E328sea Industrial Tools

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The document appears to be a product catalog for hydraulic cylinders and lifting equipment that provides an overview of the company's brands and product lines.

The catalog features information on hydraulic cylinders, lifting jacks, pumps, hydraulic components and other industrial tools.

The catalog contains sections on cylinders and lifting products, pumps and valves, system components, presses, pullers, tools, bolting tools, and heavy lifting technology.


E328 SEA

Table of Contents

Introduction Directional Control Valves 115 - 119 W-Series, Low Profile Hexagon Wrenches .......... 200 - 213
W-SL-Series, Ultra-Slim Stepped Width,
The World Class Brand ................................................. 2-3 Introduction & Overview............................................... 115 Bi-Hexagonal Cassette Wrenches .................... 210 - 211
VM, VE-Series, Pump Mounted Valves ................ 116 - 117 WCR-Series, Roller Cassette Wrenches......................... 212
Cylinders & Lifting Products 4 - 67 VC-Series, Remote Mounted Valves .............................. 118 WTE, WRP-Series, Accessories for W-Series ................ 213
VC, VM, VE-Series, Valve Dimensions ........................... 119 PTW-Series, Pneumatic Torque Wrenches........... 214 - 215
Introduction & Overview.............................................. 4 - 5 ETW-Series, Electric Torque Wrenches................ 216 - 217
RC-Series, Single-Acting, General Purpose Cylinders.. 6 - 9 System Components & Control Valves 120 - 137 Accessories for PTW and ETW-Series .......................... 218
A, CAT, JBI, RB, RE-Series, Cylinder Accessories ............ 10 Application Examples PTW and ETW-Series ................. 219
RA-Series, Aluminium Cylinders, Introduction ................. 11 Introduction & Overview...................................... 120 - 121 Selection Matrix Wrench-Pump Combinations ........ 220
RAC-Series, Single-Acting, Aluminium Cylinders..... 12 - 13 H700, H900-Series, High Pressure Hoses ........... 122 - 123 PME, PMU-Series, Electric Torque Wrench Pumps ....... 221
RACL-Series, Single-Acting, A, C, F, T-Series, Hydraulic Couplers .................. 124 - 125 TQ-Series, Electric Torque Wrench Pumps.......... 222 - 223
Aluminium Lock Nut Cylinders.............................. 14 - 15 HF, LX-Series, Hydraulic Oil........................................... 126 ZU4T-Series, Electric Wrench Pumps.................. 224 - 227
RACH-Series, Single-Acting, A, AM-Series, Manifolds ............................................... 126 ZE-Series, Electric Torque Wrench Pumps .......... 228 - 229
Aluminium Hollow Plunger Cylinders.................... 16 - 17 FZ, BFZ, XSC-Series, Fittings ........................................ 127 ZA4T-Series, Air Driven Torque Wrench Pumps... 230 - 233
RAR-Series, Double-Acting, GF, GP-Series, Force & Pressure Gauges ............ 128 - 129 GT-Series, Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners................... 234 - 235
Aluminium Cylinders............................................ 18 - 19 G, H-Series, Pressure Gauges............................. 130 - 131 ZUTP-Series, Electric Tensioning Pump, 1500 bar........ 236
RT-Series, Telescopic Cylinders .............................. 20 - 21 T-Series, Test System Gauges...................................... 132 HPT-Series, Tensioning Hand Pump, 1500 bar.............. 237
RSM, RCS-Series, Single-Acting, DGR-Series, Digital Pressure Gauge.............................. 133 HT, B-Series, Hoses and Couplers, 1500 bar ............... 237
Flat-Jac® and Low Height Cylinders...................... 22 - 23 GA45-Series, Gauge Adaptor Assembly ........................ 134 ATP-Series, Air Pump 1500 bar ................................... 238
CULP-Series, Ultra-Flat Cylinders .................................. 24 GA, NV, V-Series, Gauge Accessories............................ 135 NC-Series, Hydraulic Nut Splitters ............................... 239
CUSP-Series, Ultra-Flat Cylinders, with Stop Ring........... 25 V-Series, Pressure and Flow Control Valves ........ 136 - 137 NS-Series, Hydraulic Nut Splitters ...................... 240 - 241
LPL-Series, Single-Acting, FS-Series, Hydraulic Flange Spreaders ........................ 242
Low Height High Tonnage Lock Nut Cylinders....... 26 - 27 Hydraulic Presses 138 - 149 FSH, FSM-Series, Wedge Spreaders ............................ 243
BRC, BRP-Series, Single-Acting, Pull Cylinders........ 28 - 29 ATM-Series, Flange Alignment Tools .................. 244 - 245
RCH-Series, Single-Acting, Introduction & Overview...................................... 138 - 139 FF-Series, QuickFace Mechanical
Hollow Plunger Cylinders...................................... 30 - 31 IP, VLP-Series, H-Frame Presses ......................... 140 - 143 Pipe Flange Face Tool...................................... 246 - 247
RRH-Series, Double-Acting, IPR-Series, Roll-Frame Presses........................... 144 - 145
Hollow Plunger Cylinders...................................... 32 - 33 A-Series, Arbor, Bench and C-Clamp Presses...... 146 - 147 Heavy Lifting Technology 248 - 272
BRD-Series, Double-Acting, Press Accessories & Custom Made Presses .................. 148
Precision Production Cylinders............................. 34 - 35 TM-Series, Tension Meter ............................................ 149 Introduction & Overview ..................................... 248 - 249
RR-Series, Double-Acting, LH-Series, Load Cells ................................................... 149 SFP-Series, Electric Split-Flow Pumps ................ 250 - 251
Long Stroke Cylinders.......................................... 36 - 39 EVOB-Series,
High Tonnage Cylinders, Pullers 150 - 169 Basic Synchronous Lifting Systems ................. 252 - 253
Introduction & Quick Selection.............................. 40 - 43 EVO-Series,
HCG-Series, Single-Acting, Introduction & Overview...................................... 150 - 151 Standard Synchronous Lifting Systems ............ 254 - 255
High Tonnage Cylinders........................................ 42 - 47 BHP-Series, Master Puller Sets..................................... 152 BLS-Series, Climbing Jacks................................ 256 - 257
HCR-Series, Double-Acting, BHP-Series, Grip Puller Sets ......................................... 153 JS-Series, Jack-Up Systems .............................. 258 - 259
High Tonnage Cylinders........................... 42 - 43, 48 - 51 BHP-Series, Cross Bearing Puller Sets .................. 154, 161 HSL-Series, Heavy Lifting Strand Jacks .............. 260 - 261
HCL-Series, Single-Acting, BHP-Series, Bearing Cup Pullers SHS-Series, SyncHoist,
High Tonnage Lock Nut Cylinders............. 42 - 43, 52 - 55 and Bearing Separators............................................. 155 Synchronous Hoisting System ......................... 262 - 263
SC-Series, Cylinder-Pump Sets .............................. 56 - 57 SGM-Series, Mechanical Sync Grip Pullers.......... 156 - 158 SHAS-Series, SyncHoist, Wireless Autonomous
P, RC, V-Series, Extreme Environment Products............... 58 SGH, GPS, MPS-Series, Synchronous Hoisting System ......................... 264 - 265
SC, SL, SR, SW-Series, Hydraulic Toolbox ...................... 59 Hydraulic Sync Grip Pullers ...............................156 - 160 SL, SBL, MBL-Series,
JH, JHA-Series, Aluminium and Steel Jacks................... 60 EP-Series, Posi Lock® Mechanical Grip Pullers.... 162 - 165 Telescopic Hydraulic Gantries .......................... 266 - 267
GBJ-Series, Steel Bottle Jacks....................................... 61 EPH-Series, Posi Lock® 10 - 50 ton HSK, LH-Series, Skidding Systems ..................... 268 - 269
PR-Series, POW’R-RISER® Mobile Lifting Jacks ...... 62 - 63 Hydraulic Pullers and Accessories.................... 166 - 168 SPMT-Series, Self-Propelled Modular Transporter ....... 270
PL-Series, POW’R-LOCK® Mobile Lifting Systems ... 64 - 65 EPH-Series, Posi Lock® Custom Heavy Lifting Solutions,
Custom Hydraulic Cylinders & Pumps ..................... 66 - 67 100 Ton Hydraulic Grip Pullers .................................. 169 Experience & Expertise ............................................. 271
Project Gallery – Heavy Lifting Solutions ...................... 272
Pumps & Directional Control Valves 68 - 119 Tools 170 - 189
Yellow Pages 273 - 289
Introduction & Overview.......................................... 68 - 69 Introduction & Overview ..................................... 170 - 171
P-Series, Lightweight Hand Pumps......................... 70 - 71 MS-Series, Maintenance Sets ............................ 172 - 175 Introduction & Overview............................................... 273
P-Series, Steel Hand Pumps ................................... 72 - 73 SP-Series, Lightweight 35 ton Hydraulic Punch ...176 - 177 Safety Instructions.............................................. 274 - 275
P-Series, Low Pressure Hand Pumps ...................... 74 - 75 SP-Series, 50 ton Double-Acting Punch ...............178 - 179 Pump Selection ........................................................... 276
MP-Series, Multifluid Hand Pumps ................................ 76 LW-Series, Hydraulic Vertical Lifting Wedge ................ 180 Selection Worksheet ................................................... 277
P-Series, Foot Pump ..................................................... 77 SOH-Series, Hydraulic Machine Lifts ........................... 181 Basic System Set-Ups......................................... 278 - 279
P, 11-Series, Ultra-High Pressure Hand Pumps ...... 78 - 79 ER, EL-Series, Heavy Duty Load Skates .............. 182 - 183 Basic Hydraulics................................................. 280 - 281
XC-Series, Cordless Hydraulic Pumps..................... 80 - 81 CM-Series, Industrial Storage Cases ........................... 184 Conversion Tables ....................................................... 282
PU-Series, Economy Electric Pumps ....................... 82 - 83 A, WR-Series, Wedgie & Spread Cylinders ................... 185 Key to Measurements.................................................. 282
PE-Series, Submerged Electric Pumps.................... 84 - 87 WHC, WHR-Series, Hydraulic Cutterheads ................... 186 Cylinder - Pump Speed Charts ..................................... 283
Z-Class Power Pumps, Introduction & Overview...... 88 - 89 WMC-Series, Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters ............ 187 Valve Information......................................................... 284
ZU4-Series, Portable Electric Pumps ...................... 90 - 95 STB-Series, Pipe Bender Sets ............................ 188 - 189 Hexagon Nut and Bolt Sizes ......................................... 285
ZE-Series, Electric Pumps .................................... 96 - 101 Torque Tightening Theory................................... 286 - 287
PE 8000-Series, Electric Pumps .......................... 102 - 103 Bolting Tools and Pumps 190 - 247 Tensioning Theory .............................................. 288 - 289
PA-Series, Air Hydraulic Foot Pumps............................ 104
PAM-Series, Air Hydraulic Pumps ................................ 105 Introduction & Overview ..................................... 190 - 191 About Enerpac ........................................................... 290
PATG-Series, Turbo II, Air Hydraulic Pumps......... 106 - 107 E-Series, Manual Torque Multipliers ................... 192 - 193 Enerpac Academy ..................................................... 291
XA-Series, Air Driven Foot Pumps ....................... 108 - 109 S-Series, Square Drive Torque Wrenches ........... 194 - 196 Enerpac Maintenance Program (EMP)...................... 291
ZA4-Series, Modular Air Hydraulic Pumps .......... 110 - 111 RTE, SRS-Series, Accessories for S-Series .................. 197 Enerpac Worldwide Locations .................................. 292
ZG-Series, Gasoline Hydraulic Pumps ................. 112 - 113 BSH-Series, Heavy-Duty Impact Sockets ..................... 198
EGM 8000-Series, Gasoline Hydraulic Pumps .............. 114 Bolting Application Ideas ............................................. 199
Model Number Index Section Index
▼ ▼
Page(s) ▼ Page(s) ▼ Page(s) ▼ Page(s) ▼ Cylinders &
Lifting Products
A EMB . . . . . . . . . . . 182 N T
A5-A10 . . . . . . . . . 172 EP . . . . . . . . . 162-165 NC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 T . . . . . . . . . . 125, 132
A12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 EPH . . . . . . . . 166-169 NS . . . . . . . . . 240-241 TH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
A13-A28 . . . . . . . . 172 EPP . . . . . . . . 163, 165 NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 THQ . . . . 211, 220-232
A29-A53 . . . . . . . . . 10 ER . . . . . . . . . 182-183 TM. . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Page 4-67
A64-A66 . . . . . . . . 126 ERA . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 P TQ . . . . . 220, 222-223
A92 . . . . . . . . 172, 185 ES . . . . . . . . . 182-183 P . . . . . . 70-75, 78-79 TW . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Pumps & Directional
A102 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
A110 . . . . . . . . . . . 148
ETW . . . . . . . 216-218
EVO . . . . . . . . 252-255
P142AL-P392AL . . . 58
P392FP . . . . . . . . . . 77 V
Control Valves
A128 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 PA-PAM . . . . 104-105 V . . . . . . . 58, 135-137
A128-A192 . . . . . . 172 F PAMG . . . . . . 106-107 VA2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A130-A175 . . . . . . 148 F . . . . . . . . . . 124-125 PATG . . . . . . . 106-107 VC . . . . . . . . . 118-119
A183 . . . . . . . . . . . 146
A185 . . . . . . . 146, 172
FF . . . . . . . . . 246-247
FH . . . . . . . . . 124-125
PARG . . . . . . 106-107
PC . . . . . . . . . . . 70, 72
VE . . . . . . . . . 118-119
VLP . . . . . . . . 140-143
Page 68-119
A200 . . . . . . . . . . . 141 FR . . . . . . . . . 124-125 PE . . . . . . . . . . . 84-87 VM . . . . . . . . 118-119
A205-A220 . . . . . . 146 FRL . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 PE8000 . . . . . . . . . 148 VMC . . . . . . 117, 119,
System Components &
A218-A305 . . . . . . 172 FS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 PF25 . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 . . . . . . . . . . . .143, 145 Control Valves
A310, A330 . . . . . . 146 FSB-FSH-FSM. . . . 243 PK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 VU . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
A530-A595 . . . . . . 172 FZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 PM . . . . . . . . 220-221
A604 . . . . . . . . . . . 125 PMB . . . . . . . . . . . 148 W
A607 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 G PR . . . . . . . . . . . 62-63 W . . . . . . . . . 200-213
A630 . . . . . . . . . . . 125 G . . . . . . . . . . 130-131 PTW . . . 214-215, 218 WC . . . . . . . . 186-187 Page 120-137
A650 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 GA . . . . . . . . . 134-135 PU . . . . . . . . . . . 82-83 WCR . . . . . . . . . . . 212
AD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 GBJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 WHC . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Presses
AH-AM-AR. . . 125-126 GF . . . . . . . . . 128-129 R WHR . . . . . . . . . . . 186
ATM. . . . . . . . 244-245 GP . . . . . . . . . 128-129 RA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 WMC . . . . . . . . . . . 187
ATP . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 GPS . . . . 156-157, 160 RAC. . . . . . . . . . 12-13 WR . . . . . . . . 175, 185
AW . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GT . . . . . . . . . 234-235 RACH. . . . . . . . . 16-17 WRP . . . . . . . . . . . 213
RACL. . . . . . . . . 14-15 WTE . . . . . . . . . . . 213
B H RAR. . . . . . . . . . 18-19
B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 H . . . . . . . . . . 122-123 RAT. . . . . . . . . . . . 218 X Page 138-149
BAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-131 RB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 XA . . 57, 108-109, 241
BFZ . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 HA-HB-HC. . . 122-123 RC . . . . . . . 6-9, 56-59 . . . . . . . 151-153, 233 Pullers
BH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 HCG. . . . . . . . . . 40-47 RCH. . . . . . . . . . 30-31 XC . . . . 57, 80-81, 241
BHP . . . . 152-155, 161 HCL . . . . 40-43, 52-55 RCS . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 XLK . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
BLS . . . . . . . . 256-257 HCR. . . . 40-43, 48-51 RE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 XPG . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
BLT . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 HF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 RFL . . . . . . . . 104-109 XSC . . . . . 80, 108, 127
BR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 HP . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 33 RR . . . . . . . . . . . 36-39
BRC. . . . . . . . . . 28-29 HPT . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 RRH. . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Z
BRD. . . . . . . . . . 34-35 HSK . . . . . . . . 268-269 RSM . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Page 150-169
BRP . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 HSL . . . . . . . . 260-261 RT . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 ZA4 . . . . . 89, 110-111
BSA . . . . . . . . 129, 131 HT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 ZA4T . . . . . . . . 89, 220
BSH . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 RWH . . . . . . . 152-154 . . . . . . . . . . . 230-233
BW . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 I ZCF . . . . 92-93, 98-99
BZ . . . . . . . . . 188-189 IP . . . . . . . . . 140-143 S ZCP . . . . . . . . . 99, 117
IPK . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 S . . . . . . . . . . 194-197 ZE . . . . . . . 89, 96-101
C IPL . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 SB . . . . . . . . . 180, 243 . . . . . . . 220, 228-229
C . . . . . . . . . . 125-125 IPR . . . . . . . . 144-145 SBL . . . . . . . . 266-267 ZG . . . . . . . . . 112-113 Page 170-189
CAT . . . . 10, 23, 53, 55 SBZ . . 92, 98, 226, 232 ZH . . . . . . . . 93, 98-99
CATG. . . . . . 13, 15, 19
. . . . . . . 45, 47, 49, 51
JBI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
SC, SCH. . . . 56-57, 59
SCL . . . . . . . . . . 57, 59
ZLS . . . . 92-93, 98-99
ZP . . . . . 92-93, 98-99
Bolting Tools
CD-CF-CH . . . . . . . 125 JH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 SDA. . . . . . . . . . . . 196 ZU4 . . . . . . . . . . 89-95
CM . . . . . . . . 172, 182 JS . . . . . . . . . 258-259 SFP . . . . . . . . 250-251 ZU4T . . . . . . . . 89, 220
CMF . . . . . . . . . . . 125 SG . . . . . . . . . 156-158 . . . . . . . . . . . 224-227
CR - CT . . . . . 124-125 L SH . . . . . . . . . 262-265 ZUTP . . . . . . . . . . . 236
CU . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 LH . . . . . 149, 268-269 SL . . . . . . . . . 266-267 ZR . . . . . . . . . . . 92-93
CW . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 LPL . . . . . . . 26-27, 43 SOH . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 . . . . . . . . . 98-99, 232 Page 190-247
LW. . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 SP . . . . . . . . . 176-179
D LX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 SPMT . . . . . . . . . . 270 5 Heavy Lifting
DGR. . . . . . . . . . . . 133 SRS . . . . . . . . . 59, 197 11 . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79
DSA. . . . . . . . . . . . 218 M STB . . . . . . . . 188-189 41 - 45. . . . . . . . . . . 79 Technology
MBL. . . . . . . . 266-267 STC . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
E MP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 STF . . . . . . . . 242-243 83. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
E . . . . . . . . . . 192-193 MPS. . . . . . . . 156-159 STN . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
ED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 MS. . . . . . . . . 172-175 STP . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
EGM . . . . . . . . . . . 114 MSP . . . . . . . . . . . 177 SWH . . . 194, 200, 210 Page 248-272
ELP . . . . . . . . 182-183 MZ. . . . . . . . . 174-175 SWR . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

www.enerpac.com 1
The World Class Brand
complete range of quality high pressure hydraulic tools, controlled force products and

solutions for all industrial applications, with local availability and after sale service
anywhere in the world…. this is what has made Enerpac the undisputed global market leader in
high pressure hydraulics.

Across every continent, Enerpac’s network Always at the leading edge of technology,
of authorized distributors and service Enerpac has continued to develop its range
centers can reach even the most remote of time and cost-savings tools, utilizing
locations, supplying and servicing products modern engineered materials to improve
that are designed to enhance productivity productivity and minimize operator fatigue.
and performance, while making the
workplace safer. Enerpac’s commitment to the continued
development of quality high force tools
With over 150 sales specialists and ensures that the products you purchase are
a network of service and engineering the best tools in the industry.
support in 22 countries across the globe, We will continue to lead the way in the
Enerpac has become the development of quality
product of choice in high force tools for all
industries such as heavy industrial applications.
lifting, manufacturing,
construction, energy,
oil & gas, shipbuilding,
railroads, mining, and
metals transformation.

10 Reasons to Work Total Quality
Our products are

with Enerpac tested to the most

exacting standards.
These high standards
guarantee the quality,
• Expert Design price and performance
requirements of the
markets we serve around
• Highly Reliable the globe.

• Service Excellence
• Worldwide Experience Global Network, Support and Service
Enerpac has an extensive network of authorized distributors and
• Application Support service centers located in more than 90 countries worldwide.
You can rely on Enerpac for the products and technical support
• Availability you need to get your job done, anywhere in the world.

• Quality Logistics Excellence

Enerpac’s mission is
• Value to maintain service
excellence in the ever-
changing world of
• Innovative Products modern distribution.
Providing our extensive
• Systems Solutions range of products to our
thousands of distributors
worldwide demands a
logistic expertise only a
market leader
can provide.

A Tradition of Innovation
Enerpac has a long history of finding new solutions to better
meet the challenges of the industries we serve. We were the
first to develop a composite hand pump and the first to offer a
computerized lifting system. Our latest innovations include the
next generation ultra-flat, low height and high tonnage cylinders,
and telescopic cylinders with highest level of durability, the new
XA-Series of air driven foot pumps, designed for less operator
fatigue – with the unique XVARI® Technology, delivering variable oil
flow and fine metering for precise control, a full range of aluminium
cylinders with the strength of steel and the advantages of aluminium
and the Z-Class series of power pumps ... pumps that were
designed to run cooler, use less electricity and are easy to service.
We design and manufacture heavy lifting equipment. For more than
60 years, we’ve combined high pressure hydraulics and controls to
deliver intelligent and innovative solutions that maintain the highest
level of quality, reliability and safety.

Hydraulic Cylinders and Lifting Products

Enerpac hydraulic cylinders are available in

Improved saddle retention
hundreds of different configurations. Whatever the Hardened plunger saddle protects
plunger end during all lifting operations.
industrial application... lifting, pushing, pull­ing, Easily removable for access to plunger
mounting threads.
bending, holding... what­ever the force capacity,
Thread protector
stroke length, or size restrictions... single- or double- Protector is easily attached and removed
with oily hands or whilst wearing gloves.
acting, solid or hollow plunger, you can be sure
that Enerpac has the cylinder to suit your high force Easy assembly and disassembly
External access to fasteners requires
application. Enerpac jacking cylinders fully comply only standard shop tools for
to ASME B30.1 (except BRD-Series). simplified maintenance.

Heavy-Duty return spring

Pre-tensioned return spring improves

retraction performance, reducing

GR2 Bearing Technology retraction times.
The exclusive GR2 is a unique bearing design on

Note: The cut-away drawing is representative of typical cylinder construction, and may not represent all cylinders in this section.
RC-Series DUO general purpose cylinders which

absorbs eccentric load stresses to protect your cylinder against Unique GR2 Bearing System
abrasion, over-extending or plunger blow-outs and jamming or top- GR2 design surrounds seal of longer
end mushrooming. As a result, RC-Series DUO cylinders provide long, stroke models for improved life and
trouble-free operation. reduced bearing loads. Bearing surface
area increases side-load resistance and

significantly improves cylinder life.


Coupler Protector Easy assembly and disassembly

Coupler Dust Cap has new shape External access to fasteners requires
and more pliable material for only standard shop tools for
easy push-on/pull-off operation. simplified maintenance.
Protector is easily attached and
removed with oily hands or whilst
wearing gloves.

Cylinders and Lifting Products Section Overview

Capacity 1) Stroke Range Cylinder type and functions Series Page

ton (kN) (mm)

5 - 95 16 - 362 General Purpose Cylinders, Single-Acting, RC 6 ▶

(45 - 933) Accessories: Saddles, A, CAT, 10 ▶
Base Plates, Mounting Attachments JBI, RE
20 - 150 50 - 250 Aluminium Cylinders, RAC 12 ▶
(229 -1589) Single-Acting, Lock Nut, RACL 14 ▶
Hollow Plunger RACH 16 ▶
20 - 150 50 - 250 Aluminium Cylinders, RAR 18 ▶
(229 -1589) Double-Acting Solid Plunger

14 - 31 270 - 600 Multi-Stage Telescopic Cylinders, RT 20 ▶

(137 - 309) Single-Acting, Load Return

5 - 150 6 - 62 Flat-Jac® Cylinders, Single-Acting RSM 22 ▶

(45 - 1386) Low Height Cylinders, Single-Acting RCS

10 - 50 6 Ultra-Flat Cylinders with Stop Ring, CULP 24 ▶

(97 - 550) Single-Acting, Load Return

10 - 1000 7 - 17 High Tonnage Ultra-Flat Cylinders, CUSP 25 ▶

(97 - 10.165) Single-Acting, Load Return

60 - 500 45 - 50 Low Height Lock Nut Cylinders, LPL 26 ▶

(606 - 5114) Single-Acting, Load Return

2,5 - 50 127 - 154 Pull Cylinders, BRC 28 ▶

(45 - 505) Single-Acting, Spring-Return BRP

13 - 145 8 - 258 Hollow Plunger Cylinders RCH 30 ▶

(125 - 1429) Single- and Double-Acting RRH 32 ▶

4 - 23 28 - 260 Precision Production Cylinders, BRD 34 ▶

(35 - 222) Double-Acting
(incl. mounting attachments)
10 - 520 16 - 1219 Long Stroke Cylinders, RR 36 ▶
(101 - 5108) Double-Acting

50 - 1000 50 - 300 High Tonnage Cylinders, HCG 44 ▶

(550 - 10.644) Single- and Double-Acting, HCR 48 ▶
Lock Nut HCL 52 ▶
1 - 95 11 - 362 Cylinder - Pump Sets, Single-Acting SC 56 ▶
(8,9 - 933) Extreme Environment Products RC, P, V 58 ▶
Portable Hydraulic Toolbox SC, SL, SW 59 ▶
2 - 150 62 - 460 Aluminium and Steel Jacks JH, JHA 60 ▶
(20 - 1335) Industrial Steel Bottle Jacks GBJ 61 ▶

54 - 181 356 - 686 POW’R RISER® Mobile Lifting Jacks PR 62 ▶

(533 - 1778) POW’R LOCK® Mobile Lift System PL 64 ▶

All ton values specified in this catalog are metric ton and are for cylinder class identification only. Please refer to the kN data for calculations.

www.enerpac.com 5
RC-Series DUO, Single-Acting Cylinders
▼ From left to right: RC-506, RC-50, RC-2510, RC-154, RC-10010, RC-55, RC-1010

The Industry Standard

General Purpose

All RC cylinders (except RC-50,
101) are equipped with hardened
removable grooved saddles.
For tilt and flat saddles, see the
RC-Series accessory page.

Page: 10

Base Plates
To ensure the stability of cylinders
for lifting applications, base plates
• Unique GR2 Bearing Design, reduces wear, extending life are available for 10, 25 and
50 ton RC cylinders.
• Collar threads, plunger threads and base mounting holes enable easy
fixturing (on most models)

Page: 10
• Designed for use in all positions
• High strength alloy steel for durability Specialty Attachments
• Redesigned cylinder thread protector for ease of use For solving all kinds of application
• Heavy-duty, pretensioned spring improves retraction speed problems, specialty attach­ments
are available for 5, 10 and
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance 25 ton RC cylinders.
• CR-400 coupler and dust cap included on all models
• Plunger wiper reduces contamination, extending cylinder life.
Page: 174

▼ Foundation repair: to re-stabilize the foundation, the 308 ton silo needed to be lifted, levelled and ▼ S ynchronous lifting set-up for 200 ton petrochemical
structurally supported. 25 ton RC-Series hydraulic jacks were attached to a bracket on the top of process module using twelve RC-2510 cylinders.
each steel pier. Powered by a Z-Class pump, the hydraulic jacks applied 20 ton of force at each To ensure the stability of the cylinders JBI-25 base
placement to lift the silo 5,1 cm. plates are installed.

Single-Acting, General Purpose Cylinders
GR2 Bearing
outs and jamming or top-end mushrooming.
As a result, RC-Series DUO cylinders provide RC
The exclusive GR2 is a long, trouble-free operation. Series
unique bearing design on RC-Series DUO
cylinders which absorbs eccentric load
stresses to protect your cylinder against
abrasion, over-extending or plunger blow-


For complete technical information see next page.
Cylinder Stroke Model Cylinder Oil Collapsed
5 - 95 ton
Capacity Number Effective Capacity Height Stroke:
16 - 362 mm
(kN) (mm) (cm2) (cm3) (mm) (kg)
Maximum Operating Pressure:
10 41 1,0
6,5 16 110 1,0
700 bar
5 76 RC-53 6,5 50 165 1,5
(45) 127 RC-55 * 6,5 83 215 1,9
177 RC-57 6,5 115 273 2,4
Think Safety
232 RC-59 6,5 151 323 2,8
Manufacturer’s rating of load
26 RC-101 14,5 38 89 1,8
and stroke are maximum
54 RC-102 * 14,5 78 121 2,3 safe limits. Good practice
105 RC-104 14,5 152 171 3,3 encourages using only 80% of these ratings.
10 156 RC-106 * 14,5 226 247 4,4
(101) 203 RC-108 14,5 294 298 5,4
257 RC-1010 * 14,5 373 349 6,4 Page: 274
304 RC-1012 14,5 441 400 6,8
356 RC-1014 14,5 516 450 8,2
Lightweight Aluminium
25 RC-151 20,3 51 124 3,3 Cylinders
51 RC-152 20,3 104 149 4,1 If you need a higher cylinder
101 RC-154 * 20,3 205 200 5,0 capacity-to-weight-ratio the RAC-
15 152 RC-156 * 20,3 308 271 6,8 Series are the perfect choice.
(142) 203 RC-158 20,3 411 322 8,2
254 RC-1510 20,3 516 373 9,5
305 RC-1512 20,3 619 423 10,9 Page: 12
356 RC-1514 20,3 723 474 11,8
26 RC-251 33,2 86 139 5,9
50 RC-252 * 33,2 166 165 6,4
Minimize the risk of overloading
102 RC-254 * 33,2 339 215 8,2 and ensure long, dependable
25 158 RC-256 * 33,2 525 273 10,0 service from your equipment.
(232) 210 RC-258 33,2 697 323 12,2 Refer to the System Components
261 RC-2510 33,2 867 374 14,1 Section for a full range of gauges.
311 RC-2512 33,2 1033 425 16,3
362 RC-2514 * 33,2 1202 476 17,7 Page: 120
30 (295) 209 RC-308 42,1 880 387 18,1
51 RC-502 71,2 362 176 15,0 Cylinder-Pump Sets
50 101 RC-504 71,2 719 227 19,1
(498) All cylinders marked with
159 RC-506 * 71,2 1131 282 23,1
337 RC-5013 71,2 2399 460 37,6
an are available as sets
(cylinder, gauge, couplers, hose and pump) for
75 156 RC-756 102,6 1601 285 29,5 your ordering convenience.
(718) 333 RC-7513 102,6 3417 492 59,0
95 168 RC-1006 133,3 2239 357 59,0
(933) 260 RC-10010 133,3 3466 449 72,6 Page: 56
* Available as set, see note on this page.

www.enerpac.com 7
RC-Series DUO, Single-Acting Cylinders
Speed Chart
See the Enerpac Cylinder Speed Chart in
our ‘Yellow Pages’ to determine your
approximate cylinder speed.

Page: 283

◀ For full features see previous page.

Cylinder Stroke Model Cylinder Oil Collapsed Extended Outside

Capacity Number Effective Capacity Height Height Dia.
ton A B D
(kN) (mm) (cm2) (cm3) (mm) (mm) (mm)

RC-50 16 RC-50 2) 6,5 10 41 57 58 3)

25 RC-51 6,5 16 110 135 38

5 76 RC-53 6,5 50 165 241 38
RC-101 only (45)
(U1 = 19 mm) 127 RC-55 1) 6,5 83 215 342 38
177 RC-57 6,5 115 273 450 38
232 RC-59 6,5 151 323 555 38
26 RC-101 4) 14,5 38 89 115 57
54 RC-102 1) 14,5 78 121 175 57
105 RC-104 14,5 152 171 276 57
10 156 RC-106 1) 14,5 226 247 403 57
203 RC-108 14,5 294 298 501 57
257 RC-1010 1) 14,5 373 349 606 57
304 RC-1012 14,5 441 400 704 57
356 RC-1014 14,5 516 450 806 57
25 RC-151 20,3 51 124 149 69
51 RC-152 20,3 104 149 200 69
101 RC-154 1) 20,3 205 200 301 69
15 152 RC-156 1) 20,3 308 271 423 69
203 RC-158 20,3 411 322 525 69
254 RC-1510 20,3 516 373 627 69
305 RC-1512 20,3 619 423 728 69
356 RC-1514 20,3 723 474 830 69
26 RC-251 33,2 86 139 165 85
50 RC-252 1) 33,2 166 165 215 85
102 RC-254 1) 33,2 339 215 317 85
25 158 RC-256 1) 33,2 525 273 431 85
210 RC-258 33,2 697 323 533 85
261 RC-2510 33,2 867 374 635 85
311 RC-2512 33,2 1033 425 736 85
362 RC-2514 1) 33,2 1202 476 838 85
30 (295) 209 RC-308 42,1 880 387 596 101
51 RC-502 71,2 362 176 227 127
RC-51 - RC-5013 50 101 RC-504 71,2 719 227 328 127
(498) 159 RC-506 1) 71,2 1131 282 441 127
337 RC-5013 71,2 2399 460 797 127
75 156 RC-756 102,6 1601 285 441 146
(718) 333 RC-7513 102,6 3417 492 825 146
95 168 RC-1006 133,3 2239 357 525 177
(933) RC-10010 3466 449 709
RC-1006, RC-10010 260 133,3 177
1) Available as set, see note on page 7.
2) RC-50 cylinder has a non removable grooved saddle and no collar thread.
3) RC-50: D1 = 41 mm, L = 20 mm, M = 25 mm.

8 4) RC-101 has plunger thread and non-removable saddle.

Single-Acting, General Purpose Cylinders
Couplers Included!
CR-400 couplers 5  - 95 ton RC
included on all models. Series
Fits all HC-Series hoses. Stroke:
16  - 362 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Cylinder Plunger Base to Saddle Saddle Plunger Plunger Base Mounting Holes Collar Collar Model
Bore Dia. Adv. Dia. Protr. Internal Thread Bolt Thread Thd. Thread Thread Number
Dia. Port from Plgr. Thread Length Circle Depth Length
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

28,7 25,4 19 2) 2) 2) 2) 28 5,6 mm — — — 1,0 RC-50 2)

28,7 25,4 19 25 6 / " - 16 un
3 4
14 25 1 4
/ "- 20 un 14 1 / " - 16 un
1 2 28 1,0 RC-51
28,7 25,4 19 25 6 / " - 16 un
3 4 14 25 / "- 20 un
1 4 14 11/2" - 16 un 28 1,5 RC-53
28,7 25,4 19 25 6 / " - 16 un
3 4 14 25 / "- 20 un
1 4 14 11/2" - 16 un 28 1,9 RC-55 1)
28,7 25,4 19 25 6 / " - 16 un
3 4 16 25 / "- 20 un
1 4 14 11/2" - 16 un 28 2,4 RC-57
28,7 25,4 19 25 6 3/4" - 16 un 16 25 1/4"- 20 un 14 11/2" - 16 un 28 2,8 RC-59
42,9 38,1 19 – – #10 - 24 un 6 39 5/16"- 18 un 12 21/4" - 14 26 1,8 RC-101 4)
42,9 38,1 19 35 6 1" - 8 un 19 39 5/16"- 18 un 12 2 /4" - 14 un
1 26 2,3 RC-102 1)
42,9 38,1 19 35 6 1" - 8 un 19 39 5/16"- 18 un 12 21/4" - 14 un 26 3,3 RC-104
42,9 38,1 19 35 6 1" - 8 un 19 39 5/16"- 18 un 12 21/4" - 14 un 26 4,4 RC-106 1)
42,9 38,1 19 35 6 1" - 8 un 19 39 5/16"- 18 un 12 21/4" - 14 un 26 5,4 RC-108
42,9 38,1 19 35 6 1" - 8 un 19 39 5/16"- 18 un 12 21/4" - 14 un 26 6,4 RC-1010 1)
42,9 38,1 19 35 6 1" - 8 un 19 39 5/16"- 18 un 12 21/4" - 14 un 26 6,8 RC-1012
42,9 38,1 19 35 6 1" - 8 un 19 39 5/16"- 18 un 12 21/4" - 14 un 26 8,2 RC-1014
50,8 41,4 19 38 9 1" - 8 un 25 48 3/8"- 16 un 12 23/4" - 16 un 30 3,3 RC-151
50,8 41,4 19 38 9 1" - 8 un 22 48 3/8"- 16 un 12 23/4" - 16 un 30 4,1 RC-152
50,8 41,4 19 38 9 1" - 8 un 22 48 3/8"- 16 un 12 23/4" - 16 un 30 5,0 RC-154 1)
50,8 41,4 25 38 9 1" - 8 un 25 48 3/8"- 16 un 12 23/4" - 16 un 30 6,8 RC-156 1)
50,8 41,4 25 38 9 1" - 8 un 25 48 3/8"- 16 un 12 23/4" - 16 un 30 8,2 RC-158
50,8 41,4 25 38 9 1" - 8 un 25 48 3/8"- 16 un 12 23/4" - 16 un 30 9,5 RC-1510
50,8 41,4 25 38 9 1" - 8 un 25 48 3/8"- 16 un 12 23/4" - 16 un 30 10,9 RC-1512
50,8 41,4 25 38 9 1" - 8 un 25 48 3/8"- 16 un 12 23/4" - 16 un 30 11,8 RC-1514
65,0 57,2 25 50 10 11/2" - 16 un 25 58 1/2"- 13 un 19 35/16" - 12 un 49 5,9 RC-251
65,0 57,2 25 50 10 11/2" - 16 un 25 58 1/2"- 13 un 19 35/16" - 12 un 49 6,4 RC-252 1)
65,0 57,2 25 50 10 11/2" - 16 un 25 58 1/2"- 13 un 19 35/16" - 12 un 49 8,2 RC-254 1)
65,0 57,2 25 50 10 11/2" - 16 un 25 58 1/2"- 13 un 19 35/16" - 12 un 49 10,0 RC-256 1)
65,0 57,2 25 50 10 11/2" - 16 un 25 58 1/2"- 13 un 19 35/16" - 12 un 49 12,2 RC-258
65,0 57,2 25 50 10 11/2" - 16 un 25 58 1/2"- 13 un 19 35/16" - 12 un 49 14,1 RC-2510
65,0 57,2 25 50 10 11/2" - 16 un 25 58 1/2"- 13 un 19 35/16" - 12 un 49 16,3 RC-2512
65,0 57,2 25 50 10 11/2" - 16 un 25 58 1/2"- 13 un 19 35/16" - 12 un 49 17,7 RC-2514 1)
73,2 57,2 57 50 10 11/2" - 16 un 25 — — — 35/16" - 12 un 49 18,1 RC-308
95,2 79,5 33 71 2 — — 95 1/2"- 13 un 19 5" - 12 un 55 15,0 RC-502
95,2 79,5 33 71 2 — — 95 1/2"- 13 un 19 5" - 12 un 55 19,1 RC-504
95,2 79,5 35 71 2 — — 95 1/2"- 13 un 19 5" - 12 un 55 23,1 RC-506 1)
95,2 79,5 35 71 2 — — 95 1/2"- 13 un 19 5" - 12 un 55 37,6 RC-5013
114,3 95,2 30 71 5 — — — — — 53/4" - 12 un 44 29,5 RC-756
114,3 95,2 30 71 5 — — — — — 53/4" - 12 un 44 59,0 RC-7513
130,3 104,9 41 71 2 — — 140 3
/4"- 10 un 25 67/8"- 12 un 44 59,0 RC-1006
130,3 104,9 41 71 2 — — 140 3
/4"- 10 un 25 67/8" - 12 un 44 72,6 RC-10010

www.enerpac.com 9
Accessories for RC-Series Cylinders
For use Saddles Base Mounting Clevis Eyes
with Plate Block
Cylinder Flat Grooved 1) Tilt Base 4) Plunger

ton (kN)

RB-5 2),
5 (45) A-53F 2) A-53G 2) – – REB-5 2) REP-5 2)
AW-512), AW-532)
10 (101) A-125), A-102F3) A-102G 3) CAT-10 3) JBI-10 RB-10, AW-102 REB-10 REP-10 3)
15 (142) – A-152G CAT-10 – RB-15 REB-15 REP-10
25 (232) A-29 5) A-252G CAT-50 JBI-25 RB-25 REB-25 REP-25
30 (295) A-29 5) A-252G CAT-50 – RB-25 – REP-25
50 498 ) – – CAT-100 JBI-50 – – –
75 (718) – – CAT-100 – – – –
95 (933) – – CAT-100 – – – –
1) Standard on 5-30 ton RC-cylinders 2) Except RC-50 3) Except RC-101 4) Mounting screws are included. 5) Used with Bender Sets.

Model Saddle Dimensions (mm) A-53F, Model Tilt Saddle Dimensions (mm)
Number A-102F Number
Flat Tilt
A-53F 25 6 17 A-12, CAT-10 35 20 22
A-102F 35 6 22 A-29 CAT-50 50 23 35
A-12 51 48 1’’-8 UNC
A-29 51 48 11/2’’-16 UNC
Grooved Tilt
A-53G 25 6 17 CAT-100 71 24 –
A-102G 35 6 22
A-152G 38 9 22
A-252G 50 9 35

Model Base Plate Dimensions Dimensions (mm)

Number A B C D E
JBI-10 228 228 135 58 20
JBI-25 279 279 140 86 26

JBI-50 304 15 95 131 31

JBI-10, 25 JBI-50

Model Mounting Block Dimensions (mm)

Number A B C D E F G H
RB-5 1½"-16un 88 76 – 25 – – –
AW-51 1½"-16un 70 59 10 24 54 ¼"-16 un 41
AW-53 1½"-16un 72 7 7 19 57 ¼"-20 un 10
RB-10 2¼"-14un 114 88 – 25 – – –
AW-­102 2¼"-14un 100 82 16 30 76 7∕16"-20 un 58
RB-15 23∕4"-16un 101 114 – 38 – – – RB-5, -10
– RB-15, -25 AW-51 AW-53 AW-102 (I=4,8)
RB-25 35∕16"-12un 127 165 – 50 – –

Type Model Clevis Eye Dimensions (mm) Pin-to-Pin *

Number (mm)
REB-5 44 47 14 16 16 25 60,2
REB-10 63 66 25 22 25 35 78,0
Base 4)
REB-15 76 66 25 22 25 35 78,0
REB-25 95 79 38 31 31 41 87,6
REP-5 28 45 14 16 16 19 -
Plunger REP-10 42 61 25 22 25 28 - REB REP
REP-25 57 71 38 31 31 35 -
4) Mounting screws are included. * Pin to Pin – REB and REP Clevises fitted. Add cylinder collapsed height.

The Enerpac Lightweight Aluminium Cylinders
▼ From left to right: RAC, RACL, RACH, RAR
20 - 150 ton
50 - 250 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Think Safety
Manufacturer’s rating of load
and stroke are maximum safe
Good practice encourages using only 80% of
these ratings.

Page: 274
• Lightweight, easy to carry and position to allow a higher cylinder
capacity-to-weight-ratio Aluminium versus Steel
Aluminium cylinders, while offering
• Non-corrosive by design, aluminium has always been a good material
the most lightweight solution, also
for use in many caustic environments have some unique limitations due to
• Composite Bearings on all moving surfaces guarantee no metal-to- material properties. It differs from steel in that it
metal contact, to resist side loads and increase cylinder life. has a lower finite fatigue life. Aluminium cylinders
should NOT be used in high-cycle applications
such as production.

The Enerpac line of aluminium cylinders are

Removable Hardened Saddle, protects plunger from designed to provide 5000 cycles at their
being damaged by abrasive surface contact. recommended pressure. This limit should
not be exceeded. In normal lifting and many
maintenance applications, this should provide a
Stop Ring on all models absorbs eccentric loading and lifetime of use.
prevents plunger over-extension.

Composite Bearing material to prevent metal to metal

contact, reducing side-load issues and increasing life.

Hard-coated Plunger and Base resist wear and

prevent galling.
Steel Base Plate
The steel base plate protects the
7075-T6 Aluminium Alloy Components for maximum
cylinder from damage, it should
strength and minimum weight.
not be removed.
The base holes in these aluminium cylinders are
Plunger Return Spring on all single-acting models for designed for securing the steel base plate. They
prompt cylinder return. will not withstand the capacity of the cylinder.
Composite Bearing material to prevent metal to metal Do not use the base holes in these aluminium
contact, reducing side-load issues and increasing life. cylinders to attach any device to the cylinder.

Steel Base Plate protects cylinder base from abrasive

surfaces and load-induced damage.

www.enerpac.com 11
RAC-Series, Aluminium Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: RAC-5010, RAC-15010, RAC-304, RAC-208

Lightweight for
Maximum Portability

All RAC-cylinders are equipped
with bolt-on removable hardened
steel saddles. For Tilt Saddles see
next page.

Page: 13

Lightweight Hand Pumps

The Enerpac composite lightweight
hand pumps P-392 or P-802 make
the optimal lightweight set.


• Composite bearings prevent metal-to-metal contact, increasing

Cylinder Stroke Model Cylinder
cylinder life and resistance to side-loads of up to 10% Capacity Number Effective
• Hard-Coat finish on all surfaces resists damage and extends @ 700 bar Area
cylinder life ton (kN) (mm) (cm2)
• Handles included on all models
50 RAC-202 31,2
• Steel base plate and saddle for protection against load-induced 100 RAC-204 31,2
damage 20 (218) 150 RAC-206 31,2
• Integral stop ring prevents plunger over-travel and is capable of 200 RAC-208 31,2
withstanding the full cylinder capacity 250 RAC-2010 31, 2
• High strength return spring for rapid cylinder retraction 50 RAC-302 44,2
100 RAC-304 44,2
• CR-400 coupler and dustcap included on all models
30 (309) 150 RAC-306 44,2
• All cylinders meet ASME B-30.1 and ISO 10100 standards. 200 RAC-308 44,2
250 RAC-3010 44,2
50 RAC-502 70,9
100 RAC-504 70,9
50 (496) 150 RAC-506 70,9
200 RAC-508 70,9
250 RAC-5010 70,9
50 RAC-1002 143,1
100 RAC-1004 143,1
100 (1002) 150 RAC-1006 143,1
200 RAC-1008 143,1
◀ The unique Enerpac RA-Series 250 RAC-10010 143,1
cylinders – lightweight and 50 RAC-1502 227,0
made of aluminium alloy –
these RAC-506 cylinders are 100 RAC-1504 227,0
ideal for the positioning of 150 (1589) 150 RAC-1506 227,0
tunnel elements under the 200 RAC-1508 227,0
river. (High Speed Train Line,
The Netherlands) 250 RAC-15010 227,0

Single-Acting, Aluminium Cylinders
Optional Bolt-on Tilt Saddle Dimensions (mm)
For Cylinder Tilt Saddle * Tilt Saddle
Model / Model Saddle Protrusion Series
Capacity Number Diameter from Plunger
ton J1 K1

RAC-50 CATG-50 50 24
RAC-100 CATG-150 91 31
RAC-150 CATG-200 118 35
* Tilt sadlles not available for less than 50 ton.
20 - 150 ton
Steel Base Plate Mounting Holes Stroke:
Cylinder Bolt Thread Thread 50 - 250 mm
Model / Circle Depth 1)
Capacity U V Z Maximum Operating Pressure:
ton (mm) (mm) (mm)
700 bar
RAC-20 70 M6 12
RAC-30 80 M6 12
RAC-50 110 M6 12
RAC-100 150 M10 12
RAC-150 200 M10 12
1) Including Base Plate Height of 6 mm and
four (4) base plate bolts M6.

Oil Collapsed Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Bottom to Saddle Saddle Model
Capacity Height Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Diameter Protrusion Number
Diameter Port from Plunger
(cm3) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

156 174 224 85 63 50 27 40 3 3,6 RAC-202

312 224 324 85 63 50 27 40 3 4,1 RAC-204
468 274 424 85 63 50 27 40 3 4,6 RAC-206
624 324 524 85 63 50 27 40 3 5,1 RAC-208
780 374 624 85 63 50 27 40 3 5,6 RAC-2010
221 181 231 100 75 60 32 40 3 4,5 RAC-302
442 231 331 100 75 60 32 40 3 5,2 RAC-304
663 281 431 100 75 60 32 40 3 5,9 RAC-306
884 331 531 100 75 60 32 40 3 6,6 RAC-308
1105 381 631 100 75 60 32 40 3 7,3 RAC-3010
354 186 236 130 95 80 30 50 3 8,5 RAC-502
709 236 336 130 95 80 30 50 3 9,8 RAC-504
1063 286 436 130 95 80 30 50 3 11,1 RAC-506
1417 336 536 130 95 80 30 50 3 12,4 RAC-508
1771 386 636 130 95 80 30 50 3 13,7 RAC-5010
715 221 271 180 135 110 46 94 3 17,3 RAC-1002
1431 271 371 180 135 110 46 94 3 19,6 RAC-1004
2147 321 471 180 135 110 46 94 3 21,9 RAC-1006
2863 371 571 180 135 110 46 94 3 24,2 RAC-1008
3578 421 671 180 135 110 46 94 3 26,5 RAC-10010
1135 243 293 230 170 140 51 113 3 25,3 RAC-1502
2270 293 393 230 170 140 51 113 3 29,3 RAC-1504
3405 343 493 230 170 140 51 113 3 33,3 RAC-1506
4540 393 593 230 170 140 51 113 3 37,3 RAC-1508
5675 443 693 230 170 140 51 113 3 41,3 RAC-15010

www.enerpac.com 13
RACL-Series, Aluminium Lock Nut Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: RACL-1006, RACL-504, RACL-5010

All RACL-cylinders are equipped
with bolt-on removable hardened
steel saddles. For Tilt Saddles
see next page.


Enerpac offers a complete line
of high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only Enerpac
hydraulic hoses.


• Aluminium Lock Nut provides mechanical load holding for extended periods Cylinder Stroke Model Cylinder
Capacity Number Effective
• Hardened steel stop ring increasing cylinder life and resistance to side-loads @ 700 bar Area
of up to 5%
ton (kN) (mm) (cm2)
• Hard-Coat finish on all surfaces resists damage and extends cylinder life
• Composite bearings increase cylinder life and side load resistance 50 RACL-202 31,2
• Handles included on all models 100 RACL-204 31,2
20 (218) 150 RACL-206 31,2
• Steel base plate and saddle for protection against load-induced damage
200 RACL-208 31,2
• Integral stop ring prevents plunger over-travel and is capable of 250 RACL-2010 31,2
withstanding the full cylinder capacity
50 RACL-302 44,2
• High strength return spring for rapid cylinder retraction 100 RACL-304 44,2
• CR-400 coupler and dustcap included on all models 30 (309) 150 RACL-306 44,2
• All cylinders meet ASME B-30.1 and ISO 10100 standards. 200 RACL-308 44,2
250 RACL-3010 44,2
50 RACL-502 70,9
100 RACL-504 70,9
50 (496) 150 RACL-506 70,9
200 RACL-508 70,9
250 RACL-5010 70,9
50 RACL-1002 143,1
100 RACL-1004 143,1
100 (1002) 150 RACL-1006 143,1
200 RACL-1008 143,1
250 RACL-10010 143,1
50 RACL-1502 227,0
100 RACL-1504 227,0
150 (1589) 150 RACL-1506 227,0
◀ The
 portable lock nut cylinder RACL-1506 200 RACL-1508 227,0
used for extended load supports during
epoxy injection for bridge reinforcement. 250 RACL-15010 227,0

Single-Acting, Aluminium Lock Nut Cylinders
Optional Bolt-on Tilt Saddle Dimensions (mm)
For Cylinder Tilt Saddle * Tilt Saddle RACL
Model / Model Saddle Protrusion Series
Capacity Number Diameter from Plunger
ton J1 K1

RACL-50 CATG-50 50 24
RACL-100 CATG-150 91 31
RACL-150 CATG-200 118 35
* Tilt sadlles not available for less than 50 ton. J K
Steel Base Plate Mounting Holes
Cylinder Bolt Thread Thread
S 20 - 150 ton
Model / Circle Depth 1) F Stroke:
Capacity U V Z
ton (mm) (mm) (mm) B 50 - 250 mm
RACL-20 70 M6 12 Maximum Operating Pressure:
RACL-30 80 M6 12 A
700 bar
RACL-50 110 M6 12
RACL-100 150 M10 12
RACL-150 200 M10 12
V 6
1) Including Base Plate Height of 6 mm and
four (4) base plate bolts M6.

Oil Collapsed Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Bottom to Saddle Saddle Lock Model
Capacity Height Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Diameter Protrusion Nut Number
Diameter (Threaded) Port from Height
A B D E F H J Plunger S
(cm3) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) K (mm) (mm) (kg)

156 224 274 85 63 Tr 55 x 4 27 40 3 50 4,0 RACL-202

312 274 374 85 63 Tr 55 x 4 27 40 3 50 4,6 RACL-204
468 324 474 85 63 Tr 55 x 4 27 40 3 50 5,2 RACL-206
624 374 574 85 63 Tr 55 x 4 27 40 3 50 5,8 RACL-208
780 424 674 85 63 Tr 55 x 4 27 40 3 50 6,4 RACL-2010
221 231 281 100 75 Tr 60 x 4 33 40 3 50 5,4 RACL-302
442 281 381 100 75 Tr 60 x 4 33 40 3 50 6,1 RACL-304
663 331 481 100 75 Tr 60 x 4 33 40 3 50 6,8 RACL-306
883 381 581 100 75 Tr 60 x 4 33 40 3 50 7,5 RACL-308
1105 431 681 100 75 Tr 60 x 4 33 40 3 50 8,2 RACL-3010
354 236 286 130 95 Tr 80 x 4 30 50 3 50 9,3 RACL-502
709 286 386 130 95 Tr 80 x 4 30 50 3 50 10,6 RACL-504
1063 336 486 130 95 Tr 80 x 4 30 50 3 50 11,9 RACL-506
1417 386 586 130 95 Tr 80 x 4 30 50 3 50 13,2 RACL-508
1771 436 686 130 95 Tr 80 x 4 30 50 3 50 14,5 RACL-5010
716 296 346 180 135 Tr 110 x 6 46 94 3 75 21,9 RACL-1002
1431 346 446 180 135 Tr 110 x 6 46 94 3 75 24,2 RACL-1004
2147 396 546 180 135 Tr 110 x 6 46 94 3 75 26,5 RACL-1006
2863 446 646 180 135 Tr 110 x 6 46 94 3 75 28,8 RACL-1008
3578 496 746 180 135 Tr 110 x 6 46 94 3 75 31,1 RACL-10010
1135 323 373 230 170 Tr 140 x 6 51 113 3 80 32,2 RACL-1502
2270 373 473 230 170 Tr 140 x 6 51 113 3 80 36,2 RACL-1504
3405 423 573 230 170 Tr 140 x 6 51 113 3 80 40,2 RACL-1506
4540 473 673 230 170 Tr 140 x 6 51 113 3 80 44,2 RACL-1508
5675 523 773 230 170 Tr 140 x 6 51 113 3 80 48,2 RACL-15010

www.enerpac.com 15
RACH-Series, Aluminium Hollow Plunger Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: RACH-1504, RACH-15010, RACH-206, RACH-306

The Lightweight
Solution for Tensioning
and Testing
All RACH-cylinders are equipped
with bolt-on hollow removable
saddles of hardened steel.

Lightweight Hand Pumps

The Enerpac composite lightweight
hand pumps P-392 or P-802 make
the optimal lightweight set.

Page: 70

• Hollow plunger design allows for both pull and push forces
Cylinder Stroke Model Cylinder
• Composite bearings increase cylinder life and sideload resistance Capacity Number Effective
@ 700 bar Area
• Hard-Coat finish on all surfaces resists damage and extends cylinder life
ton (kN) (mm) (cm2)
• Floating center tube increases seal and product life
• Handles standard on all models 50 RACH-202 32,7
100 RACH-204 32,7
• Steel base plate and saddle for protection against load-induced damage
20 (229) 150 RACH-206 32,7
• Integral stop ring prevents plunger over-travel and is capable of 200 RACH-208 32,7
withstanding the full cylinder capacity 250 RACH-2010 32,7
• High strength return spring for rapid cylinder retraction 50 RACH-302 51,1
• CR-400 coupler and dustcap included on all models 100 RACH-304 51,1
30 (358) 150 RACH-306 51,1
• All cylinders meet ASME B-30.1 and ISO 10100 standards.
200 RACH-308 51,1
250 RACH-3010 51,1
50 RACH-602 84,7
100 RACH-604 84,7
60 (596) 150 RACH-606 84,7
200 RACH-608 84,7
250 RACH-6010 84,7
50 RACH-1002 164,6
100 RACH-1004 164,6
100 (1157) 150 RACH-1006 164,6
200 RACH-1008 164,6
250 RACH-10010 164,6
50 RACH-1502 225,8
100 RACH-1504 225,8
150 (1588) 150 RACH-1506 225,8
◀ Rail wheel pulling with 200 RACH-1508 225,8
RACH-cylinder and
ZE-Series electric pump. 250 RACH-15010 225,8

Single-Acting, Aluminium Hollow Plunger Cylinders
Steel Base Plate Mounting Holes
Cylinder Bolt Thread Thread
Model / Circle Depth 1) Series
Capacity U V Z
ton (mm) (mm) (mm)
RACH-20 80 M6 12
RACH-30 110 M6 12
RACH-60 160 M6 12
RACH-100 220 M10 12
RACH-150 245 M10 12
Including Base Plate Height of 6 mm and
20 - 150 ton
four (4) base plate bolts M6.
50 - 250 mm
Center Hole Diameter:
27 - 79 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Oil Collapsed Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Bottom to Saddle Saddle Center Model
Capacity Height Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Diameter Protrusion Hole Number
Diameter Port from Plunger Diameter
(cm3) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

164 188 238 100 75 55 29 55 10 27 5,2 RACH-202

327 251 351 100 75 55 29 55 10 27 6,1 RACH-204
491 315 465 100 75 55 29 55 10 27 7,1 RACH-206
654 378 578 100 75 55 29 55 10 27 8,0 RACH-208
818 442 692 100 75 55 29 55 10 27 9,0 RACH-2010
256 208 258 130 95 70 29 70 10 34 8,0 RACH-302
511 267 367 130 95 70 29 70 10 34 9,5 RACH-304
766 333 483 130 95 70 29 70 10 34 11,2 RACH-306
1022 395 595 130 95 70 29 70 10 34 12,9 RACH-308
1277 458 708 130 95 70 29 70 10 34 14,5 RACH-3010
423 251 301 180 130 100 61 100 12 54 16,2 RACH-602
847 315 415 180 130 100 61 100 12 54 19,5 RACH-604
1270 380 530 180 130 100 61 100 12 54 25,6 RACH-606
1694 445 645 180 130 100 61 100 12 54 26,0 RACH-608
2117 510 760 180 130 100 61 100 12 54 29,6 RACH-6010
823 258 308 250 185 145 61 145 14 79 33,8 RACH-1002
1646 325 425 250 185 145 61 145 14 79 39,8 RACH-1004
2487 391 541 250 185 145 61 145 14 79 46,2 RACH-1006
3291 459 659 250 185 145 61 145 14 79 52,2 RACH-1008
4114 527 777 250 185 145 61 145 14 79 58,8 RACH-10010
1129 280 330 275 205 150 61 145 14 79 48,9 RACH-1502
2258 360 460 275 205 150 61 145 14 79 55,7 RACH-1504
3387 430 580 275 205 150 61 145 14 79 63,0 RACH-1506
4517 500 700 275 205 150 61 145 14 79 70,1 RACH-1508
5646 570 820 275 205 150 61 145 14 79 77,2 RACH-15010

www.enerpac.com 17
RAR-Series, Double-Acting, Aluminium Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: RAR-5010, RAR-308, RAR-204

All RAR-cylinders are equipped
with bolt-on removable hardened
steel saddles.
For Tilt Saddles see next page.

Page: 19

Enerpac offers a complete line
of high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only Enerpac
hydraulic hoses.

Page: 122

• Double-acting for rapid retraction,

Cylinder Stroke Model Maximum Cylinder Oil
regardless of hose lengths or system Capacity Number Cylinder Capacity Effective Area Capacity
losses @ 700 bar (kN) (cm2)
• Composite bearings increase cylinder (cm3)
life and sideload resistance ton (mm) Push Pull Push Pull Push Pull

• Hard-Coat finish on all surfaces resists 50 RAR-202 218 130 31,2 18,6 156 93
damage and extends cylinder life 100 RAR-204 218 130 31,2 18,6 312 186
• Handles included on all models 20 150 RAR-206 218 130 31,2 18,6 468 279
• Steel base plate and saddle for 200 RAR-208 218 130 31,2 18,6 624 372
protection against load-induced 250 RAR-2010 218 130 31,2 18,6 780 465
50 RAR-302 309 179 44,2 24,5 221 123
• Integral stop ring prevents plunger
100 RAR-304 309 179 44,2 24,5 442 245
over-travel and is capable of
withstanding the full cylinder capacity 30 150 RAR-306 309 179 44,2 24,5 663 368
• Built-in safety valve prevents 200 RAR-308 309 179 44,2 24,5 884 490
accidental over-pressurization. 250 RAR-3010 309 179 44,2 24,5 1105 613
50 RAR-502 496 187 70,9 26,7 354 134
100 RAR-504 496 187 70,9 26,7 709 267
50 150 RAR-506 496 187 70,9 26,7 1063 401
▼ An RAR-506 was easy to position under a bulldozer 200 RAR-508 496 187 70,9 26,7 1417 534
for repair of frame member. 250 RAR-5010 496 187 70,9 26,7 1771 668
50 RAR-1002 1002 557 143,1 79,5 715 398
100 RAR-1004 1002 557 143,1 79,5 1431 795
100 150 RAR-1006 1002 557 143,1 79,5 2147 1193
200 RAR-1008 1002 557 143,1 79,5 2863 1590
250 RAR-10010 1002 557 143,1 79,5 3578 1988
50 RAR-1502 1589 924 227,0 132,0 1135 660
100 RAR-1504 1589 924 227,0 132,0 2270 1320
150 150 RAR-1506 1589 924 227,0 132,0 3405 1980
200 RAR-1508 1589 924 227,0 132,0 4540 2640
250 RAR-15010 1589 924 227,0 132,0 5675 3300

Double-Acting, Aluminium Cylinders
Optional Bolt-on Tilt Saddle Dimensions (mm)
For Cylinder Tilt Saddle * Tilt Saddle
Model / Model Saddle Protrusion Series
Capacity Number Diameter from Plunger
ton J1 K1

RAR-50 CATG-50 50 24
RAR-100 CATG-100 73 29
RAR-150 CATG-150 91 31
* Tilt sadlles not available for less than 50 ton.
20 - 150 ton
Steel Base Plate Mounting Holes Stroke:
Model /
Thread Thread
Depth 1)
50 - 250 mm
Capacity U V Z Maximum Operating Pressure:
ton (mm) (mm) (mm)

RAR-20 93 M6 12
700 bar
RAR-30 105 M6 12
RAR-50 110 M6 12
RAR-100 165 M6 12
RAR-150 200 M6 12
1) Including Base Plate Height of 6 mm and
four (4) base plate bolts M6.

Collapsed Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Bottom Top to Saddle Saddle Model
Height Height Diameter Bore Diameter to Advance Retract Diameter Protrusion Number
Diameter Port Port from Plunger
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

189 239 113 63 40 30 50 30 3 7,4 RAR-202

239 339 113 63 40 30 50 30 3 8,0 RAR-204
289 439 113 63 40 30 50 30 3 8,6 RAR-206
339 539 113 63 40 30 50 30 3 9,2 RAR-208
389 639 113 63 40 30 50 30 3 9,8 RAR-2010
201 251 125 75 50 30 55 40 3 8,6 RAR-302
251 351 125 75 50 30 55 40 3 9,5 RAR-304
301 451 125 75 50 30 55 40 3 10,4 RAR-306
351 551 125 75 50 30 55 40 3 11,3 RAR-308
401 651 125 75 50 30 55 40 3 12,2 RAR-3010
201 251 145 95 75 30 56 50 3 11,1 RAR-502
251 351 145 95 75 30 56 50 3 12,7 RAR-504
301 451 145 95 75 30 56 50 3 14,3 RAR-506
351 551 145 95 75 30 56 50 3 15,9 RAR-508
401 651 145 95 75 30 56 50 3 17,5 RAR-5010
251 301 185 135 90 43 80 75 3 16,4 RAR-1002
301 401 185 135 90 43 80 75 3 19,3 RAR-1004
351 501 185 135 90 43 80 75 3 22,2 RAR-1006
401 601 185 135 90 43 80 75 3 25,1 RAR-1008
451 701 185 135 90 43 80 75 3 28,0 RAR-10010
248 298 230 170 110 38 75 113 3 24,2 RAR-1502
298 398 230 170 110 38 75 113 3 28,9 RAR-1504
348 498 230 170 110 38 75 113 3 33,2 RAR-1506
398 598 230 170 110 38 75 113 3 37,9 RAR-1508
448 698 230 170 110 38 75 113 3 42,6 RAR-15010

www.enerpac.com 19
RT-Series, Telescopic Cylinders
▼ RT-2111 Telescopic Cylinder (shown with plunger extended and retracted)

Moving a load a
greater distance

RT-Series, Multi-Stage Cylinders

Enerpac compact, multi-stage
telescopic cylinders are available with
• Nitrocarburized surface treatment inside and out provides corrosion two or three pistons, and can lift loads
protection up to 600 mm in a single movement.

• 3% side-load of full capacity Nitrocarburized surface treatment inside and out

• Double or triple wear bearings support lifting stages provides unparalleled sideload resistance and
corrosion protection for safe use in the harshest
• Tilting saddles with 5 degrees of maximum tilt standard on all models conditions. The longer stroke length of telescopic
• Design Safety factor complies with ASME B30.1 & EN1494 cylinders will save you time and simplify
projects by moving a load a greater distance and
• Lifting eyes for safe handling and positioning eliminating the use of temporary cribbing.
• CR-400 coupler for compatibility with standard product
• Steel cylinder base for maximum strength.

Tilt Saddles
All RT-Series cylinders include
integral tilt saddles with maximum
tilt angles up to 5 degree.

Cylinder Maximum Model Collapsed Extended

Capacity Stroke Number Height Height
at Maximum
ton (kN) (mm) (mm) (mm)

◀ The longer stroke 14,0 (137) 270 RT-1510 283 553

length of telescopic 17,0 (166) 435 RT-1817 345 780
cylinders will save
300 RT-2111 317 617
you time and simplify 20,2 (198)
projects by moving a 500 RT-2119 395 895
load a greater distance 300 RT-3311 352 652
and eliminating the use 31,5 (309)
of temporary cribbing. 600 RT-3323 476 1076

Multi-Stage Telescopic Cylinders, Single-Acting, Load Return
1 Wiper Ring on each stage to
minimize contamination. RT
2 Nitrocarburized Coating for
maximum corrision protection
1 and surface hardness. Exterior in
nitrided and Enerpac yellow epoxy.

3 Stop Ring full load capable to

prevent plunger overstroke.
4 Capacity:
2 4 Wear Bearings. Double or triple
wear bearings for maximum
14 - 31 ton
sideload capability and wear Stroke:
270 - 600 mm
5 Seals for maximum compliance Maximum Operating Pressure:
and high wear resistance.
700 bar

Multi-Stage Cylinders
1st Stage: maximum load capacity at
lowest maximum stroke
S2 S2
2nd Stage: extended stroke but at
lower maximum capacity than the 1st stage
Final Stage: maximum stroke extension but
lowest maximum capacity.
S1 S1

Enerpac offers a complete line
of high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
CR400 A CR400 A system, specify only Enerpac
hydraulic hoses.

Page: 122

Oil 1st Stage 2nd Stage 3rd Stage Outside Bottom Saddle Saddle Saddle Model
Capacity Diameter to Advance Diameter Height Support Number
Capacity Stroke Capacity Stroke Capacity Stroke Port Diameter
S1 S2 S3 D H J K L
(cm3) ton (kN) (mm) ton (kN) (mm) ton (kN) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
944 36 (352) 135 14 (137) 135 – – 110 20 60 49 60 15,1 RT-1510
3092 95 (929) 145 41 (397) 145 17 (166) 145 170 27 80 73 85 40,3 RT-1817
1487 51 (496) 150 20 (198) 150 – – 125 23 60 53 66 21,8 RT-2111
4661 126 (1237) 170 51 (496) 170 20 (198) 160 200 34 90 83 100 67,3 RT-2119
2359 81 (792) 150 32 (309) 150 – – 160 25 80 66 89 39,9 RT-3311
8816 202 (1985) 200 81 (792) 200 32 (309) 200 250 44 110 111 123 124,0 RT-3323

www.enerpac.com 21
RSM, RCS-Series, Low Height Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: RSM-1000, RSM-300, RSM-50, RCS-1002, RCS-302

Maximum Power-
to-Height Ratio
All RCS-Series cylinders have
plunger mounting holes for
installation of tilt saddles. See
table for selection and dimensional

Low Clearance Lifting

The LW-16 Lifting Wedge and
SOH-Series Machine Lifts are the
perfect choice for lifting the first
few millimeters.


RSM-series, Flat-Jac® Cylinders

• Compact, flat design for use where most other cylinders will not fit
▼ O
 nly a couple of centimeters will do for an RSM-cylinder
• Single-acting, spring return to lift a large construction.
• RSM-750, 1000 and 1500 have handles for easy carrying
• Mounting holes permit easy fixturing
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance
• CR-400 coupler and dust cap included on all models1)
• Hard chrome plated high quality steel plungers
• Grooved plunger ends require no saddle.

RCS-series, Low Height Cylinders Cyl. Stroke Model Cylinder Oil

Capa­city Number Effective Capa-
• Lightweight, low profile design for use in confined spaces Area city
• Single-acting, spring return
ton (kN) (mm) (cm2) (cm3)
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance 1)
5 (45) 6 RSM-50 6,5 4
• Plunger wiper reduces contami­nation, extending cylinder life 10 (101) 11 RSM-100 * 14,5 18
• CR-400 coupler and dust cap included on all models 20 (201) 11 RSM-200 * 28,7 32
• Grooved plunger end with threaded holes for mounting tilt saddles 30 (295) 13 RSM-300 * 42,1 55
45 (435) 16 RSM-500 * 62,1 99
• Integral handle on RCS-1002 for easy carrying
75 (718) 16 RSM-750 102,6 164
• Plated steel plungers. 90 (887) 16 RSM-1000 126,7 203
150 (1386) 16 RSM-1500 198,1 317
10 (101) 38 RCS-101 * 14,5 55
20 (201) 45 RCS-201 * 28,7 129
30 (295) 62 RCS-302 * 42,1 261
45 (435) 60 RCS-502 * 62,1 373
90 (887) 57 RCS-1002 * 126,7 722
RSM-50 is fitted with an AR-400 coupler.

* Available as set, see note on next page.

Single-Acting, Low Height Cylinders
Cylinder-Pump Sets
All cylinders marked with an
are available as (cylinder,
gauge, couplers, hose and
pump) for your ordering convenience.

Page: 56

Optional Bolt On Tilt Saddle Dimensions (mm) Capacity:

For Cylinder Model: Model
5 - 150 ton
A B C*
RCS-101 CAT-11 35 11 21 Stroke:
RCS-201, -302, -502
6 - 62 mm
* ‘C’ dimension equals saddle protrusion from plunger. Mounting screws are included. Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
U Portable Hydraulic Toolbox
Toolbox with hand pump, gauge
adaptor assembly, hose and RSM
or RCS-cylinders.
Page: 59
RSM Cylinders
Mounting Hole Dimensions (mm)
Model Bolt Hole Counter Counter
B Number Circle Dia. Bore Bore
U1 V Dia. Depth
E A RSM-50 28,5 5,5 9,1 4,3
RSM-100 36,6 7,1 10,7 7,9
RSM-200 49,3 10,0 15,1 9,9
** RSM-300 52,3 10,0 15,9 11,2
RSM-500 66,5 11,0 19,0 12,7
D RSM-750 76,2 13,5 20,6 14,2
RCS-Series RSM-Series RSM-1000 76,2 13,5 20,6 14,2
** 5° angle position of coupler on RCS-101, 201, 302. RSM-1500 117,3 13,5 20,6 14,2

Collapsed Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Base to Plunger Plunger Plunger Thread Thread Bolt Model
Height Height Diameter Bore Dia. Advance Protrusion to to Mtg. Depth Circle Number
Dia. Port from Base Base Hole
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
32 38 58 x 41 28,7 25,4 16 1 20 22 – – – 1,0 RSM-50
43 54 82 x 55 42,9 38,1 19 1 27 34 – – – 1,4 RSM-100 *
51 62 101 x 76 60,5 50,8 19 1 39 39 – – – 3,1 RSM-200 *
58 71 117 x 95 73,2 63,4 19 2 47 44 – – – 4,5 RSM-300 *
66 82 140 x 114 88,9 69,8 19 2 57 53 – – – 6,8 RSM-500 *
79 95 165 x 139 114,3 82,6 19 2 69 66 – – – 11,3 RSM-750
85 101 178 x 153 127,0 92,2 19 2 76 74 – – – 14,5 RSM-1000
100 116 215 x 190 158,8 114,3 23 2 95 82 – – – 26,3 RSM-1500
88 126 69 42,9 38,1 17 5 – – M4 8 26 2,7 RCS-101 *
98 143 92 60,5 50,8 17 3 – – M5 8 40 5,0 RCS-201 *
117 179 101 73,2 66,5 19 3 – – M5 8 40 6,8 RCS-302 *
122 182 124 88,9 69,8 23 2 – – M5 8 40 10,0 RCS-502 *
141 198 165 127,0 92,2 31 1 – – M8 10 55 20,7 RCS-1002 *

www.enerpac.com 23
Ultra-Flat Cylinders with Stop Ring
▼ CULP-Cylinder, Ultra-Flat Cylinder, with Stop Ring


10 - 50 ton
6 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
All Ultra-Flat Cylinders require a
solid lifting surface for correct
support. The use of these flat
cylinders on surfaces such as sand, mud or
dirt, may result in cylinder damage.

• Up to 4% side load of maximum capacity WRONG! RIGHT!

• Stop ring for maximum stroke limitation
• Extremely low collapsed height
• Nitrocarburized surface treatment for harsh conditions.

Rough soil Flat lifting


For more safety instructions see our

‘Yellow Pages’.

Enerpac offers a complete line
of high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only Enerpac
hydraulic hoses.
Page: 122

▼ The Ultra-Flat cylinders are designed for applications

where high lifting forces are required in confined spaces
starting at 3,6 cm.
Cylinder Stroke Model Cyl. Oil Collap- Exten- Out- Cyl.
Capacity Number Effec- Capa- sed ded side Bore
@ 700 bar tive city Height Height Diam. Diam.
Area A B D E
ton (kN) (mm) (cm2) (cm3) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

10 (97) 6 CULP10 1) 13,9 8,3 27,5 33,5 72 42 1,0

20 (198) 6 CULP20 1) 28,3 17,0 32,0 38,0 90 60 1,7
30 (310) 6 CULP30 1) 44,2 26,5 35,0 41,0 105 75 2,5
50 (550) 6 CULP50 1) 78,5 47,1 44,5 50,5 130 100 4,7
Coupler AR630 including dustcap: Use HB7206 hose including AH630 coupler to connect to your pump.

High Tonnage, Ultra-Flat Cylinders
▼ CUSP-Series, Ultra-Flat High Tonnage Cylinders, integrated tilting function.


10 - 1000 ton
Stroke Straight / Tilted Stroke:
7 - 17 mm / 6 - 10 mm
Tilting Function
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
CUSP-Cylinders DO NOT have a
Stop Ring for stroke limitiation!

• Up to 4% side load of maximum capacity

• Extremely low collapsed height
• Integrated tilting function up to 4 degrees to evenly distribute the load IMPORTANT!
All Ultra-Flat Cylinders require a
• Nitrocarburized surface treatment for harsh conditions
solid lifting surface for correct
• “Red Line” for visual maximum stroke limitation. support. The use of these flat
cylinders on surfaces such as sand, mud or
dirt, may result in cylinder damage.
See instructions on page 24 or more safety
instructions in our Yerllow Pages.


Cylinder Tilted Straight Model Tilting Cylinder Oil Collapsed Extended Cylinder Cylinder
Capacity Stroke Stroke Number +/- Effective Capacity Height Height Outside Bore
@ 700 bar Area Diameter Diameter
ton (kN) (mm) (mm) (degree) (cm2) (cm3) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

10 (97) 6 6,7 CUSP10 1) 2 13,9 9,3 35,5 41,5 72 42 1,2

20 (198) 6 7,0 CUSP20 1) 2 28,3 19,8 40,5 46,5 90 60 1,9
30 (310) 6 7,3 CUSP30 1) 2 44,2 32,1 42,5 48,5 105 75 2,7
50 (550) 10 13,3 CUSP50 1) 4 78,5 104 57,0 67,0 130 100 5,6
75 (792) 10 14,0 CUSP75 1) 4 113,1 158 60,5 70,5 150 120 8,0
100 (1078) 10 14,7 CUSP100 2) 4 153,9 226 63,5 73,5 170 140 10,8
150 (1589) 10 14,3 CUSP150 2) 3 227,0 324 65,0 75,0 200 170 15,3
200 (2090) 10 14,9 CUSP200 2) 3 298,6 446 69,0 79,0 229 195 21,5
250 (2542) 10 15,5 CUSP250 2) 3 363,1 569 72,5 82,5 252 215 27,3
300 (3167) 10 14,1 CUSP300 2) 2 452,4 637 72,5 82,5 282 240 34,4
400 (4008) 10 14,6 CUSP400 2) 2 572,6 837 77,5 87,5 316 270 46,2
500 (5115) 10 15,2 CUSP500 2) 2 730,6 1111 82,5 92,5 356 305 62,7
600 (5987) 10 15,6 CUSP600 2) 2 855,3 1334 87,5 97,5 386 330 78,4
800 (7527) 10 16,3 CUSP750 2) 2 1075,2 1757 93,5 103,5 432 370 105,2
1000 (10.165) 10 17,4 CUSP1000 2) 2 1452,2 2531 103,0 113,0 502 430 157,0
Coupler AR630 including dustcap: Use HB7206 hose including AH630 coupler to connect to your pump.
Coupler CR400 including dustcap: Use HC-Series hose including CH604 coupler to connect to your pump.
www.enerpac.com 25
LPL-Series, Low Height Lock Nut Cylinders
▼ LPL-Series, Low Height Lock Nut Cylinders

Integrated Tilt Saddles

A ll LPL-Series cylinders include
integral tilt saddles with maximum
tilt angles up to 5°.

The Summit Edition

Innovation is at the heart of the new
Summit Edition of cylinders, delivering
the high quality construction that you
expect from Enerpac. The durability ensures your
• Lock nut provide mechanical load holding for a safe work environment job gets done safely and reliably.
• Integrated tilt saddle allows for up to 5 degrees of misalignment • Replaceable plunger support bearing adds
• Extreme low height for use in confined areas support for eccentric loads *
• Nitrocarburization surface treatment for
• Side-load resistance 5-10% of maximum capacity
improved load and wear resistance and
• Overflow port as stroke limiter to prevent plunger blow-out corrosion protection
• Low wear, high pressure seals provide longer
• Single-acting, gravity return.
service life.

* Eccentric load (or “side-load”) is inevitable in

heavy lifting. Our unique Summit Edition features
provide the ultimate protection against side load.
Increased bearing surface maintains stability and
nitrocarburization treatment prevents scoring
on the inside of the cylinder. Side-load poses a
▼ Only the extreme low height LPL-cylinder fits in this confined area to lift the real problem.... our new cylinder features are the
construction. The lock nut provides positive and safe mechanical load holding solution!
over a long period of time.
Page: 40

Cylinder Stroke Model Maximum Side-load Cylinder

Capacity Number Cylinder Resistance Effective
Capacity of Maximum Area
at 700 bar Capacity
ton (mm) ton (kN) (cm2)
60 50 LPL-602 62 (606) 10% 86,6
100 50 LPL-1002 102 (1002) 10% 143,1
150 45 LPL-1602 162 (1589) 8% 227,0
200 45 LPL-2002 202 (1985) 8% 283,5
250 45 LPL-2502 259 (2541) 5% 363,1
400 45 LPL-4002 409 (4008) 5% 572,6
500 45 LPL-5002 522 (5114) 5% 730,6

Single-Acting, Low Height Lock Nut Cylinders
All LPL-Series cylinders require
a solid lifting surface for correct Series
support. The use of these
cylinders on surfaces such as sand, mud or
dirt, may result in cylinder damage.

60 - 500 ton
45 - 50 mm
Rough soil Flat lifting Maximum Operating Pressure:
For more safety instructions see our ‘Learning
700 bar
Center’ on www.enerpac.com
Longer Stroke Lock Nut
For longer stroke applications
HCL-Series lock nut cylinders
are the perfect choice.
Page: 52

Assisted Return Pumps

Enerpac HCG, HCL and LPL-Series
cylinders are hydraulic advance
90˚ and gravity return. To improve
productivity and plunger retraction
Enerpac offers assisted return on ZU4 and
R ZE-Series pumps featuring Enerpac Venturi valve
technology, specifically to facilitate the faster
return of single-acting gravity and spring
F return cylinders.
Split-Flow Pumps
S SFP-Series Pumps with multiple
A outlets with equal oil flow. For
H lifting and lowering applications on
E multiple points these pumps are a
far better alternative than using
D separately operated pumps.
Page: 250

Oil Collapsed Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Base to Saddle Saddle Saddle Lock Model
Capacity Height Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Diameter Protrusion Max. Tilt Nut Number
Diameter Port from Plgr. Angle Height
(cm3) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
433,0 126 176 140 105 Tr 105 x 4 19 96 7 5° 28 15 LPL-602
715,7 137 187 173 135 Tr 135 x 6 21 126 8 5° 31 25 LPL-1002
1021,4 148 193 220 170 Tr 170 x 6 27 160 9 5° 40 43 LPL-1602
1275,9 155 200 245 190 Tr 190 x 6 30 180 10 5° 43 55 LPL-2002
1633,7 159 204 275 215 Tr 215 x 6 32 200 12 5° 43 70 LPL-2502
2576,5 178 223 350 270 Tr 270 x 6 40 250 12 4° 55 129 LPL-4002
3287,8 192 237 400 305 Tr 305 x 6 49 290 10 3° 61,5 183 LPL-5002

www.enerpac.com 27
BRC, BRP-Series, Pull Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: BRC-25, BRC-46, BRP-306, BRP-606, BRP-106C

The Ultimate
in Pulling Power

Minimize the risk of overloading
and ensure long, dependable
service from your equipment.
Refer to the System Components
Section for a full range of gauges.

