TDMA Frame, Slots and Bursts

Each of the 248 channels is additionally separated in time via a GSM TDMA frame,
i.e., each 200 kHz carrier is subdivided into frames that are repeated continuously. The
duration of a frame is 4.615 ms. A frame is again subdivided into 8 GSM time slots, where
each slot represents a physical TDM channel and lasts for 577 μs. Each TDM channel
occupies the 200 kHz carrier for 577 μs every 4.615 ms. Data is transmitted in small portions,
called bursts. The following figure shows a so called normal burst as used for data
transmission inside a time slot. As shown, the burst is only 546.5 μs long and contains 148
bits. The remaining 30.5 μs are used as guard space to avoid overlapping with other bursts
due to different path delays and to give the transmitter time to turn on and off.

The first and last three bits of a normal burst (tail) are all set to 0 and can be used to
enhance the receiver performance. The training sequence in the middle of a slot is used to
adapt the parameters of the receiver to the current path propagation characteristics and to
select the strongest signal in case of multi-path propagation. A flag S indicates whether the
data field contains user or network control data.

Apart from the normal burst, ETSI (1993a) defines four more bursts for data
transmission: a frequency correction burst allows the MS to correct the local oscillator to
avoid interference with neighbouring channels, a synchronization burst with an extended
training sequence synchronizes the MS with the BTS in time, an access burst is used for the
initial connection setup between MS and BTS, and finally a dummy burst is used if no data is
available for a slot.

Logical channels and frame hierarchy

Two types of channels, namely physical channels and logical channels are present.
Physical channel: channel defined by specifying both, a carrier frequency and a TDMA
timeslot number. Logic channel: logical channels are multiplexed into the physical channels.
Each logic channel performs a specific task. Consequently the data of a logical channel is
transmitted in the corresponding timeslots of the physical channel. During this process,
logical channels can occupy a part of the physical channel or even the entire channel.

Each of the frequency carriers is divided into frames of 8 timeslots of approximately

577s (15/26 s) duration with 156.25 bits per timeslot. The duration of a TDMA frame is
4.615ms (577s x 8 = 4.615 ms). The bits per timeslot and frame duration yield a gross bit
rate of about 271kbps per TDMA frame.
TDMA frames are grouped into two types of multiframes:
 26-frame multiframe (4.615ms x 26 = 120 ms) comprising of 26 TDMA frames. This
multiframe is used to carry traffic channels and their associated control channels.

 51-frame multiframe (4.615ms x 51 235.4 ms) comprising 51 TDMA frames. This
multiframe is exclusively used for control channels.
The multiframe structure is further multiplexed into a single superframe of duration of
6.12sec. This means a superframe consists of
 51 multiframes of 26 frames.

 26 multiframes of 51 frames.
The last multiplexing level of the frame hierarchy, consisting of 2048 superframes (2715648
TDMA frames), is a hyperframe. This long time period is needed to support the GSM data
encryption mechanisms. The frame hierarchy is shown below:

GSM Frame Hierarchy

There are two different types of logical channel within the GSM system: Traffic channels
(TCHs), Control channels (CCHs).

Traffic Channels: Traffic channels carry user information such as encoded speech or user
data. Traffic channels are defined by using a 26-frame multiframe. Two general forms are
i. Full rate traffic channels (TCH/F), at a gross bit rate of 22.8 kbps (456bits / 20ms)
ii. Half rate traffic channels (TCH/H), at a gross bit rate of 11.4 kbps.
Uplink and downlink are separated by three slots (bursts) in the 26-multiframe structure.
This simplifies the duplexing function in mobile terminals design, as mobiles will not need to
transmit and receive at the same time. The 26-frame multiframe structure, shown below
multiplexes two types of logical channels, a TCH and a Slow Associated Control CHannel
However, if required, a Fast Associated Control CHannel (FACCH) can steal TCH in
order to transmit control information at a higher bit rate. This is usually the case during the
handover process. In total 24 TCH/F are transmitted and one SACCH.

