2014 Anthology WEB BIx Enhance Rep Skills

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Enhance Your

BI Reporting Skills
Tips for Using SAP HANA, SAP Lumira,
Design Studio, and Web Intelligence

An article collection from the publisher

of SAPinsider and SAP Experts
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Enhance Your
BI Reporting Skills
Tips for Using SAP HANA, SAP Lumira,
Design Studio, and Web Intelligence
SAP’s reporting offerings have exploded in the recent past. Changes and enhancements to SAP HANA, SAP
Lumira, SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio, and SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence have added significant
functionality to SAP’s reporting toolbox. In this anthology, we offer a one-stop option for learning about these
new functionalities and understanding how you can best use them to meet your company’s BI needs.

Starting with a look at monitoring SAP HANA performance with Design Studio, this anthology takes you on
a journey through SAP’s reporting landscape. Featuring some of our most respected BI Expert authors, this
collection covers the gamut of new SAP BI technology, including articles on how to choose—and use—the right
reporting tools for your business, different options for building analytical dashboards with SAP Lumira, and
using SAP Lumira with BEx query. Other articles show you how to build a mobile app on SAP HANA, what’s new
(and coming soon) in SAP BPC in the cloud, and how to leverage SAP HANA and SAP BPC.

At BI Expert, our mission is to help you build your skills and achieve the business goals of the organizations you
serve. This anthology has been curated with this guiding principle in mind—to help you advance your SAP BI
knowledge and stay on the leading edge of SAP technology.

This anthology only scratches the surface. In the full BI Expert online library, you will find a plethora of SAP BI
and SAP BW information, as well as more technical content around SAP HANA, SAP Lumira, Design Studio,
and Web Intelligence. Our content offerings include short, quick-tip articles as well as longer technical tutorials
and video content to help you do your job better and faster. All of the content is reviewed by a team of expert
technical advisors, many of whom are also contributors to BI Expert. To learn more about BI Expert, explore
license options, and give us your feedback, visit www.SAPexperts.com/BI.


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>>ANTHOLOGY Table of Contents
SAP HANA Performance Monitoring Using Design Studio....................................................................................................................................................... 3
by Dr. Bjarne Berg, Senior Director of BI, COMERIT, Inc., and Michael Vavlitis, SAP BI Associate and Training Coordinator, COMERIT, Inc.
Learn the details around the process of developing and implementing SAP HANA performance monitoring using an application built by BusinessObjects Design Studio. Active performance monitoring is a
vital measure for maintaining the stability of an SAP HANA system, and Design Studio offers the ideal capabilities to track the most important SAP HANA performance indicators.

Leveraging SAP HANA to Enhance SAP Business Planning and Consolidation’s Capabilities...........................................................................................19
by Sheldon Edelstein, Director, SAP Platform Solutions Group
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) 10.1, along with its host environments (SAP Business Warehouse [SAP BW] and SAP HANA) provide abundant design choices to meet today’s business
planning needs. See a comparison between the various models available in BPC to facilitate appropriate model selection based on business priorities. The potential to enhance BPC capabilities by using
SAP BW MultiProviders and virtual providers to facilitate virtualized information access to data not readily available to BPC natively is explored in detail. SAP BPC’s capabilities are extended by showcasing
the various HANA function libraries that can interact with BPC data. In addition, techniques for accessing data residing in external repositories and allowing access to that data by BPC through the use of
SAP HANA table views, SAP HANA virtual tables, and SAP HANA Smart Data Access are also explored.

How to Build an Analytical Dashboard with SAP Lumira Based on SAP CATS Data............................................................................................................33
by Paulo Vitoriano, Freelance SAP Solution Architect, and Sergei Peleshuk, SAP BI and HANA Architect
Walk through a number of practical steps for setting up a simple analytical dashboard with SAP Lumira. Learn how to complete visualizations in SAP Lumira for a number of real Cross-Application Time
Sheet (CATS) key performance indicators (KPIs). Analyzing proper business performance indicators on an analytical dashboard helps you make appropriate business decisions faster. The approach
described for setting up a dashboard on CATS KPIs can be applied to any other business area with SAP or non-SAP data sources.

How to Use Formula Mode for Complex Analysis....................................................................................................................................................................46

by Ned Falk, Senior Education Consultant, SAP
Learn how to use an often-overlooked feature of the Excel-based reporting toolbox: formula mode. Learn why formula mode makes SAP BW’s BEx Analyzer and BusinessObjects Analysis the preferred tools
for heavy analysis users.

HANA Studio: The New Star Join Modeling..............................................................................................................................................................................56

by Ned Falk, Senior Education Consultant, SAP
Learn the basic steps to set up a new flavor of HANA information views, the star join graphical calculation view. Understand why it is a valuable new addition in the HANA Studio modeling tool chest.

Using SAP Lumira Desktop in Combination with SAP BW Queries.......................................................................................................................................63

by Ingo Hilgefort, Senior Director, Solution Management, Landscape Orchestration, SAP Canada
With the latest release of SAP Lumira Desktop, you can now connect directly from SAP Lumira Desktop to your SAP BW system using BEx Query connectivity. Learn the steps required to connect to SAP BW
using this new option and see how your existing metadata is supported by SAP Lumira.

Administration and Implementation Tips for SAP Near Line Storage (NLS) Based on Sybase IQ......................................................................................76
by Gary Nolan, SAP BI Strategic Architect, Sapiex Associates LLC
There are challenges to implementing the Near Line Storage (NLS) solution using Sybase IQ, and pitfalls to look out for during implementation. Learn tips for how to determine what to archive, how to
segregate data, changes to the dataset, and understanding some features of the overall solution.

Selecting the Right BI Tool: SAP BusinessObjects BI Portfolio and Personas.....................................................................................................................84

by Ingo Hilgefort, Senior Director, Solution Management, Landscape Orchestration, SAP Canada
With the acquisition of SAP BusinessObjects a few years back, SAP extended its offerings in the Business Intelligence (BI) area and is now in a position to offer companies a broad range of BI products.
With this larger set of BI clients also comes more complexity when choosing the right BI tool based on your own specific requirements. Learn about the available options and how to choose the best BI
tool to meet your company’s needs.

Selecting the Right BI Tool: Technical Requirements and Sample Scenarios.....................................................................................................................93

by Ingo Hilgefort, Senior Director, Solution Management, Landscape Orchestration, SAP Canada
Learn the technical requirements of the SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio and how to use them to help you select the right BI tool. Find out how to use these new rules and apply them to some sample scenarios.

SAP HANA Studio-Based Modeling of BW Objects Without Transaction Code RSA1....................................................................................................... 106
by Ned Falk, Senior Education Consultant, SAP
Learn the steps needed to set up a HANA Studio user interface to access some of the BW modeling tasks normally done in BW transaction code RSA1. As HANA and BW modelers merge and overlap
tasks, the ability to model windows into each type of modelers’ worlds becomes more and more important.

A Step-by-Step Tutorial for Developing Mobile Applications on SAP HANA....................................................................................................................... 114

by Vivek Sharma, Manager, Capgemini US
In this step-by-step tutorial for developing an Android-based mobile application on SAP HANA, learn how to expose data from SAP HANA as an OData service, how to consume data from the OData service
on a web application, and how to create an Android mobile application by using the PhoneGap hybrid web container. This article uses SAP HANA Service Pack 6, Android developer tools, and Cordova
version 3.4.0.


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SAP HANA Performance Monitoring Using

Design Studio
by Dr. Bjarne Berg, Senior Director of BI, COMERIT, Inc.,
and Michael Vavlitis, SAP BI Associate and Training Coordinator, COMERIT, Inc.

Learn the details around the process of developing and implementing SAP HANA perfor- >> Key Concept
mance monitoring using an application built by BusinessObjects Design Studio. Active SAP HANA presents cutting-edge,
performance monitoring is a vital measure for maintaining the stability of an SAP HANA in-memory, data-processing per-
system, and Design Studio offers the ideal capabilities to track the most important SAP formance. However, like all
HANA performance indicators. database management systems,
there are key performance indica-
Continuous, proactive monitoring of the monitored using a variety of tools such tors (KPIs) that must be tracked
status of production systems, its ser- as SAP Solution Manager, SAP HANA as part of the routine mainte-
vices, and the consumption of system studio, and the Database Administration nance. These KPIs are found in
resources is crucial to detecting prob- (DBA) cockpit in SAP NetWeaver. In several areas inside SAP HANA. In
lems early. This allows you to prevent ad­dition, more generic Operation this article, we look at how these
or minimize service disruptions. SAP Sys­tem (OS) monitoring tools such as indicators can be consolidated
HANA is no different from any other Topaz can be used to monitor the into a single dashboard monitor
system in this regard. However, the col- sys­tem from an external perspective. using SAP Design Studio.
lection and evaluation of statistical data However, all these tools have limited
at defined periodic intervals is built into insight into the memory manager within tiple systems using a single click in
the SAP HANA database. This embed- SAP HANA. SAP HANA studio. From here you can
ded statistics server or, more recently, see KPIs such as:
The focus of this article is on how to
the statistics service of the index server,
use Design Studio to develop a custom 1. Memory usage
is part of the internal monitoring infra-
dashboard application to report on
structure of the SAP HANA database.
trends and anomalies in the data col- 2. Alerts
The statistical data that is collected via lected in the _SYS_STATISTICS
3. CPU usage
internal monitoring is stored in tables sche­ma tables. The first step in this
within the _SYS_STATISTICS schema. process is to prepare the data for dash- Due to the prevalence of disk usage
The data is periodically evaluated to board consumption by defining monitoring, we have excluded the disk
alert users of critical situations, such as cal­cu­lation views in SAP HANA studio. usage metric from the dashboard. In-
when a disk is almost full, memory However, before the data can be pre- stead, we focus on the three metrics
usage has exceeded a specific threshold, pared, it must be understood, so let’s listed above. For a more comprehensive
or a server has stopped working. This review some of the key SAP HANA view of system performance, we recom-
data is stored for a configurable time performance metrics that are covered in mend adding the following KPIs to your
period which is usually set to 30 days our dashboard. routine monitoring:
by default. This information can be used
• Input/Output (I/O) throughput
to facilitate performance and stability SAP HANA Key Performance
monitoring of not only the SAP HANA • Response time
Indicators (KPIs)
database, but also the SAP HANA
application. The most important KPIs can be tracked Each system can also be monitored
using the System Monitor (Figure 1 on individually in the Overview tab of the
The statistical information collected by the next page). This is the simplest way administration editor (Figure 2 on the
the SAP HANA database may be to monitor the operational status of mul- next page). The call-outs in this illustra-

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Figure 1 The System Monitor within SAP HANA Studio

Figure 2 Overview tab of the administration editor

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tion identify the three main metrics is reduced. • Working space where computations
available in the system monitor: Data- occur, temporary results are stored,
Now let’s take a detailed look at each of
base Used Memory (1), Current Alerts and shared-user memory consumption
these three KPIs that are included in
and Messages (2), and CPU Usage (3). occurs
your Design Studio dashboard.
For more detailed information on SAP HANA audits memory from the
memory usage, access the Memory Memory Usage perspective of the host. The most perti-
Overview by right-clicking any SAP nent aspects include:
Given that SAP HANA is an in-memory
HANA system within SAP HANA database, it is crucial to attentively • Physical memory (Figure 4 on the
studio (Figure 3). This view requires monitor and manage memory consump- next page) – The maximum amount
Monitoring privileges and SAP HANA tion. Therefore, the SAP HANA of physical (system) memory that is
Support Package Stack 07 (SPS 07), but database pre-assigns and manages its available on the host
provides memory usage information for own memory pool and offers an assort-
each host. Unfortunately, this view has ment of memory usage gauges to • Allocated memory – The memory
two main drawbacks: facilitate monitoring. pool reserved by SAP HANA from
the operating system
1. It is not possible to see an overview Memory usage of all systems can be
of memory consumption across hosts. viewed within the System Monitor. The • Used memory – The amount of mem-
memory usage of an individual system ory from this pool that is actually
2. It does not identify the working space used by the SAP HANA database
or service can be accessed within the
memory—that is, the memory used
Overview and Landscape tabs, respec- The physical memory on most SAP
for temporary computations.
tively. Memory in SAP HANA is HANA hosts ranges from 256GB to
For the most flexibility in system mon- con­sumed for numerous purposes: 2TB. This is implemented to run the
itoring capabilities, migrate to the new • The operating systems and support Linux OS, SAP HANA, and any addi-
statistics server implementation which files tional program that runs on the host.
is available as of SAP HANA SPS 07 SQL statements may be used to obtain
(refer to http://www.saphana.com/docs/ • Proprietary code and stack of pro- or edit memory information. There is a
DOC-4403 for enabling instructions). gram files set of predefined SQL statements pro-
This new implementation replaces the vided by SAP that are available for use.
• System-defined column and row store
separate statistics server with internal For column tables, SAP HANA some-
SQL Script procedure calls from the times unloads columns that are
index server. As a result, performance • User-defined column and row store infrequently used out of memory to free
is improved and memory consumption tables up space.

Figure 3 Memory overview within SAP HANA studio (source: SAP)

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Used memory serves two main purposes row-store tables. This is the component breaks down the total memory used by
(Figure 5): over which a company wields the great- the SAP HANA database by code and
est control. Secondary only to user table stacks, system tables, row-store tables,
• Program code and stack
usage is the consumption of free column store tables and temporary com-
• Working space and data tables (heap memory for temporary computations, putations. This memory is subject to the
and shared memory) over which the company also has allocation limit on each node in the
control. Temporary usage can be con-
The program code area houses the SAP system.
trolled in many ways, most notably by
HANA database while it is active. capping expensive statements (this pre- The calculation view can also show
Various components of SAP HANA can vents index server crashes and preserves memory consumption by host in the
share a common program code. The the stability of the system) and by limit- 7.5TB scale-out SAP HANA system
stack is required to complete actual ing the use of joins in calculation views (Figure 7 on page 8). This system has
computations. on large tables. 15 nodes which are 512GB each. Note
From a business perspective, the most Figure 6 shows the results of a calcula- the results here only show the memory
important measure of memory usage is tion view created in a 7.5TB SAP allocated to the index server port on
the consumption of user-column and HANA scale-out system. This view each node.

Figure 4 Amount of physical memory available in each host

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Figure 5 Used memory in an SAP HANA database

Figure 6 Memory usage for a 7.5TB scale-out SAP HANA system

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Displaying memory usage in this way then a high priority alert is issued. statistics table schema, so there is no
facilitates observation of over-allocation There are five possible alert severity purging of history, making this a good
for temporary computations (notice the levels: source of data for trending. Figure 9
temporary computations in Figure 6 shows the last 30 days of distinct alerts
1. Informational
ex­ceeds 2X the memory used by tables) by date. The alerts are color-coded by
and memory leaks (notice the high 2. Low severity. What is most interesting is that
usage by system tables on the first host the severity of alerts triggered over the
in Figure 7). Once observed, steps 3. Medium last five days suggests that a recent
should be taken to identify and remedi- update to SAP HANA revision 74.04
4. High
ate the root cause before system may have resolved the high priority
stability is compromised. 5. Very high alerts that had been triggered on 24 of
the previous 25 days.
Custom alerts can be created to assist in
Alerts monitoring system performance in the Another view of the alert statistics
administration editor under the Alerts (Figure 10) shows the distribution of
As previously covered, the statistics
tab. We recommend creating an admin- severity ratings over all time, which
server is continuously collecting and
istrative email account to isolate system indicates that informational alerts repre-
evaluating information about status,
monitoring information. Alert notifica- sent almost half of all alerts triggered.
performance, and resource usage from
all components of the SAP HANA data- tions can be sent to recipients based on
base. In addition, it performs routine alert type and severity. The periodicity CPU Usage
checks on the collected data and issues of each alert can also be scheduled. By CPU usage of all systems can be
alerts when configurable threshold default, alerts are executed every six reviewed within the System Monitor.
values are exceeded. The priority of the hours. The CPU usage of an individual system
alert indicates the severity of the pro- can be found on the Overview tab
Current alerts are summarized on the
blem and depends on the nature of the (Figure 2), and of individual services
Overview tab of the administration
check and configured threshold values. on the Landscape tab (Figure 11 on
editor and displayed in detail on the
For example, if 90 percent of available page 10). CPU usage is displayed as a
Alerts tab (Figure 8).
disk space is used, then a low priority percentage of the maximum available
alert is issued; if 98 percent is used, The alerts are stored indefinitely in the and is color-coded in red, yellow, or

Figure 7 Memory consumption by host in a 15-node scale-out SAP HANA system

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Figure 8 Alert overview screen in the Administration Console

Figure 9 Distinct alert counts by date

Figure 10 Alert count by severity rating over all time

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green according to the thresholds that I/O Throughput example is the transaction commit. This
are set. Although SAP HANA is an in-memory is typically accomplished asynchro-
nously but may also be done through
In most cases, the CPU usage is lower database, I/O still maintains a critical
synchronous I/O in particular circum-
than 10 percent, so idle time is not role as it pertains to the performance of
stances. Important data structures may
re­flected in the graph in order to make the system. From the perspective of the
be locked even during asynchronous I/O.
the usage statistics more legible. Figure end user, an application or the system as
12 shows a graph illustrating the CPU a whole may experience slower speeds I/O throughput can be viewed by
usage by the system, users, and Wait or become unresponsive if I/O perfor- accessing the administration editor in
Input/Output (WIO) as a percentage of mance issues exist. In certain cases, SAP HANA studio and then navigating
the total CPU time. data is read from or written to disk; one to the Volumes tab. The Details for Data

Figure 11 CPU use in the Landscape tab of the administration editor

Figure 12 CPU use (percentage) across the hosts of a 15-node scale-out SAP HANA system

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Volumes of Service section displays interest when analyzing database issues. (Figure 15 on the next page). If the
specifics about the selected index SAP HANA database reduces the data-
Monitoring I/O throughput can help
server, statistics server, and XS engine. base read time to a negligible amount,
identify hardware problems with the
There are additional name server details the acceleration factor would be 2 for
SAP HANA application, such as bad
that can be displayed, including the fol- transactions with a read time of 50
lowing options: network switches or cables. Figure 13
percent of the overall response time.
shows an example of an I/O throughput
Higher acceleration can be achieved for
Volume I/O Statistics – Shows general by server date. Notice the dip in write
file I/O statistics for specific paths such transactions and reports with a higher
I/O throughput (1).
as storage, volume, and service. Aggre- ratio of database read time to overall
gated I/O statistics are also displayed. I/O throughput is captured for data, response time. The EarlyWatch Alert
The data is unrelated to the I/O buffer logs, data backups, and log backups. report can be accessed to identify
size such as the read/write requests, Figure 14 on the next page shows the reports and transactions with a high
data volume or throughput, and the total throughput for logs written-to and read- contribution of database read time to the
I/O time and speed in MBs. from disk volumes in the SAP HANA overall response time and a significant
application. total of database read time. As a result,
Volume I/O Performance Statistics – it is possible to identify potential opti-
Shares specific file I/O statistics for mization candidates for SAP HANA
certain paths such as storage, volume,
Response Time
or service. I/O statistics are related to SAP HANA acceleration on transac-
the I/O buffer size; an example is the tions and reports is heavily reliant on The database response time can be mea-
number of read/write requests, process- the acceleration factor, which mainly sured directly within the SAP HANA
ing durations, and bottlenecks within depends on the percentage of database database, whether or not there is any SAP
the system. These figures can be of read time to overall response time NetWeaver application installed on it.

Figure 13 Read, write, and total I/O throughput by server date

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Figure 14 I/O throughput for logs by server date

Figure 15 Response time for SAP NetWeaver applications

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The statistics server records the last Developing the Design Studio selecting a universe connection that the
execution time for all SQL plans while administrator has set up and also by
also keeping a running total of total
con­structing queries using the Editing
execution time and count of executions. We have designed our dashboard to
Query Specification dialog box.
The statistics enable the calculation of include six tabs. The first tab is an over-
an average SQL plan execution time, view tab providing a quick view of the When creating an application using ana-
which is loosely comparable to database status of all five metrics chosen. The lytic and calculation views from SAP
response time. Figure 16 shows an re­maining tabs provide detailed views HANA, it is possible to save the appli-
average execution time by host and on each metric complete with some cation in the SAP HANA repository.
Figure 17 (on the next page) shows the in­ter­active features. Let’s dive into how With this option, runtime of the applica-
average execution time according to the we designed and built the dashboard, tion is being done strictly by the
last execution date. Note it is also possi- starting with how we connect to the
ble to view average execution time by browser so Java is not required (BI
calcu­lation views in SAP HANA.
user. launch pad).

