Proyect To Develop To Petroleum
Proyect To Develop To Petroleum
Proyect To Develop To Petroleum
Plus! A responsible company // Prospective Kurdistan // The road to London // Exploring Tunisia
Offshore Collaboration
once again Community
New assets in the DNO portfolio
Education, health and sports
The Tawke field
A true
Oil expressions:
DNO’s gross pro-
duction was almost
65,000 barrels of
oil per day (almost
40,000 bopd WI)
in 2011. Accord-
ing to BP Statistical
Review of World
Energy June 2011,
the total world pro-
duction per day is
82,095,000 barrels.
A (very) brief history of oil These dyes are made from petrochemicals.
Synthetic shoes are made from a petroleum
product. Many rubber soles are also made from
Petroleum seeps have been known and ex- waterproofing and building material. petroleum. Natural rubber becomes sticky when
ploited by mankind since Palaeolithic times. The The earliest known oil wells were drilled in hot, and stiff when cold, while man-made rubber
earliest known use of thick naturally occurring China, around 350 AD, using bits attached to stays much more flexible.
crude oil (bitumen/asphalt) was by Neander- bamboo poles. The oil was burned to evapo- Car tires are made from synthetic rubber. Today,
thals, some 40,000 years ago; bitumen has rate brine and produce salt. the demand for synthetic rubber is four-times
been found adhering to stone tools used by The polish pharmacist and petroleum industry greater than for natural rubber.
Neanderthals at sites in Syria. The material was pioneer Jan Józef Ignacy Lukasiewicz built the A plastic bottle is made from the same petrochemi-
also used as early as the third millennium BC first modern refinery in 1856. Among his other cal as the fiber we call polyester. All plastic products,
in statuary, mortaring brick walls, waterproof- achievements were the discovery of how to many of the materials used to make the clothes you
ing baths and drains, in stair treads, and for distill kerosene from seep oil, the invention of wear, or the carpet you walk on, plus hundreds of
shipbuilding. According to ancient Greek his- the modern kerosene lamp and the introduction the other products we take for granted, are made
from petrochemicals.
torian Herodotus, asphalt was employed in the of the first modern street lamp in Europe.
construction of the walls and towers of Babylon, Today, the top three countries producing oil Some medicines, are manufactured from chemi-
a town situated in modern day Iraq. Herodotus are the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia and cals, and many of these are made from petroleum
products. Acetylsalicylic acid, or ASA, is the active
also speaks of oil pits near Babylon, and to this the United States. 54.4 percent of the world's
ingredient in many of the well-known, over-the-
day you can find crude oil seeps in Iraq, where readily accessible reserves are located in the counter pain relievers. ASA is manufactured from
the population for millennia has used petro- Middle East, with 43.7 percent located in Saudi petrochemicals. One of the first uses of oil, dating
leum as a source of light and warmth as well as Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait. back thousands of years, was as medicine.
Did you know … that the word petroleum comes from Greek "petra" for rock and latin "oleum" for oil?
|| My goal is for DNO to become a regional leader, and through the merger, the
company is already an important player in the Middle East. Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani
n January 2011 we noted an Will there be more mergers and acquisitions? of both production and reserves and have an
important message in the form “Yes. An oil company grows through acquisi- extremely strong platform to grow from. Fol-
of a tweet from the then Kurdis- tions and mergers in addition to organic lowing the merger we have also established
tan Regional Government prime growth. DNO will become bigger, stronger and an organizational structure that is better
minister. “Productive meeting w PM more profitable. We have already achieved geared for the future. Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani
Maliki in Baghdad. Agreed to resume much of what we aimed for. We have strength- also brings a new dimension to the company
oil exports from Kurdistan by Feb 1st, ened corporate governance, improved the bal- with his lengthy and broad experience in the
resolve outstanding issues on oil, budget.” ance sheet and the company delivered record international oil business and his large political
“It was the sort of statement we had been operational and financial results in 2011.” network in the MENA region.”
waiting for. One of the year's definite high- For Eide the merger with RAK Petroleum
lights,” says Helge Eide. was also one of last year's major events, but But some of the old DNO must still exist?
For the uninitiated: The Kurdistan region the path was at times rather rocky, and it was “Absolutely. It's important that we retain
of Iraq, where DNO is involved in large-scale not a given that the merger would succeed. what has characterized DNO throughout its
exploration and production, is perhaps the A group of shareholders were initially vocally history and that has driven its success. We
most exciting petroleum province in the world opposed to the merger of the two companies shall maintain our entrepreneurial spirit. The
today. The formal go-ahead for export was a and a lot of effort was put into addressing the ability to act quickly, the willingness to make
major step forward and marked the start of an concerns raised and providing additional infor- unconventional choices and see opportunities
eventful year for the company. mation to shareholders and the media. where others shy away – these are competitive
2011 was also the year when DNO gained “It was a good day when Bijan, through dia- advantages we shall take along with us.”
weight, muscle really, through the merger logue with shareholders, managed to secure Helge Eide has the wholehearted support of his
with RAK Petroleum PCL’s operating subsid- sound support for the merger. That Sunday chairman, who is impressed and intrigued by the
iaries, picking up exploration, development when I was in the office and was informed that strong business culture that characterizes DNO.
and production assets in the United Arab we could expect the support of the majority “Those who work here have a can-do attitude
Emirates, Oman and Tunisia. At the annual … that felt good. And when we got the strong and professionalism in everything they tackle.
general meeting in June, the company also support from 76.5 percent of our sharehold- DNO is fast paced – here one turns on a dime.
gained a new chairman of the board, the ers at the extraordinary general assembly The attitude is that anything is possible, and
charismatic and politically well-connected two days later, it was the end of an extremely the teams are proud of and take ownership
Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani, the man who has intense period. I am not for a moment in doubt of the company's successes. It is important to
successfully built international oil companies that the merger was important and right. me that DNO remains a Norwegian company,
twice before, who has been an OPEC delegate Today, DNO is a new company,” Eide says. with a Norwegian business culture,” states
and who has written a large number of books Mossavar-Rahmani.
on energy policy, and more. What does the new consist of?
