Tetanus: Neurological Aspects of Tropical Disease
Tetanus: Neurological Aspects of Tropical Disease
Tetanus: Neurological Aspects of Tropical Disease
J J Farrar, L M Yen, T Cook, N Fairweather, N Binh, J Parry, C M Parry
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Tetanus 293
Figure 1 Acridine orange stain of characteristic C tetani with endospores wider than the characteristic drumstick shape.
requiring the HN fragment, the L chain is ence in clinical symptoms between botulism
released from the endosome. The L chain is a and tetanus is due to the location of toxin
zinc metalloprotease, which cleaves action. Botulinum toxin is not transported to
synaptobrevin.18 A single base pair mutation in the CNS and remains at the periphery where it
the light chain abolishes this proteolytic inhibits the release of acetycholine. This results
activity.19 Synaptobrevin is an integral mem- in an acute flaccid paralysis.
brane component of synaptic vesicles and is x Ray crystallographic studies have shown
essential for the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the three dimensional structure of the tetanus
the presynaptic membrane. Cleavage by toxin HC chain responsible for binding of
tetanus toxin L chain prevents release of their gangliosides.21 The HC fragment, which can
contents, the inhibitory neurotransmitter undergo retrograde transport in the absence of
ã-aminobutyric acid (GABA), into the synaptic the remainder of the toxin molecule, is
cleft. The á motor neurons are therefore under composed of two dissimilar structural domains
no inhibitory control and undergo sustained (fig 3). These domains, which in other systems
excitatory discharge causing the characteristic are involved in recognition of saccharides and
motor spasms of tetanus. The toxin exerts its proteins respectively, exhibit structural homol-
eVects on the spinal cord, the brain stem, ogy to legume lectins and to proteins such as
peripheral nerves, at neuromuscular junctions, interleukin (IL)-1á and IL-1â and may reflect
and directly on muscles. To what extent corti- the ability of the HC fragment to bind to recep-
cal and subcortical structures are involved tors. Reflecting high sequence homology, the
remains unknown. Certainly the toxin is a overall three dimensional structure of tetanus
potent convulsant when injected into the toxin HC is remarkably similar to HC of botuli-
cortex of experimental animals. num toxin A.22 Thus the binding and transport
Tetanus toxin is highly homologous in amino activities of these two toxin families, which lead
acid sequence to the family of botulinum neu- to distinct clinical symptoms, could be due to
rotoxins, which like tetanus toxin, inhibit neu- subtle diVerences in sequence within the HC
rotransmitter release by cleavage of proteins chains, which result in binding to distinct
involved in vesicle fusion.20 The distinct diVer- receptors. Site directed mutagenesis of the Hc
2+ • Endosome • Immunogenic
• Zn dependent
protease • Neuronal cell
• Cleavage of binding
synaptobrevin • Ganglioside
• Retrograde
Figure 2 Linear representation of tetanus toxin showing the functions of the L, HN, and HC chains. Each chain is 50 kDa.
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Tetanus 295
more clinical grading system developed by of tetanus. There is a need for an up to date
Udwadia is also useful.30 assessment of the antimicrobial sensitivity
The diagnosis is a clinical one, relatively patterns of clinical isolates of C tetani.
easy to make in areas where tetanus is seen Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is a coenzyme with
often, but often delayed in the developed glutamate decarboxylase in the production of
world where cases are seen infrequently.31 The GABA from glutamic acid, and increases
diVerential includes tetany, strychnine poison- GABA concentrations in animal models. In an
ing, drug induced dystonic reactions, rabies, unblinded open trial 20 neonates with tetanus
and orofacial infection. In neonates the diVer- were treated with pyridoxine (100 mg/day) and
ential diagnosis would also include hypo- compared with retrospective records. The
calcaemia, hypoglycaemia, meningitis and mortality in the pyridoxine treated group was
meningoencephalitis, and seizures. reduced.38 The role of pyridoxine in the
Penicillin remains the standard therapy for management of neonatal tetanus should be
tetanus in most parts of the world, although re-examined in a blind randomised trial.