Control Channels: Control channels carry system signalling and synchronisation data for
control procedures such as location registration, mobile station synchronisation, paging,
random access etc. between base station and mobile station. Three categories of control
channel are defined: Broadcast, Common and Dedicated. Control channels are multiplexed
into the 51-frame multiframe.


Broadcast control channel (BCCH): A BTS uses this channel to signal information to
all MSs within a cell. Information transmitted in this channel is, e.g., the cell identifier,
options available within this cell (frequency hopping), and frequencies available
inside the cell and in neighboring cells. The BTS sends information for frequency
correction via the frequency correction channel (FCCH) and information about
time synchronization via the synchronization channel (SCH), where both channels

 are subchannels of the BCCH.

Common control channel (CCCH): All information regarding connection setup
between MS and BS is exchanged via the CCCH. For calls toward an MS, the BTS uses
the paging channel (PCH) for paging the appropriate MS. If an MS wants to set up a
call, it uses the random access channel (RACH) to send data to the BTS. The RACH
implements multiple access (all MSs within a cell may access this channel) using
slotted Aloha. This is where a collision may occur with other MSs in a GSM system.
The BTS uses the access grant channel (AGCH) to signal an MS that it can use a TCH

 or SDCCH for further connection setup.

Dedicated control channel (DCCH): While the previous channels have all been
unidirectional, the following channels are bidirectional. As long as an MS has not
established a TCH with the BTS, it uses the stand-alone dedicated control channel
(SDCCH) with a low data rate (782 bit/s) for signaling. This can comprise
authentication, registration or other data needed for setting up a TCH. Each TCH and
SDCCH has a slow associated dedicated control channel (SACCH) associated with
it, which is used to exchange system information, such as the channel quality and
signal power level. Finally, if more signaling information needs to be transmitted and
a TCH already exists, GSM uses a fast associated dedicated control channel
(FACCH). The FACCH uses the time slots which are otherwise used by the TCH. This
is necessary in the case of handovers where BTS and MS have to exchange larger

amounts of data in less time.

GSM Protocols
The signalling protocol in GSM is structured into three general layers depending on the
interface, as shown below. Layer 1 is the physical layer that handles all radio-specific
functions. This includes the creation of bursts according to the five different formats,
multiplexing of bursts into a TDMA frame, synchronization with the BTS, detection of idle
channels, and measurement of the channel quality on the downlink. The physical layer at Um
uses GMSK for digital modulation and performs encryption/decryption of data, i.e.,
encryption is not performed end-to-end, but only between MS and BSS over the air interface.

Protocol architecture for Signaling

The main tasks of the physical layer comprise channel coding and error
detection/correction, which is directly combined with the coding mechanisms. Channel
coding makes extensive use of different forward error correction (FEC) schemes. Signaling
between entities in a GSM network requires higher layers. For this purpose, the
LAPDm protocol has been defined at the Um interface for layer two. LAPDm has been
derived from link access procedure for the D-channel (LAPD) in ISDN systems, which is a
version of HDLC. LAPDm is a lightweight LAPD because it does not need synchronization flags
or checksumming for error detection. LAPDm offers reliable data transfer over connections,
re-sequencing of data frames, and flow control.

The network layer in GSM, layer three, comprises several sublayers. The lowest
su la er is the radio resour e a age e t RR . O l a part of this la er, RR’, is
i ple e ted i the BT“, the re ai der is situated i the B“C. The fu tio s of RR’ are
supported by the BSC via the BTS management (BTSM). The main tasks of RR are setup,
maintenance, and release of radio channels. Mobility management (MM) contains functions
for registration, authentication, identification, location updating, and the provision of a
temporary mobile subscriber identity (TMSI).

