Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar
(Surya). It implies that one rise before sun rise in order to do this exercise or pay obeisance to the
rising sun. This is around 5 to 5:30 AM. Of course, this exercise is good no matter what time you
may use it, but it is best done while the stomach is empty, before eating. It is a yogic exercise
which consists of ten particular postures, one following another, in a fixed, cyclic order to ensure
improvement and good health in one's digestion, agility, rejuvenation, beauty and longevity. It
will also help one lose weight and trim the waist. There is no equipment to buy, or membership
to a gym or fitness club that must be purchased. You just need a little space in your apartment or
home. If, however, you begin to feel short-breathed or dizzy, then take a break. Also, pregnant
women should not practice it, but can continue it during their period because it can help
digestion and the flow of energy and outflow of waste needed at this time.
POSTURE 1: First you stand erect, ready to face the early morning sun. Stand straight with chest
out and spine erect, looking forward with hands folded in front of the chest where the heart is
located. It is like a stance of prayer in respect for the sun. Once you start doing the routine, you
spend about one second in this pose, and the others that follow. Of course, if one is weak or
aged, or if you are new to the routine, you may take this a little slower.
POSTURE 2: Now, while inhaling, raise your arms up in the air while keeping the hands
together, and arch your self backwards as far as you can go, forming a crescent-like curve from
your feet to the hands. This posture helps retain the flexibility of the spine.
POSTURE 3: Now, while exhaling, bring your hands down to your feet so that you
quickly bend forward at the waist, while keeping the legs as straight as possible. The best
position is to bring the hands flat to the floor on either side of your feet, while keeping the head
as close to the knees as you can. If you are not that flexible, then just do the best you can. The
most important aspect of this pose is that it squeezes the stomach and assists in digestion to
extract any vitamins and nutrients in one's food, which helps turn it into blood. It also loosens
any fat that has accumulated there. Postures 2 and 3 are actually the easiest to do, so if you
cannot do the others, at least do these.
POSTURE 4: From position three, while inhaling, put your hands on the floor and
lower your hips and stretch your left leg back as far as you can, letting the foot rest on the toes
and the knee touch the ground, while you bend your right leg in a crouching stance, letting the
right knee come up to your chest. Keeping your hands flat on the ground, your arms straight,
arch your head upward and back so you are looking at the ceiling or sky. This forms a crescent
shape from the left heel up to the top of your head. This position helps ensure flexibility of the
spine and immunity from diseases in the left leg muscles and ligaments.
POSTURE 5: While exhaling, now keep your hands flat on the ground
and carry the right leg back to parallel the left leg, sided by side, both feet pressing firmly flat
against the floor, while bringing your hips up into the air as high as they will go. Keep your arms
and back in a straight line as your head faces the ground, and bring the chin to the chest, making
you look at your knees. This makes your body form an upside down "V" or a triangle between
you and the floor.
POSTURE 6: Now, while keeping the hands and feet in the same places,
having fully exhaled hold the breath and bring your hips down while moving the head and
shoulders forward, straightening the whole body near the floor. Keep the face downward with the
forehead, the chest and knees lightly touching the ground, and the hips slightly raised. With the
forehead, chest, and two palms, knees, and feet touching the floor, it is called Sashtang
Namaskar, or prostrations with eight points touching the floor. Do not touch abdomen or nose.
POSTURE 7: The next posture, while inhaling, flows from position 6, which is done merely by
straightening your arms and lifting your chest upward and arching your head back so that you are
looking at the ceiling. Your feet and knees rest on the floor while your arms hold the rest of your
body a little above it. Again you form a body-length crescent, from your feet up to your head.
This yogic position is known as "the cobra".
POSTURE 8: Now exhale and let your body flow into position 5 again
by lowering your head and chest, keep your arms and legs straight, and raise your hips as high as
they will go. As your head faces the ground, keep your arms and back in a straight line and bring
the chin to the chest, making you look at your knees, which forms an upside down "V" again.
POSTURE 9: Now, while inhaling, we flow into the same position as number four, but stretch
the other leg. So we first bend the left leg and bring the left foot forward on the floor. Keeping
your hands flat on the ground, bring your hips down while moving the chest and head forward,
allowing the left knee to reach up to the chest, and then arch your head up and back. The right
foot stays in its place, letting the foot rest on the toes, which makes the right leg get stretched
backward when your chest moves forward. This gives the body a crescent shape from the right
heel up to the top of your head. This position helps ensure flexibility of the spine and immunity
from diseases in the right leg muscles and ligaments.
POSTURE 10: Now we go back into posture three. Keep your hands in
place as you bring your right leg forward to be parallel with the left leg. With both feet flat on
the floor (if you can keep them that way), and the legs kept straight, the body is bent at the waist,
while exhaling, with the forehead touching the knees (if you can bend this much). If you are not
this flexible and cannot bend like this, then simply do it as best you can and keep the head as
close to the knees as possible.
POSTURE 11 - 12: Now, while inhaling, stand up and raise your arms up in the air
while keeping the hands together, and arch your self backwards as in posture number two.
Hold this for a second and then go back into posture number one and join the palms
in front of your chest as in prayer. Now the whole cycle of postures is completet and can start
again for the next Surya Namaskar.
You may want to do each posture separately the first time you do this to familiarize yourself with
each one. Then begin to do it as a flowing movement from one to the other, through all ten
postures. Do it as a cycle of 100 Surya Namaskars, or even more, if you want. You will certainly
notice the difference in your health, weight, flexibility, energy level, and even overall attitude.
