The Courier May 1 2017

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AWARENESS: Emily Roffe-Silvester with Daisy, 11 months, Miranda Fullerton with Inara, 18 months, and Sandy Tai with Lillian, 18 months. Picture: Kate Healy.

Mums break Almost 20 Ballarat mums and their children posed for the Australian Breastfeeding Project in Victoria Park
on Saturday. The national photography project aims to break the stigmas around breastfeeding and empower

baby taboos breastfeeding women.

Story page 6

State budget to deliver $39 million for Ballarat line upgrade
BY JEREMY VENOSTA of the state budget. But the ister Darren Chester said “They need to provide us “Every single dollar that’s overnight and add an extra
state government has relied the state government had with a business case and required to fund these pro- morning service the follow-
THE state and federal gov- on money it said it was owed missed the deadline for ap- show some real commit- jects is Victorian money,” ing day.
ernments are set for a show- from the federal government, plying for the money. ment with a dedicated re- he said. It will also upgrade the
down over a $39 million rail under a program that gives “What we have seen today gional rail fund in this week’s “I really hope that we don’t line’s signalling.
upgrade to add a train service states a 15 per cent bonus for basically is Premier Andrews state budget.” have to argue about this. Public Transport Minister
between Ararat and Ballarat. the sale of public assets – in has written a Santa wish list Premier Daniel Andrews “We can just get on and get Jacinta Allan said it would
It is part of $1.45 billion this case the $9.7 billion Port to the prime minister with- said Victoria was entitled to these upgrades done.” help both passenger and
for Victoria’s regional rail of Melbourne lease. out any of their own money a the federal incentive for the A new train shed built at freight trains.
that was announced as part Federal Transport Min- on the table,” he said. Port of Melbourne lease. Ararat will allow trains to stay ■ Continued page 4


2 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017

DEPART 5.10am* (reserved
coach 6.40am), 5.12am
(6.32am) 6.10am (7.29am)
6.38am (8am) 7.17am
(8.37am) 7.39 (8.59am)
8.02am (9.39am) 9.12am
(10.39am) 10.12am(11.39am)
11.12am (12.39am) 12.12pm
(1.39pm) 1.12pm (2.39pm)
2.12pm (3.39pm) 3.12pm
(4.39pm) 3.52*(5.14pm)
5.15pm*(coach 7.10pm)
4.55am (coach 7.10am)
5.35pm (7.27pm) 6.52pm
(8.38pm) 8.08pm (9.45pm)
8.52pm*(10.20pm) 9.30pm
(10.59pm) 10.13pm
(11.59pm) *Service
departs Ballarat. Others
from Wendouree.
ON POINT: Abbey Lavery will spend a week studying classical dance in France. Picture: Luka Kauzlaric

Dancer’s world stage MELBOURNE
DEPART S/Cross 5.10am
(arrive 7.02am) 6.09am*
BY JEREMY VENOSTA the L’ESDC Rosella Hightow- 11 years ago at the Ballarat completes online, through Abbey’s family including (7.43am)7.26am*(9.13am)
er dance school. Dance School of Distinc- Distance Education. her siblings have all been 8.17am (9.47am)9.17am
ELEVEN years of dedication Abbey said the week tion, but will now continue She also did dancing dur- supportive of her dancing, (10.52am)10.17am(11.52am)
to ballet has paid off for a dancing overseas in Europe at the Jane Moore Academy ing her three years at Bal- even if that means spending 11.17am (12.52pm)12.17pm
Ballarat teenager who is would be an exciting new in Melbourne. larat’s Loreto College. time at lessons or in the car (1.48pm) 1.17pm (2.52pm)
about to head on a jet-setting experience. Abbey starts her day with Abbey is one of four chil- while she trains. 2.17pm (3.52pm) 3.17pm
dance experience. “I am looking forward to a 6.30am train ride to Mel- dren, something her mother Dance School of Distinc- (4.52pm) 4pm (5.19pm)
Abbey Lavery is just 16, the experience of dancing bourne for dance classes that Lauren said has made her tion principal Anita Michael 4.33pm (5.51pm) 4.54pm
but has already been named somewhere different and run from 9am-3.30pm. completely self-reliant. said the community was (6.12pm) 5.10pm (6.29pm)
among the top-eight ballet learning some different By 6.30pm she is back “It is her first year at the incredibly proud of Abbey’s 5.51pm (7.09pm) 6.26pm
dancers in Australia, and fin- things,” she said. in Ballarat, where she still school in Melbourne, but it achievements. (7.43pm) 7.15pm (8.45pm)
ished in the top-four of the “I am really excited about trains with the Dance School is something she wants to do “She was one of 260 in the 7.55pm (9.22pm) 8.35pm
Alana Haines Australasian the opportunity.” of Distinction on weekends. for a long time,” she said. competition in New Zealand (10.05pm) 9.25pm* (coach
awards in New Zealand. It marks a big step forward While organising all this “She has to be accountable and it made it to the final 11.02pm) 9.35pm (11.05pm)
She will now fly to Cannes, in the experienced dancer’s she must also keep on track for it, I can do so much, and four of the 16 to 18 category,” 10.25pm (11.51pm) *Termi-
France, for week-long stint at career, which first started of her school work, which she she sacrifices a lot.” she said. nates at Ballarat

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gone in
cash cut
BY JEREMY VENOSTA This is less than other
regional centres such as
HOMELESSNESS services Shepparton, with three and
are under serious threat if Bendigo, which has 2.5 per-
the federal government fails manent positions.
to renew funding for Bal- Cr Hudson said address-
larat Uniting Care’s Street to ing homelessness was a
Home program. complex issue.
The program funds a full- ”The thing I would hate to
time case worker who con- see lost, is the resource we
nects with some of the most currently have got, which
vulnerable people in the has formed a relationship
city to help them find some- with the current people and
where to live. understands their needs,”
About 70-80 people he said.
sleep outside every night “We will certainly be advo-
in Ballarat. cating to the federal govern-
Current funding for the ment to make sure Ballarat is
program ends in May and fu- not forgotten.”
ture cash has not been guar- The federal government
anteed by the government. has not renewed the national
Ballarat City Councillor partnership on homeless-
Des Hudson said council ness.
had to advocate for the pro- Opposition health spokes-
gram’s future. person and Ballarat MP
“The person who has been Catherine King said this
employed in that program would see 30 per cent of the
has done a remarkable job funding cut to services for the
connecting with the more homeless across Australia.
vulnerable people in com- “The Turnbull govern-
VIRTUOSO: Grigoryan brothers Slava and Leonard will return to Ballarat this month to perform from their latest munity,” he said. ment’s record on homeless-
release, Songs Without Words, at the Art Gallery of Ballarat. Picture: Luka Kauzlaric. “To have someone who is ness is abysmal,” she said.
directly working in that space “We have got people in

Grigoryan brothers’ triumphant return and who knows the client

base, it gives us significant
data and we are beginning
desperate need across the
community and those ser-
vices provide an important
CLASSICAL guitar virtuosos Church for their perfor- father Edward. genre, Art Gallery of Bal- to understand the level of opportunity to not only get
Slava and Leonard Grigory- mance at Organs of the Gold- The duos’ return is part larat’s Peter Freund said. disadvantaged and homeless into housing, but support
an will return to Ballarat this fields in mid-January. of the Gallery’s 2017 Music Slava and Leonard Grigory- in Ballarat. people to get secure housing.
month just weeks after the Songs Without Words was Series of eight concerts in an will play at the Art Gallery “He has been able to tran- “It’s social services for the
release of their latest album released late last month and gallery spaces. of Ballarat on Thursday, May sition some of those people most vulnerable they go after
Songs Without Words. sees a return to classical The program will also in- 11 at 7.30pm. Tickets are $42 from homelessness to some every single time.”
The brothers will play at repertoire, including works clude works which highlight for adults and $38 for con- sort of home.” Council will request a
the Art Gallery of Ballarat on by Bach, Elgar, Dvorak, Ra- the duo’s diverse skills and cession. To book visit www. Ballarat has only one per- presentation from Ballarat
May 11, four months after chmaninoff, Faure, De Falla a style which belies being son employed to work direct- Uniting Care’s case worker to
filling Neil Street Uniting and Ponce, arranged by their pigeon holed into just one – JESSICA BLACK ly with homeless people. further discuss the issue. ASTEC EQUIPMENT SERVICES

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4 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


IN VIEW: Western Victoria
MP Joshua Morris. Picture:
Luka Kauzlaric

to boost BY JESSICA BLACK to reduce the hospitals’s
elective surgery waiting list

BALLARAT Health Services – which jumped 53 per cent
has denied state opposition between 2014 and 2016 –
claims that a “ghost wing” in were “in the works”.

services the new Drummond Street

building is blowing out elec-
tive surgery wait times.
The elective surgery wait-
ing list increased from 506 in
December 2014, to 1,463 in
■ From page 1 Western Victorian MP December 2016.
“The timetable will be Josh Morris last week called “We always want to see
finalised closer to when for the government to fund less people waiting on our
the works have finished,” additional operating theatres waiting lists and that’s our
she said. at the Ballarat Base Hospital intention to do so.
“Most importantly there in the May budget. “We are currently review-
has been a lot of strong rep- Mr Morris said fitting out ing to improve our outpa-
resentations out of the Ararat the shell in the hospital’s new tient services at the moment
community, particularly DRAMA RULERS: Dramatist Kerry Frampton (centre left) with attendees at a youth Drummond Street building and then in line with that
the council, and they have theatre workshop at Creswick on the weekend. Pictures: Luka Kauzlaric. was “crucial” to Western Vic- we’re reviewing our theatre
impressed upon us the need torians’ health. utilisation capacity.
for extra services in an out
of Ararat.
“We have listened very
Drama rules over Creswick However BHS Resource
and Planning executive di-
rector Rod Hansen said the
“We’re working through
to be as efficient as possible
with what we have today and
carefully to that and by con- BEYONCE, Donald Trump government had already also that we develop our in-
structing stabling there in and Winston Churchill were earmarked funding for the frastructure in the right way
Ararat it means trains can emulated en masse at a fit-out. to meet our services.”
stay there overnight.” youth drama workshop at Mr Hansen also said the Mr Morris Friday on said
The $39 million would Creswick on Saturday. dormant wing had no effect Premier Daniel Andrews
fund stage two of the Ballarat Run by English dramatist on elective surgery wait lists. needed to “put his money
line upgrade, with stage one Kerry Frampton, the day- “It’s not harming elec- where his mouth is”.
already underway. long workshops challenged tive surgery waiting times. “Daniel Andrews really
There was also $435 mil- the attendees to “win and fail They’ve (the government) needs to make sure the peo-
lion for the Ballarat line, $100 with grace”. Attendees were provided the starting point ple of Ballarat are getting
million for the Warrnambool also asked to choose a ruler for the planning and that their medical needs met and
line, $110 million for the Surf to embody, with one teen- includes fitting out the shell the way to do that is by fund-
Coast and Geelong and $91 ager choosing Jesus Christ, and we’re working through ing the additional operating
million for Bendigo. Frampton said. MAKING FACES: The young performers chose to emulate them with the timing of that,” theatres. Daniel Andrews
Opposition Western Vic- Frampton is artistic direc- world leaders Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, Winston he said. has just been ignoring the
torian MP Joshua Morris tor of theatre and education Churchill - and even Jesus Christ at a day-long workshop. Health Minister Jill Hen- needs of Ballarat patients in
who said Premier Daniel An- company Splendid Produc- nessy announced $1 million not funding these operat-
drews had to be clear about tions. or doesn’t work until you do failing with grace and know- in “future planning” for ing theatres.”
who provided the cash. “In the UK the educa- it so a lot of it is about getting ing it’s ok to make mistakes. Ballarat Base Hospital on The Gardiner-Pittard
“Daniel Andrews has seen tion system is about getting them to take a risk and to The youth theatre work- February 20 this year, includ- building opened to the
fit to announce just a fraction things right or wrong and know that if they fall, that’s shop was followed by one for ing additional theatres and public in February of this
of the funding other services getting the right answer but ok because everyone has got amateur adult performers support space in the new year, followed by the 32-bed
are receiving,” he said. when you’re making theatre them,” Frampton said. on Sunday. Gardiner-Pittard building. Gardiner-Pittard ward in the
With – The Age you don’t know what works “It’s about winning and – JESSICA BLACK Mr Hansen said measures same month.

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AN EXTRA $5 million for a

new bus terminal as part of
the Ballarat Rail Precinct up-
There is $518
grade has not addressed ac- million in the
cess for disabled passengers. regional rail
Ballarat’s community re-
mains in the dark on how the upgrade, which
new bus terminal and train is making all
station will be connected
following work.
stations between
The Save Our Station Ballan and
action group’s John Barnes Melbourne fully
said nothing had been an-
nounced to show disabled disabled access
access was being addressed. compliant,
“We don’t know if they
have even thought of the dis- except for
abled access to the bus ter- Ballarat.
minal because no plan has
Save Our Station's John
been announced,” he said.
“If they are successful in
building this upgrade, the
government is still faced with er, or push your wheelchair
making a modern station,” that far,” he said.
he said. “There is $518 million in
“Currently people cannot the regional rail upgrade,
get easily, if they have mo- which is making all sta-
bility problems, from one tions between Ballan and
IN BLOOM: Greg Block shows off his garden, with more than 1000 pot plants, at Cameron House for Open Gardens platform to another.” Melbourne fully disabled
Victoria on Saturday. Picture: Luka Kauzlaric Developer Pelicano has access compliant, except
plans to add disabled park- for Ballarat.”

Transformative garden put on display ing in a two-level car park at

the precinct.
Mr Barnes said his group
One of the group’s biggest
criticisms of the project was
an initial failure to include
THE gates to a historic Bal- it from an old boot facto- it up and put it somewhere about 1855 and later spent 50 had alternative plans for the funding for a bus terminal.
larat house were thrown ry, into a picture of colour else,” he said. years as a boot factory. precinct upgrade that would The government an-
open to visitors who came and greenery. “People who visit are Mr Block bought the add more car parking and nounced the extra $5 million
to see one of the city’s larg- With more than 1000 pot amazed at the variety of house in 2001, when the underground access with on Friday.
est collections of plants plants, box hedges and well pants and the number of garden was mostly bush, and lifts between train platforms It will remove buses from
and flowers. kept garden path Mr Block them I have. has since removed trees. and a bus terminal. Lydiard Street North and
Gardener and former flo- said he was still changing “They ask about different Mr Block welcomed “In the Pelicano plans, Ararat Street to north of the
rist Greg Block has owned and shaping it. things and I just explain what visitors for Open Gar- there is disabled parking precinct between the new
Cameron House for 17 years “Sometimes I get sick of I do to get the plants growing.” den Victoria. spots, but you still have to multi-level car park and the
and in that time transformed a path somewhere, so I rip Cameron House was built – JEREMY VENOSTA walk 200 metres with no cov- train station.

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6 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


Mums busting the stigma

BY JESSICA BLACK criminate against a person
because they are breastfeed-
DAISY Roffe-Silvester and ing.
Lillian Tai are milk sisters. “Even though Lily was my
After Daisy was born, it second baby, when you’re
was two months before her only 14 days post-partum
mum, Emily, could breast- you’re ready to just cry at
feed comfortably. anything let alone someone
Emily’s friend Sandy Tai, telling you that what you’re
whose daughter was just five doing is disgusting.
months older, nursed Daisy “I’m hoping that by being
in those first two months. part of this project we can
“For my personally it was show society at large not
eight weeks before I was a to do that, and encourage
happy breastfeeding mum, breastfeeding at all ages, not
that was just my personal just a two-week-old.”
journey,” Mrs Roffe-Silvester, Mrs Fullerton – who has
whose daughter Daisy is 11 four children – has been
months, said. breastfeeding now for six
Also known as a milk-kin- years straight.
ship, milk siblings are not “I have been breastfeeding
related by blood but were for six years literally non-
nursed by the same mother. stop. It comforts them, it’s
“Sandy has breastfed both really easy to get them to bed
of our children when that at night.
was needed, so we’re very “If you’ve got a tired tod-
grateful. I was grateful to be dler and you give them boob
given that opportunity. It’s BREAKING TABOO: Emily Roffe-Silvester with Daisy, 11 months, Miranda Fullerton with Inara, 18 months, and Sandy it makes them go to bed so
not for everyone and that’s Tai with Lillian, 18 months. Picture: Kate Healy. much easier.”
absolutely fine but for some- Australian Breastfeeding
one to give me that gift, I was feeding Project in Victoria “Life shouldn’t stop just you cannot not breastfeed asked to leave a cafe because Association operates a sev-
really grateful.” Park on Saturday. because you’re breastfeed- in all of those circumstanc- she was breastfeeding her en-day helpline 1800 mum
Mrs Roffe-Silvester, Sandy The photography project ing. That means we have to es and a hungry baby is a baby girl, who was then just 2 mum (1800 686 268) to
Tai and their friend Miranda aims to break the stigmas go to the grocery store, that hungry baby and you need two-weeks-old. give support and advice on
Fullerton were among 19 around breastfeeding and means we want to go out and to feed your baby,” Mrs Rof- Under the federal Sex breastfeeding.
Ballarat mums who posed empower breastfeed- have coffee and friends and fe-Silvester said. Discrimination Act 1984 it For more information visit
for the Australian Breast- ing women. because of all those things, Mrs Tai said she was once is illegal in Australia to dis-

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Regions have
higher heart
health risk
BY JESSICA BLACK leased figures which showed dwellers. Ms Jolly said this
Ballarat had the fifth highest could be partly attributed to
REGIONAL Victorians are heart attack rate in Australia. people needing to see their
four times more likely to The following year the foun- doctor more often due to
have high blood pressure dation found Ballarat’s pop- having multiple conditions.
than their Melbourne coun- ulation to be the second larg- “Our regional communi-
terparts, Heart Foundation est in Victoria, with almost a ties are more likely to speak
figures released on Sunday third of residents classified to their GP about blood
revealed. as obese. pressure than in Melbourne
More than one in three A similar regional break- which was a surprise,” she
Victorians are “ticking time down will be released later said. “We do find in the re-
bombs” at risk of heart attack this year – but Ballarat’s high gional areas people have ALL SMILES: Ballarat Steiner School's Jasper, Dennis, Ruby, Daphne, and Chenoa with
or stroke due to high blood levels of physical inactivity, multiple things - they might teachers Gareth Jones, Svantje Mertans, and John Goblet. Picture: Luka Kauzlaric
pressure, Heart Foundation obesity, and smoking will have diabetes, they might
chief executive officer Kel-
lie-Ann Jolly said.
Overall 40 per cent of re-
likely keep the city in a high
risk category, Ms Jolly said.
“Physical inactivity, smok-
be obese and they might
be going to their doctor
more often.
Ballarat school opens its doors
gional Victorians are likely ing, being overweight, all “The other thing that’s BALLARAT Steiner School community for a day of the children based on the
to have high blood pressure, those things put you at great- happening in the country is threw open its gates and activities and school tours Steiner philosophy,” she said.
compared to 32 per cent er risk and overall in Ballarat people have a better relation- doors for its annual Autumn to offer an insight into how “It is a holistic and artistic
of city dwellers, the report you see all those risk factors ship with their GP where in Fair and a community open it operates. element that also appreci-
showed. However people in are higher on the whole than the city now you get these big day on Sunday. Grade 5-6 teacher Svantje ates the academic.”
regional and rural Victoria in the city,” she said. medical clinics where you More than 90 pupils attend Mertens said the day allowed The school’s curriculum,
were more likely to have Nearly half of regional Vic- may not be seeing the same the prep to grade 6 school at people to get to know what like other schools, is ap-
their high blood pressure torians have their high blood GP every time.” Heart Week Mount Helen. the school does. proved by the Australian
under control. pressure under control, com- runs from Sunday, April 30 to The pupils and their fam- “The school is about a way Curriculum Assessment and
In 2014 the foundation re- pared to 32 per cent of city Saturday, May 6. ilies welcomed the Ballarat of educating and nurturing Reporting Authority.

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8 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


BALLARAT taxi owners
joined state colleagues
in Bendigo on Sunday to
protest the taxi licence buy-
back scheme.
If they wanted
More than 60 owners ral- to take your
lied outside the office of state house to build a
Transport Minister and Ben-
digo East MP Jacinta Allan to road, they would
fight for their livelihoods. compensate you
Bus loads of taxi owners
from Melbourne also joined
the rally to picket the Mitch- - Ballarat taxi driver Geoff
ell Street office of Ms Allan. Vawdrey
Barriers were put in place
and at least nine police of- the buyback scheme did
ficers were on site. not reflect the importance
Under the scheme, taxi of taxis' service in region-
licences would be dumped al community.
and owners compensated "We're the lifeline for peo-
up to $100,000 for their first ple getting to the hospital at
licence and $50,000 for their 11pm on a Tuesday night,"
second. The reform also in- he said.
cludes a $2 levy on every taxi, "We're a lifeline to peo-
Uber or hire car trip. ple in the bush, getting
Taxi owner Geoff Vawdrey them around."
came from Ballarat to tell Another owner, Doug Wor-
Ms Allan her government's rall, took aim at Uber, saying
proposed $100,000 buyback the corporation was "rotting
of licences was insufficient the system" by flaunting laws
ECO-FRIENDLY: Stephen Ryan shows off a plank of e-wood at The Soil Yard during a visit to explain its benefits on compensation. which still made ride-shar-
Sunday. Picture: Luka Kauzlaric He paid $305,000 for his ing services illegal.
licence 11 years ago and Ms Allan says the state

Recycled plastic to be used in gardens believed it should be worth

as much as $405,000 today,
money he planned to use in
government compensation
scheme seeks to support taxi
owners, not penalise them.
RECYCLED plastic is being Soil Yard to talk about the is also not carbon intensive. screw it together however retirement. She said the government
used instead of timber to product, made of recycled Mr Ryan said it was a qual- you want.” Instead, Mr Vawdrey was was making a range of re-
provide a more environ- plastic, which can be used ity product that provided a Mr Ryan said it was not a left contemplating the sale of forms to keep up with chang-
mentally friendly option for decks, garden edges and good alternative to wood. cheaper product, but it has his home to make ends meet es in the commercial passen-
for gardeners. boxes in the backyard. “It is the perfect timber many lasting benefits. in older age. ger vehicle sector, including
Celebrity horticulturalist It is made from recycled alternative for garden beds,” “You do pay as much as "If they wanted to take the advent of ridesharing.
Stephen Ryan was in Dela- computers, televisions, old he said. you do for timber, but it your house to build a road, A $50 million fund will
combe to debut a e-wood printers, car dashboards and “It will do a great job that leaves trees standing in the they would compensate you be raised to assist those for
on Sunday. other plastic rubbish. timber can do, it can be cut, forest, and it looks good.” appropriately," he said. whom the changes have
Mr Ryan visited the The The process to make them it can be drilled and you can – JEREMY VENOSTA Mr Vawdrey also said meant hardship, she said.

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desig and print solutions for any business without
t expensive
e commercial design agency costs. Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 9

Man ‘run Turnbull hits back after spray from Palaszczuk
down’ in PRIME Minister Malcolm
Turnbull has hit back at
car park Queensland Premier An-
nastacia Palaszczuk’s
stinging criticism of him,
incident labelling her comments a
“bitter, personal and wildly
A WESTERN Sydney hard- inaccurate” attack.
ware shop employee has The war of words erupt-
been run down in a violent ed after Ms Palaszczuk
car park confrontation branded Mr Turnbull an
with a couple he was try- arrogant and disrespectful
ing to stop from shoplift- leader in an interview with
ing, police say. The Sunday Mail, before
It’s alleged there were later claiming she was at
three children in the cou- “breaking point”.
ple’s car at the time. “All we’ve seen lately
Police say two male is a fly-in, fly-out prime
employees approached minister who is espousing
the man and woman after thought bubbles without
they allegedly stole from any deep policy conversa-
the Bankstown hardware tion,” she said.
shop on Saturday after- “I have to say, I believe
noon. that Malcolm Turnbull is
After assaulting one worse than Tony Abbott.”
of the staff members, the But in a statement on
24-year-old man ran to his Sunday afternoon, the
car – where the three chil- prime minister said it
dren were waiting – and was hard to know what
drove at the other employ- prompted the angry out-
ee, knocking him to the HAPPIER TIMES: Prime Minister MalcolmTurnbull takes a selfie with Queensland Premier Annastacia burst, which he described
ground, police say. Palaszczuk in 2015. Picture: AAP as “personal abuse”.
The 35-year-old wom-
an, meanwhile, fled to

Review ordered into

another car park, and the
man then drove to collect
her while the staff member
he had allegedly just run
down followed on foot.

state GST carve-up

When the employee
caught up with them, the
couple got out of their car
and struck him up to 10

times, breaking a bottle
over his head and stealing
his phone before driving TREASURER Scott Mor- cause of the state’s prior
away, police say. rison has ordered the Pro- strength from the mining
The couple was arrest- ductivity Commission to boom. There is a three-year
ed at Chipping Norton a review how the GST is dis- It is important for prosperity that lag in the distribution de-
short time later, and were tributed among the states terminations.
due to appear in Par- and territories.
our system supports productivity, “It is important for Aus-
ramatta Bail Court later on The Commonwealth efficiency and economic growth tralia’s future prosperity
The three children are
Grants Commission,
through the existing sys-
across the country. that our system underpin-
ning Commonwealth-State
being cared for by a family tem of horizontal fiscal Treasurer Scott Morrison financial relations supports
member and the Depart- equalisation, recommends productivity, efficiency and
ment of Family and Com- the distribution so each moves to enhance revenue claims,” Mr Morrison said economic growth across
Scott Morrison
munity Services has been state ends up with a com- raising capacities or drive in a statement on Sunday. the country,” Mr Morrison
notified, police said. parable level of govern- However, in recent years, efficiencies in spending. Western Australia has said.
The two employees, ment services. Mr Morrison says some “In commissioning this been particularly critical The Productivity Com-
aged 57 and 41, are not It has been in place since have suggested that this inquiry, the government of the system because it is mission is due to report
believed to be seriously the GST was introduced in approach creates disincen- seeks an examination of getting just 30 cents in the back to the government on
injured. 2000. tives for reform, including the issues underlying these dollar of GST revenue be- January 31, 2018.

A LARGE knife police Elizabeth Shopping VICTORIA will spend $9.7 billion and is due a A WOMAN who fell from “There were other
believe was used in the Centre, where the alleged $1.45 billion on regional 15 per cent bonus from a third-storey balcony people in the flat and
stabbing of Adelaide man murder happened on rail upgrades over the the federal government at a Melbourne house- they heard the collapse
Alexander Watts has been Thursday night. next four years – if the under former treasurer warming party has and the screaming of the
found, not far from the “That knife has been federal government Joe Hockey’s asset improved in hospital and lady as she fell.”
murder scene. seized and is currently hands over some recycling program. “I is no longer critical. Her fall was broken by
The discovery was undergoing forensic disputed cash. really hope that we don’t The brick balustrade trees but she was badly
made on Saturday after testing,” he told Labor’s rail upgrades have to argue about this, on the balcony of the injured and firefighters
witnesses came forward reporters. will mainly be built in we can just get on and South Yarra apartment had to remove her from
with information about Shaun Falkiner, 26, safe coalition seats, get these upgrades done,” collapsed on Saturday, the rubble before she
the incident, police has been charged with but they need Canberra Premier Daniel Andrews with the 27-year-old was rushed to The Alfred
revealed on Sunday. the murder of Mr Watts to agree to pay the said. “Every single dollar plummeting to the hospital.
Chief Inspector Shane after being arrested at full amount the state that is needed for these ground. A hospital spokesman
Addison said the knife an address in Findon, feels it was promised. important upgrades, it “Bricks have then fallen said her condition was
was found in a garden without incident, on Victoria sold the Port is Victorian money, it on top of her,” Inspector downgraded from critical
bed just opposite the Saturday afternoon. of Melbourne lease for belongs to Victorians.” Jenny Forsayth said. to serious but stable.
10 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017

Melbourne States
could get ready for
private budget
airport rail spend-up
A MELBOURNE airport rail IF Scott Morrison’s re-
link could be fast-tracked newed focus on “good” and
as Victoria invests $10 mil- “bad” debt is a prelude to
lion in planning for a pri- a new burst of infrastruc-
vate operator to build it. ture spending in the May
The money will be in budget, the states are more
Tuesday’s state budget than willing to see some of
and it will be used to find the action.
the best route for an air- The treasurer went to
port rail link, how much it great lengths last week to
would cost and how best to explain how debt in the
fund and deliver it. future will be classified as
“I’m not convinced “good and “bad” debt. In its
that this is something that simplest form, good debt
should be 100 per cent is an investment like that
taxpayer funded,” Premier in infrastructure projects,
Daniel Andrews said. while bad debt is just fund-
“I think there are great ing recurrent expenditure.
opportunities for part- NSW Premier Gladys Be-
nerships with the private rejiklian unsurprisingly is
sector. If we can get even always happy to receive ex-
better value for taxpayers tra funds for major works.
by doing the detailed plan- “If the federal govern-
ning work, doing that in a ment is in a position to
thoughtful way, then that support us on some of the
would be a really good out- big projects we’re doing,
come as well.” POOCH POWER: Ebony Conrick, 12, takes her dog for a walk at Maroubra Beach. Picture: Danielle Smith we’d be more than willing
to accept that,” she said.
But crossbench senator

‘How do you kill an

Cory Bernardi is sceptical
about the government’s
new approach to debt.
The former Liberal sena-
tor and now leader of the

Australian?’ – video
Australian Conservatives
believes this is about a gov-
ernment trying to make
sure the budget looks bet-
ter than it otherwise would.
“They are going to say,
POLICE are investigating A man standing off cam- subject of an active arrest Elomar posted photos of of child abuse by an “evil ‘We are not borrowing to
whether a new video – said era, and reported to be warrant. themselves online hold- megalomaniac”. buy pencils but we are bor-
to show Australian terrorist Sharrouf, is heard asking Sharrouf and Elomar left ing up the severed heads “I don’t think you could rowing to pour concrete’,”
Khaled Sharrouf grilling his the boy how to kill “non- Australia to join Islamic of pro-Syrian government think of a greater form of he told Sky News. “Whether
young son about how to kill Muslims” and “Austral- State in 2013, a year after soldiers they had killed. child abuse to be subject- it is good debt or bad debt
people – proves the Syd- ians”, with the child then Sharrouf completed a four- And in 2014 Sharrouf ing a kid to that kind of it has to be repaid.”
ney man survived a drone demonstrating how he year jail term for plotting a horrified observers when propaganda, to almost turn He said the world is
strike in Syria that killed his would do that. high-level terrorist attack photos of another of his them into a murderer so to awash with capital looking
murderous companion. The Australian govern- on Australian soil. sons – then aged just seven speak,” he told Sky News for reasonable returns, so
The disturbing video ment has been unable to Later that same year, – surfaced online, with the on Sunday. he can’t understand why
was detailed in News Corp confirm if Sharrouf died Sharrouf’s wife Tara Nettle- boy pictured holding the The NSW Joint Counter the government is looking
Australia reports on Sun- in a drone strike that killed ton also left for Syria, and head of a murdered soldier. Terrorist Team is investi- at accruing billions of dol-
day. It’s said to show Shar- fellow Australian Islamic took the couple’s five chil- Cabinet minister Matt gating the footage, which lars worth of debt to get
rouf’s eight-year-old son State fighter Mohamad dren with her. Canavan said regardless News Corp said was shot involved in projects that
wearing a suicide vest and Elomar in Syria in June During their time in Iraq of the child’s identity, the recently, but it did not say commercial financing can
brandishing a large knife. 2015 and he remains the and Syria, Sharrouf and video was a despicable act when. get involved in.

Aussies oppose fracking but government wants it

MOST Australians support “Hopefully it’s a wake-
bans on new unconven- up call to the states and
tional gas exploration but territories to get off their
the federal government has Hopefully it’s a wake-up call to the backsides and develop
told the states to “get off their own resources,” he
their backsides” and end
states and territories to get off their told Sky News on Sunday.
them. backsides and develop their own “Where we’ve ended up
More than twice as many
Australians support mora-
resources. Resources Minister Matt Canavan demonstrates the folly of a
lot of these policies.”
toriums on fracking (56 per He noted his criticism
cent) than those who op- cluding hydraulic fractur- Minister Matt Canavan was bipartisan – calling
pose them (20 per cent), ing (fracking) was evident was out again on Sunday the Victorian Labor gov-
according to an Australia across all states. morning blaming state ernment’s ban on all gas
Institute survey of 1420 And the opposition policies for a looming gas exploration, even for con-
people conducted over a crossed party lines, with shortage. ventional sources, “absurd”
week in March. Labor, Liberal and minor The federal government while telling off the NSW
That majority in favour party voters all expressing last week announced ex- coalition government for
of bans on new unconven- concern. port controls to protect do- too many delays in approv- WAKE-UP CALL: Resources Minister Matt Canavan
tional gas extractions in- But federal Resources mestic gas supplies. al processes. with Prime Minister MalcolmTurnbull. Picture: AAP Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 11


Critical leads remain in hunt for Maddie

London avenues” that are of “great four people considered as of finding their daughter. gone through it I won’t
interest” to both the UK possible suspects in 2013 Asked if police are any clos- know whether we are going
BRITISH detectives work- and Portuguese teams. have been ruled out. er to solving the case than to get there or not.
ing on the Madeleine Mc- Officers have sifted Madeleine vanished they were six years ago “Ourselves and the Por-
Cann case say they’re still through about 40,000 doc- from the family’s holiday when the UK investigation tuguese are doing a critical
pursuing “critical” leads uments and looked at more apartment in Praia da Luz was launched, Mr Rowley piece of work and we don’t
ahead of the 10th anniver- than 600 individuals since in Portugal on May 3 2007 said: “I know we have a want to spoil it by putting
sary of her disappearance. 2011. when she was three. significant line of inquiry titbits of information out
Metropolitan Police In an interview nearly a Her parents, Kate and which is worth pursuing, publicly.”
Assistant Commissioner decade on from the young- Gerry McCann, of Rothley, and because it’s worth He declined to expand
Mark Rowley said there are ster’s disappearance, Mr Leicestershire, have vowed pursuing it could provide on the nature of the work-
Kate McCann “significant investigative Rowley also confirmed that to “never give up” hope an answer, but until we’ve ing theories.

EU sets
Brexit Trump slams media
as he hits 100 days
EUROPEAN Union lead- Washington “I could not possibly
ers have endorsed stiff di- be more thrilled than to
vorce terms for Britain and PRESIDENT Donald Trump be more than 100 miles
warned Britons to have “no has marked his 100th day away from Washington’s
illusions” about swiftly se- in office by claiming his- swamp,” he said, “spending
curing a new relationship toric action on his agenda, my evening with all of you
to keep their access to EU renewing promises on and with a much, much
markets. healthcare and taxes and larger crowd and much
At a Brussels summit attacking the news media better people, right?”
marked by unusual har- for misleading Americans. Meanwhile, the White
mony among the 27 lead- In his morning radio ad- House press corps gath-
ers, there was a flash of the dress Mr Trump issued an ered for its annual black-tie
cross-Channel acrimony assurance: “My only alle- dinner, a toned-down affair
which some fear could giance is to you, our won- after Mr Trump snubbed
wreck any deal when of- derful citizens”. the event, becoming the
ficials accused London of To supporters at an first incumbent US presi-
cynically vetoing some EU evening rally in Pennsylva- dent to bow out in 36 years.
spending and demanded it nia, he promoted American Without Mr Trump, the
back down or face disrupt- power and patriotism while usually celebrity-filled soi-
ing the start of talks next emphasising such priori- ree hosted by the White
month. Meeting for the ties as American manufac- House Correspondents’ As-
first time since Prime Min- turing, better trade deals sociation took a more so-
ister Theresa May triggered for the US and a still-to-be ber turn, even as it pulled
the two-year countdown defined tax cut plan. in top journalists and
to Brexit in late March, Mr Trump’s 100th day Washington insiders.
her counterparts took just events were set in a politi- In Washington, WHCA
minutes as they sat down cally important state that President Jeff Mason de-
to lunch in Brussels to ap- he won with 48 per cent fended press freedom even
prove eight pages of negoti- of the vote. It was the first as he acknowledged this
ating guidelines hammered time Pennsylvania had vot- THUMBS UP: DonaldTrump addresses a rally in Pennsylvania. Picture: EPA year’s dinner had a differ-
out by their diplomats over ed for a Republican presi- ent feel, saying attempts to
the past month. dential candidate since successes, including the president began the rally the news media. To cheers, undermine the media was
Chief negotiator Michel George H.W. Bush in 1988. successful nomination of on a sour note, pointing he accused the news media dangerous for democracy.
Barnier is expected to Mr Trump’s rally in Har- Neil Gorsuch to the Su- out that he was not at- of “fake news” and said if “We are not fake news,
launch negotiations after risburg offered a familiar preme Court, his Cabinet tending that night’s White their job was to be honest we are not failing news or-
the June 8 election Ms May recapitulation of what he choices and the approval House Correspondents’ and tell the truth, then they ganisations and we are not
called to strengthen her and aides have argued for of construction of the Key- Association dinner and is- deserved “a big, fat failing the enemy of the American
position. days are administration stone XL pipeline. But the suing a scathing attack on grade”. people,” Mr Mason said.