antibiotics for Clostridium tetani probably play a The evidence for a role of steroids is not
relatively minor part in the specific treatment of convincing. They have been reported to be of
the disease. The dose is 100 000–200 000 benefit in tetanus; however, as is often the case
IU/kg/day intramuscularly or intravenously for in studies on this disease the trials have not
7 to 10 days. Johnson and Walker were the first recruited enough patients to be convincing or
to report that intravenous administration of have been inadequately controlled. In two
penicillin could cause convulsions, and went on studies betamethasone has been shown to
to show, in animal models, that penicillin reduce the mortality, but only a few patients
caused myoclonic convulsions when applied were studied.39–41 Steroids should not be
directly to the cortex.32 Penicillin became the recommended in the management of tetanus
standard model for induction of experimental unless further blinded controlled studies are
focal epilepsy. The structure of penicillin, conducted in large enough numbers to show
distant to the â-lactam ring is similar to significant diVerences.
ã-aminobutyric acid (GABA) the principal Respiratory failure is the commonest direct
inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. Peni- cause of death from tetanus in the developing
cillin therefore acts as a competitive antagonist world, particularly when artificial ventilation
to GABA. Penicillin does not readily cross the may not be available for every case. Where it is
blood-brain barrier, but in high cumulative available attempts should be made to anticipate
doses it can cause CNS hyperexcitability. In and detect patients at risk from hypoxia and
tetanus this side eVect of penicillin could syner- airways obstruction, aspiration hypoventila-
gise with the action of the toxin in blocking tion, pneumonia, and respiratory arrest. Early
transmitter release at GABA neurons. airways protection and ventilatory support is
Metronidazole is a safe alternative, and may often needed. The eVects of diVerent modes of
now be considered as the first line therapy. assisted ventilation in tetanus have not been
After rectal administration metronidazole is evaluated. The modes used will often be
rapidly bioavailable and causes fewer spasms limited by the complexity of the ventilators
than repeated intravenous or intramuscular available in the intensive care unit. Those areas
injections. Ahmadsyah and Salim were the first with many cases are likely to be those with
to compare penicillin and metronidazole, and rudimentary equipment. In the early stages of
showed a reduction in mortality in the the disease when rigidity and spasm are promi-
metronidazole group (7% compared with nent muscular paralysis and controlled manda-
24%).33 In a much larger study Yen et al tory ventilation are necessary. Poor compliance
recruited over 1000 patients and showed that and oxygenation due to muscular rigidity or
there was no significant diVerence in mortality pulmonary complications may be overcome by
between the penicillin and metronidazole a combination of pressure controlled ventila-
group.34 However, the 533 patients randomised tion and positive end expiratory pressure
to metronidazole required fewer muscle relax- (PEEP). In the later stages of the disease
ants and sedatives compared with 572 patients modes of ventilation that allow spontaneous
randomised to penicillin. This may be ex- ventilation (synchronised intermittent manda-
plained by the action of penicillin at GABAer- tory, continuous positive airway pressure and
gic synapses and may therefore apply to the biphasic positive airway pressure ventilation)
third generation cephalosporins. The structure are generally preferred and may optimise the
of these drugs is similar to that of penicillin and respiratory pattern, reduce sedation require-
ceftazidime has been shown to induce absence ments, minimise muscle wastage, and reduce
seizures with spike and wave discharges.35 If the likelihood of acquired critical illness
metronidazole is available and applicable this neuropathy or myopathy. However, there is lit-
should be considered as the drug of choice in tle evidence base in tetanus for these advanced
the treatment of tetanus. The dose is 400 mg modes of support.
rectally every 6 hours, or 500 mg every 6 hours Percutaneous tracheostomy is now a routine
intravenously for 7–10 days. Erythromycin, technique on many intensive care units. It is
tetracycline, vancomycin, clindamycin, doxycy- particularly suitable for patients with tetanus.