Note the highest average execution time Pulling Data from SAP HANA During runtime, there will be no use of
in Figure 16 is on the first node, which Business Intelligence Consumer Ser-
When SAP BusinessObjects Business
also happens to be the master node. vices (BICS). Instead, Firefly connects
Intelligence (BI) is used as the platform
This illustrates the dependency on the
for Design Studio, this means that both to the data. To use this feature, you
master node in scale-out systems and
SAP BW and SAP HANA data sources must be using SAP HANA 1.0SP7 or
suggests the master node should not be
overloaded. Rather, it should be re­­ can be used for applications as well as newer. Any SDK that is created can also
served for temporary computations, to queries that are universe-based. A uni- be uploaded to and downloaded from
the extent possible. verse data source can be created by the SAP HANA repository.

Figure 16 SAP HANA SQL plan execution time by host in a scale-out system

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The prerequisites for linking Design where the delivery unit is to be Design Interface
Studio to SAP HANA are: de­ployed: Over the last two years, Design Studio
• At least SAP HANA SPS 07 • From SAP HANA studio, navigate to has become a complete platform for BI
File > Import > SAP HANA Content dashboard and application development.
• SAPUI5_1 Delivery unit installed on Design Studio, with its ease of use, has
> Delivery Unit (Figure 18).
the SAP HANA system emerged as a far superior alternative to
• Then select the appropriate SAP BEx Web App Designer. In particular,
• HCO_INA_SERVICE Delivery unit
HANA system and client. This is the Design Studio does not necessitate
installed on the SAP HANA system
target system that will be linked to programming skills in order to be im­­
• SAP HANA studio installed on a Design Studio. ple­mented. ABAP coding is necessary
local machine belonging to an appli- to accomplish simple tasks in BEx Web
• The final step is to open the
cation designer App Designer. However, this is not to
HCOBIAAS.tgz file that was down-
say that Design Studio does not offer
Design Studio for SAP HANA can be loaded as part of the SAP Business­ options for programmers; it does
downloaded from the SAP Marketplace Objects Design Studio for SAP in­­clude the option of using a Java Script
(https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap/bc/ HANA delivery unit. Ensure that the subset. Furthermore, Design Studio can
bsp/spn/download_basket/download. Overwrite inactive versions and Act­ seamlessly integrate with SAP Business-
htm?objid=01200252310000857076201 ivate objects check boxes are select- Objects Analysis, edition for Microsoft
4E&userid=S0009191578&action=DL_ ed, and click the Next button. Now Office. This is not a capability that BEx
DIRECT); it is named Design Studio you are ready to begin using the Web App Designer can offer. In addition
HANA 1.3. You can then launch SAP De­­sign Studio applications in unison to helping users build more dynamic
HANA studio and log in to the system with SAP HANA. applications, it also enables power users

Figure 17 SAP HANA SQL plan execution time by date

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to generate purpose-built OLAP analysis HANA data sources. is based on the associated HANA tables
and planning applications. Design Studio and analytic or calculation views. The
Design Studio offers a variety of graph-
also presents company- and SAP-deliv- ical options that can be implemented to Multidimensional Reporting property
ered content while offering augmented represent the HANA performance data for these views should be set to True in
support for mobile devices and SAP as desired. The data behind these graphs order to be compatible with Design

Figure 18 Delivery Unit selection screen

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Studio. Design Studio (ensure that ver­sion to Tools > Preferences (Figure 19). Define the appropriate data source by
1.3 or later is installed) can then be navigating to Application > Add Data
launched and connected to an SAP Set the Preferred Startup Mode to SAP
Source… (Figure 21). This is the SAP
HANA system by following these steps. HANA (Figure 20) and click the OK HANA view that will be accessed to
Create an application and then navigate button (not shown). pull data from SAP HANA into Design

Figure 19 Navigate to the Preferences menu option

Figure 20 Select the Preferred Startup Mode

Figure 21 Data source selection screen

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Studio. Select the data source and click it can then be launched by navigating to (Figure 22).
the OK button. the Execute drop-down options and Figure 23 shows the Memory Usage
Once the application has been created, se­lecting Execute on SAP HANA tab of your completed performance

Figure 22 Launch Design Studio on SAP HANA

Figure 23 Editing the dashboard in Design Studio

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>> Note
A special word of thanks to Joe
Darlak of COMERIT, Inc., who
contributed significantly to this

dashboard as it appears in Design


Figure 24 shows the Overview tab of

your completed performance dashboard
as it appears when launched. n

Figure 24 The final dashboard

Dr. Bjarne Berg is the senior director of BI at COMERIT, Inc., and one of the most respected and dedicated thought leaders
in the BI market. Prior to joining COMERIT, he was a senior manager at PwC’s global data warehouse group, the director
of BI at VIP consulting, and the VP of BI at COMERIT. In these positions, he managed multi-year BI and data warehouse
projects for clients such as Ericsson, Chevron-Texaco, International Thomson Publishing, and International Paper. Dr. Berg
is an internationally recognized expert in BI and analytics, a published author in international BI journals, and a frequent
speaker at major BI and SAP conferences worldwide. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Appalachian State Uni-
versity, an MBA from East Carolina University, a doctorate in information systems from the University of Sarasota, and a second
doctorate in IT from the University of North Carolina. Dr. Berg may be reached via email at editor@bi-expertonline.com.

Michael Vavlitis has worked at COMERIT, Inc., for a year as an SAP BI Associate and Training Coordinator. He possesses
extensive experience with creating interactive applications and developing training content using the comprehensive suite
of SAP BusinessObjects tools, including Analysis for Office and OLAP, Dashboards (Xcelsius), Design Studio, Lumira,
and Web Intelligence. In addition, Michael has also been exposed to the inner workings of SAP HANA systems and retains
an acute familiarity with SAP HANA administration. Michael may be reached via email at editor@bi-expertonline.com.

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Leveraging SAP HANA to Enhance SAP

Business Planning and Consolidation’s
by Sheldon Edelstein, Director, SAP Platform Solutions Group

SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) 10.1, along with its host environments >> Key Concept
(SAP Business Warehouse [SAP BW] and SAP HANA) provide abundant design choices to SAP Business Planning and
meet today’s business planning needs. See a comparison between the various models Consolidation (BPC) 10.1 works
available in BPC to facilitate appropriate model selection based on business priorities. The together with SAP Business
potential to enhance BPC capabilities by using SAP BW MultiProviders and virtual providers Warehouse (SAP BW) and SAP
to facilitate virtualized information access to data not readily available to BPC natively is HANA to deliver state-of-the-art
explored in detail. SAP BPC’s capabilities are extended by showcasing the various HANA
planning and consolidation
function libraries that can interact with BPC data. In addition, techniques for accessing
functionality. BPC 10.1 is able to
data residing in external repositories and allowing access to that data by BPC through the
deliver high value by providing
use of SAP HANA table views, SAP HANA virtual tables, and SAP HANA Smart Data Access
model selection based on
are also explored.
business requirements, as well as
through its deep integration with
supporting SAP BW and SAP
The Business Planning and Consolidation SAP HANA provides a wide variety of
HANA layers.
(BPC) 10.1 application running within a techniques to efficiently process BPC/
host SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) SAP BW information (i.e., predictive
and an SAP HANA database provides functions generating BPC forecasts). ning process in many cases without the
numerous opportunities for efficient Data from external sources can be need for hard data replication processes.
operations. The BPC application allows easily accessed using SAP Smart Data
tailored selection of modeling paradigms Access (SDA), SAP Data Services, and To take full advantage of the capabili-
to allow the best match to business SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT) ties of SAP BPC 10.1, this application
requirements. The standard model processes. This information can easily is deployed within an SAP BW environ-
allows for disengagement of the data be virtualized into BPC/SAP BW for ment that is supported by an SAP HANA
model from the non-­planning SAP BW consumption or the information can be database (Figure 1 on the next page).
community. The embedded model merged directly within the SAP HANA The SAP BW system hosts the BPC
allows for significant reductions in data model. application and provides a convenient
replication. Both models are provisioned platform for data modeling, staging, and
with in-memory optimized function In mid-2014, SAP introduced the 10.1 merging all the data required for the
capabilities for fast calculations. version of BPC that includes a second planning process.
planning model based on SAP Integrated
Planning (IP) technology. Through use SAP BPC 10.1 offers two InfoProvider
The SAP BW layer provides a portfolio of these two models, as well as through models, standard and embedded. The
of delivered integration content that the use of several SAP BW- and SAP standard model enjoys a protected tech-
simplifies access to SAP and non-SAP HANA-based techniques, you can now nical name space, and all technical
systems. Through the use of MultiPro- easily optimize your planning environ- objects (i.e., tables and InfoProviders)
viders and virtual providers, BPC can ments to efficiently in­corporate multiple are identified with the technical name
easily consume information directly data types, access data from a variety of prefix /CPMB/ (Figure 2 on page 21).
stored within SAP HANA. sources, and consume data in your plan- The standard model type can be used

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for data model segregation within the access to data throughout the entire delivered with SAP HANA’s Applica-
host SAP BW system, allowing depart- SAP BW system. tion Function Library, forecast data can
ment-level control of the dataset be easily analyzed to develop statisti-
independent of all other SAP BW users The SAP HANA platform stores the cally modeled and accurate forecasts.
and operations. The standard model can physical records associated with the Textual data, such as feeds from Twitter,
only access data from within this pro- planning application using in-memory can be interrogated using the SAP
tected name space—any additional data technology for incredibly fast access, HANA text analyzer to provide insight
needs require the loading of the data but SAP HANA also makes available into the future sales potential of the
into the name space. In contrast, the unique function libraries that can extend product. Reporting can take advantage
embedded model is not subject to any the interpretation of the data. As an of SAP HANA’s internal geospatial
name space restrictions and has free example, using the predictive functions capabilities and provide mapping details

Figure 1 SAP BPC 10.1’s two InfoProvider models: standard and embedded

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of your operations, such as where the associated SAP HANA database also and 7.0). In the standard model, a pro-
most profitable or highest counts of new has several methods for modeling and tected name space (e.g., objects are
customers are located. accessing data, including information identified within the host SAP BW
virtualization via table views as well system with the prefix /CPMB/, as
as several sister products (i.e., Data shown in Figure 2) with the host SAP
SAP BPC 10.1 – The Basics Services and SLT) that can load a BW system is carved out to store the
variety of data types directly into SAP data model. Data is brought into the
SAP BPC 10.1’s planning capabilities HANA. host SAP BW system and, through the
provide a one-version-of-the-truth use of BPC data manager functions, is
environment for enterprise planning A major innovation of BPC 10.1 was copied or replicated into the BPC-desig-
collaboration and development. Be­ the merger of two prior independent nated name space.
cause BPC data is modeled within SAP products: BPC and IP. BPC 10.1
a host SAP BW system, BPC can has two models that can be used to For many business users, this process
access data from a multitude of SAP create planning environments: standard was highly desirable since it provided
and non-SAP data sources using the and embedded (Figure 3 on the next department-level independence and
thousands of pre-delivered SAP BW page). The standard model is based on control over the entire planning process.
information extractors. In addition, the the earlier versions of BPC (10.0, 7.5, Specifically, control was valuable in the

Figure 2 Screenprint of the technical detail from host SAP BW system for BPC 10.1 standard model and associated /CPMB/
name space objects

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areas of master and transactional data IP and PAK, provides integration easy access to all existing SAP BW
definition and usage, independent secu- between traditional planning capabili- master and transactional data, has sig-
rity, and access controls. Simply stated, ties, brought from the IP world, and the nificant consequences: the data that is
the standard model option provides the in-memory SAP HANA-based perfor- so easily consumed by the embedded
ability to invoke department-level mance capabilities, brought by the PAK model is common to, and potentially
control of the entire planning process. functionality. shared by, all host SAP BW users as
well. Adding new master data essentials
The second model available in BPC The embedded model has a fundamen- for some planning operations now needs
10.1 is called the embedded model tally different approach to data—it has to be coordinated with non-planning
(Figure 4). This model is based on the direct access to all data from within the users of the same SAP BW environ-
earlier versions of SAP BW IP, with in- host SAP BW system without the need ment. For example, planners may wish
memory functionality provided by the for replication of that data into a pro- to plan a series of future products. If
inclusion of the Planning Application tected name space. This new BPC the product master data is updated to
Kit (PAK). This combination, SAP BW model paradigm, although allowing include these products, procedures may

Figure 3 Screenprint from the BPC 10.1 web-based administration page showing the availability of the standard and
embedded models

Figure 4 The BPC 10.1 embedded model

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need to be put in place to prevent non- which model to use should be based on useful because they allow very fast exe-
planning users from having access to a thorough mapping of business require- cution. Less execution time means less
these fictitious products. ments to each model’s characteristics. operator downtime waiting and more
time to focus and test alternative plan-
A more positive example is that actual To help with model selection, I have ning scenarios to optimize the overall
transaction records do not have to be assembled a comparison matrix between plan.
replicated into a BPC name space the two models (Table 1 on the next
before being consumed by the BPC page). These in-memory optimized functions
embedded model—the embedded model achieve their speed by processing the
is able to access the actual transaction BPC and SAP BW Integration calculation where the actual data is
records directly, in place, without data physically stored, as well as by elimi-
As can be deduced from the streamlined nating bottlenecks in the database-to-
movements. This ability to access
architectural view in Figure 1, BPC is application layer architecture. Prior to
records by copying them is a key
hosted within an SAP BW environment. in-memory optimization, execution of
feature of this model. Data replication
Technically, BPC components are planning functions called all necessary
activities can cause information systems
ABAP add-ins installed within the SAP data to be retrieved from the database
to become unnecessarily enlarged, can
BW application environment. As a and placed into the application layer.
raise total costs by requiring larger
result of this intimate connection, BPC The application layer (i.e., BPC SAP
systems to accommodate the inflated
is positioned to enjoy the integration BW) then executed the planning func-
data storage, and can confuse the end-
capability between SAP BW and SAP tion. Any modified or new records
user community by presenting multiple,
products (such as SAP Business Suite) were then pushed back into the data-
similar copies of datasets as potential
as well as other non-SAP products. base. In short, conventional databases
query targets.
led to significant input/output (I/O)
Transactional and master data integra-
From a data replication perspective, the traffic between the two layers which, at
tion is illustrated by the many delivered
embedded model is obviously the superior times, could result in bottlenecks and
SAP BW extractors, modeling content
solution and it also allows the direct use slow system response (Figure 5 on
(including definitions for InfoProviders,
of a multitude of standard SAP BW data page 25).
i.e., InfoCubes and Data Store Objects
modeling and data manipulation tools [DSOs]), and InfoObjects (i.e., key BPC 10.1 offers the following in-mem-
(i.e., transformations and Data Transfer figures and characteristics). The SAP ory optimized functions: dimension
Processes [DTPs]). However, as you may HANA database associated with the member formulas, top-down planning
have guessed, the standard model has a SAP BW system allows ultra-fast DSO using SAP HANA, allocations using
useful set of capabilities as well. activation times, significantly reducing SAP HANA, copying, reposting, revalu-
or eliminating data-latency problems. ating, deleting, deletion of invalid
The standard model also has in-memory Data can also be replicated into the SAP combinations, set key figure values, dis-
optimized planning function capabilities BW environment using a variety of new tribution by reference data, Generating
and is compatible with earlier versions generation data integration tools, such combinations, reposting on basis of
of BPC. Keeping department-level as the batch-oriented Data Services characteristic relationship, distribution
control on the planning process may be toolset or, for real-time data access, the with keys, and FOX formula are all
a more important business priority than SLT replication tools that are able to delivered in-memory optimized func-
being able to reduce system complexity immediately replicate data from your tions. Refer to Table 1 for additional
by allowing the sharing of data. If con- ERP system directly into the SAP BW details about in-memory optimized
solidation capability is required (the C InfoProvider. functions.
in BPC) then (as of the current release
[October 2014]), only the standard
model can accommodate BPC’s exten-
BPC and SAP HANA Integration How SAP HANA Virtualization
sive collection of built-in business logic Both BPC 10.1 models enjoy a number Can Streamline Your BPC
functions that are used to perform man- of planning functions that, when called,
agement and financial consolidations. In are executed directly in the SAP HANA
the final analysis, there is no one right database. SAP calls these functions in- SAP HANA has the capacity for creat-
or best model. The decision about memory optimized. These functions are ing virtual views of datasets that can be

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populated at run time to minimize analytic views functionality, data is vir- modification (e.g., no datasets to off
overall data duplication and complexity. tualized (Figure 6). These views load, then reload, during updates) to
Using SAP HANA’s calculation and provide the additional benefit of easy conform to changing business require-

Standard model Embedded model

Data modeling • Single key figure • Multi-key figure

• Protected name space • Full host Enterprise Data Warhouse (EDW) access

Master data • Master data must be copied into the BPC name space • Master data from the host EDW can be use
• Cannot use compounded master data definitions • Ability to use compounded master data definitions

Transactional data All transactional records must be copied into the BPC Transactional records can be sourced directly from the
name space host EDW

Security Standard SAP BW security Matrix security available

Functions • Script logic: No current plans to execute script logic • FOX formula logic: Many functions capable to
directly within SAP HANA execute directly in SAP HANA
• SAP HANA-optimized functions: Dimension member for- • SAP HANA-optimized functions: Copy, repost, revalu-
mulas, and top-down planning and allocations using ation, delete, deletion of invalid combinations, set
SAP HANA key figure values, distribution by reference data,
generate combinations, repost on basis of charac-
teristic relationship, distribution with keys, and
formula (many restrictions).

SQL push down to SAP Technically possible with custom Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) SQL code push down to SAP HANA is delivered capability

Cell locking • If two users access the same data, both users can • If two users access the same data, only the user
modify a record’s value. Any changes made are pre- accessing the record first may modify the dataset—
served; when both users exit the system the last the data set is locked. The second user is limited to
change remains in the database. read-only status.
• Last in wins • First in wins

Additional functions • Work status • Characteristics relationship

• Validation • Data slices: Some restrictions for in-memory execu-
tion; see SAP Note 1637199 (log in required).

Consolidation Full function consolidation functionality Minimal consolidation functionality; more on the
current roadmap for 2015.