• High strength alloy steel construction

Page: 120
• Hard chrome-plated plunger for long life
• Replaceable links on BRP-models
Attachments and Accessories
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance BRC-25 and BRC-46 units have
• CR-400 coupler and dust cap included on all models base, collar and plunger threads
to affix a range of optional
• Plunger wiper reduces contamination, attachments and accessories,
extending cylinder life such as chains, saddles and extension tubes.
• Single-acting, spring return.

▼ T o lift a load bearing mast into place, BRP-series

▼ Lifting mining conveyor belt using pull cylinders for bearing maintenance. cylinders were used to tension the supporting cables.

Single-Acting, Pull Cylinders
BRC Cylinder Mounting Dimensions (mm) BRC,
Model Base Collar Collar Mtg.
Number Mounting Thread Thd. Lgth. Thd. Lgth.
BRC-25 ¾"-14 NPT 1½"- 16 un 24 17
BRC-46 1¼"-11½ NPT 2¼"- 14 un 26 24
BRC-106 M30 x 2 M85 x 2 25 24

2,5 - 50 ton

BRC-106 only
127 - 154 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:

BRC-25, -46, 106

700 bar

Cylinder Stroke Model Cylinder Oil Coll. Ext. Outside Cylinder Plunger Top to Saddle Plunger Plunger
Capa­city Number Effective Capa- Height Height Dia. Bore Dia. Inlet Diameter Thread Outside
Area city Dia. Port Length Thread
ton (kN) (mm) (cm2) (cm3) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (NPT) (mm) (kg)

2,5 (24) 127 BRC-25 3,5 45 264 391 48 28,4 19,0 45 ¾"- 14 28 11
/16"- 24 1,8
5 (51) 140 BRC-46 7,3 101 301 441 57 42,9 30,2 42 1¼"- 11½ 32 13/16"- 16 4,5
10 (105) 151 BRC-106 15,0 228 289 440 85 54,1 31,8 39 – 25 M30x2 9,5

BRP-106C BRP-306

BRP-106L BRP-606

Cylinder Stroke Model Cylinder Oil Coll. Ext. Outside Cyl. Link Link Link Link Slot to
Capa­city Number Effective Capa- Height Height Dia. Bore Height Open- Thick- Width Link
Area city Dia. ing ness End
ton (kN) (mm) (cm2) (cm3) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

150 BRP-106C 15,8 238 601 751 85 54,1 105 87 30 35 32 15,3

10 (110)
150 BRP-106L 15,8 238 581 731 85 54,1 64 119 22 34 32 15,3
30 (325) 154 BRP-306 46,4 715 1110 1264 137 88,9 114 155 35 43 55 63,1
50 (506) 153 BRP-606 72,1 1096 718 871 140 110,1 130 151 40 48 65 58,3

www.enerpac.com 29
RCH-Series, Hollow Plunger Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: RCH-306, RCH-120, RCH-1003

Versatility in Testing,
and Tensioning

Cylinder-Pump Sets
All cylinders marked with
an * are available as sets
(cylinder, gauge, couplers, hose and pump) for
your ordering convenience.

Page: 56

Ultra-Lightweight Aluminium
If you need a higher cylinder
capacity-to-weight-ratio the
lightweight RACH-Series are the
• Hollow plunger design allows for both, pull and push forces perfect choice.
• Single-acting, spring return
• Nickel-plated, floating center tube on models over 20 ton increases
Page: 16
product life
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance
Most RCH-Series cylinders are
• Collar threads for easy fixturing equipped with smooth saddles.
• RCH-120 includes AR-630 coupler and has 1/4" nptf port See table at next page for
optional threaded saddles and all
• RCH-121 and RCH-1211 have FZ-1630 reducer and dimensional information.
AR-630 coupler, all other models feature CR-400 coupler.
Page: 31

▼ H
 ollow plunger cylinder RCH-1003 used in an application for intermediate boom
suspension on a dragline.
Cylinder Stroke Model Cylinder Oil
Capacity Number Effective Capa-
Area city

ton (kN) (mm) (cm2) (cm3)

8 RCH-120 17,9 14
13 (125) 42 RCH-121* 17,9 75
42 RCH-1211 17,9 75
76 RCH-123 17,9 136
49 RCH-202* 30,7 150
20 (215)
155 RCH-206 30,7 476
64 RCH-302* 46,6 298
30 (326)
155 RCH-306 46,6 722
76 RCH-603* 82,3 626
60 (576)
153 RCH-606 82,3 1259
95 (931) 76 RCH-1003* 133,0 1011
* Available as set, see note on this page.

Single-Acting, Hollow Plunger Cylinders

Enerpac offers a complete line of high

quality hydraulic hoses. To ensure the Series
integrity of your system, specify only
Enerpac hydraulic hoses.

Page: 122

Optional Heat Treated Hollow Saddles Capacity:

Model Number
Model Nr. A
Saddle Dimensions (mm)
13 - 95 ton
RCH-202, 206 HP-2015 53 1”- 8 9 Stroke:
RCH-302, 306 HP-3015
RCH-603, 606 HP-5016
1¼"- 7
15/8"- 5½
12 8 - 155 mm
RCH-1003 HP-10016 126 2½"- 8 13
Center Hole Diameter:
Smooth hollow saddles are standard on all RCH-models (except RCH-120, RCH-1211).
17,3 - 79,0 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
RCH-121 and RCH-1211 have a 47 mm dia.
boss that protrudes 6 mm from base. 700 bar

Base Mounting Hole Dimensions (mm)

Model Bolt Thread Thread
* Number Circle Depth
RCH-120 50,8 / "- 18 unc
5 16
RCH-121 – – –
RCH-1211 – – –
RCH-123 50,8 5
/16" - 18 unc 12,7
RCH-202 82,6 3
/8"- 16 unc 9,4
RCH-206 82,6 3
/8" - 16 unc 9,4
RCH-302 92,2 3
/8" - 16 unc 14,0
RCH-306 92,2 / " - 16 unc
3 8
RCH-603 130,3 ½" - 13 unc 14,0
RCH-606 130,3 ½" - 13 unc 14,0
RCH-1003 177,8 5
/8" - 11 unc 19,0

RCH-120 to RCH-123 models RCH-202 to RCH-1003 models

* 1/4" NPTF for RCH-120 only

Coll. Ext. Outside Cyl. Plgr. Cyl. Base Saddle Saddle Plunger Plunger Collar Collar Center Model
Height Height Dia. Bore Dia. to Advance Dia. Protrusion Internal Thread Thread Thread Hole Number
Dia. Port from Plgr. Thread Length Length Dia.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

55 63 69 54,1 35,1 9 – – ¾" - 16 un 16 2¾" - 16 30 17,3 1,5 RCH-120

120 162 69 54,1 35,1 25 – – – – 2¾" - 16 30 19,5 2,8 RCH-121*
120 162 69 54,1 35,1 25 – – ¾" - 16 un 16 2¾" - 16 30 17,3 2,8 RCH-1211
184 260 69 54,1 35,1 25 – – – – 2¾" - 16 30 19,5 4,4 RCH-123
9 "
162 211 98 73,1 54,1 19 54 9,7 1 /16 - 16 un 19 37/8" - 12 38 26,9 7,7 RCH-202*
306 461 98 73,1 54,1 25 54 9,7 19/16" - 16 un 19 37/8" - 12 38 26,9 14,1 RCH-206
178 242 114 88,9 63,5 21 63 9,0 113/16" - 16 un 22 4½" - 12 42 33,3 10,9 RCH-302*
330 485 114 88,9 63,5 25 63 9,0 113/16" - 16 un 22 4½" - 12 42 33,3 21,8 RCH-306
247 323 159 123,9 91,9 31 91 12,0 2¾" - 16 un 19 6¼" - 12 48 53,8 28,1 RCH-603*
323 476 159 123,9 91,9 31 91 12,0 2¾" - 16 un 19 6¼" - 12 48 53,8 35,4 RCH-606
254 330 212 165,1 127,0 38 126 12,0 4" - 16 un 25 83/8" - 12 60 79,0 63,0 RCH-1003*

www.enerpac.com 31
RRH-Series, Hollow Plunger Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: RRH-3010, RRH-1001, RRH-6010

Versatility in Testing,
and Tensioning

Pump Selection
A double-acting cylinder must
be powered by a pump with a
4-way valve.
Page: 116

Minimize the risk of overloading
• Relief valves prevent damage in case of over-pressurisation and ensure long, dependable
service from your equipment.
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance
Refer to the System Components
• Collar threads enable easy fixturing (except RRH-1001 and RRH-1508) Section for a full range of gauges.
• Double-acting version for fast retraction
• Nickel-plated, floating center tube increases product life
• Hollow plunger allows for both pull and push forces
• CR-400 coupler and dust cap included on all models
All RRH-Series cylinders are
• Plunger wiper reduces contamination, extending cylinder life. equipped with smooth saddles.
See table at next page for
optional threaded saddles and all
dimensional information.

Page: 33

▼ Double-acting hollow plunger cylinders are applied for Cylinder Stroke Model Max. Cylinder Cylinder Oil
bridge launching systems. Capacity Number Capacity Effective Area Capacity
(kN) (cm2) (cm3)

ton (mm) Advance Retract Advance Retract Advance Retract

178 RRH-307 326 213 46,6 30,4 829 541

258 RRH-3010 326 213 46,6 30,4 1202 784
89 RRH-603 576 380 82,3 54,2 733 482
60 166 RRH-606 576 380 82,3 54,2 1366 900
257 RRH-6010 576 380 82,3 54,2 2115 1393
38 RRH-1001 931 612 133,0 87,4 505 333
76 RRH-1003 931 612 133,0 87,4 1011 666
153 RRH-1006 931 612 133,0 87,4 2035 1337
257 RRH-10010 931 612 133,0 87,4 3420 2246
145 203 RRH-1508 1429 718 204,1 102,6 4144 2083

Double-Acting, Hollow Plunger Cylinders
Hoses RRH
Enerpac offers a complete line Series
of high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only Enerpac
hydraulic hoses.

Page: 114
Optional Heat Treated Hollow Saddles
Saddle Cylinder Saddle Saddle Dimensions (mm)
30 - 145 ton
Type Model Number Model Nr. A B C Stroke:

RRH-307, 3010
RRH-603, 606, 6010 HP-5016
HP-3015 63
1¼”- 7
15/8”- 5½ 12
38 - 258 mm
Hollow RRH-1001, 1003,
HP-10016 126 2½”- 8 13 Center Hole Diameter:
RRH-1006, 10010
Smooth hollow saddles are standard on all RRH-models. 33,3 - 79,2 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Base Mounting Hole Dimensions (mm)

Model Bolt Thread Thread
Number Circle Depth
RRH-307 92,2 3
/8” - 16 15,7
RRH-3010 92,2 3
/8” - 16 15,7
RRH-603 130,0 ½” - 13 14,0
RRH-606 130,0 ½” - 13 14,0
RRH-6010 130,0 ½” - 13 14,0
RRH-1001 177,8 5
/8” - 11 19,0
RRH-1003 177,8 5
/8” - 11 19,0
RRH-1006 177,8 5
/8” - 11 19,0
RRH-10010 177,8 5
/8” - 11 19,0
RRH-1508 – – –

Coll. Ext. Out. Cyl. Plgr. Cyl. Base Cyl. Top Saddle Saddle Thread Plunger Collar Collar Center Model
Height Height Dia. Bore Dia. to Adv. to Return Dia. Protr. Thread Thread Thread Hole Number
Dia. Port Port fr. Plgr. Length Length Dia.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

330 508 114 88,9 63,5 25 60 63 9 1 /16" - 16

22 4½"- 12 42 33,3 21 RRH-307
431 689 114 88,9 63,5 25 60 63 9 113/16"- 16 22 4½"- 12 42 33,3 27 RRH-3010
247 336 159 123,9 91,9 31 66 91 12 2¾"- 16 19 6¼"- 12 48 53,8 28 RRH-603
323 489 159 123,9 91,9 31 66 91 12 2¾"- 16 19 6¼"- 12 48 53,8 35 RRH-606
438 695 159 123,9 91,9 31 66 91 12 2¾"- 16 19 6¼"- 12 48 53,8 45 RRH-6010
165 203 212 165,1 127,0 38 44 126 12 4"- 16 25 – – 79,2 33 RRH-1001
254 330 212 165,1 127,0 38 85 126 12 4"- 16 25 83/8"- 12 60 79,2 61 RRH-1003
342 495 212 165,1 127,0 38 85 126 12 4"- 16 25 83/8"- 12 60 79,2 79 RRH-1006
460 717 212 165,1 127,0 38 85 126 12 4"- 16 25 83/8"- 12 60 79,2 106 RRH-10010
349 552 247 190,5 152,4 38 60 127 4 4¼"- 12 25 – – 79,2 111 RRH-1508

www.enerpac.com 33
BRD-Series, Precision Production Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: BRD-2510, BRD-96, BRD-256, BRD-41, BRD-166

High Precision
and High Cycle

Speed Chart
S ee the Enerpac Cylinder Speed Chart
in our ’Yellow Pages’ to determine your
approximate cylinder speed.

Page: 283

• Designed for long life, the best choice for production applications
• Unique mounting configurations simplify fixturing ▼ Clamping application using Enerpac BRD cylinders (with
clevis eye attachments on both ends) for their high
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance pressure capability and mounting flexibility.
• Double-acting operation develops force in both directions, providing
maximum versatility
• Plunger wiper reduces contamination, extending cylinder life
• Imperial models (RD-series) available on request.

Cylinder Stroke Model Maximum Cylinder Oil Collapsed Extended Body Outside Cylinder Plunger
Capacity Number Cylinder Capacity Effective Area Capacity Height Height Length Dia. Bore Dia.
(kN) (cm2) (cm3) Dia.
(ton) (mm) Advance Retract Advance Retract Advance Retract (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

28 BRD-41 35 16 5,1 2,2 14 6 186 214 162 50 25,4 19,0

4 79 BRD-43 35 16 5,1 2,2 40 17 237 316 213 50 25,4 19,0
155 BRD-46 35 16 5,1 2,2 79 34 313 468 289 50 25,4 19,0
28 BRD-91 80 44 11,4 6,3 32 18 223 251 198 63,5 38,1 25,4
79 BRD-93 80 44 11,4 6,3 90 50 274 353 249 63,5 38,1 25,4
155 BRD-96 80 44 11,4 6,3 177 98 350 505 325 63,5 38,1 25,4
257 BRD-910 80 44 11,4 6,3 293 162 452 709 427 63,5 38,1 25,4
159 BRD-166 142 77 20,3 10,6 323 169 389 548 359 80 50,8 35,0
260 BRD-1610 142 77 20,3 10,6 528 276 491 751 461 80 50,8 35,0
159 BRD-256 222 98 31,7 13,7 504 218 424 583 397 92 63,5 47,8
260 BRD-2510 222 98 31,7 13,7 824 356 526 786 499 92 63,5 47,8

Double-Acting, Precision Production Cylinders

Retainer Nut
For locking foot or flange
mountings. Tightens onto
cylinder collar threads Capacity:
(Included with foot and flange
mounting kits).
4 - 23 ton
28 - 260 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Foot Mounting Flange Mounting Clevis Eye
Mounts onto cylinder collar. Mounts onto cylinder collar. Threads onto plunger or into Clevis Eye (optional)
cylinder base.

Model BRD-Cyl. Dimensions (mm)

Number (ton) A B C D E F H
Foot Mounting with Retainer Nut
BAD-141 4 42,1 80 58,0 10,5 20,0 57,0 31,8
BAD-171 8 56,1 105 78,0 13,5 25,0 82,5 44,5
BAD-181 15 70,1 127 95,2 20,0 35,0 100,0 52,4
BAD-191 23 85,1 159 117,5 26,5 45,0 125,0 63,5
Flange Mounting with Retainer Nut
BAD-142 4 42,1 98,4 78,6 11,0 19,0 – –
BAD-172 8 56,1 121 98,4 11,0 25,4 – –
BAD-182 15 70,1 143 115,9 16,0 35,0 – –
BAD-192 23 85,1 165 135,7 17,0 44,5 – –
Retainer Nut
BAD-143 4 M42 x 1,5 57 49,5 6,3 9,5 – –
BAD-173 8 M56 x 2 75 65,5 6,7 12,7 – –
BAD-183 15 M70 x 2 92 81,0 6,7 19,0 – –
BAD-193 23 M85 x 2 108 96,5 6,7 25,4 – –
Clevis Eye (See chart below for mounting dimensions L, L1 and M)
BAD-150 4 M16 x 1,5 M30 x 1,5 52,4 16,0 15,9 19,1 23,8
BAD-151 8 M22 x 1,5 M42 x 1,5 57,1 20,0 25,4 25,4 23,8
BAD-152 15 M30 x 1,5 M56 x 2 77,8 25,0 31,8 25,4 30,2
BAD-153 23 M42 x 1,5 M70 x 2 77,8 32,0 38,2 25,4 27,0

Top to Bottom to Plunger Clevis Eye Neck Plunger Plunger Cylinder Mounting Dimensions (mm) Model
Retract Advance Protrusion Mounting Length Thread External Collar Collar Internal Int. Base Number
Port Port Dimensions Length Thread Thread Thread Base Thread
H I K L L1 M N P Q Length Thread Length
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) W X Z Z1 (kg)

47 47 24 258 286 41 29 22 M16 x 1,5 M42 x 1,5 11 M30 x 1,5 9 2,0 BRD-41
47 47 24 308 387 41 29 22 M16 x 1,5 M42 x 1,5 11 M30 x 1,5 9 2,6 BRD-43
47 47 24 385 540 41 29 22 M16 x 1,5 M42 x 1,5 11 M30 x 1,5 9 3,6 BRD-46
57 57 25 295 323 38 38 22 M22 x 1,5 M56 x 2 14 M42 x 1,5 14 3,0 BRD-91
57 57 25 346 425 38 38 22 M22 x 1,5 M56 x 2 14 M42 x 1,5 14 4,2 BRD-93
57 57 25 422 577 38 38 22 M22 x 1,5 M56 x 2 14 M42 x 1,5 14 5,6 BRD-96
57 57 25 524 781 38 38 22 M22 x 1,5 M56 x 2 14 M42 x 1,5 14 7,3 BRD-910
73 73 30 492 651 52 54 28 M30 x 1,5 M70 x 2 22 M56 x 2 24 10,2 BRD-166
73 73 30 593 853 52 54 28 M30 x 1,5 M70 x 2 22 M56 x 2 24 14,5 BRD-1610
89 89 27 524 683 53 70 25 M42 x 1,5 M85 x 2 29 M70 x 2 26 16,0 BRD-256
89 89 27 626 886 53 70 25 M42 x 1,5 M85 x 2 29 M70 x 2 26 20,3 BRD-2510

www.enerpac.com 35
RR-Series, Double-Acting Cylinders
▼ Shown from left to right: RR-10013, RR-1502, RR-20013, RR-1010, RR-7513

Most Versatile

RR-Series, Double-Acting Cylinders

Rugged enough for the toughest job
site uses and precision designed for
high-cycle industrial uses.

RR-Series cylinders up to 75 ton
have plunger mounting holes for
installation of CAT-Series
tilt saddles.
• Collar threads, plunger threads and base mounting holes for easy
fixturing (on most models) Page:
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance
• Removable hardened saddles protect plunger during lifting and Optimum Performance
pressing Enerpac’s range of Z-Class electric
• Built-in safety valve prevents accidental over-pressurization pumps, fitted with manual or
solenoid operated 4-way valves,
• CR-400 couplers and dust caps included on all models offer optimum combinations with
• Plunger wiper reduces contamination, extending cylinder life. RR-Series cylinders.


▼ A lateral bridge slide method was utilized to the slide the new bridge into position. Two RR-Series
double acting hydraulic cylinders with ZU4-Series electric pumps were used to push the bridge into ▼ R
 R-cylinders provide power and precision in a special
position over PTFE sliding elements. hydraulic press.

Double-Acting Long Stroke Cylinders
Pump Selection
A double-acting cylinder must be powered
by a pump with a 4-way valve. Series

Page: 69


For complete technical information see next page.
Stroke Model
Cylinder Effective
Oil Capacity Coll.
Height 10 - 520 ton
(cm2) (cm3)
ton Stroke:
(kN) (mm) Push Pull Push Pull (mm)
57 - 1219 mm
10 254 RR-1010 14,5 4,8 368 122 409
Maximum Operating Pressure:
(101) 305 RR-1012 14,5 4,8 442 147 457
30 209 RR-308 42,1 19,1 879 400 395 700 bar
(295) 368 RR-3014 42,1 19,1 1549 703 549
156 RR-506 71,2 21,5 1111 335 331
50 Enerpac HCR-Series,
334 RR-5013 71,2 21,5 2378 718 509
(498) High Tonnage Cylinders
511 RR-5020 71,2 21,5 3638 1099 733
If your application does not require
75 156 RR-756 102,6 31,4 1601 490 347 high-cycle, Enerpac HCR-Series
(718) 333 RR-7513 102,6 31,4 3417 1046 525 cylinders may be
168 RR-1006 133,3 62,2 2238 1045 357 the right alternative.
95 Page: 48
333 RR-10013 133,3 62,2 4439 2071 524
460 RR-10018 133,3 62,2 6132 2861 687
57 RR-1502 198,1 95,4 1129 544 196 Speed Chart
140 156 RR-1506 198,1 95,4 3090 1488 385 S ee the Enerpac Cylinder Speed Chart
(1386) 333 RR-15013 198,1 95,4 6597 3177 582 in our ’Yellow Pages’ to determine
815 RR-15032 198,1 95,4 16145 7775 1116 your approximate cylinder speed.
152 RR-2006 285,0 145,3 4332 2209 430
330 RR-20013 285,0 145,3 9405 4795 608 Page: 283
200 457 RR-20018 285,0 145,3 13025 6640 765
(1995) 610 RR-20024 285,0 145,3 17385 8863 917
Optional Snap-in Saddles
914 RR-20036 285,0 145,3 26049 13280 1222
34741 17712 1527 Optional snap-in saddles for
1219 RR-20048 285,0 145,3
RR-Series double-acting cylinders:
153 RR-3006 457,3 243,2 6997 3721 485
305 RR-30012 457,3 243,2 13947 7418 638
325 457 RR-30018 457,3 243,2 20889 11114 790 Saddle Cylinder Saddle
(3201) 609 RR-30024 457,3 243,2 27850 14811 943 Type Model Number Model
915 RR-30036 457,3 243,2 41843 22253 1247 Number

1219 RR-30048 457,3 243,2 55745 29646 1552 Flat RR-1010, 1012 A-102F
152 RR-4006 613,1 328,1 9319 4987 538 RR-1010, 1012 CAT-10
305 RR-40012 613,1 328,1 18700 10007 690 RR-308, 3014 CAT-50
440 457 RR-40018 613,1 328,1 28018 14995 843 Tilt RR-506, 5013
(4292) 610 RR-40024 613,1 328,1 37400 20014 995 RR-5020, 756 CAT-100
914 RR-40036 613,1 328,1 56037 29988 1300 RR-7513
1219 RR-40048 613,1 328,1 74737 39996 1605 Standard Saddles:
153 RR-5006 729,7 405,4 11164 6203 577 RR-1010, 1012 A-102G
305 RR-50012 729,7 405,4 22256 12365 730 Grooved
RR-308, 3014 A-252G
520 457 RR-50018 729,7 405,4 33347 18526 882
(5108) 609 RR-50024 729,7 405,4 44440 24689 1035 For additional information on saddles:
915 RR-50036 729,7 405,4 66768 36973 1339
1219 RR-50048 729,7 405,4 88951 49418 1644 Page: 10

www.enerpac.com 37
RR-Series, Double-Acting Cylinders
Cylinder retract capacity for certain
RR cylinders may be less than theoretical
values, as a result of reduced relief valve
pressure settings:

RR-308/3014: 275 bar

RR-506/5013/5020: 480 bar
RR-756/7513: 495 bar

◀ For full features see previous page.

Cylinder Stroke Model Max. Cylinder Cylinder Oil Coll. Ext. Outside
Capacity Number Capacity Effective Area Capacity Height Height Dia.
(kN) (cm2) (cm3)
ton (mm) Push Pull Push Pull Push Pull (mm) (mm) (mm)

254 RR-1010 * 101 33 14,5 4,8 368 122 409 663 73

305 RR-1012 * 101 33 14,5 4,8 442 147 457 762 73
RR-1010 - RR-3014 209 RR-308 * 295 53 42,1 19,1 879 400 395 604 101
368 RR-3014 * 295 53 42,1 19,1 1549 703 549 917 101
156 RR-506 498 103 71,2 21,5 1111 335 331 487 127
50 334 RR-5013 498 103 71,2 21,5 2378 718 509 843 127
511 RR-5020 498 103 71,2 21,5 3638 1099 733 1244 127
156 RR-756 718 156 102,6 31,4 1601 490 347 503 146
333 RR-7513 718 156 102,6 31,4 3417 1046 525 858 146
168 RR-1006 933 435 133,3 62,2 2238 1045 357 525 177
95 333 RR-10013 933 435 133,3 62,2 4439 2071 524 857 177
460 RR-10018 933 435 133,3 62,2 6132 2861 687 1147 177
57 RR-1502 1386 668 198,1 95,4 1129 544 196 253 203
156 RR-1506 1386 668 198,1 95,4 3090 1488 385 541 203
333 RR-15013 1386 668 198,1 95,4 6597 3177 582 915 203
815 RR-15032 1386 668 198,1 95,4 16145 7775 1116 1931 203
152 RR-2006 1995 1017 285,0 145,3 4332 2209 430 582 247
330 RR-20013 1995 1017 285,0 145,3 9405 4795 608 938 247
457 RR-20018 1995 1017 285,0 145,3 13025 6640 765 1222 247
610 RR-20024 1995 1017 285,0 145,3 17385 8863 917 1527 247
RR-506 - RR-50048 914 RR-20036 1995 1017 285,0 145,3 26049 13280 1222 2136 247
1219 RR-20048 1995 1017 285,0 145,3 34741 17712 1527 2746 247
153 RR-3006 3201 1703 457,3 243,2 6997 3721 485 638 311
305 RR-30012 3201 1703 457,3 243,2 13947 7418 638 943 311
457 RR-30018 3201 1703 457,3 243,2 20889 11114 790 1247 311
609 RR-30024 3201 1703 457,3 243,2 27850 14811 943 1552 311
RR-1006 - RR-30048 915 RR-30036 3201 1703 457,3 243,2 41843 22253 1247 2162 311
No mounting holes on: 1219 RR-30048 3201 1703 457,3 243,2 55745 29646 1552 2771 311
RR-506, 5013 152 4292 2297 613,1 328,1 9319 4987 538 690 358
RR-756, 7513
RR-1502, 15013 305 RR-40012 4292 2297 613,1 328,1 18700 10007 690 995 358
457 RR-40018 4292 2297 613,1 328,1 28018 14995 843 1300 358
610 RR-40024 4292 2297 613,1 328,1 37400 20014 995 1605 358
914 RR-40036 4292 2297 613,1 328,1 56037 29988 1300 2214 358
1219 RR-40048 4292 2297 613,1 328,1 74737 39996 1605 2824 358
153 RR-5006 5108 2838 729,7 405,4 11164 6203 577 730 397
305 RR-50012 5108 2838 729,7 405,4 22256 12365 730 1035 397
RR-4006 - RR-50048 457 RR-50018 5108 2838 729,7 405,4 33347 18526 882 1339 397
609 RR-50024 5108 2838 729,7 405,4 44440 24689 1035 1644 397
Base mounting hole location is for 915 RR-50036 5108 2838 729,7 405,4 66768 36973 1339 2254 397
reference only, as it is affected by
1219 RR-50048 5108 2838 729,7 405,4 88951 49418 1644 2863 397
* For RR-1010 and RR-1012: N = 32 mm; for RR-308 and RR-3014: N = 55 mm.

Double-Acting Long Stroke Cylinders
10  - 520 ton Series
57 - 1219 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Cyl. Plgr. Base Top to Saddle Saddle Plunger Plunger Base Mounting Holes Collar Collar Model
Bore Dia. to Adv. Ret. Dia. Protr. Internal Thread Bolt Thread Thread Thread Thread Number
Dia. Port Port fr. Plgr. Thread Length Circle Depth Length
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

42,9 34,9 36 57 35 6 1"- 8 25 – – – 2¼”- 14 26 12 RR-1010*

42,9 34,9 36 57 35 6 1"- 8 25 – – – 2¼”- 14 26 14 RR-1012*
73,2 54,1 39 81 50 10 1½"- 16 25 – – – 35/16”- 12 49 18 RR-308*
73,2 54,1 39 81 50 10 1½"- 16 25 – – – 35/16”- 12 49 29 RR-3014*
95,2 79,5 28 76 71 2 1"- 12 25 – – – 5”- 12 44 30 RR-506
95,2 79,5 28 76 71 2 1"- 12 25 – – – 5”- 12 44 52 RR-5013
95,2 79,5 57 76 71 2 1"- 12 25 76 ”
½ - 13 25 5”- 12 44 68 RR-5020
114,3 95,2 30 76 71 6 1"- 12 38 – – – 5¾”- 12 38 41 RR-756
114,3 95,2 30 81 71 6 1"- 12 38 – – – 5¾”- 12 38 68 RR-7513
130,3 95,2 38 71 76 3 1¾"- 12 35 139 ¾”- 10 25 6 7/8”- 12 50 61 RR-1006
130,3 95,2 38 71 76 3 1¾"- 12 35 139 ¾”- 10 25 6 7/8”- 12 50 93 RR-10013
130,3 95,2 41 92 76 3 1¾"- 12 35 139 ¾”- 10 25 6 7/8”- 12 50 117 RR-10018
158,8 114,3 22 66 95 19 – – – – – – – 49 RR-1502
158,8 114,3 49 84 114 19 33/8"- 16 35 158 ¾”- 16 28 8”- 12 55 93 RR-1506
158,8 114,3 49 84 114 19 33/8"- 16 35 158 ¾”- 16 28 8”- 12 55 124 RR-15013
158,8 114,3 76 88 114 19 33/8"- 16 35 – – – 8”- 12 55 238 RR-15032
190,5 133,4 57 96 133 22 – – 127 1”- 8 25 – – 147 RR-2006
190,5 133,4 57 96 133 22 2½"- 12 63 127 1”- 8 25 9¾”- 12 54 199 RR-20013
190,5 133,4 85 101 133 22 2½"- 12 63 127 1”- 8 25 9¾”- 12 54 204 RR-20018
190,5 133,4 85 101 133 22 2½"- 12 63 127 1”- 8 25 9¾”- 12 54 279 RR-20024
190,5 133,4 85 101 133 22 2½"- 12 63 127 1”- 8 25 9¾”- 12 54 383 RR-20036
190,5 133,4 85 101 133 22 2½"- 12 63 127 1”- 8 25 9¾”- 12 54 483 RR-20048
241,3 165,1 88 114 165 28 2½"- 12 82 158 1¼”- 7 44 12¼”- 12 58 200 RR-3006
241,3 165,1 88 114 165 28 2½"- 12 82 158 1¼”- 7 44 12¼”- 12 58 312 RR-30012
241,3 165,1 88 114 165 28 2½"- 12 82 158 1¼”- 7 44 12¼”- 12 58 385 RR-30018
241,3 165,1 88 114 165 28 2½"- 12 82 158 1¼”- 7 44 12¼”- 12 58 469 RR-30024
241,3 165,1 88 114 165 28 2½"- 12 82 158 1¼”- 7 44 12¼”- 12 58 628 RR-30036
241,3 165,1 88 114 165 28 2½"- 12 82 158 1¼”- 7 44 12¼”- 12 58 780 RR-30048
279,4 190,5 108 133 190 28 3"- 12 95 203 1½”- 6 50 141/8”- 8 65 303 RR-4006
279,4 190,5 108 133 190 28 3"- 12 95 203 1½”- 6 50 141/8”- 8 65 399 RR-40012
279,4 190,5 108 133 190 28 3"- 12 95 203 1½”- 6 50 141/8”- 8 65 453 RR-40018
279,4 190,5 108 133 190 28 3"- 12 95 203 1½”- 6 50 141/8”- 8 65 597 RR-40024
279,4 190,5 108 133 190 28 3"- 12 95 203 1½”- 6 50 141/8”- 8 65 792 RR-40036
279,4 190,5 108 133 190 28 3"- 12 95 203 1½”- 6 50 141/8”- 8 65 980 RR-40048
304,8 203,2 120 152 203 28 3¼"- 12 108 203 1¾”- 5 57 155/8”- 8 79 432 RR-5006
304,8 203,2 120 152 203 28 3¼"- 12 108 203 1¾”- 5 57 155/8”- 8 79 589 RR-50012
304,8 203,2 120 152 203 28 3¼"- 12 108 203 1¾”- 5 57 155/8”- 8 79 680 RR-50018
304,8 203,2 120 152 203 28 3¼"- 12 108 203 1¾”- 5 57 155/8”- 8 79 816 RR-50024
304,8 203,2 120 152 203 28 3¼"- 12 108 203 1¾”- 5 57 155/8”- 8 79 1002 RR-50036
304,8 203,2 120 152 203 28 3¼"- 12 108 203 1¾”- 5 57 155/8”- 8 79 1224 RR-50048

www.enerpac.com 39
Enerpac High Tonnage Cylinders
▼ HCL-2006, HCG-2002, HCR-2006

Highest Level
of Durability

The Summit Edition

Innovation is at the heart of the new
Summit Edition of cylinders, delivering
the high quality construction that you
expect from Enerpac. The durability ensures your
job gets done safely and reliably.

• Plunger support bearing adds support for

eccentric loads 2)
• Nitrocarburization surface treatment for
improved wear resistance and corrosion
• Replaceable composite bearings surround the
seal providing support for eccentric loads
• Low wear, high pressure seals provide longer
service life.

Eccentric load (or “side-load”) is inevitable in
Reaching the Summit Edition: heavy lifting. Our unique Summit Edition features
• Hardened surface resists side-loading and cyclic wear provide the ultimate protection against side-load.
Increased bearing surface maintains stability and
• Weather protected, inside and out nitrocarburization treatment prevents scoring
• Low friction to easily spin the load locking rings 1) on the inside of the cylinder. Side-load poses a
real problem.... our new cylinder features are the
• State of the art bearing material provides maximum conformity to solution!
reduce wear and avoid bore damage even in high side-load conditions

Low wear, high pressure seals

• Improved geometry and material selection increases seal performance
even in harsh conditions
• Low friction to improve retraction times

▼ B
 ridge lifting and launching system. The load is balanced
Versatile on groups of lock nut cylinders. The hydraulic movements
are synchronised using the Enerpac PLC-controlled
• Over 200 models in 4 configurations 1) synchronous lift systems.
• Certified lifting eyes, base mounting holes and collar threads are
included for secure handling and cylinder mounting 1)

See specific models technical data for more information.


Enerpac High Tonnage Cylinders
High Tonnage Cylinders
The Enerpac High Tonnage
HCR-Series - double-acting
• hydraulic advance and retract for
Cylinders are particularly suitable
for (multipoint) lifting applications.
controlled movement
• designed to withstand 10% side-load of
maximum capacity. HCL
In combination with our state of the art Series
power packs, you will have a world class HCL-Series - lock nut, single-acting
hydraulic system to perform the most • gravity return
challenging lifting jobs in a safe and • lock nut for mechanical load holding
professional manner. See the back page for • overflow port to prevent plunger blow out Capacity:
more information on our pump offering. • designed to withstand 10% side-load up
to 90% of maximum stroke. 50 - 1000 ton
HCG, HCR, HCL-Series Cylinders Stroke:
• 50 - 1000 ton lifting capacity LPL-Series - lock nut, low height,
• 50 - 300 mm lifting stroke single-acting (see page 20) 50 - 300 mm
• 60 - 500 ton lifting capacity;
HCG-Series - single-acting • 45 - 50 mm lifting stroke Maximum Operating Pressure:
• gravity return • integrated tilt saddle 700 bar
• stop ring to prevent plunger blow-out • gravity return
• designed to withstand 10% side-load of • lock nut for mechanical load holding
maximum capacity. • 5-10% side-load of maximum capacity.

Page: 42 

Assisted Return Pumps

Enerpac HCG, HCL and LPL-
Certified lifting eyes Series cylinders are hydraulic
advance and gravity return. To
improve productivity and plunger
Overflow plug prevents plunger
blow-out (HCL, LPL) retraction Enerpac offers assisted return on ZU4
and ZE-Series pumps featuring Enerpac Venturi
Safety valve prevents valve technology, specifically to facilitate the
over-pressurization (HCR) faster return of single-acting gravity and spring
return cylinders.
Interchangeable saddle prevents
plunger damage. Integrated Tilt
Saddle allows for up to 5 degree
misalignment (LPL)
Page: 89
Lock nut provides safe mechanical
load holding (HCL, LPL)
Split-Flow Pumps
Low friction wiper protects against SFP-Series pumps with multiple
contamination (HCG, HCR) outlets with equal oil flow. For
lifting and lowering applications
Full load stop ring (HCG, HCR) on multiple points these pumps
are a far better alternative than using separately
Collar threads for versatile cylinder operated pumps.
mounting (HCG, HCR)

Nitrocarburization surface on base,

plunger, stop ring and lock nut
Page: 250

Replaceable composite plunger Synchronous Lifting Systems

support bearings Pumps for multiple lift point
capabilities. The economical
Low wear high pressure seals provide EVOB-Series for basic applications
longer service life
and the multi-functional
High-Flow couplers for fast advance EVO-Series lifting system.
and retract
Base mounting holes for versatile
mounting (except LPL)
Page: 252

www.enerpac.com 41
HCG, HCR, HCL-Series, High Tonnage Cylinders


Cylinder Stroke Maximum Model Number Collapsed Model Number Collapsed Model Number Collapsed
Capacity Cylinder Single-Acting Height Double-Acting Height Single-Acting Height
Capacity With Lock Nut
at 700 bar
ton (mm) ton (kN) 44 (mm) 48 (mm) 52 (mm)
Page: Page: Page:
50 HCG-502 183 HCR-502 183 HCL-502 164
100 HCG-504 233 HCR-504 233 HCL-504 214
150 56 HCG-506 283 HCR-506 283 HCL-506 264
200 (550) HCG-508 346 HCR-508 346 HCL-508 314
250 HCG-5010 396 HCR-5010 396 HCL-5010 364
300 HCG-5012 446 HCR-5012 446 HCL-5012 414
50 HCG-1002 202 HCR-1002 202 HCL-1002 187
100 HCG-1004 252 HCR-1004 252 HCL-1004 237
150 102 HCG-1006 302 HCR-1006 302 HCL-1006 287
200 (1002) HCG-1008 379 HCR-1008 379 HCL-1008 337
250 HCG-10010 429 HCR-10010 429 HCL-10010 387
300 HCG-10012 479 HCR-10012 479 HCL-10012 437
50 HCG-1502 220 HCR-1502 220 HCL-1502 209
100 HCG-1504 270 HCR-1504 270 HCL-1504 259
150 153 HCG-1506 320 HCR-1506 320 HCL-1506 309
200 (1497) HCG-1508 397 HCR-1508 397 HCL-1508 359
250 HCG-15010 447 HCR-15010 447 HCL-15010 409
300 HCG-15012 497 HCR-15012 497 HCL-15012 459
50 HCG-2002 231 HCR-2002 231 HCL-2002 238
100 HCG-2004 281 HCR-2004 281 HCL-2004 288
150 202 HCG-2006 331 HCR-2006 331 HCL-2006 338
200 (1985) HCG-2008 408 HCR-2008 408 HCL-2008 388
250 HCG-20010 458 HCR-20010 458 HCL-20010 438
300 HCG-20012 508 HCR-20012 508 HCL-20012 488
50 HCG-2502 241 HCR-2502 241 HCL-2502 249
100 HCG-2504 291 HCR-2504 291 HCL-2504 299
150 259 HCG-2506 341 HCR-2506 341 HCL-2506 349
200 (2541) HCG-2508 431 HCR-2508 431 HCL-2508 399
250 HCG-25010 481 HCR-25010 481 HCL-25010 449
300 HCG-25012 531 HCR-25012 531 HCL-25012 499
50 HCG-3002 296 HCR-3002 296 HCL-3002 278
100 HCG-3004 346 HCR-3004 346 HCL-3004 328
150 310 HCG-3006 396 HCR-3006 396 HCL-3006 378
200 (3036) HCG-3008 446 HCR-3008 446 HCL-3008 428
250 HCG-30010 496 HCR-30010 496 HCL-30010 478
300 HCG-30012 546 HCR-30012 546 HCL-30012 528

Enerpac High Tonnage Cylinders
50 - 1000 ton HCG
Stroke: HCR
50  - 300 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar


Cylinder Stroke Maximum Model Number Collapsed Model Number Collapsed Model Number Collapsed
Capacity Cylinder Single-Acting Height Double-Acting Height Single-Acting Height
Capacity With Lock Nut
at 700 bar
ton (mm) ton (kN) 46 (mm) 50 (mm) 54 (mm)
Page: Page: Page:
50 HCG-4002 321 HCR-4002 321 HCL-4002 317
100 HCG-4004 371 HCR-4004 371 HCL-4004 367
150 409 HCG-4006 421 HCR-4006 421 HCL-4006 417
200 (4008) HCG-4008 471 HCR-4008 471 HCL-4008 467
250 HCG-40010 521 HCR-40010 521 HCL-40010 517
300 HCG-40012 571 HCR-40012 571 HCL-40012 567
50 HCG-5002 344 HCR-5002 344 HCL-5002 357
100 HCG-5004 394 HCR-5004 394 HCL-5004 407
150 522 HCG-5006 444 HCR-5006 444 HCL-5006 457
200 (5114) HCG-5008 494 HCR-5008 494 HCL-5008 507
250 HCG-50010 544 HCR-50010 544 HCL-50010 557
300 HCG-50012 594 HCR-50012 594 HCL-50012 607
50 HCG-6002 352 HCR-6002 352 HCL-6002 380
100 HCG-6004 402 HCR-6004 402 HCL-6004 430
150 611 HCG-6006 452 HCR-6006 452 HCL-6006 480
200 (5987) HCG-6008 502 HCR-6008 502 HCL-6008 530
250 HCG-60010 552 HCR-60010 552 HCL-60010 580
300 HCG-60012 602 HCR-60012 602 HCL-60012 630
50 HCG-8002 404 HCR-8002 404 HCL-8002 430
100 HCG-8004 454 HCR-8004 454 HCL-8004 480
150 831 HCG-8006 504 HCR-8006 504 HCL-8006 530
200 (8149) HCG-8008 554 HCR-8008 554 HCL-8008 580
250 HCG-80010 604 HCR-80010 604 HCL-80010 630
300 HCG-80012 654 HCR-80012 654 HCL-80012 680
50 HCG-10002 442 HCR-10002 442 HCL-10002 484
100 HCG-10004 492 HCR-10004 492 HCL-10004 534
150 1085 HCG-10006 542 HCR-10006 542 HCL-10006 584
200 (10.644) HCG-10008 592 HCR-10008 592 HCL-10008 634
250 HCG-100010 642 HCR-100010 642 HCL-100010 684
300 HCG-100012 692 HCR-100012 692 HCL-100012 734

www.enerpac.com 43
HCG-Series, High Tonnage Cylinders
HCG-Series, Single-Acting, Gravity Return Cylinders
• Hardened surface resists side-loading and cyclic wear
• Designed to withstand 10% side-load of maximum capacity 1)
• Stop ring to prevent plunger blow-out
• Weather protected, inside and out
X • Upper and lower replaceable bearings enclose the cylinder plunger for
support throughout the stroke
• Certified lifting eyes, base mounting holes and collar threads.


For 400 - 1000 ton models, see pages 46-47.
For full product features see pages 40-41.

Cylinder Stroke Model Maximum Cylinder Oil Collapsed

Capacity Number 2) Cylinder Efective Capacity Height
Capacity Area
at 700 bar A
ton (mm) ton (kN) (cm2) (cm3) (mm)

50 HCG-502 393 183

100 HCG-504 785 233
U 150 HCG-506 1) 56 1178 283
50 78,5
200 HCG-508 (550) 1571 346
250 HCG-5010 1963 396
HCG-50 - 150 ton 300 HCG-5012 1) 2356 446
50 HCG-1002 716 202
100 HCG-1004 1431 252
150 HCG-1006 102 2147 302
100 143,1
200 HCG-1008 (1002) 2863 379
250 HCG-10010 3578 429
300 HCG-10012 4294 479
50 HCG-1502 1069 220
100 HCG-1504 2138 270
HCG-200 - 300 ton 150 HCG-1506 3207 320
150 213,8
200 HCG-1508 (1497) 4276 397
250 HCG-15010 5346 447
Collar Thread (mm) 300 HCG-15012 6415 497
Model / Thread Thread 50 HCG-2002 1418 231
Capacity Size Length 100 HCG-2004 2835 281
W X 150 HCG-2006 202 4253 331
200 283,5
HCG-50 M130 x 2 30 200 HCG-2008 (1985) 5671 408
HCG-100 M175 x 3 46 250 HCG-20010 7088 458
HCG-150 M215 x 3 55 300 HCG-20012 8506 508
HCG-200 M250 x 3 63 The collar thread length is 50 HCG-2502 1815 241
HCG-250 M280 x 3 64 designed for the full rated
HCG-300 M305 x 3 73 cylinder capacity. 100 HCG-2504 3631 291
150 HCG-2506 259 5446 341
Base Mounting Holes (mm) 250 363,1
200 HCG-2508 (2541) 7261 431
Model / Bolt Thread Minimum Number Angle 250 HCG-25010 9076 481
Capacity Circle Size Thread of from
ton Depth Holes Coupler 300 HCG-25012 10.892 531
U V Z 50 HCG-3002 2169 296
HCG-50 105 M12 x 1,75 22 2 90˚ 100 HCG-3004 4337 346
HCG-100 150 M12 x 1,75 22 2 90˚ 150 HCG-3006 6506 396
HCG-150 185 M12 x 1,75 22 2 90˚ 300 433,7
200 HCG-3008 (3036) 8675 446
HCG-200 215 M12 x 1,75 22 3 60˚
HCG-250 245 M12 x 1,75 22 3 60˚ 250 HCG-30010 10.843 496
HCG-300 260 M16 x 2 25 3 60˚ 300 HCG-30012 13.012 546
HCG-506 and HCG-5012: 7% side-load of maximum capacity.
1500 and 2000 ton models and additional stroke lengths available on request.

Single-Acting, High Tonnage Cylinders
50 - 300 ton HCG
Stroke: Series
50  - 300 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

CATG-Serie Tilt Saddle

Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Base to Standard Saddle Model Optional Tilt Saddle
Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Port Saddle Protrusion Number 2)
Diameter Diameter from Plunger Diameter Height Saddle
B D E F H J K J1 K1 Model
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) Number

233 17 HCG-502
333 20 HCG-504
433 24 HCG-506 1)
130 100 70 38 50 3 50 24 CATG-50
546 29 HCG-508
646 32 HCG-5010
746 36 HCG-5012 1)
252 33 HCG-1002
352 40 HCG-1004
452 46 HCG-1006
175 135 95 38 75 3 73 29 CATG-100
579 58 HCG-1008
679 65 HCG-10010
779 71 HCG-10012
270 56 HCG-1502
370 66 HCG-1504
470 76 HCG-1506
215 165 120 41 94 3 91 31 CATG-150
597 94 HCG-1508
697 104 HCG-15010
797 115 HCG-15012
281 81 HCG-2002
381 95 HCG-2004
481 109 HCG-2006
250 190 140 47 113 3 118 35 CATG-200
608 136 HCG-2008
708 150 HCG-20010
808 164 HCG-20012
291 107 HCG-2502
391 125 HCG-2504
491 144 HCG-2506
280 215 170 53 145 4 144 47 CATG-250
631 182 HCG-2508
731 201 HCG-25010
831 219 HCG-25012
346 158 HCG-3002
446 182 HCG-3004
546 206 HCG-3006
305 235 200 58 177 4 160 64 CATG-300
646 230 HCG-3008
746 254 HCG-30010
846 278 HCG-30012

www.enerpac.com 45
HCG-Series, High Tonnage Cylinders
HCG-Series, Single-Acting, Gravity Return Cylinders
• Hardened surface resists side-loading and cyclic wear
• Designed to withstand 10% side-load of maximum capacity
• Stop ring to prevent plunger blow-out
• Weather protected, inside and out
• Upper and lower replaceable bearings enclose the cylinder plunger for
support throughout the stroke
• Certified lifting eyes, base mounting holes and collar threads.


For 50 - 300 ton models, see pages 44-45.
For full product features see pages 40-41.

Cylinder Stroke Model Maximum Cylinder Oil Collapsed

Capacity Number * Cylinder Efective Capacity Height
Capacity Area
at 700 bar A
ton (mm) ton (kN) (cm2) (cm3) (mm)

50 HCG-4002 2863 321

100 HCG-4004 5726 371
150 HCG-4006 409 8588 421
400 572,6
200 HCG-4008 (4008) 11.451 471
250 HCG-40010 14.314 521
300 HCG-40012 17.177 571
50 HCG-5002 3653 344
U 100 HCG-5004 7306 394
150 HCG-5006 522 10.959 444
500 730,6
200 HCG-5008 (5114) 14.612 494
250 HCG-50010 18.265 544
300 HCG-50012 21.918 594
Collar Thread (mm)
50 HCG-6002 4276 352
Model / Thread Thread
100 HCG-6004 8553 402
Capacity Size Length 150 HCG-6006 611 12.829 452
ton 600 855,3
200 HCG-6008 (5987) 17.106 502
250 HCG-60010 21.382 552
HCG-400 M350 x 3 83
HCG-500 M400 x 4 90 300 HCG-60012 25.659 602
HCG-600 M430 x 4 100 50 HCG-8002 5821 404
The collar thread length is
HCG-800 M505 x 5 122 designed for the full rated 100 HCG-8004 11.642 454
HCG-1000 M570 x 5 137 cylinder capacity. 150 HCG-8006 831 17.462 504
800 1164,2
200 HCG-8008 (8149) 23.283 554
Base Mounting Holes (mm) 250 HCG-80010 29.104 604
Model / Bolt Thread Minimum Number Angle 34.925 654
300 HCG-80012
Capacity Circle Size Thread of from
ton Depth Holes Coupler 50 HCG-10002 7603 442
U V Z 100 HCG-10004 15.205 492
HCG-400 300 M16 x 2 25 3 60˚ 150 HCG-10006 1085 22.808 542
HCG-500 340 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚ 1000 1520,5
200 HCG-10008 (10.644) 30.411 592
HCG-600 370 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚
HCG-800 440 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚ 250 HCG-100010 38.013 642
HCG-1000 500 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚ 300 HCG-100012 45.616 692
* 1500 and 2000 ton models and additional stroke lengths available on request.

Single-Acting, High Tonnage Cylinders

400 - 1000 ton
50 - 300 mm
▲ O
 ffshore wind turbines levelling: Enerpac's synchronous
lifting system provided the solution for levelling the
Maximum Operating Pressure:
supporting cross pieces for 80 wind turbines. 700 bar

CATG-Serie Tilt Saddle

Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Base to Standard Saddle Model Optional Tilt Saddle
Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Saddle Protrusion Number *
Diameter Port Diameter from Plunger Diameter Height Saddle
B D E F H J K J1 K1 Model
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) Number

371 227 HCG-4002

471 257 HCG-4004
571 287 HCG-4006
350 270 220 74 196 4 193 59 CATG-400
671 317 HCG-4008
771 347 HCG-40010
871 378 HCG-40012
394 319 HCG-5002
494 359 HCG-5004
594 399 HCG-5006
400 305 250 79 228 4 228 63 CATG-500
694 439 HCG-5008
794 479 HCG-50010
894 519 HCG-50012
402 378 HCG-6002
502 424 HCG-6004
602 470 HCG-6006
430 330 270 85 247 4 241 78 CATG-600
702 516 HCG-6008
802 562 HCG-60010
902 608 HCG-60012
454 606 HCG-8002
554 671 HCG-8004
654 735 HCG-8006
505 385 320 100 297 4 287 87 CATG-800
754 800 HCG-8008
854 864 HCG-80010
954 929 HCG-80012
492 840 HCG-10002
592 916 HCG-10004
692 992 HCG-10006
570 440 340 114 323 4 311 93 CATG-1000
792 1068 HCG-10008
892 1145 HCG-100010
992 1221 HCG-100012

www.enerpac.com 47
HCR-Series, High Tonnage Cylinders
HCR-Series, Double-Acting Cylinders
• Fast advance and retract
• Designed to withstand 10% side-load of maximum capacity 1)
• Hardened surface resists side-loading and cyclic wear
• Weather protected, inside and out
X • Upper and lower replaceable bearings enclose the cylinder plunger for
support throughout the stroke
• Certified lifting eyes, base mounting holes and collar threads.


For 400 - 1000 ton models, see pages 50-51.
For full product features see pages 40-41.

Cylinder Stroke Model Maximum Cylinder Oil Collapsed

Capacity Number 2)
Cylinder Efective Capacity Height
Capacity Area
at 700 bar A
ton (mm) ton (kN) (cm2) (cm3) (mm)

50 HCR-502 393 183

100 HCR-504 785 233
U 150 HCR-506 1) 56 1178 283
50 78,5
200 HCR-508 (550) 1571 346
250 HCR-5010 1963 396
300 HCR-5012 1) 2356 446
HCR-50 - 150 ton
50 HCR-1002 716 202
100 HCR-1004 1431 252
150 HCR-1006 102 2147 302
100 143,1
200 HCR-1008 (1002) 2863 379
250 HCR-10010 3578 429
U 4294
300 HCR-10012 479
50 HCR-1502 1069 220
100 HCR-1504 2138 270
150 HCR-1506 153 3207 320
HCR-200 - 300 ton 150 213,8
200 HCR-1508 (1497) 4276 397
250 HCR-15010 5346 447
Collar Thread (mm) 300 HCR-15012 6415 497
Model / Thread Thread 50 HCR-2002 1418 231
Capacity Size Length 100 HCR-2004 2835 281
W X 150 HCR-2006 202 4253 331
200 283,5
HCR-50 M130 x 2 30 200 HCR-2008 (1985) 5671 408
HCR-100 M175 x 3 46 250 HCR-20010 7088 458
HCR-150 M215 x 3 55 300 HCR-20012 8506 508
HCR-200 M250 x 3 63
The collar thread length is 50 HCR-2502 1815 241
HCR-250 M280 x 3 64 designed for the full rated
HCR-300 M305 x 3 73 100 HCR-2504 3631 291
cylinder capacity.
150 HCR-2506 259 5446 341
Base Mounting Holes (mm) 250 363,1
200 HCR-2508 (2541) 7261 431
Model / Bolt Thread Minimum Number Angle 250 HCR-25010 9076 481
Capacity Circle Size Thread of from
ton Depth Holes Coupler 300 HCR-25012 10.892 531
U V Z 50 HCR-3002 2169 296
HCR-50 105 M12 x 1,75 22 2 90˚ 100 HCR-3004 4337 346
HCR-100 150 M12 x 1,75 22 2 90˚ 150 HCR-3006 310 6506 396
HCR-150 185 M12 x 1,75 22 2 90˚ 300 433,7
200 HCR-3008 (3036) 8675 446
HCR-200 215 M12 x 1,75 22 3 60˚
HCR-250 245 M12 x 1,75 22 3 60˚ 250 HCR-30010 10.843 496
HCR-300 260 M16 x 2 25 3 60˚ 300 HCR-30012 13.012 546
HCR-506 and HCR-5012: 7% side-load of maximum capacity.

1500 and 2000 ton models and additional stroke lengths available on request.

Double-Acting, High Tonnage Cylinders
50 - 300 ton HCR
Stroke: Series
50  - 300 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

CATG-Serie Tilt Saddle

Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Base to Top to Standard Saddle Model Optional Tilt Saddle
Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Retract Saddle Protrusion Number 2)

Diameter Port Port Diameter from Plunger Diameter Height Saddle

B D E F H I J K J1 K1 Model
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) Number

233 17 HCR-502
333 45 21 HCR-504
433 25 HCR-506 1)
130 100 70 38 50 3 50 24 CATG-50
546 31 HCR-508
646 55 34 HCR-5010
746 38 HCR-5012 1)
252 34 HCR-1002
352 65 41 HCR-1004
452 48 HCR-1006
175 135 95 38 75 3 73 29 CATG-100
579 59 HCR-1008
679 80 66 HCR-10010
779 73 HCR-10012
270 56 HCR-1502
370 70 67 HCR-1504
470 78 HCR-1506
215 165 120 41 94 3 91 31 CATG-150
597 95 HCR-1508
697 90 106 HCR-15010
797 116 HCR-15012
281 81 HCR-2002
381 79 96 HCR-2004
481 111 HCR-2006
250 190 140 47 113 3 118 35 CATG-200
608 139 HCR-2008
708 97 153 HCR-20010
808 168 HCR-20012
291 107 HCR-2502
391 79 127 HCR-2504
491 146 HCR-2506
280 215 170 53 145 4 144 47 CATG-250
631 184 HCR-2508
731 104 207 HCR-25010
831 227 HCR-25012
346 159 HCR-3002
446 183 HCR-3004
546 208 HCR-3006
305 235 200 58 101 177 4 160 64 CATG-300
646 232 HCR-3008
746 257 HCR-30010
846 281 HCR-30012

www.enerpac.com 49
HCR-Series, High Tonnage Cylinders
HCR-Series, Double-Acting Cylinders
• Fast advance and retract
• Designed to withstand 10% side-load of maximum capacity
• Hardened surface resists side-loading and cyclic wear
• Weather protected, inside and out
• Upper and lower replaceable bearings enclose the cylinder plunger for
support throughout the stroke
• Certified lifting eyes, base mounting holes and collar threads.


I For 50 - 300 ton models, see pages 48-49.
For full product features see pages 40-41.

Cylinder Stroke Model Maximum Cylinder Oil Collapsed

Capacity Number * Cylinder Efective Capacity Height
Capacity Area
at 700 bar A
ton (mm) ton (kN) (cm2) (cm3) (mm)

50 HCR-4002 2863 321

100 HCR-4004 5726 371
150 HCR-4006 409 8588 421
400 572,6
200 HCR-4008 (4008) 11.451 471
250 HCR-40010 14,314 521
300 HCR-40012 17.177 571
50 HCR-5002 3653 344
U 100 HCR-5004 7306 394
150 HCR-5006 522 10.959 444
500 730,6
200 HCR-5008 (5114) 14.612 494
250 HCR-50010 18.265 544
300 HCR-50012 21.918 594
Collar Thread (mm)
50 HCR-6002 4276 352
Model / Thread Thread
100 HCR-6004 8553 402
Capacity Size Length 150 HCR-6006 611 12.829 452
ton 600 855,3
200 HCR-6008 (5987) 17.106 502
250 HCR-60010 21.382 552
HCR-400 M350 x 3 83
HCR-500 M400 x 4 90 300 HCR-60012 25.659 602
HCR-600 M430 x 4 100 50 HCR-8002 5821 404
The collar thread length is
HCR-800 M505 x 5 122 designed for the full rated 100 HCR-8004 11.642 454
HCR-1000 M570 x 5 137 cylinder capacity. 150 HCR-8006 831 17.462 504
800 1164,2
200 HCR-8008 (8149) 23.283 554
Base Mounting Holes (mm) 250 HCR-80010 29.104 604
Model / Bolt Thread Minimum Number Angle 34.925 654
300 HCR-80012
Capacity Circle Size Thread of from
ton Depth Holes Coupler 50 HCR-10002 7603 442
U V Z 100 HCR-10004 15.205 492
HCR-400 300 M16 x 2 25 3 60˚ 150 HCR-10006 1085 22.808 542
HCR-500 340 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚ 1000 1520,5
200 HCR-10008 (10.644) 30.411 592
HCR-600 370 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚
HCR-800 440 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚ 250 HCR-100010 38.013 642
HCR-1000 500 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚ 300 HCR-100012 45.616 692
* 1500 and 2000 ton models and additional stroke lengths available on request.

Double-Acting, High Tonnage Cylinders

400 - 1000 ton
50 - 300 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
▲ The superlifting and launch of a 43.000-ton floating oil production system in Malaysia for the Gumusut-
Kakap offshore field has set high benchmarks for safety through its use of sophisticated EVO-Series
synchronous hydraulics to lift, balance, weigh and smoothly launch massive resources structures.

CATG-Serie Tilt Saddle

Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Base to Top to Standard Saddle Model Optional Tilt Saddle
Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Retract Saddle Protrusion Number *
Diameter Port Port Diameter from Plunger Diameter Height Saddle
B D E F H I J K J1 K1 Model
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) Number

371 227 HCR-4002

471 258 HCR-4004
571 289 HCR-4006
350 270 220 74 111 196 4 193 59 CATG-400
671 321 HCR-4008
771 352 HCR-40010
871 383 HCR-40012
394 320 HCR-5002
494 361 HCR-5004
594 402 HCR-5006
400 305 250 79 121 228 4 228 63 CATG-500
694 443 HCR-5008
794 484 HCR-50010
894 525 HCR-50012
402 379 HCR-6002
502 427 HCR-6004
602 474 HCR-6006
430 330 270 85 121 247 4 241 78 CATG-600
702 521 HCR-6008
802 568 HCR-60010
902 615 HCR-60012
454 608 HCR-8002
554 674 HCR-8004
654 740 HCR-8006
505 385 320 100 143 297 4 287 87 CATG-800
754 806 HCR-8008
854 872 HCR-80010
954 938 HCR-80012
492 843 HCR-10002
592 921 HCR-10004
692 1000 HCR-10006
570 440 340 114 153 323 4 311 93 CATG-1000
792 1079 HCR-10008
892 1158 HCR-100010
992 1236 HCR-100012

www.enerpac.com 51
HCL-Series, High Tonnage Lock Nut Cylinders
HCL-Series, Single-Acting, Gravity Return Cylinders
• Lock nut provides positive and safe mechanical load holding
• Low friction to easily spin the load locking rings
• Designed to withstand 10% side-load up to 90% of maximum stroke
• Hardened surface resists side-loading and cyclic wear
• Overflow port as stroke limiter to prevent plunger blow-out
• Weather protected, inside and out
• Replaceable bearings enclose the plunger for support throughout the stroke
• Certified lifting eyes and base mounting holes.


For 400 - 1000 ton models, see pages 54-55.
For full product features see pages 40-41.

Cylinder Stroke Model Maximum Cylinder Oil Collapsed

Capacity Number * Cylinder Efective Capacity Height
Capacity Area
at 700 bar A
ton (mm) ton (kN) (cm2) (cm3) (mm)

50 HCL-502 393 164

100 HCL-504 785 214
150 HCL-506 56 1178 264
50 78,5
200 HCL-508 (550) 1571 314
250 HCL-5010 1963 364
300 HCL-5012 2356 414
50 HCL-1002 716 187
100 HCL-1004 1431 237
150 HCL-1006 102 2147 287
100 143,1
200 HCL-1008 (1002) 2863 337
250 HCL-10010 3578 387
300 HCL-10012 4,294 437
U 50 HCL-1502 1069 209
100 HCL-1504 2138 259
150 HCL-1506 153 3207 309
150 213,8
200 HCL-1508 (1497) 4276 359
HCL-50 - 150 ton 250 HCL-15010 5346 409
300 HCL-15012 6415 459
50 HCL-2002 1418 238
100 HCL-2004 2835 288
150 HCL-2006 202 4253 338
200 283,5
U 200 HCL-2008 (1985) 5671 388
250 HCL-20010 7088 438
300 HCL-20012 8506 488
50 HCL-2502 1815 249
HCL-200 - 300 ton 100 HCL-2504 3631 299
150 HCL-2506 259 5446 349
Base Mounting Holes (mm) 250 363,1
200 HCL-2508 (2541) 7261 399
Model / Bolt Thread Minimum Number Angle 250 HCL-25010 9076 449
Capacity Circle Size Thread of from
ton Depth Holes Coupler 300 HCL-25012 10.892 499
U V Z 50 HCL-3002 2169 278
HCL-50 105 M8 x 1,25 10 2 90˚ 100 HCL-3004 4337 328
HCL-100 150 M12 x 1,75 17 2 90˚ 150 HCL-3006 310 6506 378
HCL-150 185 M12 x 1,75 22 2 90˚ 300 433,7
200 HCL-3008 (3036) 8675 428
HCL-200 215 M12 x 1,75 22 3 60˚
HCL-250 245 M12 x 1,75 22 3 60˚ 250 HCL-30010 10.843 478
HCL-300 260 M16 x 2 25 3 60˚ 300 HCL-30012 13.012 528
* 1500 and 2000 ton models and additional stroke lengths available on request.

Single-Acting, Lock Nut Cylinders
50 - 300 ton HCL
Stroke: Series
50  - 300 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

CAT-Serie Tilt Saddle

Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Base to Standard Saddle Lock Nut Model Optional Tilt Saddle
Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Saddle Protrusion Height Number *
Diameter (threaded) Port Diameter from Plunger Diameter Height Saddle
B D E F H J K S J1 K1 Model
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) Number

214 17 HCL-502
314 22 HCL-504
414 27 HCL-506
130 100 Tr 100 x 4 24 71 2 25 71 24 CAT-100
514 32 HCL-508
614 38 HCL-5010
714 43 HCL-5012
237 35 HCL-1002
337 44 HCL-1004
437 54 HCL-1006
175 135 Tr 135 x 6 33 71 2 33 71 24 CAT-100
537 63 HCL-1008
637 73 HCL-10010
737 82 HCL-10012
259 59 HCL-1502
359 73 HCL-1504
459 87 HCL-1506
215 165 Tr 165 x 6 41 130 2 40 130 19 CAT-200
559 102 HCL-1508
659 116 HCL-15010
759 130 HCL-15012
288 85 HCL-2002
388 105 HCL-2004
488 124 HCL-2006
250 190 Tr 190 x 6 47 130 2 45 130 19 CAT-200
588 143 HCL-2008
688 163 HCL-20010
788 182 HCL-20012
299 119 HCL-2502
399 143 HCL-2504
499 167 HCL-2506
280 215 Tr 215 x 6 53 150 2 52 150 19 CAT-250
599 192 HCL-2508
699 216 HCL-25010
799 240 HCL-25012
328 158 HCL-3002
428 186 HCL-3004
528 215 HCL-3006
305 235 Tr 235 x 6 58 140 2 56 195 73 CAT-300
628 244 HCL-3008
728 272 HCL-30010
828 301 HCL-30012

www.enerpac.com 53
HCL-Series, High Tonnage Lock Nut Cylinders
HCL-Series, Single-Acting, Gravity Return Cylinders
• Lock nut provides positive and safe mechanical load holding
• Low friction to easily spin the load locking rings
• Designed to withstand 10% side-load up to 90% of maximum stroke
• Hardened surface resists side-loading and cyclic wear
• Overflow port as stroke limiter to prevent plunger blow-out
• Weather protected, inside and out
• Replaceable bearings enclose the plunger for support throughout
the stroke
• Certified lifting eyes and base mounting holes.


For 50 - 300 ton models, see pages 52-53.
For full product features see pages 40-41.

Cylinder Stroke Model Maximum Cylinder Oil Collapsed

Capacity Number * Cylinder Efective Capacity Height
Capacity Area
at 700 bar A
ton (mm) ton (kN) (cm2) (cm3) (mm)
50 HCL-4002 2863 317
100 HCL-4004 5726 367
150 HCL-4006 409 8588 417
400 572,6
200 HCL-4008 (4008) 11.451 467
250 HCL-40010 14.314 517
300 HCL-40012 17.177 567
50 HCL-5002 3653 357
100 HCL-5004 7306 407
150 HCL-5006 522 10.959 457
500 730,6
200 HCL-5008 (5114) 14.612 507
250 HCL-50010 18.265 557
300 HCL-50012 21.918 607
50 HCL-6002 4276 380
100 HCL-6004 8553 430
150 HCL-6006 611 12.829 480
600 855,3
U 200 HCL-6008 (5987) 17.106 530
250 HCL-60010 21.382 580
300 HCL-60012 25.659 630
50 HCL-8002 5821 430
100 HCL-8004 11.642 480
150 HCL-8006 831 17.462 530
800 1164,2
200 HCL-8008 (8149) 23.283 580
Base Mounting Holes (mm) 250 HCL-80010 29.104 630
Model / Bolt Thread Minimum Number Angle 34.925 680
300 HCL-80012
Capacity Circle Size Thread of from
ton Depth Holes Coupler 50 HCL-10002 7603 484
U V Z 100 HCL-10004 15.205 534
HCL-400 300 M16 x 2 25 3 60˚ 150 HCL-10006 1085 22.808 584
HCL-500 340 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚ 1000 1520,5
200 HCL-10008 (10.644) 30.411 634
HCL-600 370 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚
HCL-800 440 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚ 250 HCL-100010 38.013 684
HCL-1000 500 M24 x 3 36 3 60˚ 300 HCL-100012 45.616 734
* 1500 and 2000 ton models and additional stroke lengths available on request.

Single-Acting, Lock Nut Cylinders

400 - 1000 ton
50 - 300 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
▲ H
 eavy lifting and foundation levelling. The lock nut
provides mechanical load holding over a long period
of time.

CAT-Serie Tilt Saddle

Extended Outside Cylinder Plunger Base to Standard Saddle Lock Nut Model Optional Tilt Saddle
Height Diameter Bore Diameter Advance Saddle Protrusion Height Number *
Diameter (threaded) Port Diameter from Plunger Diameter Height Model
B D E F H J K S J1 K1 Number
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm)

367 236 HCL-4002

467 274 HCL-4004
567 311 HCL-4006
350 270 Tr 270 x 6 67 159 5 65 225 85 CAT-400
667 349 HCL-4008
767 387 HCL-40010
867 425 HCL-40012
407 341 HCL-5002
507 390 HCL-5004
607 439 HCL-5006
400 305 Tr 305 x 6 75 179 5 72 250 91 CAT-500
707 489 HCL-5008
807 538 HCL-50010
907 587 HCL-50012
430 427 HCL-6002
530 484 HCL-6004
630 541 HCL-6006
430 330 Tr 330 x 6 81 194 5 80 275 99 CAT-600
730 598 HCL-6008
830 655 HCL-60010
930 712 HCL-60012
480 668 HCL-8002
580 746 HCL-8004
680 825 HCL-8006
505 385 Tr 385 x 6 95 224 5 90 320 124 CAT-800
780 904 HCL-8008
880 982 HCL-80010
980 1061 HCL-80012
534 959 HCL-10002
634 1059 HCL-10004
734 1160 HCL-10006
570 440 Tr 440 x 6 110 249 5 105 360 136 CAT-1000
834 1260 HCL-10008
934 1360 HCL-100010
1034 1460 HCL-100012

www.enerpac.com 55
SC-Series, Cylinder-Pump Sets
▼ SCR-1010H cylinder-pump set

The Quickest and

Easiest Way to Start
Working Right Away

Speed Chart
See the Enerpac Cylinder Speed Chart
in our ‘Yellow Pages’ section.

Page: 283
• Optimum match of individual components
• All sets are ready-for-use
• Sets include 1,8 m safety hose and gauge with gauge adaptor
• All pumps are two-speed.

Cylinder Selection Set Cylinder Stroke Collapsed

(See Cylinder Section of this catalog for full product descriptions) Capacity Model Height
ton (kN) Number (mm) (mm)

5 (45) RC-55 127 215

RC-102 54 121
10 (101) RC-106 156 247
RC-1010 257 349
RC-154 101 200
15 (142)
RC-156 152 271
RC-252 50 165
RC-Series, Single-Acting, General Purpose Cylinders
RC-254 102 215
For maximum versatility. 25 (232)
RC-256 158 273
RC-2514 362 476
Page: 6 50 (498) RC-506 159 282
RCS-Series, Single-Acting, Low Height Cylinders 10 (101) RCS-101 38 88
Ideal where space is restrict­ed. 20 (201) RCS-201 45 98
30 (295) RCS-302 62 117
45 (435) RCS-502 60 122

Page: 22 90 (887) RCS-1002 57 141
RCH-Series, Single-Acting, Hollow Cylinders 13 (125) RCH-121 42 120
For pushing and pulling applications. 20 (215) RCH-202 49 162
30 (326) RCH-302 64 178
60 (576) RCH-603 76 247

Page: 30 95 (933) RCH-1003 76 254

Single-Acting Cylinder-Pump Sets
Select the cylinder Selected cylinder: Series
• RC-106, Single-Acting cylinder with
156 mm stroke
Select the pump
Selected pump:
Find the set model • P-392, Lightweight hand pump
number in the
gray matrix Set model number:
• SCR-106H Capacity:

Included: 5 - 95 ton

• HC-7206 hose
• GF-10P gauge
• GA-2 adaptor 38 - 362 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Portable Hydraulic Toolbox
Toolbox with hand pump, gauge
adaptor assembly, hose and LW-,
RC-, RCS, RSM-or
WR-Serie cylinder.
Page: 56

Pump selection (See the Pump Section in this catalog for full product descriptions.) Accessories included
Hand Pump Hand Pump Hand Pump Foot Pump XA-Series XC-Series Hose Gauge Gauge
Air Pump Cordless Pump Model Model Adaptor
P-142 P-392 P-80 P-392FP XA-11 XC-1201ME 2) Number Number Model Nr.

SCR-55H – – – – – HC-7206 GP-10S GA-4

– SCR-102H – SCR-102FP SCR-102XA SCR-102XCE HC-7206 GF-10P GA-2
– SCR-106H – SCR-106FP SCR-106XA SCR-106XCE HC-7206 GF-10P GA-2
– SCR-1010H – SCR-1010FP SCR-1010XA SCR-1010XCE HC-7206 GF-10P GA-2
– SCR-154H – SCR-154FP SCR-154XA SCR-154XCE HC-7206 GP-10S GA-2
– SCR-156H – SCR-156FP SCR-156XA SCR-156XCE HC-7206 GP-10S GA-2
– SCR-252H – SCR-252FP SCR-252XA SCR-252XCE HC-7206 GF-20P GA-2
– SCR-254H – SCR-254FP SCR-254XA SCR-254XCE HC-7206 GF-20P GA-2
– SCR-256H – – SCR-256XA SCR-256XCE HC-7206 GF-20P GA-2
– – SCR-2514H – SCR-2514XA – HC-7206 GF-20P GA-2
– – SCR-506H – SCR-506XA – HC-7206 GF-50P GA-2
– SCL-101H – SCL-101FP SCL-101XA – HC-7206 GF-10P GA-2
– SCL-201H – SCL-201FP SCL-201XA – HC-7206 GF-230P GA-2
– SCL-302H – SCL-302FP SCL-302XA SCL-302XCE HC-7206 GF-230P GA-2
– SCL-502H – SCL-502FP SCL-502XA SCL-502XCE HC-7206 GF-510P GA-2
– – SCL-1002H – – SCL-1002XCE HC-7206 GF-510P GA-2
SCH-121H – – – – – HB-7206 GF-120P GA-4
– SCH-202H – SCH-202FP SCH-202XA SCH-202XCE HC-7206 GF-813P GA-3
– SCH-302H – SCH-302FP SCH-302XA SCH-302XCE HC-7206 GF-813P GA-3
– – SCH-603H – SCH-603XA SCH-603XCE HC-7206 GF-813P GA-3
– – SCH-1003H – – – HC-7206 GP-10S GA-2
With XA-12 air pump.

Cordless Pump includes 230V Charger. For 115V charger replace the "E" by the "B" in the model number.

www.enerpac.com 57
Extreme Environment Products
▼ From left to right: P-142ALSS, P-392ALSS, V-152NV, V-66NV, RC-256NV, RC-106NV, RC-53NV

RC, P, V
Cylinder Capacity:
5 - 25 ton
51 - 156 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

For use in wet environments such
as food processing, pulp and paper,
mining, construction and applications in
high temperature or in welding areas.

• Corrosion resistant, nickel-plated valves and cylinders

Multifluid Hand Pumps
• Stainless steel pump inserts will not corrode
MP-Series corrosion resistant hand
• Viton® Seals provide heat and chemical resistance pumps for low pressure filling and
• Anodized aluminum pump reservoirs and plastic encapsulated pump high pressure testing applications,
suitable for a wide range of fluids.
bodies resist wet environments
• Two-speed operation reduces pump handle strokes 78% compared to
single-speed pumps
Page: 76
• Pump handles lock for easy carrying.

Cylinder Stroke Model Oil Pressure Collapsed Extended Outside

Capacity Number * Capacity Rating Height Height Diameter

ton (kN) (mm) (cm3) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

5 (45) 76 RC-53NV 50 700 165 241 38 1,5
10 (101) 51 RC-102NV 78 700 121 175 57 2,3
10 (101) 156 RC-106NV 225 700 247 403 57 4,4
25 (232) 156 RC-256NV 528 700 273 431 85 10,0

Pump Oil Model Pressure Oil Displacement Port Piston

Type Capacity Number * Rating per Stroke Dimension Stroke

(cm3) (bar) (cm3) (NPTF) (mm) (kg)

Two 327 P-142ALSS 14 / 700 3,62 / 0,90 1/4"-18 12,7 2,0
Speed 901 P-392ALSS 14 / 700 11,26 / 2,47 3/8"-18 25,4 4,1

Valve Type Model Function Pressure

Number * Rating
(bar) (kg)
Manual Check Valve V-66NV * Load holding with cylinders 700 1,8
Pressure Relief Valve V-152NV * Limits system pressure, ± 3% repeatability 55 -700 1,6
* For cylinder details see pages 7-9; for pump details see pages 70-71; for valve details see pages 136-137.

Portable Hydraulic Toolbox
1 - 45 ton
11 - 156 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

• Easy to carry sturdy tool box

Gauge Adaptor Assembly
• Complete and ready-to-use hydraulic sets
The hydraulic toolbox include
• Includes a single-acting cylinder, P-392 two-speed lightweight hand 45 degree angled gauge adaptor
pump, gauge adaptor assembly, 1,8 metre hose and couplers assembly for improved safe
• All components ship inside toolbox as one package. working conditions.

Page: 134

Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Portable

Model Stroke Capacity Hydraulic Toolbox ▼ The portable hydraulic toolbox – applicable everywhere
Model Number
(mm) ton (kN) (kg)
Lifting Wedge
LW-16 21 16 (157) 9,0 SLW 16PGH
Wedge Spread Cylinder
WR-5 94 1) 1,0 (8,9) 12,0 SWR 5 PGH
General Purpose Cylinders
RC-102 54 10 (101) 12,3 SCR 102 PGH
RC-106 156 10 (101) 14,4 SCR 106 PGH
RC-154 101 15 (142) 15,0 SCR 154 PGH
RC-156 152 15 (142) 16,8 SCR 156 PGH
Low Height Cylinders
RCS-101 38 10 (101) 14,1 SCL 101 PGH
RCS-201 45 20 (201) 15,0 SCL 201 PGH
Flat-Jac® Cylinders
RSM-100 11 10 (101) 11,4 SRS 100 PGH
RSM-200 11 20 (201) 13,1 SRS 200 PGH
RSM-300 13 30 (295) 14,5 SRS 300 PGH
RSM-500 16 45 (435) 16,8 SRS 500 PGH
Maximum spread of WR-5.

www.enerpac.com 59
Aluminium and Steel Jacks
▼ Shown from left to right: JHA-356, JHA-156
7 - 150 ton
76 - 155 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Lifting Wedge and

Machine Lifts
Ideal to lift the load the first few
centimeters. The LW-16 Lifting
Wedge requires a very small
access gap of only 10 mm.

Page: 180
• All-directional operation on 7, 15 and 35 ton JHA-series
Load Skates
• Internal relief valve to prevent overloading
For moving heavy loads easily
• Machined flat front and bottom surfaces permit flush alignment in and safely.
tight corners
• Chrome plated plungers
• Pumping handle included Page: 182
• Automatic by-pass port to prevent over-extension (JH-series).

Style Jack Stroke Model Jack Collapsed Extended Bottom Plate Plunger Pump
Capacity Number Effective Height Height Dimensions Diameter Speed
Area WxL
ton (kN) (mm) (cm2) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

7 (62) 76 JHA-73 9,6 133 209 73 x 158 30,2 Single 5,0

15 (133) 153 JHA-156 20,3 247 401 92 x 238 41,4 Single 13,2
35 (311) 155 JHA-356 45,6 257 412 117 x 254 54,1 Single 18,1
75 (667) 153 JHA-756 102,6 285 439 174 x 325 114,3 Single 42,6
150 (1335) 155 JHA-1506 197,9 327 482 241 x 407 158,8 2-Speed 95,3
30 (267) 155 JH-306 38,3 254 409 95 x 242 69,9 Single 26,8
Steel Jacks 50 (445) 154 JH-506 62,1 260 414 127 x 258 88,9 2-Speed 40,8
100 (890) 153 JH-1006 133,1 287 440 181 x 328 130,1 2-Speed 74,4

Industrial Steel Bottle Jacks
▼ Shown: GBJ-010, GBJ-030, GBJ-003

2 - 100 ton
62 - 460 mm

Screw Extension Feature

Heat treated, adjustable extension
screw with cleated saddle on
selected GBJ models helps
adjusting and prevents slipping.

• Lower handle effort reduces operator fatigue

Cylinder-Pump Sets
• Fully serviceable As an alternative to
• High-strength beam and pump linkage for long life bottle jacks where the
operator is required
• Pumping handle included on all models to stand remote from the jacking point, see our
• Safety relief valve to prevent overload range of cylinder-pump sets.
• Automatic by-pass port to prevent over-extension Page:
• Wiper seal for extended life
• Thick base material with large area for increased strength and
stability during lifting.

Capacity Stroke Model Screw Min. Max. Plunger Saddle Bottom ▼ Enerpac heavy-duty bottle jacks make lifting
Number Extension Height Height diameter Diameter Dimensions loads easier.
ton (kN) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
2 (19,6) 460 GBJ002L - 570 1030 29,0 - 127 x 127 6,0
2 (19,6) 100 GBJ002 50 160 310 21,0 21 95 x 111 3,6
3 (29,4) 105 GBJ003 65 168 338 24,0 24 95 x 116 3,9
5 (49,0) 150 GBJ005 75 212 437 29,0 29 95 x 123 5,0
8 (78,4) 150 GBJ008 75 219 444 33,0 37 95 x 138 5,9
10 (98,0) 150 GBJ010 75 219 444 37,0 37 95 x 142 6,5
10 (98,0) 62 GBJ010S 30 131 223 37,0 37 95 x 142 5,5
15 (147,0) 150 GBJ015 75 228 453 44,5 44 112 x 163 9,0
20 (196,0) 150 GBJ020 75 234 459 51,0 58 127 x 171 12,1
20 (196,0) 105 GBJ020S 55 190 350 51,0 58 127 x 171 10,0
30 (294,0) 150 GBJ030 75 242 467 57,5 65 142 x 196 15,5
50 (490,0) 150 GBJ050 - 252 402 80,0 80 180 x 230 28,5
100 (980,0) 150 GBJ100 - 300 450 110,0 94 296 x 333 87,0
All GBJ Jacks meet or exceed: ANSI, PALD, CE.

www.enerpac.com 61
PR-Series, POW’R-RISER® Lifting Jack
▼ Shown: PRASA10027L and accessory Locking U-Rings

Safe, Efficient,
Mobile Load Lifting

Pendant cord
Supplied with 3,5 m pendant cord for
air driven units with pneumatic valves
and 6 m pendant cord for electric
driven units keeps operator away from the load.

