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3rd Edition

Hipolito B. Sta. Maria

Book Store
125 Pioneer s... Mandaluyong City

!'//!I!ishcd b» Contents


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Refrigerating Machine and

Hipolito B. si« Mario Reversed Carnot Cycle, . 1

Simple Vapor Compression

Refrigeration Systems

Third Editioll, 2001

Actual Vapor Compression Cycle .

Multipressure Systems . 78


All rights reserved.

Cascade Systems .

( No part of this book may be 6

Air-Cycle Refrigeration ................................. 98

reproduced in anvjorm or by
I an\' meall.\', except brief quotations
Steam-Jet Refrigeration . 107

{or review. without permission


in writing [rom the Author.

Air Conditioning ,. . 113

Cooling Tower................................................ 154

Printed II\'
Drying '" '" '" '" 166

Kaluvaun /'/(\\ .'Ilktg. Ell!.. II/C.

1.)6 Kalavaan St., l iilnnau

Product Load 181

Q//I':OI/ ( '1/ v
ISBN 971-08-6/72-7



This book has a two-fold purpose: to serve primarily as a

college text and as a reference material for the practicing

The author attempts to present refrigeration and air

conditioning in the simplest possible way without sacrificing
quality. Principles and concepts are discussed thoroughly using
mostly basic thermodynamics, followed by illustrative problems
arranged in the order of increasing difficulty. Additional exercises
are also provided at the end of each chapter to further enhance
the learning process. Answers are given to all the problems so
that the student himself can check the accuracy of his solutions.
For the student to get the most from this book, he should solve
all the problems at the end of each chapter conscientiously. This
is the best way to study and learn any technical subject.

The Author

.... ~

Chapter 1

Refrigerating Machine and

Reversed Carnot Cycle

SI units

SI or the International System of Units is the purest form

and an extension and refinement of the traditional metric system.

Unit of Force

The unit of force in the SI system is the newton, denoted by

the symbol N.
l 1 kg f = 9.8066 N
1 lb f = 4.4484 N
1 lb, = 0.4536 kgf

Unit of Pressure

The SI unit of pressure is the pascal and is denoted by the

symbol Pa.
1 Pa = 1 Nzm"

1 bar = 100 kPa

1 psi = 6895 Pa
1 atm =.101.325 kPa
= 1.033 kg/em"
= 14.696 lb zin"


2 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Refrigerating Machine and Reversed Carnot Cycle 3

Unit of Energy and Work Heat Engine and Refrigerating Machine

The SI unit of work is the newton meter denoted by Nm or A system operating in a cycle and producing a net quantity
joule denoted by J. of work from a supply of heat is called a heat engine and is
1 Nm = 1 J represented as shown in Fig. 1-1.
1 cal = 4.187 J Hot reservoir
1 Btu = 252 cal (source of heat)
= 1055 J

Unit of Power

The SI uni t of power is the watt, denoted by the symbol W. It @-+W

is defined as tho rate of doing 1 Nm of work per second.
1 hp
= 1 ,Us
= 0.746 kW 1~
= 4~.4 Btu/min Cold reservoir
(receiver of heat)
Unit of Refrigerating Capacity
Fig. 1-1. Representation of a heat engine
The standard unit of refrigeration is ton of refrigeration or
simply ton denoted by the symbol TR. W =. QA - QR

One ton of refrigeration is the rate of cooling required to W _ QA - QR

freeze one ton of water at 32°F into ice at 32°F in one day.
e = Q QA

In English units
where QA = the heat supplied
1 TR = (2000 lb) (144 Btu/lb)
24 h QR = the heat rejected

W = the net work

1 TR = 12,000 Btu/h = 200 Btu/min
e = the thermal efficiency
In Metric units
1 TR = (12,000 Btulh) (252 callBtu)
A refrigerating machine will either cool or maintain a body
1 TR = 3024 kcallh =. 50.4 kcallmin at a temperature below that of its surroundings. A refrigerating
In Sl units machine may be represented by the diagram shown in Fig. 1-2.
The machine R absorbs heat QA from the cold body at
1 Tl{ = (200 Btu/rnin.) (1055 J/Btu) temperature T 1 and rejects heat QR to the surroundings at
I TH = ~11 k.L'min = 3.52 kW temperature T 2 and, during the process, requires work W to be
done on the system.

4 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Refrigerating Machine and Reversed Carnot Cycle ;)

T2 surroundings
The Carnot power cycle consists of the following reversible

process a-b: isothermal expansion, 1'" = T = 1']

process b-e: isentropic expansion, SI> = S,
process c-d: isothermal compression, T = T = T,
c ri
~ process d-a: isentropic compression, Sri = S,
body QA =: 1'1 .s, - S)

Fig. 1-2. \{l"prl"~entation of a refrigerating machine QR = 1'2 (S,--S)

W == Qi( -- Q\ = 1'" .s, - Sa)

Q\ QA W = QA - QR
cOP = ----w- = Q,,_.Q
1\ !\ = 1'\ (S" - S) - 1'2 (SI> - S)
where QA = the heat absorbed from the cold body or = (1' _. T ) (S - S )
1 :!'!, ,"I
refrigeration produced

QR = the heat rojected to the surroundings
W = the work done or mechanical energy
e = W

(1'1 - 1',,) ISh - S)
r 1 (S-
Sa )

COP = the coefficient of performance

_ 1'] ~ T.

The performance of a heat engine is expressed by its thermal e

- T

efficiency. The performance of a refrigerating m achin e is
expressed by the ratio of useful result to work, called energy
ratio or coefficient of performance (COPl. where Q A = the heat added by the hot body

The Carnot Cycle QR = the heat rejected to the cold body

p' T W = the work done
e = the thermal efficiency

1'] = the temperature of the Source of heat
T 2 = the temperature of the sink or receiver of heat

y s
l'li~ I·:l ('arnot Cyril'
6 Refngeration and Air Conditioning Refrigerating Machine and Reversed Carnot Cycle 7

The Reversed Carnot Cycle where QA = the heat absorbed from the cold body
p T QR ::: the heat rejected to the hot body

c W = work done

COP= the coefficient of performance
T[ = the refrigeration temperature

T2 = the temperature of heat rejection to the

(1-1) A refrigerating system operates on the reversed Carnot

a cycle. The higher temperature of the refrigerant in the system
is 120°F and the lower is lOoF. The capacity is 20 tons. Neglect
v s losses. Determine:
F'i~. I ·1. /{"v('r'sed Carnot Cycle (a) Coefficient of performance.
(b) Heat rejected from the system in Btu/min.
The reversed Carnot cvcl« follows the same processes as in (c) Net work in Btu/min.
the power producing Carnot cycle, but the cycle operates in the (d) Horsepower,
counterclockwise or reverse direction. The reversed Carnot cycle
consists of the followi ng pn)('('ss('s: SOLUTION

process a-b: isentropic compression, Sa == Sh

process b-e: isothermal heat rejection, T h ::: T, ::: T 2
process c-d: isentropic expansion, Se = Sa
process d-a: isothermal heat absorption, T d == T, == T, e ~R b
T'. = 10 + 460 = 470 0R

Q A =Tj(Sa- S)
Q R == T 2 rs, - S) dJ ..
470 0 R ,. T, = 120 + 460 :::
QA::: 20 TR
580 0R

==T2 (Sa - S a)

W = QR - QA

= T 2(Sa - Sri) - T[ ($a - So)

= (T 2
- Til (Sa - Sdl
COP = Q A ::: TI(Sa-Sa)
W (T 2 - T I) (Sa- Sa)


T~ - T[
1;,1'11"'1;1111111 .u u] .\11' (1III1iJll.lllIllg Refrigerating Machine and Reversed Carnot Cycle 9

T 470 T 248

( :I I CO!' " I = = 4.273 .1) COP


T. 345 - 248 = 2.557

T! - T ::i80 - 470 -

COP=~ = QW --~Q
(b) COP Q - A

W Q,\ (:20) (200) _ (COP) (QR) (2.557) (6000) = 4313kJ/min.

= COP = 4,273
= 936 Btu/min. (~~
- 1 + COP 1 + 2.557

QR = W + Q\ = 9:l6 + 4000 == 4936 Btu/min,

W = QR - QA = 6000 - 4313 = 1684 kJ/min.
(c) W = 936 Btu/rn in. 4313
, hi {\
=- - = 20 .44
211 TR
(d) W = 936 = :2:208 hp

(1-2) A refrigNation system operates on the reversed

Carnot cycle. The minimum and maximum temperatures are
minus 25 cC and plus 72 C. respectively. If the heat rejected at
the condenser is 6000 k.l/rn in , draw the TS diagram and find,
(a) power input required. n nd
(b) tons of refrigeration developed.


:Cjb a
T] = -25 + 273
T,~ =
= 248
72 + 273 = 345 K
QR = 6000 kJ/min

~ ....
10 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Refrigerating Machine and Reversed Carnot Cycle 11

(1-3) The power requirement of a Carnot refrigerator in PROBLEMS

maintaining a low temperature region at 238.9 K is 1.1 kW per
ton. Find (a) COP, (b) Te;' and (c) the heat rejected.
(1) A reversed Carnot cycle is used for refrigeration and
SOLUTION rejects 1,000 kW of heat at 340 K while receiving heat at 250 K.
Determine (a) COP, (b) the power required, and (c) the
refrigerating effect.

Ans. (a) 2.778, (b) 264.7 kW (c) 735.3 kW


CQb T[ = 238.9 K
,/ (2) A reversed Carnot cycle has a refrigerating COP of 4.
(a) What is the ratio Tmax/Tmin? (b) If the work input is 6 kW,
what will be the maximum refrigerating effect, kJ/min and tons.
d a W = 1.1 kW/TR
Ans. (a) 1.25, (b) 6.82 TR

'(3) A reversed Carnot engine removes 40,000 kW from a

s heat sink. The temperature of the heat sink is 260 K and the
temperature of the heat reservoir is 320 K. Determine the power
required of the engine.

(a) QA ~ 1 T R or 3.52 kW Ans. 9230.7 kW

W =1.1kW
QA 3.52 kW =3.2
COP = W = 1.1 kW

(b) COP = T - T
2 j

- T l-238.9

T 2 = 313.6K

(c) Q n = W + Q A = 1.1 + 3.52 := 4.62 kJ/s

Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 13

The pressure-enthalpy (ph) diagram and the temperature

Chapter 2
entropy (T's) diagram are the diagrams frequently used in
refrigeration cycle analysis. Of the two, the ph diagram is the
one most commonly used.

The process which comprise the standard vapor-compression

cycle are:
Simple Vapor Compression
1-2, reversible and adiabatic compression from saturated
Refrigeration Systems vapor to the condenser pressure
2-3, reversible rejection of heat at constant pressure
de superheating and condensation
3-4, irreversible expansion at constant enthalpy from
Refrigeration is that branch of science which deals with the saturated liquid to the evaporator pressure
process of reducing and maintaining the temperature of a space 4-1, reversible addition of heat at constant pressure in
or material below the temperature of the surroundings. evaporation to saturated vapor
Refrigerant is the working substance in a refrigeration
, system. Analysis of the Vapor Compression Cycle

: I ~
:=L 1. Compressor

·.~w -1Jw-~
Condenser •

w =h2-h i =
W m(h2 - hI) VI = mVI
w ::: work of compression, kJ/kg
Fig. 2-1. Vapor compression refrigeration system h, ::: enthalpy entering the compressor, kJlkg
h, ::: enthalpy leaving the compressor, kJlkg
m ::: mass flow rate, kg/s
ell 2 :.:: W ::: theoretical compressor power, kJ/s or kW
~ 1:1
.S .~~ e::s v l ::: specific volume of vapor, m 3/kg or Llkg
Q, ~.1 e8­ VI::: volume flow rate, m 3/s or Lis
'"'" l< 6'J$' 8

r.:l Evaporation
~I /
4 :2. CondeI1i\er CIc c

".-{: / ' ~n, rl --= ~m
Enthalpy, kJlkg Entropy, kJtq K

Fig 2-2. The p-h and T-s diagrams of standard vapor

q, =h 2 - h, Qc ::: mrh 2-h)
compression cycle q, =. he at r'ejr-ct.ed , k.Jlkg

14 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 15

h, = enthalpy entering the condenser, kJlkg :). Coefficient of Performance (COP)

h, = enthalpy leaving the condenser, kJlkg
Qc = total heat rejected, kJ/s The coefficient of performance is the ratio of the refrigerating
«ffect to the work of compression.
3. Expansion valve COp= h. - h, = -o-h"":;'l_-...."h"':';':l

hI h, - h. h, - h.

The power per kW of refrigeration is the inverse of the

coefficient of performance, and an efficient refrigeration system
has a low value of power per kW of refrigeration but a high
coefficient of performance.
(.;. Efficiency
Y = ~ = D2LN
hg::14 11 4
Y D = displacement rate of compressor
h, = enthalpy enu-ring the
, h, =
expansion valve, kJlkg
enthalpy leaving the expansion valve, kJlkg
D = diameter of cylinder (bore)
L = length of stroke
N = number of cycles completed per unit time

I 4. Evaporator

/~ /,Q.
N = (n ) (1) (number of cylinders) for single-acting

N = (n ) (2) (number of cylinders) for double-acting
1kI~ 7' ~hl m~ 7 r--. n = compressor speed

A single-acting compressor makes one complete cycle in one

rr-voluti on.
qe =h I
- h4 Qe = mth, - h) A double-acting compressor makes two complete cycles in
qe = h I - h3 Q e = m (h I - h) ll!l(' revolution.
The actual volumetric efficiency n,"" is defined as

n va
volume flow rate entering compressor
qe = refrigerating effect, kJlkg
displacement rate of compressor
h, = enthalpy entering the evaporator, kJlkg
hi = enthalpy leaving the evaporator, kJlkg
Qe = refrigerating capacity, k,J/s n VA. =-Y­D

Ihsplacement rate is the volume swept through by the pistons

III t li.-i r
suction strokes per unit time .


IIi j{efrir.;l'ration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 17

The clearance volumetric efficiency n ve is given by The mechanical efficiency n m is given by

indicated work _ WI _ nIP

= 1 + c-c [V2] [V2 ]
Pz ] nm
n v e = 1 + c-c [ ~ ~ = 1-c ~-1 - Wn BHP
brake work -

c = per cent clearance where JHP = indicated horsepower of the compressor

Vc = specific volume of vapor after isentropic BHP == brake horsepower of the compressor
compression to P,
(2-1) A simple saturated refrigeration cycle for R-12 system
k = 1304 for ammonia
operates at an evaporating temperature of -5°C and a condensing
temperature of 40°C. Determine i a) the refrigerating effect per
~. ~
kg, (b) the work per kg, (c) the heat rejected at the condenser
per kg, (d) the COP. For a refrigerating capacity of 1 kW,
determine (e) the total heat rejected at the condenser, (f) the
work, and (g) the volume flow rate.


S as

~ :J)
Z) / 40°C

Po. ~lkPa !j

2 3 .. 5 6 1
Diacharge-to-suction pressure ratio
Enthalpy, kJlkg
Fig. 2-3 Clearance and actual volumetric efficiency of a
Refrigerant 22 high-speed compressor. h, = h, at 40°C = 238.5 kJlkg
h. == h , at -5°C = 349.3 kJ/kg
v ] = v g at --5°C == 0.06496 m'/kg
The adiabatic compression efficiency or simply compression
efficiency nc is defined as: h , = h at 961 kPa and S2 equal to s] == 372 kJlkg
isentropic work of compression
nc = actual work of compression
(;11 j{t'f'rigerating effect == h - h, = 349.3 -- 238.5 = 110.8 k.Jlkg
.h( Wurk = h,~ hi = :~72 .- 349.:3 = 22.7 k.J/kg
1('( l l.-n t rr-jr-rt c-d = he' - h, == :372 - 238.5 = 1:~;~.5 k,Jlkg


18 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigerat 11111 :

VI = v g at O°C = 0.05539 mVkg

hi - hi =~ = 4.88 h, = h at 847.7 kPa and S2 equal to Sl = 368 k./lk:'
(d) COP = h -h '2'2.7
2 I
h f4 = h f at O°C = 200 kJ/kg
For a refr igcr at ing capacity of 1 kW h g 4 = h g at O°C = 351.48 kJ/kg
Qe 1 kJ/s
(e) III 110.8 kJ/kg = 0.00903 kg/s h 4 - h., h 4 - h f4 2~33.5 - 200
h I -h , ;1) x 4 = h 351.48 - 200 = 0.2212
lg4 h g 4 - h.,
Q, = (rn) (h .. - h) = (0.00903 kg/s) (372 - 238.5) kJ/kg
Mass of flash gas = 0.2212 kg/kg
= 1.206 k.I/»
II (f) W = (m i t h. - hi) = (0.00903 kg/s) (372 - 349.3) kJ/kg . il) m= Q., = 350 kJ/s = 2.97 k /s
i/ = 0.20!i k.J/s h. - h, (351.48 - 233.5) kJ/kg g
(g) VI = (m ) (VI) = (0.00903 kg/s) (0.06496 mVkg) ,(') VI = (m ) ('11) = (2.97 kg/s) (0.05539 mVkg ) = 0.1645 m"/:-\
= 0.000!i866 mVs 'r/l W= (rn ) (h., - h.) = (2.97 kg/s) (368 - 351.48) kJ/kg
= 49.06 kW
(2-2) An air conditioning system of a high rise building
_ h-h 351.48 - 233,5
has a capacity of :3!iO kW of refrigeration, uses R-12. The 'I'! 1 'j
= 7.14
evaporating and condensing temperatures are O°C and 35°C, h,• - h 1 368 - 351.48
respectively. Determine the following: (a) Mass of flash gas per
(2-3) A refrigeration system using refrigerant 22 is to hav«
kg of refrigerant circulated, (b) Mass of R-12 circulated per
,I refrigerating capacity of 60 kW. The evaporating temperature
second, (c) Volumetric rate of flow under suction condition,
I"; ~-10°C and the condensing temperature is 42°C. Determine.
(d) Work of compression in kW, and (e) COP.
';11 the volume flow rate of refrigerant at inlet to the compressor.

. 1>1 the power required by the compressor, and (c) the fraction of
\ .ipor in the mixture at entrance to the evaporator expressed
11I11h on a mass basis and a volume basis.


III 'f _ ....._­ k 7

~ ~

P< ,,
1 41 354 kPa
' L

Enthalpy, kJlkg

It I = hi at 35""C = '233.5 kJ/kg

Enthalpy, k.J1kg
h, = h, at () C = :1!i 1 .48 kJ/kg h. = h, at 4'2"(' = '2!i'2.4 k.J/kg

zo I{efrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System :21

h. = h g at -10 oe = 401.6 kJlkg ;()LUTION

VI = v g at -lOoe = 65.34 Llkg ',J I

h, =h at 1610 Pa and 82 equal to SI = 440 kJlkg

Qe _ 60kJ/s
(a) m== h _ h - (401.6 _ 252.4) kJlkg = 0.4021 kg/s all -~
974kPa - L .2
I 3
VI = (rn ) (VI) == (0.4021 kg/s) (65.34 L/Kg) = 26.27 Lis ~'I /1 II ~oc
(b) W== (rn) (h , - h.) == (0.4021 kg/s) (440 - 401.6) k.Jzkg ~. .
4 1 208 kPa
II == 15.44 kW
h, -- h., h l - h f4 ._ 252.4 -' 188.4 == 0.3002
(c) x 4 == - h - - == h - h - 401.6 - 188.4
f~4 ~-l f4 Enthalpy, kJ/kg
== V
+ X
4V fg4
== V
+ Xl (V g4 - V f4) h, = 24°e == 312.87 kJlkg
== 0.7588 + (0.3002) (6!"d4 - 0.7588) == 20.146 Llkg h. == h g at -18°e = 1439.94 kJlkg

For 1 kg of refrigerant entering the evaporator, point 4, the vI = vg at -18°e = 0.5729

• m 3lkg

volume of vapor is, (0.3002 kg/kg) (6534 Lzkg) == 19.615 Llkg h, = hat 974 kPa and S2 equal to 8 = 1657 kJlkg

. 0 f vanor.volume
F raction vapor, vo ume basi 19.615
aSIS == - - - 0.9736 or 97.36%
20.146 I'i effect == h j - h, == 1439.94 - 312.87

== 1127.1 k,Jlkg

(2-4) A simple vapor-compression cycle develops 13 tons

of refrigeration. Using ammonia as refrigerant and operating at
"I (~, == 03 tons) (211 kJ/min. ton) = 2743 kJ/min
a condensing temperature of 24°e and evaporating temperature
of -18 c e and assuming that the compression are isentropic and Qe 2743 kJ/min
that the gas leaving the condenser is saturated, find the following: III
h , - hl 0439.94-312.87) kJlkg == 2.43 kg/min
(a) Draw the ph diagram, (b) refrigerating effect in kJ/kg,
(c) circulation rate of refrigerant in kg/min, (d) power requirement,
(e) volume flow in cubic meter/(min) (ton), in coefficient of ,II \\' = (rn ) (h, - h.) == (2.43 kg/min) (1657 - 1439.94) kJlkg
performance, and (g) power per ton. = 527.5 kJ/min or 8.79 kW

,. I \
(2.43 kg/min) (0.5729 m 3lkg)
. 1 == (m ) (VI) == ..:.......----::"------::- -"'­
13 13 tons

= 0.1071 m:3/ (min) (ton)

II ('01' __ h j - h4 1439.94 - 312.87 == 5.19

h1 1657 -- 14:39.94

H 79 kW
"I \\'
1:1 t on s
= O.G7() k W/ton


22 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 23

(2-5) A refrigeration system is to be used to cool 45,000

kg of water from 29°C to 18°C in 5 hours. The refrigerant is Let m V' = mass flow rate of cooling water circulated in the
ammonia and the operation conditions are 616 kPa evaporating condenser
pressure and 1737 kPa liquefaction pressure. Determine (a) the Heat to water = Heat from refrigerant
coefficient of performance, (b) the quantity of cooling water in
(m) (c) (~t) = (m ) (h ,
- h 3)
the condenser for an increase in temperature of 7°C, (c) the (0.1085 kg/s) (1620 - 410.4) kJ/kg
compressor power, anel (d) the volume of flow rate entering the
(4.187 kJ/kg. CO) (7 CO)
compressor. The specific heat of water is 4.187 k-I/kg e Co. mV'=

= 4.48 kg/s
(c) W = (rn ) (h 2 - hi) = (0.1085 kg/s) (1620 - 1471.6) kJ/kg

= 16.10 kW
V = (m ) (VI) = (0.1085 kg/s) (205.2 L/kg) = 22.3 L/s

1737 kPa
as (2-6) An ammonia simple saturation cycle operates
~". between evaporator and condenser temperatures of -20°C and
I ~ :j5°C, respectively. The system is to be used in producing 5000
'"'" kg of ice at -12°C from water at 29°C in 20 hours. Assuming
losses to be 20 per cent of the heat to be absorbed from the water,
determine (a) the mass flow rate, (b) the heat rejected at the
condenser, and (c) the power required by the compressor. The
specific heat of ice is 2.094 k.Izkg s C'' and the heat of fusion is
1 Enthalpy, kJ/kg
:335 kJ/kg.

h, = h, at 1737 kPa = 410.4 kJ/kg
hi = h g at 616 kPa = 1471.6 k-Izkg

( a)\ COP = hi
= ", at 616 kPa = 205.2 L/kg
h, = h at 1737 kPa and S2

- h 2 = 1471.6 - 410.4 = 7 It::

h - hi 1620 - 1471.6
. o
equal to Sl = 1620 kJ/kg


191 kPa

4' l
(b) Q = (45,000 kg) (4.187 kJ/kgeCO) (29 - 18) Co ::: 115.1 kJ/s
c (5 h) (3600 s/h) -20°C

Q.. 115.1 kJ/s = 0.1085 kg/s Enthalpy, kJlkg

, ., (1471.6 - 410.4) kJ/kg



-! I l{ef'rjgf~ratjoil and Ai r Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 25

h, = h. at 3f)'C = 366.1 kJlkg

hI = h g at -20'C = 1437.2 kJlkg

h , = hat 1352 kPa and

S2 equal to 51 = 1735 kJlkg

(a) Theoretical heat to be absorbed per kg of water ·Cll

I 72
= (l kg) (4.187 kJ/kg -CO) 129- 0) Co -I- ( 1 kg) (335 kJlkg) ~

-I- (1 kg) (2.094 kJ/kg-CO) [0 - (-12)] Co = 481.6 kJ ~

Actual heat to be absorbed = (1.20) (481.6) = 577.9 kJ/kg

(500 kg) (5779 k.Jlkg) = 40.13 kJ/s

Qe = (20h)(3600s!h)

Enthalphy, kJlkg
Qe 40.13 kJ/s = 0.03747 kg/s
m h. - h, = (14:37.2 - :i66.1l kJlkg
hi = h, at 1200 kPa =- 346.1 kJ/kg

(b) Qc = (rn) (h - h 3 ) = (0.0:i747 kg/s) (1735 - 366.1) kJlkg h. = h, at 247 kPa = 1445.2 kJlkg

= 51.29 k.J/5 h, = h at 1200 kPa and S2 equal to 5[ = 1675 kJlkg


[P]k = 1

(c) W = (rn ) (h, - h) = (0.03747 kg/s) (1735 - 1437.2) kJlkg la) n =1-1-c-c - 2 -I- 0.05 - (0.05) [1200]-;-;;;;­
vc P 247
= 11.16 kW J

= 0.882 or 88.2o/r
(2-7) An ammonia refrigerating cycle operates at 247 kPa
suction pressure and 1200 kPa condenser pressure. Other data I b l Actual work = isentropic work h2 - h[ 1675 - 1445.2
are the following: nc nc 0.80
refrigerating capacity 28 kW
compressor clearance 5%
= 287.3 kJlkg
compression efficiency so« h 2 - hi = 1445.2 - 346.1 = 4.78
mechanical efficiency 75% Ideal COP

h, - h] 1675 - 1445.2

actu al vol u metri c efficiency 74'lr

h[ - hI 1445.2 - 346.1 = 3.83

Determine (a) the clearance volumetric efficiency, (b) the ideal Actual COP
and actual COP, (c) the mass flow rate of ammonia, and (d ) the actual work 287.3
brake work. Qe 28 kJ/s
1[") m= h _ h. (1445.2 - 346.1) kJlkg = 0.02547 kg/5
[ ,J

lei) Indicated work = (0.02547 kg/s) (287.3 kJlkg) = 7.:i18 kW


Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 27

26 Refrigeration and All' Co ndit.iuning

indicated work w
m (81.32 kg/min) (60 min/h) = 4.879 m:J/h
7.318 = 9.76 kW Vw -~
Brake work 0.75 1000 k g/m"

III W = (m) (h, - h.) = (1.52 kg/min) (1677 - 1445.2) kJlkg

(2-8) An ammonia simple saturation cycle operates at
247.1 kPa suction pressure and 1169 kPa condenser pressure.
= 352.3 kJ/min or 5.87 kW
[ [

For a load of 161111 k.l/min, determine (a) the mVh of cooling water
in the condenser if the water temperature is increased by 6 Co,
,(.) n
vc =1 + c - c[ -P2 ] k = 1 + 0.05 - (0.05) [ -.-
- 1..304
Pj 247.1
(b) the compressor work, and (c) the piston displacement if
= 0.8854
clearance is 5'!r .

n vc =1 - c [2
-1] = 1 - 0.05 [0.4878
2 0.15
-1] = 0.8874

0.8854 is the more accurate value, since 0.15 m:Jlkg is just

:111 approximation from the Mol lier diagram.
1169kPa Assume n vc = n v a
al' •• I l ,2
:?;l V
V = __1
(m) (V 1 ) (1.53 kg/min) (0.4878 m1lkg)
... D
n va n va = 0.8854

Ul = 0.843 mvmi n
£ 247.1 kPa (2-9) A six-cylinder, 6.70 x 5.70-cm, refrigerant 22
«ompreasor operating at 30 rls indicate a refrigerating capacity
"f96.4 kW and a power requirement of19.4 kW at an evaporating
~--_._------------:-::----_. t «mperature of 5°C and a condensing temperature of 35°C.
Enthalpy, kJlkg ( 'ornpute (a) the clearance volumetric efficiency if the clearance
volurne is 5 per cent, (b) the actual volumetric efficiency, and (c)
h( = h , at 30 GC
= 341.77 kJlkg t lu- compression efficiency.

h , = h g at -14 GC
= 1445.2 kJlkg
:-;( )LUTION
VI = v g at -14°C = 0.4878 mJlkg
h, = h at 1169 kPa and S2 equal to Sl = 1677 kJlkg

V = V at 1169 kPa and S2 equal to S1 = 0.15 m'lkg ...
# ----- 1.: >2

(al m=
h , - h,

1688 kJ/min
(1445.2 - 341.77) kJlkg

= 1.53 kg/min

(1.53 kg/min) (1677 - 341.77) kJlkg

(C) (L1tw ) (4.187 kJlkg CO) (6 CO)

'" K 1.:r2 kg/min

Enthalpy, kJlkg

28 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 29

hi = h at 35"C = 243.1 kJlkg SOLUTION

h , = h g at seC = 407.1 k.Izkg
VI = v g at 5'C = 40.36 Llkg
h, = h at 13!)5 kPa and 8
equal to SI = 428 kJlkg
v 2 = V at 1355 kPa and S2 equal to SI = 20 Llkg
~ ~ - -- I >2

(a) n., = 1- C[2 --1] =1- (0.05)[4?36]_1

v 2

= 0.9491
or 94.91 (Jc
Q, 96.4kJ/s
(b ) m = = = 0.5878 kg/s
hi - hi 1407.1 - 243.1) kJlkg
VI = (m) (VI) = \0.5878 kg/s) (40.36 Llkg) = 23.72 Lis
Enthalpy, kJlkg
V =.2:.. D2 LN = (IT) \6.70 cm)2 (5.70 cm) (30 x 6 cycles/s)
J) 4 (4) (1000 cm3/Li h 3 = h, 1204 kPa = 346.6 kJlkg
= :36.17 Lis h. = h , at 291.6 kPa = 1450.2 kJlkg

nva = +=
_~_._I- = 0.6558 or 65.5800
VI = v g at 291.6 kPa = 417.5 Lis
h 2 = hat 1204 kPa and S2 equal to SI = 1653 kJlkg
(c) Actual work of compression = 1_9.4 kJ/s = 33.00 kJlkg
(ll' = (1.05) (rn.) (c.) (~tl) = (1.05) (102) (3.14) (8) = 2690 kJ/min
0.rJ878 kg/s
or 44.83 kW

Isentropic work of compression = h 2- hI = 428 - 407.1
111 = 44.83 k.]/s = 0.0406 k /s
= 20.9 kJlkg h, - h, (1450.2 - 346.6) kJlkg g
. ffi 20.9
C ompression e iciency, n = - - = 0.63.339'c or 63.330;'
c 33.00 \\. = (rn) (h 2 - h) = (0.0406) (1653 - 1450.2) = 8.23 kW

. d k 8.23 8.23
(2-10) A 100 x 200-mm ammonia compressor with a l nd irn te war = - - = - - = 10.29 kW
n, 0.80
compression efficiency of 80 per cent operates with a suction
pressure of 291.6 kPa and a condenser pressure of 1204 kPa at HI';"'I' work = output of motor = (14.33) (0.92) = 13.18 kW
23 r/s. The refrigerant cools 102 kg/min of brine by 8 degrees in
the brine cooler. The specific heat of the brine is 3.14 kJlkgeC".
Electric input to the motor driving the compressor is 14.33 kW. \1, ' 1,.lllIcal efficiency = i~:~~ = 0.781 or 78.1%
Motor efficiency at this load is 92 per cent. Assuming 5 per cent
of the useful refrigerating effect is lost by brine cooler from the 11111 (VI) = (0.0406) (417.5) = 16.96 Lis
room, determine the mechanical and volumetric efficiencies of
thl' roru pr e ssor. ~ D LN = TC (10cm)2 (20 cm) (23 cycles/s) = 21 68 L/s
I ! (4) (1000 crnVl.) .