“My goal is for DNO to become a regional “We are undoubtedly a more focused company. But listed on the London Stock Exchange?
leader. DNO already had a very attractive asset We have a more distinct strategy and geo- “Yes, that is our goal and it will be a decisive
base, and following the merger and the re graphical focus area. The company is also less step for the company. This will provide us
organisation and repositioning of the company, conflict-oriented and more concerned with the with a broader and deeper investor base that
we have established a very solid platform for core business. The new DNO is a more mature will facilitate potential mergers and acquisi-
rapid growth,” says Mossavar-Rahmani. company; we have become larger in terms tions. Listing on the London Stock Exchange
|| Itseveral
is of course a goal to see the company’s value increase
times compared to the current level. Helge Eide
puts us in the middle of the deal flow, but the and that is always useful.”
corporateheadquarters will remain in Oslo and “Bijan is an active chairman, very hands on.
we will be listed both in London and Oslo.” And I mean that in a strictly positive sense,”
Eide is also is of the opinion that the DNO Helge Eide adds. “We have a clear division of
culture is one of the company's strengths. responsibility between the management and
“Our way of doing business is well-received in the board and with well articulated strategies
the Middle East. We bring principles of openness, and guidelines. This is good for the company.”
a flat structure and opportunities for local staff.”
Peer into the crystal ball, Helge Eide.
How do the employees feel about the Where is DNO in 2015?
new situation? “We can grow significantly with only our current
“A merger process can create uncertainty but portfolio and by succeeding with projects we
changes will also mean opportunities. We quickly have currently planned. But the intent is not
entered an integration phase to ensure full speed only to focus on organic growth, but also to
in all processes and avoid business interruption. grow through transactions and diversification.
Now there is a new and positive energy in the It is of course a goal to see the company's value
organization. We have en even greater pool of increase several times compared to the current
highly competent associates and new career level. In 2015 I believe we will be considered to
opportunities for the company employees.” be a major player in our area. That said, DNO in
2015 will still be a fast track company with an
What do you bring to the table as chairman, entrepreneurial spirit and low overheads.”
Mr Mossavar-Rahmani? “The key to success is to do more of the
“It is important for a company to have a chair- same,” Mossavar-Rahmani concurs. “We will
man who knows where he or she wants to go hire even more skilled people, ensure that we
and can take decisive and timely decisions to have an even more empowered and strength-
get there. I believe that I have the support and ened management. But most of all, an oil
confidence of the shareholders and the neces- company must focus on exploration. Then
sary mandate to lead DNO. I also have good geologists and geophysicists can concentrate
relations in the countries in which we operate, on doing what they do best. Finding oil.”
Highlights 2011
January February March April May June
The Kurdistan Regional Govern- Export production from DNO completed a USD 240 The annual report for 2010 KRG announced a confir- DNO confirmed the first
ment (KRG) and Iraqi federal Tawke commenced million senior unsecured was released. mation of the first oil ex- payment of USD 103.7
authorities agrees to commence at test volumes of bond and through that con- port payment to the KRG million for February and
crude oil exports from Kurd- 10,000 bopd. Technical tinued to build DNO’s strong contractors. DNO achieved March crude oil exports
istan. The first announcement preparations for further financial platform. a record high working from Kurdistan. Bijan
came from the Kurdistan Prime ramp up to 50,000 In Yemen, expats were interest production of Mossavar-Rahmani was
Minister Barham Salih on twit- bopd progressed. Bijan moved to the Dubai office 51,315 barrels of oil per elected new chairman of
ter: “Productive meeting w PM Mossavar-Rahmani was because of the riots. Block 47 day in May. Gross produc- the board at the annual
Maliki in Baghdad. Agreed to re- elected member of the gave notice of Commercial tion at the DNO operated general meeting. The Oslo
sume oil exports from Kurdistan board of directors in an Discovery and the Block area facilities in Kurdistan and Stock Exchange decided
by Feb 1st, resolve outstanding extraordinary general was reduced, and became a Yemen was around 85,000 to include DNO Interna-
issues on oil budget.” meeting. development licence. bopd in May. tional in the OBX index.
Norway developments. DNO has further expanded its Block 8 DNO is producingoil and gas from
In the headquarters in Oslo you find the operations in Yemen and is currently holding two platforms. On the otherthree blocks
corporate functions, the subsurface teams interests in five assets, all located in the pro- the exploration and field development plans
and the administration. DNO is listed at the lific Say'un-Masila Basin. DNO has an office are under evaluation.
Oslo Stock Exchange, but has no operations in Sana’a that runs the operations.
in Norway. Ras Al Khaimah
Kurdistan region of Iraq DNO holds the offshore RAK B and RAK
Dubai In June of 2004, DNO entered into production Saleh licences and one onshore licence.