User interface (UI) Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Add-In to EPM Add-In, Analysis for Microsoft Office, BEx, and web
Microsoft Office and web

EPM Add-In • Direct access to BPC model and data • Requires a BEx query acting as a data provider to
• EPM in supported functions available: support EPM add-in
–– Disaggregation model selection • The available EPM add-in supported functions:
–– Drill through –– Drill through (on roadmap for future release)
–– Disaggregation –– Disaggregation model selection (on roadmap for
future release)
–– Disaggregation (on roadmap for future release). A
workaround is available (as of October 2014) by
using BEx disaggregation or a suitable planning

Table 1 A comparison of BPC 10.1’s standard and embedded models

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ments (such as industry or government Data brought directly into SAP HANA SAP HANA can also provide virtual
regulations). Using virtualized views can be easily exposed in the SAP BW access to external database information
eliminates the penalty involved with application layer using the virtualization via SAP HANA’s SDA functionality
more permanent configuration struc- concept. Data stored within a typical (Figure 8 on page 27). SDA allows
SAP HANA table can be accessed using SAP HANA to directly connect to a
tures, such as the added maintenance
an SAP HANA calculation view on that variety of external databases, both SAP
and administrative costs incurred by
table. The calculation view can then be and non-SAP. At run time, the informa-
creating and maintaining these struc- directly linked into an SAP BW virtual tion from the external database
tures, as well as the data latency effects provider so that the data can be con- populates an internal virtual table which
caused by waiting for non-virtual struc- sumed by the BPC application (Figure 7 can also be exposed into SAP BW/BPC
tures to physically load. on the next page). by creating a calculation view and an

Figure 5 A comparison of BPC 10.1 in-memory (SAP HANA) vs. conventional database function execution

Figure 6 Using SAP HANA calculation views allow minimization of data replication

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SAP BW virtual table, as previously com­putations in the database instead of operations. These functions are stored
described. at the application-sever level. SAP in the SAP HANA Application Function
HANA provides several techniques to Library (AFL).
SAP HANA Function Libraries move application logic into the data-
A few main SAP HANA procedures and
base, and one of the most important is
and Engines and Your BPC the use of application functions. Appli-
engines that can be used along with
Process cation functions are database procedures
SAP BW/BPC data include:

You can dramatically increase perfor- written in C++ format and called to • Predictive Analytical Library (PAL) –
mance by executing complex perform data-intensive and complex A collection of predictive functions

Figure 7 Use SAP HANA calculation views to expose data in SAP BW for consumption by a BW/BPC process

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that can be used to analyze datasets. • To reduce forecast cycle time by good fit of the predictive model has
automating the analysis. been achieved, they can save the newly
• SAP HANA Planning Engine –
Provides in-memory optimized plan- I created a video (for a TechEd 2013 generated dataset as a new working
ning functions execution. workshop) in which BPC data was sub- forecast. Using these techniques, highly
jected to predictive functions initiated accurate forecast plans can be consis-
• SAP HANA Spatial Engine – Pro­
through a dashboard UI. The dashboard tently generated.
vides geospatial data-visualization
allowed the user to select a desired pre-
capabilities. In additional to the collection of deliv-
dictive function, set function co­ef­ficients,
execute the function, and update the ered predictive functions, SAP HANA
• SAP HANA Text Engine – Provides
text-analysis capabilities. working forecast dataset with any new includes access to the R-function library
data generated. A screenprint is shown that can be used to perform predictive
Examples in Figure 10 on page 29. To view this functions external to the SAP HANA
bonus demo video, go here: http://bit. environment. The R language is widely
Why use predictive functions with BPC
ly/1z3Cxjc. used among statisticians and data
data (Figure 9 on the next page)?
Not shown in the video are the SAP miners for developing statistical
• To identify hidden revenue and cost-
HANA predictive functions called and models. The SAP HANA’s R capability
reduction opportunities in your plan.
executed against the current BPC data. provides convenient integration for
• To improve your forecasting accuracy. When the operator is satisfied that a many third-party statistical tools.

Figure 8 Bring SAP HANA’s SDA information into an internal virtual table and expose it to SAP BW/BPC

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Using SAP HANA’s Data maintain, as well as providing a com- Instead of using the conventional
Virtualization plete planning solution with minimal approach (e.g., extract, transform, and
cost. The combination of BPC and SAP load [ETL]), Figure 8 illustrates the use
Through the use of virtual providers,
HANA provides this additional level of of SAP HANA’s SDA feature. The SDA
calculation views, and SDA, BPC 10.1
efficiency and flexibility. Figure 8 feature allows for easy connection to
is able to access data from a number of
shows several objects that illustrate the remote databases (there are several
sources without the need for hard mate-
data virtualization approach.
rialization of that data. By virtualizing common databases that are currently
these data flows, the planning applica- The external database has data that may enabled for this service; please review
tion can be more nimble and easier to be relevant for the BPC application. the SAP HANA Administration Guide,

Figure 9 Using SAP HANA predictive functions on BPC data for improved forecasting

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section 6.1.1 “About SAP HANA Smart next page). Keep in mind that all the group objects such as tables, views, and
Data Access” [http://help.sap.com/hana/ virtual tables, views, and providers are stored procedures. The SAP BW
SAP_SAP HANA_Administration_ populated only at run time. This means schema contains all of the support struc-
Guide_en.pdf], for additional details on no permanent data replication occurs. tures for SAP BW. But SAP HANA can
which databases are currently enabled Finally, BPC can access the virtual pro- also store information that is not ini-
for SDA). vider in a similar manner as any other tially associated with the SAP BW
InfoProvider in the SAP BW system. schema. For example, you can have
Essentially, the table contents of the
event-streaming data, such as process-
remote database can be accessed in the
Merging BPC with Non-SAP machine data or real-time credit card
main SAP HANA instance using an
BW Data purchases, continuously loading infor-
SAP HANA virtual table. The virtual
mation into SAP HANA using SAP
table is used as a data source for an When SAP HANA is used to support
Event Stream Processing (SAP ESP).
SAP HANA calculation view (another SAP BW, a collection of tables and
SAP Data Services provides one of
virtualized view of the original data). other objects are created to logically
many solutions to load data directly
The calculation view can perform addi- store the essential information in the
into SAP HANA and is illustrated in
tional filtering, if desired, or just act as database. The collection of these objects
Figure 12 on the next page.
a pass through. The calculation view is that support SAP BW is located in a
then used as a data source for an SAP collective structure called a schema. A Once data is physically using (or virtu-
BW virtual provider (Figure 11 on the database schema is a way to logically ally using, as discussed earlier) SAP

Figure 10 Use SAP HANA predictive functions on BPC data for improved forecasting

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Figure 11 Creating a virtual provider based on a SAP HANA model (in this example, a calculation view)



Table Table

BW schema Non-BW schema

Data services
data source
Figure 12 Merging non-SAP BW data with BPC/SAP BW

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HANA’s SDA features, the data can be An alternative method of merging SAP 13). The Import function converts SAP
easily exposed within the SAP BW BW and non-SAP BW data in SAP BW models into a fully supported col-
application layer for easy BPC access.
HANA can also be used: merging the lection of SAP HANA tables outside of
As you have seen, tables in SAP HANA
can be virtualized in SAP BW using data directly in SAP HANA itself. SAP the SAP BW schema (Figure 14 on the
calculation views and virtual providers. HANA has an Import feature (Figure next page).

Figure 13 SAP HANA modeler screenprint (import an SAP BW model into SAP HANA)

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Model expert


Calculation view

Table Table
BW schema Non-BW schema

Figure 14 Importing an SAP BW model into SAP HANA (exporting out of SAP BW)

Once the SAP BW/BPC model has been HANA using standard calculation calculation view with SAP Business-
imported into SAP HANA, the tables views. Analytical analysis is easily Objects business intelligence reporting
can be joined to other tables with SAP ac­com­plished by targeting the generated solutions.n

Sheldon Edelstein is a director within the SAP Platform Solutions Group specializing in SAP HANA, SAP HANA Accelerators,
SAP Business Warehouse (BW), and SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC). He has over 10 years of experience
at SAP and currently focuses on business development opportunities across a wide array of industries and product solutions.
Formerly an SAP Platinum Consultant and SAP RIG—Regional Implementation Group—Specialist, Sheldon has either
directly implemented or provided architectural guidance for numerous large-scale projects. Currently, his primary area of
focus is SAP HANA, but previously he specialized in BW-IP (Integrated Planning), BW-BPS (Business Planning and Simula-
tion), and SAP BPC. Sheldon is an active presenter at numerous events, a contributor to the SAP Customer Network (SCN), writes blogs on
a variety of SAP topics, and is an author of many guides on SAP Service Marketplace for use by the extended SAP community. Sheldon may be
reached via email at editor@bi-expertonline.com.

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How to Build an Analytical Dashboard with

SAP Lumira Based on SAP CATS Data
by Paulo Vitoriano, Freelance SAP Solution Architect, and Sergei Peleshuk, SAP BI and HANA Architect

Walk through a number of practical steps for setting up a simple analytical dashboard with >> Key Concept
SAP Lumira. Learn how to complete visualizations in SAP Lumira for a number of real An analytical dashboard provides
Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS) key performance indicators (KPIs). Analyzing proper a view on the key performance
business performance indicators on an analytical dashboard helps you make appropriate indicators (KPIs) of a particular
business decisions faster. The approach described for setting up a dashboard on CATS business area. It focuses on
KPIs can be applied to any other business area with SAP or non-SAP data sources. gaining insights from a volume of
data collected over time to under-
stand what happened, why, and
The time-reporting process with SAP In addition, you have general rotations what changes should be made in
Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS) such as hiring new employees and the future to optimize processes
is a relatively simple exercise if viewed employees leaving companies. The and improve performance.
from a technical perspective. However, number of new hires or terminated
that process is only a tip of the iceberg employees also affects the master data
for an organization’s project manage- maintenance workload. There are three main groups of business
ment team when it embarks on a users involved in the time-writing
“sim­ple” time-writing project journey. Such data monitoring and quality
process. The first, and largest, group
Any organization that operates with a checks might become very time-con-
consists of time reporters. The second
critical mass of business users involved suming because every user, on average,
group consists of time approvers. Time
in the time-writing process soon realizes can easily generate three to four line
approvers are usually project managers,
many more challenges, such as a con- items per day. In other words, the ave-
but they can also be budget holders
stant need to maintain the data quality, ­rage business user can be working on
responsible for different projects. There-
the discipline of business users, avail- three to four projects or jobs on the
fore, time approvers need either to
ability of well-documented procedures, same date, so that generates three to
approve or reject the time reported by
and change management. four line items daily per person. It is not
the first group of business users. Only
relevant here when the data is actually
approved time can be transferred into
Based on our experience, the critical entered, such as the same day or the end
accounting. Therefore, fast action is
number of CATS time reporters that of the week. This is just to illustrate
expected from this second group.
can force the business organization po­tential data volume: 1,000 users times
to switch from manual controls to 20 working days per month times 3 line Finally, the third group consists of time
automated controls via a number of items per day = 60,000 line items administrators. Time administrators
de­ve­loped key performance indicators monthly. On the financial side, you also take care of the master data used by
(KPIs) is around 1,000 business users. cannot underestimate the data quality; the first two groups of business users
If the internal or external rotation in the no matter if the data is used for cus- and ensure timely hiring and leaving
organization is high, that only compli- tomer projects (and therefore requires actions for HR master data related with
cates the overall picture. By internal timely resource-related billing to ensure the timewriting process. Moreover,
rotation, we mean people moving healthy cash flow) or investment proj- time ad­­min­istrators are responsible for
between departments in the same legal ects (to ensure timely capitalizations changing the organizational assignment
entity (or country), whereas external and cash calls for joint venture partners data for business users moved across
rotation in a global organization is within upstream oil businesses, for the organization (that indeed can be also
about people moving between countries. example). a part of HR functions).

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Timely action by all three groups of To address these problems and effi- fields (basically the most comprehen-
business users is highly important to ciently track how the time-reporting sive data about the time-writing process
ensure the data quality and therefore the processes are followed we suggest available in a single table). In principle,
accuracy of financial data later on. All introducing a management dashboard this table can be used without linking of
with critical CATS KPIs updated on a additional data tables. Some of the other
such actions must be supported by crys-
regular basis. By looking at the dash- data tables that can be used to make
tal-clear operational procedures that
board, managers are able to track the reporting more user-friendly are listed
every newcomer can read and under-
workflow and see where there are bot- in Table 2.
stand without any additional help. A tlenecks or delays in the CATS process.
lack of operational procedures can often
be used as a valid excuse for not fol- How to Implement KPIs in
The SAP ERP Central Component
lowing them. Further, a few examples (ECC) CATSDB table is a relatively
SAP Lumira Dashboards
are intended to highlight the importance easy target for any BI tool that enables Instead of going through multiple
of timely actions dependent on the you to build your own analytical dash- re­ports with overwhelming details you
above groups of business users (Table 1). boards because it contains several data can use analytical dashboards to visual-

Who? What? Why is it important?

Time reporters Time is not reported by operational deadline. Time is not transferred into the accounting
component in the same reporting period and
creates a gap between the working period and
the accounting period, complicating further
reporting and reconciliation. In addition, it can
negatively affect cash flow due to late cost

Time reporters Rejected time is not corrected within Time is not transferred into the accounting
operational deadline. component in the same reporting period and
creates a gap between the working period and
the accounting period, complicating further
reporting and reconciliation. In addition, it can
negatively affect a cash flow due to late cost

Time reporters Time is not approved by operational deadline. Time is not transferred into the accounting
component in the same reporting period and
creates a gap between the working period and
the accounting period, complicating further
reporting and reconciliation. In addition, it can
negatively affect a cash flow due to late cost

Time administrators Newcomer master data is not set up for time Time writer cannot report time. No customer
writing. billing or capitalizations are possible.
Table 1 The process ownership matrix by involved user group, problem, and financial impact

Table Why it can be used

PA0105 System user name link

PA0001 HR record name

CSKS Cost center description

CSLA Activity type description

AUFNR Work order description (if used as account assignment in CATS)

PRPS Work breakdown structure (WBS)-element description (if used as account assignment in CATS)

AFKO/AFVC Network activity description (if used as account assignment in CATS)

Table 2 A list of ECC tables that can be used together with the CATSDB table to link associated text descriptions

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ize KPIs critical for time reporting. This Prepare Source Data in Here is a link to the SAP HANA One
gives managers the capability to quickly SAP HANA One AWS and step-by-step instructions for
review the status of CATS processes how to launch the instance: https://aws.
and identify which departments or users We picked SAP HANA One as a data- amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B009K
have issues with processes such as time base engine for SAP Lumira dashboards A3CRY/ref=mkt_ste_hp_car_ec_
reporting, approvals, or master data in which the calculations, data aggrega- HANAOne.
maintenance. tion, and processing for KPIs can be
done. It could have been any other To import a table from a flat file to SAP
on­line analytical processing (OLAP) HANA One, go to SAP HANA Studio
SAP Lumira is one of the latest dash-
processor or a database engine, but SAP and follow menu path File > Import >
boarding tools from SAP that helps you
HANA performs well with large data- SAP HANA Content > Data From
visualize your data with just a few
sets and has direct connectivity to SAP Local File (Figure 1 on the next page).
clicks. However, before you start using
Lumira. Therefore, we decided to use it Click the Next button. This action opens
SAP Lumira, you need to implement
in this exercise. a screen (not shown) in which you
KPI calculation rules that are not imme-
choose a target system, schema, and
diately available in the original datasets.
A set of database tables can be updated source file. Follow the wizard steps.
We show you in a few easy steps how
automatically from any source system You have to specify a table name in
the SAP HANA platform can be used
(such as ECC or Oracle) using tools which source data is stored. In this case,
for data modeling, KPI calculations, and
such as BusinessObjects Data Services. we have stored source data in table
feeding SAP Lumira dashboards.
For simplicity, we prepared a data AA_CATSDB4.
model in SAP HANA One on Amazon
In this section, we show you how to Web Services (AWS). All CATS records
Design an Attribute View
implement some KPIs into an SAP are sitting in a table in SAP HANA One
Lumira dashboard. Table 3 includes a with the raw data imported from a flat Based on the source data in the table
summary of the KPIs to be implemented file. The flat file has been generated in AA_CATSDB4, we designed an attri-
in SAP Lumira. ECC using a standard report. bute view AT_CATS in SAP HANA

Target user group and

KPI ID KPI description KPI formula or criteria KPI dimension
1.0 Average number of days The difference between CATSDB- Time writers and operational By department
passed between actual working WORKDATE and CATSDB-ERSDA discipline (cost center) and
date and the data entry date (created on date) by period

1.1 Alternative to the average The difference between CATSDB- Time writers and operational By department
number can be the maximum WORKDATE and CATSDB-ERSDA discipline (cost center) and
number of days (created on date) by period

2.0 Average number of days The difference between CATSDB- Time approvers and opera- By department
passed between data entry ERSDA (created on date) and tional discipline (cost center) and
date and time approval or CATSDB-APDAT (approval date). If by period
rejection date there is no time approval date yet,
the current actual date is used.

2.1 Alternative to the average The difference between CATSDB- Time approvers and opera- By department
number can be the maximum ERSDA (created on date) and tional discipline (cost center) and
number of days CATSDB-APDAT (approval date). If by period
there is no time approval date yet,
the current actual date is used.

3.0 Average number of daily hours Total number of reported hours N/A By department
reported within a department divided by number of time (cost center) and
reporters who reported time for by period
department X in period X, and
divided by number of working days
in period X
Table 3 A summary of sample KPIs

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Studio to derive all needed attributes You have to convert all three data fields ap­proval yet) and convert them to some
that we are missing for the CATS KPIs avail­able in the source to the date fake dates that make sense for the KPIs
(Figure 2)—for example, number of for­­­mat (work date, entry date, and you are building. In the case of a blank
entry days or number of approval days. ap­proval date) on the right side of the approval date, replace it with the current
To get to the screen shown in Figure 2, screen. You may not see all the columns date, as­suming that the time sheet is
follow menu path Systems > HDB in one screen. During this conversion,
approved today or later.
(SYSTEM) SAP HANA One > Content > you check for blank dates (for example,
demodata > Attribute Views > AT_CATS. those entries for which there is no In addition, you have to group records

Figure 1 Import a table from a flat file

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by month, quarter, and year. Therefore, • Approved_dt (date type) Design a Calculation View for
you need to introduce respective attri- Required KPIs
butes based on work date. Here is a list • Work_dt (date type)
of the calculated attributes introduced in • Entry_days (Entry_dt – Work_dt) In the calculation view, we aggregated
the attribute view: records from the original dataset and
• Approval_days (Approved_dt – calculated all measures needed for the
• Month (based on work date) Entry_dt) CATS KPIs defined above (Figure 3 on
• Year (based on work date) • Time_approval_disc (max over the next page). To get to the screen
Approval_days) shown in Figure 3, follow menu path
• Rows (= 1) Systems > HDB (SYSTEM) SAP
• Time_writers_disc (max over Entry_ HANA One > Content > demodata >
• Entry_dt (date type) days) Calculation Views > CA_CATS.

Figure 2 Create an attribute view AT_CATS

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In the aggregation, we keep only attri- middle of the screen (Figure 4). Collect Here is a list of all columns delivered in
butes that are needed (user name, all KPIs used in the dashboards. To do the calculation view CA_CATS that are
ap­prover name, department, and month)
so, right-click your mouse over the used in creating the dashboard (this list
in the ultimate reports or dashboards. To
add these attributes to the aggregation, objects in the middle of the screen and is an output of the aggregation or the
click the Aggregation object in the select them for the columns on the right. cal­culation view):

Figure 3 Create a calculation view CA_CATS

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• Name • Rows Figure 5 on the next page defines a

formula for the time approval discipline
• Approver • Approved_days
KPI. To reach this screen, right-click
• Department • Entry_days Calculated Columns and select Add new
from the list of options in the drop-
• Month • Time_approval_disc
down context menu. In our example, we
• Hours_sum • Time_writers_disc de­­fine a new Calculated Column in the

Figure 4 Create an aggregation in the calculation view CA_CATS

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Figure 5 Define a time approval discipline as a calculated column

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Calculation View. Check to see if the menu bar, click File and New. In the Design Dashboards for Each KPI
APPRO­VAL date is blank and use today pop-up screen, select Download from It is easy to design dashboards in SAP
as an approval date for the time- SAP HANA and click Next. In the next Lumira based on the existing dataset.
approval discipline KPI. screen (not shown) enter your SAP Just drag and drop available data
HANA login credentials. elements from the left pane to the
Connect SAP Lumira to an SAP Alternatively, to keep your dashboard ap­pro­priate sections on the right (mea-
HANA One Dataset data always up to date, you may want to sures, dimensions, or trellis). You can
also change the type of chart from the
With SAP HANA One you can easily choose the Connect to SAP HANA
available list and the name of the
download the output dataset based on op­tion instead of Download from SAP
the calculation view CA_CATS to SAP HANA. The server name, instance or
Lumira and use this dataset for defining port, user, and password should be Time approvers and writers discipline
dashboards (Figure 6). To download taken from the AWS panel when KPIs can be combined in one chart. To
this output, launch SAP Lumira. In the working with SAP HANA One. complete this task, click the Visualize

Figure 6 Launch SAP Lumira and create a new dataset

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tab in SAP Lumira (Figure 7). Drag lower left corner of the screen. In the the storyboard sections), you have to
and drop the time approvers and writers screen that appears (Figure 9) drag and consider which filters are applicable to
discipline KPIs to the Measures section. drop appropriate measures and dimen- all dashboards on the storyboard. In our
Click the + in the lower left corner of sions to the dashboard. In Figure 9 the scenario, it is filtered by month. To
the screen. measures are Average approval and complete this task, click the Compose
Entry days. tab in SAP Lumira (refer back to
In the next screen (Figure 8), you can
Figure 9). Go to the Input Controls
see a chart to measure average hours
folder (not shown) in the lower left
re­ported by department or month. Compile a Storyboard, Set Up
section and select the month. Drag and
One more chart can be used for the ave­-
Filters, Publish drop the Month object to the filters
rage approval and entry days KPIs. To When designing a storyboard (e.g., section on the storyboard (Figure 10 on
create this chart, click the + sign in the dragging and dropping dashboards to page 44).