30 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 31

VI I 'iston speed = 2L (rpm)

n va = V 16.95 = 0.7818 or 78.18%
(213 m/min) (100 em/m) = 8.875 em
(2-11) A four-cylinder refrigerant 12 compressor operates L = (2) (1200) rev/min
between evaporator and condenser temperatures of 4°C and 43°C.
It is to carry a load of 20 tons ofrefrigeration at 1200 rpm. If the VD = ~ D2LN
average piston speed is 213 m/min and the actual volumetric
efficiency is 80 per cent, what should be the bore and stroke of
the compressor. 2.314 X 10 6 = ~ CD ern)" (8.875 em) (1200 x 4 cycles/min)
D = 8:315 em

'/ ---- - k 7 2


I £

Enthalpy, kJlkg

h, = h, at 43°C = 241.6 kJ/kg

h. = h at 4°C = 353.18 kJ/kg

VI = v g at 4°C = 0.04895 m Vkg

h, = h at 1034 kPa and S2 equal to SI = 372 kJ/kg

Qe (20 tons) (211 kJ/min • ton) = 37.82 kg/min

h, - h 4 (353.18 - 241.6) kJ/kg

VI = (rn) (VI) = (37.82 kg/min) (0.04895 m 3/kg) = 1.851 m 3/min

V D = ~lva = 10~8501 6 3/min

= 2.314 m 3/min or 2.314 x 10 em

32 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration Syst"111 Ti

Effects of Operating Conditions :1) Refrigerating effect

Effects of Increasing the Vaporizing Temperature For the --10 evaporating cycle, the refrigerating effect
= hI - h 4 = 347.1 - 238.5 = 108.6 kJlkg

(2 -12) A R-12 simple saturated refrigerating cycle operates

at an evaporating temperature of -10 oe and a condensing For the 5°C evaporating cycle, the refrigerating effect

temperature of 40'e. Show the effects of increasing the

vaporizing temperature to 5':e. = h.. - h 4, = 353.6 - 238.5 = 115.1 kJlkg

I,) Effect on mass flow rate per ton

For the -10 evaporating cycle, the mass flow rate,

m e 211 211

h I -h 4 347.1 _ 238.5 = 1.943 kg/(min) (ton)

I~ "'-'''~A k 772 For the 5°C evaporating cycle, the mass flow rate,
t 211 211

l m'= h
h., - 4' 353.6 _ 238.5 1.833 kg/(min) (ton)

I Effect on compressor volume capacity

J For the -10 oe evaporating cycle, the volume flow rate,

Enthalpy, kJfkg
VI = (rn) (v 1) =(1.943) (0.07665) = 0.1489 m 3/(min) (ton)
For the 5°e evaporating cycle, the volume flow rate,
h, = h. = h 4 = h. at 40 ce = 238.5 kJlkg
VI' =(rn') (vIJ = 0.833) (0.04749) = 0.087 m 3/(min) (ton)
For the -10 ce evaporating cycle (cycle 1-2-3-4-1)
,I, Effect on cor
VI = v g at -lOGe = 0.07665 m
F"r the -10 oe evaporating cycle,
h. = h g at -lOGe = 347.1 kJ/kg
h, = h at 961 kPa and S2 equal to Sl = 373 kJ/kg hI - h 4 _
eop 347.1 - 238.5
h 2 - h, ­ -'----- =: 4.19
373 - 347.1

For the 5°e evaporating cycle (cycle I.' -2' -3'-4'-1') Ftlr the 5°e evaporating cycle,

"r = vg at 5°e = 0.04749 ms/kg

eop hI' - h 4 · = 353.6 - 238.5 = 6.61

h. = hg at 5°e = 353.6 kJ/kg h , - h.. 371 - 353.6

h , = h at 961 kPa and S2 equal to SI = 371 kJlkg

34 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System :l5

(e) Effect on work per ton of refrigeration Effects of Increasing the Condensing Temperature

For the -10°C evaporating cycle, the work, (2-13) A simple saturated refrigerating cycle using R-12
as the refrigerant, operates at a condensing temperature of 40 nC
W = (m) (h 2-h l ) = (1.943) (373-347.1) and an evaporating temperature of -lOOC. Show the effects of
I increasing the condensing temperature to 50°C.
= 50.32 kJ/(min) (ton) or 0.839 kW/ton
For the 5°C evaporating cycle, the work,

W' = (rn) (h 2
,- h.) = (1.833) (371 - 353.6)
1219 kPa
\. 2
= 31.89 kJ/(min) (ton) or 0.532 kW/ton 961kPa

, (f) Effect on condenser performance
For the -10°C evaporating cycle, the heat rejected at the tt. . ,U 219 kPa

Qc = (rn) (h, - h) = (1.943) (373 - 238.5)

= 261.3 kJ/(min) (ton) or 4.355 kW/ton Enthalpy, kJlkg

h, = h g at -lOoC = 347.1 kJlkg

For the 5°C evaporating cycle, the heat rejected at the
condenser, VI == Vg at -10°C == 0.07665 mvkg

I Q'c == (m') (h 2, - h) = (1.833) (371- 238.5)

= 242.9 kJ/(min) (ton) or 4.05 kW/ton

For the 40°C condensing cycle (cycle 1-2-3-4-1)
h, = h 4 == he at 40°C = 238.5 kJlkg
h, == h at 961 kPa and S2 equal to SI = 373 kJlkg

Effects of increasing the vaporizing temperature For the 50°C condensing cycle (cycle 1-2'-3'-4'-1)
(1) The refrigerating effect per unit mass increases.
h; == h 4 · = he at 50°C = 248.9 kJlkg
(2) The mass flow rate per ton decreases.
h, == h at 1219 kPa and S2' equal to SI == 378 kJlkg
(3) The volume flow rate per ton decreases.
,) I{( -frigerating effect
(4) The COP increases.
(5) The work per ton decreases.
Fill' the 40°C condensing cycle, the refrigerating effect
(6) The heat rejected at the condenser per ton decreases.
= h , - h 4 == 347.1 - 238.5 = 108.6 kJlkg

1,'111" t he 50°C condensing cycle, the refrigerating effect

= hi - hi = 347.1 - 248.9 = 98.2 kJlkg

36 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigl'l'atlOil :-l\'!"il' ."

(b) Effect on mass flow rate per ton II Effect on condenser performance

For the 4We condensing cycle, the heat :11 fill'
For the 40 e condensing cycle, the mass flow rate,
211 211 Q, = (m) Ih 2 - h) = 11.94.3) (37:3 - 238.5)
m == hi - h,
347.1 _ 238.5 == 1.943 kg/Gnin) (ton)
== 261.:3 k-L'(rn in I (ton) or 4.3:")5 kW/tul1

For the 50 e condensing cycle. the heat r ejcctr-d .r t tIl'

For the 50 0 e condensing cycle, the mass flow rate, con de nser,

m' = h 2~~ = ;347.12~1248.9 == 2.149 kg/(min) (ton) Q'c = (m') (h 2 - h) = 12.149) (378 -- 248.9)
) ,,' = 277.4 kJ/(min) (ton) or 4.623 kW/ton
(c) Effect on compressor volume capacity
l-Tf.. cts of increasing the condenser temperature
For the 40,ce condensing cycle, the volume flow rate, (1) The refrigerating effect per unit m ass rlecn';l~'''.
(2) The mass flow rate per ton increases.

V!, = (m) (v I) = (1.943) (0.07665) == 0.1489 m:l/(mim) (ton) 1.3) The volume flow rate per ton increases.

For the 50°C condensing cycle, the volume flow rate,

(.5 J
eop decreases.

work per ton increases.

heat rejected at the condenser per ton Iner,':I",'>

VI' == (rn') (VI) = 2,149) (0.07665)
= 0.1647 m:/(min) (ton) 12-14) A 150 x 150-mm, twin-cylinder. -i n u!« ;1('[1111-;

I (d) Effect on eop

For the 40 De condensing cycle,

12 compressor running at 25 r l « cu rri o« "

tr i g o r a n t
" Irigerating load of 39.4 kW while operating at 340 k Pu - uc t i on

rlld 1277 kPa discharge pressures. If thp discharge [)t"'';-'; 11 1'('

, "fTC' raised to 1397 kPa, at what speed should the co m prr.s sor

I., run to carry the same load assuming the volumetr-ic l,fficIPn('\

eop = h 1 - h 4 = 347.1 - 238.5 = 419

h 2-h 1 373-347.1 . r.-m a in the same?

For the 50 0 e condensing cycle, :IIL( TTl ON

eop = h 1 - h 4 , = 347.1 - 248.9 = 3.18

h 2,-h 1 378-347.1
(e) Effect on work per ton of refrigeration
For the 40 0 e condensing cycle, the work, r;
w .. (m) (h, - h)= 0.943) (393 - 347.1) t:
= 50.32 kJ/(min) (ton) or 0.839 kW/ton "'I h , = 1\ at 340 kPa = 3~)2,8 k,Jlkg­

I h, = h, at 1277 k Pa = 2.'11 k-I/kz

For the 50 0 e condensing cycle, the work,
h l = hi at 1:397 kPa = 2fi:"i.3 kJ/kg

W' = (m') (h, - h.) = (2.149) (378 - 347.1)

Enthalpy. kJlq
= 66.40 kJ /Cruin) (ton) or ~.107 kW/ton

:18 Rcfriacrat.ion and Air ('()Ilditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System :;~l

Let ru = old Ill;\';'; flow rate

For the saturated cycle (cycle 1-2-3-4-1)
m' = nvw m ass flow rate

n = old comprt-ssor speed

v[ =V g at --5 DC
= 0.06496 m 3fkg
n' = now c.nnpresaor speed
h, = h g at --5°C = 349.3 kJ/kg

Qp :30.4 k,J/s = 0.3870 kg/s h, = h at ~J61 k Pa and S2 equal to SI = 3';2 k-I/kg

m= h _ h (:3:")28 - 251) k.I/kg
"or the superheated cycle (cycle 1'-2'-3-4-1')
Q, :39.4 k,J/s = 0.4041 kg/s
111' = :i[)28 - 255.3) k-J/kg
h\- h , VI' = v at 261 kPa and 15°C = 0.071 mVkg
. ffici volume flow rate entering compressor
vo I umetnc e Icwncv. = .
displacement rate of compressor hi' = h at-261 kPa and 15°C = 362 k,Jlkg

1m') Iv ) 1m) Iv,) h 2· = h at 961 kPa and 8 2, equal to 8 1 = 387 k.Jfkg

~D2L(2) (n')
= ~rYL!2l (n )
4 4
'II Refrigerating effect

Im'lln) 10.4041) (25)

For the saturated cycle, the refrigerating effect is
n =---

= 0.:3870
Effects of Superheating the Suction Vapor = h, - h 4 = 349.:3 - 238.5 = 110.8 kJ/kg

(2-15) A simple saturated r efri gerat ing cycle for R-12 For the superheated cycle,
system operates at an evaporating temperature of -boC and a (1) When superheating of suction vapor occurs inside the
condensing temperature of 40"C. Show the effects of superheating " frigerated space, useful cooling results and the refr'igeratirg
II, -ct is
the suction vapor from --5°C to IS-C.

SOLUTION = hi' - h 4 = 362 - 238.5 = 123.5 k,Jfkg

(2) When superheating of suction vapor occurs in the

'I,-Ilon line, no useful cooling results and the refrigerating
I',·," is

~. - -k----T--7­2'
-; h J -- h4 = 349.3 - 238.5 = 110.8 kJfII:g
1II'd on mass flow rate per ton

'I' the saturated cycle, the mass flow rate,

211 211
'11 = h[ _ h = 349.3 _ 238.5 = 1.904 kg/train) (ton)

Enthalpy, kJ/kg

h = h, = h, at 40"C = 238.5 kJfkg

·10 Refrigeration .uid Ail' Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration :-)",1 \'In ..j 1

For the su pr-rhc-a t cd cycle,

(11 With useful cooling, the mass flow rate,

211 _ 211
(2) Without useful cooling, COP:= <_
h -. h

m' = h .- h ­
362 _ 238.5 := 1.709 kg/(min) (ton)
I j :349.3 - 2:38.5 := .1.+:{
387 - :362
(2) Without useful cooling, the mass flow rate,
,211 211 ,,) Effect on work per ton of refrigeration
1.904 kg/(min) (ton)
111 = ~h4 = 349.3 - 238.5 For the saturated cycle, the work,

(c! Effect on com pressor volume capacity W:= (rn ) (h, - h.) := (1.904) (372 - :349.31
= 43.22 kJI (min) (ton) or 0.720 kW/ton
For the suturntvd cycle, the volume flow rate, For the superheated cycie,

V. I := tm :v 1= !I.904) (006496):= 0.1237 m1/(min) (ton) (1) With useful cooling, the work,

W':= (rn') (h 2 - hl'):= !I.709) (387-:36~)

For the superheated cycle,

= 42.73 kJ/(min) t ton ) or 0.71·~ k\,'I'fj'l

t j) With useful cooling, the volume flow rate,

(2) Without useful cooling. the work,

Vi = (m') (v,) = (1.709) (0.071)
W":= (rri') (h 2 - h,) = (1.904) (387 - :{f)~~)
:= 0.1213 m'/( min) (ton)
:= 47.6 kJ/ (min) (ton : or 079:-; k W/ton
(2) Without useful cooling, the volume flow rate, t, Effect on condenser performance

For the saturated cycle, the heat rejected at the condenser,

V'1 = (rn i (v'r) = (1.904) (0.071)
= 0.1352 m ' /(m i n ) (ton) Qc = (m) (h 2 - h.: = (1.904) (372 - 238.5)

= 254.2 kJ/ (min) (ton) .01' 4.24 kW/ton

(r1) E fleet on COP
I'-I)r the superheated cycle,
hi - h 4 _ 349.3 - 238.5 = 4.88
Frl\' the saturated cycle, COP = i , _ h - 372 _ 349.3 !I) With useful cooling, the heat rejected at the
:2 1

For the saturated cycle, Q'c = (m') (h , - h) = !I.709) (387 - 238.51

h - h ;362 - 238.5 = 253.8 kJI (min) (ton) or 4.23 kW/ton
( 1) 'With useful cooling, COP = ~.' _ h ~.
387 - 362
(2) Without useful cooling, the heat rejected at the
:= 4.94
Q'c'= ( m l (h, - h,,):= (1.904) (387- 238.5)
=- '2H'2.7 k,JI (min) t ton l or 4.71 kW/ton

'i2 Refrigeration ann Air ('onditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigerauon :--,

Effects of supcrhc-atinj; the suction vapor For the saturated cycle (cycle 1-2-3-4-1)

When supe rhr-at i nu /)!"oduces useful cooling: h J =: h 4 =: he at 40°C =: 238.5 k.L'kg

(1) Tho ref'rig<'rating effect per unit mass increases.

(2) 'I'hc m;t:·:s flow rate per ton decreases. For the subcooled cycle (cycle 1-2-3'-4'-1)

(3) The vol u r.ic flow rate per ton decreases.

( ) The COl' incre-ases.
h, =: h 4 = h[ at 30°C =: 228.5 k.Izkg

(5) Th e work per tun decreases.

• :1) Refrigerating effect
When superhcat ing occurs without useful cooling: For the saturated cycle, the refrigerating effect =h I I,
(6) The n,rri~Tr<lting effect per unit mass remains the =: 349.3 - 238.5 =: 110.8 kJlkg
sarn o.
(7) Tho Illa,;,..; now rate per ton remains the same. For the subcooled cycle, the refrigerating effect =: h. II
(8) TI1<' vol u.r.o now rate per ton increases. =: 349.3 - 228.5 =: 120.8 kJlkg
(9) Thl' COP decreases.
(10) The work per ton increases. h I Effect on mass flow rate per ton
(11) The heat 1'8.: ect ed at the condenser per ton increases.
For the saturated cycle, the mass flow rate,

~"nec'"s of SL~)COOli._,~ the Liquid

211 211

m =: 349.3 _ 238.5 =: 1.918 kg/t m i n ) It OI}1

(2--16) A simple saturated refrigerating cycle using R-12 hi - h 4
as the refrigerant operates at an evaporating temperature of
-5°C and a condensing temperature of 40 'C. Show the effects of
For the subcooled cycle, the mass flow rate,

st bcoolirig the from 40C to :30'C before reaching the

ex )Lnsion valve. 211
m' =: h - h , =: 1.747 kg/Cm in i I t on :
1 349.3 - 228,5
I·:rfect on compressor volume capacity

j·'(lr the saturated cycle, the volume flow 'rate,

r -,r n_ -- ­ k 72 VI =: (rn ) (VI) =: (1.918) (0.06496) =: 0.1246 mil (mini (Ion)
E I" ,I' the subcooled cycle, the volume flow rate,
V, =: (rn ') (v 1 ) =: (1.747) (0.06496) =: 0.1135 m1/(minl (ton)

I'~ 4
~ 111,('t on COP

." t he saturated cycle, COP =: ih - _hh 4 349.3 - 2:38.5

L Enthalpy, kJ/kg
2 1 372 - 349.3
=: 4.88

=: v g at -5°C =: 0.06496 rrrvkg hi - h 349.3 - 228.5

VI I '·1 f h(' s u hcoo lr-d cycl«, COP =: h _ h 4
} 1 372 - 349.3
hi=: 1\ at -5"C =: 349.3 kJlkg
= :l.:l2
h. ~ h at 9f)1 k Pa and .".' r-qu al to s, =: 372 kJlkg

42 Refrigeration ann Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 43

Effects of super hua t i ng the suction vapor For the saturated cycle (cycle 1-2-3-4-1)

When superheat ing produces useful cooling: h, = h , = h, at 40°C = 238.5 kJ/kg

(l) The refrigP1'ating effect per unit mass increases.

(2) The muss now rate per ton decreases. For the subcooled cycle (cycle 1-2-3'-4'-1)

(3) The volu fl ow rate per ton decreases.

(c) The COP increases.
h., = h. = h, at 30°C = 228.5 kJ/kg

(5) The work pc'r ton decreases.

(a) Refrigerating effect
When superheating occurs without useful cooling: For the saturated cycle, the refrigerating effect = hi - h,
(6) The n{ri,~'crating effect per unit mass remains the = 349.3 - 238.5 = 110.8 kJ/kg
n) The muss now ratc per ton remains the same. For the subcooled cycle, the refrigerating effect = h. - h 4,
(8) The vol u n.o flow rate per ton increases. = 349.3 - 228.5 = 120.8 kJ/kg
(9) The COP decreases.
(10) The work per ton increases. (b) Effect on mass flow rate per ton
(11) The heat re..'ected at the condenser per ton increases.
For the saturated cycle, the mass flow rate,
~":'ec~s of Sl..~)cooli._~; the Liquid
211 211
m 349.3 _ 238.5 = 1.918 kg/(min) (ton)
(2-16) A simple saturated refrigerating cycle using R-12 h. - h ,
as the refrigerant operates at an evaporating temperature of
-5°C and a condensing temperature of 40:JC. Show the effects of For the subcooled cycle, the mass flow rate,

st. bcool in g the lirt.i d from 40 C to 30°C before reaching the


ex.ian sion valve. 211

rn' = h - h , = 1.747 kg/t m in) (ton)
1 349.3 - 228.5
(c) Effect on compressor volume capacity

For the saturated cycle, the volume flow 'rate,

V l = (In) (VI) = (1.918) (0.06496) == 0.1246 m:3/ (min) (ton)
as r -.r 1 7 2
For the sub cooled cycle, the volume flow rate,
VI = (rri') (VI) = (1.747) (0.06496) = 0.1135 m 3/(min) (ton)

(d) Effect on COP

h - h4
For the saturated cycle, COP =i h _ 349.3 - 238.5
2 1 372 - 349.3

Enthalpy, kJ/kg = 4.88

h -h 349.3 - 228.5
VI = vi! at -5 s e = 0.06496 mvkg For the subcooled cycle, COP = h 1 _ h 4 '
2 1
372 - 349.3
hi = 1\ at -SoC:::: 349.:3 k,J/kg
= 5.32

... 11, == li n t ~)()1 k l'n .uid s , ('quill tq SI = :172 kJlkg

44 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 45

(e) Effect on work per ton of refrigeration SOLUTION

For the saturated cycle, the work,

W = (rn ) (h , - h.) = 0.918) (372 - 349.3)

= 4:3.f);3 k.l/r min ) (ton) or 0.726 kW/ton aLL 1460 kPa k •2

For the subcoolrd cycle, the work,

WI = (m') (he - h.) = (1.747) (372 - 349.3)

, '\

= 39.66 kJ/( min) (ton) or 0.661 k Wzt.on 466kPa

\ ;

(f) Effect on condenser performance

For the saturated cycle, the heat rejected at the condenser,

Q = (rn ) (h, - h) = n.918) (372 - 238.5) Enthalpy, kJ/kg

= 256.1 k-L'(min) (ton) or 4.268 kW/ton h, = h. at 33=C = 240.5 kJ/kg

hi = h at 5°C and 466 kPa = 410 k.Izkg
For the subcooled cycle, the heat rejected at the condenser,
Q'c = (rn') (h , - h:3 ) = 0.747) (372 - 228.5)
VI = v at 5°C and 466 kPa = 53 L/kg
h, = h at 1460 kPa and S2 equal to SI = 440 k.I/kg
= 250.7 k.Iz(min) (ton) or 4.178 kW/ton

Effects of sub cooling the liquid (a) m= 112 kJ/s = 0.6608 kg/s
(410 - 240.5) k-Izkg
(1) The refrigerating effect per unit mass increases.
(2) The mass flow rate per ton decreases.
(3) The volume flow rate per ton decreases. V 1 = mv 1 = (0.6608) (53) = 35.02 Lis
(4) The COP increases. V = ~ D2 LN = (It) (8.5 cm)'2 (7.0 em) (28 x 4 x cycles/s)
(5) The work per ton decreases. !l 4 (4) (1000 cmvl.)
(6) The heat rejected at the condenser per ton decreases.
= 44.49 Lis
(2-17) A refrigerant 22, four cylinder, 85 x 70-mm,
compressor operating at 28 rls, a condensing temperature of
38 nC, and an evaporating temperature of -2°C carries a (b) Isentropic work = (rn ) (h 2 - h.) = (0.6608) (440 - 410)
refrigerating load of 112 kW. The motor driving the compressor
has an efficiency of 92 per cent and draws 32.5 kW. There is a = 19.82 kW
5°C subcooling and 7°C superheating of the suction gas entering
the compressor. Compute (a) the actual volumetric efficiency and Actual work = (32.5) (0.92) = 29.90 kW
(b) the compression efficiency.
Compression efficiency, n = 19.82 = 0.6629 or 66.29(1r
c 29.90

46 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 47

(2·-18) An ammonia compressor operates at an evaporator ( o ) VI = (In) (VI) = (0.07877 kg/s) (410 Llkg) == 32.3 Ll.s
pressure of :316 kPa and a condenser pressure of 1514.2 kPa.
The refrigerant is subconled ;) degrees and is superheated 8 Assume llva = 100 ck, then, V D == V l= 32.3 L/s
degrees. A twin-cylinder compressor with bore to stroke ratio of
0.85 is to be used at 1:200 rpm.. The mechanical efficiency is 77% .
For a load of 87.5 k \V, determine: V = ~D2LN == !:TC) (0.85L cm)2 (L cm) (20x2 cycles/s)
(a) the of cooling water in the condenser if the D 4 (4) (1000 cm3/L)
increase in temperature is 7 degrees,
(b) the bore and stroke, = 0.0227 L'L/s
(c) the size of th.- driving motor, and
(d) the quality of the r.-fr iger ant entering the evaporator. 0.0227L3 == 32.3

SOLUTION: L = 11.25 em
D = (0.85) (11.25) = 9.56 em

- (d W == (rn) (h, - h.) == (0.07877 kg/s) 0715 -1472) kJ/kg

1514.2 kPa
\ :12
,..ilcl == 19.14 kW

II /1 31G kPa
39°C .
P ower Input to compressor = power output 0 f motor = 19.14

= 24.86kW

(d) x 4 -- 361.2 - 163.2 = 0.1536 or 15.36%

Enthalpy, kJ/kg 1289.44

h, = h, at 34°C = 361.2 kJlkg (2-19.) A 10-ton vapor compression refrigeration system is

h. == h at 316 kPa and O°C == 1472 kJlkg to evaporate R-12 at-20°C and to condense it at 40°C. The twin­
VI = v at 316 kPa and O°C = 0.41 m:'lkg cylinder vertical compressor is to run at 900 rpm; it is single
acting, has the bore equal to the stroke, and has 2% clearance.
h , == h at 1514.2 kPa and S2 equal to SI = 1715 kJlkg
Vapor enters the compressor at -10 o e and liquid enters the
expansion valve at 30 aC.
Q,. 87.5 kJ/s = 0.07877 kg/s (a) What refrigeration flow rate is required?
(a) m= 11="'Fl
= (1472 _ 361.2) k.J/kg
(b) What would be the bore and stroke of the compressor?
(c) What power is required by the compressor?
(m ) (h - h.) (0.07877 kg/s) (1715 - 361.2) kJlkg (d) What is the quantity of the cooling water required in the
n1 = _ _.....:0.-..._;';""

w (c ) (.6 t) 4.187 kJ/kg. CO) (7 CO)
condenser for a 8-degree increase in temperature?

== :L()4 kg/s


48 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compt-ession Refrigeration System 49

SOLUTION (c) W = (rn ) (h , - h.) = (0.2947 kg/s) (383 - 348) kJ/kg

= 10.31 kW

960.7 kPa (m) (h 2 - h) _ (0.2947 kg/s) (383 - 228.54) kJlkg

CIS' - k ,,2 (d) m ,
(c ) L~ t \\ )
~ (4. 187 kJ/kg. CO) (8 CO)
~ :~oC = 1.36 kg/s
£ 150.9 kPa Liquid-Suction Heat Exchanger

The functions of the heat exchanger are:

1. To ensure that no liquid enters the compressor, and

Enthalpy, kJlkg 2. To subcool the liquid from the condenser to prevent
bubbles of vapor from impeding the flow of refrigerant through
h, = h, at 30°C = :228.G4: kJlkg the expansion valve.
h, .= h at 150.9 kPa and -10"C = 348 k.I/kg
v] = v at 150.9 kPa and -1 O"C = 0.12 mJ/kg (2-20) A simple saturated refrigerating cycle using R-12 as
refrigerant operates at an evaporating temperature of -5°C and
liz = hat 960.7 kPa and 5;, equal to S1 = 383 kJ/kg a condensing temperature of 40;C. Show the effects of installing
v z = v at 960.7 kPa and S2 equal to s] = 0.021 mVkg a heat exchanger that would superheat the suction vapor from _
t)c,C to 15 c,C in the heat exchanger.
(a) m = Qe = (10 tons) (3.52 kW/ton) = 0.2947 k /s
h. - h, (348 - 228.54) kJ!kg g SOLUTION

For the saturated cycle: COP = 4.88 (See problem 2-1)

(b) n =1- c [ -v] -1] = 1-0.02 [0.12]
- - -1 = 0.9057 For the heat exchanger cycle:
vc • v2 0.021

V] = (rn) (v]) = (0.2947 kg/s) (0.12 ms/kg) = 0.03536 mvs
Assume n va = n vc
V 0.03563
VD =~ = = 0.03904 m 3/s
or 2.3424 mVmin
va 0.09057 Heat


VD = ~ D2 LN = ~ (D m)" (D m) (900x2 cycles/min)

= 1413.7 D'' mVmin 4
1413.7 D:3 = 2.3424
D = 0.1183 m or 11.83 em
L =.: II)n cm

Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 51
50 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

(2-21) A refrigerant 22 vapor compression system includes

a liquid-to-suction heat exchanger in the system. The heat
exchanger cools saturated liquid coming from the condenser from
to 21°C with vapor which comes from the evapor ator at ­
• - ~ _n -- - I >2
j (a) Calculate the COP of the system w i th ou t the heat
exchanger but with the condensing temperature a 32::>C and an
evaporator temperature at -10°C.
(b) Calculate the COP of the system with the heat exchanger.
(c) If the compressor is capable of pumping 20 Lis measured
at the compressor suction, what is the refrigerating capacity of
the system without the heat exchanger?
Enthalpy, kJlkg (d) With the same compressor capacity as in (c), what is the
refrigerating capacity of the system with the heat exchanger?
) h) = h at 261 kPa and 1f)°C =3G2 kJ/kg SOLUTION
h, = h at 961 kPa and So! equal to 5! = 387 kJlkg
( a)
h, = hi at 40 c C = 238,f) k.I/kg

Heat balance of t hl~ heat exchanger

hI + h fi = h + h< J
Refrigerating effect = he - h, = h. - h, ~

COP = hI - h~l _ 362 -- 238.5
h - h 1 - 387 - 360., =4.94 3fi4.3 kPa
2 4' I
The coefficient of performance of the heat exchanger cycle -10°C
differs than that of the saturated cycle by only
Enthalpy, kJlkg

4.94 - 4.88 = 1.23~ h, = he at 32 GC

= 239.2 kJlkg
h. = h g at --10 = 401.6 kJ/kg

Depending upon the particular case, the coefficient of

VI =V g at -10 GC
= 65.34 L/kg
performance of a heat exchanger cycle may be either greater­ h2 =h at 1255 kPa and S2 equal to S1 = 433 kJlkg
than, less than, or the same as that ofa saturated cycle operating
between the same pressure limits.
COP = ~l2 =hh 3, = 401.6 - 239.2 __
- ,').17
52 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 53


/ (1) An ammonia vapor refrigeration cycle operates at an

evaporator temperature of -16°C and a condensing temperature
of 32°C. Determine the coefficient of performance (a) for an ideal
~ saturation cycle, (b) for wet compression with saturated vapor

I leaving the compressor, and (c) if the vapor at suction to the

compressor is superheated 6 degrees.

Ans. (a) 4.50, (b) 4.70, (c) 4.28

.15.5 /' (2) A standard vapor compression system produces 20 tons

of refrigeration using R-12 as a refrigerant while operating
Enthalpy, kJJq between a condenser temperature of 41.6 C and an evaporator
h, :::: hi at 32°C = 239.2 kJ/kg temperature of -25°C. Determine (a) the refrigerating effect in
kJ/kg, (b) the circulating rate in kg/s, (c) the power supplied,
h, = h. = hi at 21°C = 225.3 kJ/kg
(d) the COP, (e) the heat rejected in kW, and (f) the volume flow
h, = h at -1 oce = 401.6 kJ/k CT
rate in Lis.
) f'

h. + h , :::: 11] + h,
Ans. (a) 100.26 kJ/kg, (b) 0.7022 kg/s, (c) 25.69 kW,
h. =: 239.2 + 401.6 - 225.3 == 415.5 kJ/kg
(d) 2.74, (e) 96.09 kW, (f) 92.18 L/s
v 1 = 72 L/kg
h, = h at 1255 kPa and S2 equal to Sl = 450 kJ/kg
(3) A manufacturing company is intending to use its water
h 6 -h_ 0)
401.6 - 225.3
___----= 5.11 cooled condenser for its proposed cold storage room. The name
COP = h - h. 450- 41fi.5 plate of the condenser gives the following specifications:
refrigerant ammonia
(c) Without the heat exchanger. -, condenser water inlet . 30°C
condenser water outlet 40°C
VI 20 Lis condensing temperature 35°C
ill = ~ = 65.34Llkg = 0.3061 kg/s refrigerant flow 3.84 kg/min
circulating water flow 120 kg/min
Q = (rn ) (h. - h
) = (0.3061 kg/s) (401.6 - 239.2) kJ/kg
(a) If the company decided to purchase a new compressor and
= 49.71 kW evaporator, find the tonnage of the system and the temperature
in the evaporator, (b) what is the COP? (c) find the theoretical
(d) With the heat exchanger. hp required.

V1 20 Lis Ans. (a) 19.73 TR; -8°C, (b) 4.83, (c) 19.26 hp .
m =-- = = 0.2777 kg/s
v1 72L/kg
(4) A standard ammonia vapor-compression cycle developing
Q,. = (rn ) (h, - h) = (0.2777 kg/s) (401.6 - 225.3) kJlkg 20 tons of refrigeration operates with a condensing temperature
of 32°C and an evaporating temperature of -14°C. Calculate the
::: 4R.96 kW

54 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration System 55

(a) refrigerating effect, (b) circulating rate of refrigerant, (c) (8) A refrigerant 12 refrigeration system requires a load of
theoretical power, (d) COP, (e) gallons per minute of cooling water 54 kW at an evaporator pressure of 270 kPa and a condenser
in the condenser, if ~t is 8Co, (f) quality of the refrigerant entering pressure of 1009 kPa. The refrigerant is subcooled 10 degrees
the evaporator, and (g) temperature of the refrigerant leaving the before entering the expansion valve and vapor is superheated
compressor. (l gallon contains 8.33 lb. of water) 14 degrees before entering the compressor. A twin-cylinder
compressor with stroke equal to 1.25 times the bore is to be used
Ans. (a) 1093.7 kJ/kg, (b) 3.86 kg/min., at a speed of 27 r/s. The volumetric efficiency is 84 per cent.
Determine (a) the quantity of cooling water in the condenser for
(c) 15.44 kW, (d) 4.56, (e) 40.6 gpm an l l-degree increase in temperature, (b) the bore and stroke,
and (c) the compressor power.
(5) Asingle-acting, twin-cylinder 15.25 x 15.25-cm. compressor
receives saturated ammonia vapor at -18°C and discharges it at Ans. (a) 1.40 kg/s, (b) 8.58 x 10.73 ern, (c) 10.5 kW
1514.3 kPa. The system is used to produce ice at a final temperature
of -10°C from water at 27°C. The compressor runs at 450 rpm with
(9) A refrigerant 22 refrigeration system carries a load of
an actual volumetric efficiency of 78%. Assume compression and
82 kW at an evaporator pressure of 354 kPa and a condenser
mechanical efficiencies to be 82% and 88%, respectively. Calculate
pressure of 1460 kPa. The liquid refrigerant is subcooled by 4
the following: (a) capacity of the system in tons of refrigeration, (b)
degrees before entering the expansion valve and the vapor is
brake hp required by the compressor, (c) tons of ice produced per
superheated by 5 degrees before entering the compressor. The
day if compressor runs only 20 hours a day. Assume losses to be
compressor operates at 28 r/s. The stroke-to-bore ratio of the
10% of the refrigeration required to produce the ice, and (d) ideal
twin-cylinder compressor is 1.20 and the actual volumetric
and actual COP. efficiency is 82 per cent. Determine (a) mass flow rate of
refrigerant, (b) mass flow rate of cooling water in the condenser
Ans. (a) 17.04 TR, (b) 32 hp, (c) 8.37 tons, (d) 3.4,2.79 for a 7-degree change in temperature, and (c) the bore and stroke.
(6) An R-12 standard refrigeration cycle operates at an Ans. (a) 0.5025 kg/s, (b) 3.43 kg/s, (c) 9.2 x 11 em
evaporating pressure of 386 kPa and a condensing pressure of 1009
kPa. Show the effects of decreasing the vaporizing pressure to 270 (10) A refrigerant 22 refrigerating system is operating with
kPa on the following: For a unit mass, (a) refrigerating effect, (b)
a condenser temperature of 42°C and an evaporating
COP, and (c) work. For a refrigerating capacity of 1 kW, (d)
temperature of O°C. (a) If the liquid line from the condenser is
power, (e) mass flow rate, (f) heat rejected, and (g) volume flow
soldered to the suction line from the evaporator to form a simple
rate. heat exchanger and if as a result of this the. saturated vapor
leaving the evaporator is superheated 10 degrees, how many
(7) An industrial plant has available a 4-cylinder, 76-mm bore
degrees will the saturates liquid leaving the condenser be
by 102-mm stroke, 800 rpm, single-acting compressor for use with
subcooled? Determine (b) the volume flow rate, and (c) the
Refrigerant 12. Proposed operating conditions for the compressor
compressor work.
are 38°C condensing temperature and 5°C evaporating temperature.
It is estimated that the refrigerant will enter the expansion valve
Ans. (a) 5.3°C, (b) 1.102 L/sITR, (c) 0.662 kWITR
as a saturated liquid, that the vapor will leave the evaporator ata
temperature of 7°C, and will enter the compressor at a temperature
(11) In a conventional refrigeration cycle which uses Freon­
of 13°C. Assume a compressor volumetric efficiency of 70 per cent.
12 as the refrigerant, the temperature of the evaporating fluid
Assume frictionless flow. Calculate the refrigerating capacity in
is -20°C. It leaves the evaporator as saturated vapor at -20°C
kW for a system equipped with this compressor. and enters the compressor. The pressure in the condenser is 1.30
MPa. The liquid leaves the condenser and enters the expansion
Ans. 40.96 kW valve at 40"C. It is proposed to modify this cycle by adding a

56 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

heat exchanger that would superheat the suction vapor to 25°C.

Compare the coefficient of performance of these two cycles. What
is the temperature of the refrigerant entering the expansion valve
Chapter 3

with the heat exchanger? For a load of 50kW, determine the

vol ume flow rate for both cycles.
Ans. 2.79, 2.80, 12°C, 0.0522m 3/s, 0.0523 m
Actual Vapor Compression Cycle

As the refrigerant flows through the system there will be

pressure drops in the condenser, evaporator, and piping. Heat
losses or gains will occure depending on the temperature
difference b e twee n the refrigerant and the surroundings.
Compression will be polytropic with friction and heat transfer
instead' of isentropic. The actual vapor compression cycle may
have some or all of the items of departure from the simple
saturation cycle as shown on the p-l.diagram in Fig. 3-1.


Enthal~y, kJJkg

Fig. 3-1. Actual vapor compression cycle

58 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 59

1.) Superheating of the vapor in the evaporator, 10-11.

2.) Heat gain in the suction line, 11-12.

Show the thermodynamic states at various points on p-h
diagram and calculate:
3.) Pressure drop in the sunction line, 12-13.

4,) Pressure drop due to wire drawing at the compressor

(a) Refrigerating capacity in TR assuming 2 per cent loss
suction valve, 13-1. of useful refrigeration by heat gain from room in brine cooler
(b) Rate of flow of ammonia
5.) Polytropic compression with friction and heat transfer, 1-2.
6,) Pressure drop at the compressor discharge valve, 2-3. (c) Compressor IHP and mechanical efficiency
(d) Compressor volumetric efficiency
7.) Pressure drop in the delivery line, 3-4. (e) COP of the cycle
8.) Heat loss in the delivery line, 4-5.
(D Make a system heat balance.
9.) Pressure drop in the condenser, 4-6.
10.) Subcooling of the liquid in the condenser or subcooler, 6-7.
11.) Heat gain in the liquid line. 7-8.

12.) Pressure drop in the evaporator, 9-10.

The pressure drop in the evaporator is large and that in the
condenser is small. Due to various pressure drops, the capacity Q.
of the plant is decreased and the power consumption per unit of
refrigeration is increased. The COP of the actual cycle is reduced.
(3-1) The following data were taken from a test on a twin­ 3
cylinder, single-acting 15 em x 20 ern, 320 rpm compressor
ammonia refrigeration plant. Qc

Temperatures of refrigerant: 5 4
After expansion valve -25°C Expansion32"C 3O"-C I
<'-'lId alorap room Brine pump L

Entering brine cooler -25°C valve

Leaving brine cooler -18°C Q4-6
Entering compressor -8°C
Leaving condenser 120°C
Entering condenser 110°C
Leaving condenser 30°C
Entering expansion valve 32°C
Pressures of refrigerant:
Compressor discharge and condenser 1352 kPa
Compressor suction 132 kPa
Brine circulation 102kg/min
Temperature drop of brine in cooler 7Co
Specific heat of brine 3.14kJlkg (K)
Input to motor 18.8 kW
Motor efficiency at this load 92 %
Compressor jacket cooling water 5 kg/min
Temperature rise of jacket water 8.9 C

60 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 61


I Qj
~ m lit _.
t ,,
~ 120°C
152.2 kPa


Energy balance about compressor

Enthalpy, kJ/kg
(rn) (hI) + W = (m) (h.) + Qj
W = (m) (h 2-h) + Qj
W = ~ H +' Q.J
h, == h, at 30°C == 341.77 kJfkg

h, == h 6 == h, at 32°C == 351.5 kJfkg

Change of enthalpy, ~H = (rn) (h 2-h l ) = (2.091) (1725 - 1470)
h, == h at 132 kPa and-18"C = 1445 kJfkg = 533.2 kJ/min
h. == h at 132 kPa and -8°C == 1470 kJlkg
VI == at 32kPa and -8°C == 0.95 m 3fkg
Heat of jacket water, Qj = (row) (c) (~ t w) = (5) (4.187) (8.9)
= 186.3 kJ/min
h, == h at 1352 kPa and 120°C = 1725 kJfkg

h, ;= h at 1352 kPa and 110°C == 1700 kJfkg

Compressor indicated work, W = ~ H + Q.J = 533.2 + 186.3
(a) Refrigerating capacity (from brine) = 719.5 kJ/min or 11.99 kW

Q = (1.02) (rn.) (c.) (~tb) = (1.02) (102) (3.14) (7) Compressor IHP = 11.99 = 16.07 hp
e 0.746
= 2287 kJ/min
Compressor brake work = output of motor = (18.8) (0.92)
_ 2287 = 10.84 TR = 17.3kW
- 211
Mechanical efficiency = indicated work _ 11.39
brake work - ~ = 0.6931
(b) Refrigerating capacity (from refrigeratiqn)

or 69.31 %
Qe = (m) (h, - h 6 )
2287 = (rn) (1445 - 351.5)

m = 2.091 kg/min

62 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 63

(d) V 1 = (rn) (v 1) = (2.091) (0.95) = 1.986 m 3/min (3-2) An ammonia compression plant is to be designed for
a capacity of 50 TR. The system operates with a condensing
V0 = ~D2 LN = .2:... (0.15 m)" (0.20 m) (320x2 cycles/min) temperature of 40°C and an evaporating temperature of -20°C.
4 4 The other data are the following:
= 2.262 m 3/min
V 1.986
n =~=--=0.878or87.8% leaving evaporator -10°C
va Vo 2.262
entering compressor -5°C

COP = ~ = 2287 kJ/min = 3.18 leaving compressor 95°C
W entering condenser 85°C
leaving condenser 33°C
(D Heat balance entering expansion valve 36°C
Heat input to the system Wiredrawing
(a) Compressor, W = 719.5 kJ/min suction valve 20 kPa
(b) Evaporator, Qe = 2287 kJ/min discharge valve 40 kPa
(c) Pipe line from evaporator to compressor, Compressor speed 400 rpm
Mechanical efficiency 80%
Q7.1 = (m) (h 1-h 7) = (2.091) (1470-1445)
Volumetric efficiency 77%
= 53.3 kJ/min Stroke-to- bore-ratio 1.3
(d) Pipe line from condenser to expallsion valve,
A twin-cylinder, double-acting compressor is to be used. The
Q4-5 = (m) (h 5-h 4) = (2.091) (351.5 - 341. 77)
heat absorbed by jacket water is 30 per cent of the indicated
= 20.3 kJ/min work of the compressor. Determine (a) the bore and stroke
Total heat input = 719.5 + 2287 + 52.3 + 20.3 (b) the brake work, (c) the heat lost or gained between compressor
and condenser, and (d) the heat rejected from the condenser.
= 3079.1 kJ/min
Heat rejected by the system SOLUTION
(a) Jacket cooling water, Q.J = 186.3 kJ/min
(b) Pipe line from compressor to condenser,
Q2-3 = (m) (h 2- h) = (2.091) (1725-1700)
= 52.3 kJ/min •
(c) Condensing cooling water,
Qc = (m) (h 3-h4) = (2.091) (1700-341. 77)
= 2840.1 kJ/min
180.74 kP. =lO~
~ _11.O·14_~. _
Total heat rejected = 186.3 + 52.3 + 2840.1
= 3078.7 kJ/min
Enthalpy, kJlkg

h. = hi at 33"C = 3fi6.3 kJ/kg

64 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Actual Vapor Compression Cycle (-):-)

(b) GH = (rn ) (h, - h 9 ) = (9.69) (1650 - 1470) = 1744.2 kJ/min


190.74 kPa .9
_-'It-----,I-'--I QJ = 0.30 W
W = GH + QJ
W = 1744.2 + 0.30 W

1 W = 2491. 7 kJ/min or 41.53 KW

indicated work 41.53 = 51.91kW
Brake work =­
mechanical efficiency 0.8
I· or 69.56 hp

(c) Ql-4 = (rn ) (h1- h 4 ) = (6.69) (1650-1628) = 213.2 kJ/min

h , = 33°C = 356.3 kJlkg
h 6 = h, = h, at 36°C = 370.96 kJlkg (d) Qc = (rn ) (h.l-h) = (9.69) (1628-356.3) = 12,323 kJ/min
h, = hat 190.74 kPa and -10°C = 1460 kJlkg
(3-3) An ammonia compression plant is to be designed for
h, = h at 190.74 kPa and -5°C = 1470 kJlkg a capacity of 30 TR. The cooling water temperature requires a
= v at 170.74 kPa and h. equal to h; = 0.75 m
condenser pressure of 1400 kPa and the brine temperature a
pressure of 291.6 kPa in the brine cooler. The following
h, = h at 1557 kPa and 95°C = 1650 kJlkg
temperatures will exist at the points designated:
h, = h at 1557 kPa and 85°C = 1628 kJlkg compressor suction O°C
en tering condenser 90°C
leaving condenser 32°C
Q (50 tons) (211 kJ/min.ton) = 9.69 kg/min leaving evaporator -5°C
(a) m =h _
= (1460 - 370.96) kJlkg Wiredrawing through compressor valves
suction 35 kPa
V = (rn ) (v ) = (9.69 kg/min) (0.75 m 3lkg) = 7.268 m
3/min discharge 70 kPa
1 1 A two-cylinder, vertical cern pressor is to be used at 120
m/min piston speed.
V 1 _ 7.268 = 9.439 rrrVmin mechanical efficiency 80%
VD=n- 0.77 adiabatic compression efficiency 82°k
volumetric efficiency 75 clr
v _ It D2 LN stroke-to-bore ratio 1.20
D-­ \
Determine (a) the rate of circulation of ammonia, (b) the BHP

9.439 =: D 2 (1.3 D) (400) (2) (2)

of the compressor, (c) the heat rejected at the condenser, (d) the
bore, stroke, and rpm of the compressor, and (e) the COP.

D = 0.1794 m or 17.94 em
L = (1.3) (17.94) = 23.32 em


Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 67

66 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

(c) Qc = (m ) (h, - h.) = (5.685 kg/min) (1645 - 351.5) kJ/kg


= 7353.5 kJ/min

(d) VI = (m ) (VI) = (5.685 kg/min) (0.48 mvkg) = 2.729 m/min

r/ un _. ­ t , .,. "1
Vo VI _ 2.729 = 3.639 m/min
t; n va - 0.75

£ 6' 291.6kPa piston speed 120 m/min 60

. ___ _~.6JtP.! __ "~~l ,
(rpm) (2) (rpm)
=-- m
" ,,-r
' C
-lO·C V
Enthalpy, kJlkg
7t 60
3.639= (-4DZ) ( - ) (2) (rpm)
h~ = h 6 = h, at 32°C = 351.5 kJ/kg
h, = h at 291.6 kPa and _5°C = 1465 kJ/kg
D = 0.1965 m or 19.65 em

h, = h at 291.6 kPa and O°C = 1475 kJlkg

L = (1.20) (19.65) = 23.58 em
v I = v at 256.6 kPa and h. equal to h, = 0.48 m
_ piston speed
hz, = h at 1470 kPa and sz equal to SI = 1745 kJ/kg rpm
- 2L
= 254
h, = h at 1400 kPa and 90°C = 1645 kJ/kg

(e) COP (30 tons) (211 kJ/min.ton) = 3.38

Q" (30 tons) (211 kJ/min.ton) = 5.685 kg/min (31.2 kJ/s) (60 s/min)
(a) m = h_-h o (1465 - 351.5) kJlkg

(b) Isentropic work = h, - h. = 1745 - 1475 = 270 kJ/kg (3-4) A simple ammonia compression system has a
compressor with a piston displacement of 1. 76 m Vm in , a
condenser pressure of 1557 kPa and an evaporator pressure of
isentropic work _ 270 = 329.3 kJlkg 227 kPa. The liquid is subcooled to 35°C and the vapor leaving
Actual work = n
- 0.82 the evaporator and entering the compressor is -6°C. The
Indicated work = (5.685 kg/min) ~329.3 kJ/kg) temperature of the vapor leaving the compressor is 90°C. The
heat rejected from the ammonia to the compressor jacket is 5070
= 1872.1 kJ/min or 31.2 kW kJ/h. The volumetric efficie vcy of the compressor is 80%.
Determine" (a) machine capacity in tons, (b) IHP of the
31.2 compressor, and (c) COP of machine based on indicated work.
= 0.746 = 41.82 hp
indicated work 41.82

of compressor = mechanical
. .
efficiency = ­

= 52.28 hp

68 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 69

(3-5) Saturated vapor Freon 12 refrigerant at 219.12 kPa
leaves the evaporator and enters the compressor at minus 5°C.
The refrigerant leaves the condenser as saturated liquid at 25°C
"" ( .LV-V.' ...... _ \ , 2 and enter the expansion valve at 22°C. Heat rejected from the
J , 1< '\.
90°C" condenser amount to 74 KW. The work to the compressor is 55.5
kJlkg, while the heat lost from the compressor is 4.2 kJlkg. If
_: i 1.15 kJlkg of heat are lost in the piping between the compressor
i and condenser, calculate the refrigeration capacity in tons.
I'~ l"


Enthalpy, kJ/kg
~ 2
h , = h , = h. at 35°C = 366.1 kJlkg
h, =h at 227 kPa and -6°C = 1465 kJ/kg
v1 == v at 227 kPa and -6°C = 0.55 m.3lkg
h , == h at 1557 kPa and 90°C = 1640 kJ/kg £ 219.12 kPa
6 ' .c.' t
(a) V1 (n
) (V )
= (0.80) (1.76) = 1.408 m.3/min

m =V_
1 = 1.408 mvrnin 2 56 k g/ mIn
=. .
v1 0.55 m 3/kg Enthalpy, kJlkg

= (rn) (h 1-h4 ) = (2.56) (1465 - 366.1) = 2813.2 kJ/min
2813.2 = 13.33 TR


(b) ~H = (m) (h, - h.) = (2.56) (1640 - 1465) = 448 kJ/min
5070 .
Q]. = - - = 84.5 k.I/min
60 '
W = Q + ~ H = 84.5 + 448 = 532.5 kJ/min or
8.875 kW

IHP = 8.875 11:9 h

0.746 P h, :;:: h at 219.12 kPa and -5°C = 350 kJlkg

(c) COP = refrigerating effect _ 2813.2

h 4 = h, at 25°C = 223.65 kJlkg
indicated work - 532.5 h, :;:: h, == h, at 22°C = 220.75 kJlkg
h. :;:: h g at 219.12 kPa = 347.13 kJ/kg

70 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 71

Energy balance about compressor,

h, + 4.2 = h. + 55.5

h, = 350 + 55.5 - 4.2 = 401.3 kJ/kg Qc

Energy balance about piping from compressor to condenser,

h, + 1.15 = h,
Expansion Q
I' h, = 401.3 - 1.15 = 400.15 kJ/kg valve e
Energy balance about condenser,
1'1 qc + h, = h,

qc = 400.15-223.65 = 176.5 kJ/kg

(a) Qe = (100 tons) (3.52 kW/ton) = 352 kW

Q 74 kJ/s Qe 352

mass flow rate, m = -c= = 0.419 kg/s Actual work = = - - = 60 kW

qc 176.5 kJ/kg actual COP 5.86

Refrigerating capacity = (rn) (h 7-h6 ) = (0.419) (347.13-220.75) (b) Refrigerating load = (m w) (c) (~tw) = (m w) (4.187) (22-2)
= 52.95 kW = 83.74m w kW
83.74m w = 352
52.9 kW = 15.04 TR
= 3.52 kW/ton m w = 4.2kg/s of chilled water
. the evaporator = 22 + 2 = 120C
mean temperature of water In
(3-6) A vapor compression refrigeration system is designed
to have a capacity of 100 tons of refrigeration. It produces chilled 2
water from 22°C to 2°C. Its actual coefficient of performance is From the steam table, the specific volume of water at 12°C,
5.86 and 35 per cent of the power supplied to the compressor is v f = 0.0010005m 3/kg
lost in the form of friction and cylinder cooling losses. Determine:
Volume flow rate of chilled water
(a) -size of the electric more required to drive the
compressor in kW,
= (4.2 kg/s) 90.0010005 m 3/kg)
(b) volume flow rate of the chilled water in liters per
second, and = 0.0042 m 3/s or 4.2 Lis
(c) the condenser cooling water required in kg/s for a
temperature rise of lOCo. (c) Qj = 0.35W = (0.35) (60) = 21kW
Energy balance about the system

Q c + Qj = W + Q

Qc + 21 = 60 + 352

o, = 391 kW

72 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 73

391 V0 ::: 41t D2 LN :::

"4 .
(0.25 m)" CO.30rn) (300x4 cycles/min)
Condenser cool i ng water, me ::: Qr
w \\
(4.187)(10) ::: 17.671 m Vmin
= 9.34 kg/s VI ::: (nv e ) (Vo ) ::: (0.9397) (17.671) ::: 16.605 rn 3/min

(3-7) A 4-cylinder, single acting ammonia compressor 25

VI 16.605 m 3/min
ern x 30 ern operates at 300 rpm. Condenser and evaporator
rn ::: VI ::: 0.52826 m Vkg
pressure are 1204 kPa and 227 kPa, respectively. The vapor from
the evaporator to the suction of the compressor is dry saturated
and there is no subcooling in the condenser. Clearance factor of w ::: - -
npiv i [(P2)~
- n -1]
1-n PI
the compressor is 2 per cent. Compression process is polytropic
with n = 1.20. Determine (a) the refrigerating effect, (b) the
horsepower required. (c) the heat rejected to compressor jacket
w ::: (1.20)(227)(052826) [( 1204)\~~~1 -1]
water, and (d) the heat rejected at the condenser. 1-1.20 227
J' ::: 230.66 kJ/kg
::: 230.66 kJ/kg (31.43 kg/min) ::: 7247.3 kJ/min
or 120.76 kW

::: 120.79 ::: 1619 h

l204kPa 0.746 . P
I - ..
~ P I I
(c) V
2 ::: V [_2];- : : (0.52826) [ 12272]l.2O ::: 0 1315 m 3/kg

I PI 04'

. 41
227 kPa h
2 ::: h at 1204 kPa and 0.1315 rn 3/kg ::: 1610 kJ/kg
, ...
'" ,1H = (rn) (h2 - h) = (31.43 kg/min) (1610 - 1442.6) kJ/kg

Enthalpy. kJlkg
::: 5261.4 kJ/min
h, = h, at 1204 kPa = 346.6 kJ/kg

h. ::: h g at 227 kPa = 1442.6 ktl/kg

Qj = W-dH = 7247.3-5261.4 ::: 1985.9 kJ/min or 33.1 kW

v] ::: Vg at 227 kPa = 528.26 L/kg
(d) Q e = (m) (h2-h3 ) ::: (31.43) (1610-346.6) ::: 39,709 kJ/min
(a) Refrigerating effect ::: h t-h 4 ::: 1442.6 - 346.6 ::: 1096 kJ/kg or 661.8 kW

(b) n ::: 1 + c-c

P ..2.
1204 ..l...
= 1 + 0.02-0.02 [ _ _]1.20

::: 0.9397

74- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 75

(3-8) An ammonia compression system operates at a h, = h at 1422 kPa and 0.1356 m 3Jkg = 1760 kJ/kg
capacity of 150 tons. Condensation temperature is 35°C. The
evaporation temperature in brine cooler is -24°C. Ammonia h, = h, = 1760 kJ/kg
leaves the evaporator and enters the compressor at -8°C.