• 54, 90, 136 and 181 ton capacities with pneumatic or electric pumps
POW'R LOCK – Self-Locking
for the toughest jobs
Mobile Lift System
• 102 mm ground clearance for transport over rail and rough terrain A self-locking jack that performs
• Double-acting cylinder automatic locking during lifting,
lowering and holding.
• Three position handle provides easy tilt back and transport
See the Enerpac PL-Series
• Complies with ASME/ANSI B30:1 2015 and CE specifications

Page: 64
• Easy to change external filter minimizes down time
• Rugged, fully enclosed 610 mm wide frame with no exposed fittings
or hoses
• SUP-R-STACK™ Extension System allows lifting at all heights
without blocking.

Capacity Stroke Model Number

with Electric Pump
(230V - 1 ph - 50Hz)
ton (kN) (mm) (kg)

356 PREME06014L 177

54 (533)
686 PREME06027L 272
406 PREME10016L 231
686 PREME10027L 272
90 (889)
406 – -
686 – -
394 – -
673 – -
136 (1333)
394 PREME15016L 258
673 PREME15027L 321
◀ Enerpac POW’R-RISER® used 388 – -
in mining operations to lift 181 (1778)
heavy equipment. 617 – -

POW’R-RISER® Lifting Jack
SUP-R-STACK Extensions
Increase useful height from
Fine tune your extension
127 to 457 mm. stack height. Series

Model No. Size Model No. Size Model No. Size Model No. Size
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
PRE5 127 PRE11 279 PRS1 25 PRS3 76
PRE7 178 PRE14 356 PRS2 51 – – Rated Lifting Capacity:
PRE9 229 PRE18 457 PRS4 Set includes (2x) PRS1,
PRES6024 Extension set includes PRE5, (1x) PRS2 and (1x) PRS3. 54 - 181 ton
PRE7, PRE11 and PRE18. Stroke:

356 - 686 mm
Cap. Swivel Locking U-Rings Set Locking U-Ring
Load Model Sets Include: Maximum Operating Pressure:
Saddle Number
700 bar
25 76 114 140 254 Quantity & model numbers
mm mm mm mm mm 2x 1x 2x 1x Locking U-Rings
PRUS126 PRU11 PRU13 PRU14 – For safe mechanical cribbing of
533 PRTS60 PRU11 PRU13 PRU14 – PRU110 2)
PRUS137 PRU11 PRU13 PRU14 PRU110 a lifted load, accessory Locking
PRUS126 PRU11 PRU13 PRU14 – U-Rings can be placed around
889 PRTS60 PRU11 PRU13 PRU14 – PRU110 an extended piston and come in
PRUS137 PRU11 PRU13 PRU14 PRU110
PRUS1526 PRU151 PRU153 PRU155 –
four lengths for each POW’R-RISER® capacity,
1333 PRTS150 PRU151 PRU153 – PRU155 PRU1510 and are available individually or in sets. Locking
PRUS1537 PRU151 PRU1510 PRU155 –
U-Rings are accommodated by storage racks
PRUS2026 PRU201 PRU203 PRU205 – integral to the POW’R-RISER®.
1778 PRTS200 PRU201 PRU203 – PRU205 PRU2010 2)
PRUS2037 PRU201 PRU2010 PRU205 –
For 356 mm and 406 mm stroke models
For 686 mm stroke models WARNING!
For 394 mm stroke models.
Extensions: Any two extensions may
be stacked for loads up to 54 ton.
For loads over 54 ton or strokes over 356 mm
only one extension and one spacer can be used.
Spacers: Never exceed 76 mm in total spacer

Model Number A B C D Max. Additional Valve

with Air Pump Stack Height Using Type
Optional Extension
(kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) For power source, the following characters should be
inserted in the 5th space of the model number.
PRAMA06014L 177 610 162 356 102 813*
PRAMA06027L 272 940 162 356 102 279 Ordering Example:
Manual Model No. PREME06014L is a 356 mm stroke, 54 ton
PRAMA10016L 231 660 178 457 102 533**
model, with a manual valve and a 230 VAC, 1-ph, 50 Hz
PRAMA10027L 272 940 178 457 102 279 electric motor.
PRASA10016L 231 660 178 457 102 533**
PRASA10027L 272 940 178 457 102 279 A Air Pump, 1416 l/min air consumption at 5,5 bar
Pneumatic B 115 VAC, 1ph., 50-60 Hz, 20 A
PRASA15016L 258 660 203 457 127 533**
E 208-240 VAC, 1-ph., 50-60 Hz, Euro Plug, 10 A
PRASA15027L 321 940 203 457 127 279 I 208-240 VAC, 1-ph., 50-60 Hz, USA Plug, 10 A
- - 660 203 457 127 533** G 1)
208-240 VAC, 3-ph., 50-60 Hz
Manual W 1)
380-415 VAC, 3-ph., 50-60 Hz
- - 940 203 457 127 279
J 1)
440-480 VAC, 3-ph., 50-60 Hz
PRASA20016L 290 660 241 508 165 533** R 1)
575 VAC, 3-ph., 50-60 Hz.
PRASA20027L 374 940 241 508 165 279 1)
Not available for 54 ton capacity.
* Based on one 457 mm and one 279 mm extension and one 76 mm spacer.
** Based on one 457 mm extension and one 76 mm spacer.
www.enerpac.com 63
POW’R-LOCK™ Mobile Lift System
▼ Shown: PL20025-ASA and PL20014-ASA

Efficient Lifting with

Continuous Automatic
Load Locking

Self-Locking Lift System
Only the POW’R-LOCK™ Lift System
provides continuous positive locking of
the load through all stages of lifting and lowering.
No operator intervention is required to activate or
de-activate the automatic locking system.

Two different stroke lengths are available. Both

models are powered by an external compressed
air system (user-supplied).
• Provides continuous locking protection during lift, lower and hold
functions A convenient two-button pendant controls
operation of the Lift System's air motor and
• Patent-pending control technology synchronizes cylinder and lock nut directional control valve.
for smooth and efficient lifting and lowering
• Unique double-acting cylinder offers a low collapsed height to
accomodate more lifting applications
• Simple 2-button pendant allows operation of raise and lower
Tilt Load Cap
functions from up to 6,1 metres away
All POW'R-LOCK™ Lift System
• All load-bearing cylinder components have a nitrocarburized models feature a Tilt Load Cap to
treatment to improve wear characteristics and resist corrosion reduce side-loading.
• Ergonomic handle has six positions for comfortable handling and
folds when not in use
• Meets ANSI/ASME B30.1-2015, AS/NZS‑2538, AS/NZS‑2693
certification criteria.
Safety First
When lifting large, heavy vehicles
certain precautions must be followed.
Follow your published safety directions for lifting
and cribbing your loads.
The Pow'R-LOCK™ Lift System provides load/
lock protection, but you must follow the safety
directions for load cribbing operations.

◀ The PL-Series POW'R-LOCK™

Portable Lift System.

POW’R-LOCK™ Mobile Lift System
Flat Load Cap – Non-tilt load Extensions – Stackable, with large alloy
cap has lower profile for tight steel locating studs to resist effects of side- Series
lifting spaces. loading.

Spacers – Minimize gap between load Extension Base Adapter – Extension Base
cap and lifting point to maximize hydraulic Adapter design eliminates risk of improper
stroke of the jack. stacking when using more than one
Rated Lifting Capacity:

181 ton

356 - 622 mm
Model Description Height PL20014-ASA PL20025-ASA Maximum Operating Pressure:
(mm) 700 bar
PLC1 Flat Load Cap 34 x x
PLS1 Spacer 26 x x
PLS2 Spacer 51 x x PLE11 and PLE14 Extensions and
PLB12 Extension Base Adapter are
PLE5 Extension 127 x x
to be used with the "short" model PL20014-
PLE7 Extension 178 x x ASA only. Use of these extensions on the "tall"
PLE9 Extension 229 x x model PL20025-ASA will result in an excessive
PLE11 Extension 280 x – maximum lifting height. Load could become
PLE14 Extension 356 x – unstable and drop, resulting in possible personal
injury and/or property damage.
PLB12 Extension base adapter 305 x –

2283 Model Number Maximum Additional

Stack Height *
PLS20014-ASA 712 mm

PLS20025-ASA 229 mm
* Using optional PLB and PLE-Series extensions
127 and PLS-Series spacers. Load cap height is NOT
399 included in the stack height.

Mobile Lifting Jack

When automatic load-locking is

not required, the POW'R-RISER®
B jack provides a mobile lifting


Page: 62

Capacity Stroke Model Cylinder Lifting Recommended A 3) B 3)

Number with Speed 1) Air Supply 2) Depending on available airflow, regulator setting, pump

ton Air Pump (mm/min) speed and load weight.

(kN) (mm) Load No Load (l/min) (bar) (mm) (mm) (kg) Minimum dynamic air pressure of 3,8-4,1 bar.

6,2-6,9 bar required to achieve 1779 kN capacity.

181 356 PL20014-ASA 51 61 3681 - 1219 864 501
3,8 - 6,9 Height A and B are with Swivel Load Cap installed.
(1779) 622 PL20025-ASA 51 61 4247 1778 1156 599 Subtract 51 mm if flat load cap is used.

www.enerpac.com 65
Custom Hydraulic Cylinders
There's no substitute for experience in customizing Overview Custom Cylinders
hydraulic cylinders and Enerpac meets the needs of the
most demanding applications.

Cylinders are the primary These may include special

workhorse in hydraulic systems corrosion protection, ability to
required to push or pull. handle extreme side loads, or
Although Enerpac offers a wide having special mounting needs.
variety of cylinders to fit many
application requirements, there
are many applications that require

▲ Custom 500 ton double-acting cylinders with

1,83 m stroke for lifting electric rope shovels.

• Stroke
• Capacity
• Paint
• Pressure Rating
◀ Large capacity, double-acting • Fitting
lock nut cylinders with an • Special Attachments
external lock ring used for
bridge work. • Seals
• Imbedded Sensors
• Collapsed Height
• Rod Modifications
• Special Mounting
• Corrosion Resistance

◀ Double-acting cylinders with

pilot-operated check valves and
rod eyes on both ends for lifting
and positioning applications.

◀ Custom private-label cylinders

for OEM applications.

Custom Hydraulic Pumps
Enerpac offers a wide variety of hydraulic pumps for all Overview Custom Pumps
your custom needs. Still, many applications require a
customized pump to operate the system.

Hydraulic pumps are at the heart Still, many applications require a

of any hydraulic system. Different customized pump to operate the
systems require different flow, system. These may include larger
pressure and control. reservoir capacity, custom valve
Enerpac offers a wide variety of configurations or added electrical
hydraulic pumps from small hand- controls. Enerpac also specializes
operated pumps to large gasoline- in power units and controls used
powered pumps. for synchronous lifting/lowering of
multiple jacking points.

▲ C
 ustom hydraulic pump for a bridge deck
launching system.

• Reservoir and Frame
• Valves
• Controls
• Oil
• Seals
◀ Private-label hand or foot • Pressure and Flow
pumps with fire-resistant oil
and special exterior paint. • Coolers and Heaters
• Paint
• Motor Type

◀ XC-Series Cordless Pump with

custom black shroud for private-
label OEM customer to be used
with a variety of hand held
hydraulic tools.

◀ Electric pump with large

cooler and controls for high-
temperature applications.

www.enerpac.com 67
Hydraulic Pumps and Directional Valves
Enerpac hydraulic pumps are available in over
1000 different configurations. Whatever your
high-pressure pump needs are... speed, control,
intermittent or heavy duty cycle you will find an
Enerpac pump suited to the application.

Featuring Hand, Battery, Electric, Air and Gasoline

powered models, with multiple reservoir and
valve configurations, Enerpac offers the most
comprehensive pump line available.

Pump Selection
For help in selecting the correct pump
for your application, please see our
‘Yellow Pages’.

If you require further assistance, contact the

Enerpac office located near you.

Page: 276

Torque Wrench Pumps

System matched air and electric
pumps provide control to operate
Enerpac Torque Wrenches.

Page: 220

Pumps and Directional Valves Section Overview
Power Pump Types Maximum Max. Flow Max. Series Page
Source Reservoir at Rated Power
Capacity Pressure Consumption
(litres) (l/min)

Lightweight Hand Pumps 2,5 2,50 – P 70 ▶

Exclusively from Enerpac (cm /stroke)

ULTIMA Steel Hand Pumps 7,4 4,75 – P 72 ▶

Low Pressure Hand Pumps 3,3 9,50 P 74 ▶

Multifluid Hand Pumps – 20,6 – MP 76 ▶

Pumping Fluids up to 1000 bar (cm /stroke)

Foot Pump 0,5 2,47 – P 77 ▶

For Hands Free Operation (cm3/stroke)
Ultra-High Pressure Hand Pumps 1,0 2,49 – P 78 ▶
Pressure up to 2800 bar (cm3/stroke) 11
Battery Powered Hydraulic Pumps 2,0 0,25 0,37 XC 80 ▶
Cordless Hydraulic Power (kW)

Economy Series 3,8 0,32 0,37 PU 82 ▶

Compact and Portable (kW)

Submerged Series 5,5 0,27 0,37 PE 84 ▶


Powerful and Low-Noise (kW)

Z-Class Pumps 40 1,0 1,25 ZU 90 ▶

Portable (kW)
Z-Class Pumps 40 2,73 5,60 ZE 96 ▶
Powerful and Heavy-Duty (kW)

8000-Series 94,0 6,33 9,30 PE 102 ▶

The Maximum Flow Pumps (kW)

Air Hydraulic Pumps 1,3 0,13 255 (l/min) PA 104 ▶

Single and Twin-Air Motor 8,0 0,15 510 (l/min) PAM 105 ▶
Turbo II Air Hydraulic Pumps 5,0 0,16 340 PATG 106 ▶
Compact Air Over Hydraulic

Air Hydraulic Pumps 2,0 0,25 991 XA 108 ▶

For Productivity and Ergonomics (l/min)

Z-Class Air Hydraulic Pumps 40,0 1,31 2840 ZA 110 ▶

Modular Air Pumps (l/min)

Z-Class Gasoline Hydraulic Pumps 40,0 3,30 9,70 ZG 112 ▶


Gas Powered High Flow Pumps (kW)

8000-Series Gasoline Hydraulic Pumps 94,0 5,70 13,40 EGM 114 ▶

For the Largest Jobs (kW)

Directional Control Valves VM, VC 115 ▶


www.enerpac.com 69
P-Series, Lightweight Hand Pumps
▼ Shown from top to bottom: P-802, P-842, P-202, P-142

Exclusively from

Cylinder Matching Chart

For help in selecting the correct hand
pump for your application, please refer
to the Cylinder Matching Chart located in the
‘Yellow Pages’.


Speed Chart
To determine how a specific pump will
operate your cylinder, see the Pump-
Cylinder Speed Chart in the ‘Yellow Pages’.


• Lightweight and compact design Tank Kits:

• Durable glass-filled nylon reservoir and nylon encapsulated When a return-to-tank port is
aluminium pump base for maximum corrosion resistance required, the Tank Kits provide a
• Two-speed operation reduces handle strokes by as much as 78% over
/16"-20 UN port at the rear of the
single speed pumps
• Lower handle effort to minimize operator fatigue PC-20 Fits P-141, P-142
• Integral 4-way valve on P-842 for operation of double-acting cylinders PC-25 Fits P-202, P-391, P-392
• Handle lock and lightweight construction for easy carrying
• Large oil capacities to power a wide range of cylinders or tools Portable Hydraulic Toolbox
• Non-conductive fiberglass handle for operator safety Portable toolbox with P-392 hand
pump, gauge adaptor assembly,
• Internal pressure relief valve for overload protection. hose and RC-, RCS, RSM-or WR-5
cylinder or LW-16 lifting wedge.

▼ Cylinder-pump set SCR-254H used to support the 59

construction while monitoring pressure and load
with the gauge.
Pump Usable Oil Model Pressure Oil Displacement Max.
Type Capacity Number Rating 2) per Stroke Handle
(bar) (cm3) Effort

(cm3) 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage (kg)

Single- 327 P-141 - 700 - 0,90 32,7

Speed 901 P-391 - 700 - 2,47 38,6
327 P-142 1) 13 700 3,62 0,90 35,4
901 P-202 13 700 3,62 0,90 28,6
Two-Speed 901 P-392 1) 13 700 11,26 2,47 42,2
2540 P-802 27 700 39,33 2,47 43,1
2540 P-842 3) 27 700 39,33 2,47 43,1
Available as set, see note on next page. P-392 also available in portable hydrauloic toolbox (page 59).
Contact Enerpac for applications where operating pressure is less than 10% of pressure rating.
P-842 for use with double-acting cylinders
Lightweight Hand Pumps
Pump-Cylinder Sets P
All pumps marked with an * Series
are available as sets (pump,
cylinder, gauge, couplers and hose) for your ordering

Page: 56
Reservoir Capacity:

Release valve
327 - 2540 cm3
Flow at Rated Pressure:
0,90 - 2,47 cm3/stroke
Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Enerpac offers a complete line of
P-141, P-142, P-202, P-391, P-392 high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only genuine
Release Valve
Enerpac hydraulic hoses.


GA45GC Gauge Adaptor

Protect yourself from system
overloading by simply ordering one
part number for a pre-assembled
gauge, adaptor block and coupler.

Valve Control 134


Foot Pump P-392FP

For handsfree operation the
lightweight and robust P-392FP
Foot Pump is the perfect choice.


Piston Dimensions (mm) Model

Stroke Number

(mm) A B C D E G H J L M N P Q S (kg)
12,7 185 336 28 85 28 ¼”-18 nptf 319 19 143 – 95 80 – 7 2,4 P-141
25,4 344 533 36 99 33 ⅜”-18 nptf 522 30 177 16 120 – – – 4,1 P-391
12,7 185 336 28 85 28 ¼”-18 nptf 319 19 143 – 95 80 – 7 2,4 P-142 1)
12,7 344 509 36 85 28 ¼”-18 nptf 400 19 144 16 95 – – – 3,4 P-202
25,4 344 533 36 99 33 ⅜”-18 nptf 522 30 177 16 120 – – – 4,1 P-392 1)
25,4 337 552 45 133 35 ⅜”-18 nptf 527 30 228 – 181 153 35 10 8,2 P-802
25,4 337 552 45 133 20 ⅜”-18 nptf 527 30 228 – 181 153 36 10 10,0 P-842 3)

www.enerpac.com 71
P-Series, ULTIMA Steel Hand Pumps
▼ Shown from left to right: P-77, P-80, P-84, P-801, P-39

The Solution for

Tough Jobs

Two Speed Pumps

Recommended for applications where
cylinder plunger must advance rapidly
to load contact, and applications
where greater oil capacities are required, such as
multiple cylinder hook-ups.

Foot Pump Conversion Kits

Convert your P-39, P-77, P-80
or P-801 to foot power with the
PC-11 Kit. Includes instructions for
easy conversion.

• Reduced handle effort and ergonomic grip for less operator fatigue
• Two-speed operation for fast and easy operation (except P-39) GA45GC Gauge Adaptor
• Vent free reservoir eliminates spills Protect yourself from system
overloading by simply ordering one
• Quick grip handle allows for easy transport
part number for a pre-assembled
• Integral reservoir over-pressurization protection gauge, adaptor block and coupler.
• All steel construction, chrome plated plunger and wiper system for
durable, long lasting performance
• 4-way valving on the P-84 and P-464 for operation of double-acting 134

4-Way Control Valve
P-84 and P-464 feature a manual
4-way control valve, designed for
use with one double-acting or two
single-acting cylinders. For system
set-up information see our Yellow Pages.

▼ In the absence of a power supply, the P-80 Hand Pump 278

offers a powerful solution.

Pump Usable Model Pressure Oil Displacement Max.

Type Oil Number Rating 2) per Stroke Handle
Capacity (bar) (cm3) Effort

(cm3) 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage (kg)
Single 672 P-39 - 700 - 2,46 39
672 P-77 34 700 16,39 2,46 40
2200 P-80 1) 34 700 16,39 2,46 35
Two- 4100 P-801 34 700 16,39 2,46 35
Speed 2200 P-84 3) 34 700 16,39 2,46 35
7423 P-462 14 700 126,20 4,75 49
7423 P-464 3) 14 700 126,20 4,75 49
Available as a set, see note on next page.
Contact Enerpac for applications where operating pressure is less than 10% of pressure rating.
P84, P-464 is for use with double-acting cylinders.
ULTIMA Steel Hand Pumps

Reservoir Capacity:
672 - 7423 cm3
Flow at Rated Pressure:
2,46 - 4,75 cm3/stroke
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Extra Capacity Hand Pumps
P-39, P-77
P-462 and P-464 feature extra
P-801 only
large reservoirs and high first-
stage flow rate. These pumps are
ideally suited for powering high-
capacity cylinders.

Pump-Cylinder Sets
The P-80 is also
P-80, P-801, P-84
available as set (pump,
cylinder, gauge, couplers and hose) for your
ordering convenience.


Cylinder Matching Chart

For help in selecting the correct hand
pump for your application, please refer
to the Cylinder-Pump Matching Chart located in
the ‘Yellow Pages’.

P-462, P-464 276


Piston Dimensions (mm) Model

Stroke Number

(mm) A B C D E F H J L M N P Q R S T (kg)
25,4 383 480 30 35 37 – 550 416 163 – 140 111 – – 8,4 – 6,2 P-39
25,4 391 487 30 35 47 – 550 424 163 – 140 111 – – 8,4 – 7,1 P-77
25,4 428 511 30 35 55 – 579 460 195 – 150 121 42 – 8,4 74 10,7 P-80 1)
25,4 428 511 30 35 55 – 579 460 195 – 150 121 42 – 8,4 74 14,1 P-801
25,4 428 510 30 35 55 70 579 460 195 – 150 121 38 – 8,4 74 11,8 P-84 3)
38,1 210 308 163 320 195 – 671 25 270 175 650 92 – – 80 – 27,7 P-462
38,1 210 308 163 320 195 – 671 25 270 175 650 92 89 68 80 – 27,7 P-464 3)

www.enerpac.com 73
P-Series, Low Pressure Hand Pumps
▼ Shown from left to right: P-25, P-51, P-18

When Less Than

700 Bar is All You Need

GA45GC Gauge Adaptor

Protect yourself from system
overloading by simply ordering one
part number for a pre-assembled
gauge, adaptor block and coupler.


• P-25 and P-50 pump oil in both forward and reverse handle movement Hoses
improving overall efficiency, ideal when mounting space is restricted Enerpac offers a complete line of
high quality hydraulic hoses. To
• External load-release valve
ensure the integrity of your system,
• Internal pressure-relief valve for overload protection specify only genuine Enerpac
• P-51 can be operated in horizontal and vertical position with pump hydraulic hoses.
head and oil outlet facing downwards
• For use with single-acting cylinders and tools.

▼ P-18 hand pump used for locking the rotating table for marble polishing.

Pump Usable Model Pressure Oil Max.

Type Oil Number * Rating Displace­ment Handle
Capacity per Stroke Effort

(cm3) (bar) (cm3) (kg)

360 P-18 200 2,46 16
Single- 3277 P-25 175 9,50 27
Speed 3277 P-50 350 4,75 27
819 P-51 200 4,10 27
* For use with single-acting cylinders and tools

Low Pressure Hand Pumps

Reservoir Capacity:
360 - 3277 cm3
Flow at Rated Pressure:
2,46 - 9,50 cm3/stroke
Maximum Operating Pressure:
175 - 350 bar

MP-Series Multifluid Hand

P-18 Corrosion resistant hand pumps
for low pressure filling and high
pressure testing applications,
suitable for a wide range of fluids.


▼ P-51 hand pumps used with RC-series cylinders

to keep wooden layers under pressure during
P-25, P-50
lamination of plates.


Piston Dimensions (mm) Model

Stroke Number *

(mm) A B C D E H J L M N S (kg)
25,4 221 316 30 35 37 385 254 163 – 140 8,4 5,0 P-18
38,1 152 173 152 240 – – – 684 200 – 10 16,3 P-25
38,1 152 173 152 240 – – – 684 200 – 10 16,8 P-50
25,4 52 92 181 200 57 610 29 160 129 – 9 5,4 P-51

www.enerpac.com 75
MP-Series, Multifluid Hand Pumps
▼ Shown: MP-110

Flow at Rated Pressure:
1,6 - 20,6 cm3/stroke
Maximum Operating Pressure:
110 - 1000 bar
Optional Reservoir Kit
Includes 10 litres tank with skid
frame, top plate with reservoir seal,
suction pipe and mounting bolts.
Useable oil capacity is 7,4 litres.
Order model number: MP-10T.

Stainless Steel Hand Pump

Also availalbe as stainless steel
hand pump, model number:

• Superior corrosion resistance

• Standard Nitrile seals – can be used for a wide range of fluids such as
demineralised water, oil/water emulsions, waterglycols, mineral oils
• Two speed pumps up to 1000 bar pressure
• Buna Nitrile seals can be exchanged with optional EPDM seal for use
with Skydrol or brake fluids
• Impregnated aluminium anodized pump housing with stainless steel
internal pumping components
• Externally adjustable pressure relief valve
• 1/4" NPTF gauge port
• For use with single-acting cylinders and tools.

MP-110, 350, 700, 1000

① Suction / Tank return port 3/8”-18 NPTF
② Pressure port 3/8”-18 NPTF
③ Gauge port 1/4”-18 NPTF

Pump Usable Model Pressure Oil Displace­ment Max. Piston

Type Oil Number ** Rating per Stroke Handle Stroke
Capacity * (bar) (cm3) Effort
1st 2nd 1st 2nd
(cm3) stage stage stage stage (kg) (mm) (kg)
* MP-110 35 110 52,6 20,6 45 26,5 6,6
Two * MP-350 35 350 52,6 7,15 45 26,5 6,6
Speed * MP-700 35 700 52,6 2,63 45 26,5 6,6
* MP-1000 35 1000 52,6 1,60 45 26,5 6,6 MP-10T
* MP-Pump includes 1,5 mm thick gasket for reservoir mounting. MP-Series pumps requires the use of an external reservoir.
** MP-Series pumps are for use with single-acting cylinders and tools.
Lightweight Hydraulic Foot Pump
▼ Shown: P-392FP

Reservoir Capacity:
492 cm3
Flow at Rated Pressure:
2,47 cm3/stroke
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Pump-Cylinder Sets
The P-392FP is
available as set
(pump, cylinder,
gauge, couplers and hose) for your ordering

• Robust, durable and compact

- Steel frame for maximum stability
- Steel pumping handle
- Aluminium reservoir Hoses
Enerpac offers a complete line
• Foot pedal lock and lightweight construction for easy carrying of high quality hydraulic hoses.
• Two-speed operation reduces foot pedal strokes To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only genuine
• Large foot-pad release valve for controlling load descent
Enerpac hydraulic hoses.
• Internal pressure relief valve for overload protection.

▼ P-392FP offers the advantage of hands free operation

to handle and control the tool or cylinder.

Usable Model Pressure Oil Displace­ment Max. Piston

Oil Number Rating per Stroke Handle Stroke
Capacity (bar) (cm3) Effort
1st 2nd 1st 2nd
(cm3) stage stage stage stage (kg) (mm) (kg)
492 P-392FP * 15 700 11,26 2,47 42 25,4 7,0
* Available as set, see note on this page.

www.enerpac.com 77
P, 11-Series, Ultra-High Pressure Hand Pumps
▼ Shown from left to right: 11-100, P-2282

Ultra-High Pressure
up to 2800 bar

2-Way Shut-Off Valve

Model Nr. 72-750
For 2800 bar applications requiring
a shut-off valve or gauge snubber.
Made of 318 Stainless Steel and
utilizing .38 inch cone fittings, it is the perfect
selection for use with your ultra-high pressure
hand pump.

Test System Gauges

Ideal for monitoring pressure in
your hydraulic circuit. Test System
Gauges, such as the T6010L, are
available with cone threads or
• Two-speed operation on the P-2282 allows for faster fill operation, NPTF threads and a variety of pressure ranges.
reducing cycle times for many testing applications
• 303 Stainless steel construction on the 11-100 and 11-400 models 132
enable use with many different fluids, such as distilled water, diesters,
silicones, soluble oils and petroleum
• Large release knob for improved control of pressure release
• Outlet ports are ¾"-16 cone for 2800 bar rating To system
• Ultra-high pressure fittings feature all stainless steel construction
except adaptor 41-366 which features nickel plated carbon steel
construction. ▲ Typical Test System

Cone Seal
Stainless Steel High
Pressure fittings seal on Stainless
a ‘cone’ surface and do Steel Tubing
not require pipe sealer. Sleeve
The Gland Nut holds the Body
sleeve and tubing tight Pump Usable Model Pressure Oil Displacement Max.
against the cone surface Type Oil Number Rating * per Stroke Handle
to provide a 2800 bar Capacity (bar) (cm3) Effort
seal. 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
(cm3) stage stage stage stage (kg)

Two-Speed 983 P-2282 13 2800 16,22 0,61 48,1

Bleed Hole
737 11-100 - 700 - 2,49 54,4
Gland Nut Single-Speed
737 11-400 - 2800 - 0,62 54,4
* Contact Enerpac for applications where operating pressure is less than 10% of operating pressure.

Ultra-High Pressure Hand Pumps
▼ Optional Ultra-High Pressure Fittings and Tubings
Description Connection Model Nr.
2800 bar
Gland .38" cone 43-001
Nut Plug
Elbow .38" cone 43-200

Tee .38" cone 43-300 Reservoir Capacity:

737 - 983 cm3
Flow at Rated Pressure:
Gauge Tee .38" cone side/
.25" cone gauge port
0,61 - 2,49 cm3/stroke
Maximum Operating Pressure:

Gauge .38" cone side/ 83-011 700 - 2800 bar

Adaptor .25" cone gauge port

Ultra-High Pressure pumps

DO NOT have an internal safety
Coupling .38" cone 43-400 pressure relief valve.

Cross .38" cone 43-600 Stainless Steel Construction

Ultra-high Pressure Fittings feature
all stainless steel construction except
adaptor 41-366, which features nickel
Gland .38" cone 43-701
plated carbon steel construction.
Nut with

Gauge .25" cone 43-704

Connector Optional T-Series gauge and fitting
100 mm tube, O.D. .38" * 45-116
Tubing 200 mm tube, O.D. .38" * 45-126
300 mm tube, O.D. .38" * 45-136
700 bar only
Adaptor .38" F cone to ¼" M NPTF 41-146
.38" F cone to ⅜" M NPTF 41-166

Adaptor .38" F cone to ¼" F NPTF 41-246

.38" F cone to ⅜" F NPTF 41-266

Adaptor .38" M cone to ⅜" F NPTF 41-366

Note: .25" cone fittings use 9/16"-18 threads, ⅜" cone fittings use ¾"-16 threads.
Release Valve
* Actual tubing lengths are 19 mm less than nominal size shown. These dimensions
make distance between centers of valves and fittings multiples of 100 mm spaces.

Piston Dimensions (mm) Model

Stroke Number

(mm) A B C D E F H J L M N S T (kg)

25,4 344 558 35 – 31 133 527 29 228 7 120 – – 6,4 P-2282

19,8 240 266 151 177 45 – 635 162 114 237 314 7 9 10,0 11-100
19,8 240 266 151 177 45 – 635 162 114 237 314 7 9 10,0 11-400

www.enerpac.com 79
XC-Series, Cordless Hydraulic Pumps
▼ Shown: XC-1201ME

Performance of a
Powered Pump
Portability of
a Hand Pump

GA45GC Gauge Adaptor

Protect yourself from system
overloading by simply ordering one
part number for a pre-assembled
gauge, adaptor block and coupler.


Battery packs contain no cadmium, so

they are environmentally friendly.
Enerpac encourages recycling.

• Lightweight design with integrated handle and carrying strap for

• Bladder reservoir prevents contamination and allows pump usage
in any position 28-Volt Battery

• Powerful 0,37 kW motor and 28 Volt Lithium-Ion battery deliver The XC-28V with Lithium-Ion
technology for maximum battery
exceptional speed and run time
• High-strength fiberglass reinforced composite shroud for superior
durability in demanding job site environments
• Cordless technology eliminates tripping hazards found in other
electric or air powered pumps Battery Charger
• Available for operating single-acting and double-acting cylinders 1-hour quick charger.
and tools.
Model Nr. Voltage
XC-115VC 115 VAC
XC-230VC 230 VAC

3/8" Swivel Connector

Customer installed 360 degree
swivel coupler for optimal
orientation of the hydraulic hose.

Order Model Number 1) XSC1

Accessories must be ordered separately.

◀ Portable power and simplicity for the toughest jobs.

Cordless Hydraulic Pumps
XC-Series Cordless Hydraulic The Lithium-Ion battery provides
Pumps superior run time: XC
The XC-Series cordless pump • 270 cuts of 10 mm reinforcing bar using Series
is ideal for jobs that require a WHC-750 Cutter
a combination of portability, speed, and • 112 lifts with a WR-5 Spreader
safety. These cordless pumps are perfect • 45 splits on M27 - 8.8 nuts using a
for remote locations without access to NC-3241 Nut Cutter
power, but also indoors where trip hazards, • 30 times lifting with a RC-104 cylinder
ergonomics or size is a concern. (10 ton, 100 mm stroke).
Reservoir Capacity:
The XC-Series cordless pump is compatible
with all Enerpac hydraulic tools and small to
Note: Actual number of cycles per charge
will vary depending on condition of battery,
1,0 - 2,0 litres
medium sized cylinders. tool and ambient conditions. Battery life Flow at Rated Pressure:
with double-acting tools is approximately
The XC-Series cordless pump is CSA and CE 75% of that for comparable, single-acting 0,25 l/min
compliant. tools.
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

① Outlet "Advance" Port ⅜"-18 NPTF

② Oil Fill (must use funnel)
③ User Adjustable Relief Valve Access Port
④ Directional Control Valve
⑤ Shoulder Strap Connection Points
⑥ Safety Lock Feature
Oil Flow (l/min) ▶
⑦ On/Off Switch
⑧ Inlet “Retract” Port (double-acting models only)

Pressure (bar) ▶

Pump Useable Model Output Flow Rate Valve Charger
Type Oil Number Function Voltage ▼ T ake the battery pump anywhere without power cords
Capacity (l/min) or air hoses.

(used with No 140 700

cylinder) (litres) Load bar bar (VAC) (kg)
1,0 XC-1201MB 1) 2,0 0,50 0,25 3-way, 2-pos. 115 10
2,0 XC-1202MB 2,0 0,50 0,25 3-way, 2-pos. 115 11
Single- 1,0 XC-1201ME 1) 2,0 0,50 0,25 3-way, 2-pos. 230 10
Acting 2,0 XC-1202ME 2,0 0,50 0,25 3-way, 2-pos. 230 11
1,0 XC-1201M 2) 2,0 0,50 0,25 3-way, 2-pos. – 10
2,0 XC-1202M 2) 2,0 0,50 0,25 3-way, 2-pos. – 11
1,0 XC-1401MB 2,0 0,50 0,25 4-way, 3-pos. 115 10
2,0 XC-1402MB 2,0 0,50 0,25 4-way, 3-pos. 115 11
Double- 1,0 XC-1401ME 2,0 0,50 0,25 4-way, 3-pos. 230 10
Acting 2,0 XC-1402ME 2,0 0,50 0,25 4-way, 3-pos. 230 11
1,0 XC-1401M 2) 2,0 0,50 0,25 4-way, 3-pos. – 10
2,0 XC-1402M 2) 2,0 0,50 0,25 4-way, 3-pos. – 11
Available as a cylinder pump set, see page 56.

Batteries and charger not included.


www.enerpac.com 81
PU-Series, Economy Electric Pumps
▼ Shown: PUJ-1200E

Heavy on Performance,
Light on Weight

Minimize the risk of overloading
and ensure long, dependable
service from your equipment.
For use with the Economy pump
the G-2535L gauge and GA-3 gauge adaptor are

For a full range of gauges, please refer to the

System Components section.


• Lightweight and compact design: 11,8 to 18,6 kg Hoses

• Large easy-carry handle for maximum portability Enerpac offers a complete line
• Two-speed operation reduces cycle times for improved productivity of high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
• 230 VAC 50/60-cycle universal motor will operate under poor voltage system, specify only genuine
supply Enerpac hydraulic hoses.
• 24 VAC remote motor control, 3 m length for operator safety
• Starts under full load 122
• High strength molded shroud, with integral handle, protects motor from
contamination and damage Speed Chart
• Designed for intermittent duty cycle. To determine how a specific pump will
operate your cylinder, see the Pump-
Cylinder Speed Chart in the ‘Yellow Pages’.

▼ A n Economy Pump PUJ-1200E is used with a low height cylinder RCS-302 to 283
reposition a Scissor lift to simplify maintenance.

Pump Usable Model Pressure

Type Oil Number * Rating
Capacity (bar)

(Used with 1st 2nd

cylinder) (litres) stage stage

1,9 PUD-1100E 13 700

3,8 PUD-1101E 13 700
Single- 1,9 PUJ-1200E 13 700
Acting 3,8 PUJ-1201E 13 700
1,9 PUD-1300E 13 700
3,8 PUD-1301E 13 700
Double- 1,9 PUJ-1400E 13 700
Acting 3,8 PUJ-1401E 13 700
* For 115 volt applications replace ’E’ suffix with ’B’.
** Electric dump valve for auto-retract of cylinders.
Economy Electric Pumps
About the Economy Pump
The Economy pump is best suited
PUD-1300 Series
• Provides advance-hold-retract of single-
to power small to medium size acting cylinders Series
cylinders or hydraulic tools. Its • Ideal for applications requiring load-
lightweight and compact design make it holding
ideal for applications which require easy • For applications requiring solenoid valve
transport of the pump. The universal motor operations
works well on long extension cords or • 3 m cord with pendant controls motor and
generator-driven electrical power supplies. valve operation.
Reservoir Capacity:
For further application assistance refer to
the ‘Yellow Pages’.
PUJ Series
• Manual valves provide advance-hold-
1,9 - 3,8 litres
retract tool operation Flow at Rated Pressure:
PUD-1100 Series
• Provides advance-retract of single-acting
• Available with 3- and 4-way valves for
single or double-acting cylinders 0,32 l/min
cylinders • 3 m cord with pendant controls the motor Motor Size:
• Ideal for punching applications operation.
• For applications not requiring load holding 0,37 kW
• 3 m cord with pendant controls motor and
Maximum Operating Pressure:
valve operation.
700 bar

Page: 273


Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

Pressure (bar) ▶
① Oil Outlet Port
② Tank Port
③ Gauge Port (PUJ-1200 and PUJ-1201 models only)

Output Valve Valve Current Motor Sound Dimensions (mm) Model

Flow Rate Type Function Draw Voltage Level Number *

1st 2nd
stage stage (Amps) (VAC) (dBA) A B C D E F J (kg)
3,31 0,32 3,2 230 85 244 244 362 101 119 203 133 11,8 PUD-1100E
Dump** Advance/Retract
3,31 0,32 3,2 230 85 368 309 373 105 130 323 142 17,2 PUD-1101E
3,31 0,32 3/2 Advance/ 3,2 230 85 244 244 362 101 119 203 133 10,0 PUJ-1200E
3,31 0,32 manual Hold/Retract 3,2 230 85 368 309 373 105 130 323 142 15,4 PUJ-1201E
3,31 0,32 3/2 3,2 230 85 244 244 362 101 119 203 133 12,0 PUD-1300E
Dump & Hold
3,31 0,32 solenoid 3,2 230 85 368 309 373 105 130 323 142 17,5 PUD-1301E
3,31 0,32 4/3 Advance/ 3,2 230 85 244 244 362 101 119 203 133 13,2 PUJ-1400E
3,31 0,32 manual Hold/Retract 3,2 230 85 368 309 373 105 130 323 142 18,6 PUJ-1401E

www.enerpac.com 83
PE-Series, Submerged Electric Pumps
▼ Shown: PEJ-1401E

Best Performance for

Mid-Range Cylinders
and Tools

For more technical information
see next page.


Select the model that suits your application.
For special requirements see page 87 or contact your
Enerpac office.

• Two-speed operation reduces cycle times for improved productivity PED Series: with Dump Valve
• Powerful 0,37 kW induction motor is submerged in the oil reservoir to • Ideal for punching, crimping and cutting
run cooler, protect the motor, simplify the pump interface, save space • For use when load holding is not required
• Control pendant with 3 m cord controls
and reduce noise
valve and motor.
• Large 5,5 litres reservoir allows operation of a wide range of cylinders
• 24 VDC remote pendant control on certain models for safer operation PEM Series: with Manual Valve
• Externally adjustable relief valve allows control of operating pressure • Ideal choice for most applications
without opening the pump • Manual valve control, for both single-acting
and double-acting applications
• 40-micron internal return line filter keeps oil clean, promoting longer • Manual motor control.
pump life
• Full length side tube for easy monitoring of oil level.
PER Series: with Solenoid Valve
• Ideal for production and lifting
• All valves are 3 position for
• Control pendant with 3 m cord for
remote valve operation.

PEJ Series: with Remote Jog

• For light production and lifting applications
• Manual valve control for single-acting or
double-acting cylinders
• Control pendant with 3 m cord for remote
motor operation.

PES Series: with Pressure Switch

• Designed for continuous pressure applications,
such as clamping, workholding and testing
• All versions include manual valves for
◀ The Remote Jog model (PEJ-Series) directional control.
of the Submerged Pump simplifies
maintenance on this machine.

Submerged Electric Pumps
PE-Series Submerged Pump
Application PE
The Submerged pump is best Its lightweight and compact design also Series
suited to power small to medium make it ideal for applications which require
size cylinders or hydraulic tools, or some transport of the pump.
whenever quiet, intermittent duty cycle is
needed. For further application assistance see the
‘Yellow Pages’ or contact your local Enerpac
With its low sound level and the addition of office.
the optional oil cooler, the Submerged pump Reservoir Capacity:
is suited to light production work as well.
5,5 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:

Page: 0,27 l/min
Motor Size:
0,37 kW
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Pump Type Used with Valve Function Valve Type Usable Model
Cylinder Oil Number
Capacity 230 VAC, 1 ph *

(litres) (kg)
Single-Acting Advance/Retract Dump 5,5 PED-1101E 24,9

Single-Acting Advance/Retract Manual, 3-way, 2-position 5,5 PEM-1201E 24,0

Single-Acting Advance/Hold/Retract Manual, 3-way, 3-position 5,5 PEM-1301E 24,0
Double-Acting Advance/Hold/Retract Manual, 4-way, 3-position 5,5 PEM-1401E 24,0

Single-Acting Advance/Hold/Retract Solenoid, 3-way, 3-position 5,5 PER-1301E 29,5

Double-Acting Advance/Hold/Retract Solenoid, 4-way, 3-position 5,5 PER-1401E 29,5

Single-Acting Advance/Retract Manual, 3-way, 2-position 5,5 PEJ-1201E 24,9

Single-Acting Advance/Hold/Retract Manual, 3-way, 3-position 5,5 PEJ-1301E 24,9
Double-Acting Advance/Hold/Retract Manual, 4-way, 3-position 5,5 PEJ-1401E 24,9

Single-Acting Advance/Retract Manual, 3-way, 2-position 5,5 PES-1201E 28,1

Double-Acting Advance/Hold/Retract Manual, 4-way, 3-position 5,5 PES-1401E 28,1

* For 115V replace suffix "E" with "B" in the model number.

www.enerpac.com 85
PE-Series, Submerged Electric Pumps
◀ For full features see previous page.
Motor Pressure Output Flow Rate Motor Electrical Sound Relief Valve

Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

Size Rating at 50 Hz Specifications * Level Adjustment
(bar) (l/min) Range

(kW) 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage (Amps @ Volts-Ph-Hz) (dBA) (bar)

13 @ 115-1-50/60
0,37 70 700 2,0 0,27 62-70 70-700
6,75 @ 230-1-50/60
* At full load. See ordering matrix footnote for frequency notations.

Pressure (bar) ▶

Speed Chart
To determine how a specific pump
will operate your cylinder, see the
Pump-Cylinder Speed Chart in the
‘Yellow Pages’.

① Heat Exchanger (optional for all models) 283

② Fill Port
③ Pressure Switch (PES-series, optional for other models)
④ Oil Level Indicator
⑤ Adjustable relief valve

◀ This PED-1101E Submerged pump quickly

and quietly powers a hydraulic nut cutter in
this maintenance application.

Submerged Electric Pumps
If the Submerged Pump that would best fit your application cannot be found in the chart on
page 85, here you can easily build your custom submerged pump. Series

▼ This is how a Submerged Pump Model Number is built up:

P E M - 1 3 01 E Reservoir Capacity:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5,5 litres
Product Motor Type Pump Type Pump Valve Reservoir Motor Flow at Rated Pressure:
Type Series Type Size Voltage
0,27 l/min
1 Product Type 6 Reservoir Capacity Motor Size:
P = Pump 01 = 5,5 litres
0,37 kW
2 Motor Type 7 Motor Voltage and Heat Exchanger Maximum Operating Pressure:
E = Electric Motor B = 115 V, 1 Ph, 50/60 Hz 1)
D = 115 V, 1 Ph, 50/60 Hz 1)
700 bar
3 Pump Type with Heat Exchanger
D = Dump E = 230 V, 1 Ph, 50/60 Hz 2)
J = Jog F = 230 V, 1 Ph, 50/60 Hz 2) Gauges
M = Manual with Heat Exchanger
Minimize the risk of over­loading
R = Remote (Solenoid) 1) 2) I = 230 V, 1 Ph, 60 Hz
and ensure long, dependable
S = Pressure Switch service from your equipment. Refer
Solenoid valves operate only at 60 Hz.
to the System Components section
4 Pump Series Can run on 50 Hz with manual valves.
for a full range of gauges.
Solenoid valves operate only at 50 Hz.
1 = 0,37 kW, 700 bar
Can run on 60 Hz with manual valves. Page: 120
5 Valve Type The following submerged pump models include
0 = No valve (PER only) a modular solenoid valve and pilot operated
1 = Dump check valve: Enerpac offers a complete line of
2 = 3-way, 2-position, PER-1301B high quality hydraulic hoses. To
normally open PER-1301D ensure the integrity of your system,
3 = 3-way, 3-position, PER-1301E specify only genuine Enerpac
tandem center PER-1401B hydraulic hoses.
4 = 4-way, 3-position, PER-1401D
tandem center PER-1401E Page: 122
5 = Modular solenoid
valve (PER only)

Ordering Example

Model Number: PER-1301E

The PER-1301E is a 0,37 kW,
700 bar, submerged electric pump,
with 5,5 litres usable oil capacity,
a 3-way, 3-position, remote
solenoid valve and a 230 V,
1 Phase, 50/60 Hz motor.

www.enerpac.com 87
Z-Class Enerpac Power Pumps

Introducing the Z-Class power pumps from Enerpac has used the latest metallurgical,
Enerpac – pumps that run cooler, use less bearing and seal technologies to produce a
electricity and are easy to service. pump whose features and benefits far surpass
the electric pumps that are available today.
By reducing the number of moving parts,
improving flow dynamics and decreasing
friction, Z-Class pumps will stay on the job
longer, require less energy to operate
and when needed, have lower
service costs.


lip seal

Replaceable piston
check valves
Self-priming, high-flow
Oil bath 1st stage pump

Balanced eccentric

Z-Class power pumps from

Enerpac – simply the best pump
you will ever use.


Z-Class, An Innovation in Pump Design

Z-Class Pumping Element – The Heart of Your Hydraulic System

Highly efficient design provides increased flow rates, Back-lit LCD on select Z-Class pumps
reduced heat generation and a decrease in power • pump usage information, hour and cycle counts
consumption. This means improved tool speed and increased • low-voltage warning and recording
service life – which results in higher productivity and lower • offers self-test and diagnostic capabilities
operating costs. • information displayed in 6 languages
• pressure read-out (when used with the optional pressure
Heavy-duty bearings extend pump life by reducing friction, transducer)
reducing surface-loading and lowering bearing stresses. • adjustable trigger pressure setting (when used with
the optional pressure transducer).
Pump cavity oil bath extends pump life by reducing heat,
improving lubrication and reducing wear.

Self-priming, high-flow 1st stage pump increases pump

performance by super-charging the 2nd stage piston pump –
improving oil flow in both hot and cold weather operation.

Balanced rotating components reduce vibration creating a

smoother running pump – reducing wear, friction and sound

Replaceable piston check-valves increase service life of

major pump components.

Back-lit LCD available

Ergonomic pendant features sealed switches and operates at on ZU and ZE-Series
24 V for improved operator safety. Electric Pumps. ▶

Z-Class factory options & accessories

ZU-Series Pump Applications
Extensive list of accessories including heat exchanger, roll cage,
skid bar, pressure transducer, return line filter and level and
temperature switches, allow complete pump control over a wide
• Mobile: when frequent pump transport is required and/or on
range of industrial applications. remote locations
• Universal motor: 1-phase, runs well under poor voltage supply,
Z-Class power pumps for your application using generator power supply or using long extension cord
Available in one flow range for universal motor and eight flow • Duty-cycle: for intermittent applications
• Cylinders and tools: for medium to large size single and double-
ranges for induction motor. Choose from single or two-stage
acting applications and high speed
models to provide the optimum cylinder and tool performance for • Pump speed: two stage pump unit.
almost any industrial application.

Oil Flow Z-Class Electric Air Motor- Gasoline Page:

Rate Pump Motor Consumption Engine ZE-Series Pump Applications
at 700 bar Series * Power Power

(l/min) (kW) (l/min) (kW)

0,55 ZE3 0,75 – – 96 • Stationary: when pump remains in one location
0,82 ZE4(T) 1,12 – – 96, 228 • Induction motor: 1 and 3-phase for high cycle usage
• Duty-cycle: for heavy-duty, extended cycle application
1,00 ZU4(T) 1,25 – – 90, 224
• Cylinders and tools: for medium to large size single and double-
1,30 ZA4(T) – 2840 – 110, 230 acting applications and high speed
1,60 ZG5 – – 4,8 112 • Pump speed: single or two stage pump unit.
1,64 ZE5(T) 2,24 – – 96, 228
2,73 ZE6 5,60 – – 96
3,30 ZG6 – – 9,7 112
* ZA4T, ZU4T, ZE4T and ZE5T-Series are Torque Wrench Pumps.

www.enerpac.com 89
ZU4-Series, Portable Electric Pumps
▼ Shown from left to right: ZU4304ME, ZU4420SE-H, ZU4304PE-K


Assisted Return Pumps with

Venturi Valve Technology
To improve productivity and plunger
retraction, Enerpac offers valve
configurations designed to accelerate your
cylinder retraction speeds, ZU4-Series pumps
feature Venturi Valve Technology to facilitate
the faster return of single-acting gravity return
cylinders. See valve type in ordering matrix and
details in section Directional Control Valves.


• High-efficiency two-speed pump design – higher oil flow and bypass For technical information and options see next page.
• Powerful 1,25 kW universal electric motor provides high power-to- Select the model that suits your application.
For special requirements see ordering matrix on
weight ratio and excellent low-voltage operating characteristics page 92 or contact your Enerpac office.
• High-strength, moulded composite shroud protects motor and
electronics, while providing an ergonomic, non-conductive handle Manual Valve
• Ideal choice for most applications.
for easy transport. • For single-acting or double-acting applications.
• Venturi Valve Technology (VM33VAC) for faster
retract of single-acting cylinders.
Pro-Series models only • Motor control on shroud.
* Back-lit LCD readout provides pressure display and a number of
diagnostics and readout capabilities never offered on a portable Manual Valve with Pendant *
pump before • For light production and lifting applications.
– pump usage information, hour and cycle counts • For single- or double-acting cylinders.
– self-test, diagnostic and read-out capabilities • Venturi Valve Technology (VM33VAC) for faster
retract of single-acting cylinders.
– pressure readout and auto-mode pressure settings. • Manual valve with power seat (VM43LPS),
ideal for post-tensioning applications.

Dump Valve *
• Ideal for punching, crimping and cutting.
• For use when load-holding is not required.

Solenoid Valve *
• Ideal for lifting applications and where remote
control is required.
• Venturi Valve Technology (VE33VAC) for faster
retract of single-acting cylinders.
• With VE32 valve, motor only runs during the
advance function, while holding and retracting,
◀ Designed to be tough, the motor is off.
the ZU4-Series with • Motor runs continuously on pumps with VE33
steel reservoirs will take and VE43 valves.
the abuse of today’s
construction sites.
* Pendant with 3 m. cord controls valve and motor.

ZU4-Series, Electric Pumps
Z-Class – A Pump For Every
Standard Electric Pump
• For applications that do not require digital
Patented Z-Class pump technology display features of the Premium Pump. Series
provides high by-pass pressures Available in all manual or jog versions.
for increased productivity – important in Pro Electric Pump
applications using long hose runs and high
• Digital (LCD) display features a built-in
pressure-drop circuits, like heavy lifting or
hour meter and shows self-diagnostic,
certain double-acting tools.
cycle-count and low voltage warning
Enerpac ZU4-Series Pumps are built to information.
power small to large-sized cylinders or Reservoir Capacity:
Pressure can also be displayed when
hydraulic tools, or wherever high-speed,
intermittent duty, remote hydraulic power
the pump is equipped with an optional 4 - 40 litres
pressure transducer.
is needed. Flow at Rated Pressure:
Classic Electric Pump 1,0 l/min
• The Classic has traditional electro-
mechanical components (transformers, Motor Size:
relays and switches) in place of solid- 1,25 kW
state electronics.
The Classic delivers durable, safe and Maximum Operating Pressure:
efficient hydraulic power for demanding 700 bar
markets like construction, post-
tensioning and foundation repair.

Pump Type Used with Valve Function Valve Pump Useable Model Number Pro
Cylinder Type 1) Control Oil 230 V - 1 phase - 50 Hz 2) Electric
Capacity Weight 3)
Classic Standard Pro Electric
(litres) Electric (STD) Electric (incl. LCD) (kg)

• • • VM32 Manual 4,0 ZU4204RE ZU4204ME ZU4204LE 27


• • • VM32 Manual 8,0 ZU4208RE ZU4208ME ZU4208LE 32

• • • • VM33VAC Manual 8,0 ZU41008RE ZU41008ME ZU41008LE 33
• • • • VM33 Manual 20,0 ZU4320RE ZU4320ME ZU4320LE 50
• • • • VM43 Manual 8,0 ZU4408RE ZU4408ME ZU4408LE 32
• • • • VM43 Manual 20,0 ZU4420RE ZU4420ME ZU4420LE 50
• • • VM32 4) Remote (Manual) 4,0 ZU4704PE 4) ZU4204JE ZU4204KE 27
• • • VM33VAC Remote (Manual) 8,0 ZU41008PE ZU41008JE ZU41008KE 33
• • • VM32 4) Remote (Manual) 20,0 ZU4720PE 4) ZU4220JE ZU4220KE 50
• • • • VM33 Remote (Manual) 8,0 ZU4308PE ZU4308JE ZU4308KE 32
• • • • VM43 Remote (Manual) 8,0 ZU4408PE ZU4408JE ZU4408KE 32
• • • • VM43 Remote (Manual) 20,0 ZU4420PE ZU4420JE ZU4420KE 50
• • • VE32D Remote 4,0 N/A N/A ZU4104DE 29
• • • VE32D Remote 8,0 N/A N/A ZU4108DE 33
• • • VE32D Remote 20,0 N/A N/A ZU4120DE 51
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
• • • • VE32 Remote 4,0 N/A N/A ZU4204SE 29
• • • • VE32 Remote 8,0 N/A N/A ZU4208SE 33
• • • • VE33 Remote 8,0 N/A N/A ZU4308SE 39
• • • • VE33VAC Remote 8,0 N/A N/A ZU41108SE 40
• • • • VE43 Remote 8,0 N/A N/A ZU4408SE 39
• • • • VE43 Remote 20,0 N/A N/A ZU4420SE 56
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
See valves section for technical information on valve types. 2) See custom order matrix on page 95 for other voltage options.
Subtract 1,4 kg for Standard (STD) Electric models. 4) ZU47...-pump models have VM22 3-way/2-position manual valve for post-tensioning applications.
www.enerpac.com 91
ZU4-Series, Options & Accessories
Enerpac offers a complete line
of high-quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only Enerpac
hydraulic hoses.
Page: 122

Minimize the risk of over­loading
and ensure long, dependable
Pressure Transducer * Level/Temperature Switch service from your equipment. Refer
• More durable than analog gauges • Ensures feedback on pump oil level to the System Components section
(against mechanical and hydraulic and temperature for a full range of gauges.
shock) • Drop-in design allows for easy 120
• More accurate than analog gauges installation to pump reservoir
(0,5% full scale of pump) • Plugs directly into pump electrical
• Calibration can be fine tuned for enclosure
certification • Built-in thermal sensing shuts
• “Set pressure” feature turns off motor off pump when unsafe operating
at user defined pressure (or shifts temperature is reached
valve to neutral on models with • Oil level switch shuts down pump
VE33/VE43 valves) before oil reaches an unsafe
• Display pressure in bar, psi or MPa. operating level.
* Requires LCD Electric

Accessory Adjustable Switch- Dead- Model Operating Maximum

Kit Model Pressure point band Number Temperature Pressure
Number Range repeatability
(bar) (bar) (°C) (bar) (kg)
ZPT-U4 * 3,5 - 700 ± 0,5% 3,5 ZLS-U4 * 5-110 10 0,1
* Add suffix T for factory installation. * Add suffix L for factory installation.

Foot Switch Roll Cage Skid Bar

• Hands-free remote control on solenoid • Protects pump • Provides easy two-hand lift
dump and 3-position valves • Provides greater pump stability. • Provides greater pump stability on soft or
• With 3 metres cord.
Accessory Fits on reservoir uneven surfaces.
Kit Modelnr.

4 and 8 litres 1) Acces- Fits on reservoir

ZRC-04 *
sory Kit
ZRC-04H * 4 and 8 litres 2)
Accessory Can be used on ZU4-Series 10 litres (kg)
Kit Modelnr. Pumps with
ZRB-10 *
ZRB-20 * 20 litres SBZ-4 * 4 and 8 l without heat exchanger 2,2
ZCF-2 * Solenoid VE-Series valves ZRB-40 * 40 litres SBZ-4L * 4 and 8 l with heat exchanger 3,2
* Add suffix U for factory installation. * Add suffix R for factory installation. * Add suffix K for factory installation.
Without heat exchanger
92 With heat exchanger.
ZU4-Series, Options & Accessories
ZU4-Series Options
Accessory Kits can be installed • Classic Electric,
by the customer. See chart below • Standard (STD) Electric (no LCD) Series
for all possible options on ZU4-Series • Pro Electric (with LCD).
pumps: Refer to page 95 for ordering matrix.

ZU4-Series Options Factory Installed Accessory Kits

Classic Standard Pro Classic Standard Pro

Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Reservoir Capacity:
Return Line Filter F F F ZPF ZPF ZPF 4 - 40 litres
Skid Bar 1) K K K SBZ SBZ SBZ
Flow at Rated Pressure:
Roll Cage
Heat Exchanger H H H ZHE ZHE ZHE 1,0 l/min
1000 bar Pressure Gauge G G G G G G
Motor Size:
– – T – – ZPT-U4
Pressure Transducer
Level/Temperature Switch – – L – – ZLS-U4
1,25 kW
Foot Switch – – U – – ZCF-2 Maximum Operating Pressure:
Skid Bar not in combination with Roll Cage.
700 bar

Heat Exchanger
Can be factory installed on ZU4-Series
Classic, Standard Electric and
Pro Electric models.
• Extends system life.
• Stabilizes oil temperature at a maximum
of 54 °C at 21 °C ambient temperature.

Do not exceed maximum oil flow and pressure

ratings. Heat exchanger is not suitable for water-
glycol or high water based fluids.

Return Line Filter Heat Exchanger Thermal Maximum Maximum Voltage

Transfer * Pressure Oil Flow
• 25 micron filter removes • Removes heat from by-pass oil to
contaminants from return oil flow provide cooler operation Btu/h kJoule (bar) (l/min) (VDC)
• By-pass valve prevents damage • Stabilizes oil viscosity, increasing oil 900 950 20,7 26,5 12
if filter is dirty life and reduces wear of pump and * At 1,9 l/min at 21 °C ambient temperature.
• With maintenance indicator. other hydraulic components.
Acces- Maximum Maximum By-pass Accessory Can be used on
sory Kit Pressure Oil Flow Setting Kit Nr.
Modelnr. (kg)
(bar) (l/min) (bar) ZHE-U115 * 115 V pumps 4,1
ZPF * 13,8 45,4 1,7 ZHE-U230 * 230 V pumps 4,1
* Add suffix F for factory installation. * Add suffix H for factory installation.

www.enerpac.com 93
ZU4-Series, Specifications and Dimensions

Oil flow (l/min) ▶

Pressure (bar) ▶
Motor Output Flow Rate Motor Electrical Sound Relief Valve
Size at 50 Hz Specifications Level Adjustment
(l/min) Range

(kW) 7 bar 50 bar 350 bar 700 bar (Volts-Ph-Hz) (dBA) (bar)

1,25 11,5 8,8 1,2 1,0 85-90 140-700

⅜"-18 NPTF Advance and Retract Ports

① User adjustable relief valve
② Oil fill port SAE #10 ⅞"-14 UNF-2B
③ Oil level sight gauge
④ Oil drain ½" NPTF
⑤ M8, 6 mm deep
⑥ Handles on all 10, 20 and
40 litres reservoirs.

Options (see chart on page 93):

⑦ Back-lit LCD Electric
⑧ Pressure transducer
⑨ Heat Exchanger
⑩ Skid Bar
Fits 4 and 8 litres reservoirs
ZU4-Series with 4 and 8 litres reservoirs ⑪ Handle guard installed on all 10, 20 and
40 litres reservoirs
⑫ Reservoir handles (not shown) included on all
10, 20 and 40 litres reservoirs.

Pump Dimensions (mm)

(litres) A B C D E F
4,0 424 142 279 152 - -
8,0 424 142 279 206 - -
10,0 439 157 413 305 384 279
ZU4-Series with 10, 20 and 40 litres reservoirs 20,0 465 180 413 422 500 396
(left view shown without side handle) 40,0 551 269 399 503 576 480

ZU4-Series, Pump Ordering Matrix
If the ZU4-Series pump that would best fit your application cannot be found in the chart on
page 91, you can easily build your custom ZU4-Series pump here.
▼ This is how a ZU4-Series pump model number is built up:

Z U 4 1 04 D E - H K T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Product Motor Flow Valve Reser­voir Valve Voltage Options and Accesories
Type Type Group Type Size Operation Reservoir Capacity:

1 Product Type 4 - 40 litres

Z = Pump Series Flow at Rated Pressure:
2 Motor Type 1,0 l/min
U = Universal electric motor
Motor Size:
3 Flow Group 1,25 kW
4 = 1,0 l/min @ 700 bar
Maximum Operating Pressure:
4 Valve Type (see page 116-117 for more details)
1 = Dump (VE32D)
700 bar
2 = 3 way/2 position manual or electric (VM32 or VE32)
3 = 3 way/3 position manual or electric (VM33 or VE33)
Speed Chart
4 = 4 way/3 position manual or electric (VM43 or VE43)
6 = 3 way/3 position locking manual w/po check (VM33L) To determine how a specific pump will
7 = 3 way/2 position manual (VM22) operate your cylinder, see the Pump-
8 = 4 way/3 position locking manual w/po check (VM43L) Cylinder Speed Chart in the ‘Yellow Pages’.
9 = 4 way/3 position manual w/power seating (VM43-LPS)
10 = 3 way/3 position manual Venturi valve (VM33VAC)
11 = 4 way/3 position electric Venturi valve (VE33VAC) Page:

5 Reservoir Size (useable capacity)

Assisted Return Pumps with
04 = 4 litres Venturi Valve Technology
08 = 8 litres
10 = 10 litres 1) To improve productivity and
20 = 20 litres 1) plunger retraction, Enerpac offers
40 = 40 litres 1) valve configurations designed to
1) reservoir includes side handles. accelerate your cylinder retraction speeds, ZU4
and ZE-Series pumps feature Venturi Valve
6 Valve Operation Technology to facilitate the faster return of
D = Dump (solenoid valve w/pendant and LCD Electric) single-acting gravity and spring return cylinders.
J = Jog (manual valve w/pendant and Standard Electric (i.e. w/o LCD) See valve type in ordering matrix and details
K = Jog (manual valve w/pendant and LCD Electric) in section Directional Control Valves.
L = Manual valve w/LCD Electric (w/o pendant) Page: 116
P = Manual valve w/pendant and classic electric (i.e.w/o LCD)
R = Manual valve w/Classic electric (i.e. w/o LCD) [w/o pendant]
M = Manual valve w/Standard Electric (i.e. w/o LCD) [w/o pendant] Ordering Example: ZU4108DE-HKT
S = Solenoid valve w/pendant and LCD Electric is a Pro Electric model pump with LCD,
1,0 l/min oil flow at 700 bar, pump with
7 Voltage
a dump valve, an 8 liter reservoir, operates on
B = 115V, 1 ph, 50/60Hz 230V, heat exchanger, pressure transducer and
E = 208-240V, 1 ph, 50/60 Hz (w/European plug and CE EMC compliant)
skid bar.
I = 208-240V, 1 ph, 50/60 Hz (w/NEMA 6-15 plug)

8 Options and Accessories (see page 87 for possibilities)

Spring Centred Valve Kits
F = Filter
G = 0-1000 bar pressure gauge (ø 63,5 mm) 1) VM and VC-Series manual
H = Heat exchanger 1)
Pressure gauge not 3-position valves can be easily
K = Skid Bar (4 and 8 litres reservoirs only) available on pump models converted into spring centred
L = Level/temperature switch 2) 3) with pressure transducer
valves. With these retro-fit kits the
N = No reservoir handles (includes lifting eyes)
These options require
Pro Electric handle will automatically move into the neutral
R = Roll Cage valve position when released.
Not available on 4 and
T = Pressure transducer 2) 8 litres reservoirs
U = Foot switch Page: 117

www.enerpac.com 95
ZE-Series, Electric Pumps
▼ Shown from left to right: ZE3304ME-K, ZE4110DE-FHR


The New Standard for

Industrial Applications

Assisted Return Pumps with

Venturi Valve Technology
To improve productivity and plunger
retraction, Enerpac offers valve
configurations designed to accelerate your
cylinder retraction speeds, ZE-Series pumps
feature Venturi Valve Technology to facilitate
the faster return of single-acting gravity and
spring return cylinders.
See valve type in ordering matrix and details in
section Directional Control Valves.

PUMP CONFIGURATIONS Pump Used with Valve Valve 1) Useable

For options and other model numbers see ordering matrix or contact Type Tool or Function 1) Model Oil
your Enerpac office. (For Z-Class pumps with air motor see Cylinder Number Capacity
ZA-series pumps on page 110).

Page: 101 (litres)

No valve, without electric box or LCD 2)
– 4,0
• For remote valves or pump mounting Enerpac VM-series valves. – 10,0
– 20,0
– 40,0
With manual valve, without electric box or LCD • – • – • VM32 4,0
• Ideal choice for most application
• – • • • VM33 8,0
• Manual valve control, for single and double-acting applications
• • • • 10,0

• Venturi Valve (VM33VAC) for faster retract of single-acting cylinders.
• Manual motor control – • • • • VM43 20,0
• On/Off switch on 1-phase electric motor. – • • • • VM43L 40,0
With manual valve, with electric box and LCD • – • – • VM32 4,0
• For single-acting or double-acting applications
• – • – • VM32 8,0
• Venturi Valve Technology (VM33VAC) for faster retract of single-
acting cylinders. • – • • • VM33VAC 10,0
• On/off switch on 1-phase electric motor • – • • • VM33L 10,0
• All options available. – • • • • VM43 20,0
– • • • • VM43L 40,0
With solenoid dump valve, with electric box and LCD • – • – • VE32D 4,0
• Ideal for punching, crimping and cutting
• – • – • VE32D 8,0
• For use when load holding is not required
• • • 10,0

– – VE32D
• Push-button pendant 3) controls valve and motor
• All options available. • – • – • VE32D 20,0
• – • – • VE32D 40,0
With solenoid 3-position valve, with electric box and LCD • – • • • VE33 4,0
• Ideal for production and lifting applications
• – • • • VE33VAC 8,0
• 3-position valves (advance/hold/retract)
• Venturi Valve Technology (VE33VAC) for faster retract of single- • – • • • VE33 10,0
acting cylinders. – • • • • VE43 10,0
• Push-button pendant 3) controls valve and motor – • • • • VE43 20,0
• All options available. – • • • • VE43 40,0
See Valve Section (page 117) for hydraulic symbols and details.
For No Valve, with Electric Box, see ordering matrix on page 101.
Pendant includes 3 meters cord.
ZE-Series, Electric Pumps
• High-efficiency pump design – higher oil flow and by-pass pressure
• High-strength, moulded electrical box protects electronics, power ZE
supplies and LCD readout and stands up to harsh industrial environments Series
• IP54 protection and isolation class
• Back-lit LCD provides self test, diagnostic and read-out capabilities never
before offered on an industrial pump (included on pump with electric
valves, optional on other models)
• Totally enclosed, fan-cooled industrial electric motors for extended life Reservoir Capacity:

• User adjustable relief valve built-in on manual and solenoid valves. 4 - 40 litres
Oil ports on valves are 3/8" NPTF Flow at Rated Pressure:
• Steel fan guard on all electric motors 0,55 - 2,73 l/min
• Full sight oil level glass on 10, 20 and 40 litres reservoirs, oil level Motor Size:
indicators on 4 and 8 litres reservoirs
0,75 - 5,60 kW
• 40 micron filter breather with splash guard
Maximum Operating Pressure:
• Durable steel reservoirs.
700 bar

Adjustable Relief Valve

All VM and VE-Series have a user
ZE3-Series ZE4-Series ZE5-Series ZE6-Series adjustable relief valve to allow the
0,55 l/min at 700 bar 0,82 l/min at 700 bar 1,64 l/min at 700 bar 2,73 l/min at 700 bar operator to easily set the optimum
Two-stage pump Two-stage pump Two-stage pump Two-stage pump working pressure.
Model Nr. 4) Model Nr. 4) Model Nr. 4) Model Nr. 4)
400V / 3 phase (kg) 400V / 3 phase (kg) 400V / 3 phase (kg) 400V / 3 phase (kg)

ZE3004NW 36 ZE4004NW 40 – – – – Locking Valves

ZE3010NW 45 ZE4010NW 49 ZE5010NW 54 ZE6010NW 72
For applications requiring positive
ZE3020NW 57 ZE4020NW 61 ZE5020NW 66 ZE6020NW 84 load holding, VM-Series valves
ZE3040NW 80 ZE4040NW 84 ZE5040NW 89 ZE6040NW 107 (except VM32) are available with a
ZE3204MW 39 ZE4204MW 43 – – – – pilot- operated check valve. This
ZE3308MW 44 ZE4308MW 48 – – – – provides hydraulic locking of the load until the
valve is shifted into the retract position. To order
ZE31010MW 51 ZE41010MW 55 ZE51010MW 60 ZE61010MW 78
this feature on your ZE-series pump see the valve
ZE3420MW 60 ZE4420MW 64 ZE5420MW 69 ZE6420MW 87 type in the order matrix.
ZE3840MW 85 ZE4840MW 89 ZE5840MW 94 ZE6840MW 112 Page: 101
ZE3204LW 42 ZE4204LW 46 – – – –
ZE3208LW 47 ZE4208LW 51 – – – –
Single or Two-Stage
ZE31010LW 52 ZE41010LW 56 ZE51010LW 61 ZE61010LW 79
ZE3610LW 53 ZE4610LW 57 – – – – Choose single-stage pumps for
applications that require constant
ZE3420LW 63 ZE4420LW 67 ZE5420LW 72 ZE6420LW 90
flow regardless of pressure such as testing or
ZE3840LW 88 ZE4840LW 92 ZE5840LW 97 ZE6840LW 115 clamping.
ZE3104DW 44 ZE4104DW 48 – – – –
ZE3108DW 49 ZE4108DW 53 – – – – Two-stage pumps have an increased output flow
ZE3110DW 53 ZE4110DW 57 ZE5110DW 62 ZE6110DW 79 at low pressure to allow fast movement towards
the load, for reduced cycle times and increased
ZE3120DW 65 ZE4120DW 69 ZE5120DW 74 ZE6120DW 92
ZE3140DW 88 ZE4140DW 92 ZE5140DW 97 ZE6140DW 115
ZE3304SW 49 ZE4304SW 53 – – – –
ZE31108SW 55 ZE41108SW 59 – – – –
ZE3310SW 58 ZE4310SW 62 ZE5310SW 67 ZE6310SW 85
ZE3410SW 58 ZE4410SW 62 ZE5410SW 67 ZE6410SW 85
ZE3420SW 70 ZE4420SW 74 ZE5420SW 79 ZE6420SW 97
ZE3440SW 93 ZE4440SW 97 ZE5440SW 102 ZE6440SW 120
See custom ordering matrix on page 101 for other voltages.

www.enerpac.com 97
ZE-Series, Options & Accessories

Electric Box 1) Level/Temperature Switch 4) Return Line Filter

• Back-lit LCD • Shuts down pump before oil level • 25 micron nominal filter removes
• Pump usage information, hour and reaches an unsafe level, avoiding contaminants from return oil flow
cycle counts damage due to cavitation before allowing it back into tank
• Low-voltage warning and recording • Shuts down pump when unsafe oil • Internal by-pass valve prevents
temperature is reached damage if filter is dirty
• Self-test and diagnostic capabilities
• Ideal if pump is used in remote area • With maintenance indicator
• Pressure read-out 2)
without visual access to oil level. • Replaceable filter element PF25.
• Auto-mode pressure setting 2) 4)
24 V, requires Electric Box. Available for
• Information can be displayed in six 10, 20 and 40 litres reservoirs.
languages 3)
Included on pumps with solenoid valves. Can
be factory installed on pumps with manual Acces- Fixed Operating Max. Acces- Maximum Maximum By-pass
valve. sory Kit Temperature Tempe- Pressure sory Kit Pressure Oil Flow Setting
Modelnr. Signal rature Modelnr.
When used with optional pressure transducer. (°C) (°C) (bar) (bar) (l/min) (bar)
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and
Portuguese. ZLS-U4 * 80 5 - 110 10 ZPF * 13,8 45,4 1,7
* Add suffix L for factory installation. * Add suffix F for factory installation.

Roll Cage Skid Bar Foot Switch 5)

• For easy portability and hoisting • Provides easy two-hand lift • Hands-free remote control on solenoid
• Protects pump and electric box • Provides greater pump stability on soft dump and 3-position valves
• Available for all reservoir sizes. or uneven surfaces. • With 3 meters cord.
15 V, requires Electric Box.

Accessory Fits on reservoir size:

Kit Nr.
ZRC-04 * 4 and 8 litres 5) 5,5
ZRC-04H * 4 and 8 litres 6) 6,5 Accessory Fits on reservoir size:
Kit Nr. Accessory Can be used on ZE-Series
ZRB-10 * 10 litres 6,0 (kg)
Kit Nr. pumps with
ZRB-20 * 20 litres 6,0 SBZ-4 * 4 and 8 litres 5)
ZRB-40 * 40 litres 6,0 SBZ-4L * 4 and 8 litres 6) 3,2 ZCF-2 * Solenoid VE-Series valves
* Add suffix R for factory installation. * Add suffix K for factory installation. * Add suffix U for factory installation.
For pump without heat exchanger
For pump with heat exchanger.
ZE-Series, Options & Accessories
Accessory Kits can be installed by
customer. See chart below for options on
Standard Electric (without electric box)
or LCD Electric (with electric box). Refer to page 95
for ordering matrix.

ZE-Series Options Factory Accessory

Installed Kits
Std. LCD Std. LCD
Electr. Electr. Electr. Electr.
Return Line Filter F F ZPF ZPF
Pressure Transducer 1) Pressure Switch 3)
Skid Bar 1) K K SBZ SBZ
• Displays pressure on LCD in bar, MPa • Controls pump, monitors system
Roll Cage R R ZRB ZRB
or psi • Adjustable pressure 35-700 bar
Single-stage S S – –
• More accurate than analog gauge • Includes glycerine filled 1000 bar
Heat Exchanger – H – ZHE
• Calibration can be fine-tuned for pressure gauge G2536L
Pressure Gauge 2) G G – –
certification • Accuracy ± 1,5% of full scale.
Pressure Switch 3) – P – ZPS-E3
• Easy-viewing variable rate display 3)
24 V, requires Electric Box. Not available in
Pressure Transducer 4) – T – ZPT-U4
• “Set pressure” feature turns off combination with pressure transducer. Not
available on LCD-electronics. Level/Temp Switch 5) – L – ZLS-U4
motor at user defined pressure 2).
24 V, requires Electric Box. Foot Switch 6) – U – ZCF-2
Or shifts valve to neutral position on pump 1)
Available for 4 and 8 litres reservoirs.
models with VE33 and VE43 solenoid valves. 2)
Not available on pumps with pressure transducer.
Includes 1000 bar gauge. Only available on manual
Acces- Adjustable Switch- Dead- Acces- Switch- Deadband Oil valves without locking feature.
sory Kit Pressure point band sory Kit point Ports 4)
Electric box can accept either pressure switch or
Modelnr. Range repea- Modelnr. repea- pressure transducer, but not both.
(bar) tability (bar) tability (bar) (NPTF) 5)
Available for 10, 20 and 40 litres reservoirs.
ZPT-U4 * 3,5 - 700 ± 0,5% 3,5 ZPS-E3 * ± 2% 8 - 38 3/8”
For control of solenoid dump and 3-position valves.
* Add suffix T for factory installation. * Add suffix P for factory installation.

ZPT-U4 Pressure Transducer

More durable against mechanical and
hydraulic shock than analog gauges.

• Digital pressure read-out provides accuracy of

0,5% of full scale.
• Easy-viewing variable rate display automatically
varies increments between 3, 14, 35 and 145 bar
as rate of pressure change increases.
• “Set pressure” feature turns off motor at user
defined pressure (or shifts valve to neutral on
VE33 and VE43 valves).
Pendants 4) Heat Exchanger 5)
• For pump types with valve operation • Removes heat from by-pass oil to
“W” (No Valve, with Electric Box, provide cooler operation
without pendant). • Stabilizes oil viscosity, increasing oil
When ordering Enerpac VE-Series solenoid
life and reduces wear of pump and ZHE-Series Heat Exchangers
valve the pendant must be ordered other hydraulic components. Heat exchanger stabilizes oil temperature
separately. Pendant connection to be at 54 °C at 21 °C ambient temperature.
plugged into electric box. Thermal transfer at 1,9 l/min and 21 °C
ambient temperature: 900 Btu/hour [950 kJ].

Pendant To be used with solenoid valve: Accessory Fits on reservoir size: Do not exceed max. oil flow of 26,5 l/min and
Model Nr. Kit Nr. max. pressure of 20,7 bar. Not suitable for
(kg) water-glycol or high water based fluids.
ZCP-1 VE32D ZHE-E04 * 4 and 8 litres 4,1
ZCP-3 VE32, VE33, VE43 ZHE-E10 * 10, 20 and 40 litres 4,1
24 VDC, requires electric box.

* Add suffix H for factory installation.

www.enerpac.com 99
ZE-Series, Specifications & Dimensions
Two-stage pump Single-stage pump
Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

Pressure (bar) ▶ Pressure (bar) ▶ Pressure (bar) ▶ Pressure (bar) ▶


Pump Output Flow Rate at 50 Hz * Pump Unit Available Motor Relief Sound Single or Two-
Series (l/min) Reservoir Sizes Size Valve Level Stage
(useable oil) Adjustment
low pressure high pressure Range Choose single-
at at at at stage pumps
7 bar 50 bar 350 bar 700 bar (litres) (kW) (bar) (dBA) for applications that require
constant flow regardless
0,59 0,59 0,57 0,55 Single-stage
ZE3 4-8-10-20-40 0,75 70-700 75 of pressure such as testing or
6,15 5,26 0,57 0,55 Two-stage clamping.
0,87 0,87 0,84 0,82 Single-stage Two-stage pumps have
ZE4 4-8-10-20-40 1,12 70-700 75
8,88 8,20 0,84 0,82 Two-stage an increased output flow at
1,75 1,72 1,68 1,64 Single-stage low pressure to allow fast
ZE5 10-20-40 2,24 70-700 75 movement towards the load,
11,61 11,27 1,68 1,64 Two-stage
for reduced cycle times and
3,00 2,94 2,86 2,73 Single-stage
ZE6 10-20-40 5,60 70-700 80 increased productivity.
12,29 12,15 2,86 2,73 Two-stage
* Oil flow will be approximately 6/5 of these values at 60 Hz.

