Pationt Monitoring System

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2015 International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC)

Wearable sensors and patient monitoring system: A

Shraddha D. Deshmukh Swati N. Shilaskar
Electronics department Electronics department
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
Pune, Maharashtra, India Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract-Nowadays wearable sensors are drawing patients movement. We can vary the sensor according to
attention in biomedical field. Main reason for that is a clinical application of interest.
continuous development in sensor technologies. These Figure shows conceptual idea of wearable sensors
developments are in the form of smart sensors, sensors
build textile etc, and also it includes advances in the
technologies such as microcontroller and wireless.
Wearable sensors are used to do continuous monitoring of
parameters which are very much important in
cardiovascular diseases such as heart pulse, temperature,
respiration rate, oxygen rate, body posture etc. Focus on
such sensors is given in this paper.

Keywords-Alerts, Cardiovascular diseases, Healthcare,

Patient monitoring system, Wearable sensors.

In India, main reason for rate of mortality is cardiovascular Figure1.Overview of patient monitoring system
diseases. In average 33% of persons over the age of 65 and
50% of persons over the age of 85 experience a fall each year It consist of wearable materials, sensors, wireless
[1, 2]. For such people medical intervention cost is increasing communication modules and links smart textiles, actuators,
day by day. Recent advances in information and power supplies, control and processing units, interfaces for the
communication technologies are expected to provide the user, software and advanced algorithms to make decision.
means to realize personalized, low cost healthcare solutions Wearable sensors have to follow some strict medical criteria
mainly focusing on helping people. Nowadays people are ergonomic constraints and significant hardware resource
more aware about their health and are eager to participate limitations.
actively in their own health management and also healthcare
providers are looking for ways to a variety of health Following are some things which should have been taken into
information networks are being developed. consideration:-
These networks seek to care providers, link hospitals, Weight of wearable sensor should be small i.e. it should be
healthcare professionals, laboratories and ultimately people’s handy, When placed on body of patient it must not interfere to
homes. Using available facilities one can survive from the user’s daily activity, It should not cause irritation on patient’s
acute disease but this may lead to disabilities in person. Now skin, It should not cause any unwanted radiation or infection.
the question arises, how to care for individuals having Also there are some technical limitations including hardware
complex condition? And how to involve each individual resource constraints, most importantly processor speed,
personally in the activity? Solution to these lies in what extent memory availability, data storage space and power supply.
we are taking advantage of available technologies.
Currently there are some technologies which promises II. SURVEY BASED ON AVAILABLE SENSORS
improved diagnosis and ensure participation of individual in Patient monitoring systems generally build up with following
activity. Main aim of this paper is to discuss the available stages:
technologies which are focused on remote health monitoring. Data collection hardware and sensing to collect physiological
Advancement in wearable technologies has led to number of and movement data, The communication hardware and
biomedical application. Wearable sensors are used to gather software to send data to a remote healthcare station, The data
the data related to physical parameters as well as related to

978-1-4799-6272-3/15/$31.00(c)2015 IEEE
analysis techniques to extract clinically-relevant information and individuals with critical disease to remain in the home
from available data. environment. And from remote places they are monitored for
safety and clinical interventions. Using available data, clinical
A. Variability in available sensors studies are carried out to evaluate and validate the
1) Miniature sensors: Microcontroller based miniature performance of wearable sensor over long periods of time and
sensors play an important role in development of wearable improve the clinical management of patients, for instance,
sensor field. Development in this miniature consist sensing with congestive heart failure [12], [13].
capability, amplification, microcontroller function, radio
transmission. In [3] a ring based monitoring structure is B. Early detection of disorder
developed to measure heart rate and blood oxygen saturation By using artificial intelligence and some mining techniques,
[3]. we can build an early predictive system for various disorders.
2) System on chip implementation: there are some batch Early predictions can be done for disease such as Parkinson,
fabrication technique because of which we can achieve Alzheimer and heart diseases. There are some wearable
reduction in size and sensor cost. Microelectronics is based on devices which focus on brain injured children [14]. Again a
integration of other component like radio communication and project called my heart is also conducted for fighting against
microprocessor in single circuit that is called as system on cardiovascular disease by early detection process [15]. It uses
chip implementation. Their system on chip includes A to D smart clothes, which means the sensors are embedded directly
convertor, microcontroller, generic sensor interface, a data in clothing [16],[17].
encoder and a frequency-shift keying radio frequency
transmitter [4]. Similarly a low-cost disposable plastic labon- C. Safety monitoring
A-chip device is developed by ahn et al [5] for biochemical Safety monitoring includes applications for detection of falls
detection of parameters such as glucose. This biochip contains and sending an emergency alert to a caregiver or an
an inbuilt sensor array for parameter detection. emergency response team. Such devices are simple in form of
3) Textile based sensors: newly advancement in material pendants or watch with a button, on pressing the button, a
science is able to develop textile based systems. In textile we wireless alarm is sent to operator in remote call centre. [18]is
can implement sensors in garment to collect data by weaving focused on such wearable sensor which we can wear on chest
electrode [6], [7]. and it detects falls and used to monitor heart rate, skin
There is tremendous advancement in wireless communication temperature, position in sleep and patient activity.
field. We have to keep following things in mind.
Low cost, Small size of transmitter and receiver, Low power IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM
consumption with development in IEEE 802.15.4/ zigbee [8]. Brief idea of proposed system is shown in figure below,
nowadays technology is so much advance and we can do
Data transmission can be achieved using sensor network to signal processing in real time.
information gateways like pc and mobile.There are some
sensors to measure the rate of respiration also.
It uses miniaturized wearable acoustic sensor that is
microphone. Nowadays there is lots of development in
flexible circuit and integrating of sensing technology into
wearable ones.
4) Ambient sensors: These sensors avoid problem of
misplacing or damaging of wearable devices. They are used in
smart home systems for patient monitoring.
Summary of these ambient sensors is provided in various
papers associated with target user population
[9],[10],[11].Using ambient sensors we can implement some
innovative ideas for emergencies in home.

III. APPLICATIONS Figure2. Proposed system

Wearable sensors has tremendous applications we can divide With inbuilt smart phone sensors and using Android as an
those applications in some categories- operating system for platform development. The smart phone
Patient monitoring system, Early detection of disorder, Safety processes the data and monitors the patient’s wellbeing, and in
monitoring. case of an emergency, it can automatically inform the concern
A. Patient monitoring system physician. Fig. shows the basic design of the Patient Data
Nowadays population is increasing very rapidly and hence Viewer System. The design comprises components such
diseases as well as healthcare cost for curing the diseases. In temperature sensor, heart beat sensor and ECG sensor for
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