Ammonia enters the expansion valve at 30°C. Were drawing
through the compressor valves: suction 35 kPa, discharge 70
kPa, compression is polytropic with n = 1.22, volumetric efficiency
is 75%. Calculate (a) IHP,(b) heat transferred to cylinder water
jacket, (c) piston displacement, (d) heat transferred to condenser
circulating water, and (e) COP.
W = nPlvl

(1.22)( 124.2)(1.0)
r( 1422) \2~;1 -1] = 380.3 kJ/kg
W = 1-1.22 L 124.2

= (28.18 kg/min) (380.3 kJ/kg) = 10,717 kJ/min
or 178.6 kW

IHP 178.6 = 239.4 hp
i (b) ~H = (m) (h 2-h 1 ) = (28.18 kg/min) (1760-1465) kJ/kg
~ pV U2 ·c
~ = 8313.1 kJ/min
_0 ~;~ _ -t,-),
, 1 "
, ~c
Q.J = W-~H = 10,717-8313.1 = 2403.9 kJ/min or 40.07 kW

(c) VI = (m) (v 1) = (28.18 kg/min) (1.0 m 3Jkg ) = 28.18 m 3/min
Enthalpy, kJlkg

h, = h, at 30°C = 341.8 kJ/kg VD =nVI 28.18

- - = 075
= 37.57 m 3/min


h, = h at 159.2 kPa and -8°C = 1465 kJ/kg

h. = h, = 1465 kJ/kg (d) Qc == (m) (h 3-h4 ) = (28.18) (1760-341.8) = 39,965 kJ/min
or 666.1 kW
v I = v at 124.2 kPa and h. equal to h, = 1.0 m 3Jkg

(e) COP = h 6-hs 1465-341.8 = 2.95
(a) m
050 tons) (211 kJ/min.ton) = 28.18 kg/min = 380.3
h, -h 5 (1465-341.8) kJ/kg


V = V [~] -;- = 0.0)[124.2]1.2'2 = 0.1356 m 3Jkg

2 I PI 1422

76 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 77

PROBLEMS (3) A refrigerant 12 refrigerating system operates with a

condensing temperature of 38°C and an evaporating temperature
(1) A Freon 12 refrigeration system, with a 10-TR capacity of -12°C. The refrigerant leaves the evaporator and enters the
and a coefficient of performance of 3.23, operates with a compressor at -2°C. The compressor is a 4-cylinder, V­
condenser pressure of 984.5 kPa and an evaporator pressure of arrangement single acting type, direct driven by an electric motor
150.8 kPa. The temperatures entering and leaving the at 875 rpm. The clearance is 5 per cent, the capacity is 40 tons,
compressor are -10°C and 80°C, respectively. The temperature bore-stroke ratio is 1.25 and the compression is polytropic with
entering the expansion valve is 34°C. The compressor is water n = 1.275. Determine (a) the bore and stroke, (b) the piston speed,
jacketed and operateds with unknown pressure drops through (c) the indicated hp of the compressor.
the valves. Compute (a) the mass flow rate per minute, (b) the
indicated work, and (c) the heat removed by the jacket water. Ans. (a) 14.73 x 11.78 em, (b) 206.2m/min, (c) 50.3 hp
Ans. (a) 18.43 kg/min, (b) 19.87 kW, (c) 270.5 kJ/min (4) A food freezing requires 20 tons of refrigeration at an
evaporator temperature of -30°C and a condenser temperature
(2) A test of a 10-TR ammonia vapor compression of 35°C. The refrigerant Freon 22 is subcooled 4°C before entering
refrigeration system gave the following results: the expansion valve and the vapor is superheated 5°C before
condenser pressure 1600 kPa leaving the evaporator. The clearance is 4%, the suction and
evaporator pressure 191 kPa discharge valve pressure drops are 35 kPa and 50 kPa,
temperature leaving evaporator coils -10°C respectively. Compression is polytropic with n = 1.08. The
temperature entering compressors O°C mechanical efficiency is 75%. An 11.5 x 11.5-cm, six cylinder
temperature leaving compressors 100°C single acting compressor running at 1000 rpm is used. Determine
temperature entering condenser 80°C (a) clearance volumetric efficiency, (b) piston displacement, (c)
temperature leaving condenser 38°C total volumetric efficiency, (d) theoretical hp, (e) actual hp, (f)
coefficient of performance 3.1 heat rejected during compression, (g) heat rejected to condenser
cooling water, and (h) quantity of cooling water in the condenser
(A) Find heat lost or gained, (a) between evaporator coils if the temp~ature rise is 6°C.
and" compressor, (b) between compressor and condenser, and
(c) to condenser water. Ans. (a) 67.38%, (b) 7.167 m Vm, (c) 66.61%, (d) 35.86
~ hp (e) 47.85 hp, (f) 332 kJ/min, (g) 5492.3 kJ/min, (h) 218.6
(B) 'Find, (a) temperature in the evaporator coils in kg/min
saturated state, and (b) quantity of the vapor in the evaporator
coils fol~wing expansion through valve.

(C) Find, (a) the work, and (b) the heat absorbed by jacket
Ans. A: (a) 44.37 kJ/min,
(b) 106.1 kJ/min,
(c) 2399.5 kJ/min

B: (a) -20°C
(b) 14.62%

C: (a) 11.34 kW,
(b) 329.5 kJ/min
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 79

Chapter 4 I • To compressor

Flash tank

Multipressure Systems
) • To evaporator
A multipressure system is a refrigeration system that has valve
two or more low-side pressures. The low-side pressure is the
pressure of the refrigerant between the expansion valve and the Fig. 4-1. Flash tank for removing flash gas
;] during expansion process
intake of the compressor. Amultipressure system is distinguished
i' from the single-pressure system, which has but one low-side
pressure. Intercooling

Removal of Flash Gas Intercooling between two stages of compression reduces the
work of compression per kilogram of vapor. Intercooling in a
A saving in the power requirement of a refrigeration system refrigeration system can be accomplished with a watercooled heat
results if the flash gas that develops in the throttling process exchanger or by using refrigerant. The watercooled intercooler
between the condenser and evaporator is removed and may be satisfactory for two-stage air compression, but for
recompressed before complete expansion. The vapor is separated refrigerant compression the water is usually not cold enough.
from the liquid by an equipment called the flash tank. The The alternate method uses liquid refrigerant from the condenser
separation occurs when the upward speed of the vapor is low to do the intercooling. Discharge gas from the low-stage
enough for the liquid particles to drop back into the tank. compressor bubbles through the liquid in the intercooler.
Normally, a vapor speed of less than 1 mls will provide adequate Refrigerant leaves the intercooler as saturated vapor.
separation. Intercooling with liquid refrigerant will usually decrease the
total power requirements when ammonia is the refrigerant but
not when refrigerant 12 or 22 is used.

Two evaporators and one compressor

(4-1) Calculate the power required by a system of one

compressor serving two evaporators. On evaporator carries a
load of 35 kW at 10°C and the other a load of 70 kW at -5°C. A
back-pressure valve reduces the pressure in the 10°C evaporator
to that of the -5°C evaporator. The condensing temperature is
37°C. The refrigerant is ammonia. What is the COP?

80 Multipressure Systems
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 81
10 evaporator
~ 2
Condenser 35
mass flow rate, m 4 == 35
== 1471.6-375.9 == 0.0319 kg/s
h 5-h4

-5°e evaporator

f ,..-­
Evaporator I I .... 1A 6 1 mass flow rate, m 7 == -..7..Q 70

35KW == 1456.2-375.9 == 0.0648 kg/s

]ODC I h g-h 7
, valve Total mass flow rate, m 1 == m 6 + m s == m 4 + m
-5OC I 8 == 0.0319 + 0.0648 == 0.0967 kg/s

h& hI
M6 ~ , ~ MI

f hS

1432kPa 1 >2

I /4 616 kPa

356 kPa
//~C m.h. == m 6h6 et- m.h,

(0.0967) h, == (0.0319) (1471.6) + (0.0648) (1456.2)

hI = 1461.3 kJlkg

Enthalpy, 1rJ1kg h, == h at 1432 kPa and S2 equal to SI

= 1665 kJlkg
h, = h, = h, = h, 37°C = 375.9 kJlkg
bs = h, = h g at 10°C = 1471.6 kJlkg Power == (rn.) (h 2-h 1 ) == (0.0967) (1665-1461.3) == 19.7 kW

h g = h g at -5°C = 1456.2 kJlkg

COP = ~ = 5.33

fJ '

82 Multipressure Systems Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 83

Two compressors and one evaporator SOLUTION

Two-stage compression with intercooling and removal of flash PI = saturation pressure at -20°C = 190.74 kPa

gas is often the ideal way to serve one low-temperature

evaporator. This system requires less power than with a single P4 = saturation pressure at 32°C = 1239.6 kPa

compressor, and often the saving in power will justify the cost of
the extra equipment.
Intermediate pressure for minimum work,
(4-2) Calculate the power required in an ammonia system P2 = -YPIP4 = -Y090. 74) 0239.6) = 486.3 kPa
which serves a 210-kW evaporator at -20°C. The system uses
two-stage compression with intercooling and removal of flash h. . = h g at -20°C = 1437.2 kJ/kg
gas. The condensing temperature is 32°C.
h, = h at 486.3 kPa and S2 equal to SI = 1563 kJ/kg

4 h 3 = h g at 486.3 kPa = 1465.5 kJ/kg

r. ,.----------------11
320C 1--------olIlI----------.
1 • i

... h4 =h at 1239.6 kPa and S4 equal to S3 = 1615 kJ/kg

s h, = h, = h, at 32°C = 351.5 kJ/kg

h, = h = h, at 486.3 kPa = 215.3 kJ/kg

2 mass flow rate through evaporator,

1 210 210
m r ;::: = 0.172 kg/s
h, - h, 1437.2 - 215.3

tercooler and
flash tank
mI = m = m,

Evaporator ma
......-- m2

I 1'1 k. 7 4
~ ,

£ I I

190.74 kPa


Enthalpy, kJlkg
Mass balance about intercooler
m 2 = m 7 and m, = m,


Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 85

84 Mul tipressure Sy:-:tems
# (4-3) In an ammonia system, one evaporator is to provide
Encruy balance about intercooler 200 kW of refrigeration at -30°C and another evaporator is to
mh, + mh, = m.h, +mlh:l provide 220 kW at SoC. The system uses two-stage compression
with intercooling and is arranged as shown below. The
(0.172) n563) + (m) (351.S) = (0.172) (215.3) + (m 3 ) (1465.5) condensing temperature is 40°C. Calculate the power required
by the compressors. What is the COP of the system?
m:] = 0.208 kg/s
f Low-stage power = (rn.) (h 2-h 1) = (0.172) (1563-1437.2) I-~ r-- ...

= 21.6kW 3

High-stage power = (rn.) (h 4 - h ) = (0.208) (1615-1465.5)

Total power = 21.6 + 31.1 = 52.7 kW 220KW

Two compressors and two evaporators l

The system which has two evaporators operating at different
I' temperature is common in industrial refrigeration.
Intercooler and
flash tank
- - ,- -

Evaporator 1

L: > 4

1 1+--51772 ~c
120 kPa 1
Enthalpy, kJlkg


86 Multipressure Systems Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 87

SOLUTION mass flow rate through high-stage compressor,

m, == m 6 + m = 0.204 + 0.218 = 0.422 kg/s
h, = h , at -30°C = 1422.9 kJ/kg
Low-stage power = (rn.) (h 2- h \) = (0.167) 0630-1422.9)
h, = h at 517 kPa and S2 equal to SI = 1630 kJ/kg = 34.59 kW

h,.) = h g at 5°C = 1466.8 kJ/kg High-stage power = (m 3 ) (h 4 - h ) == (0.422) 0625-1466.8)

= 66.76 k\V
h, =h at 1557 kPa and S4 equal to SI = 1625kJ/kg
Total power == 34.59 + 66.76 = 101.4 kW
hi) = h, = hi at 40°C = 390.6

h, =h, =hi at 5°C = 223.2 kJ/kg COP == = 4.142

-30°C Evaporator
___ "
')()() 200
mass flow rate, m! == -
h -h
- - - - --­
1 R
= m , == m 2 == ill l


5°C Evaporator
\ , 200 200
mass flow rate, m 6 = - - - == 1466.8-390.8 == 0.204 kg/s
h 3-h 6

Heat balance about intercooler

.. las


mh, + m.h, = rnh, + m.h,

j 390.6m + (0.167) (1630) == 1466.8m + (0.167) (223.2)

m = 0.218 kg/s

88 Multipressure Sy~t('ms
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 89

(2) An ammonia refrigeration system has a capacity of210
(1) In an ammonia refrigeration system, the capacity is kW at an evaporating temperature of -20°C when the condensing
pressure is 1431 kPa.
210 kW at a temperature of -20°C. The vapor from the evaporator
is pumped by one compressor to the condensing pressure of 1431 (a) Compute the power requirement for a system with a
single compressor.
kPa. Later, the system was revised to a two-stage compression
operating on the cycle shown below with intercooling but no (b) Compute the total power required by the two
compressors in the system shown below where there is no
removal of flash at 555 kPa.
intercooling but there is flash-gas removal.
(a) Calculate the power required by the single compressor
in the original system.
(b) Calculate the total power required by the two
compressors in the revised system.


5 Intercooler
- - - -

Evaporator I


Evaporator 1
210kW I • f

Ans. (a) 60.36 kW (b) 56.23 kW

Ans. (a) 60.35 kW, (b) 56.87 kW


Refrigeration and Air Conditio,ning 91



Chapter 5 (a) Refrigerant 22 cycle

Cascade Systems as
k ~2

G) "' -,

~ 105kPa ODe
A cascade system combines two vapor-compression units, with 4
the condenser of the low-temperature system discharging its heat
to the evaporator of the high-temperature system. Cascade systems
can normally furnish refrigeration down to about --100°C. There
f' are two types of cascade systems, the closed cascade condenser and
the direct-contact heat exchanger. In the closed cascade condenser Enthalpy, kJlkg

/,• fluids in the high-pressure and low-pressure system may be

h, = h, = h, at ODe = 200 kJlkg
different but in the direct-contact heat exchanger the same fluid is
,~ used throughout the system. The direct-contact heat exchanger type h) = h g at -40 DC
= 388.6 kJlkg
is most common used. h, = h at 497.6 kPa and S2 equal to s) = 427 kJlkg

(5-1) Acascade refrigerating system uses refrigerant 22 in the Qe 28 kJ/s

low-temperature unit and refrigerant 12 in the high-temperature Jill
h 1-h4 = (388.6-200) kJlkg
unit. The system develops 28 kW of refrigeration at -40"C. The
refrigerant 12 system operates at -lODe evaporating and 38°C 0.1485 kg/s
condensing temperature. There is a 10-degree overlap of
temperatures in the cascade condenser. Calculate (a) the mass flow (b) Refrigerant 12 cycle
rate of refrigerant 22, (b) the mass flow rate of refrigerant 12, (e)
the power required by the refrigerant 22 compressor, and (d) the
power required by the refrigerant 12 compressor.
.c 914.2kPa

condenser ~
1/ '~De
'1 WI E~
.I¥e G ::l

~ 8 .Ie
219.1 kPa

Enthalpy, kJlkg
tvaponlor h. = h~ = hi at 38°C = 236.R k,J/kg
92 Cascade Systems Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 93

h.:J = h g at -IOoe = 347.1 kJlkg SOLUTION

h, = h at 914.2 kPa and S6 equal to 85 = 372 kJlkg (a) Ammonia cycle

(b) Refrigerant 12 cycle


.,,,,~ .., m5 "


ba . ~

Energy balance about cascade condenser,

Enthalpy, kJlkg
m.h, + rn.h, = m.h, + rn.h,
h, = h, = h. at ooe = 200 kJ/kg
m;j(hs-h s ) = m 1(h2-h 3 )
h) = h g at -35°e = 1415.2 kJ/kg
~ v) = v g at --35°e = 1212.5 L/kg
). m s(347.1-236.5) = (0.14.85) (427-200)
h, = h at 430.4 kPa and S2 equal to s) = 1620 kJ/kg

~ (c) Refrigerant 22 cycle

m s = 0.3048kg/s Qe 10kJ/s
m) = h)-h 4 = (1415.2 _ 200) kJ/kg = 0.00823 kg/s

W 2 = m 1 (h 2 - h.) = (0.1485) (427 - 388.6) = 5.70kW V - -V)- ­ (m)) (v) - (0.00823 kg/s)
(1212.5 L/kg)

D - nva - n va - 0.85
(d) Refrigerant 12 cycle = 11.74 Lis
W 1 = m, (h 6 - h) = (0.3048) (372 - 347.1) = 7.59 kW
Refrigerant 12 cycle

(5-2) The events of a cascade, split-stage, low-temperature

refrigerating cycle are as follows: A refrigerant 12 vapor­ lI:l

compression system operates between -10oe and 33°e with

saturated liquid on the high side of the expansion valve and

rn 219.1kPa
saturated vapor entering the compressor whose volumetric rn

efficiency is 88 per cent. An ammonia compression system &:. I ,. ....

operates between -35°e and ooe with saturated liquid entering -lOOC
the expansion valve and saturated vapor entering the compressor
whose volumetric efficiency is 85 per cent. The refrigerant 1Z
evaporator serves as the condenser for the ammonia. For the Enthalpy kJlkg
ideal cycle and 10 kW of refrigeration, find (a) the displacement h, = h, = h, at 33°e = 231.5 kJ/kg
rate of each compressor, and (b) the total actual power required h. = h g at -10 oe = 347.1 kJ/kg

for compression efficiencies of 85 per cent.
v . = v g at -10 oe = 76.65 L/kg

h" :;: h at 80S.4 kPa and Sfi equal to s', = 370 k.Jlkg
94 Cascade Systems Refrigeration and Air Cond it.ionmg 9.5

m.I h, - h s) = m l (h , - h.) SOLUTION

m, (347.1-231.5)
= (0.00823) (1620-200) 40°C
7 High-pressure
m.:J = 0.101 kg/s condenser

V_o (rn.) (v .) (a)

D n va


(0.101 kg/s) (76.65 Lis) = 8.80 Lis
0.86 Expansion
valve c:' r-C)
(b) Ammonia cycle
Theoretic work -= mCh, - h.) = (0.00823) (1620 - 1415.2)
3 __---l Compressor
== 1.69 kW

Actual work = 1.69/n c = 1.69/0.85 = 1.99 kW

I ~
~ ml -
Refrigerant 12 cycle Evaporator

Theoretical work == m,_, (h fi- h) = (0.101) (370-347.1)

== 2.:31 kW

1557kPa \ . 6
Actual work = 2.31/n c = 2.31/0.85 = 2.72 kW as

Total actual work = 1.99 + 2.72 = 4.71 kW



(5-3) In a certain refrigeration system for low temperature

application, a two stage operation is desirable which employs
~ P
ammonia system that serves a 30-ton evaporator at -30°C. The
system uses a direct-contact cascade condenser, and the
condenser temperature is 40°C. Find the following:
(a) Sketch the schematic diagram of the system and draw Enthalpy, kJlkg
the complete process on the ph diagram.
(b) The cascade condenser pressure in kPa for minimum
(b) Intermediate pressure or minimum work ==-V P 1Pfi
(c) The mass flow rate in the low and high pressure loops
in kg/so = -V (119.9)(1557) = 432 kPa
(d) The total work.
h. = hI' at -30°C = 1422.86 kJ/kg
h , = h at 432 kPa and s~ equal to 8 1 = 1600 kJ/kg
h, = h 4 = h. at 432 kPa = 200.47 kJ/kg
h) = h g at 432 kPa = 1461.81 kJ/kg
h, = h at 1557 kPa and Sfi equal to s, = 1638 ktJ/kg
h == h, == h. at 1;');')7 k Pa == :~~)O,f)9 k,J/kg'

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 97

96 Cascade Systems

Q (30) (3.52) kJ/s 6 k /
(c) m l = hl-l\ = (1422.86-200.47) kJ/kg = 0.08 4 g s (1) A two-stage cascade refrigeration system uses ammonia
Low pressure loop
as the working substance. The evaporator is at -35°C and the
high-pressure condenser is at 1514.2 kPa. The cascade condenser

m l = m 2 = m:, = m 4 = 0.0864 kg/s

is a direct-contract type. The refrigeration load is 90 tons.
Determine (a) the mass flow rate in the low-pressure loop, (b)
High pressure loop
the mass flow rate in the high-pressure loop, (c) the power
m s = m, = m? = m
required, (d) the COP, and (e) the quantity of the fluid entering
the evaporator.
Energy balance about heat exchanger

m.h, + m.h, = m.h, + m.h,

Ans. (a) 0.2572 kg/s, (b) 0.341 kg/s,
(c) 116.08 kW, (d) 2.73, (e) 10.37lJt'
m.h, + m.h, = m.h, + m.h,

m l (h 2 - h,)
(2) A two-stage cascade refrigeration system uses ammonia
m s =
as the refrigerant. The mass flow rate in the high-pressure loop
J is 0.10 kg/so The condenser saturated temperature is 38°C and
(0.0864) (1600-200.47) = 0.1129 kg/s the evaporator temperature is -40°C. The cascade condenser is
I 1461.81-390.59 a direct-contact type. Determine (a) the refrigerating effect in
a tons, (b) the power required, and (c) the COP.
(d) Work of low pressure compressor,
J1 l 26.19 tons, (b) 37.22 kW, (c) 2.48
W LP = m l (h , - h.) = (0.0864) (1600 - 1422.86)

= 15.31 kW

Work of high pressure compressor,

W HP = m s (hfi- h) = (0.1129) (1638 - 1461.81)

= 19.89 kW

Total work = 15.31 + 19.89 = 35.20 kW

6 6


Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 99

The air-cycle system is ideally suited for use in air-craft

Chapter 6
because it is light in weight and requires less space than the
vapor-compression cycle. One disadvantage of the air cycle is
that it is not as efficient as the vapor-compression cycle.

Air-cycle refrigeration may be designed and operated either

as an open or a closed system. In the closed or dense-air system,
the air refrigerant is contained within the piping or component
Air-Cycle Refrigeration
parts of the system at all times and with the refrigerator usually
maintained at pressures above atmospheric level. In the open
system, the refrigerator is replaced by the actual space to be
cooled with the air expanded to atmospheric pressure, circulated
through the cold room and then compressed to the cooler
COOLER pressure. Such a system is inherently limited to operation at
atmospheric pressure in the refrigerator.

r 2
3• ..


