RMO No. 4-2016
RMO No. 4-2016
RMO No. 4-2016
Quezon City
SUBJECT : Amending the Pertinent Provisions of Revenue Memorandum Order No. 20-
2007 on the Simplified Processing of Applications for Compromise
Settlement and Abatement Cases by Concerned Regional Offices
This Order is hereby issued in order to further facilitate and expedite the processing of
this Bureau, more particularly on applications for compromise settlement, as well as
abatement or cancellation of internal revenue tax liabilities filed by all concerned
taxpayers under the provisions of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 30-2002, and RR No.
13-2001, as amended by RR No. 4-2012, respectively, that have been recommended the
denial by the concerned revenue offices under the Revenue Regions and Large Taxpayers
Service (LTS) before the same are transmitted for further evaluation and recommendation
by the Technical Working Group (TWG)/Technical Working Committee (TWC) in the
National Office, and subsequent approval by the National Evaluation Board (NEB) or the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR), as the case may be.
2. The corresponding Notice of Denial (Annex “A”) shall be prepared with the initials of
the authorized members of the LTS-sub-TWC/EB and REB duly affixed thereto. The
duly accomplished Notice of Denial, together with the entire docket of the application,
shall be transmitted to the Chief, Accounts Receivable Monitoring Division (ARMD),
for recording and monitoring purposes, within ten (10) days immediately after the
denial by the concerned LTS sub-TWC/EB or regional TWG/REB, as the case may be.
Subsequently, the Chief, ARMD shall, within five (5) days from receipt thereof,
directly submit the said Notice, together with the entire docket of the application, to
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for signature, without the need of any further
review or evaluation of the substantive aspect of the LTSEB/REB by the NO-
TWG/TWC. After the approval of the said notice by the Commissioner, the approved
notice and the entire docket of the application shall be returned to the Chief, ARMD
for recording purposes and the same shall be immediately transmitted to the
originating revenue office for the appropriate service of the Notice to the taxpayer and
the immediate collection enforcement of the outstanding tax liabilities. A monthly
consolidated report on all denied applications for compromise settlement/abatement
cases shall be prepared and submitted by the Chief, ARMD to the Assistant
Commissioner (ACIR), Collection Service, copy furnished the offices of the Deputy
Commissioner for Operations and the CIR, within ten (10) days immediately after the
end of each month.
3. The herein prescribed Notice shall be prepared by the Office of the Regional Director,
for regional cases or Office of the LTS, for LTS cases, as the case may be.
The serial number (SN) in the Notice of Denial shall be prepared by the said
offices in the following order:
a. Nature of the application, “C", for compromise settlement or, “A”, for abatement;
b. Regional or national office name (i.e., LTS, EAS, RR01, RR02 and so on), as the
case may be;
c. Year of issuance of the notice; and
d. Control number.
For each year thereafter, the control number shall restart to number one (1) for the
first Notice of Denial to be issued for the calendar year. The Chief, ARMD shall
ensure that all notices of denial shall be indicated with serial numbers prepared
properly and sequentially (e.g., absence of serial/control numbers, repetition of serial
numbers, skipping/break in series, etc.) by the concerned revenue offices. In case of
any discrepancy, a written notice shall be sent the concerned revenue office for
purposes of correction/revision of the duly accomplished of the Notice of Denial.
revenue tax liabilities of the taxpayer are strictly processed and evaluated in
accordance to these revenue issuances. In case any application shall be recommended
for approval by the LTS-sub-TWC/EB or REB, with the deliberate intention of simply
passing the resolution of any factual/legal issue on the application to, but the same has
been clearly found to be contrary by, the NEB/TWG/TWC/CIR, the same shall be
considered as a demerit from the individual performance of every member of the said
recommending TWC/TWG/Boards/revenue officials, without prejudice of holding
him/her administratively liable thereto.
5. The LTS sub-TWC/EB and all regional TWGs/REBs shall evaluate and release their
respective board’s decision within fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of any
application for compromise settlement or abatement.
6. The prescribed reports (i.e., Annexes “A” to “G”) for applications for compromise
settlement/abatement penalties under Operations Memorandum No. 13-01-003 issued
by the Deputy Commissioner for Operations Group of this Bureau shall be strictly
observed by all concerned revenue offices.
The rules herein prescribed shall not apply to all applications for compromise
settlement and abatement of penalties that are transmitted to and pending with the
TWG/NEB/TWC in the National Office as of January 29, 2016, but the pertinent
procedural requirements set forth under RR No. 30-2002, and RR No. 13-2001, as
amended by RR No. 4-2012, RMO No. 20-2007, and other relevant revenue issuances
shall apply instead.
The pertinent provisions of RMO No. 20-2007 which are inconsistent herewith are
hereby repealed, modified or amended accordingly.
(Original Signed)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue