Klee R Kast Guide
Klee R Kast Guide
Klee R Kast Guide
a. Fill the mould with water and measure the water to ascertain the exact quantity of resin required. Caution: the mould
must be dried thoroughly before you cast the resin.
b. Polish the mould (see paragraph 2 below).
c. Mix a quarter of the resin required for the entire case with the hardener, counting the drops carefully (see paragraphs
4 and 5) and pour into the mould.
d. Wait until the resin has gelled (see paragraph 9). If it is a subject which is liable to float to the surface such as a sea
horse, apply an adhesive layer before you have placed the subject on the gelled surface (see paragraph 12).
e. Watch for air bubbles (see paragraphs 7 and 8) when applying the next layer. These may form around the item to be
embedded (see paragraph 11). When this layer has gelled apply the next subject such as sea shell, coin, etc, onto the
surface. If it is a heavier subject, an adhesive layer is not necessary.
f. Now apply the last layer. Beware of excessive heat formation which may cause cracking (see paragraph 6). Water
cooling may reduce the danger of cracking.
g. It is recommended to wait until the heat has disappeared in each layer or to use less hardener in the last two layers.
h. Wait a minimum of 24 hours before removing the cast from the mould (see paragraph 14 and 15).
i. Range of casting moulds available from Norski Holdings – Craft Department.
1. KLEER-KAST RESIN is specially small quantities, 150mm to 200mm away resin (see paragraph 12); when the two
designed for the making of transparent and under an electric table lamp bulb. have bonded together you may be able
coloured casts. The process is easy, but 9. Now pour the activated resin over the to pull the castings free. If they do not
you should first study the following bottom of the mould. Leave the resin to release easily they are just not ready.
instructions. gel (when the resin is semi-hard, it is Wait another 24 hours and try again.
2. With a piece of clean cloth, apply a thin referred to as having gelled). This state 16. You can use pigments to create a
coating of Norski Release Wax to your can easily be ascertained by tilting the multitude of different results ranging from
mould. Allow to dry and polish. Repeat this mould to see the resin does not run. a slight tint of the cast to vivid
treatment once again to obtain a well 10. At normal room temperature (200C) multicoloured effects. You may create a
polished surface. hardening should start in about one to particularly effective casting by
3. Next measure the resin into a clean two hours. pigmenting the bottom layer of resin
mixing container. In order to make a only.
11. Place the object to be embedded on the
casting, the liquid hardener supplied in the gelled resin and fill the mould with newly17. You may wish to embed items for
bottle should be added to the resin, activated resin. At this stage you should scientific and educational purposes as
counting the drops carefully, and then mixed check for trapped air bubbles which well as stamps, coins, medals, emblems,
in. should be released by gently moving the china, coloured cloth, insects, etc.
4. Suggested hardener quantities at Normal object with a pair of tweezers. Screws, nuts and other small items such
Room Temperature (20 C).
0 as parts of old clocks and watches can
12. Items which are less dense than the be attractive subjects for embedding.
Quantity of resin Amount of hardener, resin will tend to float and you should Brooches, cuff links, etc of your own
used for one expressed in drops to bond them to the gelled layer with design and colour scheme can be made
complete casting be mixed into resin activated resin. A safe rule is that items by the fascinating hobby.
which float in water will also float in resin.
10ml of resin 11-12 drops of hardener 18. You can even design your own initials
Use the foil dish to fix your display. Barely
20ml of resin 17-20 drops of hardener by carving them into a flat candle-wax
50ml of resin 25-30 drops of hardener cover the dish with the smallest amount
of resin and add 4 drops of hardener. surface using a hot metal rod or similar
100ml of resin 25-30 drops of hardener
200ml of resin 30-35 drops of hardener This will make a quick-hardening tool. A coloured resin mix is poured into
300ml of resin 35-40 drops of hardener adhesive. the depression and after hardening the
Any casting over Not more than 1 drop of design is laid on to a gelled clear cast
13. More than one object may be surface. Before doing this you must
300ml hardener to 10ml resin
embedded in the same casting; by make sure that all the wax has been
building up with several layers of resin removed from the design. Attractive,
5. These quantities should be used as a you can stagger the objects at different
guide since mould shape and room transparent and illuminated house
heights (see drawing D/2). numbers can be made by this method.
temperature can affect the resin gel time.
14. KLEER-KAST RESIN will shrink during 19. When you take the casting out of the
Generally speaking, larger castings require
curing. For this reason you should mould you will find that the surface which
less hardener to prevent cracking.
experience no difficulties in removing the was open to the air is not even. You can
6. It cannot be over emphasised how casting from the mould. If you use a
important the shape of the mould is, since obtain a good surface by placing a piece
porcelain or a glass mould you may of “wet and dry” abrasive paper on a flat
for identical quantities of resin and hardener assist the release of the casting by
cracking may occur in a squat thick casting surface and then rub the casting to and
alternate applications of boiling hot and from using a little water on the paper.
– yet not in a large thin one. cold water. You can also use a rubber Proceed from the coarser (No. 180) to
7. Mix resin and hardener thoroughly for sucker to pull small castings away from a the finer (No. 600) paper to obtain a
about 2 minutes. You should do this slowly mould. smooth matt finish. Then you polish with
to avoid entrapping air bubbles. The resin is 15. The removal of very small shapes a soft dry cloth using a metal polish, in
now activated. Wait another 3 minutes until which have been cast for fastening to order to obtain a final mirror-like finish.
all air bubbles have risen and disappeared. jewellery findings (i.e. metal work blanks You should do this work immediately the
8. You can avoid the formation of air bubbles for ear rings, etc) can be eased by casting is released from the mould and
in the resin, by placing the mixing dish in fastening the findings to the hardened before it has reached maximum
warm water for a while or, in the case of resin with a small amount of activated hardness.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: Do not use near fire or flames. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Use disposal gloves to avoid skin contamination. If
resin comes into contact with skin, wash uncured resin off with soap and water. Wear safety glasses to avoid eye contamination. Mixed
formulation contains Polyester Resin and Catalyst. If swallowed do not induce vomiting. Give a glass of water. Contact a doctor or the
Poisons National Information Centre on 03 474 7000 (urgent information only). Eye contamination: Hold eyes open and flood with water for
at least 15 minutes. See a doctor immediately.
CONDITIONS OF SALE: The use of these materials represents a skilled operation involving many factors beyond the manufacturer’s
control and therefore this formulation, made to a proven formula using carefully selected pure ingredients and under expert technical
supervision, is sold on the express condition that the buyer assumes all responsibility for any results whatsoever, which might occur.