The idea is that you do about 100 Surya Namaskars every morning, and the time to do them
should not be a consideration. With practice, these poses will flow more smoothly and quickly. If
each pose lasts about a second, then the full Surya Namaskar can be done in about 10 seconds or
For meditation one can chant the following mantras (names of the Sun-god Surya) to each one of
the twelve asanas:
Pose 1 (and 12): Promotes balance, stimulates the respiratory system, exercises shoulder,
back and neck muscles
Pose 2 (and 11): Promotes balance, promotes digestion, exercises arms and shoulder
muscles, tones the spine, promotes flexibility in back and hips
Pose 3 (and 10): Promotes blood circulation, tones abdominal tracts, stretches back and
leg muscles, stimulates spinal nerves, stimulates lymphatic system
Pose 4 (and 9): Exercises spine, strengthens hand and wrist muscles
Pose 5 (and 8): Stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the heart, strengthens wrist and
arm muscles, relieves neck and shoulder tension
Pose 6: Strengthens leg and arm muscles, increases flexibility in neck and shoulders,
stretches arms, shoulder, neck and back muscles, exercises back muscles, releases tension
in neck and shoulder
Pose 7: Stimulates circulation to abdominal organs, tones digestive tract, stretches upper
and lower body, promotes flexibility in the back, stimulates nerves in spine
Poses 8 through 12 are essentially repetitions of poses 5 through 1, respectively. The health
benefits of each are similar to their corresponding poses.
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is a form of worshiping God by meditating on the Sun, the energy
provider. Surya Namaskar is useful in achieving concentration. Surya Namaskara is always performed in
the open air, facing the Sun, at sunrise. Surya Namaskar is not just a physical exercise. For each of the
postures, there is a particular breathing pattern to be followed. With each posture, a particular mantra -
name of the sun is chanted. Surya Namaskar Mantras or Mantras for Surya Namaskara are given below:
Om Mitraaya Namah
Om Ravaye Namah
Om Sooryaya Namah
Om Bhaanave Namah
Om Khagaaya Namah
Om Pooshne Namah
Om Hiranya Garbhaaya Namah
Om Mareechaye Namah
Om Aadityaaya Namah
Om Savitre Namah
Om Arkaaya Namah
Om Bhaaskaraya Namah
Om Sri Savitra Soorya Narayanaaya Namah
Effective use of Surya Namaskar is experienced on three levels ? body, mind and intellect. The
practice of Surya Namaskar is a sort of training to your body mind and soul (Pradnya). It works
with equal force on these three aspects. It gives us physical and mental health with sharp
Only 35 to 40% of your muscles are used in daily activities. Rest of the muscles remain inactive.
Surya Namaskar is a physical exercise where almost 95% to 97% of your muscles are switched
on to active mode. They remain active, hours ahead during the day, till you recharge them the
next morning.
You are at dis-ease when there is imbalance of Waat, Kapha and Pitta in the body. Daily practice
in Surya Namaskar maintains steady state of these three, keeping the body in perfect health.
While performing Surya Namaskar the breathing exercise (Pranayam) gives more oxygen to your
lungs. The rhythm of breathing becomes heavy with vitality. Each breath becomes deep and
clear. It carries more oxygen to the parts of your body.
The vital points (The Chakras) in the body get charged. The Surya-Tej in these Chakras gets
enlightened with the thought and sight of the Sun God.
While performing Surya Namaskar think nothing, but about the Sun God. Concentrate yourself
on the meaning of the Surya Mantra, the steps in the Surya Namaskar, their sequence, the proper
activities of the different parts of the body, the parts of the body where you feel stress, stretch
and strain etc. This will shut your mind off from thinking. Thoughtless state of mind contains no
mental stress and strain at all. It is a real rest to your mind. Freedom from mental and emotional
anxiety is the sound rest to your body too.
The word ?Moksha? means to be relieved from fear and tears. It is to get freedom from all types
of woes and worries. This ?released state of mind? gives you absolute happiness. All the virtues
? the divine qualities which are nothing less than the GOD HIMSELF ? are the carriers that take
you to the absolute happiness-the Moksha.
The starting shloka, the Sankalpa, the prayer, the concluding shloka, the Samarpan and the
shloka of dedication are important in the process of ?know thyself?. If you can?t (or don?t want
to) recite these shlokas give a thought to the meaning of each shloka while practicing Surya
Early morning is the best time for Surya Namaskar. Don?t eat any thing at least for five hours
prior to Surya Namaskar.
Follow the body postures in each step very scrupulously. If it is not possible for you at the
beginning you are free to make some minor changes, here and there, for the time being. But your
final aim is to attain the perfect position.
All the diagrams merely indicate only outward body posture roughly. They are not the ideal state
of Asana.
Each movement of the Asana should be divided into parts and performed gracefully.
While performing the Asanas keep your belly and hip part loose. Get the feel of the stretch and
strain at the particular part of the body. The rest of the body should be free of muscle tension.
Go slow. Slow speed is for SharirShuddhi ? for cleansing the body of all sorts of toxins, fats,
unwanted secretions and for restoring health. Each movement of the Asana should be graceful.
Use all your physical ability to experience the stretch and strain on your body while performing
the Asana
There are twelve steps in Surya Namaskar. You can count five seconds for each step of the Surya
Namaskar. It means that one Surya Namaskar goes for one minute (and a bit more). This is the
normal speed to perform twelve Asana / one Surya Namaskar. This speed ensures SharirVruddhi
? stedy progress in overall health and happiness. At the beginning, of course, you have to go very
The body posture is important. If you have any problem at any step, revise all the given
information, about the particular step, in the light of your problem. Your doubt will be solved.
Make use of phone / E-mail to get your doubts cleared.
You can gain perfection in the Surya Namaskar after a long and steady practice. Be patient.
Maintain slow and steady progress everyday to reach to the right posture of the Asana. Be one
with the art. The Sun God will take you to the path of progress.
It is said that twenty-four Surya Namaskar, if done properly, are equal to five hundred sit-ups /
pull-ups. It may be a statement of exaggeration. But it is worth to experience the physical fitness
that you attain after you start practising Surya Namaskar. At the beginning of the practice, one
Surya Namaskar consumes 02.30 KCL. This exercise burns out a lot of calories and reduces
body mass and body weight.