Figure 7 Approver and writer discipline dashboard

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Figure 8 Average Reported Hours dashboard

Figure 9 Create the Average Approval & Entry days dashboard

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Figure 10 Create a CATS KPIs storyboard

Figure 11 Publish the storyboard

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>> Note
The data used in this article was generated artificially and serves for illustra-
tion purposes only. The set of KPIs also represents the most simple
sce­narios and is based on a number of assumptions. Real business data is
likely to require more complex logic for KPI building.

In the last step, you can share the story- share a storyboard, click the Share tab destination in which to publish your
board with other users and publish it to in SAP Lumira (refer back to Figure 9). storyboard (Publish to SAP Lumira
SAP Lumira Cloud, SAP Lumira In the screen that appears (Figure 11) Cloud, Publish to SAP Lumira Server,
Server, or to the SAP BI platform. To click one of the buttons to choose a or Publish to SAP BI). n

Paulo Vitoriano started his consulting career with Arthur Andersen Business Consulting in 1997. Since then, he has helped many global
clients on SAP implementation projects, including DHL, Carlsberg, Nestle, Shell, AXA, Electrolux, and Maersk. During the last 18 years
he has covered more than 10 end-to-end SAP implementations working on-site in 16 different countries. He has project experience with
seven different oil and gas companies, and his current focus is on SAP IS-Oil and system integration. You may reach Paolo via email at

Sergei Peleshuk has more than 15 years of experience implementing BI technologies for global clients in retail, distribution,
fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), oil, and gas industries. He has helped clients to design robust BI reporting and planning
capabilities, leading them through all project phases: from analysis of requirements to building BI roadmaps, technical
architecture, and efficient BI teams. Sergei is an expert in modern BI tools and technologies available on the market,
including SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW), SAP HANA, BusinessObjects, and SAP Lumira. Sergei maintains a business
intelligence portal at www.biportal.org. You may reach Sergei via email at editor@bi-expertonline.com.

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How to Use Formula Mode for Complex
by Ned Falk, Senior Education Consultant, SAP

Learn how to use an often-overlooked feature of the Excel-based reporting toolbox: formula >> Key Concept
mode. Learn why formula mode makes SAP BW’s BEx Analyzer and BusinessObjects Analy- Formula mode, a feature in BW’s
sis the preferred tools for heavy analysis users. BEx Analyzer and BusinessObjects
Analysis for Excel, takes an SAP
BW data stream and populates
The main focus of this article is about An Overview of SAP BW and Excel Workbooks with individual
how to use formula mode with SAP’s
Excel-centric products, but before I dive
BusinessObjects Reporting cells, each with a formula that
into that, it is important to note that Tools fetches (or writes) data from SAP
there are other web-based tools avail- BW. It allows the use of complex
With the acquisition of BusinessOb-
able and that there is a very big push to logic that ties local data on a
jects, SAP has amassed a huge tool set
use them as many companies don’t worksheet with data from a BW
of reporting tools. For edification, I
want to maintain PC-based software Query. This special feature posi-
have compiled a list of the options,
anymore. SAP offers a lot of tools and tions these tools for use in
along with a short description of each,
most companies don’t use every one, at complex analysis tasks better
in Table 1. The ones marked with **
least not initially. than any other BusinessObjects or
(asterisks) are licensed separately from
BEx tool sets.
the core SAP BW.
First I give a quick overview of all the
tools that are out there. Armed with Although each tool has its own fan base
these basics, as you read the article, you and target audience, you can’t imple-
will understand why formula mode ment them all at once. This means that Why Use Excel?
makes an Excel-based tool a good many companies may try to avoid Although many IT departments don’t
choice to selectively deploy to some implementing the Excel-based ones ini- like having to maintain Microsoft
users. To be clear, most SAP BW and tially, because they require more Windows applications on PCs spread
BusinessObjects tools are web based. training. However, since PCs come with around the world, it’s an uphill battle to
There are two tools that are Excel Excel installed already, I think selected convince the FI guy that Excel is a drug
based: the newer BusinessObjects Anal- analysts can use these Excel-based tools they can do without. SAP has obviously
ysis and the older BEx Analyzer, and effectively. Don’t get me wrong, I thrown in the towel. As evidence, when
these are the only ones with formula suggest you pick some web-based dash- SAP purchased BusinessObjects, exist-
mode. Although these Excel-based tools boarding tools from Table 1, preferably ing SAP customers said, “Where’s my
come with some disadvantages (namely Design Studio, to roll out for the Excel?” Rather than argue why Web
PC installation and maintenance, and masses, and maybe one other web- Intelligence could solve their needs,
the added costs of purchasing Microsoft based tool for the light analysts. Then, SAP created BusinessObjects Analysis
Office versus the free web-based ones), pick a few of your best analysts and for Microsoft Office (e.g., Excel and
the underutilized formula mode tool Excel users, and implement one of the PowerPoint).
changes the way data is extracted from two SAP Excel-based tools: Busines-
SAP BW and sent to Excel. This feature sObjects Analysis or BW’s BEx So why does an Excel interface to SAP
alone, in my mind, moves SAP’s Excel- Analyzer. Once installed, read on and BW need to exist, and what can analysts
based tools up to the top of the tool list, learn about how to use the formula do with Excel that can’t be done just as
at least for a few key users. mode feature to get the most out of easily using web-based tools? The
these tools. answer is, really not much, but some

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tasks are harder to accomplish without logic thrown in for kicks. Even this use HANA database, not in the application
Excel; for example, calculating new case can be nearly eliminated by using server layer, resulting in super-fast
measures that integrate local spread- the Analysis Process Designer (APD) performance.
sheet data. via BW transaction code RSANWB.

Basic use cases of Excel (those that Logic says these methods are better
The APD targets this advanced analysis than using Excel. Why download
don’t require merging data or wacky
with a robust upload of data and fea- 1,000,000 BW records to Excel and
custom calculations) can be easily repli-
tures to merge and manipulate data. In merge them with 10,000 local records,
cated using Web Intelligence, Analysis
addition, the APD joins with the data- versus doing the opposite and uploading
for OLAP, or even well-designed dash-
mining workbench for extremely the 10,000 records with access to the
boards. However, the use case that advanced analysis capabilities. Even power of APD or the newer HANA
justifies Excel is one in which local data better, when running BW on HANA, version? Alas, as I have learned, there is
on sheet 7 is merged with data from the newer version of the APD (called an great resistance on the FI side to giving
SAP BW, then pivoted on sheet 2, with SAP HANA Analysis Process), executes up on Excel. Excel always seems to
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) most of this complex logic on the win, at least for now.

Reporting tool Description Target audience

BEx Web Application Designer (WAD) A web dashboard but without Flash Adobe Player Everyone

BEx Web Analyzer A pre-delivered WAD template, with one query exposed Analysts

BEx Reports A Crystal Reports wannabe that doesn’t offer as many Casual users needing static presentation of
features as Crystal Reports data. However, since the acquisition of Crystal
Reports by SAP, no one uses this much.

BEx Analyzer An Excel-based report with links to BW Super analysts and financial users

Crystal Reports 2011** The gold standard of the formatted reporting tools Everyone (analysts and managers) needing
static data presented very nicely, but it is
not used often (especially internally)

Crystal Reports for Enterprise** A newer version of Crystal Reports with the design Casual users needing static presentation
look and feel of Web Intelligence reports of data

BusinessObjects Analysis Office** Basically a slight re-do of the BEx Analyzer, but with Analysts
(PowerPoint and Excel the needed integration to HANA and to the Business-
Objects BI Platform (to save and retrieve)

BusinessObjects Web Intelligence** A web-based analysis tool for easy design of complex Everyone—power users and IT designers
documents by power users (however, not all the
needed analysis features are built in)

BusinessObjects Explorer** An intuitive interface that can be both fast and friendly Executives and managers
for simple analysis over the web

BusinessObjects Analysis for A web-like interface for a pivot-table-type analysis Analysts

OLAP** (web-based) like Excel

Lumira** A new graphing and analysis tool for advanced Everyone, from analysts to managers, but
graphical analysis some complex charting features really let
it shine as a self-service tool for advanced
analysis users

BusinessObjects Dashboards A tool that easily creates dashboards with Adobe Everyone
Flash, but is limited in data volumes

Design Studio** A new dashboarding tool positioned to replace Everyone (IT designed)
dashboards and WAD – HTML5 output

SAP Infinite Insight (formerly An easy-to-use predictive analysis tool set Analysts
Table 1 The current stable of SAP analysis and reporting tools

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Formula Mode: A Use Case loaded as a set. This is illustrated in ing data in Excel causes errors when
Figures 1 and 2. In Figure 1 the high- new data is added and the cells change
for Excel lighted calculation in cell F4 ([B4–D4] meaning. Formula mode (and a similar
Although as you can see I am not a = ABC SuperMarkets sales – Returns), method, convert to formula mode), is
great proponent of extensive reliance on works fine as the sales data from SAP different. It presents data to Excel in a
the SAP Excel-based tools (BEx Ana- BW for customer ABC SuperMarkets is different way, and solves this problem.
lyzer and BusinessObjects Analysis), in B4 and their returns are in D4. It downloads the SAP BW data into
there is one important technique that Excel with a separate formula for each
justifies their continued use: the formula However, the problem with this default cell. Therefore, each cell’s formula links
mode feature. method of presenting BW data becomes to the data in SAP BW, returning
evident in Figure 2, when the data from exactly what the formula specifies.
One area where Excel shines is linking SAP BW is refreshed. All the calcula-
local spreadsheet data with data origi- tions in Figure 1 become incorrect Formula Mode with
nating in a BEx Query, all in the same when SAP BW provides refreshed data
BusinessObjects Analysis
workbook. Problems with linking data that includes a new record, AAA Super-
are caused by the default way data in markets. Since this customer is not in Now let’s see this in action. My first
SAP BW is exposed in the Excel the local data columns (in Figure 1), example uses BusinessObjects Analysis
spreadsheet. As a default, the data is the inserted row makes the F4 cell cal- for Excel. Figure 3 shows a screenprint
downloaded as a pure set of characters culation wrong in Figure 2. Instead of of the data after a BW Query has been
and numbers and, when the analysis AAA SuperMarkets sales – Returns it executed in the Excel Workbook in the
grid of data in Excel is refreshed, new stays ABC SuperMarkets sales – Returns. normal way. Randomly select a cell in
numbers and their attributes are down- The SAP BW default mode for present- the analysis grid and look at the formula

Figure 1 Formula referencing cells containing SAP BW data (B4 – D4)

Figure 2 The data from SAP BW is refreshed, creating a problem with the calculation in Excel

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line for it. No formula appears—just the might not look right, but the long cryptic The formula’s logic is based on custom
number in the cell. This is not the way string is the technical ID for the Sales Excel functions that are installed on the
formula mode works, as I show. Volume EUR key figure. Knowing this, SAP system as part of the BusinessOb-
the formula is easy to interpret. Simply jects Analysis add-in or, similarly, BEx
Converting to formula mode is easy. In
stated, the formula returns for DS = 1 Analyzer (discussed in the next section).
the Analysis tab, in Tools, click the
(my formula mode query), the total sales
Convert to Formula icon (Figure 4). To get help using this formula, select
for all customers in the United Arab
This switches the spreadsheet to formula formula help in Excel as you would
Emirates (AE).
mode. At first glance, the numbers and normally (the small fx icon at the top of
attributes look the same, but upon closer To illustrate the independent nature of the screen in Figure 6, on the next
inspection, the formula for each cell ties these formulas, Figure 5 (on the next page). This opens up the pop-up on the
the cell independently to the SAP BW page) shows the formula randomly right of the figure where you can see a
Query output, not as a collective grid of placed in another cell on the spread list of all of the SAP-delivered func-
numbers and characters as it was before. sheet. It still returns the data per its tions in a list along with other Excel
In Figure 3, the highlighted formula formula logic. standard functions. These SAP functions

Figure 3 The normal presentation of SAP BW data in cells (there is no exact cell formula)

Figure 4 Data after converting to formula mode

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Figure 5 The cell formula outside the context of the other cells

Figure 6 A list of available functions in the SAP system

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work with BW data (each begins with (Figure 7) is the data of the formulas Formula Mode with BEx Analyzer
SAP). These functions perform tasks directly linking to SAP BW via the
The example discussed above focuses
such as returning variable values imbedded (but hidden) query.
on formula mode within BusinessOb-
selected by the user or returning the
jects Analysis. However, the older BEx
background filters assigned in the query. In this same Worksheet (Figure 7) with
analyzer tool actually has slightly more
(To find out more about these functions, the same embedded formula mode
functionality related to formula mode.
look at the topics in the Contents tab or query (Data source1), I entered in a
The functionality of converting to
use the Search tab in the pop-up screen bunch of cells manually. Make special
formula mode in the BEx Analyzer is
as you would to find out information note of the Sale Report for: DE cell in
nearly the same, except that access is
about other non-SAP functions, shown D4 and the technical names of the cus-
via a right-click context menu on the
at the bottom of Figure 6). tomers in C14 – C22. Now let’s focus
table of data versus the menu bar icon
on the formula.
Once you know about these SAP-spe- option in BusinessObjects Analysis.
cific functions and how to use them, the Select a cell on the query-returned
Although nearly the same as the prior matrix of cells that you want to convert
world is your oyster. With this new-
example, in this case I replaced the to formula mode (in this case, DE), and
found knowledge, now you can easily
hard-coded DE data and each customer right-click to open the context menu.
solve the issues presented in Figures 1
name with a reference cell. For DE you Then select the Convert to Formula
and 2.
can see the & $D$4 syntax (circled in option (Figure 8 on the next page).
To be clear, as long as the Worksheet the figure), and for the customer you Formula mode is activated just as it was
has an embedded query behind the can see the exact reference to cell C14. with the button version in BusinessOb-
scenes, there is actually no need to The customer that shows up in cell C14 jects Analysis.
display the SAP-supplied grid of data will be used, regardless of whether it’s
produced by the query when using customer number 1000, or customer Another difference between Business-
formula mode. To illustrate this, Figure name ABC Supermarkets, or AAA Objects Analysis and BEx Analyzer is
7 shows an Excel Workbook that gets supermarkets; the system does not care. that, with BEx Analyzer, the older
its data from the same query as the one This fixes the problem shown in Figure BExGetData syntax is used (versus the
shown in Figure 5, but the SAP-gener- 1, and gives the Excel designer (maybe SAPGetData syntax with Business-
ated default presentation of the data that assisted by VBA code) the ultimate Objects Analysis). Looking at the
used to be on sheet one (in Figure 5) is power in designing a super-complex dif­ferences of each, you notice that the
not shown at all. The data shown here Excel Workbook. older BExGetData syntax starts with

Figure 7 Formula mode with the cell formulas linking SAP BW data with cells that contain local data, not SAP-delivered data

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pure cell references, which are a little Formula Mode with Both BEx the convert-to-formula method for both
harder to read. You have to know how Analyzer and BusinessObjects tools, the BEx Analyzer does offer a
the query was designed to know what Analysis design mode option (which Business­
the formula is referring to. This is Objects Analysis does not). In this
What has not been mentioned before is
shown in the example in Figure 9; in that the convert-to-formula scenario is option you can lay out buttons, tables of
this case, it was just open orders (cell the same whether using BEx Analyzer data, and charts, which makes for a
D1) by sold-to-party (1033 cell A9). or BusinessObjects Analysis. Using fancier looking Excel Workbook.
Other than this difference, the method either tool, after formula mode is
of using the BExGetData syntax versus ap­plied, the normal analysis functions’ When designing a Workbook using BEx
the SAPGetData syntax is basically the context menu disappears and is replaced Analyzer (out of scope for this article),
same. with normal Excel options. However, in there is an analysis grid design element

Figure 8 Select the Convert to Formula option from the context menu in BEx Analyzer

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that you can use to customize the display For the analysis grid there is a special When the analysis grid is rendered in the
of tables of data, as well as option you can set in the design process BEx Analyzer workbook, as shown in
customizing buttons and check boxes. called Use Formulas (Figure 10). Figure 11 on the next page, the data is

Figure 9 BEx Analyzer syntax versus BExGetData syntax

Figure 10 Select the Use Formulas check box when designing your table

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again displayed as a formula for each between using the convert to formula navigation features that come with the
cell, without having to use the convert- mode (instead of formula mode) is that BEx Analyzer (such as Select Filter
to-formula option. The slight difference the user can still use the context menu Value…) as well as the features from

Figure 11 The Use formulas option keeps the BEx Analyzer context menu navigation options

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Figure 12 Select the Provide Results Offline check box

>> Note native Excel. To solve this problem (and to see the
data as it was last retrieved), click the
To learn more about BEx Analyzer, As a final note, if the Use Formulas
pencil icon next to the Dataprovider
take SAP training class BW306; to option is chosen for the analysis grid, field (on the back screen of Figure 12).
learn more about BusinessObjects the user gets an instant error message In the Change Data Provider pop-up
Analysis, take SAP training class when the Workbook is opened. This is window that opens, select the Provide
because the formula for each cell Results Offline check box and click the
re­quires a link to the server to execute. OK button. n

Ned Falk is a senior education consultant at SAP. In prior positions, he implemented many ERP solutions, including SAP
R/3. While at SAP, he initially focused on logistics. Now he focuses on SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver BW, SAP CRM, and
the integration of SAP NetWeaver BW and SAP BusinessObjects tools. You can meet him in person when he teaches SAP
HANA, SAP NetWeaver BW, or SAP CRM classes from the Atlanta SAP office, or in a virtual training class over the web.
If you need an SAP education plan for SAP HANA, BW, BusinessObjects, or CRM, you may contact him via email at ned.

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HANA Studio: The New Star Join Modeling
by Ned Falk, Senior Education Consultant, SAP

Learn the basic steps to set up a new flavor of HANA information views, the star join >> Key Concept
graphical calculation view. Understand why it is a valuable new addition in the HANA studio A new graphical calculation view
modeling tool chest. option offered in HANA Support
Package 7.0, called star join,
allows for easy modeling of a star
Star joins are a new option in your has graphical tools (such as Microsoft
schema. Although an analytic
HANA modeling tool chest. They over- Access) to make for a more user-
view previously allowed the cre-
come the constraints that limit your friendly process for creating these
ation of a star schema, it had
options when modeling complex analyt- views. When the HANA graphical mod-
limitations involving sourcing of
ical views with measures from more eling toolset is used and views are
measures from more than one
than one table. To illustrate my points activated, the system creates the needed
fact table. These limitations are
with a real-world twist, I’m using a sce- code. In addition, these modeled content
not an issue for the new star join
nario revolving around the analysis of views are, in most cases, available for
graphical calculation view.
airline performance data. use with various reporting tools.

I show how to create a star join calcula-

tion view using dimension calculation When modelling views in HANA you
end up with objects analogous to those
Modeling Cubes: The Existing
views and explain the pros and cons of
this new method and the older analytic in SAP BW, because, in fact, the Solution
view/attribute view methods. Before I process of building BW objects also These new dimension and star join cal-
delve deeper into this new star-join builds views. Modeling in BW is easier culation views are the main topic of this
concept in HANA, however, first let me than modeling in HANA, but I think article, but to get an appreciation for the
review the basics of the existing model- HANA is more flexible. The best option advantage of this newer way for model-
ing method for complex star schemas in is to have both toolsets available by ing a star schema in HANA, you first
HANA. running BW on HANA. Then, in addi- need to understand the existing (the pre-
tion to the SAP BW modeling tools Support Package 7.0) way of modeling
(which are in some ways better than
The Basics of HANA a star schema.
HANA’s), SAP BW has a transforma-
Modeling tion engine and built-in automation The primary earlier modeling option for
HANA, like other more traditional disk- tools for scheduling. (The BW362 class building a star schema was to first build
based databases, provides for the is about how to run SAP BW on HANA attribute views, and then combine them
creation of database views. These views and how both toolsets work together. with facts in an analytical view. Attri-
are run-time collections (joins and For many, the SAP BW reference helps bute views (not covered or shown in
unions) of database tables. Unlike many them understand HANA modeling.) detail in this article) model master data
databases, in addition to the pure coding Table 1 highlights the analogous objects by joining language-specific text and
option to create database views, HANA between SAP BW and HANA. attribute tables (for example, a complete
customer master with language-specific
>> Note text). Using one or more of these attri-
This article enables a HANA modeling professional to create new star join bute views you can join them to a single
models in HANA. I do not, however, provide the details needed for the basics table containing the measures (some
of modeling in HANA. For that, attend the HA100 or HA300 classes offered refer to them as facts or key figures) of
by SAP or find online e-learning courses on the web. the business process you’re trying to

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The single table constraint refers to the (highlighted with shaded icons) that are view where the join depicts measures
prohibition that forces the modeler from included in the output only include from more than one analytic view.
using more than one measure table in an measures from the table on the left. The
analytic view. Unlike SAP BW’s fact airlines table used in the foundation
One negative about the modeling of
table, the analogous foundation of a does not provide measures to the model.
complex star schemas using attribute,
HANA analytic view can include attri- Additionally, notice that the logical join
analytic, and calculation views is the
node of the analytic view (not high-
butes in addition to the attributes number of objects you are maintaining.
lighted) is where the attribute views are
contained in the attribute views. These Another is the fact that these views
joined to the foundation (facts) to make
are added later. However, to be clear, a drive HANA to use different software
a star schema model.
HANA analytic view’s foundation engines in the ultimate calculation. The
cannot contain measures coming from system manages this processing but it is
more than one table. In HANA before Support Package 7.0, if less efficient than having the logic done
you wanted to combine measures from in just one engine. One slight advantage
Figure 1 shows an example of an ana- more than one table, you needed to use a to this method is the clean reusability of
lytic view that highlights two tables in calculation view. Figure 2 (on the next the attribute views, but this might not
the foundation. Notice that the fields page) shows the graphical calculation be worth the tradeoff in speed.