cline, and chloramphenicol would be alterna- Patient transfer to and from an operating
tives to penicillin and metronidazole if these theatre (entailing unnecessary stimulation) is
were unavailable or unusable in individual avoided. Other potential advantages over
patients.36 37 There is little or no indication for traditional open surgical techniques include
the use of other antibiotics in the management reduced blood loss, reduced operative
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morbidity and reduced long term sequelae.42 43 therapeutic window is extremely diYcult,
The single step forceps dilatational method is particularly in patients requiring prolonged
rapid and can be used for emergency airway support. Midazolam is an alternative, but it is
management and the serial dilation technique usually not available or not aVordable in
is useful for intubated patients requiring regions where tetanus is seen often.53 54
tracheostomy.44–46 Phenothiazines, particularly chlorpro-
Traditionally the long acting agent pancuro- mazine, are useful sedatives with á-adrenergic
nium has been used for muscular paralysis. and anticholinergic eVects. Phenobarbital has
Pancuronium is an inhibitor of catecholamine been widely used since the 1960s.55 Morphine
reuptake and as such could worsen autonomic is particularly eVective as sedation and cardio-
instability in severely aVected patients. There vascular stability may be achieved without
have been isolated reports of worsening hyper- compromising cardiac performance. Important
tension and tachycardia associated with its use actions in reducing cardiovascular instability
in tetanus.47 Alternatives include the older include replacing depleted endogenous opioids
agents d-tubocurarine and alcuronium which and histamine release.56–59 With all these drugs
have been reported to reduce haemodynamic enormous doses may be required.
instability, but may also be a cause of hypoten- Basal catecholamine concentrations rise but
sion through histamine release. Vecuronium noradrenaline (norepinephrine) rises more
has been proposed as it is “cardiovascularly markedly than adrenaline (epinephrine). Nor-
clean” but is relatively short acting.48 Longer adrenaline concentrations may rise 10-fold,
acting agents are preferable as they lend them- spontaneously or in response to stimulation,
selves to administration by intermittent bolus leading to a “sympathetic storm”.60 61 These
rather than requiring infusion. Of the newer rises are similar to those found in phaeochro-
agents pipercuronium and rocuronium are mocytoma. Sympathetic neuronal overactivity
long acting and “clean” but are expensive is generally more prominent than adrenal
compared with older drugs. Individual drugs medullary overactivity and hypertension is
have not been compared in randomised trials. accompanied by a rise in systemic vascular
The directly acting muscle relaxant dantrolene resistance without large changes in cardiac
has been reported in one case in which spasms index.62 63 Histological changes in the hearts of
were diYcult to control. Paralysis was unneces- patients dying from tetanus are strikingly simi-
sary after administration of dantrolene, spasms lar to those of patients with phaeochromocy-
reduced, and patient condition improved.49 toma and the likely cause in both is persistently
The sedative agent propofol may also have use- raised concentrations of catecholamines.64
ful muscle relaxant properties. Sedation with Early attempts to control autonomic distur-
propofol allowed control of spasms and rigidity bance included â and á-adrenoceptor blockers
without additional relaxant. Examination of and combined block either with propanolol
EMG and neuromuscular function during and betanidine or labetolol.65 66 Mortality was
propofol boluses showed an 80% reduction in not markedly reduced by this treatment and
EMG activity without alteration of neuromusc- concerns about â blockade and sudden death
ular function. However, drug concentrations have been raised.67 Sudden falls in catecho-
were closer to anaesthetic than sedative doses lamine concentrations after “sympathetic
and mechanical ventilation would be storms”, catecholamine induced cardiac dam-
required.50 51 age, negative inotropism, â-blocker induced
Autonomic disturbance with sustained labile vasoconstriction, and unopposed parasympa-
hypertension, tachycardia, vasoconstriction, thetic activity are all plausible mechanisms.