If your physical capacity is to perform twelve Surya Namaskar at a time, perform only five. Give
importance to use all the physical abilities to perform each and every Asana of Surya Namaskar.
The seven Chakras (the vital points), in your boy govern every of your activity. They motivate
you to act, give ability to perform the act and get the action done. Doctors also give prime
importance, directly or indirectly, to these vital points while treating a patient. Overall heath and
strength is restored through Surya Namaskar.
Persons suffering from slip-disk, arthritis, heart attack etc including pregnant women are
suggested to take medical opinion before they start the practice of Surya Namaskar.
If your breathing goes fast while practising Surya Namaskar, either take some rest or stop
performing more Surya Namaskar for the day.
After the practice of Surya Namaskar is over you better lay down in Shawasan / Yoga Nidra for
some time.
Surya Namaskar
Long long ago, may be six thousand years ago, students of your age (8 to 20-25 years) took
education at the residence of their teacher. In the Guru-Kul there were students from humble
families as well as from honourable and royal families. The syllabus consisted of all arts and all
types of vocational courses. Scriptures were the recommended books and the World Citizen was
the final aim of education. In those days ---- just try to reach the past time of six thousand years
before. Try to locate the dear and near persons of your family in the past. You can remember
your grandfather or grand grandfather. You cant trace the time and persons back for more than
100 or 150 years. But your father knows the name of your ancestor who lived thousands of years
before. The GOTRA of your family and the PRAWARA OF THE GOTRA both indicate the
names of the ancestors and the teachers, the Guru of the family.
So, in those days, in the Guru Kul, the day started long before sunrise. And the first session was
that of Suryopasana / Surya Namaskar (Worshipping the Sun God), Sandhya Vidhi and the
Gayatri Japa. Today we are going to learn something about Surya Namaskar. We are going to
learn what, why and how of the Surya Namaskar, step by step.
Aachaman: Open the palm straight. Keep away the thumb and the ladyfinger. Close the
remaining three fingers and raise them a bit. A scoop is formed on the palm at the end of the
fingers. Take a spoonful of water in the scoop. Release the water, from the wrist end of the palm,
in your mouth.
Significance: Surya Namaskar generates heat and energy. Breathing becomes deep and hard.
Aachaman prevents dry throat and keeps the throat and food pipe clean smooth and wet.
Pranayam: Controlling the breathing is called Pranayam. All your activities, physical-mental, are
based on breathing. Inhaling is absorbing Prana Tatwa / life force in the body. Air is the carrier
of Prana Tatwa / Cosmic Energy. At this stage take a deep breath and gradually release it out.
Take a longer time to exhale. This time sense can be easily attained if you concentrate on the
abdomen to breathe out completely. Significance: This is just a start to control breathing and to
tune it with the body movements to be performed ahead in the practice of Surya Namaskar.
Meaning: The name of Lord Vishnu is repeated thrice Awahan, Stapana, Wandan (invitation,
welcome, worship) Significance: This body of flesh is the legacy of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme
self, the Paramatma. The meaning of the word Vishnu is omnipresent - one who is continuously
and simultaneously present as a whole, at all time, everywhere. Our body is made of five
elements the earth-fire-air-ether-water. The omnipresent entity was there before the creation of
the five elements. Hence one who created the elements created our body. We are above the
Elements we are the Supeme self, the Paramatma. In Bhagwad Gita Lord Vishnu Bhagwan says I
am the (seed) source of birth and growth of all the beings. I am the birth place of all intellect and
courage (Chapter 7 shloka 10) In this way our body in flesh and blood is the heritage of Him.
This call for Lord Vishnu is just to remind us of this inheritance. Meaning: The outstanding
quality of Surya Namaskar is that it is in practice since from time immemorial. On this
auspicious day I perform Surya Namaskar in order to make my body healthy. I undergo this age
old practice in the honour of Lord SuryaNarayana.
Significance: This is Sankalpa, the resolution or decision that you are going to do certain thing.
This is done to make your mind alert and to urge it to give all possible strength to all the parts of
the body, involved in the action, to perform the activity. The Sankalpa makes your actions result
oriented. It gives desired direction to your tongue, mind and body.
If you keep on walking, for example, without any goal you will reach nowhere. Hence Sankalpa
is a must before every action. My parents and grand parents and ancestors have practised this art
of Surya Namaskar. I also must have done it in the previous lives. Hence worshipping the Sun
God is the part of my body, mind soul. It is the part of my personality. Whatever is done is done
for Him. It is done in His honour. Nothing is mine. Everything belongs to him. The possessive
sense of me-my-myself is to be put on regressive mode.
Oh! Surya Narayana YOU are the crown glory, carrying shankha chakra in your hands.
YOU are the creator of joy and destroyer of sorrows.
YOU cover the entire universe with the golden twilight.
YOU are the Master, the Provider of the entire universe.
Oh! Sun God make all my efforts as bright and brilliant as the sun in the solar system.
Namaskar Position
The sun is your friend. HE is called Jaganmitra. HE is lovable like a true friend. You miss HIM
in his absence. You ever long to experience the joy of his warmth and affection. If the sun is not
in the sky you get disturbed – bodily and mentally. Your appetite is lost. Nervousness takes hold
of your activities. You gather friends to restore your mood. You eat hot and drink hot and talk a
lot to compensate the absence of the warmth and joy of the Sun God. Now you can understand
why the people from far off countries come to India to enjoy SunBath. The touch of twilight has
dramatic effect on our body. It is a touch of warmth and care. It is a magic touch. It is a healing
touch. It is the touch of mother that calms down the crying child instantly. The touch of love and
affection of the Sun God cures our physical and mental worries. The Sun God is to us as Lord
Krishna is to Arjuna. Pray the sun God who is intimate and dear to us.