Finally, the call management (CM) layer contains three entities: call control (CC),
short message service (SMS), and supplementary service (SS). SMS allows for message
transfer using the control channels SDCCH and SACCH, while SS offers the services like user
identification, call redirection, or forwarding of ongoing calls. CC provides a point-to-point

connection between two terminals and is used by higher layers for call establishment, call
clearing and change of call parameters. This layer also provides functions to send in-band
tones, called dual tone multiple frequency (DTMF), over the GSM network. These tones are
used, e.g., for the remote control of answering machines or the entry of PINs in electronic
banking and are, also used for dialing in traditional analog telephone systems.
Additional protocols are used at the Abis and A interfaces. Data transmission at the
physical layer typically uses pulse code modulation (PCM) systems. LAPD is used for layer
two at Abis, BTSM for BTS management. Signaling system No. 7 (SS7) is used for signaling
between an MSC and a BSC. This protocol also transfers all management information
between MSCs, HLR, VLRs, AuC, EIR, and OMC. An MSC can also control a BSS via a BSS
application part (BSSAP).

Localization and Calling

The fundamental feature of the GSM system is the automatic, worldwide localization of
users for which, the system performs periodic location updates. The HLR always contains
information about the current location and the VLR currently responsible for the MS informs
the HLR about the location changes. Changing VLRs with uninterrupted availability is called
roaming. Roaming can take place within a network of one provider, between two providers
in a country and also between different providers in different countries.
To locate and address an MS, several numbers are needed:

Mobile station international ISDN number (MSISDN):- The only important number for

a user of GSM is the phone number. This number consists of the country code (CC),
the national destination code (NDC) and the subscriber number (SN).

International mobile subscriber identity (IMSI): GSM uses the IMSI for internal
unique identification of a subscriber. IMSI consists of a mobile country code (MCC),
the mobile network
 code (MNC), and finally the mobile subscriber identification
 number (MSIN).

Temporary mobile subscriber identity (TMSI): To hide the IMSI, which would give
away the exact identity of the user signallingover the air interface, GSM uses the 4
 byte TMSI for local subscriber identification.

Mobile station roaming number (MSRN): Another temporary address that hides the
identity and location of a subscriber is MSRN. The VLR generates this address on
request from the MSC, and the address is also stored in the HLR. MSRN contains the
current visitor country code (VCC), the visitor national destination code (VNDC), the
identification of the current MSC together with the subscriber
 number. The MSRN
helps the HLR to find a subscriber for an incoming call.

For a mobile terminated call (MTC), the following figure shows the different steps that take

Mobile Terminated Call (MTC)

step 1: User dials the phone number of a GSM subscriber.

step 2: The fixed network (PSTN) identifies the number belongs to a user in GSM network
and forwards the call setup to the Gateway MSC (GMSC).
step 3: The GMSC identifies the HLR for the subscriber and signals the call setup to HLR
step 4: The HLR checks for number existence and its subscribed services and requests an
MSRN from the current VLR.
step 5: VLR sends the MSRN to HLR
step 6: Upon receiving MSRN, the HLR determines the MSC responsible for MS and forwards
the information to the GMSC
step 7: The GMSC can now forward the call setup request to the MSC indicated
step 8: The MSC requests the VLR for the current status of the MS
step 9: VLR sends the requested information
step 10: If MS is available, the MSC initiates paging in all cells it is responsible for.
step 11: The BTSs of all BSSs transmit the paging signal to the MS
step 12: Step 13: If MS answers, VLR performs security checks
step 15: Till step 17: Then the VLR signals to the MSC to setup a connection to the MS

For a mobile originated call (MOC), the following steps take place:

step 1: The MS transmits a request for a new connection

step 2: The BSS forwards this request to the MSC
step 3: Step 4: The MSC then checks if this user is allowed to set up a call with the requested
and checks the availability of resources through the GSM network and into the PSTN.
If all resources are available, the MSC sets up a connection between the MS and the
fixed network.

In addition to the steps mentioned above, other messages are exchanged between an MS
and BTS during connection setup (in either direction).