INVITE TO US PRINCESS Charlotte will INTO RAVINE AN Ohio family says they
celebrate her second learnt just 20 minutes
PRESIDENT Donald Trump birthday onTuesday. A MINIBUS has plunged before dinner this week
has invited Philippines Prince William and into a ravine in Pakistan’s that a planned mystery
President Rodrigo Duterte Kate are likely to host a mountainous north-west, guest would be Facebook
to the White House.The birthday party at their killing 11 people. Police founder and billionaire
invitation was extended Norfolk home Anmer Hall said another nine people Mark Zuckerberg.
during a phone call that for the toddler. Charlotte’s were injured in Sunday’s Zuckerberg reportedly
also addressed concerns privacy has been carefully road accident in Upper dined with the Moore
over North Korea.The guarded by her parents Dir district, on the way family in Newton Falls,
White House gave no and during the past year to Chitral Valley. The about 90km south-east
details of when the she has only been seen road was slippery after of Cleveland. Zuckerberg
leaders would meet, but in public on a handful rain. Road accidents are had asked his staff to find
said Mr Trump looked of occasions.The young common in Pakistan due Democrats who voted
forward to visiting the princess last made an to a lack of infrastructure, for President Donald
Philippines in November appearance on Christmas poorly maintained Trump. Zuckerberg has
as part of two summits Day when she was taken vehicles and reckless challenged himself to visit
with other Asian nations. Princess Charlotte by her parents to church. driving. Mark Zuckerberg people in all 50 states.
12 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017



Farmers urge
government to
embrace solar
for the future


YEAR ago, my family acquired so-
lar panels in a very unusual way.
Our farm is located in Quirindi,
northern NSW, in the heart of
Ordinary dads are
the real superheroes
Australia’s food bowl.
We’ve never before experienced a run of
40-degree days like we had last summer.
Being farmers we are at the mercy of the
seasons, and in recent years we have expe-
rienced extremes in our weather – extended

hot summer periods and increasingly HEN researching my book he loves her just for that. sought, teaches his daughter to expect that
variable rainfall. Ten Things Girls Need Most, By the time she is a teenager, she knows in the men she chooses all through her life.
It’s hard on our cows, it dries out the soil, I talked to hundreds of that he would do anything, and go any- He sets the benchmark, and less than
stresses pastures and impacts the number of women about how their own where, to make sure she is safe, and taken great boys need not apply.
animals we can stock on the farm. childhoods had been, and what made those care of. If she is in need or trouble, he will One of the tragic things that happen to
A few years back a concerned group of childhoods happy, or painful to remember. be there. us fathers, especially from the older school
Christians called Common Grace crowd- There were many insights that they Girls who sense this are not egotistical, of fathering, is that we see our only role as
funded enough money to buy solar panels shared, but the most intense and emotional- they just have a deep inner contentment. financial.
for the then Prime Minister, Tony Abbott. ly charged of all was their relationship with Being a good dad is not dramatic or heroic, A child does not really understand or
It was an attempt to raise awareness of the their dads. most of the time its in the ordinary things. experience that dad is working his guts out
value and importance of sustainable energy. I could not believe how many women had He shows up. He keeps his promises. to support them. What they see is that he
But when this gift was rejected, Common felt hurt and damaged by the inability of He is strong, not in the sense of muscular comes home grumpy, late, and pre-occu-
Grace turned to the front lines of climate dads to show their love, be present, and let strength, but being true to his word, reliable, pied.
change in Australia and offered the panels to daughters know that they really mattered. and there. How he treats her mother of What matters to them is that dad walks
farmers, like me. Some dads even conveyed that girls were course is another way that she sees his the dog with them in the evening, or reads
My parents taught me the value of caring less important than boys. The wounds from attitudes to the woman she will become. them a story at bedtime. Or plays in the
for the land, and so, I appreciate the clean this were lifelong, and very hard to heal. One great tip is to have regular dad and backyard. You can be rich and a terrible
energy from solar which allows me to use Every girl, from babyhood onwards, loves daughter times - going for a meal or to a dad, or poor, and a really great one.
appliances during the day knowing I am and adores her father, and longs for him to movie, just the two of them, but it can be just The things girls hate are shouting, being
having minimal impact on the environment. be what she needs. a trip to the shops and a hot chocolate on a preached at, being put down or made fun
My family spends less on electricity now They want warmth, gentleness, a sense of saturday morning. of, and of course, being mean or sarcastic.
and with the price of solar storage falling, fun, affection, and for him to be interested in Of course, dad and son times are just as Some dads have real trouble just being
we’ve got plans to go completely off the grid. her and encouraging of her. important. Its the one -on one aspect that easy and friendly.
It’s frustrating that our government is The most important thing a dad can give a says - I want to catch up and build memo- They miss out on one of life’s greatest joys
failing to transition Australia to sustainable girl is the feeling that she is special. ries, just with you. - that a girl who is loved and respected loves
energy when we are out in the paddock Not his “princess” based on her looks or Nine out of ten girls will grow up to be and respects you back. Its one of the best
already trying to adapt to the impacts of being somehow better than anyone else, interested in the opposite sex, so a dad who feelings in the world.
worsening droughts and heatwaves. and not because she gets high marks or gold is respectful, asks her views, respects her Steve Biddulph is an author and retired
We must tackle climate change so we can medals, but because she is his daughter, and privacy, but is still affectionate when that is psychologist.
pass on healthy farmlands to our children,
and so farmers can continue to produce
food and clothes for generations to come.
Being given the opportunity to go solar
has been great. I just wish our government ONLINE EMAIL PHONE FACEBOOK TWITTER
will now give it a go. Find us on the web Send your letter to: Call us: Find us at Follow us at
Kirrily Blomfield was 2014 NSW farmer (03) 5320 1200
of the year. ballaratcourier ballaratcourier Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 13


The harshest of cuts to hit most vulnerable
EDERAL government threats to a not always evident, the problem does exist. Shepparton, with three and Bendigo, which
vital welfare program in Ballarat is Welfare agencies in Ballarat say while not has 2.5 permanent positions.
only going to hurt some of the city’s always visible, homelessness is prevalent. And now the City of Ballarat has to
most vulnerable and certainly most For whatever reason, these people are advocate for the program’s future.
needy … the homeless. sleeping rough, whether that be couch-surf- Speaking at the City of Ballarat council
Ballarat Uniting Care’s Street to Home ing, or in doorways, under bridges or on meeting last week, councillor Des Hud-
program, which helps homeless people park benches. son said addressing homelessness was a
in the city find somewhere to live, is in These people don’t need pity or a “hand- complex issue.
jeopardy if government funding is cut. out” … they need a hand up. ”The thing I would hate to see lost, is
Funding for the program ends this month They don’t need to be looked down on, the resource we currently have got, which
and there is no guarantee of future monies they need to be treated as human beings. has formed a relationship with the current
by the federal government. These are people, for whatever reason, have people and understands their needs,” Cr
For the 70 or 80 people who sleep rough fallen on hard times and can’t seem to find Hudson said.
every night in Ballarat, this is nothing short a break. “We will certainly be advocating to the
of devastating, particularly as Ballarat’s bit- These latest funding threats have now put federal government to make sure Ballarat is
ing winter weather conditions have already in jeopardy any slight “break” they have to not forgotten.”
hit the region. finding somewhere to live. Addressing homelessness in Ballarat
And with the cost of living always on the Ballarat has only one person employed needs to be done now, before the prob-
rise, the problem is predicted to worsen. to work directly with homeless people. This lem worsens. But cutting funding to vital
Although homelessness in Ballarat is is less than other regional centres such as programs is certainly not the answer.


WE SHOULDN’T IGNORE WHAT ACCESS to community mental health
13 REASONS IS TRYING TO SAY services also varies. In some areas there
The Netflix show 13 Reasons Why has may specific services that meet the needs
stirred debate recently, with growing num- of LGBTI or culturally or linguistically
bers of calls to counselling services from diverse young people.
those alarmed the show’s graphic depiction While accessing help for mental health
of suicide could be harmful to vulnerable problems is recognised as a protective
teenagers. factor, it is not always easy to do so. Stig-
Some have complained about the matising attitudes towards mental health
simplistic, cause-and-effect portrayal of problems are improving in Australia, but
suicide. Others have chosen to see it as an they are still evident.
educational tool and conversation starter. We also know young people are less likely
Certainly, there are concerns, including to seek help if they feel negatively about
the graphic suicide scene in the last episode. it, which may be influenced by previous
But, overall, the story of high school student experiences. In 13 Reasons Why, Hannah
Hannah who took her own life and left 13 sought help from the school counsellor
tapes explaining why, raises many realistic but her efforts were ignored. Mr Porter
and relevant topics for adolescents. could have referred her to a more qualified
It shows compounding associations health professional or taken more time
between mental health issues and a range of to listen.
behaviours documented to impact a young SCENE: The show provides an opportunity to discuss how different people relate with Young people may also be hesitant to
person’s mental health. These include social and react to each other. Picture: July Moon Productions, Paramount Television. seek help if they feel they should resolve
exclusion, rumour and innuendo, bullying, the issue themselves. And those with
regrettable sexual behaviours, alcohol and when it comes to real-life portrayals. service staff and teachers – feel confident suicidal thoughts are less likely to seek
other drug use, drink driving and sexual In Australia, the media follow guidelines discussing mental health problems and help, so there is concern they may feel that
assault. such as those produced by Mindframe. influences. This does not mean teachers programs such as 13 Reasons Why validate
The storyline plays out a tangled web of These recognise the importance of raising should become counsellors; rather, teachers their thoughts.
everyday life: peer relationships, friendships, awareness of suicide and suicidal behav- need resources and support to enable It is important to enhance health literacy
sexual identity, family dynamics, social iours, but caution against depicting the meaningful discussions about issues with so young people are better able to recog-
media and, importantly, the school environ- method. older teenagers as appropriate. nise signs of problems and feel confident
ment. Friends’ reactions to Hannah’s suicide Australian fictional television programs While some may feel confident discussing seeking help. It is also important friends,
and their response to her depiction of their and movies that portray suicide and other such issues, studies have found there are family and other significant people look
behaviour also provide the opportunity to mental health issues provide information a range of topics, such as a relationships, out for warning signs and encourage
discuss how different people relate with and for where to go for help at the end of each gender identity, bullying and mental health, young people who are feeling distressed to
react to each other. program. Although Netflix provided such that can be challenging and for which seek help.
Certainly the media should be careful information on its website and a supple- many teachers have little or no professional Such signs may include withdrawal from
when portraying suicide. Research shows mentary episode describing the issues development. activities people usually enjoy, changes in
depicting the means of suicide and/or raised and options for help, helpline details The national secondary curriculum sleep or appetite, being unusually moody,
glorifying the act can in some instances were not given after each episode. already includes options to discuss lit- angry, stressed or anxious, participation in
result in suicide spikes. However, research- Raising awareness and talking about erature reflecting many of these issues. risky behaviours they would usually avoid,
ers also suggest there are usually complex mental health issues is important and The Australian and Western Australian and expressing negative thoughts.
underlying issues associated with copycat young people are certainly talking about 13 Health and Physical Education Curriculum Similar to 13 Reasons Why, too often
suicides (when one person from a commu- Reasons Why. But talking isn’t everything. provides a specific focus on mental health interventions are implemented only after a
nity suicides after someone else has). Health and education professionals, as and relationships issues. School staff also crisis. Prevention programs that consider
The association between media exposure well as parents, need the skills to respond need accessible services to refer students the complexity of mental health and in-
and subsequent suicide is not a simple one, appropriately to these conversations. to if necessary. Access to school nurses, clude strategies that focus on the broader
while evidence for the impact of fictional- Given the show’s focus on the school, it psychologists and pastoral care profession- environment and ethos are important.
ised depictions of suicide isn’t as robust as is important school staff – especially health als varies considerably across schools. 13 Reasons Why is recommended for
young people aged 15 years and over
(MA15+). Concerned parents can help by
watching the program with their teenager
and discussing salient issues.
VISIT/POST GUIDELINES: A letter to the editor is one way to have your say. All letters must be signed and carry the name, full address and daytime tele-
Sharyn Burns, Associate Professor, Cur-
phone number(s) of the author. We will publish the writer’s name and suburb/town. In rare cases, we may consent to withholding a writer’s name
2 Webster Street, Ballarat. or suburb/town. Letters should be no more than 250 words and may be edited for space, clarity and legal reasons. Shorter letters will be given tin University
PO Box 21 Ballarat 3353. preference. Web comments made at are published before appearing on these pages. Any comment which is deemed For help, call Lifeline 13 11 14 or Kids Help-
inappropriate will not be published. Preference will be given to those who provide a valid email address. line 1800 55 1800,
14 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


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Ballarat Real Estate Pty
Ltd; PS Kerry Way $430,000
WALKING ART: Soldiers Hill Artist Collective's Cliff Adeney in his studio. Picture: Dylan Burns. Ballarat Real Estate Pty Ltd.


Artists walk this way PS Crestmont Ct

$315,000 Ballarat Real Es-
tate Pty Ltd; PS Normlyttle
Pde $412,000 hockingstuart.

BY JESSICA BLACK incide with Ballarat Heritage the art.” lective will grow.” Private residences will be REDAN
Week and the Australian The self-funded group has SHAC chair Cliff Adeney open at the weekends only. PS Darling St $312,500
AN ART walk through Sol- Heritage Festival. grown to over 40 artists, in- said the walk allowed Sol- Venues will be identified hockingstuart.
diers Hill will expand to “The reason why we’ve cluding Federation Univer- diers Hill’s artistic commu- by yellow squares on the
include four private studio opened more studios this sity lecturer and printmaker nity to share their work with footpaths. Maps are availa- SEBASTOPOL
tours after the the first was year was because the one James Pasakos, graphic de- the neighbourhood. ble from Minerva’s Books, PS Albert St $265,000
“inundated” by visitors last studio that was opened signers, former teachers and “Soldiers Hill contains the Art Gallery of Ballarat, Ballarat Real Estate Pty Ltd;
year, Soldiers Hill Artist Col- last year was inundated, it a cabinet maker. a vibrant group of artists Ballarat Visitor Information PS Bridge St $190,000 Ray
lective’s Judith Bryce said. was very successful,” Ms “There are people who who are producing exciting Centre and Soldiers Hill White Ballarat.
Soldiers Hill Art Walk 2017 Bryce said. are highly trained, we have and high quality work,” Mr businesses.
will see 14 artists exhibited in “People that were doing a midwife, we have ex teach- Adeney said. All works of art are for sale WENDOUREE
the suburb’s private studios the walk could come in, ers, we have ex university The walk will be launched directly from the artist. PS Harold St $290,000
and businesses from Satur- they could meet many of the lecturers, a cleaner, it’s quite upstairs at Seymour’s on For more information visit Ray White Ballarat; PS
day, May 13 to Sunday, May artists exhibiting in the stu- diverse,” Ms Bryce, a history Lydiard at 7pm on Thursday, or Howitt St $205,000 Ray
28. dio and I think that gives it teacher, said. May 11 and run until Sunday, find SHAC on Facebook and White Ballarat.
This year the walk will co- greater connectedness with “I can only see that the col- May 28. Instagram. ■ Compiled by the REIV


Dream. Research. Plan. At you’ll find the inspiration to make your next holiday a reality. Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 15


FESTIVAL: Thomas Hiscock, two, at the Ballarat Steiner School's FESTIVAL: Elizabeth Mynes and Alison Arnold at the Ballarat Steiner FESTIVAL: Wynnie Azlin, three, at the Ballarat Steiner School's
Autumn Fair and Open Day. School's Autumn Fair and Open Day. Autumn Fair and Open Day.

Ballarat Steiner School hosted an Autumn Fair
as it thew open its doors to the community on
Sunday morning. Pictures: Luka Kauzlaric

FESTIVAL: Jemima, eight, John, Anna and Ida

Rowland, four, at the Ballarat Steiner School's
FESTIVAL: Tom, six, Archer, three, and Michael Fleet at the Ballarat Steiner School's Autumn Fair and Open Day. Autumn Fair and Open Day.

FESTIVAL: Carlos Myers, four, Sally Myers, two, Catherine Toro

FESTIVAL: Harry, six, Chris, Nicole and Ruby Loader, eight, at the and Elena Cardona at the Ballarat Steiner School's Autumn Fair and FESTIVAL: Katherine Knott at the Ballarat Steiner School's Autumn
Ballarat Steiner School's Autumn Fair and Open Day. Open Day. Fair and Open Day.

The Courier
is giving you
the chance to
win one of two
double passes
for the Saturday
13th May at the
Regent Theatre
16 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017

TODAY Showers developing. TODAY Shower or two. TODAY Showers.

4/12ºC 2/13ºC 3/15ºC 4/16ºC 6/17ºC 4/13ºC 6/15ºC 5/15ºC 5/17ºC 6/18ºC 7/19ºC 5/16ºC 9/15ºC 9/15ºC 8/16ºC 8/17ºC 9/17ºC 9/16ºC


WARNINGS were current at 5pm yesterday. Location Max** Min Rain* 1300 659 217 Today **MaxTemp to 3pm *Rainfall 24 hours to 9am
VICTORIA 21 C Ballarat 14 8 0
Patchy morning fog in the east. Isolated Tomorrow Bendigo 15 7 0
showers across the ranges. Scattered 8 / 17ºC Castlemaine na 7 0.2
showers developing in the southwest and Geelong 16 10 0
extending to central and eastern districts Hamilton 15 11 0.2
during the late afternoon and evening Horsham 17 12 0
although remaining dry over the far east. A HORSHAM ECHUCA Melbourne 18 14 0
cool to mild and partly cloudy day with Today
moderate north to northwesterly winds Today BENDIGO ALBURY- Mildura 18 15 0
20 Cº
Today 19ºC Mortlake 17 7 0.2
shifting colder southwesterly from the west
18 C º Tomorrow WODONGA Mt Buller 12 3 0
during the afternoon and evening. Tomorrow
Tomorrow 7 / 17ºC Today Port Fairy 17 13 0.2
Patchy fog near theYarra Valley in the early 6 / 15 C º 19ºC Warrnambool 17 11 0.6
morning. Cloudy. Slight (20%) chance of a Tomorrow
shower during the morning, increasing to a 9 / 18ºC THE TIDES
high (80%) chance of showers during the late BALLARAT PORT FAIRY
afternoon and evening. Winds north to north- Today High12:32am 0.9m 2:28pm 1.2m
westerly 25 to 35 km/h turning west to south- Low 7:03am 0.2m 8:17pm 0.7m
westerly 15 to 25 km/h during the afternoon TOMORROW
and evening.
Tomorrow MELBOURNE MOUNT BULLER High12:51am 0.9m 2:58pm 1.1m
4 / 12ºC Today Low 7:34am 0.2m 8:40pm 0.7m
Cloudy. Very high (90%) chance of showers, 20ºC 5ºC PORT PHILLIP HEADS
most likely in the late morning and after- HAMILTON Tomorrow Tomorrow High 3:00am 1.6m 3:58pm 1.8m
noon. Winds north to northwesterly 20 to 30 9 / 16ºC 1 / 4ºC Low 8:55am 0.2m 9:27pm 0.6m
km/h turning west to southwesterly 15 to 20 Today TOMORROW
km/h in the afternoon. 16ºC High 3:45am 1.6m 4:45pm 1.8m
BENDIGO AND NORTHERN COUNTRY Tomorrow Low 9:44am 0.2m 10:13pm 0.6m
Patchy morning fog in the east. Cloudy. High 6 / 13ºC
(70%) chance of showers in the south, SALE
medium (40%) chance elsewhere, mainly Today
during the late afternoon and evening. Light 21ºC
winds becoming northwesterly 15 to 20 km/h
in the morning then becoming light in the Tomorrow
late afternoon. GEELONG 8 / 17ºC BALLARAT
Today Sun protection recommended
Winds: Northwesterly 20 to 25 knots increas- 20ºC
ing to 20 to 30 knots before dawn then shift- Today Tomorrow BENDIGO
ing southwesterly 15 to 25 knots during the 18 C 8 / 17ºC Sun protection recommended
morning. Seas: 2 to 3 metres. Swell: South- Tomorrow 10:40am - 2:10pm
westerly 2 to 3 metres, increasing to 3 to 4 9 / 15ºC w w w. b o m . g o v. a u WARRNAMBOOL
metres offshore around midday. Weather: Sun protection recommended
© Commonwealth of Australia 2017
Cloudy. 90% chance of showers. 11:20am to 1:50pm
May 1, 2017

Sunny Mostly Partly Cloudy Chance Shower Showers Showers Storms rain Light rain Rain Rain, Windy Dusty Fog Haze, Frost Snow
Sunny Cloudy shower or two storm (drizzle) storm smoke


Ex TC “Frances”
Ex TC “Frances”
1008 Check latest
1002 warnings 1004
1006 1009

1016 1016 1016

1016 1016
1017 1016
1024 1024 1024
1024 1030 1024
1016 1032
1008 1029 1024 1008
1029 1016
1000 1008 1024 1000
1024 1016 1025
1022 1008 992
1016 1000 1016


Location Weather High Low
Amsterdam fine 12 3
Athens fine 26 14
Auckland rain 19 16 400 DARWIN
Bangkok rain 33 28 300 32
Barcelona fine 17 7 200
Beijing fine 33 17 150
Christchurch windy 16 7 100 BROOME
Frankfurt rain 14 1 50 33 28 CAIRNS
Helsinki rain 5 0 25
Hong Kong fine 26 21 15
Johannesburg fine 18 9 10
Kuala Lumpur rain 33 25 5 ALICE SPRINGS 24
London fine 16 5 1
Los Angeles
Moscow fine 23 6 Week ending
Noumea showers 26 20
April 30, 2017 25 PERTH
Paris fine 16 3 SUN & MOON ADELAIDE 20 25
Seoul haze 23 13 Rise 6:30am Rise 7:01am Rise 6:40am Rise 7:01am 19 SYDNEY
Set 5:15pm Set 5:33pm Set 5:21pm Set 5:15pm CANBERRA
Singapore mist 28 26
Rise 11:13am Rise 11:48am Rise 11:24am Rise 11:51am
Suva fine 30 23 MELBOURNE
Tel Aviv fine 25 13 Set 9:50pm Set 10:07pm Set 9:56pm Set 9:45pm
Tokyo windy 22 10
First Full Last New 20 HOBART
Washington fine 33 21
May 3 May 11 May 19 May 26
Wellington rain 17 15 Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 17

ABC (CH 2, 20) SBS (CH 3, 30) PRIME7 (CH 6) NINE (CH 5, 50) WIN (CH 8, 80)
6.00 News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 ABC 6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Al Jazeera 6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 6.00 Today. (CC) 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 GCBC. 7.00
News. (CC) 10.00 Landline. (R, CC) English News. 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) WIN News. 8.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG)
11.00 A Country Road: The Nationals. Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 11.30 Seven Morning News. (CC) 11.30Morning News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 11.00 Studio
(R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 9.30 Greek News From Cyprus. 10.30 12.00 MOVIE A Wife’s Nightmare. 12.00The Ellen DeGeneres Show. 10: TBL Transformed. (PGal, CC)
1.00 Grantchester. (Mav, R, CC) German News. 11.00 Spanish News. Jennifer Beals. A girl claims Variety show. (PG, CC) (Final) 12.30 Dr Phil. (PGals, CC) 1.30
1.45 DCI Banks. (Mav, R, CC) 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish to be a long-lost daughter. 1.00 Love Child. McNaughton Jamie’s 30-Minute Meals. (R, CC) 2.00
2.35 Kitchen Cabinet. (PG, R, CC) News. 1.00 Al Jazeera News. 2.00 The (2014, Mv, R, CC) discovers Eva’s pregnancy. Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 2.30 Alive
3.10 Eggheads. (R, CC) Chefs’ Line. (R, CC) 2.30 Michael Ball 2.00 The Daily Edition. The hottest (PGalv, R, CC) And Cooking. (R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy.
3.40 Doctor Who. (PG, R, CC) And Alfie Boe: Together. (CC) 3.30 issues from the day’s news. (CC) 3.00 News Now. (CC) (PG, CC) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. (CC)
4.30 Whovians. (R, CC) Inside Einstein’s Mind. (R, CC) 4.30 Cats 3.00 The Chase. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine
5.00 ABC News: Early Edition. (CC) Uncovered. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Letters 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. Hosted by Schofield. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The
5.30 The Drum. (CC) And Numbers. (R, CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) Eddie McGuire. (CC) Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 News.
6.00 Dream Build. (R, CC) 6.00 The Chefs’ Line. (CC) 6.00 Seven News. (CC) 6.00 Nine News. (CC) 6.00 WIN News. (CC)
6.10 Grand Designs. (R, CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. Leah and 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC)
7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.35 The House Of Irene’s friendship may be over 7.30 The Voice. A group of 7.30 MasterChef Australia. Series
7.30 7.30. Presented by Leigh Sales. Hypochondriacs. Presented by for good. Marilyn avoids John. contestants sets out to prove return. A fresh batch of amateur
(CC) Dr Christian Jessen. (PG, CC) Nate and Tori’s future looks they have what it takes to be a cooks take to the kitchen to
8.00 Australian Story: Channelling 8.30 Colombia With Simon uncertain. (PGv, CC) singing sensation. (PGl, CC) impress the judges. (CC)
Mr Woo. A look at the life of Reeve. Simon Reeve travels to 7.30 House Rules. The teams are 9.00 BRITs Icon: Elton John. 9.10 This Is Us. The Pearson
Eddie Woo. (CC) Colombia at a pivotal moment placed under even further Sir Elton John performs some of family finds themselves at the
8.30 Four Corners. Elite athletes in its 50-year conflict with FARC. pressure when Johanna Griggs his greatest hits for a celebrity hospital on Christmas Eve after
blow the whistle on the high (CC) challenges them to create a audience at the London little Kate comes down with
price paid for sporting glory. 9.40 24 Hours In Emergency: Work statement piece. (PG, CC) Palladium. (CC) appendicitis. (Ma, R, CC)
(CC) Hard, Play Hard. The 37-year- 8.40 Seven Year Switch. After their 10.30 Footy Classified. A team of 10.10 MOVIE The Monuments Men.
9.20 Media Watch. Takes a look at a old victim of a crash between a first week of switch therapy, the footy experts tackles the AFL’s George Clooney, Matt Damon,
range of issues affecting media car and a motorcycle is brought couples go on a weekend away. burning issues. Hosted by Craig Bill Murray. During World
consumers. (PG, CC) into St George’s Hospital. (CC) (Ml, CC) Hutchison. (M, CC) War II, an unlikely platoon is
9.35 Q&A. Interactive public affairs 10.35 SBS World News Late Edition. 9.50 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell. Chef 11.30 Botched. The doctors tasked with retrieving artistic
program. Hosted by Tony Jones. (CC) Gordon Ramsay checks into The reunite to discuss the season. masterpieces from Nazi thieves.
(CC) 11.05 The World Game. (CC) River Rock Inn, Pennsylvania, (Madlmn, CC) (2014, PGlvw, R, CC)
10.40 Lateline. (R, CC) 11.35 Cycling. UCI World Tour. where the owner is in over his 12.30 Rizzoli & Isles. (Mv, R, CC) 12.30 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC)
11.10 The Business. (R, CC) Eschborn-Frankfurt Classic. (CC) head. (Ml, R, CC) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen
11.30 Golf. PGA Tour. Classic Of New 1.30 Crimes Of Passion. Puck and 10.50 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares 2.00 Extra. (CC) Colbert. Comedian Stephen
Orleans. Highlights. (CC) Einar discover a dead body. USA. (Ml, R, CC) 2.30 Global Shop. Colbert interviews a variety of
12.20 Secret State. (Mal, R, CC) 1.05 The (Mv, R, CC) 11.50 The Goldbergs. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. guests from the worlds of film,
Mix. (R, CC) 1.40 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.50 Luke Nguyen’s Greater 12.20 Packed To The Rafters. (R) politics, business and music.
3.20 The Tunnel. (MA15+v, R, CC) 4.10 Mekong Bitesize. (R, CC) (PG, R, CC) 3.30 Good Morning America. (CC) (PG, CC)
Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 5.00 CGTN English News. 1.30 Home Shopping. (R, CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 2.30 Home Shopping. (R)
Antiques Roadshow. (R, CC) 5.30 NHK World English News. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

ABC2 (CH 22) SBS VICELAND (CH 32) 7TWO (CH 62) 9GEM (CH 52) ONE (CH 81)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 1.40 Olivia. 6.00 WorldWatch. 11.35 Hindi News. 6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Get Arty. (C) 7.30 6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 This Is Your 6.00 Home Shopping. 8.00 RPM. 9.00
1.55 Curious George. 2.20 Postman 12.00 Soccer. A-League. Second semi- Flushed. (C) 8.00 Jay’s Jungle. (P) Day! (PG) 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Fishing Edge. 9.30 Just Go. 10.00
Pat. 2.35 Sydney Sailboat. 3.10 Mister final. Replay. 2.20 Flying To The Ends 8.30 Harry’s Practice. 9.00 Home And Shop. 8.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 9.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 11.00 Hogan’s Heroes.
Maker’s Arty Party. 3.30 Play School. Of The Earth. (PG) 3.15 VICE News Away: The Early Years. (PG) 9.30 NBC TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Friends. 12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00
4.20 Tree Fu Tom. 5.10 Peg + Cat. 5.25 Tonight. 3.45 Woman With Gloria Today. 10.30 NBC Press. 11.30 Annabel (PG) 11.30 Netball. Super Netball. Cheers. (PG) 2.00 Matlock. (M) 3.00
Charlie And Lola. 5.45 Floogals. 6.20 Steinem. (PG) 4.10 Brain Games. (PG) Langbein: The Free Range Cook. 12.00 Round 10. Collingwood Magpies v Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00
Little Roy. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 7.00 4.40 Where The Wild Men Are With Dr Oz. (PG) 1.00 Hairy Bikers: The Pubs Queensland Firebirds. 1.30 Netball. Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek:
Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor Ben Fogle. (PG) 5.30 If You Are The That Built Britain. (PG) 1.30 One Foot In Super Netball. Round 10. West Coast The Next Generation. 6.00 M*A*S*H.
Who. (PG) 8.15 Gruen Pitch Rewind. One. 6.35 MythBusters. (PG) 7.35 The Grave. (PG) 2.15 Some Mothers Do Fever v Giants. 3.30 As Time Goes (PG) 7.30 MacGyver. 8.30 MOVIE
(PG) 8.30 Louis Theroux’s Weird The Feed. 8.00 South Park. (M) 8.30 ’Ave ’Em. (PG) 3.00 Property Ladder. By. 4.10 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.20 Are You Speed. Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock,
Weekends. (PG) 9.20 Life And Death MOVIE Scarface. Al Pacino. (1983) 11.45 (PG) 4.00 Deal Or No Deal. 5.00 60 Being Served? (PG) 6.00 Friends. Dennis Hopper. (1994, Mvl, CC) 11.00
Row. (MA15+) 10.15 The Office. (PG) MOVIE Sleepless Night. (2011, Mvl) Minute Makeover. (PG) 6.00 Medical (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 Miss Super Rugby Extra Time. 12.00 House
10.45 John Conway Tonight. (M) 11.40 1.35 Desus And Mero. 2.05 @midnight. Emergency. (PG) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. Marple. (PG) 8.40 MOVIE The Pelican Of Lies. (MA15+) 12.30 Motor Racing.
Whovians. 12.10 Peaky Blinders. (M) (M) 2.30 The Feed. 3.00 Thai News. 7.30 Jonathan Creek. (M) 8.30 Foyle’s Brief. Denzel Washington. (1993, Mvl, Formula 1. Race 4. Russian Grand Prix.
1.10 HitRecord On TV. (PG) 1.35 Doctor 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. War. (M) 10.30 Blue Murder. (M) 12.00 CC) 11.30 Footy Classified. (M) 12.30 Replay. From Sochi Autodrom, Russia.
Who. (PG) 2.20 The Office. (PG) 3.05 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Bargain Hunt. 1.00 Deal Or No Deal. Friends. (PG) 1.00 TV Shop. 1.30 Danoz. 3.00 Matlock. (M) 4.00 Jake And The
Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs. Korean News. 5.30 WorldWatch. 1.30 Late Programs. 2.00 Late Programs. Fatman. (PG) 5.00 The Doctors. (M)

ABC ME (CH 23) ABC NEWS (CH 24) 7MATE (CH 63) 9GO! (CH 53) ELEVEN (CH 82)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 12.00 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News. 6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Hook, Line And 6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Mad 6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Littlest Petshop.
Heartland. (PG) 12.45 Degrassi: Next 6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News With Sinker. (PG) 8.00 Mark Berg’s Fishing About You. (PG) 12.00 Dawson’s Creek. 6.30 Blazing Team. 7.05 Pokémon.
Class. (PG) 1.10 Wolfblood. 1.35 Move It The Business. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 Addiction. (PG) 9.00 The Next Level. (PG) 1.00 World’s Funniest Videos Top 8.00 Totally Wild. (C) 8.35 Bob The
Mob Style. 2.00 Backyard Science. 2.25 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC (PG) 10.00 Big Angry Fish. (PG) 11.00 10 Countdown. (PG) 2.00 Children’s Builder. 9.00 Super Wings. 9.30
Steam Punks! 2.50 Pearlie. 3.05 Sally News. 11.30 7.30. 12.00 ABC News. Charlie’s Angels. (PG) 12.00 The Next Programs. 4.05 The Amazing World Of Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Dr Quinn. (PG)
Bollywood. 3.30 Thunderbirds Are Go. 12.30 The Drum. 1.00 Al Jazeera Level. (PG) 1.00 Wipeout USA. (PG) Gumball. 4.30 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 11.00 JAG. (PG) 12.00 Judging Amy.
4.00 The Dengineers. 4.30 Deadly Newsgrid. 2.00 BBC Global. 2.30 7.30. 2.00 What Went Down. (PG) 3.00 (PG) 5.00 Ben 10: Alien Force. (PG) (M) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Becker. (PG)
60. 5.05 Nowhere Boys. (PG) 5.45 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 The Link. 4.00 Search For Lost Giants. (PG) 4.00 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG) 6.00 Regular 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Rules
The Fairly OddParents. 6.05 Teenage Al Jazeera Newshour. 5.00 Outside Wipeout USA. (PG) 5.00 Swamp Show. (PG) 6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) Of Engagement. (PG) 4.30 Raymond.
Mutant Ninja Turtles. (PG) 6.30 Eve. Source. 5.30 Lateline. People. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 The Middle. (PG) 7.30 Science Of (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family
7.00 Operation Ouch! 7.30 Officially (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Talking Stupid. (M) 8.30 Footy Classified. (M) Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Acropolis
Amazing. 8.05 Degrassi: Next Class. Footy. 8.30 MOVIE RED. Bruce Willis. 9.30 MOVIE Beverly Hills Cop II. Eddie Now. (PG) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother.
(PG) 8.30 Prisoner Zero. 8.55 The (2010, Mlv, CC) 10.45 America’s Hardest Murphy. (1987, Mlv, CC) 11.30 Two And (PG) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.30
Amazing Extraordinary Friends. 9.20 Prisons. (M) 12.00 Talking Footy. 1.00 A Half Men. (PG) 12.00 The Middle. Supernatural. (MA15+) 10.30 The
Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. 9.40 American Pickers. (PG) 2.00 Pawn (PG) 12.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 1.00 X-Files. (M) 11.30 James Corden. (M)
Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close. 5.00 Children’s Stars. (PG) 2.30 Swamp People. (PG) Regular Show. (PG) 1.30 Children’s 12.30 Dexter. (MA15+) 1.35 King Of
Programs. 3.30 Late Programs. Programs. Queens. (PG) 2.30 Late Programs.

NITV (CH 34) 6.00 Bushwhacked! 6.30 Wapos Bay. 7.00 Move It Mob Style. 7.30 Musomagic. 8.00 The Dreaming. 8.30 Wapos Bay. 9.00 Tipi Tales. 9.30 Cities Of Gold. (PG) 10.00
Te Kaea. 10.30 Sacred Ground. (PG) 11.30 The Price Of Peace. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE Freedomland. (2006, Malv) 3.00 Kagagi. (PG) 3.30 Mysterious Cities Of Gold. (PG) 4.00
Little J & Big Cuz. 4.15 Tales Of Tatonka. 4.30 Guardians: Evolution. (PG) 5.00 In The Frame. (PG) 5.30 Real Pasifik. 6.00 Surviving. 6.30 On The Edge. (PG) 7.00 Our Stories. 7.20 NITV News. 7.30 The Prophets. (PG)
8.00 First Australians. (PG) 9.00 The Point. 9.30 Get Your Fish On. 10.00 Hunting Aotearoa. (MA15+) 10.30 City Slickers Rodeo. 11.00 Survive Aotearoa. (PG) 12.00 Volumz. (PG)
RATING ADVICE: (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
CONSUMER ADVICE: a: adult themes; d: drug references; h: horror; l: language; n: nudity; s: sexual references; v: violence. CC: Closed Captions; b&w: Black & White; R: Repeat. VIC | 0105

HOROSCOPES with Alison Moroney

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) (March 21-April 19) (April 20-May 20) (May 21-June 20) (June 21-July 22)
Regular routines of work Children, love and The routine aspects Many small details of daily The atmosphere of busy The natural Cancerian
and health are the most romance will produce of domestic life are life will be keepingTaurean places will draw you mood is emphasised by
dominant factors in emotional reactions during highlighted during May 1, people on their toes during to them during May 1, the moon in your sun
Aquarian lives during May 1, 2. Life will be what 2 when emotional bonds Monday andTuesday. 2, with cash and credit sign during May 1, 2.Try
Monday andTuesday, you make it, so why not with family tend to be There should be plenty of card in hand.You are to maintain perspective,
with nothing apparently aim high and invest the influential.You’ll just want telephone calls and short especially attached to as it is too easy to absorb
standing in their way. effort? to nestle in at home. trips. your possessions at the others’ feelings.


(July 23-Aug. 22) (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Perhaps emotional The mood of Virgoan Career matters are May 1, 2 are great for Your mood is quite intense The mood swings of
vulnerability motivates you natives is rather sociable highlighted during May absorbing information, and more intimate during others will probably have
to retire from the jungle during Monday and 1, 2, when it is also more whether through study, May 1, 2, making it a good some sort of an impact
of life during May 1, 2. Tuesday as you relish difficult to hide your true advice or just a general time to get together with on Capricorn individuals
You may need to lick your the companionship of feelings. Sympathies are experience of life. Contact your partner. Sagittarians during Monday and
paws, or simply reflect on friends.Your imagination aroused by contact with with someone at a question life then. Tuesday, as you seem to
recent events. can assist with visualising members of the public. distance is likely. be naturally attuned to
goals. them.
18 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017

ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 Non-commissioned
sailor 7 8 9
7 Keen
8 Hen 10 11
10 Large sailing ship
12 Lowest point 12 13 14 15
13 Musical composition
16 Sharpshooter 16 17
18 A useful quality
20 Narrow beam of light 18 19 20 21 22
GINGER MEGGS 21 Obtained
23 24 25
23 Wagers
24 Affectedly shy
26 27 28
25 Pure and simple
26 Fuss
29 30
27 Tin container
28 Neither liquid nor gas
31 32 33
29 Made ready
31 Make certain
34 35
33 Danger
34 Guides with advice
36 37
36 Worries
37 Anaesthetic 38
38 Fairness
DOWN 11 Short literary 25 Freedom from vanity
1 Disturbed persistently composition 27 Mauve-tinged
2 Systems of 14 Divine messenger cherry red
government 15 Performed in a play 28 Group of seven
3 Biblical mountain 17 Swedish monetary unit 30 Impolite
4 Unsatisfactory 18 Lessen 32 Close
5 Dark 19 Halts 35 Flightless bird
6 That which is owed 22 Openings
9 Girl’s name 24 Prance


WIZARD OF ID ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Remains of a soft lever
perhaps (9) 8
8 Have to concede (3)
9 He tells you to raise your 9 10
glasses to a saint and
teacher (11)
11 Shop Reg set up for
animals (7) 11 12
12 Awfully inane girl (5)
13 Out to boo the first
musician (6)
15 Bed in a ship for a girl (6)
17 Money container that 13 14 15
boxers fight for (5)
ZITS 18 Piece of drapery Victoria 16
and Albert clean up (7)
20 Post pinmen to Pat 17 18 19
perhaps (11)
22 Establish a group (3)
23 Perceived that the screen
did get taken out (9) 20 21

2 The English go for a self-
image (3) 23
3 Unusual new route (5)
4 Pass by when asleep,
possibly (6) 11 Favourable reviews 19 Being drunk, he was
5 Fill beyond capacity on the will make clothes look supple (5)
day I eat out (7) smart (4,5) 21 Born in Bourne End? (3)
THE PHANTOM 6 E.g., in favour of 14 Soaked an unreasonable
taking a fashionable journalist (7)
posture (3,8) 16 Keeps out of the way
7 You find a new grave in when around an empty
one, usually (2,7) place (6)
10 Apt to take illegally (11)

CROSSWORD AND CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS 28 Septet, 30 Rude, 32 Near, 35 Emu.

19 Stops, 22 Orifices, 24 Caper, 25 Modesty, 27 Cerise,
19 Lithe; 21 Nee. 9 Anna, 11 Essay, 14 Angel, 15 Acted, 17 Krona, 18 Abate,
average; 10 Appropriate; 11 Good press; 14 Steeped; 16 Avoids; DOWN 1 Harassed, 2 Regimes, 3 Ararat, 4 Ill, 5 Gloomy, 6 Debt,
DOWN 2 Ego; 3 Outre; 4 Elapse; 5 Satiate; 6 For instance; 7 On 31 Ensure, 33 Peril, 34 Directs, 36 Cares, 37 Ether, 38 Equity.
20 Appointment; 22 Set; 23 Discerned. 24 Coy, 25 Mere, 26 Ado, 27 Can, 28 Solid, 29 Prepared,
12 Annie; 13 Oboist; 15 Bertha; 17 Purse; 18 Valance; 13 Sonata, 16 Marksman, 18 Asset, 20 Ray, 21 Got, 23 Bets,

ACROSS 1 Leftovers; 8 Own; 9Toastmaster; 11 Gophers; ACROSS 2 Rating, 7 Eager, 8 Layer, 10 Galleon, 12 Nadir,


TODAY’STARGET Simple rules, challenging puzzle

GOOD: 15
1. What is the largest artery All the numbers from 1 to 9 must be
used once only in each 3x3 square,
VERY GOOD: 19 in the human body? in each row (horizontal) and each
EXCELLENT: 25 2. What was Ian Fleming’s column (vertical).
GENIUS: 29 first James Bond novel?
3. Who was the first man

to run a mile in less than SOLUTION
four minutes?
4. Which musician/actor
purchased a stake in

tana titan
tacit tact tafia tain taint
MySpace in 2011?
scat stain static statin 5. What was the name of
satanic satin scan scant Roger Moore’s first James
fiat intact naif natis saint
Bond movie?
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of FANTASTIC fascia fast
four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must cast fact fain faint fanatic
be included and each letter may only be used once. attain attic caftan cant and Let Die
No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns,
apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Reference
anti antic asci astatic Bannister; 4. JustinTimberlake; 5. Live
source: Macquarie Dictionary. acai actant actin anta 1. Aorta; 2. Casino Royale; 3. Roger Monday, May 1, 2017 THE COURIER 19

Connect with Classifieds

Phone: 1300 66 66 51
Index Funeral Notices Funeral Notices For Sale Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles
Adult Services ............................................. 21
Birthdays ..................................................... 19 FLYNN
Businesses for Sale & Wanted ................... 20 BALLARAT
Caravans and Motor Homes.......................20
Computer Service and Repairs .................. 20
The relatives and
friends of the late
Headstones • Monuments
Death Notices..............................................19 Mrs Anastasia Mary Renovations • Lettering Cnr Whitelaw Ave &
(Stasia) Flynn are All cemeteries Beaumont Dr.
Events & Functions.....................................21 All work fully guaranteed Delacombe
respectfully advised
For Sale ....................................................... 19 Trust us to set your loved one's
that Requiem Mass Windows, cast iron 2008 SsangYong
Funeral Notices...........................................19 will be offered at St. memory in stone
verandah posts, Rexton AWD Wagon BMW X5
In Memoriam ............................................... 19
5331 2957 hardwood timber, steel 3.0 SD (twin turbo),
HOLDEN Commodore
Equipe 2005, mags, 6
1/128 Elsworth St. East purlins, windows, excellent condition,
Road, Mount Visit our showroom stacker CD player, low
Motor Vehicles ............................................ 19 doors, kitchens, travelled only 51,300 145,000kms, RWC avail.
Gambier on Friday, flooring, roofing iron,
Motorcycles & Scooters ............................. 19 5th May, 2017 at kms, one owner with 12mths reg. TPX-960,
Personal Notices.........................................21 antiques & full service history, $3,500 ono. Ph: 0490 500
10:30am (SA Time). near new tyres and 670.
so much more.
Positions Vacant ......................................... 20
Public Notices........................................20-21
In lieu of floral WILSON OPEN EVERY DAY
fitted with all BMW
tributes a donation Travelled 131,345kms, extras. Supplied with Motorcycles &
Real Estate .................................................. 20 to Innocents Relief, MEMORIALS automatic, Diesel road worthy, reg Scooters
Sports..........................................................20 PO Box 4096, St STONEMASONS FIREWOOD Turbo, 7 seater and VAJ337, $42100. Ph:
Lucia South, QLD BALLARAT sun roof. 0427 503 161.
To Let & Wanted ......................................... 20
4067 would be & All District Cemeteries.
REDGUM 1JV-2XK, $9,990
Trade Services.......................................20-21
appreciated. Headstones & Monuments. 20m loads, split, ready
Under $100..................................................20 All Memorial Works to burn. Del. avail from
In the care of LMCT 9071
Wanted to Buy.............................................20 a a a $2000.
Ph 5335 8074 5335 5900 or 0418 508 750
Ph. 0437 662 600 / 0448 263 700.
814 Latrobe St
Ballarat 3350
2006 Series 2 Yamaha V Star
SERVICES In Memoriam Dry, split, common, Commodore, mech-A1,
1 White Avenue $100/metre. Ballarat 4000kms, rego till
perfect body & int.,
Connect with Mount Gambier
08 8725 4333
and surrounding areas.
Call/text: 0488 476 517.
every extra, air, p
/steer, cruise, leather
int., mags, books,
28/3/2018, reg: 1G4ZN,
RWC, $5,000. Phone:
0412 943 216 .