The office in Dubai is DNO's hub in the sharing contracts (PSCs) with the Kurdistan The offshore licences are being prepared
Middle East, hosting corporate technical Regional Government (KRG). As one of the for redevelopment and after encouraging
functions and the COO's administrative team. first international oil companies to enter results from seismic acquisition in 2011, the
this highly prospective region, DNO holds a company is now setting the stage for fur-
United Kingdom pioneering position in developing the local oil ther exploration onshore Ras Al Khaimah.
DNO is present in the UK with its London of- industry. DNO is operator of three PSCs: Tawke, An office is maintained in the Emirate.
fice located at St James Square. The company Dohuk and Erbil. DNO has completed one
is aiming for a listing at the London Stock Ex- fast-track field development of the Tawke field. Tunisia
change in 2012 and will consequently increase The capacity at Tawke is 70,000 bopd and DNO at present holds a 30 percent share
its presence in London with additional staff. the company is working to increase capacity of the Hammamet offshore licence and
to 100,000 bopd in 2012. DNO's operations in has also signed a prospecting permit for
Yemen Kurdistan are managed from its office in Erbil. the Fkirine licence, covering an area of
DNO entered Yemen in 1998 and was more than 2,000 square kilometres. The
approved as operator later that year. The Oman Tunis office is responsible for operations
company quickly expanded activities DNO is the operator of the offshore Block in Tunisia.
through successful exploration and fast-track 8 and the onshore blocks 30, 31 and 47. On
A dozen of the first petroleum department graduates from the Technical Institute
of Zakho have been hired by DNO, a big milestone for the newly established
department and its successful trainee programme at DNO’s oil field at Tawke.
embers of the Class of 1
Hear me roar
The hiring of four women dissolves a cultural
and societal barrier, and has fundamentally
changed the oil business in Kurdistan. Not only
does DNO gain the expertise of young and
aspiring talents – the belief that women have
no place in an oil field is transcended.
1 Tarik A. Abdullah Sonia Saad Pols is a Zakho native who grew
Chalabi, DNO's Deputy
Manager in Kurdistan is
up with a love for mechanics and anything
one of the innovators technical. Now, she has found a niche as a
behind the trainee warehouse trainee and has the ambition to
programme at Tawke
for the students at the someday work within operations and con-
Petroleum Department. tracting. “As a woman, finding my place here
at Tawke has been a transition, but I do feel – my family, friends and fellow students – are 2
elcome. What really helps is that my friend
w happy to see me as a DNO employee.”
and colleague Dawlaf works here as well – Operator CPF trainee Renas Adbi Mirza has
with other women on site it has been much career ambitions to be a team leader at DNO and
easier to adapt,” says Sonia confidently. knows he gets noticed – especially by his large
Dawlat Ahmed Muhamed is a young woman family that includes eight brothers and sisters as
who knows what she wants. “It was engineering well as the students still at the Institute in Zahko.
that captured my interests when I was younger, “When I was studying it was my ambition to work
something that led me to petroleum studies. with DNO, and suddenly here I am! Now we realize
Now I am a lab technician trainee and excited to that students in the petroleum department are
be here – following the path of what I learned working harder than ever – they see that our goals
as part of the Institute trainee programme. Even to become DNO employees have been fulfilled.”
now, Sonia and I have a lot of contact with
female students in petroleum studies who see Being seen
us as trailblazers and want to join us at Tawke At the Institute, the head of the Petroleum
when they graduate,” declares Dawlat. Department Alaa Hagi is pleased with the
development. He knows the programme is just
1 In 2011, DNO donated lab equipment to
Raining men in the starter’s blocks, but that the government the Petroleum Department at the Technical
Joining the ladies and the rest of the hard and DNO has given it kudos, a sure sign the Institute of Zakho. Now, the students can
charging workforce of about 300 are eight programme is on the right track nationally and practice hands-on lab experiments. Before
that, the head of the department Alaa Hagi
strapping young men from the Institute eager internationally. used YouTube to teach lab experiments.
to carve out their careers at Tawke. One of the “I have a five-year plan that includes a drilling
2 Dawlaf Ahmen Muhamed is one of four
graduates is Ali Shaban Abdullah, who radiates section in addition to refining operations and female graduates from the Zakho Institute
enthusiasm as he says, “Since I was a teenager chemical analysis. This is further down the working on Tawke field.
growing up in Zakho I knew that it was my road, but petroleum activities are only in the
dream to work in the oil field. That really came start phase in Kurdistan, and we will continue
true when I was hired by DNO in January. Now to develop in tandem with our DNO friends,”
I am a wellhead trainee, and everyone I know concludes Alaa Hagi.
hen DNO entered Kurd- Constitution. The early days were challenging, success - the first well discovered lots of oil. It
istan in 2004, the region I recall. No petroleum infrastructure existed became very clear that a new discovery was
was in essence virgin and we had to import everything from the about to be developed.
territory from an oil and outside markets.” Only two years after seismic acquisition com-
gas perspective. “DNO “Security was given the utmost importance. menced, with the King of Norway waiving at
considered commercial gains by far out- I realized that security was crucial to attract the crowds in the streets of Oslo, the Tawke oil
weighed the risks involved, and the company international service providers, to mobilize field was ready to deliver oil to the international
chose to seize the opportunity to explore parts equipment and personnel to Kurdistan; a markets. The Kurdistan team under the leader-
of the region,” says Magne Normann, who region that would be judged against poor se- ship of Tarik Chalabi in Erbil, and the subsurface
now has assumed new responsibilities as COO curity and loss of lives in the rest of Iraq. How team under the leadership of Nils Bang did an
(Chief Operating Officer) handing over his do we carry out seismic if all decline to con- excellent job,” emphasizes Magne.