Namaskar Position.
Useful to treat and prevent: Swelling (Internal and external), knot in the muscle, wound with
pus, pus discharge from eyes pimples and freckles on skin, etc. Relieves the pain of the neck
shoulders, arms, ankles, wrists. Gives stress and stretch to all the muscles from ankles to neck.
Chemical and physical process of respiration becomes strong and healthy. Result is increase in
the body height and health.
Useful to treat and prevent: Urine problems, urine stone, sleeplessness, general debility
(weakness). Muscle pain in the back, shoulders, throat, chest, stomach is relieved. Removes
cough. Increases appetite. Helps remove gases and toxic material. Sound sleep is the result.
The word ?Bhanu? means ?light?, the day-light. Darkness indicates ignorance and light
intelligence. The sun removes darkness and makes us wise. The tug of war, in your mind, always
puts you into puzzles. It is the Adnya Chakara that guides you to take the right decision. In this
way the sun God is the source of enlightenment to all of us. HE is the model example for us all.
Be HIS follower. Perform your deeds in the light of the Sun. Be helpful to others as the sun takes
care of us all. Expect no returns for your services to others, for the sun demands nothing from
you. The other examples in this ?light? are the rivers and the trees. In fact the entire nature is the
living model that communicates the spirit of the Sun God. Bow to the Dnyan Surya, the wisdom
of the Sun God, to make us clever and intelligent.
Useful to treat and prevent: Respiratory diseases, hypertension etc. Thoughts become clear, brain
bright concentration sharp. Result: Intellectual work with confidence. Muscle pains in thighs,
knees, calves, ankles are relieved.
Keep the right foot and the palms firm on the ground.
The word Pushnaihi means one that provides nutrition. The sun is the source of all types of food
and medicines. Food is the only source of energy that builds our body. It gives wisdom ? intellect
to perceive the meaning of things & thoughts and power to act accordingly. So you should be
grateful to the sun god for providing food to you. You should give respect and regard to the food
you eat. Engaging yourself in other activities while eating food is a sort of insult to the food and
the Sun God. Hence, watching TV, reading or playing games while eating should be avoided.
The sun, directly or indirectly, offers light, heat and energy round the clock. The Sun God is all
very important for us to sustain life. You may have read news in the newspaper. The news is to
the effect that there is a man who eats nothing. He is without food for years together. He drinks
only water and eats no food. He does Yogasana, in the open field, in the morning and in the
evening at a particular time. Do you know that a baby tortoise gets its nourishment through the
affectionate look of the mother tortoise? Here, offer your respect to the sun God for providing
you with food, light, heat, and energy.
Useful to treat and prevent: Asthma, piles, arthritis, digestion problems etc. It builds you healthy.
Bright eyes, glow on the face, dark hair, long stamina and strong body is the result. The
involvement of brain and mind in your activities become keen and sharp.
Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namah: The word Hiranya means gold, golden. Gold is dear to us.
Everybody loves to possess it because it is pure in every respect. It is a pure currency. The
craving for gold is unlimited. The sun gives us pure gold. Agni, the fire burns out all the
impurities from the gold ore. The twilight is golden in colour. It covers the entire universe in its
fold. It turns the entire universe into gold ? pure gold. The time of twilight is the best period for
meditation / Tapa for study. The sunlight makes everything visible. It has given birth to the
universe. So Hiranyagarbha means the womb of the entire universe. The sun element is
everywhere in the cosmos. The centre part of the earth and other planets is hot as the sun. This is
why all the stars and planets are in motion and at their right position because of the sun. All the
stars and planets have (evolved) developed gradually from the sun. The Sun God is the creator of
all the living and non-living things. The sun God is omnipotent. The cycle of nature ? the Sun,
the water, the clouds, the winds, the rain and the farming ?ever goes on only because of the Sun
God. HE is all-powerful, possessing complete and unlimited power, energy and authority. HE is
the master of the entire universe. Focus your attention on HIS ability and capacity and pray HIM
to give a tiny part of HIS ability as blessings.
Bhujang-asan: Breathe in.
The vital point: The Swadhisthan Chakra.
The colour of the Chakra: Sindur / saffron.
Location: At the tip of the spine.
Ruling element: Jal. The water.
Relation to body: Taste. Tongue. Sleep.
Useful to treat and prevent: Urine problems, urine stone, sleeplessness, general debility
(weakness). Muscle pain in the back, shoulders, throat, chest, stomach is relieved. Removes
cough and increases appetite. Helps remove gases and toxic material. Health and Sound sleep is
the result.
Aum Marichaye Namah: Marich means mirage. A person in the desert gets to see a big pond of
water at a long distance. It is the heat and the rays of the sun that form the image of water. It is
not actual water. In fact the person can?t reach that point of water. If he runs after the mirage to
quench his thirst he will receive death but no water. The Sun God is the creator of all types of
mirages. HE is the creator of illusions, good and bad. HE is the originator of all good and bad
impressions of life. HE is the commander of all such things. Our eyesight, to look at life, is very
short and small. It can focus on a very small portion of time, space and event. Hence, we form
wrong impressions of life. We have wrong ideas of life. We have wrong desires to fulfill in our
life. We work hard to get what we actually don?t want. We don?t know what life really is. In this
way we walk on the wrong path of life and our precious time is wasted in vain. We worship the
Sun God to save us from the mirage of life. The other meaning of the word Marich means one
who makes us aware of the sin. The word Marich also means the power that cures diseases. Here,
pray the Sun God to give the wisdom to know what is good and what is bad for life.
Useful to treat and prevent: Swelling (Internal and external), knot in the muscle, wound with
pus, pus discharge from eyes pimples and freckles on skin, etc. Relieves the pain of the neck
shoulders, arms, ankles, wrists. Gives stress and stretch to all the muscles from ankles to neck.