① User adjustable relief valve on all manual and

solenoid valves.
3/8" NPTF on A and B ports;
1/4" NPTF on auxiliary ports.
② Electric Box
③ Heat Exchanger

ZE-Series Pumps with 4 - 8 litres reservoir ④ Roll Cage

⑤ Return Line Filter
⑥ Skid Bar
⑦ Magnetic Oil Drain
⑧ Oil Drain / Oil Level/Temperature Switch
Reservoir ZE-Series Pump Dimensions (mm)
oil in litres) A B C D E E1 H
4,0 457 143 279 152 – – 513
8,0 457 143 279 206 – – 513
10,0 533 158 419 305 384 371 600
20,0 558 180 419 422 501 488 625
ZE-Series Pumps with 10 - 20 - 40 litres reservoir 40,0 648 270 399 505 576 572 715

ZE-Series, Pump Ordering Matrix
▼ This is how ZE-Series pump model numbers are built up:
Z E 4 1 10 D W - F H L T Series
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Product Motor Flow Valve Reser­ Valve Motor Options and Accessories
Type Type Group Type voir Operation Voltage
1 Product Type 5 Reservoir Size, useable oil
Z = Pump Class 04 2) = 4 litres
08 2) = 8 litres Reservoir Capacity:
2 Prime Mover 10 = 10 litres
E = Induction electric motor 20 = 20 litres 4 - 40 litres
40 = 40 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
3 Flow Group
3 = 0,55 l/min @ 700 bar (0,75 kW)
6 Valve Operation 0,55 - 2,73 l/min
4 = 0,82 l/min @ 700 bar (1,12 kW) D = Dump valve (solenoid), with
pendant and Electric Box (LCD) Motor Size:
5 1) = 1,64 l/min @ 700 bar (2,24 kW)
6 1) = 2,73 l/min @ 700 bar (5,60 kW) L = Manual valve, without
pendant, with Electric Box
0,75 - 5,60 kW
4 Valve Type M = Manual valve, without Maximum Operating Pressure:
0 = No valve, with cover plate
pendant, without Electric Box
N = No valve, without Electric Box 700 bar
1 = 3/2 Dump valve VE32D
S = Solenoid valve, with pendant
2 = 3/2 manual VM32
and Electric Box (LCD)
3 = 3/3 manual VM33 or Speed Chart
W = No valve, with Electric
electric VE33
Box (LCD), without pendant 10) To determine how a specific pump will
4 = 4/3 manual VM43 or
operate your cylinder, see the Pump-
electric VE43
7 Motor Voltage Cylinder Speed Chart in the ‘Yellow Pages’.
6 = 3/3 manual locking valve VM33L
with pilot operated check (not Single phase motor 3)
available on ZE5 or ZE6-pumps) B 3) = 115V, 1 ph, 50-60Hz Page:
8 = 4/3 manual locking valve VM43L E 3) = 208-240V, 1 ph, 50-60 Hz 4)
with pilot operated check. I = 208-240V, 1 ph, 50-60 Hz How to Order Single-Stage Pumps
9 = 4/3 manual valve with power USA plug
To specify a single-stage pump, place
seating VM43LPS Three phase motor 5) the letter “S” at the end of the model
10 = 3/3 manual Venturi valve M 5) = 190-200V, 3 ph, 50-60Hz number. For example: ZE4210ME-S
VM33VAC G 5) = 208-240V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
ZE4-Series pump, oil flow 0,82 l/min at 700 bar,
11 = 4/3 electric Venturi valve W 5) = 380-415V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
VM32 manual valve, 10 litres reservoir, without
VE33VAC K 5) = 440V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
electrical box, without pendant, 240 Volt 1-phase
J 5) = 460-480V, 3 ph, 50-60 Hz
R 5) = 575V, 3 ph, 60 Hz electric motor and single-stage pump unit.

8 Options and Accessories

Assisted Return Pumps
F = Return Line Filter P 7) = Pressure Switch (only available
G 6) = 1000 bar gauge on manual valves without To improve productivity and
H 7) = Heat exchanger locking feature) plunger retraction, Enerpac offers
K = Skid Bar (only on 4 and 8 litres) R = Roll Cage valve configurations designed to
L 7) = Oil Level/Temperature Switch 8) S = Single-stage pump unit accelerate your cylinder retraction

N = No reservoir handles (includes T 7) = Pressure transducer 9) speeds, ZU4 and ZE-Series pumps feature
lifting eyes) U 7) = Foot Switch Venturi Valve Technology to facilitate the faster
return of single-acting gravity and spring return
ZE5 and ZE6-Series only available with 3-phase electric motors. cylinders. See valve type in ordering matrix and
4 and 8 litres only available on ZE3 and ZE4-Series. details in section Directional Control Valves.
1-phase motors only available on ZE3 and ZE4-Series
Page: 116
208-240V, 1 ph with European plug EMC directive compliant.
Models with 3-ph motors without Electric Box shipped without cord, motor starter or overload protection.
Not available on pumps with pressure transducer (T). Spring Centred Valve Kits
Requires Electric Box.
VM and VC-Series manual
Not available on 4 and 8 litres reservoir.
Provides digital pressure read-out on LCD-display of electric box. 3-position valves can be easily
When using solenoid valve on valve converted into spring centred
type “W” order optional pendant. valves. With these retro-fit kits the
handle will automatically move into the
neutral valve position when released.
All Z-Class electric pumps comply with TÜV and CE requirements. Page: 117

www.enerpac.com 101
PE8000-Series, Electric Pumps
▼ Shown: PEM-8418

The Largest Pump for

the Largest Jobs

Locking Valves
Pumps with VM43 manual valve
are available with VM43L manual
valve with pilot operated check
valve for positive load holding. Add
suffix “L” to pump model number.


• Panel-mounted pressure gauge and adjustable relief valve for

FS-34 Foot Control Switch
system pressure control
This 3-position switch allows
• Two-speed pump design, with high by-pass pressure, for rapid hands-free control of the solenoid
cylinder advance valve on the pump. Operates 24V
• Dual-voltage motor (230/460 VAC, 3-phase) and 115V valves that use the
square electrical connector.
• Full length reservoir sight tube with integral thermometer for ease
in monitoring oil level and temperature
• Low voltage controls to protect the pump operator.
Enerpac offers a complete line
of high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only genuine
Enerpac hydraulic hoses.

◀ W
 ith similar specifications, a gasoline-
powered EGM-8000 Series is shown
here performing a synchronized lift.

PE8000-Series, Electric Pumps
About the 8000-Series
The 8000-Series is the largest The 8000-Series, with its large reservoir
pump in the Enerpac line and the capacity, is best suited for large jobs and Series
best choice to power most large may be the only solution because of the
size cylinders, multiple cylinder circuits, and required oil capacity. For further application
applications where the need for high speed assistance see our “Yellow Pages”, or
requires high flow rates. consult your local Enerpac office.

Reservoir Capacity:
94 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
6,3 l/min
Motor Size:
9,3 kW
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Relief Valve
Speed Chart
Fill Port To determine how a specific pump will
Gauge Shut-Off Valve operate your cylinder, see the Pump-
Cylinder Speed Chart in the ‘Yellow Pages’.

Drain Plug
Oil Level and
Temperature Gauge
1000 bar Gauge
Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

Magnetic Starter

Valve Location

Pressure (bar) ▶

Pump Usable Model Pressure Output Flow Rate Valve Valve Current Motor Sound
Type Oil Number Rating 1) at 50 Hz Type Function Draw Voltage 2) Level
Capacity (bar) (l/min)

(Used with 1st 2nd 1st 2nd

cylinder) (litres) stage stage stage stage (Amps) (VAC) (dBA) (kg)

Single- 68 PEM-8218 255 700 13,9 6,3 Manual 3-way, 33,0 230 78 - 84 327
Acting 68 PEM-8218C 255 700 13,9 6,3 VM32 2-position 16,5 460 78 - 84 327
68 PEM-8418 255 700 13,9 6,3 Manual 4-way, 33,0 230 78 - 84 327
Double- 68 PEM-8418C 255 700 13,9 6,3 VM43 3-position 16,5 460 78 - 84 327
Acting 68 PER-8418 255 700 13,9 6,3 Solenoid 4-way, 33,0 230 78 - 84 347
68 PER-8418C 255 700 13,9 6,3 VE43 3-position 16,5 460 78 - 84 347
Oil flow rate will be approximately 6/5 of these values at 60 Hz.
Consult Enerpac for availability of other voltages.
www.enerpac.com 103
PA-Series, Air Hydraulic Foot Pumps
▼ Shown: PA-1150, PA-133

Reservoir Capacity:
0,6 - 1,3 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
0,13 l/min
Air Consumption:
255 l/min
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Reservoir Conversion Kit
 ouble the reservoir capacity of
your existing PA-133 with this easy
to install conversion kit.

Model Number PC-66

• Rugged construction – built for long life and easy service OIL FLOW VERSUS PRESSURE
• Swivel coupling simplifies hydraulic connection and pump operation at 6,9 bar air pressure
• Three-position treadle pro­vides cylinder advance, hold or retract
Oil flow (l/min) ▶

• Operates in all positi­ons for increased ver­satility in use and moun­ting
(except PA-1150)
• Base mounting slots provided on PA-133.

Pressure (bar) ▶

Air Input Hydraulic Output Hydraulic Output

Air Input

Fill Tank Port Fill Tank Port

PA-133 PA-1150
Used Usable Model Pressure Output Valve Function Air Air Con- Sound
with Oil Number Rating Flow Rate Pressure sump­tion Level
Cylinder Capa­city (l/min) Range *
(cm3) (bar) No load Load (bar) (l/min) (dBA) (kg)

Single- 589 PA-133 700 0,65 0,13 Advance / Hold / Retract 4,1 - 8,3 255 85 5,4
Acting 1311 PA-1150 700 0,65 0,13 Advance / Hold / Retract 4,1 - 8,3 255 85 8,2
* Recommended Regulator-Filter-Lubricator: RFL-102.

PAM-Series, Air Hydraulic Pumps
▼ Shown: PAM-1041

Reservoir Capacity:
4,0 - 8,0 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
0,15 l/min
Air Consumption:
510 l/min
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Locking Valves
Pumps with 4/3 manual valves are
available with 4/3 manual locking
valves instead. Add suffix “L” to
pump model number.

Page: 116

• Twin air motor configuration delivers high-flow performance in first Remote Air Valve
stage, up to 14 bar, for rapid cylinder advance F or remote operation of PAM-
Series air pumps. Permits either
• 4 and 8 litres reservoirs for use with a wide range of cylinders
hand or foot operation.
• Integral shroud protects air motors and provides easy portability.

Model Number VA-2


On/Off Air Valve
at 6,9 bar air pressure
Oil flow (l/min) ▶

4 Litres
8 Litres

Air Input Pressure (bar) ▶

Used Usable Model Pressure Output Flow Rate Valve Function Valve Air Pressure Air Con­ Sound
with Oil Number Rating (l/min) Type Range * sump­tion Level
Cylinder Cap. with Shroud
(litres) (bar) 1st stage 2nd stage (bar) (l/min) (dBA) (kg)

Single- 2,6 PAM-1021 700 10,65 0,15 Advance / Hold / Retract 3/2 4,1 - 8,3 510 87 22,7
Acting 7,6 PAM-1022 700 10,65 0,15 Advance / Hold / Retract 3/2 4,1 - 8,3 510 87 27,2
Double- 2,6 PAM-1041 700 10,65 0,15 Advance / Hold / Retract 4/3 4,1 - 8,3 510 87 22,7
Acting 7,6 PAM-1042 700 10,65 0,15 Advance / Hold / Retract 4/3 4,1 - 8,3 510 87 27,2
* Recommended Regulator-Filter-Lubricator: RFL-102.

www.enerpac.com 105
PATG-Series, Turbo II Air Hydraulic Pumps
▼ Shown from top to bottom: PAMG-1402N, PARG-1102N, PATG-1102N, PATG-1105N

Compact Air
Over Hydraulic

Recommended for use with all
Turbo air pumps. Provides clean,
lubricated air and allows for air
pressure adjustment. Steel bowl
guards are standard.

Model Number RFL-102

• External adjustable pressure relief valve (behind sight glass) Large Reservoir Models
• Return-to-tank port for use in remote valve applications The Turbo II Air Pump is also
• Internal pressure relief valve provides overload protection available with an enlarged
reservoir: PATG-1105N,
• Quieter operation – reduced noise level to 76 dBA PAMG-1405N and PARG-1105N.
• Operating air pressure: 2,8 - 8,8 bar, enables pump to start at
extremely low pressure
• High efficiency cast aluminium air motor Hoses
• Reinforced heavy-duty lightweight reservoir for applications in tough Enerpac offers a complete line of
environments high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
• Air pendant for remote control operation. system, specify only genuine
Enerpac hydraulic hoses.
Page: 122

▼ Easily operated by hand or by foot.

Used Usable Model

with Oil Number
Cylinder Capacity


Single- 2081 PATG-1102N

Acting 3770 PATG-1105N
Single- 2081 PARG-1102N
Acting 3770 PARG-1105N
Double- 2081 PAMG-1402N
Acting 3770 PAMG-1405N

Turbo II Air Hydraulic Pumps
foot or hand operated at 6,9 bar dynamic air pressure PATG
treadle to control air

Oil flow (l/min) ▶

and valve functions.
PAMG-models use a treadle PARG
with a locking feature to Series
control air, and a 4-way
manual valve to control
PARG-models use air pendant Reservoir Capacity:
for remote control. 2,5 - 5,0 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:

Pressure (bar) ▶ 0,10 - 0,16 l/min

Air Consumption:
PARG Series
227 - 340 l/min
Maximum Operating Pressure:
Maximum Output Pump Valve Air Air Con­­- Sound
Pressure Flow Rate Series Function Pressure sumption Level 700 bar
(l/min) Range at
5,2 bar air
(bar) No Load Load (bar) (l/min) (dBA) Speed Chart
700 1,00 0,16 PATG A / H / R * 2,8 - 8,8 340 76 To determine how a specific pump will
700 0,76 0,10 PARG A / H / R * 2,8 - 10,3 227 76 operate your cylinder, see the Pump-
700 1,00 0,16 PAMG A / H / R * 2,8 - 8,8 340 76 Cylinder Speed Chart in the ‘Yellow Pages’.
* Valve function: Advance / Hold / Retract.


① Filtered ‘Permanent’ Tank Vent

② Return-to-Tank/Auxiliary Vent/Fill
Tank Port
③ Hydraulic Output
④ Swivel Air Input with Filter
⑤ 4 Mounting Holes for #10 thread
forming screw. Maximum depth
into reservoir = 19 mm
⑥ Air Input with Filter on PARG
models 1/4”-18NPTF

Valve Turbo II Dimensions (mm) Model

Operation Number

A B C D E F H J K L M N (kg)
313 165 211 230 102 – 129 146 42 113 347 – 8,2 PATG-1102N
Treadle 3/3
396 201 209 230 102 – 131 146 86 112 437 – 9,9 PATG-1105N
313 165 200 230 102 – 129 – 42 – – 4500 10,0 PARG-1102N
Air Pendant 3/3
396 201 209 230 102 – 131 – 86 – – 4500 11,7 PARG-1105N
313 165 267 230 102 36 130 152 42 113 315 – 11,0 PAMG-1402N
Manual 4/3
396 201 267 230 102 36 132 152 86 112 405 – 12,7 PAMG-1405N

www.enerpac.com 107
XA-Series, Air Driven Hydraulic Foot Pumps
▼ Shown: XA 11G

& Ergonomics

Optional Pressure Gauge

Integrated gauge with calibrated
scale reading in bar, psi and MPa
for actual pressure reading.

4/3 Control Valve

For powering double-acting
hydraulic cylinders and tools.

• Ergonomic design for less operator fatigue

2 Litres Reservoir
• Variable oil flow & fine metering for precise control Double oil capacity for powering
• Higher oil flow for increased productivity larger hydraulic cylinders and
• Closed hydraulic system prevents contamination and allows pump
usage in any position
• Pedal lock function for retract position Pedal Safety Guard
• External adjustable pressure setting valve Customer installed frame protects
both pedals against accidental
• Ground screw for improved ATEX explosion safety. activation.

Model Number 1) XPG 1

▼ Easy operated by foot. No need to fully lift up foot – rest bodyweight on heel, resulting in a handsfree
and stabile working position. “Joy-stick” Lever Kit
Customer installed set of handles
for manual operation of both

Model Number 1) XLK 1

Swivel Connector
Customer installed swivel
connector for optimal orientation
of the hydraulic hose.
See page 127 for details.

Model Number 1) XSC 1

Accessories must be ordered separately.

Air Driven Hydraulic Foot Pumps
Production Application
XA11 pump is used with a 13 tons RCH-Series
hollow cylinder to compress and position diesel Series
engine valve springs.
The operator benefits from the fine metering
capacities of this pump to apply the mandatory
precise stroke and force.

Reservoir Capacity:
1,0 - 2,0 litres

Maximum Output Pump Valve Dynamic 0,25 l/min

Pressure Flow Rate Series Function Air
(l/min) Pressure Air Consumption:

283 - 991 l/min
(bar) load Load (bar) Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 2,0 0,25 XA 1 Advance / Hold / Retract 2,1 - 8,6 700 bar
at 6,9 bar dynamic air pressure
① 3/8"-18 NPTF Oil outlet 2,0

Oil flow (l/min) ▶

② 1/4"-18 NPTF Air inlet XA1
③ 4/3 Optional control valve 1,5
④ 3/8"-18 NPTF Oil outlet


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Pressure (bar) ▶

Recommended for use with all
XA-Series Air pumps. Provides
clean, lubricated air and allows for
air pressure adjustment.

Model Number 1) RFL-102

For use with Usable Oil Model Pressure 3-way, 4-way Dimensions (mm)
cylinder or tool Capacity Number 1) Gauge 3-pos. 3-pos.
(litres) Valve Valve H1 H2 L (kg)

Single- 1,0 XA 11 2)

– • – 152 – – 8,6
acting 2,0 XA 12 2) – • – – 170 – 10,2
Single- 1,0 XA 11G • • – 152 – – 8,8
acting 2,0 XA 12G • • – – 170 – 10,4
Double- 1,0 XA 11V – – • 152 – 279 10,1
acting 2,0 XA 12V – – • – 170 279 11,7
Double- 1,0 XA 11VG • – • 152 – 279 10,3
2,0 XA 12VG • – • – 170 279 11,9
High-Flow coupler CR- 400 and accessories must be ordered separately.
Available as cyilinder-pump set, see page 56.
www.enerpac.com 109
ZA4-Series, Modular Air Hydraulic Pumps
▼ Shown: ZA4208MX, ZA4420MX


ATEX 95 Certified
The Enerpac ZA4-series air pumps
are tested and certified according to
the Equipment Directive 94 / 9 / EC
“ATEX Directive” for equipment and protective
systems intended for use in potentially explosive


• ATEX 95 certified for use in potentially explosive atmospheres Speed Chart

• Features Z-Class high efficiency pump design, higher oil flow and To determine how a specific pump
bypass pressure will operate your cylinder, see the
• Two-speed operation reduces cycle time forimproved productivity Pump-Cylinder Speed Chart in the
‘Yellow Pages’.
• User adjustable relief valve built-in on manual valves.
Oil ports on valves are 3/8" NPTF
• Optional heat exchanger warms exhaust air to prevent freezing and
cools the oil Hoses
• Full sight oil level glass on 10, 20 and 40 litres reservoirs, oil level Enerpac offers a complete line of
indicators on 4 and 6,6 litres reservoirs. high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only genuine
Enerpac hydraulic hoses.


Used Usable Manual Valve Function Model Output Flow Rate 2) Relief Valve Maximum
with Oil Valve 1) Number Adjustment Air Con-
Cylinder Capacity Model Range sumption 3)
Number at at at at
(litres) 7 bar 50 bar 350 bar 700 bar (bar) (l/min)
– 4,0 – – ZA4004NX 14,0 11,0 1,8 1,3 ­– 2840
4,0 VM32 Advance / Retract ZA4204MX 14,0 11,0 1,8 1,3 70 - 700 2840
6,6 VM33 Advance / Hold /Retract ZA4308MX 14,0 11,0 1,8 1,3 70 - 700 2840
10,0 VM33L Advance / Hold /Retract ZA4610MX 14,0 11,0 1,8 1,3 70 - 700 2840
4,0 VM43 Advance / Hold /Retract ZA4404MX 14,0 11,0 1,8 1,3 70 - 700 2840
6,6 VM43 Advance / Hold /Retract ZA4408MX 14,0 11,0 1,8 1,3 70 - 700 2840
10,0 VM43L Advance / Hold /Retract ZA4810MX 14,0 11,0 1,8 1,3 70 - 700 2840
20,0 VM43 Advance / Hold /Retract ZA4420MX 14,0 11,0 1,8 1,3 70 - 700 2840
40,0 VM43 Advance / Hold /Retract ZA4440MX 14,0 11,0 1,8 1,3 70 - 700 2840
See pages 116-117 for hydraulic symbols of these valves.
Actual oil flow will vary with air supply.
Dynamic air pressure range: 4 - 7 bar.
Modulair Air Hydraulic Pumps
▼ This is how a ZA4-Series pump model number is built up:
Z A 4 2 08 M X - F H R Series
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Product Motor Flow Valve Reservoir Valve Motor Options
Type Type Group Type Size Operation Voltage

1 Product Type 6 Valve Operation

Z = Pump Class M = Manual valve
N = No valve
2 Prime Mover Reservoir Capacity:
A = Air motor 7 Motor Voltage
X = Not applicable
4 - 40 litres
3 Flow Group Flow at Rated Pressure:
4 = 1,3 l/min @ 700 bar 8 Options
F = Return Line Filter 1,3 l/min
4 Valve Type G = 1000 bar gauge
0 = No valve, with cover plate H = Heat exchanger  (on 4 and Air Consumption:
2 = 3/2 manual valve VM32
3 = 3/3 manual valve VM33
6,6 litres reservoir only)
K = Skid Bar  (on 4 and
2840 l/min
4 = 4/3 manual valve VM43 6,6 litres reservoir only) Maximum Operating Pressure:
N = No reservoir handles
6 = 3/3 manual locking valve VM33L
with pilot operated check (includes lifting eyes on 700 bar
7 = 3/2 manual valve VM22 10, 20 and 40 litres)
① User adjustable relief valve on all manual valves.
8 = 4/3 manual locking valve VM43L R = Roll Cage
with pilot operated check. 3/8" NPTF on A and B ports; 1/4"NPTF on auxiliary ports.
Ordering Example ② Air inlet 1/2" NPTF
5 Reservoir Size, usable oil Model Number: ZA4208MX-FHK ③ Return Line Filter (optional)
04 = 4 litres ZA4208MX-FHK is an air operated ④ Oil Sight Gauge
08 = 6,6 litres pump with a 3-way, 2-position ⑤ Roll Cage (optional)
10 = 10 litres manual valve, 6,6 litres reservoir, filter, ⑥ Oil Drain
20 = 20 litres heat exchanger and skid bar. ⑦ Lifting eyes (optional)
40 = 40 litres ⑧ Handles
⑨ Skid Bar (Modelnr. SBZ-4) (optional)

ZA4-Series Pumps with 4 - 6,6 litres reservoir ZA4-Series Pumps with 10, 20 and 40 litres reservoir
Sound Motor Dimensions (mm) Model OIL FLOW VERSUS PRESSURE
Level Size Number
at 7 bar air & 2000 l/min air consumption
Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

(dBA) (kW) A B C D E H (kg)

80 - 95 3,0 295 142 279 152 – 429 27 ZA4004NX
80 - 95 3,0 295 142 279 152 – 429 30 ZA4204MX
80 - 95 3,0 356 203 279 205 – 490 34 ZA4308MX
80 - 95 3,0 330 180 414 421 500 467 51 ZA4610MX
80 - 95 3,0 295 142 279 152 – 429 31 ZA4404MX
80 - 95 3,0 356 203 279 205 – 490 35 ZA4408MX
80 - 95 3,0 305 155 419 305 384 442 40 ZA4810MX
80 - 95 3,0 330 180 414 421 500 467 52 ZA4420MX
Pressure (bar) ▶
80 - 95 3,0 419 269 399 505 584 556 75 ZA4440MX

www.enerpac.com 111
ZG-Series, Gasoline Hydraulic Pumps
▼ Shown from left to right: ZG6440MX-BFCH and ZG5420MX-B


ZG-Series, Gasoline Pump

Elevation can affect the performance
of any gasoline engine. ZG-Series pumps are
designed to develop rated performance at
elevations up to 1500 m. For appli­cations above
this elevation, please consult your Enerpac office.

• Features Z-Class high efficiency pump design, higher oil flow and GA45GC Gauge Adaptor
bypass pressure Assembly
• Two-speed operation reduces cycle time for improved productivity Protect yourself from system
• User adjustable relief valve built-in on manual valves. overloading by simply ordering one
Oil ports on valves are 3/8" NPTF part number for a pre-assembled
gauge, adaptor block and coupler.
• Available in three 4-cycle engine sizes: 4,1 kW Honda and 4,8 kW and
9,7 kW Briggs & Stratton
• Full sight oil level glass on all reservoirs allow quick and easy oil level
User Adjustable Relief Valve
ZG6-Series All VM-Series directional valves
• Easy serviceable 9,7 kW, 4-cycle gasoline engine with electric start, have a user adjustable relief valve
pressurized oil and 12 Volt charge output for accessories to allow the operator to easily set
the optimum working pressure.
• Dual forced air heat exchangers stabilizes hydraulic oil temperature
• Sturdy wheeled cart with collapsible handles.
Page: 117

Used with Useable Manual Valve Function Model Number Output Flow Rate 4-Cycle Engine
Cylinder Oil Valve 1) with Roll Bar (l/min) Type and Size
Capacity Model
Number at at at at
(litres) 7 bar 50 bar 350 bar 700 bar

Single- 10 VM33 Advance / Hold / Retract ZG5310MX-R 11,5 10,7 1,8 1,6
Acting 20 VM33 Advance / Hold / Retract ZG5320MX-R 11,5 10,7 1,8 1,6
Honda 4,1 kW
Double- 10 VM43 Advance / Hold / Retract ZG5410MX-R 11,5 10,7 1,8 1,6
Acting 20 VM43 Advance / Hold / Retract ZG5420MX-R 11,5 10,7 1,8 1,6
Single- 10 VM33 Advance / Hold / Retract ZG5310MX-BR 6,5 6,2 1,8 1,6
Acting 20 VM33 Advance / Hold / Retract ZG5320MX-BR 6,5 6,2 1,8 1,6
Briggs &
10 VM43 Advance / Hold / Retract ZG5410MX-BR 6,5 6,2 1,8 1,6
Double- Stratton 4,8 kW
20 VM43 Advance / Hold / Retract ZG5420MX-BR 6,5 6,2 1,8 1,6
40 VM43L Advance / Hold / Retract 2) ZG5840MX-BR 6,5 6,2 1,8 1,6
Double- 40 VM43 Advance / Hold / Retract ZG6440MX-BCFH 3) 14,7 14,5 3,7 3,3 Briggs &
Acting 40 VM43L Advance / Hold / Retract 2) ZG6840MX-BCFH 3) 14,7 14,5 3,7 3,3 Stratton 9,7 kW
See pages 116-117 for hydraulic symbols of these valves.
Locking valve, see page 117 for valve details.
Sturdy wheeled cart with collapsible handles.
Gasoline Hydraulic Pumps

Reservoir Capacity:
10 - 20 - 40 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
① User adjustable relief 1,6 - 3,3 l/min
valve on all manual
Engine Size:
valves. 3/8” NPTF on A
and B ports; 1/4” NPTF 4,1 - 4,8 - 9,7 kW
on auxiliary ports. Maximum Operating Pressure:
② Roll Bar
③ Return Line Filter
700 bar
④ Oil Level Gauge
⑤ Oil Drain
High Pressure Hoses
Enerpac offers a complete line of
high quality hydraulic hoses.
To ensure the integrity of your
system, specify only genuine
Enerpachydraulic hoses.


Speed Chart
To determine how a specific pump
will operate your cylinder, see the
Pump-Cylinder Speed Chart in the
‘Yellow Pages’.

ZG6-Series 283

Relief Valve Sound Dimensions (mm) Model Number OIL FLOW VERSUS PRESSURE
Adjustment Level with Roll Bar
Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

(bar) (dBA) B C D E H (kg)

155 419 305 384 600 52 ZG5310MX-R
180 414 421 500 625 64 ZG5320MX-R
70 - 700 91 - 95
155 419 305 384 600 52 ZG5410MX-R
180 414 421 500 625 64 ZG5420MX-R
155 419 305 384 600 50 ZG5310MX-BR
180 414 421 500 625 63 ZG5320MX-BR
70 - 700 91 - 95 155 419 305 384 600 50 ZG5410MX-BR
180 414 421 500 625 63 ZG5420MX-BR
Pressure (bar) ▶
269 399 505 557 714 86 ZG5840MX-BR 4,1 kW Honda
– – – – – 152 ZG6440MX-BCFH 3) 4,8 kW Briggs & Stratton
70 - 700 91 - 95 9,7 kW Briggs & Stratton
– – – – – 155 ZG6840MX-BCFH 3)

www.enerpac.com 113
EGM-Series, Gasoline Hydraulic Pumps
▼ Shown: EGM-8419

Reservoir Capacity:
94 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
5,7 l/min
Motor Size:
13,4 kW
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Locking Valves
Pumps with VM43 manual valve
are available with VM43L manual
valve with pilot operated check
valve for positive load holding. Add
suffix “L” to pump model number.


• Industrial grade 13,4 kW twin-cylinder motor OIL FLOW VERSUS PRESSURE

• Panel mounted pressure gauge and adjustable relief valve for system at 6,9 bar air pressure
pressure control
Oil flow (l/min) ▶

• Two-speed pump design with high by-pass pressure for rapid cylinder
• Built in oil temperature and oil level gauge
• External adjustable relief valve (82-700 bar) allows control of
operating pressure without opening the pump
• Integral priming circuit guarantees quick starts after transport.

Pressure (bar) ▶

Valve Location
Relief Valve
Fill Port
Gauge Shut-Off Valve
Drain Plug
1000 bar Gauge
Oil Level and Temperature Gauge
Priming Pump

Used with Usable Model Pressure Rating Output Flow Rate Valve Type Valve Motor Sound
Cylinder Oil Number (bar) (l/min) Function Size Level
(litres) 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage (kW) (dBA) (kg)

Single-Acting 68 EGM-8218 12,9 5,7 12,9 5,7 3-way, 2-position Advance/Retract 13,4 85 403
Double-Acting 68 EGM-8418 12,9 5,7 12,9 5,7 4-way, 3-position Adv./Hold/Retr. 13,4 85 403

Directional Control Valves

Enerpac hydraulic valves are available Valve Type Series Page

in a wide variety of models and
configurations. Pump Mounted Manual and VM 116 ▶
Solenoid Directional
Control Valves VE
Whatever your requirements…
directional control, flow control, or Remote Mounted Manual VC 118 ▶
pressure control… you can be sure that Directional Control Valves

Enerpac has the correct valve to match

your application exactly. Valve Dimensions VM 119 ▶
Designed and manufactured for safe
operation up to 700 bar, the range of
Pressure & Flow Control Valves
Enerpac valves allows for direct pump For more hydraulic system
mounting, remote mounting, manual control with pressure relief
valves, shut-off valves, check
or solenoid actuation, and in-line valves and sequence valves see
our “System Components”.
installation, giving you flexible solutions
Page: 136
to control your hydraulic system.
Valving Help
See Basic System Set-Up and Valve
Information in our ‘Yellow Pages’.

Page: 284

Assisted Return Pumps

To improve productivity and
plunger retraction, Enerpac offers
valve configurations designed
to accelerate your cylinder
retraction speeds. ZU4 and ZE-Series pumps
feature Venturi Valve Technology to facilitate
the faster return of single-acting gravity and
spring return cylinders.

www.enerpac.com 115
VM, VE-Series, Pump Mounted Directional Valves
▼ Shown from left to right: VM32, VE33, VM33, VM43L, VE43

Reliable Control of
Single and Double-Acting
Cylinders and Tools

Valve Used with Valve

Operation Cylinder Type

Manual Single-acting 3-Way, 2-Position

Manual Single-acting 3-Way, 2-Position

Manual Single-acting 3-Way, 3-Position,

Tandem Center

• Advance/Retract and Advance/Hold/Retract operation of single-

and double-acting cylinders and tools Manual Single-acting 3-Way, 3-Position,
Tandem Center,
• Manual or solenoid operation Venturi Return Assist
• Pump mounting will retrofit on most Enerpac pumps
• Available “locking” option on VM-Series valves for load-holding Manual Double-acting 4-Way, 3-Position,
Tandem Center
• Standard “locking” feature on VE-Series 3-position valves
• User adjustable relief valve allows the operator to easily set the Manual Single-acting 3-Way, 3-Position,
working pressure. Tandem Center,

Venturi Valve Technology Manual Double-acting 4-Way, 3-Position,

Tandem Center,
• For fast return of single-acting gravity and spring return cylinders Locking
• Available as manual or solenoid valve on ZU4- and ZE-Series
electric pumps Solenoid Single-acting 3-Way, 2-Position
24 VDC
• Retrofit Venturi valve kits for field installation on existing
ZU4- and ZE-Series electric pumps.
Solenoid Single-acting 3-Way, 2-Position,
24 VDC Dump

Adjustable relief valve

All valves feature several gauge The VM33 has improved porting which Solenoid Single-acting 3-Way, 3-Position,
ports for “system”, A port and B provides faster cylinder retraction while 24 VDC Tandem Center
port pressure monitoring. User motor is running. Venturi Return Assist
adjustable relief valves are included on all
models to allow the operator to easily set Locking Valves Solenoid Single-acting 3-Way, 3-Position,
the optimum working pressure for each For applications that require positive load 24 VDC Tandem Center
application. holding, VM-Series valves (except VM22 and
VM32) are available with a pilot-operated
VM33 and VE43 valves include “System check valve. This option provides hydraulic Solenoid Double-acting 4-Way, 3-Position,
Check” feature, for more precise pressure locking of the load until the valve is shifted 24 VDC Tandem Center
holding and improved system control. into the retract position.

For remote valve information, see page 118.

See page 119 for valve dimensions.
Pump Mounted Directional Control Valves

Model Hydraulic Schematic Flowpath Maximum Flow Capacity:

Number Symbol
17 l/min
Advance Neutral Retract (kg)
Maximum Operating Pressure:
VM22 2,5
700 bar

VM32 2,5

Assisted Return Pumps with

VM33 3,0 Venturi Valve Technology
To improve productivity and
plunger retraction, Enerpac offers
valve configurations designed to
VM33VAC 3,5 accelerate your cylinder retraction speeds, ZU4
and ZE-Series pumps feature Venturi Valve
Technology to facilitate the faster return of
single-acting gravity and spring return cylinders.
VM43 3,1 See valve type in ZU4 and ZE-pump ordering
matrix on pages 95 and 101.

Venturi Valve Retrofit Kits

VM33L 4,8 For field installation on existing ZU4, ZE and
ZA-Series pumps, Retrofit Kits are available for
manual and solenoid operated valves.

VM43L 4,9
For valve model For valve Retrofit Kit
operation Model Nr.
VM33, VM33L Manual VM33RVK
VE32 1)
3,9 VE33 Solenoid VUV5

Spring Centred Valve Kits

VE32D 1)
VM and VC-Series manual
3-position valves can be easily
converted into spring centred
valves. With these retro-fit kits the
VE33VAC 10,0
handle will automatically move into the neutral
valve position when released.

VE33 1)
For valve model Model
VM33, VM43 VMC3343K
VE43 1) 9,3 VM33L, VM43L VMC3343KL
VC3, VC15, VC4, VC20 VMC34K
When ordering Enerpac VE-Series solenoid valves, the pendant must be ordered separately for Z-Class.
See pages 93 and 99 for pendant ordering details.
www.enerpac.com 117
VC-Series, Remote Manual Directional Valves
▼ Shown from left to right: VC-20, VC-4L

Remote Control of
Single and Double-
Acting Cylinders
and Tools

Locking Valves
For applications that
require positive load holding,
VC-Series valves are available with
a pilot-operated check valve. This
option provides hydraulic locking of the load until
the valve is shifted into the retract position.

• Advance/Hold/Retract operation for use with single-acting or double-

acting cylinders and tools.

Valve Used Valve Model Hydraulic Schematic Flowpath

Operation with Type Number Symbol
Cylinder Advance Neutral Retract (kg)

Manual Single-Acting 3-Way, 3-Position, VC-3 2,9

Tandem Center

Manual Single-Acting 3-Way, 3-Position, VC-3L 4,7

Tandem Center, Locking

Manual Single-Acting 3-Way, 3-Position, VC-15 2,9

Closed Center

Manual Single-Acting 3-Way, 3-Position, VC-15L 4,7

Closed Center, Locking

Manual Double-Acting 4-Way, 3-Position, VC-4 2,9

Tandem Center

Manual Double-Acting 4-Way, 3-Position, VC-4L 4,7

Tandem Center, Locking

Manual Double-Acting 4-Way, 3-Position, VC-20 2,9

Closed Center

Manual Double-Acting 4-Way, 3-Position, VC-20L 4,7

Closed Center, Locking

Return line kit included with remote valves.

Directional Control Valves Dimensions
Pump Mounted Directional Control Valves VM

Maximum Flow Capacity:

17 l/min
① User Adjustable Relief Valve
Maximum Operating Pressure:
② Auxiliary Port
700 bar

Spring Centred Valve Kits

VM and VC-Series manual
3-position valves can be easily
converted into spring centred
valves. With these retro-fit kits the
handle will automatically move into the neutral
VM33, VM33L, VM33VAC, VM43, VM43L VE32D valve position when released.
VM33VAC, VM33L and VM43L only
For valve model Model
VM33, VM43 VMC3343K
VM33L, VM43L VMC3343KL
VC3, VC15, VC4, VC20 VMC34K

Minimize the risk of overloading
and ensure long, dependable
service from your equipment.
Refer to the System Components
VE33, VE33VAC VE43 Section for a full range of gauges.
VE33VAC is 38 mm higher: 281 mm
Page: 120
Remote Manual Directional Control Valves
For additional fittings see the
fitting page of the System
Components section in this

Page: 127

Valving Help
See Basic System Set-Up and Valve
Information in our ‘Yellow Pages’.

Page: 284
VC-3, VC-3L, VC-15, VC-15L
VC-4, VC-4L, VC-20, VC-20L
VC-3L, VC-15L, VC-4L and VC-20L only

www.enerpac.com 119
System Components & Valves
Enerpac System Components: all the additional
elements you need to complete your high
pressure hydraulic system and get started. Yellow Pages
For sample system set-ups and
how to correctly specify your
Engineered to work with your Enerpac cylinders, system components, please
pumps and tools, all Enerpac components are view the Enerpac “Yellow Pages” section in this
designed to the most exacting standards. Page: 273

With this complete line of hydraulic hoses, Maintain System Integrity

Use Enerpac System Components,
couplers, fittings, manifolds, oil and gauges, designed to interface with
Enerpac cylinders, pumps and
Enerpac has the accessories to complement your tools to ensure your system operates at peak
system and ensure the efficient operation, long performance.

life and safety of your hydraulic equipment.

System Components & Control Valves Overview
Component Type Series Page

Themo-Plastic Hoses H700 122 ▶

Heavy-Duty Rubber Hoses H900

Couplers A, C, 124 ▶
F, T

Hydraulic Oil HF 126 ▶


Manifolds A 126 ▶

Control Manifolds AM 126 ▶

Fittings BFZ, FZ 127 ▶


Force Gauges GF 128 ▶

Pressure Gauges GP

Pressure Gauges, glycerine filled G 130 ▶

Pressure Gauges, dry H

Test System Gauges T 132 ▶

Digital Pressure Gauges DGR 133 ▶

Gauge Adaptor Assembly GA45 134 ▶

Gauge Accessories GA 135 ▶


Pressure and Flow Control Valves V 136 ▶

www.enerpac.com 121
H-Series, High Pressure Hydraulic Hoses
▼ Shown from top to bottom: HC-7206, HC-7210 and HC-9206

Emphasize Safety
and Quality

To ensure the integrity of your

system, specify only Enerpac
hydraulic hoses.

• Do not exceed 700 bar maximum pressure.
• Do not handle hoses which are under

More safety instructions in our ‘Yellow pages’.


• Crimped-on rubber strain relief for improved life and durability on all models. ▼ Hose End Couplings
Thermo-plastic Hoses (700-Series)
• For demanding applications, featuring a 4:1 design factor
• Maximum working pressure of 700 bar
• Two layers of steel wire braids
• Outside jacket is polyurethane, to provide maximum abrasion resistance ⅜" NPTF
• Exhibits low volumetric expansion under pressure to enhance overall system
Heavy-duty Rubber Hoses (900-Series) A-604
• The most complete offering: 35 models up to 15 metres in length
• Rubber coated with two layers of steel wire braids
• Designed to comply with Material Handling Institute IJ-100 hose specification A-630
• Flexible, with little “memory”, is the best choice for long hose runs.

▼ To prevent back pressure and to increase cylinder retraction speed, when using long hoses with single- AH-604
acting cylinders, the Enerpac HC-7300-Series of hoses with increased internal diameter is the best choice.




High Pressure Hydraulic Hoses
Hose Oil Capacity
When using greater hose lengths, it is sometimes
necessary to fill the pump reservoir after filling
the hoses.
To determine the hose oil capacity, use the following:
For 6,4 mm inside diameter hoses:
Capacity (cm3) = 32,17 x Length (m)
For 9,7 mm inside diameter hoses:
Capacity (cm3) = 73,90 x Length (m)
Inside Diameter:
6,4 - 9,7 mm
Internal Hose End Hose H700-Series H900-Series Hose Length:
Diameter Assemblies and Couplers * Length Thermo-Plastic
Heavy-Duty Rubber
0,6 - 15 m
Number Number Maximum Operating Pressure:
(mm) End one End two (m) (kg) (kg)

– – – H-9206Q 1,2 700 bar

– – – H-9206S 1,2
¼" NPTF A-630 1,8 HB-7206QB 1,1 HB-9206QB 1,4
– – – HB-9206Q 1,3
CH-604 1,8 HC-7206Q 1,0 HC-9206Q 1,4
0,6 H-7202 0,5 H-9202 0,7 GA45GC Gauge Adaptor
0,9 H-7203 0,7 H-9203 0,9 Protect yourself from system
1,8 H-7206 0,9 H-9206 1,2 overloading by simply ordering one
⅜” NPTF 3,0 H-7210 1,4 H-9210 1,8 part number for a pre-assembled
gauge, adaptor block and coupler.
6,1 H-7220 2,8 H-9220 3,6
9,1 H-7230 4,5 H-9230 5,9
15,0 H-7250 7,0 H-9250 10,0 134

– – – – –
A-604 1,8 HA-7206B 1,1 HA-9206B 1,5 Torque Wrench Hoses
6,4 – – – HA-9210B 2,0 Use Enerpac twin safety hoses
– – – – – with double-acting wrenches
⅜" NPTF to ensure the integrity of your
– – – HA-9203 1,0
AH-604 hydraulic system.
1,8 HA-7206 1,0 HA-9206 1,3 220
3,0 HA-7210 1,5 HA-9210 1,9
AH-630 1,8 HB-7206 1,0 HB-9206 1,3 Fittings
0,9 HC-7203B 1,0 HC-9203B 1,3
For additional fittings see the
C-604 1,8 HC-7206B 1,3 HC-9206B 1,7 fitting page of the System
3,0 HC-7210B 1,8 HC-9210B 2,3 Components section.
0,9 HC-7203 0,8 HC-9203 1,0
1,8 HC-7206 1,0 HC-9206 1,4
3,0 HC-7210 1,5 HC-9210 2,0
6,1 HC-7220 2,9 HC-9220 3,8 Premium Hydraulic Oil
1,8 HC-7206C 1,1 HC-9206C 1,4  se only genuine Enerpac
CH-604 CH-604 hydraulic oil. Wrong fluid can
15 HC-7250C 7,0 HC-9250C 9,1
destroy seals and pump and will
1,8 H-7306 1,6 H-9306 2,1
render your warranty null and void
– – – H-9310 3,2 your guarantee.
3,0 H-7310 2,4 H-9320 5,9
6,1 H-7320 4,5 H-9330 9,5
9,7 ⅜" NPTF 9,1 H-7330 7,3 H-9350 15,0
15 H-7350 11,5 HC-9306 2,2
1,8 HC-7306 1,7 HC-9308 2,8
CH-604 3,0 HC-7310 2,5 HC-9310 3,3
– – – – –
* For technical information on couplers see next page.

www.enerpac.com 123
A, C, F, T-Series, Hydraulic Couplers
▼ Shown: FH-604, FR-400, AR-630, C-604, AH-604, AR-400

Quick Connection of
Hydraulic Lines

Thread sealer
To seal NPTF threads use one of
the new anaerobic thread sealers
or Teflon paste. When using Teflon
Tape, apply the tape one thread
from the end of a fitting to prevent it from winding
up in the hydraulic system.

3/8" High Flow Couplers WARNING!

• Standard equipment on most Enerpac cylinders Couplers should be pressurized
• Recommended for use on all Enerpac pumps and cylinders where only when completely connected
space and porting permits and should not be coupled or
uncoupled when pressurized. More safety
• Includes “2-in-1” dust cap for use on male and female couplers. instructions in our ‘Yellow Pages’.

3/8" High Pressure ‘Flush-face’ Couplers 274

• Featuring “Push-to-connect” operation, to guarantee good connection
every time F-Series
• Flush-face, zero-leak operation for minimal spillage and reduced Flush-faced couplers provide
pressure drop reduced pressure drop versus other
types and are preferred in dirty,
• HTMA* recognized for safety and performance grimy construction and mining environments
• Will not interchange with low pressure couplers. due to easy clean, non-dirt trapping faces.

3/8" Regular Spee-D-Couplers®

• For medium duty applications with hand pumps
• Includes female aluminium dust cap.
▼ With the use of Enerpac high flow couplers, hoses are
easily installed for multiple hydraulic line connections in
1/4" Regular Couplers this 34 points PLC-controlled lifting system.
• For use with small cylinders and hand pumps
• Includes female aluminium dust cap.

1/4" Spin-on Torque Wrench Couplers

• For use with 700 bar S and W-Series torque wrenches,
THQ-Series hoses and 700 bar torque wrench pumps.

* Hydraulic Tool Manufacturers Association.

Hydraulic Couplers
CT-604 Safety Tool
Use the Enerpac Minimize injuries from projectile parts
A, C,
CT-604 to relieve hydraulic
back pressure by safely
and under-skin hydraulic fluid injections
by eliminating unsafe coupler bleeding
F, T
bleeding the hydraulic practices. The CT-604 is Enerpac- Series
coupler. engineering safe for use at 700 bar.
NOTE: For use on C-Series 700 bar High-
Flow Couplers only

Maximum Flow Capacity:

6,1 - 40,0 l/min

¼" - ⅜" NPTF

Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 - 800 bar

Metal Dust Caps

Steel dust caps are available for
the C-604 series couplers.
Order model number:
CD-411M for female half
CD-415M for male half

Maximum Coupler Type Model Numbers Dimensions (mm) Dust

Flow Cap(s)
Capacity Complete Female Male A* B C D E F G Modelnr.
(l/min) Set Half Half

700 bar High-Flow Coupler

35 C-604 CR-400 CH-604 83 64 35 36 32 25 (2x)

700 bar Flush-Face coupler

40 F-604 FR-400 FH-604 111 72 ⅜" 31 31 27 29 –

700 bar Regular Spee-D-Coupler©

7,6 A-604 AR-400 AH-604 77 42 ⅜" 28 26 23 19 Z-410
nptf female

700 bar Regular Coupler

7,6 A-630 AR-630 AH-630 66 35 nptf
22 20 19 15 Z-640

700 bar Spin-on Coupler

11,4 T-630 TR-630 TH-630 73 60 ¼" 29 29 19 21 –

* Value A is total length when male and female half are connected.

www.enerpac.com 125
Hydraulic Oil, Manifolds and Fittings
▼ Shown from top to bottom: HF-101, HF-100, HF-102, LX-101, A-65, FZ-1055

The Genuine Range

Premium Hydraulic Oil
Contents Model  igh viscosity index
Number ensures maximum
HF-100 lubricity over a wide
1 litres
range of operation
4 litres HF-101
20 litres * HF-102
200 litres HF-104
4 litres ** LX-101
* Packed in two 10 litres cans.
** Hand pump oil.

HF Oil LX Oil
ISO Viscosity Grade 32 15
API Gravity, ASTM D1298 32 34
HF Oil LX Hand Pump Oil
Viscosity, ASTM D445
• Specially formulated for power • Specially formulated for hand
SUS @ 100 °C 5,4 3,5
pumps pumps
SUS @ 40 °C 32 15
- maximum volumetric efficiency - a nti-sludge, anti-rust additives
Viscosity Index, ASTM D2270 95 100
- maximum heat transfer • Reduced handle effort over
Pour Point, °F, °C, ASTM D97 -37,9 -44,2
- prevents cavitation HF blue oil
Flash Point, °F, °C, ASTM D92 191 188
- anti-sludge, anti-rust, anti-foam - good low temperature
Color Blue Yellow
additives performance
Working Temperature Range 0 - 60 ˚C 0 - 60 ˚C
• Maximum film protective lubricity • Not for use in power pumps.
Ideal working temperature 40 ˚C 40 ˚C
- anti-oxidation additives.

Description Model Dimensions (mm)

7-port Manifold, short A-64

7-port Manifold, long A-65

allows direct moun­ting of control
valves to the manifold.
A-64 A-65
6-port Manifold, hexagon
Plugs furnished for
all ports ⅜"-18 NPTF.

Control Manifolds AM-21

For control of two or four single-
acting cylinders simultaneously.
AM-21 with 5 ports ⅜"NPTF.
AM-41 with 7 ports ⅜"NPTF. AM-41
AM-21 AM-41

Hydraulic Oil, Manifolds and Fittings
3/8" Swivel Connector
360 degree swivel coupler for optimal
orientation of the hydraulic connection on
51 BFZ, FZ
cylinders, pumps and hoses.
Order Model Number. XSC-1 29 XSC
700 bar Fittings Model Number Dimensions (mm)

Street Elbow A B C D
From: ⅜"-NPTF Male FZ-1616 23 33 ⅜"-18 NPTF ⅜"-18 NPTF
To: ⅜"-NPTF Female
Reducing Connector
From: ⅜"-NPTF Female FZ-1615 28 25 ⅜"-18 NPTF ¼"-18 NPTF
To: ¼"-NPTF Female
From: ½"-NPTF Female FZ-1625 47 29 ½"-14 NPTF ⅜"-18 NPTF
To: ⅜"-NPTF Female
Hexagon Nipple
From: To:
¼"-NPTF ¼"-NPTF FZ-1608 38 16 ¼"-18 NPTF ¼"-18 NPTF
⅜"-NPTF ⅜"-NPTF FZ-1619 51 19 ⅜"-18 NPTF ⅜"-18 NPTF
⅜"-NPTF ⅜"-NPTF FZ-1617 37 19 ⅜"-18 NPTF ⅜"-18 NPTF
From: To:
⅜"-NPTF ⅜"-NPTF FZ-1614 29 23 ⅜"-18 NPTF ⅜"-18 NPTF
¼"-NPTF ¼"-NPTF FZ-1605 29 19 ¼"-18 NPTF ¼"-18 NPTF
From: ⅜"-NPTF Female FZ-1613 45 25 ⅜"-18 NPTF –
To: ⅜"-NPTF Female
From: To:
⅜"-NPTF ⅜"-NPTF FZ-1612 45 25 ⅜"-18 NPTF –
¼"-NPTF ¼"-NPTF FZ-1637 45 24 ¼"-18 NPTF –
Street Tee
From: ⅜"-NPTF Female BFZ-16312 56 26 ⅜"-18 NPTF ⅜"-18 NPTF
To: ⅜"-NPTF Male

From: To:
⅜"-NPTF ⅜"-NPTF FZ-1610 33 20 ⅜"-18 NPTF –
¼"-NPTF ¼"-NPTF FZ-1638 36 24 ¼"-18 NPTF –
From: To:
⅜"-NPTF ¼"-NPTF FZ-1630 19 19 ¼"-18 NPTF ⅜"-18 NPTF
¼"-NPTF ½"-NPTF BFZ-1630 28 22 ¼"-18 NPTF ½"-14 NPTF
⅜"-NPTF G¼" BFZ-16301 19 19 G¼" ⅜"-18 NPTF
From: To:
G¼" ¼"-NPTF BFZ-16411 35 19 ¼"-18 NPTF G¼"
G¼" ⅛"-NPTF BFZ-16421 31 19 ⅛"-27 NPTF G¼"
G⅜" ¼"-NPTF BFZ-16323 43 24 ¼"-18 NPTF G⅜"
G⅜" ⅜"-NPTF BFZ-16324 43 24 ⅜"-18 NPTF G⅜"
From: To:
¼"-NPTF ⅜"-NPTF FZ-1055 44 23 ¼"-18 NPTF ⅜"-18 NPTF
¼"-NPTF ⅛"-NPTF FZ-1642 30 19 ⅛"-27 NPTF ¼"-18 NPTF
½"-NPTF ⅜"-NPTF FZ-1634 42 28 ⅜"-18 NPTF ½"-18 NPTF
Swivel Fitting
From: ⅜"-NPTF Male FZ-1660 40 22 ⅜"-18 NPTF ⅜”-18 NPTF
To: ⅜"-NPTF Female

www.enerpac.com 127
GF, GP-Series, Hydraulic Force & Pressure Gauges
▼ Shown from left to right: GF-230P, GF-835P, GP-10S

Visual Reference
for System Pressure
and Force

Auto-Damper Valve V-10

For automatic control of gauge
fluctuations, the V-10 Auto-
Damper Valve controls the
movement of the gauge needle
by restricting oil flow in and out of the gauge. No
adjustments needed.
Page: 136

Snubber Valve V-91

Infinitely adjustable for metering
oil out of a gauge. The V-91
• GF-series gauges: calibrated with dual scale reading for pressure in Snubber Valve is also suitable as a
and force shut-off valve to protect the gauge
• GF-series gauges: all pressure sensing parts are sealed and during high cycle applications.
dampened by glycerine for long life 136
• GP-series gauges: calibrated with dual scale reading for pressure in
bar and psi
• Excellent readability: gauge face dimensions 100 mm
• Fast, easy installation
• Stainless steel gauge cases for corrosion resistance.

Used With Cylinders

▼ A GP-10S gauge is used on this press to check the hydraulic pressure required to bend flat steel bar. All Cylinders
All Cylinders
5 ton RC, RSM Cylinders
10 ton RC, RCS, RSM Cylinders
All 25 ton RC-Cylinders
All 50 ton RC, RR-Cylinders
13 ton RCH-Series
RCS-201, 302
RCS-502, 1002
RCH-202, 302, 603
25, 30, 50 ton RC, RCS, RSM, RR
All 75 and 95 ton RC, RR
All 150, 200 ton RR cylinders
10 ton Presses
25 ton Presses
50 ton Presses
75 and 100 ton Presses
150 and 200 ton Presses

Hydraulic Force & Pressure Gauges
Maximum Indicator Pointer GF
Indicator retains peak readings of
pressure or force generated by the GP
system. Series
Can easily be installed on GP and
H-Series gauges.
Order model number: BSA-881.

Pressure Range:
Pressure Gauges 0-1000 bar / 0-15.000 psi
To measure the input pressure into
cylinders or high pressure systems. Force Range:
Also for all testing applications. 0-110.000 lbs / 0-200 ton
Force Gauges Gauge Face Diameter:
To measure external load supported by a cylinder 100 mm
or jack in kN. For pressing parts together under
pre-determined loads, weighing, testing, etc. Accuracy, % of full scale:
GP-Series are dry gauges.
GF-Series are glycerine filled gauges.
± 1%

GP-serie GF-serie

Gauge Type and Calibration Units per Division Model Thread Gauge Adaptor
Number * G

psi bar psi lbs tons GA-1 GA-2 GA-3
0-10.000 0-700 – – – 100 psi, 10 bar GP-10S ½" nptf • •
0-15.000 0-1000 – – – 200 psi, 10 bar GP-15S ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 0-10.000 0-5 100 psi, 100 lbs, 0,1 ton GF-5P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 0-22.200 0-11 100 psi, 200 lbs, 0,2 ton GF-10P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 0-51.500 0-25,5 100 psi, 500 lbs, 0,5 ton GF-20P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 0-110.000 0-55 100 psi, 1000 lbs, 1,0 ton GF-50P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 0-27.000 0-13,5 100 psi, 200 lbs, 0,25 ton GF-120P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 – 0-22/32 100 psi, 0,5/0,5 ton GF-230P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 – 0-50/100 100 psi, 1,0/1,0 ton GF-510P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 – 0-23,5/36/65 100 psi, 0,5/0,5/1,0 ton GF-813P ¼" nptf •
– – 0-10.000 – 0-25,5/32,5/55 100 psi, 0,5/0,5/0,5 ton GF-835P ¼" nptf •
– – 0-10.000 – 0-79/103 100 psi, 1,0/1,0 ton GF-871P ¼" nptf •
– – 0-10.000 – 0-150/200 100 psi, 0,5/0,5 ton GF-200P ¼" nptf •
– – 0-10.000 0-22.200 0-11 100 psi, 200 lbs, 0,2 ton GF-10P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 0-51.500 0-25,5 100 psi, 500 lbs, 0,5 ton GF-20P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 0-110.000 0-55 100 psi, 1000 lbs, 1,0 ton GF-50P ½" nptf • •
– – 0-10.000 – 0-79/103 100 psi, 1,0/1,0 ton GF-871P ¼" nptf •
– – 0-10.000 – 0-150/200 100 psi, 0,5/0,5 ton GF-200P ¼" nptf •
* GF-Series Force gauges with metric scale reading (bar, kN) are available by changing the suffix ‘P’ into ‘B’.

www.enerpac.com 129
G, H-Series, Hydraulic Pressure Gauges
▼ Shown from left to right: H4049L, G-2534R, G-4089L, G-2535L, G-4040L

Visual Reference of
System Pressure

Gauge adaptor assembly

45˚ Angled gauge adaptor GA45GC
improves safe working conditions.


Glycerine Filled (G-Series)

Gauge Adaptor
• Dual scale reading calibrated in bar and psi
For easy gauge installation into
• All pressure sensing parts sealed and dampened by glycerine for almost any system, Enerpac offers
long life a complete line of gauge adaptors.
• Includes safety blow-out disk and pressure equalizing membrane
• Gauge snubbers or needle valves recommended for high cycle
Snubber Valve V-91
High Cycle Dry Gauges (H-Series) Infinitely adjustable for metering oil
out of a gauge. The V-91 Snubber
• Dual scale reading calibrated in bar and psi
Valve is also suitable as a shut-off
• Ideal for use in many applications, specifically for high cycle and valve to protect the gauge during
harsh environments high cycle applications.
• Gauge snubbers or needle valves recommended to shut off gauge Page: 136
when not in use.

◀ When lifting or pressing, always use a

gauge. A gauge is your ‘window’ to the
system. It lets you see what’s going on.

Hydraulic Pressure Gauges
When lifting or pressing,
always use a gauge. H
Do not override factory setting Series
of relief valves. Always use a gauge to check
system pressure. A gauge is your ‘window’ to
the system. It lets you see what’s going on.
See our Safety Instructions.
Pressure Range:

0 - 1000 bar
Face Diameter:
63 - 100 mm
Accuracy, % of full scale:
± 1,0 - 1,5%

Size Connection Dimensions (mm) Maximum Indicator Pointer

Indicator retains peak readings
(mm) A B C D E of pressure or force generated by
63 Lower Mount 63 37 ¼" nptf 84 – the system.
63 Center Rear 63 37 ¼” nptf – 63
100 Lower Mount 100 29 ¼” nptf 121 – Can easily be installed on GP and H-Series
gauges. Order model number: BSA-881.
100 Lower Mount 100 49 ½” nptf 136 –
Note: dimensions for reference only.


Gauge Pressure Range Model Number Major Minor Major Minor

Series Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation
ø 63 ø 63 ø 100 ø 100
Lower Mount Center Rear Lower Mount Lower Mount bar psi

(bar) (psi) Accuracy: ± 1,5 % Accuracy: ± 1,0 % ø 63 ø 100 ø 63 ø 100 ø 63 ø 100 ø 63 ø 100

G-Series 0-7 0-100 G2509L – – – 1 – 0,01 – 10 – 2 –

0-11 0-160 G2510L – – – 1 – 0,02 – 10 – 2 –
0-14 0-200 G2511L – – – 1 – 0,02 – 50 – 5 –
0-20 0-300 G2512L – – – 5 – 0,50 – 50 – 5 –
0-40 0-600 G2513L – – – 10 – 1 – 100 – 10 –
0-70 0-1.000 G2514L G2531R – – 10 – 1 – 100 – 20 –
0-140 0-2.000 G2515L – – – 10 – 5 – 500 – 50 –
0-200 0-3.000 G2516L – – – 50 – 5 – 500 – 50 –
0-400 0-6.000 G2517L G2534R – – 100 – 10 – 1000 – 100 –
0-700 0-10.000 G2535L G2537R G4088L G4039L 100 100 10 10 2000 1000 200 100
0-1000 0-15.000 G2536L G2538R G4089L G4040L 100 100 20 20 3000 3000 200 200
H-Series 0-700 0-10.000 – – H4049L H4071L – 100 – 10 – 1000 – 100

www.enerpac.com 131
T-Series, Test System Gauges
▼ T-6003L
Pressure Range:
0 - 3500 bar
Face Diameter:
162 - 192 mm
Accuracy, % of full scale:
± 0,5 - 1,5%

Cone Mount Gauge Adaptor

Contains fittings to connect ¼"
cone fitting gauge to ⅜" cone
system. Kit includes 43-301 tee,
43-704 gauge adaptor and 45-116
tubing. Order model number: 83-011.

Page: 79

Cone Mount Gauge Connector

• Dual scale reading calibrated in bar and psi For connecting gauges with 0.25"
• All gauges have spring-loaded backs with rubber blow-out plugs to cone fitting directly to model
protect case assembly in case of over-pressurization number 11-100 or 11-400 pump
(page 78). May be used with other
• Integral maximum indicator pointer standard included 0.25" cone systems. Order model number:
• 2800 and 3500 bar models include flange mounting 43-704
• ½" NPTF versions are made of high strength alloy steel
• 0.25" cone models are made of 316 stainless steel,
with 403 stainless steel on 2800 and 3500 bar models.

T-6002L T-6003L

▼ An Enerpac P-2282 hand pump equipped with a T-6011L test

system gauge is used for proof pressure testing of hydraulic valves.

T-6007L T-6010L
T-6008L T-6011L

Pressure Pressure Model Number Number Gradu­ Number Gradu­

Range Range Inter­vals ation Inter­vals ation
Alloy Stainless Inter­- Inter­-
Steel Steel vals vals
(bar) (psi) ½" NPTF 0,25 cone (bar) (bar) (psi) (psi)
0-70 1)
0-1000 T-6001L – 10 1 100 10
0-350 1) 0-5000 T-6002L – 50 5 500 50
0-700 1) 0-10.000 T-6003L T-6007L 100 10 1.000 100
0-1400 1) 0-20.000 – T-6008L 200 20 1.000 100
0-2800 2) 0-40.000 – T-6010L 500 20 5.000 200
0-3500 2) 0-50.000 – T-6011L 500 50 5.000 200
Acccuracy ± 0,5%
Acccuracy ± 1,5%
Digital Hydraulic Pressure Gauge
▼ DGR-2
Pressure Range:
0 - 1380 bar
3 Volt (battery)
Accuracy, % of full scale:
± 0,25%

Back-lit Readout
Back-lit readout allows easy
reading in less than ideal lighting.

• Rated for system pressure up to 1380 bar

Gauge Adaptor
• Displays in bar, psi, MPa and kg/cm2 For easy gauge installation into
• Zero reset - ensures that gauge reads actual pressure almost any system, Enerpac
offers a complete line of gauge
• IP65 protection, UL listed, CE and RoHS compliant adaptors. Maximum operating
• Batteries included, condition indicator on read-out pressure 700 bar.
• Shut-off selectable – menu driven Page: 135
• Back-lit readout allows easy reading in less than ideal lighting
• Protective cover included.

▼ Greater accuracy and easier to read: enhance your

ability to monitor and control hydraulic system
pressure up to 1380 bar.

High Pressure High Pressure Model High Pressure High Pressure

Rating Rating Number Rating Rating

(bar) (MPa) (psi) (kg/cm2)

Range Resolution Range Resolution Range Resolution Range Resolution

0-1380 0,1 0-140 0,01 DGR-2 0-20.000 1 0-1400 0,1

Weight: 0,23 kg.

www.enerpac.com 133
Gauge Adaptor Assembly
▼ Shown: GA45GC
Connection 1:
3/8" NPTF male
Connection 2:
CR-400 coupler
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
45° Angled gauge
adaptor improves safe
working conditions

Always use a gauge.
Do not override factory setting
of relief valves. Always use a
• 45° angled gauge improves visibility gauge to check system pressure. A gauge is your
‘window’ to the system. It lets you see what’s
• Slim and narrow design going on. See our Safety Instructions.
• Easy to fit in a broad range of systems
• Maximize controlled load movement
Portable Hydrauloic Toolbox
• Glycerin dampened gauge with dual scale
Toolbox with hand pump,
• Enerpac High Flow female coupler. GA45GC gauge adaptor
assembly, hose and RC, RSM,
RCS, WR5 or LW16-cylinder.
Page: 59

▼ The Gauge Adaptor Assembly is the window to your system;

allows easy reading of the pressure for safe operation.

Model Gauge Port Male End Female End Gauge Range

Number (1/4" NPTF) (NPTF) (3/8" NPTF) (bar) (psi)

GA45GC G2535L ⅜" -18 CR-400 0 - 700 0 - 10.000

Gauge Accessories
▼ Shown from left to right: GA-3, V-91, GA-1, GA-2, GA-4, NV-251, GA-918
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

▼ A gauge is easily installed into your hydraulic system

using a gauge adaptor.

Gauge Adaptors (GA-Series)

• For easy mounting of a pressure gauge onto your system
• Male end screws into pump or cylinder port, female end accepts hose or coupler, 3rd port is
for gauge connection
• GA-918 provides for swivel connection.

Model Gauge Male Female Dimensions (mm) GA-1

Number Port End End


GA-1 ½" ⅜" 71 31 ½" NPTF ⅜" NPTF ⅜" NPTF 32
GA-2 ½" ⅜" 155 35 ½" NPTF ⅜" NPTF ⅜" NPTF 32
GA-3 ¼" ⅜" 133 35 ¼" NPTF ⅜" NPTF ⅜" NPTF 32 GA-2, GA-3, GA-4
GA-4 ½" ¼" 111 35 ½" NPTF ¼" NPTF ⅜" NPTF 32

Swivel Adaptor (GA-918)

• Simplifies gauge installation and reading.
Model Dimensions (mm)

A B C D E S S1
GA-918 117 43 ½" NPTF 28,5 ½" NPTF 29 38

Needle Valves (V- and NV-Series) NV-251

• Both NV-251 and V-91 provide positive shut-off
• 303 stainless steel stem, 16 threads/in (NV-251).

Model Ori­fice Thread Dimensions (mm) V-91

Number (mm) Size
NV-251 4,3 ¼" NPTF 57 29 ¼" NPTF 57 46 19 19
V-91 4,8 ½" NPTF 89 32 ½" NPTF 64 32 37 37

www.enerpac.com 135
V-Series, Pressure and Flow Control Valves
▼ From left to right: V-152, V-66, V-82, V-161, V-42, V-17

Your Hydraulic
Control Solution

Valve Applications
To see these valves used in typical
hydraulic circuits, please see our
‘Yellow Pages’.


▼ The V-152 pressure relief valve limits the pressure or

force developed in the hydraulic system.

• All valves are rated for 700 bar operating pressure

• All valves feature NPTF porting to insure against leakage at
rated pressure
• All valves are painted, coated, or plated for corrosion resistance
• Viton® seals (in V-66NV and V-152NV) for high temperature
applications, nickel-plated for maximum corrosion resistance.

22 69
98 max.
98 max.

32 32

64 47 64 61
V-82 V-182 V-8F V-91

V-10 V-17 V-42

V-66, V-66NV V-66F V-152, V-152NV V-161

Valve dimensions in mm

Pressure and Flow Control Valves
Control Manifolds Fittings V
For two or four port F or additional fittings see Series
manifolds with integral the fitting page of the
flow control valves, see the System Components section
manifold page of the System in this catalogue.­
Components section.

Page: 126 Page:
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Valve Type and Description Hydraulic
Model Number Symbol

Needle Valve V-82: To control cylinder speed. Can also suitable for gauge snubbing (also V-82).
V-82 be used as shut-off valve for temporary load V-8F: Like V-82, but with very fine metering
holding. ⅜" NPTF ports, nickle plated. for precise flow control 0,16-14,7 l/min at
V-182: Same as V-82, but with 275 bar. Not recommended as shut-off
V-8F ¼" NPTF female ports, nickle plated. Also valve.

Snubber Valve V-91: Infinitely adjustable for metering oil Also suitable as shut-off valve to protect the
V-91 out of a gauge to prevent snapping of gauge gauge during high cycling applications. ½"
pointer when load or pressure is suddenly NPTF male and female threads for use with
released. GA-1, GA-2 or GA-4 gauge adaptors.

Auto Damper® Valve V-10: To be used when gauge pressure ½" NPTF male and female threads for use
V-10 must be monitored during high cycle with GA-1, GA-2 or GA-4 gauge adaptors.
applications. Creates a flow resist­ance
when load is released sudden­ly.
No adjust­ments are necessary.

Check Valve V-17: Ruggedly built to resist shock and

V-17 operate with low pressure drop. Closes
smoothly without pounding.
⅜" NPTF female port.

Pilot Operated V-42: Can be mounted at the cylinder to ⅜" NPTF female ports.
Check Valve hold the load in case of system pressure Pilot presure ratio 14% (6,5:1).
loss. Normally used with double-acting
cylinders where pilot port receives pressure
from a Tee-fitting in the cylinder retract line.

Manually Operated V-66, V-66NV: For load holding applications V-66F: Similar to V-66, but with very fine
Check Valve with single and double acting cylinders. metering capability for precise flow control.
Valves allow oil to flow back to tank when V-66F is not designed for load holding.
V-66, V-66NV *
cylinder retracts. V-66NV with Viton seals,
V-66F nickel-plated.

Pressure Relief V-152: Limits pressure developed by the To increase pressure setting, turn handle
Valve pump in hydraulic circuit, thus limiting clockwise. Includes:
the force imposed on other components. • 0,9 m return line hose kit,
Valve opens whenever preset pressure is • ± 3% repeatability,
V-152NV * reached. • 55-700 bar adjustment range.

Sequence Valve V-161: To control oil flow to a secondary A pressure differen­tial is always maintained
V-161 circuit. Flow is blocked until system between the primary and secondary circuit.
pressure rises to the V-161 setting. When Mininum operating pressure: 140 bar.
this pres­sure level is reached, the V-161
opens to allow flow to the se­con­dary cir­cuit.
* See page 58 for more information about products for use in high temperature and extreme environment applications.

www.enerpac.com 137
Enerpac Hydraulic Presses
Enerpac Hydraulic Presses are available in These Press features increase productivity and broaden the
range of applications:
a variety of capacities and sizes. The press
Exclusive Hydra-Lift™
frames are designed for maximum strength and Standard on many Enerpac
durability. Strong frames and powerful high- IP Presses, the exclusive
Hydra-Lift™ offers
pressure hydraulics will provide years effortless adjustment to the
press daylight by use of a
of dependable service in many applications. hydraulic lift.

Enerpac Presses are available in Bench, H-Frame,

Side-to-Side Cylinder
Roll-Frame, C-Frame and Arbor models. Movement
Easy horizontal cylinder
position is achieved with the
unique “roller-head” cylinder
mounting block, standard
on most Enerpac
IP-Series Presses.

Optional “V-blocks”
For positioning of complex
parts, are designed with
high-strength steel for
long life.

Press Section Overview
Available in capacities from 10 Capacity Press type and functions Serie Page
to 200 ton, each Enerpac press ton
consists of three basic high quality (kN)
components: a press frame, a
power source and a cylinder. 10 - 200 H-Frame Presses IP 140 ▶
(101 - 1995) VLP
Press Frame
Press frames include features like
workpiece side-loading and height 50 - 200 Roll-Frame Presses IPR 144 ▶
adjustment of the upper and lower (498 - 1995)

Power Source
5 - 20 C-Clamp Presses A 146 ▶
Depending on the production (45 - 178)
requirements, Enerpac presses
can be powered by manual, air-
hydraulic and electric-drive power
10 - 30 Arbor Presses A 146 ▶
sources. (101 - 295)

10 Bench Frame Press A 146 ▶
Depending on the application,
double-acting cylinders offer (101)
increased efficiency. Check out the
Selection Charts for the press best
Press Accessories 148 ▶
suited for your needs.
Press Speed Chart
All Workshop, H-Frame and Roll- 4500 kg Tension Meters TM 149 ▶
Frame Presses feature an easy to
monitor pressure/force gauge for 900 - 90.000 kg Load Cells LH
increased safety.

The pressframe of the Enerpac standard general purpose presses
workshop presses are are supplied without guards. However, your
exclusively designed for application may require that measures should
pressing operations, not for pulling. For be taken to reduce the risk of injury to operators
pulling applications please contact Enerpac. and other personnel by providing appropriate
In order to fully comply with workplace health safeguarding, training and conducting a risk
and safety legislation, some presses must be assessment, which eliminates or reduces
equipped with specific safety components, such danger.
as spring centered valves, two-hand control
devices, guards or others.

www.enerpac.com 139
IP, VLP-Series, H-Frame Presses
▼ IPE-5060IPL H-Frame Press

Setting the
Industry Standard

Cylinder Mounting Block

Allows cylinder mounting into a
press frame, while also allowing
side to side adjustment of cylinder
Page: 148

Allows easy and effortless daylight
adjustment. Standard on most
IP-Series H-Frame Presses.

Page: 148

IP-Series, H-Frame Presses Pump Mounting Bracket

• Quality welded frame for maximum strength and long life Heavy-duty steel brackets allow
• Exclusive “Hydra-Lift™” bed for effortless adjustment of the vertical mounting of one of the Enerpac
Power Sources to power your
daylight (10-ton models are manual)
• Roller head design is standard to allow movement and locking of the
cylinder from side to side (10-ton, 25-ton and 30-ton are manual). Page: 148

VLP-Series, Presses V-Blocks are designed for easy
• Unique "Hydrajust" bed positioning device on 100 and 200 ton fixturing of round stock and
VLP-presses allows adjustment of the lower bed. other non-uniform materials.
Featuring precise fit into the
press bolster. Page:

Gauge Included
All standard press models include
a gauge and gauge adaptor,
matching the press capacity.

Page: 143

◀ IP-Series press with safety cage to

ensure additional operator safety.

H-Frame Presses
▼ VLP106P142XPL

Cylinder Types
= Single-Acting,
Spring Return Press Capacity:

= Double-Acting,
10 - 200 ton
Hydraulic Return Maximum Daylight x Max. Bed Width:
1380 x 1220 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:


700 bar
For more technical information see next page.
Press Maximum Maximum Power Source Presses Cylinder Speed 1)
Capacity Bed Bed Width Model Number (mm/sec)
ton Type Valve Stroke Rapid Pressing
(kN) (mm) (mm) Man. Elec. Air Man. Elec. (mm) Advance

430 435 • • VLP106P142XPL • 156 [2,5] [0,6]

430 435 • • VLP106PAT1XPL • 156 10,0 1,8

1016 473 • • IPE1215EPL • 254 38,0 3,7
(101) 1016 473 • • IPA1220XPL • 254 23,0 2,9
1016 473 • • IPH1240XPL • 254 [7,8] [1,7]
1016 473 • • IPH1234XPL • 254 [11,2] [1,7]
1016 473 • • IPA1244XPL • 254 23,0 2,9
1384 736 • • IPE2505EPL • 152 17,0 1,6
25 1384 736 • • IPE2510IPL • 355 30,9 2,8
(232) 1384 736 • • IPA2520XPL • 355 10,0 1,3
1384 736 • • IPH2531XPL • 355 [4,9] [0,7]

1384 736 • • IPA3071XPL • 355 55,1 5,2
(295) 1384 736 • • IPE3060IPL • 355 24,3 2,2
1384 736 • • IPH3080XPL • 355 [3,7] [0,6]
1233 730 • • IPE5010IPL • 330 20,8 1,9
1233 730 • • IPA5021XPL • 159 32,6 3,1
1233 730 • • IPH5030XPL • 159 [17,7] [0,7]
50 1233 730 • • IPH5031XPL • 159 [2,3] [0,3]
(496) 1233 730 • • IPE5005EPL • 159 7,7 0,7
1233 730 • • IPA5073XPL • 330 32,6 3,1
1233 730 • • IPE5060IPL • 330 20,8 1,9
1233 730 • • IPH5080XPL • 330 [17,7] [0,7]
1079 889 • • IPA10023XPL • 254 17,4 1,6
989 990 • • VLP1006ZESIPL • 168 11,1 1,0

989 990 • • VLP10013ZESIPL • 330 11,1 1,0
(933) 1079 889 • • IPE10010IPL • 254 11,1 1,0
1079 889 • • IPH10030XPL • 254 [8,8] [0,3]
1079 889 • • IPE10060IPL • 254 11,1 1,0
1079 889 • • IPH10080XPL • 152 [8,8] [0,3]
150 (1386) 1231 1219 • • IPE15065WPL • 330 9,5 1,4

200 (1995)
1340 1220 • • VLP20013ZESIPL • 330 6,6 1,0
1231 1219 • • IPE20065WPL • 330 6,6 1,0
[...]= Millimetres per stroke of pump handle.

www.enerpac.com 141
IP, VLP-Series, H-Frame Presses
Alternative Voltages
For presses with electric
pumps alternative voltages are
available. For details please
contact Enerpac.

▼ SELECTION CHART VLP 10 ton IP-Series H-Frame Presses

For full features see pages 140-141.
Press Presses Pump Cylinder Press Dimensions (mm)
Capacity Model Number Model Number Model Number
Page: Page: A A B C D E F
(kN) (max.) (min.)

VLP106P142XPL P142 70 RC106 6 430 430 80 – – 435 –

VLP106PAT1XPL PATG1102N 106 RC106 6 430 430 80 – – 435 –
IPE1215EPL PUJ1200E 82 RC1010 6 1016 62 – 1187 127 473 632
(101) IPA1220XPL XA11 108 RC1010 6 1016 62 – 1187 127 473 632
IPH1240XPL P392 70 RC1010 6 1016 62 – 1187 127 473 632
IPH1234XPL P84 72 RR1010 36 1016 62 – 1187 127 473 632
IPA1244XPL XA12V 108 RR1010 36 1016 62 – 1187 127 473 632
IPE2505EPL PUJ1200E 82 RC256 6 1384 177 – 1447 301 736 1028
25 IPE2510IPL ZE3310SI 96 RC2514 6 1384 177 – 1447 301 736 1028
(232) IPA2520XPL XA12 108 RC2514 6 1384 177 – 1447 301 736 1028
IPH2531XPL P80 72 RC2514 6 1384 177 – 1447 301 736 1028
IPA3071XPL ZA4404MX 110 RR3014 36 1384 177 - 1447 301 736 1028
(295) IPE3060IPL ZE3410SI 96 RR3014 36 1384 177 – 1447 301 736 1028
IPH3080XPL P84 72 RR3014 36 1384 177 – 1447 301 736 1028
IPE5010IPL ZE4320SI 96 RC5013 6 1233 179 476 1371 263 730 1085
IPA5021XPL ZA4208MX 110 RC506 6 1233 179 476 1371 263 730 1085
IPH5030XPL P462 72 RC506 6 1233 179 476 1371 263 730 1085
50 IPH5031XPL P80 72 RC506 6 1233 179 476 1371 263 730 1085
(496) IPE5005EPL PUJ1200E 82 RC506 6 1233 179 476 1371 263 730 1085
IPA5073XPL ZA4408MX 110 RR5013 36 1233 179 476 1371 263 730 1085
IPE5060IPL ZE4420SI 96 RR5013 36 1233 179 476 1371 263 730 1085
IPH5080XPL P464 72 RR5013 36 1233 179 476 1371 263 730 1085
IPA10023XPL ZA4208MX 110 RC10010 6 1079 177 508 1295 263 889 1295
VLP1006ZESIPL ZE4420SI 96 RR1006 36 989 177 340 560 40 990 1240
VLP10013ZESIPL ZE4420SI 96 RR10013 36 989 177 340 560 40 990 1240
(933) IPE10010IPL ZE4320SI 96 RC10010 6 1079 177 508 1295 296 889 1295
IPH10030XPL P462 72 RC10010 6 1079 177 508 1295 296 889 1295
IPE10060IPL ZE4420SI 96 RR10013 36 1079 239 508 1295 296 889 1295
IPH10080XPL P464 72 RR1006 36 1079 239 508 1295 296 889 1295
150 (1386) IPE15065WPL ZE5420SW 96 RR15013 36 1231 317 711 1384 254 1219 1706
VLP20013ZESIPL ZE5420SW 96 RR20013 36 1340 377 233 560 76 1220 1620
200 (1995)
IPE20065WPL ZE5420SW 96 RR20013 36 1231 317 711 1384 254 1219 1706
IMPORTANT! The frameworks of the presses are exclusively designed for pressing operations, not for pulling. For pulling applications please contact Enerpac.

H-Frame Presses

Press Capacity:
10 - 200 ton
Maximum Daylight x Max. Bed Width:
1380 x 1220 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
VLP 100 ton VLP 200 ton

Press Dimensions (mm) Presses H-Frame Press Gauges

Model Number
All press models include a gauge
and gauge adaptor, matching the
press capacity:
542 620 748 430 – – 80 49 VLP106P142XPL
542 620 748 430 – – 80 54 VLP106PAT1XPL Press Gauge Adaptor
– – 755 108 189 889 1320 135 IPE1215EPL Capacity Model Model
Number Number
– – 755 108 189 889 1320 72 IPA1220XPL tons (kN)
– – 755 108 189 889 1320 71 IPH1240XPL
– – 755 108 189 889 1320 85 IPH1234XPL 10 (101) GF-10P GA-2
– – 755 108 189 889 1320 73 IPA1244XPL 25 (232) GF-20P GA-2
101 336 762 133 271 673 1930 274 IPE2505EPL 30 (295) GF-835P GA-3
101 336 762 133 271 673 1930 316 IPE2510IPL 50 (498) GF-50P GA-2
101 336 762 133 271 673 1930 276 IPA2520XPL 100 (933) GF-871P GA-3
101 336 762 133 271 673 1930 281 IPH2531XPL 150 (1386) GF-200P GA-3
101 336 762 133 271 673 1930 310 IPA3071XPL 200 (1995) GF-200P GA-3
101 336 762 133 271 673 1930 327 IPE3060IPL
For more information on gauges, please refer to
101 336 762 133 271 673 1930 301 IPH3080XPL
the System Components section.
127 222 914 184 365 781 1930 472 IPE5010IPL
127 222 914 184 365 781 1930 439 IPA5021XPL Page: 128
127 222 914 184 365 781 1930 439 IPH5030XPL
127 222 914 184 365 781 1930 420 IPH5031XPL Spring Centred Valves
127 222 914 184 365 781 1930 421 IPE5005EPL To convert standard VM-Series
127 222 914 184 365 781 1930 479 IPA5073XPL manual valves use the spring
127 222 914 184 365 781 1930 477 IPE5060IPL centered valves kits.
127 222 914 184 365 781 1930 455 IPH5080XPL
171 222 914 222 438 841 1930 748 IPA10023XPL For valve model Model
1400 1879 1885 239 – 425 1930 970 VLP1006ZESIPL Number
1400 1879 2050 239 – 425 1930 993 VLP10013ZESIPL VM33, VM43 VMC3343K
171 222 914 222 438 841 1930 781 IPE10010IPL VM33L, VM43L VMC3343KL
171 222 914 222 438 841 1930 751 IPH10030XPL
171 222 914 222 438 841 540 791 IPE10060IPL
171 222 914 222 438 841 540 755 IPH10080XPL Page: 119
231 78 1117 333 555 1212 2286 1772 IPE15065WPL
1740 2285 2370 377 – 425 453 1992 VLP20013ZESIPL
231 78 1117 333 555 1212 2286 1772 IPE20065WPL

www.enerpac.com 143
IPR-Series, Roll-Frame Presses
▼ Shown: IPR-5075IPL

Expert Designed

Cylinder Mounting Block

Allows cylinder mounting into a
press frame, while also allowing
side to side adjustment of cylinder
Page: 148

Allows easy and effortless daylight
adjustment. Standard on most
IP-Series H-Frame Presses.