“giant baby” to the new General Manager for tract with DNO? This is exactly what happened.
Kurdistan, Nicholas Atencio. All seismic contractors were contacted, but A giant is born
“Nicholas Atencio has assumed the role as nobody showed interest. We finally engaged “The legend of Tawke grew as our activities
General Manager and will continue our suc- with a Chinese contractor – their home office continued at Tawke through an on-going
cesses. Much more remains to be done, and said “no”. So, then we were back to square process of appraisal/development drilling
with Nick’s competence and dedication I feel one,” says Magne. He is, by the way, known for and collecting extensive production data. The
very comfortable that DNO will reach new never taking a “no” for an answer. existing reservoir model was adjusted with
production records in the years to come. My new input data from field test production and
new role as COO gives me the opportunity to A capable Great Wall consequently the recoverable field estimates
involve myself with company growth from a “We finally contracted with a very small Cana- doubled in value to more than 600 million bar-
wider perspective and use my past experience dian firm and commenced seismic acquisition rels – a world-class giant field,” says Magne.
from some 14 years in the Middle East to ex- on 17th May 2005 (Norway’s Constitution The federal government and the KRG al-
pand DNO into new growth areas, and repeat Day); a day all Norwegians celebrate. Contract- lowed first oil to be exported in June 2009.
successes of the past,” says the experienced ing a rig and well services were considered an DNO had become the first company in Kurdis-
entrepreneur and COO. equally hard nut to crack, and we decided to tan to export crude oil via export pipelines.
approach contractors that could provide both “No doubt Kurdistan has become very impor-
Challenging beginnings rig and well services under a single contract tant to DNO. Achievements made are a result
But before totally letting go, Magne gladly umbrella. Not many contractors have that of skilled, dedicated professionals. Kurdistan
elaborates about the past, present and the capability – the Chinese Great Wall Drilling has much more to offer, and DNO has much
future; “All PSCs were signed in June 2004; Company did. We commenced drilling in No- more to offer Kurdistan,” concludes Magne
before ratification of the new national vember 2005 with GWDC, rig #9. Immediate Normann.
The new General Manager for DNO’s operations in Kurdistan is Texan
Nicholas Atencio, who takes over an exciting portfolio that spans
activities from start-up exploration to full-blown production.
The capital of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Erbil, is a city that thrived
years before the Egyptian pyramids were built. Juxtapose this distant
past with future potential and the mind boggles.
Below the Citadel the city market is buzzing with
quotidian activity. It is Saturday and Naz Ismail
stands on the crest of a groundswell of Erbil na-
tives that come back to the city after years abroad.
“I think it is just a matter of timing, everybody
wants to come home. After ten years in Hastings in
the UK, where I worked in a hospital, the right time 1 4
In 2011 DNO inaugurated cooperation with local
authorities to introduce ideas we had concerning
various community projects in support of local
health, education and sports initiatives.
raq has a national health system; how- tices, common ailments, disease – knowledge
ever, primary health care centres are that can save lives. We think of health as a
located where the populations exceed shared responsibility, and projects like this
5,000 inhabitants. This means that if raise community awareness – bringing people
one lives in a small remote village, com- together to share responsibility,” says the
mon medical knowledge can save lives. sympathetic doctor.
The Directorate of Health in Dohuk has As coordinator, Dr. Bakhtiyar Ahmed care-
started a regional campaign designed to en- fully picks versatile representatives to hold
lighten villagers, complemented by a standby the health awareness sessions, taking into
mobile medical team providing emergency consideration language and cultural differences.
response services. The target group for the They are responsible to communicate the
initiative are small villages in the Dohuk region, topics on the agenda that include how to deal
and around the Tawke central processing with chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease,
facilities, where DNO operates. hypertension and asthma), health awareness
Dr. Bakhtiyar Ahmed, the coordinator for dedicated to specific groups (post menopausal
health awareness session around the Dohuk women, teenage girls, and pregnant women).
region, is genuinely concerned about the qual- DNO's project engineer in Kurdistan, Scala
ity of life and the health of the growing regional Alqasalias is the project manager for the com-
population. “DNO took the initiative to support munity support project. “I enjoy the success
our project and we said yes. Now DNO and the with this project that reaches out to the re-
Directorate are bringing health education to the gional population, raising the quality of life in
people,” says Dr. Bakhtiyar Ahmed, proudly. a way that empowers the people to take more
“The health awareness sessions are a series responsibility for their health. I look forward
of weekly gatherings that teach basic practical to continuing this work. DNO has also planned
medicine to the community – we bring the similar projects within education and sports in
villagers together to learn about hygiene prac- the region,” says Scala Alqasalias.
|| We think of health as a shared responsibility, and projects like this raise community
awareness – bringing people together to share responsibility. Dr. Bakhtiyar Ahmed
101 gifts
The village has a school with 101 pupils ranging
6-16 years of age. Though small, it is the largest
school in the area. Outside the community hall,
dozens of children run towards the elementary
school. What could be happening on this after-
noon before the big weekend? Something is up...