'r ~ 1
Fig. ~l. Closed or dense­ Fig, ~2. Open-air system
air system v s

Fig. 6-3. Ideal air-refrigeration cycle

The air-cycle refrigeration system is the only air cooling
process developed for wide commercial application in which a
Process 1-2: isentropic compression
gaseous refrigerated is used throughout the cycle. Compression
is accomplished by a reciprocating or centrifugal compressor as Process 2-3: constant pressure rejection of heat
in the vapor-compression cycle, but condensation and evaporation Process 3-4: isentropic expansion
are, of necessity, replaced by a sensible cooling and heating of
Process 4-1: constant pressure absorption of heat
the gas. An air cooler is used in place of a condenser and a
refrigerator in a place of an evaporator. The expansion valve is
replaced by an expansion engine or turbine.
100 Air-Cycle Refri gerat ion Refri ge r a tion a nd Air Co ndi t ion ing 10 1

Analysis of the Air-Refrigeration Cycle ( b) P olytropi c ex pa ns ion

(1 ) Refrigerat or nP-aV:1
W = - [ (- P4)n- - 1]
E 1-n Pa
Refrigeratin g effect = (rn) (cp ) (T1- T), kW n- 1

whe re m = ma s flow r ate of a ir, kg/s

= nP aV1 [(~)11_1]
1-n Pa
c p = 1.0 062 kJ/kg.K , specific heat of ai r
(5) Net wo r k
at con stant pressure

(2) Cooler N et work = comp ressor wor k - ex pa nde r work

Heat r ej ect ed = ( m ) (c) (T:l - T 2 ) , kW (6) Co effici ent of Perform anc e

(3) Comp r essor COP = r efrig eratin g effect

( a) Is en tropi c compressi on (6- 1) An ai r r efrigerat ion system oper at ing on a closed cycl e
is requir ed t o produce 50 kW of r efrigerati on with a cool er
W = kP 1V 1 [(p ~ ) k-1 - 1] pressure of 1550 kPa and a r efr igerator pressure of 448 kPa .
c 1-k PI k Le aving-air te m pe r a t u res a re 25°C for cool er a n d 5°C f or
r efrigerator. As suming a t heo retic a l cycl e wi th ise n t r op ic
kmRT 1 [(p ~ . k - l ] co m p r es s io n a n d ex p a ns io n , n o cl earan ce a n d n o lo s se s ,
= 1-k ~) k - 1 d et ermin e (a) th e mas s flow rat e , ( b) th e compress or
l (b ) P olytropic compression
di splacem ent , (c) t h e ex pa n de r displ a cement, a n d (d ) t h e COP.

np lV l [(~ n~l ]
p 3 r= -- ..
We = 1-n PI -1

nmTR J
l _ n
[t ~
)n:1 - 1 ]
(4) Ex pa nder • -- ~ -.. > 1

(a) Isentropic expa n sion

v.. F.
=kp-'IY-1 [(P4
- )~k - 1
1- k P1 PI = 448kPa
P2 = 1150 kPa

_ kmRT1 [(~) k:
1-1] T1 = 5 + 2 73 = 27 8 K
- 1-k P1 T, = 25 + 27 3 = 298 K
102 Air-Cycle Refrigeeration Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 103

P2 k-1 1550 1.4-1

(6-2) A 35-kW refrigeration load is to be carried by an air
T2 = T 1 [ -PH
-] k = 278 [- - ] 1.4
448 = 396 .3K
refrigerating system with a discharge pressure of 1370 kPa and
a refrigerator pressure of 345 kPa. Compression and expansion
P4 k-1 448 1.4-1 processes are polytropic with n = 1.37. The pressure at the start ;~

T4 = T3 [ P::3] k = 278 [1550] 1.4 = 209.0 K of expansion is 1344 kPa and the temperature is 32°C. Air I~.
temperature leaving the refrigerator is O°C and entering the
(a) (m) (cp ) (T i - T 4 ) = 50 compressor is 5°C. Clearance for both compressor and expander
is 5%. Determine (a) the piston displacement of the compressor
(m) (1.006~) (278 - 209) = 50
and expander, (b) the net work and, (c) the COP.
m = 0.720 kg/s

(b) Compressor pirston displacement without clearance,
mRTl (0.72) (0.28708) (278) 3 3/ p
V = = = 0.128 m s l370kPa
-1--- --­2
1 Pi 448
(c) Expander pistvon displacement without clearance, ,

V mRT (0.72) (0.28708) (209) \

4 = 4i4 = = 0.0964 m 3/s \
P4 448

«n w c =_lrC(_2)
1 - k L PI
kmRT P k-1
k -1


= (1.4) (0 .. 72) (0.28708) (278) [(1550)\~~1 -1]

1-1.4 448

= 85.61 k\W PI = 345 kPA

P2 = 1370 kPa

= kmRT [C'(~fk -1]

1 - k . P3
P3 = 1344 kPa
T 1 = 5 + 273 = 278 K

(1.4) (0.~72) (0.28708) (298) 448 1.4-1

= [ (1550)--rr- -1] T 3 = 32 + 273 = 305 K

T a- =0 + 273 = 273 K
= 64.37 kW

P2 .£=!.. 1370 !.d1..::!

Net work = 8:,5.61 - 64.37 = 21.24 kW
T2 = T I [ -PI] n = 278 [ 345
-] 1.37 - 403
- .5 K

COP = _ 5~ = 2.35 p4 .!!=.! 345 !.d1..::!

T = T [ _ ] n = 305 [ _ ] 1.37 = 211.3K
4 3 P3 1344

104 Air -Cycle Refrigeration Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 105

( a) (m ) (c ) (T, - T) = 35 n-1
W = nmRT 3 [(~)n- -1]
(rn ) (1.0062) (273 - 211 .3) = 35 E 1-n P3
_ (1.3 7) (0 .56 4) (0 .28708) (305) [( 345 fT37-- 1]
m = 0 .564 kg/s - 1-1.37 1344
Compressor = 56 .20 kW

n =l+c-c - ­
vc [ P2]n
= 1 + 0 .05 _ 0 .05[1370J 1.:37

345 Net work = 75.21 - 56.20 = 19 .01 kW "

= 0 .9132 ( c) COP = :~ = 1.84
mRT 1 (0 .564) (0 .28708 ) (278)
1 . 1
volume flow rate = - - ­

Pl 345
= 0.1 30 m 3/s

pi ston displacement = ~ :~i~2 = 0 .142 m


. 1

n vc: =l+c-c ­ P
[ P3]n .
= 1 + 0.05 -0.05 [1344J1.37


= 0.9151
mRT 4 (0. 564 ) (0 .28 708) (2 11.3)

volume flow rate = - - ­

P4 345

= 0 .099 m 3/s
piston diISP 1acement 0 .099
=- ­ = 0 .108 m 3/s
mRT P n-1
(b) W c = n I [(-i-)-n- ~lJ
= (1.37) (0. 56 4) (0 .28 708 ) (278) [(1370) \1~;1_1J

1 - 1.37 34 5

= 75.21 kW

106 Air-Cycle Refrigeration

(1) An open air refrigeration system carries a load of 35 kW
with a suction pressure of 103 kPa and a discharge pressure of
Chapter 7

690 kPa. The temperature leaving the refrigerator is 5°C and

that leaving the cooler is 30°C. The compression is polytropic
with n = 1.33 and the expansion is also polytropic but with n =
1.35. Determine the power required and the COP.
Steam-Jet Refrigeration
Ans. 23.77 kW, 1.47

(2) An air refrigeration system is required to produce 52.5

kW of refrigerati-on with a cooler pressure of 1448 kPa and a
refrigerator pressure of 207 kPa. Leaving air temperatures are
29°C for cooler and 5°C for refrigerator. Expansion is. isentropic WA'I'D BITVBN

and compassion is polytropic with n = 1.34. Determine the COP.

Ans. 1.47

1~;~~:::!::':~';-:=:t~"~::~E:" I





Fig 7-1. Steam-Jet Refrigeration System

Steam jet refrigeration is a type of water evaporative

refrigeration wherein water is used as the refrigerant. The
principle of operation is based on the fact that water will boil or
vaporize rapidly, at a relatively low temperature, if the pressure
on the surface is reduced sufficiently.

108 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Cascade System 109

A steam jet refrigeration is shown in Fig. 7-1. An ejector SOLUTION

sucks or draws water from the surface of the water in the
evaporator or flash chamber, causing the pressure in the DaZZle ateam
evaporator to drop. The ejector reduces the pressure in the
evaporator to a point at which the water will vaporize at the he
desired temperature. In vaporizing, it absorbs heat and cools vapor 13 W8l1D.water

the remainder of the water in the evaporator. The steam pressure woe
at the ejector nozzle should be about 1030 kPa.


z z
The evaporation of the water in the evaporator, reduces the
J,. 4
r---.-­ , /2
- - - - - --- I h ,
temperature of the water in the evaporator. This cold water, 4°C --: .-. -=-:=-"
'",":2f'~§- -- - .. --- -- --=--=­
0 -..::-
--- ­ I 2 I
to 21°C, is circulated by means of pumps, to the area to be cooled. ~ ~__~::===- I I
Steam jet systems are used extensively in air conditioning, : : 17Gb
and for cooling of water in certain chemical plants for gas I ,
absorption. The cooling temperatures provided by the steam jet I I
~ I I
mechanism are usually between 4°C and 21°C. Temperatures water
below 4°e are impractical due to the danger of freezing. PUDP I hI I
I cooled area I
L_~ ---.J
(7-1) A steam-jet pump maintains a temperature of 5°C in
the evaporator. The cooled water leaves at the same temperature From the steam table

and warms to 10 as it does its refrigeration. Make-up water is
available at 2re. There are required 1.27 kg of nozzle steam
h, = h, at 5°C = 20.98 kJ/kg
per kg of vapor removed from the evaporator. For a 175-:[{W plant,

I compute the volume of vapor handled, the quantity of steam h, = h, at 10°C = 42.01 kJ/kg
needed, and the quantity of chilled water. h 3 = h g at 5°C = 2510.6 kJ/kg
v3 = v g at 5°C = 147.12 m 3/kg
h4 = h, at 2roC = 88.14 kJ/kg
Let z = vapor removed from the evaporator, carried
by nozzle steam

m = mass flow rate of chilled water

Energy balance about the whole system, neglecting pump work,

zh, + 175 = zh,

88.14z + 175 = 2510.6z

z = 0.07224 kg vapor/s

volume of vapor removed = zV:l = (0.07224) (147.12)

= 10.63 mvs
110 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Cascade System 111

kg steam kg vapor (a) Energy balance about the cooled area

quantity of nozzle steam = (1.27 kg vapor) (0.07224 second ) m h , + 350 = mh,

= 0.0917 kg/s 20.98m + 350 = 54.60m

Energy balance about the cooled area, m = 10.41 kg/s

mh, + 175 = mh, (b) Energy balance about the whole system, neglecting pump
20.98m + 175 = 42.01m zh, + 350 = zh 3.

134.15z + 350 = 2435.9z

m = 8.32 kg/s
z = 0.1521 kg/s
(7-2) A vacuum refrigeration system consists of a large
insulated flash chamber kept at low pressure by a steam ejector (c) vapor removed = zV 3 = (0.1521) (142.7) = 21. 7 kg/s
which pumps vapor to a condenser. Condensate is removed by a
condensate to an air vent. Warm return water enters the flash
chamber at 13°C; chilled water comes out of the flash chamber
at 5°C. Vapor leaving the flash chamber has a quality of 0.97
and the temperature in the condenser is 32°C. For 350 kW of
(a) how much chilled water at 5°C does this system provide?
(b) how much make-up water is needed?
(c) how much vapor must the steam ejector remove from the
flash chamber?


~'i The diagrammatic layout of Problem 7-1 is used in this

From the steam table

h, = h, at 5°C = 20.98 kJ/kg

h, = h, at 13°C = 54.60 kJ/kg

t h, = h, at 32°C = 134.15 kJlkg

h, = h rn + x 3h fg3 ='20.98 + (0.97) (2489.6)

= 2435.9 kJ/kg
v1 = X,1Vj(l = (0.97) (147.1> = 142.7 mVkg
If" 112 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning 113


(1) There are removed 3.06 mvs of vapor from the water Chapter 8
evaporator of a vacuum refrigeration system; the warm water
enters the evaporator at 18°C and chilled water leaves at 10°C;
make-up water enters at 29°C. Determine the refrigerating
Air Conditioning
Ans. 68.99 kW

(2) In a steam jet refrigeration system, the evaporator is

maintained at 6°C. The chilled water leaves at the same
temperature and warms to 11°C as it absorbs the load. Make-up Air conditioning is the simultaneous, control of temperature,
water in available at 25°C. For a capacity of 50 tons, determine humidity, air movement, and the quantiiity of air in a space.
(a) the quantity of chilled water required, and (b) the volume of
vapor removed. Moist air is a binary mixture of dry air and water vapor.

Ans. (a) 8.381 kg/s, (b) 10.07 m 3/s Dry air is the non-condensing comtponents of the mixture,
mainly the nitrogen and the oxygen.

Vapor is the condensable component cofthe mixture, the water

vapor or steam which may exist in a sarturated or superheated

P, = PH + P,

where P, = total mixture pressure

P, = partial pressure exerted I by the dry air

P, = partial pressure exerted l by the vapor

Saturated air means that the vapor in the air is saturated.

Unsaturated air is containing super-heated vapor.

Humidity ratio (moisture content, r.mixing ratio or specific

humidity) W is the ratio of the mass of vwater vapor to the mass
of dry air.
114 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 115

Mixt ur e: ~ ~ ¥ • / t
air: ~~

mass =m ~

mass / volume =V

pressure = Pt
temperature temperature =T
Water vapor:
mass =mv
volume = Vv =V
Entropy, kJlkg K

Fig.8-2. Isothermal process from super­

heated vapor to saturated vapor.

o =[:~]t
Fig. 8-1. A mixture of dry air and water vapor
(8-1) Compute the humidity ratio of air at 65 per cent
relative humidity and 34°C when the barometric pressure is
101.3 kPa.
w = mass of water vapor = mv Ps V/RsT
mass of dry air rna Pa V/RaT Solution

_ PsRa _ p§Ra _ 287ps Pd = saturation pressure at 34°C = 5.318 kPa

- PaRs - (pt-Ps)R s - 461.5 (Pt-ps)
Ps = (0) (P d) = (0.65) (5.318) = 3.457 kPa

W=0.622~ Ps
Pt -Ps W= 0.6~:
~z. - ­ (0.622) (3.457) = 0.022 kg vaporlkg
P, - P,
101 .3 - 3.457 drv air
R a = 287 Jlkg.K, gas constant of dry air

R, = 461.5 Jlkg/J, gas constant of water vapor Enthalpy h of a mixture of dry air and water vapor is the
sum of the enthalpy of the dry air and the enthalpy of the water
Relative humidity 0 is the ratio of the partial pressure of vapor. Enthalpy values are always based on some reference
water vapor in the air to the saturation pressure corresponding condition, and the zero value of the dry air is chosen as air at
to the temperature of the air. O°C and the zero value of the water vapor is saturated liquid
water at O°C.

h = cp t + Whg kJlkg dry air


116 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 117

where c = specific heat of dry air at constant pressure Wet bulb temperature t w is the temperature of air as
registered by a thermometer whose bulb is covered by a wetted
= 1.0062 kJfkg.K (approximately) wick and exposed to a current of rapidly moving air.

h = enthalpy of saturated steam at temperature t, kJfkg Wet bulb depresssion is the difference between the readings
of the wet and dry bulb thermometers.
(8-2) What is the enthalpy of the air-vapor mixture in
Problem (8-1)? Dewpoint temperature t (Ip is the saturation t.emperature
corresponding to the actual partial pressure of the steam in air ~I
or the temperature at which condensation of moisture begins
when the air is cooled at constant pressure. I
h g = h g at 34°e = 2563.6 kJfkg I

h = cpt + Wh g = (1.0062) (34) + (0.022) (2563.6) = 90.61 kJfkg

Specific volume is the number of cubic meters of mixture per
t&f t
kilogram of dry air.

v = _p3 = _3_ m 3fkg of dry air
3 Pt-Ps
(8-3) What is the specific volume of an air-vapor mixture
at 30 0e
and a relative humidity of 40 per cent at 101.3 kPa

SOLUTION Entropy,kJlkg . K

P, = saturation pressure at 30 = 4.241 kPa Fig. 8-3

Ps = (0) (Pd) = (0.40) (4.241) = 1.696 kPa Degree of saturation u is the ratio of the air humidity ratio
W to the humidity ratio W s of saturated air at the same
T = 30 + 273 = 303 K temperature.

= 101,300-1696 = 0.873 m
dry air
u = [;]t
P, - P,
(0.622) (p)
Dry bulb temperature t d is the temperature of air as
registered by an ordinary thermometer. u= Pt - Ps _ [ Ps ] [PI-Pel]
(0.622) (p) - -p;- Pt~Ps

u = 0 [:~Pel]
I Ps
118 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning 119

(8-4) A mixture of dry air and water vapor is at a

temperature of 21°C under a pressure of 101.3 kPa. The dew P...L­
(f) Ws = 0.622 Pt-Pd
point temperature is 15°C. Find (a) partial pressure of water
vapor, (b) relative humidity, (c) humidity ratio, (d) enthalpy,
(0.622) (2.4861) = 0.01565 kglkg

(e) specific volume, and (f) degree of saturation. Ws = 101.3 _ 2.4861

u= W 0.01064 = 0.6799 or 67.999t
W s = 0.01565

Psychrometry is the study of the properties of mixtures of

air and water vapor.
~... Psychrometric properties are the properties of moist air.

8 A psychrometric chart is a graphical representation of the
~ thermodynamic properties of moist air.

Entropy, kJIkg . K

(a) P, = saturation pressure at 15°C = 1. 7044 kPa

(b) Pr\ = saturation pressure at 21°C = 2.4861 kPa

0= ~ _ 1.7044
P, - 2.4861 = 0.6856 or 68.5691:

Ps (0.622) (1. 7044)

(c) W = 0.622 p _p
t 5
=-'., f"\., () ., rt r« A A = 0.01064 kg/kg
(d) h g = h g at 2PC = 2540 kJ/kg
h = c p t + Whg = (1.0062) (21) + (0.01064) (2540) Dry-bulb temperature

= 48.16 kJ/kg
(e) T = 21 + 273 = 294 K
Fig. 8-4 Constant property lines on a psychrometric chart
R a = 287 Jlkg.K
P, = Pt-Ps = 101.3 - 1. 7044 = 99.6 kPa

R;,T _ (0.287)(294) = 0.847 mvkg dry air

v = -P-,,- - 99.6
o 1"'5
:!. 1.lel
o . ~
:r ~

Barometric ~.., 7S
pressure ~
A' 70
= 101.325 kPa
.~~ lOS
I 100




II r
~"\ SO

---- -.........- ............ - .... ............

- ~ ............ - ........
- .~

'It ) <'Is
122 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 123

Basic Processes in Conditioning of Air Sensible Heating

The common processes involved in air conditioning are at This process involves heating
practically constant pressures and can be illustrated by lines on at constant humidity ratio
a psychrometric chart. (moisture content). It is Air-flow Ia I
represented by a horizontal line
from left to right on the
DP - _
psychrometric chart.

Heating coils

(8-6) Determine the quantity of heat required to raise 14

3 m vrnin. if air at 20°C and 80 per cent relative humidity to 350C.

What is the final relative humidity?


6/ ~ ~8
From the psychrometric chart at td, = 20°C and 0 1 = 80%,
4 h, = 50kJ/kg

VI = 0.847 m 3/kg

Fig. 8-7. Basic psychrometric processes

mass flow rate, m = 14 mVrn in . = 16.53 kg/min
0.84 7 m~3/kg
Process 0-1: Sensible heating
Process 0-2: Sensible cooling
Process 0-3: Humidifying
Process 0-4: Dehumidifying
Process 0-5: Heating and humidifying
Process 0-6: Cooling and dehumidifying
Process 0- 7: Cooling and humidifying ~

Process 0-8: Heating and dehumidifying

The first two processes, sensible heating and cooling, involve

only a change in the dry bulb temperature. Humidifying and moe ss-e
dehumidifying involve a change in humidity ratio (moisture O 2 = 349c
content). The last four processes involve both changes in h, = 65.5 kJ/kg
temperature as well as in humidity ratio.
Q = m(h 2-h I ) = 16.53 (65.5-50)
= 256.20 kJ/min. or 4.27 kJ/s
124 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 125

Sensible Cooling ,,
This process involves cooling ' ...... L--WB
the air at constant moisture Airflow
content. It is represented by a
horizontal line from right to left DP-- ...... --I---DP
on the psychrometric chart.

Cooling coils
jClIc3l .. Make-u p


.(8-7) Determine the quantity of heat removed from 14 m' Eliminator

per minute of air when cooled from 37° dry bulb and 2PC wet
bulb temperatures to 15°C. What are the initial and final
relatives humidities? External heater
or cooler

SOLUTION Fig. 8-8. Air Washer

From the psychrometric chart at t d 1 = 37°C and t W1 = 21°C, In an air washer, air flows through a spray of water as shown
in Figure 8-8. As the air flows, it may be cooled or heated,
humidified, or dehumidified , or simple adiabatically saturated,
0 1 = 23%
depending on the mean surface temperature of the water. The
h. = 61 kJ/kg water is externally cooled or heated or simple recirculated by a
VI = 0.889 m 3/kg pump. Make-up water is added to compensate for any loss in the
case of humidification of air. Eliminator plates are provided to
minimize loss of water droplets.
mass flow rate, m = 14 m 3/kg = 15 .75 k g/ min.
0.889 m Heating and Humidifying

Air can be simultaneously

heated and humidified by either
O2 = 85~ drawing it through a spray, or
h, = 38 kJ/kg over trays of warm water. The
Q = m(hz.-h 1 ) = 15.75 (38-61) water must be heated during the DB---j---r-- DB
process in order to supply the WB--­ _--- ---WB
= - 362.3 kJ/min. or -6.04 kJ/s latent heat needed for
evaporation. Trays of warm Airflow _ _ ----"0

water can be kept at constant

temperature by steam. However, DP- __ .J. -t-----DP
when warm water is sprayed
into the air stream, as in an air
washer, the water must be Air Washer
15°C 3'?C heated as it is circulated.
126 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 127

(8-8) How much heat and moisture must be added to 28 Cooling and Dehumidifying
m' per minute of air at 24°C and 40 per cent relative humidity to
raise it to 38°C dry bulb and 2T'C wet bulb temperatures? Air can be simultaneously cooled and dehumidified by being
drawn over cold surfaces oj- through sprays of cold water. When
SOLUTION air is cooled and dehumidified by being drawn through a spray
chamber, the spray water is cooled outside of the spray chamber
From the psychrometric chart at td. = 24 DC and 0} = 40(!r by means of cooler installed in the circulating pipe line. The water
is constantly chilled as it is circulated. The temper.ature of the
hI = 43 kJlkg water rises while being sprayed because it absorbs sensible and
latent heat from the air. However, the heat that the water absorbs
WI = 0.0075 kglkg is being continually removed by the cooler installed in the
circulating pipe line.
= 0.852 m'(kg
When cooling coils are used, the temperature of the film of
28 mvrnin air in contact with the surface of the metal pipe wall determines
mass now rate, m = . ' = 32.86 kg/min.
0.852 m"lkg the condition of the air flowing through the coil. The temperature
of this surface film is always at some point between the
From the psychrometric chart at t d 2 = 38 DC
and t W2 = 27 DC,
temperature of the air and the temperature of the water, or other
refrigeration, inside the coil.
h, = 84.5 kJlkg
W 2 = 0.0181 kglkg
Q = m(h 2 - h.)
DB--- ...............
• _ ... DB
= 32.86 (84.5 - 43) = 1364 kJ/min. or 22.73 kJ/s oI

WB--- ­ ........... _I __ -'WB

Moisture added = mt W 2 - WI)

AirFlO\1l ---1IIr­

= 32.86 (0.0181 - 0.0075)

= 0.3483 kg/min. or 0.00581 kg/s DP - - - ................... ---DP

Cooling coils

(8-9) How much heat and moisture must be removed to

cool 28 m' per minute of air from 35 DC dry bulb and 26 DC wet
bulb temperatures to 21 DC and 50 per cent relative humidity?


24°C 38°C
-r" 128 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditionii.ig 129

SOLUTION Cooling and Humidifying

From the psychrometric chart at t d 1 = 35°C and t WI = 26°C, Air can be simultaneously cooled and humidified. This fiction
takes place in an ordinary air washer in which the same water
h. = 80kJ/kg
is continuously recirculated, but is neither heated not co~,led.

WI = 0.0175 kg/kg


VI = 0.896 m '/kg'

DB I i ' I I
---- ...............T I I I

mass fl owrae,m=·
t 28 m 3/min. = 31 .25 k gmin.
/ . "t" ... _
10 ----____ I I I I

0.896 rrr'/kg
~-.!!j- -:0 --- ---_--i::t~j=-~~'!B-
'" _-------
,. -- I I
From the psychrometric chart at t d 2 = 21°C and O2 = 50%, - - - - - - ,0 II I I WASHER
b i I I I

h, = 40.5 kJ/kg

W 2 = 0.0077 kg/kg Fig. 8-9. Constant water circulation

without heating or cooling
Q = m (h 2- h.)

= (31.25) (40.5-80) = -1234.4kJ/min. or-20.57 kJ/s

Figure 8-9 shows the changes occuring in the dry bulib and
Moisture removed = m(W 2-W 1) dew point temperatures of the air flowing through an air wrasher
in which the same water is constantly recirculated without; being
= (31.25) (0.0077-0.0175)
either heated or cooled. In a perfect washer, the final dr~ bulb
and dew point temperatures of the air would be equal to each
= 0.306 kg/min. or 0.0051 kg/s
other, and equal to initial wet bulb temperature of the ai:r. The
efficiency of an air washer is defined as the ratio of the actual
drop in dry bulb temperature to the maximum theoreticaJ drop
in dry bulb temperature that could take place if the washer were
100 per cent efficient, and the air emerged saturated. In such a
case, the final dry bulb temperature of the air would be eq ual to
its initial wet bulb temperature. .

(8-10) Air at 33°C dry bulb and 19°C wet bulb temperatures
is cooled and humidified by passing it through an air washer in
which the water is continuously recirculated. The air leaves the
air washer at 23°C dry bulb temperature. Determine the moisture
path added per kg of dry air. What is the efficiency of the air washer?

21°C 35°C
130 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 131

SOLUTION From the psychrometric chart at t d2 = 41°C and t

= 19°C,
W 2 = 0.0048 kg/kg

W l = 0.0081 kg/kg Moisture removed =W j

- \V 2 = 0.0070-0.0048

W 2 = 0.0122 kg/kg = 0.0023 kglkg

Moisture added = W 2 - W 1

= 0.0122 - 0.0081

= 0.0041 kg/kg

Air washer efficiency
23°C 33°C
= 71.43%
Chemical Dehumidifying
24°C 4l o e
Air can be dehumidified by passing it over chemicals that
have an affinity for moisture. Usually in so doing the moisture
is condensed and gives up its latent heat, raising the dry bulb Mixing Air
temperature of the air. The air leaves drier and warmer. The
wet bulb temperature may increase or decrease. Units employing When air at one condition is mixed with air at another
such chemicals are used in some comfort air conditioning condition, the condition of the final mixture can be shown on the
installations but mainly for industrial air conditioning. Since psychrometric chart by a point on the line joining the points
the leaving-air temperature is usually higher than wanted, it is indicating the original condition. The exact location of the final
necessary to add a sensible cooling process to get the desired point will depend upon the masses of the original air quantities.
final air condition.

(8-11) Air at 24°C dry bulb and 15°C wet bulb temperatures
enters a dehumidifier and leaves at 4PC dry bulb and 19°C wet
bulb tem·peratures. How much moisture has been removed per
kilogram of dry air?

From the psychrometric chart at t d l = 24°C and t Wl = 15°C,
W = 0.0070 kg/kg

132 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning 133

The following equations apply to the mixture of two

For the second stream
quantities of air. Subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the two streams of

air and subscript 3 refers to the mixture.

t d2 = 25°C t W2 = 18°C
m3 = m l + m2
W 2 = 0.011 kg/kg V2 = 0.858 rrr'/kg'
m.h, = m.h. + m.h, VI _ 0.50 m 3/s
m 1 == -VI- ­ 0.825m3/kg = 0.606 kg/s
m.h, + m.h,
h 3 = - -m- - ­
m 3 W3 = m.W. + + m 2W2 V2 0.20 m == 0.233 kg/s
m 2 == - V 2 == 0 • 858 m 3Jkg
mlW I +m 2W2
W3 = - -m- - ­
3 m 3 == m I + m 2 = 0.606 + 0.233 == 0.839 kg/s
m 3td3 = mlt dl + m 2td2 mIt dl + m 2td2
t d3 = - - m---­ 0.606(15) + 0.233(25) == 17.8 0e

_ mlt dl + m 2tdp2
3 == 0.839
t d3 -
m3 W _ mIW I + m 2W == 0.606(0.0085) + 0.233(0.011)
3 - 2
m 3tdp3 = mlt dpl + m 2tdp2 m 3 0.839
::: 0.0092 kg/kg
t dp3 = m.t., I m+ m2t d 2
3 From the psychrometric chart at t d3 = 17.8°e and

(8-12) One half cubic meter per second of air at 15°C dry W 3 = 0.0092 kg/kg
bulb and 13°C wet bulb temperatures are mixed with 0.20 m'
per second of air at 25°C dry bulb and l8°e wet bulb t W3 == 14.6°e
temperatures. Determine (a) the dry bulb, wet bulb, and dew

point temperatures of the mixture, and (b) the enthalpy of the

t dp3
== 12.5°e

h, == 41kJ/kg


From the psychrometric chart:

For the first stream

t dl = 15°C t"l = 13°C

WI = 0.0085 kg/kg VI = 0.825 m 3/kg ,.'r

134 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 135

Alternate Solution
m]t rl ] + m 2td2 (113 (rn.) (35) + (2/3) (rn.) (26)
t d:J -- m ­­
:3 m3
= 29°C

15°C 25°C
tw3 = 14.6°C
~ =12.B'C 50~

h3 =41kJkg

(8-13) Outdoor air at 35°C dry bulb and 24°C wet bulb 26°C 29°C 36°C
temperatures is to be mixed with room air at 26°C dry bulb t WJ = 20.7°C
temperature and 50 per cent relative humidity. The final mixture
is to consist of one-third outdoor air and two-thirds return air Al tern ate sol u tion:
from the room. Find the resulting dry bulb and wet bulb
temperatures of the mixture. Divide line 1-2 into three equal parts. Point 3 is one-third of
the line from point 2. Then read td, and t"x

t d ] = 35°C Cooling-Load Air Quantities

t Wl == 24°C The quantity of air circulated must be adequate to handle
the cooling load as the air warms up to room temperatures frorn
its suppy temperature. The lower the supply temperature, the
less quantity which must be circulated, but the minimum
t d2 = 26°C
me ..
temperature is determined by the system arrangements, the
necessity of avoiding drafts and cold regions, the ceiling height,
O2 = 50% and the throw required.

ml =T m 3
m2 =T m 3
" 136 Refr igeration a nd Air Condi tio ning
Air C o n d it io n ing 1:37


&pplyair ­

supply air

Fig . 8- 11. La te nt hea t load .

