Energies: Gasification of A Dried Sewage Sludge in A Laboratory Scale Fixed Bed Reactor

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Energies 2015, 8, 8562-8572; doi:10.


ISSN 1996-1073

Gasification of a Dried Sewage Sludge in a Laboratory Scale

Fixed Bed Reactor
Sebastian Werle

Institute of Thermal Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 22, 44100 Gliwice,
Poland; E-Mail: sebastian.werle@polsl.pl; Tel.: +48-322-372-983; Fax: +48-322-372-872

Academic Editor: Shusheng Pang

Received: 17 June 2015 / Accepted: 23 July 2015 / Published: 12 August 2015

Abstract: This paper presents an investigation of sewage sludge gasification in a fixed bed
gasifier. Experiments were conducted on a laboratory scale fixed bed gasifier. In the
experiments, two types of dried sewage sludge were tested and their properties were
analysed. Parameters such as air ratio λ = 0.12 to 0.27, gasification agent temperature
t = 50 to 250 °C and gasification agent composition (‫ݖ‬୭మ = 0.21 and ‫ݖ‬୭మ > 0.21) were found
to influence on temperature distribution, syngas Lower Heating Value (LHV) and syngas
composition. The results indicate that the syngas LHV was found to decrease with
increased air ratio for all analyzed cases: cold and preheated air and cold enriched air. The
increase in the percentage of the main combustible components was accompanied by a
decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide. Increasing oxygen concentration increased
the temperature, which tended to favor the formation of smaller molecules in the gas
mixture. Thus, the enriched air medium produced a gas with a higher LHV. In contrast to
conventional gasification, gasification process with gasification agent preheating causes
that the flux of heat necessary to support endothermic gasification reactions is producing
more effective. Air preheating causes increases hydrogen and carbon monoxide production.

Keywords: sewage sludge; gasification; syngas; operating parameters; fixed bed installation

1. Introduction

Significant increases in the amount of sewage sludge has become a common environmental problem
globally. Thus, the need for a proper waste management strategy is inevitable as it is a vital part of
sustainability and environmental protection [1]. An appropriate approach should minimize the amount
Energies 2015, 8 8563

of sewage sludge and maximize its recovery to useful utilization [2]. On an international level, proper
sewage sludge management—as one means for mitigating carbon emission—is well recognized in the
Kyoto Protocol. In terms of climate change policy, the Kyoto Protocol is considered to be the most
crucial driver for the utilization and diffusion of waste-to-energy (WTE) technology [3]. The
thermo-chemical conversion of sewage sludge consists of four main processes: combustion,
co-combustion, pyrolysis and gasification. One of the promising thermo-chemical conversion
technologies that can be used to convert sewage sludge to useful energy forms suited for small to
medium size throughput is gasification [4]. Depending upon the gasifying medium used the gasifiers
are basically classified as oxygen, steam or air blown gasifiers. The gasification process proceeds in
four steps viz. drying, pyrolysis, oxidation (combustion) and reduction (char gasification). In a typical
gasifier drying occurs at a temperature of less than 150 °C, pyrolysis occurs in the temperature range
of 150–700 °C, oxidation occurs in the range of 700–1500 °C and reduction occurs in the range of
800–1100 °C [5]. Gasification takes places in gasifiers. They are categorized as (a) fixed bed
(also known as moving bed), (b) fluidized bed and (c) entrained flow gasifiers depending upon how the
gas and fuel contact each other [5]. Depending upon the pressure used the reactors are classified as
atmospheric or pressurised. Also, if the reactors are heated by an external source, then they are known
as allothermal or indirectly heated reactors and if the heat is provided by the partial combustion of
feedstock they are known as auto-thermal or directly heated reactors [5].
Gasification converts the materials into a gas by creating a chemical reaction. This reaction
combines those carbon-based materials (known as the feedstock) with small amounts of air or oxygen,
breaking them down into simple molecules, primarily a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen,
and removing pollutants and impurities. What’s left is a clean “synthesis gas” (syngas) that can be
converted into electricity and other valuable products. It can be combusted or co-combusted in power
boilers, industrial furnaces, combustion engines and gas turbines. The fact that gasification occurs at a
much smaller oxygen level than is the case of combustion processes should be first and foremost taken
into account. Therefore, the quantity of gaseous products (particularly oxides) is smaller, and the gas
cleaning system may be much less extensive. Previous studies [6] have shown that the gasification of
sewage sludge in fixed bed reactors (and the downdraft version of these reactors) produce a gas with a
relatively low tar content because of the decomposition and oxidation of the tar products that pass
through the high-temperature combustion zone during gasification. Encouraging studies on sewage
sludge gasification in a pilot-scale updraft fixed-bed gasifier have been reported by Seggiani et al. [7].
Results on sewage sludge gasification in a laboratory scale downdraft have been reported by many
researchers [8–10]. Werther et al. [11] and Nilsson et al. [12] have carried out gasification experiments
with sewage sludge in fluidized beds.
Performance produced gas composition of a gasification process is dependent upon the feedstock
characteristics, the reactor design and the operating parameters [13]. Feedstock characteristics that
have been found to have major influence on the gasification process are moisture content, volatile
matter, ash content, char and thermal conductivity [13]. Sewage as a fuel is characterized by
completely different properties in comparison to conventional biomass. It is observed that sewage
sludge feedstocks tend to have less volatile components (approximately 50% on a dry basis) than
biomass (around 70%) [14]. Due to this fact, gasification of sewage sludge (in contrast to other forms
of solid biomass, such as wood, agricultural wastes, and energy crops) is still insufficiently explored.
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Conducting scientific and development research in this field is still valid. This makes that the research,
on which this paper focuses, becomes important. This article reports on a multi-parameter analysis of the
sewage sludge fixed-bed gasification process.