In the school’s courtyard the children line
up neatly. Just by the entrance there are one
hundred and one backpacks arranged in two
piles – pink and purple for the girls – red and
green for the boys. One by one the hopeful
children receive a brand new backpack filled
with precious school goodies such as pencils,
4 1 The satisfaction in the children's faces is
notebooks, scissors, and so on – by the look unmistakable as they receive their back-
on their faces their satisfaction is unmistakable. packs at Livo school.
in the area around Tawke children and adults 3 Shoshen Zaya sees the medical informa-
are obsessed with football and even have their tion received at the health awareness ses-
sion as a tool to improve family health.
own village teams. The conditions for playing
have been poor. A new football field increases 4 Scala Alqasalias, DNO's project engineer
the enthusiasm to play sports, contributing to in Kurdistan is the project manager for the
community support project that includes
healthy bodies and minds. initiatives within health, education and sports.
Since Livo is the largest village in the area,
it has been decided to build the football field
here – one that can be used by everyone in the
area for both school sports and leisure activities.
According to DNO’s construction plan, the grass-
roots sports facility will be in place by summer.
Arabian waters
DNO is offshore once again. New assets in
Oman and the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah bring
new challenges and opportunities to the company.
Joint effort
Situated just off the coast of Musandam
Peninsula and Ras Al Khaimah, you find two
oil and gas platforms; Bukha and West Bukha
They may well be believed to belong to Ras Al
Khaimah. Not so, they are located in Oman’s
Block 8 and the DNO office in Oman as-
sumes responsibility for these two oil and gas
platforms in the Gulf, both connected to an
onshore processing plant in Ras Al Khaimah.
The Ras Al Khaimah and Muscat offices plan
to move the production operations base to
1/2 General Manager in the Musandam peninsula as a joint effort later
Ras Al Khaimah D avid this year. An exclave of Oman, Musandam is a
Thorpe on an operational
mission by helicopter to sparsely populated area, with geography and
the Bukha and West Bukha scenery that amaze – but with an infrastruc-
platforms in the Gulf. The
oil and gas platform at
ture that is just now being developed.
West Bukha lies nearly 50 A new processing plant currently being con-
kilometres off the main- structed by the Oman Oil Company OOCEP will
land and just metres from
the Iranian border. receive natural gas from the West Bukha field
that lies offshore in the Gulf and then process
3 A veteran of the oil
and gas industry, David the raw gas to produce a pipeline quality product
Grassick is DNO's General that will be supplied primarily for use in Oman.
Manager in Oman.
“We take the long-term view with regards to
4 Mechanic Gerry Nartatez establishing operations at Musandam. Although
on one of his daily trips to
Bukha 1, where he is re-
it is still at the planning stage, DNO feels that
sponsible for maintenance. any logistical and operational challenges will be
Oman Block 8,
the West Bukha-5
development well.
Area: 309,500 sq km
Population: 3.1 million
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Muscat
DNO in Oman
Oman plays a central role in DNO’s Middle East
business development strategy.
DNO’s holdings in Oman are focused on four
blocks and the activity is split between three
exploration blocks and one production block.
Block 8: Currently two producing fields, Bukha
and West Bukha.
Bukha is an offshore gas-condensate field with two
producing wells. A third well will be drilled in 2012.
The West Bukha production is currently averag-
ing 8,000 barrels of oil per day as well as 27
million cubic feet of dry gas.
Block 30: Appraisal/Development
Block 31: Exploration
Block 47: Exploration/Appraisal
Ras Al Khaimah
Area: 1,683 sq km
Population: 263,000
Government: Monarchy, part of the federation
comprising United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Capital: Ras Al Khaimah
Rak B: Appraisal
Rak Saleh: Upgrading existing facilities
RAK Onshore: Petroleum concession encompass-
ing approx. 8,500 sq km in Ras Al Khaimah
Seductive Oman
Beautiful Muscat is mysterious and full of contrasts. Strolling along the attractive
corniche, one takes in the indigenous atmosphere of the Mutrah Souq
and loses one's way in a sea of antiques and culture.
he Omani capital is as charming 1
as first love, seducing you with
its aromas of ocean, spices
and latticed buildings – not to
mention the mystical sensa-
tions derived from the deep
monotone sounds flowing from the mosque at
prayer time; highlighting an indelible contrast
between ancient traditions and the modern
world; all in a delicate balance.
Muscat is also a modern city, with a pleasant,
relaxed pace of life, is nestled in the backdrop
of the newly built Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque
in the outskirts of the city. The Al Alam Palace,
situated in the old Muscat along the corniche,
reveals the ancient Mutrah souq, and the
Portuguese forts on nearby seaside cliffs. This
picturesque scene takes one's thoughts back to
ancient times when legend has it Sinbad first
set forth on his journeys from the port at Mutrah.
Beyond Muscat, the country showcases
beautiful coastlines, modern hotel complexes,
jagged mountains, vast arid regions, and a
thriving oil and gas industry. Abduljalil Al Farsi
is an Omani and the External Affairs Manager
at DNO Oman. A amenable professional, he has
had a career that can be measured in sync with
the development of the Sultanate of Oman.
Growing economy
According to Abduljalil Al Farsi, “The country
of Oman has continuously evolved with in-
creasing levels in salaries, employment for the
people, stable rule of law, social benefits for
the population, more equal rights for men and
women and changes in the Ministry to address
the changing times.”