Moisture pic k ed up = (W 2- W 1 ) k g/kg dry ai r

Fig. 8-10. Se nsible heat load
where W 2 = humidi ty rati o of inside air, kg/k g
Q 5 = me P (t 2- t 1) W I = humidity rati o of su pp ly air, kg/kg

Qs = 1.0062 ( rn ) (t 2- t 1) The laten t h eat of stea m (wa t e r va por) in the a ir condit ion ing
is appr oxim atel y 2500 k.J/k g .
wh ere Q s = se ns ible h eat load , kJ/s or kW
QL = m(W 2-W 1 ) kg/s
m = ma ss flow rat e of su pply ai r, k g/s Q L = 25 00 (rn ) (W 2- W 1 ) kJ/s or kW
Q L = lat ent h eat load , kW
cp =s pec ific h eat of th e supply ai r
= 1.0062 k.I/kg e C", a pprox im ately Qr
t2 = in s ide sp a ce temperature t o be maintain ed ,

°C dry bulb

BUpplyalr _
t 1 = supply a ir t emperature en te ring space, °C dry bulb'

F ig. 8- 12. Tot al hea t load
Q T = Q s + QJ.
Q T = m t h .-.h 1 )

138 Refr iger ation a nd Air Conditioning Air Cond itio ning 139

where QT = total heat load , kW (c) Q l. = (25 00) (rn ) (W 2 - WI )

= (25 00 ) 0 2 .49) (0 .0 114-0.0 10 1)
h , = enthalpy of inside air, kJ/kg
= 40 .59 kW
hi = enthalpy of s u pply air, kJ/kg (d ) S HR = - Q "­ 88
Q s + QL ~
~ 88 + 40. 59
Sen sible h eat ratio or se n sible heat factor is the ratio of th e
se n sible heat load to the total h eat load.
Various Methods of Handling the Air Supplied to a
Conditioned Space
Qs -~
SHR = Q + Q - Q
s L T
(A) All Outside Air Supplied, No Recirculation

(8- 14) An auditorium is to be maintained at a temperature The u s e of all outside air with no r ecirculati on i s
of 25 °C dry bulb and 19°C wet bulb t emperatures . The sensible un economical unl ess the outside conditions ar e clos e in
heat load is 88 kW and 58 kg per hour or moisture mu st be t emperatures and humidity to th e in sid e conditi on s
r emoved . Air is supplied to the auditorium at 18°C. Determine maintain ed. Recirculation is impracticabl e in spac es wh ere
(a) th e mass flow r ate of s u pply air, (b) the r elative humidity, obj ection abl e odors ari s e .
d ew point, and wet bulb t emperatures of the s u pp ly air, (d) th e
se ns ib le heat ratio. (8- 15) In a s p a ce, th e sen sible h eat load is 13 .5 kW
and the latent h eat load is 3.4 kW. Outsid e air is at 32 nC
SOLUTION and 50 per cent r elative humidity. Th e spac e is t o b e
( a) Qs = (1.006 2) ( m ) (t 2 - t l) m aintain ed at 25 °C dry bulb and 18°C w et bulb
temp eratures. All outside air is suppli ed with r eheater to
88 = (1.0062 ) ( rn ) (25 ~ 18)
satisfy th e s p a ce conditions. The condition ed air leav es
m = 12.49 kg/s the su pp ly fan at 17°C . Determin e (a) the refri geration
load , (b) the capacity of the s u pp ly fan , and (c) th e h eat
(b) Moi sture picked up = 58 = 0.0013 kg/kg supplied in the r eheater.
From the psychrometric chart at t 2 = 25°C and tW
2 = 19°C, SOLUTION
W 2 = 0 .0114 kg/kg.

Humidity ratio of supply air,

WI = W 2 - 0.0013 = 0.0114 - 0.0013 = 0.0101 kg/kg ...

m - -~ Qnside Air

From the psy chrometric chart at t l = 18°C and 32-<: ~ 4

50"4 RH

WI = 0 .0101 kg/kg,

0 1 =77%
) Qs = (1. 006 2)( m) (t~- t )
t ,lpl = 14.2°C
1:3 .5 = (1.0062)( m)(25 - 17 )
t WI = 15 J:;oC
m = I .GEl k g/ s
140 Refri gera ti on a nd Air Conditi oning Air Cond it ioning 141

Point 4: At t. = 25"C a n d t w • = 18"C (B) Recirculated and O utsid e Air Supp lied

W. = 0.0101 kglk g Recirculatin g part of th e air is more eco no m ica l t h a n u sin g

Point 3: Ql. = (2 500) ( rn ) (W. - W) a ll outs ide air, a s th e t emp e rature of th e r ecircul at ed a ir is
u sually mor e favorab le than th at of th e outsid e a ir . In t h e
3.4 = (2500) (1.6 8 ) (0.0101 - W ;)
or d in ar y con d it ion er, th e air m u st be cooled t o a r el ativ e ly low
W 1 = 0.009 3 kglk g te m pe ra t u re to condense th e s u r p lus humidity, a n d wh en t.his
te m pe rat u re is too low for com for t a ble deli very to th e cond it ioned
At t~ = 17°C a n d W ~ = 0.0093 kglkg s pace , so m e r eh eating of th e dehumidified air is n ece ss ary.
v~ = 0.835 m'lkg
(8-16 ) A s pa ce to be air condit.ioned ha s a sens ible h e at load
h, = 40.5 kJlkg
of 36 kW a n d a latent h e at load of 10 .2 kW. Th e s pace is to be
Point 2: At W .l = W ~ = 0.00 93 kglkg a n d sat u r a ted, maintain ed at 26 "C and 50 per ce n t rel ativ e humidity. Outsid e
a ir is a t 32"C dry bu lb and 24"C wet bulb tempera tures . The
h, = 37 kJlkg
con d it ione d air will enter th e space at 19"C. If 45 per cent of
Po int 1: At t 1 = :32°C a n d 0 1 = 50 Ck , th e supply air is fres h air and th e r est is r ecircul at ed a ir, find
( :1) th e volum e flow rate of fresh ai r at su pp ly con d itions , (b ) th e
h i = 71 kJlkg
a p pa rat us d ew point, and (c ) th e refri gerati on load .
(a ) Refriger ati on loa d = mf h . - h2) = (1. 68 ) (71 - 37)

= 57 .12 kW SOLUT IO N

(b) Fan ca pacity = m V:1 = ( 1.68) (0.8 35) = 1.40 m 3/s

(c) he at s u pp lie d = m (h:1 - h) = ( 1.68) (4 0.5-37)
= 5.88 kW 4
Reci'cutated Nt
- Concf~ioned
] SpaaI
4 26"C
50% lUI
"'o-~ ~".
32"C f)

Q" = ( 1.006 2 ) ( m : (t , - t Il
36 = (1 .0062 ) t m ) (26 - 19 )

) m = 1) . 11 k g/s
142 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 143

Point 4: At t 4 = 26°C and 0 4 = 50% (c) Refrigeration load = (m) (h, -h 2 ) + (rn o) (h, - h)

W 4 = 0.0106 kg/kg = (2.81) (53 - 39) + (2.30) (72.5 - 39)

h, = 53 kJ/kg = 116.4 kW
Point 3: QL = (2500) (m) (W 4 - W 3) Another solution:
h. = rnOh i + rn rh 4 (2.30) (72.5) + (2.81) (53)
10.2 = ((2500) (5.11) (0.0106 - W 3 )
o rn 5.11
W,) = 0.0098 kg/kg Refrigeration load = (m) (hi) - h 2 )

At t 3 = 19°C and W 3 = 0.0098 kg/kg

;;:: (5.11) (61.7 - 39) = 116 kW

v 3 = 0.841 rn 3/kg

mass flow rate of outside air, rn o

= (0.45) (m)

= (0.45) (5.11) = 2.30 kg/s

(a) Volume flow rate of outside air, Vo = (rn.) (v 3)

= (2.30) (0.841) = 1.93 rn 3/s

Point 2: At W 2 = W 3 = 0.0098 kg/kg and saturated

, ..... 4
h, = 39 kJ/kg t 2 = 14°C ••~~----=__~7
(b) Apparatus dew point, t d p 2 = 14°C
~ 3 (to conditioned

Point 1: At t l = 32°C and t WI = 24°C

h, = 72.5 kJ/kg

mass flow rate of recirculated air,

rn r = rn - rn o = 5.11 - 2.30 = 2.81 kg/s


144 Refri gerati on a nd Air Conditioning Air Co nd it ion ing 14 5

(8 -17 ) An a ir con d itio ned th eat er is t o be ma in t a in ed a t Q T = m t h , - h)

26.7°C db t emperature a nd 50 Ck relati ve humidity. Th e ca lcu lated
t otal se n sible heat load in th e th eater is 126 ,240 kcal /h and latent 875 ,753 = m (54 .5 - 4 2 )
heat loa d is 82,92 0 k ca l/h. Th e a ir mixture at 28 .9"C db and
22 .2 uC wb t emperature is cool ed to 17 .22°C db a n d 15°C wb m = 70 ,060 k glh
te m pe ratu re by chi lled water coolin g coils and del ive re d as supply
air to t he th eater. Calculate the t on s of r efrigeration r equ ired . Refri geration loa d = m th , _ h. ) = (70 ,06 0 ) (65 - 42 )
2 (2 11) (6 0)
SOLUTION = 127 .3 TR

(8- 18) An au ditorium is to be mai ntained a t a t emperature

of 26"C dry bu lb and 50 lk r el a t ive humidity. Air is t o be s u pplie d
ReciltUlared M
- Theater
at a t emperature n ot lower t h an 15°C dry bulb . Th e sens ible
h eat ga in is 110 kW a nd th e latent h eat ga in is 3 7 .5 kW. Tak e
ventillatin g ai r a s 25 'k by wei ght of th e air fr om th e room a nd is
3 at 3 5"C d ry bu lb a n d 60 £,1, r e lativ e hu midity. Deter min e th e
.... 26 .7°0 refri geration ca pacit y in ton s .
____:::: Outside M 50%RH

Point 1: At t l = 28.9"C and t WI = 22 .2"C 4/ r

Recirculated Air


hi = 65 kJlkg
mo 1 ....
::;: Outside ~r ""''' m~
5O% RH
Point 2: At t 2 = 17.22"C a nd t W2 = 15°C ss-e ~iJ:r-----­

h, = 4 2 kJ/k g
Poi nt 3: At t 1 = 26 .7"C and 01 = 50<ii RI-I Q, = ( 1. 006 2 ) (rn ) (t . - t j )

h , = 54 .5 kJlkg 110 = (1. 0 062) (rn) (26 - 15 )

Q T = 126,240 + 82 ,920 = 209,160 kca llh m = 9 .93 8 k g/s

= (209 ,16 0 kc a l/h ) (4.18 7 k.Izkcal ) O~t sid e ai r supp ly, m o = (0 .25 ) (9.938 ) = 2 .485 k g/s
= 875 ,753 kJIh Point 4: A t . = 26 "C and 0 . = 50 'ir RH

h . = 53 k,Jlkg W 4 = 0 .0 106 kglkg

146 Re frigeratio n a nd Air Conditioning
Air Condit ionin g 14 7

Point 3: QI, = (25 00 ) (m) (W 4 - W3)

37 .5 = (2500) (9.93 8) (0 .0106 - W~ )
~ ....
(C) Recircul at ed Air with Extern al -Byp a ss System

In the bypass sy ste m , part of the r ecir culated a ir is con t r oll ed

W I = 0 .00909 kglk g by damp er ac ti on in or de r t o make it bypa ss th e cond iti on er.
At t = 15°C and W~ = 0 .009 09 kglk g This warm e r byp a ss a ir is u s ed t o reheat th e a ir lea vin g t h e
refrigerat ed coils t o a mor e s u itable t emperature for distributi on
h, = 38 kJlk g
at th e g r i ll e ou t le t s . Thi s m eth od produ ce s e cono m i ca l
P oint 1: At t l = 35°C a nd 0 1 = 60% RH hi = 90 kJlkg
perform an ce as com pa re d with sy st e ms wh ere rehea t mi ght be
req u ir ed.
Return a ir, m = m - m o = 9.938 - 2.4 85 = 7.453 kg/s

Refrigeration load = mil (hi - h ) + m , (h , - h ) (8- 19 ) In a n au di to r iu m , t h e se ns ible h ea t en ter ing is 96 kW

and th e lat ent h eat is 38.4 0 kW. Ou t side air is a t 33°C dry bul b
= (2 .485) (90 - 38 ) + (7.453) (53 - 38) and 25°C wet bulb t emperatures . Th e s u pply ai r en te rs a t 18°C
= 241 kJ/s and the a u di to r ium is t o be maintained a t 25°C dry bu lb a n d
18°C wet bulb t emperat~l !:~ .S_. If 20 per cent of th e fan ca pacity is
= 24 1 = 68 .5 TR fresh air and the by pass system is used, d etermine (a ) th e
3.52 app aratus d ew poin t , and (b) t he refrigerati on ·loa d.
An other solu t ion :
mOh! + m rh ~

h ~
(2 .485 ) (90 ) + ( 7.453) (53)
= 62.25 kJ/kg
Refrigerati on load
9 .938
- 4

= m (h l - h. ) Space
= (9.938) (62.25 - 38 ) 1
mo ~
...... Outodde Air

= 241 k.I/ s or 68 .5 TR 33"C


Q, = ( 1.0062) (m ) ( t 4
- t.1 )

96 = ( 1.0062) (rn ) (25 - 18 )

m = 13 .63 kg/s

To a uditori u m
14H Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 149

Point 4: At t 4 = 25°C and t \\4 = 18"C Solving equation (2) and (3) simultaneously,

h 4 = 50.5 kJlkg t 111'4 = 14.2°C y = 0.509


W4 = 0.0101 kglkg c = 0.491

Point 3: QI, = (2500) (m ) (W 4 - Vi,) Substituting in either equation (2) or (3)

38.4 = (2500) (13.631 (0.0101 - W,J t2 = 10.T'C

WI = 0.0090 kglkg Apparatus dew point = 10.7°C

At t, = 18°C and Vi, = 0.0090 kglkg (b) Pain t 2: t 2 = t W2 = t d p 2 = 10. 7°C

trip, = 12.5°C h, = 31 kJ/kg

(a) Let y = per cent air bypassed Point 1: At t l = 33°C and tw I = 25°C
c = per cent air conditioned h, = 76kJ/kg
m o = (0.20) (m ) = (0.20) (U~.63) = 2.73 kg/s
me = (0.491) (rn ) = (0.491) (13.63) = 6.69 kg/s

4 ill r = rn e - rna = 6.69 - 2.73 = 3.96 kg/s

y Refrigeration load = (rna) (hI - h 2 ) + (m) (h 4 - h 2)

2 c 3 = (2.73) (76 - 31) + (3.96) (50.5 - 31)

= 200.1 kW

y+c=l ( 1) .~\ Another solution:

nl 0 h ] + rn r h 4

yt 4 + ct 2 = t 3 h.=
rn ('

25 y +ct 2 = 18 (2)
(2.73) (76) + (3.96) (50.5)
yt dp4 + ct dp 2 = t dp3 / 6.69

14.2y + ct 2 = 12.5 (3) ~ 60.9 kJ/kg

'f Air Conditioning 151
150 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Refrigeration load = (m) (h, - h;2)

= (6.69) (60.9 -31) (1) Calculate the specific volume of an air-vapor mixture
in cubic meters per kilogram of dry air at the following conditions
= 200 k\V t = 32°C, W = 0.016 kg/kg, and Pt == 100 kPa.

Ans. 0.899 cu mlkg


(2) Moist air at a dry bulb temperature of 25°C has a

relative humidity of 50 per cent when the barometric pressure I

is 101.4 kPa. Determine (a) the partial pressures of water vapor

and dry air, (b) the dew point temperature, (c) the specific
humidity, (d) the specific volume, and (e) the enthalpy.

Ans. (a) 1.5855 kPa, 99.81 kPa; (b) 13.9°C,

(c) 0.00988 kg/kg, (d) 0.857 cu m/kg, (e) 50.32 kJ/kg

(3) Air at a temperature of 33°C has a relative humidity

of 50 per cent. Determine (a) the wet bulb temperature, (b) the
dew point temperature, (c) the humidity ratio, (d) the enthalpy,
and (e) the specific volume.

Ans. (a) 24.5°C, (b) 21.4°C, (c) 0.016 kglkg,

(d) 74 kJ/kg, (e) 0.887 cu mlkg

(4) How much heat is required to raise the temperature

of 0.50 cu m per second of air from 19°C dry bulb and 15°C wet
bulb to 36°C? What is the final dew point temperature?

Ans. 10.42 kJ/s, 12.3°C

(5) How much heat must be removed to cool 30 cu m per

minute of air from 34°C dry bulb and 18°C dew point to a wet
bulb temperature of 19°C? What is the final relative humidity?

Ans. 7.62 kJ/s, 83%

(6) ow much heat and moisture must be added to 15

cu m per inute of air at 21°C dry bulb and 30 per cent relative
humi Ity to raise it to 37°C and 40 per cent relative humidity?

Ans. 13.39 kJ/s, 0.00333 kg/s

152 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning 153

(7) How much heat must be removed to cool 50 cu m per (12) An air conditioned auditorium with a capacity of
minute of air at 29°C dry bulb and 21°C wet bulb temperatures 1000 persons is to be maintained at 24°C dry bulb temperature
to 16°C dry bulb and 14°C wet bulb temperatures? How much and 55 per cent relative humidity. The sensible and latent heat
moisture was removed? .I

loads are 115 kW and 42 kW, respectively, The conditioned air
enters the auditorium at 1 T'(': For proper ventilation, 40 per
Ans. 20.5~) k.J/s, O~OO~315 kg/s cent of the supply air is fresh air and the rest is recirculated air.
Outside air is at 34°C and 50 pPf cent relative humidity.
(8) Air at 32°C and 20 per cent relative humidity is Determine (a) the volume flow rate of recirculated air, (b) the
cooled and dehumidified by means of an air washer until the apparatus dew point, and (c) the refrigeration load,
relative humidity becomes 90 per cent. How much moisture was
added per kg of dry air. What was the air washer efficiency and An s. (a) 8.18 m Vs, (b) 13.3°C, (c) 4B7.6 k W
the dew point temperature of the leaving air?
(13) A store to be maintained at 2f,oC and 50 per cent
Ans. 0.0057 kg/kg, 92%, 16.5°C relative humidity has a sensible heat load of 18.90 k W and a
latent heat load of 6.30 kW. Outside air is at :32°C dry bulb and
(9) A stream of outdoor air is mixed with a stream of 23°C wet bulb temperatures. The conditioned air enters at 17°C
return air in an air conditioning system that operates at 101 If30 per cent of the supply air is fresh air and the bypass system
kPa pressure. The flow rate of outdoor air is 2 kg/s, and its is used, detennine (a) the refrigeration required, and (b) the
condition is 35°C dry bulb temperature and 25°C wet bulb volume of the bypass air at supply condition.
temperature. The f1 ow rate of return air is 3 kg/s, and its
condition is 24°C and 50 per cent relative humidity. Determine An s. (a) 41.1 kW, (b) 0.819 mVs
(a) the enthalpy of the mixture, (b) the humidity ratio of the
mixture, and (c) the dry bulb temperature of the mixture.

Ans. (a) 59 kJ/kg, (b) 0.012 kg/kg, (c) 28.5°C

(10) .An auditorium is to be maintained at 25°C dry bulb

temperature and 50 per cent relative humidity. The supply air
enters the auditor-ium at 17°C. The sensible and latent heat loads
are 150 k\V and 61 kW, respectively, Determine the wet bulb
temperature, relative humidity, and volume flow rate of the
supply air.

Ans. 14"C. 72%. 15.54 m 3/s

(11) In a certain space to be air conditioned the sensible

and latent heat loads are 20.60 kW and 6.78 kW, respectively.

Outside air is at :-l3°C thy bulb and 24°C wet bulb temperatures.
The space is to be maintained at 25 with a relative humidity

not exceeding 50 per cent. All outside air is supplied with

reheater. The conditioned air enters at 18°C. Determine (a) the
refrigeration load required, (b) the capacity of the supply fan,
'. ~
and (c) the heat supplied in the reheater. -I
Ans. (a) 106.6 kW, (b) 2.44 m 3/s, (c) 16.06 kW

Air Conditioning 155

wh.-r.- Ill, == mass of water entering I

Chapter 9
III I = mass of water leaving

III , = mass of dry air entering"
hi = mass of dry air entering ~
Cooling Tower !II'I
h.' = enthalpy of air leaving, kJlkg
1')11 1


hi enthalpy of water entering, kJ/kg

, ~' WI'
:= 1

A cooling tower is a device commonly used to cool condenser 1

water in power and refrigerating plants. h, = enthalpy of water leaving, kJlkg

warm m3 Mass bal an co 1
waterin - - - 11
+ rna + mW, = m.) + m" + m"W 2
ha. I te
':1 '

water evaporated = m 1 - m.) = m;1(W 2 - WI)
r - --\ 2 rna
Arrout whe-re \V I = humidity ratio of air entering, kglkg
/ \
/ \ ~
I \ W2 W 2 = humidity ratio of air leaving, kg/kg 11
/ \ I1 I 1

/ \

The cooling effectiveness of a cooling tower is '1 1


Airin - - )
Ola cooling tower efficiency = II
~ 1

W. where t, = temperature of water entering !~~

t 4 = temperature of water leaving

t WI = wet bulb temperature of air entering 1

Fig. 9-1. Diagrammatic cooling water
1 11'

(9-1) In a cooling tower 28.34 mv/rnin of air at 32°C db and
Energy balance 24°C wb enter the tower and leave saturated at 29°C.
(a) To what temperature can the air stream cool a spray of
mh, + mh , - m.h, + m" h , water which enters at 38°C, with a flow of 34 kg/min of water? I
(,bb)))Iow many kg per hour of make-up water is needed to II
mh, - mh, = math, - h.)
I co~ate for the water that is evaporated?
Ili l l

:1 jill



156 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 157

SOLUTION Energy balance

rn.h; - mh, = mil (h, - h.)

ID:i = 34 kglmin. ,

(34) (159.21) - 33.68h~ = (32.06) (95 - 72.5)
h, = 139.~1 kJ/kg
2 2,9OC I••t;

~\ 100% RH t 4 = 33.2°C
/ \
I \ (b) Make-up water = rna (W 2 - W,) = (32.060) (0.0256 - 0.0156)
/ \\
/ \ = D.3206 kg/min or 19.24 kg/h
II / \

- (9~2) Water enters a cooling tower at 52°C and leaves at
38°C. Air enters at 29°C and 50~ relative humidity and leaves
~=====~ --- -=~
__-_-t:---=------ -= =-"'1
- ,-- -,:-_---:..-...ij
in a saturated condition at 40°C. Determine (a) the mass and
volume of air needed per kg of water entering, and (b) the
quantity of water that can be cooled by 1 cu m per second of air.

" ---t.&
Atmospheric pressure is 102 kPa.

