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Originally marketed as the “YouTube” for documents, Scribd began its operation as a way for anyone to publish and host
their documents and writing online. Born out of the need for one of the site’s creators to host his father’s medical research
without having to pay for publication and wait over a year for the documents to be published, the site gained notoriety in
2009 after signing a deal with several publications, including The New York Times, Huffington Post, TechCrunch, and
several other blogs and publications to host their documents, as well as for their Scribd Store, which allowed users to sell
digital copies of their work online.
Document Converter
Document View
Since then, Scribd has morphed into an online subscription service, built to read millions of eBooks, comics, and more
online with a Netflix-like subscription service. Despite this refocus on more mainstream titles and novels, Scribd is still
used by millions of people daily to host and share online documents using the platform built by the site itself. In the site’s
documents section, you’ll find historical papers, political documents, poll results, and plenty of other information for use in
your college assignments, term papers, or just as a general document of interest. And while viewing these articles is free
by itself, albeit with some limitations on certain documents, downloading this information to your computer is limited for
often than not.
Sign Now
While you should avoid downloading and using others’ documents without paying for a monthly Scribd decision, at the
end of the day, certain users—students specifically—may find it difficult to pay for the research and other documents
provided on the website. Luckily, there are some ways around these restrictions. Though the three methods outlined
below are both occasionally hit or miss, they often can be used to bypass the Scribd security and subscription measures,
making it easy to view the documents necessary for your next project or paper. Here’s what to do.
Our first method for downloading Scribd documents on the web today relies on uploading a document of your own to a
Scribd account, in order to gain access to the document you want to download. We’ll be performing our test in Google
Chrome, though you should be able to accomplish this in any modern browser, including Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft
Edge. Start by heading over to and signing up for a new account. Alternatively, if you already have an account
with Scribd, you can use your existing account by logging in. Scribd supports accounts with both Facebook and Google
sign-ins, so starting a new account is as easy as clicking a button and linking your account. Once you’ve signed in, find
the document you want to download and copy the URL down to an outside source, like a Google Keep note or Word
From here, you’ll want to click the “Download” option on the right side of your display. This will automatically redirect you
to a page designed to help you set up your Scribd subscription, complete with a 30-day trial. Above this page, however,
you’ll see an option to upload files from your computer, with a button that reads “Select Files to Upload.” Click this button
and, on your computer, prepare any kind of document. If you have a word processor installed on your computer, like Word
or Apple Pages, you can use that to create a short, meaningless document. Alternately, you can use Google Docs to
create a free document on your computer, and download it to your device. The document can contain anything, including
straight gibberish; we recommend using a Lorem Ipsum generator if you’re having trouble figuring out what to write. When
your document is uploaded, provide a title for the new file and hit “Save.”
Now, grab that URL we saved earlier in this process and paste it into the address bar at the top of your web browser. A
download button should load on your device, and you’ll be able to save the Scribd document to your computer. However,
we should mention that, thanks to recent updates from Scribd, we’ve had some difficulties performing this without first
editing the HTML code using the inspect button on your browser. It’s not a perfect solution, but once you edit the HTML for
the View button to lead to your device, you can download an HTML version of the page, allowing you to take the
document offline. If you have access to Adobe Acrobat Pro (check with your school or teacher), you can convert the HTML
document to a PDF.
In this new page, hit Ctrl+F to open the Find in Page UI in Firefox. In this field, enter the phrase “access_key,” and upon
finding the result in the Scribd source code, highlight and copy the code to your computer. It should be an alphanumerical
code, and appear as ‘key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.” Now head back to the original document page in your browser and look at
the URL in the top of the browser. This time, we’re looking for the document ID number in the URL of your specific page.
Unlike the access key, the document ID is listed in the URL, and consists of several numbers. The URL should appear as
“‘ TITLE.” We’ll be using the number portion of that link in a moment.
