Life After Death
Life After Death
Life After Death
In my New York debate on “Is ence, with the arrogant pretentious satis-
Christianity the Problem?” with faction of anti-transcendent “creation,”
Christopher Hitchens, a lively creates non-being (which is a valid defini-
affair, against a resourceful oppo- tion of “evil” in which atheists cannot be-
nent—one of the most interesting lieve without becoming spiritual). D’Souza
questions came from a man from makes us realize that it is more rational to
the island nation on Tonga. For act believing and knowing that there is life
centuries, the man said, Tonga after death.
suffered terrible vendettas, tribal
wars, and even cannibalism. Then D’Souza’s review of near-death experi-
the missionaries came with their ences proves a fascinating topic deserving
doctrines of God, universal broth- continued attention. The chapters on the
erhood, and the afterlife. Today, laws of physics, the Big Bang Theory, and
the man said, Tonga is a much the anthropic principle (which asserts that
more peaceful and happy place. observations of the physical universe must
Then, turning to Hitchens he said, be compatible with the life observed in it)
“You have given us some interest- provide an understandable scientific basis
ing theories, but what do you for belief, while the description of the wild,
have to offer us?” Hitchens was bizarre, zero-probability theories of a mul-
momentarily speechless. (185) tiverse (86) demonstrate to this reader the
laughable God-phobic trivialities to which
This, of course, raises two questions: atheists flee.
“Does atheism have anything to offer?” and
“Is there life after atheism?” Well, both of Chapter six, “Undeniable Teleology:
those questions are rendered meaningless The Plot of Evolution,” is great fun, espe-
by this book as it details comprehensively cially for those of us who are agnostics
and then rebuts all the depressing offerings about evolution after having been “believ-
of one atheist after another. Life After ers” of evolution for most of our lives.
Death: The Evidence by Dinesh D’Souza Consistent with D’Souza, we will not deny
details, by Thomistic erudition, how the the teleology, but we will deny Darwinian
empirical rationalism of atheists is wrong evolution—based on 1) the “pheromone
and intellectually embarrassing. The scien- problem” in that sub-human animals with
tism of atheists is shown to subvert truth biochemical certitude effectively only mate
and tradition as reasoned arguments are with their own kind, and thus there are no
censored and distorted. It is noted that hybrids in nature; and 2) the “sterile hybrid
the science of atheists does not ennoble problem” in that animal hybrids, when
mankind, nor does it improve our under- forcefully created by humans, cannot re-
standing of ourselves even if it superficially produce. Both facts would seem to prevent
improves satisfaction in this earthly life. the major genetic transfers required by
Without transcendent interpretation, sci- evolution as currently advertised.
Chapter seven, “The Spiritual Brain— unbelief can be seen as a mental disorder
Finding the Soul within the Body,” analyzes more delusional than any accusations or
the neurological, psychophysiological, elec- book by Richard Dawkins.
trophysiological, and computational as- The significance of the book is that only
pects of mind-material-brain. This chapter those who act will win. Believers cannot sit
is worth the price of the whole book, and it on their hands. One must provoke in order
renders at least “plausible” that there is life to gain respect and receptivity from the
after death. man from Tonga and all others. One would
The best evidence of contem- be deaf, dumb, and blind not to see the
porary neuroscience is that the nothingness of what atheists believe and
mind cannot be equated with the the contrary transcendental cornucopia of
brain, and while the deteriora- a life after death. This book made me reread
tion of the brain might impede the book (which I recommend to all) by
the operation of the mind, the Anthony Rizzi, The Science Before Science.1
two are separate, which makes Atheism is the prevention of evolu-
it possible that our immaterial tion—it is the stagnating prevention of the
minds and consciousness might human spirit. It is a polluting regression
survive the termination of our into non-being. It is soviet. D’Souza has de-
physical frames. (125) feated them all. One must read the book
D’Souza’s analysis of consciousness, and embrace the exhaustive, deep case
free will, and immaterial self are adequate. D’Souza makes for Life after Death.
His chapter on philosophy of reason, phe- Samuel A. Nigro, M.D.
nomena, subjectivity/objectivity (ch. 9) Cleveland Heights, Ohio
is transcendent. He quotes the atheist
Schopenhauer: “Your real being knows nei-
ther time, nor beginning, nor end.... Your
immortal part is indestructible” (162). Note
Thus, the first modern atheist proves his 1
Anthony Rizzi, The Science Before Science: A
theophobia as he proclaims immortality— Guide to Thinking in the 21st Century (Bloom-
Schopenhauer, like them all, cannot bring ington, IN: Press of Institute for Advanced
himself to say “God”; and the psychology of Physics, 2004).
“There must be something better you Peter Dans’s book: Christians in the
can be doing with your time.” My confes- Movies: A Century of Saints and Sinners.
sor made this comment one day after I told Thankfully, Dr. Dans has spared all of us
him about a movie I watched recently, a hours of constructive time by watching—
war movie complete with scenes of not and reviewing—numerous movies as the
only violence but also of some of the more movie reviewer and critic for Pharos, the
crude aspects of life experienced by men in quarterly publication of the Alpha Omega
combat. This priest was pointing out to me Alpha Honor Medical Society. Out of the
that my time could be used better by doing considerable list of movies he has watched
something—anything—other than watch- over the past twenty years, he has selected
ing that movie. Father’s words kept com- nearly two hundred which feature either
ing back to me as I read the later part of Catholics or Christians in prominent roles.
476 Linacre Quarterly