and sweating is common in severe cases. Esmolol, an ultrashort acting â-blocker, may
Profound bradycardia and hypotension may have advantages over other â-blockers and its
occur and may be recurrent or preterminal successful use has been reported.69 However, it
events. Involvement of the sympathetic nervous is expensive ($450/day) and catecholamine
system was recognised in 1968.52 Sedation, concentrations remain increased.68
which is useful for controlling spasms and Other reported treatments for the autonomic
rigidity, is also the first step in reducing disturbance in tetanus include atropine, cloni-
autonomic instability. Benzodiazepines aug- dine, and spinal bupivaccaine. Unfortunately
ment GABA agonism by inhibiting an endog- most reports are either case reports or small
enous inhibitor at the GABAA receptor. Ad- series and there are few trials that are designed
equate sedation is essential in tetanus but is a to compare treatments or examine outcome
double edged sword. Benzodiazepines are the measures adequately. There have been reports
most commonly used sedative agents. Di- of successful management of autonomic distur-
azepam has a wide margin of safety, has a rapid bance with intravenous atropine.69 Doses of up
onset of action, can be given orally, rectally, or to 100 mg/h were used in four patients. The
intravenously, and is a sedative, an anticonvul- authors argued that tetanus is a disease of ace-
sant, and a muscle relaxant. It is also cheap and tylcholine excess and used these high doses to
available in most parts of the world. However, achieve muscarinic and nicotinic blockade
it has a long cumulative half life (72 hours) and providing autonomic blockade, neuromuscular
has active metabolites, in particular oxazepam blockade, and central sedation. Blockade of the
and demethyldiazepam. Invariably, in the doses parasympathetic nervous system was reported
required to achieve adequate control of spasms to markedly reduce secretions and sweating.
(often up to 3–8 mg/kg/day in adults) respira- Oral or parenteral clonidine has been used with
tory depression, coma, and medullary depres- variable success. In one report of 27 patients
sion are common. Establishing the correct treated over 12 years, the group randomised to
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receive clonidine had a significantly lower In patients with a deep wound thorough
mortality.70 71 Epidural or spinal bupivacaine debridement and toilet are critical to reduce
have also been reported to improve haemody- the anaerobic conditions that bacteria thrive in.
namic instability.72–74 Unfortunately, most re- The common complications in tetanus, such
ports are either case reports or small series and as nosocomial infection, bed sores, tracheal
there are few adequate trials that have com- stenosis, and gastrointestinal haemorrhage, are
pared treatments or examined important out- often attributable to prolonged periods of
come data. immobility, critical illness, and intensive care.
Intrathecal baclofen (a GABAB agonist) has Tracheal stenosis can be a problem in children,
been reported in some small series with varying although it is probably underreported in
success.75 Doses have ranged from 500 to 2000 adults. Secondary infections are a frequent
mg/day and have been given as boluses or infu- complication, most commonly associated with
sion. Larger doses and boluses are associated the lower respiratory tract, urinary catheterisa-
with more side eVects.76 In all reports a signifi- tion, and wound sepsis. Attempts must be
cant number of patients developed coma and made to prevent secondary infection and much
respiratory depression necessitating ventila- is achieved by attention to detail in basic care.
tion. In some cases adverse eVects were revers- Maintaining adequate spacing between beds
ible with the GABAA antagonist flumazenil, but and general standards of cleanliness such as
this is not reliable. The technique is invasive, regular hand washing by staV and visitors are
costly, and facilities for ventilation must be simple eVective measures.82 Tracheostomy site
available immediately. Tetanus patients are at cleaning, strict sterile technique during tra-
risk of sepsis and may require anticoagulation cheal suction, and basic care of peripheral or
which makes repeated or continuous spinal central venous access sites and the urinary
techniques a significant risk. catheter are all fundamental to good treatment.