BW object HANA information view

InfoObject Attribute view

Cube (star schema) Analytic view or new star join calculation view

MultiProvider Calculation view

InfoSet Calculation view

Dimension table (as part of an InfoCube) New dimension calculation view

Table 1 SAP BW versus HANA analogous objects

Figure 1 Analytic view with two tables in the foundation

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The New Star Join To build a dimension calculation view, view. Most star schemas have more
you simply need to change the default than one dimension, so my example
Calculation View option in the initial screen of the calcu- (Figure 5 on page 60) duplicates the
lation view user interface (UI). The process, but this time for the airlines
The new way to model these complex
menu path needed to create the views is dimension instead of airports.
star schemas is to use a combination
of dimension calculation views and the normal one, starting from the
After you model all the dimensions of
cube (with star join) calculation views, context menu on your package: > New
your star schema (representing the
especially when measures are coming > Calculation view, which results in the
points on the star), you need to connect
from more than one table. The use of the screen shown in Figure 3.
the points (dimensions) around the core
Graphical Calculation View modeling After accessing this build screen for cal- of the star—the measures table(s).
tool is basically the same as it was culation views, the magic begins. First,
when building these types of views in change the Data Category option from To do this return again to the calcula-
the older release of HANA. After the tion view creation UI and this time
the Cube default to Dimension. This is
introduction of Support Package 7.0, choose a different option. The Data
because only calculation views with this
however, there are more options. Category defaults to Cube, but you
option subsequently can be used to
need to tell the system you want to
The first step in creating a star schema create the star join calculation view.
build a star joined cube. You do this
with the newer star join calculation
After choosing Dimension from the by selecting the With Star Join check
view is to create dimensions. Like a tra-
drop-down options, click the Finish box, as shown in Figure 6 on page 60.
ditional star schema (but unlike the SAP
button. Figure 4 shows the resulting
BW version), the dimensions hold With this option checked, click the
normal looking UI. Here you build your
master data attributes such as customer Finish button and you now get the
dimension with attributes from one or
master (city, state, and postal code) or defaulted node of the star join as
more tables using joins and unions as
material master data (size, color, and shown in Figure 7 on page 61. You
you normally do in the UI of calculation
manufacturer code). Like the attribute need this later in a subsequent step,
views. This is shown in my example for
views, these dimensions are reusable. but for this step you need to model
airport data, including the extra table to
However, in this case the only place (in this case, join) tables that hold the
hold the description of the country code
you can consume dimension calculation measures (facts). Specifically, in this
where the airport is located.
views is within a star join node of a case, I used more than one table and
cube calculation view. The next step is to activate this dimension I joined them together. In addition, to

Figure 2 Two analytical views joined in a calculation view

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Figure 3 Choose the Dimension Data Category option for the calculation view type

Figure 4 The airport dimension with joined tables representing airport master data

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Figure 5 The airlines dimension calculation view with the dimension data category

Figure 6 Build the Air_Cube as a star joined cube

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show that the star joined cube does assemble your star schema. First point star join node. Make your selections for
not limit the sources of the measures your measures table collection (e.g., the output fields, and then move on to
(as does the analytic view, as discussed Join_1 in the Scenario section of the final step.
above) I grab measures from more than Figure 7) to the star node. Then, in the
one table. The only difference here is traditional way (shown in Figure 8), As with all views in HANA, the last
the defaulted star join node that you are add the dimensions to the star node. step is to define the semantics. After
forced to use later. The join process for You should be aware that only the selecting the semantics node, you have
the objects is identical to that of other sources of the measures (in this case, the option to tell the system a revised
nodes you have used previously in the the join) and the dimension calculation field name and, more importantly,
construction of calculation views. views can be joined in the star join determine if the field should be treated
node. After you pick the pre-existing as a measure or as an attribute. The
After you finish the modeling for the airports and airlines dimensions, semantics node is highlighted as shown
sources of the measures, you need to Fig­ure 8 shows the join needed in the in Figure 9 on the next page.

Figure 7 A Join node of a star join calculation view (measures from more than one table)

Figure 8 Join dimensions with the measures in the star join node (along with the ability to preview the data via the context
menu on the any node)

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Figure 9 Finish the calculation view by defining the semantics

Once you finish defining the semantics fields activate it and deploy your view Explorer, or the newer BusinessObjects
fields you’re done modeling. To use into the BusinessObjects Web Intelli- Analysis, Design Studio, or Lumira
your view containing all the semantics gence Reports, BusinessObjects visualization tools. n

Ned Falk is a senior education consultant at SAP. In prior positions, he implemented many ERP solutions, including SAP
R/3. While at SAP, he initially focused on logistics. Now he focuses on SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver BW, SAP CRM, and
the integration of SAP NetWeaver BW and SAP BusinessObjects tools. You can meet him in person when he teaches SAP
HANA, SAP NetWeaver BW, or SAP CRM classes from the Atlanta SAP office, or in a virtual training class over the web.
If you need an SAP education plan for SAP HANA, BW, BusinessObjects, or CRM, you may contact Ned via email at ned.

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Using SAP Lumira Desktop in Combination

with SAP BW Queries
by Ingo Hilgefort, Senior Director, Solution Management, Landscape Orchestration, SAP Canada

With the latest release of SAP Lumira Desktop, you can now connect directly from SAP >> Key Concept
Lumira Desktop to your SAP BW system using BEx Query connectivity. Learn the steps Until recently, SAP Lumira
required to connect to SAP BW using this new option and see how your existing metadata Desktop was able to leverage a
is supported by SAP Lumira. Universe-based connectivity
towards SAP BW InfoProviders
SAP Lumira is SAP’s newest product data from your SAP BW systems, such and a connectivity towards SAP
for the discovery and analysis area of as restricted and calculated key figures HANA analytical models when
the overall business intelligence suite. and hierarchies. Finally, I take a look at using SAP BW on SAP HANA. With
In the latest release for SAP Lumira what some of the known limitations are the latest release, SAP Lumira
Desktop, the option to connect directly for this new data connectivity option Desktop also offers connectivity
from SAP Lumira Desktop to the BEx and how this impacts your BEx Query towards BEx Queries, allowing
Queries in the SAP BW system was design. users to leverage more of their
added, allowing you to leverage a lot existing metadata in SAP BW.
more from your existing metadata.
Data Connectivity Overview
I first review the general workflow for Figure 1 shows the previously existing InfoProvider level, as well as the option
how you can connect to your BEx data connectivity, which leverages the to now connect SAP Lumira Desktop
Queries. Then I look into specific meta­ relational Universe connecting to the directly to the BEx Query.

Figure 1 SAP Lumira Desktop and SAP BW

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Figure 2 shows an additional option ments of your existing metadata are your BEx Queries, here’s an overview
when SAP BW on SAP HANA is being avail­able for the BI tools. Note that of the general workflow.
used, where you can leverage your ex­­ Fig­ure 3 shows a general comparison
isting assets from SAP BW, generate an based on the availability of metadata.
Later on I discuss more of the specifics
Creating BEx Queries Using
analytical model in SAP HANA, and
then connect SAP Lumira Desktop to of SAP Lumira Desktop and the level of SAP Lumira Desktop
the generated model. support for BEx Queries using SAP Take these next 10 steps to create a new
Lumira. report with a BEx Query as the data
Figure 3 shows a general comparison source using SAP Lumira Desktop:
of the two data connectivity options— Before looking at the complete details
relational Universe and direct access to about how SAP Lumira Desktop is able 1. Start SAP Lumira Desktop by follow­
a BEx Query—and shows which ele­ to support the existing metadata from ing menu Start > All Programs > SAP

Figure 2 SAP Lumira Desktop and SAP BW on SAP HANA

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Business Intelligence > SAP Lumira 5. You are prompted to enter the con­ Roles or InfoAreas. Based on your
> SAP Lumira. nection details, such as the Client ID, drop-down selection, a corresponding
Lan­­guage, User, and Password (Fig­ list of entries opens, as shown in
2. Select the menu File > New, which ure 5). Note that the list of available Figure 7 on page 67. In this example,
re­sults in the screen in Figure 4 (on SAP BW servers is derived from the I choose InfoAreas.
the next page). SAP front end.
3. Select the Connect to SAP Business 8. In the next step, you can select the
6. Enter the required details and click
Warehouse option. BEx Query from the list of available
the Connect button, which opens the
screen in Figure 6 on page 67.
4. Click the Next button (not shown)
which opens the screen in Figure 5 7. In this screen (Figure 6) you have 9. Click the Create button to start the
(on the next page). the option to select either the SAP creation of your SAP Lumira report.

Figure 3 Relational Universe versus direct access to BEx Queries

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Figure 4 Create a new dataset

Figure 5 Establish a data connection

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Figure 6 Select the data source

Figure 7 List of InfoAreas

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10. If the underlying BEx Query does Primary Values area of the table in SAP • You do not have the option to filter
not contain any BEx variables, you Lumira. the dataset before SAP Lumira
are presented with a table showing acquires the data from the underlying
You can now use the different charting
the data based on the layout you BEx Query.
options of SAP Lumira in combination
de­fined in the underlying BEx Query
with the data coming from the underly­ • You do not have access to the Prepare
(Figure 8).
ing BEx Query. area of SAP Lumira and, therefore,
you cannot use any of the data man­
The current release of SAP Lumira
SAP Lumira presents a table (Figure 8) ipu­lation options in combination with
(re­lease 1.17) used in combination with
showing all elements from the Rows your data from SAP BW.
BEx Queries from SAP BW does have
area of your BEx Query in the Rows
several general limitations. They are: • You do not have the option to create
area of the table. All elements from the
stories using the Compose area.
Col­umns area in the BEx Query are • You do not have the ability to define
shown in the Columns area in SAP which dimensions or measures from • You do not have access to the Share
Lu­mira. In addition, any key figure that the underlying BEx Query should be area and therefore cannot share your
is part of the BEx Query is added to the used by SAP Lumira. SAP Lumira-created report.

Figure 8 SAP Lumira and BEx Query data

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• You do not have access to the context Support for Existing Metadata few characteristics in the Free Charac­
menus for dimensions or measures, teristics (Country, Sales Organization,
Now that you are connected to your
which means that you cannot create Sold-to Party and so on) and Rows
SAP BW system, let’s look into the
your own measures, create a custom (Calendar year and Region), and a few
details of which—and how—BEx
hierarchy, merge columns, create a Key Figures (Costs, Net Value, Open
Query elements are supported by SAP
order quantity, Open Order Value, and
calculated dimension, or create a cal­ Lumira Desktop. First, let’s look at a set Order Quantity).
culated measure. of scenarios in which SAP Lumira
Desk­top has some limitations, and then Figure 10 on the next page shows how
Before going into any more detail about
I will summarize the support for BEx SAP Lumira leverages such a BEx
what these limitations mean for you and Query, by placing all the elements from
Queries in SAP Lumira at the end of
the potential impact on BEx Query the Rows area into the Rows, and all
this section.
de­sign, let’s first look at the support for the Key Figures into the Primary Values
the existing metadata from your under­ Figure 9 shows a BEx Query based on area of the default table visualization. In
lying BEx Query. the SAP NetWeaver demo model with a addition, all the characteristics and key

Figure 9 BEx Query designer

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Figure 10 SAP Lumira and BEx Query elements

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figures are available in the DIMEN­ In this scenario, the underlying BEx Figure 13 (on the next page) shows
SIONS and MEASURES areas, and any Query contains BEx variables, so those an­other BEx Query—in this case, a
available hierarchy defined in SAP BW are presented in SAP Lumira when the BEx Query with two structures showing
for those characteristics are also avail­ data is acquired (Figure 12 on the next selections for the quarters in the Rows
able in the DIMENSIONS area as well, page). and restricted Key Figures for the
Rev­enue US and Revenue Europe in
here shown for Country, Sales Organi­ SAP Lumira does support BEx variables, the columns.
zation, and Product (see Figure 10). but there are still some lim­i­tations:
When using this kind of BEx Query in
Figure 11 shows the Characteristic Res­ • A selection option variable from a BEx SAP Lumira Desktop, the key figure
trictions area of the BEx Query designer Query does offer SAP Lumira users the struc­ture is available for use, but the char­
with three variables defined for a BEx ability to exclude selected values. In acteristic structure is not available (Figure
Query: Please select the Products, other words, the exclude option can 14 on page 73). In other words, as of now,
Please select a range, and Please select only be applied to all selected values BEx Queries with two structures are not
the Country. and not to individual selections. usable with SAP Lumira Desktop.

Figure 11 BEx variables

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Figure 12 SAP Lumira and BEx variables

Figure 13 The BEx Query with two structures

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In addition to the previously outlined values when the user is being prompted. • A configured scaling factor in your
scenarios, here are some additional lim­ BEx Query results in SAP Lumira
itations based on specific BEx Query • SAP Lumira Desktop supports the Desktop showing the correctly scaled
scenarios: settings for displaying the Key or numbers, but there is no information
Text for the characteristics based on about the actual configured scaling
• If the underlying BEx Query contains a
the setting in the underlying BEx factor available.
hierarchy and hierarchy node variable,
SAP Lumira does not recognize the Query. Users do not have the option • The configuration option for the dis­
dependency of those two variables, to make the decision about which play of subtotals in the BEx Query is
which can lead to incorrect lists of fields to use in SAP Lumira Desktop. being leveraged by SAP Lumira

Figure 14 SAP Lumira and two structures

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Desktop, but users do not have the seen as general recommendations. • Because SAP Lumira Desktop honors
option to configure the setting in SAP These recommendations are made the Display settings for the key and
Lumira Desktop. taking into consideration the previously text for the characteristics in the
discussed limitations. un­der­lying BEx Query, make sure
• In case the underlying BEx Query
that your BEx Queries are configured
does contain BEx variables, SAP • SAP Lumira Desktop (as of Dec­em­ accordingly, so that your users are
Lu­mira Desktop does provide a ber 2014) does not provide the option able to leverage the descriptions for
prompting screen during the data to select a subset of characteristics the dimension values.
ac­quisition, but users do not have the and key figures of the underlying
option to change the initially config­ BEx Query for reports. Based on this, • Display Attributes are currently not
ured values for those BEx variables. available for SAP Lumira Desktop.
I recommend that you create fo­cused
When Display Attributes are very
A summary of the support for the exist­ BEx Queries to be used with SAP
critical for the project, you should
ing BEx Query metadata in SAP Lumira Lumira Desktop to avoid the sce­nario
either consider turning the Display
Desktop is shown in Table 1. Note that of users downloading very large vol­
At­tributes into Navigational At­tri­
this table reflects the support for BEx umes of data to SAP Lumira Desktop.
butes or consider using SAP
Query elements using SAP Lumira Business­Objects Analysis, edition for
• At this time it is not possible to
Desktop release 1.17. Microsoft Office or SAP Business­
de­fine filter values for the character­
istics of the underlying BEx Queries Objects Analysis, edition for OLAP
BEx Query Design in SAP Lumira. To give users the for your reporting needs.
Recommendations abil­ity to define filter values, consider • Currency and unit information for
Here are some recommendations about using optional BEx variables. These key figures is only available in the
how to design your BEx Queries. These variables are becoming increasingly table visualization of SAP Lumira
recommendations are specifically for common optional prompts in SAP Desktop. Based on this, either offer
using BEx Queries in combination with Lumira Desktop, and provide users users the option to select a unit or
SAP Lumira Desktop and should not be with the option to define filter values. currency using BEx variables as part

BEx Query element SAP Lumira Desktop

Characteristic Each characteristic is retrieved based on the configuration of the display settings in the underlying
BEx Query.

Currencies and units Currencies and units are only supported in SAP Lumira Desktop using the cross-tab visualization and
are not supported in other visualizations.

Hierarchy Each available hierarchy is shown as available hierarchy in SAP Lumira Desktop and can be activated
for usage.

Key figure Key figures are available in SAP Lumira Desktop. In case a scaling factor has been configured, the
scaled value is shown, but the information on the used scaling factor is not available in SAP Lumira

Calculated/Restricted key figure Restricted and calculated key figures are treated like key figures in SAP Lumira Desktop.

Filter Filters are applied to the underlying query but are not visible in SAP Lumira Desktop.

Display attribute Display attributes are not available in SAP Lumira Desktop.

Navigational attribute Navigational attributes are treated the same way as characteristics.

Variables Each variable with the Ready for Input property results in a prompt during the data acquisition phase.

Custom structure A custom structure based on characteristics is not supported in SAP Lumira Desktop. A custom
structure based on key figures is supported in SAP Lumira Desktop.

Conditions Conditions are only supported in SAP Lumira Desktop using the cross-tab visualization and are not
supported in other visualizations.

Local calculations Key figures configured with a local calculation are supported in SAP Lumira Desktop.
Table 1 A list of support for BEx Query elements by SAP Lumira Desktop

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• As of now, SAP Lumira Desktop is

>> Product Roadmap Disclaimer
unable to leverage custom character­
The descriptions in this article of future functionality are the author’s inter- istic structures. Therefore, in cases
pretation of the publicly available product integration roadmap. These items where custom structures are critical
are subject to change at any time without any notice, and the author is not for projects, consider using SAP
providing any warranty on these statements. BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for
Microsoft Office or SAP Business­
of the underlying BEx Query, or con­ ceive any information about the con­ Objects Analysis, edition for OLAP.
figure the unit or currency as a fixed figured scaling factor and the scaling
All of these recommendations are based
value in the BEx Query. It is also factor is also not available as a field
on the current limitations (as of Decem­
highly recommended that the same that can be placed on the re­port itself.
ber 2014) of SAP Lumira Desktop
unit or currency be configured for all Based on these limitations, I recom­ when using BEx Queries as a data
the key figures to avoid any confusion. mend that you do not use any scaling source. Please note that these recom­
• SAP Lumira Desktop honors the scaling factor configurations for BEx Queries mendations will, more than likely,
factor configuration from the underly­ in combination with SAP Lumira change over time as these limitations
ing BEx Query, but users do not re­­ Desktop. are addressed.n

Ingo Hilgefort started in 1999 with Seagate Software/Crystal Decisions as a trainer and consultant. He moved to Walldorf
for Crystal Decisions at the end of 2000, and worked with the SAP NetWeaver BW development team integrating Crystal
Reports with SAP NetWeaver BW. He relocated to Vancouver in 2004 and worked as a product manager/program manager
(in engineering) on the integration of BusinessObjects products with SAP products. In addition to his experience in product
management and engineering, Ingo has been involved in architecting and delivering deployments of SAP BusinessObjects
software in combination with SAP software for a number of worldwide customers, and is an SAP Mentor for SAP Business-
Objects and SAP integration related topics. You may contact Ingo via email at editor@bi-expertonline.com.