1 Oman plays a central Over the past 40 years, Oman has made its
role in DNO’s MENA
mark as the most improved country in the Arab
business development
strategy. “In Oman, World, according to the United Nations Devel-
it all boils down to opment Programme, making it one of the most
trust,” says DNO’s Ex-
ternal Affairs Manager developed countries in the Middle East.
Abduljali Al Farsi. “His Majesty Sultan Qaboos observes the
|| The country of Oman has continuously evolved with increasing levels in salaries,
employment and social benefits for the population. Abduljalil Al Farsi
|| The DNO merger with RAK Petroleum may be said to have shown foresight
and strength that transcend cultural barriers. David Grassick
Azhar Ahsan
Senior Accountant, Oman
"I have worked in the business for 17
years with the Canadians, Austra-
lians, Americans, and now DNO. I am
happy, as we have for the first time
a general manager based in Muscat
office taking charge of the Bukha
operations and planning to develop
new fields. I heard that Norway is a
very nice country – but do not know
much more than that. I suppose that
'no news is good news’!"
Abduljalil Al Farsi
External Affairs Manager, Oman
"I have been working internationally
for nearly twenty years, and naturally
I have heard much about Norway and
the Norwegian oil industry. I look
forward to a new and promising future
with DNO as we continue to expand our
possibilities as we maintain good com-
munication with the Omani government
and the people of this country."
Salim Al Badwawi
Operations Engineer, Ras Al Khaimah
“The future is promising as DNO has
vast experience in the oil and gas
industry. Appointing a general manger
in each country indicates clearly a
commitment to development of assets
– also development of local employees
is beneficial and will enhance the
company image and reputation. I
have visited many European countries,
know that Norway is strong and grow-
3 ing, and would love to visit someday.”
Tunisia represents an exciting area of potential in the MENA region, due
to the number of unexplored opportunities and its pivotal position.
he Australian Shelley Watson low cost gas existing close to major population
is the General Manager at RAK centres was in decline.
Petroleum, a member of the During the past several years, radical changes
DNO Board, and a buff on have been occurring on the production side, es-
gas production and the gas pecially in North America where the recent ex-
market. Her enthusiasm is pansion of unconventional gas (shale and coal
infectious as she describes the changing gas bed methane) exploitation has rapidly changed
market – much of it driven by technology. “The the dynamics of the world supply situation.
historical movement of large gas reserves to
major population centres has been one of Getting in tune
the challenges of the natural gas industry – a Much of the key to success in the Middle East
challenge, until the dawn of technology that is to understand the nature of the govern-
includes Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) allowing ments and their need to serve their population.
for huge shipments of frozen natural gas to be “In this region, local and national markets often
transported across the globe,” says Watson. have a specific need for gas. These needs
“Even newer technology, known as gas to are particularly related to power generation
liquids, wherein gas is literally converted and water desalination – and as a result the
through a complex process to a liquid at government requires that the producers sell
standard temperature and pressure is being the gas locally, and urges production within an
developed, which will further enhance the individual country,” says Watson.
ability of large natural gas reserves to reach “Once a gas field discovery is made, the
energy-hungry markets”, she adds. development of the field and the use of the
gas is part of the negotiation between the
The big view producer and the government, and this affects
As she looks out upon the Dubai desert the market as well. Smaller gas fields have
landscape from the office at RAK Petroleum, historically been sold into the local market in
Watson seems to peer into the future, “Both the country in which they are located. More
the supply – and the demand – for LNG is ex- recently, a greater reliance on gas supply from
pected to increase radically in the future with regional neighbours has moved the balance of
the major reserves in Qatar, Australia, Nigeria gas supply and demand,” she continues.
and Indonesia being prepared to satisfy de-
mand that will especially be increasing in the Arrival in style
Far East, India and the Middle East.” DNO is arriving on the international gas market
Expert consensus indicates that huge gas in style with the acquisition of the West Bukha
reserves with the capacity to last several hun- field in the Gulf as part of the merger with
dred years currently exist. Until a few years ago, RAK Petroleum. The field has had a long and
Everyday life
The DNO portfoilio spans a vast area in the MENA region,
with a myriad of local traditions, historical landmarks and
expanding, forward-looking communities.
An unmistakable shop
in the Kaisary market
in Erbil, with a greater
selection of buckets than
any supermarket.
Kurdish wedding
celebration in the
outskirts of Dohuk
on a glorious spring
day in 2012.
Being in Kurdistan allows us to work with one of the richest
structures in the world. There is so much left to learn and discover.
This is a rare opportunity for a geologist. Dr. Peter K. Keller
It’s a beautiful country to do fieldwork, and the
local population is really friendly and interested in
what we are doing in Tunisia. Dr Kathryn Canner A geologist's
most important gadgets
Our staff is dedicated, with extensive knowledge and experience in
all our operations that includes seismic acquisition, drilling operations
and production – everything we need to get the job done. Colin Kramer
ituated on the southern end of
the Arabian Peninsula is the
utterly unique Yemen, which
is said to be our original
birthplace. The country is
steeped in legend, boasting
the world’s oldest skyscrapers
in Shibam – called “the Manhattan of the des-
ert” – as well as one of the world’s oldest cities,
the capital Sana’a. They form an appropriate
backdrop suitable for DNO’s “Yemen adven-
ture” that has been taking place over the past
decade. DNO currently holds five licences; all
located in the prolific Say’un-Masilah Basin.
valued shareholders
Since its inception in 1971, DNO has been followed closely
by thousands of shareholders at any given point in
time, a rather enthusiastic and loyal group.