Point 1: At tdl = 32°C and t WI = 24°C
h. = 72.5 kJ/kg VI = 0.884 m 3/kg

WI = 0.0156 kg/kg 40°C

I.;~, 2

ma =
VI 28.34 m
= 32.06 kg/min )
<>. \
VI 0.884 m Vkg / \
'Point 2: At t d 2 = 29°C and 0 1 = 100% RH
'11 /
/ \
h, = 95 kJ/kg W 2 = 0.0256 kg/kg ~.~ ;

rna 1
Point :5: h, = h, at 38°C = 159.21 kJ/kg -------~--=---
m, = 34 kg/min 60
(a) Mass balance
m , - m 4 = mil (W 2 - WI) mol 3ErC
m:! - m .. = (32.06) (0.0256 - 0.0156)

:34 -- m .. = 0.3206 t
P01~ At t dl = 29°C and 0 1 = 50~ RH
h , = 61 kJ/kg VI = 0.874 ml/kg
m 1 = :3:3.68 kg/min
W 1 = 0.0127 kg/kg

'y )

158 Refr igeration 'a nd Air Conditioning


Air Conditio ning 159

Point 2: t rl 2 := 40°C, 0 2 = 100 % RH Volum e of ai r = rn"v I = (0 .5518 ) (0,874)

= 0.4 823 rn'' a ir/kg water
P.1 2 = saturation pressure -at 40 °C = 7.378 kPa
(b) VI = 1 m:l/s of air
Ps2 = (0 2) (Pd2) = (1.00) (7.378) = 7.37 8 kPa
V 1 m:J/s
(O.622 )(PS2) CO.622X7.378) = 0.04 85 kg/kg n1 = _1_ - -;:--­ _

W 2 = p t - p :;2 ' = 102-7 .378 " VI - 0 .87 4 m 3lkg = 1.144 kg/ s

En ergy balance
h g2 = h g at 4 0°C = 2574.4 kJlkg

h, = (cp ) (t) + (W) (h g )

m.h, ­ m .h , = rna (h , - h I)
2 1:3.51m 3 - 159. 21014 = (1.144)(16 5.11- 6 1)
= (1.0062 ) (40) + (0.0485) (2574.4) = 165 .11 kJlkg
2 13 .5 101 3- 159 .21m 4 = 119 .1 (3)
Point 3: h; =h, at 52°C = 21 3.51 kJlkg
M as s balance
Point 4: h, = h , a t 38°C = 159 .21 kJlkg
( a) m 3 = 1 kg
m3 - 01 4 = 01 " (W 2 - W I)
rn 3 - 01 4 = (1. 144) (0.048 5 - 0 .01 27 )
Energy b alance
m.1 -m 4 = 0.04096 ( 4)
m.h, - mh . = rna (h , -hI)
Solving equ a tions (3) and (4) simultaneou sl y,
21 351-1 59 .21m 4 = rna (165 .11-61 )

104 .11rn " + 159 .21m 4 = 21 3 .51 (1 ) '.H

01.1 = 2.073 kg water/s
(9- 3) Fifty gall on s per minute of 'water en t e r s a coolin g
Mass balance J to wer at 46 °C. Atm ospheric air a t 16 °C db a n d 55 % RH en t er s
th e tower at 2. 85 cu rn per secon d and leav es a t 32 °C sa t u ra t ed .
m:J-m 4 = rna (W 2 - W I) Determine (a) th e volume of water that lea ves the towe r, and
(b) th e ex it t emperature of the water.
1 - m4 = rna (0. 0485-0.0 127)

0.03 58 rna + m 4 =1 (2)

S olvin g equ at ions (1 ) and (2) simu lt a n eous ly,

rna = 0 .5518 kg air/kg water


160 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 161

SOLUTION 150 gpm Energy balance


we rnh, - mh, = m" (h, - h.)
2 32°C ~ (3.122) (J 92.62) - 3.036h 4 = (3.442) (111 - 32)
\ .. 100., RH
I \ 1~~ h = 108.51 kJ/kg
I \
I \ t4 = 25.9°C
I \
I \,
1/ Specific volume of water at 25.9 c,C = 0.0010031 mvkg
Volume of water leaving = (3.036 kg/s) (0.0010031 m'Vkg)
6 l~~~{t -"""-'
= 0.003045 m3/s or 3.045 LIs

4 (b) t 4 = 2Fl.9"C
(9-4) Water at 55°C is cooled in a cooling tower which has
Point 1: At t d 1 = 16°C_and 01 = 55% RH an efficiency of 65o/c. The temperature of the surrounding air is
1 32°C dry bulb and 70% relative humidity. The heat dissipated
h.: = 32 kJ/kg v j = 0.828 m 3/kg
I-I from the condenser is 2,300,000 kJ/h. Find the capacity in liters
per second of the pump used in the cooling tower.
\V j = 0.0056 kg/kg
m = 2 = 2.85 m:l/s = 3.442 k /s SOLUTION

a V1 0.828 m 3/kg g Q =2,300,000 kJ/h


Point 2: At t d2 = 32°C and 02 = 100% RH ;~ m,.,

h 2 = III kJ/kg W2 = 0.0307 kg/kg ll,fi• I CbndeosEr

h, = h, at 46°C = 192.62 kJ/kg

) 3

Point 3: fi50C
(50 gal/min) (3.7854 L/gaD 2
(60 s/min) (0.0010103 m Vkg) (1000 L/m:3) ;,:
1 tower
= 3.122 kg/s 'J
(a) Mass balance

~ 70%RH

m3 - m 4 = rna (W 2 - Wl)

3.122 - m 4 = (3.442) (0.0307 - 0.0056) 4

mol = 3.036 kg/s Pump

162 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 16;3

Point 1: At t d l = 32°C and 0 1 = 70% RH SOLUTI< )0:

t w l=27.4°C

cooling tower efficiency = tt 3 ~ tt 4 3

3 wI

55 - t 1 2
55 - 27.4 BOOKW
oC Cooling
t 4 = 37.l t~
Heat balance about condenser, 1
(m w ) (c w ) (t, - t 4 ) = Q 70%RH

(m w ) (4.187) (55 - 37.1) = 2,300,000

m, = 30,688 kg/h or 8.524 kgls
Specific volume of water at 37.PC = 1.0067 L/kg
Point 1: At t ril = 32°C and 0 1 = 70(k RH

Capacity of the pump = (8.524 kg/s) (1.0067 L'kg)

t W 1 = 27.4°C

= 8.58 Lis
Temperature of approach =t 4
- t W 1

(9-5) An atmospheric cooling tower is to provide cooling

for the jacket water of a four stroke, 800 kW Diesel generator. 10=t
4 - 2 7 . 4
The cooling tower efficiency is 60% at a temperature of-approach of
10cC. If ambient air has a relative humidity of 70% and dry bulb t4 = 37.4°C
temperature of 32°C, determine the cooling water supplied to
the diesel engine in liters per hour. Generator efficiency is 97%. . . . t., ­ t4
cooling tower efficiency = - '- ­
t,- t'\l

t 1 - 37.4
t, .- 27.4

tl = 52.4°C
Brake power of engine = power input to generator

f 800 = 824.7 kW
1 = 0.97


Air Conditioning 165

164 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Assuming the following diesel engine heat balance:
(1) 1\ nu-cb anical-draft cooling tower receives 115 m" per
Useful work == 30% second of atmospheric air at 103 kPa, 32°C dry bulb temperatnre,
55% RII and discharges the air saturated at 36°C. If the tower
Cooling loss = 25% receive» 200 kg/s of water at 40°C, what will be the exit
tempernturv of the cooled water?
· d . Q 824.7 kW
H eat supp1ie to engme, A = 0.30 = 2749
Ans. :31.2°C
Heat absorbed by cooling water = (0.25) (2749) = 687.25 kW (2) I n a cooling tower water enters at 52°C and leaves at
J,, ,
27°C. Air at 29"C and 47% RH also enters the cooling tower and
leaves at 46"C fully saturated with moisture. It is desired to
(ro) (cJ (t, - t 4 ) = 687.25
" I determine (a) the volume and mass of air necessary to cool one
(m w ) (4.187) (52.4·- 37.4) = 687.25 kg of water, and (b) the quantity of water that can be cooled
with 142 cu ill per minute at atmospheric air.
m; = 39,384 kg/h
Ans. (a) 0.5742 cu m, 0.66 kg; (b) 247.3 kg
specific volume of water at 37.4°e = 1.0069 L/kg
(3) A cooling tower receives 6 kg/s of water of 60°C. Air
Volume of cooling water = (39,384 kg/h) (1.0069 Lfkg) enters the tower at 32°C dry bulb and 27°C wet bulb
temperatures and leaves at 50°C and 90 per cent relative
= 39,656 Lih humidity. The cooling efficiency is 60.6 per cent. Determine
(a) the mass flow rate of air entering, and (b) the quantity of
make-up water required.


Ans. (a) 3.253 kg/s, (b) 0.1818 kg/s





Drying 167

Chapter 10
Gross weight = 10kg

Bdw = 8 .5 kg

After the material have been processed:

Drying iI weight of moisture = (r ega in) (Bdw) = (0.20) (8.5)
Hygroscopic materials are those substances which are
particularly variable in the moisture content which they can = 1.70 kg
possess at different times . Most of the organic materials, such
as wood , leather, foodstuffs , paper, tobacco, cloth, and hair are gross weight = Bdw + weight of moisture = 8.5 + 1.70
quite hygroscopic.
Bone-dry weight Bdw or dry weight is the final constant = 10 .2 kg
weight reached by a hygroscopic substance after being dried out.
Regain is the hygroscopic moisture content of a substance 10.2
Weight of product per kg of original material = - - ­
expressed as a percentage ofthe bone-dry weight ofthe material. 10

. weight of moisture
Regaln = bone- d ry weig
. ht = 1.02 kglkg

Moisture content is usually expressed as a percentage of the

gross weight of the body, and may refer to both hygroscopic and
purely surface moisture.

Moisture content = weight of moisture


Gross weight = Bone-dry weight + weight of moisture

(l0-1) A 10-kg sample from a batch of material under test is
found to have a bone-dry weight of 8.5 kg. This material is
processed and is then found to have a regain of 20 per cent.
How much weight of product appears for each kilogram of original




168 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Drying 169
Table 10-1
(10-2) Raw cotton has been stored in a warehouse at 29°C
Moisture in Hygroscopic Materials and 50 per cent relative humidity. (a) The cotton goes through a
mill and passes through the weaving room kept at 31°C and 70
Moisture is expressed as regain, per cent of the dry weight of the per cent relative humidity. What is the moisture in 200 kg of
material cotton? (b) For 200 kg of cotton from the warehouse, how many
;I kilograms should appear in the woven cloth, neglecting lintage
----------------------- f,1 and thread losses?
Per Cent Relative Humidity J
60 70 80 ;!
Material Description 40 50

Bread White 4.50 6.20 8.80 11.10 14.50 'i, (a) From Table 10-1, the regain of raw cotton at 50% relative
humidity is 6.6%.
Flour 6.50 8.00 9.90 12.40 15.40

Leather Oak-tanned 13.60 16.00 18.30 20.60 24.00

Paper Newsprint, wood pulp 4.70 5.30 6.10 7.20 8.70 weight of moisture = (regain) (Bdw)
Paper White bond, rag 5.50 6.50 7.50 8.80 10.80
Rubber Solid tire 0:44 0.54 0.66 0.76 0.88 = (0.066) (Bdw)
Tobacco Cigarette 13.30 16.00 19.50 25.00 33.50
Wood Timber (average) 7.60 9.30 11.30 14.00 17.50
gross weight = Bdw + weight of moisture
Activated charcoal Steam activated 26.20 28.30 29.20 30.00 31.10
Domestic coke 0.81 1.03 1.24 1.46 1.67
Silica gel 15.20 17.20 18.80 20.20 21.50 200 = Bdw + (0.066) (Bdw)
Cotton Absorbent 15.70 18.50 20.80 22.80 24.30
Raw fibers
Bdw = 187.6 kg
Hemp Manila and sisal-rope 7.20 8.50 9.90 11.60 13.60
Linen Table cloth 4.30 5.10 6.10 7.00 8.40 moisture in 200 kg = 200- 187.6 = 12.4 kg
Rayon Fibre 1.90 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.30
Silk Skein 8.00 8.90 10.20 11.90 14.30
or moisture = (0.066) (187.6)
Wool Skein 10.80 12.80 14.90 17.20 19.90

= 12.4 kg

(b) From Table 10-1, the regain of finished cotton (cloth)

at 70% relative humidity is 8.1%.

Gross weight = Bdw + weight of moisture


~~ = Bdw + (regain) (Bdw)

.t\ = 187.6 + (0.081) (187.6)


= 202.8 kg

170 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Drying 171

(10-3) Eight hundred kg of dry air per hour is saturated at Point 3: h, = h, = 291.4 kJ/kg
46°C, then heated to 106°C, passed through an adiabatic dryer
and discharged at 61°C. Determine each of the following: h 'l
= h g at 61°C = 2611.3 kJlkg
(a) total kg of water in air before heating, per hour
(b) final kg of water in air when discharged, per hour h, = c pt 3 + W 3hg3
(c) water evaporated from material in the dryer, per
hour 291.4 = (1.0062) (61) + (W 3 ) (2611.3)
(d) relative humidity of air leaving the dryer I

(e) dew point of air leaving the dryer ,I

s W 3 = 0.08809 kg/kg
(f) percentage of saturation of air leaving the dryer
(g) number of cu m of air per second before dryer
j~]t (a) Mass of water in air before heating,
SOLUTION I mw = m WI = (800 kg/h) (0.0688 kglkg) = 55.04 kg/h
(b) Mass of water in air at discharge = mW 3
= (800 kg/h) (0.08809 kg/kg) = 70.47 kg/h
m =800 kWh x-{ beater 1
i 2 W2 Dryer
3 Wa
-r--­ (c) Water evaporated from the material = m(W W - )
I ·lO(f'C , , 6P 3 2

= (800 kg/h) (0.08809 - 0.0688) kglkg = 15.43 kg/h


100~ RH

(d) Point 3:

Pd3 = saturation pressure at 61°C = 20.881 kPa

Point 1: t d1 = 46°C, 0 1 = 100% RH (0.622) (Ps3)

W3 = Pt - Ps3

Pd1 = saturation pressure at 46°C = 10.098 kPa

= (01) (P d1) = 10.098 kPa

(W3 ) (Pt) (0.08809) (101.325) = 12.57 kPa
PS 1
, Ps3 0.622 + W 3 0.622 + 0.08809
(0.622) (10.098)
W1 101.325 _ 10.098 - 0.0688 kglkg I 0
= Ps3
= 12.57
20.881 = 0.602 or 60.2%
\ .~

Point 2: W 2 = W 1 = 0.0688 kglkg ~'f

(e) Dew point of air leaving the dryer = saturation temperature

h g 2 = h g at 106°C = 2685.4 kJlkg
., ~ at 0.012~7 MPa = 50.5°C.
\' (f) Percentage of saturation of air leaving the dryer
h, = cpt 2 + W 2h g2
= (1.0062) (106) + (0.0688) (2685.4) u
~ ~t r
= 0.602 [ 101.325 - 20.881]
101.325 - 12.57
= 291.4 kJlkg
I = 0.5456 or 54.56%

172 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Drying 173

(g) Volume of air before drying, V2 = mv 2 SOLUTION

w = (0.622) (PS2)

2 Pt - Ps2
1 :1 y
_ 4WC.60UH

~ ~~ ~
_ (W2) (Pt) _ (0.0688) (101.325) _ kP

Ps2 - 0.622 + W2 - 0.622 + 0.0688 - 10.091 a

_ (R) (T2) _ (0.287) (106 + 273) _ 3 di

60% aa
65% na Heating
... 3

" w~

v2 - n - n _ - 101.325 _ 10.091 - 1.192 m /kg Chamber f6 6

V2 = mV2 = (800 kg/h) (1.192 m 3/kg) = 953.6 m 3/h ~ moisture m'lI moiBture
or 0.265 m 3/s Ws .1000 kwh Ws

(10-4) A tower-type moisture dryer is to deliver 1000 kg/h Point 2: At t d2 = 38°C and O2 = 65% RH
of cassava flour with 2% residual moisture of 20% in the feed.
The air to be heated in heating chamber is a mixture of fresh air h 2 = 109 kJ/kg
at 33°C db and 60% RH, and hot humid air from dryer at 49°C
db and 60% RH. The air mixture at 38°C db and 65% RH is W2 = 0.0275 kglkg
heated by a steam coil to 93°C. The dryer is properly insulated
so that moisture absorption can be considered adiabatic.
Point 3: W3 = W 2 = 0.0275 kg/kg
(a) Required flow of heated air mixture to dryer.
h g.3= h g at 93°C = 2664.9 kJ/kg
(b) Capacity of forced draft fan on dryer.
(c) Heat in kcallh for heating the air mixture in heating
h.'3 = c p t 3 + W 3hg3
(d) Percentage by weight of fresh air in mixture. ,1)lr
1 = (1.0062) (93) + (0.0275) (2664.9)
\ = 166.86 kJ/kg
1 .. 1,~

.;f Point 4: Pd4 = saturation pressure at 49°C = 11. 75 k Pa
" Ps4 = (0 4) (Pd4) = (0.60) (11.75) = 7.05 k Pa

W _ (0.622)(P S4) _ (0.622)(7.05)

4- P t - Ps4 - 101.325 _ 7.05 = 0.0465 kg/kg
' ''1''

174 Refri geration a nd Air Conditioning Dryin g 175

Point 6 : W 6 = Bdw + (0 .02) (W 6 ) ( l O-f» ) 1\ dri er is to b e d esi gned t o r edu ce the moi sture
content of cop r a from 1) 2 per ce n t t o 6 per cent. Atm ospheri c air
Bdw = (0 .98) (W 6 ) = (100 ) (0 .98) = 980 kglh a t 3 1 d ry bu lb and 24 °C wet bulb temperatures , is h eated by
ste a m coi Is t o 8 8 °C before e n ter in g t h e dri er. Steam e n t e rs th e
Point 5 : W. = Bdw + (0 .20) (WJ
~ ~
r eh catur a t a pressure of 133 .9 kPa and 95 pe r cent quality. Th e
a i r l eav es th e drier a t 40 °C w ith a relativ e h umidity of 80 p e r
W _ Bdw 980 cent. Co p r a e n t e rs the dri er at th e rate of 1.30 k g/so D e t erm in e
.'i - 0 .80 = 0 .80 =1225 k glh (a ) till' mass flow rate of air and (b ) the mas s flow rate of s t e a m .
(a) Mass balance about dryer
maW a + W.'i = m aW4 + W 6

Saturated liquid
Ws - W6 (1l8lIU.IIIIld)
1225 - 1000

W4 - W~ 0.0465 - 0 .0275

= 11,842 k glh or 3 .29 kg/ s

3 4O"C
1 IDa 2 Wz I ~ W3
m" ~I 80%RH
Dr ier
si-c 88"C
(0 .62 2) ( p sa) = 0 .02fJ75 kg/kg 24° e Rchcatcr II 4
(b )
W a = 101.325 - Ps:J
6% moisture 6~ moisture

Psa = 4 .29 kPa

W5 W. = 1.30 kglB

RaTa RaTa (0 .287 ) (9 3+2 73 ) = 1. 083 mVkg

V = --= - - ­ m a = m a ss fl ow r ate of a ir
a Pa Pt - Ps3 = 101.325 - 4.29
m s = m a ss fl ow rate of st ea m

Ca pa cit y of fan = m ava = (3 .29 kg/s ) ( 1.083 rn'Vkg )

Point 1: At t ,I I = 3 1°C and t " , = 24 °C

= 3 .fJ63 m ~/s
WI = 0 .0 16 kg/kg
(c) Q = rna (h a - h 2 ) = (3 .29 ) ( 166 .86 - 109) = 190.36 kcal/h
"" hi = 72 kJ/k g

(190.3 6 kJ/s ) (36 00 s/h) = 163,672 kcallh
-. ~

Point 2: t d2 = 88 °C, W ~ = W I = 0 .016 k g/kg

h ~~ = b, a t 88"C = 26 56 .9 kJ .k g

(d ) X+Y =1 (1)
h 2 ':'\~t 2 + W2h g2
33 x+4 9y= 38 (2)
= ( 1\ 006 2 ) (88 ) + (0 .0 16) (2656. 9 )
Solving equ a t io ns (1 ) and (2) s im u ltaneous ly,
= 131.06 kJ/k g
x = O,6R7f) or 68 .75 c;( fr esh a ir

Drying 177
176 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
( 10-6 \ The temperature of the air in a dryer is maintained
Point 3: t d3 = 40°C, 0 3 = 80% constant by the use of steam coils within the dryer. The product
enters the- dryer at the rate of one metric ton per hour. The initial
P = saturation pressure at 40°C = 7.3'Z5 kPa moist.urr- content is 3 kg moisture per kg of dry solid and will be
dried to a moisture content of 0.10 kg moisture per kg of dry
= (03) (Pd3) = (0.80) (7.375) = 5.900 kPa solid. Air .-n ter s the dryer with a humidity ratio of 0.016 kg
moistu rt' per kg of dry air and leaves with a relative humidity of
_ (0.622) (P s3 ) _ (0.622) (5.900) - Ik 100 f!r while the temperature remains constant at 60 aC. If the
W3 - Pt - P - 101.325 _ 5.900 - 0.0385 kg g total prrssu r« of the air is 101.3 k Pa, determine:

(a) Total required amount of air in kg/h under entrance

Point 4: Bdw = (0.48) (W 4 ) = (0.48) (1.30) = 0.624 kg/s (b ) Capacity of the forced draft fan to handle this air in cu
Point 5: W5 = Bdw + (0.06) (W 5)
Bdw _ 0.624:= 0.664 kg/s
W5 = 0.94 - 0.94

(a) Mass balance about drier m WI W2 0000

EIre 1 2· 100% RH
fia W z + W 4 = fia W 3 + W 5

fi a(W 3 - W Z) = W 4 - W 5
Dryer 3
4 3 kgmoisture
fi a(0.0385 ­ 0.0160) = 1.30 - 0.664 kg dry solid
0.10 kg moisture

fia = 28.27 kg/s kg dry solid

, ~:,

(b) Energy balance about reheater

!~ W. Ws = 1000 kwh
mh, + ruh. = mh, + mh,
Point 1: WI = 0.016 kg/kg
fi/h 6 - h.) := fia (h z - h.)
_ (0.622) (p,)
WI - P t - PsI
h, :::: h f6 + x 6 h fg6
h, :::: h., W IP t (0.016) 001.3) = 2.540 kPa
P sl = ­
0.622 + WI 0.622 + 0.016
h, - h, = hf6 + x 6h rg6 - hf6
:::: X (h g6 - h f6 ) .(0.287) (60 + 273)
= Ra T l RaT]
:= (0.95) (2688.3 - 452.85) Pa P. - PsI 101.3 - 2.540

:::: 2123.7 kJlkg = 0.968m:Jlkg

(rn ) (2123.7) := (28.27) 031.06 - 72)

ill" = 0.7862 kg/s


Drying 179
178 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Point 2: t d2 = 60°C, O2 = 100% RH PROBLEMS

Pd2 = saturation pressure at 60°C = 19.94 kPa ( 1I Tuhacco in warehouse, held at 30°C and 40 per cent
relut iv.: h u m i di ty, is placed in a room at 32°C and 70 per cent
Ps2 = (0 2) (Pd2) = 19.94 kPa rclut iv. liu m id ity preparatory to being worked on. For each 50
kg (If I (IiI; II'CO moved from the warehouse, what is its bone-dry
W = (0.622) (PS2) = (0.622) (19.94) = 0.1524 kg/kg weight" What is the actual weight of this quantity of tobacco
2 101.3 - 19.94 after ~I;,vlng in the working room?
P, - Ps2
An s. 44.13 kg, 55.16 kg
Point 3: Bdw = 250 kg
. 0.10 (~) Air enters an adiabatic drier at 6 mls through a 2-m
Point 4: MOIsture content = = 0.0909 or .9.09% diarm-t rr d uct at 29°C dry bulb and 22°C wet bulb temperatures.
1.0 + 0.10

It is lit-at I,d to 80°C before reaching the material to be dried and

W4 = (0.0909) (W) + Bdw
leaves t I}(' drier at 44°C and 80 per cent relative humidity. The
matr-r i a l c-n the drier with a moisture content of24 per cent
W = Bdw 250 and It'av('s with a moisture content of 8 per cent. Determine (a)
4 1 _ 0.0909 = A nAn = 275 kg/h the mass of water removed per kg of dry air, (b) the volume flow
rate of air o n tering the reheater, (c) the kg of water evaporated
per sr-ro nd , (d) the mass flow rate of material leaving the drier,
(a) Mass balance about dryer and (t') t.h« heat requirement of drier per kg of water evaporated.

mW 1 + W 3 = mW 2 + W 4 Ans. (a) 0.0343 kg/kg (b) 18.85 cu mis, (c) 0.74 kg/s,
(d) 3.507 kg/s, (e) 1496 kJ/kg water
W.3 - W4 = 1000 - 275 = 5315 kg/h
m = W 0.1524 - 0.016 (3) A drier is to be designed to reduce the water content of
a certain material from 55 per cent to 10 per cent. Air at 29°C
dry bulb temperature and with a humidity ratio of 0.005 kg/kg
3/kg) is heated to 50 0 e in a reheater before entering the drier. The
(b) Capacity of fan = mv = (5315 kg/h) (0.968 m 3/s
1 3600 s/h = 1.43 m air leaves the drier at 38°C with 70 per cent relative humidity.
On the basis of 1000 kg of product per hour, calcuiate (a) the
volume flow rate of air entering the reheater, and (b) the heat
supplied in the reheater.

Ans. (a) 9.59 cu mls (b) 234.8 kW

(4) A dryer is to deliver 1000 kg/h of palay with final

moisture content of 10%. The initial moisture content in the feed
is 15% at atmospheric condition with 32°C dry bulb and 21°C
wet bulb. The dryer is maintained at 45° while the relative
humidity of the hot humid air from the dryer is 80%. If the steam
pressure supplied to the heater is 2 MPa, determine the following:
.". 'i
180 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

(a) Palay supplied to the dryer in kg/h.

(b) Temperature of the hot humid air from the dryer in DC.
Air supplied to dryer in cu m/h.
Heat supplied by the heater in kW.
Chapter 11
(e) Steam supplied to heater in kg/h.

Ans. (a) 1058.8 kg/h, (b) 45°C, (c) 1348.4 cu m/h,

(d) 5.40 kW, (e) 10.28 kg/h
Prodnet Load

Wlu-n a product enters a storage at a temperature above the

ternpr-r.u lin' of the space, the product will give off heat to the space
until it ('ools to the space temperature. The heat gain from the
product is computed by the following equations:

Q =Q 1 + Q2 + Q3
where Q = product load, kJ
Q 1 = heat to cool from entering temperature to
freezing temperature, kJ
Q 2 = heat to freeze, kJ
Q 3 = heat to cool from freezing temperature to
final storage temperature, kJ

Q 1 = (rn) (c b ) (t e - t r)

Q 2 = (rn) (h.)

Q 3 = (rn) (c) (t r - t s )

~:l where m = mass of the product, kg

cb = specific heat above freezing, kJ/kg. Co

ca = specific heat below freezing, kJ/kg. Co
t e = entering temperature, °C
t, = freezing temperature, °C
t s = storage temperature, °C
h. = product latent heat, kJlkg
182 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Product Load 183

11-1) Compute the heat to be removed from 110 kg of lean specific heat of water 4.2292 kJ/kg.Co
beef if it were to be cooled from 20°C to 4°C, after which it is frozen heat of fusion of ice 335 kJ/kg
and cooled to -18°C. Specific heat of beef above freezing is given as
3.23 k.I/kg.C", and below freezing is 1.68 k-J/kg.C''. Freezing point is SOLUTION
-2.2°C, and latent heat of fusion is 233 kJ/kg.
Q 1 = (c l ) (~ t) = (1.9387 k.I/kg.C") [0 - (-4) ] Co ;:: 7.8 kJ/kg
Q 2 = 335 kJ/kg = 335.0 kJ/kg
Q I = (110 kg) (3.23 k.I/kg.C") [ 20- (-2.2) ]CO = 7,888 kJ Q:J = (cw ) (~ t w ) = (4.2292 k-J/kg.C") (7 - 0) Co = 29.6 kJ/kg
Q 2 = (110 kg) (233 kJ/kg) = 25,630 kJ Heat from ice ;:: 372.4 kJ/kg
Q3 = (110 kg) (1.68 kJ.CO) [-2.2- (-18)] Co = 2,920 kJ
Heat load > (1.30) (114 kg) (3.35 k.I/kg.C") (29 - 7) Co
Q= 36,438 kJ
;:: 10,992 kJ
(11-2) A refrigeration storage is supplied with 10,000 kg of
fish at a temperature of 20°C. The fish has to be cooled to -10°C for
preserving it for a long period without deterioration. The cooling 10,922 kJ ;:: 29.33 kg/24 h
mass of ice;:: 372.4 kJ/kg
takes place in 10 hours. The specific heat offish is 0.7 above freezing
point and 0.3 below freezing point which is -3°C. The latent heat of
freezing is 55.5 kcal/kg. Find the refrigerating capacity of the plant
in tons. (11-4) Four hundred kilograms of poultry enter a chiller at
6°C and are frozen and chilled to a final temperature of -16°C for
Q I = (10,000 kg) (0.7 kcal/kg.C") [20 - (-3)]Co= 161,000 kcal storage in 12 hours. Compute the product load.
Q 2 = (10,000 kg) (55.5 kca/kg) = 555,000 kcal
specific heat above freezing 3.18 k.I/kg.C"
Q3 = (10,000 kg) (0.3 kcal/kg.C")
specific heat below freezing 1.55 k-I/kg.C''
[-3 - (-10)] Co = 21,000 kcal latent heat 246 kJ/kg
Q = 737,000 kcal freezing temperature -3°C

Q = (737,000 kcal) (4.187 kJ/kcal) = 24.35 tons SOLUTION

(10 h) (3,600 sth) (3.52 kW/ton)
Q I = (400 kg) (3.18 k-I/kg.C") [6 - (-3)] ;:: 11,448 kJ
(11-3) A mass of ice at -4°C is needed to cool 114 kg of Q 2 = (400 kg) (246 kJ/kg) ::: 98,400 kJ
vegetables in a bunker for 24 hours. The initial temperature of the Q3 ::: (400 kg) (1.55 k-I/kg.C'') [(-3) - (-16) ] Co ::: 8,060 kJ
vegetables is assumed to be 29°C. It is also assumed that the average Q::: 117,908 kJ
temperature in the bunker is 7°C, within the 24-hour period. If the
heat gained per hour in the bunker is 30% of the heat removed to 117,908 kJ ::: 2.73 kW
cool the vegetables from 29°C to 7°C, what would be the required Q::: (12 h) (3,600 s/h)
mass of ice?

specific heat of ice 1.9387 k-I/kg.C"

specific heat of vegetables 3.35 k.I/kg.C"
'fJ'" "

186 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 187

Table 1 (continued) Table 2 Refrigeration 11 1"'''1)( -rt ics of liquid and saturated vapor