Place a Classifieds ad
Arnold Mum,
One year
Call The Courier Classifieds
Diesel, 86,000 kms,
1 owner, reg Nov 30,
RWC, $13,500,
RWC, reg Jan 18, test
drive, 1JO-1JZ, only
174 kms, Bargain,
Sell your vehicle in
The Courier Classifieds
The Funeral Service today you left us. 1300 666 651 XYF-524, 0428 382 556 $5000. P: 0434 726 693 1300 666 651
1300 666 651 and committal for Loving and missing
Save time, submit online 24/7 the late Arnold you a lot. James will be held in

New look,
"The Ballarat "When someone
Print and online packages available Funeral Centre" you love becomes
throughout Australia 1114 Doveton Street a memory,
Ongoing business advertising self service North, Ballarat The memory
enquiries: North, on Thursday becomes a treasure"
(May 4, 2017) at Love Gary andMarg.
Emoji now available ELEVEN (11.00)a.m.

new feel
Private cremation
Death Notices Death Notices

Anastasia Mary Gregory John

(Stasia) JENKINS
On April 28, 2017
Born 10th May, peacefully at Gregory John
1929 at Sunnybrae, Gandarra in the Birthdays
The Funeral Service
Suttontown SA presence of his
and committal for
family, aged 57
Died 26th April, 2017 the late Mr Gregory
years. Loved and
at Mount Jenkins will be held
loving husband of
Gambier SA. in "The Ballarat
Maureen; fond
Funeral Centre"

Bigger text
step-father of Ricky
Younger daughter of 1114 Doveton Street
and Mayette,
the late John Jens North, Ballarat on
Andrew and
and Una Mary Wednesday May 3,
Christine, and Fiona;
Kennedy (nee Billan); 2017 at TWO (2.00) BEN WILSON
loved Pop of their
loving sister of pm.
Margaret and John Happy Birthday to
(Beau) (dec); loving
wife of William David
Flynn (David) (dec),
Forever in
our hearts
my special grandson
Ben, Love and best
wishes for your
Index and easy to find
beloved and devoted
mother of Michael,
Katrina, Mark, and
Many thanks to the
staff of Gandarra for
their care of Greg
contact information
Anna; loving and and his family.
t r e a s u r e d
Gloria, Robert, and
of When you lose
Francis Tick boxes to track
Phillippa and kind
and generous
someone close to
you, it can be hard to
put into words your
thoughts and feelings.
Relatives and friends
of the late Mr Francis
Damian Van Den
your Garage Sale trail
grandmother of Alex, A personal message
Alexandra, Dominica, Hoek are advised
in The Courier says
so much. For friendly
advice on how to place
your tribute phone
that his Funeral
Service is appointed
to take place at the Love always,
Emoji for when words
Madeleine, Michaela,
Nicholas, Olivia, and
1300 666 651 Doveton Park
Funeral Centre, 1251
Doveton Street
Grandma xxxooo
are not enough
North, Ballarat on Bereavement
TUESDAY May 2, We hope you the new look!

HONOUR LOVED ONES AND 2017 commencing at

TEN (10:00) am.
SHARE THEIR STORY Has your loved one

All notices (Death, Funeral and In Memorium) placed in print also appear
online with an accompanying Guest Book to enable family and friends from
The funeral will leave
at the conclusion of
recently passed away
and you wish to thank Connect with Classifieds
the service for the Family, Relatives and
any location to share their own messages and memories with you.
To visit our Tributes page, go to
New Friends for their love
and support?
CALL US TODAY ON 1300 666 651,
click on the Classifieds tab If you need assistance,
or email:
and select ‘Tributes’. please call our trained
Call 1300 666 651 to Classified Staff who
Connect with Classifieds can help you place a
personalised notice.
1300 666 651
20 THE COURIER Monday, May 1, 2017

Phone: 1300 666 651

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Caravans and Motor Public Notices Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services
Landscape Gardener
SEBASTOPOL Positions Vacant A RAPID RESPONSE HANDYMAN All types of garden
work. incl. retaining
Tiling and Bathroom walls, paving, turf, new
SMALL JOBS AND Upgrades. Ph: Peter gardens, watering
AUTO PARTS RENOVATIONS EMERGENCY 0418 525 064 systems, stone work.
After 42 years of Call / Txt 0477 666 992 ELECTRICIAN Ballarat & Surrounds
2012 Jayco Sterling Trading 7 days, All Types of BOBCAT HIRE
Pop Top, dual axel, Theo is Retiring and 6 & 4 METRE Electrical Work HOME MAINTENANCE Exc. rates. Free Quotes
18'6'', front kitchen, offering TRUCK Supply and install - Home or Commercial
TV Points & AerialsRoof repairs, Guttering, Prompt, service
rear d/bed, air cond, 20% discount shop 0412 436 646 Gutters clean, Gutter M C Hutton Landscaping
TV, hot water, 2 tanks, wide, including Air Cond, CCTV,
outside shower, rollout Tree and Stump Removal 5331 2978 Phone & Data guard, Plastering, Phone 0427 453 803
Hard to get parts,
awning, full annex, bat- 25 yrs experience FREE QUOTE Call Jim (Rec 16942) painting, and fencing.
All work guaranteed.
Wide range Oils &
tery pack, exc cond, q Qualified 0428 729 741 Phone: 0417 508 678
$26,500. 0418 580 971 Filters, Popular Lion Horticulturist
Batteries. Also
Fixtures, Racking, Apprentice Roof Plumber & Tree Surgeon
q Fully insured Fences, Renovations, Electrician
Tools etc in the Wanted for Ballarat q Free quotes Chimneys, Small jobs.
business. Must be Professional Service & Care ROD SKEWES Domestic and Com-
Secondhand mercial. Good rates. • NEW HOMES
Section. under 21. Resume to: Brendan: 0447 228 733 0408 518 279 • EXTENSIONS
The Manager, BOX H1 Merron: 0432 066 943 Call Rob 0418 904 089.
Open hours (REC26352) Home & Property RENOVATIONS
C/- The Courier Paul: 0447 238 733 DJ'S LAWN &
10am-5.30pm 2 Webster St MAINTENANCE • DECKS
van 2011, 17'. exc cond,
garaged, ESC, full awning
Ballarat VIC 3350 NO Job too Small or too Big!
Phone 0455 248 322
& veranda, paint protection, WALKERS WANTED All Aspects of fencing, • Electricians • WINDOWS
level bars,TV, extras. 11m
rego. $25,000. 5330 2209
Saturday & Sunday.
114 Albert Street
To deliver Pamphlets
in Ballarat Areas
ASBESTOS post ramming.
Free quotes.
• Painters • Handyman
Ph: 0458 690 310 or
5335 7333
Car & phone essential. Removalists We take pride in our • Plasterers • Tilers (03) 5330 2518
Real Estate Ph: 0408 006 322, work. 0417 570 930 • Lawns • Gardening Registered Builder
0427 500 230 • Landscaping
Build on Acreage •Weight loss and Repairs FENCING Free Quotes
5333 5555
Home maintenance, trade
•Quit Cigarettes FARM FENCING
with LAKE & SNOW qualified. No job too small.
•Other addictions All Electrical Michael: 0409 579 414 Ph: 0438 374 811
close. ONLY $79,500. •Phobias & Trauma BALLARAT RE-ROOFING
Lic No: 101463 Works
Farming Zoned
Daniel 0481 022 834
l Convert your old tile Split System FREE REMOVAL OF SCRAP SAVE TIME,
roof to Colorbond
or Zincalume Air Conditioning Fridges, freezers, SUBMIT
10 Acre cleared grazing Computer running
land. Pyrenees region. l Metal roof Trenching & washing machines,
Slow?? dryers, stoves, hot
Scattered trees & all STRESS EXPERT replacement Mini Excavator By placing your classified
Getting Frustrated?? l Get in before winter & water services, cars /
weather access. Rec. QUIT SMOKING Buried Cable ad through our
land. LTD TIME Only Don't bang your eliminate your parts, steel etc. self-service portal,
$49,950. Call 9840 8777 Relationship Issues head against leaking roof Ph: 0467 090 574 JONY'S PAINTING &
the wall !!! l View our latest
We Service Ballarat &
Stress & Anxiety etc. Surrounding Towns. Garden Maintenance
CONSTRUCTIONS Connect with Classifieds
Give@Your Home completed roof at:
Huge 50 Acres Phobias & Traumas
Session End - Not Support a Call !! 689 Blampied Discounts Available New lawns, mowing, HOME RENOS, PAINTING,
of heavy timber ONLY Happy, No Charge Prompt, Friendly Mollongghip Rd, Cash & Pensioners mulching, cleanup's, PERGOLAS & DECKING
$59,500. Ph: 9840 8777 I am that GOOD service. Rocklyn The Friendly Professional... makeovers. E x p . QUALIFIED & CHEAPEST PRICES
Free quotes Reliable. Semi Retiree. Ph: Jon 0400 579 243
Damian 0412 348 597 No job too small
Joe 0417 304 837 Ph 0400 007 441 Leigh 0409 532 374
Rural living Zoned Sports Ph. 0407 241 170
2.7 acres Nth Vic., suit
retiree's or weekender Massage

Your online
/retreat, fenced, cleared
lot with seasonal creek,
$39,500. Call 9840 8777 MASSAGE
Aussie - Katie

To Let & Wanted (Clean & Private)
Ph: 0428 247 503
ST. KILDA V GWS New New Massage
for all
From $15 per week
Open 7 days Fri. May 5. Bus leaves Relaxed body massage.
Phone: 0417 543 881 5.00pm from GOLD 9am-9pm
Depot. Text Mel on: Ph: 0499 583 247

things Ag
Businesses For Sale 0491 164 440 or email:
& Wanted
Professional Massage
Wanted to Buy Asian. A new lady.
Open Early until Late
COURIER BUSINESS AAAA Better price for Ph.0410 633 237
No Truck Licence
required. any-thing old, antiques,
Price reduced. gramophones, china,
Phone 0407 044 127 iron beds, radios, kero
evenings. lamps, lighting, bottles,
enamel signs. Phone
5332 6841. Whether buying or selling, you are connected to a wide range
of farmers, dealers, products and brands
GOING OVERSEAS? Copper, brass, steel,
Want to keep in touch with radiators, alum, lead Do you have quality baby goods
batteries. P: 5331 7758

your local community? Go you no longer need?

to or 0419 154 908. Donate them to Eureka Mums and help
for all the latest news and Ballarat families facing hardship.
announcements WOOD HEATERS/STOVES For details, visit
anywhere. Cash Paid
Phone 5461-1018 BH

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Phone: 1300 666 651

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Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Personal Notices Adult Services


Fully insured. No job
too big or small. Storm YOU BE SINGLE??? Lily
WE LOAD IT FOR YOU damage, stump removal. There is no need to be alone when First time in Balt,
*DJB Plumbing & Gas* Cheaper than a skip!!! Free quote 5342 0987 our Matchmakers know so many 22 y-o very pretty,
No Hidden Surprises: /0424 865 222. wonderful women and men who stunning, size 6, busty
• 24/7 Emergency Service High pressure cleaning We Turn Up, beauty, top service.
Specialises in: Tree Lopping & are also seeking love and
• General Plumbing & Demossing Quote Job, Load It, SWA 8038XE
All your Tree Services: Repairs & Restorations Hedges happiness. You don’t need a 0477 278 255
• Maintenance Its Gone! Rot Repairs computer, all you need is a phone
• Blocked Drains • Tree & Stump Gutter facia & Down Free Quotes Cords/Balances and your privacy is assured.
• No Job Too Small Removal pipe repairs or Draft Proofing
Phone: Glen Emergency Glass
ph 1300 856 640
New Lady
• Small excavations • Pruning Hedges & or txt 'meetup' to 0450 345 300
Fully Licensed and Insured. Shrubs Re roof 0409 429 061 Locks & Winders Very good service Call Ben 0411 398 000
Fully Licensed & SWA10701XE
Call Anytime on • Qualified Arborist insured Phone 0423 802 200
0490 399 373 with over 20 yrs 10 year warranty on all work Events & Functions Adult Services experience Locally owned &
Fully Insured operated • Access to limited ANNA SWA7092XE
Eftpos available
Simon 0408 320 211 areas GOLD BUS Avail Wed, Thu & Fri
• Chipping Public Tours day time only 10am -
Call today for a free
PLUMBING no obligation quote.
• Hedge Pruning
• Full Tree Removal
•My Fair Lady (SOLD OUT)
•Aladdin (SOLD OUT)
5.30pm. 0457 654 279.

Same day service Nigel 0418 629 077 Payment terms available! •Power-line Clearing
Tree Pruning &
•Canberra Floriade-exp of Interest
•Public Extended Touring - call us Honey New New Candy
Removal Robert 0432 333 678 First time to Ballarat,
EMERGENCIES Qualified Climbers Scott 0431 414 461
New, Busty, Beautiful.
Open Early until late.
20yr old, 100% very
Tower & Chipper Hire PROMPT RELIABLE good looking, size 6,
24 / 7 Storm Damage SERVICE C/Wood v Carlton SWA1054XE. busty beauty, top
clean up Free Quote Bulldogs v Richmond Ph. 0414 477 678 service. SWA 9279XE
Rebed and Point Essendon v Geelong
Ph: 0408 342 300 ACRYLIC RENDER & Demossing & Respray Clearance around Fully Insured Phone: 0488 627 116
AH 5334 2779 HOUSE BAGGING Fully Qualified Tradesman Service Wires
Mulch Sales See website for details. JULIA
Accredited Monier Fully Insured TREE REMOVAL Mature lady, attractive UTES 4WD TRUCKS CARS
Sell your vehicle in
•Latest styles & textures
•Top quality best price
Roofing Specialist Free, No Obligation
Quote RAPID MINI CHIP 5335 5005 and affectionate,
The Courier Classifieds
1300 666 651
Ballarat Bricks & Roofing No Alcohol Phone 0497 673 189
Ph: 0407 453 953 Call 03 5334 0488 Qualified Arborist &
•Fitting and supply of Horticulturist, Free
cement decorative Quotes. Fully Insured.

Classifieds Ph: 1300 666 651

NEED SOMEONE FOR mouldings GARDEN OVERGROWN? Tree Climbing Experts,
THOSE ODD JOBS? •All work guaranteed GRASS TOO LONG? Stump Removal,
Go to Trade Services in TREES TOO LARGE? Chipping and Tree
The Courier Classifieds! For a free quote phone Check out the Trade Services columns of The Courier
Chris 0411 783 057 to find someone to work for you.
Pruning. Mulch $15/mt
P: Adam 0409 005 227

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wkh#lqvsludwlrq#wr#pdnh#|rxu#qh{w#krolgd|#d#uhdolw|1 Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 23

From page 24 3 even teams. The revised format made for fun and tactical P. Vorstenbosh, J. Steenhuis, N. Maddern, J. Wakeling.
BEAUFORT racing on a challenging course which most enjoyed. In A
Glenthompson Dunkeld...5.2 5.5 8.6 11.8 (74) 4BBB STABLEFORD GUEST DAY 29/04/2017 Grade, Liam White, Tim Canny and Paul Myers broke away SEBASTOPOL
Tatyoon ..............................3.1 5.4 6.5 9.8 (62) Member & Guest: B. Foster & L. Taylor 44, E. Backer & K. early with the remainder of the field attacking each other in SCROUNGERS 26/04/2017
Tipene 41, R. Collins & A. Trounson 40 an attempt to bridge the gap on their own. The B Grade race
GOALS: Glenthompson Dunkeld: Lachie Field 3, Winner: S Bottrell; 2nd: K Bromeley
Member & Member: P. Prenc & D. Lamb 46, M. Roxburgh & T. saw Paul Humphries and Dan Bucknall breakaway but Matt
Brock Wardlaw 3, Simon Gordon 2, Jack Hutchins 1, Freeman worked dug deep to bridge across before blowing Saturday Social Bowls: 1pm start
Brett Matthews 1, Bradley McLean 1; Tatyoon: Ash McCracken 45, J. Roxburgh & J. Stimson 45
Pro Balls: P. Prenc, D. Lamb, M. Roxburgh, T. McCracken, J. himself up. It was great to see some old faces back racing like Wednesday Scroungers: 1pm start
Maconachie 4, Lachlan Mickan 2, Rhys Burger 1, Phil Orr and Will Geor. Wednesday Twilght Bowls: 7pm start
Roxburgh, J. Stimson, B. Foster, L. Taylor
Timothy Barr 1, Riley Wood 1 Birdie Balls: P. Kluzek 1st, T. McCracken 7th 16 C Grade riders raced in the traditional Tri-Series format Names in 1 hour before play starts. All entries/inquiries
BEST: Glenthompson Dunkeld: Matthew Swards, NTP’s: 1st P. Kluzek, 7th T. McCracken, 9th M. Orr, 10th M. with Geelong and Colac riders taking it up to Ballarat. In the to 53364601
Laurence Parker, Simon Gordon, Jarrod O’Brien, Hobbs, 13th J. Stimson, 18th T. McCracken end, Geelong rider Nick Ianham out sprinted Pete Canny and
Russell Macgugan, Tristan McMahon; Tatyoon: Rhys Come and see the XXXX Multi 6’s Thursday nights at 7pm.
Next Week: Stroke Monthly Medal Matt Dickinson.
Burger, Timothy Lillis, Archie Conboy, Joseph Vallance, Ballarat’s rising star Iesha Humber took out the D Grade race WEDNESDAY TWILIGHT 26/03/2017
Hamish Lawrie, Lachlan Mickan BUNINYONG in an impressive display of cycling. Winners: L Calson; D Cassells; J Gay (s) 54 pts
STROKE 27/04/2017 Thank you to Steve Kennedy and Matt Dickinson for setting 2nd: T Robbie; T Cole (s) 53 pts
Lismore Derrinallum ........3.4 7.7 9.7 11.9 (75) up, Sam Smith for chief marshalling and our sponsors Finn
Penshurst ..........................3.2 5.2 6.4 8.7 (55) 1st Chris Sargent 68 nett Business Sales, Sovereign Park Motor Inn and SJ Butler XXXX MULTI 6’S 27/04/2017
GOALS: Lismore Derrinallum: James Halloran 2, Jason 2nd Greg Simpson 70 nett Financial Planning. Weekly Winners:
Torney 2, Zachariah Gellie 2, Luke Fellows 1, Stephen 3rd Greg Palmer 70 nett The prestigious Brookman Handicap takes place this Saturday Webbcona
Walters 1, Jayden Brewer 1, Brendan Larkin 1, Ashley 4th Richard McDowell 70 nett from Snake Valley and is sponsored by Martin Concept
5th Roger Stephens 70 nett Designs. Please get your entry in before Friday to give the
Nicholls 1; Penshurst: Josh Cameron 2, Michael Crane LADDERS: Week 3
Ball Competition: Karl Reynolds, Dick Deans, Graeme Neil, handicapper plenty of time. See you then! D Grade
2, Aaron Glare 2, Thomas Mirtschin 1, David Glare 1 1. Iesha Humber, 2. George Stevens, 3. George O’Dwyer 1- LINTON W 8, D 0, S 34
BEST: Lismore Derrinallum: James Halloran, Benjamin Mick Cracknell, Allan Jones, Jason Tree, Max Palmer, Ian
Newland, Peter Gay C Grade: 1. Nick Ianham, 2. Pete Canny, 3. Matt Dickinson 2- SEBASTOPOL W 6, D 1, S 31
Shearn, Scott Henderson, Matthew Halloran, Kelly B Grade: 1. Daniel Bucknall, 2. Phil Orr, 3. Paul Humphries 3- VICTORIA W 5, D 2, S 0
Brain, Travis Cook; Penshurst: Leonard Cooper, NTP:
2nd Daniel Staples A Grade: 1. Liam White, 2. Tim Canny, 3. Paul Myers 4- WEBBCONA W 5, D 1, S 39
Cameron Templeton, Jackson Linke, Robert Funk,
Bradley Marson, Aaron Glare 8th Graeme Taylor EUREKA CYCLING 5- BUNINYONG W 5, D 1, S -10
13th 2nd Shot Roger Stephens 6- MIDLANDS W 5, D 0, S -14
17th Brett Tolliday BRING A FRIEND DAY 30/04/2017
Seniors EUREKA Cycling staged a Bring A Friend Day at
7- BMS W 4, D 3, S 2
Birdies: John Hopkins, Leigh Gow, Terry O’Brien, Dick Deans, 8- BALLARAT W 4, D 1, S 21
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS Ralph Buckingham, Clem Foster Learmonth on Sunday.
1 Moyston Wi 3 3 0 0 0 0 380 170 223.53 12 The event was a resounding success with over fifty 9- DAYLESFORD W 4, D 0, S 15
2 Lismore De 3 3 0 0 0 0 400 183 218.58 12 LADIES GOLDEN JUBILEE SALVER DRAW riders competing. 10- MT XAVIER W 4, D 0, S 0
3 Tatyoon 3 2 1 0 0 0 267 156 171.15 8 02/05/2017 Twenty three riders were first time competitors at the club. 11- CENT WEND W 4, D 0, S -6
4 Penshurst 3 2 1 0 0 0 288 203 141.87 8 9.30 Shotgun Start Free Trial Licences were issued to each of these riders so 12- AVENUE W 3, D 1, S -1
5 Woorndoo M3 2 1 0 0 0 336 268 125.37 8 Draw for Tuesday 2nd May that they able to safely and legally compete under the rules 13- BEAUFORT W 3, D 0, S -20
6 SMW Rovers3 2 1 0 0 0 341 324 105.25 8 1A: H Pascoe, L Gollop, G Skinner of cycling. 14- CITY OVAL W 3, D 0, S -30
7 Wickliffe 3 1 2 0 0 0 225 229 98.25 4 1B: B McGuinness, J Marshall, N Prato Riders were split into five grades to accommodate the varying
3: J Gow, B Beseler, M Ellis 15- BUNGAREE W 2, D 0, S -27
8 Hawkesdale 3 1 2 0 0 0 300 341 87.98 4 degree of experience, fitness and skill.
4: W Baker, J Jardine, J Hutchinson The races were conducted on the Weatherboard circuit over 16- LEARMONTH W 2, D 0, S -34
9 Great West 3 1 2 0 0 0 216 314 68.79 4 Come and see the XXXX MULTI 6’s this Thursday night at 7pm.
10 Glenthomps 3 1 2 0 0 0 158 317 49.84 4 6: K Thorne, E Waight, K Grace various distances.
7: M Chibnall, W Thomas, H Mason Eureka Cycling members acted as chaperones for SATURDAY SOCIAL BOWLS – 1pm start
11 Ararat Eag 3 0 3 0 0 0 144 318 45.28 0
8: C Antonio, M McDonald, R Dryne the newcomers. WEDNESDAY SCROUNGERS – 1pm start
12 Caramut 3 0 3 0 0 0 187 419 44.63 0 9: J Ronan, C Bayly, G Bowers C, D and E grades saw some riders competing in a cycling WEDNESDAY TWILIGHT SOCIAL – 7pm start
Under 16.5 10A: H McSparron, G Bastin, J Fraser race for the very first time. Names in 1 hour before start of play. All entries/inquiries
10B: G Barnes, D Harding, V Bennett A and B grades had exciting race activity with many attacks
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS to 53364601
13: S Martin, G Keilar, F Davison and large bunch sprints to decide the placings.
1 Glenthomps 3 3 0 0 0 0 194 79 245.57 12 14: H Hovey, J Miller, C Sertori New riders were able to make it onto the podium in VRI
2 Moyston Wi 3 3 0 0 0 0 222 98 226.53 12 15: B Thornton, H Cuthbertson, P Nolan most grades.
3 Penshurst 3 2 1 0 0 0 221 93 237.63 8 16: L Smyth, A Townsend, S Deans Participants and families enjoyed a large spread WEDNESDAY MIXED 26/04/2017
4 Great West 3 1 1 1 0 0 135 164 82.32 6 18: R Lightfoot, A Cunnington, B Ryan after the race. D. Robinson, P. Ditchfield, J. Benney, E. Kierce – 24 def G.
5 Hawkesdale 3 1 2 0 0 0 203 149 136.24 4 STABLEFORD 29/04/2017 Many thanks to our wonderful kitchen staff, corner marshals, Roach, V. McLeod, S. Bromilow, C. Helmore – 12, B. Ruggles,
6 Tatyoon 3 1 2 0 0 0 121 133 90.98 4 referees and officials for making the day superb. L. Franks, G. McBride, V. Lacey – 32 def J. Adams, J. Souter,
A Grade: Chris Tatt 41 pts, Nick Haintz 39 pts, Max We commend each rider on their participation today and hope
7 Ararat Eag 3 0 2 1 0 0 109 189 57.67 2 Palmer 39 pts H. Kinnersley, M. Hughes – 15, J. Blower, S. Howard, B.
8 Lismore De 3 0 3 0 0 0 47 347 13.54 0 they all enjoyed their visit to Eureka Cycling.
B Grade: Wayne Lyle 37 pts, Rod Anderson 36 pts, Peter A special mention goes out to those riders participating in Garnham, B. Adams – 20 def J. Steenhuis, W. Jenkins, G.
9 SMW Rovers0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 O’Donnell 36 pts Crack, N. Betteridge – 15, J. Fitzgerald, R. Nunn, N. Peglar, P.
10 Wickliffe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 their first bicycle race and also everyone who drove up from
C Grade: Bob Smith 40 pts, Peter Innes 39 pts, Bob as far as Bacchus Marsh. Carlyle – 28 def K. Brown, J. Earl, C. Jones, M. Agnew – 11,
11 Caramut 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 Hartman 37 pts
12 Woorndoo M0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 There is a short break from club racing, before returning to J. Franks, M. Roach, T. Speechley, J. Wakeling – 21 def D.
NTP: 2nd Dick Deans Learmonth on Sunday May 21st. Tobin, R. Coad, J. Bromilow, I. Hedger – 17, M. Duggan, G.
8th Chris Holzberger Next weekend we encourage everyone to participate in a
Reserves 12th Ian Lee Seymour, T. Lee, S. Grano – 22 def H. Newman, R. Burzacott,
local cycling event: J. Nimmo, B. Trezise – 21.
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS 17th Chris Tatt B. A.D. Ride or the Ride For Doug (steel bikes and woollen
1 SMW Rovers3 3 0 0 0 0 370 93 397.85 12 18th 2nd Shot Daniel Staples LADDER after Round-2.
jerseys encouraged).
2 Glenthomps 3 3 0 0 0 0 196 146 134.25 12 Ball Competition: down to 36 pts Both events are being staged on Sunday 7th May. P. Carlyle 8/+24, S. Grano 8/+6, J. Wakeling 8/+5, B. Trezise
3 Wickliffe 3 2 1 0 0 0 277 122 227.05 8 LADIES STABLEFORD 29/04/2017 Follow us on Facebook – Eureka Veterans Cycling Club 4/+17, J. DeRegt 4/+16, B. Adams 4/0, C. Helmore 4/-3, E.
4 Lismore De 3 2 1 0 0 0 195 138 141.30 8 Winner: C Antonio (36), Second: B McGuinness (34) Visit our website – Kierce 4/-6, M. Agnew 4/-11, N. Betteridge 0/-12, I. Hedger
5 Penshurst 3 2 1 0 0 0 231 174 132.76 8 Third: H Hovey (33). A Grade, 60 km: 1st – Tim Canny, 2nd – Nathan Youngbauer, 0/-13, T. Kuypers 0/-23.
6 Moyston Wi 3 2 1 0 0 0 235 206 114.08 8 Ball Rundown: B Stubbs (33), B Thornton (29), N Prato (29) 3rd – Jason Birch
7 Tatyoon 3 1 2 0 0 0 225 154 146.10 4 9 Hole Competition: C Antonio (20) B Grade, 60 km: 1st – Peter Canny, 2nd – Don Stewart, 3rd – RACING
8 Great West 3 1 2 0 0 0 203 268 75.75 4 NTP: 17th (Second Shot) C Antonio. Pars: 17th C Antonio Jeremy Humber
C Grade, 60 km: 1st – Troy Van Trienen, 2nd – Mark CAULFIELD GALLOPS
9 Caramut 3 1 2 0 0 0 160 264 60.61 4 Chip Ins: B Stubbs.
10 Woorndoo M3 1 2 0 0 0 147 253 58.10 4 O’Callaghan, 3rd – Kyle Hester VIC TAB DIVS FOR $1.00
11 Hawkesdale 3 0 3 0 0 0 109 240 45.42 0 CRESWICK D Grade, 50 km: 1st – Brian Ure, 2nd – Jude Jonasson, 3rd – Race 1: 10 5 1. Win $8.70 place $2.60 $3.60 $2.10. Q: $62.50.
12 Ararat Eag 3 0 3 0 0 0 52 342 15.20 0 APRIL PRIVILEGE CUP 29/04/2017 Barry Robinson
E Grade, 50 km: 1st – James Allan, 2nd – Luke Ives, 3rd – E: $102.40. Duets: 10-5: $18.20, 10-1: $9.30, 5-1: $13.00. T:
Geoff Riddiford returned to form to win this months cup $657.30. First 4: 10-5-1-7: $3, 829.80. Sub: 4. Scr: 3.
LEADING GOALKICKERS G Riddiford 39 Monica Canny
Race 2: 11 4 6. Win $4.70 place $1.90 $2.20 $2.50. Q:
A Gibson 38 BOWLS
Seniors T Coulson 37 c/b $12.70. E: $23.40. Duets: 11-4: $5.80, 11-6: $6.70, 4-6: $8.80.
17................................John Vanderwaal (Moyston Willaura Football Club) 6 W Townsing 37 c/b INDOOR PENNANT T: $133.30. D: $50.20. First 4: 11-4-6-3: $963.40. Sub: 11.
15.............................Michael Lockyer (Lismore Derrinallum Football Club) 3 Comp Balls – J Taylor, B Lamb, T Kelly, R Mayer, N Taylor, R Scr: 13, 7(L).
13..................................Nick Bateman (Woorndoo Mortlake Football Club) 5 MIDLANDS 02/05/2017
Block, R Speirs, A Seamons, R Cartledge Race 3: 11 14 6. Win $2.10 place $1.20 $3.70 $2.60. Q:
13..............................Samuel Cocks (Great Western Football Netball Club) 4 Div 1 (Home): Caryle, Bond, Pounceby, D. Speechley. Sharp,
NTP’s – 3rd N Taylor, 8th J Taylor, 13th R Cartledge Castles, P. Speechley, Hawken $13.10. E: $17.80. Duets: 11-14: $5.10, 11-6: $3.60, 14-6:
13...............................................Christopher Eales (Penshurst Football Club) 6 Punters – 17th R Speirs $14.40. T: $115.00. D: $10.30. First 4: 11-14-6-8: $697.10. Sub:
Magpie – 7th A Armstrong CENTRAL WENDOUREE 02/05/2017 11. Scr: 3, 7, 15.
Under 16.5 Ferret draw – T Kelly, B Anstey Division 1 @ Webbcona
12..........................................Aaron Byron (Moyston Willaura Football Club) 6 Race 4: 4 3 1. Win $3.30 place $1.60 $5.90 $1.60. Q: $47.50.
Birdie draw – B Anstey, W Townsing T. Rosenow, C. Williams, J. Crosbie, A. Thompson.
7 .................................. Lachie Field (Glenthompson Dunkeld Football Club) 3 J. Nimmo, T. Burke, C. Wright, T. Gutteridge. E: $92.70. Duets: 4-3: $18.50, 4-1: $3.70, 3-1: $16.70. T:
7 .............................Oliver Wortley (Hawkesdale Macarthur Football Club) 3 MIDLANDS Division 2 @ Mt. Xavier $390.10. D: $9.60. First 4: 4-3-1-10: $9, 050.80. Sub: 4.
7 .........................................Jedd Gay (Great Western Football Netball Club) 5 STABLEFORD 29/04/2017 A. Pearson, N. Brown, P. Banks, J. Quick. Scr: 6, 8, 9.
6 ................................ Kyle Smitten (Hawkesdale Macarthur Football Club) 1 A GRADE: 1st Rob Ryan 40, 2nd Colin Mackay 39 C/B, 3rd Rob J. Earl, D. Knight, D. Thomson, R. Watson. Race 5: 3 2 1. Win $7.60 place $1.80 $2.30 $1.10. Q: $28.30.
Wallace 39 C/B CITY OVAL 02/05/2017 E: $78.50. Duets: 3-2: $6.90, 3-1: $2.40, 2-1: $3.00. T: $115.60.
Reserves B GRADE: 1st Adam Rimmington 40, 2nd Anthony Harrison 38 Division 2 at VRI D: $35.20. First 4: 3-2-1-5: $537.70. Sub: 1. Scr: 6, 7, 8, 10, 12.
14...............................................Lachlan Fisher (SMW Rovers Football Club) 3 C/B, 3rd John Orr 38
14......................................Dion Hunter (Wickliffe Lake Bolac Football Club) 8 D. Holman, R. Kinna, D. Flintoft, M. Sargent Race 6: 8 10 16. Win $3.90 place $1.90 $6.10 $2.70. Q:
C GRADE: 1st Mark Mallone 41, 2nd Tom Rice 40, 3rd B. Coutts, C. Smith, L. Sims, E. Digrolamo $39.90. E: $60.40. Duets: 8-10: $13.80, 8-16: $8.30, 10-16:
11.................................................Callum Baker (SMW Rovers Football Club) 1 Jack Savige 39
10....................................................Michael Crane (Penshurst Football Club) 2 CRESWICK 01/05/2017 $30.20. T: $678.70. D: $47.60. First 4: 8-10-16-14: $9, 529.70.
LADIES: 1st Tina Benoirt 44, 2nd Gayle O’Loughlan 33, C/B
10 ..................................... Tyler Schafer Woorndoo Mortlake Football Club 2 Div 3 (Buninyong): Sparkman, Rivett, Considine, Bissett; Sub: 9. Scr: 7, 13.
ROKEWOOD Duggan, Nunn, Jenkins, Croft Race 7: 10 6 13. Win $3.50 place $1.40 $1.40 $4.60. Q: $3.50.
GOLF STAN KLEIN SECRET 9 29/04/2017 E: $8.40. Duets: 10-6: $1.80, 10-13: $11.20, 6-13: $11.40. T:
LINTON 02/05/2017
BALLAN Winner: Lewis Alexopoulos 38/28, Division 4 (at East)
$90.80. D: $20.00. First 4: 10-6-13-11: $321.00. Sub: 6. Scr: 7,
CANADIAN 2 MAN STROKE 29/04/2017 2nd: Ashley Hadler 36/31, 8, 12, 14, 15.
S Williams, G Wilson, S Walters, B Vandenberg
NTP: 5/14 Charlie Neville, 7/16 Lewis Alexopoulos, J Hertherington, G Como, C Grenfell, B Traill Race 8: 2 1 10. Win $5.50 place $2.00 $1.80 $1.90. Q:
1st place: Pat Clifford & Rick Roden 62.
Magpie Ball: Simon Millar, $9.70. E: $22.80. Duets: 2-1: $4.10, 2-10: $6.10, 1-10: $4.50.
2nd place: Rod Caithness & John McLeod 62. Ferret: Viv Bath, SEBASTOPOL 02/05/2017
3rd place: Frank Raffaele & John Costello 63 T: $103.90. D: $25.10. First 4: 2-1-10-7: $373.60. Sub: 1.
Birdie: Simon Millar Div 3 (at Home): D Lacy, T Lee, S Bromilow, G Crack; P Scr: 9, 11.
NTP’s: 2nd Chris Tudor, 12th Frank Raffaele, 15th Edwards, B Donovan, P Serno, J DeRegt.
Don Wickson. SKIPTON Race 9: 3 11 6. Win $21.20 place $4.20 $1.50 $1.80. Q:
Magpies: 1st Ian Bragge, 14th Victor Buttigieg. VICTORIA 02/05/2017 $27.20. E: $88.00. Duets: 3-11: $10.00, 3-6: $17.60, 11-6:
No ball run. Div 2 v Creswick at home Corbin, Jackson, Britt, Tudorovic (s). $3.00. T: $524.00. D: $192.60. First 4: 3-11-6-8: $5, 491.50,
Ladies played a Par competition Spruce, Jones, LR Chapman, Clark (s). Div 3 v Learmonth at
BALLARAT Winner: Marilyn Ellis -3 and Bev Grist runnerup on -5. 3-11-6-9: $540.10. Sub: 11. Scr: 7.
home Haintz, Harty, B Harrison, David (s). A Chapman, Reus,
Glenis Keilar won the Magpie Ball. Ward, Thornton (s). Div 4 v B’rat Golf at home. W Harrison, VIC TAB DOUBLE on races 7 and 9: Grey Street (10): Rhythm
STABLEFORD 26/04/2017 To Spare (3) $98.30. Subs: 6, 11.
Players: 32 CYCLING McGreehan, Walsh, Willowhite (s). Haase, Ferris, Hanrahan,
Whitcher (s). VIC TAB EARLY QUADDIE on races 2, 3, 4, 5: (11)(11)(4)(3):
A Grade Winners: John King (15) 40pts; 2nd: Rick Lockett (15)
BALLARAT SEBASTOPOL CYCLING CLUB VRI 02/05/2017 $315.80. Subs: 11, 11, 4, 1.
39pts; 3rd: Glynn Mercer (11) 34pts
B Grade Winners: Trevor Madin (20) 42pts; 2nd: Peter Van FINN BUSINESS SALES AUTUMN ROAD SERIES VIC TAB QUADDIE on races 6, 7, 8, 9: (8)(10)(2)(3): $3, 126.80.
Division-1 at Learmonth
Schie (16) 36pts; 3rd: Keith Wagner (22) 35pts 29/04/2017 B. Adams, J. Benney, N. Peglar, S. Plater. Subs: 9, 6, 1, 11.
NTP: 17th Phil Trevenen The 2017 Tri-Series kicked off on Saturday at Dereel with D. Hucker, C. Steenhuis, W. Atwood, I. Hedger. VIC TAB BIG6 on races 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: (4)(3)(8)(10)(2)(3): Major
Ball comp: Ross Jones 33, Marcus Dwyer 33, Michael Taylor a great showing from Team BSCC. Due to the strength of Division-2 at Home. (winners of 6 races): $196, 677.00 Supplementary (winners of
33, Bob Cooper 33, Peter Turkenburg 32, Gill Fryatt 32 Ballarat numbers in A & B Grade the riders were split into M. Dowler, M. Hughes, P. Hanson, M. Brown. first 5 races): $525.00. Subs: 4, 1, 9, 6, 1, 11.
24 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