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Administration and Implementation Tips
for SAP Near Line Storage (NLS) Based on
Sybase IQ
by Gary Nolan, SAP BI Strategic Architect, Sapiex Associates LLC

There are challenges to implementing the Near Line Storage (NLS) solution using Sybase >> Key Concept
IQ, and pitfalls to look out for during implementation. Learn tips for how to determine what Near Line Storage (NLS) using
to archive, how to segregate data, changes to the dataset, and understanding some fea- Sybase IQ allows data to be off-
tures of the overall solution. loaded from the SAP BW HANA
system and therefore saves on ex-
pensive HANA hardware and main-
Near Line Storage (NLS) using Sybase discuss what you need to consider when tenance costs. However, there are
IQ allows data to be offloaded from the administering and implementing SAP several important things to under-
SAP BW running on HANA system NLS based on Sybase IQ. stand about implementing this
on­­to the NLS system. Sybase IQ is the product before pro­ceeding.
database optimized for BI and NLS that
Choosing What to Archive
is run by Sybase, a company purchased
by SAP in 2010. Sybase IQ provides There are several things to keep in mind
assume that sales order data for the last
slower query access but does allow data when choosing which areas of the SAP
year and older have been archived to
that is not often used to be moved to the BW system to archive. Obviously, it is
NLS and deleted from the SAP BW
NLS system, thus freeing up the SAP advised to choose those areas that have
system. Then, a user in the transactional
HANA system for newer, more dynamic the most volume. Once implemented,
SAP ERP Central Component (ECC)
data. this would allow larger amounts of data
system makes a change to an old order;
to be taken off the database and moved
this would trigger a delta to SAP BW.
into the NLS system. However, it is not
By offloading the data onto the NLS Once that delta attempts to load, the
always as easy as just choosing the
system, it is possible to still have access sys­tem provides an error message in the
largest DataStore Objects (DSOs) or
to this data for query purposes but it load monitor screen (Figure 1). There is
InfoCubes when selecting what to
takes the data out of the costly SAP no way to update this data unless you
HANA nodes which stores data hot in bring this archive back into SAP BW,
memory. This move typically results in SAP BW does not allow records that run the delta load, and re-archive the
big cost savings for companies. As the have been archived to be updated via a data back to NLS. This can be a time-
NLS tool using Sybase IQ is rather new, data load change. This can cause quite consuming and cumbersome manual task.
there are some important tips to under- an issue if the data that is to be archived
stand how to optimize its use. Here I is at all dynamic. For example, let’s I recommend that non-dynamic data be
chosen when determining what kind of
>> Note data to archive. This means data that
For more information about Sybase IQ, see my BI Expert article, “Under- has little or no chance of being updated
standing SAP NetWeaver BW Near-Line Storage (NLS) Based on Sybase IQ” in the archived dataset. Some examples
(http://sapexperts.wispubs.com/BI/Articles/Understanding-SAP-NetWeaver- of this type of data would be Profitabil-
BW-Near-Line-Storage-NLS-Based-on-Sybase-IQ?id=D2A3534FB30C42DE- ity Analysis (CO-PA), invoice, and
A9BBC66DC1323C9F#.VG9-fPnF_wg). general ledger data. If more dynamic
datasets are chosen, it is important to

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choose data that is older and has little Distribution of Data tion methodology is implemented. For
chance of incurring a delta record from example, if data is segregated by plant,
One decision that must be made when how much data is in each plant? If a
the transactional system.
archiving is determining which charac- DSO is used for this, it is very easy
SAP has planned (in a future upgrade of teristics to use to segregate the archived because the data can be analyzed by
NLS in SAP BW and Sybase IQ) to datasets. Typically time is used as one viewing the table contents using trans-
allow delta records to directly update partition—for example, segregation of action code SE16 and using table counts
the data in Sybase IQ. This means that data by month. However, it is often of the records.
any delta record that comes into SAP helpful to also use an additional charac-
teristic such as plant or company code This becomes more challenging if the
BW for an archived NLS data record
to segregate archives to make for smal data is stored in an InfoCube. SAP has
would simply update that record in
ler datasets and allow for better provided a tool for seeing the segrega-
Sybase IQ. This would be a great feature tion of data within an InfoCube. To use
archiving performance.
as it would allow more dynamic data to the segregation tool, execute transaction
be archived without fear of a delta record To determine what characteristics would code ST13 (Figure 2) and choose the
causing issues with the data. According make the most sense, it is useful to see tool name BIIPTOOLS. Then click the
to SAP, this was tentatively planned for how the data is stored and how much execute icon, which opens the screen in
release at the end of 2014. data falls into each archive if a segrega- Figure 3 on the next page.

Figure 1 Error message when trying to load a delta into an archived dataset

Figure 2 Enter the tool name to bring up the SAP BW toolset

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Click the Show Distribution button next screen (Figure 5) it shows you when archiving to NLS is completed.
(Figure 3). This opens the screen in how many records you have for each
Figure 4, where the system allows you fiscal period. This can be useful in
Bringing Back Data from
to choose an InfoCube and its character- determining how much data exists in
istics. This represents the InfoCube for each archived partition. It is useful to an Archive
NLS data migration and the InfoObject understand how many slices of data If a delta record comes in from the
you will use to segregate the data. For there are and how much data goes into source or there is a need to restate or
example, if you choose an InfoCube each slice. This gives an idea of how reload history data back into SAP BW
and characteristic 0FISCPER, on the data would be stored and segregated from the archived data in the Sybase

Figure 3 Select the characteristic distribution

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Figure 4 Choose the InfoCube and characteristic

Figure 5 Results of the characteristic in the InfoCube

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IQ database, this data must be reloaded teristics. If you simply need to add the Sybase IQ into SAP BW.
from the archive. In our tests of new characteristics and want to popu-
loading this data back from Sybase IQ, late them from the time you add them Viewing Data in Sybase IQ
the performance was quite slow. It took and into the future with new data, you
several hours for 75,000 records. This can add the characteristics without any Data that has been archived into Sybase
is because in the current release the issues. Simply add them and the system IQ can be viewed using a new feature
SAP system only brings data back updates the archive structure to house that has been added to transaction code
from Sybase IQ in a single stream for the new data as it is populated and LISTCUBE in SAP BW. This new
each archived package. Thus no paral- archived. However, if you need to pop-
option is named Read Data from Near
lel loading occurs. This can be a ulate these characteristics into the past
Line Storage (Figure 6). By choosing
challenge if a large volume of data archived dataset, the only way to do this
this option, it is possible to see all the
needs to be reloaded back into SAP is to bring the archived data back into
data that has been archived in Sybase IQ
BW from the Sybase IQ archived data. SAP BW from Sybase IQ, populate the
for one DSO or InfoCube. This can be
data with either a reload or recursive
To mitigate this issue, I recommend that useful to troubleshoot the data that has
load, and then re-archive the data back
data be archived into more granular been stored or to view the volume of data
into Sybase IQ.
packages in Sybase IQ. For example, if that has been archived in Sybase IQ.
data needs to be archived for a month, Another common question is about
rather than archive this as one package editing structures after archiving has Smart Data Access (SDA)
with 30 days in the package, it is more occurred. You can remove characteris- When queries are run in SAP BW, the
useful to archive the data in multiple tics or key figures from an InfoCube or system can automatically read data in
packages with chunks of five days or DSO that has been archived to Sybase
Sybase IQ and combine that data with
even less. If the data needs to be loaded IQ. However, the system does not
data stored in SAP HANA. The data
back from the source, multiple packages allow you to archive another package
stored in SAP HANA is much faster to
can be loaded at once, and thus, reload unless you bring all the archived data
access than the near-line data stored in
is faster. This is also useful if a delta back into SAP BW and re-archive it
Sybase IQ. One of the challenges in
record comes in from the source. Rather again. Otherwise you must delete the
performance is in the reading of the
than reloading an entire month of data, archived data from Sybase IQ. Thus, it
navigational attributes in master data.
only five days or less need to be loaded. is not recommended that key figures
Note that there is no functionality to and char­ac­teristics be removed from a When data is read from Sybase IQ
load a subset of a package back into DSO or InfoCube that has been during query processing, and this data
SAP BW from the archive. archived because, depending on the needs to be married up with naviga-
size of the dataset, it could take a long tional attribute data from master data in
time to bring the data back into SAP SAP BW, the query processing time
Changes to Archived BW from the archive. slows noticeably as the system reads the
Structures corresponding master data and joins it
with other data.
A common question that is often asked Locking Data
is what changes can be made to the To combat this performance degrada-
structure of an SAP BW DSO or Info- The system does not allow data to be
tion, SAP has developed SDA. Once
Cube after archiving has occurred. For loaded into an InfoCube or DSO while
archiving is occurring. This is to pre implemented, this can help with the per-
example, a sales InfoCube has been live
vent data from being changed during formance degradation associated with
with data for more than five years. Two
the archiving process. Thus, process navigational attributes of master data.
new characteristics need to be added to
chains should be built to ensure that the Thus, I recommend that SDA be
the data for reporting purposes. Can you
data loads take place and are complete as­sessed as part of any project that
add these characteristics to the Info-
before any archiving can occur. This is needs to combine near-line data with
Cube even if it has data that has been
also true for bringing data back from any data in the SAP BW system. SDA
saved into an archive in Sybase IQ?
archive. The system will not allow data can also be used to join data with other
The answer to the question depends on to be loaded into a DSO or InfoCube heterogeneous data sources like Hadoop
the need you have for these new charac- while data is being loaded back from and Teradata.

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Determining Run Time the query performance of data coming to use that tool to enhance the speed of
from either source, or data combined accessing data.
To determine the speed of data access for from both sources. It is possible to use
data that is stored in a near-line archive the statistics data that comes from the Execute transaction code RSRT and
in Sybase IQ versus data that is stored in query monitor (transaction code RSRT) choose a query. Choose the Execute +
SAP HANA, a tool is needed to assess in order to assess the speed. Here is how Debug option. The system allows you to

Figure 6 New option added to transaction code LISTCUBE

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Figure 7 Choose your query options

Figure 8 Statistics of data in HANA and NLS from transaction code RSRT

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choose parameters for your evaluation view of the performance of each storage how much data has been moved, per­
(Figure 7). Choose the two options area of the data as well as the number centage complete, sizing, and so on.
highlighted in Figure 7: Display Statis- of records in each. This is a rather large functionality gap of
tics Data and Do not Use Cache. Then
which SAP is aware. Despite this, SAP
run the query as normal. The system
Dashboard Status has not committed to any functionality
shows the statistics of the query runtime
to provide this visibility in SAP BW.
(Figure 8). An issue with the implementation and
Thus, currently the only way to find
Look at the Aggregate column in use of Sybase IQ archiving with SAP
this data is to work with someone who
Fig­ure 8. If the value in this column is BW is the lack of visibility from the
understands administration in Sybase
suffixed with $X, this represents the SAP BW system of the status, storage,
and administration of data in Sybase IQ and try to view this administration
statistics for the SAP HANA database.
If it has a suffix of $N, it represents the IQ. For example, there is no way to see data from that system. So far I have not
statistics for the data coming from NLS what archive jobs are currently being been able to adequately provide a good
based on Sybase IQ. This provides a run, how long they have been running, dashboard of this data. n

Gary Nolan is an SAP NetWeaver BW-certified consultant and author of Efficient SAP NetWeaver BW Implementation and
Upgrade Guide and Efficient SAP NetWeaver BI Implementation and Project Management. Gary specializes in gathering
and evaluating requirements, configuring SAP NetWeaver BW, and providing project management, performance management,
and data architecture and data modeling expertise. A former platinum consultant with SAP America, Inc., Gary has more
than 20 years of SAP experience, working with SAP NetWeaver BW since version 1.2B. Gary may be contacted via email
at editor@bi-expertonline.com.

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Selecting the Right BI Tool: SAP
BusinessObjects BI Portfolio and Personas
by Ingo Hilgefort, Senior Director, Solution Management, Landscape Orchestration, SAP Canada

With the acquisition of SAP BusinessObjects a few years back, SAP extended its offerings >> Key Concept
in the Business Intelligence (BI) area and is now in a position to offer companies a broad SAP offers companies an SAP
range of BI products. With this larger set of BI clients also comes more complexity when BusinessObjects BI portfolio that
choosing the right BI tool based on your own specific requirements. Learn about the avail- provides a set of BI tools, each
able options and how to choose the best BI tool to meet your company’s needs. with its own strengths and weak-
nesses. Each of these BI clients is
designed with specific use cases
With the addition of SAP BusinessOb- Agile Visualization and personas in mind—none
jects BI to the overall SAP portfolio and In the agile visualization category you cover all types of requirements.
with the combined roadmap of SAP BI find SAP Lumira, SAP BusinessObjects As a result, companies must be
products and SAP BusinessObjects BI Explorer, SAP BusinessObjects Analy- mindful when selecting the best
products (e.g., SAP BusinessObjects sis, edition for Microsoft Office, SAP product to use for their specific
Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for needs.
and SAP BusinessObjects Design OLAP, and SAP Predictive Analysis
Studio), companies have more choices (Figure 1). Notice that all of these These are all requirements that your
to make when it comes to determining products have one important thing in stakeholders might request when they
their BI strategies. common: they’re all designed for a describe their needs. More than likely,
business-analyst or power-user type of you can then identify an agile visualiza-
Before going into too much detail, let user and do not require IT to be part of tion category product that is able to
me first explain some of the criteria you the overall process. It is important to provide the necessary functionality to
can use to narrow down the list of remember, however, that these products fulfill these requirements. As stated pre-
potential BI clients for your audience. do have different strengths and weak- viously, the most important aspect in
I’ll also take a look at the overall SAP nesses and that none of them covers all this category is the fact that these func-
BusinessObjects BI portfolio and the of your requirements on their own. tionalities can be leveraged by the
different kind of categories that are business user without the need to
In the agile visualization category, you
available as part of the portfolio. often find requirements such as being involve IT.
able to:
SAP BusinessObjects BI • Change the view of the data in the
Dashboards and Applications
Portfolio—An Overview report. There are two main products in the
dashboards and apps category: SAP
The SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio
• Create and edit the report by the user. BusinessObjects Dashboards (formerly
is grouped into three main categories:
• Enrich the data and merge different Xcelsius) and SAP BusinessObjects
1. Agile visualization data sets. Design Studio (Figure 2). Both of these
products offer the capabilities to build
2. Dashboards and applications • Create new calculations as part of the dashboard-style content based on your
report. corporate data and both are designed for
3. Reporting
an IT-based audience. These products
• Search in the data set.
In the following sections I discuss each are designed for the IT department to
of these categories in detail. • Ask questions. create the content, which then can be

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Figure 1 Agile visualization

Figure 2 Dashboards and apps

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consumed by your business users, but details about how you can differentiate • Format and print documents.
these products are not designed for the between these products and select the
business user to create the dashboards. right BI tool for your requirements. If your project requires a BI client that
is able to fulfill these requirements, you
In this category, you often find require- should look at the products in the
ments such as the need to:
re­porting category and start with the
There are two products in the reporting functionality of those products.
• Display highly visualized in­for­ma­tion. category: Crystal Reports and Web
Intelligence (Figure 3). Both of these So far, I’ve reviewed the different cate-
• Track corporate key performance
products are typical reporting tools with gories of SAP BusinessObjects BI
indicators (KPIs).
one major difference: Crystal Reports is Portfolio, but none of these BI clients is
• Display highly aggregated informa- designed for the IT department to create a silver bullet in and of itself. When
tion with the option to drill down the reports, and Web Intelligence is looking to fulfill all your BI strategy
when needed. de­signed as a self-service reporting tool requirements, you have to look beyond
for the business user to create and edit just a single BI client, as you need more
• Display the information on mobile the reports. than just one BI tool to fulfill all your
devices. needs. Will you require all of them?
In the reporting category, you often find
• Interact with the dashboard in the requirements such as being able to: Probably not, but you probably will
form of filtering and navigating. need more than one of these BI tools.
• Create a well-defined repeatable layout.
These are just some typical examples of
• Automatically distribute reports to a SAP BusinessObjects BI Portfolio—
requirements that would fall under the
large audience. Personas
dashboards and apps category. Later on
in this article I delve further into the • Create a set of pre-defined reports. In addition to understanding the different

Figure 3 Reporting

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products in the overall SAP Business­ These roles might have different names Decision-Maker Persona
Objects BI portfolio and the different in your company—for example, an So let’s start with the decision-maker
categories in the overall portfolio, it is analyst might be called a power user or role (highlighted in Figure 4). The deci-
also very important to understand the business analyst, and a decision maker sion maker’s persona requires that
different personas (roles) in your might be referred to as senior manage- information be highly visualized. In
company and how these different perso- ment or a line of business manager. addition, this information needs to be
nas are matched up with the different BI However, you will find these five basic available online, offline, and on mobile
tools. types of personas in your company devices. The decision maker needs to be
able to consume this information
Normally you find these five roles in (even if labelled differently), all with
quickly and, if required, needs to be
your company (Figure 4): different skills and different needs. It
able to analyze the information on its
• Decision maker could also be that some of these roles own without having to rely on the IT
are filled by a single person. For department to create or change a report.
• Analyst ex­ample, in your organization a Typically, the decision maker is a role
• Consumer de­signer and an analyst might actually found in senior management, line of busi-
be the same person. My point is that ness management, and on an executive
• Designer there are different kinds of roles in your leadership team. Therefore, it is very
company, each having different require- important that the information is avail-
• IT
ments, and each of these roles might not able visually and is easily consumable.
>> Note match up exactly to one person—
instead a single person in your company Analyst Persona
In this context, the words persona
and role are used interchangeably. might fulfill the responsibilities of more The analyst persona (Figure 5 on the
than one role. next page) is often your go-to person in

Figure 4 BusinessObjects BI roles—the decision-maker role

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a company when senior management and less focused on creating reports or created by the designer persona and
requires a quick answer to a question. dashboards. The consumer persona is consumed by other stakeholders. Very
Very often the analyst is also called a typically the person who requires infor- often the designer is part of the IT
power user, which perhaps describes mation to perform daily tasks—for department, but more and more you
this role slightly better. The analyst has example, an accountant who requires a also see the designer role as part of the
a very good understanding of corporate list of open invoices or the shop floor BI team and even in specific line of
data and elements such as the underly- worker who requires a material list for business departments where a single
ing data models and the dependencies the next order to be fulfilled. With this person takes on the responsibilities of
between the different sets of data. Ana- persona, the focus is more on the actual both an analyst and a designer.
lysts require products that provide a consumption of information than on the
large set of functionalities and do not creation and editing of reports. There-
present limitations or boundaries when fore simplicity is a very important IT Persona
it comes to analyzing information and aspect of this role.
creating reports and data visualizations Last but not least is the IT role (Figure
for management. Very similar to the 8 on page 90). The IT persona is less
Designer Persona relevant for the actual requirements dis-
decision-maker role, the analyst also
needs products that allow working with The designer role is the persona that cussion and the selection of the right BI
data without having to rely on the IT creates BI-related content (Figure 7). In tool, as the IT role in this case is really
department. this case, BI-related content could mean more about completing the administra-
metadata, such as Universes in the SAP tive tasks for your SAP BusinessObjects
BusinessObjects BI system, or BEx BI system, such as system management
Consumer Persona queries in the SAP BW System or SAP and system monitoring. As mentioned
The consumer (Figure 6), as the name HANA models. In addition BI-related previously, very often the designer and
of this role indicates, is mainly focused content also includes pre-defined IT roles are combined and fall under the
on the consumption of the information reports, dashboards, or workbooks aegis of the IT department.

Figure 5 The analyst role

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Figure 6 The consumer role

Figure 7 The designer role

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Matching Personas with BI simple and easy to consume fashion. need to be able to really analyze the
For this you can use SAP Business­ information, enrich the data, and
Clients Objects Design Studio and SAP manipulate the data when required;
So far I have discussed the overall SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards for pre- therefore, the analyst has to have
BusinessObjects BI portfolio and the defined dashboards, and SAP Lumira access to all the different BI clients.
products within it, and the different per- and SAP BusinessObjects Explorer
sonas that exist and that might come • Analysts have less need to access
for situations where it’s important to
with requirements to use as part of a BI Crystal Reports and Web Intelligence,
provide self-services.
project. In this section, I show how to as here real multi-dimensional capa-
combine these different roles with the • Decision makers don’t really need bilities are important, and Crystal
available products, so that you can Crystal Reports and Web Intelligence Reports and Web Intelligence are
understand which products to leverage as their visualization capabilities are reporting clients that are not usually
for which type of audience. not as strong as required and the user required by the analyst persona.
interface (UI) of Crystal Reports and
The easiest way to differentiate the Consumers’ requirements:
Web Intelligence would provide too
available BI products is to show which many functionalities for this audience. • Crystal Reports and Web Intelligence
products should be used by which role
are needed by consumers in order to
when it comes to consuming and creat- • SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edi-
consume pre-defined content and to
ing BI content (Figure 9). Starting with tion for Microsoft Office and SAP
allow for some self-service capabilities.
the consumption of BI data, following BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for
is the reasoning behind each of your OLAP provide a multi-dimensional • In cases where the consumer role does
choices. type of capabilities, which rarely is need data visualization capabilities
required for this audience. combined with some self-service
Decision makers’ requirements:
aspects, the user would leverage SAP
Analysts’ requirements:
• A decision maker requires highly Lumira or SAP BusinessObjects
visualized information presented in a • As mentioned previously, analysts Explorer.