orstein Øygarden became a their interests in acquiring DNO, particularly
shareholder in 1999 and joined because of the exposure in Kurdistan. The
an online discussion group on DNO Initiative’s goal was to represent private
Stock-Talk that same year to get owners in any takeover discussion with the
more familiar with the company potential new owner of DNO. However, this
and to discuss DNO’s ongoing takeover interest did not come to fruition.
activities with other shareholders. In 2010 when RAK Petroleum came on the
“For many years we kept contact on the dis- horizon and began purchasing stock, the
cussion group and met each other at the An- “cybergroup” sprung to life once more. Accord-
nual General Meetings at Aker Brygge in Oslo. ing to Øygarden, “The DNO Initiative came
Some of the members also met regularly, once especially active when we understood that
a month in Norway’s “oil capital” Stavanger to RAK Petroleum was purchasing critically close
discuss energy policies in general, and DNO in to the 33 percent mark that summer”.
specific, over a pint or two.”
“Our group loyally followed the company, In the distance
resting when there was not much to discuss, By then, the DNO Initiative, coordinated by
but roaring to life with opinions and view- Øygarden, had been joined by member and
points when we felt the need to say our piece,” legal advisor Kåre A. Tjønneland and Kjell
says Øygarden. Pettersen. “We were well aware of the
developments and rumours of a merger. Once
No ordinary stockholders a prospectus became available, it was evalu-
Øygarden observed over time that this was no ated, and there arose a cause for concern
ordinary group of shareholders, “Over the years, I because of potential share dilution, proposed
discovered an intense interest and loyalty from a DNO activities in new countries and areas of
wide group of shareholders – many of whom pos- operation – and also that DNO’s assets were
sessed intricate knowledge of the oil industry.” undervalued,” says Tjønneland.
The phrase “The DNO Initiative” was coined Of course, these viewpoints of the DNO Ini-
in 2007 when it became known in the market tiative group did not come as a surprise to the
that some large oil companies where voicing company itself, as DNO had long been aware
2 4
of the fierce loyalty that shareholders felt to- our group had a common interest and that 1 Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani,
visionary entrepreneur and
wards the company. The next step was to open we where thinking quite similarly on DNO’s DNO's executive chairman
the lines of communication between the DNO strategy going forward. The DNO Initiative at a stockholder meeting
Initiative and RAK Petroleum. “RAK Petroleum was convinced that the merger would be in in Stavanger.
chairman of the board and chief executive offi- the best interests of both the company and its 2 Loyal and enthusiastic
cer – now also DNO executive chairman – Bijan shareholders.” from the DNO Initiative,
Kjell Pettersen, Torstein
Mossavar-Rahmani, requested a telephone Øygården and Kåre A.
meeting with our group,” says Øygarden. The twelfth hour Tjønneland.
With the General Assembly just 24 hours
3 Haakon Sandborg talking
The clock ticked away, an online survey was created and sent to stockholders.
Despite the fact that these men were impressed out to all shareholders who were members
4 Torstein Øygården, the
with Mossavar-Rahmani and RAK Petroleum, of the Initiative – the survey was specifically initial mastermind behind
the DNO Initiative remained dead-set against a designed to explain the exact status, the situ- the DNO Initiative.
merger as the clock ticked towards the extraor- ation, and the benefits of the merger. Time
dinary general assembly. “Although against the passed, and as the night wore on shareholders
merger, we wanted to keep the lines of commu- showed their support. As the new day dawned
nication open, and agreed to one last meeting it became clear that the DNO Initiative had
with Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani. When we walked provided the mandate to vote on behalf of the
into the meeting with Bijan, we were against the merger by the members.
merger. When we walked out of the meeting, A shared press conference with RAK Petro-
our position had changed,” tells Øygarden. leum was urgently put together at Continental
Hotel with the message broadcasted that
The winds changed DNO and RAK Petroleum had found common
“Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani impressed us with a ground for the merger.
well-balanced plan for the pending merger, as As they say, the rest is history, as the merger
well as a pledge to support the nomination of was approved by the two companies respec-
a qualified candidate of the smaller sharehold- tively on November 1 and on November 4 in 2011.
ers to the board,” says Øygarden. “Bijan also The merger was finalized on January 10 2012,
convinced us that the major shareholder and and DNO has entered a dawn of a new era.
3 Director of human
resources, Anita Aarnæs.
1 2 3
he merger created a larger Geoscience department process requires a balance – understanding
organization – and an even The geoscience department uses its geological the nature of the reservoir, type of oil, fluid
larger amount of tasks for and geophysical expertise in the never-ending dynamics, porosity, permeability – and other
the DNO workforce. When search for the right combination of parameters aspects that give an oil field its personality.”