Respiratory complications from aspiration and
Magnesium sulphate has been used both in
hypoventilation are common and may be
ventilated patients to reduce autonomic distur-
reduced by early tracheostomy, avoiding na-
bance and in non-ventilated patients to control
sogastric tubes where possible, and nursing
spasms.56 77 78 Magnesium is a presynaptic
patients in a 15°-30° sitting up position. Gram
neuromuscular blocker, blocks catecholamine
negative organisms, particularly Klebsiella and
release from nerves and adrenal medulla, Pseudomonas are common, and staphylococcal
reduces receptor responsiveness to released infections are also often encountered.
catecholamines, and is an anticonvulsant and a Meticulous mouth care, chest physiotherapy,
vasodilator. It antagonises calcium in the myo- and regular tracheal suction are essential to
cardium and at the neuromuscular junction prevent atelectasis, lobar collapse, and pneu-
and inhibits parathyroid hormone release so monia particularly as salivation and bronchial
lowering serum calcium. In overdose it causes secretions are greatly increased in severe
paralysis and probably sedation or anaesthesia, tetanus. Adequate sedation is mandatory be-
although this is controversial.79–81 In the paper fore such interventions in patients at risk of
by James and Manson, patients with very uncontrolled spasms or autonomic disturbance
severe tetanus were studied and magnesium and the balance between physiotherapy and
was found to be inadequate alone as a sedative sedation may be diYcult to achieve.
relaxant but an eVective adjunct in controlling Energy demands in tetanus may be very high
autonomic disturbance.56 Serum concentra- due to muscular contractions, excessive sweat-
tions were diYcult to predict and regular ing, and sepsis. Weight loss is a universal find-
monitoring of serum magnesium and calcium ing and nutrition is of great importance.
concentrations were required. Muscular weak- Enteral feeding should be established as early
ness was readily apparent and ventilation was as possible. Enteral feeding has advantages over
required in all cases. Attagyle and Rodrigo parenteral feeding as it maintains gastro-
studied patients at an earlier stage of the illness intestinal integrity and reduces respiratory and
yet all cases were probably severe.78 They used generalised septic complications.83 When facili-
similar doses of magnesium to try to avoid ties allow, percutaneous endoscopic gastros-
sedatives and positive pressure ventilation and tomy may be established, so avoiding the
reported successful control of spasms and con- stimulation and reflux associated with a
trol of rigidity. Magnesium concentrations nasogastric tube. In those patients unable to
were predictable and readily kept within the tolerate enteral feeding cytoprotection is best
therapeutic range by using the clinical signs of achieved with sucralfate or ranitidine.84 85
the presence of a patella tendon reflex. In both Measures to avoid serious thromboembolic
studies the absence of hypotension and brady- complications include compression stockings,
cardia was by contrast with results with â subcutaneous heparin, and limb physiotherapy.
blockade. Both groups agreed that tidal volume There is very little information on follow up
and cough may be impaired and secretions of patients after tetanus, particularly for cogni-
increased: tracheostomy is mandatory and tive function. In one of the few studies to
ventilatory support must be readily examine this question, Anlar et al found
available.56 80 More work is necessary to define enuresis, mental retardation, and growth delay
the role of magnesium both with regard to the to be frequent sequaelae after neonatal
physiological eVect it exerts on neuromuscular tetanus.86 This is an area of clinical research in
function in the presence of tetanus and tetanus which deserves further attention.
secondly to establish what role if any it has in The clinical features, admission severity
the routine management of severe tetanus. scores, and outcomes from 500 consecutive
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Table 3 Five hundred consecutive patients with tetanus: Centre for Tropical Diseases, Ho the toxin is bound and internalised it will
Chi Minh City clearly have no eVect. The blood concentration
of passive antitoxin to protect a human against
500 Consecutive non-neonatal patients admitted between May 1997 and February 1999. tetanus is approximately 0.1 IU/ml. When
343 Male 157 Female 3000 IU are administered intramuscularly
Age<15 years 18.8%
Age>65 years 12.2%
maximum concentrations are reached in 24–48
39 Neonates were admitted in the same time period hours and adequate concentrations are main-
Mortality in non-neonates 19% tained for 10–15 days. It is not easy to assess
Mortality in neonates 45%
Entry site: the optimal dose of antiserum to give for
Lower limb 53.3% Head 10.4%. prophylaxis. Extrapolation from animal work
Upper limb 10.8% Injections 1.8%. would suggest that these doses are too low and
Unknown: 22.2%.