Page: 148
• Quality welded frame for maximum strength and long life
Pump Mounting Bracket
• Frame rolls easily on 4 steel roller bearings Heavy-duty steel brackets allow
• Exclusive ‘Hydra-Lift’ bolster for effortless adjustment of the mounting of one of the Enerpac
vertical daylight Power Sources to power your
• Roller head design is standard to allow lateral movement and
locking of the cylinder up to 300 mm left or right of centre Page: 148
• All models in the quick selection chart have been matched to an
electric pump, double-acting cylinder, hose and gauge, offering the V-Blocks
complete package V-Blocks are designed for easy
fixturing of round stock and
• Roll-Frame design features a stationary bed with the ability to other non-uniform materials.
support heavy loads. Featuring precise fit into the
press bolster. Page:


Press Vertical Maximum Electric Pump Roll-Frame Press Double-Acting Cylinder Speed
Capacity Daylight Bed Model Number
A Width
(mm) E Model Stroke Model Rapid Pressing
ton (kN) min. max. (mm) Number (mm) Number Advance
Page Page
50 (498) 152 942 730 ZE4420SI 96 IPR-5075IPL 333 RR-5013 36 20,8 1,9
100 (933) 159 1048 889 ZE5420SW 96 IPR-10075WPL 333 RR-10013 36 14,5 2,1
200 (1995) 279 1295 1219 ZE5420SW 96 IPR-20075WPL 330 RR-20013 36 6,6 1,0

Roll-Frame Presses

50 - 200 ton
Maximum Daylight x Width:
1295 x 1219 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

▲ For offshore application high capacity spring loaded cylinders need to be assembled and tested. Gauges
A special 100 ton roll frame press, with long stroke cylinder has been constructed. All movements are
All press models include a gauge
operated and monitored through a PLC controlled pendant.
and gauge adaptor, matching the
press capacity:

Press Gauge Adaptor

Capacity Model Model
IMPORTANT! ton Number Number
The pressframe of the presses are 50 GF-50P GA-2
exclusively designed for pressing
100 GF-871P GA-3
operations, not for pulling. For
pulling applications please contact Enerpac. 200 GF-200P GA-3
For more information on gauges, please refer to
the System Components section.

Page: 128

Spring Centred Valves

To convert standard VM-Series
manual valves use the spring
centered valves kits.

For valve model Model

VM33, VM43 VMC3343K
VM33L, VM43L VMC3343KL

Page: 119

Roll-Frame Press Dimensions (mm) Roll-Frame Press

Model Number

(min.-max.) B C D E F G H J K L M N (kg)
152-942 526 971 263 813 933 127 1420 1625 203 270 762 2869 889 IPR-5075IPL
159-1048 673 965 222 886 1143 146 1605 1676 203 270 812 3021 1746 IPR-10075WPL
279-1295 984 933 254 1222 1625 231 2149 2197 203 381 914 3199 3569 IPR-20075WPL

www.enerpac.com 145
A-Series, C-Clamp, Arbor and Bench Presses
▼ Shown from left to right: A-220, A-330 and A-258

The Standard
Workshop Tools

Push Pin A-183

For applications requiring precision
pressing, such as shaft removal
and insertion. This attachment fits
10 ton cylinders and requires the
use of a threaded adaptor saddle (A-13).

Smooth Saddle A-185

For pressing applications of
delicate parts, such as aluminium
castings, this saddle decreases
surface marks during the pressing
C-Clamp Press application. Requires 10 ton cylinder and
threaded adaptor saddle (A-13).
• 5, 10 and 20 ton capacity 175

• Operational in all positions.

Hydraulic Cylinders
Arbor Press Cylinders for C-Clamps and
Arbor Presses must be ordered
• 10 and 30 ton capacity separately.
• Foot mounting holes for horizontal or vertical positioning
• Machined working surfaces for easier fixturing 5

• Slotted back to simplify loading and unloading of longer parts.

Hydraulic Pumps
Bench Press Frame Pumps for C-Clamps and
Arbor Presses must be ordered
• Cylinder mounting adaptor allows lateral positioning along rails separately.
• Mounting holes for easy mounting to fix surface.

▼ A-310 Arbor Press

Press Press Maximum Maximum Press Cylinder
Type Capacity Vertical Bed Width Model Model Number
Daylight Number

ton (kN) (mm) (mm) Page:

5 (45) 165 51 A-205 5 ton RC-cylinder 1) 6
C-Clamp 10 (101) 228 57 A-210 10 ton RC-cylinder 1) 6
20 (178) 305 70 A-220 25 ton RC-cylinder 2) 6
10 (101) 227 135 A-310 10 ton RC-cylinder 1) 6
30 (295) 260 178 A-330 RC-308 1) 6
419 381 A-258 10 ton RC-cylinder 1) 6
Bench 10 (101) 419 381 IPA-1022 3) RC-1010 6
419 381 IPH-1040 4) RC-1010 6
Recommended cylinder must be ordered separately. 2) Must be limited to 20 ton.
IPA-1022 is complete set including RC-1010 cylinder, PA133 air pump and HC7206 hose.
IPH-1040 is complete set including RC-1010 cylinder, P392 hand pump and HC7206 hose.
C-Clamp, Arbor and Bench Presses

5 - 30 ton
Maximum Daylight x Width:
419 x 381 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
▲ RC-308 cylinder mounted in A-330 Arbor Press powered by a PATG-Turbo Air pump for controlled pressing
of bearings for sprockets of weaving machines. The V-152 Pressure Relief Valve controls the pressing force.

IMPORTANT! Top View Working Surface

For high-cycle production

applications, the C-Clamp and
Arbor presses should be limited
to 50% of their capacity.

Press Adaptor

V-Block A-110

C-Clamp Presses Arbor Presses Bench Press Frame

A-205, A-210, A-220 A-310, A-330 A-258, IPA-1022, IPH-1040

Press Dimensions (mm) Press


A B C D E F G H J K L M N O (kg)
291 203 165 95 73 1½" -16 un 26 51 66 25 – – – – 7 A-205
406 283 228 152 83 2¼"-14 un 26 76 64 41 – – – – 17 A-210
540 346 305 152 108 35/16"-12 un 26 95 70 44 – – – – 38 A-220
414 281 227 152 135 2¼"-14 un 63 122 19 97 175 65 54 219 27 A-310
557 353 260 152 178 35/16"-12 un 63 140 25 165 203 67 98 276 86 A-330
651 476 419 406 146 82 25 114 31 69 – – – – 48 A-258
651 476 419 406 146 82 25 114 31 69 35 69 35 – 64 IPA-1022 3)
651 476 419 406 146 82 25 114 31 69 35 69 35 – 61 IPH-1040 4)

www.enerpac.com 147
Press Accessories & Press Speed Chart
Description Press Capacity and Press Series Model Features

Cylinder 10 ton Bench AD-175 • AD-175 converts the Bench

Mounting 10 ton H-Frame IPK-1012 press to use an RD-9 ton cylinder
Block 25 and 30 ton H-Frame IPK-3012 • All mounting blocks allow
50 ton H-Frame PK-501 horizontal movement of cylinder
100 ton H-Frame PK-1002
200 ton H-Frame PK-2002
V-Blocks 10 ton VLP-Presses VB-10 • Facilitate positioning of pipes and
10 ton Bench Press A-110 bars
10 ton H-Frame A-136 • Machined from high strength
25 and 30 ton H-Frame A-130 steel for long life
• A-110 includes one V-block
50 ton H-Frame A-150
• All other model numbers include
100 ton H-Frame A-175
two V-blocks.
100 ton VLP-Presses VB-101
150 & 200 ton H-Frame and 200 ton VLP-Press A-200
200 ton Roll Frame A-200R
Hydra-Lift™ 25-100 ton H-Frame IPL-100 • Allows easy, effortless daylight
150-200 ton H-Frame IPL-101 adjustments
50 and 100 ton Roll Frame IPLR-100 • Includes accessory chain.
200 ton Roll Frame IPLR-200

Hydrajust 100 ton Workshop VLP-Presses VHJ-100 • Allowing effortless daylight

Bed 200 ton Workshop VLP-Press BSS-5380 adjustment by moving the lower
Positioning IMPORTANT! The “Hydrajust” bed positioning bed up and down
is not designed to withstand full cylinder • Can be used with presses
capacity, only to be used for bed adjustment. equipped with double-acting

Pump Hand operated and small Air Pumps; P-80, P-84, PMB-1 • Both mounting brackets are
Mounting P-142, P-392, PA-133, XA, Turbo II Air pumps pre-drilled to accept a number
Brackets Electric Pumps, Large Hand Pumps P-462, P-464, PMB-2 of different pump models
ZA4 and 10/90 Series Air Pumps

Cylinder Speed and Pump Selection Chart

This chart will help you calculate the time required for an Enerpac cylinder to extend when powered by a 700 bar (10.000 psi) Enerpac hydraulic pump.
The Cylinder Speed Chart can also be used to determine the pump type and model best suited for an application when you know the plunger speed required.
Cylinder Cylinder Hand Operated Pumps Electric Pumps Air Pumps
Capacity Load
Millimetres of plunger travel per stroke Millimetres per second of plunger travel
Single Two-Speed PU- PE- ZE3- ZE4- ZE5- at 6,9 bar air pressure
Speed Series Series Series Series Series
P-80 P-462 Economy Submer- XA- PA-133 PAM-10 ZA4-
(ton) P-391 P-392 P-84 P-464 ged Series Series Series

No load 1,7 7,8 11,2 87,1 38,0 24,0 70,7 102,0 133,0 23,0 7,6 123,0 16,0
Load 1,7 1,7 1,7 3,3 3,7 3,2 6,3 9,4 18,9 2,9 1,5 1,7 15,1
No load 0,7 3,4 4,9 37,9 17,0 10,0 30,9 44,6 58,3 10,0 3,3 53,0 69,9
Load 0,7 0,7 0,7 1,4 1,6 1,4 2,8 4,1 8,2 1,3 0,7 0,7 6,6
No load 0,6 2,6 3,7 29,0 13,0 8,1 24,3 35,2 46,0 7,9 2,6 42,0 55,1
Load 0,6 0,6 0,6 1,1 1,3 1,1 2,2 3,2 6,5 1,0 0,5 0,6 5,2
No load 0,3 1,6 2,3 17,7 7,7 4,8 14,4 20,8 27,2 4,7 1,5 25,0 32,6
Load 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,7 0,7 0,6 1,3 1,9 3,8 0,6 0,3 0,3 3,1
No load 0,2 0,8 1,1 8,8 4,1 2,6 7,7 11,1 14,5 2,5 0,8 13,0 17,4
Load 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,3 0,7 1,0 2,1 0,3 0,2 0,2 1,6
Note: Values are approximate. Cylinder speed may vary in actual application.

Tension Meter and Load Cells
▼ Shown: LH-102 and TM-5 (in middle)

900 - 90.000 kg
Accuracy, % of full scale:
± 2%
TM and LH models are 100%
tested to verify accuracy within
a ± 2% range.

If your application requires a calibrated tool,

it must be submitted for certification testing.
Certification is NOT available from Enerpac.

Tension Meter TM-5

• Accuracy ± 2% of full scale
• Zinc and bronze plated to resist corrosion
• Dual-range readout in kilograms and pounds
• Maximum indicating pointer reading for pre-selected forces or to
maintain force readings
• Cushioned metal case provides safe storage and transport.
Load Cells LH-Series
• Accuracy ± 2% of full scale
• Swivel loading pad reduces eccentric loading for improved accuracy
• Maximum indicating pointer reading pre-selected forces or to
maintain maximum force readings
• Dual-range readout in kilograms and pounds.
Type Gauge Capacity Model Minimum Gauge Scale Dimensions (mm)
Number Reading Increments
(kg) (lbs) (kg) (lbs) (kg) (lbs) A B C D E F G*
Direct Mounted 4.500 10.000 TM-5 500 1.000 100 100 120 247 236 50 93 22 19
Direct Mounted 900 2.000 LH-10 100 200 20 20 77 44 57 60 101 215 ¼”- 20, 44,5 bc
Load Cell 4.500 10.000 LH-50 500 1.000 100 100 77 44 57 60 101 215 ¼”- 20, 44,5 bc
900 2.000 LH-102 100 200 20 20 77 44 57 60 147 846 ¼”- 20, 44,5 bc
Remote Mounted
4.500 10.000 LH-502 500 1.000 100 100 77 44 57 60 147 846 ¼”- 20, 44,5 bc
with 0,6 m Hose
9.000 20.000 LH-1002 1.000 2.000 200 200 77 44 57 60 147 846 ¼”- 20, 44,5 bc
21.000 50.000 LH-2506 3.000 5.000 500 500 101 69 85 60 147 2094 ⅜”- 24, 63 bc
Remote Mounted
45.000 100.000 LH-5006 5.000 5.000 1.000 1.000 132 101 127 60 147 2135 ⅜”- 24, 89 bc
with 1,8 m Hose
90.000 200.000 LH-10006 10.000 10.000 1.000 2.500 158 127 158 60 147 2166 ⅜”- 24, 102 bc
* bc = Bolt Circle

www.enerpac.com 149
Hydraulic and Mechanical Pullers

Enerpac offers a complete line of pullers with Hydraulic Pullers

These hydraulic pullers eliminate time-
the widest range of sizes, capacities and styles. consuming and unsafe hammering, heating or
prying. Damage to parts is minimized through
Whether your application requires mechanical, the use of controlled hydraulic power.
hydraulic, Sync Grip or the patented Posi Lock®
Sync Grip Pullers
system, Enerpac can satisfy your requirements. The sync grip mechanisme synchronizes
movement of jaws for simultaneous
engagement, helping tp prevent misalignment
Made of high strength steel alloys, you can depend for safe and easy use. Mechanical and
hydraulic configurations are available with a
on Enerpac pullers to provide years of trouble-free

variety of optional accessories that expand
application range and increase utility.
operation, even in the harshest environments.
Posi Lock® Pullers
The puller that meets the safety challenge. A
G control cage holds the pulling jaws securely in
working position. This patented feature reduces

the possibility of the puller jaws slipping off the

work surface, thereby increasing productivity
and tool life and reducing dangerous situations

for the user. The Posi Lock® feature is available


in a mechanical or hydraulic version.

Do not exceed 50% of the rated
puller capacity when using two
jaw configurations, a double
crosshead (2 grip arms) or when using
puller legs in combination with bearing
puller attachments.

Not all puller components and
configurations are rated at the
set capacity. Please contact
Enerpac for details.

Always wear Safety Goggles and
Gloves while using pullers.

Puller Section Overview
Puller Function Capacity Puller Type Series Page
When selecting a puller it
is important to consider 3 13-45 Master Puller Sets BHP 152 ▶
basic specifications: Max. Reach: 252 - 700 mm
Max. Spread: 247 - 1100 mm
1. The Capacity:
is the amount of force the puller
is capable of producing.
13-45 Grip Puller Sets BHP 153 ▶
Typically, the capacity required Max. Reach: 252 - 700 mm
for a job can be determined by Max. Spread: 249 - 1100 mm
using the shaft diameter of the
part being pulled.
For manual pullers, the center 6-22 Cross Bearing Puller Sets BHP 154 ▶
bolt diameter of the puller Max. Reach: 357 - 864 mm
should be at least half the
diameter of the shaft being
Max. Spread: 260 - 580 mm 161 ▶
pulled from.
For hydraulic pullers, the
capacity in tons should be 0,28 6-22 Bearing Cup Pullers BHP 155 ▶
to 0,4 times the shaft diameter Max. Reach: 115 - 150 mm
in mm. Use the following chart: Max. Spread: 145 - 240 mm

Shaft Puller
6-22 Bearing Separators BHP 155 ▶

Diameter Capacity
0 - 25 mm 13 ton Max. Width: 110 - 260 mm
25 - 50 mm 22 ton Max. Spread: 110 - 250 mm
50 - 89 mm 33 ton
89 - 140 mm 45 ton
1-20 Mechanical Sync Grip Pullers SGM 156 ▶
2. The Reach: Max. Reach: 105 - 600 mm
is the distance between the Max. Spread: 110 - 680 mm
bottom of the base and the
jaw flats. The puller’s reach
must equal or exceed the same
distance of the part 13-45 Hydraulic Sync Grip Pullers MPS 159 ▶
being pulled. Max. Reach: 320 - 700 mm SGH
Max. Spread: 350 - 980 mm GPS
3. The Spread:
is the distance between the
jaws. The puller’s spread needs 2-40 Posi Lock® Mechanical Pullers EP 162 ▶
to be greater than the width of
the part being pulled.
Max. Reach: 101 - 355 mm EPP
Max. Spread: 12 - 635 mm EPX

10-50 Posi Lock® Hydraulic Pullers EPH 166 ▶

Max. Reach: 203 - 355 mm EPHR
Max. Spread: 304 - 635 mm EPHS

100 Posi Lock® Hydraulic Pullers EPH 169 ▶

Max. Reach: 1219 mm
Max. Spread: 190 - 1778 mm

www.enerpac.com 151
BHP-Series, Master Puller Sets
▼ Shown: Master Puller Set BHP-3751G

Multi Purpose
Puller Set

Do not exceed 50% of the
rated puller capacity when
using two jaw configurations,
a double crosshead (2 grip arms) or when
using puller legs in combination with bearing
puller attachments.

▼ Maintenance engineers throughout the industry greatly

appreciate the Enerpac Master Puller sets.
• Supplied with a full hydraulic set including pump, hose, cylinder,
gauge, gauge adaptor and wooden case
• High quality, forged steel components provide superior reliability
and service
• Sets include speed crank and adjusting screw for fast contact to
work before hydraulics are applied
• All Master Puller Sets include a Grip Puller, a Cross Bearing Puller,
a Bearing Cup Puller and a Bearing Separator, which can be
ordered separately, see items nr. 10, 20 , 30 and 40.


Master Puller Set Capacity * 13 ton 22 ton 33 ton 45 ton ** Page:

Model Number ▶ BHP-1752 1)
BHP-2751G BHP-3751G BHP-5751G
Included Hydraulics Set Weight ▶ 37 kg 90 kg 172 kg 298 kg
• Hand Pump P-142 P-392 P-392 P-80 70-73 ▶
• Cylinder RWH-121 RCH-202 RCH-302 RCH-603 30 ▶
• Saddle – HP-2015 HP-3015 HP-5016 31 ▶
• Hose HB-7206QB HC-7206 HC-7206 HC-7206 122 ▶
• Gauge GF-120P GF-813P GF-813P GF-813P 128 ▶
• Gauge Adaptor GA-4 GA-3 GA-3 GA-3 135 ▶
Included Pullers
10 Grip Puller BHP-1762 BHP-252 BHP-352 BHP-552 153 ▶
20 Cross Bearing Puller BHP-1772 BHP-262 BHP-362 BHP-562 154 ▶
30 Bearing Cup Puller BHP-180 BHP-280 BHP-380 BHP-580 155 ▶
40 Bearing Separator BHP-181 BHP-282 BHP-382 BHP-582 155 ▶
• Case CM-6 CW-350 CW-350 CW-750
Includes Adaptor FZ-1630.

* See warning on this page.

152 ** Puller capacity at 540 bar; maximum cylinder capacity at 700 bar is 60 ton.
Grip Puller Sets
▼ Shown: Grip Puller Set BHP-351G

13, 22, 33 and 45 ton
Maximum Reach:
252 - 700 mm
Maximum Spread:
249 - 1100 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Ordering Example

Model Number BHP-251G:

• Precise hydraulic control allows fast, efficient and safe pulling includes Grip Puller BHP-252 and a full hydraulic
set. (Hand pump, cylinder, saddle, hose, gauge
• High quality, forged steel components provide superior reliability
and gauge adaptor).
and service
• Available with and without full hydraulic set. Model Number BHP-252:
includes Grip Puller mechanical parts only, for
use with your existing hydraulics.


Grip Puller Set Capacity ** 13 ton 22 ton 33 ton 45 ton ***

Model Number ▶ BHP-152 1)
BHP-251G BHP-351G BHP-551G
Included Hydraulics Set Weight ▶ 22 kg 56 kg 91 kg 160 kg
• Hand Pump P-142 P-392 P-392 P-80
• Cylinder RWH-121 RCH-202 RCH-302 RCH-603
• Saddle –­ HP-2015 HP-3015 HP-5016
• Hose HB-7206QB HC-7206 HC-7206 HC-7206
• Gauge GF-120P GF-813P GF-813P GF-813P
• Gauge Adaptor GA-4 GA-3 GA-3 GA-3
10 Grip Puller * Model Number ▶ BHP-1762 * BHP-252 * BHP-352 * BHP-552 *
Maximum Spread (mm) 2-jaw 249 400 593 899
3-jaw 249 499 800 1100
Maximum Reach (mm) 2-jaw 252 300 387 700
3-jaw 252 300 387 700
Jaw (mm) Thickness 15 20 24 30
Width 23 27 38 39
Adjusting Screw (mm) Thread ¾"- 16 unf 1"- 8 unc 1¼"- 7 unc 1⅝"- 5.5 uns
Length 400 670 790 975
• Case CW-166 CW-166 CW-350 CW-750
Includes Adaptor FZ-1630.
* Grip Puller order number without hydraulics.
** See warning on page 152.
** Puller capacity at 540 bar; maximum cylinder capacity at 700 bar is 60 ton. 153
BHP-Series, Cross Bearing Puller Sets
▼ Shown: Cross Bearing Puller Set BHP-361G

6, 11, 16 and 22 ton
Maximum Reach:
357 - 864 mm
Maximum Spread:
260- 580 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
350 bar

Available With Air, Cordless or

Electric Pump
• Precise hydraulic control allows fast, efficient and safe pulling These puller sets are also with
XA-Series air driven foot pump,
• High quality, forged steel components provide superior reliability
cordless pump or electric pump.
and service.

Page: 161
Cross Bearing Puller Set Capacity (at 350 bar) 6 ton 11 ton 16 ton 22 ton
Model Number ▶ BHP-162 1)
BHP-261G BHP-361G BHP-561G
Included Hydraulics Set Weight ▶ 26 kg 62 kg 121 kg 185 kg
• Hand Pump P-142 P-392 P-392 P-80
• Cylinder RWH-121 RCH-202 RCH-302 RCH-603
• Saddle – HP-2015 HP-3015 HP-5016
• Hose HB-7206QB HC-7206 HC-7206 HC-7206
• Gauge GF-120P GF-813P GF-813P GF-813P
• Gauge Adaptor GA-4 GA-3 GA-3 GA-3
20 Cross Bearing Puller 2) Model Number ▶ BHP-1772 BHP-262 BHP-362 BHP-562
Spread (mm) Maximum 260 345 440 580
Minimum 115 140 180 220
Reach (mm) Maximum 357 570 710 864
Adjusting Screw (mm) Diameter ¾"- 16 unf 1"- 8 unc 1¼"- 7 unc 1⅝"- 5.5 uns
Length 400 670 790 975
Leg (mm) Length 106 115 205 609
Length 357 240 460 864
Length – 420 710 –
Length – 520 – –
Upper Leg Ends (mm) Thread ¾"- 16 unf ¾"- 16 unf 1-14 uns 1¼"- 12 unf
Lower Leg Ends (mm) Thread ⅝"- 18 unf ⅝"- 18 unf 1-14 uns 1¼"- 12 unf
30 Bearing Cup Puller 2) Model Number ▶ BHP-180 BHP-280 BHP-380 BHP-580
40 Bearing Separator 2) Model Number ▶ BHP-181 BHP-282 BHP-382 BHP-582
• Wooden Case CM-6 CW-187 CW-350 CW-750
Includes Adaptor FZ-1630.

Can be ordered separately without hydraulic components, see next page.


Bearing Cup Pullers and Bearing Separators
▼ Shown: BHP-380
Bearing Cup Pullers BHP
• Made of high strength steel alloy Series
• Easily adapted to Cross Bearing
Pullers for fast and efficient
removal of the most difficult parts
• Adjustable to fit a variety of
bearings and seals.
6, 11, 16 and 22 ton
Maximum Reach:
115 - 150 mm
Maximum Spread:
145 - 240 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
Capacity * 6 ton 11 ton 16 ton 22 ton
30 Bearing Cup Puller 350 bar
Model Number ▶ BHP-180 BHP-280 BHP-380 BHP-580
Spread (mm) Max. 145 160 240 240 WARNING!
Min. 40 32 60 60 Do not exceed 50% of the rated
Reach (mm) Max. 115 140 150 150 puller capacity when using a
Center Screw Thread ¾”- 16 unf 1”- 8 unc 1¼”- 7 unc 1⅝”- 5.5 uns double crosshead (2 grip arms)
* Bearing cup pullers rated at 50% of puller capacity.
or when using puller legs in combination
with bearing puller attachments.

◀ B
 earing Cup Puller shown with
Crosshead Puller Attachment.

▼ Shown: BHP-382
Bearing Separators
• Made of high strength steel alloy
• Wedge-shaped edges allow
removal of the most hard-to-grip
• Easily adapted to Cross Bearing
Pullers for fast and efficient
removal of the most difficult parts.
Bearing Separator shown with
Crosshead Puller Attachment. ▶

Bearing Puller
Bearing Separator has wedge
Capacity * 6 ton 11 ton 16 ton 22 ton
shaped edges for placing puller
40 Bearing Puller behind hard to reach bearings,
Model Number ▶ BHP-181 BHP-282 BHP-382 BHP-582 gears, etc., where clearance
Spread (mm) Max. 110 134 250 250 prevents direct application of grip puller arms.
 Min. 10 12 17 17
The Bearing Separator can be used with the
Width (mm) 110 155 260 260
Cross Bearing Puller or the Grip Puller.
Thread ⅝”-18 unf ⅝”-18 unf 1”- 14 uns 1¼”- 12 unf
* Bearing separator rated at 50% of puller capacity. See warning on this page.

www.enerpac.com 155
Sync Grip Pullers
Overview and Dimension Guide
The Enerpac Sync Grip multi-purpose puller range
is designed to make your jobs easier and safer to

Remove bearings, bushings, gears, sleeves, wheels

and flywheels, sprockets and other shaft mounted
items simply and effectively.

Mechanical and hydraulic configurations are

available with a variety of optional accessories that
expand application range and increase utility.

Hydraulic models are available in standard sets

which include detachable hydraulic cylinders and
Always wear Safety Goggles and
a choice of pump options, along with a gauge Gloves while using pullers.

assembly and hose for safe monitoring of applied

pulling forces. WARNING!
 o not exceed 50% of the rated
puller capacity when using two
jaw configurations.


Puller Puller Sync Grip Pullers
Capacity Model Dimensions (mm)
Number H

With With Optional Jaw Tip Jaw
Standard Jaws Extended Jaws Hole
Max. Max. Max. Max. Height Width Thick- Spacing
Reach Spread Reach Spread ness
(ton) A B A B D E F H (kg**)
Mechanical Pullers
1 SGM01 105 110 – – 8,0 7,0 7,5 19,0 0,8
4 SGM04 185 175 – – 7,5 8,0 21,0 51,0 2,0
7 SGM07 225 240 – – 10,0 8,0 25,0 44,5 6,5
10 SGM10 410 350 490 405 12,5 15,0 25,0 83,0 14,5
20 SGM20 600 680 640 720 22,0 24,0 41,0 125,0 55,5
Hydraulic Pullers
13 SGH14 320 350 400 405 12,5 15,0 25,0 83,0 25
22 SGH24 320 480 435 540 15,5 17,5 31,0 115,0 49
33 SGH36 410 650 525 720 22,0 24,0 41,0 125,0 75
45 * SGH64 700 980 850 1080 30,0 27,0 50,0 150,0 165
* Puller capacity at 540 bar, maximum cylinder capacity at 700 bar is 54 ton.
** Weight of SGH-models with standard legs and hydraulic cylinder.
Sync Grip Pullers
Sync Grip Pullers: available in both mechanical or hydraulic Easy To Use
versions. Some models can be configured as a two jaw
puller, however, three jaws are recommended for most even
distribution of pulling forces.

Cross Puller: hydraulically powered via detachable cylinder

and choice of pump. The Cross Puller can be used individually
as a ‘push’ puller or in conjunction with the Bearing Separator
or Bearing Cup Puller.

Bearing Separator: use where access is restricted. The Simple, Safe, Productive
All three jaws close simultaneously making the
Bearing Separator is used in conjunction with the Cross Puller.
puller easier and safer to operate.
The synchronous feature of the SGM and SGH-
Bearing Cup Puller: specifically designed for cup style bearing Series Pullers makes positioning the puller simple
and other applications requiring an internal style puller. and helps prevent misalignment.

Detachable Hollow Cylinder: provided with all hydraulic puller

models including both the standard Sync Grip and Cross Puller.

In Sync Grip, Cross Bearing and Master Puller Sets a hose

and gauge are provided as standard along with your choice
of pump including manual hand operated, cordless battery
powered, electric or air powered. In each case the pump
selection has been optimized for compatibility with the pullers.


Puller Cross Bearing Pullers Bearing Separators Bearing Cup Pullers
Capacity Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)


Standard Long Max.
Leg Leg Spread Dia- Min. Max. Thread Height Height Min. Max. Tip Tip Thick-
Height Height meter Spread Spread Size Spread Spread Height Width ness
(ton) A A B (kg**) A B B C (kg) A B C C D E F (kg)
Mechanical Pullers Mechanical Pullers Mechanical Pullers
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Hydraulic Pullers Hydraulic Pullers Hydraulic Pullers
13 106 357 260 18,5 110 10 110 5/8"-18UNF 2,7 115 237 40 145 5,0 4,5 31 2,0
22 115 570 345 34,5 155 12 134 5/8"-18UNF 5,7 140 266 32 160 4,5 4,5 25 2,4
33 205 710 440 56,0 260 17 250 1" -14UNS 28,5 150 310 60 240 8,0 11,0 55 6,0
45 * 609 864 580 113,5 260 17 250 1¹/₄"-12UNF 28,5 150 310 60 240 8,0 11,0 55 6,4
** With standard legs and hydraulic cylinder.

www.enerpac.com 157
SGM-Series, Mechanical Sync Grip Pullers
▼ SGM10 Mechanical Sync Grip Puller with three jaws
Puller Capacity:
1 - 20 ton
Maximum Reach:
105 - 600 mm
Maximum Spread:
110 - 680 mm

Dimensional information for all puller
models is included in the dimensional
overview and dimension guide.

Page: 156
• Sync Grip mechanism synchronizes movement of all jaws for
simultaneous engagement, helping to prevent misalignment for safe
and easy use Always wear Safety Goggles and
Gloves while using pullers.
• Threaded spindle and jaw indexes provide adjustable reach
• Three-jaw configuration for even load distribution
• Two-jaw configuration for confined access applications available on WARNING!
pullers of 1 to 10 ton (not available on SGM20)
 o not exceed 50% of the rated
• High-strength forged jaws for superior reliability puller capacity when using two
• Suitable for a variety of applications including bearings, bushings, jaw configurations.
wheels, gears and pulleys.

▼ SGM10 with two jaws.

Puller 3-Jaw Max. Max. Optional Long Max. Max.
Capacity Puller Reach Spread Jaw Sets Reach Spread
Model (3 jaws)
Number Model Number
(ton) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm)
1 SGM 01 * 105 110 0,8 – – –
4 SGM 04 * 185 175 2,0 – – –
7 SGM 07 * 225 240 6,5 – – –
10 SGM 10 * 410 350 14,5 SG1002K 490 405
20 SGM 20 600 680 55,5 SG3002K 640 720
* Can be configurated into 2-jaw puller.

Hydraulic Sync Grip Master Puller Sets
▼ MPS14H
Puller Capacity:
13 - 45 ton
Maximum Reach:
320 - 700 mm
Maximum Spread:
350 - 980 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Dimensional information for all puller
models is included in the dimensional
overview and dimension guide.

Page: 156
• Sync Grip mechanism synchronizes movement of all jaws for
simultaneous engagement
 o not exceed 50% of the rated
• Hydraulically applied pulling force increases pulling capacity reducing puller capacity when using two
operator fatigue jaw configurations.
• Standard jaws adjust to accommodate different reach requirements.
Optional long jaws sets available for additional reach requirements
• Designed for applications including pulling, pushing and dismounting Master Puller Sets include: 1)
gears, bearings, bushings, etc.

Choose pump options below.

Puller 3-Jaw Cylinder Max. Max. Model Numbers Hydraulic Sync Grip Master Puller Sets Optional Max. Max.
Capacity Puller only Stroke Reach Spread Long Jaw Reach Spread
Model Sets (3 jaws)
Number * Model
A B Hand Air Driven Electric Cordless All Sets A B
(ton) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Pump Foot Pump Pump 3) Pump 3) include (mm) (mm)

13 SGH 14 25 320 350 25 MPS 14H MPS 14A MPS 14E MPS 14C 1)

SG1002K 400 405
22 SGH 24 49 320 480 49 MPS 24H MPS 24A MPS 24E MPS 24C GA45GC SG2002K 435 540
33 SGH 36 64 410 650 75 MPS 36H MPS 36A MPS 36E MPS 36C with SG3002K 525 720
45 2) SGH 64 76 700 980 165 MPS 64H MPS 64A MPS 64E MPS 64C HC7206C SG6002K 850 1080
13 ton sets include an AR630 female coupler, GA45 gauge adaptor and G2535L gauge.
1) 3)
For 115 Volt application with eletric pump add suffix "B" to model nr; example MPS24EB
Puller capacity at 540 bar; maximum cylinder capacity is at 700 bar is 60 ton.
For 230 Volt application with cordless pump add suffix "E" to model nr; example MPS14CE
www.enerpac.com 159
Hydraulic Sync Grip Puller Sets
▼ GPS14H
Puller Capacity:
13 - 45 ton
Maximum Reach:
320 - 700 mm
Maximum Spread:
350 - 980 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Dimensional information for all puller
models is included in the dimensional
overview and dimension guide.

Page: 156
• Sync Grip mechanism synchronizes movement of all jaws for
simultaneous engagement
Always wear Safety Goggles and
• Hydraulically applied pulling force increases pulling capacity and Gloves while using pullers.
reduces operator fatigue
• Threaded spindle and jaw indexes provide adjustable reach
• Three jaw configuration for even load distribution Grip Puller Sets include: 1)
• High strength forged jaws for superior reliability
• The versatile puller set facilitates safe and easy dismounting in a
variety of applications.
Choose pump options below.

Puller 3-Jaw Cylinder Max. Max. Model Numbers Hydraulic Sync Grip Puller Sets Optional Max. Max.
Capacity Puller only Stroke Reach Spread Long Jaw Reach Spread
Model Sets (3 jaws)
Number * Model
A B Hand Air Driven Electric Cordless All Sets A B
(ton) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Pump Foot Pump Pump 3) Pump 3) include (mm) (mm)

13 SGH 14 25 320 350 25 GPS 14H GPS 14A GPS 14E GPS 14C 1)

SG1002K 400 405
22 SGH 24 49 320 480 49 GPS 24H GPS 24A GPS 24E GPS 24C GA45GC SG2002K 435 540
33 SGH 36 64 410 650 75 GPS 36H GPS 36A GPS 36E GPS 36C with SG3002K 525 720
45 2) SGH 64 76 700 980 165 GPS 64H GPS 64A GPS 64E GPS 64C HC7206C SG6002K 850 1080
13 ton sets include an AR630 female coupler, GA45 gauge adaptor and G2535L gauge.
1) 3)
For 115 Volt application with eletric pump add suffix "B" to model nr; example GPS24EB
Puller capacity at 540 bar; maximum cylinder capacity is at 700 bar is 60 ton.
For 230 Volt application with cordless pump add suffix "E" to model nr; example GPS14CE

Cross Bearing Puller Sets
▼ BHP361G
Puller Capacity:
6 - 22 ton
Maximum Reach:
357 - 864 mm
Maximum Spread:
260 - 580 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
350 bar

Dimensional information for all puller
models is included in the dimensional
overview and dimension guide.

Page: 157
• Precise hydraulic control allows fast, efficient and
safe pulling
Enerpac cylinder and pump
• High quality forged components provide superior reliability and service can be operated to 700 bar, but
• Quick set-up to tackle a variety of jobs. should not be operated past
350 bar pressure when using the cross
bearing puller set tools.

Cross Bearing Puller Sets include: 1)

Choose pump options below. The BHP-sets include
a gauge, adaptor and hose. For details on the puller
components see page 154.
Puller Cross Cylinder Maximum Maximum Model Numbers Hydraulic Cross Bearing Puller Sets
Capacity 1) Bearing only Stroke Reach Spread
Model Number

A B Hand Air Driven Electric Cordless

(ton) (mm) (mm) (mm) Pump Foot Pump Pump 2) Pump 2)
6 BHP1772 25 357 260 BHP162 BHP162A BHP162E BHP162C
11 BHP262 49 570 345 BHP261G BHP261GA BHP261GE BHP261GC
16 BHP362 64 710 440 BHP361G BHP361GA BHP361GE BHP361GC
22 BHP562 76 864 580 BHP561G BHP561GA BHP561GE BHP561GC
Puller capacity at 540 bar; maximum cylinder capacity is at 700 bar is 60 ton.
For 115 Volt application with eletric pump add suffix "B" to model nr; example MPS24EB

For 230 Volt application with cordless pump add suffix "E" to model nr; example MPS14CE
www.enerpac.com 161
EP-Series, Posi Lock® Mechanical Pullers
▼ Shown from left to right: EP-206, EP-108

For Safer and

Faster Pulling

Long Jaws
Long Jaws are used to increase
the reach and spread of manual
pullers. They maintain the same
pulling capacity as the standard
jaws, but reduce clamping force by 25%.


• Patented ‘Safety Cage’ jaw retention system Shaft Attachments

• Roll threaded shafts for less effort when applying high torque Shaft protectors and extenders
• Slim tapered jaws for improved gripping in tight spots are live centers that fit over
the standard puller shaft for tip
• Available in 2 and 3 jaw design and inside and outside pulling protection and additional reach.
• More efficient pulling, as one man can do the job where manual
pullers often require two operators.

Application Tip
Because of the unique
safety cage design,
Posi Lock® pullers will grip on
surfaces where normal pullers
would slip off; e.g. tapered bearings.

◀ Positioning an EP-104, 3-jaw puller on the

drive pulley of an electric motor.

Posi Lock® Mechanical Grip Pullers
External Posi Lock® Pullers
1 Patented ‘Safety Cage’ guides
jaws, holding them securely onto
the part. EPP
2 Durable forged jaws provide
positive grip.
3 Jaw head provides pivot and
reaction point for jaws.
4 Pin, for easy jaw removal and
5 T-handle provides control of the Capacity:
puller jaws.
6 Drive bolt with rolled threads for 2 - 40 ton
increased force with reduced Maximum Reach:
input torque.
7 Snap-ring retains cage to drive 101 - 355 mm
bolt and provides quick removal
Spread Range:
for easy service.
12 - 635 mm
For quick technical information see next page.
Always wear Safety Goggles and
Number Maximum Spread Capacity Model Center Bolt Gloves while using pullers.
of Jaws Reach (min. - max.) Number Diameter

(mm) (mm) ton (kN) (mm) (kg)

2 101 12 - 127 2 (17) EP-204 14 1,4
Application Tip
3 101 12 - 127 5 (45) EP-104 14 1,8
In determining the correct
2 152 12 - 178 6 (53) EP-206 16 3,2
manual puller capa­city for your
3 152 12 - 178 10 (89) EP-106 16 3,6 application, use the following
2 203 19 - 304 12 (106) EP-208 20 5,4 rule:
3 203 19 - 304 17 (151) EP-108 20 6,4 The center bolt diameter of the puller should
2 245 25 - 381 14 (124) EP-210 20 5,9 be at least ½ the diameter of the shaft being
pulled on.
3 245 25 - 381 20 (178) EP-110 20 7,3
2 304 63 - 457 25 (222) EP-213 29 17,2
3 304 63 - 457 30 (267) EP-113 29 20,0
A part being pulled from a shaft with a
2 355 76 - 635 35 (311) EP-216 31 25,8 diameter of 38 mm would require a puller with
3 355 76 - 635 40 (356) EP-116 31 30,8 a center bolt diameter of at least 19 mm.

Internal Posi Lock® Puller

Number Maximum Spread Jaw Model Jaw
of Reach (min. - max.) Style Number Length

(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

168 14 - 101 Standard * 168 3,9
218 25 - 133 Long * 218 3,9
* Both Standard and Long Jaws are included with EPPMI-6.

www.enerpac.com 163
EP-Series, Posi Lock® Mechanical Pullers

▲ EP-204 2 jaw puller positioned to pull a water pump

drive pulley.


Number Maximum Spread Capacity Model Center Maximum
of Jaws Reach min. - max. Number Bolt Torque
2 and 3 Jaw External Puller

(mm) (mm) ton (kN) (mm) (Nm)

2 101 12 - 127 2 (17) EP-204 14 27

3 101 12 - 127 5 (45) EP-104 14 54
2 152 12 - 178 6 (53) EP-206 16 102
Slide Hammer
3 152 12 - 178 10 (89) EP-106 16 176
2 203 19 - 304 12 (106) EP-208 20 203
3 203 19 - 304 17 (151) EP-108 20 298
2 245 25 - 381 14 (124) EP-210 20 237
3 245 25 - 381 20 (178) EP-110 20 373
2 304 63 - 457 25 (222) EP-213 29 644
3 304 63 - 457 30 (267) EP-113 29 814
2 355 76 - 635 35 (311) EP-216 31 1085
3 355 76 - 635 40 (356) EP-116 31 1153
Jaw Tip Detail
Number Maximum Spread Jaw Model Jaw Slide-
of Jaws Reach min. - max. Style Number Length hammer

(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

168 14 - 101 Standard * 168 1,1
Internal Puller 3 EPPMI-6
EPPMI-6 218 25 - 133 Long * 218 1,1
* Both Standard and Long Jaws are included with EPPMI-6.

Posi Lock® Mechanical Pullers
Shaft Attachments
Shaft protectors and EP
extenders are live
centers that fit over the EPP
standard puller shaft Series
for tip protection and
additional reach.
Long Jaws
Long Jaws are used to increase
the reach and spread of pullers. Capacity:
They maintain the same pulling
capacity as the standard jaws, 2 - 40 ton
but reduce clamping force by
Maximum Reach:
25% of rating.
101 - 355 mm
Length Dia­-
Center Bolt
12 - 635 mm
(mm) (mm) (mm)
25 19 9 EPP-4
Spread Max. Model
50 19 38 EPX-4 min. - max. Reach Number
31 22 12 EPP-6 (mm) (mm)
50 22 38 EPX-6 57 - 381 245 EP-11054
31 25 12 EPP-10 38 - 558 400 EP-11054L
50 25 38 EPX-10 38 - 762 508 EP-11354L
50 35 21 EPP-1316 25 - 133 218 EP-10554L*
* for EPPMI-6 only
Optional Accessories
Dimensions (mm) Model
Spread Overall Max. Center Jaw Tip Tip Hex
min. - max. Length Reach Bolt Width Clearance Depth Socket
Diam. Size
(inch) Shaft Shaft Long Jaws
A B C E F G H J Protectors Extenders

12 - 127 245 - 323 101 14 15 4,1 4,6 ⅞ EP-204 EPP-4 EPX-4 –

12 - 127 245 - 323 101 14 15 4,1 4,6 ⅞ EP-104 EPP-4 EPX-4 –
12 - 178 323 - 476 152 16 19 8,1 6,1 11/16 EP-206 EPP-6 EPX-6 –
12 - 178 323 - 476 152 16 19 8,1 6,1 11/16 EP-106 EPP-6 EPX-6 –
19 - 304 412 - 615 203 20 22 6,4 9,1 1¼ EP-208 EPP-10 EPX-10 EP-11054
19 - 304 412 - 615 203 20 22 6,4 9,1 1¼ EP-108 EPP-10 EPX-10 EP-11054
25 - 381 489 - 736 245 20 25 6,4 9,1 1¼ EP-210 EPP-10 EPX-10 EP-11054L
25 - 381 489 - 736 245 20 25 6,4 9,1 1¼ EP-110 EPP-10 EPX-10 EP-11054L
63 - 457 660 - 965 304 29 31 12,7 9,7 111/16 EP-213 EPP-1316 – EP-11354L
63 - 457 660 - 965 304 29 31 12,7 9,7 111/16 EP-113 EPP-1316 – EP-11354L
76 - 635 800 - 1155 355 31 36 13,5 11,7 113/16 EP-216 EPP-1316 – –
76 - 635 800 - 1155 355 31 36 13,5 11,7 113/16 EP-116 EPP-1316 – –
Note: Overall length (B) is dependent on position of center bolt.

Dimensions (mm) Model Always wear Safety

Number Goggles and Gloves
Spread Overall Max. Slide Jaw Tip Tip
min. - max. Length Reach Rod Dia. Width Clearance Depth while using pullers.

14 - 101 736 168 14,2 8 3,0 1,5

25 - 133 787 218 14,2 8 7,6 4,6

www.enerpac.com 165
EPH-Series, Posi Lock® Hydraulic Pullers
▼ EPHR-110

High-Tech Pulling

Transport and Store

Conveniently stores and transports
hydraulic pullers and accessories.
Order the EPT-2550 Storage Cart
and make your job easier to do!

Long Jaws
Used to increase the reach and
spread of pullers. They maintain
the same pulling capacity as
the standard jaws, but reduce
clamping force by 25%.

Page: 168
• Patented ‘Safety Cage’ jaw retention system
• High force hydraulic system for effortless pulling of large components Application Tip
• Slim tapered jaws for better gripping in tight spots Because of the unique safety cage
design, Posi Lock® pullers will
• Available in 2 and 3 jaw design
grip on surfaces where normal
• More efficient pulling, as one man can do the job where manual pullers would slip off; e.g. tapered
pullers often require two operators. bearings.

▼ An EPH -113 hydraulic Posi Lock® puller easily removes machined parts from
a heavy-production press.
Number Maximum Capacity Model
of Jaws Spread Number *

(mm) ton (kN)

2 304 EPH-208
10 (101)
3 304 EPH-108
2 381 EPH-210
15 (142)
3 381 EPH-110
2 457 EPH-213
25 (232)
3 457 EPH-113
2 635 EPH-216
50 (498)
3 635 EPH-116
* Cylinder is not included.

Posi Lock® Hydraulic Grip Pullers

Style Capa­- Basic Cylinder Stroke Pump Set

city Puller Set Model Series
(ton) (mm) Number ** (kg)
10 EPH-208 RC-106 152 – EPHR208 10
10 EPH-208 RC-106 152 EP-1E EPHS208E 27
15 EPH-210 RC-1510 254 – EPHR210 22
15 EPH-210 RC-1510 254 EP-1E EPHS210E 38
2 Jaw
Puller 25 EPH-213 RC-2514 362 – EPHR213 44 Capacity:

10 - 50 ton
50 EPH-216 RC-5013 336 EP-2E EPHS216E 123 Maximum Reach:
10 EPH-108 RC-106 152 – EPHR108 11 203 - 355 mm
10 EPH-108 RC-106 152 EP-1E EPHS108E 28
Spread Range:
15 EPH-110 RC-1510 254 – EPHR110 23
3 Jaw
15 EPH-110 RC-1510 254 EP-1E EPHS110E 39 19 - 635 mm
Puller 25 EPH-113 RC-2514 362 – EPHR113 48 Maximum Operating Pressure:

700 bar
50 EPH-116 RC-5013 336 EP-2E EPHS116E 127
** Standard set EPHS models shipped with 230 VAC pump. Pump Sets
All Posi Lock® Hydraulic Puller
Sets that include 230 VAC
pumps, will feature the following

Pump Set Pump Set

Pump PUJ-1200E ZE4210ME

Hose HC-7210 HC-7210
Gauge G-2535L G-2535L
Adaptor GA-3 GA-3
Components for 115 VAC pumps are available
on request.

Accessories (see next page for details)

Standard Standard Optional
included included
Dimensions (mm) Model
Number *
Spread Overall Maximum Jaw Jaw Tip Tip
min. - max. Length Reach Length Width Clearance Depth

Ram Point Lift Long

A B C D F G H (kg) Sets Plates Jaws

19 - 304 498 203 237 22 7,4 6,9 6,4 EPH-208 EPH-155 EPH-11052 EP-11054
19 - 304 498 203 237 22 7,4 6,9 7,3 EPH-108 EPH-155 EPH-11052 EP-11054
25 - 381 665 245 270 25 11,2 9,1 10,0 EPH-210 EPH-155 EPH-11052 EPH-11054L
25 - 381 665 245 270 25 11,2 9,1 11,3 EPH-110 EPH-155 EPH-11052 EPH-11054L
63 - 457 846 304 348 31 12,9 9,7 21,3 EPH-213 EPH-257 EPH-11352 EPH-11354L
63 - 457 846 304 348 31 12,9 9,7 25,0 EPH-113 EPH-257 EPH-11352 EPH-11354L
76 - 635 919 355 413 36 15,0 11,7 40,8 EPH-216 EPH-508 EPH-11652 –
76 - 635 919 355 413 36 15,0 11,7 45,4 EPH-116 EPH-508 EPH-11652 –

www.enerpac.com 167
Posi Lock® Hydraulic Puller Accessories
Fits Puller Set
Model Number
EPH-208, EPH-210
EPH-108, EPH-110

Ram Point Set 1)
Model Number
EPH-155 EPH-257 EPH-508 10 - 50 ton
Ram Points Included: Ram Point Dimensions Diameter x Length (mm) Maximum Reach:
ø25 x 25 ø38 x 57 ø51 x 76 246 - 508 mm
Flat Ram Points ø25 x 76 ø51 x 57 ø70 x 76
Spread Range:
– ø51 x 102 ø70 x 127
ø25 x 38 ø38 x 64 ø51 x 95 57 - 762 mm
Tapered Ram Points ø25 x 89 ø51 x 64 ø51 x 95
– ø51 x 114 ø70 x 140 IMPORTANT!
Ram Point Adaptor – – ø70 x 57 Always wear Safety Goggles and
Standard included in EPH-Series Posi Lock Pullers. Gloves while using pullers.


Fits Puller Model Thick- Dia-
Set Model Number Number * ness meter

(mm) (mm)
EPH-208 EPH-11052 6,4 ø153
EPH-108 EPH-11052 6,4 ø153
EPH-210 EPH-11052 6,4 ø153
EPH-110 EPH-11052 6,4 ø153
EPH-213 EPH-11352 9,7 ø203
EPH-113 EPH-11352 9,7 ø203
EPH-216 EPH-11652 9,7 ø254
EPH-116 EPH-11652 9,7 ø254
* Mounting screws included. Lifting plates are standard included with EPH-Series Pullers.


Fits Puller Model Number Spread Reach Long Jaws are used
Set Model Number of Jaws to increase the
Number required reach and spread
(mm) (mm) (kg)
of pullers. They
maintain the same
EPH-208 EP-11054 2 57 - 381 246 1,1
pulling capacity as
EPH-108 EP-11054 3 57 - 381 246 1,1 the standard jaws,
EPH-210 EPH-11054L 2 38 - 559 401 2,5 but reduce clamping
EPH-110 EPH-11054L 3 38 - 559 401 2,5 force by 25% of
EPH-213 EPH-11354L 2 38 - 762 508 4,8 rating.
EPH-113 EPH-11354L 3 38 - 762 508 4,8

Posi Lock® 100 Ton Hydraulic Grip Pullers
▼ EPH-1003E

100 ton
Maximum Reach:
1219 mm
Spread Range:
190 - 1778 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Pushing Adaptors
All Posi Lock® 100 Ton Hydraulic
Pullers include following pushing
• Roller cart with power lift
• Hydraulically actuated lift cylinder on cart extends puller from ground
to a height of 1,69 m Diameter Length Model
(mm) (mm) Number
• Adjustable jaw tips
89 737 EPHT-1162
• Includes ZE3-Series 230 Volt electric one stage pump with remote 89 483 EPHT-1163
pendant for fingertip control of the removal process.
89 229 EPHT-1164

▼ T he EPH-1002E quickly and easily removes this drive

coupler from its shaft.

Number Spread Capacity Model Cylinder Overall Reach Jaw Jaw Tip Tip
of Jaws Range Number Stroke Length Length Width Clearance Depth
A ton B C D F G H
(mm) (kN) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

2 190 - 1778 100 (980) EPH-1002E 250 1955 1219 1346 32 89 89 771
3 190 - 1778 100 (980) EPH-1003E 250 1955 1219 1346 32 89 89 907

www.enerpac.com 169
Enerpac Hydraulic Tools
Enerpac offers an extensive range of dedicated
tools for a variety of specific and flexible Tool-Pump Sets
applications. Most hydraulic tools
in this section are
available in sets, for a perfect
Whatever your requirement… cutting, tool-pump match.

punching, spreading or bending… you can be

sure that Enerpac has the correct tool to do
Hydraulic System Set-up
your job safely and efficiently. Check out our ‘Yellow Pages’ section
for help on system set-ups and valving
Featuring maintenance sets, machine lifts
Page: 278
and load skates, as well as hole punches, pipe
benders and cable cutters, Enerpac has the Bolting Tools
More Enerpac Tools you will find
tools to ensure that even your most demanding in our Bolting Tools section in this
applications can be undertaken with the catalogue.

highest degree of safety and accuracy. Page: 190

Hydraulic Tools Section Overview

Capacity Tool type and functions Series Page

ton (kN)

2,5 - 12,5 Maintenance Sets MS 172 ▶

(22 - 116)

35 - 50 Punch MSP 176 ▶

(311 - 498) Punch-Pump Sets SP 178 ▶
16 Lifting Wedge LW 180 ▶

8,5 - 20 Machine Lifts SOH 181 ▶

(75 - 178)

1 - 80 Heavy-Duty Load Skates ER 182 ▶

(8,9 - 712) ES
19 - 453 litres Industrial Storage Cases CM 184 ▶

0,75 - 1,0 Hydraulic Wedgie A 185 ▶

(6 - 8,9) Spread Cylinders WR

3 - 20 Hydraulic Cutterheads WHC 186 ▶

(26 - 178) Cutterhead-Pump Sets WHR
3 - 20 Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters WMC 187 ▶
(26 - 178)

Nominal Bore Pipe Bender Sets STB 188 ▶

½ - 4 inch

www.enerpac.com 171
MS-Series, Maintenance Sets
▼ Shown: MS2-10

The Universal
Hydraulic Tool Box

Maintenance Sets
Enerpac Maintenance sets are a
complete assortment of hydraulic
powered tools. Using these sets allows
you to quickly configure a unique tool to meet
your most difficult jobs.

Built around the Enerpac lightweight hand pump,

hose and cylinder, these sets enable you to push,
pull, lift, press, straighten, spread and clamp with
forces up to 12,5 ton.

• All sets include Enerpac pump, hose, cylinder and gauge

More Information
• Lock-on or threaded connectors F or detailed information on all
• Complete maintenance set for almost every maintenance application. included attachments,
see the next pages.
Page: 174

Clamping a workpiece is just one

of the many applications for the
Enerpac maintenance sets. ▶


Capacity Set Model Number of
using Number Attachment
attachments* Components

ton (kN) (kg)

2,5 (22) MS2-4 P-142 HC-7206 RC-55 GP-10S GA-4 33 26
2,5 (22) MSFP-5 P-142 HC-7206 RC-55 GP-10S GA-4 24 20
5,0 (50) MSFP-10 P-392 HC-7206 RC-106 G2535L GA-3 23 48
5,0 (50) MS2-10 P-392 HC-7206 RC-106 GP-10S GA-2 35 63
12,5 (116) MS2-20 P-392 HC-7206 RC-256 GP-10S GA-2 13 95
5,0-12,5 (50-116) MS2-1020 P-392 HC-7206 RC-102, -106, -256 GP-10S GA-2 53 158
* If no attachments are being used, capacity is double these values. Maximum operating pressure is then 700 bar.

Universal Maintenance Sets
When cylinders are
Only use attachments
used with maintenance provided with set.
set attach­ments or Non-Enerpac attachments
components, the maximum system and longer extension tubes will reduce
pressure must be limited to half the column strength, potentially creating
rated pressure (350 bar). unsafe conditions.

Capacity (using attachments):

2,5 - 12,5 ton
Maximum Operating Pressure:
350 bar

127 mm Extension Tube 27 
22 Lock-on

27 254 mm Extension Tube

15 Rubber Flex Head

27 127 mm Extension Tube

21 Lock Pins

19 Pipe Coupling 
Lock Pin 21

1 Threaded adaptor 8 Collar Clamp Head

27 457 mm Extension Tube

21 Lock Pin

6 Lock-on Clamp Toe

2 Base Attachment

Smooth Saddle 11
attached to the plunger

4 Flat Base, attached to the 

using a Threaded Adaptor 1ii
Base Attachment using
a Threaded Connector 5 
18 Chain with Hook

16 Single Chain Plate

10 Serrated Saddle,
attached to the Plunger
using a Threaded Adaptor 1i 

Double Chain Plate 17 
17 Double Chain Plate,

3 Collar Toe attached to the plunger using attached to the Base

a Threaded Adaptor 1ii 
Attachment 2 using a
Threaded Adaptor 5 

1i Threaded adaptor

4 Flat Base 
18 Chain with Hook

www.enerpac.com 173
MS-Series, Maintenance Sets
CAUTION! When cylinders are used with maintenance set attachments or Base, Collar and Plunger Attachments
components, the maximum system pressure must be limited to half the Threaded Adaptor
rated pressure (350 bar).

Note: All dimensions in millimetres.

Set Model Number MS2-4 MSFP-5 MSFP-10 MS2-10 MS2-20 MS2-1020
Base, Collar and 2,5 ton 2,5 ton 5,0 ton 5,0 ton 12,5 ton 5,0 - 12,5 ton ton Model Nr. A B C D
Plunger Attachments
2,5 A-23 ¾”- 16 un 28 26 ¾”- 14 npt
Cylinder Model(s) RC-55 RC-55 RC-106 RC-106 RC-256 RC-102, 106, 256
5,0 A-13 1”- 8 un 31 42 1¼”- 11½ npt
A-23 A-23 A-13 A-13 A-28 A-13, A-28
12,5 A-28 1½”- 16 un 47 69 2”- 11½ npt
A-25 A-25 A-21 A-21 A-27 A-21, A-27
A-1034 A-1034 A-20 A-20 A-595 A-20, A-595 Base Attachment
MZ-4010 MZ-4010 A-14 A-14 A-243 A-14, A-243
A-545 A-545 A-10 A-10 – A-10 (2x)
– – – A-8 – A-8
A-530 A-530 A-6 A-6 – A-6
ton Model Nr. A B C D
MZ-4011 – – A-192 – A-192
2,5 A-25 ¾"- 14 npt 50 12 44
– – – A-305 – A-305
5,0 A-21 1¼"- 11½ npt 57 12 65
A-531 A-531 A-18 A-18 – A-18
12,5 A-27 2"- 11½ npt 63 12 98
– – – A-185 – A-185
A-532 A-532 A-15 A-15 – A-15 Collar Toe
– – – – A-607 A-607
A-629 A-629 A-129 A-129 – A-129
A-539 A-539 A-128 A-128 – A-128
Chains and 2,5 ton 2,5 ton 5,0 ton 5,0 ton 12,5 ton 5,0 - 12,5 ton
Attachments for ton Model Nr. A B C D
Pulling Applications 2,5 A-1034 1½"- 16 un 54 50 31

A-558 – – A-132 A-238 A-132, A-238 5,0 A-20 2¼"- 14 un 80 57 57

– – – A-5 (2x) – A-5 (2x) 12,5 A-595 35/16"- 12 un 103 51 80

A-557 (2x) – – A-141 (2x) A-218 (2x) A-141 (2x), Flat Base
A-18 (2x)
Extension Tubes, 2,5 ton 2,5 ton 5,0 ton 5,0 ton 12,5 ton 5,0 - 12,5 ton
Connectors and

A-544 – – A-19 (2x) A-242 (2x) A-19 (2x) ton Model Nr. A B C D
A-242 (2x) 2,5 MZ-4010 "
¾ - 14 npt 114 31 63
WR-5 WR-5 WR-5 A-92 – A-92 5,0 A-14 1¼"- 11½ npt 165 35 88
MZ-4013 (4x) MZ-4013 (4x) A-16 (4x) A-16 (4x) – A-16 (4x) 12,5 A-243* 2"- 11½ npt 165 58 165
MZ-4007 (3x) MZ-4007 (3x) MZ-1050 (3x) MZ-1050 (2x) – MZ-1050 (3x) * A-243 is a round base model.
MZ-4008 (2x) – – MZ-1051 – MZ-1051 (2x) Threaded Connector
MZ-4009 MZ-4009 MZ-1052 MZ-1052 – MZ-1052
– – – A-285 – A-285
A-650 – – – – –
Length (mm) 76 MZ-4002 MZ-4002 – – – –
127 MZ-4003 MZ-4003 MZ-1002 MZ-1002 – MZ-1002 ton Model Nr. A B
254 MZ-4004 MZ-4004 MZ-1003 MZ-1003 A-239 MZ-1003 2,5 A-545 ¾"- 14 npt 35
254 A-239 5,0 A-10 1¼"- 11½ npt 41
457 MZ-4005 (2x) MZ-4005 MZ-1004 MZ-1004 A-240 MZ-1004 (2x) Lock-on Clamp Toe
457 A-240
584 MZ-4006 MZ-4006 – – – –
762 – – MZ-1005 MZ-1005 A-241 MZ-1005 (2x)
762 – – – – – A-241
Storage Case CM-6 CM-6 CW-350 CW-350 CW-350 CW-750 ton Model Nr. A B C D
Set Weight (kg) 26 20 48 63 95 158 5,0 A-8 43 105 50 57

Universal Maintenance Sets, MS-Series
Threaded Plunger Toe Wedge Head Spreader

ton Model Nr. A B C D ton Model Nr. A B C D ton Model Nr. A B C D

2,5 A-530 ¾"- 14 npt 57 25 33 2,5 A-629 ¾"- 14 npt 69 33 28 1,0 WR-5 — 223 12,8 94
5,0 A-6 1¼"- 11½ npt 82 31 57 5,0 A-129 1¼"- 11½ npt 101 50 44 1,0 A-92 2¼"-14 un 244 35 158

Collar Clamp Head Rubber Flex Head Lock Pin

ton Model Nr. A B

ton Model Nr. A B C D ton Model Nr. A B C 2,5 MZ-4013 7,9 41
2,5 MZ-4011 ¾"-14 npt 49 76 1½"-16 un 2,5 A-539 ¾"-14 npt 44 69 5,0 A-16 11,2 82
5,0 A-192 42 63 50 2¼"-14 un 5,0 A-128 1¼"-11½ npt 86 86
Lock-on Connector
Spreader Toe Chains and Attachments for Pulling
Single Chain Plate

ton Model Nr. A B

ton Model Nr. A B C D 2,5 MZ-4007 19 79
5,0 A-305 1¼"-11½ npt 114 25 50 5,0 MZ-1050 33 127
ton Model Nr. A B C D
Serrated Saddle 2,5 A-558 1½"-16 un 196 39 44 Male Lock-on Adaptor
5,0 A-132 2¼"-14 un 307 63 79
12,5 A-238 35/16"-12 un 450 102 125

Double Chain Plate

ton Model Nr. A B C ton Model Nr. A B C
2,5 A-531 ¾"- 14 npt 27 31 2,5 MZ-4008 ¾"-14 npt 60 19
5,0 A-18 1¼"- 11½ npt 38 50 5,0 MZ-1051 1¼"-11½ npt 90 33

Smooth Saddle ton Model Nr. A B C D Female Lock-on Adaptor

5,0 A-5 1¼"-11½ npt 130 50 126

Chain with Hook

ton Model Nr. A B C ton Model Nr. A B C

5,0 A-185 1¼"- 11½ npt 38 50 2,5 MZ-4009 ¾"-14 npt 65 19
5,0 MZ-1052 1¼"-11½ npt 96 33
90˚ V-Base ton Model Nr. Chain Length
2,5 A-557 1,5 metres Adjustable Extension
5,0 A-141 1,8 metres
12,5 A-218 2,4 metres

ton Model Nr. A B C D Tubes, Connectors and Adaptors

2,5 A-532 ¾"- 14 npt 38 47 25 ton Model Nr. A B C D
Pipe Coupling
5,0 A-15 1¼"- 11½ npt 54 57 54 5,0 A-285 1¼"-11½ npt 335 441 33

Plunger Base Slip-on Extension

ton Model Nr. A B C

2,5 A-544 ¾"- 14 npt 42 33
ton Model Nr. A B C 5,0 A-19 1¼"- 11½ npt 49 54 ton Model Nr. A B C
12,5 A-607 2"-11½ npt 166 38 12,5 A-242 2"-11½ npt 88 82 2,5 A-650 "
¾ - 14 npt 200 365

www.enerpac.com 175
SP-Series, Lightweight Hydraulic Punch
▼ Shown: SP-35S

Much Faster
than Drilling

Tool Kit SPK-10

Included with all 35 Ton punches,
this tool kit is used to remove and
install the punch into the head.
Can be ordered as a replacement
under model number SPK-10.

Ordering Information
The 35 ton hydraulic Punch may
be ordered by itself or as a set,
including a pump.
• 12,7 mm thick capacity through mild steel A punch or die may also be
• Round, oblong and square punches and dies are available to solve ordered separately or as a matched set. Please
refer to the Quick Selection Chart information on
your punching applications
top of the next page.
• Long life Enerpac single-acting, spring return design
• Durable steel case keeps tools and dies together and provides for easy
carrying and storage
• CR-400 coupler included.
Hole Imperial 1) Metric 1)
Shape (inch) (mm)

Hole Bolt Hole Bolt

Size Size Size Size
▼ SP-Series, Lightweight Hydraulic Punch – Much Faster than Drilling.
0,31 1/4 7,9 –
0,38 5/16 9,5 M8
0,44 3/8 11,1 M10
0,53 7/16 13,5 M12
0,56 1/2 14,3 –
0,69 5/8 17,5 M16
0,78 – 19,8 M18
0,81 3/4 20,6 –
0,31 1/4 7,9 –
0,38 5/16 9,5 M8
0,44 3/8 11,1 M10
0,50 7/16 12,7 M12
.31 x .75 1/4 7,9 x 19 –
.38 x .75 5/16 9,5 x 19 M8
.44 x .75 3/8 11,1 x 19 M10
.50 x .75 7/16 12,7 x 19 M12
Material thickness should not exceed hole diameter.

Single-Acting, Spring Return Hydraulic Punch
Included Model

* Punch &
Die Set
Pump Hose Gauge Gauge
(kg) Series
SP-35 Standard** P-392 HC-7206 GP-10S GA-2 STP-35H 25
SP-35 Standard** PATG-1102N HC-7206 GP-10S GA-2 STP-35A 29
SP-35 – – – ­­– ­­– SP-35 16 Capacity:
SP-35 Standard** – – ­– ­– SP-35S 18 35 ton
SP-35 Standard** PUD-1100E HC-7206 – – SP-35SPE 29
SP-35 Metric*** – – – – MSP-351 21 Hole Sizes:
SP-35 Metric*** PUD-1100E HC-7206 – – MSP-351PE 32 7,9 - 20,6 mm
* Punch oil capacity: 76 cm3
Includes the following punch and die sets: Maximum Operating Pressure:
** SPD-438, SPD-688, SPD-563 and SPD-813
*** SPD-375, SPD-531, SPD-438 and SPD-688
700 bar
The chart below is for reference
only! Maximum allowable material
thickness to be punched varies
with set wear.

Material thickness should not
exceed hole diameter.

Maximum allowable material thickness to be punched (mm) teel Qualities (see table):
Model Nr.
Standard Material thickness should not exceed hole diameter 1) Mild A-7
Punch & Die Set 2) Boiler Plate
3) Structural A-36
4) Struct Corten (ASTM A242)
5) Cold Rolled C-1018
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)
6) Hot Rolled C-1050
SPD-313 7,9 7,9 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 3,3 4,8 6,4 6,4 6,4 7) Hot Rolled C-1095
SPD-375 9,7 9,7 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 4,8 6,4 7,9 7,9 7,9 8) Hot Rolled C-1095 Annealed
9) Stainless Annealed
SPD-438 11,2 11,2 9,7 9,7 9,7 7,9 4,8 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 10) Stainless 304 Hot Rolled
SPD-531 12,7 12,7 11,2 11,2 11,2 9,7 6,4 7,9 9,7 9,7 9,7 11) Stainless 316 Cold Rolled
SPD-563 12,7 12,7 12,7 11,2 12,7 11,2 6,4 9,7 11,2 11,2 11,2
▼ The hydraulic punch cuts the time spent forming holes.
SPD-688 12,7 12,7 12,7 11,2 12,7 10,2 6,4 7,9 10,2 10,2 10,2
SPD-781 12,7 12,7 12,7 11,2 12,7 9,7 6,4 7,9 9,7 9,9 9,7
SPD-813 12,7 12,7 12,7 11,2 12,7 7,9 4,8 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9
SPD-458 7,9 7,9 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 3,3 4,8 6,4 6,4 6,4
SPD-549 9,7 9,7 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 4,8 6,4 7,9 7,9 7,9
SPD-639 11,2 11,2 9,7 9,7 9,7 7,9 4,8 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9
SPD-728 12,7 12,7 11,2 11,2 11,2 9,7 6,4 7,9 9,7 9,7 8,6
SPD-106 7,9 7,9 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 3,3 4,8 6,4 6,4 6,4
SPD-125 9,7 9,7 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 4,8 6,4 7,9 7,9 7,9
SPD-188 11,2 11,2 9,7 9,7 9,7 7,9 4,8 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9
SPD-250 12,7 12,7 11,2 11,2 11,2 9,7 6,4 7,9 9,7 9,7 9,7

www.enerpac.com 177
SP-Series, 50 Ton Hydraulic Punch
▼ Shown: SP-50100

Cuts the Time Spent

Forming Holes

Depth Stop
F or simplified repetitive punching
applications an adjustable Depth
Stop is available.Order model
number: SP-110.

Foot Mounting Kit

A foot mounting kit for easy
mounting of the 50 ton punch to
workbench or fixture is available.
• Available as a complete set including electric pump and hoses
Order model number: SP-120.
• Double-acting cylinder design for fast cycle times
• Punch and die changeover tools included
• Lifting bracket included
• Adjustable power stripper prevents movement of the metal Ordering Information
during stripping The 50-ton Hydraulic Punch may
• CR-400 female couplers included. be ordered by itself or as a set with
an electric pump. A punch and die
may be ordered as a matched set.
Please refer to the selection chart information.

 Shown below is the 50 ton punch with SP-120 and

SP-110 assembled.

 S ave time using the 50-ton

Enerpac Punch.

50 Ton Double-Acting Hydraulic Punch
Included Set SP
Model Punch & Electric Hydraulic
Number Die Sets Pump Hose
Punch* (2x)


SP-50 All ** – – SP-50100 116

SP-50 All ** ZE4410SE HC-7206 SP-5000E 174
* Punch Oil Capacity: Capacity:
Advance: 278 cm3 50 ton (490 kN)
Retract: 229 cm3
** All standard sets from chart below. Hole Sizes:
13,5 - 26,2 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Material thickness should not
exceed hole diameter.

SP-110 SP-120
Chart below is for reference only!
Maximum allowable material
thickness to be punched varies
with set wear.

Steel Qualities (see table below):

1) Mild A-7
2) Boiler Plate
3) Structural A-36
4) Struct Corten (ASTM A242)
5) Cold Rolled C-1018
6) Hot Rolled C-1050
7) Hot Rolled C-1095
8) Hot Rolled C-1095 Annealed
SP-50 9) Stainless Annealed
10) Stainless 304 Hot Rolled

11) Stainless 316 Cold Rolled
Hole Hole Bolt Model Numbers Maximum Allowable Material Thickness
Shape Size Size Standard Punch To Be Punched (mm)
and Die Set

(mm) (mm)
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)
13,5 M12 SP-150 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,5 12,4 8,1 10,2 12,4 12,4 12,4
16,7 M16 SP-170 – – – – – 13,0 8,1 10,2 13,0 13,0 13,0
19,8 M18 SP-190 – – – – – 12,4 8,1 10,2 12,4 12,7 12,4
23,1 M20 SP-121 14,2 14,2 14,2 12,7 14,2 8,9 5,6 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9
26,2 M24 SP-123 14,2 14,2 14,2 11,2 14,2 7,9 4,8 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9

www.enerpac.com 179
LW-Series, Hydraulic Vertical Lifting Wedge
▼ LW-16 with SB-2 and optional LWB-1
Maximum Lifting Force:
16 ton (157 kN)
Lifting Stroke:
21 mm
Tip Clearance / Maximum Spread *:
10 mm / 81,5 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Portable Hydraulic Toolbox

Toolbox with P-392 hand pump,
gauge adaptor assembly,
hose and LW-16.

Page: 59

• Requires very small access gap of only 10 mm

Control Manifolds
• Lifting force 16 ton at 700 bar hydraulic pressure
Control Manifold to control two or
• Each step can spread under full load four lifting wedges simultaneously.
• Straight vertical lifting AM-21 with 3 ports 3/8" NPTF
AM-41 with 5 ports 3/8" NPTF.
• Unique interlocking wedge design: no first step bending and risk of
slipping out
Page: 126
• Single-acting, spring return cylinder
• Lifting wedge LW-16 includes safety block SB-2
• Includes RC-Series Cylinder with CR-400 coupler.

 F or lifting heavy equipment with minimum floor LWB-1

clearance the LW-16 is the ideal tool.
Collapsed Height

Extended Height

Maximum Lifting Model Tip Maximum Oil

Lifting Force Stroke Number Clearance Operating Capacity
ton (kN) (mm) (mm) (bar) (cm3) (kg)
16 (157) 21 LW-16 10 700 78 9,0
Use optional stepped block LWB-1 to increase wedge lifting height by 30 mm.
* Using LWB-1.
Hydraulic Machine Lifts
▼ SOH-10-6
Lifting Capacity:
8,5 - 20 ton

136 - 157 mm
Toe Clearance:
20 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

RSM-Series Flat-Jac®
Low height, single-acting spring-
return cylinders are ideal for space
restricted applications.

Page: 22

• For lifting heavy equipment with minimum available access

Load Skates
• Remote hydraulic pump enhances safety In combination with the Enerpac
• Low height lifting toe Machine Lifts we recommend Load
Skates for moving heavy loads.
• Precision guided to reduce friction and isolate cylinder from side-loads
• Two extendable support feet provide extra stability
• Includes RC-Series DUO Cylinder with CR-400 coupler. Page: 182

 Limited access under this machine makes the Enerpac

hydraulic machine lift the perfect solution.

Capacity Toe Clearance (mm) Stroke Model Oil Dimensions (mm)

Number Capacity
Total Ext. Total Body
Minimum Central Maximum Height Height
ton (kN) A1 A2 A3 (mm) (cm3) C D F H J K (kg)
8,5 (75) 20 95 169 136 SOH-10-6 224 430 294 – 190 214 74 26
20 (178) 30 110 190 157 SOH-23-6 525 472 320 65 265 250 80 45

www.enerpac.com 181
ER-Series, Heavy Duty Caterroller™ Load Skates
▼ Shown: Set ERS-20

Move Heavy Loads

Easily and Safely

Sets (see table) include all

components necessary to handle
a variety of applications.

Two ELB-1 link-up bars, two

ERH-1 handles (875 mm long)
and one EMB-1 metal box are included.

Optional long handle ERH-2 (1180 mm) available

for 60 and 80 ton only.

• Rugged and sturdy construction for long life Lifting Wedge and Machine Lifts
• Low profile construction for increased stability To place the Load Skates, the load
• Low rolling-resistance allows for easy transportation must first be lifted. This can be
done easily and safely using the
• Attachable load leveling plates and swivel turntables for turning corners. Enerpac Lifting Wedge or
Machine Lifts.

Page: 180

 Chemical tank transportation: The first few centimetres

 Heavy transport using Load Skates. The machine is first the load was lifted with RCS-Series low height cylinders
lifted, using SOH-Series Enerpac Machine Lifts. and then moved on to load skates for transportation.

Heavy Duty Caterroller™ Load Skates
120 4 90

ER-1 D F E Series

Maximum Carrying Capacity:

80 ton (711 kN)

ER-10, ER-15, ER-30


ER60, ER-80 ES-1, ES-10, ES-15, ES-30 ES-60, ES-80 ,
Turntable Swivel Turntable Swivel Turntable Swivel
Load Skates may be ordered separately or as a matched set.

Set Set Load Turntable Leveling Weight A A

Capacity * Model Skates (4x) Swivels (2x) Plates (2x) including
Number handles
and metal B B

ton (kN) C C

20 (178) ERS-20 ER-10 ES-10 ELP-10 49

30 (267) ERS-30 ER-15 ES-15 ELP-15 55 ELP-10, ELP-15, ELP-30 ELP-60, ELP-80
60 (533) ERS-60 ER-30 ES-30 ELP-30 75 Levelling Plate Levelling Plate
* S ets are designed to enable two skates to take full load for extra safety on uneven floor surfaces

Capacity Model Dimensions (mm) Contact Rollers

Number Rolls per Skate
ton (kN) A B C D E F per Skate (kg)
Load Skates 1 (8,9) ER-1 170 100 65 18 51 6 4 11 3,8
10 (89) ER-10 210 102 66 18 51 6 5 15 5,2
15 (133) ER-15 220 115 75 24 60 10 4 13 7,3
30 (267) ER-30 270 130 92 30 68 10 4 13 13,0
60 (533) ER-60 380 168 125 42 76 16 4 13 31,9
ER-10 80 (711) ER-80 530 182 145 50 86 19 6 17 60,9
Turntable Swivel 1 (8,9) ES-1 207 – 26 90 – – – – 1,1
10 (89) ES-10 220 73 42 130 – – – – 3,7
ES-1 15 (133) ES-15 220 86 42 130 – – – – 3,7
30 (267) ES-30 250 96 48 150 – – – – 5,3
60 (533) ES-60 275 114 61 190 – – – – 13,7
ES-10 80 (711) – – – 18,9
ES-80 360 128 61 220 –
Levelling Plate 10 (89) ELP-10 149 73 42 120 – – – – 3,7
15 (133) ELP-15 149 86 42 120 – – – – 3,7
30 (267) ELP-30 178 96 48 130 – – – – 5,3
60 (533) ELP-60 270 114 61 180 – – – – 13,8
80 (711) ELP-80 350 128 61 200 – – – – 18,8

www.enerpac.com 183
CM-Series, Industrial Storage Cases
▼ CM-16
Case Size:
19 - 453 litres

Protect your

Maintenance Sets
Enerpac Maintenance sets are a
complete assortment of hydraulic
• Protect your equipment from dust, water, grease and dirt powered tools.
• Reduce losses on the jobsite, maintenance area or shop
• Durable steel, painted with rust-resistant primer and finished in Using these sets allows you to quickly configure
a unique tool to meet your most difficult jobs.
durable enamel
• Heavy duty hinges and lifting handles Built around the Enerpac lightweight hand
• Lockable. pump, hose and cylinder, these sets enable you
to push, pull, lift, press, straighten, spread and
clamp with forces up to 12,5 ton.

Page: 172

Hydraulic Pullers
These hydraulic pullers eliminate
time-consuming and unsafe
hammering, heating or prying.
Damage to parts is minimized
through the use of controlled hydraulic power.
 When not storing the lifting system, this heavy-duty storage case
doubles as a work station. Page: 151

Case Size Model Inside Dimensions Thickness

Number LxWxH

(litres) (mm) (mm) (kg)

19 CM-6 597 x 178 x 203 0,9 7

32 CM-1 622 x 282 x 165 0,9 8
127 CM-4 778 x 454 x 354 1,5 16
212 CM-7 1210 x 387 x 457 1,9 57
453 CM-16 1216 x 606 x 557 1,5 55

Hydraulic Wedgie and Spread Cylinders
▼ Shown clockwise from top: WR-15, WR-5, A-92

0,75 - 1,0 ton
Tip Clearance:
12,8 - 35 mm
Maximum Spread:
94 - 292 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
RC-Series Cylinders
10 ton RC-Series DUO cylinders
(except RC-101) fit into A-92
• WR-5: For use in very confined work areas Spreader Attachment.
• WR-15: For long stroke spreading applications Page: 6
• Single-acting, spring return
• A-92: Spreader attachment; threads on 10 ton RC-Series Portable Hydraulic Toolbox
cylinders * (except RC-101). Toolbox with hand pump, gauge
adaptor assembly, hose and
WR-5, RC-, RCS, RSM-or
LW-Serie cylinder.
Page: 59

Best Match Hand Pump

To power your WR-5 and
WR-15 the P-392 hand pump
is an ideal choice. Use Enerpac
WR-5 H700-Series hose (page 122) for
hydraulic connection.
Page: 72

▼ A WR-5 wedgie cylinder is used to loosen a bridge bearing.

WR-15 A-92

Cylinder Tip Model Maximum Cylinder Oil

Capacity Clearance Number Spread Effective Capacity
ton (kN) (mm) (mm) (cm2) (cm3) (kg)
1,0 (8,9) 12,8 WR-5 94 6,5 10 2,3
0,75 (6) 32,0 WR-15 292 14,5 64 11,3
1,0 (8,9) 35,0 A-92 * 158 – – 3,6
* Maximum system pressure must be limited to half the rated pressure (350 bar).

www.enerpac.com 185
WHC-Series, Hydraulic Cutterheads
▼ Shown from left to right: WHC-4000, WHC-750
3 - 20 ton
Cutting Capacity:
ø 13 - 101 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Tool-Pump Sets
Cutter­heads marked
with an * are available as
sets (pump, tool, gauge,
couplers and hose) for your ordering convenience.

Cutterhead Pump Set Model

Model Nr. Model Nr. Number
WHC-750 P-392 STC-750H
WHC-750 P-392FP STC-750FP
WHC-750 PATG-1102N STC-750A
• Single-acting, spring return on all models, except WHR-1250 WHC-1250 P-392 STC-1250H
• Guillotine action for smooth cutting operation WHC-1250 P-392FP STC-1250FP
WHC-1250 PATG-1102N STC-1250A
• Lifting handles on larger models for easy transport
• Carrying bag included for easy carrying and tool protection
 Steel rope is easily cut with the smooth guillotine action of
• Ideal for use with most Enerpac pumps featuring 3-way valve or an Enerpac cutterhead.
dump valve and 700 bar pressure rating (except WHR-1250, which
requires 4-way valve)
• CR-400 coupler and dust cap included on all models.