integrating people from that leave the clues about the subterranean
the two companies, it was reservoirs of oil and gas. The team methodi- Drilling and production department
decided to move from the cally builds knowledge from analysis of remote The elements that matter with drilling are flex-
previous asset based organization to a matrix. data, fieldwork, mapping, collecting and ibility, technology solutions, low-cost adaptability,
A resource matrix is an organizational sampling of rock data, seismic acquisition and speed, and naturally – success. Drilling opera-
structure that allows the company’s differ- processing – all the time working closely with tions are costly and demanding, and the drilling
ent technical and operational experts to be the other technical areas. and production department has an important
allocated on the projects where their expertise “This is exciting and technically challenging work role in the DNO success. As department manager,
is needed – serving all five countries of opera- in one of Norway’s oldest oil and gas companies, Jon Petter Sargeant is responsible for all drilling
tions in a flexible and cost-effective way. and in a true sense the fact is that fieldwork is activity – he has to make certain that all chances
“The resource matrix promotes systematic simply a close-up analysis of our planet. There is for success are maximized. He is also responsible
communication. We are able to capitalize on much left to discover – a jigsaw puzzle waiting for implementing flexible solutions such as the
the transfer of knowledge that results from to be solved,” says Ståle Monstad Geoscience Kurdistan region of Iraq’s first horizontal well,
this exchange – which enables DNO to identify Department Manager and Chief Geologist. that was drilled in order to gain more practical
and benchmark best practices across the orga- and reservoir knowledge at the Erbil licence.
nization,” says Anita Aarnæs Director Human Petroleum technical department The year 2012 will be an especially im-
Resources, . Kenneth Myhrvold has been involved in most portant year for the drilling and production
of the assets in the company, and was chosen department; with about 20 planned wells
Embraced at all levels for the position as the Technology Department to be drilled across DNO’s operations as the
Resource matrix meetings take place at least Manager and Chief Petroleum Engineer – company reaches new levels of activity.
once weekly. To ensure decisions are immediately because he has shown he has the knack to “Matrix organizations always create a certain
anchored in the corporate management, the di- succeed in an energy thirsty world. tension, a positive tension, as perspectives are
rector for subsurface and exploration (Tore Lilloe- Kenneth explains, “It is all about finding the challenged through a dynamic exchange of
Olsen) and the director for group operations right development solutions to ensure highest ideas and energies. It is our responsibility to
(Trond Myrseth) are involved in every meeting possible recovery in the most cost effective extract the most value of this dynamic interac-
together with the core technical managers. manner by which we will be judged. The tion," concludes director Aarnæs.
The prestigious
London stock exchange
As the year 2012 is the dawn of a new era for DNO, it is only fitting that
the company explores a potential London listing.
|| A London listing is part of a long process that requires careful study and action
in regards to all operational, legal and financial requirements. Haakon Sandborg
A peek into
the crystal ball
The financial service firm Macquarie knows what you need to know
about exploration trends and demand for oil. The oil market is far
from saturated and the oil boom is never-ending, only changing.
acquarie is a globally cycle. The overall oil market is healthy, but a level perhaps double of that, within the next
respected provider there are factors to keep in mind, including decade. This production number has increased
of banking, financial, potential political instability in a world where by only 10 percent over the past decade, from
advisory, investment globalization continues to have an ever- just over 72 mbpd in 1999. The fact is that it
and funds manage- increasing impact.” dropped by over two million barrels per day
ment services, and the from 82 mbpd at the end of 2008.
oil market is one of their areas of expertise. Keeping up At the same time, consumption has increased
According to Paul Connolly, senior managing Current estimates dictate that there should be nearly 15 percent during the period from 1999
director of Macquarie Capital, “The oil market enough oil for at least the next half century, to the end of 2009 – from 75,648 mbpd to the
presents an interesting mix of variables that although in many cases the cost of extraction end-2009 level of 84,077 mbpd. It is clear that
will face the global environment over the next will continue to rise. At the same time, the dynamic, creative exploration and financing will
several years. New technologies and geologies overall demand will likely double during the be necessary to expand production, as the “old”
will continue to influence exploration and the next two decades. oil fields simply do not meet demand. The bot-
development of infrastructure, driving produc- “The key issue involves the expansion of global tom line is that new discoveries and techniques
tion growth in regions that have been under- production to meet demand – at the same time are needed to supply the ever-growing demand
explored or exploited in recent decades.” when much of this production takes place in, or for this diminishing energy source.
in the vicinity of, countries with some political
A view beyond risk involved, and often with the involvement of DNO and MENA
The global oil market in general has rarely been state-run governments,” Connolly points out. Concerning the Middle East and Northern
more dynamic as the regional factors and prod- Africa (MENA) region – analysts agree it is not
uct mix continue to change rapidly. Emerging Changing of the guard without challenges and risks – but there is a
market growth and OECD declines will continue The world production scenario is changing huge up-side which makes it a very attractive
to alter demand patterns, with diesel demand from the “old” oil fields that have long been investment scenario. In the long term, there
continuing to rise. Macquarie indicates that the stalwart of supply. The world’s largest oil is a strong growth potential, one that reflects
although production costs are rising, the invest- field, Ghawar has been in production for 57 current strong budget surpluses, currency
ment is strong, but largely unproven reserves years, and supplies five percent of the world’s stability and an ever-increasing transparency
could drive long-term production growth. oil needs. Regions such as the North Sea are regarding corporate disclosure.
David Farrell, oil and gas analyst from in production decline, as is Alaska’s Prudhoe Operations in the MENA region demand the
Macquarie Securities says, “Macquarie believes Bay with only two billion recoverable barrels capital, the experience, and the flexibility to op-
that global oil demand will continue to grow remaining of an original total reserve estimate erate in changing and challenging environments.
during the next several years driven largely by of 25 billion barrels. According to David Farrell, “We believe that the
the growth economies of India and Asia. At the Major production and infrastructure invest- DNO merger with RAK Petroleum has strength-
same time, production will also see growth, ments will be required to expand capacity from ened the company’s position to continue its
but at higher costs for the full production the current 80 million barrels a day (mbpd) to diversification across the MENA region.”