Enthalpy, Entropy, Specific volume, Enthalpy. Entropy, Specific volume,

kJ/k,· K kJ/kg kJ/kg· K L/kg
kJ/k1 L/kg

t, DC t,OC P, kPa hf h Sf vf vg
P,kPa Itf hI vf v, x Sg
" -30 9.24 174.25 373\1 0.90099 1.72074 0.62466 1581.77
21 886.57 298.527 1410.41 1.34452 5.3626 1.6426 144.578
22 915.03 303.300 1411.11 1.360S5 5.3512 140.214 -25 12.15 178.53 37611 0.91824 1.71447 0.62894 1225.53
23 944.18 308.081 1481.17 1.37654 -20 15.78 182.81 37866 0.93517 1.70885 0.63331 960.954
5.33'9 1.6507 136.006
24 -15 20.25 187.09 381.12 0.95179 1.70377 0.63777 761.949
974.03 312.870 1482.53 1.39250 5.3286 1.6541 131.950
25 1004.6 -10 25.71 191.39 38371 0.96813 1.69922 0.64234 610.466
317.667 1483.18 1.40843 5.3175 1.6588 128.037
-8 28.20 193.11 384.80 0.97459 1.69753 0.64419 560.196
26 1035.9 322.471 1483.81 1.42433 5.3063 1.6630 124.261
27 1068.0 327.284 1484.42 -6 30.88 194.83 385.82 0.98100 1.69592 0.64606 514.840
1.44020 5.2953 1.66i2 120.619
1100.7 -4 33.76 196.55 386.84 0.98738 1.69438 0.64795 473.883
28 332.104 1485.01 1.45604 5.2843 1.6714 117.103
1134.3 -2 36..86 198.27 387.86 0.9937.1 1.69291 0.64985 436.764
29 336.933 1485.59 1.47185 5.2733 1.6757 113.708
30 1168.6 341.169 1486.14 0 40.18 200.00 388.89 1.00000 1.69150 0.65178 403.130
1.48762 5.2624 1.6800 110.430
31 1203.7 346.614 1486.67 1 41.92 200.86 389.40 1.00313 1.69082 0.65275 387.493
1.50337 5.2516 1.6844 107.263
32 1239.6 351.466 1487.18 1.51908 5.2408 1.6888 104.205 2 43.73 201. 73 389.91 1.00625 1.69018 0.65372 372.593
33 1276.3 356.326 1487.66 1.53477 1.6932 101.248 3 45.60 202.59 390.42 1.00936 1.68951 0.65470 358.366
34 1313.9 361.195 1488.13 1.55042 4 47.54 203.46 390.93 1.01246 1.68888 0.65568 344.792
5.2193 1.6977 98.3913
35 1352.2 366.072 1488.57 1.56605 5 49.53 204.32 391.44 1.01555 1.68826 0.65667 331.859
5.2086 1.7023 95.6290
36 1391.5 . 370.957 1488.99 6 51.60 205:19 391.95 1.01863 1.68766 0.65.7t>6 319.500
1.58165 5.1980 1.7069 92.9579
37 1431.5 375.851 1489.39 1;59722 7 53.73 206.05 392.46 1.02170 1.68707 0.65866 307.698
5.1874 1.7115 90.3743
38 ·1472.4 380.754 1489.76 1.61276 5.1768 8 55.93 206.92 392.97 1.02476 1.68650 0.65966 296.427
1.7162 87.8748
39 1514.3 385.666 1490.10 1.62828 9 58.21 207.79 393.47 1.02782 1.68594 0.66067 285.648
5.1663 1.7209 85.4561
40 1557.0 390.587 1490.42 10 60.55 208.65 393.98 1.03086 1.68539 0.66168 275.347
1.64317 5.1558 1.7257 83.1150
41 1600.6 395.519 1490.11 1.65924 5.1453 11 62.97 209.52 394.49 1.03389 1.68486 0.66270 265.483
1.7305 80.8484
42 1645.1 400.462 1490.98 1.67470 5.1349 12 65.4 7 210.39 395.00 1.03692 1.68434 0.66327 256.063
1.7354 78.6536
43 405.416 1491.21 13 68.04 211.26 395.51 1.03994 1.68383 0.66475 247.037
1690.6 1.69013 5.1244 1.7404 76.5276
44 1737.0 41fr.382 1491.41 14 70.70 212.13 396.02 1.04294 1.68333 0.66578 238.396
1.70554 5.1140 1.7454 74.4678
n5.362 15 73.43 213.00 396.52 1.04594 1.68285 0.66682 230.130
45 1784.3 1491.58 1.72095 5.1036 1.7504 72.4716
16 76.25 213.87 397.03 1.04893 1.68238 0.66786 222.205
46 1832.6 420.358 1491.72 1.73635 5.0932 1.7555 70.5365
17 79.15 214.74 397.54 1.05191 1.68193 0:66891 214.614
47 1881.9 425.369 1491.83 1.75174 5.0827 1.7607 68.6602
18 82.14 215.61 398.04 1.05488 1.68148 0.66997 207.332
48 1932.2 430.399 1491.88 1.76714 5.0723 1.7659 66.8403
19 85.21 216.48 398.55 1.05785 1.68105 0.67102 200.361
49 1983.5 435.450 1491.91 1.78255 5.0618 1.7712 65.0746
20 H8.38 217.35 399.05 1.06080 1.68062 0.67209 193.665
SO 2035.9 440.523 1491.89 1.79798 5.0514 1.7766 63.3608
21 91.64 218.22 399.56 1.06375 1.68021 0.67316
51 W89.2 445.623 1491.83 1.81343 5.0409 1.7820 61.6971
22 94.99 219.10 400.06 1.06669 1.67982 0.67424 181.089
52 2143.6 .50.751 1491. 73 1.82891 5.0303 1.7875 60.0813
! 23 n.44 219.97 400.57 1.06961 1.67942 0.67532 175.166
53 2199.1 455.913 1491.58 1.84445 5.0198 1.7931 58.5114
24 101.98 220.84 401.07 1.07254 1.67905 0.67641 169.485
54 2255.6 461.112 1491.38 1.86004 5.0092 1.7987 56.9855
25 105.62 221.72 401.57 1.07545 1.67868 0.67750 164.034
55 2313.2 466.353 1491.12 1.87571 4.9985 1.8044 55.5019
f 26
28' 117.16 224.34 403.08 1.08414 1.67764 0.68082 148.903
29 121.22 225.22 403.58 1.08702 1.67731 0:68194 144.246
30 125.38 226.10 404.08 1.08989 1.67699 0.68307 139.768
32 134.05 227.85 405.07 1.09561 1.67638 0.68533 131.305
~ 34 143.18 229.61 406.07 1.10130 1.67581 0.68763 123.462
36 152.78 231.37 407.06 1.10696 1.67527 0.68995 116.135
38 162.87 233.13 408.05 1.11259 1.67476 0.69230 109.430
40 173.46 234.90 409.04 1.11819 1.67429 Q.69468 103.151

/­ \
'f' J
188 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning l 189

Table 2 (continued) ,I
Table 3 Refrigeration 12: properties of liquid and saturated vapor
Enthalpy, Entropy. Specific volume, Enthalpy, Entropy, Specific volume,
kJ/tg kJ/kg· K L/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg' K L/kg

t,OC P,tPa hf hg t,OC P, kPa h hg sf '« vf vg

If Ig vf vg f
45 ~O 22.62 146.463 324.236 0.77977 1.61373 0.63689 637.911
202.28 239.32 411.49 1.13206 1.67324 0.70074 89.2884
50 234.64 243.75 413.93 1.14576 -55 29.98 150.808 326.567 0.79990 1.60552 0.64226 491.000
1.67237 0.70700 77.6428
55 270.83 248.21 416.34 -50 39.15 155.169 328.897 0.81964 1.59810 0.64782 383.105
1.15929 1.67165 0.71346 67.8040
60 311.10 252.68 418.73 -45 50.44 159.549 331.223 0.83901 1.59.142 0.65355 302.683
1.17267 1.67109 0.72014 59.4543
70 405.15 261.68 423.42 -40 64.17 163.948 333.541 0.85805 1.58539 0.65949 241.910
1.19898 1.67031 0.73421 46.2114
80 519.21 -35 80.71 168.369 335.849 0.86776 1.57996 0.66563 195.398
270.79 427.98 1.2~479 1.66992 0.74937 36.3872
-30 100.41 172.810 338.143 0.89516 1.57507 0.67200 159.375
-28 109.27 174.593 339.057 0.90244 1.57326 0.67461 147.275
-26 1.18.72 ! 76.380 339.968 0.90967 1.57152 0.67726 136.284
..24 128.80 178.171 340.876 0.91686 1.56985 0.67996 126.282
-22 139.53 179.965 341.780 0.92400 1.56825 0.68269 117.167
-20 150.93 181. 764 342.682 0.93110 1.56672 0.68541 108.847
-18 163.04 183.567 343.580 0.93816 1.56526 0.68829 101.242
-16 175.89 185.374 344.474 0.94518 1.56385 0.69115 94.2788
-14 189.50 187.185 345.365 0.95216 1.56250 0.69407 87.8951
-12 203.90 189.001 346.252 0.95910 1.56121 0;69703 82.0344

-10 219.12 190.822 347.134 0.96601 1.55997 0.70004 76.6464
-9 227.04 19"1 :734 347.574 0.96945 1.55938 0.70157 74.1155
-8 235.19 192.647 348.012 0.97287 1.55897 0.70310 71.6864
-7 243.55 193.562 348.450 0.97629 1.55822 0.70465 69.3543
1,1 ~ 252.14 194.477 348.886 0.97971 1.55765 0.70622 67.1146
-5 260.96 195.395 349.321 0.98311 1.55710 0.70780 64.9629
-I -4 270.01 196.313 349.755 0.98650 1.55657 0.70939 62.8952
-3 -279.30 197.233 350.187 0.98989 1.55604 0.71099 60.9075
-2 288.82 198.-154 350.619 0.99327 1.55552 0'.71261 58.9963
-1 298.59 199.076 351.049 0.99664 1.55502 0.71425 57.1579
0 308.61 200.000 351.477 1.00000 1.55452 0-.71590 55.3892
1 318.88 200.925 351.905 1.00335 1.55404 0.71756 53.6869
2 329.40 201.852 352.331 1.00670 1.55356 0.71924 52.0481
3 340.19 202.780 352.755 1.01004 1.55310 0.72094 50.4700
4 351.24 203.710 353.179 1.01337 1.55264 0.72265 48.9499
5 363.55 204 ..6 42 353.600 1.01670 1.55220 0.72438 47.4853
6 374.14 205.575 354.020· 1.02001 . 1.55176 0.72612 . 46.0737
1 386.01 206.509 354.439 1.02333 1.55133 0.72788 44.7129
8 398.15 207.445 354.856 1.02663 1.55091 0.72966 43.4006
9 410.58 208.383 355.272 1.02993 1.55050 0.73146 42.1349
10 423.30 209.323 355.686 1.03322 1.55010 0.73326 40.9137
.11 436.31 210.264 356.098 1.03650 1.54970 0.73510 39.7352
12 449.62 211.207 356.509 1.03978 1.54931 (,.73695 38:5975
13 463.23 212.152 356.918 1.04305 1.54893 0.73882 37.4991
14 477.14 213.099 357.325 1.04632 1.54856 0.74071 36.4382
15 491.37 214.048 357.730 1.04958 1.54819 0.74262 35.4133
16 505.91 214.998 358.134 1.05284 1.54783 0.74455 34.4230

17 520.76 215.951 358.535 1.05609 1.54748 0.74649 33.4658
18 535.94 216.906 358.935 1.05933 1.54713 0.74846 32.5405
19 551.45 217.863 359.333 1.06258 1.54679 0.75045 31.6457
20 567.29 218.821 359.729 1.06581 1.54645 0.75246 30.7802

.Ja "\
190 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Table 3 (continued)
Table 4 Refrigeration 22: properties of liquid and saturated vapor
Enthalpy, Entropy, Specific volume,
Enthalpy, Entropy, Specific volume,
kJjkg kJjkg' K L/kg
------ kJ/kg kJ/kg • K L/kg
t,OC P,kPa hf hg sf Sg vf vg i.rc P, kPa hf hg
- '
sf 's vf vg

21 583.47 219.783 360.122 1.06904 1.54612 0.75449 29.9429 ~O 37.48 134.763 379.114 0.73254 1.87886 0.68208 537.152
22 599.98 220.746 360.514 1.07227 1.54579 0.75655 29.1327 -55 49.47 139.830 381.529 0.75599 1.86389 0.68856 414.827
23 616.84 221.712 360.904 1.07549 1.54547 0.75863 28.3485 -50 64.39 144.,959 383.921 0.77919 1.85000 0.69526 324.557
24 634.05 222.680 361.291 1.07871 1.54515 0.76073 27.5894 ~5 82.71 150.153 386.282 0.80216 \.83708 0.70219 256.990
25 651.62 223.650 361.676 1.08193 1-.54484 0.76286 26.8542 -40 104.95 155.414 388.609 0.82490 1.82504 0.70936 205.745
26 669.54 224.623 362.059 1.08514 1.54453 0.76501 26.1422 -35 131.68 160.742 390.896 0.84743 1.81380 0-.71680 166.400
27 687.82 225.598 362.439 1.08835 1.54423 0.76716 25.4524 -30 163.48 166.140 393.r38 0.86976 1.80329 0.72452 135.844
28 706.47 226.576 362.817 1.09155 1.54393 0.76938 24.7840 -28 177.76 168.318 394.021 0.87864 1.79927 0.72769· 125.563
29 725.50 221.557 363.193 1.09475 1.54363 0.77161 24.1362 -26 192.99 170.507 394.896 0.88748 1.79535 0.73092 116.214
30 744.90 228.540 363.566 1.09195 1.54334 0.77386 23.5082 -24 209.22 172.708 395.762 0.89630 1.79152 0.73420 107.701
31 764.68 229.526 363.937 1.10115 1.54305 0.77614 22.8993 -22 226.48 174.919 396.619 0.90509 1.78779 0.73753 99.9362
32 784.85 230.515 36'4.305 1.10434 1.54276 0.77845 22.3088 -20 244.83 177.142 397.467 0.91386 1.78415 0.74091 92.8432
33 805.41 23.1.506 364.670 1.10753 1.54247 0.78079 21.735'9
-18 264.29 179.376 398.305 0.92459 1.78059 0.74436 86.3546
34 826.36 232.501 365.033 1.11072 1.54219 0.18316 21.1802 -16 284.93 181.622 399.133 0.93129 1.77711 0.74786 80.4103
35 847.72 233.498 365.392 1.11391 1.54191 0.78556 20.6408 -14 306.78 183.878 399.951 0.93997 1.77371 0.75143. 74.9572
36 869.48 234.499 365.749 1.11710 1.54163 0.78799 20.1173 -12 329.89 186.147 400.759 0.94862 1.77039 0.15506 69.9478
j, 37 891.64 235.503 366.103 1.12028 1.54135 0.79045 19.6091
-10 354.30 188.426 401.555 0.95725 1.76713 0.75876 65.3399
38 914.23 236.510 366.454 1.12347 1.54107 0.79294 19.1156 -9 367.01 189.571 401.949 0.96155
j 39 937.23 237.521 366.802 1.12665 1.54079 0.79546 18.6362 f -8 380.06 190.718 402.341 0.06585
-7 393.47 191.868 402.729 0.97014 1.76237 0.76444 59.0996
~ 407.23 193.021 403.114 0.97442 1.76082 0.76636 57.1820
Ii 42 1008.8 " 240.574 367.825 1.13620 1.53996 0.80325 17.2785 -5
~II 421.35 194.176 403.496 0.97870 1.75928 0.76831 55.3394
I, 43 1033.5 241.598 368.160 1.13938 1.53968 0.80592 16.8511 -4 435.84 195.335 403.876 0.98297 1.75775 0.77028 53.5682
44 1058.7 242.627 368.491 1.14251 1.53941 0.80863 16.4356 -3 450.70 196.497 404.252 0.98724 1.75624 0.77226 51.8653
45 1084.3 243.659 368.818 1.14575 1.53913 0.81137 16.0316 -2 465.94 197.662 404.626 0.99150 1.75475 0.77427 50.2274
46 1110.4 244.696 369.141 1.14894 1.53885 0.81416 15.6386 -1 481.57 198.828 404.994 0.99575 1.75326 0.77629 48.6517
47 1136.9 245.736 369.461 1.15213 1.5'3856 0.81698 15.2563 0 497.59 200.000 405.361 1.00000 1.75279 0.77834 47 .13~4.
48 1163.9 246.781 369.777 1.15532 1.53828 0.81985 14.8844 1 514.01 201.174 405.724 1.00424 1.75034 0.78041 45.6757
49 1191.4 241.830 370.088 1.15851 1.53199 0.82277 14.5224 2 530.83 202.351 406.084 1.00848 1.74889 0.7824Q 44.2702
50 1219.3 248.884 370.396 1.16170 1.53770 0.82573 14.1 ?01 3 548.06 203.530 406.440 1.01271 1.74746 0.78460 42.9166
52 1276.6 251.004 370.997 1.16810 1.53712 0.83119 , 13.4931 4 565.71 204.713 406.793 1.01694 1.74604 0.78673 41.6124
54 1335.9 253.144 371.581 1.17451 1.536'51 0.83804 lZ.8509 5 5~n.78 205.899 407.143 1.02116 1.74463 0.78889 40.3556
56 1397.2 255.304 372.145 1.18093 1.53589 0.84451 12.2412 6 602.28 207.089 407.489 1.02537 1.74324 0.79107 39.1441
58 1460.5 257.486 372.688 1.18738 1.53524 0.85121 11.6620 7 621.22 208.281 407.831 1.02958 1.74185 0.79327 37.9759
60 1525.9 259;690 373.210 1.19384 1.53457 0.85814 11.1113 8 640.59 209.477 408.169 1.03379 1.74047 0.79549 36.8493
62 1593.5 261.918 373.707 1.20034 1.53387 0.86534 10.5872 9 660.42 210.675 408.504 1.03799 1.73911 0.79775 35.7624
64 1663.2 264.172 374.180 1.20686 1.53313 0.87282 10.0881 10 680.70 211.877 408.835 1.04218 1.73775 0.80002 34.7136
66 1735.1 i66.452 374.625 1.21342 1.53235 0.88059 9.61234 11 701.44 213.083 409.162 1.04637 1.73640 0.80232 33.7013
68 1809.3 268.762 375.042 1.22001 1.53153 0.88870 9.15844 12 722.65 214.291 409.485 1.05056 1.73506 0.80465 32.7239
70 1885.8 271.102 375.427 1.22665 1.53066 0.89716 8.72502 13 744.33 215.503 409.804 1.05474 1.73373 0.80701 31.7801
75 2087.5 277.100 376.234 1.24347 1.52821 0.92009 7.12258 14 766.50 216.719 410.119 1.05892 1.73241 0.80939 30.8683
80 2304.6 283.341 376.777 1.26069 1.52526 0.94612 6.82143 15 789.15 217.937 410.430 1.06309 1.73109 0.81180 29.9874
85 2538.0 289.879 376.985 1.27845 1.52164 0.97621 6.00494 3
16 812.29 219.160 410.736 1.06726 1.72978 0.81424 29.1361
90 2788.5 296.788 376.748 1.29691 1.51708 1.01190 5.25759 17 835.93 220.386 411.038 1.07142 1.72848 0.81671 28.3131
95 3056.9 304.181 375.887 1.31637 1.51113 1.05581 4.563~~ 18 860.08 221.615 411.336 1.07559 1.72719 0.81922 27.5173
100 3344.1 312.261 374.070 1.33732 1.50296 1.11311 3.90280
------ -----------_.- .. ----. -----_.­ 19 884.75- 222.848 411.629 1.07974 1.72590 0.82175 26.7477
20 909.93 224.084 411.9J8 1.08390 1.72462 0.82431 26.0032

192 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning I ~ I:I

Table 4 (continued)
'S){j [w '::lWnrOA :l!J!:l::ldS
Enthalpy, Entropy. Specific volume,
kJjkg kJjkg • K Ljkg o ooog o o
o o o 0 0 0 o o
o or. o o 0 0 00000 "'! o
C"! ~ ~ v: ~r-:~~....: N o
t,OC P, kPa hg N-
"f Sf Sg Vf V

g~ j~
21 935.64 225.324 412.202 1.08805 1.72334 0.82691 25.2829

~~ ~

22 961.89 226.568 412.481 1.09220 1.72206 0.82954 24.5857 o

23 988.67 227.816 412.755 1.09634 1.72080 0.83221 23.9107 ~~
24 1016.0 229.068 413.025 1.10048 1.71953 0.83491 23.2572 ~n 11 ~ 1 I'~ ,
25 1043.9 ~30.324 413.289 1.10462 1.71827 0.83765 22.6242 -
26 1072.3 231.583 413.548 1.10876 1.71701 0.84043 22.0111
27 1101.4 232.~47 413.802 1.11290 1.71576 0.84324 21.4169
234.115 414.050
28 1130.9 1.11703 1.71450 0.84610 20.8411
1\1 1\ I\'t It\ IV\
235.387 414.293 1\
29 1161.1 1.12116 i.71325 0.84899 20.2829 _ V)
30 1191.9 236.664 414.530 19.7417 0
1.12530 1.71200 0.85193
31 1223.2 237.944 414.762 1.12943 1.71075 0.85491 19.2168 ~, vi ~
32 1255.2 239.230 414.987 1.13355 1.70950 0.85793 18.7076
33 1287.8 240.520 415.207 1.13768 0.86101 o
1.70826 18.2135 ~~
34 1321.0 241.814 415.420 1.14181 1.70701 0.86412 17.7341
35 1354.8 243.114 415.627 1.14594 1.70576 0.86729 17.2686 g~ .,;
36 1389.2 244.418 415.828 1.15007 1.70450 0.87051 16.8168 e
37 1424.3 245.727 416.021 1.15420 1.70325 0.87378 16.3779 o
001­ ~
38 1460.1 247.041 416.208 1.15833 1.70199 0.87710 15.9517 V)
39 1496.5 248.361 416.388 1.16246 1.70073 0.88048 15.5375 o as
• pol

40 1533.5 249.686 416.561 1.16659 1.69946 0.88392 15.1351

V) c::


45 1729.0 256.396 417.308 1.18730 1.69305 0.90203 13.2841

46 1770.2 257.756 417.432 1.19145 1.69174 0.90586 12.9436 V"I
47 1812.1 259.123 417.548 1.19560 1.69043 0.90976 12.6122

-°~ t

~ ~!
50 1942.3 263.264 417.838 1.20811 1.68643 0.92193 11.6693 e
52 2032.8 266.062 417.983 1.21648 1.68370 0.93047 11.0806 o
60 2426.6 1.25038 ~
62 2533.3 280.577 41 '.978 1.25899 1.66895 0.97960 8.54016 ~~
1.66570 0.99104 8.10023
~I- i

"" I
I I I I <E ~~ ..!l'
I I I I ~
- =
90 4442.5 332.616 402.653 1.40155 1.59440 1.28230 3.56440
95 4883.5 351.767 38'6.708 1.45222 1.54712 1.52064 2.55133\
§~~~ § ~ ~ 8
8 0 0
0 .-4

r.d'! 'JlnSS;'Jd ~

340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460
Entropy, kJ/kg: . K 1.68 1.70 1.72 1.74 1.76 1.78 1.8C
240 0.100 ......
~"'" /' \L-4-~ /' ~ i..C
7 -v V ,/ \ ./\ ~
40,.. ~I- ,\(J:-r \ /\ ..A I V \ /
/\... I,'\,' \ / \ "/, \ ./1 .{" ::v
LLU-~L--,,~ X Y ,/ " /' 1 ~
f----+-_+--+_-+---II---+-_+----+_-+----+_-+--_+-.30~J,..V-+!L~-==J..l\-_\,.o<'.''\,~m___+_,1- 1 V\ / A ro
O.~OO '"""'\
/' -L. 7"~-<'\t>. -~ V/'// ~/ ~
100 c-r­
1 1/ ...L-~...1-·~·11 ./,/ / /
90 I___---+--/----+---+---+--+--+----lf..----+---+-_l_ 0 o'
f-----+_--+-_+-_f---_+_--+-_+------,f---_I_--+--+----c-~A~~____.-~/~A+_-~A+_T /' /' /' ,/ 0.300
80 ~
' \D
, _--+-_-+----+_--+-_+----+_--+-_+----I-_---+-__I+/-c=l.l..l/:..-""'.-£-=7=----++-~_+_+__+4- /./,/ V ':.lJ ::J
70 r - ~ / / 'v: ~
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hO I-----+--/---+---+---+--+--+-----,f----+-_I_ 0.400 ~::;- >­
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f----I--+--+--+--+---+--+-----jf---+--+If..--7-/---4~=..v-'"#;i!"':":::::+-+-~"L-J--+7 / ./ ./ V
~ 50 0.500
!--+--+--+----+--+--+----c---f---+--+_ 0) L ~ ="7 / ! (J/ /' / /'
..::: ::J
~ 40 11 V / ..£ ~;:;:;; ;....,'D / / > e-:
'J c-t­
0,700 ;~
#_++~.f_--+-----,L7____11_c==-'-/:..H-._:;;JfL=J,..~-b-7L+---+' ./ V V/'/' ·G
30 I----j---+---+--+---+--+---+--l----I~ '/ 7 / L-
",I '"T ,,/ 0.800 :.; ::J
10 _.- 1/ 7 / -, 'b / V
-~ /' " 0.900 if] S'
L I..--+- 7 7 ~/ ,/ 1.000
/ / / ~~'bt>." / /'
I-----+_-+~--+_--+-_ _+_-+_-+__------,~r--~~_""'.---:=__A_~ '7" / . J - - ~,1'\,' ./ ./ V / L ­
1-----1_-1-_--+_-+-_-+-_+--_-"10 J --7' 7 ~-/ ~ / / "" /'
-, -r="[7' / 7 / ~-- 'bD / _~/' /
// ~ 1---7'~- / ,-~-.,.~'-"/ / q~ [7/ ,/ ­
~ lL- ~ -r-r/ Z,-~r..- ""- -+-'bcb / / '\,.J,.. C'\).." / /
10 -30 ~:""'--:;Ii"= 7 ,-~-r:,'\,' ./ ./ '\,. --b"~.-.:::;4'::::::::::r.:J

l) f-----f---+---+----+---+--- t -r 7 / ~ f--7' 17 7 / /' ~ l---t-" '\, C\ /'

,IS 3.000

L".,L- ~ V / L,-..."L.'--"7~/'\,~(J !' / / ~~'b~~-==:t/~~

V / . / -'- ~r---7 / II _JA--, 7 1/ / L ~(J(J~~~
h 4.000
40 V- 17 V l.L--~~ 7 ~/ 1/ / ~ " /' -bi /-~5~ 'I

Temperature, 0(' -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 1 ~ 0

I " I I I I I r I
340 350 3CJO 370 380 390 400 41"0 420 430 440 450 4(10
Enthalpy, kJ/kg

Figure 2 Pressure-enthalpy diagram of superheated refrigerant 11 vapor.

::; .. -' _... _...... -"""" ....._----...-......... _--_ ..........~ ........... ~_. _.­ - ....

300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430
.--- I -r T I

1300 I I I I I I I I I I i·' 1'-1 1

.... III • II~-'

v / ~

~ iz,
~ 300 II u// V!..-I1I
1L&oo-'"7\ ....
, ~.. rI III
...- rr A Q: "~~ ~; v
., If J-t:7 \f \ ......~ ;......II 51 I 1./
I ~.-.,..,~ 1 ., ~~ -l --_.. t:iZ:'Et1< 5 {
j 'J.
10!- -yr ~~ ~., ~7"" .. ~ /
200 A_~'-·-I'
- - - - -f I ,V - /

_ • .....1......a 0.300

An 60 80 100

o 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 ......
EnUlalpy. kJ/k. ~'l

Figure 3 Pressure-enthalpy diagram of superheated refrigerant 12 vapor.

,­ ::::;:;:;;;;;;:;.:;:;;=====:=..;:...:.....,._.~.---_ . -._-_.­
350 360 370 380 390 400 4\0 420 430 440 450 460 ,'. 470 480 490
T T "1 - - - - - , ) . I

Entropy, k J /kg . K 1.70 1.72 '\ Ii-I 1.76 1.78 1.80 1.82
I I I ~ X'(!z::t:SJl4=="'"K \ A ;.c

1000 ~
900 0.040 o'
800 cc OJ
O.OSO ~ ::l
700 P­
'" 0.060 E
..><: 600 v ?
0.070 E
::l ~
500 o
~ >
o.oso "0 ::l
"-' OJ
c: O.OllO c: e-:
0.100 B
c, §




Temperature, "('

350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490
Enthalpy kJjkg

~. 4 Pr~ss~re-enthalPY diagram of superheated refrigerant 22 vapor.

--"J~~.... w ~ ...... _.: - ~_ ... ~~----.,...- ~ ... - _ . , . . - _ po b -. _.- ~ - _.p'';'''''' I • .- =-. - ~'".;;:, _._ -~

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