Now, open up a new tab in Firefox. We’re going to create a new URL using the information provided us by both the access
key, the document ID number, and the following partial URL: “
document_id=NUMBER&access_key=key-ACCESS_KEY”. When you’ve pasted this URL into your new tab, replace the
number section with the document ID and the access key area with the access key you grabbed earlier. Following this,
you’ll have to wait a few minutes for the page to load as your documents begins to download from the Scribd servers.
Once your document has finished loading, use the print option to print to PDF, and your document will be saved to your
If this method doesn’t work for you, and you receive some form of error message from Scribd, retry using the first method
listed above. Users have reported to us that their preferred method uses the document upload method listed above.
Unfortunately, the nature of Scribd means that these methods are far from perfect. Scribd doesn’t want users to access
their document collection for free, and therefore, these methods are always up in the air for whether or not they’ll work.
Typically, trying to force Scribds hand will get you somewhere, from a full-blown document downloaded from their servers
to a saved and converted HTML document that can be used for PDF files. As always, we update this article once every
couple months with the newest information we can, and our comment section is a great way to see who else is having
success downloading from Scribd. None of the methods performed here are by any means perfect, but with enough time,
energy, and effort, making progress within Scribd to gain access to documents for your homework or studying isn’t too far
Method 1 worked perfectly for me but I was given a file with swf extension when I used method 2. Thank you
showing this error after 2- 3 downloads “We’re sorry, but your computer or network may be sending automated download queries. To protect
our users, we can’t process your request right now”.
The first method actually works guys, thanks a lot tech junkie peeps!!! By the way a lot of your articles are really helpful to us all.
The first method from the guide works
Thank you very much :))
The first method works, just tried it. 05 March 2018. Thank you for this article it didn’t approve my credit card to start the trial. If anyone has
trouble, contact me, I’ll help you.
Brief but very precise information… Thank you for sharing this one.
A must read post!
Havent been able to use Method 2 since last year. An error which states that the document is no longer flash embed. = (
Tried with several different files. I would appreciate a work around for method 2.
thank you
The uploader has changed to pick only from local directory. So we can no longer give a web address. The changing key and doc id method
downloads an swf file. So neither works:-(
I found a way to do it. You have to save an empty file as said above. Once done, a link will be provided for you to share the document.
Copy the link address.Now right click on that box and choose inspect. Find the link address there and replace it with the document
address you want to download. Now if you select the view button.. it will take u to the document where u can download it.
Ive been doing just like it said, but it leads me into .swf files, anything wrong with that ? because i cant open it
A method that works currently is simple. You see, they load the pages then put the block over it. in firefox, you can go to tools, page info,
media, and it will show you all loaded pages.
So scroll all the way through the document, then select all the image files in the media section that are actually pages, and
you’ll have your data
BEST METHOD – it’s not a full-quality PDF but the other methods don’t seem to work anyway. — Jan 27, 2018
Do you see all the way on the right side and almost all the way at the top, how there is an icon of four arrows, pointing away from each
other? Then immediately to the left is a printer icon, and to the left of that, an arrow pointing down. The arrow pointing down is the
download. Good luck!
From :
“To view the source code of a web page in Mozilla Firefox, follow the steps below.
Press Ctrl+U on your computer’s keyboard.
Open Mozilla Firefox and navigate to the web page of your choice.
Press the Alt key to bring up the browser’s menu bar.
Select Tools, Web Developer, and then Page Source.
Tip: With the latest versions of Firefox, pressing the F12 key or Ctrl+Shift+I brings up the interactive developer tool.
This tool provides much more interaction with the source code and CSS settings, allowing users to see how changes
in the code affect the web page immediately.
View a section of the page’s source code
Highlight the portion of a web page for which you’d like to view the source code.
Right-click that highlighted section, and then click View Selection Source.
Tip: Use the Firebug add-on to not only view the source code of a page but change and view those changes live
through the browser.”
Method 2 still works even though they seemed to have redesigned their site a little and some of the button names have changed.
The second method worked for me. On moment that I clicked on “done” on the upload page, appeared a window with the desired file for me to
download it.. Thanks
Thanks a lot .
Method 1 worked for me after pasting the genrerated url in Mozilla firefox browser.
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