Chemical and physical process of respiration becomes strong and healthy. Result is increase in
the body height and health.
Aum Adityaya Namah: The word Aditya means the son of Aditi. AdiMaya is the source of
birth and growth of the entire universe. Hence, Aditi is supposed to be the mother (Aaee) of all
Gods. The word Aaee in Marathi language is of two alphabets Aa+Eee. ?Aa? (Aadi) indicates
the basic source of creation and ?Eee? indicates the Ishwar source / the governing power of all
the working force. Aditi is the wife of Bruhaspati. Bruhaspati is the priest of all the Gods. The
sun is the son of Aditi and Bruhaspati. HE is the image of Aditi and Bruhaspati. He is the worthy
son of the celestial parents. The Sun God gives to the world whatever HE has received from HIS
parents-Aditi and Bruhaspati. HE is the true follower of the commandments, customs and
traditions of HIS parents. We all are the creation of the Sun God. The entire big bunch of all the
Divine Qualities of the Sun God is the heritage of all the human beings. Bow to the sun God in
the memory of this divine heritage. Beg HIM to give power to use this heritage in your day-to-
day life.
Aum Savitre Namah: The Sun God is one who always activates others and is full of activities
too. He is the symbol of cosmic energy. The chariot of the Sun God is of seven horses. The
horses represent the seven days of the week. They also stand for the seven colours of the
rainbow. The seven power points in our body have different colours of their own. His work is
colourful. It is endless and unlimited combination & permutation of colours. Nobody can
pinpoint the exact time when the activities of the Sun God started. The span of time of His
activities cannot be counted either. The end of His activities is beyond our imagination. HIS
activities are varied. The food supplied to all the plants is the same but the rose is not the same as
other flowers. All the leaves of different trees are not the same. The varieties of the trees and the
leaves are uncountable. HE is omnipresent in all and every act. When the sun rises in the sky all
the creatures & worms, birds & animals start their work. Pray the Sun God to give inspiration
and energy to do good deeds.
Useful to treat and prevent: Urine problems, urine stone, sleeplessness, general debility
(weakness). Muscle pain in the back, shoulders, throat, chest, stomach is relieved. Removes
cough. Increases appetite. Helps remove gases and toxic material. Sound sleep is the result.
Aum Arkaya Namah: The meaning of the word Arka means extract. The sun is the
concentrated form of life. HE is the essence of life. HE is the pure extract of how one?s life
should be. HIS is the guiding light that enlightens our path of life. HE is the wisdom of life for
us. HE is the model example for us to learn the art of living. The nonstop activity for the welfare
of all the living and non-living, without expecting anything in return, is the ?real light? of the
Sun God. The Sun God is unaware of HIS enormous and unlimited activities. HE is passive to
any result; good or bad, of HIS own actions. HE looks at HIS own actions as a third person. HE
doesn?t involve HIMSELF in his action. In fact HE doesn?t think that HE has performed such a
huge task. Honey is the essence of flowers. But the flowers are not present in it. In the same way
the sun remains absent from HIS actions. In fact the Sun God is the action, the actor and the
outcome of the performance.
It is very difficult to follow and practice the life of the Sun God. But this is the only way of life
to be happy. So worship the Sun God to give you the inspiration to follow HIS precept.
Useful to treat and prevent: Nervous breakdown, fits, sensory deprivation etc.
The chest cavity is enlarged to inhale more oxygen. The supply of more oxygen to all the cells
activates the muscles. The experience of more energy and happiness is the result.
Refer to Aum Mitraya Namah. Pranam-asan.
Stand straight.
Close the right toe and heel with the left.
Put your chest out.
Press your shoulders backward and pull them downwards.
Keep your eyes on your nose-tip.
Hands in namaskar position.
Palms closed. Fingers closed at right angle to the ground.
Thumb touching the middle part of the chest.
Forearms in line with the ground.
Namaskar Mudra
Aum Bhaskaraya Namah: The word Bhaskar means Prakasah, Tej; one who is Prakashman or
Tejaswi. The sun is not God-like but HE is THE GOD of the universe. HE has covered the entire
universe with his light. There is the sun light inside and out side of our body. HE is the witness to
all our deeds mental and physical. HE observes all of your actions and gives you joy and sorrow
accordingly. HE leads assists and inspires you to do noble works. When you accept HIS help and
perform your work accordingly you become happy inside and out. In order to get this divine
happiness and self-satisfaction, bow to the Sun God and perform Surya-Namaskar.
Surya Namaskar is a prayer to the Sun God. You can call it ?Action Prayer?. A prayer means
?thanks giving?. ?The thanks giving? for what you have already received. You express gratitude
to the Sun God for the previous day that was granted to you and expect HIS blessings for the
coming day. Prayer is not begging for blessings. You are going to get what you deserve. You are
bound to get success and joy equal to your efforts ? in the present and the past. So ?best of
efforts?, in every action, should be your motto.
Start every of your day with Surya Namaskar. Pray the Sun God early in the morning before the
sunrays enter your house. HE is the first visitor of the day to your house. And the guest is not an
ordinary one. HE is the GOD that we can actually see. HE is the model example for you to
follow. Receive the guest wholeheartedly. Shake off your sleep. Get ready to welcome HIM.
Isn?t it absurd to welcome the guest after he has entered your house?
Namaskar Mudra:
The vital point: The Anahat Chakra. The colour of the Chakra: Yellow as that of the rising sun.
Location: At the level of the heart.
Ruling element: Vayu, the wind.
Relation to body: Touch. Skin.
Ending Shlokas
Adityasya namaskaran ye kurvanti dine dine
Janmantar-sahashreshu daridrya nopajayate
Namah dharma-vidhanaya namaste kruta-shakshine
Namah pratyaksha devaya bhaskaraya namah nama-h. अअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअ अअ
अअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअ
अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअ ||
अअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअ
अअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ || Meaning: One who performs
Surya Namaskar regularly gets no poverty (Poverty of wealth, health and intellect.) lives after
Oh! Lord Bhaskara. YOU are the Dharma incarnated. (YOU yourself are all the divine virtues.)