Incubation period Median (range) 9.5 days (1–60) that 50 000 IU would aVord greater protection;
Time to first symptom Median (range) 3 days (1–92) however, at such doses the incidence of side
Period of onset Median (range) 48 hours (0–264) eVects is higher. The side eVects can be either
Symptoms on admission:
Lockjaw 96% Spasms 41% acute anaphylactic reactions or delayed serum
Back pain 94% Sweating 10% sickness. The incidence of immediate reactions
Muscle stiVness 94% DiYculty breathing 10% can be reduced by simultaneous (or 15 minutes
Dysphagia 83% Fever 7%
Admission severity scores and mortality rates: before use) injection with an antihistamine
Dakar score Mortality Phillips score Mortality (promethazine). The use of the Besredka rapid
>3 35/59 (59%). >17 58/170 (34%).
<3 60/440 (14%). <17 38/330 (11%).
desensitisation method does not necessarily
RR 4.35 (3.17–5.97) RR 2.96 (2.06–4.27) prevent anaphylactic reactions. The use of
By combining the Dakar and Phillips scores in individual patients: human tetanus immunoglobulin is very rarely
Dakar >3 and Phillips >17 compared with Dakar <3 and Phillips <17
RR 3.68 (2.49–5.45)
associated with anaphylactic reactions, creates
a longer duration of protective immunity, and
RR = Relative risk. lower doses can be used (500–1000 IU). It is
patients admitted to the Tetanus Unit at the the passive immunisation of choice; unfortu-
Centre for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh nately it remains unaVordable in many parts of
City are outlined in table 3. the world.
Complete human immunoglobulin now can
be engineered in vitro and designed for specific
Vaccination antigens.88 This raises the possibility of produc-
Passive immunisation with human or equine ing human antibodies specific for the tetanus
tetanus immunoglobulin shortens the course toxin, free from the risks of infection, easy to
and may reduce the severity of tetanus. The store, and potentially available at a cost aVord-
human antiserum is isolated from a pool of able in the developing world. Owing to its
plasma derived from healthy human tetanus smaller size it is possible that the antigen bind-
immune donors, and has a half life of ing domain of the immunoglobulin, the Fab
24.5–31.5 days. The equine (or bovine) form, fragment, may gain better access to the toxin,
widely available throughout the developing and so enhance neutralisation. Fab fragments
world, has a higher incidence of anaphylactic can be produced from donors, but the
reactions and a half life of only 2 days, but is engineered approach to antibody production
much cheaper to produce. If available human would facilitate this.
antiserum should be administered but in most Intrathecal therapy with antitetanus serum
parts of the world equine antitoxin is the has been subjected to clinical trials. A meta-
standard. analysis has concluded that there is currently
In established cases patients should receive no evidence of a beneficial eVect in neonates or
500–1000 IU/kg equine antitoxin intrave- adults using equine or human tetanus immune
nously or intramuscularly. Anaphylactic reac- globulin, and that the safety of their use
tions occur in 20% of cases, in 1% they are intrathecally remains unproved.89
severe enough to warrant adrenaline, antihista- In addition to passive immunisation, active
mines, steroids, and intravenous fluids. If avail- vaccination needs to be administered to all
able 5000–8000 IU human antitetanus immu- patients, so called active-passive immunisation.
noglobulin should be given intramuscularly; This adds to the short term immunity (pas-
this has a lower incidence of side eVects. sive), and to long term humoral and cellular
Antitetanus toxin was first used in 1893, and immunity (active). As the first is declining the
there was a dramatic fall in the incidence of second appears and thus avoids a window of
disease among soldiers in the first world after non-protection. From experimental work in
its introduction. Although the antiserum will animals it is clear that the toxoid starts acting a
have an eVect only on circulating and unbound few hours after injection and before a humoral
toxin (demonstrated in serum samples of only response is detectable. Presumably the toxoid
10% of cases at presentation and in 4% of CSF saturates the ganglioside receptors and pre-
samples, it should be administered to all vents wild type toxin binding. The toxoid and
patients with tetanus.87 Whether it should also the human (or equine) antitetanus immu-
be infiltrated locally at the portal of entry is noglobulin should be administered at diVerent
unclear and should be examined prospectively. sites on the body to prevent interaction at the
For prophylaxis 1500–3000 IU equine or 250– injection site. If both are to be administered
500 IU human antitetanus immunoglobulin together no more than 1000 IU human or 5000
should be given. IU equine antitetanus immunoglobulin should
Passive immunisation should be adminis- be administered, higher doses can neutralise
tered as soon as possible after the injury, once the immunogenicity of the toxoid.