 Selection Chart Maximum Cutting Capacities (ø in mm)

Cutter Capa- Model Oil Length Steel Round Bar Wire Strand Cable Replace-
Head city Number Capa-­ Wire ment
Operation city Rope, Copper Alumi- Soft Re­in- Bare Bare ACSR Guy Tele­- Under­ Blades
Hemp­- Wire nium Steel forcing Copper Alumi-­ Steel phone ground
core or Bar Wire Bolts Bar Wire nium Wire Cable Cable
or or Bar Strands Wire Strands CPP (Power)
IWRC Strands

6x12 1x7
ton (cm3) (mm) 6x19 6x7 1x19 (kg)

4 WHC-750* 19,7 127 19 19 19 19 13 19 19 19 16   3,2 WCB-750

20 WHC-1250* 134,4 279 31 31 31 31 25 31 31 31 22   11,3 WCB-1250
13 WHC-2000 119,6 381 25 31 31 22  50 50 50 19   10,4 WCB-2000
3 WHC-3380 65,5 482      76 76   85 85 9,1 WCB-3380
8 WHC-4000 137,7 609      89 89   101 101 14,5 WCB-4000
Dbl.-Act. 20 WHR-1250 122,9 419 31 31 31 31 25 31 31 31 22   11,8 WCB-1250
* Available in sets with P-392 Hand Pump, P-392FP Foot Pump or PATG-1102N Turbo Air Pump.
 Will not cut designated material
Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters
▼ Shown from left to right: WMC-2000, WMC-750

3 - 20 ton
Cutting Capacity:
ø 14 - 85 mm

Replacement Blades
60-62HRc hardened replacement

For Cutter Order Blades

Model Number Model Number
• Rotating heads for operator convenience WMC-580 WCB-750
WMC-750 WCB-750
• Guillotine action for smooth cutting operation WMC-1000 WCB-1000
• Carrying bag included for easy carrying and tool protection WMC-1250 WCB-1250
WMC-1580 WCB-1580
• Velcro straps to secure handles on larger models for easy carry WMC-2000 WCB-2000
• Spring return for easy operation WMC -3380 WCB-3380
• Light weight self-contained tool, can be used anywhere.
A “☆” in the charts on these
pages means that this hydraulic
cutter is not design­ed to cut this
size or type of material. Any attempt to do so may
result in personal injury and damage to the unit
and will void the warranty.
 Selection Chart Maximum Cutting Capacities (ø in mm)
Capa-­ Model Length Steel Round Bar Wire Strand Cable
city Number Wire
Rope, Copper Alumi­- Soft Re­in- Bare Bare ACSR Guy Guy Tele­phone Under­-
Hemp­core Wire nium Steel forcing Copper Alumi­- Wire Steel Steel Cable CPP ground
or IWRC or Bar Wire Bolts Bar Wire nium Strands Wire Wire Cable
or Bar Strands Wire Strands Strands (Power)

ton (mm) 6x19 6x7 1x7 1x19 (kg)
4 WMC-580 381 16 16 16 16 10 16 16 16 14 14   3,6
4 WMC-750 381 17 19 19 17 13 ** 19 19 19 14 14   3,6
20 WMC-1000 * 679  19 19 19 19        11,3
20 WMC-1250 679 31 28 31 31 22 31 31 31 22 25   10,4
6 WMC-1580 558 19 19 19 19  38 38 38 16 16   6,8
13 WMC-2000 628 25 31 31 22  50 50 50 19 19   10,9
3 WMC-3380 660      46 42 76 76  85 85 10,0
* Cuts 12 mm alloy chain grade 70 (type G7 transport or tie-down) or grade 80 (for overhead lifting applications)
** Low Alloy  Will not cut designated material.
www.enerpac.com 187
STB-Series, Pipe Bender Sets
▼ Shown: STB-101H

Quick, Safe and

Wrinkle-free Bending

‘One Shot’ and ‘Sweep’

One shot shoes give up to a 90° bend
without resetting.
Sweep shoes are used where
increasing radii are required for multiple parallel
pipe installations.

• Makes smooth, wrinkle-free bends

• Sets include genuine Enerpac cylinder, hose and manual, air or electric pump
• Sets are also available without hydraulics
• Bending shoes and bending frame are lightweight, heat-treated aluminium
• All sets include sturdy steel storage case
• All sets include BZ-12091 angle indicator for accurate bending
• BZ-12377 Shoe Lock Pin included in every set
• Eject-O-Matic™ benders (STB-202 models) have double-acting cylinder to
eject pipe from the bending shoe.

 Typical one shot bending operation.


Pipe Range Bender Set Hand Pump * Air Pump * Electric Pump * Cylinder * Hose * Saddle *
Nominal Size Model
(inch) Number

One Sweep
Shot (kg)
STB-101X – ­– – – – - A-12 40
STB-101N – – – – RC-1010 HC-7206 A-12 48
½-2 – STB-101H P-392 – – – RC-1010 HC-7206 A-12 52
STB-101A – PATG-1102N – – RC-1010 HC-7206 A-12 54
STB-101E – – PUJ-1200E 2) – RC-1010 HC-7206 A-12 57
STB-221X – – – – – - A-29 104
1-2 2½ - 4 STB-221N – – – – RC-2510 HC-7206 A-29 119
STB-221H P-80 – – – RC-2510 HC-7206 A-29 130
STB-202X1) – – – – – - A-29 143
1¼ - 4 – STB-202N1) – – – – RR-3014 HC-7206 (2x) A-29 174
STB-202E1) – – – ZU4408SE 2) RR-3014 HC-7206 (2x) A-29 212
* See corresponding sections in this catalog for more detailed specifications.
Eject-O-Matic™ 2)
For 115 volt applications replace the last digit of Set Model Number and pump from ‘E’ to ‘B’.
Pipe Bender Sets
Nominal Wall Sche- Pipe
Thick­ dule Bend
ness Pipe * Inside
STB-101 STB-221
ø 1 - 2”
One Shot
STB-202 One Shot
Radius Model Model Series
ø ½ - 2” ø 2¼ - 4” ø 1¼ - 4” Number Number
(inch) (mm) (inch) One Shot Sweep One Shot

2,8 40 Yes – –
3,7 80 Yes – –
½ 2⅞ BZ-12011 –
4,7 160 WS – –
7,5 DEH WS – –
Nominal Pipe Size:
2,9 40 Yes – –
3,9 80 Yes – –
½ - 4 inch
¾ 4 BZ-12021 –
5,5 160 WS – – Maximum Bending:


4,5 80 Yes Yes – Maximum Operating Pressure:
6,4 160
BZ-12031 –
700 bar
9,1 DEH ­– WS –
3,6 40 Yes Yes Yes
4,9 80 Yes Yes Yes
1¼ 67/16 BZ-12041 –
6,4 160 WS WS Yes All bender sets are designed to
8,7 DEH – WS WS bend mild steel pipe. For other
3,7 40 Yes Yes Yes material please consult Enerpac.
5,1 80 Yes Yes Yes
1½ 7 5/16 BZ-12051 –
7,1 160 WS WS Yes
10,2 DEH – WS WS
3,9 40 – Yes Yes
2 5,5 80 8 5/16 – Yes Yes BZ-12061 –
8,7 160 – WS Yes
5,2 40 – Yes Yes
2½ 7,0 80 9½ – WS Yes BZ-12341 BZ-12382
9,5 160 – WS Yes
5,5 40 – Yes Yes
3 11¼ BZ-12351 BZ-12383
7,6 80 – WS Yes
5,7 40 – Yes Yes
3½ 15½ BZ-12391 BZ-12384
8,1 80 – WS Yes
6,0 40 – Yes Yes
4 17¾ BZ-12392 BZ-12385
8,6 80 – – Yes
* Schedule Pipe: 40 = Standard; 80 = Extra Heavy; 160 = Double Extra Heavy;
DEH = Double Extra Heavy (slightly thicker than 160);
WS = Can be bent using wider spacing for swivel shoes.

Frame Pivot Pins Pivot Shoes Bending Shoes included Bender Set
Assembly (2x) (2x) (Shoes with 3) are Sweep, all other shoes are One Shot) Model

BZ-12371 BZ-12375 BZ-12071 BZ-12011 BZ-12021 BZ-12031 BZ-12041 BZ-12051 BZ-12061 – – STB-101H
BZ-12372 BZ-12376 BZ-13401 BZ-12031 BZ-12041 BZ-12051 BZ-12061 BZ-123823) BZ-123833) BZ-123843) BZ-123853) STB-221N
BZ-12374 BZ-12376 BZ-13401 - BZ-12041 BZ-12051 BZ-12061 BZ-12341 BZ-12351 BZ-12391 BZ-12392 STB-202N1)

www.enerpac.com 189
Enerpac Bolting Tools
Enerpac  's Bolting Solutions cater to the complete
bolting work-flow, ensuring joint integrity in a
Bolting Integrity Software
variety of applications throughout the industry:
Visit www.enerpac.com to access our
free on-line bolting software application
Joint Assembly and obtain information on tool selection, bolt load
From simple pipe alignment to complex joint positioning of large calculations and tool pressure settings. A combined
structural assemblies, our comprehensive line of joint assembly application data sheet and joint completion report is
products range from hydraulic and mechanical alignment tools to also available.
synchronized PLC-controlled multi-point positioning systems.
Controlled Tightening
Torque Tightening and Tensioning
Enerpac offers a variety of controlled tightening options to best
See our ‘Yellow Pages’ for information
meet the requirements of your application. From mechanical on Bolting Theory. See our Bolting Safety
torque multipliers to hydraulic, pneumatic and electric square drive Instructions on www.enerpac.com
wrenches and from low profile torque wrenches to interconnectable
bolt tensioning tools; we offer the products you need for accurate Page: 273
and simultaneous tightening of multiple bolts.
Joint Separation
Enerpac also provides hydraulic nut splitters and a variety of
mechanical and hydraulic spreading tools for joint separation during
inspection, maintenance and decommissioning operations.
High quality bolting solutions from the brand you can trust.
See how Enerpac can make your bolting work-flow more accurate,
safer and efficient.

Bolting Tools & Pumps Section Overview
Appli- Capacity Tool type and functions Series Page
1015 - 10.845 Nm Manual Torque Multipliers E 192 ▶
750 - 8000 Ft.lbs
1952 - 35.455 Nm Square Drive Hydraulic Torque Wrenches S 194 ▶
1440 - 26.150 Ft.lbs Rigid steel design & maximum versatility
19 - 155 mm Heavy-Duty Impact Sockets BSH 198 ▶
¾ - 6⅛ inch Square drive
2766 - 47.454 Nm Hexagon Hydraulic Torque Wrenches W 200 ▶
2040 - 35.000 Ft.lbs Ultra-Slim Stepped Width Cassettes W-SL 210 ▶
5762 Nm Roller Cassette Torque Wrench WCR 212 ▶
Controlled Tightening and Loosening

4250 Ft.lbs Versatile high performance limited access tools

1356 - 8135 Nm Pneumatic Torque Wrenches PTW 214 ▶
1000 - 6000 Ft.lbs Electric Torque Wrenches ETW 216 ▶
Selection Matrix 220 ▶
Torque Wrenches - Pumps - Hoses
Flow: 0,34 l/min Portable Electric Torque Wrench Pumps PME 221 ▶
Power: 0,37 kW Compact Economy PMU
Flow: 0,50 l/min Electric Torque Wrench Pumps TQ 222 ▶
Power: 0,75 kW Lightweight
Flow: 0,90 l/min Portable Electric Torque Wrench Pumps ZU4T 224 ▶
Power: 1,25 kW Z-Class innovation
Flow: 0,82-1,64 l/min Electric Torque Wrench Pumps ZE4T 226 ▶
Power: 1,1 - 2,2 kW Z-Class innovation ZE5T
Flow: 0,90 l/min Air Driven Torque Wrench Pumps ZA4T 230 ▶
Air: 2840 l/min Z-Class innovation
2845 kN Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners GT 234 ▶
639,5 klbf
Flow: 0,13 l/min Electric Tensioning Pumps & Accessories ZUTP 236 ▶
Power: 1,25 kW Z-Class Tensioning pumps upto 1500 bar
Flow: 0,61 cm3/stroke High Pressure Hand Pump and Accessories HPT 237 ▶
Hand Pump, Hoses and Couplers upto 1500 bar HT, B
Flow: 0,07 l/min Ultra-High Pressure Air Pump ATP 238 ▶
Air: 590 l/min Upto 1500 bar
10 - 75 mm hexagon Hydraulic Nut Cutters NC 239 ▶
Joint Assembly and

70 - 130 mm hexagon Single and Dual-Blade Models NS 240 ▶

Joint Separation

5 - 14 ton Pin-type Hydraulic Flange Spreaders FS 242 ▶

(45 - 125 kN) Step-type Industrial Spreaders FSH, FSM 243 ▶
1 - 9 ton Flange Alignment Tools ATM 244 ▶
(10 - 90 kN) Mechanical and Hydraulic
ø 1 - 12 inch flanges QuickFace – Mechanical Pipe Flange Face Tool FF 246 ▶
Refacing of flat pipe flange surfaces

www.enerpac.com 191
E-Series, Manual Torque Multipliers
▼ Shown from left to right: E291, E393, E494

Accurate, Efficient
Torque Multiplication
When accurate make-up
or break-out of stubborn
fasteners requires high torque

Typical Torque Multiplier


• Locomotives
• Power plants
• Pulp and paper mills
• Refineries
• Chemical plants
• Mining and construction
• Off-road equipment
• High-efficiency planetary gear sets achieve high output torque • Shipyards
from low input torque • Cranes.
• Operator protected by anti-backlash device
• Torque multiplier accuracy ± 5%
• Reversible, tighten or loosen bolts
• Reaction bar or reaction plate style
• Angle-of-turn protractor standard on E300-Series models
• Reaction plate models offer increased versatility with reaction
point locations
• E300 and E400-Series have replaceable shear drives, providing
overload protection of internal power train
• One replacement shear drive is included with each
E300 and E400-Series models.
Torque Nominal Model
Multiplier Output Torque Number

(Nm) (Ft.lbs)

1015 750 E290PLUS

1355 1000 E291
Bar 1625 1200 E391
Multiplier 2980 2200 E392
4340 3200 E393
2980 2200 E492
Reaction 4340 3200 E493
◀ Enerpac Reaction Bar Torque Plate 6780 5000 E494
Multiplier E393 used to manually Multiplier
torque bolts up to 4300 Nm. 10845 8000 E495

Manual Torque Multipliers
Manual Torque Multipliers Use Reaction Bar Models:
Enerpac manual torque • Where space is limited, E
multipliers provide efficient torque • Where multiple reaction points Series
multiplication in wide clearance are available,
applications and when external power • when portability is desirable.
sources are not available.
Use Reaction Plate Models:
Manual torque multipliers are used in most • Above 4300 Nm output torque,
industrial, construction, and equipment • On flanges and applications where
maintenance applications. Hydraulic neighbouring bolt or nut is available to Nominal Output Torque:
torque wrenches are better suited for tight
tolerance, flange and repetitious bolting
react against
• When extreme reaction forces 1015 - 10.845 Nm
applications. are generated. Torque Ratio:
3:1 - 52:1
◀ Selector Pawl Output Ratio Accuracy:
Models with anti-backlash ±5%
protection have directional
selector pawls. Set the pawl
for clockwise or counter-
clockwise rotation. Never use impact air tools for
▲ Angle-of-Turn Protractor power driving torque multipliers.
◀ Shearable Square Drive Torque multiplier drive train
E391, E392 and E393 models
Provides overload protection on include an angle-of-turn protractor damage will occur.
E300- and E400-series multiplier’s (scale) to tighten fasteners using
power train by shearing when a “torque turn” method. Allows
the rated capacity of the tool accurate measuring a specific
is exceeded. Internal shear pin number of degrees of rotation. Torque Wrenches
prevents tool from falling off bolt. Enerpac offers a complete range
of hydraulic, pneumatic and
electric torque wrenches.


BSH-Series Sockets
Heavy-Duty Impact
Sockets for power driven
torqueing equipment.

Reaction Bar Type 1) Reaction Plate Type 1)

Input Torque Input Output Male Over- Anti- Dimensions (mm) Model
Torque 2) Ratio Female Square Drive load Backlash Number
Square protection
Drive Replaceable
S1 S2 Shear Drive
(Nm) (Ft.lbs) (inch) (inch) Model Nr. D H L L1 L2 R (kg)

338 250 3:1 ½ ¾ – No No 71 84 218 – – – 1,8 E290PLUS

451 333 3:1 ½ ¾ – No No 71 84 442 – – – 2,5 E291
271 200 6:1 ½ ¾ E391SDK Yes No 100 102 498 – – – 6,3 E391
219 162 13,6 : 1 ½ 1 E392SDK Yes Yes 103 146 498 – – – 6,9 E392
234 173 18,5 : 1 ½ 1 E393SDK Yes Yes 103 165 498 – – – 8,3 E393
219 162 13,6 : 1 ½ 1 E392SDK Yes Yes 124 140 356 140 124 32 7,8 E492
234 173 18,5 : 1 ½ 1 E393SDK Yes Yes 124 163 356 140 124 32 10,6 E493
256 189 26,5 : 1 ½ 1½ E494SDK Yes Yes 143 222 378 178 89 42 15,4 E494
208 154 52 : 1 ½ 1½ E495SDK Yes Yes 148 273 386 178 89 48 22,8 E495
E200 and E400-series do not have an Angle-of-Turn Protractor (scale).

User must verify manual torque wrench accuracy prior to use to ensure accurate final output torque.

www.enerpac.com 193
S-Series, Square Drive Hydraulic Torque Wrenches
▼ Shown: S3000PX

Setting New Standards

in Safety, Simplicity
and Performance
Two Handle Styles
Robust angled positioning handle
comes standard with every
S-Series (X-Edition) tool. Straight
positioning handles are available
as accessories.

Compatible S-Series Model Nr. Model Nr.

(X-Edition) wrenches Angled Straight
positioning positioning
handles handles
(standard) (optional)

S1500PX, S3000PX SWH6A SWH6S

S6000PX, S11000PX SWH10A SWH10S
S25000PX SWH10EA 2)
SWH10EA is an eyebolt handle.

Safety and Performance

TSP300 Tilt & swivel manifold
• Compact, high-strength uni-body construction provides a small Standard TSP300 tilt and swivel
operating radius without sacrificing endurance manifold with robust interlocking
• 35° rotation angle and rapid return stroke for fast operation design provides 360° X-axis
rotation and 160° Y-axis rotation.
• Tough manifold design with added safety feature for enhanced
operator safety
• 360° click-on reaction arm with quick release lever provides easier
handling, even with gloves on
• Includes robust handle which mounts on both sides of tool for extra
• Push button square drive release for quickly reversing the square
drive for tightening or loosening ATEX declared. Calibration
certificate included
All X-edition tools are CE - ATEX
• Enhanced tilt and swivel TSP300 manifold for horizontal and vertical declared and are shipped complete
maneuverability, with greater durability 1) with a calibration certificate.

• Constant torque output provides accuracy of ±3% across full stroke
• Optional Angle-of-Turn Indicator provides measurement of rotation.

TSP300 is designed for X-Edition tools only, and is not compatible with previous edition tools.
For replacement components for existing tools, refer to repair sheet on www.enerpac.com

X-Edition, Square Drive Torque Wrenches
Standard are: ① ② ④ ⑥ ⑧
Other items are optional.
Select the Right Torque
Choose your Enerpac
Torque Wrench using the Series
untightening rule of thumb:
Loosening torque equals about 250% of X-Edition
tightening torque.

① Drive Unit ⑥ Standard Reaction Arm Nominal Torque Output:

Angeled Positioning Handle
Straight Positioning Handle

Allen Drive
Square Drive
35.455 Nm
④ Pro Series Swivel ⑨ Short Reaction Arm Square Drive Range:
⑤ Reaction Tube Extension ⑩ Extended Reaction Arm ¾ - 2½ inch
TORQUE WRENCH SELECTION (based on socket size range) Nose Radius:
Socket Size Range (inch) ▶ 25 - 64 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:

Torque Range (Ft.lbs) ▶

Torque Range (Nm) ▶

690 bar
Accessory Options
A full list of optional accessories is
available for maximum versatility.

S11000PX Page: 197

▼ The rigid steel design of the S-Series torque wrenches
provides durability, reliability and safety.

Socket Size Range (mm) ▶

Use only Heavy Duty

Impact Sockets
For power driven
torqueing equipment,
according to ISO2725
and ISO1174; DIN 3129 and DIN 3121 or
Page: 198

Nominal Torque Minimum Torque Square Drive Angle-of-Turn Torque Wrench Dimensions (mm)
at 690 bar at 69 bar Size Model Nr. Model Nr. Model Number *
(inch) (included (optional)
with wrench)

(Nm) (Ft.lbs) (Nm) (Ft.lbs) A B C D E F G H (kg)

1952 1440 195 144 ¾ SD15-012 AOT15 S 1500 PX 39 65 108 97 136 25 70 129 3,2
4373 3225 438 323 1 SD30-100 AOT30 S 3000 PX 48 78 135 128 173 33 90 161 5,6
8338 6150 834 615 1½ SD60-108 AOT60 S 6000 PX 55 92 169 157 192 40 110 188 9,2
15.151 11.175 1516 1118 1½ SD110-108 AOT110 S 11000 PX 72 114 197 190 228 50 133 229 15,8
35.455 26.150 3545 2615 2½ SD250-208 AOT250 S 25000 PX 89 143 246 244 287 64 182 295 32,2
* To order a S-Series (X-edition) torque wrench without a TSP300 tilt and swivel manifold, remove "P" prior to the "X" in the tool model number, example: S1500X.

www.enerpac.com 195
SDA-Series, Allen Drives
Maximum Torque at 690 bar:
35.455 Nm
Hexagon Size Allen Drive:
½ - 2¼ inch
Hexagon Size Allen Drive:
14 - 85 mm
Torque Optional Allen Drives, Imperial Optional Allen Drives, Metric Short Reaction Arm
Wrench for Allen Drives

Model Hexagon Maximum Model Dim. Hexagon Maximum Model Dim. Model Dimensions
Number Size 1) Torque Number Size 1) Torque Number Number (mm)
B1 B1
(inch) (Nm) (mm) (mm) (Nm) (mm) C1 H1
½ 481 SDA15-008 66 14 644 SDA15-14 66
⅝ 936 SDA15-010 67 17 1152 SDA15-17 68
¾ 1620 SDA15-012 71 19 1607 SDA15-19 70 SRA15X 67,5 74
(1952 Nm)
⅞ 1952 SDA15-014 74 22 1952 SDA15-22 73
1 1952 SDA15-100 77 24 1952 SDA15-24 74
⅝ 936 SDA30-010 77 17 1152 SDA30-17 77
¾ 1620 SDA30-012 80 19 1607 SDA30-19 79
⅞ 2569 SDA30-014 83 22 2488 SDA30-22 82
1 3830 SDA30-100 86 24 3234 SDA30-24 84 SRA30X 80,0 74
(4373 Nm)
1⅛ 4373 SDA30-102 88 27 4373 SDA30-27 85
1¼ 4373 SDA30-104 89 30 4373 SDA30-30 87
– – – – 32 4373 SDA30-32 88
⅝ 936 SDA60-010 85 17 1152 SDA60-17 86
¾ 1620 SDA60-012 89 19 1607 SDA60-19 88
⅞ 2569 SDA60-014 92 22 2488 SDA60-22 91
1 3830 SDA60-100 95 24 3234 SDA60-24 93 SRA60X 91,5 89
(8338 Nm)
1⅛ 5457 SDA60-102 97 27 4603 SDA60-27 94
1¼ 7484 SDA60-104 98 30 6311 SDA60-30 96
– – – – 32 7660 SDA60-32 97
1¼ 7484 SDA110-104 115 30 6311 SDA110-30 112
1⅜ 9958 SDA110-106 117 32 7660 SDA110-32 114
1½ 12.928 SDA110-108 118 36 10.901 SDA110-36 117 SRA110X 127,5 106
(15.151 Nm)
1⅝ 15.151 SDA110-110 122 41 15.151 SDA110-41 121
1¾ 15.151 SDA110-112 125 46 15.151 SDA110-46 127
1½ 12.928 SDA250-108 141 36 10.901 SDA250-36 140
1⅝ 16.433 SDA250-110 145 41 16.107 SDA250-41 144
1¾ 20.520 SDA250-112 148 46 22.744 SDA250-46 148
1⅞ 25.245 SDA250-114 149 50 29.211 SDA250-50 151
S25000PX 2 30.635 SDA250-200 151 55 35.455 SDA250-55 154
SRA250X 158,5 135
(35.455 Nm) 2¼ 35.455 SDA250-204 154 60 35.455 SDA250-60 158
– – – – 65 35.455 SDA250-65 161
– – – – 70 35.455 SDA250-70 164
– – – – 75 35.455 SDA250-75 168
– – – – 85 35.455 SDA250-85 175
See page 285 for table of hexagon sizes of bolts, nuts and related thread diameters.

Accessories for S-Series, X-Edition Wrenches
Standard are: ① ② ④ ⑥ ⑧
Other items are optional. RTEX

① Drive Unit ⑥ Standard Reaction Arm

② Angeled Positioning Handle ⑦ Allen Drive
③ Straight Positioning Handle ⑧ Square Drive
④ Pro Series Swivel ⑨ Short Reaction Arm
⑤ Reaction Tube Extension ⑩ Extended Reaction Arm

RTEX-Series, Reaction Tube Extensions

• Full torque rated
• Increases tool fit in restricted access areas
For Torque Wrench Model Dimensions (mm)
Model Number Number
A B C D (kg) *
S1500PX RTE15X 706 152 636 58 4,6
S3000PX RTE30X 733 152 647 57 5,5
S6000PX RTE60X 747 152 659 65 7,7
RTEX-Series S11000PX RTE110X 769 152 675 76 11,2
S25000PX RTE250X 813 152 685 100 17,3
* Weights indicated are for the accessories only and do not include the wrench.

SRSX-Series, Extended Reaction Arms

• Lightweight interchangeable design
For Max. Model Dimensions (mm)
Wrench Torque Number
Model (Nm) A B C D E (kg) *
1801 SRS151X 94 86 127 24 34 0,8
S1500PX 1641 SRS152X 119 97 138 24 34 1,0
1533 SRS153X 145 109 148 24 34 1,2
3918 SRS301X 111 106 168 34 48 1,6
S3000PX 3712 SRS302X 137 117 182 34 48 2,0
3574 SRS303X 162 132 198 34 48 2,5
7842 SRS601X 138 128 192 39 62 2,3
S6000PX 7454 SRS602X 163 144 207 39 62 2,7
7175 SRS603X 189 159 222 39 62 3,4
14.650 SRS1101X 149 157 232 46 76 4,4
S11000PX 13.957 SRS1102X 175 172 247 46 76 5,1
13.391 SRS1103X 200 187 261 46 76 5,8
33.538 SRS2501X 183 209 295 50 100 7,6
S25000PX 32.049 SRS2502X 208 222 310 50 100 8,4
SRSX-Series 30.750 SRS2503X 233 236 326 50 100 10,0
* Weights indicated are for the accessories only and do not include the wrench.

www.enerpac.com 197
BSH-Series, Heavy-Duty Sockets
• Heavy-duty impact sockets BSH
• Supplied with “Pin and Ring” Series
¾" Square Drive 1" Square Drive 1½" Square Drive 2½" Square Drive
Model A/F Model A/F Model A/F Model A/F
Number (mm) Number (mm) Number (mm) Number (mm)
BSH7519 19 BSH1019 19 BSH1536 36 BSH2565 65
BSH7524 24 BSH1024 24 BSH15163 41 BSH2570 70 Hexagon Size:
BSH7527 27 BSH1027 27 BSH1546 46 BSH2575 75 19 - 155 mm | ¾" - 6⅛ "
BSH7530 30 BSH1030 30 BSH1550 50 BSH2580 80
BSH7532 32 BSH1032 32 BSH1555 55 BSH2585 85 Select the Right Torque
BSH7536 36 BSH1036 36 BSH1560 60 BSH2590 90 Choose your Enerpac Torque
BSH75163 41 BSH10163 41 BSH1565 65 BSH2595 95 Wrench using the untightening rule
of thumb: Loosening torque equals
BSH7546 46 BSH1046 46 BSH1570 70 BSH25100 100
about 250% of tightening torque.
BSH7550 50 BSH1050 50 BSH1575 75 BSH25105 105
– – BSH1055 55 BSH1580 80 BSH25110 110
– – BSH1060 60 BSH1585 85 BSH25115 115
Page: 286
– – BSH1065 65 BSH1590 90 BSH25120 120
Hexagon Bolt
– – BSH1070 70 BSH1595 95 BSH25125 125
and Nut Sizes
– – BSH1075 75 BSH15100 100 BSH25135 135
– – BSH1080 80 BSH15105 105 BSH25140 140 See the table of hexagon
– – BSH1085 85 BSH15110 110 BSH25145 145 sizes of bolts, nuts and
– – BSH1090 90 BSH15115 115 BSH25150 150 related thread diameters.
– – BSH1095 95 – – BSH25155 155
– – BSH10100 100 – – – – A/F Page: 285

¾" Square Drive 1" Square Drive 1½" Square Drive 2½" Square Drive
Model A/F Model A/F Model A/F Model A/F Model A/F Model A/F Model A/F
Number (inch) Number (inch) Number (inch) Number (inch) Number (inch) Number (inch) Number (inch)
BSH7519 ¾" BSH1019 ¾" BSH10231 2 5/16" BSH15144 1 7/16" BSH15281 2 13/16" BSH25244 2 7/16" BSH25419 4 3/16"
BSH75088 ⅞" BSH10088 ⅞" BSH10238 2 ⅜" BSH1538 1 ½" BSH15288 2 ⅞" BSH25250 2 ½" BSH25425 4 ¼"
BSH75094 15
/16" BSH10094 15
/16" BSH10244 2 7/16" BSH15156 1 9/16" BSH1575 2 15/16" BSH2565 2 13/16" BSH25110 45/16"
BSH7527 1 1/16" BSH1027 1 1/16" BSH10250 2 ½" BSH15163 1 ⅝" BSH15300 3" BSH25263 2 ⅝" BSH25438 4 ⅜"
BSH7530 1 3/16" BSH1030 1 3/16" BSH1065 2 9/16" BSH1543 1 11/16" BSH15306 3 1/16" BSH25269 2 11/16" BSH25450 4 ½"
BSH75125 1 ¼" BSH10125 1 ¼" BSH10263 2 ⅝" BSH15175 1 ¾" BSH15313 3 ⅛" BSH2570 2 ¾" BSH25463 4 ⅝"
BSH75131 1 5/16" BSH10131 1 5/16" BSH10269 2 11/16" BSH1546 1 13/16" BSH15319 3 3/16" BSH25281 2 11/16" BSH25475 4 ¾"
BSH7535 1 ⅜" BSH1035 1 ⅜" BSH1070 2 ¾" BSH15188 1 ⅞" BSH15325 3 ¼" BSH25288 2 ⅞" BSH25488 4 ⅞"
BSH75144 1 7/16" BSH10144 1 7/16" BSH10281 2 13/16" BSH15194 1 15/16" BSH15338 3 ⅜" BSH2575 2 15/16" BSH25500 5"
BSH7538 1 ½" BSH1038 1 ½" BSH10288 2 ⅞" BSH15200 2" BSH15350 3 ½" BSH25300 3" BSH25513 5 ⅛"
BSH75156 1 9/16" BSH10156 1 9/16" BSH1075 2 15/16 BSH15206 2 1/16" BSH15363 3 ⅝" BSH25306 3 1/16" BSH25519 5 3/16"
BSH75163 1 ⅝" BSH10163 1 ⅝" BSH10300 3" BSH15213 2 ⅛" BSH1595 3 ¾" BSH25313 3 ⅛" BSH25525 5 ¼"
BSH7543 1 11/16" BSH1043 1 11/16" BSH10306 3 1/16" BSH15219 2 3/16" BSH15388 3 ⅞" BSH25319 3 3/16" BSH25538 5 ⅜"
BSH75175 1 ¾" BSH10175 1 ¾" BSH10313 3 ⅛" BSH15225 2 ¼" BSH15100 3 15/16" BSH25325 3 ¼" BSH25140 5 ½"
BSH7546 1 13/16" BSH1046 1 13/16" BSH10319 3 3/16" BSH15231 2 5/16" BSH15400 4" BSH25338 3 ⅜" BSH25575 5 ¾"
BSH75188 1 ⅞" BSH10188 1 ⅞" BSH10325 3 ¼" BSH15238 2 ⅜" BSH15105 4 ⅛" BSH25350 3 ½" BSH25150 5 ⅞"
BSH75194 1 15/16" BSH10194 1 15/16" BSH10338 3 ⅜" BSH15244 2 7/16" BSH15419 4 3/16" BSH25363 3 ⅝" BSH25600 6"
BSH75200 2" BSH10200 2" BSH10350 3 ½" BSH15250 2 ½" BSH15425 4 ¼" BSH2595 3 ¾" BSH25613 6 ⅛"
– – BSH10206 2 1/16" BSH10363 3 ⅝" BSH1565 2 9/16" BSH15110 4 5/16" BSH25388 3 ⅞" – –
– – BSH10213 2 ⅛" BSH1095 3 ¾" BSH15263 2 ⅝" BSH15438 4 ⅜" BSH25100 3 15/16" – –
– – BSH10219 2 3/16" BSH10388 3 ⅞" BSH15269 2 11/16" BSH15450 4 ½" BSH25400 4" – –
– – BSH10225 2 ¼" – – BSH1570 2 ¾" BSH15463 4 ⅝" BSH25105 4 ⅛" – –

Bolting Application Ideas
Enerpac professional series steel torque wrenches
provide reliable controlled tightening solutions across
the industry.

S3000X Square Drive Torque Wrench on

wind tower erection and maintenance
S3000X used to connect wind tower segments during assembly and
maintenance. A robust but compact solution is required for tightening
of bolts on wind tower sections. Large numbers of fasteners require
precise application of torque to ensure joint integrity is achieved and
maintained. The Enerpac S-Series wrench was selected as it offers
simple and reliable operation while providing
accurate and repeatable results.

W4000X Low Profile Torque Wrench on an API Pipe Flange

Throughout the Oil and Gas, Petrochemical and Processing
Industries, pipeline joints, valves, pumps and machinery present
challenges for controlled bolting. The restricted access on this
flange was easily overcome with an Enerpac W-Series Torque
Wrench. These wrenches offer reliability and control, ensuring even
and consistent torque is applied to all bolts.

S3000X on an oil and gas flange

During maintenance quick turnaround times are essential;
S-Series wrenches are chosen as they provide a large angle
of nut rotation per stroke, offering speed and accuracy in a
compact ergonomic tool.

www.enerpac.com 199
W-Series, Low Profile Hexagon Torque Wrenches
▼ Shown: W4000PX drive unit and W4206X hexagon cassette

Setting New Standards

in Safety, Simplicity
and Performance

Two Handle Styles

Robust angled positioning handle
comes standard with every
W-Series (X-Edition) cassette.
Straight positioning handles
designed for extreme limited
access applications are available as accessories.

Compatible with Model Nr. Model Nr.

W-Series Angled Straight
(X-Edition) Cassettes positioning positioning
handles handles
(standard) (optional)

W2000PX, W4000PX SWH6A SWH6S

Safety and Performance W8000PX, W15000PX SWH10A SWH10S
• Superior strength to size ratio provides easy access to difficult to W22000PX, W35000PX SWH10EA 2)
reach applications without sacrificing endurance SWH10EA is an eyebolt handle.

• 30° rotation angle and rapid return stroke provide fast operation
• Tough manifold design with added safety feature for enhanced TSP300 Tilt & swivel manifold
operator safety
Standard TSP300 tilt and swivel
Simplicity manifold with robust interlocking
design provides 360° X-axis
• Fast release drive unit enables rapid exchange of cassettes, rotation and 160° Y-axis rotation.
no tools required
• Quick and easy disassembly for maintenance without special tools
• Include robust handle which mounts on both sides and the tops of
cassettes to allow for extra maneuverability
• Enhanced tilt and swivel TSP300 manifold for horizontal and vertical
maneuverability, with greater durability 1)
• X-Edition drive units, cassettes and most accessories are compatible
with standard edition tools 1)
• Drive unit compatible with UltraSlim and WCR-Series cassettes ATEX declared.
Calibration certificate included.
Accuracy All X-edition tools are CE - ATEX
• Constant torque output provides accuracy of ±3% across full stroke. declared and are shipped complete
with a calibration certificate.

TSP300 is designed for X-Edition tools only, and is not compatible with previous edition tools.
For replacement components for existing tools, refer to repair sheet on www.enerpac.com

Double-Acting Hydraulic Hexagon Torque Wrenches, X-Edition
Hexagon Cassette (pages 202-209)

② Drive Unit
③ Angled Positioning Handle (page 200) Series
④ Straight Positioning Handle
⑤ Pro Series Swivel
⑥ Extended Reaction Arm (page 213)
⑦ Reducer Insert (pages 202-209)
Items ① to ⑤ are standard.
⑧ Reaction Paddle (page 213)
Items ⑥ to ⑧ are optional.
Nominal Torque at 690 bar:
47.454 Nm
Hexagon Size Range (inch) ▶ 1) 30 - 155 mm / 11•16 - 6⅛ ”
Nose Radius:
Torque Range (Nm) ▶

Torque Range (Ft.lbs) ▶

31 - 115 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
690 bar
Torque Wrench Pump Selection
For optimum speed and
performance see the torque
wrench and pump matrix.


Hexagon Size Range 1) (mm) ▶

See page 285 for table of hexagon sizes of bolts, nuts and related thread diameters.

These rigid steel wrenches with low

profile interchangeable hexagon cassettes
guarantee durability and maximum
versatility in bolting applications. ▶
Hexagon Range * Nominal Torque Drive Unit Minimum Dimensions (mm) Weight
at 690 bar Model Number Torque (see pages 202-209 for dimensions G, H and S) (drive unit
with TSP300 ** without
Page: hexagon
(mm) (inch) (Nm) (Ft.lbs) (Nm) (Ft.lbs) A B C D E F (kg)
30 - 60 1 1/16 - 2 ⅜ 2766 2040 W2000PX 276 204 109 141 148 32 24 20 1,4
36 - 85 1 5/16 - 3 ⅜ 5661 4175 W4000PX 566 417 136 167 178 41 33 20 2,0
50 - 105 1 ⅞ - 4 ⅛ 11.484 8470 W8000PX 1148 847 172 205 208 53 42 25 3,0
65 - 115 2 /16 - 4 ⅝ 20.785 15.330 W15000PX
2078 1533 207 240 253 63 50 20 5,0
75 - 135 2 15/16 - 5 3∕8 30.506 22.500 W22000PX 3050 2250 227 266 297 77 48 35 7,7
80 - 155 3 ⅛ - 6 ⅛ 47.454 35.000 W35000PX 4745 3500 268 301 345 91 69-73 50 11,4
* Hexagon cassette with in-line reaction foot.
** To order a W-series wrench without the TSP300 swivel, remove the "P" from the tool model number. Example: W2000X.
www.enerpac.com 201
W2000PX, Inch-Cassettes & Reducer Inserts
Drive Unit

Interchangeable Nominal Torque at 690 bar:

Hexagon Cassette 2766 Nm
Hexagon Range:
Optional Hexagon
Reducing Insert 11•16 - 2⅜ inch
(see pages 194-201)
Maximum Operating Pressure:
690 bar
Metric Sizes Hexagon Bolt and Nut Sizes
For metric sizes of hexagon See the table for hexagon sizes
cassettes and reducer inserts see: of bolts, nuts and related thread

Page: 208
Page: 285

Drive Hexagon Nose Dim. Model
Unit Size 1) Radius Number
Hexagon Model Hexagon Model Hexagon Model
S H G Reducer Number Reducer Number Reducer Number
(inch) (mm) (mm) (kg) (inch) (inch) (inch)
1 1/16 31,0 53,7 W2101X 2,1 – – – – – –
1⅛ 31,0 53,7 W2102X 2,1 – – – – – –
1 3/16 31,0 53,7 W2103X 2,1 – – – – – –
1¼ 31,0 53,7 W2104X 2,1 – – – – – –
1 5/16 31,0 53,7 W2105X 2,1 – – – – – –
1⅜ 31,0 53,7 W2106X 2,1 – – – – – –
1 7/16 31,0 53,7 W2107X 2,1 17/16 - 1⅛ W2107R102 – – – –
1½ 33,5 58,2 W2108X 2,2 – – – – – –
1 9/16 33,5 58,2 W2109X 2,2 – – – – – –
33,5 58,2 W2110X 2,2 1⅝ - 1¼ W2110R104 1⅝ - 13/16 W2110R103 – –

1 11/16 36,5 60,5 W2111X 2,2 – – – – – –
1¾ 36,5 60,5 W2112X 2,2 – – – – – –
1 13/16 36,5 60,5 W2113X 2,2 113/16 - 17/16 W2113R107 113/16 - 1¼ W2113R104 – –
1⅞ 39,0 63,1 W2114X 2,2 – – – – – –
1 5/16 39,0 63,1 W2115X 2,2 – – – – – –
2 39,0 63,1 W2200X 2,2 2 - 1⅝ W2200R110 2 - 17/16 W2200R107 – –
2 1/16 41,8 68,6 W2201X 2,3 – – – – – –
2⅛ 41,8 68,6 W2202X 2,3 – – – – – –
2 3/16 41,8 68,6 W2203X 2,3 23/16 - 113/16 W2203R113 23/16 - 1⅝ W2203R110 23/16 - 17/16 W2203R107
2¼ 44,5 64,8 W2204X 2,2 – – – – – –
2 5/16 44,5 64,8 W2205X 2,2 – – – – – –
2⅜ 44,5 64,8 W2206X 2,2 2⅜ - 2 W2206R200 2⅜ - 1⅞ W2206R114 2⅜ - 113/16 W2206R113
– – – – – 2⅜ - 1½ W2206R108 2⅜ - 17/16 W2206R107 2⅜ - 15/16 W2206R110
See page 285 for table of hexagon sizes of bolts, nuts and related thread diameters.

W4000PX-Series, Inch-Cassettes & Reducer Inserts
Nominal Torque at 690 bar:
5661 Nm W
Hexagon Range:
15•16 - 3⅜ inch X-Edition
Maximum Operating Pressure:
690 bar

Drive Hexagon Nose Dim. Model

Unit Size 1) Radius Number
Hexagon Model Hexagon Model Hexagon Model
S H G Reducer Number Reducer Number Reducer Number
(inch) (mm) (mm) (kg) (inch) (inch) (inch)

1 /16
37,0 61,0 W4105X 3,7 – – – – – –
1⅜ 37,0 61,0 W4106X 3,7 – – – – – –
1 7/16 37,0 61,0 W4107X 3,7 – – – – – –
1½ 37,0 61,0 W4108X 3,7 – – – – – –
1 9/16 37,0 61,0 W4109X 3,7 – – – – – –
1⅝ 37,0 61,0 W4110X 3,7 – – – – – –
1 11/16 39,5 64,0 W4111X 3,8 – – – – – –
1¾ 39,5 64,0 W4112X 3,8 – – – – – –
1 13/16 39,5 64,0 W4113X 3,8 – – – – –
1⅞ 41,5 66,7 W4114X 3,9 – – – – – –
1 15/16 41,5 66,7 W4115X 3,9 – – – – – –
2 41,5 66,7 W4200X 3,9 2 - 17/16 W4200R107 – – –
2 1/16 44,0 73,4 W4201X 4,0 – – – – – –
2⅛ 44,0 73,4 W4202X 4,0 – – – – – –
2 3/16 44,0 73,4 W4203X 4,0 23/16 - 1⅝ W4203R110 23/16 - 17/16 W4203R107 23/16 - 1¼ W4203R104
2¼ 46,5 70,6 W4204X 4,1 – – – – – –
2 5/16 46,5 70,6 W4205X 4,1 – – – – – –
2⅜ 46,5 70,6 W4206X 4,1 2⅜ - 2 W4206R200 2⅜ - 113/16 W4206R113 2⅜ - 17/16 W4206R107

– – – – – 2⅜ - 1⅜ W4206R106 – – – –
2 7/16 49,5 76,2 W4207X 4,1 27/16 - 2 W4207R200 – – – –
2½ 49,5 76,2 W4208X 4,1 2½ - 2 W4208R200 2½ - 17/16 W4208R113 2½ - 21/16 W4208R201
2 9/16 49,5 76,2 W4209X 4,1 29/16 - 23/16 W4209R203 29/16 - 2⅛ W4209R202 29/16 - 21/16 W4209R201
– – – – – 29/16 - 2 W4209R200 29/16 - 113/16 W4209R113 – –
2⅝ 52,5 78,3 W4210X 4,2 – – – – – –
2 11/16 52,5 78,3 W4211X 4,2 – – – – – –
2¾ 52,5 78,3 W4212X 4,2 2¾ - 2⅜ W4212R206 2¾ - 23/16 W4212R203 2¾ - 2⅛ W4212R202
2 13/16 55,3 81,6 W4213X 4,3 – – – – – –
2⅞ 55,3 81,6 W4214X 4,3 – – – – – –
2 15/16 55,3 81,6 W4215X 4,3 215/16 - 29/16 W4215R209 215/16 - 2⅜ W4215R206 215/16 - 23/16 W4215R203
– – – – – 215/16 - 2 W4215R200 – – – –
3 58,5 83,5 W4300X 4,4 3 - 23/16 W4300R203 – – – –
3 1/16 58,5 83,5 W4301X 4,4 – – – – – –
3⅛ 58,5 83,5 W4302X 4,4 3⅛ - 2¾ W4302R212 3⅛ - 29/16 W4302R209 3⅛ - 2⅜ W4302R206
– – – – – 3⅛ - 25/16 W4302R205 3⅛ - 2¼ W4302R204 3⅛ - 23/16 W4302R203
– – – – – 3⅛ - 23/16 W4302R203 3⅛ - 2⅛ W4302R202 3⅛ - 2 W4302R200
3 3/16 62,0 85,5 W4303X 4,5 – – – – – –
3¼ 62,0 85,5 W4304X 4,5 – – – – – –
3 5/16 62,0 85,5 W4305X 4,5 – – – – – –
3⅜ 62,0 85,5 W4306X 4,5 – – – – – –
See page 285 for table of hexagon sizes of bolts, nuts and related thread diameters.

www.enerpac.com 203
W8000PX-Series, Inch-Cassettes & Reducers
Nominal Torque at 690 bar:
11.484 Nm W
Hexagon Range:
17•8 - 4⅛ inch X-Edition
Maximum Operating Pressure:
690 bar

Drive Hexagon Nose Dim. Model
Unit Size 1) Radius Number
Hexagon Model Hexagon Model Hexagon Model
S H G Reducer Number Reducer Number Reducer Number
(inch) (mm) (mm) (kg) (inch) (inch) (inch)

17/8 45,0 78,2 W8114X 8,1 – – – – – –

115/16 45,0 78,2 W8115X 8,1 – – – – – –
2 45,0 78,2 W8200X 8,1 – – – – – –
21/16 48,0 80,0 W8201X 8,1 – – – – – –
2⅛ 48,0 80,0 W8202X 8,1 – – – – – –
23/16 48,0 80,0 W8203X 8,1 – – – – – –
2¼ 51,0 82,5 W8204X 8,1 – – – – – –
25•16 51,0 82,5 W8205X 8,1 – – – – – –
2⅜ 51,0 82,5 W8206X 8,1 – – – – – –
27•16 52,5 85,9 W8207X 8,1 – – – – – –
2½ 52,5 85,9 W8208X 8,1 – – – – – –
29•16 52,5 85,9 W8209X 8,1 29•16 - 2 W8209R200 –
2⅝ 56,0 84,8 W8210X 8,1 – – – – – –
211•16 56,0 84,8 W8211X 7,9 – – – – – –
2¾ 56,0 84,8 W8212X 7,9 2¾ - 23•16 W8212R203 –
213/16 58,0 85,0 W8213X 7,9 – – – – – –
27•8 58,0 85,0 W8214X 7,9 – – – – – –

215•16 58,0 85,0 W8215X 7,9 215/16 - 2⅜ W8215R206 215•16 - 23•16 W8215R203
3 60,5 89,5 W8300X 8,0 – – – – – –
31/16 60,5 89,5 W8301X 8,0 – – – – – –
3⅛ 60,5 89,5 W8302X 8,0 3⅛ - 29•16 W8302R209 3⅛ - 2⅜ W8302R206 3⅛ - 23/16 W8302R203
– – – – – 3⅛ - 2 W8302R200 –
33•16 66,0 92,2 W8303X 8,2 – – – – – –
3¼ 66,0 92,2 W8304X 8,2 – – – – – –
35/16 66,0 92,2 W8305X 8,2 – – – – – –
33/8 66,0 92,2 W8306X 8,2 – – – – – –
37⁄16 66,0 92,2 W8307IX 8,2 – – – – – –
3½ 66,0 92,2 W8308X 8,2 3½ - 3 W8308R300 3½ - 215•16 W8308R215 3½ - 2¾ W8308R212
39/16 74,0 102,9 W8309X 8,8 – – – – – –
35•8 74,0 102,9 W8310X 8,8 – – – – – –
311•16 74,0 102,9 W8311X 8,8 – – – – – –
3¾ 74,0 102,9 W8312X 8,8 3¾ - 3⅛ W8312R302 3¾ - 215•16 W8312R215 3¾ - 2¾ W8312R212
313/16 74,0 102,9 W8313X 8,8 – – – – – –
37•8 74,0 102,9 W8314X 8,8 37•8 - 3⅛ W8314R302 37•8 - 215•16 W8314R215 –
315/16 79,5 110,0 W8315X 9,3 – – – – – –
4 79,5 110,0 W8400X 9,3 – – – – – –
41/16 79,5 110,0 W8401IX 9,3 – – – – – –
4⅛ 79,5 110,0 W8402X 9,3 – – – – – –
See page 285 for table of hexagon sizes of bolts, nuts and related thread diameters.

W15000PX-Series, Inch-Cassettes & Reducer Inserts
Nominal Torque at 690 bar:
20.785 Nm W
Hexagon Range:
2⅛ - 4⅝ inch X-Edition
Maximum Operating Pressure:
690 bar

Drive Hexagon Nose Dim. Model
Unit Size 1) Radius Number
Hexagon Model Hexagon Model Hexagon Model
S H G Reducer Number Reducer Number Reducer Number
(inch) (mm) (mm) (kg) (inch) (inch) (inch)

27•16 59,0 88,6 W15207X 13,6 – – – – – –

2½ 59,0 88,6 W15208X 13,6 – – – – – –
29•16 59,0 88,6 W15209X 13,6 – – – – – –
2⅝ 59,0 88,6 W15210X 13,6 – – – – – –
211•16 59,0 88,6 W15211X 13,6 – – – – – –
2¾ 59,0 88,6 W15212X 13,6 – – – – – –
213/16 62,0 90,5 W15213X 13,7 – – – – – –
27/8 62,0 90,5 W15214X 13,7 – – – – – –
215•16 62,0 90,5 W15215X 13,7 – – – – – –
3 64,5 92,9 W15300X 13,8 3 - 2⅛ W15300R202 – – – –
31•16 64,5 92,9 W15301X 13,8 – – – – – –
3⅛ 64,5 92,9 W15302X 13,8 3⅛ - 29•16 W15302R209 – – –
33/16 69,5 96,6 W15303X 14,1 – – – – – –
3¼ 69,5 96,6 W15304X 14,1 – – – – – –
35⁄16 69,5 96,6 W15305X 14,1 – – – – – –
3⅜ 69,5 96,6 W15306X 14,1 – – – – – –
37/16 69,5 96,6 W15307IX 14,1 – – – – – –

3½ 69,5 96,6 W15308X 14,1 3½ - 215•16 W15308R215 3½ - 2¾ W15308R212 – –

39•16 75,0 101,8 W15309X 14,6 – – – – – –
3⅝ 75,0 101,8 W15310X 14,6 – – – – – –
311/16 75,0 101,8 W15311X 14,6 – – – – – –
3¾ 75,0 101,8 W15312X 14,6 3¾ - 3⅛ W15312R302 3¾ - 215•16 W15312R215 – –
313•16 75,0 101,8 W15313X 14,5 – – – – – –
37•8 75,0 101,8 W15314X 14,5 37•8 - 3⅛ W15314R302 37•8 - 215/16 W15314R215 – –
315•16 80,5 103,1 W15315X 14,8 – – – – – –
4 80,5 103,1 W15400X 14,8 – – – – – –
41•16 80,5 103,1 W15401IX 14,8 – – – – – –
4⅛ 80,5 103,1 W15402X 14,8 4⅛ - 3½ W15402R308 4⅛ - 35/16 W15402R305 4⅛ - 3¼ W15402R304
43•16 80,5 103,1 W15403IX 14,8 – – – – – –
4¼ 80,5 103,1 W15404X 14,8 4¼ - 3½ W15404R308 4¼ - 31⁄8 W15404R302 – –
45•16 87,5 114,8 W15405X 15,1 – – – – – –
4⅜ 87,5 114,8 W15406X 15,1 – – – – – –
47•16 87,5 114,8 W15407X 15,1 – – – – – –
4½ 87,5 114,8 W15408IX 15,1 – – – – – –
49•16 87,5 114,8 W15409IX 15,1 – – – – – –
45•8 87,5 114,8 W15410IX 15,1 4⅝ - 315/16 W15410R315 4⅝ - 37•8 W15410R314 4⅝ - 3¾ W15410R312
– – – – – 4⅝ - 3½ W15410R308 – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – –
See page 285 for table of hexagon sizes of bolts, nuts and related thread diameters.

www.enerpac.com 205
W22000PX, Inch-Cassettes & Reducers
Nominal Torque at 690 bar:
30.506 Nm W
Hexagon Range:
215•16 - 5⅜ inch X-Edition
Maximum Operating Pressure:
690 bar

Drive Hexagon Nose G Model Nr.
Unit Size 1) Radius Cassette
Model S H
Hexagon Model Hexagon Model Hexagon Model
(inch) (mm) (mm) (kg) Reducer Number Reducer Number Reducer Number
(inch) Reducer (inch) Reducer (inch) Reducer
215/16 67,0 102,1 W22215X 22,1 – – – – – –
3 67,0 102,1 W22300X 22,0 – – – – – –
31/16 67,0 102,1 W22301X 21,9 – – – – – –
31/8 67,0 102,1 W22302X 21,6 3⅛ - 2⅜ W22302R206 3⅛ - 23•16 W22302R203 – –
33/16 72,4 107,4 W22303X 22,9 – – – – – –
31/4 72,4 107,4 W22304X 22,8 – – – – – –
35/16 72,4 107,4 W22305X 22,6 – – – – – –
33/8 72,4 107,4 W22306X 22,5 – – – – – –
37/16 72,4 107,4 W22307 IX 22.8 – – – – – –
31/2 72,4 107,4 W22308X 22,2 3½ - 2¾ W22308R212 3½ - 29⁄16 W22308R209 3½ - 23•8 W22308R206
39•16 77,9 113,0 W22309X 23,4 – – – – – –
35/8 77,9 113,0 W22310X 23,3 – – – – – –
311/16 77,9 113,0 W22311X 23,1 – – – – – –
33/4 77,9 113,0 W22312X 22,9 3¾ - 215∕16 W22312R215 – – – –
313/16 77,9 113,0 W22313X 22,8 – – – – – –
37/8 77,9 113,0 W22314X 22,6 3⅞ - 3⅛ W22314R302 3⅞ - 215∕16 W22314R215 3⅞ - 2¾ W22314R212

315/16 85,1 119,9 W22315X 24,3 – – – – – –

4 85,1 119,9 W22400X 24,1 – – – – – –
41/16 85,1 119,9 W22401 IX 24,0 – – – – – –
41/8 85,1 119,9 W22402X 23,6 – – – – – –
43/16 85,1 119,9 W22403  IX 23,6 – – – – – –
41/4 85,1 119,9 W22404X 24,6 4¼ - 3½ W22404R308 4¼ - 3⅛ W22404R302 4¼ - 215⁄16 W22404R215
45/16 89,9 125,0 W22405X 24,6 – – – – – –
43/8 89,9 125,0 W22406X 24,5 – – – – – –
47•16 89,9 125,0 W22407X 24,3 – – – – – –
41/2 89,9 125,0 W22408  IX 24,1 – – – – – –
49•16 89,9 125,0 W22409  IX 23.9 – – – – – –
45/8 89,9 125,0 W22410  IX 23,6 4⅝ - 3⅞ W22410R314 4⅝ - 3¾ W22410R312 4⅝ - 3½ W22410R308
43/4 95,0 130,0 W22412X 24,7 – – – – –
47•8 95,0 130,0 W22414X 24,3 – – – – – –
5 95,0 130,0 W22500X 23,8 5 - 4¼ W22500R404 5 - 4⅛ W22500R402 5 - 3⅞ W22500R314
51/8 100,0 134,8 W22502X 25,0 – – – – – –
53/16 100,0 134,8 W22503X 24,8 – – – – – –
51/4 100,0 134,8 W22504X 24,5 – – – – – –
53/8 100,0 134,8 W22506X 23,9 5⅜- 4⅝ W22506R410 5⅜- 41•4 W22506R404 5⅜- 41•8 W22506R402
– – – W22506X 23,9 5⅜- 3⅞ W22506R314 – – – –
See page 285 for table of hexagon sizes of bolts, nuts and related thread diameters.

W35000PX, Inch-Cassettes & Reducer Inserts

Nominal Torque at 690 bar:

47.454 Nm
Drive Hexagon Nose G Model Nr. Hexagon Range:
3⅛ - 6⅛ inch
Maximum Operating Pressure:
Hexagon Model
(inch) (mm) (mm) (kg)
690 bar
31/8 76,0 126,8 W35302X 32,8 31/8 – 2 W35302R200
33/16 76,0 126,8 W35303X 32,7 – – Hexagon Bolt and Nut Sizes
3¼ 76,0 126,8 W35304X 32,5 – – See the table for hexagon sizes
35/16 76,0 126,8 W35305X 32,4 – – of bolts, nuts and related thread
126,8 W35306X 32,2 – diameters.
3⅜ 76,0 –
37/16 76,0 126,8 W35307X 32,0 – –

Page: 285
3½ 76,0 126,8 W35308X 31,8 3½ - 25•16 W35308R205
39/16 81,5 132,5 W35309X 32,4 – –
3⅝ 81,5 132,5 W35310X 33,3 – –
311•16 81,5 132,5 W35311X 33,1 – –
3¾ 81,5 132,5 W35312X 32,9 – –
313•16 81,5 132,5 W35313X 32,7 – –
3⅞ 81,5 132,5 W35314X 32,4 3⅞ - 211•16 W35314R211
315⁄16 87,0 137,0 W35315X 34,1 315∕16 - 213•16 W35315R213
4 87,0 137,0 W35400X 33,9 –
41⁄16 87,0 137,0 W35401 IX 33,7 – –
41⁄8 87,0 137,0 W35402X 33,5 – –

43⁄16 87,0 137,0 W35403 IX 33,3 – –

41⁄4 87,0 137,0 W35404X 33,0 4¼ - 31•16 W35404R301
45⁄16 93,0 143,0 W35405X 34,9 – –
43⁄8 93,0 143,0 W35406X 34,7 – –
47⁄16 93,0 143,0 W35407X 34,5 – –
4½ 93,0 143,0 W35408X 34,3 – –
49⁄16 93,0 143,0 W35409X 34,1 – –
4⅝ 93,0 143,0 W35410  IX 33,7 45•8 - 3⅝ W35410R310
43⁄4 98,5 148,5 W35412X 35,6 4¾ - 3¾ W35412R312
4⅞ 98,5 148,5 W35414X 34,9 – –
5 98,5 148,5 W35500X 34,3 5-4 W35500R400
51/8 103,0 153,0 W35502X 35,8 5⅛ - 4⅛ W35502R402
53/16 103,0 153,0 W35503  IX 35,6 – –
51/4 103,0 153,0 W35504X 35,2 – –
53/8 103,0 153,0 W35506X 34,6 5⅜ - 45•16 W35506R405
51/2 108,5 158,5 W35508X 36,2 – –
59/16 108,5 158,5 W35509X 36,0 – –
55/8 108,5 158,5 W35510X 35,6 – –
53/4 108,5 164,0 W35512X 34,9 5¾ - 4¾ W35512R412
5⅞ 114,0 164,0 W35514X 36,7 5⅞ - 4⅞ W35514R414
6 114,0 164,0 W35600X 36,1 –
6⅛ 114,0 164,0 W35602X 35,3 6⅛ - 5⅛ W35602R502

www.enerpac.com 207
W-Series, Metric Cassettes and Reducers

Hexagon Range:
24 - 105 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
690 bar

Drive Hexagon Nose Dim. Model Nr.
Unit Size 1) Radius Cassette
Hexagon Model Number Hexagon Model Number Hexagon Model Number
S H G Reducer Reducer Reducer Reducer Reducer Reducer
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
30 31 54 W2103X 2,1 – – – – – –
32 31 54 W2104X 2,1 – – – – – –
36 31 54 W2107X 2,1 – – – – – –
(2766 Nm)

38 34 58 W2108X 2,2 – – – – – –
41 34 58 W2110X 2,2 41 - 32 W2110R104 41 - 30 W2110R103 41 - 24 W2110R024M
46 34 61 W2113X 2,2 46 - 36 W2113R107 46 - 32 W2113R104 – –
50 39 63 W2200X 2,2 50 - 41 W2200R110 50 - 36 W2200R107 –
55 42 69 W2203X 2,3 55 - 46 W2203R113 55 - 41 W2203R110 55 - 36 W2203R107
60 45 65 W2206X 2,2 60 - 50 W2206R200 60 - 46 W2206R113 60 - 41 W2206R110
– – – – – 60 - 36 W2206R107 – – – –
36 37 61 W4107X 3,7 – – – – – –
41 37 61 W4110X 3,7 – – – – – –
46 40 64 W4113X 3,8 – – – – – –
50 42 67 W4200X 3,9 50 - 36 W4200R107 – – – –
4,0 55 - 41 55 - 32

55 44 73 W4203X W4203R110 55 - 36 W4203R107 W4203R104

(5661 Nm)

60 47 71 W4206X 4,1 60 - 50 W4206R200 60 - 46 W4206R113 60 - 36 W4206R107

65 50 76 W4209X 4,1 65 - 55 W4209R203 65 - 50 W4209R200 65 - 46 W4209R113
70 53 78 W4212X 4,2 70 - 60 W4212R206 70 - 55 W4212R203 – –
75 55 82 W4215X 4,3 75 - 65 W4215R209 75 - 60 W4215R206 – –
– – – W4215X 75 - 55 W4215R203 75 - 50 W4215R200 – –
80 59 84 W4302X – – – 80 - 70 W4302R212 80 - 65 W4302R209
– – – W4302X – 80 - 55 W4302R203 80 - 50 W4302R200 – –
85 62 86 W4085MX 4,5 – – – – – –
50 45 78 W8200X 8,1 – – – – – –
55 48 80 W8203X 8,1 – – – – – –
60 51 83 W8206X 8,1 – – – – – –
65 56 85 W8209X 8,1 65 - 50 W8209R200 – – – –
70 56 85 W8212X 7,9 70 - 55 W8212R203 – – – –
(11.484 Nm)

75 58 85 W8215X 7,9 75 - 60 W8215R206 75 - 55 W8215R203 – –

80 61 90 W8302X 8 80 - 65 W8302R209 80 - 60 W8302R206 80 - 55 W8302R203
– – – – – 80 - 50 W8302R200 – – – –
85 66 92 W8085MX 8,2 85 - 70 W8085R070M 85 - 65 W8085R065M 85 - 60 W8085R060M
– – – – – 85 - 55 W8085R055M – – – –
90 74 103 W8090MX 8,8 90 - 75 W8090R075M – – – –
95 74 103 W8312X 8,8 95 - 80 W8312R302 95 - 75 W8312R215 – –
100 80 110 W8315X 9,3 – – – – – –
105 80 110 W8402X 9,3 – – – – – –
See page 285 for table of hexagon sizes of bolts, nuts and related thread diameters.

W-Series, Metric Cassettes and Reducers
Hexagon Range:
50 - 155 mm W
Maximum Operating Pressure:
690 bar X-Edition

Drive Hexagon Nose Dim. Model Nr.
Unit Size 1) Radius Cassette
Hexagon Model Number Hexagon Model Number
S H G Reducer Reducer Reducer Reducer
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm)
65 59 89 W15209X 13,6 – – – –
70 59 89 W15212X 13,6 – – – –
75 62 91 W15215X 13,7 – – – –
(20.785 Nm)

80 65 93 W15302X 13,8 80 - 65 W15302R209 – –

85 70 97 W15085MX 14,1 85 - 70 W15085R070M – –
90 75 102 W15090MX 14,5 90 - 75 W15090R75M – –
95 75 102 W15312X 14,6 95 - 80 W15312R302 95 - 75 W15312R215
100 81 103 W15315X 14,8 – – – –
105 81 103 W15402X 14,8 105 - 90 W15402R090M – –
110 88 115 W15405X 15,1 110 - 95 W15110R095M – –
115 88 115 W15115MX 15,1 115 - 100 W15115R100M – –
75 67 102 W22215X 22,0 – – – –
80 67 102 W22302X 21,6 80-60 W22302R206 80 - 55 W22302R203
85 73 107 W22085MX 22,5 85-65 W22085MR209 85 - 60 W22085MR206
90 78 113 W22090MX 23,4 90-70 W22090M212 90 - 60 W22090MR206
(30.506 Nm)

95 78 113 W22312X 22,9 95-75 W22312R215 – –

100 85 120 W22315X 24,3 – – – –
105 85 120 W22402X 23,4 – – – –
110 90 125 W22405X 24,6 – – – –
115 90 125 W22115MX 24,0 – – – –
120 95 130 W22412X 24,7 – – – –
123 95 130 W22123MX 24,4 – – – –
130 100 135 W22502X 25,0 – – – –
135 100 135 W22506X 23,9 135 - 105 W22506R402 – –
80 77 129 W35302X 32,8 80 - 50 W35302R200 – –
85 77 129 W35085MX 32,3 – – – –
90 82 135 W35090MX 33,5 90 - 60 W35090R206 – –
95 82 135 W35312X 32,9 – – – –
100 88 139 W35315X 34,1 – – –
105 88 139 W35402X 33,5 – – – –
(47.454 Nm)

110 94 146 W35405X 34,9 110 - 85 W35405R085M – –

115 94 146 W35115MX 34,2 – – – –
120 100 153 W35412X 35,6 120 - 95 W354121R312 – –
123 100 153 W35123MX 35,0 – – – –
130 104 160 W35502X 35,8 130 - 105 W35502R402 – –
135 104 160 W35506X 34,6 135 - 110 W35506R405 – –
140 110 163 W35508X 36,2 140 - 115 W35508R115M – –
145 110 163 W35512X 34,9 145 - 120 W35512R412 – –
150 115 169 W35514X 36,7 – – – –
151 115 169 W35151MX 36,5 – – – –
155 115 169 W35602X 35,3 155 - 130 W35602R502 – –
See page 285 for table of hexagon sizes of bolts, nuts and related thread diameters.

www.enerpac.com 209
W-SL Series, Ultra Slim Bi-Hexagonal Cassettes
▼ W4206SL bi-hexagonal cassette with W4000X drive unit

Your easy and long lasting

solution to difficult access
bolting applications

Ultra Slim: Designed for Tight

Stepped width design provides
easy access in confined areas.
Ultra Slim cassettes fit where
standard solutions won’t.

Built to Outperform
High endurance components keep
working when others fail.

Top Mounted Straight Handle
• Lean, stepped width design allows tool to be mounted over bolts
where other tools won’t fit The top mounted straight handle
is standard and provides safe
• Bi-Hexagonal cassette allows twice as many positioning points on and easy positioning and access to
nut or bolt hard to reach fasteners.
• Robust top mounted handle stays out of the way, providing safe
fastening in hard to reach areas
• Uses same drive unit as standard W-series hexagon cassettes
Straight handle (standard) SWH6S
Performance Angled handle (optional) SWH6A
• Premium components provide best-in-class endurance compared to
other limited access tools ATEX declared.
Calibration certificate included.
Ease of Use
 UltraSlim Series cassettes are
• Few moving parts are easily accessible for quick field maintenance CE - ATEX declared and are
• Fast release drive unit enables rapid exchange of cassettes, no tools shipped complete with a
required calibration certificate.
• Top mounted straight handle for improved tool handling and safety
• Enhanced tilt and swivel TSP300 manifold for horizontal and vertical
maneuverability, with greater durability
• Constant torque output provides ± 3% accuracy of across full stroke
• Calibration certificate shipped with every cassette.

Slim enough to fit and tough enough

to last. This UltraSlim wrench is the
perfect controlled bolting solution for
this oil and gas flange. ▶

Ultra Slim Bi-Hexagonal Cassettes
UltraSlim Bi-Hexagonal
Durability of Key Components *
Accessing narrow spaces Series
normally requires significantly
reducing the width of the torque wrench. UltraSlim

Cycles run at 5425 Nm

For the tool operator, this has always
meant vastly reduced tool durability, and/or
reduced torque output.

By using the highest grade materials, Nominal Torque Output:

perfecting the geometry, and placing the
positioning handle on top of the tool for Side Ratchet
5911 Nm
safe fastening, Enerpac UltraSlim cassettes Plates Levers Bi-Hexagonal Range:
are able to provide greater torque, get into
tighter spaces, and vastly outperform the
Enerpac Competitor 46 - 75 mm
competition in product durability *. * Average test results, whereby three Maximum Operating Pressure:
Enerpac 46 mm UltraSlim cassettes and
three competitor 46 mm cassettes were
690 bar
tested at 5425 Nm for 50.000 cycles.
The Enerpac side plates never broke for the
full duration of the test.
Torque Wrench Pumps
System matched air and electric
torque wrench pumps that are
ideal for use with hydraulic torque


Torque Wrench Hoses

Use Enerpac THQ-700 Series
torque wrench hoses with
W-Series torque wrenches to
ensure the integrity of your
hydraulic system.

6 m long, 2 hoses THQ-706T

12 m long, 2 hoses THQ-712T

Bi-Hexa- Nominal UltraSlim Minimum Nose Dimensions (mm) Drive Unit
gonal Size Torque Cassette * Torque Radius Model Nr. **
@ 690 bar Model Nr. @ 69 bar (sold separately)

(mm) (inch) (Nm) (Nm) (mm) G A B C D D1 E F J (kg)
46 113/16 2685 W2113SL 269 36,5 59,6 2,2
55 23/16 2685 W2203SL 269 41,5 63,2 140,7 109,3 147,7 32,4 25,4 24,0 20,0 120 2,2 W2000PX
60 2⅜ 2685 W2206SL 269 44,5 65,1 2,2
55 23/16 5911 W4203SL 591 44,0 68,7 4,6
60 2⅜ 5911 W4206SL 591 48,0 71,6 4,7
65 29/16 5911 W4209SL 591 50,5 74,1 175,6 144,5 178,5 40,5 28,6 40,8 20,0 120 4,7 W4000PX
70 2¾ 5911 W4212SL 591 53,5 75,6 4,7
75 215/16 5911 W4215SL 591 56,0 76,0 4,7
* Bi-Hexagonal Cassette includes top mounted straight handle.
** Weight of drive unit W2000PX = 1,4 kg; W4000PX = 2,0 kg.

www.enerpac.com 211
WCR-Series, Roller Cassette Torque Wrench
▼ WCR4000 Roller Cassette with Spanner and W4000PX Drive Unit Bi-Hexagonal Spanner Size:
36 - 80 mm, 17•16 - 3⅛”
Spanner Nose Radius:
31 - 55 mm
Nominal Torque:
5762 Nm (4250 Ft.lbs)
Maximum Operating Pressure:
690 bar
WCR-4000 Applications
The WCR4000 helps resolve narrow
clearance restrictions in bolting of API
and BOP flanges.
The Enerpac WCR4000 Roller Cassette has
been developed for applications where there
are severe clearance restrictions, particularly in
height above the nut or between the bolt center
and the inside of the joint.

Powered by the standard W4000PX drive unit

which is compatible with standard W-Series
hexagon cassettes. The WCR-wrench must be
removed and repositioned after each wrench
• Provides a safe and reliable controlled bolting solution for flanges cycle by operating the pump in the retract
with limited access direction. The tool contains no spring return.
• Spanners available to fit most commonly used API flanges
• Small nose radius – resolves bolt to pipe restrictions
• Slim spanner design – reduces bolt height restrictions
• Wide range of spanners ranging from 36 - 80 mm (17•16 - 3⅛ inch)
• Includes handle to improve tool handling and safety
• Rigid steel body for maximum endurance and minimum downtime 2

• Enhanced tilt and swivel TSP300 manifold for horizontal and vertical
maneuverability, with greater durability. 1 1 Closed Spanner
2 Roller Cassette
3 Drive Unit

Closed Spanner Closed Nominal Spanner Roller Drive Unit 241

Hexagon Size Spanner Torque Radius Cassette Model Nr. 226
S Model R * Assembly
(inch) (mm) Number (Nm) (mm) (kg) Model Nr.
17⁄16 36 W4107CS 5762 31 1,9 WCR4000
1½ 38 W4108CS 5762 33 2,0 159

1⅝ 41 W4110CS 5762 33 1,9

113•16 46 W4113CS 5762 36 1,9
1⅞ 48 W4114CS 5762 38 2,1
2 50 W4200CS 5762 38 1,9
WCR4000 W4000PX R
23/16 55 W4203CS 5762 41 2,0 S 30
2⅜ 60 W4206CS 5762 45 2,1
29•16 65 W4209CS 5762 47 2,1 80
2¾ 70 W4212CS 5762 50 2,1
41 131
215•16 75 W4215CS 5762 52 2,1
3⅛ 80 W4302CS 5762 55 2,2
* Spanner weight. For total weight add 6,3 kg for WCR4000 and 2,0 kg for W4000PX.

Accessories for W-Series, X-Edition Wrenches


Items ① to ⑤ are standard.

Items ④ to ⑧ are optional.

① Hexagon Cassette
② Drive Unit
③ Angled Positioning Handle
④ Straight Positioning Handle
⑤ Pro Series Swivel
⑥ Extended Reaction Arm
⑦ Reducer Insert
⑧ Reaction Paddle

WTE-Series, Extended Reaction Arm

• Full torque rated
• Increases tool fit in restricted access areas.

For Torque Wrench Model Dimensions (mm)

Model Number Number
A B C (kg) *
W2000PX WTE20 56 398 76 2,6
W4000PX WTE40 66 436 74 4,6
W8000PX WTE80 85 449 55 7,6
WTE-Series W15000PX WTE150 102 498 72 12,0
W22000PX WTE220 114 524 77 17,3
W35000PX WTE350 127 419 133 17,8
* Weights indicated are for the accessories only and do not include the wrench.

WRP-Series, Low Profile Reaction Paddles

• Lightweight interchangeable design
• Allows for offset reaction when in-line reaction is not available.

For Torque Model Dimensions (mm)

Wrench Number
Model Nr. A B C D E (kg) *
W2000PX WRP20 84 16 35 45 148 0,4
W4000PX WRP40 109 21 47 59 190 0,8
W8000PX WRP80 137 26 57 69 223 2,0
W15000PX WRP150 165 32 69 87 257 3,9
W22000PX WRP220 207 37 91 134 317 7,2
WRP-Series W35000PX WRP350 225 42 91 182 367 10,6
* Weights indicated are for the accessories only and do not include the wrench.

www.enerpac.com 213
PTW-Series, Pneumatic Torque Wrenches
▼ PTW1000

Continuous Rotation
Controlled Torque

Calibration Certificate
All PTW-Series tools are CE declared
and are shipped complete with a
calibration certificate.

Typical Pneumatic Torque Wrench


Oil and Gas, MRO

Productivity - Pipe flanges
- Valves
• High speed continuous rotation for constant torque output - Man-way covers
• Low friction planetary gearbox design minimizes wear and - Pressure vessels.
extends uptime.
Power Generation
Safety - Turbine bolts
• Ergonomic, low vibration design reduces fatigue and the risk of - Tower segments
vibration related injuries for the operator - Turbine casings.

• Low noise air motor provides quiet, consistent performance for Mining
indoor and outdoor applications. - Track maintenance
- Undercarriage maintenance
Convenience - Wheel maintenance
• Provided with standard reaction arm; wide assortment of custom - Shovel maintenance.
arms and accessories are available
• Available with or without Filter-Regulator-Lubricator (FRL)
• Unique calibration certificate provided with each tool.
▼ PTW-Series Pneumatic Torque Wrenches are ideal
for applications where speed and precision are
critical, such as track maintenance.

◀ The PTW1000 makes quick work

of this flange maintenance job.

Pneumatic Torque Wrenches
PTW-Series, Pneumatic Torque
the FRL to achieve the desired torque using
the calibration certificate. After this, the tool PTW
Enerpac PTW-Series Pneumatic is ready to go to work! * Series
Torque Wrenches are designed for
applications that require speed and control. The air source used with the PTW system
must be regulated and/or limited to 8,3 bar,
The standard package includes a Torque and must be capable of providing a volume
Wrench with a calibration certificate, an FRL of at least (85 m3/h) at 6,9 bar. A separate
(Filter/Regulator/Lubricator), and a 3 m long, ½” inch hose (not included) must be used to
½” inch (13 mm) diameter air hose, which connect the FRL to the air supply. Nominal Torque Output:
connects the FRL to the wrench.
* See instruction manual for 8135 Nm
Once the air hoses are connected, the comprehensive instructions.
Square Drive Range:
operator simply adjusts the air pressure on
1 - 1½ inch

E nerpac offers a full line of
accessories including a range of
reaction arms and drives.


FRL120C, Filter-Regulator-
Lubricator with air hose
All PTW-Series tools are shipped
complete with standard reaction
arm, and Filter-Regulator-
Lubricator (FRL120C).

① PTW Torque Wrench BSH-Series Sockets

② Standard Reaction Arm Heavy-Duty Impact Sockets for
③ FRL120C Filter-Regulator-Lubricator power driven torquing equipment.
with 3 meters air hose

246 280

Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

Enerpac offers a complete range of

square drive and hexagon cassette

torque wrenches.

▼ SELECTION CHART All tools are shipped complete with standard reaction arm and FRL120C.
Minimum Nominal Square Model Number 1)
Speed Dimensions (mm)
Torque Torque Drive (FRL120C included)
(Nm) (Ft.lbs) (Nm) (Ft.lbs) (inch) (RPM) A B C D (kg) 2)

407 300 1356 1000 1 PTW1000C 12,6 272 83 72 130 8,2

678 500 2712 2000 1 PTW2000C 8,0 286 83 79 133 8,8
1220 900 4067 3000 1 PTW3000C 3,1 343 83 95 133 10,4
1763 1300 8135 6000 1½ PTW6000C 2,5 366 114 127 178 17,7
To order without FRL120C, remove “C” suffix from model number (example: PTW3000).

Weight does not include reaction arm. Reaction arm weight for PTW1000, PTW2000, PTW3000 is 1,3 kg and for PTW6000 is 3,5 kg.

www.enerpac.com 215
ETW-Series, Electric Torque Wrenches
▼ TW3000EI (torque wrench shown without servo motor cable *)

Your Simple Solution

for Smart Bolting

Touchscreen Control Box

ETW-Series tools feature an easy
to use, interactive touch-screen
control box, which helps make
even the most complex jobs simple
to complete.
Single control box may be used to operate
multiple wrench models. Wrench can not be used
without control box.
Firmware upgrades may be uploaded online
and easily transferred to the tool via a USB

Easy Access to Controls

 ontrols on back of wrench with
LED display allow user to directly
Versatility input desired torque, change
• Patented firmware design provides accurate fastening on soft or direction of rotation, and monitor
pre-tightened joints when accuracy is critical the fastening process.
• Single control box may be used to operate multiple wrench models
• Wrenches and control boxes may be purchased separately or as a
calibrated set
Certifications and Declarations
Performance All ETW-Series tools:
• High speed continuous rotation gets the job done faster - Are CE declared
• Torque and angle functionality allows input of nominal torque value - Are shipped complete with a
followed by a specific angle of rotation calibration certificate
- Are certified for North American Electrical
• Pass/Fail LED indicator on back of tool verifies fastening has been Safety by CSA International
completed according to specified input. - Carry a CSA US and Canada mark.
• Control box with 7-inch touchscreen simplifies tool operation
• Controls on back of wrench enable operator to monitor and manage
the fastening process without returning to the control box
▼ ETW-Series Electric Torque Wrenches are ideal for high
• Brightly lit three line LED display on wrench is easy to read in any volume fastening applications that require precision
environment, even in bright sunlight. and traceability, such as this wind tower job.

• Fastening record can be viewed on-screen and transferred through
standard USB connection on the control box
• Each tool is performance tested and shipped complete with a factory
calibration certificate.
• Lift points on wrench enable use with positioning handle or lifting
device for greater handling safety
• Ground fault detector protects operator in the event of insufficient
* NOTE: Wrench can not be used without control box.

Electric Torque Wrenches
ETW-Series, Electric Torque
Wrenches ETW
Enerpac ETW-Series Electric For simpler jobs, torque values may be input Series
Torque Wrenches are particularly with a digital slider on the touchscreen, or
well suited to complex jobs which demand directly into the rear control panel of the
precision and traceability. wrench.

The ETW-Series tools feature an automatic Once the input torque is achieved, the tool
mode, which helps simplify and automate stalls, and a pass/fail indicator verifies that
complex jobs, including those with torque it is ready to move on to the next fastener. Nominal Torque Output:
and angle specifications, through the
creation of presets. When the job is completed, the fastening 8135 Nm
record can be viewed on the touch screen, Square Drive Range:
Using the touchscreen, simply input the
number of fasteners and desired torque
or exported to a computer via a USB
connection on the control box. 1 - 1½ inch
value for each fastening step, followed by
the required angle of turn. This sequence
may then be saved as an automatic preset Accessories
for future use. E nerpac offers a full line of
accessories including a range of
reaction arms and drives.


