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Contemporary Adventures in Jazz
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Contemporary Adventures in Jazz
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Contemporary Adventures in Jazz
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go & 70° TIN ' PAN - ALLEY T SERIES pe } 1 CONTEMPORARY b \ : adventures in jazz . volume 4 rp : LIMITED EDITION » FOR PROFESSIONAL usE onLy WALUE °35-** ee: TITLE: (COMPOSER) ACTION (ackie Me Lean)... seseseeeeseee : AFRO-CENTRIC (Joe Hendiovsond «200021212 nt AIN'T GON CHANGE A THANG pe eterrerte te AAIREGIN (Sonny Rollins) DIT ALONG CAME BETTY. B3000550068 UII : [APATHY (Yosot Late)" - 7 ee ‘ARE YOU REAL (Benny Golson) = eeeeenneneeen aBanBu- BACKLASH (Donald Pickett, Recorded by Freddie Hubberd) ees veseeeeeeese - BLACK NARCISSUS (Joe Henderson} - Sos BLUE AND BOOGIE BLUE DANIEL (Frank Roxotino} en ce BLUEPRINT (Arif Mardin) “BLUES FOR DUANE (Freddie Hubbard)... HN BLUES FOR L.L. (Larry Yucovich) eeseeeeseeeneneeeenns 13 BLUES 17 (Benny Golzon) ees TIIIN a - BLUES UP AND DOWN Lan rere : BLUE TRAIN (ohn Colrane) 2122100220011 HINIINNIIIIL ‘4 . B.N.BLUES (Herbie Mann) = HOI TEEN g r “BRILLIANT CORNERS (Theicniietonkt 111! nm I ® es BROWNIE SPEAKS. EIN a BUTCH AND BUTCH (Olver ston) UII PED 6 } CANTALOPE ISLAND (Herbie Hancocl) ie oa ~~ CARIBA (Freddie Muboard) EB DIN 6 <= CARIBBEAN FIRE DANCE isos Hndrson) "22020. 2 10) UIIIII Bila : = CAST YOUR FATE TO THE WIND (Wines Guaraldi © ae ee CHELSEA BRIDGE (Bily Svaynorn) -s DLE % _ CHEROKEE (Ray Noble) ss EU niin CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT eee UIE fa CLARENCE'S PLACE (Freddie Hubberdl |. ee peereee ie ~~ GON ALMA (DiztleGilespa) == : au 6 f COOKIN (Lou Donaldson). Seo000 : etal i |-CORE, THE (Freddie Hubbard) ees DIEU as COUNTDOWN ‘Dave Brubede) 2121211! ee 7 .. COUNT YOUR CHANGE {Paul Horn) 2. SE 7 COUSIN MARY Liohn Cokranel eee EID 20 DANCE TO THE LADY oe fetieeeeee 20 DAWN MARIE. oe 3 ea DOLPHIN DANGE (Herbie Hancoedd 2222000000022 een DON'T LET IT GET YOU DOWN (Crusade) 72.22) papeens 3 DOODAD (Dick Grow) cneeo TIEN 8 DOODLIN' (Horace Siker ” cen EIN D0 YOU REMEMBER WHEN? (Crinaders) oe Q ee DR. JAGKLE (tek Me Lan} ee IIIIIISUINIUNG @ EIGHTY-ONE (Mile Davis)... we . : 2 — EMPEROR, THE (Donald Byra) oe MEELIS 23 E'5.P.(Weyne Shorter) o : e DIL a FILTHY Me NASTY (Horse Ser)... — ae FIRST LIGHT (Freddi Hubbard) eee eaeeeoee a 500 HUNGED MIEES HIGH (Chick Corea). HINEIIIINNL 0 FLAMENCO SKETCHES (A.K.A. All unl (ils Davis) 200000222201 SONI 2 . FOOTPRINTS (Wayne Shore ere eed acne 25 > FOREST FLOWER Ghani 0 ee a) - FOUR (Miles Davis) sense ra exo eee an + FREDDIE FREELOADER fia) © 210022.212) EINE 28 e \_ FREEDOM JAZZ DANCE [Ede Hori ee TOEIEI FREE FORALL ns. 2 : ea jo FULL HOUSE aeneeenen eee : azGIANT STEPS ohn Coltrane) GIBRALTAR (Stanley Turrentne) GRAVY WALT? (Rey Brown) HERE ITS HERE'S THAT RAINY DAY HOCUS-POCUS . .. : HOEDOWN (Oliver Nokon) 1 (Played by Larey King) THEAR A RHAPSODY... IMPRESSIONS (John Coltrana) == = INTREPID FOX, THE (Freddie Hubbord) «| A REMEMBER CLIFFORD (Beany Golo) IT'S IMPOSSIBLE (Johnny Hammond)... => TTS YOU OF NO ONE (Played by Horace Sitver) >C JAYNE (Ornett Coleman) = JEANNINE (Duke Pearson) VE SAMBA... JOE MAIN! (Ove Biumbers) JOSHUA. KICKING ON THE INSIDE (Hadley Catiman) KIDS ARE PRETTY PEOPLE (Thad Jones) KILLER JOE (Benny Golson) LATINA (Fredie Hubbard). SELAZY BIRD eee SLIGHT AS A FEATHER LITHA (Chick Coree) LITTLE BEAVER Uimmy Cleveland LITTLE SUNFLOWER (Predaie Hubbard) LONGING FOR BAHIA (Durval Caymm) Le matoen vovace triste)... Manta LOU (Olver Seton) Watary OU ean ri MELANCOLICO (ary rand MELLOW woods ~-titesrones ARO (Wayne Sra = = MOANING Dobby Timmons) 22020 Wowenrs NOTICE Gon Coma) 2.201002 Mowes woop ance — MOONMAYS trier 221) MOONTRANE, THE (Woody Show) Morning wats. WR CLEAN talon is, wiv ones FUNNY LAIMA {John Coltrane) NANCY 10 (Gerald Wilson! [NARDIS (Miles David! «=. NATIVE LAND (Curtis Amy) NEVER WILLI MARRY NICA'S DREAM (Benny Golson) - NO MAN'S LAND (Gary Burton) = NOME ESQUEGA (A.K.A Recordare) (ou Henderson) NO MORE BLUES (Jobim) NUTTY (Thelonius Monk). OGRANDE AMOR OPTIONAL (Renny Dotto) = grrgggessssanse ‘by Freddie Hubbard) 3 2» SBaaeas g2sesaass 88 —ACE (Horeca She) secnpdarisineg IST ccche Bn arate Petron NoUie Conny Ri IIIS cos PERESIA Mccoy Tyne = EEE eS SO — rove ines Hla & PROJECTIONS (Mike Nock) * 63 CI AiNsu tar arma & 1 Pinal res ive : FED CLAY Fie Huber. ” \ SALT PEANUTS .. 67 L SALT Son (nie Tren TERA ST ae Scoran sno Waren DRER CURE OS nie See ee Siocwiuoen (hi ihn) 2000000000 00 IIE & 4 SIDEMINOER (ema. an i Sune SILHOUETTE (oi Msn) Bene eager Ee SILVERS SERENADE Monee Sve i e Sistem sare ‘ : E "SKY DIVE (Fredo Hubbard) SOFT WINDS (Benay Goodman} -_ SOLAR... SONG Fai hn EATER thors ive n SONNY'S BACK. : n Sos. a een eo —~ SOUL EVES tit Waren) "> a = SO WHAT (Miles Davi} a ‘SPAIN (Chiek Coreab m SPEAKNO EVIL «= n STABLEMATES (Genny Golo) 2 SS STELLA BY STARLIGHT «= : : 0) STC WME Te eter Walsca ee ec fe i eee eicente ener arene 7a) STRAIGHT LIFE (Freadie Hubbare} « 20 ‘ — STRAIGHT, NO CHASER (Thelonius Monk) ae F : cee sa) ST. THOMAS (Sonny Rollins) ee eee eee 79) = SUGAR (Stanley Turrenting) 12212) : at SUNSHINE ALLEY (Stanley Turrentine) eee ee eet % : SWEET RAIN (Mike Gibbs) Das SWEET REVIVAL Loe Surin, Fave by Creer) 3 _ SWEET SIOUX (Fredate Hu 2 TAKE ITOR LEAVE IT. 85 — TEARS (Played by Weather Raport) = [8a TEENIE'S BLUES (Oliver Nokon). 2 84 TELL ME A BEDTIME STORY (Herbie Hancock) © 37 TENOR MADNESS . i 8 TERRY (Barry Miles) 85 TOMORROW'S BLUES TODAY (Frank Foster) 6 ‘TONES FOR JOAN'S BONES (Chick Cores) : 38 ‘TONK {Ray Bryant) 2 ‘TUNE UP ‘ 90 — UGETSU (Coder Watton! . 