YOU are the soul witness to all my deeds, good and bad.
YOU are the only God in shape and form. I bow to you (with all my body, mind and soul.)
Significance: The daily practice in Surya Namaskar gives you health. Healthy body performs
more work. The working hours are increased. The work is done with ease and confidence. You
become successful in your work. The success leads to success. The success, of course, gives you
happiness and wealth too.
The Sun God is the Dharma incarnated. With His own example He tells us what Dharma is. HE
is the only god that we get to see everyday, everywhere. HE is the only god in shape and form.
HE is the witness to all your deeds. HE showers happiness according to your deeds. I pray the
Sun God with all my heart.
Meaning: In this way the practice of Surya Namaskar is over. With great reverence I dedicate
the act of Surya Namaskar, performed in His honour, to Lord Surya Narayn (the Sun God). HE
has given me the inspiration and the physical ability to carry out the action and got it done from
Significance: Nothing is mine. Everything belongs to HIM. The possessive sense of ?me-my-
mine? is to be put on regressive mode.
Achaman: Open the palm straight. Keep away the thumb and the ladyfinger. Close the
remaining three fingers and raise them a bit. A scoop is formed on the palm at the end of the
fingers. Take a spoonful of water in the scoop. Release the water, from the wrist end of the palm,
in your mouth. And say:
आआआआआआआआआआ आआआआ आआआआ आआआआआआ आआआआआआआ
आआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआआआआआ आआआआ आआआआआआआआआआ || Meaning: Oh Sun
God! Let the sip of water keep away from me all the diseases and the untimely deaths.
अअ अअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअअअ अअ
Go slow in the process of performing every Asana, at least for three Surya Namaskar.
It is a training to all the muscles, involved in voluntary and involuntary actions, to acquire
elasticity and flexibility through Surya Namaskar. Flexibility of the muscles is the KEY POWER
of all physical and mental abilities.
At the beginning, each Surya Namaskar consumes 02.30 KCL without giving you any fatigue. It
reduces your body weight without making you perspire. It builds your muscles without any
increase in the heart beats.
Use all your physical and mental abilities to perform Surya Namaskar.
Each Asana is divided into four stages. Practice the first stage of every Asana at least for a
fortnight. Then take to the first and second stage of every Asana for the next fortnight then stages
1+2+3, then stages 1+2+3+4.
Take into consideration the steps by step method to use BijAkshar while performing Surya
After you acquire some skill in Surya Namaskar give ten / fifteen minutes to the practice of
Pranayam. Some of the most useful and correlated Pranayam to Surya Namaskar are Bhastrika
Pranayam, Kapal Bhati Pranayam and Bhaya Pranayam.
In order to learn the art of Pranayam you better contact me (or somebody expert) personally.
Gathering information about Pranayam through reading and listening is insufficient for practical
Stage First:
Stand straight. Legs closed. Toe to toe. Heel to heel, knee to knee. (No strain on either
knee or calf; heel or toe.)
Hold your hands at the chest, in Namaskar position.
Initially apply a light pressure to the palms. (Increase the pressure slowly, day-by-day as
your practice gathers experience.)
Take the feel of the pressure in the muscles of the palms, wrists, forearms, arms,
shoulders and the CHEST.
The pressure of the palms results in a bit expansion of the CHEST
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Release the muscle tension from the CHEST, shoulders, arms, forearms, wrists, and
Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
If the muscle tension is released from elsewhere, you need to rectify the mistake through
practice. (Rule applies to all twelve Asana.)
Refer to ?Step Ahead to Excellence? for supportive exercises for all the Asana.
Stage Second:
Stage Third:
Stage Fourth:
Stage First:
Stage Second:
Inhale and stretch the body up. (from ankles to the index fingers)
Inhaling each time, repeat the action for three / four times.
Inhale and push the head back to look at the palms above.
Inhale. Move the hands backwards keeping the eye-sight with the palms
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Relax all the muscles under stress and strain.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third:
Stage Fourth:
While inhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second,
The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Stage Second:
Stand straight. Legs closed. Toe to toe. Heel to heel. Knee to knee.
When you bend down exhale completely. Remove air from your belly.
Every time you exhale try to bend down a bit further, without any jerks. Repeat slowly.
Bend forward ahead each time.
Keep the shoulders loose. Remove muscle tension from your shoulders.
Touch your chin to the chest. Neck loose.
Touch the forehead to the knees.
Put the palms flat on the ground near & in front of the toe.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Relax all the muscles under stress and strain.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third:
Focus your attention on the Swadhistan Chakra. It is the last end of the backbone, above
the hip bone. All the seventy-two thousand nerves spread all over the body in cross
section from this area.
Put the palms flat on the ground by the side of the feet.
Main objective: To stretch the muscles of the waist, back and shoulders.
To press the muscles of the stomach and massage the belly.
To give flexibility and strength to the backbone.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Relax. Remove all muscle tension.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth:
While exhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second,
The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Stage First:
Take the left leg backwards. Touch the left knee and the left toe onto the ground.
Sit down on the right leg. The heel and the toe completely resting on the ground.
The location of the hands and the right foot is not at all disturbed.
Put your hands straight. Lift up the shoulders.
Pull back the head.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Relax all the muscles of both the legs and hands, the right side of the stomach, the neck
and the upper part of the back and the backbone.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Second:
While inhaling move the left leg far back, touching the knee and the toe to the ground.
Keep the position of the left knee and the toe as it is. Use the joint of the ankle and the
waist to stretch the leg as far back as possible.
While inhaling sit on the right leg touching the foot flat on the ground.