ETW-Set BSH-Series Sockets

① ETW Torque Wrench with 6m servo motor cable Heavy-Duty Impact Sockets for
② Control Box with 2m power cord power driven torquing equipment.
③ Standard Reaction Arm
B A 437


D 347

Voltage: (Model Number ending with suffix)

B = 115V, 60 Hz
I = 230V, 60 Hz (with NEMA 6-15 plug)
E = 230V, 50 Hz (with commonly used European
(SCHUKO) plug)
ETW-torque wrench ETWCB-control box

Minimum Torque Nominal Torque Square ETW-Set ETW-Set includes Voltage Nominal Dimensions (mm)
Drive Model Wrench Control Box Speed
(Nm) (Ft.lbs) (Nm) (Ft.lbs) (inch) Number Model Nr. 2) Model Nr. 2) (RPM) A B C D (kg) 1)

270 200 1355 1000 1 ETW1000B TW1000B ETWCB-B 115V 60 Hz 9,8 365 83 72 130 8,2
270 200 1355 1000 1 ETW1000I TW1000EI ETWCB-I 230V 60 Hz 15,2 365 83 72 130 8,2
270 200 1355 1000 1 ETW1000E TW1000EI ETWCB-E 230V 50 Hz 15,2 365 83 72 130 8,2
540 400 2710 2000 1 ETW 2000 B TW2000B ETWCB-B 115V 60 Hz 5,8 380 83 79 133 8,9
540 400 2710 2000 1 ETW2000I TW2000EI ETWCB-I 230V 60 Hz 9,0 380 83 79 133 8,9
540 400 2710 2000 1 ETW2000E TW2000EI ETWCB-E 230V 50 Hz 9,0 380 83 79 133 8,9
810 600 4065 3000 1 ETW3000B TW3000B ETWCB-B 115V 60 Hz 2,8 436 83 95 133 11,9
810 600 4065 3000 1 ETW3000I TW3000EI ETWCB-I 230V 60 Hz 4,3 436 83 95 133 11,9
810 600 4065 3000 1 ETW3000E TW3000EI ETWCB-E 230V 50 Hz 4,3 436 83 95 133 11,9
1625 1200 8135 6000 1½ ETW6000B TW6000B ETWCB-B 115V 60 Hz 1,9 453 114 127 178 19,1
1625 1200 8135 6000 1½ ETW6000I TW6000EI ETWCB-I 230V 60 Hz 2,9 453 114 127 178 19,1
1625 1200 8135 6000 1½ ETW6000E TW6000EI ETWCB-E 230V 50 Hz 2,9 453 114 127 178 19,1
Wrench weight does not include reaction arm. Standard reaction arm weight for ETW1000, ETW2000, ETW3000 is 1,3 kg and for ETW6000 is 3,5 kg.
Standard reaction arm included with TW-model. Weight of the control box is 9 kg.
Use of ETW requires both wrench and control box. These may be purchased separately, or as a calibrated set.
www.enerpac.com 217
Torque Wrench Accessories
Socket Size Range (inch) ▶
Torque Range (Nm) ▶

Torque Range (Ft.lbs) ▶


Nominal Torque Output:

8135 Nm
Square Drive Range:
1 - 1½ inch
Socket Size Range (mm) ▶

BSH-Series Sockets
Heavy-Duty Impact Sockets for
power driven torquing equipment.


PTW and ETW-Accessories

Enerpac offers the following
accessories to support a wide variety
of applications in industries such as
mining, power generation and oil & gas. For
additional custom accessories not pictured here,
please contact Enerpac.

Optional Accessories
For use with PTW and ETW1000, 2000, 3000-models Dimensions (mm)
Nr. Description Model Nr. Application A B C D
1 Extended Drive, 6 inch (152 mm) ED6TWS Nose extension, primarily for truck wheel bolts 62 206 73 –
1 Extended Drive, 12 inch (305 mm) ED12TWS Nose extension, primarily for truck wheel bolts 62 384 73 –
1 Extended Drive, 18 inch (457 mm) ED18TWS Nose extension, primarily for truck wheel bolts 62 511 73 –
2 Standard Reaction Arm RATWS Standard arm included with PTW and ETW model 76 172 102 21
3 Extended Reaction Arm ERATWS Long plate for use with deep well sockets 73 150 202 51
4 Sliding Reaction Arm SLRATWS For widely spaced and uneven bolt centers 112 381 203 102
5 Double Straight Reaction Arm DSATWS Reduces time to reposition arm * 73 406 19 102
6 Straight Reaction Arm SRATWS Long plate for wide spaced reaction points 73 240 19 51
7 Blank Reaction Arm ** BLTWS Weldable blank for custom applications ** 72 151 25 51
For use with PTW and ETW6000-models
1 Extended Drive 6 inch (152 mm) ED6TWL Nose extension, primarily for truck wheel bolts 84 232 102 –
1 Extended Drive 12 inch (305 mm) ED12TWL Nose extension, primarily for truck wheel bolts 84 384 102 –
2 Standard Reaction Arm RATWL Standard arm included with PTW and ETW model 102 229 146 32
3 Extended Reaction Arm ERATWL Long plate for use with deep well sockets 102 254 184 64
4 Sliding Reaction Arm SLRATWL For widely spaced and uneven bolt centers 152 419 190 114
5 Double Straight Arm DSATWL Reduces time to reposition arm * 102 508 32 57
6 Straight Reaction Arm SRATWL Long plate for wide spaced reaction points 102 305 32 57
7 Blank Reaction Arm ** BLTWL Weldable blank for custom applications ** 102 152 32 57
* Time to reposition arm when repeatedly moving from tightening to loosening.
** WARNING: Blank reaction arms must be heat treated to HRc 38-42 prior to use.

Typical PTW and ETW-Series Torque Wrench Applications

• Track maintenance
• Undercarriage maintenance
• Wheel maintenance
• Shovel maintenance

Power Generation
• Turbine bolts
• Tower segments
• Turbine casings

Oil & Gas

• Pipe flanges
• Valves
• Manway covers
• Pressure vessels

www.enerpac.com 219
Selection Matrix

Optimum Torque Wrench and Pump Combinations

performance Enerpac
recommends the following PME, PMU-Series ZU4-Series TQ-Series ZE-Series ZA4-Series
system set-up with wrench-
pump-hose combinations.
For other combinations,
consult your Enerpac bolting
expert or your authorized
Enerpac distributor.

Page: 221 Page: 224 Page: 222 Page: 228 Page: 230


Reservoir Capacity: 1,9 - 3,8 litres 4,0 - 8,0 litres 4,0 litres 4,0 - 40 litres 4,0 - 8,0 litres
Duty Cycle: Standard Standard Medium Heavy-Duty Heavy-Duty
Field/Factory Work: Field Field Field/Factory Factory Field
S3000PX Optimal

S11000PX –
194 S25000PX
W2000PX Optimal Optimal Optimal
W4000PX Optimal


W22000PX Acceptable
200 W35000PX

ZU4T – Electric Wrench Pumps ZE-Series Electric Wrench Pumps Torque Wrench
Utilizing a universal motor, the ZU4- The ZE-Series features premium options, such Hoses
Series has excellent low voltage as the LCD to display torque or pressure values, Use Enerpac twin
characteristics. It works well with long and self-diagnostics. These pumps utilize an safety hoses to
connect your torque
extension cords or generator driven electrical induction motor, making the ZE-Series the
wrench to the pump.
power supplies. coolest and quietest pumps in their class.
For S & W Modelnr.
A field proven, efficient design ensures this ZA4T-Series Air Driven Wrench Pumps 6 m long, 2 hoses THQ-706T
pump is dependable and will draw less current Utilizing the highly efficient design of the 12 m long, 2 hoses THQ-712T
– lowering your operating cost. ZU4-pumps are Z-Class pumping element, this air driven pump
available in Pro and Classic formats. is best suited to power medium to large size
torque wrenches. Torque Wrench
ZU4T Pro pumps have an LCD feature to
For torque wrench
display torque or pressure, selectable torque TQ-700 Series Electric Wrench Pumps
couplers see our
wrench, and self-diagnostics – premium Designed for both portability and production, “System Components”
features not available on any other pump. the TQ-700 features optimized flow technology section in this catalogue.
to deliver superior bolting speed.
ZU4T Classic pumps feature an analogue
Page: 124
gauge and a basic electrical package to deliver
durable, safe and efficient hydraulic power.

220 www.enerpac.com
Portable Electric Torque Wrench Pumps
▼ PMU-10422Q

Reservoir Capacity:
1,9 - 3,8 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
0,33 l/min
Motor Size:

0,37 kW
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Torque Wrench Hoses

• Powerful two-speed pump is lightweight and easy to carry
Use Enerpac twin safety hoses to
• Standard heat exchanger package on PMU-Series keeps pump cool connect your torque wrench to
under extreme use the pump.
• Glycerin filled gauge with scales reading in psi and bar
• Transparent overlays in Nm and Ft.lbs for all Enerpac torque wrenches
For 700 bar Modelnr.
provide a quick torque reference
6 m long, 2 hoses THQ-706T
• Universal motor for a high power-to-weight ratio; generates full 12 m long, 2 hoses THQ-712T
pressure on as little as 50% of the rated line voltage
• Adjustable pressure relief valve for accurate torque adjustments and
precise repeatability. Gauge and Overlay Kit
Available separately for use with
PMU-Series pumps: GT-4015Q
includes gauge and overlays for all
S- and W-Series wrenches.

For Use With Maximum Oil Flow Model Number Useable Eletric Dimensions
Torque Wrenches Pressure Rating Rate with Heat Oil Motor LxWxH
(bar) (l/min) Exchanger * Capacity

1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage (litres) (Volt-phase-Hz) (mm) (kg)
48 700 3,3 0,33 PMU-10427Q 1,9 115 - 1 - 50/60 431x280x381 21
S1500PX W2000PX 48 700 3,3 0,33 PMU-10447Q 3,8 115 - 1 - 50/60 431x330x381 24
S3000PX W4000PX 48 700 3,3 0,33 PMU-10422Q 1,9 230 - 1 - 50/60 431x280x381 21
48 700 3,3 0,33 PMU-10442Q 3,8 230 - 1 - 50/60 431x330x381 24
* For pump without heat exchanger change PMU into PME. Example PME-10442Q.
PME-Series pump size: 250 x 250 x 360 mm. Weight 18 kg (1,9 litres) and 21 kg (3,8 litres).
www.enerpac.com 221
TQ-Series, Electric Wrench Pumps
▼ TQ-700E

Lightweight Torque
Wrench Pumps

Four Port Manifold

The TQ-700 offers an optional four
wrench manifold as an accessory
factory installed. (Add suffix “M”
at the end of the model number.
For example: TQ-700EM).

• Optimized flow technology – three stage pump maximizes productivity Hydraulic Torque Wrenches
of the pump and tool while minimizing heat build-up and down time
Enerpac offers a complete range
• Heat exchanger is standard included of square drive and hexagon
• A quiet (<85 dBA), lightweight pump with a compact footprint – easy cassette torque wrenches.
to move around and through the work site
• Durable roll cage with an ergonomically sized handle and shielded 191
gauge – a pump that is easy to put into position and safe from on site
operational hazards Torque Wrench Hoses
• Maintenance made simple with a brushless motor designed for Use Enerpac THQ-700 series twin
continuous usage hoses with 700 bar pumps.
• Straightforward operation with a simple pressure set and convenient
to use 6 m pendant control – immediate productivity for crews
operating the pump
• IP55 Rating for Superior Dust and Water Protection For 700 bar Model Nr.
6 meters long, 2 hoses THQ-706T
• Transparent gauge overlays in Nm and Ft.lbs for all Enerpac S and
12 meters long, 2 hoses THQ-712T
W-Series torque wrenches provide a quick torque reference.

◀ T he TQ-700E and the W-Series

wrenches are a productive
combination in wind applications.

222 www.enerpac.com
Electric Torque Wrench Pumps
TQ-700 Applications
The TQ-700 Series pump is ideal
Bolts tightened per hour TQ
for powering hydraulic wrenches Series
for the Power Generation and
Wind Markets.

Bolting speed is more complex than how

much flow per minute the pump produces.
The key is optimising the flow rate across
the entire bolting cycle. With more oil Reservoir Capacity:
flowing at the right time and at the right
volume, you achieve the optimized flow for
4,0 litres
a hydraulic bolting system. Internal laboratory testing based on standard torqueing Flow at Rated Pressure:
procedure on a pipe flange with 14, 1⅞" bolts.

The result of this optimized flow is 0,5 l/min

more bolts tightened faster and a more
Motor Size:
productive work team.
0,75 kW
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Torque Wrench Pump Selection

For optimum speed and
performance see the torque
wrench, pump and hose
selection matrix.


▼ T he TQ-700E and the W-Series wrenches are a

productive combination.

For Use with Pressure Model Useable Motor Motor Sound

Torque Rating Number 1) Oil Size Electrical Level
Wrenches Capacity Specifications

(bar) (litres) (kW) (Volt - Ph - Hz) (dBA) (kg)

700 TQ-700 B 4,0 0,75 115 - 1 - 50/60 82 - 85 31
All S and
700 TQ-700 E 2) 4,0 0,75 230 - 1 - 50 82 - 85 30
700 TQ-700 I 3) 4,0 0,75 230 - 1 - 60 82 - 85 30
All models meet CE safety requirements and all TÜV requirements.
TQ-700 E with European plug and CE EMC directive compliant.
TQ-700 I with NEMA 6-15 plug.
ZU4T-Series, Electric Torque Wrench Pumps
▼ ZU4204TE-Q (Pro-Serie), ZU4204BE-Q (Classic)


Classic Electrical
Basic electrical package includes
mechanical contactor, ON/OFF
toggle switch, pendant with
electro-mechanical push buttons,
24V transformer timer and operator accessible
circuit breaker.

• Features Z-Class high-efficiency pump design; higher oil flow and Pro-Series
bypass pressure, cooler running and requires 18% less current draw
Back-lit LCD and Pressure
than comparable pumps Transducer featuring
• Powerful 1,25 kW universal electric motor provides high power-to- Auto-Cycle Technology.
weight ratio and excellent low-voltage operating characteristics
• High-strength, molded composite shroud protects motor and electrical • Torque wrench model is selectable
components, while providing an ergonomic, non-conductive handle for • “Auto cycle” setting easily programmable.
easy transport • Digital read-out and “Autocycle” setting
• Low-voltage pendant provides additional safety for the operator. • Pump usage information, hour and cycle
Pro Series pump only • Low-voltage warning and recording
• Self-test and diagnostic capabilities
• LCD readout provides pressure display and a number of diagnostic and • Information can be displayed in English,
readout capabilities never before offered on a portable electric pump French, German, Italian, Spanish and
• AutoCycle feature provides continuous cycle operation of the torque Portuguese
wrench as long as the advance button is pressed (pump can be used • Pressure transducer is more accurate and
durable than analog gauges
with or without auto cycle feature).
• Easy-viewing variable rate display
• Display pressure in bar, MPa or psi.

◀ Any brand of hydraulic torque wrench

can be powered by the portable ZU4-
Series torque wrench pump.

ZU4T-Series, Torque Wrench Pumps
Z-Class – A Pump For Every
Pro Series Electric Torque Wrench Pump
• Digital (LCD) display features a built-in
Patented Z-Class pump hour meter, pressure display and shows Series
technology provides high by- self-diagnostic, cycle-count and low
pass pressures for increased productivity voltage warning information.
– important in applications using long hose These premium features are not available
runs and high pressure-drop circuits, like on any other pump – anywhere!
heavy lifting or certain double-acting tools.
• Auto-Cycle feature provides continuous
cycle operation of the torque wrench as
Enerpac ZU4T-Series pumps are built to long as the advance button is pressed Reservoir Capacity:
power small to large torque wrenches. (pump can be used with or without Auto- 4,0 - 8,0 litres
Choosing the right ZU4T-Series torque Cycle feature).
wrench pump for your application is easy. Flow at Rated Pressure:
1,0 l/min
Classic Electric Torque Wrench Pump
Motor Size:
• The Classic has traditional electro-
mechanical components (transformers, 1,25 kW
relays and switches) in place of solid-
Maximum Operating Pressure:
state electronics. The Classic delivers
durable, safe and efficient hydraulic 700 bar

Torque Wrench Pump Selection

For optimum speed and
Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

performance see the torque

wrench pump and hose selection
Page: 220

Gauge and Overlay Kit

Available separately for use with
ZU4T-Series Classic: GT-4015Q
includes gauge and overlays for all
S- and W-Series torque wrenches.

Pressure (bar) ▶


For Use Model Motor Electrical Usable Oil
With Torque Number 1)
Specification Capacity
Wrenches (litres) (kg)

ZU4204TB-Q 115 VAC, 1-ph 4,0 32

ZU4208TB-Q 115 VAC, 1-ph 8,0 34
Pro Series

ZU4204TE-Q 2) 208-240 VAC, 1-ph 4,0 32

All wrenches
ZU4208TE-Q 2) 208-240 VAC, 1-ph 8,0 34
ZU4204TI-Q 3) 208-240 VAC, 1-ph 4,0 32
ZU4208TI-Q 3) 208-240 VAC, 1-ph 8,0 34
ZU4204BB-QH 115 VAC, 1-ph 4,0 37
ZU4204BB-Q 115 VAC, 1-ph 4,0 33

ZU4208BE-QH 2) 208-240 VAC, 1-ph 8,0 38

All wrenches
ZU4204BE-Q 2) 208-240 VAC, 1-ph 4,0 34 1)
All models meet CE safety requirements and
ZU4208BI-QH 3) 208-240 VAC, 1-ph 8,0 40 all CSA requirements.
European plug and CE EMC directive compliant
ZU4208BI-Q 3) 208-240 VAC, 1-ph 8,0 36 3)
With NEMA 6-15 plug

www.enerpac.com 225
ZU4T-Series, Pump Options

4-Wrench Manifold Skid Bar Heat Exchanger

• For simultaneous operation of • Provides greater pump stability on • Removes heat from the bypass oil to
multiple torque wrenches soft or uneven surfaces provide cooler operation
• Can be factory installed or ordered • Provides easy two-handed lift. • Stabilizes oil viscosity, increasing oil life
separately. and reduces wear of pump and other
hydraulic components.
Accessory Can be used on ZU4-Series Accessory Can be used on ZU4-Series Accessory Can be used on ZU4-Series torque
Kit * torque wrench pumps Kit * torque wrench pumps Kit * wrench pumps
Model Nr. Model Nr. Model Nr.
ZTM-Q for 700 bar torque wrenches SBZ-4 4 and 8 litres reservoir 1) ZHE-U115 115 V pumps
SBZ-4L 4 and 8 litres reservoir 2) ZHE-U230 230 V pumps
* Add suffix M for factory installation. * Add suffix K to pump model number for * Add suffix H to pump model number for factory
Ordering Example: ZU4208TE-QM factory installation. installation.
Without heat exchanger 2,2 kg. Heat Exchanger adds 4,1 kg to pump weight.
With heat exchanger 3,2 kg. Ordering Example: ZU4208TE-QH
Ordering Example: ZU4208TE-QK

Thermal Max. Max. Vol-

Transfer * Pressure Oil tage
(Btu/h) (bar) (l/min) (VDC)
900 20,7 26,5 12
* At 1,9 l/min at 21 °C ambient temperature.
Do not exceed maximum oil flow and pressure
ratings. Heat exchanger is not suitable for water-
glycol or high water-based fluids.
▼ Most hydraulic torque wrenches can be
powered by the Enerpac ZU4T-Series
torque wrench pump.

Roll Cage
• Protects pump
• Provides greater pump stability.

Accessory Can be used on ZU4-Series

Kit * torque wrench pumps
Model Nr.

ZRC-04 4 and 8 litres reservoir 1)

ZRC-04H 4 and 8 litres reservoir 2)
* Add suffix R for factory installation.
Without heat exchanger.
With heat exchanger.
Ordering Example: ZU4208TE-QR

ZU4T-Series, Ordering Matrix and Specifications
▼ This is how a ZU4T-Series pump model number is built up:
Z U 4 2 08 T E - Q H M Series
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 8
Product Motor Flow Valve Reser­voir Voltage Must be E Options Options
Type Type Group Type Size or Q

1 Product Type 7 Voltage

Z = Pump series B = 115V, 1 ph, 50/60 Hz
E = 208-240V, 1 ph, 50/60 Hz Reservoir Capacity:
2 Motor Type (with European plug
CE RF compliant)
4 - 8 litres
U = Universal electric motor
I = 208-240V, 1 ph, 50/60 Hz Flow at Rated Pressure:
3 Flow Group
4 = 1,0 l/min @ 700 bar
(with NEMA 6-15 plug)
1,0 l/min
8 Options Motor Size:
4 Valve Type
2 = Torque wrench valve
Q = 700 bar couplers for use
with S and W-Series or 1,25 kW
other wrenches Maximum Operating Pressure:
H = Heat exchanger
5 Reservoir Size (useable oil)
04 = 4 litres K = Skid bar 700 bar
08 = 8 litres M = 4-wrench manifold
R = Roll cage
6 Valve Operation
T = Pro Series pump with solenoid valve
and pendant, LCD Electric and
pressure transducer How to order your ZU4T-Series
B = Classic pump with solenoid valve torque wrench pump
and pendant.

Ordering Example : Modelnr. ZU4208TE-QMHK

Pro Series pump for use with Enerpac S and
W-Series and other 700 bar torque wrenches,
230V motor, 8 litres reservoir, 4-wrench manifold,
heat exchanger and skidbar.

Refer to the torque wrench pump selection

matrix for optimum wrench, pump and hose

Page: 220

Torque Wrench Hoses

Use Enerpac twin safety hoses to
connect your torque wrench to
the pump.

ZU4T-Series Torque Wrench Pumps

① User adjustable relief valve ④ 4-wrench manifold (optional) For 700 bar Model-Nr.
② Heat Exchanger (optional) ⑤ Roll cage (optional) 6 m long, 2 hoses THQ-706T
③ Skidbar (optional) 12 m long, 2 hoses THQ-712T

ZU4T-Series Performance Chart

Motor Output Flow Rate Motor Sound Relief Valve
Size (l/min) Electrical Level Adjustment
Specification Range
7 50 350 700
(kW) bar bar bar bar (Volt - Phase - Hz) (dBA) (bar)
115 - 1 - 50/60
1,25 11,5 8,8 1,2 1,0 85-90 124-700 *
208-240 - 1 - 50/60

www.enerpac.com 227
ZE-Series, Electric Torque Wrench Pumps
▼ ZE4204TE-QHR


• Auto-Cycle feature provides continuous cycle operation of the torque Pro-Series

wrench as long as the advance button is pressed (pump can be used Back-lit LCD and Pressure
with or without auto cycle feature) Transducer featuring
Auto-Cycle Technology.
• LCD readout provides pressure and torque display and a number
of diagnostic and readout capabilities never before offered on a
portable electric pump • Torque wrench model is selectable
• “Auto cycle” setting easily programmable.
• Totally enclosed, fan-cooled industrial electric motors supply
• Digital read-out and “Autocycle” setting
extended life and stand up to harsh industrial environments • Pump usage information, hour and cycle
• High-strength, molded electrical enclosure protects electronics, counts
power supplies and LCD readout from harsh environments. • Low-voltage warning and recording
• Self-test and diagnostic capabilities
• Information can be displayed in English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish and
• Pressure transducer is more accurate and
durable than analog gauges
• Easy-viewing variable rate display
• Display pressure in bar, MPa or psi.

◀ The ZE4T-Series torque wrench

pumps are perfectly matched for
this W2000X wrench.

Electric Torque Wrench Pumps
Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

Oil Flow (l/min) ▶


Reservoir Capacity:
4 - 40 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
Pressure (bar) ▶ Pressure (bar) ▶
0,82 - 1,64 l/min
Motor Size:
1,1 - 2,2 kW
Maximum Operating Pressure:

① User adjustable relief valve 700 bar

② Heat exchanger (optional)
③ Roll cage (optional)

Torque Wrench Pump Selection

For optimum speed and
performance see the torque
wrench pump and hose selection
Page: 220
ZE4T and ZE5T-Series, 4 and 8 litres reservoirs


For Use With Max. Model Number Motor Usable
Torque Wrenches Operating with Electrical Oil Use Enerpac twin safety hoses to
Pressure Heat Exchanger Specification Capacity1) connect your torque wrench to
and Roll Cage the pump.
(bar) (Volt - Ph - Hz) (litres) (kg)
700 ZE4204TB-QHR 115 - 1 - 50/60 4,0 61
For 700 bar Model-Nr.
all S and 700 ZE4204TE-QHR 230 - 1 - 50/60 4,0 61
6 m long, 2 hoses THQ-706T
W-Series 700 ZE4204TG-QHR 230 - 3 - 50/60 4,0 62 12 m long, 2 hoses THQ-712T
700 ZE5204TW-QHR 400 - 3 - 50/60 4,0 62
Larger reservoirs (8, 10, 20 and 40 litres) are available. Contact Enerpac.

Pump Output Flow Rate at 50 Hz 2) Motor Relief Valve Sound
Series (l/min) Size Adjustment Level

7 bar 50 bar 350 bar 700 bar (kW) (bar) (dBA)

ZE4T 8,8 8,1 0,9 0,8 1,1 70 - 700 75
ZE5T 11,8 11,2 1,7 1,6 2,2 70 - 700 75
Flow rate will be approximately 6/5 higher at 60 Hz.

www.enerpac.com 229
ZA4T-Series, Air Driven Torque Wrench Pumps
▼ ZA4204TX-QR


Torque Wrench Hoses

Use Enerpac twin safety hoses to
connect your torque wrench to
the pump.

For 700 bar Model-Nr.

6 m long, 2 hoses THQ-706T
12 m long, 2 hoses THQ-712T

• Two-speed operation and high by-pass pressure reduces cycle time for
Gauge and Overlay Kit
improved productivity
Gauge Overlay Kits are available
• Glycerin filled pressure gauge with transparent overlays in Nm and Ft.lbs separately for use with ZA4T-
for Enerpac torque wrenches provide a quick torque reference Series pumps: GT-4015-Q
• Standard Regulator-Filter-Lubricator with removable bowls and auto drain includes gauge and overlays for all
S- and W-Series torque wrenches.
• Heat exchanger warms exhaust air to prevent freezing and cools the oil
• Ergonomic pendant allows remote operation up to 6 m.
Complete 700 bar Pump-Hose Set ZA4208TX-QRU105 Torque Wrench Pump Selection
• Fine air pressure adjustment for very accurate torque control Matrix
For optimum speed and
• Improved wrench performance at low pressure performance see the torque wrench
• Standard with THQ706T twin hose. pump and hose selection matrix.

Page: 220

◀ M
 ost hydraulic torque wrenches can be
powered by the Enerpac ZA4T-Series
torque wrench pump.

Air Driven Torque Wrench Pumps
ZA4T-Series Pump
ATEX 95 Certified
The ZA4T-Series pumps are tested and
certified according to the Equipment Series
Directive 94 / 9 / EC “ATEX Directive”.
The ZA4T-Series pump is best suited
to power medium to large size torque The explosion protection is for equipment
wrenches. group II, equipment category 2 (hazardous
area zone 1), in gas and/or dust
Patent-pending Z-Class technology provides atmospheres. The ZA4T-Series pumps are
high by-pass pressures for increased marked with: Ex II 2 GD ck T4. Reservoir Capacity:
Its high power to weight ratio and compact 4,0 - 8,0 litres
design make it ideal for applications which
Flow at Rated Pressure:
require easy transport of the pump.
0,8 - 1,0 l/min
All ZA4T-Series pump models meet CE, CSA
Air Consumption:
and TÜV safety requirements. For further
application assistance contact your local 600 - 2840 l/min
Enerpac office.
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
6,9 bar dynamic air pressure at 2840 l/min Available by placing the following
additional suffix at the end of the
model number:
Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

K = Skid bar
M = 4-wrench manifold
R = Roll cage.

Page: 232

Pressure (bar) ▶


For Use With Maximum Model By-Pass Usable Oil
Torque Operating Number Pressure Capacity
Wrenches Pressure

(bar) (bar) (litres) (kg)

700 ZA4208TX-QRU105 * 200 6,6 58
700 ZA4204TX-Q 140 2,7 42
All S and
700 ZA4208TX-Q 140 6,6 47
700 ZA4204TX-QR 140 2,7 46
700 ZA4208TX-QR 140 6,6 51
* Standard with THQ706T hose and fine air pressure adjustment for very accurate torque control.
Pump weight 45 kg, set weight 58 kg.
www.enerpac.com 231
ZA4T-Series, Pump Options

Skid Bar 4-Wrench Manifold Roll Cage

• Provides greater pump stability on • For simultaneous operation of • Protects pump
soft or uneven surfaces multiple torque wrenches • Provides greater pump stability.
• Provides easy two-handed lift. • Can be factory installed or
ordered separately.

Accessory Can be used on ZA4T-Series

Accessory Can be used on ZA4T-Series Kit * torque wrench pumps Accessory Can be used on ZA4T-Series torque
Kit * torque wrench pumps Model Nr. Kit * wrench pumps
Model Nr. ZTM-Q for 700 bar torque wrenches Model Nr.
SBZ-4 Reservoir 04 and 08 ZRC-04 Reservoir 04 and 08
* Add suffix K for factory installation. * Add suffix M for factory installation. * Add suffix R for factory installation.

Weight skid bar 2,2 kg. Weight manifold 4,5 kg. Roll cage weight 3,4 kg.
Ordering Example: ZA4208TX-QK Ordering Example: ZA4208TX-QM Ordering Example: ZA4208TX-QR

Torque Wrench Hoses

Use Enerpac twin safety hoses
to connect your torque wrench
to the pump.

For 700 bar Model-Nr.

6 m long, 2 hoses THQ-706T
12 m long, 2 hoses THQ-712T

Torque Wrench Couplers

For Enerpac torque wrench
700 bar Spin-on Couplers couplers see our “System
• Mounted on: Components” section in
- Torque wrench pumps with this catalogue.
suffix “Q”
- S and W-Series wrenches Page: 124
- THQ-Series hoses
- 4-Wrench manifold ZTM-Q.

Ordering Matrix and Specifications
▼ This is how a ZA4T-Series pump model number is built up:
Z A 4 2 08 T X - Q M R Series
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8
Product Motor Flow Valve Reser­voir Valve Voltage Must be Options Options
Type Type Group Type Size Operation E or Q

1 Product Type 6 Valve Operation

Z = Pump series T = Air operated valve with pendant
Reservoir Capacity:
2 Motor Type 7 Voltage 4 - 8 litres
A = Air motor X = Not applicable
Flow at Rated Pressure:
3 Flow Group 8 Options 0,8 - 1,0 l/min
4 = 1,0 l/min @ 700 bar Q = 700 bar couplers for use with S and Air Consumption:

4 Valve Type
W-Series or other wrenches
K = Skid bar 600 - 2840 l/min
2 = Torque Wrench Valve M = 4-wrench manifold Maximum Operating Pressure:
R = Roll cage
5 Reservoir Size 700 bar
(useable oil capacity)
04 = 2,7 litres
08 = 6,6 litres How to order your ZA4T-Series
torque wrench pump

Model No. ZA4208TX-QMR: 700 bar pump for

use with Enerpac S- and W-Series and other
700 bar torque wrenches, 8 litres reservoir,
4-wrench manifold, and roll cage.
Refer to the torque wrench pump selection
matrix for optimum wrench, pump and hose

▼ M
 ost hydraulic torque wrenches can be powered by
the Enerpac ZA4T-Series torque wrench pump.

① User adjustable relief valve ⑥ Air input 1/2" NPTF

② Roll Cage (optional) ⑦ Standard handle
③ Gauge with overlays ⑧ Oil drain
④ Filter/lubricator/regulator ⑨ 1/4”-18 NPTF Oil outlet
⑤ Oil level sight gauge

ZA4T-Series Performance
Output Flow Rate Dynamic Air Sound Relief Valve
(l/min) Air Pressure Consumption Level Adjustment
Range Range
7 50 350 700 (bar) (l/min) (dBA) (bar)
bar bar bar bar
11,5 8,8 1,2 1,0 4,0 - 6,9
600 - 2840 85-90 124-700
5,4 * 4,8 * 1,1 * 0,8 * 7,0 *
* ZA4208TX-QRU105 only.

www.enerpac.com 233
GT-Series, Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners
▼ Shown: GT-Series Bolt Tensioners

Accurate & Reliable

Extreme Performance
Bolt Tensioner

Tensioning Pumps, Hoses and

High pressure pumps, hoses and
fittings matched for use with the
Enerpac GT-Series Bolt Tensioning
Page: 236

Minimum Stud Protrusion

L min = 1 x D

Page: 288

• Six load cells from M16 to M95 or from ⅝" to 3¾" Nearest obstruction
• Twin ports for quick connection of multiple tools
• Only one size of bridge per size of load cell
• Detachable and rotational bridge simplifies tool positioning
• Full bridge window
• Piston stroke indicator
• Black surface treatment protects against corrosion
• Anti-slip grip for more secure handling
• Universal and multi-use tool.

▼ Leak free connections on critical joints with

GT-Series hydraulic tensioners applying
accurate bolt loads when assembling multiple
flanges on a gas treatment facility.
Bolt Range Load Cell Technical Data Dimensions
and Bridge Cylinder Load Stroke (mm)
Reference Effective Capacity
(mm) (inch) (mm2) (kN) (mm) A B C D (kg)
M16-M30 ⅝"-1" GT1-LCB 1495,4 224,3 10 135 113 27 86 3,0
M30-M39 1⅛"-1½" GT2-LCB 2677,2 401,5 10 136 111 35 107 4,1
M39-M52 1½"-2" GT3-LCB 5127,1 768,9 10 160 126 46 138 7,0
M52-M68 2"-2½" GT4-LCB 9782,1 1466,9 10 180 141 62 174 12,2
M68-M80 2½"-3¼" GT5-LCB 15079,7 2261,4 10 202 157 78 210 18,7
M80-M95 3¼"-3¾" GT6-LCB 18972,1 2845,1 10 219 173 82 240 27,8

234 www.enerpac.com
Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners
Load Cell Thread Adaptor Kit Pitch Minimum
and Bridge Size Model Number Between Height
Reference Bolts E
N (mm) (mm) (kg) Series
M16 x 2 GT1PM-NRS01620 55 169 1,6
M18 x 2,5 GT1PM-NRS01825 56 165 1,5
M20 x 2,5 GT1PM-NRS02025 57 165 1,4
M24 x 3 GT1PM-NRS02430 59 164 1,3
M27 x 3 GT1PM-NRS02730 62 167 1,2
M30 x 3,5 GT1PM-NRS03035 65 170 1,0 Bolt Range:
(224 kN)
M16 - M95, ⅝" - 3¾"
⅞"-9un GT1P-NRS0875U09 59 164 1,3 Maximum Load:
1"-8un GT1P-NRS1000U08 62 167 1,2 2845 kN
1⅛"-8un GT1P-NRS1125U08 65 170 1,0
M30 x 3,5 Maximum Operating Pressure:
GT2PM-NRS03035 71 173 2,6
M33 x 3,5 GT2PM-NRS03335 74 174 2,4 1500 bar
M36 x 4 GT2PM-NRS03640 77 177 2,2
GT2-LCB M39 x 4 GT2PM-NRS03940 80 180 1,9
(401 kN) 1⅛"-8un GT2P-NRS1125U08 71 173 2,6 How to Order
1¼"-8un GT2P-NRS1250U08 74 174 2,4 To provide maximum flexibility
1⅜"-8un GT2P-NRS1375U08 77 177 2,2 Load Cell and Bridges are ordered
1½"-8un GT2P-NRS1500U08 80 180 2,0 separately from Adaptor Kits.
M39 x 4 GT3PM-NRS03940 92 212 5,7 Example, to order a complete tensioner for a
M42 x 4,5 GT3PM-NRS04245 96 215 5,4 M36 x 4 threaded bolt order:
M45 x 4,5 GT3PM-NRS04545 99 218 5,0 1 x Load Cell and Bridge: GT2-LCB
M48 x 5 GT3PM-NRS04850 105 216 4,7 1 x Adaptor Kit: GT2PM-NRS03640
GT3-LCB M52 x 5 GT3PM-NRS05250 108 220 4,2
(769 kN) 1½"-8un GT3P-NRS1500U08 92 212 5,7
1⅝"-8un GT3P-NRS1625U08 96 215 5,3
1¾"-8un GT3P-NRS1750U08 99 218 5,0 Bolting Integrity Software
1⅞"-8un GT3P-NRS1875U08 105 216 4,6 A comprehensive on-line software
2"-8un GT3P-NRS2000U08 108 220 4,2 solution for Bolted Joint integrity at
M52 x 5 GT4PM-NRS05250 118 240 10,7 www.enerpac.com
M56 x 5,5 GT4PM-NRS05655 121 244 10,1 Integral databases hold data for:
M60 x 5,5 GT4PM-NRS06055 124 248 9,4 • BS1560, MSS SP44, API 6A and 17D flanged
GT4-LCB M64 x 6 GT4PM-NRS06460 127 252 8,8 joints
(1467 kN) M68 x 6 GT4PM-NRS06860 130 256 8,1 • Common gasket materials and configurations
2"-8un GT4P-NRS2000U08 118 240 10,7 • Comprehensive range of bolt materials
2¼"-8un GT4P-NRS2250U08 121 244 9,7 • Comprehensive range of lubricants
2½"-8un GT4P-NRS2500U08 127 252 8,5
• Enerpac's Controlled Bolting Equipment
M68 x 6 GT5PM-NRS06860 145 278 17,3 including: Torque Multipliers, Hydraulic
M72 x 6 GT5PM-NRS07260 149 282 16,4 Wrenches and Bolt Tensioning tools.
M76 x 6 GT5PM-NRS07660 152 286 15,5 Custom Joint information can also be entered.
GT5-LCB M80 x 6 GT5PM-NRS08060 162 293 14,6
(2261 kN) 2½"-8un GT5P-NRS2500U08 144 274 17,8
The software offers Tool selection, Bolt Load
2¾"-8un GT5P-NRS2750U08 149 282 16,3 calculations and Tool pressure settings, as well
3"-8un GT5P-NRS3000U08 152 286 14,8 as, a combined Application data sheet and Joint
3¼"-8un GT5P-NRS3250U08 162 293 13,1 completion report.
M80 x 6 GT6PM-NRS08060 169 312 22,3
M85 x 6 GT6PM-NRS08560 169 312 21,0
M90 x 6 GT6PM-NRS09060 178 317 19,4
M95 x 6 GT6PM-NRS09560 181 322 18,0
(2845 kN)
3¼"-8un GT6P-NRS3250U08 169 312 20,7
3½"-8un GT6P-NRS3500U08 178 317 18,8
3¾"-8un GT6P-NRS3750U08 181 322 16,8

ZUTP-Series, Electric Tensioning Pumps
▼ ZUTP-1500E
Reservoir Capacity:
4,0 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
0,13 l/min
Maximum Operating Pressure:
1500 bar

The Enerpac ZUTP-Series electric
pump is ideally suited for use with
hydraulic bolt tensioning tools and
hydraulic nuts.

Page: 234
• Two-stage pump design provides high flow at low pressure for
fast system fills and controlled flow at high pressure for safe and 1500 bar hoses and couplers
accurate operation This pump operates at ultra-high
pressure, use only the specified
• 6 m pendant cord enables motor control from a distance fittings and hoses designed for
• Angled 153 mm pressure gauge, with polycarbonate cover, built into these pressures.
a protective metal shroud for improved visibility and protection
• Safety relief valve limits output pressure Page: 237
• Compact, lightweight and rugged aluminium frame for increased
durability and ease of handling. Bolting Theory
See our ‘Yellow Pages’ for information
on torque tightening and tensioning.

Page: 273

① Release Valve
② Sight Glass
③ Out Port 1/4" BSPM and
BR-150 female coupler
④ User Adjustable Relief Valve
⑤ Breather


Pump Useable Model Pressure Output Output Motor Motor Sound
Type Oil Capacity Number 1) Rating Flow Rate Flow Rate Electrical Size Level
at 0 bar at 1500 bar Specification

(litres) (bar) (l/min) (l/min) (kW) (dBA) (kg)

4,0 ZUTP-1500 B 1500 2,90 0,13 115 VAC, 1-ph 1,25 89 29,5
Two speed 4,0 ZUTP-1500 E 2) 1500 2,90 0,13 230 VAC, 1-ph 2) 1,25 89 29,5
4,0 ZUTP-1500 I 3) 1500 2,90 0,13 230 VAC, 1-ph 3) 1,25 89 29,5
All models meet CE safety requirements and all TÜV requirements.
European plug and CE EMC directive compliant.
236 With NEMA 6-15 plug. www.enerpac.com
High Pressure Hand Pump and Accessories
▼ HPT-1500
Reservoir Capacity:
2,5 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
0,61 cm3/stroke
Maximum Operating Pressure:
1500 bar

Ultra-high pressure
This pump operates at ultra-high
pressure, use only the specified
fittings and hoses designed for
these pressures.

The hand pump is ideally suited for
use with hydraulic bolt tensioning
• Lightweight and portable high-pressure hand pump tools and hydraulic nuts.
• Two-speed operation displaces a larger volume of oil per stroke,
reducing cycle times for many testing applications
• Includes a pressure gauge and coupler for direct connection to
Enerpac GT-Series Bolt Tensioners
• Integrated relief valve set at 1500 bar.


Pump Type Useable Model Pressure Rating Oil Displacement High Pressure
Oil Capacity Number per Stroke Oil Port with
(bar) (cm3) female coupler

(litres) 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage (kg)
Two Speed 2,54 HPT-1500 14 1500 16,22 0,61 1/4" BSPP + BR-150 9,0

1500 bar HOSES 1500 bar COUPLERS

Model Hose End 1 Hose End 2 Length Description Complete Female Male
Number Set Half Half
HT-1503 1/4" BSPM 1/4" BSPM 1,0 Quick Disconnect Coupler * B-150 BR-150 BH-150
120º Cone 120º Cone
HT-1510 1/4" BSPM 1/4" BSPM 3,0 Quick Disconnect Coupler BW-150AW – –
120º Cone 120º Cone and Adaptor Kit *
HT-1503HR* BH-150 BR-150 1,0

HT-1510HR* BH-150 BR-150 3,0 Quick Disconnect Blanking B-150B – –

Coupler Set *
* Includes dust caps. * Includes dust caps.

ATP-Series, Ultra-High Pressure Air Pump
▼ ATP-1500
Reservoir Capacity:
3,8 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
0,07 l/min
Maximum Operating Pressure:
1500 bar

This pump operates at

ultra-high pressure, use only
the specified fittings and hoses
designed for these pressures.

Page: 237

The ATP-pump is ideally suited
for use with GT-Series hydraulic
bolt tensioning tools and hydraulic
• General purpose, high pressure air driven two speed pump unit for nuts. See our Bolting Tools
products requiring up to 1500 bar hydraulic pressure catalogue or enerpac.com

• Compact, lightweight, rugged steel frame for protection and easy Page: 234
ATEX Certified
• Prelubricated pump element, does not require an airline lubricator
The ATP-Pump is tested and certified
• Easily adjustable output pressure control according ATEX.
• Integrated and protected easy to read glycerin filled gauge
• Safety relief valve limits output pressure.
Page: 273


Flow (l/min) at 6,2 bar air input
Oil Flow (l/min) ▶

① Shut-off Valve
② Out Port 1/4" BSPM
with BR-150 coupler
③ Filter/Regulator
④ Air On/Off Valve Pressure (bar) ▶
Air Inlet 1/2" NPTF


Pump Useable Pressure Model Output Output Air Pressure Air Sound
Type Oil Capacity Rating Number Flow Rate Flow Rate Range Consumption Level
at 0 bar at 1500 bar

(litres) (bar) (l/min) (l/min) (bar) (l/min) (dBA) (kg)

Two-speed 3,8 1500 ATP-1500 0,43 0,07 5,5 - 6,2 594 70 32

238 www.enerpac.com
NC-Series, Single-Acting Hydraulic Nut Splitters
▼ Shown from left to right: NC-3241, NC-1319, NC-1924
Hexagon Nut Range:
10 - 75 mm
Bolt Range:
M6 - M48
Maximum Operating Pressure:

700 bar

Tool-Pump Sets
Hydraulic Nut Splitters
are available as sets
(pump, tool, gauge,
gauge adaptor, couplers and hose) for your
ordering convenience.

Nut Splitter Hand Pump Set Model

Model Nr. Model Nr. Number
NC-1924 P-392 STN-1924H
• Compact and ergono­mic design, easy to use
NC-2432 P-392 STN-2432H
• Unique angled head design NC-3241 P-392 STN-3241H
• Two blade design (NC-D models) for time saving operation – nuts are
split from two sides in one action
• Single-acting, spring return cylinder For Nut Splitter Replacement Chisel
Model Nr. Model Numbers
• Heavy duty chisels can be reground
Moving Static
• Nut Splitters include spare chisel, spare set screw and wrench used to
NC-1319 NCB-1319 –
secure the chisel. A CR-400 coupler is standard.
NC-1924 NCB-1924 –
NC-2432 NCB-2432 –
NC-3241 NCB-3241 –
NC-4150 NCB-4150 –
NC-5060 NCB-5060 –
NC-6075 NCB-6075 –
NC-2432 D NCB-2432  NCB-2432 D
NC-3241 D NCB-3241  NCB-3241 D

Single Blade Models (NC) Double Blade Models (NC-D)

Bolt Hexagon Capa­city Oil Model Dimensions (mm)

Range Nut Range Capa­city Number

(mm) (mm) ton (kN) (cm3) A B C D F H J (kg)

M6 - M12 10 - 19 5 (49) 15 NC-1319 40 170 7 19 28 48 21 1,2

M12 - M16 19 - 24 10 (98) 20 NC-1924 * 54 191 10 26 40 62 25 2,0
M16 - M22 24 - 32 15 (147) 60 NC-2432 * 64 222 13 29 51 72 33 3,0
M22 - M27 32 - 41 20 (196) 80 NC-3241 * 75 244 17 36 66 88 43 4,4
M27 - M33 41 - 50 35 (343) 155 NC-4150 94 288 21 45 74 105 54 8,2
M33 - M39 50 - 60 50 (490) 240 NC-5060 106 318 23 54 90 128 60 11,8
M39 - M48 60 - 75 90 (882) 492 NC-6075 156 393 26 72 110 181 80 34,1
M16 - M22 24 - 32 15 (147) 60 NC-2432 D 64 275 25 31 65 78 33 5,4
M22 - M27 32 - 41 20 (196) 80 NC-3241 D 77 305 31 37 80 90 43 7,2
Ordering Notes: Maximum allowable hardness to split is HRc-44. Not to be used on square nuts or stainless steel.
* Available as Tool-Pump Set, see note on this page.
NS-Series, Hydraulic Nut Splitters
▼ Shown: NS-Series Hydraulic Nut Splitters

Power and Precision

High Performance
Nut Splitter

Blade Cutting Depth Scale

Adjustable cutting depth scale
for controlled blade extension,
which avoids damage to bolt
threads. The scale indicates the
bolt range in metric and imperial values on each
cutting head.

NC-Series, Hydraulic
Nut Cutters
The NC-Series models are available
featuring an angle-head design for
10 - 75 mm hexagon nuts.
• Specially designed to suit standard ANSI B16.5 / BS1560 flanges Page: 239
• Single-acting (spring return) cylinder
• Tri-blade technology provides three cutting surfaces on a single blade Joint Separation Tools
FS and FSH-Series parallel wedge
• Interchangeable heads provide maximum nut range flexibility spreaders provide quick and easy
• Preset scale allows controlled blade extension, which avoids damage joint separation using hydraulic
to bolt threads or mechanical force.

• Grip tape and handle included for more secure manoeuvrability Page: 242
• Nickel-plated cylinder body for excellent corrosion protection and
improved durability in harsh environments Flange Alignment Tools
The ATM-Series provide safe and
• Internal pressure relief valve for overload protection
high-precision flange alignment
• CR-400 coupler and dustcap included on all models. tools that fit most commonly used
ANSI, API, BS and DIN flanges.

Page: 244
▼ Heavily corroded and weathered nuts are quickly split and
removed using a NS-Series Nut Splitter.

Nut splitter set for

joint separation during
inspection, maintenance and
decommissioning operations. ▶

240 www.enerpac.com
Hydraulic Nut Splitters

Nut Splitter Sets

To provide maximum flexibility,
NS-Series Nut Splitters
can also be ordered in sets Capacity:
(NS-xxxSy). Select Nut Splitter size and
pump style from the chart below.
917 - 1711 kN
Select your Hexagon Nut Size:
To order additional Cutting Heads
Nut Splitter
(NSH-xxxxxx), Cylinders (NSC-xxx) or
Replacement Blades (NSB-xxx), see
70 - 130 mm
Selection Chart below. Select your Bolt Range:
pump type
M45 - M90
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

Tool-Pump Pump Selection Accessories Included

Nut Splitter Set Model Nr. Hand Pump Air Pump Cordless Electric Pressure Gauge Hydraulic Storage
Model Nr. Model Nr. Model Nr. Pump (230V) Pump (230V) Gauge Adaptor Hose Case
Model Nr. Model Nr. Model Nr. Model Nr. Model Nr. Model Nr.

NS-70105SH P-392 – – – GP-10S GA-2 HC-7206 CM-4

NS-70105SA – XA-11G 2) – – 2)
– HC-7206 CM-4
NS-70105SCE 1) – – XC-1202ME – GA45GC 3) HC-7206 CM-4
NS-70105SEE 1) – – – PUD-1100E GP-10S GA-2 HC-7206 CM-7
NS-110130SH P-802 – – – GP-10S GA-2 HC-7206 CM-4
NS-110130SA – XA-11G 2) – – 2)
– HC-7206 CM-4
NS-110130SCE 1) – – XC-1202ME – GA45GC 3) HC-7206 CM-4
NS-110130SEE 1) – – – PUD-1100E GP-10S GA-2 HC-7206 CM-7
For set with 115 Volt pump application replace last suffix “E”with “B” in model number.
Example : NS-70105SCB (set with XC-cordless pump, 115V);
Example: NS-110130SEB (set with PU-Series electric pump, 115 V)
XA-11G air pump features an integrated pressure gauge.
See page 134 for GA45GC details.


Bolt Hexagon Capacity Oil Model Dimensions (mm) Cylinder 3) Cutting Replace-
Range Nut Capa- Number 2) Head 3) ment Blade
Range 1) city

(mm) (mm) ton (kN) (cm3) A B C D E F G (kg)

M45 - M52 70 - 80 103 (917) 377 NS-7080 132 28 180 8,0 81 186 412 37,0 NSC-70 NSH-7080 NSB-70
M45 - M56 70 - 85 103 (917) 377 NS-7085 145 30 180 8,0 81 196 422 37,0 NSC-70 NSH-7085 NSB-70
M45 - M64 70 - 95 103 (917) 377 NS-7095 160 32 180 8,0 81 201 432 38,5 NSC-70 NSH-7095 NSB-70
M45 - M72 70 - 105 103 (917) 377 NS-70105 174 35 180 9,0 81 209 443 39,5 NSC-70 NSH-70105 NSB-70
M76 - M80 110 - 115 193 (1711) 819 NS-110115 189 36 234 3,7 111 234 472 69,0 NSC-110 NSH-110115 NSB-110
M76 - M90 110 - 130 193 (1711) 819 NS-110130 219 41 234 2,5 111 242 493 71,5 NSC-110 NSH-110130 NSB-110
Maximum allowable hardness to split is HRc-44. See page 285 for hexagon bolt and nut sizes and related thread diameters.
NS-Series Nut Splitters ship in two cases: One containing the NSC-Cylinder and one containing the NSH-Cutting Head. Assembly required.
Both, the NSH-head and the NSC-cylinder include a cutting blade.
FS-Series, Hydraulic Flange Spreaders
▼ FS-56
5 and 10 ton
70 - 216 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:

700 bar

Tool-Pump Sets
Both Flange
Spreaders are available
as sets (pump, tool, gauge, gauge
adaptor, couplers and hose) for your
ordering convenience.

• Lightweight, ergono­mic design for ease of use Spreader Pump Set Model
Model Nr. Model Nr. Number
• Adjustable jaw widths from 70 mm to 216 mm for a wide range of
applications FS-56 P-392 STF-56H
FS-109 P-392 STF-109H
• Single-acting, spring return RC-Series DUO cylinder for fast
FS-109 PATG-1102N STF-109A
trouble-free operation.

Wedge Spreaders
Friction-free, smooth and parallel
wedge movement with unique
interlock wedge design. Eliminates
flange damage and risk of
spreading arm failure.
Page: 243

Flange Spreader Matching Chart

ASA Pipe Size (mm)
(bar) FS-56 FS-109
10 127 - 508 558 - 1066
20 63 - 355 406 - 711
27 63 - 304 355 - 609
35 63 - 254 304 - 508
62 12 - 152 203 - 406
103 12 - 88 101 - 203
172 12 - 63 76 - 101

Maximum Stud Standard Capa­ Stroke Oil Model Dimensions (mm)

Flange Size Wedge city Capa- Number
Thickness city C
(mm) (mm) (mm) ton (mm) (cm3) A B Min. Max. D E F H I J (kg)

2 x 57 19 - 28 3 - 28 5 38 24,6 FS-56* 76 209 70 155 32 196 88 25 206 19 11,5

2 x 92 31 - 41 3 - 28 10 54 78,7 FS-109* 108 279 104 216 50 152 114 38 273 31 18,1
* Available as Tool-Pump Set, see note on this page.

242 www.enerpac.com
Hydraulic and Mechanical Wedge Spreaders
▼ FSH-14 and FSM-8 with safety blocks SB-1
Tip Clearance / Maximum Spread 1):
6 mm / 80 mm
Maximum Spread Force:
8 - 14 ton
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar (FSH-14)

Stepped Blocks FSB-1

Use stepped blocks to increase
wedge opening up to 80 mm. Fits
both FSH-14 and FSM-8.

• Integrated wedge concept: Friction-free, smooth and parallel wedge

AM-Series Control Manifolds
movement eliminates flange damage and spreading arm failure
For simultaneously and even
• Unique interlocking wedge design - no first step bending and risk of spreading of flange joints, 180°
slipping out of joint apart with FSH-14.
• Requires very small access gap of only 6 mm
• Stepped spreader arm design - each step can spread under full load Page: 126

• Few moving parts mean durability and low maintenance

• Safety block SB-1 and ratchet spanner SW-22 included with FSM-8
Tool-Pump Sets
mechanical wedge spreader
The hydraulic flange
• Safety block SB-1 and Enerpac RC-102 single-acting cylinder included spreader is available as set (pump, tool,
with FSH-14 hydraulic wedge spreader. gauge, gauge adaptor, couplers and
hose) for your ordering convenience.

Spreader Handpump Set Model

Model Nr. Model Nr. Number
FSH-14 P-392 STF-14H

closed opened closed opened

▼ Flange maintenance and joint separation
with FSH-14 Hydraulic Wedge Spreader.



FSH-14 FSM-8
Maximum Model Tip Maximum Spreader Oil
Spreading Force Number Clearance Spread 1) Type Capacity
ton (kN) (mm) (mm) (cm3) (kg)
14 (125) FSH-14* 6 80 Hydraulic 78 7,1
8 (72) FSM-8 6 80 Mechanical – 6,5
Using stepped blocks FSB-1

* Available as pump-tool set, see note on this page.

ATM-Series, Flange Alignment Tools
▼ From left to right: ATM-4, ATM-9, ATM-2 (ATM-9 shown without pump and hose)

The faster, simpler

and safer way to
align flanges

Adjustable Reach
• Enerpac ATM-Series tools rectify twist and rotational misalignment The highly adjustable reach of the
quickly, safely and without the need for an external power source wing and drop leg on ATM-4 and
ATM-9 allow precise alignment.
• Appropriate for use on most ANSI, API, BS and DIN flanges
• Reduces set-up time: no need for chains, pulleys or rigs
• Safety strap helps provide secure operation
• Can be installed and used in any position
• Stays stable in position under full load Gauge and Adaptor

• Portable, lightweight design enables easy transport and use, even in The ATM-9 includes P-142 hand
pump and HC-7206C 1,8 m long
remote locations
hose. Enerpac recommend the use
• Each ATM-model contains a tool and kit box. of the pressure gauge GP-10S and
gauge adaptor GA-4 for easy mounting of the
gauge onto your system or use GA45GC Gauge
Adapotor Assembly.

Page: 134

▼ The compact ATM-2 is actuated by simply hand turning ▼ The ATM-9 is shown here with optional pressure gauge
the crank. and gauge adaptor.

244 www.enerpac.com
Flange Alignment Tools
Enerpac ATM-Series Tools help
correct flange misalignment, Series
and allow bolts to be placed into
joints. This alignment takes place during
pipework construction, or maintenance.

These tools provide pipe installers and

maintenance personnel with some of
the simplest, safest and most productive Minimum Bolt Size:
solutions available for flange alignment in
the market today.
16 - 31,5 mm
Flange Wall Thickness:
① Extendable wing provides usage on
wide variety of flanges. 14 - 228 mm
② Portable, light weight design enables Maximum Lifting Force:
easy transport and use.
③ Hand-adjustable base for easy
1 - 9 ton (10 - 90 kN)
positioning by a single operator.
④ Safety strap helps provide secure
operation from a horizontal or vertical

Cylinder-Pump Sets
Hydraulic cylinders, jacks and
480 lifting wedges can also be used
367 to assist in pipe line positioning
292 329
and aligning.

Page: 56
39 37



Pipe Flange Face Tool


93 45 ø 100
The portable, hand powered tool
FF-120 makes even the hardest to
reach pipe flanges resurfaceable in
656 a safe and convenient way.

Page: 246

▼ The ATM-Series – the faster, simpler and safer way to



align flanges.

105 ø 100



Maximum Model Minimum Flange Wall

Lifting Force Number Bolt Size Thickness

(ton) (kN) (mm) (inch) (mm) (inch) (kg)

1 10 ATM-2 16 .63 14 - 82 .55 - 3.29 1,6
4 40 ATM-4 24 .95 30 - 133 1.18 - 5.23 8,6
9 90 ATM-9 * 31,5 1.24 93 - 228 3.66 - 9.00 14,5
* ATM-9 includes an Enerpac hand pump and hydraulic hose (gauge and adaptor sold separately).
ATM-9 weight includes tool only.
FF-Series, Mechanical Pipe Flange Face Tool
▼ FF-120

Safe, efficient and

accurate refacing of flat
pipe flange surfaces

Complete in Wheeled Carrying

The FF-120 comes as portable set
(15 kg). Can be transported, easy
set-up and operated by a single
technician. Set includes:
FFL-kit with locators, O-Rings and extensions;
FSS-kit with feed screw and nut ½”-20 UN for
surface roughness Ra 1,6 - 2,4 µ.
FSF-kit with feed screw and nut ½”-11 UNF for
surface roughness Ra 3,2 - 6,3 µ.

Joint Separation Tools

FS and FSH-Series parallel wedge
• Makes refacing easy – hand operated machine tool can be set up spreaders provide quick and easy
anywhere without the need for air, electric or hydraulic power joint separation using hydraulic or
mechanical force.
• Lightweight and portable (15 kg in storage box)
• Adjustable cutting head for reface of flat flange surfaces of pipes with Page: 242
flange outside diameter facing range 25,4 - 304,8 mm [1 - 12 inch]
• Interchangeable collets for ID mounting range 25,4 - 152,4 mm Flange Alignment Tools
[1-6 inch] allow the user to work on many different flanges with
The ATM-Series provide safe and
minimal time between set-ups
high-precision flange alignment
• Interchangeable lead screws suitable for refacing damaged tools that fit most commonly used
raised-face (RF), flat-face (FF) or lens-ring joint flanges ANSI, API, BS and DIN flanges.
• Tool body with expanding collets centers itself providing real
concentric operation. Page: 244

Controlled Tightening and

▼ The Enerpac FF-120 used to face a pipe flange.
Use Enerpac Bolting Tools to seal
the joint to the precise torque
or tension required: torque
multipliers, torque wrenches and hydraulic bolt
Page: 191

246 www.enerpac.com
QuickFace – Mechanical Pipe Flange Face Tool
Mechanical Flange Face Tool
Portable, hand powered tool The tool arm is then rotated by hand using a
makes even the hardest to reach worm-gear mechanism to provide a perfect Series
pipe flanges resurface-able in a spiral “gramophone” finish. The tool can be
safe and convenient way. adjusted with a calibrated slide to define cut
depth and the correct finish.
Makes refacing easy
A simple and cost effective solution – the Surface finish & accuracy
FF-120 turns a two man operation with A serrated finish with 30-55 grooves per
heavy equipment, compressors and portable inch and a resultant roughness of between Pipe Flange Cutting Diameter Range:
generators into a one man job. Ra 3,2-12,5 µ (125-500 micro inches).
The FF-120 has same precision and quality
ø 25-305 mm / 1-12"
The FF-120 has interchangeable lead of finish as a lathe. Internal Pipe Mounting Range:
screws that make it suitable for resurfacing
damaged flat-faced, raised-face or lens-ring Cost effective solution ø 25-152 mm / 1-6"
joint flanges to the high safety standards Small and portable enough to be a Cutting Resultant Roughness:
required. After selecting the correct lead permanent addition to your equipment
screw for the operation, the tool body is range, Enerpac’s FF-120 is the perfect Ra 3,2 - 12,5 µ
inserted in the pipe end and centres itself solution to all of your small diameter facing
with adjustable locators to provide real problems.
concentric operation. 1

1 2 3 1 Hand-operated cold work tool – no need for 4
external power and hot work permits. 5
2 Calibrated cross slide for accurate cutting
control. 6

3 Adjustable cutting head for reface of flat 7

flange surfaces of pipes with flange OD facing
range ø 25,4-304,8 mm [1-12 inch]. 8
4 Interchangeable lead screws enable selection 9
of surface finish between Ra 3,2-12,5 µ.
5 Utilizes standard 3/8 inch or 10 mm tool steel.
6 Range of interchangeable collets allow the
tool to accommodate ø 25,4 - 152,4 mm
4 5 6 7 (1 - 6 inch) pipe ID.
7 Tool body with expanding collets centers in 1 Feed Knob 6 Tool Block
the bore ensuring concentric and accurate 2 Gear Box 7 Swivel Slide
set-up. 3 Cutting Depth 8 HSS 3/8” Tool Bits
Adjustment with 9 Mandrel Locking
indicator: 0,127 mm Knob
(.005 inch) per mark 10 Locator Extensions
4 Locking Collar 11 Adjustable Locators
5 Lead/Feed Screw 12 O-Ring

▼ The Enerpac FF-120 QuickFace has same precision and

quality of finish as a lathe.

* without locator extensions

Pipe Flange Internal Pipe Cutting Model
Cutting Diameter Range Mounting Diameter Range Resultant Number
(mm) (inch) (mm) (inch) (Ra µ) (kg)
25,4 - 304,8 1,0 - 12,0 25,4 - 152,4 1,0 - 6,0 3,2 - 12,5 FF-120 6,8

Enerpac Heavy Lifting Technology
Enerpac Heavy Lifting Technology provides customers with tailored
solutions, combining hydraulics, steel fabrication and electronic
control technology. Global Leader providing best in class solutions for
safe and precise positioning of heavy loads.

With more than 60 years supporting industrial markets, Enerpac

has gained the unique and in-depth expertise that is respected by
industrial professionals around the world. Across every continent,
Enerpac’s network of application engineers, authorized distributors
and technical service centers can reach any location, and deliver
innovative solutions, technical assistance and quality products.

Enerpac’s complete line of standard and customized products and a

Precision lift and position of heavy loads
unique systems approach offers the benefits of safety and efficiency
to applications where high forces are required.

Whether constructing a signature bridge across a deep valley, lifting

a national landmark for seismic retrofit or simultaneously testing
hundreds of foundation pilings to support a new building, Enerpac will
supply the hydraulic solutions to get the job done.

Synchronous superlift and launch

Bridge lifting and launching Jacking with high capacity precision control Synchronous hoisting and load positioning

Incremental bridge lifting Transportation Special high tonnage cylinders for the
Pioneering Spirit lifting beams

Enerpac Heavy Lifting Technology - Section Overview
Tank Size & Flow at 700 bar Capabilities Series Page
Lifting Capacity ton (kN)

20 - 150 litres Split-Flow Hydraulic Pumps SFP 250 ▶

0,32 - 4,20 l/min Multiple outlets with equal oil flow

40 litres Synchronous Lifting Systems, basic models EVOB 252 ▶

0,82 - 1,64 l/min The economical solution to basic applications

250 litres Synchronous Lifting Systems, standard models EVO 254 ▶

0,75 - 4,80 l/min The multi-functional synchronous lifting system

50 - 200 ton Climbing Jacks BLS 256 ▶

(498 - 1995 kN) A simple solution to incremental lifting

125 - 750 ton Jack-Up Systems JS 258 ▶

(1250 - 7500 kN) Synchronically lift, mechanically hold

15 - 1250 ton Heavy Lifting Strand Jacks HSL 260 ▶

(147 - 12.250 kN) High capacity precision control

55 - 110 ton Synchronous Hoisting Systems - SyncHoist SHS 262 ▶

(539 - 1078 kN) Precision positioning jacks

110 - 225 ton Autonomous Hoisting Systems - SyncHoist SHAS 264 ▶

(1078 - 2205 kN) Wireless remote control, integrated hydraulics

600 - 10.484 kN Telescopic Hydraulic Gantries SL 266 ▶

Precision lift and position of heavy loads SBL
100 - 250 ton Skidding Systems HSK 268 ▶
(860- 2500 kN) The ideal jack and slide solution LH

60 ton (600 kN) Self-Propelled Modular Transporters SPMT 270 ▶

Speed: 1,5 - 3 km/h Hydraulic strength in a linear drive transport system

– Custom Solutions – Experience and Expertise 271 ▶

Project Gallery – Custom Heavy Lifting Solutions 272 ▶

www.enerpac.com 249
SFP-Series, Split-Flow Pumps
▼ SFP 421SW and SFP 404SW (pressure gauges and retract valves are not shown)

Multiple Outlets with

Equal Oil Flow

Typical Split-Flow Pump


Split-Flow pumps distribute an equal amount of

hydraulic oil to a maximum of 8 outlets. Smart
valve technology allows both controlled lifting
and lowering of heavy loads.

Pressure compensated flow control

This unique feature to our Split-Flow Pumps
will ensure both smooth lifting and lowering.
Independent of load distribution.

For lifting applications Split-Flow Pumps are

an efficient and safer alternative than using
individual pumps. Where synchronization of
• 2, 4, 6 or 8 split-flow outlets maximum 4% is acceptable split-flow pumps are
a safe and economical solution.
• Individual or simultaneous valve operation with
advance/hold/retract function Application examples:
• Joystick (manual) controlled or pendant (solenoid) controlled valves • Bridge deck lifting for bearing maintenance
• Flow per outlet ranging from 0,32 to 4,2 l/min at 700 bar • Stage lifting in construction and shipbuilding
• Skidding to move structures and buildings
• For double and single-acting cylinders • Levelling of constructions like wind turbines.
• Pressure compensated flow control
• Adjustable pressure relief valve per circuit Remote Control Pendant
• All models include pressure gauges Split-Flow pumps with solenoid
• Reservoir: 20, 40 or 150 litres. valves include a remote pendant
with selector switches for each
individual outlet, allowing single
▼ During manufacturing of container units, the Enerpac SFP404SW Split-Flow Pump with 4 outlets or multiple cylinder operation.
provide both lifting and load distribution function. The container units weight between 70 and 120 ton
and are complete equipped as full operational shelter for specific applications in power-gen, mining
and construction industries for on-site use.

Lifting Cylinders
For a complete line of Enerpac
cylinders, see the Cylinder and
Lifting Products in our catalogue.

Page: 5

Split-Flow Hydraulic Pumps
1 3 8 2 9

◀ SFP-Series
with 20 litres reservoir Series
(shown with
2 split-flow outlets)

6 Reservoir Capacity:
20 - 40 - 150 litres
B C Split-Flow Outlets:

1 9 3 8 2 2, 4, 6 and 8 outlets
Flow at Rated Pressure:
◀ SFP-Series
with 40 litres reservoir 0,32 - 4,20 l/min
(shown with
4 split-flow outlets) Maximum Operating Pressure:

MP MP MP MP 700 bar

6 Lifting an unbalanced load?

See the Enerpac EVO-Series
modular PLC-controlled
B synchronous lifting systems to
C control 4, 8 or 12 lifting points.

1 8 4 2 9 Page: 252

◀ SFP-Series
with 150 litres reservoir ① Manifold with split flow outlets and
(shown with CR-400 couplers
4 split-flow outlets)
② Adjustable pressure relief valve per circuit
A P P P P ③ Manual 4/3 control valves with joysticks
④ Solenoid 4/3 control valves (24 VDC)

6 ⑤ Power Receptacle
⑥ Oil sight gauge(s)

⑦ Remote control pendant with 10 m cord

⑧ Flow control valve
B C ⑨ Hydraulic pressure gauge

Number Reservoir Oil Flow Pump Model Number Motor Dimensions

of Size per Outlet 4/3 Valve Operation Size (mm)
Split-Flow @ 700 bar Advance/Hold/Retract 400 V, 3ph ▼ Split-flow pump used to operate double-acting
Outlets Manual 24 V Solenoid 50 Hz cylinders to lift steel bridge segments.
(litres) (l/min) (Joystick) (Pendant) (kW) A B C (kg)
20 0,32 SFP 202MW – 0,75 750 450 700 86
40 1,30 SFP 213MW SFP 213SW 5,5 1019 660 900 240
150 2,80 SFP 228MW SFP 228SW 7,5 1372 605 1130 488
150 4,20 SFP 242MW SFP 242SW 11 1372 605 1130 526
40 0,45 SFP 404MW SFP 404SW 5,5 1019 660 900 240
150 0,90 SFP 409MW SFP 409SW 5,5 1372 605 1130 475
150 1,40 SFP 414MW SFP 414SW 7,5 1372 605 1130 488
150 2,10 SFP 421MW SFP 421SW 11 1372 605 1130 526
40 0,45 SFP 604MW SFP 604SW 5,5 1019 660 900 240
150 1,30 – SFP 613SW 11 1372 805 1200 550
8 150 1,30 – SFP 813SW 15 1372 805 1200 590

www.enerpac.com 251
EVOB-Series, Basic Synchronous Lifting Systems
▼ EVOB 816W

The economical solution to

basic lifting applications

The Basic EVOB-System

Leveraging Enerpac’s market leading
Z-Class pumps and components
from the standard EVO, the Basic
EVOB offers an economical solution to basic
applications requiring stroke only control for a
maximum of 8 lifting points.

The Basic EVOB-System has three work modes.

The operator can navigate to any of these
1. Manual
2. Automatic
3. Depressurize.

• Pumps to control 4 to 8 lifting points Typical Synchronous Lifting

• Intuitive user interface provides easy set-up and control Applications
• For use with standard single- or double-acting cylinders • Bridge lifting and repositioning
• Bridge launching
• Built in warning and stop alarms for optimum safety • Bridge maintenance
• Available in two oil flow options. • Incremental launching and box jacking
• Lifting and lowering of heavy equipment
• Lifting, lowering, levelling and weighing of
heavy structures and buildings
• Structural and pile testing
• Lifting and weighing of oil platforms
• Foundation levelling of onshore and offshore
wind turbines
• De-propping/load transfer from temporary
steel work
• Foundation shoring.
▼ Bridge maintenance: A 200 ton bridge was lifted using 8 cylinders to replace the old bearings.

▼ Foundation repair: Synchronous lifting system used

to lift a 1000 ton building.

Basic Synchronous Lifting Systems
What is Synchronous Lifting?
To achieve high-precision By varying the oil flow to each cylinder, the
movement of heavy objects system maintains very accurate positional Series
it is necessary to control and control. By eliminating manual intervention,
synchronize the movements of multiple the sync lift helps maintain structural
lifting points. integrity and increases the productivity and
safety of the lift.
The PLC-control uses feedback from
multiple sensors to control the lifting, PLC-controlled synchronous lifting systems
lowering and positioning of any large, reduce the risk of bending, twisting or Number of Lifting Points:
heavy or complex structure, regardless of
weight distribution.
tilting, due to uneven weight distribution or
load-shifts between the lift points. 4-8
Reservoir Capacity:
40 litres
Flow at Rated Pressure:
0,82 - 1,64 l/min
Motor Size:
1,12 - 2,24 kW
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar
Wire Stroke Sensors Stroke Sensor Cables
Lifting Cylinders
• Ordered separately, requires • Ordered separately, requires
one for each lifting point one for each stroke sensor For a complete line of Enerpac
cylinders, see the Cylinder and
• Provides stroke feedback to • Can be connected together for Lifting Products in our catalogue.
controls additional length.
• Includes magnets for mounting.

Page: 5

Stroke Sensor Measuring Range Sensor Cable Cable Length

Model Number (mm) Model Number (metres) Multi-functional Synchronous
Lifting Systems
EVO-WSS-500 500 EVO-SC-25 25
For more than 8 lifting points,
EVO-WSS-1000 1000 – –
to link up to 4 systems together
and weighing system see the
Voltage Options: To select voltage, change
suffix W into required suffix.
standard EVO-Series.
B = 115 V, 1 Ph, 50-60 Hz
E = 208-240 V, 1 Ph, 50-60 Hz
G = 208-240 V, 3 Ph, 50-60 Hz
W = 380-415 V, 3 Ph, 50-60 Hz
Page: 254
J = 460-480 V, 3 Ph, 50-60 Hz
R = 575 V, 3 Ph, 60 Hz.

Example: EVOB 408E. EVOB Basic Pump for 4 lift ▼ Box jacking: Multi-point synchronous system to push
points, 0,82 l/min at 700 bar, and 1,12 kW motor hydraulically the tunnel segments under the railway.
208-240 V, 1 Ph, 50-60 Hz.

EVOB-Series (Basic)
Lifting Oil Flow at 50 Hz 1) Model Number 2) Usable Motor
Points (l/min) Oil Capacity Size

(< 80 bar) (> 80 bar) (kW) (kg)
4 8,88 0,82 EVOB 408E 40 1,12 278
4 11,61 1,64 EVOB 416W 40 2,24 284
8 8,88 0,82 EVOB 808E 40 1,12 278
8 11,61 1,64 EVOB 816W 40 2,24 284
Oil flow will be approximately 6/5 of these values at 60 Hz.

For other voltages options see information above this selection chart.

www.enerpac.com 253
EVO-Series, Synchronous Lifting Systems
▼ EVO 841460W

The multi-functional
synchronous lifting

EVO-System Work Modes

The application possibilities are
infinite with the standard EVO-System,
powering interlinked hydraulic
cylinders – single or double-acting, push or pull,
stage lift, hollow plunger or lock nut cylinders.
The standard EVO-System has 9 work modes.
The operator can navigate to any of these
1. Manual
2. Pre-Load
3. Automatic
4. Retract Fast
5. Depressurize
6. Tilting
7. Stage Lift
• Modular lifting pumps to control 4, 8 or 12 lifting points 8. Weighing *
9. Center of Gravity determination *
• Can be connected to single- or double-acting cylinders with the same
or different lifting capacities * Available in the EVO-W-models.
• PLC-controlled system with integrated 700 bar hydraulic power unit
and 250 litres reservoir Typical Synchronous Lifting
• Network capability to link up to 4 HPUs to a separate master control Applications
box via wireless control
• Intuitive user interface providing easy set up, control and navigation • Bridge lifting and repositioning
• Bridge launching
• Data storage and recording capabilities • Bridge maintenance
• Variable frequency drive motor (VFDM) and PLC for precise • Incremental launching and box jacking
synchronization and oil flow control. • Lifting and lowering of heavy equipment
• Lifting, lowering, levelling and weighing of
heavy structures and buildings
• Structural and pile testing
• Lifting and weighing of oil platforms
• Foundation levelling of onshore and offshore
wind turbines
• De-propping/load transfer from temporary
steel work
• Foundation shoring.

◀ The superlifting and launch of a 43.000-ton floating

oil production system in Malaysia for the Gumusut-
Kakap offshore field has set high benchmarks for safety
through its use of sophisticated EVO-Series synchronous
hydraulics to lift, balance, weigh and smoothly launch
massive resources structures.

Synchronous Lifting Systems
Benefits of the standard
EVO-Series System
Monitoring and Data Recording
• Displays data of the operation. EVO
• Data recording at user-defined intervals. Series
• Data storage and read-out for reporting.
Precise control of multiple lift points
• Comprehensive understanding and Network capability
management of a lifting operation from • Ethernet IP protocol for communication
a central control system improves safety between hydraulic power units, allow
and operational productivity. easy “plug and play”.
• Programmable synchronized lifting. Number of Lifting Points:
• Automatic stop at pre-set cylinder EVO-W Weighing System
stroke or load limit. Weighing applications with 1% accuracy 4 - 8 -12 (up to 48)
• Includes calibrated sensors and auto-
Reservoir Capacity:
Safe and efficient movement of loads calibration of external load cells.
• System secured with warning and stop • Center of gravity determination 250 litres
features to realize optimal safety. functionality.
Flow at Rated Pressure:
• Parameters for “waiting time for
High accuracy stabilization” and “number of cycles”. 0,75 - 4,80 l/min
• Variable frequency drive (VDFM) and
PLC for precise synchronization and Global standardized system Motor Size:
control of oil flow, stroke and speed. • Enerpac global coverage ensures local 3,50 - 7,50 kW
• Depending the cylinder capacities used, support.
an accuracy of 1,0 mm between lifting Maximum Operating Pressure:
points is achieved. 700 bar
Ease of operation
• User friendly interface: visual screens, Stroke Sensors and Cables
icons, symbols and color coding. Optional accessories required
• A single operator controls the entire for each lifting point and stroke
operation. sensor.

Page: 253

Master Control Box

Required to link up to 4 standard
EVO-pumps together to achieve
a maximum of 48 lifting points.
Contact Enerpac for more
information or for assistance:

EVO-Series (Standard)
Lifting Variable Oil Flow Model Number 2) Usable Motor Motor
Points at 50 Hz 1) 380-415 V, Oil Size Speed 4)
(l/min) 3ph, 50-60Hz Capacity ▼ Precision levelling caisson pier box:
3 EVO-Systems connected with 32 jacks lowered the
(< 125 bar) (> 125 bar) (litres) (kW) (kg) 1100 ton bascule pier box.

4 4,0 - 13,3 0,75 - 2,51 EVO 421380 250 3,5 VFDM 910

4 4,0 - 13,3 0,75 - 2,51 EVO 421380 W 3) 250 3,5 VFDM 910
4 4,7 - 15,6 1,44 - 4,80 EVO 440380 250 7,5 VFDM 1005
4 4,7 - 15,6 1,44 - 4,80 EVO 440380 W 3) 250 7,5 VFDM 1005
8 4,0 - 13,3 0,75 - 2,51 EVO 821380 250 3,5 VFDM 910
8 4,0 - 13,3 0,75 - 2,51 EVO 821380 W 3) 250 3,5 VFDM 910
8 4,7 - 15,6 1,44 - 4,80 EVO 840380 250 7,5 VFDM 910
8 4,7 - 15,6 1,44 - 4,80 EVO 840380 W 3) 250 7,5 VFDM 910
12 4,0 - 13,3 0,75 - 2,51 EVO 1221380 250 3,5 VFDM 920
12 4,0 - 13,3 0,75 - 2,51 EVO 1221380 W 3) 250 3,5 VFDM 920
12 4,7 - 15,6 1,44 - 4,80 EVO 1240380 250 7,5 VFDM 1025
12 4,7 - 15,6 1,44 - 4,80 EVO 1240380 W 3) 250 7,5 VFDM 1025
Oil flow will be approximately 6/5 of these values at 60 Hz. 2) For 460-480 VAC, 3 phase, 50-60 Hz change 380 in model number into 460. Example EVO421460.
Model numbers with suffix W are pumps for weighing systems. 4) VFDM = Variable Frequency Drive15-50 Hz.
www.enerpac.com 255
BLS-Series, Climbing Jacks
▼ BLS-1006

A Simple Solution to
Incremental Lifting

Lifting Height
Climbing Jacks overcome the usual
limitation of lifting height imposed
by the cylinder’s plunger stroke
length. Large objects, such as oil tanks, can be
lifted, held and lowered for maintenance without
sending for a crane.

Split-Flow Pumps
SFP-Series pumps with multiple
outlets with equal oil flow. For
lifting and lowering applications
on multiple points Split-Flow
Pumps are a far better alternative than using
• Include integral tilt saddle with maximum tilt angles up to 5 degree separately operated pumps. Smart valve
• Large base with anti-rotation rod for stability and safety technology allows both controlled lifting and
lowering of heavy loads.
• Built-in safety valve prevents accidental over-pressurization Page: 250
• Ideal in combination with the stage lift work mode of the EVO-Series
synchronous lifting system Synchronous Lifting System
• Baked enamel finish for increased corrosion resistance The standard EVO-Series System
is ideal for stage lifting, powering
• CR400 couplers included on all models.
interlinked hydraulic cylinders. The
EVO-system has 9 work modes
including the stage lift work mode.
Page: 254
▼ Synchronous Stage Lifting: 48 double-acting jacks (25 and 50 ton) are networked in to a 16 points
synchronous system to lift this 50 metres long, 1000 ton building up to a height of 2,5 metres to Jack-Up Systems
construct a new floor level.
For incremental lifting with higher
lifting capacities and up to 20 m
lifting height, see our JS-Series
Jack-Up Systems
Page: 258

Climbing Jacks
Cylinder Stroke Model Max. Cylinder
Capacity Number Capacity

ton (mm) Push Pull

50 150 BLS-506 498 103
95 161 BLS-1006 933 435
140 151 BLS-1506 1386 668
200 151 BLS-2006 1995 1017

Double-Acting Climbing Jacks

◀ Typical stage-lift application using a custom built Capacity per Lifting Point:
Enerpac system to lift the 360 ton Akkerwinde
wooden bridge in the Netherlands. 50 - 200 ton
Stroke per Stage:
Step 1 Step 2
150 - 161 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
700 bar

J 61


Step 3 Step 4 A
3/8"- I



▲ Stage Lifting Sequence

Step 1: The climbing jack is placed on Step 3: Plunger retracts, giving clearance
a solid support under the load to position the central blocks
(retracted plunger). which will support the plunger L J1 K
Step 2: Plunger extends, lifting the load plate for the next extension.
and giving clearance to insert Step 4: Plunger extends, lifting the load,
two outer blocks under the giving clearance to insert two
spreading plate. new blocks, placed crosswise
under the spreading plate.

Cylinder Oil Climbing Jack Dimensions Cribbing Blocks * Model

Effective Area Capacity (mm) and Dimensions (mm) Number
(cm2) (cm3)

Push Pull Push Pull A B C D F H I J J1 K Material L M N (kg)

71,2 21,5 1111 335 406 556 318 127 79 56 36 50 240 515 565 140 120 170 BLS-506
Azobe Wood
133,3 62,2 2238 1045 445 606 343 177 95 76 24 71 330 670 720 150 160 315 BLS-1006
198,1 95,4 3090 1488 472 624 370 203 114 94 39 130 230 475 Solid Aluminium 500 140 115 322 BLS-1506
285,6 145,6 4332 2209 510 661 387 248 133 102 37 130 270 550 or Steel 575 140 135 373 BLS-2006
* Cribbing blocks are not supplied by Enerpac.

www.enerpac.com 257
JS-Series, Jack-Up Systems
▼ JS-250, Enerpac Jack-Up System (one lifting tower shown)

Lifting System –
Synchronously Lift and
Mechanically Hold

Typical Applications
• Bridge maintenance
• Lifting and lowering of heavy
• Lifting, lowering and levelling of heavy
structures and buildings
• De-propping/load transfer from temporary
steel work.