2. Experimental

2.1. Apparatus

A scheme of the fixed bed gasification facility is shown in Figure 1 [15]. The main system
component was a stainless gasifier, with a 150 mm internal diameter and a total height of 300 mm. The
reactor was well insulated to prevent major heat losses. Granulated sewage sludge from the container
was fed into the reactor. After approximately 120 min, the reactor was heated. The gasification cold air
and preheated air flow rate/enriched air flow rate to the reactor was adjusted to ensure a specified air ratio.
Once producer gas production began, the measurements of key parameters were started. As the sewage
sludge was gasified, the ash produced was gradually discharged from the bed. The bed was maintained at a
constant height by the addition of fuel at regular time intervals. A fraction of the gases produced during
gasification was first passed through a condensing system which condensed out the condensable,
followed by a set of filters for particulate removal to allow clean gas to enter the gas analyzer. The aim
of the particle measurement systems was to extract a sample of the hot product gas, without changing the
size distribution and composition of the Particulate Matter (PM), to allow PM characterization using
various instruments and analysis techniques. Representative gas samples were also collected in Tedlar© gas
bags for off-line measurements. The gases were subsequently analyzed using a gas chromatograph Agilent
6980 N series. The same procedure was repeated at different air ratios. Uncertainty in the measurements
might have arisen from errors in the mass balances and volumetric apparatuses. In this experiment,
all parameters were measured by appropriately calibrated laboratory equipment. The gasification agent
flow rate and the syngas flow rate were measured by flow meters. The syngas was transported from the
gasifier by a pipe. The syngas was cleaned by a cyclone, a scrubber and a drop separator.

Figure 1. Scheme of the experimental system.

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2.2. Fuel Properties

In the experiments, two types of dried sewage sludge were tested and their properties
were analysed. Sewage sludge No. 1 (SS1) was taken from a wastewater treatment plant operating
in the mechanical-biological system and sewage sludge No. 2 (SS2) was taken from
mechanical-biological-chemical wastewater treatment plant with phosphorus precipitation. In both
analyzed cases, the biological part of the wastewater treatment plant has worked with low load
activated sludge. Thanks to it, effective removal of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) from
wastewaters is allowed. Additionally, in both analyzed cases, sewage sludge is stabilized by anaerobic
digestion and dewatering. After it, sewage sludge is dried. In the case 1 (SS1), sewage sludge was
dried in cylindrical dryer with a heated shelf. The temperature of hot air was equal to 260 °C
(high temperature). In the case 2 (SS2), an air belt dryer was used. The temperature of hot air in this
case was equal to 150 °C (low temperature). As a result, sludge SS1 had a granular form of, while
sludge SS2 was in the shape of irregular thin “pasta” (Figure 2).