Though you are in sitting position you are supposed to be ready as a horse (Ashwa) to run
quick and fast as and when the signal comes from the Navigator.
All the body weight is on the right foot but the thigh and knee are a bit raised up
inwardly, in ready position.
While inhaling lift up the shoulders and push the head as far back as possible.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Relax all the muscles under stretch and strain.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third:
While doing all these actions focus your attention on the Adnya Chakra, at the middle of
the forehead. This is the antenna to receive the cosmic energy. Keep it in front of the Sun.
The main objectives: To give downward stretch to the left leg.
To give pressure on the muscles of the right leg.
To lift up inwardly the knee joint and the hip joint of the right foot in ready position.
To stretch the backbone upward in convex curve.
The serpent is in ?ready position? to catch the tunes of the FLUTE.
To massage the muscles of the right side of the belly, including the liver part.
To push the head far back.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Relax. Remove all muscle tension.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth:
While inhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second,
The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Stage First:
Stage Second:
While exhaling press the hands down on the ground and raise up your shoulders.
While exhaling give a downward stretch, towards the toe. Use the ankle joints to pull the
body downwards.
Check the ?body slanting position? in the mirror. OR Ask somebody, present, to guide
The head should be in line with the? body slanting position?
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Relax all the muscles under stretch and strain.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third:
While performing all the actions focus your attention on the Vishudha Chakra, at the base
of the neck.
Main objectives: To press the hands down on the ground with all the body weight and at
the same time to lift up the shoulders.
To give downward stretch toward the feet - to the neck-the upper part of the back- back-
waist- thighs-knee-calves-the ankles.
This stretching is unique of its type. The start point is the Vishudha Chakra and the end
points are the ankles.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Relax. Remove all muscle tension.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth:
While exhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second,
The rest is as stated under Pranamasan
Take a clean piece of cloth. The width should be equal to that of your shoulder (Inner)
distance and the length should be 60cm, approx. Stand on the rear end of the cloth. This size
of mattress / Asan helps you keep the fix distance of hands throughout the practice of Surya
Namaskar. The location of hands and the feet is now immutable throughout the practice.
While performing the SastangNamaskarAsan the mattress should be under your face so as to
prevent dust infection.
Stage First:
Stage Second:
Stage Third:
While performing the actions, described above, focus your attention on the Manipur
The main objective is to massage the muscles of the entire belly.
Exhale completely. Hold your breath and be in the position of Kumbhak.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for a while.
Relax. Remove all muscle tension.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth:
While you exhale and hold your breath out, perform all the activities in one stroke as
described in stage first, second, third.
The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Stage First:
Stage Second:
Stage Third:
While performing the actions, described above, focus your attention on the Swadhistan
The main objectives: To inhale as much cosmic energy as possible.
To give a convex shape to the backbone.
To puff up the chest at its maximum.
Bhujanga / cobra lifting up the front part of its body and opening out the hood below its
head. Ready to dance with the rhythm of DAMARU.
The resting point to lift up the body is the Swadhistan Chakra.
The hood of the cobra is your chest ? enlarge it, amplify it.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for a while.
Relax. Remove all muscle tension.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth:
While inhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second,
The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Stage First:
Stage Second:
While performing the actions, described above, focus your attention on the
The main objectives: To give upward push from feet to waist and from Vishudha Chakra
to the waist.
To give a mountain / parvat like shape to the body.
All the body muscles are pushed up towards the waist / Swadhistan Chakra.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
Relax. Remove stretch and strain from all the muscles under tension.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth:
While exhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second,
The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Now it is the left part of the stomach. The massage with a light press is given to the
intestine and other organs in this area.
The rest is the same as described under the head Aum Bhanave Namah
The BijaAkshar
Bija-mantra: The Bija Mantras are six in numbers. The cycle of the six Bija Mantra is repeated,
of course, in sequence to cover the twelve names of the Sun God. The Bija Mantras are as
as follows:
Bija Mantra is pronounced together with the name of the Sun God. The position of the Bija
Mantra is between the sound Aum and the name of the Sun God. For example:
Aum Hram Mitraya Namah.
Bij-akshare: The root alphabets of the Bija Mantra and the sequence of their pronunciation are as
2) r = It represents the element Fire hence it is called Agni-Bij. The centre of the forehead is the
source of its pronunciation. The palate and the brain are gently buffeted by the vibration. The
result is good taste and better intellect.
3) Swar (Vowel) is a sound pronounced with minimum friction in the vocal cord. When long
Eeee?is uttered the minute vibrations work upon the palate, the vocal cord and the nasal area
making the passage clear of mucus, soft and strong.
When long Uuuu?is uttered, the minute vibrations work upon the stomach, small intestine,
pancreas making the digestive system strong.
When the combined vowel is uttered, as in Hraim, the minute vibrations work upon kidney and
urinary passage making the organs strong and sensitive.
When this combined vowel, as in Hroum, is uttered the minute vibrations work upon excretory
system making the organs strong and sensitive.
4) Anunasik. Anunasik is a sound vibrations created in the nasal area. These vibrations keep the
nasal passage clean soft and wet.
5) Visarga. ( : ) The sound vibrations created by Visarga work on the chest and the vocol cord
The SECOND SERIES of twelve Surya Namaskar is performed inserting a Bija Mantra in
between the AUM and the Surya Mantra, before each Surya Namaskar.
The THIRD SERIES of TWELVE Surya Namaskar is composed in the following way:
Each Surya Namaskar
Note: If you want to perform more than three series of Surya Namaskar (each of twelve SN.), the
methsod indicated in the SECOND SERIES is repeated.
The last method clearly demands good mental concentration, better slow-heavy breathing and the
best use of all physical abilities. At the same time the time gap between two SN ensures steady
heart beats and stable use of physical efforts.