Figure 8 The role of IT

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• For analytical capabilities, the con- Decision makers: Analysts:

sumer role can leverage SAP
• In cases where decision makers need • Similar to the consumption side, the
Business­Objects Analysis, edition for
to create content without the services analyst persona leverages the BI cli-
Microsoft Office over SAP Business­
of the IT department, the product ent that suits the requirements best
Objects Analysis, edition for OLAP and the analyst has access to the dif-
choices would be SAP Business­
simply because the consumer role ferent BI client tools.
Objects Analysis, edition for Micro­
would be very comfortable using
soft Office for more analytical type of • Analysts would not use the SAP
Microsoft Office.
requirements and SAP Lumira and BusinessObjects Dashboards and
• To meet dashboarding requirements, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio
the consumer role leverages pre- scenarios with stronger data-visual- products, as these BI tools are specif-
defined content that is created with ization requirements. ically designed for the designer or IT
SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio persona.
• For the decision-maker persona,
or SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards.
Crystal Reports and Web Intelligence • In situations where analysts need to
In the graphic in Figure 10 on the next do not fit this audience and do not share reports with consumer perso-
page, the designer and IT roles are offer a user experience that suits this nas, Web Intelligence is a good prod-
em­p­­ty for the consumption part as they role. uct choice, as it is more likely that
are seen as supporting roles here in cre- consumers are already familiar with
• SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards and this product.
ating the actual BI content.
SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio
Looking at the second aspect, the cre- are not designed to allow business
ation of BI content, I show the logic for users (e.g., decision makers) to create • In situations where consumers need
the product choices for each of these dashboards, so this would not be an to create content without the involve-
roles below. option. ment of the IT department, the prod-

Figure 9 Consuming BI content

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Figure 10 Creating BI content

with stronger data visualization

>> Note
You can read more about the technical requirements around selecting the
proper BI tool in my related BI Expert article, “Selecting the Right BI Tool: • In situations where consumers just
Technical Requirements and Sample Scenarios,” on page 93. require a reporting environment, but
one that also allows consumer perso-
>> Product Roadmap Disclaimer nas to create or change reports, Web
Intelligence is the preferred choice.
The descriptions in this article of future functionality are the author’s inter-
pretation of the publicly available product integration roadmap. These items In addition, to provide the other perso-
are subject to change at any time without any notice, and the author is not nas with the needed pre-defined reports,
providing any warranty on these statements. the designer and IT roles can leverage
those BI clients that don’t provide a
uct choice is SAP BusinessObjects re­quire­ments, based on their familiarity self-service reporting environment, such
Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office with Microsoft Office. SAP Lumira as SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio
for more analytical types of would be a good choice for situations or Crystal Reports.n

Ingo Hilgefort started in 1999 with Seagate Software/Crystal Decisions as a trainer and consultant. He moved to Walldorf
for Crystal Decisions at the end of 2000, and worked with the SAP NetWeaver BW development team integrating Crystal
Reports with SAP NetWeaver BW. He relocated to Vancouver in 2004 and worked as a product manager/program manager
(in engineering) on the integration of BusinessObjects products with SAP products. In addition to his experience in product
management and engineering, Ingo has been involved in architecting and delivering deployments of SAP BusinessObjects
software in combination with SAP software for a number of worldwide customers, and is an SAP Mentor for SAP Business-
Objects and SAP integration related topics. You may contact Ingo via email at editor@bi-expertonline.com.

92 © 2015 BI Expert Reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
BI Expert Anthology • www.SAPexperts.com/BI

Selecting the Right BI Tool: Technical

Requirements and Sample Scenarios
by Ingo Hilgefort, Senior Director, Solution Management, Landscape Orchestration, SAP Canada

Learn the technical requirements of the SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio and how to use >> Key Concept
them to help you select the right BI tool. Find out how to use these new rules and apply SAP’s BusinessObjects BI portfolio
them to some sample scenarios. provides organizations with a set
of BI tools, each with its own
strengths and weaknesses. Not
Companies need to evaluate the best option to sort and filter the data in the
all these BI products can fulfill the
available BI tools to meet their needs. report interactively.
same technical requirements. As
BusinessObjects BI portfolio’s tools
Two key differentiators of the portfolio a result, companies need not only
meet some technical requirements, but
are features that allow end users to to evaluate the products they use
each tool comes with its own pros and
merge data within the BI client without but also to look at some of the
cons. I show you the differences be­tween
having to rely on the IT team, and to technical requirements to ensure
each tool and guide your selections to
create calculations. Merging data refers they select the best possible
best meet your organization’s specific
to the capability that your end user has product based on their own
to combine data from a different source requirements.
in the BI content without having to go
SAP BusinessObjects BI through the IT department, and without in a self-service fashion is only sup-
Portfolio Charting Options having to change some underlying data ported by SAP Lumira; Predictive
Figure 1 on the next page compares models. For example, the user can join Analysis; Analysis, edition for Micro-
some technical capabilities of the SAP data coming from SAP Business Ware- soft Office; Analysis, edition for OLAP;
BusinessObjects BI portfolio and some house (SAP BW) with data coming and Web Intelligence (also known as
typical end-user features across the from SAP ERP in the report itself. The WEBI or WebI).
complete SAP BusinessObjects BI port- functionality to create calculations in
the content is offered by al­­most all the Figure 2 on the next page compares the
folio. Notice that all the products offer
BI products, but the functionality that web-based and mobile-device-based
capabilities such as a drill down or the
enables end users to create calculations access for the BI products, as well as
the support for offline access. Notice
>> Note that only a few BI clients support off­line
access and web-based authoring of
In my related BI Expert article, “Selecting the Right BI Tool: SAP Business-
Objects BI Portfolio and Personas,” on page 84, I review the overall SAP
BusinessObjects BI portfolio and the different users who are relevant for BI In the Mobile BI access column in
project and requirements gathering. In addition I make a distinction between Fig­ure 2 note that an X is entered in the
just consuming reports and analytics, and the role of creating content. rows for SAP BusinessObjects Analysis,
edition for Microsoft Office, SAP Busi-
>> Note nessObjects Analysis, edition for OLAP,
and Predictive Analysis. The X indi-
I sometimes refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Suite of products. In
cates that there is no mobile BI solution
this context this refers to SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for OLAP; SAP
for these products. For SAP Business­
BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office; and SAP Business-
Objects Analysis, edition for Microsoft
Objects Design Studio.
Office, and SAP BusinessObjects Anal-

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Figure 1 End-user features of the SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio

Figure 2 SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio mobile accessibility

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ysis, edition for OLAP, the mobile tions look for very specific visualization Figure 5 on the next page includes the
solution is SAP BusinessObjects Design options, it is important to recognize that waterfall chart as one of the composi-
Studio. In addition, both the analysis not all the BI products support an iden- tion charts. This chart has become
clients are integrated with SAP Business­- tical list of available chart types. As you in­­­creasingly popular with organizations.
Objects Design Studio so that you can can see in Figure 3, most of the listed You can see that, with the exception of
automatically create mobile content for comparison charts are available across Crystal Reports and Explorer, this par-
your workbooks. Predictive Analysis the SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio, ticular chart is covered well in the
al­so doesn’t have an out-of-the-box with the exception of the bar chart, overall BI portfolio.
mobile solution, but you can share your stacked bar chart, and polar chart.
content via SAP Lumira Cloud and in Figure 6 on page 97 shows the complete
that way enable content from SAP In Figure 4 on the next page you see coverage in the BI products for the
Predictive Analysis for mobile devices. the two distribution chart types avail- scatter and the bubble charts. However,
able in the SAP BusinessObjects BI Figure 7 on page 97 shows the differ-
Figure 3 compares the availability of portfolio: scatter and histogram. Note ences in the support for key per­for­­­mance
specific types of charts across the BI that the histogram chart is only avail- indicator (KPI) charts, such as a gauge
portfolio. As more and more organiza- able with Crystal Reports. or a sparkline.

Figure 3 SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio’s comparison charts

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Figure 4 SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio’s distribution charts

Figure 5 SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio’s composition charts

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Figure 6 Relationship charts

Figure 7 KPI charts

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Figure 8 lists the BI clients that can vider in SAP BW. These three BI clients Figures 10, 11, and 12 (pages 99 to 101)
support additional charts, such as a heat can connect to SAP BW using the rela- show the different levels of support for
map, a tree map, a Gantt chart, or a tional Universe option and the option typ­ical hierarchical features provided by
funnel chart. provided by SAP BW on SAP HANA. SAP BW. You might receive require-
When you use SAP BW on SAP ments from your business users when
So far I have reviewed the support for
HANA, you can use the integration some specific capabilities are critical,
the different type of charts and the
between SAP BW and SAP HANA as which makes the ability to fully use
support for some basic end-user fea-
the underlying database for SAP BW to hier­archies from SAP BW very
tures, such as drill down, interactive
publish your existing assets, such as an im­portant.
filtering, and interactive sorting. In the
InfoProvider, to SAP HANA. BI clients
next section I review the different As you can see in Figure 10, SAP
can then connect to the newly created
op­tions to connect to your SAP land- Lumira and Predictive Analysis cannot
SAP HANA assets.
scape as well as the ability to leverage yet leverage the hierarchies from SAP
hierarchies from SAP BW. BW. (Direct access to a BEx query was
With regard to SAP ERP connectivity, released in early July 2014.) In addition,
SAP’s BusinessObjects BI you have the option to use a Universe the support for hierarchies with linked
connecting to the data in SAP ERP and nodes is limited to SAP BusinessOb-
Portfolio Connectivity and the option to use the transient InfoPro- jects Analysis, edition for Microsoft
Hierarchical Options vider. Use of the transient InfoProvider Office; SAP BusinessObjects Analysis,
Figure 9 shows the different options to requires SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement edition for OLAP; SAP BusinessOb-
connect to your SAP BW and SAP ERP package 5 or higher. The advantage of jects Design Studio; and SAP
systems. You can see that SAP Lumira, the transient InfoProvider is that you Bus­iness­Objects Explorer. Although
SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, and can connect directly to your operational SAP BusinessObjects Explorer cannot
Predictive Analysis are not connecting data without having to first create a visualize hierarchies, hierarchies can be
directly to a BEx query or an InfoPro- Universe. used for filtering.

Figure 8 Additional supported charts

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Figure 9 Data connectivity options

Figure 10 BI portfolio hierarchy support (part 1)

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Using Figure 11 as a starting point, I • Skipping levels of a hierarchy refers Office; and SAP BusinessObjects
compare the different navigation options to the option for the user to, for De­sign Studio can fully support hierar-
involving hierarchies: ex­ample, select levels 5, 8, 12, and 14 chies from SAP BW. Figure 12 shows
of a cost center hierarchy that is 15 more of the hierarchical capabilities
• All the BI clients can create a hierar-
levels deep, and to unselect all other across all the different BI clients:
chical member selection, allowing the
levels of the hierarchy.
user to select specific nodes and • In cases for which you prefer to rank
leaves. • Showing only the leaf members is a the key figures along a hierarchy, the
scenario in which the user, for exam- classic reporting products such as
• All the BI clients—with the exception
ple, uses a cost center hierarchy with Crystal Reports and Web Intelligence
of SAP Lumira, SAP BusinessObjects
a maximum depth of 15 levels and cannot provide such capabilities and
Explorer, and Predictive An­alysis—
prefers to quickly just show the leaf instead first break the hierarchy and
also provide a level-based hierarchi-
members. Note that even though then rank all elements on the same
cal selection, allowing the user to cre-
there is a maximum depth of 15 lev- level.
ate more dynamic reports simply by
selecting specific levels of the hierar- els for the hierarchy, the leaf mem- • Being able to switch between differ-
chy. bers could be on any of these 15 lev- ent hierarchies for a single character-
els as the hierarchy could be an un­­ istic is a very important feature for
• Only SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, balanced hierarchy. This is also the most users, but it is only offered by
edition for OLAP; SAP Business­ reason why classic reporting tools the SAP BusinessObjects Analysis
Objects Analysis, edition for Micro­ such as Crystal Reports and Web suite of products.
soft Office; and SAP BusinessObjects
Intelligence cannot offer this capability.
Design Studio enable users to skip • The options to expand the complete
levels when selecting members of a Only SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, hierarchy to a specific depth and to
hierarchy and show the leaf members edition for OLAP; SAP BusinessOb- choose if the subtotals of a hierarchy
only. jects Analysis, edition for Microsoft should be displayed above or below

Figure 11 BI portfolio hierarchy support (part 2)

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the hierarchy nodes are functionalities Three Example Scenarios to budget along several dimensions. He
that are only supported by the SAP needed to see these measures along the
Help You Choose
BusinessObjects Analysis suite of company structures as well as compare
So far I have given an overview of the information from several sources. He
technical points of SAP BusinessOb- also needed to add his own calculations
In addition to the support for the hierar- jects BI portfolio. The next step is to to answer on-demand requests from
chical workflows, Figure 13 on the next take a look at three different scenarios senior management. In addition, he
page shows the support for a set of key with different requirements, and how to wanted to leverage the information
capabilities defined in a BEx query. The identify the right BI product to meet in­­side Microsoft Excel, but it also
support for BEx query conditions, each organization’s needs. In each sce- needed to be available to use in a
ex­ceptions, and the ability to leverage a nario I first outline the requirements, browser.
pre-configured zero suppression is lim­ited put those requirements in a short list of
deliverables, and then match those back Here is a summary of the requirements:
to the SAP BusinessObjects Anal­ysis
to the BI products.
suite. If these types of capabilities • Based on the description, the hierar-
be­come relevant for your re­­quire­­ments, chies for the cost and profit center
you need to look at the SAP Business-
Scenario 1: Financial Management
reporting, as well as the company
Objects Analysis Suite as the other BI In the first scenario I received the fol- structures, have to be leveraged.
clients do not support those features. lowing instructions from the financial
manager: • The customer structures in the BEx
The inability to support these types of
queries might have to be leveraged.
BEx query features results in far larger The financial manager for the West
data volumes than expected and can Coast region of North America needed • The reports need to be available in
lead to a bad performance, the result of to be able to analyze cost and profit Microsoft Excel and a browser-based
which is a negative user experience. center actuals toward the allocated access should be possible as well.

Figure 12 BI portfolio hierarchy support (part 3)

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• Users need to be able to create their • Crystal Reports, SAP Business­ SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition
own calculations on the fly. Objects Dashboards, SAP Business­ for Microsoft Office, could be used to
Objects Design Studio, and SAP fulfill these requirements.
• The financial manager needed to BusinessObjects Explorer do not
access multiple data sources in a sin- en­able the end-user to create calcula- Scenario 2: Sales Management
gle report. tions on the fly.
In the second scenario I received the
Figure 14 shows the different BI clients When those products are removed from following description from the sales
along those specific requirements. the list, SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, manager:
Based on those requirements, some of edition for Microsoft Office; SAP Busi-
nessObjects Analysis, edition for The sales manager for Canada needed
them can be quickly excluded:
OLAP; and Web Intelligence remain as to create a report for his sales represen-
• SAP Lumira, SAP BusinessObjects possible offerings. Based on the need tatives that would allow them to see
Explorer, and Predictive Analysis for strong support for the hierarchies their current sales pipeline. He men-
cannot leverage the existing SAP BW and custom structure SAP BusinessOb- tioned that the information needed to be
hierarchies and custom structures. jects Analysis, edition for OLAP, and available in the office, on the road, and

Figure 13 BEx query support

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on mobile devices. He also stressed that with attached PDF files. • Users needed to send out the reports
each sales representative needed to be as PDF files and distribute these to a
Here’s a summary of the requirements: larger audience via email.
able to change the report as they wished
so that they can see the information by • The information needed to be avail- • For the sales manager, some simple
opportunity, product, week, and month, able on-premise (in the office), what-if scenarios would be a great
as well as other options. Actual hierar- asset.
offline (on the road), and on mobile
chies are only used in a limited way.
devices. Figure 15 on the next page shows the
Personally, as the sales manager, he
mentioned it would be of great value to • Users needed to be able to change the different BI clients alongside the sales
be able to run some simple scenarios to manager’s requirements. Starting by
report and to change the view on the
excluding some of the BI clients based
see how certain changes could impact data along several dimensions by
on these requirements, the list of
the pipeline; for example, a change in themselves. options can be quickly narrowed down:
the product cost or price. Finally, he
noted that some of his sales colleagues • There was only a limited need to • Crystal Reports, SAP Business­
preferred to get information via email leverage hierarchies. Objects Dashboards, and SAP

Figure 14 A comparison of BI products to meet scenario 1’s requirements

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BusinessObjects Design Studio do end users’ need for a self-service report- information quickly without having to
not enable the end user to change ing tool. Based on the overall scenario rely on business analysts or IT to send
reports. and the very limited use of hierarchies, information when requested. He wanted
there should not be any issue using Web to simply search for answers by enter-
• Only Crystal Reports, Web Intell­
Intelligence in combination with SAP ing questions on his own.
igence, and SAP BusinessObjects
Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office Here’s a summary of the requirements:
provide the ability to schedule
reports. Scenario 3: Executive Reporting • Users preferred to consume highly
aggregated information.
In the third scenario I received these
• SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edi-
tion for Microsoft Office, SAP requirements from the leadership team: • Users needed a BI product with
BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for strong data visualization options.
The executive manager of the company
OLAP, SAP BusinessObjects Ex­­ needed consolidated information, pro- • Users wanted to drill down and navi-
plorer, and SAP BusinessObjects viding him with a high-level overview gate to detailed information when
Design Studio do not offer offline on all critical corporate KPIs. He required.
needed to access this information
• Users wanted the information needs
Based on all these exclusions, Web anytime, anywhere. In addition, if
to be available on mobile devices.
Intelligence fits all these requirements required, he needed to get to the root
well. Web Intelligence rich client meets cause and see detailed information. Looking at Figure 16 you can see that
the requirement for providing offline Finally, timeliness was an important cri- most of the BI clients can fulfill these
access, and Web Intelligence meets the terion. He needed to be able to access requirements, but in this scenario, it is

Figure 15 A comparison of BI products to meet scenario 2’s requirements

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Figure 16 A comparison of BI products to meet scenario 3’s requirements

important to also consider the audi- ence is the best possible, and therefore, Analysis, edition for OLAP, Crystal
ence—the leadership team—as a very I recommend that you exclude SAP Reports, Web Intelligence, and Predictive
important criterion. In this scenario you BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Analysis. These listed products are not
want to make sure that the user experi- Microsoft Office, SAP BusinessObjects necessarily designed for this type of
user audience and might provide too
>> Product Roadmap Disclaimer much information and not be enough. In
this scenario I recommend that you use
The descriptions of future functionality are the author’s interpretation of the
SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio to
publicly available product integration roadmap. These items are subject to
change at any time without any notice, and the author is not providing any create an executive dashboard and pro-­
warranty on these statements. vide SAP Lumira for the self-service
aspects when needed. n

Ingo Hilgefort started in 1999 with Seagate Software/Crystal Decisions as a trainer and consultant. He moved to Walldorf
for Crystal Decisions at the end of 2000, and worked with the SAP NetWeaver BW development team integrating Crystal
Reports with SAP NetWeaver BW. He relocated to Vancouver in 2004 and worked as a product manager/program manager
(in engineering) on the integration of BusinessObjects products with SAP products. In addition to his experience in product
management and engineering, Ingo has been involved in architecting and delivering deployments of SAP BusinessObjects
software in combination with SAP software for a number of worldwide customers, and is an SAP Mentor for SAP Business­-
Objects and SAP integration related topics. You may contact Ingo via email at editor@bi-expertonline.com.