From page 25 Natte Bealiba....................7.2 9.11 11.15 13.17 (95) Under 17.5 Williamson 1, Alexander McDougall 1, Shaun Fuller
Navarre..............................0.0 0.0 1.0 2.3 (15) TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS 1; Glenthompson Dunkeld: Nathan Lester 2, Brandon
T. Notting; Harcourt: B. Frost 3, S. Gale 2, L. Price, J. 1 Carisbrook 2 2 0 0 0 0 304 40 760.00 8 Weatherson 1, Damien Logan 1
GOALS: Natte Bealiba: Brady Templeton 4, Jye
McMurtrie, B. Leech 2 Natte Beal 2 2 0 0 0 0 187 51 366.67 8 BEST: Tatyoon: Mitchell Cronin, Shaun Orr, Sean
BEST: Navarre: J. Fowkes, C. Driscoll, A. Driscoll, A. Mortlock 3, Brady Jackson 2, Liam Hendrickson 2, Zac McDougall, Jarrod Blandford, Jake Williamson, Adrian
Mortlock 1, Jake Lydom 1; Navarre: William Carter 1 3 Campbells 1 1 0 0 1 0 67 25 268.00 8
Slorach, D. Reading, N. Baird; Harcourt: B. Davidson, D. 4 Royal Park 2 2 0 0 0 0 161 61 263.93 8 Pilgrim; Glenthompson Dunkeld: Christopher McLeod,
Wilson, A. Wilson, B. Frost, N. Mitchell, C. Ling BEST: Natte Bealiba: Zac Mortlock, Blake Nathan Lester, Michael Richardson, Matthew Lowe,
Dawson, Phillip Collicoat, Brady Templeton, 5 Newstead 2 1 1 0 0 0 221 91 242.86 4
6 Lexton 2 1 1 0 0 0 112 186 60.22 4 Lachlan Morganti, William Collins
Bendigo Bank Reserves Solomone Murikanaka, William Durant; Navarre:
7 Maldon 2 0 2 0 0 0 92 150 61.33 0
Lachlan Wilkinson, Wil Clough, James Anderson, Lismore Derrinallum ........0.0 4.5 7.13 10.16 (76)
Avoca Football Netball....2.0 5.1 8.2 13.3 (81) 8 Avoca 2 0 2 0 0 0 30 170 17.65 0
Byron Grinham Penshurst ..........................3.5 5.5 8.6 11.7 (73)
Campbells Creek Footba .2.1 2.4 3.8 4.10 (34) 9 Navarre 2 0 2 0 0 0 24 297 8.08 0
10 Maryboroug 2 0 2 0 0 0 5 325 1.54 0 GOALS: Lismore Derrinallum: James Boag 4, Michael
GOALS: Avoca Football Netball Club: Desmond Carisbrook Football Cl ...10.4 22.6 29.9 36.10 (226) Lockyer 3, Jack Pitts 1, Ryan Elliot 1, Bradley Schiltz 1;
Critchley 4, Ben Howell 3, Jack Thompson 3, Paul Maryborough Rovers.......0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 (1) Under 14.5 Penshurst: Christopher Eales 6, Jesse Dalton 2, Sam
Loaney 2, RIley Wardlaw 1; Campbells Creek GOALS: Carisbrook Football Club: TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS Weston 1, Izaac Ewing 1, Andrew Behncke 1
Football Club: Christian Galvin 2, Tully Goulding 1, Maryborough Rovers: 1 Maryboroug 2 2 0 0 0 0 168 23 730.43 8 BEST: Lismore Derrinallum: Gary Knights, Jed Millard,
Matthew Maerz 1 BEST: Carisbrook Football Club: Maryborough Rovers: 2 Trentham 2 2 0 0 0 0 218 33 660.61 8 James Boag, Tim Glasson, Jack Pitts, Brandon
BEST: Avoca Football Netball Club: Paul Loaney, Jaye 3 Maldon 1 1 0 0 0 0 44 13 338.46 4 Greenwood; Penshurst: Sam Weston, Christopher
Joshua Daly, Damon Smith, Harley Ryan, Andrew
Farnsworth, Jack Thompson, Nathan Field, Jackson 4 Navarre 2 1 1 0 0 0 139 86 161.63 4 Eales, Campbell Watt, Joseph Franklin, Tim McGregor,
Richards, Thomas Jago Samuel Rentsch
Steel, Nicholas Drury; Campbells Creek Football 5 Carisbrook 2 1 1 0 0 0 105 92 114.13 4
Club: Matthew Maerz, Tully Goulding, Jordan Picken, Under 14.5 6 Lexton 2 1 1 0 0 0 116 112 103.57 4
Christian Galvin, Mark Williams, John Prendergast 7 Campbells 2 0 2 0 0 0 37 183 20.22 0 Under 16.5
Avoca .................................6.4 6.7 9.13 14.16 (100) 8 Talbot 2 0 2 0 0 0 25 234 10.68 0 Moyston Willaura.............4.1 7.3 7.3 10.8 (68)
Lexton Football Netbal ....3.5 8.7 12.10 15.13 (103) Campbells Creek ..............0.1 0.1 0.1 1.2 (8) 9 Natte Beal 2 0 2 0 0 0 13 174 7.47 0
Newstead Football and ..2.1 2.4 3.6 5.6 (36) Hawkesdale Macarthur ..2.1 2.1 6.5 7.7 (49)
10 Royal Park 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 80 2.50 0
GOALS: Avoca: Jai Howell 7, Jamie Beavis 2, Sidney GOALS: Moyston Willaura: Aaron Byron 6, Shaun
GOALS: Lexton Football Netball Club: Justin Hobson
3, Trent Brown 2, Nathan Barnes 2, Malcolm Sargent
Robinson 2, Samsen Marlow 1, Josh Powers 1, Jayden LEADING GOALKICKERS Vermeend 2, Scott Evans 1, Ned Parsons 1;
2, Lloyd Bennett 2, Lochlan Pett 2, Thomas Poulter 1, Coghlan 1; Campbells Creek: Harley Muscat 1 Hawkesdale Macarthur: Oliver Wortley 3, Dominic
BEST: Avoca: Samsen Marlow, Jai Howell, Sean Bendigo Bank Seniors Kelly 2, Kyle Smitten 1, Fletcher Cozens 1
Bradley Adams 1; Newstead Football and Netball Club: 12.................................................Emmet Smith (Natte Bealiba Football Club) 6
Cudmore, Jayden Coghlan, William Robinson, Noah BEST: Moyston Willaura: Hawkesdale Macarthur:
Zachary Tanner 1, Cameron Trait 1, Cameron Hepburn 1, 9 ..........................................................Luke Treacy (Carisbrook Football Club) 0
Wardlaw; Campbells Creek: Harley Muscat, Dylan Kyle Smitten, Charlie Summers, Dominic Kelly, Oliver
Nathan Webster 1 9 ................................................Trent Mortlock (Natte Bealiba Football Club) 5
Stevens, Jack Wouda, Bailey Muscat, Jye White, Wortley, Declan Gleeson
BEST: Lexton Football Netball Club: Trent Brown, 8 ..........................................Lachlan Cameron (Natte Bealiba Football Club) 5
Justin Hobson, Jade Ramage, Malcolm Sargent, Carl Kincade Rigg 6 ....................................................Karl Lewicki (Avoca Football Netball Club) 4 Great Western ..................2.5 4.6 5.8 8.9 (57)
Loader, Lloyd Bennett; Newstead Football and Netball Ararat Eagles ....................2.2 3.5 7.7 8.9 (57)
Club: Cameron Hepburn, Ashley Webster, Nathan Lexton.................................4.4 10.6 13.10 17.13 (115) Bendigo Bank Reserves
Webster, Kyle Bott Newstead ..........................0.0 0.0 1.0 1.1 (7) 18....................................................Jason Hunt (Natte Bealiba Football Club) 6 GOALS: Great Western: Jedd Gay 5, Riley Thomas
8 ................................................... Corey Fothergill (Carisbrook Football Club) 0 2, Sean Moran 1; Ararat Eagles: Ryan Wepner 2,
GOALS: Lexton: Aden Bermingham 4, Luke Arvidson Aaron Dunn 2, Barlee Maxwell 2, Connor Mottram 1,
Royal Park Football Cl......9.3 16.4 27.7 37.14 (236) 3, Joshua Stepnell 2, Jeff Debast 2, Retief Archie 2, 7 .............................Josh Murphy (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 5
Maldon Football and Ne..0.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 (7) 7 .............................................Nathan Barnes (Lexton Football Netball Club) 2 Jackson Morale 1
Thomas Nevinson 1, Jack Gerard 1; Newstead: Angus 7 .....................................................Grant Doyle (Natte Bealiba Football Club) 1 BEST: Great Western: Harvey Evans, Jedd Gay,
GOALS: Royal Park Football Club: Maldon Football and Trethowan 1 Brendan McCormack, Riley Thomas, Benjamin Farrer,
Netball Club: Damian Kitchingman 1 BEST: Lexton: Luke Arvidson, Aden Bermingham, Under 17.5 Solomon Hoare; Ararat Eagles: Ryan Wepner, Barlee
BEST: Royal Park Football Club: Maldon Football Thomas Nevinson, Corey Rowe, Davey Morrison, Jack 8 ...........................Joel Dovaston (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 0 Maxwell, William Burnside, Case Maxwell, Connor
and Netball Club: Dyllan White, Dayne Phillips, Gerard; Newstead: Harry Lovett, Dylan Fell, Dyson 8 ...........................................Brady Templeton (Natte Bealiba Football Club) 4 Mottram, Jed McRoberts
Damian Kitchingman, Ross Egleton, David Giffard, Neyland, Louis Chapman, Nathaniel Codognotto, 7 ...................................................Lochlan Pett (Lexton Football Netball Club) 2
Harley Brereton 6 .................................................. Jye Mortlock (Natte Bealiba Football Club) 3 Glenthompson Dunkeld...3.1 4.7 5.8 7.10 (52)
Oliver Daldy
5 ...................................................Thomas Christie (Royal Park Football Club) 2 Tatyoon ..............................3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 (36)
Natte Bealiba Football.....5.6 9.10 14.12 22.16 (148)
Navarre..............................5.3 11.7 14.14 18.22 (130) GOALS: Glenthompson Dunkeld: Lachie Field 3,
Dunolly Football Netba....0.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 (7)
Natte Bealiba....................0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0)
Under 14.5 Nicholas Ferguson 2, Adam Crawford 1, Bailey Dewan-
GOALS: Natte Bealiba Football Club: Jason Hunt 6, 12....................................Luke Mullan (Maryborough Rovers Football Club) 4 Holmes 1; Tatyoon: Mason McLaren 2, Hamish Lawrie 1,
William Collicoat 5, Lucas Johnstone 4, Jason Edwards GOALS: Navarre: James Anderson 5, Kaiden Walton 3, 10.....................................................Jai Howell (Avoca Football Netball Club) 7
James Phillips 1, Joshua Dobson 1, Charlie Preston 1
2, Jack McNamara 2, Kurt Mortlock 1, Grant Doyle William Carter 2, Kyan Mellor 2, Jaxon Bibby 1, Bradley 6 .............................Tyson Scoble (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 2
BEST: Glenthompson Dunkeld: Joshua Mawson, Lachie
1, Grant Condon 1; Dunolly Football Netball Club: Carter 1, Ryder Woltjen 1, William Pitts 1; Natte Bealiba: 6 .............................Corey Pertzel (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 2
Field, Dylan Turner, Bailey Dewan-Holmes, Dylan Ross,
Timothy Langan 1 BEST: Navarre: Kaiden Walton, James Anderson, 5 ......................................................James Anderson (Navarre Football Club) 5
Angus Thomson; Tatyoon: Blade Wells, Hamish Lawrie,
BEST: Natte Bealiba Football Club: William Collicoat, William Carter, Kyan Mellor; Natte Bealiba: Paige Scott, Archie Conboy, Charlie Preston, Chandler Culph,
Lucas Johnstone, Benjamin Weir, Toby Stewart, Shane Monique Gavriliadis, Luke Haw, Jackson Goodwin MININERA AND DISTRICT FOOTBALL Charlie Wigg
Mortlock, Jack McNamara; Dunolly Football Netball LEAGUE
Club: Grant Raven, Timothy Langan, Martin Gale, Trentham............................6.7 14.9 16.12 19.18 (132) Penshurst ..........................4.4 9.9 16.15 18.16 (124)
Talbot..................................0.0 0.0 3.0 4.0 (24)
Seniors Lismore Derrinallum ........0.1 0.1 0.1 3.2 (20)
Michael Damen, Joseph Niblett, Rob Baker
GOALS: Trentham: Gabe Schembri 2, Stefan Lendrec 2, Hawkesdale Macarthur ..4.2 11.4 13.10 25.11 (161) GOALS: Penshurst: Joshua Rentsch 4, Jye Uebergang
Trentham District Foot.....2.4 5.5 9.7 14.12 (96) Corey Pertzel 2, Tyson Scoble 2, Jed Pertzel 2, Benjamin SMW Rovers.....................3.2 7.4 13.8 14.8 (92) 2, Aaron Glare 2, Duncan Rentsch 2, Dougal Mann
Talbot Football Club .........2.0 4.1 6.1 7.1 (43) 2, Toby Hope 1, Dougal Doery 1, Cain Robinson 1,
White 1, Timothy Brown 1, Liam Pertzel 1, Charlie Evans GOALS: Hawkesdale Macarthur: Charles Nield 9,
GOALS: Trentham District Football/Netball Club: Josh 1, Jesse Shepheard 1, Kelton Reid 1, Xavier Tadd 1, Patrick Sinnott 6, Josh Purcell 3, James Keane 2, Jack Kruger 1, Jacob Mibus 1, Will Layley 1; Lismore
Murphy 5, Dolf Reid 3, James Cann 2, Pablo Caldarola Mitchell Kirley 1, Robert Bruton 1; Talbot: Jamison Daniel Roache 2, Lachlan Glare 2, Brady Purcell 1; Derrinallum: Jacob Mibus 2, Jye Uebergang 1
2, Jamie Cutler 1, Harrison Knight 1; Talbot Football Whittenham 4 SMW Rovers: Jayke Gale 2, Darcy Osborne 2, Nathan BEST: Penshurst: Aaron Glare, Jye Uebergang, Jack
Club: Paul Cicchini 2, Gavin Hyde 2, Brett Tottenham 1, Wemyss 2, James Costigan 2, Jarryd Underwood Page, Duncan Rentsch, Joshua Rentsch, Dougal Mann;
BEST: Trentham: Darcy Matricardi, Tyson Scoble,
Samuel Powell 1, Troy Cunningham 1 2, Alexander McIntyre 1, Jonathan Box 1, Geordan Lismore Derrinallum:
Stefan Lendrec, Benjamin White, Liam Pertzel,
BEST: Trentham District Football/Netball Club: Liam McLoughlan 1, Liam Baker 1
Robert Bruton; Talbot: Jamison Whittenham, Mitchell Reserves
Chant, Matthew Smith, Josh Murphy, James Cann, BEST: Hawkesdale Macarthur: Charles Nield, Brady
Curtis McNamara, Harrison Knight; Talbot Football Whittenham, Kade Hyde, Tyson Rundle, Rhys
Purcell, Alexander White, Aaron Seabrook, Lachlan SMW Rovers.....................2.0 6.4 6.6 9.13 (67)
Club: Paul Cicchini, Jacob Plier, Samuel Powell, Troy Charlesworth Glare, Andrew Dickenson; SMW Rovers: Lachlan Hawkesdale Macarthur ..4.4 4.5 6.6 7.7 (49)
Cunningham, Roger Davies, Anton Roche Pickering, Alexander McIntyre, Liam Baker, Geordan
Maryborough Rovers.......0.2 5.5 7.7 9.9 (63) GOALS: SMW Rovers: Lachlan Fisher 3, Luke Ashmore
McLoughlan, Alexander McCarthy, Timothy Cleeland
Navarre Football Club......2.3 5.3 6.3 6.3 (39) Carisbrook Football Cl .....1.1 2.2 2.3 3.4 (22) 1, Shaun Liston 1, Jake Fleming 1, Tristan Fay 1, James
Harcourt Football Club ....2.1 5.3 6.7 11.8 (74) GOALS: Maryborough Rovers: Luke Mullan 4, Josh Woorndoo Mortlake ........5.2 12.5 15.10 21.16 (142) Linke 1, Callum Baker 1; Hawkesdale Macarthur: Jake
Milne 2, Josh O’Connor 2, Mathew Llewellyn 1; Caramut .............................2.2 3.4 5.7 7.7 (49) Main 3, Ryan Johnston 2, Luke Gow 1
GOALS: Navarre: D. Grinham 3, C. Bibby, C. Driscoll, L.
Carisbrook Football Club: GOALS: Woorndoo Mortlake: Nick Bateman 5, Grant BEST: SMW Rovers: Hawkesdale Macarthur: Ryan
Jordan; Harcourt: K. West 4, N. Britton 3, A. Shovan, J. Johnston, Jack Carter, Flurry Chambers, Patrick
McCahon, G. Wallis, C. Donohue BEST: Maryborough Rovers: Jacko Feeney, Marshall Cameron 5, Stephen Fitzgerald 5, Jordon Buckley 2,
Michael Buckle 1, Damien Pemberton 1, Brody Mifsud Kelly, Luke Gow
BEST: Navarre: M. Grinham, L. Bibby, C. Bibby, R. Murray, Josh Milne, Mathew Llewellyn, Luke Mullan,
Dean, T. Mc Sparron, C. Driscoll; Harcourt: N. West, Josh O’Connor; Carisbrook Football Club: 1, Travis Ware 1; Caramut: Daniel Boyle 3, Justin Nowell Caramut .............................2.5 2.10 7.13 9.18 (72)
C. Donohue, J. Hutchinson, J. McCahon, B. March, 1, Timothy Chatfield 1, Phillip Edwards 1, Jesse Sheen 1 Woorndoo Mortlake ........1.2 4.2 7.4 7.5 (47)
C. McCartney Bendigo Bank Seniors BEST: Woorndoo Mortlake: Karl Dunn, Michael Buckle,
Brody Mifsud, Mathew Bourchier, Stephen Fitzgerald, GOALS: Caramut: Jed Rodgers 6, Adam Doak 2, Kallan
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AG % PTS Nick Walsh; Caramut: Andrew Geary, Todd O’Sullivan, Melican 1; Woorndoo Mortlake: Tyler Schafer 2, Glenn
Under 17.5
1 Natte Bealiba 2 2 0 0 0 0 365 67 544.78 8 Timothy Chatfield, Aaron Tebble, Damian Jones Kampman 2, Donald Mc Innes 1, Sam Gervasoni 1,
Campbells Creek ..............5.4 6.7 9.10 9.13 (67) 2 Carisbrook Footb 2 2 0 0 0 0 225 91 247.25 8 Zayde Treble 1
Avoca .................................2.0 2.0 3.0 4.1 (25) 3 Royal Park Footb 2 2 0 0 0 0 237 112 211.61 8 Great Western ..................3.5 6.11 8.13 10.17 (77) BEST: Caramut: Bryce Conheady, Adam Doak, Chris
4 Navarre Football 2 2 0 0 0 0 249 120 207.50 8 Ararat Eagles ....................2.3 4.4 8.7 11.9 (75) Thorne, Bradley Coleman, Jed Rodgers, Thomas
GOALS: Campbells Creek: Lachlan Hyland 3, Harley
5 Maryborough Rove 2 1 1 0 0 0 166 112 148.21 4 GOALS: Great Western: Samuel Cocks 4, Domenic Moloney; Woorndoo Mortlake: Sam Gervasoni, Donald
Muscat 2, Jacob Looker 1, Beau Brackley 1, Mitchell
6 Trentham Distric 2 1 1 0 0 0 161 154 104.55 4 DiDomenico 2, Hamish Jennings 1, Patrick Bell 1, Mc Innes, Geoffrey Martin, Peter Harris, Jonathon
Stevens 1, Bailey Muscat 1; Avoca: Dominic Howe 2, Hooper, Rhys Casson
Taylor Kennedy 1, Brayden Northern 1 7 Campbells Creek 2 1 1 0 0 0 180 184 97.83 4 Jarrod Potter 1, William Bell 1; Ararat Eagles: Brent
BEST: Campbells Creek: Lachlan Hyland, Beau 8 Talbot Football 2 1 1 0 0 0 161 167 96.41 4 Bulger 4, Zachary Jenkins 2, Brohdie Smyth 1,
Ashley Leggett 1, Jordan Wells 1, Tulloch Maxwell 1, Great Western ..................4.2 7.7 12.9 18.17 (125)
Brackley, Harley Muscat, Mitchell Stevens, Jay 9 Harcourt Footbal 2 1 1 0 0 0 148 213 69.48 4 Ararat Eagles ....................1.1 1.1 1.3 1.4 (10)
Hardman, Jacob Looker; Avoca: Taylor Kennedy, 10 Lexton Football 2 1 1 0 0 0 82 134 61.19 4 Aaron Jenkins 1
11 Newstead Footbal 2 0 2 0 0 0 110 159 69.18 0 BEST: Great Western: Brady Miller, Joshua McCartney, GOALS: Great Western: Riley Thomas 4, Nickolas Raeck
Dominic Howe, Dylan Macreadie, Bayden Macintyre,
Nicholas Dunford, Patrick Bell, Rayne Salmon, Jarrod 4, Joshua Hustler 3, Richard Wisby 2, Bruce Williams 1,
Jack Humphrey, Jamie Beavis 12 Avoca Football N 2 0 2 0 0 0 139 208 66.83 0
Potter; Ararat Eagles: Nicholas Bulger, Brent Bulger, Robert Gilbert 1, Nathan Shalders 1, Thomas Robinson
13 Maldon Football 2 0 2 0 0 0 100 314 31.85 0 Brohdie Smyth, Ashley Leggett, Jesse Hutchins, 1, Gordon Croft 1; Ararat Eagles: John Cunningham 1
Newstead ..........................7.2 16.3 23.7 29.8 (182) 14 Dunolly Football 2 0 2 0 0 0 51 339 15.04 0
Lexton.................................0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 (13) Zachary Jenkins BEST: Great Western: Jade Pett, Richard Wisby,
15 Natte Bealiba Fo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 Ethan Kennedy, Joshua Hustler, Nickolas Raeck, Trent
GOALS: Newstead: Harrison Everist 5, Liam Latch 3, Moyston Willaura.............3.1 10.4 14.5 16.7 (103) Neagle; Ararat Eagles: Connor Mottram, Roarke White,
Desmond Cook 3, Rainer Kirby 3, Aidan McConachy 3, Bendigo Bank Reserves Wickliffe Lake Bolac........0.5 0.7 6.13 9.16 (70) John Cunningham, Joushua Taylor, Charlie Hawkins,
Oliver Mcmullan 2, Lincoln Boyack 2, Gabriel Thomas TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AG % PTS GOALS: Moyston Willaura: John Vanderwaal 6, Brendan Park
2, Tyrone Moloney 1, Frankie Chapman 1, Charles Bell- 1 Natte Bealiba Fo 2 2 0 0 0 0 367 14 2621.43 8 Harrison Cronin 3, Billy Laurie 2, Luke Walker 2,
Wilcock 1, Patrick Grant 1, Benjamin Pedretti 1, Declan 2 Royal Park Footb 2 2 0 0 0 0 316 51 619.61 8 Matthew Peel 1, Aaron Pianta 1, Ethan Blake 1; Wickliffe Lake Bolac........7.2 17.5 20.8 27.10 (172)
Nendick 1; Lexton: Lochlan Pett 2 3 Carisbrook Footb 2 2 0 0 0 0 281 59 476.27 8 Wickliffe Lake Bolac: Nigel Otto 3, Chris Thornton 2, Moyston Willaura.............0.2 1.2 2.2 2.3 (15)
BEST: Newstead: Aidan McConachy, Liam Latch, Nathan Curtis 2, Harley Hunter 1, Bradley Keilar 1 GOALS: Wickliffe Lake Bolac: Dion Hunter 8, Dillon
4 Lexton Football 2 2 0 0 0 0 185 51 362.75 8
Harrison Everist, Lincoln Boyack, Tyrone Moloney, BEST: Moyston Willaura: Billy Laurie, Matthew Peel, McAuliffe 5, Jhye Kenna 3, Brenton Pender 3, Cameron
5 Harcourt Footbal 2 2 0 0 0 0 160 66 242.42 8
Rainer Kirby; Lexton: Lochlan Pett, William Morrison, Simon Lockyer, Luke Foster, Harrison Cronin, Joshua Craddock 2, Matthew Enright 2, Jye Hare 1, Jamie
Oskar Ford, Kade Lusby, Darcy Cullenward 6 Trentham Distric 2 1 1 0 0 0 128 81 158.02 4
7 Avoca Football N 2 1 1 0 0 0 125 114 109.65 4 Day; Wickliffe Lake Bolac: Tristan May, Taylor Dowling 1, Jesse Patford 1, Joshua Langdon 1; Moyston
Hall, Thomas Gibson, Nigel Otto, Aaron Taggart, Willaura: Patrick Frawley 1, Ned Bohner 1
Royal Park .........................1.4 3.8 6.10 8.10 (58) 8 Navarre Football 2 1 1 0 0 0 77 106 72.64 4 Harley Hunter BEST: Wickliffe Lake Bolac: Dion Hunter, Dillon
Maldon...............................1.3 3.4 5.6 8.8 (56) 9 Newstead Footbal 2 1 1 0 0 0 99 153 64.71 4 McAuliffe, Joshua Langdon, Corey Mazzonetto, Dylan
GOALS: Royal Park: Tye Jenke 3, Brock Walker 2, 10 Talbot Football 2 0 2 0 0 0 93 159 58.49 0 Tatyoon ..............................3.1 7.5 12.10 14.11 (95) Bensch, Matthew Hilet; Moyston Willaura: Glenn
Thomas Christie 2, Zayne Earl 1; Maldon: 11 Campbells Creek 2 0 2 0 0 0 61 167 36.53 0 Glenthompson Dunkeld...1.5 3.7 4.11 4.13 (37) Keilar, Declan Webster-Bamford, Patrick Frawley,
BEST: Royal Park: Kodi Healey, Clancy Stratford, 12 Maryborough Rove 2 0 2 0 0 0 44 247 17.81 0 GOALS: Tatyoon: Jarrod Blandford 3, Adrian Pilgrim Simon Alexander, Ryan Nellthorp, Jake Parsons
Declan Wagstaff, Zayne Earl, Denzel Howard, Thomas 13 Dunolly Football 2 0 2 0 0 0 37 264 14.02 0 2, Matthew Blackburn 2, Timothy McDougall 1, Sam
Christie; Maldon: 14 Maldon Football 2 0 2 0 0 0 14 455 3.08 0 Thomson 1, Tyler Cronin 1, Mitchell Cronin 1, Jake Continued page 23 Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 25


From page 26 GOALS: Smythesdale: Anthony Taylor 4, Daniel Bungaree...........................0.1 2.3 3.4 4.5 (29) Under 15
Gamble 2, Matthew York 1, Judd Troon 1, Ashley Carli GOALS: Waubra: Trenton Severino 4, Joshua Clark TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS
Mars Reserves 1; Carngham Linton: Ash Mc Cafferty 4, Jake Pring 2, 2; Bungaree: Tobey Jeffrey 2, Angus Bigmore 1, 1 Learmonth 4 4 0 0 0 0 386 55 701.82 16
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS Adam Mclean 2, James Nichols 1, Aaron Braeckmans Johnathan Horan 1 2 Hepburn 4 4 0 0 0 0 394 122 322.95 16
1 Lake Wendo 2 2 0 0 1 0 191 76 251.32 12 1, Justin O’Brien 1 BEST: Waubra: Dechlan Yates-Bailey, Tyler Brown, 3 Buninyong 3 3 0 0 0 0 344 49 702.04 12
2 Melton Sou 3 2 1 0 1 0 274 130 210.77 12 BEST: Smythesdale: Stephen Frys, Anthony Taylor, Trenton Severino, Rory Brown, Caleb Green, Kobe 4 Daylesford 4 3 1 0 0 0 233 129 180.62 12
3 Sunbury 3 3 0 0 0 0 183 137 133.58 12 Ashley Carli, Daniel Gamble, Jackson Cranny, Joel Sobczak; Bungaree: Angus Bigmore, Brenton 5 Springbank 3 2 1 0 1 0 172 150 114.67 12
Billman; Carngham Linton: Ash Mc Cafferty, Justin Devereux, Isaac Beaston, Austin Chivers, Logan 6 Gordon 3 2 1 0 0 0 217 111 195.50 8
4 East Point 2 2 0 0 0 0 182 85 214.12 8
O’Brien, Curtly Scott, Aaron Braeckmans, Lann Hanson, Smolenaers, Tobey Jeffrey
5 Darley 2 2 0 0 0 0 167 91 183.52 8 7 Newlyn 4 2 2 0 0 0 222 154 144.16 8
James McErvale
6 Ballarat 2 1 1 0 0 0 160 168 95.24 4 8 Clunes 4 2 2 0 0 0 235 187 125.67 8
7 Melton 3 0 3 0 1 0 123 237 51.90 4 Newlyn...............................1.1 3.8 4.8 6.9 (45) 9 Skipton 4 2 2 0 0 0 211 194 108.76 8
Learmonth .........................5.2 8.4 8.6 10.9 (69) Skipton ...............................1.3 1.3 2.5 4.5 (29)
8 Sebastopol 1 0 1 0 1 0 39 96 40.62 4 Creswick............................1.4 3.5 4.7 4.9 (33) 10 Creswick 4 2 2 0 0 0 197 202 97.52 8
9 Bacchus Ma 2 0 2 0 0 0 96 144 66.67 0 GOALS: Newlyn: Deejay Redmond 2, Alexander Rofe 2, 11 Waubra 4 2 2 0 0 0 86 186 46.24 8
10 Redan 2 0 2 0 0 0 77 151 50.99 0 GOALS: Learmonth: Wade Veldhuis 4, Nathan Jack Sampi 1, Pattison Labbett 1; Skipton: Blake Scott 12 Dunnstown 3 1 2 0 1 0 60 195 30.77 8
11 North Ball 2 0 2 0 0 0 85 262 32.44 0 Gudgeon 3, Paul Rogan 1, Blake Mackay 1, Jason 2, Marty Boyer 1, Edward Boyer 1 13 Carngham L 4 1 3 0 0 0 262 237 110.55 4
Duffy 1; Creswick: Lachlan Sheriff 2, Peter Griffin 1, BEST: Newlyn: Pattison Labbett, Alexander Rofe, Jack 14 Smythesdal 4 1 3 0 0 0 90 302 29.80 4
Ballarat Toyota Under 18.5’s Coby Powell 1 Sampi, Deejay Redmond, Finn Prendergast; Skipton: 15 Beaufort 4 1 3 0 0 0 110 379 29.02 4
BEST: Learmonth: Matthew Beaumont, David Box, Declan Phillips, Blake Scott, Edward Boyer, Mitchell 16 Bungaree 4 0 4 0 0 0 73 289 25.26 0
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS Brad Knowles, Tom Owen, Nathan Gudgeon, Matthew
1 Melton Sou 3 2 1 0 1 0 174 197 88.32 12 Grieve, Cameron Gardner, Xavier Connell 17 Rokewood C 4 0 4 0 0 0 44 395 11.14 0
Fraser; Creswick: Alex Lovel, Coby Powell, Mitchell 18 Ballan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
2 Bacchus Ma 2 2 0 0 0 0 247 20 1235.00 8 Hodge, Justin Ellis, Justin Allison, Billy Marshman
3 North Ball 2 2 0 0 0 0 200 33 606.06 8 Springbank ........................2.2 4.7 5.9 7.13 (55)
4 Lake Wendo 2 1 1 0 1 0 190 53 358.49 8 Clunes ................................0.3 1.4 2.5 2.6 (18) LEADING GOALKICKERS
Under 18
5 East Point 2 2 0 0 0 0 113 81 139.51 8 GOALS: Springbank: Angus Stewart 2, Connor Parkin 2, Seniors
6 Melton 3 1 2 0 1 0 238 177 134.46 8 Buninyong .........................2.1 5.2 7.3 10.5 (65) Jack Sides 2, Hugh Porter 1; Clunes: Reace Bourne 1, 26..................Thomas Eltringham (Springbank Football Netball Club Inc.) 7
7 Redan 2 1 1 0 0 0 89 77 115.58 4 Beaufort.............................2.5 2.7 4.9 6.9 (45) Tobeh Gaudion-Arrowsmith 1 18...................................................Matthew Bond (Learmonth Football Club) 6
8 Sunbury 3 1 2 0 0 0 120 274 43.80 4 GOALS: Buninyong: Fraser Hunt 4, Christopher Reed BEST: Springbank: Angus Stewart, Max Olver, 17............................................................... Tim Haase (Beaufort Football Club) 4
9 Sebastopol 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 165 0.61 4 3, Kyden Brown 1, Mitchell Emmlin 1, Jonty Trotter Hugh Porter, Benjamin Rogers, Nick Butler; Clunes: 16........................................................Todd Curran (Learmonth Football Club) 0
10 Ballarat 2 0 2 0 0 0 52 158 32.91 0 1; Beaufort: Blake Thompson 3, Joseph Watkins 2, Ethan Azzopardi, Reace Bourne, Caleb Thompson, 14.........................................................Sean Massey (Newlyn Football Club) 10
11 Darley 2 0 2 0 0 0 33 222 14.86 0 Thomas Collins 1 Ricky Davies
BEST: Buninyong: Jonty Trotter, Clayton McManus, Reserves
CENTRAL HIGHLANDS FOOTBALL Hepburn .............................2.2 6.3 8.7 11.8 (74) 20......................................................Matthew Wrigley (Clunes Football Club) 1
James Conlan, Richard Dell, Lachlan Atkinson, Fraser Gordon ...............................3.2 3.4 4.8 6.8 (44)
LEAGUE Hunt; Beaufort: Mitchell Ryan, Joseph Watkins, 15..................................................... Jaycob Paddon (Hepburn Football Club) 7
Thomas Collins, Lionel Marr, William MacInnes, GOALS: Hepburn: Ryan Thiesz 4, Jimmy Wallesz 3, 14...................................................Wade Veldhuis (Learmonth Football Club) 4
Reserves Bailey Thompson Shannon Harraghy 2, Nash Robinson 1, Brayden 13......................................................Steven Carman (Hepburn Football Club) 2
Yanner 1; Gordon: Lachlan Reynolds 2, Michael 10..............................Connor O’Keefe (Buninyong Football & Netball Club) 1
Buninyong .........................2.0 4.0 6.2 7.6 (48) Waubra ..............................6.2 7.6 9.10 11.14 (80) Fletcher 1, Thomas Conroy 1, Cameron Reynolds 1,
Beaufort.............................2.1 2.1 5.2 6.3 (39) Bungaree...........................0.2 0.3 0.3 2.3 (15) Daniel Pascoe 1 Under 18
GOALS: Buninyong: Phil Benn 4, Connor O’Keefe 1, BEST: Hepburn: Sage Eguchi, Dominic Dennis, 15..............................................Liam Blake (Creswick Football Netball Club) 4
GOALS: Waubra: Joshua Partington 4, Jesse Lynch 2,
Brendan Davies 1, Mitchell Hovey 1; Beaufort: Blair Jimmy Wallesz, Ryan Thiesz, Brayden Yanner, Brody 14......................................Luke Currie-Jones (Ballan Football Netball Club) 2
Felix Oliver 2, Lachlan O’Keefe 1, William Renyard 1,
Hart 2, Jake Hart 2, James Slater 1, James Blackburn 1 Thomas; Gordon: Kade Winter, Bailey Colligan, 13...................................................Connor Ronan (Dunnstown Football Club) 2
Jordan Brehaut 1; Bungaree: Tom Walton 2
BEST: Buninyong: Brendan Davies, Patrick Lannen, Lachlan Reynolds, Cameron Reynolds, Lucas Blazko, 12........................................Kaylab Eggers (Creswick Football Netball Club) 2
BEST: Waubra: Lachlan O’Keefe, Michael McQuillan,
Phil Benn, Daniel Westblade, Matthew Carroll, Matt Liam Preston 12...........................................Jack McGregor (Ballan Football Netball Club) 2
Jesse Lynch, Harry Retief, Dylan Hinchliffe, Jayden
Chapman; Beaufort: Sam Leckie, Digby Sangster, Severino; Bungaree: Lachlan Chivers, Lachie Arnts,
Daylesford .........................2.2 3.3 7.5 12.7 (79) Under 15
Thomas Mc Gregor, Jake Hart, Cody Thompson, Alex Rosser, Braeden Ilsley, Jack Squire, Harrison Irvin 19...........................................................Connor Palmer (Carngham Linton FC) 6
Edward Watkins Rokewood Corindhap ......1.0 1.0 1.1 1.3 (9)
14.............................................................Ryan Thiesz (Hepburn Football Club) 4
Skipton ...............................2.2 4.4 6.8 8.12 (60) GOALS: Daylesford: Chace Petkovic 3, Nathaniel Straka
Hepburn .............................8.7 11.11 17.17 24.22 (166) 13.....................................................Brayden Yanner (Hepburn Football Club) 1
Newlyn...............................1.3 4.5 5.7 5.8 (38) 2, Zane Petkovic 2, Dylan Marruso 2, Adam Pasahidis 1,
Gordon ...............................0.0 1.0 1.0 2.1 (13) 12...................................................Alexander Hay (Learmonth Football Club) 4
GOALS: Skipton: Brad Uwland 2, Declan Phillips 2, Sean Naylor 1, Franki Harvey 1; Rokewood Corindhap:
12..........................................................Daniel Pascoe (Gordon Football Club) 1
GOALS: Hepburn: Jaycob Paddon 7, Bryce Coffey 3, Laine Gibson 1, Edward Boyer 1, Hayden Tompkins 1, Max Campana 1
Nathan Rodgers 3, Michael Chapman 3, Steven Carman Leonard Henricksen 1; Newlyn: Fraser Hay 2, Byron BEST: Daylesford: Nathaniel Straka, Adam Pasahidis,
Dylan Marruso, Luke Hallett, Thomas Macklin, Sean MARYBOROUGH CASTLEMAINE
2, Conor Hatfield 2, Tom Adams 2, Liam Grills 1, Alister Wynd 1, Reece Wynd 1, James Dwyer 1 DISTRICT FOOTBALL LEAGUE
Ferrier 1; Gordon: Stuart Miller 1, Michael Kersley 1 BEST: Skipton: Brad Uwland, Thomas Robertson, Naylor; Rokewood Corindhap: Molly Walton, Paddy
BEST: Hepburn: Matthew Marshall, Tom Adams, Jaycob Fraser Morcombe, Blake Scott, Nathan Luka, Cree Mcdonald, Liam Broughton, Coby Griffith, Max Bendigo Bank Seniors
Paddon, Nathan Rodgers, Alister Ferrier, Dylan Wallesz; Stranks; Newlyn: Lachlan Opie, Fraser Hay, Zachary Campana, Cooper McDonald
Gordon: Shane Tysoe, Nick Maston, Michael Kersley, Gervasoni, Byron Wynd, Tom Miller-Schmetzer, Seamus Campbells Creek Footba .4.5 5.8 11.12 16.16 (112)
Carngham Linton ..............3.5 8.6 11.7 16.9 (105) Avoca Football Netball....5.2 8.4 8.6 13.11 (89)
John Manchee, Darby McGuigan, Mark Kersley Murphy-Mckay
Smythesdale .....................0.0 1.1 2.1 2.3 (15)
GOALS: Campbells Creek Football Club: Kaleb Kennedy
Waubra ..............................0.0 0.0 0.0 17.14 (116) Springbank ........................4.2 7.5 10.7 14.10 (94) GOALS: Carngham Linton: Connor Palmer 6, Brody 3, Kristian Bruce 2, Nicholas Swan 2, Matthew
Bungaree...........................0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 (13) Clunes ................................0.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 (15) Benson 4, Logan Hayles 3, James Crebbin 1, Joshua Hodgetts 2, Robert Johnson 1, Harrison Booth 1, Jordan
GOALS: Waubra: Joshua Doggett 4, Patrick Hawkes 4, GOALS: Springbank: Todd McMaster 4, Jai McHenry De Losa 1, Nathan Achison 1; Smythesdale: Sebastian Ilsley 1, Ryan Poposek 1, Michael Galvin 1, Liam Frye
Dylan Payne 2, Clinton Molloy 2, Nicholas Holding 2, 2, Kieran Maher 2, Dylan Porteous 2, Alexander East Halloran 1, Bailey Rees 1 1, Liam Stubbings 1; Avoca Football Netball Club:
Paul Dodds 1, Benjamin McDonald 1, Darcy Jenkins 1; 1, Christopher Johnson 1, Nathan Kennedy 1, James BEST: Carngham Linton: Zachary Faming, Nathan Karl Lewicki 4, Bradley Martland 3, Adam Pollock 2,
Bungaree: Oliver Hayes 2 Spicer 1; Clunes: Jordan Thomas 1, Jasper Chatham 1 Achison, Logan Hayles, Connor Palmer, Justin Carlson, Jason Wood 1, Xavier Slater 1, Cameron Holland 1,
BEST: Waubra: Benjamin McDonald, Nicholas Holding, BEST: Springbank: Kieran Maher, James Spicer, Todd Ben Morcom-Knight; Smythesdale: Kobe Chettleburgh, Toby Beavis 1
Paul Dodds, Patrick Hawkes, Dylan Payne; Bungaree: McMaster, Braden O’Neil, Dylan Porteous, Micah Brandon Parkinson, Sebastian Halloran, Kyle BEST: Campbells Creek Football Club: Matthew Lorenz,
Oliver Hayes Darby; Clunes: Kyle Ranie, Jasper Chatham, Phil Henderson, Sebastiann Chettleburgh, Leroy Appleby
Shannon Berriman, Kristian Bruce, Matthew Hodgetts,
Williams, Joel Nevill, Jordan Thomas, Blake Welsh Daniel Klimeck, Ryan Poposek; Avoca Football Netball
Daylesford .........................2.0 3.0 6.2 7.3 (45) Learmonth .........................4.0 5.2 7.2 10.2 (62)
Creswick............................0.0 3.0 5.1 6.4 (40) Club: Bradley Martland, Jason Wood, Hugh Bucknall,
Rokewood Corindhap ......1.4 1.8 2.9 4.10 (34) Ballan .................................5.5 6.7 10.8 12.15 (87) Karl Lewicki, Jesse Britton, Xavier Slater
Dunnstown ........................1.1 2.3 4.4 5.4 (34) GOALS: Learmonth: Alexander Hay 4, Zachary Douglas
GOALS: Daylesford: Cade O’Brien 4, Scott Winduss
GOALS: Ballan: Dylan Bulluss 3, Ryan Bongart 2, Luke 3, Angus Treweek 2, Austin Hare 1; Creswick: Will Lexton Football Netbal ....0.1 2.4 5.5 7.6 (48)
1, Liam Murray 1, Shane Botheras 1; Rokewood
Currie-Jones 2, Jack McGregor 2, Simon Dale 2, Alistair Preston 3, Tyler Nunn 1, Cooper New 1 Newstead Football and ..1.3 1.7 4.11 4.13 (37)
Corindhap: Jayden Hayes 2, Joel McAuliffe 1,
Hine 1; Dunnstown: Kyle Ettridge 2, Connor Ronan 2, BEST: Learmonth: Blade McDonald, Connor Smith,
Aaron Clarke 1 GOALS: Lexton Football Netball Club: Timothy Oliver
Aidan Hanrahan 1 Aidan Carter, Angus Treweek, Rhys Nelson, Ethan
BEST: Daylesford: Joel Adams, Joel Cummings, Cade 3, Matthew Brown 3, Kyle Eyers 1; Newstead Football
BEST: Ballan: Simon Dale, Alistair Hine, Connor Hughes; Creswick: Riley Makrai, Ryley Commons, Jack
O’Brien, Scott Winduss, Christopher Adams, Xavier and Netball Club: Dylan Bourke 2, Rhys Smith 1,
McLeod, Lachlan Conlan, Luke Currie-Jones, Samuel Conroy, Cooper New, Benjamin Cochrane, Will Preston
Keighran; Rokewood Corindhap: Jesse Johnson, Mitchell Woods 1
Jayden Hayes, Mark Tanis, Joel McAuliffe, Bradley Dehnert; Dunnstown: Thomas Caldwell, Sam Pilgrim, BEST: Lexton Football Netball Club: Jacob Eyers,
Luke Dobler, Kyle Ettridge, Aidan Murphy
Wilson, Troy Anwyl Thomas Cullinan, Timothy Oliver, Kyle Eyers, Nigel Reid,
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS Timothy Dalton; Newstead Football and Netball Club:
Newlyn...............................7.6 11.10 17.12 22.17 (149) Carngham Linton ..............2.1 2.3 2.5 5.6 (36) 1 Learmonth 4 4 0 0 0 0 439 109 402.75 16 Cody Mulcair, Bradley Richardson, Oscar Lynzaat,
Skipton ...............................0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (6) Smythesdale .....................1.0 2.2 2.8 2.12 (24) 2 Hepburn 4 4 0 0 0 0 374 150 249.33 16 Mitchell Woods, Dylan Bourke
GOALS: Carngham Linton: Logan Hayles 2, Connor 3 Buninyong 4 4 0 0 0 0 246 129 190.70 16
GOALS: Newlyn: Pete Stephens 6, Justin Kennedy 3, 4 Creswick 4 3 1 0 0 0 250 157 159.24 12
Daniel Eastwell 3, Michael Dodds 3, Nathan David 3, Palmer 1; Smythesdale: Royal Park Football Cl......3.4 7.8 12.10 20.21 (141)
BEST: Carngham Linton: Cameron Howlett, Lochlan 5 Waubra 4 3 1 0 0 0 324 217 149.31 12 Maldon Football and Ne..1.0 3.0 8.1 10.2 (62)
Scott Cawthan 2, Jesse Eastwell 1, Justin Thomson 1; 6 Springbank 4 2 1 1 0 0 223 150 148.67 10
Skipton: Joseph Pyke 1 Knight, Benjamin Ronan, Joel Cliff; Smythesdale: Jack GOALS: Royal Park Football Club: Ben Clay 6, Anthony
Tuohy, James Tuohy, Joshua Foley, Alex Marshall, Clay 7 Clunes 4 2 2 0 0 0 308 201 153.23 8
BEST: Newlyn: Jordan Malone, Jacob Relouw, Justin 8 Beaufort 4 2 2 0 0 0 210 143 146.85 8 Zelencich 3, Stefan Pye 3, Murray Bond 2, Mitchell
Kennedy, Pete Stephens, Daniel Eastwell, Benjamin Brook, Rory Fisher Taylor 2, Joshua Brown 1, Zayne Earl 1, Rhys Egan
9 Dunnstown 4 2 2 0 0 0 243 173 140.46 8
Huggett; Skipton: Ben Sanders, Anthony Bedggood, 10 Smythesdal 4 2 2 0 0 0 233 215 108.37 8 1, Trent Baird 1; Maldon Football and Netball Club:
Creswick............................6.1 9.7 13.12 16.14 (110)
Timothy Gawne, Fraser Morcombe, Jack Robson, 11 Rokewood C 4 2 2 0 0 0 233 242 96.28 8 Hayden Kelly 5, Luke Spalding 2, Nicholas Kelly 2,
Learmonth .........................2.0 2.1 3.5 5.8 (38)
Aaron McGregor 12 Bungaree 4 2 2 0 0 0 150 245 61.22 8 Shannon McIntosh 1
GOALS: Creswick: Jed Knights 5, Liam Blake 4, BEST: Royal Park Football Club: Stefan Pye, Zachary
Jackson Scholten 2, Kaylab Eggers 2, Jayden O’Connor 13 Ballan 4 1 2 1 0 0 255 307 83.06 6
Springbank ........................4.1 7.4 11.8 12.12 (84) 14 Newlyn 4 1 3 0 0 0 304 227 133.92 4 Tunbridge, Ben Clay, Jay Anderson, Mitchell Taylor,
Clunes ................................0.1 1.1 3.1 4.1 (25) 1, Peter Porter 1, Max McKee 1; Learmonth: Jack Ross Waters; Maldon Football and Netball Club:
Treweek 1, James Schaper 1, Brody Baird 1, Thomas 15 Daylesford 4 1 3 0 0 0 189 260 72.69 4
GOALS: Springbank: Stephen Kane 4, Terence (Terry) 16 Carngham L 4 0 4 0 0 0 136 327 41.59 0 Nicholas McKnight, Luke Spalding, Hayden Kelly, Bryce
Bennett 1, Matthew Harbour 1 Roberts, Mathew Trigg, Nicholas Kelly
Maher 3, Dean Romeril 2, Brett Maher 1, Nathan 17 Gordon 4 0 4 0 0 0 126 453 27.81 0
BEST: Creswick: Nathan Sutton, Nicholas Cochrane,
Williams 1, Matthew Lockett 1; Clunes: Ryan Quick 1, 18 Skipton 4 0 4 0 0 0 47 585 8.03 0
Liam Blake, Jed Knights, Trevor Millar, Peter Porter; Natte Bealiba Football.....9.1 20.7 25.10 30.12 (192)
Dylan Fox 1, Jake Seers 1, Matthew Wrigley 1
Learmonth: Liam Smith, James Schaper, Thomas Under 18 Dunolly Football Netba....2.3 3.5 4.5 4.5 (29)
BEST: Springbank: Andrew Tyler, Simon Quinlan, Bennett, Tyler Loader, Brody Baird
Terence (Terry) Maher, Lachlan Mahar, Brett Maher, TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS GOALS: Natte Bealiba Football Club A: Emmet Smith 6,
Kieran Kennedy; Clunes: Luke Johnston, Lachlan Under 15 1 Hepburn 2 2 0 0 2 0 368 12 3066.67 16 Trent Mortlock 5, Lachlan Cameron 5, Taylor Strachan
Coleman, Ashley Anderson, Brayden Wrigley, 2 Creswick 4 3 0 0 0 1 513 112 458.04 16 3, Lachlan Woodward 2, Jarrod Bateson 2, Zachary
Lachlan Wrigley Buninyong .........................7.4 12.10 18.14 26.15 (171) 3 Skipton 4 4 0 0 0 0 350 115 304.35 16 Perez 1, Simon Hanns 1, Nathan Meade 1, Jye Mortlock
Beaufort.............................1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (6) 4 Beaufort 2 1 1 0 2 0 146 77 189.61 12 1, Daniel Gifford 1, Thomas Douglas 1, Reece Perry 1;
Dunnstown ........................3.2 6.4 14.5 17.5 (107) 5 Ballan 3 3 0 0 0 0 200 115 173.91 12 Dunolly Football Netball Club: Matthew Gibbs 1, Beau
GOALS: Buninyong: Bayden Marchant 4, Jaylan White
Ballan .................................3.2 6.4 8.4 9.6 (60) 6 Buninyong 4 3 1 0 0 0 260 176 147.73 12 Roy-Clements 1, Adam Mullane 1, Nicholas Facey 1
3, Nicholas Pantzidis 3, Luke Inglis 2, Mitchell Hodder 2,
GOALS: Dunnstown: Damon Simpkin 4, Paul White 2, 7 Springbank 4 2 2 0 0 0 327 126 259.52 8 BEST: Natte Bealiba Football Club A: Bailey Cossar,
Damon Kierce 2, William Deans 1, Lachlan Baker 1, Zac
Callum Murphy 2, Andrew Malone 2, Joel Murphy 2, 8 Newlyn 4 2 2 0 0 0 228 201 113.43 8 Emmet Smith, Jarrod Bateson, Taylor Strachan, Lachlan
Jelencic 1, Seamus Dunne 1, Mitchell Warner 1, Logan
Jason Leoncini 2, Jack Stefani 1, Rob Dyer 1, Isaac 9 Learmonth 4 2 2 0 0 0 230 216 106.48 8 Woodward, Lachlan Cameron; Dunolly Football Netball
Taylor 1, Fergus Drendel 1, Jack Atkinson 1, Hayden
Keating 1; Ballan: Bernard Whelan 4, Rodney Watts 2, 10 Waubra 3 1 2 0 1 0 128 167 76.65 8 Club: Tyson Jones, Jay Pitto, Matthew Gibbs, Jordan
Carlyle-Marks 1, Harry O’Keane 1; Beaufort: Jeremy
Justin Fenwick 1, Aaron Pascoe 1, Corey Golding 1 11 Rokewood C 3 1 2 0 1 0 95 237 40.08 8 Fraser, Nicholas Facey, Andrew Le Marshall
Broadbent 1
BEST: Dunnstown: Harley McCarthy, Rob Dyer, Damon BEST: Buninyong: Lachlan Baker, Jaylan White, Bayden 12 Dunnstown 3 1 2 0 0 0 170 197 86.29 4
13 Clunes 4 1 3 0 0 0 113 352 32.10 4 Navarre Football Club......5.4 10.6 16.8 22.13 (145)
Simpkin, Kyle Andrews, Kirby Neville, Joel Williams; Marchant, Mitchell Warner, Mitchell Hodder, Jack Harcourt Football Club ....1.1 5.2 7.4 8.5 (53)
Ballan: Oliver Powell, Taylor Bryant, Aaron Pascoe, Atkinson; Beaufort: Thomas Collins, Jeremy Broadbent, 14 Carngham L 4 1 3 0 0 0 87 337 25.82 4
Thomas McGregor, Jake Sutcliffe, Rodney Watts Jaxon Andrews, Alex Gerrard, Nicholas Williamson, 15 Smythesdal 4 0 4 0 0 0 119 394 30.20 0 GOALS: Navarre: C. Driscoll 9, A. Driscoll 3, J. Fowkes
Mitchell Kercheval 16 Bungaree 4 0 4 0 0 0 57 557 10.23 0 2, N. Baird 2, D. Grellet 2, D. Reading, S. Kaye, A. Jensz,
Smythesdale .....................3.0 7.3 8.9 9.15 (69) 17 Gordon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Carngham Linton ..............3.1 6.1 7.1 11.2 (68) Waubra ..............................2.2 2.4 5.6 6.6 (42) 18 Daylesford 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 Continued page 24
26 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


BEST: Sunbury: James Rizk, James Sheahan, Dean
AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Muir, Dwain Sanderson, Paul Barry, Joshua Muir;
VFL Bacchus Marsh: Thomas Wardell, Daniel Bonnici,
Alex Sweet, Michael Garofalo, Tony Castrignano,
Peter Jackson VFL Todd Delahey
Footscray...........................5.3 8.7 17.11 25.13 (163) Darley.................................4.1 6.5 10.8 10.10 (70)
North Ballarat ...................3.3 4.4 4.6 5.9 (39)
Melton................................1.1 2.1 3.1 6.4 (40)
GOALS: Footscray: M. Wallis 3, D. Hamilton 3, T. Dickson
3, N. Mullenger-Mchugh 3, J. Foster 2, N. Jamieson 2, GOALS: Darley: Dane Grenfell 4, Aaron Speak 3, Jordan
L. Webb 1, W. Hayes 1, L. Dalgleish 1, J. Russell 1, A. Spiteri 2, Benjamin Holt 1; Melton: Nathan Wallace 2,
Bruhn 1, B. Gowers 1, K. Collins 1, B. Dance 1, N. Ryan Jack Simpson 2, Jake Buttigieg 1, Jacob Magee 1
1; North Ballarat: N. Rippon 2, L. Herbert 1, J. Cooke- BEST: Darley: Benjamin Holt, Jordan Spiteri, Kirk
Harrison 1, L. George 1 Fenton, Dayle Locke, Tate Stone; Melton: Kayne Wilson,
BEST: Footscray: M. Wallis, S. Biggs, L. Webb, N. Andrew Bartlett, James Taylor, Tristan Batten, Jake
Mullenger-Mchugh, N. Jamieson, D. Hamilton; North Buttigieg, Nathan Wallace
Ballarat: L. Herbert, T. Lockyer, L. George, B. Edwards,
N. Rippon, J. Cooke-Harrison East Point...........................2.1 4.3 6.4 8.8 (56)
Redan .................................2.0 3.2 4.3 6.4 (40)
Geelong..............................1.3 4.6 10.7 14.8 (92) GOALS: East Point: William Petrowski 5, Jack Buttler
Casey Demons..................2.1 4.2 7.5 8.8 (56)
2, Jethro Kirby 1; Redan: Kyle Hayes 4, Sam Higgins 1,
GOALS: Geelong: R. Stanley 3, J. Jones 2, T. Atkins 2, W. Cameron Inglis 1
Buzza 2, J. Henry 1, B. Reid 1, D. Capiron 1, J. Cunico 1, BEST: East Point: Brayden Leonard, Andrew Stevenson,
T. House 1; Casey Demons: A. Scott 3, N. Gardiner 1, B. Jack Peeters, James Bassett, Jack McClure, Brodie
Kennedy 1, M. White 1, B. Fritsch 1, D. Kent 1 Murphy; Redan: Kyle Hayes, Leigh Ryall, Liam Gill, Jack
BEST: Geelong: R. Stanley, B. Reid, J. Tsitas, T. Atkins, Curnow, Joseph Peck, Jonathon Everard
T. Ruggles, R. Gardner; Casey Demons: J. Wagner, D.
Kent, B. Hillard, M. Gent, J. Munro, J. Trengove Lake Wendouree..............4.6 8.8 9.10 14.12 (96)
Sandringham.....................7.5 12.5 16.9 17.11 (113) Sebastopol ........................1.0 3.0 4.2 6.3 (39)
Collingwood ......................2.3 5.10 9.11 12.21 (93) GOALS: Lake Wendouree: Sean Willmott 3, Hayden
GOALS: Sandringham: P. McCartin 7, J. Lonie 2, R. Cartledge 1, Samuel Peeters 1, Hugh Herben 1,
Marshall 2, D. Weickhardt 1, B. Long 1, S. Savage 1, Ambrose Gillett 1, Paul O’Connell 1, Harrison Robertson
M. Cook 1, L. Dunstan 1, K. Answerth 1; Collingwood: 1, Michael Madden 1, Jesse McLean 1, Jonathon
K. Kirby 3, J. De Goey 2, B. Crocker 2, J. White 2, J. Millane 1; Sebastopol:
Thomas 1, J. Blair 1, R. Wills 1 BEST: Lake Wendouree: Hugh Herben, Michael
BEST: Sandringham: P. McCartin, N. Wright, L. Dunstan, Madden, Hayden Cartledge, Nicholas Clifton, Sean
B. Rice, E. Le Grice, S. Savage; Collingwood: R. Wills, J. Willmott, Harrison Robertson; Sebastopol:
Blair, J. Thomas, S. Tahana, J. Aish, C. Brown
Ballarat ..............................6.5 11.7 15.11 17.13 (115)
Werribee............................3.3 8.7 10.9 14.13 (97) North Ballarat City ...........0.0 3.1 4.3 6.6 (42)
Essendon ...........................3.7 5.9 6.17 9.20 (74)
GOALS: Ballarat: Hayden Hughes 4, Brendan Smith 3,
GOALS: Werribee: L. Thomas 4, C. Wagner 2, M. Munro Pearce Antonio 2, Luke Brennan 2, Christopher Egan
2, M. Hanson 2, J. Williams 1, N. Larkey 1, M. Hibberd 1, 1, Thomas Gillett 1, Bailey Fraser 1, Jake Graham 1,
B. Preuss 1; Essendon: J. Peters 2, S. McKERNAN 2, J. BIG MEN FLY: Players jump for the ball during the CHFL senior clash between Waubra
Alexander Stepnell 1, Ged Shearer 1; North Ballarat
Stewart 2, C. Bird 1, D. Younan 1, A. Boyse 1 and Bungaree on Saturday. City: David Burgoyne 1, Dean Ryan 1, Anthony Nigro 1,
BEST: Werribee: M. Sodomaco, D. Mountford,
Alex Pike 1, Jacob Duffy 1
A. Swallow, R. Barrack, B. Preuss, L. Thomas; BEST: Williamstown: L. Schultz, C. Yeo, L. Knight, L. BEST: Northern Knights: E. Penrith, M. Andrews, N.
Essendon: D. Myers, A. Boyse, C. Bird, N. Hind, N. BEST: Ballarat: Brendan Smith, Alexander Stepnell,
McMahon, D. Kempster; Box Hill Hawks: J. Fisher, S. Coffield, J. Petruccelle; Bendigo Pioneers: J. Warde, Pearce Antonio, Lucas Hodgetts, Lachlan Rinaldi, Ged
O’Brien, S. Draper Gibson, C. Jones, L. Surman, L. Cox, S. Horner D. Henderson, B. Henderson, L. Davis, R. Turner,
Shearer; North Ballarat City: Adam Turley, Thomas
L. Wallace
Port Melbourne ................4.3 7.9 12.10 14.14 (98) Sandringham.....................0.3 0.3 8.8 10.11 (71) McPhan, Mitchell Hay, Dean Ryan, Jacob Duffy,
Richmond...........................4.4 5.7 7.10 9.14 (68) Casey Demons..................1.5 4.7 6.8 6.13 (49) Gippsland Power..............4.3 9.5 10.9 18.11 (119) Caleb Mc Grath
GOALS: Port Melbourne: D. Conway 3, C. Cain 3, J. GOALS: Sandringham: J. Dobosz 2, N. Smith 2, T. Sandringham Dragons ....3.3 5.6 7.7 7.8 (50)
Lisle 2, B. Pearson 2, J. O’Brien 1, E. Templeton 1, D.
Ballarat Toyota Under 18.5’s
Thompson 2, H. Goddard 1, C. Cathcart 1, J. Holmes 1, GOALS: Gippsland Power: W. Stephenson 4, J.
Viojo-Rainbow 1, L. Waddell 1; Richmond: S. Lloyd 4, B. C. Rich 1; Casey Demons: C. Ambler 1, T. Armour 1, C. Patterson 2, X. Duursma 2, I. Mosquito 2, C. Henness 1, Bacchus Marsh................4.3 11.5 15.8 19.11 (125)
Lennon 2, A. Miles 1, J. Aarts 1, T. Stengle 1 MacHaya 1, D. Johnston 1, T. Baker 1, T. Vander Haar 1 A. Quigley 1, W. Broadbent 1, K. Drew 1, M. McGannon Sunbury..............................1.0 1.1 1.1 2.1 (13)
BEST: Port Melbourne: E. Templeton, B. Murdoch, D. BEST: Sandringham: J. Holmes, N. Scagliarini, J. 1, B. Motton 1, J. Hudson 1, C. Porter 1; Sandringham
Viojo-Rainbow, L. Tynan, S. Dwyer, L. Cook; Richmond: GOALS: Bacchus Marsh: Blake Graham 6, Rylan Porter
Dobosz, H. Goddard, R. Atkins, J. Wallace; Casey Dragons: A. Trusler 2, J. Bakes 1, A. Sakeson 1, H.
S. Lloyd, R. Garthwaite, C. Ellis, T. Silvestro, C. Mclean 1, B. McCoy 1, W. Walker 1 3, Byron Drew 2, Samuel Griffiths 2, Blake Baldo 1,
Demons: D. Collis, J. Kingi, C. Ambler, L. Hiscock, D.
Moore, A. Miles Johnston, D. Gordon BEST: Gippsland Power: W. Stephenson, A. Quigley, Lachlan Randall 1, Jack Lalor 1, Mathew Thacker
C. Porter, J. Patterson, M. McGannon, S. Masterson; 1, Dominic Miesen 1, Bradley Jackson 1; Sunbury:
Northern Blues .................6.2 12.6 15.11 21.15 (141) TAC Cup Michael Edwards 1, Riley Eales 1
Coburg................................4.4 6.7 10.11 11.13 (79) Sandringham Dragons: Q. Montanaro, J. Mangoni, H.
Mclean, H. Brayshaw, L. Barrett, J. Bakes BEST: Bacchus Marsh: Mathew Thacker, Jack Lalor,
GOALS: Northern Blues: P. Kerr 3, A. Gallucci 3, D. Greater Western Victor...5.4 8.7 13.10 18.14 (122) Callum McKenzie, Blake Graham, Blake Baldo, Byron
Armfield 2, L. Jones 2, S. Kerridge 2, H. McKay 2, K. Eastern Ranges ................4.3 8.6 9.8 10.9 (69) Peter Jackson VFL Drew; Sunbury: Michael Edwards, Jordan Taylor, Jack
Jaksch 1, A. Phillips 1, B. Boekhorst 1, D. Thomas 1, GOALS: Greater Western Victoria Rebels: J. Johnston TEAM P W L D B FOR AGST % PTS Dillon, Caelan Pitts, Dylan Caruana
M. Stavrou 1, D. Buckley 1, D. Cuningham 1; Coburg: 6, C. Wellings 4, C. Wilson 3, N. McRoberts 2, A. 1 Port Melbourne 3 3 0 0 0 281 170 165.29 12
B. Mullane 4, L. Hunt 2, K. Posar 2, C. Holdsworth 1, N. Shepherd 2, C. Henson 1; Eastern Ranges: J. Duncan 2 Box Hill Hawks 3 3 0 0 0 313 217 144.24 12 Melton................................3.4 6.6 12.8 15.10 (100)
Blair 1, N. Dodge 1 4, C. Hirst 2, J. Stephenson 1, K. Van Beek 1, T. North 1, 3 Richmond 3 2 1 0 0 373 190 196.32 8 Darley.................................0.2 0.2 0.2 4.2 (26)
BEST: Northern Blues: L. Jones, B. Boekhorst, M. S. Lovell 1 4 Footscray 3 2 1 0 0 373 200 186.50 8 GOALS: Melton: Ryan Carter 6, Lochlan Ericson 2,
Stavrou, D. Thomas, P. Kerr, T. Wilson; Coburg: BEST: Greater Western Victoria Rebels: C. Wellings, 5 Northern Blues 3 2 1 0 0 300 246 121.95 8 Christopher Jones 2, Kyle Derose 1, Travis Ferri 1,
B. Mullane, K. Posar, N. Mellington, R. Exon, N. J. Johnston, N. McRoberts, C. Henson, T. Berry, M. 6 Geelong 3 2 1 0 0 236 227 103.96 8 James Robertson 1, Joshua Parsons 1, Liam Martin
Blair, L. Hunt Bishop; Eastern Ranges: T. North, J. Lynch, K. Urquhart, 7 Sandringham 3 2 1 0 0 252 250 100.80 8 1; Darley: Nathan Dodemaide 1, Matthew Horan 1,
H. Nolan, C. Hirst, J. Duncan 8 Essendon 3 1 2 0 0 263 213 123.47 4 Nicolas Blade 1, Liam Douglas 1
Box Hill Hawks..................3.1 5.4 5.4 13.12 (90)
Williamstown ....................2.3 7.9 7.9 8.14 (62) 9 Casey Demons 3 1 2 0 0 243 256 94.92 4 BEST: Melton: Jordan McGregor, Christopher Jones,
Murray Bushrangers .......3.1 7.5 16.9 20.9 (129) 10 Williamstown 3 1 2 0 0 225 251 89.64 4
GOALS: Box Hill Hawks: T. Vickery 3, R. Henderson Western Jets ....................3.1 5.2 7.5 10.7 (67) Ryan Carter, Liam Martin, Joshua Parsons, Kyle Derose;
11 Werribee 3 1 2 0 0 238 291 81.79 4 Darley: Drew Locke, Cooper Pepi, Jye Gordon, Brant
2, J. Fitzpatrick 1, T. Duryea 1, R. Schoenmakers 1, M. GOALS: Murray Bushrangers: D. Johnston 6, D. Smith 12 Collingwood 3 1 2 0 0 195 293 66.55 4
Lewis 1, W. Hams 1, K. Stewart 1, T. Miles 1, N. Lane 1; Lopes, Mark Engstrom, Matthew Horan
3, J. Wilson 3, J. Trotter 2, T. Boyd 2, A. Hicks 1, M. 13 Coburg 3 0 3 0 0 203 333 60.96 0
Williamstown: L. Masters 2, A. Siposs 2, B. Cavarra 2, Marriott 1, N. Richards 1, J. Lane 1; Western Jets: L. 14 North Ballarat 3 0 3 0 0 151 509 29.67 0 East Point...........................2.2 3.2 6.3 8.4 (52)
J. Chisari 1, A. Cordy 1 Smart 2, O. King 1, C. Thar 1, J. Hazik 1, B. Khamis 1, X.
BEST: Box Hill Hawks: H. Morrison, D. Mirra, B. Redan .................................0.2 1.8 3.10 4.13 (37)
O’Halloran 1, S. Syme 1, T. Rudic 1, Z. Butters 1 AFL Vic Development League
Whitecross, T. Vickery, N. Evans, J. O’Rourke; BEST: Murray Bushrangers: D. Johnston, H. Jones, B. GOALS: East Point: Ethan McMasters 3, Benjamin
Williamstown: J. Greiser, M. Gibbons, B. Cavarra, B. TEAM P W L D B FOR AGST % PTS
Paton, K. Clarke, I. Wallace, A. Hicks; Western Jets: 1 Port Melbourne 2 2 0 0 1 243 151 160.93 8 Noonan 1, Bailey Medwell 1, Nicholas Canny 1, Mitchell
Jolley, K. Gray, A. Cordy S. Radovanovic, X. O’Halloran, J. Rice, B. Khamis, B. Tuddenham 1, Will McLoughlin 1; Redan: Lachlan
2 Box Hill Hawks 3 2 1 0 0 305 223 136.77 8
AFL Vic Development League McGregor, L. Smart 3 Sandringham 3 2 1 0 0 248 197 125.89 8 McLean 2, Thomas Morrish 2
4 Williamstown 3 2 1 0 0 248 220 112.73 8 BEST: East Point: Mitchell Tuddenham, Dallas
Port Melbourne ................5.1 10.4 14.8 20.10 (130) Geelong Falcons...............2.2 6.7 10.10 11.15 (81) 5 Casey Demons 2 1 1 0 1 131 142 92.25 4 Martin, Isaac Quick, Tom Clark, Mackenzie Spark,
Werribee............................4.4 5.8 9.9 13.11 (89) Oakleigh Chargers ...........3.2 5.4 6.4 7.8 (50) 6 Coburg 2 1 1 0 1 158 223 70.85 4 Joel Gallagher; Redan: Thomas Morrish, Riley
GOALS: Port Melbourne: A. Anastasio 4, K. Haretuku 4, GOALS: Geelong Falcons: G. Miers 3, C. Parish 2, A. 7 Northern Blues 3 0 3 0 0 209 294 71.09 0 Petrascu, William Madden, Sam Carr, Dustin Okely,
S. De Soysa 3, A. Krakauer 2, J. Gleeson 2, M. Hayes 1, Garner 2, H. Benson 1, M. Chafer 1, J. Reid 1, L. Noble 1; 8 Werribee 2 0 2 0 1 146 238 61.34 0 Mitchell Evans
M. Golby 1, A. Vella 1, T. Hobbs 1, C. Carey 1; Werribee: Oakleigh Chargers: J. Troiani 3, . Larkey 1, W. Griffin 1,
L. Pinnuck 3, J. Corbett 2, T. Ellard 2, M. Brett 1, C. D. Stanford 1, A. Bosenavulagi 1 TAC Cup Lake Wendouree..............4.6 10.12 19.16 24.21 (165)
Bance 1, F. Campisi 1, J. Maishman 1, B. Houlihan 1, BEST: Geelong Falcons: M. Chafer, H. Benson, E. Floyd, TEAM P W L D B FOR AGST % PTS Sebastopol ........................0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1)
J. Cotter 1 M. Ling, C. Parish, C. Cartledge; Oakleigh Chargers: 1 Geelong Falcon 5 5 0 0 0 536 238 225.21 20 GOALS: Lake Wendouree: Aiden Lourey 5, Jack Irvin
BEST: Port Melbourne: K. Haretuku, S. Valenti, A. R. Collier-Dawkins, X. O’Neill, T. Wooller, . Larkey, L. 2 Murray Bushran 5 4 1 0 0 404 297 136.03 16 4, Jacob Lohmann 3, Blake McPhan 3, Harry Turner
Urban, L. Osborne, T. Knowles, A. Anastasio; Werribee: Cunningham, J. Troiani 3 Sandringham Dr 5 4 1 0 0 427 330 129.39 16 2, Aidan McDougall 2, Xavier Schuurs 1, Jackson
C. Bance, L. Pinnuck, J. Maishman, J. Williams, D. 4 Oakleigh Charg 5 3 2 0 0 384 372 103.23 12 Hammond 1, Patrick Taranto 1, Dylan Casey 1, Jayden
Brew, M. Brett Dandenong Stingrays......5.5 7.7 12.14 14.17 (101) 5 Northern Knigh 5 3 2 0 0 362 380 95.26 12
Calder Cannons ................0.3 0.3 5.8 9.9 (63) New 1; Sebastopol:
6 Dandenong Stin 5 3 2 0 0 409 433 94.46 12 BEST: Lake Wendouree: Tom Salau, Harry Turner,
Coburg................................0.6 4.11 8.14 13.16 (94) GOALS: Dandenong Stingrays: R. D’Arcy 5, J. 7 Gippsland Powe 5 2 3 0 0 386 337 114.54 8
Northern Blues .................1.6 3.10 6.15 10.21 (81) Jacob Lohmann, Blake McPhan, Kyle Postlethwaite,
Nanscawen 2, D. Morris 2, J. Plumridge 1, J. Bateman 8 GWV Rebels 5 2 3 0 0 478 459 104.14 8 Aiden Lourey; Sebastopol:
GOALS: Coburg: S. Lowson 2, T. Wallis 2, M. Ercolano 2, 1, D. Hope 1, T. Dekoning 1, W. Smith 1; Calder Cannons: 9 Western Jets 5 2 3 0 0 344 449 76.61 8
C. McRorie 2, C. McKay 1, R. Schraven 1, L. Bunker 1, J. Evans 3, D. Landt 1, M. Moustafa 1, J. Firebrace 1, M. 10 Eastern Ranges 5 1 4 0 0 356 443 80.36 4 North Ballarat City ...........6.5 8.5 13.6 15.7 (97)
J. Svarc 1, C. Roberts 1; Northern Blues: S. Fowler 5, C. Borg 1, J. McNicol 1, J. Firebrace 1 11 Bendigo Pionee 5 1 4 0 0 353 455 77.58 4 Ballarat ..............................0.0 0.0 1.0 1.2 (8)
Barrett 2, M. Walson 1, J. Lamb 1, A. Milham 1 BEST: Dandenong Stingrays: M. DeWit, W. Hamill, J. 12 Calder Cannons 5 0 5 0 0 271 517 52.42 0
BEST: Coburg: M. Ercolano, J. El Moussalli, K. Plumridge, T. Murphy, J. Nanscawen, R. D’Arcy; Calder GOALS: North Ballarat City: Harrison Loader 6, Charles
Brown, M. Merlo, Z. Wunhym, S. Lowson; Northern Cannons: D. Landt, M. Podhajski, B. Caluzzi, J. Evans, B. BALLARAT FOOTBALL LEAGUE Patterson 2, Elliott Lamb 1, Oliver Nash 1, Max Lawless
Blues: S. Fowler, C. Adams, C. Barrett, J. Collins, T. Bernacki, J. Velissaris 1, Charlie Perks 1, Patrick Keogh 1, Brock Leonard 1,
Jones, B. Casley Mars Reserves Tom Bromley-Lynch 1; Ballarat: Tate Allan 1
Northern Knights..............3.0 6.2 9.3 12.5 (77) BEST: North Ballarat City: Oliver Nash, Harrison Loader,
Williamstown ....................3.4 9.6 11.11 13.12 (90) Bendigo Pioneers.............2.5 6.6 6.10 10.14 (74) Sunbury..............................2.4 3.11 3.16 5.17 (47) Tom Bromley-Lynch, Harrison Mulcahy, James Curran,
Box Hill Hawks..................6.3 8.4 8.9 10.12 (72) GOALS: Northern Knights: J. Shea 2, H. Grace 2, J. Bacchus Marsh................1.0 3.5 5.5 6.9 (45) Charlie Perks; Ballarat: Austin McPherson, Harrison
GOALS: Williamstown: T. Wilkinson 4, N. Ebinger 3, J. Petruccelle 2, N. Coffield 1, B. Gillard 1; Bendigo GOALS: Sunbury: Anthony Sammut 2, Ben Ferrari 1, Ben Butler, Luke Wynd, Edward Liston, Luke Kinnersly,
Gray 1, J. Owen 1, T. Davies 1, L. Goetz 1, L. Bramble 1, Pioneers: D. Henderson 2, L. Wallace 2, R. Mutch 1, Riley 1, Christopher Smith 1; Bacchus Marsh: Ashley Taylor Sutton
A. Giuliano 1; Box Hill Hawks: T. Maloney 2, H. Burt 2, M. Harvey 1, C. Sheahan 1, B. Daniels 1, L. Davis 1, Whittle 1, Christopher Suban 1, Quade Butt 1, Daniel
C. Jones 2, J. Haynes 1, L. Jeffs 1, L. Cox 1, W. Murphy 1 R. Turner 1 Bonnici 1, Tony Castrignano 1, Thomas Mullen 1 Continued page 25 Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 27

MORNINGTON gallops today MR
TAB GUIDE TRACK/RAIL/WEATHER Note: Race times correct at time of publication.
13 54s80 True Lady’s Man twhn (5) K E Horobin ..................
Daily Double 8, 10 Track soft (6). ................................................... Ms R Pearson (a3) 58 51.00
Early Quadrella 3, 4, 5, 6
Quadrella 7, 8, 9, 10
Rail is out 7m for the entire circuit.
Weather overcast.
5 2.00 Ladbrokes Odds Boost Handicap 1000m 14 70605 Molon Lave tcwh (4) Andrew Benyan..SCRATCHED
15 8s710 Midas Man h (13) Robert Kingston......................... 54 51.00
First Four All Races Apprentices can claim Benchmark 58 $16,000 SADIA, Amiee’s Choice, Apocalypto, Rossatin
1 Moshway w (5) M Sell.....................................J Hill 61.5
s6335 4.60
Fixed Odds All Races
Snitzel Music (10) Luke Oliver .............. L King (a3)
A Sterling Dash bh (7) John McArdle.......... J Mott
9 4.00 Ladbrokes Handicap 2000m
1 12.00 Ladbrokes Odds Boost Multi 1500m 4
For A Song wh (3) R J Blacker .............J Grob (a2) 59.5
Midnight Warrior h (2) M J Mehegan ....R Maloney
7870s 59
Apprentices can claim Benchmark 58 $16,000
1 83494 Conquer w (4) S J Webb.......................... N Callow 61.5 11.00
Apprentices can claim 4yo & up Maiden SW $20,000 6 Raheen Lady dwh (6) Steven Roberts.........J Todd
70857 58 11.00 2 78459 Aurora Miss dh (10) Ms D Smith .......M Aitken (a2) 60 8.50
1 2s0s0 England Dan (4) J Leek Jnr .......................A Lynch 58.5 26.00 7 Tupelo Boy (1) N G Eades .................M Aitken (a2)
83301 58 5.00 3 74531 Young Hostess w (11) D & B Hayes & T Dabernig
2 24423 Grangemouth (5) Michael Trotter ............ N Callow 58.5 2.00 8 Shampers c (8) Charlotte Littlefield ........ B Higgins
265s6 57 13.00 ................................................................... C Parish 60 2.90
3 6576s Here’s Ya Hat (7) Sarah Zschoke................M Allen 58.5 41.00 9 Crafty Eva twh (4) J W Honeysett .......A Creighton 55.5
7744s 31.00 4 05010 Bouffon h (13) Sam Pritchard-Gordon......... J Mott 59.5 26.00
4 73242 Superveloce (1) Patrick Payne ..............R Maloney 58.5 4.00 EMERGENCY 5 38 Pentelligentsia h (14) Jason Warren ..D Stackhouse 59.5 21.00
5 75364 Barley Mo (8) Greg Hayes .............. SCRATCHED 10 50374 Suave Hero dw (9) M A Bell ........... SCRATCHED 6 09793 Eye Contact (9) Matthew Brown............. B Higgins 58.5 7.00
6 36 Hint Of Moonlight (3) J P Salanitri ... Dean Holland 56.5 5.50 MOSHWAY, A Sterling Dash, Tupelo Boy, Snitzel Music 7 6s853 Black Tie tdwh (3) Ms A Johnston ..B Thompson (a) 58 9.50
535s8 La Padrina h (6) P A Healey.................... B Higgins 56.5
s6989 Sweet Margaret h (2) P L Caboche .C Caserta (a1.5) 56.5 51.00
6 2.30 Ladbrokes Up For Challenge 1000m
8 10605 Trissie’s Choice dw (7) Michael Roebuck.. H Coffey
9 17s87 Geante Rouge h (1) A W Noonan........... J Noonan
GRANGEMOUTH, Hint Of Moonlight, La Padrina, Superveloce Apprentices can claim Benchmark 58 $16,000 10 53855 Shandaara n (2) R E Laing................. H Grace (a3) 56 13.00
11 5s218 Starlight Sun (12) J D Sadler ........C Caserta (a1.5) 54 21.00
2 12.30 Ladbrokes Cash In Plate 1200m 1
Mr Optimistic h (5) A W Noonan ............ J Noonan
Parcel ch (11) Wez Hunter ....................C Parnham 61.5
62 6.50
12 57862 Treicheln w (8) Mark C Webb ......................J Todd
13 46706 Defiable d (6) Stephen Field ................. L King (a3)
Apprentices can claim 2yo & up Maiden SW $20,000 3 s1247 Tricky Glen dw (7) B J McCarthy.............R Bayliss 60.5 5.50
4 218s Bels Impact tb (4) Peter Gelagotis ....M Aitken (a2) 60 3.50
1 Blue Bear (3) Byron Cozamanis........ Dean Holland 58.5 8.00 14 25834 Amour Of A Lady (5) Ms E Haworth . Ms N Beriman 54 13.00
5 21226 Last One Laughing d (8) Grant & Peter Dalziel . J Todd 59 17.00
2 7s59 Dane Cavallo (8) R E Laing......................B Werner 58.5 51.00 YOUNG HOSTESS, Aurora Miss, Eye Contact, Black Tie
6 65314 Biseau dn (1) M Ellerton & S Zahra.........A Mallyon 58.5 8.00
3 5s247 Fast And Furious h (11) D Binaisse............. J Mott 58.5 9.50
Hot Prospect h (9) A W Noonan............. J Noonan 58.5
Malibu Affair bh (10) S P Nichols ... SCRATCHED
7 s5217 Slithering Suzie h (2) David & Coral Feek ..............
.......................................................... D Stackhouse 58 17.00 10 4.30 Handicap 2000m
8 16753 Waterford Sound dhn (10) Rod Grantley ...N Callow 58 8.50
6 Raniesha Heart (2) E V Musgrove .......... S Tsaikos 58.5 26.00 Apprentices can claim Benchmark 58 $16,000
9 8s016 Bicondova (6) R E Laing .................... H Grace (a3) 56 11.00
7 6 The King’s Magic (5) T J Andrews ............A Lynch 58.5 51.00 EMERGENCIES 1 s0506 Kifaah (10) Matthew Brown...........C Caserta (a1.5) 62.5 9.00
8 396s7 Canterbury Walk h (4) Paul Rocke ......A Creighton 56.5 9.00 10 28661 I Like Ike w (9) S McCusker.................... Ms Y Ota 54 51.00 2 10491 Darcionic dwh (4) S P Nichols.........J Martin (a1.5) 61.5 6.50
9 s5s22 Golden Fusaichi (12) Richard Laming... Ms J Payne 56.5 3.00 11 441s Channing ch (3) Ms A Johnston ........... L King (a3) 62 5.00 3 15s70 Charcol wn (7) Richard Laming ................... J Mott 60 15.00
10 36245 Miamorae b (1) Heath Conners ............... M Pegus 56.5 5.00 CHANNING, Bels Impact, Mr Optimistic, Tricky Glen 4 s7445 Ambassador Lad wb (2) G Eurell . Ms B Sweeney (a2) 59.5 11.00
11 s6823 Miss Von Costa (7) L & T Corstens ......... N Callow 56.5 5.50 5 97643 Magmellou w (14) K M Keys ........ B Thompson (a) 59.5 6.00
12 Royal Zephyr h (6) Jason Warren .... D Stackhouse
GOLDEN FUSAICHI, Miss Von Costa, Blue Bear, Miamorae
56 15.00 7 3.00 Ladbrokes Handicap 1200m 6
So Belle db (6) D & B Hayes & T Dabernig..R Bayliss
Gran Tryphena h (11) Lee & Anthony Freedman....
59.5 3.70