8 UNIT SEVEN. 0 WALKIN fm “== WAY YOU LOOK TONIGHT, THE WHATWAS.... WHISPER NOT winoows, WINTER SONG, 1964 (Bill Dixon) | WITCH HUNT (Wayne Shorter) . “= YAMA {Le Morgen) 22 i YOURS IS MY HEART ALONE’ e z ZOLTAN (Woe Shaw . 100swioH 4 ‘SLINSIY Yod 3U9VUd “S “paods sedoxd 0} dn 3u =F spuypoon a sess 6 Wels “SINOL = =. SSS FHOITG ¥ uBnos % _ ss = SS eae aaa oe 9 00 e1e0g solew 9q uo peseg SLNIH 301LOVud BSIONSXS dN-INYVM Pue ONINNL (Ap) #0 anoge umoys are pee g 9 1 PUR y 7 ¢ soI0U UoDAHHeG Ino0 sdays EY ‘oqeOS wofeMIUT TALON == eS SS Ss Hi satvos yorvnOe rrr ee Ee ES — — ) - ACTION duet tate : ; or ss = ol ——AFRO - CENTRIC Dar yo AIREGIN FR 701) Pa er ae FO) ph oghr 5x OF cor gtr Bot FT Bie? hsp or Als? quer (a p-7 a? ©1098) 7~_ Airegin (cont'd) I L L L L L L L [>A ARE YOU REAL Fs ) e ‘ g Aer Dr - Pet oy G7 C7 BACKLASHB.N. BLUES GDS. al AWE.CAST YOUR FATE TO THE WIND Gass: ae CON ALMA gat Abr Cho pr Byes har thre Oe7 FI 7 wh yooh Fo tea®e nn trCOUNTDOWN snk Fast hoagie oe fe $B Be Tone : pig . 8 a > & & ee 2% “ia Ao 33 a ie ere oY Sty gets == Fre COUNT YOUR CHANGE . mi tol Gell Cott eae = «bob DS ~ FM Go ew & ~, oe chr Ds eh pte dt Soares Et ps eos ht AOD 8 Gt dh \ rn)DON’T LET IT GET YOU DOWN Rock bob aoe simnle ae Sae —— & o 8 Ee a 6hDoodad (cont’d) Fol Br _ £67 arDO YOU REMEMBER WHEN Abus Ant D7 Gor dit 500 MILES HIGH : eof a9 SB ae mam ae Brn) Ber . : a a eo Ee ma At ont, = === Ee SS Pot aad 7 o> < petal Bien rhythm: ins Flas Ghee Phas | ag: OR,BLACK NARCISSUS SS SS er Fa? worg? 3-4 earn) Go7)_ No) 4-7 6-7 VS BLUE AND BOOGIE BLUE DANIEL Do? Cen 3-7Blue Daniel (cont‘d) BLUES FOR DUANE blues ace eee eae ae BLUES UP AND DOWN —F = — interlude aie Wee ai]- Blues Up And Down (cont'd) > SS Se # 7 BLUES FOR L.L. if it i ev d- “ fa oy 1 are Thad tet oe 7 - alt 9.0. ab fineBLUES IT BLUE TRAINBRILLIANT CORNERS 3 Dy hy ey e &= Fe ; == Fz whe w = oy fT ow BROWNIE SPEAKSblues BUTCH AND BUTCH po Ay ab B= es CARIBAPr a, ay CARIBBEAN FIRE DANCE om ae rn x * FH £,.E, %—# G FQ) gay cha ge760 cr £709) O) 6- FQ) Si ae 7G4) CHEROKEE a 4 C7 oft Pen ee F a7 pg B-7_ £7 A A-7_ 97 G-?_ Cy -7_ OF 269 yr dares) Ebr é FQ) pe. Say eae_, CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT CLARENCE’S PLACE — Or oe me rR —~ Dr pa pha — mer eeCOOKIN’ ? Aer o7 > 7 c Pe: a o The CORE S arb) we ou20 COUSIN MARY pre DY, Wr Ee a = = DANCE TO THE LADY é-1 a? es ee Ste fs ———— — ts == : F ¥ Cu Der Cod eu hrf) 5 pa7, 6-7 gy o> ay yay 898 Fopat___¢-7 Oh - Bear ey Pr Gu? 7, br a721 DAWN MARIE Ore) Ghar Guy a? E-7 Brats 6-100) 8-48) co” b ¢n) Lr Cu ee Bat ti. DOLPHIN DANCE iS of es? i fel ea =— BS : Dey G? =o = 7 Dre oy At Dy aga DR. JACKYL 3 e EIGHTY - ONE o> 37 blagThe EMPEROR ROK Ge SS E.S.P. ero) Fat Ene) Fat he) re cot) ereay Ry e? er) my > Per ID a FE FILTHY MCNASTY bluse BP 2324 FIRST LIGHT interludeFOOTPRINTS b 