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Tetanus 299
Tetanus toxoid for vaccination is produced who completed their vaccination course before
by formaldehyde treatment of the toxin and its acquisition of HIV should maintain adequate
immunogenicity is improved by absorption protection against tetanus.
with aluminium hydroxide. Alum absorbed Research on tetanus vaccines has concen-
tetanus toxoid is very eVective at preventing trated on a single dose vaccine, using technol-
tetanus with a failure rate of 4/100 million ogy such as microencapsulation.103 This would
immunocompetent people. In the United be of most use in those countries where a three
Kingdom and United States it is administered dose regime results in management diYculties.
to children between 2–6 months (three doses at Strategies involving expression of the immuno-
4 week intervals) with boosters at 15 months in dominant HC domain in attenuated strains of
the United States and at 4 years (United King- Salmonella followed by oral immunisation have
dom and United States). A further dose is rec- been successful in animals, and may form the
ommended in both the United States and basis of future multivalent oral vaccines.104
United Kingdom within 5–10 years (table 2).
Serum antitoxin concentrations above
0.01U/ml are considered protective, although Conclusion
there have been patients reported with protec- The World Health Organisation resolved to
tive serum antibody concentrations.90–92 A pro- eliminate neonatal tetanus by 1995. Three
tective antibody concentration is attained after years after the deadline the infection still kills
the second dose, but a third dose ensures over 400 000 babies a year. A safe eVective
longer lasting immunity. To maintain adequate vaccine has been available for most of this cen-
concentrations of protection additional booster tury. If any one disease epitomises the health-
doses should be administered every 10 years. care disparity between the developed and
Reactions to the tetanus toxoid are estimated developing world, and the difficulties in
to be 1 in 50 000 injections, although most are overcoming that inequality, then tetanus is that
not severe; local tenderness, oedema, flu-like disease. It is entirely preventable world wide.
illness, and low grade fever are the most often The priorities must be in prevention; universal
encountered. Severe reactions such as vaccination, and the development of simpler
Guillian-Barré syndrome and acute relapsing immunisation schedules with longer protec-
polyneuropathy are rare.93 94 tion. However, for the foreseeable future
In recent years there have been reports from hospitals in many parts of the developing world
Australia and the United States of tetanus will continue to see many patients with tetanus.
occurring in patients over the age of 50.95 96 In Further work on pragmatic solutions applica-
a survey from the United States 59% of women ble in these countries is needed on how to
and 27% of men from an urban geriatric care reduce the high mortality. A better understand-
centre did not have adequate antitetanus ing of C tetani, the toxin, its eVects on the cen-
titres.97 For every child in the United States tral and autonomic nervous system, and
who dies of a vaccine preventable disease, cardiac and respiratory function is needed.
about 400 adults die of such a disease.98 There There is a tendency to accept a high mortality
is a strong argument for the introduction of a from tetanus, Udwadia et al have shown in
vaccination strategy for the immunisation of all India that it is possible to substantially reduce
adults at the age of 50. the mortality even in the absence of fully-
Neonatal tetanus can be prevented by fledged intensive care units.107
immunisation of women during pregnancy.
Two or three doses of absorbed toxin should be 1 Dietz V, Milstien JB, van Loon F, et al Performance and
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placental transfer of tetanus specific maternal 7 Reis E, Freire E, Alexandrino S. Tetanus in an ICU in Por-
tugal. Epidemiology, incubation and complications. Inter-
IgG is of critical importance. Polyclonal hyper- national Journal of Intensive Care 1994;120–1
immunoglobulinaemia is common in HIV and 8 Sykes MK. Intermittent positive pressure respiration in
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