Apprentices can claim Benchmark 64 $20,000 ............................................................... L King (a3) 58.5 8.00
3 1.00 Ladbrokes Info Hub Plate 1000m 1
Gangstar’s Curse dwn (8) M C Kent .. J Bayliss (a) 62.5
Volontiers dw (2) Alexander Rae .......M Aitken (a2) 61.5
8 1s676
9 94748
Rosaleen Dubh (3) F G Finnegan ..............A Lynch
Elektra Lass dw (12) Byron Cozamanis. D Stackhouse
Apprentices can claim 2yo & up F&M Maiden SW $20,000 3 8s311 Rapid Asset cdwhn (6) C Vidotto ........A Creighton 61 4.20 10 02239 Sommernachtstraum h (5) Robert Kingston .........
1 Detonation (13) L & T Corstens .... B Thompson (a) 58 11.00 4 s47s9 Coronation Trouble dwhn (16) Brett Scott............. .................................................................A Mallyon 57 34.00
2 66402 Dimoshot (11) A G Sawden ................ J Bayliss (a) 58 6.00 ..........................................................J Martin (a1.5) 60.5 17.00 11 4s406 Hoagy wh (1) Ms A Johnston................C Parnham 55.5 17.00
3 2s07s Flight Of Angels h (2) M Beer & M Hinton . R Maloney 58 13.00 5 28670 Statton dwn (3) Shawn Mathrick ..... Ms J Beriman 60.5 13.00 12 s0547 Redial (13) R G Huddart..................... N Punch (a2) 54 51.00
4 52 In A Panic (1) Luke Oliver ............................ J Mott 58 5.50 6 1s6s1 At Your Command cw (4) J P Salanitri ... L King (a3) 60 7.00 13 80720 Taqneen (9) M A Bell ........................ Ms J Da Rose 54 51.00
5 256s2 La Renarde b (12) J D Sadler .......C Caserta (a1.5) 58 3.40 7 6242s River’s Gift d (12) Heath Conners... SCRATCHED EMERGENCIES
6 2330s Mesclun h (9) S P Nichols....................A Creighton 58 9.00 8 32036 Sol Brillante w (13) E V Musgrove .......A Darmanin 59.5 13.00 14 86 High Journey (15) Pat Cannon ............... B Higgins 57.5 41.00
7 324s Mo’shelley (5) M Sell................Ms B Sweeney (a2) 58 4.80 9 17886 Elegant Queen cdwn (9) T A Scanlon .................... 15 066s7 Delightful Spirit h (8) P J White...................J Todd 54 17.00
8 F2543 Ocean Magic h (7) S P Nichols ....... D Stackhouse 58 7.00 .......................................................C Caserta (a1.5) 59 21.00 SO BELLE, Magmellou, Rosaleen Dubh, Kifaah
9 90s27 Ultimate Quest (10) B J McCarthy ..........R Bayliss 58 17.00 10 5s759 Invincible Me dh (11) P A Healey ........... B Higgins 59 51.00
11 25171 Allisam dh (5) Logan McGill ............. D Stackhouse 58 7.50
12 0s021 Patient dwn (14) Richard Laming.........Ms J Payne 57.5 4.80
10 s356s Dandy Mandy (6) J F Rattle ............. Ms J Da Rose 58 51.00
EMERGENCIES RACE 1: (3) Here’s Ya Hat norton bit off first time; (7) La Padrina blinkers
11 9 Coco Couture (4) Henry Dwyer .............................. 58 51.00
13 77724 Atunnah Courage dw (10) Ms E Haworth .............. off first time; (8) Sweet Margaret blinkers on again RACE 2: (1) Blue Bear
12 0s Grey Temptress h (8) P J White ......J Martin (a1.5) 58 51.00
..........................................................Ms N Beriman 58 34.00 bit lifter on first time; (3) Fast And Furious blinkers on first time, winkers
13 0s8 Say It In Song (3) G A Osborne .............................. 58 26.00
14 72s41 Praguematist c (1) Mark C Webb................J Todd 55 11.00 off first time; (6) Raniesha Heart barrier extension on first time, blinkers
IN A PANIC, La Renarde, Mo’shelley, Ocean Magic
15 9s454 Howling Wolf dwhn (15) Ms R Waymouth.............. 56 51.00 on first time; (8) Canterbury Walk ear muffs on again; (9) Golden Fusaichi
4 1.30 Ladbrokes Multimaker Plate 1500m
16 1066s Littlesnitz dw (7) C Maher ......................................
RAPID ASSET, Allisam, Patient, At Your Command
58 26.00 blinkers on first time; (10) Miamorae blinkers off first time, winkers on
again RACE 3: (1) Detonation blinkers on first time, winkers off first time;
(3) Flight Of Angels blinkers on again; (7) Mo’shelley tongue-tie on first
Apprentices can claim 3yo Maiden SW $20,000
Best Man (10) B J McCarthy .................. B Higgins
52 58 5.00
8 3.30 Wilson Medic Rising Stars 1500m time; (10) Dandy Mandy blinkers off first time; (11) Coco Couture cross-
over noseband off first time, kyneton noseband on first time, lugging bit
2 Booramarta h (11) D R Brideoake.. SCRATCHED
9 Apprentices can claim Benchmark 58 $16,000 on first time, tongue-tie on first time; (12) Grey Temptress tongue-tie on
3 Keyboard Magic (12) Patrick Payne......R Maloney
3 58 6.00 1 58381 Ella w (9) Richard Laming ............... SCRATCHED first time RACE 4: (7) Dazzle Street blinkers on first time; (13) Hot As A
4 Stat Man (1) G A Osborne ..................... B Allen (a)
485s2 58 8.00 2 44819 Galea Warrior h (6) S P Nichols ..... SCRATCHED Pistol cheekers off first time, lugging bit on first time RACE 5: (5) Midnight
5 Brave Maddie (5) P Trotter........................H Coffey
93s88 56 13.00 3 68558 Sadia wbn (10) Andrew Payne ............... B Allen (a) 60 6.00 Warrior winkers on first time; (6) Raheen Lady ear muffs off first time,
6 Cuban Belle h (6) P G Carey ..................................
70s4 56 21.00 4 26534 Sintara h (8) Shane Stockdale ....... B Stockdale (a) 59.5 11.00 tongue-tie off first time; (8) Shampers blinkers off first time, visors on first
7 Dazzle Street h (2) M Beer & M Hinton ... N Callow
8s2s0 56 41.00 5 71720 Tall Tale w (7) Shawn Mathrick ........... J Bayliss (a) 59 41.00 time; (9) Crafty Eva blinkers off again RACE 7: (1) Gangstar’s Curse blink-
8 Duaneo’s Sister h (9) S P Nichols .......A Creighton
46 56 11.00 6 370s0 Where To Next twh (1) Trent Pennuto .................... ers on again; (2) Volontiers blinkers off first time; (15) Howling Wolf band-
9 Istrani h (7) P G Carey ...........................P Moloney
8 56 41.00 ......................................................S Brown Jnr (a2) 59 51.00 ages off again, blinkers off again; (16) Littlesnitz cross-over noseband on
10 Jay Belle (14) M Ellerton & S Zahra ........A Mallyon
5425 56 6.00 7 90412 Amiee’s Choice (3) B J McCarthy .... B Mertens (a) 58.5 6.50 first time RACE 8: (15) Midas Man blinkers on again RACE 9: (4) Bouffon
11 Millie The Missile b (8) Luke Oliver....D Stackhouse
33325 56 2.60 8 7180s Ballistic Missile (11) M G Price ............J Grob (a2) 58.5 13.00 blinkers on again; (5) Pentelligentsia blinkers on again, visors off first time;
12 Zenzile h (3) P G Carey .......................... R McLeod
00s 56 51.00 9 6s761 Apocalypto w (12) Matthew Brown..C Caserta (a1.5) 58 5.50 (8) Trissie’s Choice blinkers on first time, winkers off first time; (9) Geante
EMERGENCIES 10 s6690 River Goddess wn (14) M Ellerton & S Zahra ........ Rouge tongue-control bit on first time RACE 10: (6) So Belle blinkers on
13 08s07 Hot As A Pistol (13) Erin Maher . Ms B Sweeney (a2) 56 34.00 ............................................................... L King (a3) 58 21.00 first time, tongue-tie on first time, winkers off first time; (7) Gran Tryphena
14 723s4 She’s Tidy (4) Pat Cannon ...............Ms N Beriman 56 8.00 11 245s4 Kilts whn (2) P G Carey ................. B Thompson (a) 57 21.00
blinkers off first time; (8) Rosaleen Dubh blinkers on first time
MILLIE THE MISSILE, Keyboard Magic, Best Man, She’s Tidy 12 42491 Rossatin w (15) Erin Maher......Ms B Sweeney (a2) 56 7.00

BALLARAT greyhounds today EG

Mr. Scentric: Cole Brett (Sydenham) No luck Destini Laredo: David Taylor (Durham Lead) 9—Eureka Concrete 2.12 11—TAB - We Love A Bet 2.47
TAB GUIDE since his top debut run, suited here Note: Race times correct at time Placed in two of his past three runs, threat
Daily Double 6, 8 Lady Talker: Robert Cook (Munro) Debut run of publication. Grade 7, 390m Grade 6, 390m
Quadrella 5, 6, 7, 8 was just steady, place claims best 7—Mega Merch Rural 1.37 1- LAST ANGEL, 3.40 .................NBT
885 1- COSMIC LACHY, 6.00 ...........NBT
First Four All Races Raglan Bindi: Gary Hansen (Daisy Hill) Placed in Tiger Tees: Douglas Hammerstein (Ararat) No Grade 5, 390m 2- RIVERDALE TARZAN, 4.20 ...NBT
734 2- COSMIC GURU, 3.80 .......... 22.56
three of four here, must keep safe. luck of late, has good muster, danger 1- SPRING KITTY, 8.00 ..............NBT
688 3- KATHY’S LADY, 4.50 ........... 22.80
872 3- YAALA, 10.00 ........................ 22.79
Fixed Odds All Races
Duty Sheet: Andrew Mooney (Amherst) Had a Awesome Freckles: Geoffrey Johnston (Bet
few chances already, place claims best Bet) Showed improvement here last week,
2- UNLIKABLE, 16.00 ................. FSH
686 4- MISS TORREZ, 8.00 ............... FSH
778 4- FIREY LOMAR, 3.60 ............... FSH
1— 11.49 Black Lesta: Peter Dunlevey (Cohuna) One respect 3- DAINTREE TEACAKE, 15.00 .NBT
467 5- PILLAR CREEK, 21.00 ...........NBT
814 5- WINDMILLS, 10.00 .............. 22.54
Maiden, 390m paced and yet to really impress, tested. Seeking Stars: Warren Alley (Little River) Hit the 4- MAXIMUM MELVA, 3.40 ..... 22.33
865 6- BELUGA, 6.00 .........................NBT
812 6- LISCOYLE LADY, 18.00 .........NBT
1- REALITY STORM, 3.60 ..........NBT
732 line well last time out, can threaten 5- HEINEKEN GIRL, 4.50 ........ 22.43
651 7- FANCY TALON, 10.00 .............NBT
753 7- ELRAM GIRL, 5.00 .............. 22.63
2- KOLORA DAVEY, 5.50 ........... FSH
3—R & J Batteries 12.24 Outta Ammo: Ronald Fisher (Lara) Tends to find 6- SPRING SAVIOUR, 9.00 ....22.73Q
347 8- BUNDY PRINCESS, 8.00 .... 22.76
261 8- NINETYMILE TOBY, 6.50 ...... FSH
Maiden, 545m too much trouble, prefer to watch 7- GUNMETAL ANGEL, 4.20 ......NBT
3- ALYSSA ROSE, 8.00 ............... FSH
355 Reserves Reserves
4- CULLQUIN ALEXIS, 16.00 ..... FSH
5 1- CONCRETE LEVEL, 12.00 ... FSTD
558 Tuscan Dream: Deb Carr (Mininera) Shows 8- IRON SIDE, 6.00 .................. 22.14
552 9- 358 BELLACHINO, 12.00 ........... 22.57 9- 668 SPANISH MOON, 21.00 .........NBT
2- CALL ME LOULOU, 4.00 .......NBT
762 promise, looks well drawn, go close
5- PARIS MARIE, 21.00 .............. FSH
6 Berridale Buddie: Scott Stefanos (Longwood)
Reserves 10- 715 MAXIMUM TESS, 26.00 .........NBT 10- 746 MIDNIGHT EL, 8.00 ...........22.35Q
6- LA BELLA MIMI, 4.60 ............. FSH
44 3- LADY CAMELOT, 16.00 .........NBT
824 Strong winner at Bendigo, major player if runs 9- 142 EMI’S BOY BADGER, 16.00 ..NBT
654 RIVERDALE TARZAN 1, Kathy’s Lady 2, ELRAM GIRL 1, Ninetymile Toby 2,
542 Heroic Outlaw: Clint Colaiacovo (Toolleen) 10- 167 RAZZLE OAK, 6.50 .............. 22.35 Last Angel 3, Beluga 4 Firey Lomar 3, Cosmic Lachy 4
8- LADY SCRUMPTIOUS, 10.00 .....
5T2 5- BURCH DAY, 6.50 ..................NBT
825 Tends to find bother, must show more MAXIMUM MELVA 1, Heineken Girl 2,
6- WINLOCK HADLEY, 3.40 ...... FSH
155 Last Angel: Brett Cook (Sebastopol) Prefer out Cosmic Lachy: Barry Buckingham (Woodstock)
................................................... FSH Gunmetal Angel 3, Iron Side 4
Reserves 7- BLACK SASS, 4.50 ............... FSTD
752 5—Strides Function Ctre 1.02 Spring Kitty: Keith Lloyd (Anakie) Beaten in all
wide but has good muster, threat Hard to follow but can ping the lids, respect
Riverdale Tarzan: Ian Green (Little River) No luck Cosmic Guru: Kevin Finn (Warrnambool) Racing
9- 474 TOO FAR OUT, 12.00 .............NBT 8- CRACKERJACK MAN, 7.00 FSTD
225 Grade 6, 450m four runs here, place claims best of late, very strong type, go close well but up in class, place claims
10- 745 COOL AL, 16.00 ......................NBT Reserve 1- 767 SWIFT FOZZ, 6.50 ..................NBT Unlikable: Patrick Furci (Maribyrnong) Racing
Kathy’s Lady: Kevin Ward (Mount Moriac) Has Yaala: Ashley Welsh (Breamlea) Front runner,
FROM THE SHADOWS 1, Reality Storm 2, 9- 866 GO CLOSE, 26.00 ...................NBT 2- 138 FABREGAS LARA, 10.00 .......NBT well below best, needs to show more
the speed to lead them up, main danger scouts wide, place best
WINLOCK HADLEY 1, Black Sass 2, 3- 763 RINGADINGDING, 9.00 ..........NBT Daintree Teacake: Janine Walker (Arcadia
Kolora Davey 3, La Bella Mimi 4 South) Lacking confidence, up in class, prefer Miss Torrez: David Geall (Lara) Keeps finding Firey Lomar: Scott Stefanos (Longwood)
Reality Storm: Anita Courts (Lara) Improving all Crackerjack Man 3, Call Me Loulou 4 4- 756 ZOPRUSH, 8.00 ................... 25.97 to watch trouble, tough draw, place Impressive Bendigo winner, threat if pings
the time, can show pace, danger Concrete Level: Alan Marum (Corop) Had a few 5- 436 RIVERDALE BANJO, 3.40 .. 25.87 Maximum Melva: Anita Courts (Lara) Class Pillar Creek: Raylene Gavin (Killarney) Steady Windmills: Glenn Campbell (Anakie) Needs
Kolora Davey: Chris Stanton (Clunes) Showed chances to date, prefer to watch 6- 741 FACE TO FACE, 4.50 ........... 26.01 edge, great record here, take stopping winner two runs back, prefer to watch room to muster, may not get it
improvement last time out, threat Call Me Loulou: William Donlon (Burnbank) 7- 838 JUST RUN LEFT, 8.00 ............NBT Heineken Girl: Thomas Matthyssen (Talbot) Beluga: William McNeil (Donvale) Improving with Liscoyle Lady: Jacinta Curley (Toolleen) Lack of
Alyssa Rose: Scott Melville (Beveridge) Form Placed in five of 12 here, must keep safe. Back in form, has good muster, main danger. every run, must be kept safe early speed is always a worry, place best
and confidence is down, place claims best Lady Camelot: Margaret Gray (Mount Cottrell)
8- 674 DESTINI SEAJEWEL, 16.00 25.98
Spring Saviour: Daryl Weightman (Dean) Tough Fancy Talon: Marcus Lloyd (anakie) Solidly Elram Girl: Shane Jack (Dalmore) Owns a solid
Cullquin Alexis: Shara Quinlan (Rushworth) Beaten in her three runs here, prefer to watch RIVERDALE BANJO 1, Face To Face 2, draw but has the talent, place claims. placed here recently, place again 22.63 PB here, go close
Steady effort on debut, needs to show more Pretty Sensation: Keith Lloyd (Anakie) Better Just Run Left 3, Swift Fozz 4 Gunmetal Angel: Jason Formosa (Heathcote) Bundy Princess: Jennifer Torr (Myers Flat) May Ninetymile Toby: Darren Murray (Napoleons)
Paris Marie: Rene Matthyssen (Talbot) Tough than form, will be strong late, place hope Swift Fozz: Brian Fothergill (Numurkah) Placed Placed in seven of 14 here, big threat be posted wide early, place preferred Third up from a spell, well drawn, main danger
draw and well beaten on debut, tested Burch Day: Peter Rowan (Warrnambool) Solid in two of three here, must keep safe Iron Side: Sheila Donlon (Burnbank) Showed Bellachino: Patrick Furci (Maribyrnong) Lacking Spanish Moon: Donald McDonald (Shepparton
La Bella Mimi: Warren Alley (Little River) Solid effort here two runs back, can run a drum Fabregas Lara: James Barnes (Lismore) Strong some form here last week, keep safe form, likely to struggle if he runs East) Struggled since resuming, needs to lift
effort in debut run, must be kept safe. Winlock Hadley: Scott Stefanos (Longwood) type but prefer drawn out wide, place Emi’s Boy Badger: Scott Melville (Beveridge) Maximum Tess: Anita Courts (Lara) Only win Midnight El: William Lambert (Sunbury)
From The Shadows: Julie Ward (Coomboona) Trip suits, no luck last time out, go close Ringadingding: Glenn Campbell (Anakie) Placed Not the worst, place claims if he starts
Smartly placed here last week, looks good. came in slow time, must improve. Resumes from a long spell, watch betting
Black Sass: Stephen Bruce (Warrnambool) in her only two runs here, respect Razzle Oak: John McIntyre (Exford) Handy
Lady Scrumptious: Robert Cook (Munro) Every Strong effort last time out, main danger
chance at Traralgon, place preferred Crackerjack Man: Anita Courts (Lara) Placed in
Zoprush: Michelle Mallia-Magri (Avalon) Form 22.35 winner here recently, respect 10—Brendan Dodd Signs 2.32 12—Top Cat Video 3.12
and confidence has tapered off, must lift
Too Far Out: Kevin Gavin (Killarney) Had a few two of his past three, threat again 8—Bottle-O 1.52 Grade 7, 390m Grade 5, 390m
Riverdale Banjo: Ian Green (Little River) Well
chances already, prefer to watch. Go Close: Robert Tolson (Maryborough) Had graded, does his best racing here, yes Grade 5, 450m 1- ZERO CARE FACTOR, 18.00 NBT
8T3 1- MISS JUST UNDER, 8.00 ......NBT
Cool Al: Paul Hammerstein (Ararat) Recent form way too many chances, prefer to watch 2- CLICKIN’ GEARS, 2.80 ..........NBT
276 2- HOT GENETICS, 10.00 ...........NBT
Face To Face: William Donlon (Burnbank) 1- KAMCHATKA LASS, 12.00 ....NBT
is just steady, needs to improve.
4—TAB Rewards 12.42 Strong type, wide draw suits, main danger
2- EBONY ECLIPSE, 3.60 .....25.68Q
172 3- AIN’T NO HURRY, 4.00 ....... 22.49
167 3- SECRET CHOICE, 6.00 .....22.36Q
2—Lynette’s Florist 12.07 Grade 7, 450m
Just Run Left: Frank Meyer (Maryborough) Far
from disgraced here last week, big threat 3- HEY ALIO FOZZIO, 10.00 ......NBT
725 4- TIP TOE, 6.50 ..........................NBT
463 4- ALEXANDERIA, 21.00 ......... 22.75
Maiden, 450m 1- CALLAWAY, 12.00 ................ FSTD
347 Destini Seajewel: Ian Robinson (Avoca) Just not 4- SNIPPYLISS, 4.80 ...................NBT
131 5- SHADOW BOLT, 5.00 .......... 22.62
244 5- NANGAR TIGER, 3.60 ......... 22.35
1- TOP ALCOHOL, 2.60 .............. FSH
343 2- COURSE YOU WILL, 7.50 ..... FSH
843 racing well enough, prefer to watch 5- KILTY’S TIGER, 14.00 ......... 26.02
614 6- COSMIC GEORGE, 14.00 ......NBT
532 6- FIERY MISS, 4.00 ................ 22.56
2- CASTILLEJA, 4.50 ..................NBT
262 3- BRYDEN PETER, 18.00 .......... FSH
66F 6- INFINITE SENOR, 7.50 ...........NBT
721 7- ELLIE’S BLUE, 10.00 ..............NBT
256 7- MISS UTAMURRA, 5.50 .........NBT
3- DREAMY JULIAN, 9.00 .......... FSH
5 4- TIGER TEES, 4.00 ...................NBT
436 6—Sinclair Meats 1.17 7- SOUTHWOOD MAX, 3.20 ... 25.74
411 8- BUCA DOLL, 10.00 .............. 22.61
755 8- BLITZEN BELL, 8.00 ........... 22.57
4- ELEVENTH HOUR, 21.00 ....... FSH
628 Mixed 6/7, 545m 8- TAKE FRIGHT, 8.00 ............. 25.98
726 Reserves Reserves
5- SLIPAWAY WHITEY, 16.00 .... FSH
78 6- SEEKING STARS, 6.00 ...........NBT
663 1- 344 MINNIE HA HA, 3.00 ..............NBT Reserves 9- 687 MASTER MCEVOY, 8.00 .......NBT 9- 677 FIERY NELL, 5.00 ................ 22.47
6- MR. SCENTRIC, 4.80 ............. FSH
346 7- OUTTA AMMO, 14.00 .............NBT
427 2- 78F BLOOD MOON, 21.00 ............NBT 9- 186 SUPREME PRINCE, 5.00 .... 25.83 10- 768 IZGREV, 21.00 ....................... FSTD 10- 544 MAXIMUM MOO, 16.00 .........NBT
7- LADY TALKER, 10.00 ............. FSH
6 8- TUSCAN DREAM, 3.00 .......... FSH
811 3- 662 NIKITA’S MARLOW, 6.50 .......NBT 10- 384 SHARINA BOMBER, 21.00 . 25.78 CLICKIN’ GEARS 1, Ain’t No Hurry 2, FIERY MISS 1, Miss Utamurra 2,
8- RAGLAN BINDI, 6.00 ..............NBT
642 Reserves 4- 677 STILL IN PLAY, 16.00 .......... 32.15 SOUTHWOOD MAX 1, Take Fright 2, Shadow Bolt 3, Tip Toe 4 Blitzen Bell 3, Secret Choice 4
Reserves 9- 861 BERRIDALE BUDDIE, 3.50 ....NBT 5- 431 WAIKIKI CREEK, 4.00 ............NBT Ebony Eclipse 3, Infinite Senor 4 Zero Care Factor: Peter Brouwer (Branxholme) Miss Just Under: Noel Carthew (Newcomb)
9- 636 DUTY SHEET, 10.00 ...............NBT 10- 388 HEROIC OUTLAW, 21.00 .......NBT 6- 645 GOLD ATTRACTION, 6.00 .....NBT Kamchatka Lass: Carol Jackson (Neilborough) Poor strike rate, unlikely to make an impact Likely to get shuffled back early, tough ask
10- 266 BLACK LESTA, 18.00 ............. FSH TUSCAN DREAM 1, Tiger Tees 2, 7- 486 DAINTREE JIM, 21.00 ......... 32.12 Talented but drawn inside out, may find bother Clickin’ Gears: Kerry Houlahan (Lang Lang) No Hot Genetics: Malcolm Davis (Altona Green)
MR. SCENTRIC 1, Top Alcohol 2, 8- 225 DESTINI LAREDO, 4.00 .........NBT Ebony Eclipse: Ellen Lambert (Sunbury) luck since his handy Warragul win, can atone Been a while since her last win, outclassed
Seeking Stars 3, Course You Will 4
Castilleja 3, Raglan Bindi 4 MINNIE HA HA 1, Waikiki Creek 2, Resuming, has a speedy PB here, threat Ain’t No Hurry: Troy Murley (Muckleford) Handy Secret Choice: Deb Carr (Mininera) Owns a
Callaway: Darlene McIntyre (Exford) Does not Hey Alio Fozzio: Brian Fothergill (Numurkah)
Top Alcohol: Gavin Gledhill (Coomboona) Drawn win enough races, place claims best Destini Laredo 3, Gold Attraction 4 22.49 winner here recently, main danger speedy 22.36 PB here, keep safe
to lead, nearing a win, main danger. Wide runner, lacks mid race burn, tough ask Tip Toe: Kenneth Howat (Rockbank) Far from Alexanderia: John Weir-Smith (Dooen) Drawn to
Course You Will: Bruce Wellington (brookfield) Minnie Ha Ha: Raymond Fisher (Streatham) Snippyliss: Frank Meyer (Maryborough) Talented
Castilleja: Kevin Chivell (Sunbury) Placed in all disgraced last time out, keep safe find early bother, needs it easier.
Had a few runs from a spell now, may be value Second up, trip suits, hard to hold out but needs room early, must respect
three runs here, looms as a threat Shadow Bolt: Marcus Lloyd (anakie) Hit or miss Nangar Tiger: Gregory Schofield (Craigieburn)
Bryden Peter: Peter Dunlevey (Cohuna) Recent Blood Moon: Ashley Welsh (Breamlea) Injured Kilty’s Tiger: Kevin Quinn (Cundare) Small field
Dreamy Julian: Robert Cook (Munro) Better for early, serious threat if she pings Well supported of late, can make amends.
form is just steady, needs to improve last time out, may need more time helped in his recent win, tested
the run on debut, include in exotics. Cosmic George: Ian Robinson (Avoca) Yet to Fiery Miss: Jason Formosa (Heathcote) Hit or
Eleventh Hour: Julie Ward (Coomboona) Yet to Nikita’s Marlow: Desmond Lowe (Woorndoo) Infinite Senor: Julie Ward (Coomboona) Strong
Led for a long way here last time, place claims. effort when placed at Bendigo, keep safe win here in 18 tries, prefer to watch miss early, go close if she pings away
impress, wait until he shows more This publication takes all care Ellie’s Blue: John Rennie (Beeac) Solid effort Miss Utamurra: Janine Walker (Arcadia South)
Slipaway Whitey: Kevin Quinn (Cundare) Form Still In Play: Margaret Gray (Mount Cottrell) Wide Southwood Max: Chris Stanton (Clunes)
to date is just steady, prefer to watch
in compiling the TAB details but runner, may get shuffled back, tested Powerful chaser, racing with confidence, yes here three runs back, place. Should get a nice cart across, danger
cannot accept any responsibility Waikiki Creek: Brian Fothergill (Numurkah) Take Fright: David Taylor (Durham Lead) Draw Buca Doll: Jennifer Torr (Myers Flat) Been Blitzen Bell: Bill Cunningham (Wyndham Vale)
LEGEND for any errors. Readers are urged Racing with confidence, danger if crosses
Gold Attraction: Douglas Sheridan (Talbot)
suits, has good muster, main danger
Supreme Prince: Gary Hansen (Daisy Hill) No
missing the kick of late, place preferred.
Master McEvoy: Robert Cook (Munro)
Solid PB here, draw suits, looks a threat.
Fiery Nell: Gary Brett (Werribee) No luck when
F – Fell. FSH – First start here. FSTD –
to check TAB information with the
Better for the run here last week, keep safe. luck when resuming, can atone, has claims Struggling but does have talent, place claims. resuming, better than that, respect
First start this track and distance. NBT official lists before placing their Daintree Jim: Raymond Matthews (Arcadia Sharina Bomber: Shara Quinlan (Rushworth) A Izgrev: Malcolm Lowe (Woorndoo) Resumes Maximum Moo: Anita Courts (Lara) Missed a
– No best time. bets. South) Does not win enough races, outclassed. little one paced at present, must improve. from a spell, may need a run or two. place in her past seven runs, tested
28 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


Charles Aiken (Braves) and Craig Moller (Miners)

The Ballarat Miners had an impressive win
against Bendigo Braves 87-73 in front of a
vocal home crowd at the Mars Minerdome on
Saturday night. Pictures: Kate Healy
Braves' Matthew Andronicos

Adam Doyle (Braves) and Tristan Fisher (Miners) David Hogan (Braves)

Miners' Sam Short Miners' Davon Usher Chris Adkins (Braves) and Peter Hooley (Miners)

Marvin King-Davis (Miners) and Adam Doyle (Braves) Charles Aiken (Braves) and Craig Moller (Miners) Davon Usher (Miners) and Jake Cowling (Braves) Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 29


British star Joshua stops Klitschko Rebels hit

Super low
BOXING Joshua survived a knock-

ANTHONY Joshua deliv-

down for the first time in
his professional career in
in big loss
ered one of the great nights
in British boxing history
by stopping Ukrainian
the sixth round and looked
close to surrendering his
unbeaten record until his
to Kings
Wladimir Klitschko in the late bombardment forced SUPER RUGBY
11th round to be crowned the stoppage.
IBF, WBA and IBO world In a sensational fifth MELBOURNE’S case to
heavyweight champion round, Joshua knocked avoid the Super Rugby axe
in front of 90,000 fans at down Klitschko only to end hit a King-size hurdle in
Wembley Stadium. up hanging on desperately Port Elizabeth with the Re-
Britain’s unbeaten IBF at the end of the round as bels turning in their worst
title holder earned a sensa- the Ukrainian launched a performance of the season
tional victory by knocking remarkable comeback. with an insipid 44-3 loss.
down the 41-year-old for- The veteran had even The Rebels and the
mer champion twice in the looked the more likely win- Kings have their necks on
11th and penultimate round ner as he defied a 14-year the Super Rugby chopping
before the referee stepped age gap and was outboxing block with the competition
in to save Klitschko from Joshua in the latter stages set to downsize next year
any more punishment. until the Briton produced but only the South Africans
What was hailed as the a blistering finish to take appeared to be playing for
biggest fight night staged in his unbeaten record to 19 their lives.
a British ring lived up to its straight stoppage wins. The Kings, who sit bot-
billing. Both men had to dig deep tom of their conference yet
It was a thrilling contest and both looked close to ex- also claimed the Waratahs’
which saw both combat- haustion before the 27-year- scalp last week in a further
ants clamber off the canvas old Joshua’s youth, fitness sign of the weakness of
seemingly on the verge of and sheer power took over Australian rugby, posted six
defeat and looks destined in a penultimate round that unanswered tries with five
to be recalled as one of sent the huge crowd into ec- coming in the second half.
the great heavyweight title stasy as two barrages sent Melbourne lost halfback
fights. Klitschko down. CHAMP: Anthony Joshua lands a punch against Wladimir Klitschko. Picture: AP captain Nic Stirzaker on
the match eve to an an-
kle injury and then with

Blues stretch Kiwi

only two No.9s in the tour-
ing party, suffered a cruel
blow with his replacement
Mick Snowden going down
with foot problem midway

win streak to 15
through the first half.
Flanker Colby Fainga’a
and then five-eighth Ben
Volavola both shared the
duties through the match
but the Rebels attack lost
SUPER RUGBY It was the Brumb- ing him to cross after 31 Hawera got a chance structure and cohesion.
ies’ third loss in a row minutes. three minutes into the Primed for a first win in
THE Blues have extended and ninth consecutive Brumbies fullback Tom second half and kicked South Africa after a draw
New Zealand Super Rugby defeat to New Zealand Banks also showed glimps- truly to shave the deficit with the Sharks last week,
sides’ winning streak over opposition. es in attack, but was unable to two. Melbourne coach Tony Mc-
Australian opposition to The Blues dominated to hurt the Blues on the He put them in front Gahan said his team strug-
15 games, with an 18-12 possession from the outset scoreboard. with his third penalty after gled to recover from the key
victory over the Brumbies. on Sunday but were un- Brumbies captain Sam 51 minutes, as the Brumb- injuries.
Despite being last in the able to breach the Brumb- Carter’s decision to back ies refused to fold. “Losing Nic and then
New Zealand group, the ies dogged defence for their rolling maul to score But it didn’t take the Mick really hurt us,” McGa-
Blues were too good for the opening half hour a try rather than give men from Auckland long han said.
the conference-topping in front of 12,072 at GIO Wharenui Hawera a pen- to regain the lead and “I think we looked OK
Brumbies in a stark illus- Stadium. alty goal attempt on half- a well-worked lineout al- there for 15 minutes in at-
tration of the gulf between Winger Matt Duffie time didn’t pay dividends lowed Akira Ioane to drive tack and then we toiled
Kiwi outfits and their trans- broke the deadlock, with a and the blues went to the over for a try and make it hard but we just weren’t
Tasman rivals. George Moala offload help- break leading 8-3. 13-8. Sam Carter able to control the ball.”

Aussie punter signs Giants spoil Medhurst’s Bayern win fifth-straight

with Philadelphia 200-game milestone Bundesliga crown
GRIDIRON Eagles as a free agent. NETBALL were tied for significant pe- SOCCER ground on Leipzig when
“Excited for the oppor- riods in the fourth quarter. they were also held to a
CAMERON Johnston, the tunity to sign with the @ THE Giants have returned But the Giants went on BAYERN Munich have scoreless draw by Koln.
Geelong-raised Ohio State Eagles! Looking forward to to second position in Super a three-goal run late to se- wrapped up their fifth con- Bayern, who have 73
punter who dabbled with getting to Philadelphia to Netball with a 48-45 win cure their eighth win of the secutive Bundesliga title points from 31 games with
an AFL career, has been compete and learn!” John- over West Coast Fever at season and return to sec- with three games to play Leipzig on 63, showed no
signed by the Philadelphia ston tweeted. HBF Stadium. ond position, a point be- after turning on the flair in sign of nerves as first David
Eagles. The Eagles have a tradi- The Giants bounced hind the Melbourne Vixens. a 6-0 procession at lowly Alaba expertly converted a
The 25-year-old went tion of signing Australian back from a loss to the Coach Julie Fitzgerald Wolfsburg. free-kick on 19 minutes.
through the agony of not punters with Sav Rocca and Collingwood Magpies for was happy with the fight Second-placed RB Leip- Bundesliga top scorer
hearing his name called out Brad Wing spending time the three-goal victory in shown from her team to zig had earlier opened the Robert Lewandowski then
during the three-day, seven in Philadelphia. Perth, spoiling the 200th win another game that door for Bayern after be- thumped in a trademark
round NFL draft. Johnston was drafted by national league appear- could have gone either ing held to a 0-0 draw at strike from Thomas Mul-
But, minutes after the the Melbourne Demons in ance of captain Nat Med- way and hopes it continues home by second-bottom ler’s cutback and grabbed
draft ended on Saturday 2010, but the AFL club del- hurst. next Sunday in Adelaide Ingolstadt. his second just before the
Johnston announced he isted him at the end of the It was an intense and against the bottom-placed Borussia Dortmund interval as he moved on to
had been signed by the 2011 season. physical contest and scores Thunderbirds. missed the chance to gain 28 goals for the season.
30 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


Resurgent Pies end Geelong’s unbeaten run Adelaide

CATS V MAGPIES (78) win with a six-goals-
to-three third quarter.
worst game in 10 years in
the Anzac Day loss to Es-
Treloar and Steele Sidebot-
tom important.
top after
eased the pressure on
have The Pies led by a game-
high 42 points early in the
sendon, but he bounced
back with a match-winning
Travis Varcoe’s scything
runs off half-back helped
coach Nathan Buckley with final term but even then
a stunning 29-point win at
the MCG that ended Gee-
the job wasn’t done.
The Cats, renowned
33-possession effort.
Levi Greenwood applied
an old-fashioned hard tag
set up the win against his
old side, but he limped out
of the game with a ham-
long’s unbeaten run. strong finishers this season, on Joel Selwood that lim- string injury in the third. CROWS V TIGERS
With a 1-4 record going peppered the goals to fray ited the skipper to just 17 Geelong didn’t escape
to the match, the under- black-and-white nerves but THE Crows burst Rich-
touches. unscathed either, with
siege Magpies were given the deficit proved too great. mond’s bubble with a
Coming off a five-day Brandan Parfitt helped
little chance of victory on By his own admission, 76-point belting on Sunday
break, Collingwood’s mid- from the ground with a
Sunday but dug deep to set Collingwood skipper Scott to become the AFL’s only
field runners impressed, hamstring injury in the fi-
Scott Pendlebury up the 15.17 (107) to 11.12 Pendlebury played his unbeaten side.
with Taylor Adams, Adam nal term.
The Crows won 21.14

Dees back on track

(140) to 10.6 (64) in Ade-
laide, ruthlessly dishing out
the Tigers’ first loss of the
season. After Collingwood’s
upset win against Geelong,
it left the Crows perched
BOMBERS V DEMONS alone at the top.
Adelaide captain Taylor
THE Demons have burst Walker booted five goals
back to form, tearing Es- and his deputy Rory Sloane
sendon apart in the second (three goals, 33 touches) was
half for a 38-point win. superb as Richmond folded
Trailing by two points at after a promising start.
halftime, Melbourne kicked The Tigers, with captain
13 goals to six in the second Trent Cotchin influential,
half and won convincingly, led 6.3 to 5.0 at quarter-
17.10 (112) to 10.14 (74). time after a fast-paced
It broke the Dees’ run of opening. But Adelaide’s fet-
three straight losses and is ed attack then clicked into
also their second win this gear, kicking 13 of the next
season at Etihad Stadium, 14 goals in the game.
where they have an abys- The Crows’ onslaught
mal record. started in a powerful sec-
Melbourne and Essendon ond quarter which re-
made five changes apiece turned 6.6 to Richmond’s
for the match and the De- one lonely goal – Walker
mons ran the Bombers off slotting three for the half.
their feet after halftime. With their midfield gain-
The Bombers did not ing ascendancy, Adelaide
kick a goal from midway took a 27-point lead into
through the third term un- half time before rapidly kill-
til 11 minutes into the last ing off the Tigers in the third.
quarter, by which time the The Crows, delighting
game was over. the 51,069-strong crowd,
After an error-riddled first RUN RAGGED: Jordan Lewis, left, and Nathan Jones of the Demons and Jobe Watson of the Bombers contest piled on seven goals to none
half, Melbourne opened up the ball during Melbourne’s win on Sunday. Picture: AAP in a devastating half hour.
the game and it looked like Adelaide’s Sloane, Matt
Essendon was paying for possessions in the third his goalkicking yips return- the crowd, but it was his kicking for goal in the first Crouch (38 disposals), Brad
their five-day break. term as the Demons shored ing with a vengeance. one highlight for the game. half cost them dearly. Crouch (25 possessions)
The Bombers were com- up their play. Daniher had kicked a He was far from the only “We didn’t capitalise on and Rory Atkins (23 touches)
ing off the Anzac Day win Tom McDonald was ex- wasteful 0.6 when he took Essendon star to have an off our opportunities in the first were prolific ball-winners.
over Collingwood and rest- cellent in defence for the a mark in the third term. day – Zach Merrett sprayed half and that meant when Dustin Martin’s 24 pos-
ed several players. Demons, while Jack Watts He played on and missed his disposals and Jobe Wat- Melbourne kicked a couple sessions lacked usual im-
Essendon key defender and Christian Petracca that shot as well, but was son was quiet – but Dani- of goals early in the second pact and Richmond’s de-
Michael Hurley was best starred with four goals each. given a reprieve because her’s wayward radar hurt. half, we then had to be re- fence – which entered the
afield in the first half with Essendon key forward the mark had not been set. Coach John Worsfold did active,” Worsfold said. “It game having conceded the
16 disposals and nine Joe Daniher personified his He finally kicked accu- not single out Daniher, but could have potentially been fewest points in the league
marks, but he only had two team’s sloppy ball use, with rately, raising his arms to acknowledged their poor the other way around.” – leaked heavily.