2526 FOREST FLOWER ar FREDDIE FREELOADER ey ByFREEDOM JAZZ DANCE F- a Fe aes a = Br eee (eo G10 C7) Bing ah Mendy 27FREE FOR ALL a4 6-9) cr & GIANT STEPS Bot by Gar ype her Dy Ger BY thr Pr Bar For hy £37 ess Ae? 7 oh, oo BY ctr et,GRAVY WALTZ BY er ” 7 e7 Se oe Dice of fine SS | REMEMBER CLIFFORD Na? pha gh) Gy 4 Abe c-7 BRT AR TG? Beate SR F-7 BPalenit $48 hy Go Mer # SSS even as er ae — ——,—— CE Sa ae Ee? Av 7 ht Abr DIT Gd? C7 = a+ J eae ae e-7 Brit G6 Nar Al n> G7 CD gen Crit BRD. DO? G7% = c- c-? ART ODT pho e eS ee 29I's YOU OR NO ONE Fat Er as Feat SSS os See a ant ART Dr B47, oA 7 F Bet eh Ae? yet = SSS e A-7 — z JOE MAINIJoe Maini (cont'd) G DS. al ~ KIDS ARE PRETTY PEOPLE grdcogde Del BR, = EUG Am Dew ~ 3132 LIGHT AS A FEATHER on _ hs aon FL , a * = a Why eo Aad LONGING FOR BAHIA Be? E7 Ae? Ger FY, ——33 GIBRALTAR34 HERE IT IS las HERE’S THAT RAINY DAY Ger os Bar Not D B-7 €7_ A-7 Iter A-t Dy e-7 Ap 8-7 E7__—A-7 D7HOCUS POCUS AA potter Sot i = es ae Sa ee = Grek)36 HOEDOWN CSewws: nevrim cHanees) we e v - o hF aS + =s 7s FT| HEAR A RHAPSODY ar Ce i nee an G7 C7 Far a7 hr Fon) Gr *eh7 «analy Ge A162 27 = Ge _f os Ebr 7 by D-7GF) eS ———— oe = SS 7 DL. ab 1 ending = IMPRESSIONS fing gh Tse OOO38 THE INTREPID FOX fee & te Pas ou Chr Go”39 IT'S IMPOSSIBLE40. Jayne (cont’d) JIVE SAMBA Fr) SSS SSSJive Samba (cont’d) ————— —— 07 —S— sha = JOSHUA B- Cohytiom simile) paca on ct FP Va p-4 E-7(0)-47 DS. ah FF andin 442 KICKING ON THE INSIDE Ganison «/pass) LATINA “ = xLITTLE BEAVER blucs a SS eee Cn Ve e-7 FT BS a ge Sete Se ee LITTLE SUNFLOWER [TT D é D BG al if ending Ses tae 43MAIDEN VOYAGE MAMMY YOKUMKILLER JOE “ PPC simile eS mS; —,———_—_—_ e710 —-ar(H4) chy & wre) As Z Arey e-7 Arca) 9.C-al fine LAZY BIRD A-7 pr ter Ft ad a en7 A-? 97 ‘Gaz Abr pb. Gar ‘ a7 &2 o34 Aa7 oH? Ar _A-7 OZ. Gan Ge7 N72 D7 0c ab fing = $ S. A546MAMA LOU dive ihn Bor SS Mer BS ar pd ho glet A bar A eat Dr Gras ES a eee: E == = e . ve 3-4) IB Ba eyes 20? A ta? Hen he en Ge) 3 bat/piane simile) Gass) er ghy ey APs = : a e — SS Sas “DOD Yet Reel: Gr «en a as Catt [Fiano Figare one”) see = Fo phy €P? Py en hy hy Abe 5 = Se 2S 72S F7_pby ety AY. De Ly Gre 5 a et tetera Sj tt 4748 Gre? MELANCOLICO Re fbr 97 F104) Ea7 Bh, Aa7b? pa 708 u za) = wee eh ey Fle =e == po or Dies. G7) p— fe .? = Bad Ane @07 at Ast Get We? Aa? GoT ar fel Ae? r = eS = + ae eee e ab haa Oz May Dar NorMELLOW MOODS MILESTONES 49MIYAKO 3” i ah. Z pte Fe" 6-7 iN ‘Der = 8.7 Ae? o fe 6 8-7 obs ba @-700 Ar) FA70) 670 Tie f ae , a1 Pon ¢-7 G-? G-? Fr Bf wha abe [GAE8—ea eee) Oe A <7 Gr) C7) aw) 95, o SpiraeaMOMENT’S NOTICE 7 Fer hy Gtr tty 7 Gt erty vo7 D-7__G? ce ger ey Mer ad 6-7 cr F-7 & Fe 6- iz Poe & e- & 6-7 oy 7 Ar F-7_ phy la Gta ot = — a b-7__Gr chr thr Dhar D-7 G7 C- es o1e Nor of [G1 en en Ate e176 =a 7 & 51
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