(a) (b)

Figure 2. Sewage sludge analyzed: (a) SS1; (b) SS2.

The qualitative chemical analysis of the dried sewage sludge and waste by-products produced
during gasification covered the concentrations of major elements (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
chlorine, fluorine, sulphur and oxygen) and selected heavy metals (zinc, selenium, lead, nickel,
mercury, copper, chromium, cadmium, arsenic). The concentrations of the major elements were
assayed using automatic measurements with an IR analyzer. The heavy metals were determined by
plasma or absorption spectrometry. The assays carried out in the liquid products covered: total organic
carbon using an automatic analyzer and ammonia nitrogen concentration (spectrophotometer).
The authors of earlier works in this field [16] assayed moisture, volatile fractions, ash, heat of
combustion and their calorific value as well. As for the ash, indicators characteristic of its tendency towards
slagging and fouling of heated surfaces as well as agglomerate formation were determined. The assays of
moisture, volatile fractions and ash were conducted with the gravimetric methods given in the following
standards PN-EN 14774-3:2010 [17], PN-EN 15402:2011 [18] and PN-EN 15403:2011 [19], respectively.
The higher heating value was determined by the calorimetric method while the lower calorific value
was calculated, using the mass fractions of the major elements in a sample. The characteristics of the
two sewage sludges are given in Table 1.
Energies 2015, 8 8566

Table 1. Properties of the fuel tested.

Sewage Sludge
Proximate Analysis % (as received)
Moisture 5.30 5.30
Volatile matter 51.00 49.00
Ash 36.50 44.20
Ultimate Analysis % (dry basis)
C 31.79 27.72
H 4.36 3.81
N 4.88 3.59
O (by difference) 20.57 18.84
S 1.67 1.81
F 0.013 0.003
Cl 0.22 0.03
Calorific Value
Higher heating value (HHV), MJ/kg dry basis 14.05 11.71
Lower heating value (LHV), MJ/kg dry basis 12.96 10.75

In order to identify any potentially dangerous substances existing in the sludge a chemical analysis
has been done (Table 2). Among other organic compounds, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs) in the sludge have been determined. SS1 contained nine (phenanthrene, anthracene,
benzo(a)fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene, benzo(b)- fluoranthene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene,
benzo(g,h,i)perylene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene), while SS2 had eight (acenaphthene, benzo(a)fluoranthene,
pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene)
compounds from that group of contaminants (naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene,
fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, benzo(a)fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene,
chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene,
benzo(g,h,i)perylene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene). The total concentration of PAHs (Table 2) was four times
higher in SS1 than in SS2. This was mainly connected with the origin of the sludge. SS2 is taken from
a wastewater treatment plant operating in the mechanical-biological-chemical system. Organic
impurities from the sludge were removed in the third stage of the system.
The organic contaminants identified in the sewage sludge also included pesticides and
polychlorinated biphenyls. It is worth mentioning that SS1 revealed the presence of three pesticides
(heptachlor, aldrin, endrin) from the group of those commonly found in the natural environment in
Poland (heptachlor, hexachlorocyclohexane, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, endrin) [20]. Like the group of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the total concentrations of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) were higher in SS1 than SS2. The heavy metal content analysis shows that their total
concentration in the sludge is similar in both cases: 1 841.19 mg/kg for SS1 and 1 847.6 mg/kg for
SS2. Big differences have been noted in the chromium concentrations of the analyzed sludges, as the
Cr concentration in the case of the SS2 was three times higher in comparison to sludge SS1.
Energies 2015, 8 8567

Table 2. Concentration of organic and inorganic compounds in sewage sludge.