GWS 3.3 6.3 8.6 11.9 (75) PORT ADELAIDE 7.4 11.11 18.14 22.18 (150) MELBOURNE 2.4 4.6 12.9 17.10 (112)
W. BULLDOGS 2.4 6.12 7.17 9.19 (73) BRISBANE 2.2 3.4 7.5 10.7 (67) ESSENDON 2.2 4.8 6.12 10.14 (74)
Goals: GWS: J Cameron 4, J Patton 3, T Greene 3, R Lobb. Western Bulldogs: Goals: Port Adelaide: C Dixon 4, J Impey 4, R Gray 4, J Trengove 3, S Powell- Goals: Melbourne: C Petracca 4, J Watts 4, J Garlett 3, M Hannan 3, C P W L D F A % Pts
J Stringer 3, M Bontempelli 3, C Daniel 2, M Suckling. Best: GWS: Z Williams, Pepper 2, B Ebert K Amon, O Wines, P Ryder, S Gray. Brisbane Lions: E Hipwood Pedersen, J Lewis, T McDonald. Essendon: C Hooker 2 O Fantasia 2 A ADELAIDE 6 6 - - 806 501 160.9 24
J Patton, T Greene, J Cameron, J Kelly, D Shiel, T Scully. Western Bulldogs: 2, M Robinson 2, C Beams, D Zorko, J Schache, L Taylor, M Close, T Cutler. McGrath A Tipungwuti D Parish J Daniher T Bellchambers T Colyer. GWS 6 5 1 - 652 489 133.3 20
J Macrae, M Bontempelli, C Daniel, J Johannissen, L Hunter, L Dahlhaus, Best: Port Adelaide: C Wingard, C Dixon, S Powell-Pepper, J Pittard, S Gray. Best: Melbourne: T McDonald J Viney J Watts J Lewis C Oliver C Pedersen
GEELONG 6 5 1 - 691 524 131.9 20
J Stringer. Injuries: GWS: S Reid (hamstring). Western Bulldogs: T Liberatore Brisbane Lions: L Taylor, S Martin, M Robinson, B Keays, C Beams. Injuries: C Petracca M Hibberd. Essendon: M Hurley B Goddard A McGrath. Injuries:
(concussion) Tom Campbell (ankle) replaced in the selected side by Bailey Nil. Reports: Nil. Crowd: 13,638 at the Gabba. Melbourne: Nil. Essendon: M Brown (ankle) P Ambrose (quad, replaced in RICHMOND 6 5 1 - 578 516 112.0 20
Dale. Reports: GWS: Toby Greene reported for striking Caleb Daniel in the selected side by M Dea). Reports: Nil. Crowd: 44,040 at Etihad Stadium. PORT ADELAIDE 6 4 2 - 706 464 152.2 16
third quarter. Western Bulldogs: Nil. Crowd: 14,048 at Manuka Oval. N MELBOURNE 3.4 7.8 12.9 16.11 (107) WEST COAST 6 4 2 - 586 518 113.1 16
GOLD COAST 4.4 7.6 11.8 14.10 (94) COLLINGWOOD 3.5 7.9 13.12 15.17 (107) WESTERN BULLDOGS 6 4 2 - 567 513 110.5 16
CARLTON 1.3 5.4 10.7 15.7 (97) Goals: North Melbourne: B Brown 6, N Hrovat 2, J Anderson, J Simpkin, GEELONG 3.1 5.4 8.7 11.12 (78) MELBOURNE 6 3 3 - 594 548 108.4 12
SYDNEY 3.2 6.6 8.10 11.12 (78) K Turner, L Hansen, L McDonald, M Williams, S Gibson, S Higgins. Gold Goals: Collingwood: A Fasolo 2, D Moore 2, A Treloar, B Maynard, D Wells, ST KILDA 6 3 3 - 581 548 106.0 12
Goals: Carlton: M Wright 4, L Casboult 2, M Kreuzer 2, B Smedts, C Curnow, Coast: T Lynch 3, B Matera 2, C Ah Chee 2, M Barlow 2, P Wright 2, A J Crisp, J Elliott, M Cox, S Pendlebury, S Sidebottom, T Broomhead, T ESSENDON 6 3 3 - 531 579 91.7 12
E Curnow, J Weitering, K Simpson, P Cripps, S Petrevski-Seton. Sydney: Sexton, G Ablett, J Bowes. Best: North Melbourne: B Brown S Higgins Phillips, W Hoskin-Elliott. Geelong: N Cockatoo 2, B Parfitt, D Lang, H Taylor, FREMANTLE 6 3 3 - 453 602 75.2 12
T Papley 2, W Hayward 2, C Sinclair, D Hannebery, I Heeney, J Kennedy, J Ziebell T Garner N Hrovat A Mullett. Gold Coast: G Ablett A Sexton J J Bews M Blicavs, M Duncan, P Dangerfield, S Motlop, T Hawkins. Best: COLLINGWOOD 6 2 4 - 490 525 93.3 8
L Franklin, L Parker, Z Jones. Best: Carlton: A Silvagni, M Murphy, M Wright, Harbrow J Lyons T Miller M Barlow. Injuries: North Melbourne: Nil. Collingwood: T Adams, S Pendlebury, L Greenwood, J Crisp, S Sidebottom, GOLD COAST 6 2 4 - 581 653 89.0 8
B Gibbs, S Docherty, S Rowe, K Simpson. Sydney: J Lloyd, I Heeney, J Gold Coast: K Kolodjashnij (illness) replaced in the selected side by M Shaw, B Grundy, L Dunn. Geelong: Z Tuohy, M Duncan, A Mackie, J Bews,
CARLTON 6 2 4 - 436 583 74.8 8
Kennedy, L Parker. Injuries: Carlton: J Silvagni (shoulder) J Weitering (thigh). M Rosa (concussion). Reports: Nil. Crowd: 15,431 at Etihad Stadium T Lonergan. Injuries: Collingwood: T Varcoe (tight hamstring). Geelong:
Sydney: G Rohan (head) K Tippett (thigh, replaced in selected side by J Rose). B Parfitt (right hamstring). Reports: Nil. Crowd: 46,457 at the MCG NORTH MELBOURNE 6 1 5 - 526 607 86.7 4
Reports: Nil. Crowd: 32,678 at the MCG. WEST COAST 7.2 10.5 13.6 16.7 (103) BRISBANE LIONS 6 1 5 - 482 705 68.4 4
FREMANTLE 1.2 3.2 6.4 9.8 (62) ADELAIDE 5.0 11.6 18.11 21.14 (140) HAWTHORN 6 1 5 - 461 707 65.2 4
ST KILDA 3.5 6.8 14.13 19.16 (130) Goals: West Coast: J Kennedy 6, J Hill 3, M LeCras 3, J Darling 2, L Duggan, RICHMOND 6.3 7.3 8.3 10.4 (64) SYDNEY 6 - 6 - 454 593 76.6 -
HAWTHORN 2.1 3.4 4.5 8.7 (55) M Priddis. Fremantle: C McCarthy 3, S Kersten 2, B Grey, H Balic, L Neale, Goals: Adelaide: T Walker 5, T Lynch 3, R Sloane 3, C Cameron 2, J Jenkins, E NEXT WEEK
Goals: St Kilda: N Riewoldt 4, J Bruce 3, T Membrey 3, D Roberton 2, J Gresham M Johnson. Best: West Coast: J Kennedy, E Yeo, J McGovern, M Priddis, Betts, R Douglas, S Jacobs, B Smith, M Crouch, A Otten, W Milera. Richmond: D Friday: St Kilda v GWS Giants (Etihad Stadium); Saturday: North Melbourne v Adelaide
2, K Stevens 2, M Weller 2, J Carlisle. Hawthorn: B McEvoy 2, D Howe, J S Mitchell, J Hill. Fremantle: C Blakely, E Langdon, A Sandilands, M Johnson, Rioli 2, J Riewoldt 2, O Markov 2, D Butler, D Martin, K Lambert, B Houli. Best: Crows (Blundstone Arena), Collingwood v Carlton (MCG), Port Adelaide v West Coast
Gunston, J Sicily, L Breust, T Mitchell, T O’Brien. Best: St Kilda: J Steven, N C McCarthy. Injuries: West Coast: N Vardy (elbow), K Mutimer (knee), Adelaide: R Sloane, M Crouch, S Jacobs, T Lynch, T Walker, R Laird Richmond: Eagles (Adelaide Oval), Gold Coast Suns v Geelong Cats (Metricon Stadium), Western
Riewoldt, K Stevens, S Ross, J Steele, N Brown. Hawthorn: B McEvoy, T Mitchell, L Duggan (corked leg). Fremantle: Nil. Reports: Nil Crowd: 40,836 at T Cotchin, D Martin, K Lambert, T Nankervis. Injuries: Adelaide: Nil. Richmond: Bulldogs v Richmond (Etihad Stadium); Sunday: Sydney Swans v Brisbane Lions (SCG),
L Hodge. Injuries: Nil. Reports: Nil. Crowd: 15,571 at Aurora Stadium. Domain Stadium. Nil. Reports: Nil. Crowd: 51,069 at Adelaide Oval Melbourne v Hawthorn (MCG), Fremantle v Essendon (Domain Stadium) Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 31


Wingard a revelation in midfield Rohan

POWER “He’s been able to influ-

PORT Adelaide coach

ence the game a different
way – not so much on the
of serious
Ken Hinkley says Chad
Wingard’s new midfield
role is enabling the two-
scoreboard,” Hinkley said.
“Our whole pre-season we
trained Chad to play in the
time All-Australian to influ- midfield for that reason. SWANS
ence games more and help “I love when we play fast
the Power play a more ex- football … but it’s about hav- SYDNEY forward Gary Ro-
pansive style of football. ing composure and doing han has been cleared to
For the second consecu- it at the right moments and leave hospital a day after
tive week Wingard played we’re getting better at that.” his head hit the ground
almost exclusively in the Hinkley admitted it was heavily following a spectac-
midfield – where he trained a tough call to take Wingard ular collision in his team’s
during the pre-season – af- from the position where he loss to Carlton.
ter opening the campaign in won All-Australian honours While obviously sore,
the forward role he excelled in 2013 and 2015, but Rob- Rohan was cleared of any
in for the past four years. bie Gray being able to play structural damage.
After accumulating 25 as a permanent forward Rohan flew for a mark
disposals in last week’s has made it more palatable. in the third quarter of Sat-
90-point victory over Carl- “We think his compo- urday’s match at the MCG,
ton, Wingard was even sure around the ball, like but he toppled over in the
more influential at the Gab- Robbie’s, is quite good and clash with Carlton defend-
ba on Saturday night, help- he works really well,” Hin- er Sam Rowe.
ing himself to 31 touches kley said. The head and neck of
in Port’s 22.18 (150) to 10.7 “You weigh up how good the injury-plagued Swan
(67) win over Brisbane. he is as a forward – do you took the full force of the
Although these were two want to take that away and impact as he crashed to the
games the Power would ex- put him in the midfield? ground.
pect to win, Hinkley is try- “Obviously that has al- Teammate Dan Han-
ing to build a system where lowed Robbie to stay forward nebery said it was tough
the left-footer can influence as well and some other play- to watch footage of the in-
games against top sides. ers to play different roles.” MIDFIELD MOVE: Chad Wingard has impressed in his new role. Picture: AAP cident. “He messaged me
back before ... he’s going to
fly back to Sydney today,

Fyfe faces nervous

but he’s OK and he’s walking
around,” Hannebery said.
Rohan lay motionless for
several minutes because of
the concussion.

wait over elbow

Unusually, the MCG’s
motorised stretcher was
on the ground even before
play was stopped.
Rohan was alert in the
rooms and he was then
DOCKERS will have to wait to see how four clearances in the 16.7 The Eagles led Freman- taken by ambulance to Ep-
the AFL’s match review (103) to 9.8 (62) loss. tle by 45 points at halftime worth Hospital.
FREMANTLE skipper Nat panel views the situation. “I think you have to un- and cruised to victory from “He was taken to hospital
Fyfe faces a nervous wait Fremantle coach Ross derstand he’s human,” Lyon there. where he had precaution-
after knocking Elliot Yeo Lyon said he didn’t see the said of Fyfe. “When the ball Josh Kennedy won the ary scans and was cleared
to the ground with a stray incident, but was confident is going into their forward Ross Glendinning medal of any structural damage,
elbow during the Dockers’ the hit was a “non issue”. 50 and not coming out it courtesy of his six-goal but was confirmed to have
41-point loss to West Coast. “All I know is Nathan is a makes it hard for midfield- haul, but the award could suffered a concussion,” the
Fyfe was facing the op- ball player who cops a lot of ers to get a bit of the ball.” have easily gone to Jeremy Swans said in a statement.
posite way and attempting attention,” Lyon said. West Coast’s fourth McGovern. It was unclear how long
to wriggle free of Yeo’s close “Sometimes players stay straight derby win was wel- Defender McGovern tal- the injury would keep Ro-
checking when he struck down to milk free kicks.” come news after a week lied 22 possessions and 13 han out of the action, but
the Eagle in the jaw with a Fyfe was unusually qui- in which they copped marks in a masterful dis- the severity of the impact
swinging arm. et in the derby, with the heavy criticism after their play, while Yeo (32 dispos- would suggest he will not
Although the contact Brownlow medallist rack- 50-point loss to Hawthorn als, 14 marks) was also in- play in Sunday’s game
seemed accidental, Fyfe ing up just 19 disposals and at the MCG. fluential. Nat Fyfe against Brisbane.

Hawks’ attitude must change: Hodge

HAWKS Hawks in deep trouble with “Losses to that extent could do is start pointing
a 1-5 record. just don’t cut it at AFL level. fingers at each other.”
VETERAN Luke Hodge has Before beating the Ea- “Clarko is right – if we While Tom Mitchell has
put the heat on the Haw- gles, Hawthorn had also can’t put a better effort on the made a successful start at
thorn players, saying the suffered beltings from Gold field, we’re going to have to Hawthorn, fellow high-pro-
biggest change at the strug- Coast and Geelong and make quite a few changes.” file recruit Jaeger O’Meara
gling club must be their at- Hodge said they were in Hodge added morale at was quiet on Saturday.
titude. uncharted waters. the club was good and said Hodge said it would be
Saturday’s resounding “I guess it could go two they would not splinter, de- unfair to put the spotlight
75-point loss to St Kilda ways, whether it’s through spite their poor form. on O’Meara, who has a his-
ended their 19-game win- selection or it’s … a change “Even thought we’ve tory of knee problems.
ning streak in Launceston of game style,” Hodge told had some big losses, it’s still “Jaeger has played three
and had coach Alastair Channel Seven’s Game Day. been a pretty good place to games in two years,” Hodge
Clarkson warning of cata- “Either way, it’s the atti- be around,” he said. “If you said. “I don’t think we had
strophic change tude of the players – in the asked any person on our list, many good players apart
It undid the good work space of a month, we can’t we’re not going to shy away – from Tom Mitchell yester-
NO BLAME:Tom Mitchell is one of the Hawks to have from last weekend’s win have two 86-point losses we’re going to work together. day. To single out Jaeger …
made a strong start to the season. Picture: AAP over West Coast and left the and a 75-point loss. “The worst thing we is pretty harsh.”
32 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017

Lions’ unbeaten start get home
SUNBURY continued its
by barest
fantastic start to the Ballarat
Netball League A grade sea-
son with a 28-goal win over
Bacchus Marsh – making CHNL
it three from three to start HEPBURN registered its sec-
the year. ond win of the Central High-
Sunbury won every quar- lands Netball League A grade
ter, but coach Adam Boldis- competition by the barest of
ton said the scoreboard did margins, defeating Gordon
not truly reflect the match. by one goal.
He said his group were tested Gordon was denied its first
against a physical Bacchus win of the year and remains
Marsh side. alongside Smythesdale as the
Boldiston was pleased only teams without victory.
with the group’s response Springbank flexed its
and felt the team executed muscle against the previ-
well under pressure as it shot ously-undefeated Clunes,
to the top of the ladder. taking the points 74-40.
“We had to work really Springbank is now four from
hard today, the score didn’t four after the 34-goal victory
indicate just how tough it ON THE BOARD: Redan's Emma Inverarity passes the ball as Redan recorded its first win of the season with a win. It joins Learmonth and
was out there. The girls had seven-goal victory over East Point. Picture: Lachlan Bence Dunnstown in the top three,
to push the entire 60 min- having not dropped a game
utes,” Boldiston said. get a sniff. It was the mental elimination final. Boldiston ball League commitments. there. So we’re just building yet – both had comfortable
“They maintained their toughness to stick at it when felt the side was well-placed “This year we’re a lot more on those and adding the ad- 44-goal wins.
composure. There was a lot there were lots of bodies be- to again feature in the upper steady. Defensively we’re re- ditional few players in. Buninyong made a suc-
of body contact out there ing thrown around. rungs of the ladder. ally strong. Now we just need “It’ll be a tougher match, cessful trip to Beaufort and
today, they had to stick to do- “It was good to have a Sunbury faces Darley next to convert on the scoreboard but I’m sure the B graders came home with a three-
ing the basics well, so when tough hit-out today which week in what Boldiston be- at the other end. But the will rise to the challenge.” goal victory. Carngham
we did that and executed made us work and prepare lieves will begin a testing run signs are looking good, it’s Ash Hardy was a “stand- scored a 34-goal win over
that that’s when we’d get a bit for the weeks ahead – espe- of matches. It will be with- early days still. out” in goal defense. While Smythesdale – 54 goals to 20.
of a run on. When we started cially against some of the out three key players for the “A lot of my team have fellow defender Monique Waubra also had a close win,
to get a bit frantic and throw Ballarat sides coming up.” clash as Chloe Curran, Ruth played together in previous Clark and mid-courter Lau- defeating Bungaree 41-38
a few long balls was when we Last year Sunbury finished Smith and Tarryn Munro will teams, so we have those com- ren Gilchrist were among while Newlyn had a 22-goal
allowed Bacchus Marsh to fourth before exiting in the all miss due to Victorian Net- binations and connections the best. triumph over Skipton.

C GRADE: Buninyong 41 d Beaufort 27, Carngham 41 d Creek 0, Dunolly 0, Maldon 0, Maryborough Rovers 0, Navarre Ladder: Great Western 12, Tatyoon 12, Hawkesdale
NETBALL Smythesdale 15, Learmonth 43 d Creswick 24, Dunnstown 41 d 0, Talbot 0 Macarthur 12, Moyston Willaura 12, Caramut 12, Penshurst
BALLARAT Ballan 23, Hepburn 39 d Gordon 30, Rokewood 36 d Daylesford C GRADE: Avoca 48 d Campbells Creek 27, Lexton 54 d 4, Glenthompson-Dunkeld 4, Wickliffe Lake Bolac 4,
28, Newlyn 38 d Skipton 28, Springbank 32 d Clunes 26, Newstead 22, Royal Park 25 d Maldon 22, Natte Bealiba Ararat Eagles 0, Lismore Derrinallum 0, SMW Rovers 0,
29/04/2017 Bungaree 46 d Waubra 20 36 d Dunolly 25, Trentham 51 d Talbot 7, Carisbrook 43 d Woorndoo-Mortlake 0
A GRADE: Sunbury 53 d Bacchus Marsh 25, Darley 43 d Melton Ladder: Bungaree 16, 255; Learmonth 16, 240; Buninyong Maryborough Rovers 34, Harcourt 59 d Navarre 28
20, Sebastopol 49 d Lake Wendouree 46, Redan 42 d East 15/UNDER: Woorndoo-Mortlake 46 d Caramut 10, Great
16, 186; Creswick 12, 236; Rokewood 12, 51; Springbank Ladder: Avoca 8, Carisbrook 8, Lexton 8, Natte Bealiba 8, Western 25 d Ararat Eagles 7, Moyston Willaura 15 d Wickliffe
Point 35, North Ballarat City 15 d Ballarat 12 12, 148; Newlyn 12, 127; Clunes 8, 126; Hepburn 8, 95; Harcourt 4, Navarre 4, Newstead 4, Royal Park 4, Trentham 4,
Ladder: Sunbury 12 PTS, 215%; North Ballarat City 8, 151; Lake Bolac 10, Penshurst 32 d Lismore Derrinallum 3
Dunnstown 8, 85; Beaufort 8, 84; Gordon 4, 101; Skipton 4, 63; Campbells Creek 0, Dunolly 0, Maldon 0, Maryborough Rovers
Sebastopol 8, 106; Melton South 8, 78; Darley 4, 137; East Ladder: Woorndoo-Mortlake 12, Penshurst 12, Glenthompson-
Waubra 4, 58; Carngham 4, 57; Daylesford 0, 56; Ballan 0, 50; 0, Talbot 0
Point 4, 112; Redan 4, 102; Lake Wendouree 4, 102; Bacchus Smythesdale 0, 19 17/UNDER: Avoca 32 d Campbells Creek 23, Lexton 30 d Dunkeld 12, Tatyoon 8, Great Western 8, Moyston Willaura 8,
Marsh 4, 70; Ballarat 0, 72; Melton 0, 43 17/UNDER: Buninyong 38 d Beaufort 10, Carngham 38 d Newstead 15, Maldon 26 d Royal Park 5, Dunolly 21 d Natte Hawkesdale Macarthur 8, Caramut 4, Wickliffe Lake Bolac 0,
B GRADE: Sunbury 74 d Bacchus Marsh 20, Darley 41 d Melton Smythesdale 25, Learmonth 31 d Creswick 16, Dunnstown 30 d Bealiba 18, Trentham 36 d Talbot 16, Maryborough Rovers 45 d Lismore Derrinallum 0, Ararat Eagles 0, SMW Rovers 0
35, Lake Wendouree 72 d Sebastopol 20, East Point 35 d Ballan 19, Hepburn 36 d Gordon 14, Rokewood 31 d Daylesford Carisbrook 7, Navarre 27 d Harcourt 10 13/UNDER: Caramut 17 d Woorndoo-Mortlake 16, Ararat
Redan 24, North Ballarat City 48 d Ballarat 46 11, Newlyn 22 d Skipton 14, Clunes 33 d Springbank 15, Ladder: Avoca 8, Dunolly 8, Maryborough Rovers 8, Trentham Eagles 7 d Great Western 6, Hawkesdale Macarthur 30 d
Ladder: Sunbury 12, 196; Lake Wendouree 8, 246; Darley 8, Bungaree 49 d Waubra 7 8, Harcourt 4, Lexton 4, Maldon 4, Natte Bealiba 4, Newstead SMW Rovers 1, Moyston Willaura 21 d Wickliffe Lake Bolac 2,
118; North Ballarat City 8, 109; Melton South 8, 106; Ballarat Ladder: Buninyong 16, 539; Learmonth 16, 334; Hepburn 4, Campbells Creek 0, Carisbrook 0, Navarre 0, Royal Park Penshurst 40 d Lismore Derrinallum 2
4, 115; East Point 4, 95; Sebastopol 4, 27; Redan 0, 64; Melton 16, 250; Clunes 14, 168; Bungaree 12, 300; Newlyn 12, 95; 0, Talbot 0 Ladder: Glenthompson-Dunkeld 12, Penshurst 12, Great
0, 64; Bacchus Marsh 0, 50 Creswick 8, 176; Rokewood 8, 143; Gordon 8, 110; Beaufort 15/UNDER: Avoca 42 d Campbells Creek 8, Lexton 22 d Western 8, Moyston Willaura 8, Hawkesdale Macarthur 8,
C GRADE: Sunbury 39 d Bacchus Marsh 17, Lake Wendouree 8, 71; Springbank 8, 63; Skipton 6, 89; Carngham 4, 59; Newstead 8, Maldon 36 d Royal Park 5, Natte Bealiba 30 d Ararat Eagles 8, Caramut 8, Tatyoon 8, Woorndoo-Mortlake 0,
48 d Sebastopol 17, Melton 27 drew with Darley 27, Redan 31 Dunnstown 4, 41; Waubra 4, 37; Ballan 0, 34; Daylesford 0, 32; Dunolly 17, Talbot 46 d Trentham 7, Maryborough Rovers 46 d SMW Rovers 0, Wickliffe Lake Bolac 0, Lismore Derrinallum 0
d East Point 24, Ballarat 35 D North Ballarat City 18 Smythesdale 0, 22 Carisbrook 15, Harcourt 18 d Navarre 13
Ladder: Sunbury 12, 180; Melton South 12, 140; Ballarat 8, 15/UNDER: Buninyong 45 d Beaufort 5, Carngham 20 d Ladder: Avoca 8, Maryborough Rovers 8, Natte Bealiba 8, CENTRAL HIGHLANDS NETBALL LEAGUE
168; Redan 8, 116; Lake Wendouree 4, 69; Bacchus Marsh 4, Smythesdale 14, Learmonth 33 d Creswick 7, Ballan 26 d Talbot 8, Dunolly 4, Harcourt 4, Lexton 4, Maldon 4, Navarre
73; Sebastopol 4, 35; Darley 2, 89; Melton 2, 67; East Point 0,
Dunnstown 20, Hepburn 43 d Gordon 17, Daylesford 20 d 4, Campbells Creek 0, Carisbrook 0, Newstead 0, Royal Park 0,
72; North Ballarat City 0, 48 Rokewood 16, Newlyn 27 d Skipton 11, Springbank 26 d Trentham 0 13/unders
D GRADE: Bacchus Marsh 34 d Sunbury 22, Lake Wendouree Clunes 21, Bungaree 40 d Waubra 3 13/UNDER: Avoca 25 d Campbells Creek 14, Newstead 21 Katelyn Sutton and Eleisha Phelps (Coaches, Learmonth)
50 d Sebastopol 29, Melton 30 d Darley 18, East Point 23 d Ladder: Learmonth 16, 823; Buninyong 16, 551; Bungaree 16, d Lexton 1, Maldon 49 d Royal Park 0, Natte Bealiba 43 d Makayla Griffin (Creswick)
Redan 21, Ballarat 29 drew with North Ballarat City 29 207; Hepburn 12, 175; Creswick 12, 129; Daylesford 12, 97; Dunolly 2, Trentham 16 d Talbot 13, Maryborough Rovers 27 d Scarlett Eason (Buninyong)
Ladder: Melton South 12, 124; Bacchus Marsh 8, 194; East Springbank 12, 95; Newlyn 8, 161; Clunes 8, 101; Rokewood Carisbrook 8, Harcourt 41 d Navarre 6 Kailah Scott (Skipton)
Point 8, 114; Sunbury 8, 108; Lake Wendouree 6, 139; Melton 8, 74; Ballan 8, 71; Gordon 4, 71; Dunnstown 4, 60; Carngham Ladder: Avoca 8, Maryborough Rovers 8, Natte Bealiba 8, Chelsea Noonan (Creswick)
4, 95; Sebastopol 4, 58; Redan 2, 95; Ballarat 2, 92; North 4, 57; Skipton 4, 52; Smythesdale 0, 46; Beaufort 0, 45; Trentham 8, Carisbrook 4, Harcourt 4, Maldon 4, Newstead 4, Carly Elderfield (Hepburn)
Ballarat City 2, 70; Darley 0, 48 Waubra 0, 13 Talbot 4, Campbells Creek 0, Dunolly 0, Lexton 0, Navarre 0, Hannah Atkinson (Buninyong)
19/UNDER: Bacchus Marsh 28 d Sunbury 16, Lake Wendouree 13/UNDER: Buninyong 40 d Beaufort 1, Smythesdale 20 d Royal Park 0 Olivia Leonard (Daylesford)
33 d Sebastopol 15, Melton 40 d Darley 22, Redan 58 d East Carngham 12, Creswick 20 d Learmonth 15, Dunnstown 17 d Laura Cochrane (Creswick)
Point 5, Ballarat 38 d North Ballarat City 34 Ballan 6, Hepburn 26 d Gordon 8, Daylesford 14 d Rokewood MININERA DISTRICT
A GRADE: Woorndoo-Mortlake 72 d Caramut 19, Hawkesdale Zenay McCahon (Newlyn)
Ladder: Melton South 12, 166; Redan 8, 480; Bacchus Marsh 8, 0, Newlyn 16 d Skipton 13, Springbank 17 d Clunes 6, Waubra Jarrah Halloran (Smythesdale- Emergency)
202; Ballarat 8, 170; Melton 8, 130; North Ballarat City 4, 100; 15 d Bungaree 12 Macarthur 43 d SMW Rovers 30, Moyston Willaura 56 d
Wickliffe Lake Bolac 34, Penshurst 55 d Lismore Derrinallum 34 15/unders
Lake Wendouree 4, 84; Sebastopol 4, 45; Darley 0, 49; Sunbury Ladder: Buninyong 16, 1453; Hepburn 16, 293; Smythesdale
Ladder: Woorndoo 12 PTS, Penshurst 12, Tatyoon 12, SMW Rebecca McCahon (Coach, Newlyn)
0, 48; East Point 0, 20 12, 222; Creswick 12, 173; Newlyn 12, 169; Waubra 12,
Rovers 8, Moyston Willaura 8, Glenthompson-Dunkeld 8, Makayla Anderson (Gordon)
98; Beaufort 12, 64; Learmonth 8, 128; Dunnstown 8, 77;
CENTRAL HIGHLANDS Carngham 8, 66; Springbank 8, 48; Skipton 4, 91; Bungaree 4, Hawkesdale Macarthur 8, Ararat Eagles 4, Lismore Derrinallum Kaitlyn Balazic (Learmonth)
A GRADE: Buninyong 43 d Beaufort 40, Carngham 54 d 76; Daylesford 4, 73; Clunes 0, 50; Gordon 0, 38; Ballan 0, 21; 0, Wickliffe Lake Bolac 0, Caramut 0, Great Western 0 Anais Clifford (Ballan)
Smythesdale 20, Learmonth 67 d Creswick 23, Dunnstown 77 Rokewood 0, 7 B GRADE: Woorndoo-Mortlake 34 d Caramut 26, Ararat Isabella Dwyer (Newlyn)
d Ballan 33, Hepburn 44 d Gordon 43, Newlyn 55 d Skipton 33, Eagles 40 d Great Western 19, SMW Rovers 42 d Hawkesdale Emily Findlay (Learmonth)
Springbank 74 d Clunes 40, Waubra 41 D Bungaree 38 MARYBOROUGH CASTLEMAINE Macarthur 18, Moyston Willaura 40 D Wickliffe Lake Bolac 31, Kaiah McCahon (Newlyn)
Ladder: Learmonth 16 PTS, 344%; Springbank 16, 166; DISTRICT Penshurst 34 d Lismore Derrinallum 14 Jessica Smith (Learmonth)
Dunnstown 16, 166; Clunes 12, 150; Newlyn 12, 113; A GRADE: Avoca 45 d Campbells Creek 29, Lexton 38 d Ladder: SMW Rovers 12, Penshurst 12 Tatyoon 12, Woorndoo- Romy Streat (Daylesford)
Hepburn 12, 103; Waubra 12, 55; Rokewood 8, 123; Beaufort Newstead 31, Maldon 48 d Royal Park 40, Natte Bealiba 47 d Mortlake 12, Glenthompson-Dunkeld 8, Moyston Willaura Abbie Toohey (Gordon)
8, 116; Creswick 8, 101; Buninyong 6, 85; Ballan 6, 74; Dunolly 35, Trentham 85 d Talbot 16, Carisbrook 34 drew with 8, Ararat Eagles 4, Hawkesdale Macarthur 4, Wickliffe Lake 17/unders
Bungaree 4, 91; Carngham 4, 65; Skipton 4, 47; Gordon 0, 68; Maryborough Rovers 34, Harcourt 28 d Navarre 24 Bolac 0, Cararmut 0, Lismore Derrinallum 0, Great Western 0 Stephanie Blyth (Coach, Newlyn)
Smythesdale 0, 39 Ladder: Avoca 8, Lexton 8, Natte Bealiba 8, Trentham 8, C GRADE: Woorndoo-Mortlake 50 d Caramut 13, Great
B GRADE: Beaufort 34 d Buninyong 33, Carngham 40 d Sarah Campbell (Newlyn)
Carisbrook 6, Harcourt 4, Maldon 4, Newstead 4, Maryborough Western 31 d Ararat Eagles 12, Hawkesdale Macarthur 33 d
Smythesdale 19, Learmonth 43 d Creswick 18, Dunnstown 29 Rovers 2, Campbells Creek 0, Dunolly 0, Navarre, Royal Park SMW Rovers 23, Moyston Willaura 41 D Wickliffe Lake Bolac Montana Mair (Buninyong)
d Ballan 15, Gordon 40 d Hepburn 31, Newlyn 38 d Skipton 13, 0, Talbot 0 8, Penshurst 37 d Lismore Derrinallum 3 Chelsea Mason (Carngham Linton)
Springbank 38 d Clunes 25, Waubra 34 D Bungaree 29 B GRADE: Avoca 59 d Campbells Creek 19, Lexton 54 d Ladder: Penshurst 12, Glenthompson-Dunkeld 12, Woorndoo- Freya Maude (Newlyn)
Ladder: Learmonth 16, 339; Springbank 16, 207; Newlyn 16, Newstead 14, Royal Park 31 d Maldon 26, Natte Bealiba Mortlake 12, Moyston Willaura 8, Tatyoon 8, SMW Rovers 8, Caitlin May (Newlyn)
161; Bungaree 12, 138; Creswick 131; Dunnstown 12, 118; 41 d Dunolly 20, Trentham 57 d Talbot 8, Carisbrook 34 d Hawkesdale Macarthur 8, Great Western 4, Ararat Eagles 0, Paige McKenzie (Creswick)
Gordon 10, 114; Clunes 8, 131; Rokewood 8, 105; Beaufort 8, Maryborough Rovers 33, Harcourt 36 d Navarre 34 Wickliffe Lake Bolac 0, Caramut 0, Lismore Derrinallum 0 Isabelle Rustman (Clunes)
86; Waubra 8, 62; Buninyong 4, 87; Skipton 4, 65; Carngham 4, Ladder: Avoca 8, Carisbrook 8, Lexton 8, Natte Bealiba 8, 17/UNDER: Great Western 40 d Ararat Eagles 6, Moyston Lillie Wrigley (Creswick)
59; Hepburn 4, 53; Ballan 2, 68; Smythesdale 0, 26 Trentham 8, Harcourt 4, Newstead 4, Royal Park 4, Campbells Willaura 46 d Wickliffe Lake Bolac 21 Bailey Young (Gordon) Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 33


against DOMINANT: Marvin
King-Davis against Bendigo

rivals Braves. Picture: Kate Healy

Bendigo suffers a round 5
14-point defeat results,
and Usher (19 points and 13
rebounds) ended the game
with double doubles, while AFTER five rounds of the
THE Ballarat Miners have King-Davis had 21 points. South East Australian Bas-
clinched their third win de- “When people were play- ketball League season, here
feating rivals Bendigo Braves ing well and they were diffi- are the standings.
87-73 in the South East cult to stop we got them the In the men’s, Hobart has
Australian Basketball League ball,” Hayes said. maintained its lead despite
at the Mars Minerdome on He said the Miner’s ability losing to Kilsyth.
Saturday night. to get multiple stops in a row In the women’s, Bendigo
In front of a vocal home had prevented Bendigo from took top spot on the ladder
crowd, the GMHBA Miners getting into an offensive from Dandenong after de-
led for majority of the first rhythm, but the team still feating Ballarat Rush.
and second quarters in what needed to work on making it SOUTH EAST AUSTRALIAN
was a tight contest, with difficult for the opposition to BASKETBALL LEAGUE
scores level at both the first score 80-points. Men’s Round 4
and second breaks. “In the first half we gave up Bendigo 107 d BA COE 99
But it was the Miners that 47 (points) and in the second Dandenong 78 d BA COE 60
were able to stamp author- half 26 so we want to be on Frankston 87 d NW Tasmania 84
ity on the game mid-way that 26 side for both halves,” Ballarat 87 d Bendigo 73
through the third quarter Hayes said. FOCUSED: Ballarat Miners' import Davon Usher enjoyed a double double on Saturday LADDER
and ensure a convincing DETAILS night and made timely three-point shots. Pictures: Kate Healy Hobart 4 wins, 2 losses
14-point victory. MINERS 26 47 65 87 Dandenong 5-3
Coach Eric Hayes said BENDIGO 26 47 60 73 Ballarat 3-2
crowd support had help POINTS – Miners: Moller 25 Bendigo 4-4
spark the players against a (4 three-pointers), King-Davis Melbourne 3-3
competitive Braves outfit 21, Usher 19 (3), Hooley 11 (1), Frankston 1-6
after a disappointing loss on Constable 7 (1), Short 4 (1). NW Tasmania 1-6
home court last weekend. Bendigo: Starks 23 (2), Aiken 14 , Women’s Round 4
“We just played better – we Doyle 9, Hansen 9 (2), Cowling 8, Bendigo 60 d BA COE 55
stuck to our structures and Andronicos 7, Hogan 3 (1) Launceston 70 d Frankston 67
we stuck to our process a bit REBOUNDS – Miners 46 (Usher Bendigo 80 d Ballarat 70
better tonight and when we 13, Moller 10, King-Davis 7), LADDER
do that we’re pretty good,” Bendigo 45 (Aiken 11, Starks 7) Bendigo 5 wins, 1 loss
Hayes said. ASSISTS – Miners 19 (Moller 6), Dandenong 5-1
Marvin King-Davis, Craig Bendigo 14 (Doyle 5) Launceston 5-1
Moller and Davon Usher STEALS – Miners 3, Bendigo 6 Hobart 3-3
each enjoyed periods of BLOCKS – Miners 4, Bendigo 1 Frankston 2-4
dominance. Moller (25 TURNOVERS – Miners 10, INFLUENTIAL: Craig Moller once again had a monster game at the Mars Minerdome top Melbourne 1-5
points and 10 rebounds) Bendigo 9 scoring with 25 points along with a handy 10 rebound and 6 assists. Ballarat 0-3

Rush unable to get the job done at home

WOMEN'S and that is a huge thing for us RUSH 17 39 60 70
A LATE surge in the third not to quit,” Flint said. BENDIGO 25 49 62 80
quarter led by Ballarat Rush’s “And we went on to a 16 POINTS – Rush: Rinaldi 17 (1
Joy Burke and Kristy Rinaldi to two run to end the third three-pointer), Burke 18, Spencer
was not enough against the quarter and went into the 16, Bonds 14 (1), Wynne 3 (1),
dominant Bendigo Braves on fourth down by two.” Brooks 2. Bendigo: Bibby 27
Saturday night. Flint said only scoring 10 (1), Rininger 22 (1), Rennie 13
Ballarat Skoda Rush lost by points in the final quarter (2), Cannan 7 (1), Dufelmeier 6,
10-points in the South East had been costly. Smith 5
Australian Basketball League Burke was a standout with REBOUNDS – Rush 42 (Burke 17,
round five clash at the Mars a double double (18 points Rinaldi 9). Bendigo 48 (Bibby 9,
Minerdome, its third consec- and 17 rebounds), Ashleigh Rininger 8, Smith 8)
utive loss of the season. Spencer enjoyed a 14-point ASSISTS – Rush 19 (Constable 5,
But coach David Flint said first half and Rinaldi stepped Bonds 5), Bendigo 20
each game had been an im- up when needed. STEALS – Rush 5, Bendigo 14
provement. “Although we didn’t win it, BLOCKS – Rush 4, Bendigo 2
“We got down by 14 we did some nice things to- TURNOVERS – Rush 16, Bendigo
STAR PLAYER: One of the highlights for Rush in its 10-point loss was the dominance of (points) in the third quarter night on the floor,” Flint said. 13
Joy Burke. Here she is against Canberra last season. Picture: Kate Healy and our group didn’t quit DETAILS – SIOBHAN CALAFIORE
34 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017

Roos topple Demons NO MATCH
to remain unbeaten SPRING 19.24 (138)
CLUNES 1.2 (8)
SPRINGBANK breezed past
another rival on Saturday,
WAUBRA 13.6 (84) crushing Clunes by 130
BUNGAREE 10.7 (67) points at Wallace.
BY JOHN MCGREGOR TheTigers had a whop-
ping 43 scoring shots in
WAUBRA rolled Bungaree the win, which leaves them
by 17 points in a cracking as one of three unbeaten
contest on Saturday to main- teams in the competition
tain an unbeaten start to the after four rounds.
Central Highlands Football League-leading forward
League season. Tom Eltringham kicked a
The Demons took a grit- bag of seven goals, while
ty one-point lead at the regular backman Justin
first change after banging Simpson was again thrown
through the first two goals of into attack and finished
the day. Shaun Finlayson with six. Billy Driscoll, Nick
Bungaree’s Mitch Bow- Couch and Joel Maher were
man and Luke Mirtschin in the third term with a seri- also influential.
looked like they were going ous knee injury. Former coach Ryan Hud-
to kick a bag, but goals were The final quarter looked son-Morgan was named
hard to come by in the sec- like it was heading for a Clunes’ best.
ond term. shootout with Waubra’s
It was a tight and congest- Murphy and Kinna kick-
ed battleground that quarter ing majors.
with gutsy goals from Wau- But Bowman rose to
bra’s Lincoln Barnes, James the occasion, booting two
Lukich and Jackson Kinna rapid-fire goals for the De-
putting the Roos ahead by a mons. His skipper Jackson
goal at the half-way mark. Murphy also scored in the
Kinna looked dangerous dying minutes.
all day and his elevation Bungaree cut the mar-
to the seniors came after gin by five points in the
a nine-goal haul in the re- final term, but didn’t have Sebastian Walsh
serves against Daylesford the enough gas in the tank to go

week before. any further.
A six-goal burst in the third James Petrie, Aaron Bird,

term pushed the Waubra Ben Wilson and Dean Rob-
margin out to a game-high ertson toiled fiercely for
22 points. the Kangaroos.
Barnes goaled again and Demons Steven Ryan, DAYLESFORD 14.13 (97)
so did Kinna. But a highlight Lachlan Prendergast, David ROKE-CORIN 10.9 (69)
was the running major from Benson and late inclusion DAYLESFORD had its backs
Matt Dawson, who bolted Joel Mahar were courageous. against the wall in the clash
out of a pack, slotting it home Waubra coach Grant Lus- with Rokewood-Corindhap,
to the roar of fans. combe felt his players were but blitzed its rivals in the
Austin Murphy, who was on the edge of breaking the last quarter to return to
a late inclusion for the Roos, game open. winning form on Saturday.
snuffed out a challenge from “To their credit, they The Bulldogs trailed at
the Demons with two quick stopped it. They got a goal every change, but produced
goals before the last change. here or there. It was frus- a nine-goal final term to
The torrid, bone-crunch- trating as a coaching group,” secure a 28-point win.
ing pace took its toll on Luscombe said. Sebastian Walsh kicked
players and one who didn’t Bungaree coach Heath five goals for Daylesford,
weather the storm was big Pyke, who led from the which named Joel Cowan
Bungaree backman Shaun sidelines on Saturday, didn’t best. Damon Delaney
Finlayson. Finlayson was think his players were clean ON THE LEAD: Waubra recruit James Lukich about to mark the ball during his team's was rated the Grasshop-
stretchered from the ground enough when in possession. victory over Bungaree on Saturday afternoon. Pictures: Dylan Burns. pers’ standout.