• Self-contained hydraulics in each jack-up unit for uncluttered

Computer Controls
work area
Enerpac Jack-Up Systems provide
• Synchronously lift loads with multiple jack-up units. The most precision control suitable for
common system set-up includes 4 jack-up units many demanding lifting/lowering
• Lifting barrels are stacked together to mechanically hold the load applications. The comprehensive self-contained
design features simple to use software.
• Up to 5% side load capacity depending on lifting height • Automatic synchronization of multiple
• Computer controls for operating the jack-up system with networked lift points.
automatic and manual lifting settings. • Overload and stroke alarms
• Emergency stop switch at jack-up units and

▼ Enerpac has been awarded a contract by

Burkhalter to extend the height of Enerpac’s ▼ A load is lifted in increments as barrels are
2000 ton (500 ton per tower) jack-up system slid into the system, lifted, and stacked; ▼ Lifting barrels are stacked together to mechanically
from 20m to 36m for future projects. forming ‘lifting towers’. hold the load.

Enerpac Jack-Up Systems
Enerpac Jack-Up Systems
The jack-up system is a custom A load is lifted in increments as barrels are
developed multi-point lifting slid into the system, lifted, and stacked; Series
system. A typical system setup forming ‘lifting towers’. A jack-up system
includes four jack-up units positioned under is operated and controlled by a computer
each corner of a load. control unit.

Example: A four unit setup with JS-250 has Each unit’s lifting and lowering operations
a lifting capacity of 1000 ton (250 ton per occur simultaneously; the computer control
tower unit). The lifting frame of a jack-up unit’s synchronous technology maintains Capacity Per Lifting Tower:
unit contains four hydraulic lifting cylinders,
one in each corner, which lift the load using
the balance of the load.
125 - 750 ton
the stacked steel barrels. Lifting Height:
Up to 6 - 20 metres

A 5
Enerpac Jack-Up Systems
① End Barrel
② Barrel
③ Electric Powerpack
Handle for manual
barrel insertion on JS125, ④ Lifting Frame
JS250 and JS500. ⑤ Base Frame
Automatic barrel
End barrel with 3D Swivel insertion on JS750
Contact Enerpac!
Contact the Enerpac office nearest to
you for advice and technical assistance
in the layout of your ideal Lifting
System or visit us at: www.enerpac.com.
Or ask Enerpac for assistance:

▼ Enerpac jack-up system hoists 1500 ton span on Fore

River Bridge.

Jack-Up Systems
Capacity Model Maximum Base Frame Barrel
per Tower Number Sideload Dimensions Dimensions
(mm) LxWxH

ton (kN) A B C D (mm) (kg) *

125 (1250) JS-125 3% @ 6m 1200 1100 950 1850 600x600x250 2200
250 (2500) JS-250 3,5% @ 10m 2250 2050 1475 3450 1150 x1150x500 7500
500 (5000) JS-500 4% @ 15m 2800 2300 1700 4500 1700x1700x700 13.000
750 (7500) JS-750 5% @ 20m 3670 3250 2375 6100 2300x2300x1000 24.000
* Weight per jack up unit, excluding barrels.

www.enerpac.com 259
HSL-Series, Heavy Lifting Strand Jacks
▼ Shown: HSL50006 Strand Jack

High Capacity
Precision Control

Heavy Lifting Strand Jacks

Enerpac strand jacks are the strand
jacks of choice for customers
seeking precise synchronous control
with heavy-lifting capacity in an economical,
compact, and reliable foot print.
Enerpac strand jacks are powered by electrical
or diesel driven hydraulic power packs and
controlled by Enerpac’s proprietary SCC-Smart
Cylinder Control System to ensure full control of
• Precision control of synchronous lifting and lowering lifting and lowering operations.
• Can be controlled by a single operator from a central location for Enerpac continually improves reliability,
increased safety durability, and safety of their strand jacks,
making them an industry standard for heavy
• Automated locking - unlocking operation
• Two strand sizes: 15,7 mm and 18 mm (.62 and .71 inch)
• Telescopic strand guide pipes prevent bird caging
• Internal components are coated with Lunac, an anti-corrosion
coating, making it suitable for marine environments
• Lifting anchor included with all strand jacks
• Lloyd’s witness tested to 125% of maximum working load.

▼ Songdo Bridge, South Korea: Four HSL85007 strand jacks were installed on top of a temporary
bent tower and simultaneously lifted both pylons up to their permanent position at 75 degrees.
The lift was monitored and controlled using a computer controlled strand jack system with 30 kW
hydraulic power units.

▼ HSL85007 Strand Jack System used on Enerpac

custom Self Erecting Tower.

Heavy Lifting Strand Jacks
Strand Jacks
A strand jack can be considered In the case of system pressure loss,
a linear winch. In a strand jack, the wedges are mechanically closed Series
a bundle of steel strands are automatically, holding the suspended load
guided through a main “lifting” jack. in place.
Above and below the cylinder are anchor Today strand jacks are widely recognized
systems with wedges that grip the as the most sophisticated heavy lifting
strand bundle simultaneously. Lifting and solution. They are used all over the world to
lowering a load is achieved by hydraulically erect bridges, load out offshore structures,
controlling the main jack and both mini and lift/lower heavy loads where the use of Capacity:
jacks alternately. conventional cranes is neither economical
nor practical.
15 - 1250 ton
250 - 600 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:
350 bar
① Strand Guide 1
② Top Mini Jack
③ Main Lifting Jack ▼ Strand Jack Accessories
④ Counter Balance Valve Contact Enerpac for more information or for
assistance: enerpac.com/contact-us
⑤ Bottom Mini Jack
⑥ Chair Hydraulic Power Packs
A Enerpac offers a comprehensive
range of hydraulic power packs
that are optimized for use with
4 their industry leading heavy lifting
strand jacks.

B 5
Strand Guides
6 Provides a guide for the strand as
a strand jack lifts the load.

Strand Capacity * Model Number Stroke Dimensions

Diameter Number of (mm)
Strands (mm)
mm (inch) ton (kN) A B C D (kg) Strand Recoilers
30 (300) HSL3006 3 480 1851 350 500 59 500 Passively pays in or pays out
(700) HSL7006 7 480 1915 360 575 93 640 strands while jacking and
15,7 lowering.
200 (2000) HSL20006 19 480 1992 522 650 169 1300
300 (3000) HSL30006 31 480 2046 673 673 216 2180
500 (5000) HSL50006 48 480 2136 733 733 273 3150
15 (150) HSL1507 1 250 1242 220 220 20 100 Strand Dispenser
45 (450) HSL4507 3 480 1728 350 500 73 500 Essential to safely unbundle a
60 (600) HSL6007 4 480 1752 400 625 88 650 new strand coil.
100 (1000) HSL10007 7 480 1926 408 625 116 850
200 (2000) HSL20007 12 480 2001 522 650 165 1400
300 (3000) HSL30007 19 480 2055 673 673 210 2180
450 (4500) HSL45007 31 480 2223 733 733 272 3050 Lifting Anchor
650 (6500) HSL65007 43 480 2237 850 850 351 3950 Each Strand Jack includes a
850 (8500) HSL85007 55 480 2402 900 900 364 5000 lifting anchor for attaching strand
1000 (10.000) HSL100007 66 480 2558 1092 1092 436 7650 to the load.
1250 (12.500) HSL125007 84 600 2658 1100 1100 458 8300
* Capacity is based on 2,5 minimum safety factor over strand breaking load.

www.enerpac.com 261
SHS-Series, SyncHoist Load Positioning
▼ SHS-Series 4-Point SyncHoist System

Accurate Hoisting
and Load Positioning
Enhancing a Crane’s

Synchronous Hoisting
Enerpac SyncHoist is a unique crane
product for below-the-hook positioning
of heavy loads that require precision
placement. The SyncHoist system may reduce
the number of cranes needed and reduce the
costs of multiple picks.

• High precision horizontal and vertical load
• Pre-programmed positioning, tilting and
• High precision load manoeuvering, vertically and horizontally – using
one crane Applications
• Positioning of rotor, stator and propeller
• Reduces the risk of damage from oscillations of wire rope due to blades of wind turbines
crane jogging and sudden starts/stops • Positioning of roof sections, concrete
• Vastly improving worker safety, operating speed and control elements, steel structures
• Positioning of turbines, transformers,
• Weather conditions play less critical role fuel rods
• PLC-controlled hydraulics turn lifting into high accuracy hoisting and • Precise machinery loading, mill rod changes,
load positioning system bearing changes
• Double-acting push/pull cylinders with load holding valves for added • Precise positioning of pipe lines,
safety in case of hose rupture or coupler damage blow out valves
• Positioning and aligning of ship segments
• Cost reduction compared to conventional load positioning methods. prior to assembly.
Options for system management & control:
• Manual control: system warning functions
• Automatic control: fully PLC-monitorized system with programmable
functions using touch screen and system warning functions.

▼ Bridge segments are hoisted from the ground, ▼ An SyncHoist system used to align steel blocks
being positioned with a 4-point SyncHoist of the ship’s control tower sections allowing
system with fully monitorized cylinders. gradual lift ingand positioning of the load. ▼ SyncHoist Powerpack to operate the 4 lifting points.

SyncHoist - High Precision Load Positioning
SHS-Series, SyncHoist
Enerpac SHS-Series SyncHoist is
System management and control
Contact Enerpac for the following options,
a hydraulically operated auxiliary or other customised stroke, capacity and Series
attachment for high precision control configurations.
load positioning for cranes.
1. Manual control
The automatic version with PLC-controlled • Valves with manual levers
hydraulic pump monitors and guides the • Warnings for thermal motor protection
powerful double-acting push-pull cylinders • Visual check: oil level, filter indicator.
integrated into the lifting points above the Capacity Per Lifting Point:
load. The SyncHoist system can be used
for pre-programmed positioning, tilting and
2. Automatic control
• Load and stroke monitoring, and stroke 55 - 85 - 110 ton
aligning of loads. control Maximum Stroke:
• PLC-control and touch screen
• Patented system
• Complete system tested in compliance • Solenoid valves with pendant 500 - 1000 - 1500 mm
with Europenan lifting directive and • Pre-programmable motions and data Accuracy Over Full Stroke:
safety requirements. recording
• System warnings for: ± 1,0 mm
SyncHoist improves safety, operating – maximum cylinder load control setting Maximum Operating Pressure:
speed and control of load movement – stroke and position control
Geometric positioning of heavy loads in a – thermal motor protection 700 bar
horizontal and vertical plane are frequently – oil level and filter indicator.
done using more than one crane.
SyncHoist Power Packs
Synchronising movements between cranes SyncHoist Power Packs are specifically H
are difficult and risky. The lifting inaccuracy designed to work with the SyncHoist
can result in damage to the load and cylinders to insure proper operation of D1
support structures and puts workers at the system. Contact Enerpac for more A
risks. The SyncHoist system can be used information or for assistance: D2
for controlled hydraulic horizontal and enerpac.com/contact-us. B
vertical material handling.
SHAS-Series, Wireless SyncHoist
See next page for wireless remote control
system with integrated hydraulics. E J

Capacity Total Cylinder Model Number 1) Control Motor Number of Cylinder Dimensions
Load Stroke 400 VAC, System Size Pump Outlets (mm)
3 ph - 50 Hz and Oil Flow 2)

ton (kN) ton (kN) (mm) (kW) (l/min) A B D1 D2 E H J (kg) 3)

500 SHS 45520 MW 1300 1800 450
1000 SHS 45540 MW Manual 7,5 4 x 1,4 1800 2800 625
4 x 55 220 1500 SHS 45560 MW 2300 3800 800
690 245 59 385 80
(539) (2156) 500 SHS 45520 AW 1300 1800 450
1000 SHS 45540 AW Automatic 15 4 x 2,1 1800 2800 625
1500 SHS 45560 AW 2300 3800 800
500 SHS 48520 MW 1330 1830 500
1000 SHS 48540 MW Manual 11 4 x 2,1 1830 2830 700
4 x 85 340 1500 SHS 48560 MW 2330 3830 900
690 265 72 385 100
(833) (3332) 500 SHS 48520 AW 1330 1830 500
1000 SHS 48540 AW Automatic 15 4 x 2,1 1830 2830 700
1500 SHS 48560 AW 2330 3830 900
1000 SHS 411040 MW 1855 2855 970
Manual 11 4 x 2,1
4 x 110 440 1500 SHS 411060 MW 2355 3855 1235
780 315 85 395 124
(1078) (4312) 1000 SHS 411040 AW 1855 2855 970
Automatic 15 4 x 2,1
1500 SHS 411060 AW 2355 3855 1235
With 4 cylinders and one 400 VAC-3 phase-50 Hz Powerpack (suffix W). For 460-480 VAC-3 phase-60 Hz Powerpack change suffix W into J. Example: SHS  4 5560 MJ.

Pump and cylinders include 4x 25 meters hydraulic hoses with couplers. 3) Weight per cylinder

www.enerpac.com 263
SHAS-Series, Autonomous SyncHoist System
▼ SHAS 411040WE Autonomous SyncHoist System demonstrated using a load simulation

Accurate Hoisting
and Load Positioning
Enhancing a Crane’s

Autonomous SyncHoist System

Enerpac Autonomous SyncHoist
System is a unique crane product for
below-the-hook positioning of heavy
loads that require precision placement. The
SyncHoist system may reduce the number of
cranes needed.

• High precision horizontal and vertical load
• Pre-programmed positioning, tilting and

• High precision load manoeuvering using one crane Applications

• Vastly improving worker safety, operating speed and control • Positioning of rotor, stator and propeller
blades of wind turbines
• Integrated PLC-controlled hydraulics in each lifting device – no need • Positioning of roof sections, concrete
for external powerpack and hydraulic hoses elements, steel structures
• Wireless control for safe operation • Positioning of turbines, transformers, fuel
• Quick installation, set-up and operation - one electric connection per • Precise machinery loading, mill rod changes,
lifting point bearing changes
• Cost reduction compared to conventional load positioning methods. • Precise positioning of pipe lines, blow out
• Positioning and aligning of ship segments
prior to assembly.

▼ Rigging engineers used the SyncHoist system to

▼ A single operator controls and oversees the precisely monitor and adjust each lifting point
entire hoisting job - the portable wireless ▼ SyncHoist lifts and positions Brisbane Riverwalk independently, or together in a synchronized manner.
control allows him to be at a safe distance. concrete girders. to position the 1140 ton nuclear plant module.

SyncHoist - High Precision Load Positioning
SHAS-Series, SyncHoist
Enerpac SHAS-Series SyncHoist
Autonomous System
• Wireless remote control
is a hydraulically actuated • Only one electric power connection per Series
auxiliary attachment for high lifting point
precision load positioning for cranes. • Integrated hydraulics, PLC and controls
• No need for hydraulic hoses and cables
The autonomous system (SHAS) with • No need for mid-hoist disconnection of
integrated PLC-controlled hydraulics, hoses and movement of pump.
monitors and guides the powerful double-
acting push-pull cylinders which are Modular System Capacity Per Lifting Point:
integrated into the lifting points. • Standard with four lifting devices.
• Quick installation, set-up and operation.
110 - 225 ton
The SyncHoist system can be used for Maximum Stroke:
pre-programmed positioning, tilting and
aligning of loads.
PLC-Controlled System
1000 - 1500 mm
• Pre-programmable motions
• Complete system in compliance with Accuracy Over Full Stroke:
• Data recording
European lifting directive and safety

Load control
Stroke control
± 1,0 mm
• Alarms for overload
SyncHoist improves safety, operating
• Real time indication of force and stroke
speed and control of load movement
per lifting point
Geometric positioning of heavy loads • Controlled adjustment of forces per
in a horizontal and vertical plane are lifting point during entire operation.
frequently done using more than one
crane. Synchronising movements between Wireless Controls
cranes are difficult and risky. The lifting
• Operate from safe distance
inaccuracy can result in damage to the load
• Portable, no cables
and support structures and puts workers at
• Siemens wireless 7 inch touch screen
risk. The SyncHoist system can be used for
control panel
controlled hydraulic horizontal and vertical
• Emergency stop, TÜV certified in
material handling.


SyncHoist system mounted in an
auxiliary frame for levelling and
positioning steel structures during
construction of an oil & gas installation. ▶

Capacity Total Cylinder Model Number 1) Control Motor Dimensions

Load Stroke 400-500 VAC, 2) System Size (mm)
3ph - 50-60Hz

ton (kN) ton (kN) (mm) (kW) A B D1 D2 E H J (kg) 3)

4 x 110 440 1000 SHAS  4 11040 WE 1855 2855 1063 315 85 540 124 1183
Wireless 4 x 4,0
(4 x 1078) (4312) 1500 SHAS  4 11060 WE 2355 3855 1063 315 85 540 124 1448
4 x 225 900 1000 SHAS  4 22540 WE 2140 3140 1235 420 142 580 190 3219
Wireless 4 x 8,0
(4 x 2204) (8820) 1500 SHAS  4 22560 WE 2640 3640 1235 420 142 580 190 3414
Standard with 4 lifting points. For more or less lifting points contact Enerpac.

WE = with European electrical wiring. Change into suffix "WU" for US-market. Example: SHAS  4 11060  WU.
2) 3)
Weight per cylinder.
www.enerpac.com 265
SL, SBL, MBL-Series, Hydraulic Gantries
▼ SBL1100 with optional skid tracks, header beams, powered side shifts and lifting anchors

Precision Lift and

Position of Heavy Loads
The Ultimate in Safety and Control

Intelli-Lift Wireless Control

The Intelli-Lift wireless control
system is included with all
Enerpac hydraulic gantries.

• Self-contained hydraulics and electronics The Intelli-Lift controller offers superior safety
and control and includes the following features:
• Intelli-Lift wireless control system • Encrypted bi-directional communication that
• Self-propelled wheels or tank rollers eliminates interference from other devices
• Remote operation using multi channel
• Foldable boom on SBL900, SBL1100, MBL500 and MBL600
wireless (2.4 GHz) or wired (RS-485) control
• Full range of supplementary equipment: skid tracks, header beams, • High and low speed settings
powered side shifts and lifting anchors • Automatic synchronization of lifting with an
accuracy of 24 mm (0.95 inch)
• Designed and tested to meet ASME B30.1-2015 safety standards • Automatic synchronization of travelling with
• Lloyds witness tested to 125% of maximum working load. an accuracy of 15 mm (0.60 inch)
• Overload and stroke alarms
• Remote side shift control
• Emergency stop switch.

▼ Two SBL1100 telescopic hydraulic gantry systems lifted the 1300 ton hydrocracker off the barge
onto a SPMT Self-Propelled Modular Transporter. Telescopic Hydraulic Gantries
Maximum Model Retracted
Capacity Number Height
(with 4 towers) (4 towers)

kN (mm)
600 SL 60 2004
1250 SL 125 2640
3000 SL 300 2705
4000 SL 400 3166
5000 SBL 500 3028
8976 SBL 900 5004
10.484 SBL 1100 4370
5000 MBL 500 6098
6000 MBL 600 6553

Telescopic Hydraulic Gantries
Telescopic Hydraulic Gantries
Hydraulic Gantries are a safe, • SBL-Series Super Boom Lift
efficient way to lift and position
heavy loads in applications
The heavy-duty SBL-Series Super Boom
Lift boom style gantries offer increased
where traditional cranes will not fit and
permanent overhead structures for job
lifting capacity of over 4000 kN to
heights of almost 12,2 metres.
cranes are not an option. • MBL-Series Mega Boom Lift
The massive MBL-Series Mega Boom
Hydraulic Gantries are placed on skid Lift offers capacities and lifting heights
of over 6000 kN at almost 14,6 metres Capacity with 4 towers:
tracks to provide a means for moving and
placing heavy loads, many times with only extreme lifting conditions. 600 - 10.484 kN
one pick.
Lift Height:
Enerpac offers three series of Hydraulic All Enerpac gantries are delivered with
Gantry systems: specific properties and control systems to 3,49 - 14,55 meters
• SL-Series Super Lift ensure optimum stability and safety.
The cost-effective SL-Series Super Lift
offer control and stability for everyday
▼ Optional Gantry Accessories
lifting applications below 4000 kN up to
9 metres Contact Enerpac for more information or for
assistance: enerpac.com/contact-us

Skid Tracks
Allows for easy levelling of the
gantry tower and reduce ground
bearing pressure, available in two
standard lengths, 3 and 6 m.

Header Beams
B Sold in pairs and includes lifting
points and fork pockets for easy
positioning on gantry towers.
Available in standard lengths
of 8, 10 and 12 meters. Custom lengths available
on request.
Powered Side Shift
E Electric propulsion controlled by
standard gantry controls.
Each set consists of 4 units.

Stage 1 Stage 2 1) Stage 3 Transport Skid Model

Height Track Number
Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. (4 towers)
Height Capa- Height Capa- Height Capa- Width
Lifting Anchors
city city city
Designed to transfer the load to
B B B C E the top of the header beam. Can
(mm) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (mm) (kg) 2) accommodate a 250 ton shackle
3404 150 4704 150 – – 2034 769 1050 SL 60 or attach directly to the lifted load.
4575 313 6640 313 – – 2762 812 2130 SL 125
4605 750 6700 500 – – 2705 830 3250 SL 300
5224 1000 7232 1000 9140 460 3170 1218 4600 SL 400
4998 1300 6908 1300 8618 750 3028 1218 6300 SBL 500
8304 2244 11.304 1481 – – 2243 1218 13.350 SBL 900
7004 2621 9668 1699 12.002 945 2244 1218 11.950 SBL 1100
– 1250 12.867 1250 – – 2243 1682 19.750 MBL 500
– 1500 14.552 1500 – – 2525 1982 20.950 MBL 600
MBL500 and MBL600 are two stage gantries; stages 1 and 2 extend simultaneously and provide full

capacity at any height. 2) Weight per tower

www.enerpac.com 267
HSK, LH-Series, Skidding Systems
▼ Shown: HSK1250 Skidding System

The Ideal Jack and

Slide Solution

Skidding Systems
The skidding system is comprised
of a series of skid beams moved
by hydraulic push-pull cylinders,
travelling over a pre-constructed track.

A series of special PTFE coated pads are placed

on the skid tracks. The PTFE surface is matched
with a sliding plate under the Enerpac skid
beams, designed to achieve minimum friction
coefficients. The skid beams are connected by
hoses to a hydraulic electric or diesel driven
power pack.

HSK-Series, Skidding System In addition to our standard skidding systems, we

have the capability to create customized skidding
• PTFE skid pads with dimpled surface for low friction and long lifetime systems to meet your specific requirements.
• Easy to replace skid pads, no tools necessary
• Bi-directional operation using push-pull cylinders avoid the need to
reposition cylinders for switching direction
• Large load support surface on the skid beams for distributing load Controls
• Bottom of skid shoes equipped with stainless steel sliding plates. Enerpac offers several options for
controlling our skidding systems.
Wireless Controls allows the
LH-Series, Low-Height Skidding System operator the freedom to view
• 2-in-1 track design for added support the skidding operation from multiple locations
while providing complete control of all system
• Intuitive pump controls (SFP-Series Split-Flow Pump) functions.
• Easily reversible to change skidding direction Manual controls offer a cost-effective solution
• Portable design for quick setup by utilizing manual hydraulic valves mounted
directly on the skidding system power unit.
• 400 ton skidding capacity with two push-pull units.

▼ A custom hydraulic Low-Height Skidding System will provide the maintenance team with the ability to
maneuver and transport transformers with physical access limitations. ▼ H
 SKJ-2500 Skid Shoe Jack.

Skidding Systems
Skidding Systems
Enerpac Skidding Systems are • LH-Series (Low-Height) includes low-
available in several versions: height skid beams that can fit in tight
spaces while still offering high capacity.
• B-Series (Skid Beam) utilizes a tall We also offer a track support for added Series
skid beam with built-in push-pull rigidity when the surface is not fully
cylinders. Skidding direction can be supported.
easily switched by flipping a lever on
the attached gripper box.
• J-Series (Skid Jack) provides the Capacity:
same functionality as the B-Series with
the added benefit of having a built-in
100 - 250 ton
cylinder for lifting or leveling the load. Push/Pull Stroke:
600 mm
Lifting Stroke:
1 2 3 4 5 LH-Series Skidding System Requirements
1 Skid Track (required)
175 mm
2 Skid Beam (required)
3 Push-Pull Cylinder Unit (required)
Skid Tracks
4 Hydraulic Hoses (required)
Include specially constructed and
5 Split-Flow Electric Pump (required)
easily replaceable PTFE coated
6 Track Support (optional, not shown)
pads. Skid track is sold separately.
7 Storage/Transport Frame (optional, not shown)
8 Pump Cart (optional, not shown)

HSK-Series Skidding System Requirements Hydraulic Power Packs

① Skid Track
Enerpac offers a comprehensive
② Skid Beam
range of hydraulic power packs
③ Hydraulic Power Pack
that are optimized for use with
④ Hydraulic Push-Pull Unit Skidding Systems.

4 3 2 1
▼ L ow-Height Skidding System assembly (LH400).



Skidding Systems
Maximum Maximum Model Skid Beam Lifting Push-Pull Skid Skid Skid Skid Skid
Capacity Push-Pull Number Height Stroke Stroke Beam Beam Track Track Track
(per beam) Capacity (with track) Length Weight Width Length Weight
ton (kN)

ton (kN) Push Pull (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (kg)
100 (860) 25 (255) 11 (98) LH 400 92 – 600 1080 63 250 955 67
125 (1250) 22 (220) 16 (160) HSKB 1250 309 – 600 2500 740 400 1983 120
125 (1250) 22 (220) 16 (160) HSK J1250 502 175 600 1690 790 400 1983 120
200 (2000) 25 (255) 14 (141) HSK LH 2000 204 – 600 2902 340 540 1998 120
250 (2500) 40 (400) 26 (260) HSK B 2500 374 – 600 3000 1020 600 1946 290
250 (2500) 40 (400) 26 (260) HSK J 2500 600 175 600 1784 1450 600 1946 290

www.enerpac.com 269
SPMT, Self-Propelled Modular Transporter
▼ SPMT600-360 with MTPP-360 hydraulic power unit (HPU)
60 ton (600 kN)
Transport Speed (unloaded - loaded):
3 - 1,5 km/h
Motor Size:
54 kW

Self-Propelled Modular Transporter

The Enerpac Self-Propelled Modular
Transporter (SPMT) features a
minimized height and slim design,
which makes it very easy to operate in confined
spaces. Each transporter consists of a rigid
frame with 6 wheel units, divided over 3 axle
lines. Each wheel unit is equipped with a lifting
cylinder and a steering actuator. Two axles are
driven, the centre axle is non driven. Wheel
propulsion is established by wheel drives.
• Modular design for multiple configurations.
The SPMT is operated by the Intelli-Drive Remote
• Minimized height and slim design are ideal for in-plant operation Controller. This remote controller can be used
both hard wired and wireless (based on radio
• Intelli-Drive wireless control system is intuitive and easy to use
• One power pack can operate 2-3 trailers maximum depending on model
• Two trailers and power pack can be shipped inside a 20 ft. container The SPMT is a modular system and can be
built up to a maximum configuration of six
• Hydraulic power unit is tier-4 diesel engine for reduced emissions. transporters in a row and two in the width.
This is the maximum setup of units that can
work together on just one Intelli-Drive Remote

The SPMT is a modular system comprised

of trailers with 3 axle lines each and diesel
hydraulic power units (HPU). Depending on the
model number, the trailers and HPUs can be
configured to a maximum of 4 trailers in 2 rows
(4x2) or 6 trailers in 2 rows (6x2).
travelling height

▼ Turbine rotor transport.


Capacity Model Maximum Steering Lifting

(per trailer) Number Configuration Range Stroke
HPU * Trailer
ton (kN)
(trailers in rows) (degrees) (mm) (kg) (kg)
SPMT 600-100 4x2 -50˚ – +50˚ 384 2500 8000
60 (600)
SPMT 600-360 6x2 -179˚ – +179˚ 384 2800 8300
* HPU hydraulic power unit = 54 kW Power Pack Diesel

Custom Heavy Lifting Solutions
When your application requires something other than our
standard product offering, look to Enerpac Heavy Lifting
Technology, Experience and Expertise.

Our group of engineers, designers and specialist, will

work with you to understand your specific application
and provide a turn-key solution that will exceed your STEEL FABRICATION
Enerpac has a dedicated facility for steel
expectations. fabrication and welding. We design and
manufacture custom structures used in
demanding heavy-lifting applications.


Enerpac has a multi-disciplined engineering Enerpac designs all control systems in-house. Enerpac utilizes the latest in CNC machining
team capable of design and development of all This capability keeps control technology close technologies and manufactures all large and
aspects of a heavy lifting system. Leveraging to the design engineers who are developing the special hydraulic cylinders in-house.
design and application experience with the rest of the system. In doing so, we can tailor We can machine diameters up to 1000 mm
latest in computer software, rapid prototyping the control system to match unique project with lengths to 6000 mm.
and analysis methods ensures delivery of the requirements.
highest quality systems.


Enerpac Heavy Lifting Technology is available Enerpac designs, assembles and tests small Due to the unique nature of Enerpac Heavy
to provide on-site support including training to large hydraulic power units in-house. Power Lifting Technology, we offer complete
and troubleshooting of systems. We also stock units range from 0,5 to 240 kW and are tested maintenance and repair services. Our M&R
repair parts and consumable items at several with the system they are intended to operate. group is available to assist customers who
locations to ensure fast delivery and minimal do not have access to local service facilities
downtime. qualified to work on these systems.

www.enerpac.com 271
Custom Heavy Lifting Solutions


The Enerpac Over Head Travel Crane (OHTC) The strand jack gantry is a steel structure to The travel gantry combines the safety and
comprises two pairs of lifting beams, with an facilitate erection and skidding back, forth and efficiency of a hydraulic gantry with the ease of
overall width of 30m, and a lifting capacity of sideways of heavy loads. The Enerpac strand use of SPMT (self-propelled modular transporter)
4800 ton for lifting, moving and lowering the jack gantry can be used with either skidding technology. With a lifting capacity of 67 ton, the
concrete blocks for the offshore highway. systems or hydraulic gantries on top. travel gantry sets a new standard in equipment
and container handling.

Spindle Bar System: group of in-line hollow The jack-up system is a custom developed The generator rotor removal and installation
plunger cylinders. The hollow plungers allow the multipoint lifting system – synchronically lift system is a custom developed product for
steel bars to be inserted through the cylinders, and mechanically hold. A typical system setup removing and installing the rotor (field) in a
which are used for pushing, pulling and braking. includes four jack-up units positioned under power plant’s generator. The system is designed
Enerpac Enerlauncher is an automatic and each corner of a load. to comply with the varying dimensions and
synchronous incremental hydraulic tandem challenging accessibility of a plant’s generator.
launching system with a 800 ton lifting section
and an 300 ton push/pull section.


Our hydraulic presses can be configured to The Enerpac Self Erecting Tower (ESET) is a Our expertise has been acknowledged by the
fulfill a broad range of applications. Each press self-erecting tower lift system that enables you world’s leading industrial professionals and has
is designed and manufactured according to to build a free standing gantry from ground level. contributed to the successful movement of a
customer specifications and in cooperation with The ESET can be supplied in various capacities number of the most recognizable structures on
our engineering team. and lifting heights and is built with standard earth. At the time of construction the Las Vegas
modular components, enabling a flexible solution High Roller was the largest observation wheel in
to future project demands. the world. A custom hydraulic drive system was
developed to propel the wheel for daily use and
was also used to construct the wheel in sections.

Yellow Pages Section Overview

Enerpac ‘Yellow Pages’ Section Page

stand for Safety Instructions 274-275 ▶

Hydraulic Information!
If selecting hydraulic equipment is not your Pump Selection 276 ▶
Selection Worksheet 277 ▶
daily routine, then you will appreciate these
pages. The ‘Yellow Pages’ are designed to help Basic System Set-ups 278-279 ▶
you work with hydraulics. They will help you to
better understand the basics of hydraulics, of Basic Hydraulics 280-281 ▶
system set-ups and of the most commonly used
hydraulic techniques. The better your choice Conversion Tables 282 ▶
Cylinder Speed Charts 283 ▶
of equipment, the better you will appreciate
hydraulics. Take the time to go through these
Valve Information 284 ▶
Hexagon Bolt and Nut Sizes 285 ▶
‘Yellow Pages’ and you will benefit even more
Torque Tightening 286-287 ▶
from Enerpac High Pressure Hydraulics. Tensioning 288-289 ▶

Where specified, Enerpac CE Marking &

electric power units meet Conformity
the design, assembly and Enerpac provides a
ATEX 95 Certified test requirements of the Standards Declaration of Conformity and CE
ENERPAC, 720 W. James St., Columbus, WI 53925 USA The ATP, ZA and XA-Series air Council of Canada (CAN C22.2 No. marking for products that conform
Enerpac is certified for several pumps and S and W-Series 68-92), and UL73 for the United with the European Community
quality standards. These standards torque wrenches are tested and States. Units were tested and Directives.
require compliance with standards certified according to the Directive certified for both USA and Canada by
for management, administration, 2014/34/EU “ATEX Directive”. TÜV and by CSA, national recognized ASME B30.1-2015
product development and The explosion protection is for testing laboratories. Our cylinders fully comply with the
manufacturing. Enerpac work­ equipment group II, equipment criteria set forth by the American
ed hard to earn the quality rating category 2 (hazardous zone area 1), EMC Directive National Standards Institute (except
ISO 9001, in its ongoing pursuit of in gas and/or dust atmospheres. Where specified, Enerpac electric RD and BRD-Series).
excellence. ATP, ZA and XA-Series air pumps are power pumps meet the requirements
marked: Ex II 2 GD ck T4. for Electro­
magnetic Compatibility
ISO 1402, ISO 4672, ISO 6803 per EMC Directive 2004/108/EC.
Enerpac thermoplastic hoses are Product Design Criteria
related to the criteria set forth in All hydraulic components are
these standards. designed and tested to be safe
for use at maximum 700 bar
(10.000 psi) pressure unless
otherwise specifically noted.

www.enerpac.com 273
Safety Instructions
When used correctly, The line drawings and application photo’s of Enerpac can not be held responsible for damage
hydraulic power is one Enerpac products throughout this catalog are or injury, caused by unsafe use, maintenance or
THINK of the safest methods of used to portray how some of our customers have application of its products.
SAFETY applying force to your used hydraulics in industry.
work. And to that end Please contact the Enerpac office or a
we offer some DO’s and In designing similar systems, care must be taken representative for guidance when you are in doubt
DON’Ts, simple common sense points which to select the proper components that provide safe as to the proper safety precautions to be taken in
apply to practically all Enerpac hydraulic operation and fit your needs. designing and setting up your particular system.
Check to see if all safety measures have been In addition to these tips, every Enerpac product
• Lift slowly and check the load often taken to avoid the risk of injury and property comes with instructions spelling out specific
• Avoid standing in the line of force damage from your application or system. safety information. Please read them carefully.
• Anticipate possible problems and take steps
to avoid them.

✓ ◀ Provide

a level ◀ The

entire jack
and solid saddle must be in
support for the contact with the
entire jack base load. Movement
area. of the load to
be in the same
direction as jack

◀ Never

place any ◀ Remove

the jack
part of your body handle when it is
under the load. not being used.
Ensure the load
is on a solid
support before
venturing under.

◀ Provide

a solid ◀ Both

support for the must be connected
entire cylinder when using
base area. Use double-acting
cylinder base cylinders. Ensure
attachment for return hose is
more stability. fitted.

◀ Do

not use ◀ As

with jacks,
cylinder without never place any
saddle. This will part of your body
cause plunger under the load.
to ”mushroom”. Load must be on
Saddles distribute cribbing before
load evenly on the venturing under.

◀ Always

protect ◀ Keep

cylinder threads equipment away
for use with from open fire
attachments. and temperatures
above 65 °C
(150 °F).

Safety Instructions


Manufacturer’s rating of load and stroke are maximum safe limits.

Good practice encourages using only 80% of these ratings!
◀ Always

read ◀ Don’t

override the
instructions and factory setting of
safety warnings relief valves.
that come with Always use a
your Enerpac gauge to check
hydraulic system pressure.

◀ Don’t

use handle ◀ Close

extenders. valve finger tight.
Hand pumps Using force will
should be easy ruin the valve.
to operate when
used correctly.

◀ Fill

pump only to ◀ Use only genuine
recommended Enerpac hydraulic
level. Fill only oil. Wrong fluid
when connected can destroy seals
cylinder is fully and pump and will
retracted. render your warranty
null and void your

Hoses and couplers

◀ Clean

both ◀ Detach

coupler only when fully
parts before retracted or use
connecting. shut-off valves or
Use dust caps safety valves to
when coupler lock-in cylinder
parts are not pressure.

◀ Keep hoses ◀ Don’t kink hoses.

 R = 115 mm 
away from the Bending radius
area beneath should be at least
loads. 115 millimetres.
Don’t drive over or
drop heavy objects
on hoses.

◀ Don’t

lift ◀ Never

allow the
hydraulic cylinder to be
equipment by lifted off of the
the hoses. ground through
the couplers.

www.enerpac.com 275
Pump Selection


Capacity (ton) ▶ 5 t 10 t 15 t 25 t 30 t 50 t 60 t 75 t 100 t 150 t

▼ Stroke
< 25 mm
25 mm
50 mm
75 mm
100 mm
125 mm
150 mm
175 mm
200 mm
225 mm
250 mm
300 mm
325 mm
350 mm

P-392 P-80 P-462

Page: 70 Page: 72 Page: 72

Note: Selection based on oil capacity requirements of cylinders.


Low Medium High
Oil Flow * (0,1 - 0,3 l/min) (0,5 -2,0 l/min) (2,0 - 4,2 l/min)
Usable Oil Capacity 1,9 - 3,8 litres 5,7 litres 4 - 40 litres 4 - 40 litres 10 - 40 litres 20 - 150 litres
Duty Cycle ** Intermittent Extended Intermittent Extended Extended Extended
Portability *** Portable Stationary Portable Stationary Stationary Stationary
Recommended Series PU-Series PE-Series ZU4-Series ZE3-, ZE4- and ZE6-Series SFP-Series
Economy Submerged ZE5-Series

Page: 82 Page: 84 Page: 90 Page: 96 Page: 96 Page: 250

* Oil Flow • Determined by motor size

• Directly affects electrical power requirements
• Determines cylinder or tool speed

** Duty Cycle • Extended applications require more than one hour of uninterrupted pump use
• Intermittent use - from 20 minutes to one hour

*** Portability Portable Stationary

• Ergonomic handles • Mounting options
• Flexible power requirements • Normally requires stable power

Selection Worksheet
▼ Complete the following information to select the right products:

Cylinder Question: Tips/help Data Model Number

Total force required (ton): Total load
Number of cylinders required: Number of lifting points
Force per cylinder (ton): Should be 80% of total cylinder cap.
Stroke required: Plunger travel
Single or double-acting (D/A): D/A used when pull force is required,
or retract speed is critical
Type of plunger required: Hollow or solid
Collapsed height required:
Optional saddle required: Tilt, Grooved, Flat
Cylinder base: Improves stability
Cylinder attachments: (RC-series) Expanded functions

Selected cylinder model: ▶

Including coupler model:

Pump Available power source: □ Manual □ Battery □ Electric □ Compressed Air □ Petrol
The three most Hand Pump Not for high cycle applications
commonly Single- or double-acting operation Use 4-way valve for D/A applications
selected pumps
Check speed chart on page 283 for number of mm per stroke)
are hand pumps,
electric pumps Selected Hand Pump: ▶
and air-driven
pumps. Electric or Compressed Air Pump
Gas powered Need for portability:
pumps, how­ever Duty cycle: Intermittent or extended
can be selected
Required useable oil capacity: Intermittent = 1,2 x oil capacity
in the same way.
high cycle = 2 x oil capacity
Available Voltage:
Lifting speed (Important/not important): Use speed chart on page 283
Type of control: Manual / remote pendant
Type of actuation/function: Advance / Hold / Retract
Accessories: Filter Kit, Level Switch, Roll Bar ...

Selected Pump: ▶
Including Coupler: Oil connection

System Number of hoses and length required:

Compo­nents Selected Hoses: ▶

Manifold or Tee-fitting: ▶
Extra hose per manifold (2): ▶
Gauge (kN or bar scale): GF-series glycerine filled for high cycle ▶
Gauge Adapter: ▶
Fittings: ▶
Pressure Relief Safety Valve: ▶
Load-holding Valve(s): ▶
Hydraulic Oil: ▶

www.enerpac.com 277
Basic System Set-ups

Cylinder Single-acting push application, such as in a press.

Applies hydraulic force. The hand pump offers controlled cylinder advance, but may require many hand pump strokes in
Page 5 longer stroke applications when the cylinder capacity is 25 ton or above.

Cylinder Base Plate Examples of pump, hose and cylinder sets can be found on pages 56-57 and 59.
For applications like lifting where
additional cylinder stability is required.
Page 10

Provides hydraulic flow.
Page 69

Transports hydraulic fluid.
Page 122-123

Male Coupler
For quick connection of the hose to
system components.
Page 124-125 Single-acting cylinder with longer stroke used for lifting applications.

Female Coupler
For quick connection of the hose end to
the system components.
Page 124-125

To monitor pressure of the hydraulic
Page 128-134

Gauge Adaptor
For quick and easy gauge installation.
Page 134-135

Swivel Connector
Allows proper alignment of valves and/
or gauges. Used when units being
connected cannot be rotated.
Page 135 Double-acting cylinder set-up used for lifting applications where a slow controlled descent of
the load must be maintained.

Auto-Damper Valve V-10

Used to protect gauge from damage due
to sudden pressure pulses in the system.
Needs no adjustment and allows correct
positioning of gauge, prior to tightening.
Page 136-137

4-Way Directional Control Valve

Controls the direction of hydraulic fluid in
a double-acting system.
Page 116-117

Basic System Set-ups

Double-acting cylinder set-up used in a push/pull application. 3-Way Directional Control Valve
Controls the direction of hydraulic fluid in
a single-acting system.
Page 116-117

Safety Holding Valve

Controls load descent in lifting
Page 136-137

Allows distribution of hydraulic fluid from
one power source to several cylinders.
Page 126

Needle valve
Regulates the flow of hydraulic fluid to or
from the cylinders.
Page 136-137

Two point lifting set-up using single-acting cylinders.

Visit our web site to learn
more about hydraulics and
system set-ups.

Four point lifting set-up, using single-acting cylinders and directional control valves.

www.enerpac.com 279
Basic Hydraulics

Flow A hydraulic pump produces flow. Pressure Pressure occurs when there is
resistance to flow.

Pascal’s Pressure applied at any point upon a confined liquid To have all cylinders operate uniformly so that the load
Law is transmitted undiminished in all directions (Fig.1). is being lifted at the same rate at each point, either
This means that when more than one hydraulic control valves (see Valve section) or Synchronous
cylinder is being used, each cylinder will lift at its Lift System components (see section Heavy Lifting
own rate, depending on the force requir­ed to move Technology) must be added to the system (Load B).
the load at that point (Fig. 2).

Cylinders with the lightest load will move first, and

cylinders with the heaviest load will move last (Load
A), as long as the cylinders have the same capacity.
Figure 1


Pump Gauge Manifold Load A Cylinder

Load B

Figure 2 Synchronous Lift or Control Valves to provide uniform lifting of load.

When lifting or pressing,
always use a gauge.
A gauge is your ‘window’ to the Learn more about hydraulics
system. It lets you see what’s going on. Visit www.enerpac.com to learn
You will find the gauges in the System more about hydraulics and system
Components section. set-ups.
Page: 121

Basic Hydraulics

Force The amount of force a hydraulic cylinder Example 1

can generate is equal to the hydraulic An RC-106 cylinder with 14,5 cm2 effective area ope­rating at 700 bar will generate
pressure times the “effective area” of the what force?
cylinder (see cylinder selection charts). Force = 7000 N/cm2 x 14,5 cm2 = 101500 N = 101,5 kN

Example 2
An RC-106 cylinder lifting 7000 kg will require what pressure?
Pressure = 7000 x 9,8 N ÷ 14,5 cm2 = 4731,0 N/cm2 = 473 bar.
Force (Load)
Example 3
Stroke Plunger An RC-256 cylinder is required to produce a force of 190.000 N. What pressure is
Pressure = 190.000 N ÷ 33,2 cm2 = 5722,9 N/cm2 = 572 bar.

Example 4
Effective Area
Four RC-308 cylinders are required to produce a force of 800.000 N.
What pressure is required?
Pressure = 800.000 N ÷ (4 x 42,1 cm2) = 4750,6 N/cm2 = 476 bar.
Hydraulic Cylinder Remember, since four cylinders are used together, the area for one cylinder must
Force = Working x Effective be multiplied by the number of cylinders used.
Pressure Area
Example 5
An HCL-2506 cylinder is going to be used with a power source that is capable
of 500 bar. What is the theoretical force available from that cylinder?
F = P x A Force = 5000 N/cm2 x 363,1 cm2 = 1.815.500 N = 1815 kN (185 ton).
Use this formula to determine either
force, pressure or effective area if
two of the variables are known.

Cylinder Oil The volume of oil required for a Example 1:

Capacity cylinder (cylinder oil capacity) is An RC-158 cylinder with 20,3 cm2 effective area and Stroke
equal to the effective area of the 200 mm stroke requires what volume of oil?
cylinder times the stroke*. Oil Capacity = 20,3 cm2 x 20 cm = 406 cm3
Example 2: Capacity
An RC-5013 cylinder has an effective area of
71,2 cm2 and a stroke of 320 mm. How much oil will be required?
Oil Capacity = 71,2 cm2 x 32 cm = 2278,4 cm3

Example 3:
An RC-10010 cylinder has an effective area of 133,3 cm2 and a
Cylinder Cylinder stroke of 260 mm. How much oil will it require?
Oil = Effective x
Oil Capacity = 133,3 cm2 x 26 cm = 3466 cm3
Capacity Area
Example 4:
* Note: these are theoretical Four RC-308 cylinders are being used, each with an effective area of 42,1 cm2 and
examples and do not take into a stroke of 209 mm. How much oil will be required?
account the compressibility of oil Oil Capacity = 42,1 cm2 x 20,9 cm = 880 cm3 for one cylinder
under high pressure. Multiply by four to obtain the required capacity: 3520 cm3

Enerpac oil will compress 2,28% at
350 bar and 4,1% at 700 bar.

Page: 126

www.enerpac.com 281
Conversion Tables
Key to cylinder dimensions A = Collapsed height L = Plunger centre to side of base
B = Extended height M = Mounting holes to plunger centre
Dimensions shown in the Selection Charts C = Cylinder body length N = Length of smaller cylinder part
of the cylinder section are identified on D = Cylinder outside diameter O = Plunger hole or thread of saddle
the relevant drawings by the capital letter
D1 = Cylinder width P = Plunger thread length
references listed here: A for collapsed height
through Z1 for depth of internal base thread. E = Cylinder inside diameter Q = Plunger outside thread
F = Plunger rod diameter U = Pitch (BC) of mounting holes
G = Oil inlet thread V = Thread of cylinder mounting holes
H = Cylinder bottom to advance port W = Collar thread
I = Cylinder top to retract port X = Collar thread length
J = Saddle outside diameter Y = Centre hole diameter
K = Cylinder rod protrusion at Z = Internal base thread
collapsed height Z1 = Depth of internal base thread

Key to measurements Pressure: Torque: Imperial to metric

1 psi = 0,069 bar 1 Nm = 0,738 Ft.lbs
All capacities and measurements in the catalogue 1 bar = 14,50 psi = 0,102 kgf.m Inches Decimal mm
are expressed in uniform values. = 9,8 N/cm2 1 Ft.lbs = 1,356 Nm
= 100.000 Pa = 0,138 kgf.m 1/16 .06 1,59
The conversion chart provides helpful information 1 kPa = 0,145 psi 1/8 .13 3,18
for their translation into equivalent systems. 1 MPa = 145 psi Temperature: 3/16 .19 4,76
To Convert °C to °F: 1/4 .25 6,35
All ton values specified in this catalogue Volume: T °F = (T°C x 1,8) + 32
5/16 .31 7,94
are metric tonnes and are for cylinder class 1 in3 = 16,387 cm3 To Convert °F to °C:
identification only. 1 cm3 = 0,061 in3 T °C = (T°F – 32) ÷ 1,8 3/8 .38 9,53
Please refer to the kN data for calculations. 1 litre = 61,02 in3 7/16 .44 11,11
= 0,264 gal Other measurements: 1/2 .50 12,70
Free Conversion Calculator 1 USgal = 3785 cm3 1 in = 25,4 mm 9/16 .56 14,29
Visit enerpac.com and download the free = 3,785 l 1 mm = 0,039 in 5/8 .63 15,88
conversion calculator. = 231 in3 1 in2 = 6,452 cm2 11/16 .69 17,46
1 cm 2
= 0,155 in2
3/4 .75 19,05
Weight: 1 hp = 0,746 kW
13/16 .81 20,64
1 pound (lb) = 0,4536 kg 1 kW = 1,359 hp
1 kg = 2,205 lbs 1 kN = 225 lbs 7/8 .88 22,23
= 9,806 N 15/16 .94 23,81
1 metric ton = 2205 lbs 1 1.00 25,40
= 1000 kg
1 ton (short) = 2000 lbs
= 907,18 kg

Cylinder Speed Charts
Cylinder Speed To determine: Cylinder plunger speed To determine: Best matching pump
This chart will help you calculate the An RC-256 cylinder (25 ton) is powered by a ZE3-Series Your 25 ton cylinder needs to move a load at a speed
time required for an Enerpac cylinder two stage pump. While lifting the load, the cylinder of 3,0 mm per second. Simply go down from the top of
to lift a load when powered by a 700 plunger travels at 2,8 mm per second. While exten­ding the chart, to the value of 2,8 mm per second. Follow
bar Enerpac hydraulic pump. towards the load, the cylinder plunger travels at 30,9 mm the chart to the right to find that the ZE3-Series pump is
The Cylinder Speed Chart can also be per second. most suitable for your applica­tion.
used to determine the pump type and
model best suited for an application
when you know the plunger speed

Millimetres of cylinder plunger travel per hand pump plunger stroke

Cyl. Capacity ▶ 5 ton 10 ton 15 ton 25 ton 30 ton 50 ton 75 ton 100 ton
No No No No No No No No
▼ Power Source Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Pump Type Page:
Manual 1,4 1,4 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 P-141 70
3,9 3,9 1,7 1,7 1,2 1,2 0,7 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 P-391 70
17,6 3,9 7,8 1,7 5,5 1,2 3,4 0,7 2,6 0,6 1,6 0,3 1,0 0,2 0,8 0,2 P-392 70
25,3 3,8 11,2 1,7 7,9 1,2 4,9 0,7 3,7 0,6 2,3 0,3 1,5 0,2 1,1 0,2 P-77/80/801/84 72
61,4 3,9 27,1 1,7 19,3 1,2 11,8 0,7 9,0 0,6 5,5 0,3 3,5 0,2 2,8 0,2 P-802/842 72
197 7,4 87,1 3,3 61,8 2,3 37,9 1,4 29,0 1,1 17,7 0,7 11,4 0,4 8,8 0,3 P-462/464 72

Millimetres per Second of Cylinder Plunger Travel

Cyl. Capacity ▶ 5 ton 10 ton 15 ton 25 ton 30 ton 50 ton 75 ton 100 ton
No No No No No No No No
▼ Power Source Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Pump Type Page:
Electric Pumps 51,3 6,4 23,0 2,9 16,4 2,1 10,0 1,3 7,9 1,0 4,7 0,6 3,2 0,4 2,5 0,3 XC Cordless Pump 80
(speed based 86 8,3 38 3,7 27 2,6 17 1,6 13 1,3 7,7 0,7 5,4 0,5 4,1 0,4 PU Economy 82
on 50 Hz) 53 7,1 24 3,2 17 2,2 10 1,4 8,1 1,1 4,8 0,6 3,3 0,4 2,6 0,3 PE Submerged 84
295 25,6 132 11,5 94,4 8,2 57,7 5,0 45,5 4,0 26,9 2,3 18,7 1,6 14,4 1,3 ZU4-Series 88, 90
15,1 14,1 6,8 6,3 4,8 4,5 3,0 2,8 2,3 2,2 1,4 1,3 1,0 0,9 0,7 0,7 ZE3 one stage 88, 96
158 14,1 70,7 6,3 50,5 4,5 30,9 2,8 24,3 2,2 14,4 1,3 10,0 0,9 7,7 0,7 ZE3 two stage 88, 96
22,3 21,0 10,0 9,4 7,1 6,7 4,4 4,1 3,4 3,2 2,0 1,9 1,4 1,3 1,1 1,0 ZE4 one stage 88, 96
228 21,0 102 9,4 72,9 6,7 44,6 4,1 35,2 3,2 20,8 1,9 14,4 1,3 11,1 1,0 ZE4 two stage 88, 96
44,9 42,1 20,1 18,9 14,4 13,5 8,8 8,2 6,9 6,5 4,1 3,8 2,8 2,7 2,2 2,1 ZE5 one stage 88, 96
298 42,1 133 18,9 95,3 13,5 58,3 8,2 46,0 6,5 27,2 3,8 18,9 2,7 14,5 2,1 ZE5 two stage 88, 96
76,9 70,0 34,5 31,4 24,6 22,4 15,1 13,7 11,9 10,8 7,0 6,4 4,9 4,4 3,8 3,4 ZE6 one stage 88, 96
315 70,0 141 31,4 101 22,4 61,7 13,7 48,7 10,8 28,8 6,4 20,0 4,4 15,4 3,4 ZE6 two stage 88, 96
355 161 159 72,0 114 52,0 70,0 32,0 55,0 25,0 32,0 15,0 22,0 10,0 17,0 8,0 PE8000-Series 102
53,8 53,8 24,1 24,1 17,2 17,2 10,5 10,5 8,3 8,3 4,9 4,9 3,4 3,4 2,6 2,6 SFP421 (11 kW) 250
Air Driven Pumps 51,3 6,4 23,0 2,9 16,4 2,1 10,0 1,3 7,9 1,0 4,7 0,6 3,2 0,4 2,5 0,3 XA-Series 108
(at 6,9 bar air 25,9 4,2 11,6 1,9 8,2 1,3 5,0 0,8 4,0 0,6 2,3 0,4 1,6 0,3 1,3 0,2 Turbo II Air 106
pressure) 17 3,4 7,6 1,5 5,4 1,1 3,3 0,7 2,6 0,5 1,5 0,3 1,1 0,2 0,8 0,2 PA-Series 104
277 3,8 123 1,7 88 1,2 53 0,7 42 0,6 25 0,3 17 0,2 13,0 0,2 PAM-Series 105
357 33,6 160 15,1 114 10,8 69,9 6,6 55,1 5,2 32,6 3,1 22,6 2,1 17,4 1,6 ZA-Series 110
Gasoline Engine 295 41 132 18,4 94,4 13,1 57,7 8,0 45,5 6,3 26,9 3,7 18,7 2,6 14,4 2,0
ZG5-Series 4,1 kW 112
166 41 74,7 18,4 53,4 13,1 32,6 8,0 25,7 6,3 15,2 3,7 10,6 2,6 8,1 2,0 ZG5-Series 4,8 kW 112
376 85 169 37,9 121 27,1 73,8 16,6 58,2 13,1 34,4 7,7 23,9 5,4 18,4 4,1 ZG6-Series 9,7 kW 112

No Load indicates the plunger speed Load indicates the plunger speed Example: At what speed (V) will the RC-256 (25 ton) cylinder move when
as the plunger extends towards the as the load is lifted at a system powered by a ZE3-Series pump?
load (1st stage). pressure of 700 bar (2nd stage). RC-256 Cylinder Effective Area = 33,2 cm2
ZE3-Series pump oil Flow (no load) = 6150 cm3/min

Cylinder Pump Oil Flow (cm3/min) x 10 6150 cm3/min x 10

Plunger Speed = Speed V = = 30,9 mm/sec
(mm/sec) Cylinder Effective Area (cm2) x 60 33,2 x 60

www.enerpac.com 283
Valve Information

Ways Directional 3-Way Valves 4-Way Valves

The (oil) ports on a valve. Control are used with single-acting are used with double-acting
A 3-way valve has 3 ports: pressure (P), cylinders. cylinders.
tank (T), and cylinder (A).
A 4-way valve has 4 ports: pressure (P),
tank (T), advance (A) and retract (B).

Single-Acting cylinders require at least a

3-way valve, and can, under certain instances, be
operated with a 4-way valve.

Double-Acting cylinders require a 4-way valve,

providing control of the flow to each cylinder port. Valves may be Pump Mounted Remote Mounted
either pump
Positions mounted
or remote
The number of control points a valve can provide. mounted.
A 2-position valve has the ability to control only the
advance or retraction of the cylinder. To be able to
control the cylinder with a hold position, the valve
requires a 3rd position. Valves may be Manually Operated Solenoid Operated
either manually
or solenoid
Centre Configuration
The centre position of a valve is the position at which
there is no movement required of the hydraulic
component, whether a tool or cylinder.

The most common is the Tandem

Centre. This configuration provides for little to no Advance Single-acting cylinder Double-acting cylinder
movement of the cylinder and the unloading of the Hold Controlled by a 3-way, Controlled by a 4-way,
pump. This provides for minimum heat build-up. 3-position valve. 3-position valve.
Advance Advance
The next most common is the Closed
The oil flows The oil flows
Centre configuration, which is used mostly for
from the pump from the pump
independent control of multi-cylinder applications.
pressure port P pressure port P
This configuration again provides for little to no
to the cylinder to the cylinder
movement of the cylinder, but also dead-heads the
port A: the port A and from
pump, isolating it from the circuit.
cylinder plunger will extend. cylinder port B to tank T.
Use of this type of valve may require some means of
unloading the pump to prevent heat build-up.
Hold Hold
There are many more type of valves, such as Open
The oil flows The oil flows
Centre and Float Centre. These valves are used
from the pump from the pump
mostly in complex hydraulic circuits and require
pressure port pressure port
other special considerations.
P to the tank T. P to the tank
The cylinder port T. The cylinder
A is closed: the cylinder plunger will ports A and B are closed: the
maintain its position. cylinder plunger will maintain

Retract Retract
The oil flows The oil flows
from the pump from the pump
and cylinder port pressure port
A to the tank P to cylinder
T: the cylinder port B and
plunger will retract. from cylinder port A to tank T: the
Open Centre Float Centre cylinder plunger will retract.

284 © Enerpac
Hexagon Nut and Bolt Sizes

METRIC SIZES IMPERIAL SIZES Determine the maximum torque

according to the bolt (nut) size
and grade. Always consult the
manufacturers instructions or
engineering recommendations when making
bolted connections.
Thread Hexagon Hexagon Thread Hexagon Hexagon
Size Size Size Size Size * Size
(mm) (mm) (mm) (inch) (inch) (inch)
5/8" 11/16" 1/2"
M 10 17 8
3/4" 11/4" 5/8"
M 12 19 10 IMPORTANT
7/8" 17/16" 3/4"
M 14 22 12 The hexagon sizes shown in the
M 16 24 14 1" 15/8" 3/4" tables should be used as a guide
M 18 27 14 11/8" 113/16" 7/8" only. Individual sizes should be
30 17 11/4" 2" 7/8" checked before specifying any equipment.
M 20
M 22 32 17 13/8" 23/16" 1"
M 24 36 19 11/2" 23/8" 1"
M 27 41 19 15/8" 29/16" -
M 30 46 22 13/4" 23/4" 11/4"
BSH-Series Heavy Duty Sockets
M 33 50 24 17/8" 215/16" 13/8"
Use only Heavy Duty Impact
M 36 55 27 2" 31/8" 15/8" Sockets for power driven torquing
M 39 60 27 (30) 21/4" 31/2" 13/4" equipment, according to ISO2725
M 42 65 32 21/2" 37/8" 17/8" and ISO1174; DIN3129 and
M 45 70 - 23/4" 41/4" 2" DIN3121 or ASME-B107.2/1995.
M 48 75 36 3" 45/8" 21/4"
M 52 80 36 31/4" 5" 21/4" Page: 198
M 56 85 41 * Heavy hexagon nuts.
M 60 90 46
M 64 95 46
M 68 100 50
M 72 105 55
M 76 110 60
M 80 115 65
M 85 120 70
M 90 130 70 (75)
M 95 135 -
M 100 145 85
M 105 150 -
M 110 155 -
M 115 165 -
M 120 170 -
M 125 180 -
M 130 185 -
M 140 200 -
M 150 210 -

www.enerpac.com 285
Torque Tightening
Tightening Methods Bolting Solutions
Principally there are two modes of tightening: For further information on Torque
"Uncontrolled" and "Controlled". Tightening or other controlled
tightening methods, please visit our
Uncontrolled tightening Controlled tightening website or ask for our E414e Bolting Tools
Uses equipment and/or procedures that Employs calibrated and measurable Catalogue.
cannot be measured. Preload is applied to a equipment, follows prescribed procedures
bolt and nut assembly using a hammer and and is carried out by trained personnel. Bolting Integrity Software
spanner or other types of impact tools. A comprehensive free on-line software solution
for Bolted Joint Integrity.

Integral databases hold data for:

• BS1560, MSS SP44, API 6A and 17D flanged
• Common gasket materials and configurations
Advantages of Controlled Tightening • Comprehensive range of bolt materials
Known, controllable and accurate bolt Reduces operational time resulting in • Comprehensive range of lubricants
loads increased productivity • Enerpac’s Controlled Bolting Equipment
Employs tooling with controllable outputs and Reduces tightening time and operator fatigue including: Torque Multipliers, Hydraulic
adopts calculation to determine the required by replacing manual effort with the use of Wrenches and Bolt Tensioning tools.
tool settings. controlled tooling.
Custom Joint information can also be entered.
Uniformity of bolt loading Reliable and repeatable results
Especially important on gasketed joints as an Using calibrated, tested equipment, following The software offers Tool selection, Bolt Load
even and consistent compression is required procedures and employing skilled operators calculations and Tool pressure settings, as well
for the gasket to be effective. achieves known results consistently. as a combined Application data sheet and Joint
completion report.
Safe operation following prescribed The right results first time
procedures Many of the uncertainties surrounding
Eliminates the dangerous activities of manual in-service joint failures are removed by
uncontrolled tightening and requires that the ensuring the correct assembly and tightening
operators be skilled and follow procedures. of the joint the first time.

What is Torque? Torque Tightening

It is a measure of how much force acting on Torque Tightening and Preload
an object causes that object to rotate. The amount of preload created when Turning movement
torqueing is largely dependant on the effects
What is Torque Tightening? of friction.
The application of preload to a fastener by the
turning of the fastener’s nut. Principally there are three different “torque
• torque to stretch the bolt
• torque to overcome the friction in bolt and
nut threads Stretch of Fastener
• torque to overcome friction at the nut spot (Pre-load)
face (bearing contact surface).

Torque Tightening

Preload (residual load) =

Applied Torque minus Frictional Losses

Lubrication Reduces Friction Frictional Losses

Lubrication reduces the friction during

10% converted
tightening, decreases bolt failure during
to preload
installation and increases bolt service life.
Variation in friction coefficients affect the
amount of preload achieved at a specified 50% at 40% in Friction points should always be lubricated when
torque. Higher friction results in less nut face threads using the torque tightening method.
conversion of torque to preload. The value for
the friction coefficient provided by the lubricant
manufacturer must be known to accurately
establish the required torque value.
Select the Right Torque Wrench
Lubricant or anti-seizure compounds should Choose your Enerpac torque wrench
be applied to both, the nut bearing surface and using the untightening rule of thumb:
the male threads. Frictional Losses (dry steel bolt)
• When loosening a nut or bolt, more torque is
usually required than when tightening.
• For general conditions it can take up to 2½
times the input torque to breakout.
• Do not apply more than 75% of the maximum
torque output of the tool when loosening nuts
Torque Procedure or bolts.
When torquing it is common to tighten only To avoid this, torque is applied in stages
one bolt at a time, which can result in Point following a prescribed pattern: Conditions of bolted joints
Loading and Load Scatter.
• Humidity corrosion (rust) requires up to twice
the torque required for tightening.
Torque Sequence • Sea water and chemical corrosion requires up
to 2½ times the torque required for tightening.
• Heat corrosion requires up to 3 times the
torque required for tightening.

Step 1 Spanner tight ensuring Step 4 Increase the torque to full torque
Breakout Torque
that 2 - 3 threads extend above nut. following the pattern shown above.
When loosening bolts a torque value
Step 2 Tighten each bolt to one-third of the Step 5 Perform one final pass on each bolt
higher than the tightening torque is
final required torque following the working clockwise from bolt 1, at
normally required. This is mainly due
pattern as shown above. the full final torque.
to corrosion and deformations in the bolt and nut
Step 3 Increase the torque to two-thirds threads.
following the pattern shown above.
Breakout torque cannot be accurately calculated,
however, depending on conditions it can take up
to 2½ times the input torque to breakout.

The use of penetrating oils or anti-seize products

is always recommended when performing
breakout operations.

www.enerpac.com 287
Tensioning requires longer bolts What is Bolt Tensioning?
Tensioning is the direct axial stretching of the Tensioning requires longer bolts, and a
bolt to achieve preload. Inaccuracies created seating area on the assembly around the nut.
INCORRECT through friction are eliminated. Massive Tensioning can be done using detachable Bolt
mechanical effort to create torque is replaced Tensioners or Hydraulic Nuts.
with simple hydraulic pressure. A uniform load
can be applied by tensioning multiple studs

Preload (residual load) = Applied Load minus Load Losses

What is Load Loss?

Load loss is a loss of bolt elongation depending The preload depends on Applied Load and
L Minimum = on factors such as thread deflections, radial Load Loss (load loss factor).
1xD expansion of the nut, and embedding of the nut
into the contact area of the joint.
Load loss is accounted for in calculation and
is added to the preload value to determine the
initial Applied Load.

Applied Load: Load Loss: Proof Load:
The load applied to a bolt during The losses in a bolt which occur on transfer Proof load is often used interchangeably with
tensioning which includes an of load from a tensioning device to the bolt Yield Strength but is usually measured at 0,2%
allowance for Load Loss. assembly (these may arise from phenomena plastic strain.
such as thread deflection and embedding of
Bolt Tensioning: the nut to the contact area of the joint, and is Tensile Point:
A method of controlled tightening which applies calculated as a factor of the length to diameter The point at which the tensile loading on a bolt
preload to a bolt by stretching it axially. ratio of the bolt). causes the bolt to rupture.

Breakout Torque: Load Scatter: Torque Tightening:

The amount of torque required to loosen a The spread of differing loads in a sequence of The application of Preload to a bolt by turning of
tightened bolt. (Usually more torque is required bolts after they have been loaded. It is mostly the bolt's nut.
to loosen a bolt than was used to tighten it.) due to the elastic interaction of the bolts and the
joint member; as subsequently tightened bolts Ultimate Strength:
Elastic Range: further compress the joint, previously tightened The maximum tension which can be created by
The range on a bolt's stress / strain curve where bolts are subject to some relaxation. tensile load on a bolt.
stress is directionally proportional to strain.
Preload: Yield Strength:
Plastic Range: The load in a bolt immediately after it has been The point at which a bolt begins to plastically
The range on a stress / strain curve where tightened. deform under tensile loading.
the tensile load applied to a bolt results in
permanent deformation. NOTE: Bolt is used as a generic term for a
threaded fastener.


80% Manufacturer’s rating of pressure and load are maximum safe limits.
Good practice encourages using only 80% of these ratings! 80%
Tensioning Operation
Tensioning permits the simultaneous tightening provides a uniform clamping force across the
of multiple bolts; the tools are connected in joint. This is especially important for pressure
sequence via a high-pressure hose assembly containing vessels requiring even gasket
to a single pump unit. This ensures each tool compression to affect a seal.
develops the exact same load and

General Procedure

Set-up using a 100% tensioning

All bolts are tensioned simultaneously.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 1: The bolt tensioner is fitted over the The bolt behaves like a spring, when the
stud. hydraulic pressure is released the bolt is under
Step 2: Hydraulic pressure is applied to the tension and attempts to contract, creating the
tensioner which then stretches the required clamping force across the joint.
stud (bolt).
Step 3: The stud’s nut is wound down against
the joint face
Step 4: Hydraulic pressure is released and
the tensioner removed.

Less than 100% Tensioning Set-up using a 50% tensioning

Not all applications allow for the simultaneous The load losses are accounted for in calculation procedure
fit of a tensioning device on each bolt, in these and a higher load is applied to allow the first Half the bolts are tensioned simultaneously, the tools
cases at least two tensioning pressures are sets to relax back to the target preload. are relocated on the remaining bolts and they are
applied. This is to account for a load loss in subsequently tensioned.
those bolts already tensioned as the next sets
are tightened.

Read Instruction Manuals

Please refer to the product Instruction
Sheets for safe use guidelines and
detail on the correct set up and
operation of the equipment.

www.enerpac.com 289
About Enerpac
Enerpac is the leading global provider of
high-pressure hydraulic tools and solutions with a
broad range of products, local expertise and worldwide
distribution network. With a proven track record
in a wide range of markets, Enerpac designs and
manufactures high-quality tools and solutions for all
industrial applications.

Enerpac has gained unique experience in delivering hydraulic

solutions for the controlled movement and positioning of heavy
objects. Enerpac supports your business by offering the right
solutions and service to help you get your work done efficiently
and safely.

While every care has been taken in the preparation of this catalogue
• Learn more about hydraulics
and all data contained within is deemed accurate at the time of
• Promotions
printing, Enerpac does reserve the right to make changes to the
• New products
specifications of any product, or discontinue any product, contained
• Electronic Catalogues
within this catalogue without prior notice.
• Trade shows
• Manuals (instruction & repair sheets)
All illustrations, performance specifications, weights and dimensions
• Nearest Distributors & Service Centers
reflect the nominal values and slight variations may occur due to
• Enerpac products in action
manufacturing tolerances. Please consult Enerpac if final dimensions
• Heavy Lifting Technology
are critical.
Ordering Products and Catalogues
All information in this catalogue can be changed due to product
9508 Heavy Lifting Capability Brochure improvements without prior notice.
Enerpac Heavy Lifting Technology provides solutions to meet customer
requirements for safe, precise control of movement and positioning of © Copyright 2018, Enerpac. All rights reserved. Any copying or
heavy loads. other use of material in this catalogue (text, illustrations, drawings,
photo’s) without express written consent is prohibited.
E414e, Bolting Tools Catalogue
Caters to the complete bolting workflow, ensuring joint integrity in a variety
of applications throughout industry, including: joint assembly, controlled
tightening and joint separation.

E215e Workholding Catalogue

Offers innovative products and solutions to provide powerful clamping and
positioning force to every type of manufacturing process. Workholding Worldwide Catalogue Coverage
solutions increase product quality and production output. Enerpac Catalogues are printed in many languages.
E414e E215e 9508 If your requirements call for product use in a different
country, please send your request to the applicable
country listed on page 292 or www.enerpac.com
The Enerpac catalogue of the country serving your
specific market area will be forwarded promptly.

Enerpac Academy & Maintenance Program
Do you work with high-pressure
hydraulic tools regularly or even every
day? Operating such tools requires
sound knowledge of how they work and
this should be maintained. Effective
use of these tools boosts safety and reduces risk - both
for you as the operator and for the environment within
which the tools are used. Having the right training will
enable you to use the tools safely and properly.

Enerpac Academy is our in-house training centre, set up Enerpac Academy – The Power of Knowledge
exclusively for Enerpac business partners, Enerpac users • Specialist in-house Enerpac training center
and Enerpac employees: training programs ranging from tool • Standard and tailored training programs
expertise, repairs and maintenance, to safe operation of high- • Highly experienced trainers
pressure hydraulic tools. • Selection of training courses with a proven (value adding) track record
• Knowledge and experience sharing
Putting theory into practice • User and tool safety come first.
The training courses are interactive and benefit from a highly
diverse program that puts the covered theory into practice right Training Centre Locations
away. Our training services are grounded in many years of • Singapore
experience in providing and applying Enerpac tools. • Sydney (Australia)
• Ede (The Netherlands)
Tailored training • Hosur, Tamil Nadu (India)
Enerpac Academy offers you the exclusive opportunity to train • Columbus, Wisconsin (USA)
your (new) employees in making proper use of Enerpac tools.
Our trainings can also be done on-site. Request sign up information
If you would like to schedule a training course, please contact Enerpac
Safety training: Safe use of Enerpac high pressure hydraulic for a training calendar, application form, brochure and pricing.
tools, user and environmental safety. http://www.enerpac.com/en-au/enerpac-academy

Controlled bolting trainings: Bolting tool theory, tool

EMP – Enerpac Maintenance Program
applications, hands-on training on safe and efficient use of
EMP is a preventive maintenance program. Your Enerpac Authorised
torque wrenches, tensioners and pumps.
Service Centre will check the tools on essential points: leaking,
General hydraulic sales training: Knowledge of hydraulics, oil level and quality, maximum pressure setting, and damage.
hydraulic tools and applications. EMP reduces operational risks, increases safety and minimises
extremely expensive delays in your operations. You will be advised
Tool repair training: Repair and maintenance of general
about regular maintenance of the Enerpac tools.
Enerpac tools.

Application training: Tool feature and benefits, tool • Work more safely
application review, safe use of hydraulic tools and market • Minimise operational risk
information. • Ensure tools are always available and in tip-top shape
• As good as new after repair
• Prevent downtime
• Advice on safe and effective use
• Maintenance when tools are not used.

www.enerpac.com 291
Enerpac Worldwide Locations
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Model Number Index Section Index
▼ ▼
Page(s) ▼ Page(s) ▼ Page(s) ▼ Page(s) ▼ Cylinders &
Lifting Products
A EMB . . . . . . . . . . . 182 N T
A5-A10 . . . . . . . . . 172 EP . . . . . . . . . 162-165 NC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 T . . . . . . . . . . 125, 132
A12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 EPH . . . . . . . . 166-169 NS . . . . . . . . . 240-241 TH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
A13-A28 . . . . . . . . 172 EPP . . . . . . . . 163, 165 NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 THQ . . . . 211, 220-232
A29-A53 . . . . . . . . . 10 ER . . . . . . . . . 182-183 TM. . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Page 4-67
A64-A66 . . . . . . . . 126 ERA . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 P TQ . . . . . 220, 222-223
A92 . . . . . . . . 172, 185 ES . . . . . . . . . 182-183 P . . . . . . 70-75, 78-79 TW . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Pumps & Directional
A102 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
A110 . . . . . . . . . . . 148
ETW . . . . . . . 216-218
EVO . . . . . . . . 252-255
P142AL-P392AL . . . 58
P392FP . . . . . . . . . . 77 V
Control Valves
A128 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 PA-PAM . . . . 104-105 V . . . . . . . 58, 135-137
A128-A192 . . . . . . 172 F PAMG . . . . . . 106-107 VA2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A130-A175 . . . . . . 148 F . . . . . . . . . . 124-125 PATG . . . . . . . 106-107 VC . . . . . . . . . 118-119
A183 . . . . . . . . . . . 146
A185 . . . . . . . 146, 172
FF . . . . . . . . . 246-247
FH . . . . . . . . . 124-125
PARG . . . . . . 106-107
PC . . . . . . . . . . . 70, 72
VE . . . . . . . . . 118-119
VLP . . . . . . . . 140-143
Page 68-119
A200 . . . . . . . . . . . 141 FR . . . . . . . . . 124-125 PE . . . . . . . . . . . 84-87 VM . . . . . . . . 118-119
A205-A220 . . . . . . 146 FRL . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 PE8000 . . . . . . . . . 148 VMC . . . . . . 117, 119,
System Components &
A218-A305 . . . . . . 172 FS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 PF25 . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 . . . . . . . . . . . .143, 145 Control Valves
A310, A330 . . . . . . 146 FSB-FSH-FSM. . . . 243 PK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 VU . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
A530-A595 . . . . . . 172 FZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 PM . . . . . . . . 220-221
A604 . . . . . . . . . . . 125 PMB . . . . . . . . . . . 148 W
A607 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 G PR . . . . . . . . . . . 62-63 W . . . . . . . . . 200-213
A630 . . . . . . . . . . . 125 G . . . . . . . . . . 130-131 PTW . . . 214-215, 218 WC . . . . . . . . 186-187 Page 120-137
A650 . . . . . . . . . . . 172 GA . . . . . . . . . 134-135 PU . . . . . . . . . . . 82-83 WCR . . . . . . . . . . . 212
AD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 GBJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 WHC . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Presses
AH-AM-AR. . . 125-126 GF . . . . . . . . . 128-129 R WHR . . . . . . . . . . . 186
ATM. . . . . . . . 244-245 GP . . . . . . . . . 128-129 RA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 WMC . . . . . . . . . . . 187
ATP . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 GPS . . . . 156-157, 160 RAC. . . . . . . . . . 12-13 WR . . . . . . . . 175, 185
AW . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GT . . . . . . . . . 234-235 RACH. . . . . . . . . 16-17 WRP . . . . . . . . . . . 213
RACL. . . . . . . . . 14-15 WTE . . . . . . . . . . . 213
B H RAR. . . . . . . . . . 18-19
B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 H . . . . . . . . . . 122-123 RAT. . . . . . . . . . . . 218 X Page 138-149
BAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-131 RB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 XA . . 57, 108-109, 241
BFZ . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 HA-HB-HC. . . 122-123 RC . . . . . . . 6-9, 56-59 . . . . . . . 151-153, 233 Pullers
BH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 HCG. . . . . . . . . . 40-47 RCH. . . . . . . . . . 30-31 XC . . . . 57, 80-81, 241
BHP . . . . 152-155, 161 HCL . . . . 40-43, 52-55 RCS . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 XLK . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
BLS . . . . . . . . 256-257 HCR. . . . 40-43, 48-51 RE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 XPG . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
BLT . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 HF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 RFL . . . . . . . . 104-109 XSC . . . . . 80, 108, 127
BR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 HP . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 33 RR . . . . . . . . . . . 36-39
BRC. . . . . . . . . . 28-29 HPT . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 RRH. . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Z
BRD. . . . . . . . . . 34-35 HSK . . . . . . . . 268-269 RSM . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Page 150-169
BRP . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 HSL . . . . . . . . 260-261 RT . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 ZA4 . . . . . 89, 110-111
BSA . . . . . . . . 129, 131 HT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 ZA4T . . . . . . . . 89, 220
BSH . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 RWH . . . . . . . 152-154 . . . . . . . . . . . 230-233
BW . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 I ZCF . . . . 92-93, 98-99
BZ . . . . . . . . . 188-189 IP . . . . . . . . . 140-143 S ZCP . . . . . . . . . 99, 117
IPK . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 S . . . . . . . . . . 194-197 ZE . . . . . . . 89, 96-101
C IPL . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 SB . . . . . . . . . 180, 243 . . . . . . . 220, 228-229
C . . . . . . . . . . 125-125 IPR . . . . . . . . 144-145 SBL . . . . . . . . 266-267 ZG . . . . . . . . . 112-113 Page 170-189
CAT . . . . 10, 23, 53, 55 SBZ . . 92, 98, 226, 232 ZH . . . . . . . . 93, 98-99
CATG. . . . . . 13, 15, 19
. . . . . . . 45, 47, 49, 51
JBI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
SC, SCH. . . . 56-57, 59
SCL . . . . . . . . . . 57, 59
ZLS . . . . 92-93, 98-99
ZP . . . . . 92-93, 98-99
Bolting Tools
CD-CF-CH . . . . . . . 125 JH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 SDA. . . . . . . . . . . . 196 ZU4 . . . . . . . . . . 89-95
CM . . . . . . . . 172, 182 JS . . . . . . . . . 258-259 SFP . . . . . . . . 250-251 ZU4T . . . . . . . . 89, 220
CMF . . . . . . . . . . . 125 SG . . . . . . . . . 156-158 . . . . . . . . . . . 224-227
CR - CT . . . . . 124-125 L SH . . . . . . . . . 262-265 ZUTP . . . . . . . . . . . 236
CU . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 LH . . . . . 149, 268-269 SL . . . . . . . . . 266-267 ZR . . . . . . . . . . . 92-93
CW . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 LPL . . . . . . . 26-27, 43 SOH . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 . . . . . . . . . 98-99, 232 Page 190-247
LW. . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 SP . . . . . . . . . 176-179
D LX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 SPMT . . . . . . . . . . 270 5 Heavy Lifting
DGR. . . . . . . . . . . . 133 SRS . . . . . . . . . 59, 197 11 . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79
DSA. . . . . . . . . . . . 218 M STB . . . . . . . . 188-189 41 - 45. . . . . . . . . . . 79 Technology
MBL. . . . . . . . 266-267 STC . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
E MP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 STF . . . . . . . . 242-243 83. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
E . . . . . . . . . . 192-193 MPS. . . . . . . . 156-159 STN . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
ED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 MS. . . . . . . . . 172-175 STP . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
EGM . . . . . . . . . . . 114 MSP . . . . . . . . . . . 177 SWH . . . 194, 200, 210 Page 248-272
ELP . . . . . . . . 182-183 MZ. . . . . . . . . 174-175 SWR . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Taiwan Middle East, Egypt and Libya
Actuant Asia Pte Ltd. ENERPAC Middle East FZE
T +65 68 63 0611 – F +65 64 84 5669 T +971 4 8872686 – F +971 4 8872687
Toll Free: T +1800 363 7722
Cylinders & Australia and New Zealand Tel: +47 91 578 300
Actuant Australia Ltd.
Lifting Products T +61 287 177 200 – F +61 297 438 648 Russia
Rep. office Enerpac
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Toll Free: 0800 891 5770 Actuant Korea Ltd.
T +82 31 434 4506 – F +82 31 434 4507
Pumps & Directional Actuant (China) Industries Co.Ltd. Spain and Portugal
Control Valves T +86 0512 5328 7500 ENERPAC SPAIN, S.L.
F +86 0512 5335 9690 T +34 91 884 86 06 – F +34 91 884 86 11
Page 68-119 Toll Free: T +86 400 885 0369
Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland
Enerpac Heavy Lifting Technology B.V. Enerpac Scandinavia AB
T +31 74 242 20 45 – F +31 74 243 03 38 Tel: +47 91 578 300

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French speaking African countries ENERPAC B.V.
System Components ENERPAC, Une division d’ACTUANT France S.A.S. T +31 318 535 911 – F +31 318 535 848
& Control Valves T +33 1 60 13 68 68 – F +33 1 69 20 37 50
South Africa and other
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Enerpac Co., Ltd.
T +81 48 662 4911 – F +81 48 662 4955
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Bolting Tools
Page 190-247

Heavy Lifting Technology

Page 248-272

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Printed in the Singapore.

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