I would suggest you to use FIFTEEN minutes to perform THREE Surya Namaskar at the
beginning. As you practice ahead the number of Surya Namaskar will reach to TWELVE while
the span of time will remain the same.
Use other fifteen minutes to perform one more series of SN. Gradually you achieve the ability to
perform 24+01 SN in thirty minutes, of course, utilizing full physical ability. Thereafter you can
take care of time & speed; rhythm & breathing. The speed of performance should fulfill all the
aims and objectives of each and every Asana of Surya Namaskar.
There is coordination between the body movement and breathing. If you want to call out
somebody from the third floor you take a deep breath and then call out his name loudly. You
can’t stop exhaling and speak out at the same time. In fact the harmony between breathing and
action is quite natural. Be aware of the harmony between the two. While you bend down exhale
and stand up inhale. Don’t go against it. The body postures in Surya Namaskar, if done with the
awareness of breathing, give you the desired results. It gives you ease to perform the postures.
The series of body postures tuned with breathing become rhythmic and graceful without any
stops or jerks or halts. It puts the cells in the muscles on the active mode to generate energy and
power. There are various breathing exercises supporting different Yogasanas. In the following
paragraphs I have selected some which, I think, are beneficial to you in performing Surya
Warming up:
Stand straight in relax position.
Inhale silently and slowly through nose in two segments.
Hold the breath.
Tighten all the joints and muscles from toes to neck.
Exhale completely with force through mouth, air vibrations audible, in two segments.
Repeat the action for three to five times.
Effect on body: The entire body is charged with cosmic energy due to the contraction and
expansion of the cells in the muscles. All the tissues of almost all the muscles are put on active
The following exercises are useful in the practice of Aum Mitraya Namah (Pranam-asan), Aum
Arkaya Namah (Pranam-asan) Aum Bhaskaraya Namah (Namaskar Mudra) These exercises
help to expand the chest, to increase the intake of air in the chest, to supply more oxygen to the
cells in the body.
Exercise one:
Stand in Namaskar position.
Press the top of the fingers tight on each other.
Press the middle parts of the fingers tight.
Press the bottom part of the fingers tight.
Press the palms and the thumbs tight.
Press the end parts of the palms tight on.
After every action stop for a while, retain the pressure for ten seconds and move ahead to the
next action.
Wait for a moment. Release the pressure slowly. Take the hands apart (3 – 4 inches) gradually.
Bring them close. Experience the force of attraction between the palms. Refer to Surya Darshan
in the item “Instructions to Participants”.
Move the palms on your face with a light press. The energy collected on the fingers is directly
applied onto the face.
Exercise two:
Stand in Namaskar position.
Intertwine the fingers.
While inhaling push the hands ahead straight.
Keep the palms out side and back palms inside.
Keep the hands parallel to the ground.
Experience the stress and strain on the chest and shoulders.
The duration of time for the froward backward movements of the hands should be equal to that
of inhaling and exhaling respectively. Repeat the series of actions for several times.
Repeat the same action for several times now with the hands stretched over your head. Inhaling
for upward movement and exhaling for downward movement.
The following exercises are useful in the practice of Aum Ravaye Namah (Urddhva-hasta-asan)
Aum Suryaya Namah (Hasta-pad-asan) Aum Savitre Namah (Hasta-pad-asan) Aum Marichaye
Namah (Parvat-asan). These exercises help to improve the flexibility of the neck and the waist
and the other parts of the spinal cord, to take the feel of the improved quality of body
movements, to attain the harmony in breathing and body moment, to achieve ease and grace in
each and every posture.
Exercise three:
Stand in relaxed position with legs a bit apart.
Stretch up your hands parallel to the ground, palms facing each other.
While inhaling stretch the hands upward and bend backward.
Keep the knees straight.
Push the hands as far back as possible.
The following exercises are useful in the practice of Aum Bhanave Namah (Ardha-bhujang-
asan), Aum Khagaya Namah (Makar-asan), Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namah (Bhujang-asan),
Aum Adityaya Namah (Ardha-bhujang-asan). These exercises help to bring about ease and
grace in the body postures in the Asanas mentioned above. These exercises also help to keep the
body movements tuned with breathing.
Exercise five:
Sit down on the toes and palms.
Don’t rest the heels on the ground.
Keep the hands straight.
Take the body weight on your hands.
Inhale deep and hold.
Keep the hands firm on the ground and jump backward.
(Refer to Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namah / Bhujang-asan.)
Keep the heels close together.
Rest the heels o the ground.
While inhaling pull the waist towards the centre between the palms.
Look towards the sky.
Exercise six:
Stand up in relaxed position.
Stretch your hands ahead, parallel to the ground.
Keep the palms facing to the ground.
While exhaling sit down taking the body weight on the toes.
Don’t rest the heels on the ground while sitting down.
Now, put the body weight on the heels and sit down.
While inhaling come to the stnding position.
Repeat the series of actions for several times.
The following exercises are useful in the practice of Aum Pushne Namah (Sastang-namaskar-
asan). These exercises help to bring about ease and grace in the body postures in this Asana.
These exercises also help to keep the Manipur Chakra tuned with breathing.
Exercise seven:
Rest on your four – palms and knees.
Keep the hands straight. Keep the elbow joints straight.
Keep shoulder-distance between the knees.
While exhaling fast through mouth lower down the head and give arch shape to the spine.
While inhaling raise up the head and arch the spine in concave shape.
Repeat the series of actions for several times.
Exercise eight:
Lie flat touching the stomach, chest and forehead onto the ground.
Close the feet, touch the toes and knees onto the ground.
Put the palms at both sides of the chest.
Refer to the (Aum Pushne Namah) Sastang-namaskar-asan.
Be at relaxed position.
Now, while exhaling fast through mouth, lift up the middle part of the body giving arch shape to
the spine.
While inhaling rest the abdomen onto the ground.
Repeat the series of actions for several times.