Seniors Dawson 1, Tim Boyle 1, Joshua King 1; Bungaree: Mitchell BEST: Newlyn: Sean Massey, Daniel Wehrung, Jarrod GOALS: Learmonth: Matthew Bond 6, Brodrick Campbell
Bowman 4, Jackson Murphy 2, Luke Mirtschin 1, Matthew Fryar, Matthew Cosgrave, Luke Prendergast; Skipton: Tim 2, Jye Rich 1, Brenton Powell 1, Dylan Page 1, Oliver Ross
Beaufort.............................2.4 3.5 8.7 11.8 (74) Sheridan 1, Jack Oostendorp 1, Matthew Geary 1 Huglin, Hamish Ryan-Dengate, Thomas Breed, Patrick 1, Shane Rogan 1, Richard Zelencich 1; Creswick: Clinton
Buninyong .........................2.0 2.4 5.5 5.6 (36) BEST: Waubra: Joshua Crawford, Jackson Kinna, Austin Walsh, Curtis Townrow, Lakota Stranks Robinson 4, Liam Hepworth 1, Aaron Sedgwick 1, Timothy
GOALS: Beaufort: Tim Haase 4, Jack Duke 2, Lachlan Murphy, Billy Douglass, Thomas Nash, James Petrie; Rieniets 1, Aaron Hepworth 1
Murray 2, Lachlan Pfeifer 1, Alexander Petrie 1, Lee
Springbank ........................5.6 9.14 11.20 19.24 (138) BEST: Learmonth: Richard Zelencich, Matthew Bond, Kyle
Bungaree: Chris Cowan, Jack Oostendorp, Mitchell
Marshall 1; Buninyong: Jake Dunne 2, Anthony Ebery 1, Bowman, Mitchell Humphries, David Benson
Clunes ................................1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 (8) Mackay, Brenton Powell, Matthew Jackson, Scott Whiting;
Fraser Russell 1, Alec Wiltshire 1 GOALS: Springbank: Thomas Eltringham 7, Justin Simpson Creswick: Aaron Sedgwick, Liam Hepworth, Callagun
BEST: Beaufort: Rupert Sangster, Lee Marshall, Mitchell Daylesford .........................3.3 3.4 5.9 14.13 (97) 6, William Driscoll 3, Mitchell Couch 1, Matthew Lakey 1, Mann, Paul Phillips, Clinton Robinson, Tyson Randall
Jenkins, Thomas Stapleton, Tim Haase, Jarrod Trigg; Rokewood Corindhap ......4.3 6.3 6.6 10.9 (69) Shannon Donegan 1; Clunes: Jesse Baird 1 TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS
Buninyong: Alex Bomitali, Daniel Pelchen, Alec Wiltshire, GOALS: Daylesford: Sebastian Walsh 5, Sam Winnard 2, BEST: Springbank: Justin Simpson, William Driscoll, 1 Springbank 4 4 0 0 0 0 422 125 337.60 16
Jarrod Morgan, Jack Robertson, Fraser Russell Ricky Costanzo 1, Thomas Thurwood 1, Cameron Lovig 1, Matthew Tyler, Joel Maher, Jaaron Mahar, Mitchell Couch; 2 Beaufort 4 4 0 0 0 0 405 206 196.60 16
Cameron Ralph 1, Jack Nulty 1, Zac Tisdale 1, Xavier Walsh Clunes: Ryan Hudson-Morgan, Jesse Baird, Daniel Milne,
Hepburn .............................2.5 8.11 10.15 11.18 (84) Kevin Maroney, Callum Newton, William Parker
3 Waubra 4 4 0 0 0 0 372 235 158.30 16
Gordon ...............................1.1 4.2 9.7 12.10 (82) 1; Rokewood Corindhap: Jake Carr 4, Jarrod Thompson 4 Learmonth 4 3 1 0 0 0 472 196 240.82 12
2, Jake Dowell 1, Samuel Chapman 1, Sam Cameron 1, Ballan .................................3.6 7.8 10.10 14.10 (94) 5 Gordon 4 2 2 0 0 0 458 288 159.03 8
GOALS: Hepburn: Jacob Brown 3, Kamen Ogilvie 3,
Luke Philp 1 Dunnstown ........................2.0 4.0 4.4 6.6 (42) 6 Buninyong 4 2 2 0 0 0 312 226 138.05 8
Jackson Hogan 2, Jimmy Rodgers 1, Mitchell Mc Kay 1,
BEST: Daylesford: Joel Cowan, Xavier Walsh, Ricky 7 Hepburn 4 2 2 0 0 0 318 283 112.37 8
Luke Stanton 1; Gordon: Steven Patterson 3, Mick Nolan 2, GOALS: Ballan: Adam Kurzman 4, Christopher Sharp
Steven Nicholson 2, Chris McGuigan 2, Brendan Sutcliffe 2, Costanzo, Thomas Thurwood, Sebastian Walsh, Marcus 8 Bungaree 4 2 2 0 0 0 302 275 109.82 8
Elderfield; Rokewood Corindhap: Damon Delaney, Jake 2, Luke Souter 2, Matthew Rollo 1, Jack Shaw 1, Jake
Luke Gunnell 1 Wilkie 1, Bradie Thomas 1, Lachlan Snaith 1, Jack Byrnes 9 Creswick 3 1 2 0 1 0 223 216 103.24 8
BEST: Hepburn: Jacob Brown, Andrew McKay, Kamen Dowell, Ben Harris, Jackson O’Neil, Luke Philp, Ben Reese 10 Rokewood C 3 1 2 0 1 0 179 220 81.36 8
1; Dunnstown: Daniel Harbour 1, Joe Stefani 1, Jarryd
Ogilvie, Sean Salmon, Jackson Liversidge, Michael Watt; Walters 1, Rhys Cahir 1, Mark Stewart 1, Jack Murray 1 11 Daylesford 4 2 2 0 0 0 283 403 70.22 8
Newlyn...............................6.5 12.7 15.9 21.11 (137)
Gordon: Luke Gunnell, Tye Murphy, Mark Gunnell, Bradley BEST: Ballan: Sam Sher, Jacob Wilkinson, Bradie Thomas, 12 Clunes 4 2 2 0 0 0 219 340 64.41 8
Skipton ...............................2.2 3.4 5.5 6.8 (44) 13 Carngham L 3 1 2 0 1 0 148 241 61.41 8
Hallam, Brendan Sutcliffe, Steven Patterson Adam Kurzman, Nicholas Kettle, Luke Souter; Dunnstown:
GOALS: Newlyn: Sean Massey 10, Joshua Milne 2, Declan Sam Jenkins, Timothy O’Shea, Louis Saccutelli, Timothy 14 Newlyn 4 1 3 0 0 0 294 305 96.39 4
Waubra ..............................0.0 0.0 0.0 13.6 (84) Lourey 2, William Membrey 1, Jarrod Fryar 1, Alexander 15 Ballan 4 1 3 0 0 0 193 383 50.39 4
Bungaree...........................0.0 0.0 0.0 10.7 (67) Collins, Aaron Brennan, Joe Stefani
Morrish 1, Luke Prendergast 1, Lachlan Shaw 1, Joel 16 Skipton 3 0 3 0 1 0 129 471 27.39 4
GOALS: Waubra: Jackson Kinna 3, Austin Murphy 3, Willmott 1, Nathan Hura 1; Skipton: Patrick Walsh 2, Learmonth .........................1.0 3.2 5.5 14.7 (91) 17 Dunnstown 4 0 4 0 0 0 179 495 36.16 0
Lincoln Barnes 2, James Lukich 1, William Corbett 1, Matt Thomas Breed 2, Jarred Crabtree 1, Dean Sing 1 Creswick............................1.2 4.3 7.4 8.4 (52) 18 Smythesdal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 35

claims Crows too good for
another top-end rival
HEPBURN 11.18 (84) BEAUFORT 11.8 (74)
GORDON 12.10 (82) BUNINYONG 5.6 (36)
much-needed success
against Gordon on Saturday THERE is no denying
afternoon, ending a two- it – Beaufort is currently
game losing sequence in Springbank’s biggest danger
the process. to a historic third-straight
The last of Jacob Brown’s premiership.
three goals proved the win- The Crows brushed aside
ner for the Burras, which had another of their main flag
led the Eagles for much of contenders on Saturday af-
the afternoon before falling ternoon, beating last season’s
behind deep in the last term. Central Highlands Football
Brown was one of the League grand finalists by 38
best players for Hepburn, points on home soil.
which were also led well by Blistering ball movement
Andy McKay. has been the method for
Kamen Ogilvie (three) and Beaufort’s early wins this
Jackson Hogan (two) were year, but the Crows achieved
the other multiple goal-kick- the weekend’s result after
ers for the home side. an early arm-wrestle that
Gordon’s defeat was its clogged their usually dynam-
second in succession, with ic run-and-carry game style.
the Eagles best served by A low-scoring first half saw
Gunnell brothers Luke the Crows enter the rooms
and Mark and Steve Pat- with a narrow seven-point
terson, who finished with advantage, and after a num-
three majors. ber of lead changes in the
The Burras are now sev- third term, a late purple
enth on the ladder, while patch – including a goal after
Gordon is fifth. the siren to Lachlan Murray
– gave the hosts a 20-point IN GOOD FORM: Midfielder Rupert Sangster was one of the driving forces in Beaufort's impressive 38-point win over
buffer at the last break. Buninyong on Saturday.
Beaufort was able to keep
the Bombers at bay for the lenged straight after half time rod Trigg. beaten by a team that took tors, which have a win-loss
opening minutes of the final and to grind out a really hard, Liam Rigby was a pres- its chances and is more ratio of 2-2 from the opening
term and then kicked clear to tough win was very pleasing.” ence in the ruck and around advanced at this point of four rounds.
win 11.8 (74) to 5.6 (36). Tim Haase continued his the ground for the Bomb- the campaign. The Bombers, now sixth
“They are the grand final strong start to the season ers, which were also well “I just thought we had a on the ladder, have Hepburn
side from last year and they with a bag of four goals and served by Alex Bomitali – for couple of lapses again, which to plan for next weekend.
challenged us in every single proved particularly danger- his minding job on Jack hurt us. And they were bet- After a tough start – in-
area on the ground. It was ous in the second half. Ru- Duke – onballer/forward ter forward of centre than cluding games against four
a fantastic game of footy pert Sangster offered plenty Dan Pelchen, coach Jarrod what we were,” Morgan told of last season’s finalists - the
to watch from both sides,” of speed and drive through Morgan and North Ballarat The Courier. second-placed Beaufort
Crows coach Rohan Brown the midfield to be a standout, Roosters-listed call-up An early shoulder injury to gets somewhat of a reprieve
said after singing the song. with the defensive division Hayden Walters. Buninyong midfielder Sam when it comes up against
“For the boys to get chal- led by Lee Marshall and Jar- Morgan said his side was Turner didn’t help the visi- lowly Ballan in round five.

10 GOALS: Sean Massey

had a day out for Newlyn
against Skipton.
Lakies storm home Blues open up their account
with big final term BALLAN 14.10 (94)
DUNNSTOWN 6.6 (42)
BALLAN landed its first vic-

ard Zelencich was influen- tory under new coach Jason
CRESWICK 8.4 (52) tial in the engine room and McNamara and added to

LEARMONTH produced in attack. Dunnstown’s early-season
an epic last quarter to stun Lakies coach Steve Big- woes with a 52-point tri-
Creswick under lights on Sat- gin was left pleased with umph on Saturday.
NEWLYN 21.11 (137) urday night. his side’s finale, but said it The Blues started brightly
SKIPTON 6.8 (44) The Wickers led the would have been better to and led the home side at
SEAN Massey kicked a big match by nine points at the see a more consistent effort every change.
10-goal haul to lead Newlyn final change, but could not throughout the clash. McNamara said he is
to its first win of 2017. contain the visitors, which Clinton Robinson convert- pleased his side now has
Massey was the star in charged over the top to win ed four of the home side’s some reward for effort after
attack as the Cats had little by 39 points. goals, with onballer Aaron early-season clashes against
trouble disposing of the Learmonth kicked nine Sedgwick and Liam Hep- finals contenders Gordon,
battling Emus by 93 points goals to one to land its worth, who played as a key Buninyong and Springbank.
on Saturday. third-straight victory of defender, among the Wick- “I felt that we were mak-
The win is the first at the the campaign. ers’ standouts. ing small steps with the first IT'S ME: Ballan's Nicholas Kettle nominates for ruck
helm for new joint-coach- Before the weekend’s Learmonth sits fourth on three games,” he said. duties during his side's victory over Dunnstown on
es Dan Wehrung and game, Creswick had not the Central Highlands Foot- “It was reward for the guys Saturday. Picture: Dylan Burns.
Chris Dwyer. played since April 8 due to ball League ladder ahead of and just good to show them
Wehrung and Jarrod Fryar the Easter break and then its round five clash against that what we are doing has ruck after getting a call-up fire a shot” and believes his
were rated among New- a bye. Carngham-Linton, while got some merit.” from the reserves. Adam players need to take respon-
lyn’s best, while Tim Huglin, Key forward Matthew Creswick is ninth moving McNamara rated the per- Kurzman kicked a game-high sibility for the performance.
Hamish Ryan-Dengate and Bond booted six majors to be into the encounter against formances of Sam Sher in the four goals for the winners. Onballer Sam Jenkins was
Thomas Breed received the one of the best contributors rivals Newlyn. middle and Nicholas Kettle, Dunnstown coach Justin the Towners’ best.
plaudits for the Emus. for the winners, while Rich- – TIM O'CONNOR who performed well in the Abrams said his side “didn’t – TIM O'CONNOR
36 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


Redan reinforces rise

in emphatic fashion
REDAN 19.10 (124)
EAST POINT 7.19 (61)
Chris Graham - one of
BEWARNED. The Redan Li- two Darley newcomers
ons are on the prowl in the reported.
Ballarat Football League.
Redan was tired and out
on its legs when it bowed out
in a semi-final last year.
It looked like a number of
the Lions’ decorated veter- recruits
sent off,
ans were being stretched and
one wondered where they
might stand in the future. Billy Watkins
These same players have
taken only two rounds in a
new season to show they are
boundary and kicking to
far from done. The Lions almost had too DARLEY 13.11 (89)
Redan is rejuvenated un- much depth through the MELTON 8.11 (59)
der coach Brendan Peace midfield where they rotated TWO Darley recruits face
and right now looking as the likes of ball magnet Dean suspension after being re-
impressive as anyone. Matthews, Liam Hunter, Cal ported in a 30-point win over
While unlucky to lose to Currie, Hayden Edwards, Li- Melton in the BFL at Melton
Lake Wendouree by a kick am Hoy, and Bell. on Saturday.
in the opening round, the While Matthews was dom- Devils coach Heath Scot-
Lions left nothing to chance inant, it was Nathan Horbury land said Chris Graham and
in crushing East Point by at master control for Redan. Jay Pearson had each been
63 points at the City Oval He floated across half back offered one-match suspen-
on Saturday. and had possessions at will to sions after related incidents
Peace was low key about set the Lions up and running. in the third quarter.
the magnitude of the out- Peace said flexibility in Melton coach Brady Mur-
come, but high in his praise the midfield rotation and to phy frustratingly the Bloods
of his players, with the defen- its forward set-up were im- had not kicked a goal while
sive pressure too much for portant facets of the Redan Graham and Pearson had
East Point to cope with. game, and would only get been off together for 15 min-
The Kangaroos did not better as the team’s cohe- utes after being shown yel-
kick its first goal – one of two sion improved. low cards even though they
for Billy Watkins – until sev- Bridges said East Point improved their effort.
en minutes into the second had not been good enough Darley put the game away
quarter, but by that time Re- to match Redan. in the first half to lead by 36
dan had seven on the board “You can’t put experience points. Melton rallied, but
and the game in its keeping. on young shoulders. That’s the margin was too much
East Point had its share where we’re at.” to bridge.
of play, spending almost as He said much went back to Murphy said the winless
much time as Redan in at- work rate. Bloods were a repeat of-
tack, but as coach Jake Bridg- Inaccuracy also plagued fender when it came to slow
es reinforced it was all about East Point, but this also re- starts and it continued to
the quality of possession and lated to its use of the football hurt them.
the superior delivery of the when going forward. Scotland said while the
Lions to the likes of Dean East Point had its mo- match had trended to drop
Chester (four goals) and ments, often thanks Clay Bil- off, Darley had done more
Grant Bell (two goals). ney, Aden Nestor and Daniel than enough to secure the
While Redan used a direct Semmens, but there were game before Melton lifted
path, East Point continual- too few and based too much IN CONTROL: Nathan Horbury has made an impressively strong start to the season for and found something extra
ly found itself skirting the on chance. Redan. Picture: Lachlan Bence when down to 16 players.


McDonald’s Ballarat Seniors Redan .................................5.5 10.8 14.9 19.10 (124) 2, Sam Willian 2, Mitchell Johns 1, Nathan Dunstan 1,
East Point...........................0.6 2.9 3.14 7.19 (61) Nathan Olver 1, Sam Bromley-Lynch 1,; Daniel Jones 1
Bacchus Marsh................1.4 6.7 9.9 16.12 (108) GOALS: Redan: Dean Chester 4, Grant Bell 4, Ben Schiltz BEST: Ballarat: Sam James, Thomas Conroy, Matthieu
Sunbury..............................0.2 0.5 6.7 10.10 (70) 3, Ryan Waight 2, Hayden Edwards 2, Liam Hoy 2, Damien Brehaut, Scott Wood, Shane Hutchinson, William
GOALS: Bacchus Marsh: Jarrah Maksymow 5, Scott Horbury 1, Callum Currie 1; East Point: Billy Watkins 2, Garner; North Ballarat City: Ryan Luke, Daniel Jones,
Sherlock 2, Hamish Coulton 2, Declan Phyland 2, Alec Aden Nestor 1, Clay Bilney 1, Bryson McDougall 1, Angus James Vanderkley, Brayden Draffin, Sam Willian,
Del Papa 1, Rhys Mc Nay 1, Billy Griffiths 1, Ryley Wright 1, Rhys Monument 1 Simon Mc Cartin
Stuhldreier 1, Daniel Burton 1; Sunbury: Benjamin Said 4, BEST: Redan: Nathan Horbury, Dean Mathews, Tom TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS
Ben Guthrie 2, Alec Goodson 1, Joshua Guthrie 1, Tristan Lamb, Christopher Giampaolo, Dean Chester, Ben Schiltz; 1 Lake Wendo 2 2 0 0 1 0 214 125 171.20 12
Lenaz 1, Andrew Duhau 1 East Point: Clay Bilney, Aden Nestor, Daniel Semmens,
2 Melton Sou 3 2 1 0 1 0 267 280 95.36 12
BEST: Bacchus Marsh: Scott Sherlock, Matt Denham, Daniel Tung, Rhys Monument, Hasker Dawborn
3 Darley 2 2 0 0 0 0 182 133 136.84 8
Alec Del Papa, Liam Mullen, Daniel Velden, Jackson
Bolton; Sunbury: Gregory Hay, Tom Donoghue, Ben Lake Wendouree..............5.7 9.11 14.13 17.18 (120) 4 Ballarat 2 1 0 1 0 0 178 149 119.46 6
Guthrie, Adam Short, Joshua Guthrie, David Kovacevic Sebastopol ........................0.2 1.4 2.8 4.12 (36) 5 Redan 2 1 1 0 0 0 213 155 137.42 4
GOALS: Lake Wendouree: Tom Nijam 2, Ben Taylor 6 Bacchus Ma 2 1 1 0 0 0 182 163 111.66 4
Darley.................................6.5 10.6 11.9 13.11 (89) 2, Jack Elkington 2, Luke Bucknall 2, Nathan Pring 2, 7 North Ball 2 1 1 0 0 0 205 198 103.54 4
Melton................................1.3 4.6 7.8 8.11 (59) Arthur Armstrong 2, Ashley Simpson 2, Jayden Hooper 1, 8 Sunbury 3 1 2 0 0 0 205 214 95.79 4
GOALS: Darley: Harley Inglis 3, Kyle Docherty 2, Matthew Nathan Monk 1, Dominic Sliwa 1; Sebastopol: 9 Melton 3 0 3 0 1 0 146 228 64.04 4
Inglis 1, Dan Roy 1, Luther Baker 1, Jake Ancrum 1, BEST: Lake Wendouree: Ashley Simpson, Jayden 10 Sebastopol 1 0 1 0 1 0 36 120 30.00 4
Heath Scotland 1, Jackson Carrick 1, Abraham Cameron Hooper, Nathan Pring, Ben Taylor, Dominic Sliwa, Liam 11 East Point 2 0 1 1 0 0 145 208 69.71 2
1, Ricky Hawkins 1; Melton: Braedan Kight 2, Brett Findlay; Sebastopol:
McIntyre 1, Jaycob Hickey 1, Ryan Davis 1, Nicholas LEADING GOALKICKERS
Gale 1, Jack Walker 1,; Kurt Baker 1 Ballarat ..............................2.4 7.8 8.10 13.16 (94) 16.............................Brendan Fevola (Melton South Football Netball Club) 0
BEST: Darley: Abraham Cameron, Rhys Ellis, Darren North Ballarat City ...........2.5 4.7 7.9 9.11 (65) 10......Jarrah Maksymow (Bacchus Marsh Football & Netball Club Inc) 5
Leonard, Shane Page, Luther Baker; Melton: Ryan Davis, GOALS: Ballarat: Thomas Conroy 4, Nicholas O’Farrell 3, 9 ........................................William Young (North Ballarat City Football Club) 2
Kurt Baker, Lachlan Walker, Damon Falzon, Jack Walker, Matthieu Brehaut 3, Jack Sutherland 1, Tyler Constable 8 ........................................... Benjamin Said (Sunbury Football Netball Club) 4
Michael Licciardo 1, Jackson Ford 1; North Ballarat City: William Young 7 ................................Bryson McDougall (East Point Football Netball Club) 1 Redan’s Jacob Short Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 37


Sunbury left to rue
disappointing start
B MARSH 16.12 (108) ered the ball, and from there
SUNBURY 10.10 (70) on our confidence falls away
BY MICHAEL HANKIN a bit,” he said.
The match had a scrappy
BACCHUS Marsh resisted start, with only one goal
a third quarter fightback to kicked in the first term, but it
fend off Sunbury by 38 points was clear from the outset that
in a Ballarat Football League the Cobras’ marquee recruit
grand final rematch at Mad- and new assistant coach
dingley Park on Saturday. Scott Sherlock was going to
In a contest of twists and have major influence.
turns, Sunbury charged at Bacchus Marsh clicked
the Cobras after being goal- into gear in the second term,
less in the first half. adding five goals to set up a
The Lions turned it on with commanding 38-point lead.
five goals in 15 minutes to The margin was even
loom within 10 points, only greater considering Sunbury
for Bacchus Marsh to steady had failed to kick a major.
and restore scoreboard pres- A rejuvenated Sunbury hit
sure with seven of the next to the field in the third term
eight goals.. with the opening five goals.
Jarrah Maksymow was Ben and Josh Guthrie both
again a focal point in attack lifted for the Lions, providing
with five goals for the Marsh. run out of the midfield, while
Bacchus Marsh coach also being able to hit the
Travis Hodgson highlighted scoreboard.
the importance of his side Ben Said continued his im-
implementing a forward pressive start to the season,
press in quelling the influ- ending up with four goals.
ence of Sunbury playmaker The Sunbury revival was
Adam Short – , a player he short lived though as Bac-
holds in the highest of re- chus Marsh was able to build
gard. on its 20-point three quarter CLOSE CHECKING: Ballarat defender Sam James goes shoulder to shoulder with North Ballarat City's Derrick Micallef
Sunbury coach Ben Jordan time advantage. in a battle in which the young Swans took the points. Picture: Kate Healy
was left lamenting the poor Maksymow was again
“We didn’t take the game
on enough early and we
highly effective forward for
the Cobras, while Daniel
Burton and Declan Phyland
Swans surprise North City under lights
didn’t really string any de- also looking playing danger- BALLARAT 13.16 (94) into consideration when it Swans had hit North Ballarat spearheads Derrick Micallef
cent ball movement together ous role. NORTH CITY 9.11 (65) came to recovery time. hard and full of running and and Will Young, who had
early. Sunbury has produced ■ From page 40 Ballarat coach Shane other than a stint in the third kicked a combined 12 goals
“The pressure Bacchus some promising form, but the season fixture was Hutchinson was rapts with term had been able to main- against the Panthers.
Marsh put us under early the patchy nature of it means drafted and had been satis- the effort of his young team, tain it. Young key forward Tom
was extraordinary and we the Lions sit on one win in fied with the explanation. which after an opening While Hutchinson was Conroy kicked four majors
pretty much succumbed to three games and now find However, he hoped similar round draw is undefeated. outstanding on the ball, de- for the Swans in a strong
that in the end. themselves behind the eight circumstances would not oc- He said wins like this could fenders Sam James and Scott aerial display and Matthieu
“We had some chances in ball. The Cobras sit one cur again. Burke said player set up a season. Wood were linchpins for Brehaut booted three goals
the first quarter and butch- and one. welfare needed to be taken Hutchinson said the the Swans in shutting down on debut.

Lakers too accomplished for young Burra

LAKERS 17.18 (120) equally good news. Lake Wendouree remains Burra, although Sebastopol Snibson summed it up for its biggest home game
SEBASTOPOL 4.12 (36) There were initial fears unbeaten and joins Melton coach Shane Snibson re- succinctly: “They were too in many years, with the first
LAKE Wendouree onballer there might have been South and Darley on two mains positive. classy...more polished.” game on the redeveloped
Nick Peters has been cleared some rib damage in the first wins after two full rounds. He said the visitors had the He said the more his Marty Busch Reserve num-
of serious injury after hitting half incident. Lakers swamped Sebas- better start, but were unable younger players tasted this ber one oval under lights on
a fence against Sebastopol He was taken to hospital, topol with five goals to none to kick a goal in a short peri- level of football, the better Saturday night.
at Wendouree on Satur- but club president Dave in the first term and carried od of domination. they would be. The Kookaburras take on
day night. Clifton confirmed Peters had on to lead by 55 points at In contrast, Lake Wendou- James Richards looks like- Melton South, with the BFL’s
While Lakers ran away been cleared of any internal half-time. ree was able to hurt Sebas- ly to miss next round after biggest drawcard Brendan
with the match by 84 points, injuries although undoubt- There was no coming topol on the scoreboard with suffering a hip flexor injury. Fevola making his appear-
the outcome for Peters was edly feeling tender. back from there for the quality entries into its 50m. Sebastopol is preparing ance in Ballarat.
38 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


Johnston starred
kicking six goals
TAC CUP up fairly similar,” FitzGer-
“We won the stoppages
GREATER Western Victoria after half-time after being
Rebels have notched their beaten early and our tackling
second consecutive win with effort after half-time was
a decisive 53-point victory terrific – we had 45 tackles
against the Eastern Ranges in and anything beyond 40 is
TAC Cup competition at Box very pleasing.”
Hill City Oval on Saturday. FitzGerald also pointed
Jordan Johnston provided out the Rebels won more of
a strong target in the forward the ball in the second half
line kicking a game-high six and worked well without it.
goals and taking nine marks. Having made more ag-
While Callan Wellings, gressive ball use in attack a
with 22 disposals, 14 tackles focus, the Rebels had a high
and four goals, and Thom- inside 50 count – going in-
as Berry, with 18 disposals side 59 times compared to
and six tackles, were among the Ranges’ 38.
GWV’s best. “The most important thing
But it was not all smooth that I’m looking for from my
sailing for the Rebels. forwards now is that if they
The Eastern Ranges kicked can’t win their one-on-one
the first three goals of the then that they don’t get out-
game, while their first four marked… they get the ball to
majors came from two free ground,” FitzGerald said.
kicks, including a 50-metre A physical game with
penalty, and two direct turn- heavy conditions in the mid-
overs. dle of the ground resulted in
After the untidy start, the soreness among the players.
Rebels took a seven point “Players have been ad-
lead into the first break and vised to not waste any
only one point separated the hours – if they’ve got injuries STAR OF THE SHOW: Olympian and Australian Boomer Chris Goulding delighted Ballarat's junior basketball players at
teams at half-time, 54-55. they’ve started to treat them Saturday's skills and drills clinic at the Mars Minerdome. Picture: Luka Kauzlaric
But a strong second half already,” FitzGerald said.
from the Rebels, both de-
fensively and offensively,
opened up the game with the
GWV REBELS 18.14 (122)
Youngsters shoot hoops with Goulding
final score 122-69. GOALS – GWV Rebels: Johnston BASKETBALL squad in the Rio Olympics – Players from Ballarat’s ment to basketball clubs as
Coach Gerard FitzGerald 6, Wellings 4, Wilson 3, Shepherd YOUNG basketball players said it was fantastic to meet junior elite under-12 and un- part of McDonald’s grass-
said the Rebels had closed 2, McRoberts 2, Henson. Eastern had the chance to practice the young talent and teach der-14 boys and girls teams roots sporting initiative Mac-
the gap between their best Ranges: Duncan 4, Hirst 2, Lovell, their skills with an Olympi- them some new tricks. were invited to take part in ca’s On Your Team.
and worst football, but need- North, Van Beek, Stephenson. an on Saturday afternoon “It’s great being able to the skills clinic and each re- Ballarat’s seven basket-
ed to work on producing a BEST – GWV Rebels: Wellings, during a clinic with Boom- share the skills I’ve learned ceived a basketball. ball associations, and the
four-quarter effort. Johnston, McRoberts, Henson, er Chris Goulding at the over my career with eager The Australian Boom- McDonald’s Ballarat Youth
“We did improve in our Berry, Bishop. Eastern Ranges: Mars Minerdome. young kids, and playing er and Melbourne United League Miners and Rush
discipline after quarter time North, Lynch, Urquhart, Nolan, Goulding – a member of with brand new basketballs shooting guard was in Bal- teams have received Molten
and the free kicks ended Hirst, Duncan. the fourth-placed Boomers always helps,” Goulding said. larat to deliver new equip- basketball packs.

Rattley ankle surgery bad news for Roos

■ From page 40 Point this year from Smythes- Melton coach Brad Mur- give him a minimum rest of ly Gleeson had a history of third quarter against Ballarat
East Point coach Jake dale in the Central Highland phy said it was Gleeson’s two weeks. concussions. Swans at Alfredton on Satur-
Bridges is unsure how long league to support veteran second concussion in Murphy said Gleeson “was “It’s just the way he plays. day night.
Rattley will be out, but con- ruckman Paul Koderenko. three games. not in a great way” on Satur- That’s hard to change.” Daniel Kilpatrick was also
firmed “it’s not good”. Meanwhile, the playing Murphy said at the very day night and he would see a North Ballarat City also has an early casualty for North
The Rattley injury was future of Melton captain least he would miss the man- specialist for a check-up this a significant injury concern Ballarat, losing a front tooth
the last thing the Kangaroos Jake Gleeson in unknown datory one match. week. with Sam Bromley-Lynch to in the opening quarter.
needed on a day when they after he was concussed in With a break for the BFL’s He said the long-term have scans for medial liga- Coach Jordyn Burke said
were on the end of a 63-point an accidental clash of heads encounter with Bendigo in welfare of Gleeson was the ment damage. Kilpatrick caught the tooth as
loss to Redan at the City Oval. against Darley at Melton the AFL Victoria Communi- highest priority. Sam Bromley-Lynch suf- it was knocked out and went
Rattley arrived at East on Saturday. ty Championship, this will Murphy said unfortunate- fered the knee trouble in the straight to hospital. Monday May 01, 2017 THE COURIER 39


key win
City scores valuable
victory on the road


BALLARAT City logged a val-

It was as
uable win away from home as disciplined and
a timely Carl Frankson tap-in as focused a
in the 78th minute provided
City a 1-0 win over Spring- performance
vale in its National Premier as we’ve put
League two west clash.
In what was an extremely
together as
tight contest, Frankson’s a team this
goal proved the difference season.
between the two sides and
the three points will certainly Coach Danny Gnjidic
prove crucial come the busi-
ness end of the season. found the right system and
Coach Danny Gnjidic said structure and could launch
it was the side’s most disci- into the second half of the
plined and focused perfor- season with confidence.
mance of the season. “We’re still sitting eighth,
After a poor start to the but we’re six points off sec-
season, City has cleared up ond spot.
its basic errors and is now “I was hoping we’d have a
producing some impres- couple of more points (at this
sive soccer. stage of the year)...but given
HAT-TRICK: Sebastopol Vikings' Kuanjal Tuany celebrates one of his three goals against Bell Park. He was dynamic up “It was as disciplined and the start we had – we were
front and provided the spark with the side's opening two goals. Pictures: Luka Kauzlaric as focused a performance as sitting there with one win
we’ve put together as a team from the firsts seven and now

Vikings send a statement to the league this season,” Gnjidic said.

“It was a tight game and
we did what we needed to to
we’re talking about how far
we are from second or third.
“It shows how tight this
STATE LEAGUE FOUR team mentality wasn’t there,” win which was good. side of the competition is.
A TELLING 13-minute sec- Coach Corey Smith said. “We were conceding goals “I’d like to think we’d be in
ond half burst delivered Se- “I think the most disap- through individual errors a better position than what
bastopol Vikings a thrilling pointing thing about the first (earlier in the season)...they we are, but given the way
come from behind victory half was that some of our were elementary, the fact is April’s gone, I’m pretty keen
against Bell Park as it surges players don’t have the same we’ve cut those out the last to see if we can keep this
to the top of the Football confidence in themselves as four or five weeks and the going. We’ve got some mo-
Federation Victoria state I have in them.” results speak for themselves.” mentum, got some belief in
league four west ladder. The commanding win Ballarat City sits eighth the squad and hopefully that
The Vikings trailed 2-0 backed up Smith’s confi- on the ladder, but has en- continues.”
at half-time before the side dence in the group and he joyed four wins from its last Ballarat returns to Mor-
found its right “team men- felt the side sent a “state- five outings. shead Park for its next two
tality” and charged over ment” to the league. Gnjidic admitted he would matches in what will be the
the top of the Dragons with “I’m 100% confident we have liked to be closer to the stage for two telling clashes.
goals at the 68, 69, 73 and 81 can make a big dent in this top sides at this stage of the City takes on Dandenong
minute-mark saw it clinch a league this year. I honestly season, however he was Thunder who sit third in the
4-2 victory. believe that there’s no team GOOD BALL: Vikings' Adrian Curtain spreads the ball buoyed by the response from east conference then Mel-
“The first half we didn’t do that can stop us when we’re across the field in their thrilling 4-2 win over Bell Park on the early-season slump. And bourne Victory – third on the
what we set out to do and our doing the right things.” Saturday. felt that the side had now west ladder.

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40 THE COURIER Monday May 01, 2017


Miners defeat
arch rival in

FIRED Short turnaround for North
City an issue, but no excuse
BFL to use the quick turnaround
BY DAVID BREHAUT as an excuse.
He said Ballarat was
BALLARAT Swans have fired too good.
the first shot by an outsider “Credit where credit is
across the bows of a poten- due. We have to respect they
tial Ballarat Football League were the better side.
premiership contender. “We had our chances. We
The Swans sunk North missed opportunities. We
Ballarat City, which was fresh didn’t adjust to the condi-
SETBACK: Rylan Rattley takes an uncontested mark before being forced from a barnstorming win over tions.”
the ground with a fractured ankle. Picture: Lachlan Bence boom side Melton South, by Burke said the outcome
29 points at Alfredton on Sat- reinforced what he believed
urday night. pre-season that the compe-

Rattley’s bad break for Roos North Ballarat went into

the second round fixture
a firm favourite, but never
Tom Conroy - 4 goals

to nine points midway as

tition was going to be more
even than last year – indicat-
ing surprise results could be
First-year East Point ruckman Rylan Rattley is set for time on the came to terms with Ballarat’s North Ballarat was mounting on the cards at any time.
sidelines after fracturing his right ankle against Redan in the Bal- high intensity-up tempo at- a challenge, but he missed Burke said while under-
tack on the ball. and with an immediate re- standing the reasons be-
larat Football League on Saturday.
The Swans made their sponse by Ballarat locked the hind having just four days
Rattley suffered the injury 22 minutes into the last quarter, having move in the second quarter – match away. between games, given the
to be helped from the ground. He had surgery on Sunday morning. jumping away with five goals While North Ballarat City importance of the Anzac Day
and then early in the third was a far cry from the form fixture, it was far from ideal.
Continued page 38
leading by 26 points. it showed against Melton He said the club had raised
Will Young had an op- South just four days earlier, the issue with the BFL when
portunity to close the gap coach Jordyn Burke refused ■ Continued page 37

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Photo: Michael Amendolia



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