Message flow for MTC and MOC

Cellular systems require handover procedures, as single cells do not cover the whole service
area. However, a handover should not cause a cut-off, also called call drop. GSM aims at
maximum handover duration of 60 ms. There are two basic reasons for a handover:
1. The mobile station moves out of the range of a BTS, decreasing the received signal
level increasing the error rate thereby diminishing the quality of the radio link.
2. Handover may be due to load balancing, when an MSC/BSC decides the traffic is too
high in one cell and shifts some MS to other cells with a lower load.

The four possible handover scenarios of GSM are shown below:

Intra-cell handover: Within a cell, narrow-band interference could make transmission at
 frequency (scenario 1).
a certain frequency impossible. The BSC could then decide to change the carrier

Inter-cell, intra-BSC handover: This is a typical handover scenario. The mobile station
moves from one cell to another, but stays within the control of the same BSC. The BSC
then performs a handover, assigns a new radio channel in the new cell and releases the
 old one (scenario 2).

Inter-BSC, intra-MSC handover: As a BSC only controls a limited number of cells; GSM
 then has to be controlled by the MSC (scenario 3).
also has to perform handovers between cells controlled by different BSCs. This handover

Inter MSC handover: A handover could be required between two cells belonging to
different MSCs. Now both MSCs perform the handover together (scenario 4).

To provide all the necessary information for a handover due to a weak link, MS and BTS both
perform periodic measurements of the downlink and uplink quality respectively.
Measurement reports are sent by the MS about every half-second and contain the quality of
the current link used for transmission as well as the quality of certain channels in
neighboring cells (the BCCHs).

Handover decision depending on receive level

Intra-MSC handover
More sophisticated handover mechanisms are needed for seamless handovers between
different systems.

GSM offers several security services using confidential information stored in the AuC and in
the individual SIM. The SIM stores personal, secret data and is protected with a PIN against
unauthorized use. Three algorithms have been specified to provide security services in GSM.
Algorithm A3 is used for authentication, A5 for encryption, and A8 for the generation of
a cipher key. The various security services offered by GSM are:

Access control and authentication: The first step includes the authentication of a valid
user for the SIM. The user needs a secret PIN to access the SIM. The next step is the
subscriber authentication. This step is based on a challenge-response scheme as shown

Subscriber Authentication

Authentication is based on the SIM, which stores the individual authentication key
Ki, the user identification IMSI, and the algorithm used for authentication A3. The AuC
performs the basic generation of random values RAND, signed responses SRES, and cipher
keys Kc for each IMSI, and then forwards this information to the HLR. The current VLR
requests the appropriate values for RAND, SRES, and Kc from the HLR. For authentication, the
VLR sends the random value RAND to the SIM. Both sides, network and subscriber module,
perform the same operation with RAND and the key Ki, called A3. The MS sends back the
SRES generated by the SIM; the VLR can now compare both values. If they are the same, the
VLR accepts the subscriber, otherwise the subscriber is rejected.

Confidentiality: All user-related data is encrypted. After authentication, BTS and MS apply
encryption to voice, data, and signalling as shown below.

To ensure privacy, all messages containing user-related information are encrypted in GSM
over the air interface. After authentication, MS and BSS can start using encryption by
applying the cipher key Kc, which is generated using the individual key Ki and a random value
by applying the algorithm A8. Note that the SIM in the MS and the network both calculate
the same Kc based on the random value RAND. The key Kc itself is not transmitted over the air
interface. MS and BTS can now encrypt and decrypt data using the algorithm A5 and the
cipher key Kc.

Anonymity: To provide user anonymity, all data is encrypted before transmission, and user
identifiers are not used over the air. Instead, GSM transmits a temporary identifier (TMSI),
which is newly assigned by the VLR after each location update. Additionally, the VLR can
change the TMSI at any time.

