Analog Electronics PDF
Analog Electronics PDF
Analog Electronics PDF
7. An OPAMP has a slew rate of 5 V/µ S .The largest sine wave O/P voltage
possible at a
frequency of 1MHZ is
A. 10 volts
B. 5 volts C. 5/ volts
D.5/2 volts
12. In a p-n junction diode under reverse bias , the magnitude of electric field is
maximum at
A. the edge of the depletion region on the p-side
B. the edge of the depletion region on the n-side
C. the p-n junction
D. the center of the depletion region on the n-side
15. A constant current signal across a parallel RLC circuits gives an o/p of 1.4v at
the signal
frequency of 3.89KHZ and 4.1KHZ .At the frequency of 4KHZ,the o/p voltage will
A.1 v
B. 2v
16. Class AB operation is often used in power large signal) amplifiers in order to
A. get maximum efficiency
B.remove even harmonics
C. overcome a crossover distortion
D.reducing collector dissipation
18. If =0.98 ,Ico=6µA and Iβ=100µA for a transistor,then the value of Ic will be
C.4.6 mA
20. Most of the linear ICs are based on the two-transistor differential amplifier
because of its
A. input voltage dependent linear transfer characteristic
B. high voltage gain
C. high input resistance
D. high CMRR
21. Negative feedback in an amplifier
A. Reduces gain
B. Increase frequency &phase distortion
C. Reduces bandwidth
D. Increases noise
22. A dc power supply has no-load voltage of 30v,and a full-load voltage of 25v at
current of 1A.Its output resistance & load regulation ,respectively are
A. 5 Ω & 20 %
B. 25 Ω & 20 %
C. 5 Ω & 16.7 %
D. 25 Ω & 16.7 %
23. The current gain of a bipolar transistor drops at high frequencies because of
A. Transistor capacitances
B. High current effects in the base
C. Parasitic inductive elements
D. The early effect
25. An npn BJT has gm=38mA/v, cµ =10¯14 F, cπ =10¯13F and DC current gain
β0=90.For this
transistor fT & fβ are
A. fT =1.64 x 108 Hz & fβ = 1.47 x 1010 Hz.
B. fT =1.47 x 1010 Hz & fβ = 1.64 x 108 Hz
C. fT =1.33 x 1012 Hz & fβ = 1.47 x 1010 Hz
D. fT =1.47 x 1010 Hz & fβ = 1.33 x 1012 Hz
27.An amplifier using an opamp with slew rate SR=1v/µsec has a gain of 40db.if
this amplifier
has to faithfully amplify sinusoidal signals from dc to 20 KHz without introducing
any slew-rate
induced distortion, then the input signal level must not exceed
A. 795mV
B. 395mV
C. 795 mV
D. 39.5mV
28. In the differential voltage gain & the common mode voltage gain of a
differential amplifier
are 48db &2db respectively, then its common mode rejection ratio is
C. 46dB
D. 50dB
29. Generally, the gain of a transistor amplifier falls at high frequencies due to the
A. Internal Capacitance of the device
B. Coupling capacitor at the input
C. Skin effect
D. Coupling capacitor at the output
31. The action of JFET in its equivalent circuit can best be represented as a
A. Current controlled Current source
B. Current controlled voltage source
C. Voltage controlled voltage source
D. voltage controlled current source
32. Three identical amplifiers with each one having a voltage gain of 50,input
resistance of 1KΩ
& output resistance of 250 ,are cascaded.The open circuit voltage gain of
combined amplifier
A. 49dB
B. 51dB
C. 98dB
D. 102dB
33. An ideal OP-AMP is an ideal
A. Current controlled Current source
B. Current controlled voltage source
C. Voltage controlled voltage source
D. voltage controlled current source
34. In a full-wave rectifier using two ideal diodes,Vdc & Vm are the dc & peak
values of the
voltage respectively across a resistive load. If PIV is the peak inverse voltage of
the diode, then
the appropriate relationships for this rectifier is.
A. Vdc = Vm/π, PIV=2Vm
B. Vdc = 2Vm/π, PIV=2vm
C. Vdc = 2Vm/π, PIV=Vm
D. Vdc = Vm/π, PIV=Vm
37. The most commonly used amplifier in sample & hold circuits is
A. A unity gain non-inverting amplifier
B. A unity gain inverting amplifier
C. An inverting amplifier with a gain of 10
D. An inverting amplifiers with a gain of 100
Answer: D
A. doping of base
B. size of emitter
C. rating of transistor
D. temperature
Answer: D
A. 99%
B. 85%
C. 50%
D. 25%
Answer: D
Answer: C
45. In all base driver amplifiers
Answer: A
Answer: A
A. all resistors
B. all transistors
C. all inductors
D. all capacitors
Answer: D
Answer: B
49. Which of the following amplifier circuit using junction transistor has the best
A. Common base
B. Common emitter
C. Common collector
D. All have the same gain
Answer: B
50. In an op-amp differentiator
Answer: A