Sewage Sludge
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Concentration, μg/kg dry basis
acenaphthene n.d. 80.84
phenanthrene 511.12 n.d.
anthracene 200.03 n.d.
benzo(a)fluoranthene 44.78 126.48
pyrene 187.22 123.86
benzo(a)anthracene n.d. 35.15
chrysene 108.14 23.79
benzo(b)fluoranthene 700.51 53.62
benzo(a)pyrene n.d. 46.11
dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 101.54 n.d.
benzo(g,h,i)perylene 209.44 n.d.
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 370.62 131.48
Sum 2433.40 621.33
Pesticides Concentration, μg/kg dry basis
heptachlor 4.14 n.d.
aldrin 3.13 1.28
endrin 11.58 n.d.
Sum 18.85 1.28
pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Concentration, μg/kg dry basis
2,2′,5,5′-PCB 9.75 7.90
2,2′,4,5,5′-PCB 33.33 n.d.
2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-PCB 23.78 4.57
Sum 66.86 12.47
Heavy metals Concentration, mg/kg dry basis
Zn 920.90 991.20
Cu 495.30 183.16
Pb 119.30 59.97
Ni 103.67 18.90
Cr 180.53 584.53
Cd 6.47 3.24
As 4.19 3.94
Hg 0.99 0.96
Se 9.84 1.70
Sum 1 841.19 1 847.6
n.d.: Not detected.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Influence of the Air Ratio on the Syngas Composition

Figure 3 shows the evolution of the H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 concentrations in gasification gas with
varying air ratios for both analyzed sludges. Air ratio is a parameter that quantifies the amount of
Energies 2015, 8 8568

air/oxygen per unit mass of fuel, as compared to the theoretical amount of air/oxygen needed for
complete combustion. This parameter is quite often used in Europe in comparison to equivalence ratio,
as a reverse of the air ratio, which is most often used in the US. Hence the optimum air ratio that favors
gasification (incomplete combustion) resulting in combustible gases like CO, rather than the case of
complete combustion with an air supply that mainly produces CO2 need to be determined. In this study
a number of gasification experiments were done by varying the air ratio from 0.12 to 0.27.

0,9 7
CH 4 concentration, %vol.

H 2 concentration, %vol.
0,75 6
0,65 5,5
0,5 4,5
0,4 4
0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3
λ λ

(a) (b)

33 21

31 20
CO concentration, %vol.

CO2 concentration, %vol.

21 14

19 13
0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3
λ λ

(c) (d)

Figure 3. Evolution of the main components in sewage sludge gasification gas as a

function of the air ratio: (a) methane; (b) hydrogen; (c) carbon monoxide; (d) carbon dioxide.

Analyzing this figure it can be confirmed that throughout the range of analyzed air ratio volumetric
fraction of main combustible components of gasification gas (CO and H2) are higher in the case of the
SS1 (positive aspect) in comparison to SS2. At lower air ratio values, CO composition was found to be
low and it starts to rise to the optimum air ratio of 0.18 and later drops for higher air ratios. The
maximum CO average composition values of 31.3% for SS1 (and 26.9% for SS2) were obtained for
gasification at λ = 0.18. CO2 shows an inverse relation with CO as the reactions that produce those
gases are competing for the same reactant, namely carbon. The concentration of carbon dioxide is
generally expected to be the smallest of the optimal air ratio range between 0.18–0.24. Rapid growth of
CO observed in the value of the air ratio equal to 0.18 is caused by the dominant role of the primary
water gas reaction. The reactions that can occur in the gasifier as a result of the gasification agent flow
Energies 2015, 8 8569

can be categorized as the reaction of gasification agent and carbon in the fuel and the reaction of
gasification agent and CO in the gas. The reaction of gasification air and carbon is an endothermic process
that generates mainly CO, whereas the reaction of gasification air and CO is an exothermic one, that
generates mainly CO2 (and H2). When gasification air is fed with the fuel into the reactor, the endothermic
reaction of air and carbon occurs first (e.g., primary water gas reaction CO + H2O → CO + H2), and the
CO in a gaseous state produced from the fuel reacts with the residuals causing next reactions
(e.g., water gas shift CO + H2O ↔ CO2 + H2). Thus, the composition of H2, CO and CO2 in the
gasification gas changes according to the amount of the air supplied to the reactor.
On the Figure 4 there is presented dependence of the lower heating value (LHV) of obtaining gas
versus an air ratio. The lower heating value (LHV) in MJ/m3n of the syngas was estimated using the
formula given below [21]:
LHV = 0.126·CO + 0.108·H2 + 0.358·CH4 (1)