New Data Services

To enhance the data transmission capabilities of GSM, two basic approaches are possible. As
the basic GSM is based on connection-oriented traffic channels, e.g., with 9.6 kbit/s each,
several channels could be combined to increase bandwidth. This system is called HSCSD
{high speed circuit switched data}. A more progressive step is the introduction of packet-
oriented traffic in GSM, i.e., shifting the paradigm from connections/telephone thinking to
packets/internet thinking. The system is called GPRS {general packet radio service}.

HSCD: A straightfor ard i pro e e t of G“M’s data transmission capabilities is high speed
circuit switched data (HSCSD) in which higher data rates are achieved by bundling several
TCHs. An MS requests one or more TCHs from the GSM network, i.e., it allocates several
TDMA slots within a TDMA frame. This allocation can be asymmetrical, i.e. more slots can be
allocated on the downlink than on the uplink, which fits the typical user behaviour of
downloading more data compared to uploading. A major disadvantage of HSCD is that it still
uses the connection-oriented mechanisms of GSM, which is not efficient for computer data

GPRS: The next step toward more flexible and powerful data transmission avoids the
problems of HSCSD by being fully packet-oriented. The general packet radio service
(GPRS) provides packet mode transfer for applications that exhibit traffic patterns such as
frequent transmission of small volumes (e.g., typical web requests) or infrequent
transmissions of small or medium volumes (e.g., typical web responses) according to the
requirement specification. For the new GPRS radio channels, the GSM system can allocate
between one and eight time slots within a TDMA frame. Time slots are not allocated in a
fixed, pre-determined manner but on demand. All time slots can be shared by the active
users; up- and downlink are allocated separately. Allocation of the slots is based on current
load and operator preferences. The GPRS concept is independent of channel characteristics
and of the type of channel (traditional GSM traffic or control channel), and does not limit the
maximum data rate (only the GSM transport system limits the rate). All GPRS services can be
used in parallel to conventional services. GPRS includes several security services such as
authentication, access control, user identity confidentiality, and user information
The GPRS architecture introduces two new network elements, which are called GPRS
support nodes (GSN) and are in fact routers. All GSNs are integrated into the standard GSM
architecture, and many new interfaces have been defined. The gateway GPRS support node
(GGSN) is the interworking unit between the GPRS network and external packet data
networks (PDN). This node contains routing information for GPRS users, performs address
conversion, and tunnels data to a user via encapsulation. The GGSN is connected to external
networks (e.g., IP or X.25) via the Gi interface and transfers packets to the SGSN via an IP-
based GPRS backbone network (Gn interface). The other new element is the serving GPRS
support node (SGSN) which supports the MS via the Gb interface. The SGSN, for example,
requests user addresses from the GPRS register (GR), keeps tra k of the i di idual M“s’
location, is responsible for collecting billing information (e.g., counting bytes), and performs
several security functions such as access control. The SGSN is connected to a BSC via frame

relay and is basically on the same hierarchy level as an MSC. The GR, which is typically a part
of the HLR, stores all GPRS-relevant data.

GPRS Architecture Reference Model

As shown above, packet data is transmitted from a PDN, via the GGSN and SGSN
directly to the BSS and finally to the MS. The MSC, which is responsible for data transport in
the traditional circuit-switched GSM, is only used for signalling in the GPRS scenario. Before
sending any data over the GPRS network, an MS must attach to it, following the procedures
of the mobility management. The attachment procedure includes assigning a temporal
identifier, called a temporary logical link identity (TLLI), and a ciphering key sequence
number (CKSN) for data encryption. For each MS, a GPRS context is set up and stored in
the MS and in the corresponding SGSN. Besides attaching and detaching, mobility
management also comprises functions for authentication, location management, and
The following figure shows the protocol architecture of the transmission plane for
GPRS. All data within the GPRS backbone, i.e., between the GSNs, is transferred using the
GPRS tunnelling protocol (GTP). GTP can use two different transport protocols, either the
reliable TCP (needed for reliable transfer of X.25 packets) or the non-reliable UDP
(used for IP packets). The network protocol for the GPRS backbone is IP (using any lower
layers). To adapt to the different characteristics of the underlying networks, the subnetwork
dependent convergence protocol (SNDCP) is used between an SGSN and the MS. On top of
SNDCP and GTP, user packet data is tunneled from the MS to the GGSN and vice versa. To
achieve a high reliability of packet transfer between SGSN and MS, a special LLC is used,
which comprises ARQ and FEC mechanisms for PTP (and later PTM) services.

GPRS transmission plane protocol reference model

A base station subsystem GPRS protocol (BSSGP) is used to convey routing and QoS-
related information between the BSS and SGSN. BSSGP does not perform error correction
and works on top of a frame relay (FR) network. Finally, radio link dependent protocols are
needed to transfer data over the Um interface. The radio link protocol (RLC) provides a
reliable link, while the MAC controls access with signalling procedures for the radio channel
and the mapping of LLC frames onto the GSM physical channels. The radio interface at U m
needed for GPRS does not require fundamental changes compared to standard GSM.

GPRS Overview:
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a Mobile Data Service accessible to GSM
and IS-136 mobile phones users. This service is packet-switched and several number of users
can divide the same transmission channel for transmitting the data. This tutorial helps you to
understand GPRS Basics and should be your starting point.
Before starting your practice with varied examples given in this reference; I am
assuming that you are already aware of basic Telecom terminologies.
General Packet Radio System is also known as GPRS is a third-generation step toward
internet access. GPRS is also known as GSM-IP that is a Global-System Mobile
Communications Internet Protocol as it keeps the users of this system online, allows to make

voice calls, and access internet on-the-go. Even Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
users benefit from this system as it provides packet radio access.
GPRS also permits the network operators to execute an Internet Protocol (IP) based
core architecture for integrated voice and data applications that will continue to be used and
expanded for 3G services.
GPRS supersedes the wired connections, as this system has simplified access to the packet
data networks like the internet. The packet radio principle is employed by GPRS to transport
user data packets in a structure way between GSM mobile stations and external packet data
networks. These packets can be directly routed to the packet switched networks from the
GPRS mobile stations.
In the current versions of GPRS, networks based on the Internet Protocol (IP) like the global
internet or private/corporate intranets and X.25 networks are supported.
Who owns GPRS ?
The GPRS specifications are written by the European Telecommunications Standard Institute
(ETSI), the European counterpart of the American National Standard Institute (ANSI).
Key Features
Following three key features describe wireless packet data:
 The always online feature - Removes the dial-up process, making applications only
one click away.
 An upgrade to existing systems - Operators do not have to replace their equipment;
rather, GPRS is added on top of the existing infrastructure.
 An integral part of future 3G systems - GPRS is the packet data core network for 3G
systems EDGE and WCDMA.
Goals of GPRS
GPRS is the first step toward an end-to-end wireless infrastructure and has the following
 Open architecture
 Consistent IP services
 Same infrastructure for different air interfaces
 Integrated telephony and Internet infrastructure
 Leverage industry investment in IP
 Service innovation independent of infrastructure