Analyzing Figure 4, it can be concluded that taking into consideration the lower heating value LHV
of the gasification gas there is the optimum value of the air ratio equal to 0.18 in which the LHV
adopts its maximum value. It is true irrespective of the sewage sludge type. Above that optimal value,
the thermochemical process could be shifted from gasification to combustion.

Figure 4. Lower heating value (LHV) of the gasification gas versus air ratio.

3.2. Influence of the Temperature of Gasification Agent on Syngas Composition

Figure 5 demonstrates that the use of hot air for sewage sludge gasification was able to produce
gasification gas with a superior heating value compared to low temperature gasifiers, which produce
producer gas with LHVs ranging up 5.12 MJ/m3n. It is caused by the increment of the yield of the main
producer gas components, CO, H2 and CH4, which were enhanced by increasing the gasification agent
temperature. This is mainly due to the endothermic reactions involved in the gasification process
which become more dominant at higher temperatures. Similar behavior is also found during catalytic
gasification. The high temperature of gasification agent was sufficient to allow for secondary
thermocracking reactions that increased the producer gas yield.
Energies 2015, 8 8570

Figure 5. Influence of the gasification agent temperature on the LHV of the syngas.

3.3. Influence of the Gasification Agent Composition on Syngas Composition

Figure 6 shows the influence of the gasification agent composition on the LHV of producing gas.
The gasification agent studied is composed of nitrogen and oxygen mixtures. The oxygen molar
concentration studied was equal to: 21% and 25%.

Figure 6. Influence of the gasification composition on the syngas LHV.

Analyzing the results presented in Figure 6 it can be concluded that the LHV of the producer gas
increased slightly with the increment of the oxygen concentration in the gasification agent. This is
mainly caused by the lower dilution by the nitrogen.
The whole system was also analyzed taking into consideration the energy efficiency.
Two parameters were calculated. Cold Gas Efficiency (CGE) was calculated as the chemical enthalpy
of the syngas calculated on the basis of its composition related to the chemical enthalpy of the gasified
biomass, while Hot Gas Efficiency (HGE) was the total enthalpy of the syngas related to the chemical
enthalpy of the biomass. These values vary between 51.2%–58.8% in the case of the CGE, and
55.6%–67.9% in the case of HGE.
Energies 2015, 8 8571

4. Conclusions

The main conclusions from the study are as follows: (i) Original experimental results on sewage
sludge gasification are presented in this study. Air/enriched air gasification of sewage sludge was
investigated, and a fixed bed reactor was used. Such experiments have not been previously conducted
on Polish sewage sludge used as a feedstock in the gasification process. The results obtained showed
that gasification of sewage sludge in a fixed bed gasification installation is technically feasible.
(ii) Sewage sludge has a high and worldwide economic potential due to its extremely low price.
(iii) The operating conditions (amount of the gasification agent) of the sewage sludge gasification
process greatly influence the syngas composition distribution. (iv) Higher values of the main
components (especially C and H) in the sewage sludge plant affect the increase of the LHV of
gasification gas. (v) Throughout the range of analyzed air ratios (λ = 0.12–0.27) the volumetric
fractions of the main combustible components of gasification gas (CO and H2) are higher in the case of
the SS1 (positive aspect) in comparison to SS2. (vi) Taking into consideration the lower heating value
LHV of the gasification gas there is the optimum value of the air ratio equal to 0.18 in which the LHV
takes its maximum value. It is true irrespective of the sewage sludge type. (vii) The yield of the main
producer gas components, CO, H2 and CH4, was enhanced by increasing the gasification agent
temperature and increasing of the oxygen concentration in the gasification agent.


The paper has been prepared within the frame of the Grant no RGH-6/RIE6/2014.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license

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