Benefits of GPRS
Higher Data Rate
GPRS benefits the users in many ways, one of which is higher data rates in turn of
shorter access times. In the typical GSM mobile, setup alone is a lengthy process and equally,
rates for data permission are restrained to 9.6 kbit/s. The session establishment time offered
while GPRS is in practice is lower than one second and ISDN-line data rates are up to many
10 kbit/s.
Easy Billing
GPRS packet transmission offers a more user-friendly billing than that offered by
circuit switched services. In circuit switched services, billing is based on the duration of the
connection. This is unsuitable for applications with bursty traffic. The user must pay for the
entire airtime, even for idle periods when no packets are sent (e.g., when the user reads a Web
In contrast to this, with packet switched services, billing can be based on the amount of
transmitted data. The advantage for the user is that he or she can be "online" over a long
period of time but will be billed based on the transmitted data volume.
GPRS Applications:
GPRS has opened a wide range of unique services to the mobile wireless subscriber.
Some of the characteristics that have opened a market full of enhanced value services to the
users. Below are some of the characteristics:
 Mobility - The ability to maintain constant voice and data communications while on
the move.
 Immediacy - Allows subscribers to obtain connectivity when needed, regardless of
location and without a lengthy login session.
 Localization - Allows subscribers to obtain information relevant to their current
 Using the above three characteristics varied possible applications are being developed
to offer to the mobile subscribers. These applications, in general, can be divided into
two high-level categories:
 Corporation
 Consumer
 These two levels further include:
 Communications - E-mail, fax, unified messaging and intranet/internet access, etc.

 Value-added services - Information services and games, etc.
 E-commerce - Retail, ticket purchasing, banking and financial trading, etc.
 Location-based applications - Navigation, traffic conditions, airline/rail schedules
and location finder, etc.
 Vertical applications - Freight delivery, fleet management and sales-force
 Advertising - Advertising may be location sensitive. For example, a user entering a
mall can receive advertisements specific to the stores in that mall.
Along with the above applications, non-voice services like SMS, MMS and
voice calls are also possible with GPRS. Closed User Group (CUG) is a common term
used after GPRS is in the market, in addition, it is planned to implement
supplementary services, such as Call Forwarding Unconditional (CFU), and Call
Forwarding on Mobile subscriber Not Reachable (CFNRc), and closed user group
GPRS Architecture:
GPRS architecture works on the same procedure like GSM network, but, has additional
entities that allow packet data transmission. This data network overlaps a second-generation
GSM network providing packet data transport at the rates from 9.6 to 171 kbps. Along with
the packet data transport the GSM network accommodates multiple users to share the same air
interface resources concurrently.
Following is the GPRS Architecture diagram:

Figure: GPRS Architecture

GPRS attempts to reuse the existing GSM network elements as much as possible, but
to effectively build a packet-based mobile cellular network, some new network elements,
interfaces, and protocols for handling packet traffic are required.
Therefore, GPRS requires modifications to numerous GSM network elements as summarized
GSM Network Element Modification or Upgrade Required for GPRS.
New Mobile Station is required to access GPRS services.
Mobile Station (MS) These new terminals will be backward compatible with
GSM for voice calls.
A software upgrade is required in the existing Base
Transceiver Station(BTS).
The Base Station Controller (BSC) requires a software
upgrade and the installation of new hardware called the
BSC packet control unit (PCU). The PCU directs the data traffic
to the GPRS network and can be a separate hardware
element associated with the BSC.
The deployment of GPRS requires the installation of new
GPRS Support Nodes (GSNs) core network elements called the serving GPRS support
node (SGSN) and gateway GPRS support node (GGSN).
All the databases involved in the network will require
Databases (HLR, VLR, etc.) software upgrades to handle the new call models and
functions introduced by GPRS.
GPRS Mobile Stations
New Mobile Stations (MS) are required to use GPRS services because existing GSM
phones do not handle the enhanced air interface or packet data. A variety of MS can exist,
including a high-speed version of current phones to support high-speed data access, a new
PDA device with an embedded GSM phone, and PC cards for laptop computers. These mobile
stations are backward compatible for making voice calls using GSM.
GPRS Base Station Subsystem
Each BSC requires the installation of one or more Packet Control Units (PCUs) and a
software upgrade. The PCU provides a physical and logical data interface to the Base Station
Subsystem (BSS) for packet data traffic. The BTS can also require a software upgrade but
typically does not require hardware enhancements.

When either voice or data traffic is originated at the subscriber mobile, it is transported over
the air interface to the BTS, and from the BTS to the BSC in the same way as a standard GSM
call. However, at the output of the BSC, the traffic is separated; voice is sent to the Mobile
Switching Center (MSC) per standard GSM, and data is sent to a new device called the SGSN
via the PCU over a Frame Relay interface.
GPRS Support Nodes
Following two new components, called Gateway GPRS Support Nodes (GSNs) and, Serving
GPRS Support Node (SGSN) are added:
Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN)
The Gateway GPRS Support Node acts as an interface and a router to external networks. It
contains routing information for GPRS mobiles, which is used to tunnel packets through the
IP based internal backbone to the correct Serving GPRS Support Node. The GGSN also
collects charging information connected to the use of the external data networks and can act as
a packet filter for incoming traffic.
Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN)
The Serving GPRS Support Node is responsible for authentication of GPRS mobiles,
registration of mobiles in the network, mobility management, and collecting information on
charging for the use of the air interface.
Internal Backbone
The internal backbone is an IP based network used to carry packets between different GSNs.
Tunnelling is used between SGSNs and GGSNs, so the internal backbone does not need any
information about domains outside the GPRS network. Signalling from a GSN to a MSC,
HLR or EIR is done using SS7.
Routing Area
GPRS introduces the concept of a Routing Area. This concept is similar to Location Area in
GSM, except that it generally contains fewer cells. Because routing areas are smaller than
location areas, less radio resources are used while broadcasting a page message.
GPRS Protocol Stack:
The flow of GPRS protocol stack and end-to-end message from MS to the GGSN is
displayed in the below diagram. GTP is the protocol used between the SGSN and GGSN
using the Gn interface. This is a Layer 3 tunneling protocol.

Figure: GPRS Protocol Stack
The process that takes place in the application looks like a normal IP sub-network for
the users both inside and outside the network. The vital thing that needs attention is, the
application communicates via standard IP, that is carried through the GPRS network and out
through the gateway GPRS. The packets that are mobile between the GGSN and the SGSN
use the GPRS tunneling protocol, this way the IP addresses located on the external side of the
GPRS network do not have deal with the internal backbone. UDP and IP are run by GTP.
Sub Network Dependent Convergence Protocol (SNDCP) and Logical Link Control (LLC)
combination used in between the SGSN and the MS. The SNDCP flattens data to reduce the
load on the radio channel. A safe logical link by encrypting packets is provided by LLC and
the same LLC link is used as long as a mobile is under a single SGSN.
In case, the mobile moves to a new routing area that lies under a different SGSN; then, the old
LLC link is removed and a new link is established with the new Serving GSN X.25. Services
are provided by running X.25 on top of TCP/IP in the internal backbone.

Assignment Questions
1) (a). Explain the applications of mobile computing.
(b).Name the main elements of the GSM system architecture and describe their functions.
What are the advantages of specifying not only the radio interface but also all internal
interfaces of the GSM system?

2) (a) Explain the architecture of mobile computing.

(b) Where and when can collisions occur while accessing the GSM system? Compare
possible collisions caused by data transmission in standard GSM, HSCSD and GPRS.

3) (a) Explain the GPRS architecture reference model.

(b) Explain security service in GSM.

4) (a) Explain localization and calling in GSM.

(b) Give reasons for a handover in GSM and the problems associated with it.
(c) Write short notes on HSCSD.

5. What is handover? Why it is required? What are the handover scenarios in GSM? How the
handover decisions takes place depending on receiver signal strength? [16]

6. A network can be:

(a) fixed and wired
(b) mobile and wired
(c) fixed and wireless
(d) mobile and wireless. Explain each of them.

7. The trend is towards convergence of Internet and Telephone network. Explain it with
suitable applications.

8. (a) Explain the protocol of GSM. [8]

(b) Explain in detail about GSM services. [8]

9. What is electromagnetic spectrum? Which part of the spectrum is used for wireless and
mobile communications? Consider all possibilities like building a network, cellular
communications, and satellite networks etc. [16]



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