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SAP HANA Studio-Based Modeling of BW
Objects Without Transaction Code RSA1
by Ned Falk, Senior Education Consultant, SAP

Learn the steps needed to set up a HANA studio user interface to access some of the BW >> Key Concept
modeling tasks normally done in BW transaction code RSA1. As HANA and BW modelers A new Eclipse-based user inter-
merge and overlap tasks, the ability to model windows into each type of modelers’ worlds face (UI) is available for modeling
becomes more and more important. BW objects when running BW on
SAP HANA. This interface is inte-
Transaction code RSA1, as most BW understand this article. With BW 7.3, grated in the SAP HANA studio UI,
users know, is the Administrator’s SAP introduced transient InfoProviders, and allows for the easy integration
Workbench for SAP BW. This is where composite InfoProviders, and improved and visibility of both native SAP
a BW user lives—where they model virtual InfoProviders by creating SAP HANA and BW objects in one UI.
InfoProviders and the ETL process as HANA-based virtual InfoProviders.
well as monitoring and remodeling and Although this is not the main subject of
almost everything else a BW user does. this article, you need to be familiar with >> Note
With BW on SAP HANA, many things these InfoProviders to understand
The transient InfoProviders I dis­-
are improved. For example, it provides what BW 7.4 on SAP HANA is
cuss in this article are the ones
super-fast access and flattens cubes, and adding to the mix. Follow this link to
involving the SAP HANA database.
there are many more options for model- read more about the newer InfoPro-
ing objects that are accessible to BI viders: http://sapexperts.wispubs.com/
• Analysis Process Designer (APD) –
front-end reporting tools. In BW 7.3 on BI/Articles/Introducing-BW-7-3-s-
The transient is called an analytical
SAP HANA and even before that, with New-InfoProviders.
BW 7.3 running with a Business Ware-
house Accelerator, SAP introduced Transient InfoProviders • BW Workspaces – The loading of a
some of the new possibilities. file or snapshot query is the transient.
A transient InfoProvider is not a normal
One major improvement is the new (You can read more about Work­
BW InfoProvider as it can be loosely
Eclipse-based (SAP HANA studio) user spaces in my BI Expert article, “An
defined as an InfoProvider that is created
interface (UI), which is an option for Introduction to BW Workspaces in
without using transaction code RSA1 (as
modeling for BW as of this newest 7.3: Increase User Flexibility with
mentioned previously, BW’s Administra-
release (SPS7 on SAP HANA with BW Central Oversight.”).
tor’s Workbench). Also unlike most other
7.4). However, it is designed for limited types of InfoProviders (InfoCubes and • Direct access to the SAP HANA ana-
functionality compared to the robust, DataStore Objects [DSOs], for example), lytic and calculation views
full-featured modeling of transaction transients do not have data cleansed via a
code RSA1. This improvement would transformation. A transient InfoProvider • The Business Suite (e.g., ERP Central
be more accurately called an optional is basically an object existing outside of Component [ECC]- or Customer
UI, as the ability to do limited modeling these more normal BW objects, but are Relationship Management [CRM]-
of BW objects in SAP HANA just like the InfoProviders you are permitted based transients).
makes it more convenient if you are pri- to directly query against.
marily an SAP HANA modeler.
The four ways to make transient InfoPro-
Composite InfoProviders
Before I continue, a review of a few viders are shown in Figure 1. They Composite InfoProviders are collections
newer objects is needed in order to include: (e.g., joins or unions) of transient

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InfoProviders or other InfoProviders existing methods and within SAP HANA based object used to gather source data
that were previously only able to be studio. The concept of the composite and present this data to the user after
created in the APD, transaction code InfoProvider is shown in Figure 2. the execution of a real-time transforma-
RSA1, or as part of a BW Workspace. tion. The newest twist is that, as of BW
Creating composite InfoProviders is only 7.3, these virtual InfoProviders can be
Virtual InfoProviders
possible with an in-memory-supported linked to a special SAP HANA database
BW, which means BWA or SAP HANA. Virtual InfoProviders (or remote cubes) object called an Analytical View.
Composite InfoProviders are now have been around for quite some time. Figure 3 on the next page shows the
allowed to be built using the previously A virtual InfoProvider is a run-time- concept.

Figure 1 Sources of transient InfoProviders

Figure 2 The composite InfoProvider

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As illustrated in Figure 3, virtual Info- means that open ODS views can be These open ODS views are part of a
Providers get data for the BEx Query at used to make BW aware of SAP HANA new layer in BW’s Layered Scalable
the time the Query executes. The data tables and views (in a similar way that Architecture (LSA) for BW on SAP
just passes through virtual InfoProviders transients and virtual InfoProviders HANA called LSA++. This new layer is
on the way to the user’s Query result accomplish this), but they also provide called the open ODS layer. This open
access to classic BW data sources (per- ODS layer represents the inbound layer
For the purposes of this article, there sistent staging area [PSA] being to BW. Previously, in BW not on SAP
are really no improvements to virtual op­tional). Finally, the new Smart Data HANA, the so-called Data Acquisition
InfoProviders. Rather, there is another Access feature of SAP HANA allows Layer of the prior LSA architecture was
new object in BW 7.4: an open opera- SAP HANA virtual access to tables on primarily made up of data sources’ PSA
tional data store (ODS) view. The ODS non-SAP HANA databases via Open tables physically residing in BW. Now,
view is related to these virtual InfoPro- Database Connectivity (ODBC). These with BW on SAP HANA and LSA++,
viders and their cousins, transient Smart Data Ac­cess views can also be the open ODS layer is open to non-BW-
Info­­Providers, and only works with BW the guts be­hind the new open ODS managed data sources without a PSA
views. This ends up being nearly the (the open ODS views and the prior tran-
These new open ODS views are objects same as using a direct access data sient InfoProviders, as well as your
that contain BW-related metadata about source, but in this case it leverages the current BW-managed traditional data
any object that presents fields. This newer concept of the open ODS view. sources and PSAs), as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3 Virtual cubes (a pass through but not physical InfoProvider) gets data from various existing sources

Figure 4 Open ODS views as part of LSA++

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The purpose of this article is not to give that if the object is created only in HANA studio, but you can display all
an in-depth discussion about LSA++ or transaction code RSA1, then the BW types of InfoProviders using this newer
its improvements in BW 7.4. Rather, team is wholly responsible for its accu- UI. To start the process of modeling in
this article’s purpose is to expose you to racy, whereas in the case of open ODS SAP HANA studio, you need to connect
the ability to model some BW objects in or composite InfoProviders that can be your SAP HANA studio UI to BW and
SAP HANA Design Studio (Eclipse- created outside of the BW environment, to the non-BW (native) SAP HANA
based UI) versus BW’s Administrator this responsibility can lie elsewhere. schemas. Once you have accessed SAP
Workbench—transaction code RSA1 HANA studio from your Windows start
(SAP Log On pad/traditional UI). Although the sub-title of this section of program your first step is to access the
my article is correct—BW Modeling in BW Modeling Perspective, shown in
SAP HANA studio (Eclipse-based
BW Modeling in SAP HANA Figure 5. Use the highlighted icon in
UI)—it is a little misleading. As I men- Figure 5 to choose the BW Modeling
Studio (Eclipse-Based UI)
tioned above, you can only create open Perspective option from the list of avail-
I am not sure why SAP does not com- ODS views and composites in SAP able perspectives.
pletely let you create all types of BW
Objects in SAP HANA studio. With >> Note
SAP HANA studio you can only create
A Perspective is a collection of little windows called views, designed for use
open ODS views, or composite InfoPro-
by a specific functional group of people accessing SAP HANA studio and the
viders, or display and change traditional
underlying SAP HANA database. For example, the Administration Perspective
non-SAP HANA-based objects. The
is a collection of views targeting the Basis people or database administra-
reason for this might be a technical lim-
tors, and the Development Perspective view is designed for programmers.
itation or just that SAP has not yet There is also a Modeling Perspective view for SAP HANA modeling outside of
finished the required code. Another BW (Classes HA100/HA300) among many other options.
reason might be more nuanced—that is,

Figure 5 Access the BW Modeling Perspective

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The next step is to connect a BW Use the Browse button (highlighted in After you add the BW system, you are
sys­­tem to the PC-based SAP HANA Figure 7) to select the BW system from able to display and change most Info-
studio (Eclipse-based) UI. The BW the SAP logon pad. When choosing the Providers and also are able to create an
system you connect to must be a BW BW system to access (shown in the Open ODS view or a composite
system that is already available in the pop-up screen in Figure 8 on page Info­Provider.
SAP logon pad. This process involves 112), be aware that one SAP HANA
two sub-steps. The first is to access the At this point, you are almost done with
studio running on your PC has connec-
File option in the menu bar and choose the setup. When you create a composite
tions to all of your BW environments
the new BW Project option, as shown in InfoProvider or an open ODS view you
(e.g., development, test, and produc-
Figure 6. may need to source the data behind the
tion), all via different project folders.
covers from the native SAP HANA
Once you’ve selected the BW system, tables, Smart Data Access **Tables, and
The second sub-step is to provide the and stepped through the options’ Information views. In order to see into
SAP HANA studio UI with a BW user screens using the Next button, click the the data and metadata for these underly-
name and password to be used when it Finish button. In the screen that results ing SAP HANA-specific objects
links in to save and retrieve objects in (not shown) enter the User ID and without leaving your BW project, you
BW (Figure 7). Password. must follow the previous steps (shown

Figure 6 Create a new BW Project in HANA studio

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in Figures 7and 8) to add your SAP test, and production environments each shown in the screen that appears
HANA system to the BW project. in its own project. (Figure 10 on page 113), where you
can begin the actual modeling using the
After completing both the BW and SAP Now that you have your connections, SAP HANA studio UI (versus using
HANA connection steps inside your BW select the InfoProvider folder, right-click transaction code RSA1’s BW Adminis-
modeling project, you see the folder tree to open the context menu, and select
trator Workbench or Workspace UI). To
shown in Figure 9 on the next page. New then Open ODS View. (Note that
learn this detail, please attend the
This is the combined tree of BW Info- when you’re doing these steps the only
Providers and SAP HANA database BW362 class or access help at Eclipse-
two objects you can create in this UI at
content (modeled information views), Based Modeling (https://help.sap.com/
this time are the Open ODS views and
and the Catalog (system table views). saphelp_nw74/helpdata/en/4f/13a0e3e1
composite InfoProviders. As I mentioned
This figure shows more than one BW a2428ea541b8fb0af671db/content.
previously, the actual modeling tasks and
Project, and the superset of folders from steps are the same using this UI or the htm?frameset=/en/3c/2501f075cb42b1a
BW and SAP HANA objects for each. In more traditional BW transaction code ef74b6b4e5fa9de/frameset.
this example, these projects point to the RSA1 UI.) htm&current_toc=/en/a3/fe1140d-
same BW and SAP HANA systems, but 72dc442e10000000a1550b0/plain.
normally you could have development, You can now access the menu path htm&node_id=3).

Figure 7 Add a specific BW system

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Figure 8 Add your SAP HANA system (follow menu path File > Attach HANA System)

Figure 9 The BW project with both BW and SAP HANA connections

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Finally, as I mentioned previously,

although you can cannot create other
new objects (other than the ones men-
tioned), you can display and change
existing objects by accessing them the
normal way (e.g., by expanding the
Info­Providers folder to find your

Now you know how to set up and start

creating the new open ODS views and
composite InfoProviders in SAP HANA
studio as well as being able to do these
tasks in transaction code RSA1. I can
only speculate as to why SAP is offer-
ing this alternative method, but in my
opinion there will continue to be more
and more overlap between native SAP
Figure 10 The modeling menu paths in your BW Project
HANA and BW. n

Ned Falk is a senior education consultant at SAP. In prior positions, he implemented many ERP solutions, including SAP
R/3. While at SAP, he initially focused on logistics. Now he focuses on HANA, SAP NetWeaver BW, SAP CRM, and the
integration of SAP NetWeaver BW and SAP BusinessObjects tools. You can meet him in person when he teaches SAP
HANA, SAP NetWeaver BW, or SAP CRM classes from the Atlanta SAP office, or in a virtual training class over the web.
If you need an SAP education plan for SAP HANA, BW, BusinessObjects, or CRM, you may contact him via email at ned.

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A Step-by-Step Tutorial for Developing
Mobile Applications on SAP HANA
by Vivek Sharma, Manager, Capgemini US

In this step-by-step tutorial for developing an Android-based mobile application on SAP >> Key Concept
HANA, learn how to expose data from SAP HANA as an OData service, how to consume The SAP HANA platform consists
data from the OData service on a web application, and how to create an Android mobile of an In-Memory database and an
application by using the PhoneGap hybrid web container. This article uses SAP HANA application platform. Data from
Service Pack 6, Android developer tools, and Cordova version 3.4.0. SAP HANA is exposed as an O-
Data service. An Android mobile
Mobility is one of the most disruptive Mobile Applications on SAP HANA”), application can be built using
technologies of the past few years and I explained the overall design for devel- HTML5, JavaScript, and Phone-
it has profoundly changed the way oping a mobile application on SAP Gap. The mobile application con-
employees interact with each other and HANA. In this article I do not cover the sumes data from HANA that is
also how day-to-day work is done. design aspect of this, but take you exposed as an OData service.
Many businesses realize the potential through a step-by-step tutorial of the
of harnessing mobile technologies to various steps involved in developing a
op­timize employee performance. mobile application. If you would like to called SAPUI5. SAPUI5 is the core
Although, in general, adoption of know about the technical architecture or of all mobile-based user interfaces
mobile applications has grown expo- design aspects, please read my other (UIs) for SAP.
nentially, it has not grown at the same article (license required).
rate in the enterprise landscape. One of 3. Hybrid web container – A hybrid
There are many development techniques web container is a native application
the primary reasons is the speed at
for building a mobile application. executing locally available web
which the underlying application or
Typ­ically mobile applications can be assets in an embedded browser.
database layer provides data to the
categorized into three different PhoneGap is a popular hybrid web
mobile application. This is where SAP
paradigms: container. It uses JavaScript as its
HANA brings in a lot of value. SAP
HANA is the new SAP in-memory controller language and HTML5 and
1. Native – These mobile applications
database and it can perform real-time CSS3 for UI definition. It provides
are built natively for each platform.
operations at high speed—in many plug-in code architecture, from
Most consumer apps are native
cases within sub-seconds. JavaScript to native code. One
applications and since they provide
advantage of using PhoneGap is that
complete control of the device APIs
In one of my earlier SAP Experts arti- it has native application wrappers
to the developer, they have the best
cles (“An Overview of Developing for various platforms. For example,
user experience.
if a mobile application needs access
>> Note 2. Web based – With the increasing to the mobile device’s camera, the
power of mobile devices, web-based user does not have to write code to
To understand the concepts dis-
mobile application development is access the camera’s APIs in Java (in
cussed in this article, you need a
also gaining traction. Web browsers the case of Android) or Objective C
basic understanding of SAP HANA
on a mobile device have the same (in the case of IOS). Using the
studio, OData services, SAPUI5,
capability as that of a desktop PhoneGap API the code to access
JavaScript, and Java. Knowledge
browser. There are many HTML5 the camera of the mobile device can
of Android developer tools and
frameworks that can be used. SAP be written once and can be re-used
PhoneGap API is also very helpful.
has its own HTML5 framework for all the mobile application plat-

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forms. Not all browsers are HTML5 Kit (SDK) tools • Create an Android application using
capable. In this tutorial I use the PhoneGap
–– Android platform tools
Google Chrome browser to test the
web application. Chrome supports • Integrate the web application with the
–– The latest Android platform
HTML5 and all mobile devices Android project and deploy it on an
browsers also support HTML5. –– An Android emulator emulator

Following the steps described in this • PhoneGap – PhoneGap is a free and

article you can develop an Android- open source framework that allows Develop an SAP HANA XS
based mobile application that consumes you to create mobile apps using stan- Project and Expose Data
data directly from the SAP HANA dardized web APIs; it is also known as an OData Service
database. I show how to create an as Apache Cordova. You download it
from http://phonegap.com/install/. Before you start, make sure that SAP
application that can read data from
This is the hybrid web container in HANA studio is connected to the SAP
SAP HANA tables and show it on the
which the mobile application runs. HANA server. If you are starting SAP
mobile list of UI controls.
HANA studio for the first time, go to
The following is the list of tools that • Google Chrome – This is not neces- the SAP HANA Systems tab and create
you need to develop this SAP HANA- sarily needed for mobile application a new system connection.
based mobile application: development, but to debug JavaScript
and test the web application in a web Below are the steps for creating an SAP
• SAP HANA server and SAP HANA browser you need Google Chrome. HANA project and exposing data as an
studio – In order to develop a mobile First you develop the mobile applica- OData Service.
application you need to fetch data tion as a web application, create a
from a back-end system. In this mobile app using PhoneGap, and then First, open SAP HANA studio and
example, data is stored in the SAP copy the files from the web applica- navigate to the Modeler section. Then
HANA database and is displayed on a tion to the mobile app. follow menu path Windows > Open
mobile device. You use SAP HANA Perspective > Other. In the screen that
studio to create an OData service I show you the steps for creating a very opens (Figure 1 on the next page)
from HANA. simple mobile application that displays sel­ect Modeler and click the OK button.
customer names and addresses from an This opens the SAP HANA studio
• SAPUI5 libraries – SAPUI5 is an SAP HANA database table on a mobile modeler perspective where you create a
extensible JavaScript-based HTML5 device. To achieve this, I show how to database table in the modeler perspective.
library for business applications. create an SAP HANA Extended Appli-
This is the core of modern SAP sys- cation Services (XS) project and expose Next you want to create a database
tem web-based business applica- data as an OData service. To keep it table to store customer names and
tions. You use SAPUI5 to create the simple, the SAP HANA database has addresses. You can either create a data-
UI interface of the mobile applica- one table to store customer names and base table or you can upload a Micro-
tion. addresses. The mobile application soft Excel file. If you upload an Excel
queries data from the OData service and file the system automatically creates the
• Android developer tools – Android database table and also populates it with
shows the customer names as a list
developer tools contain all the data. In this example I am uploading an
view. When you click the customer’s
libraries and tools that you need to name, the complete address of the cus- Excel file. To upload data from Excel,
develop an Android application. tomer is shown. follow menu path File > Import SAP
These can be downloaded from HANA Content > Data from Local File
http://developer.android.com/sdk/ This guide is divided in four sections: (Figure 2 on the next page), and click
index.html. Android developer tools the Next button. This opens the screen in
• Develop an SAP HANA XS project
contain: Figure 3 (on page 117) where you
and expose data from SAP HANA as
an OData service sel­ect the target system (SAP HANA)
–– The Eclipse and Android
where you want to import the file. After
Development Tools (ADT) plug-ins
• Create a web application to access you select the file, click the Next button
–– Android Software Development data from SAP HANA to go to Figure 4 on page 117.

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Select the file you want to upload, give the database schema is created by the page 118. Click the Finish button to
it a table name, and select the database administrator. complete the mapping step.
schema under which the table is to be
created. For the target table schema, The next step is to map the column The database table is now created. The
select the schema under which you want names. Click the Next button in Figure 4, next step is to create an SAP HANA XS
the table to be created. In most cases which opens the screen in Figure 5 on project that exposes data from this table

Figure 1 Select the Modeler option

Figure 2 Select the Data from Local File option

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Figure 3 Select the SAP HANA system

Figure 4 Upload the Excel file

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as an OData service. it to the SAP HANA system. That way content menu click New then Package.
you can browse the content of that par- This opens a pop-up window (not
Previously you were in the modeler per-
ticular system. To create an SAP HANA shown) where you enter the package
spective. To create an SAP HANA XS
repository workspace, go to the SAP name and package description, then
project you need to go to the SAP
HANA Repositories tab and click the click the OK button to finish creating
HANA Development perspective. Open
Create Workspace option, which opens the package. In my example the
SAP HANA studio and navigate to the
the screen in Figure 7. Select the SAP package name is FirstMobileApp.
SAP HANA Development perspective
HANA system and enter the workspace
by following menu path Windows > Once the package is created, right-click
name and the location of the workspace
Open Perspective > Other (Figure 6). the package name (FirstMobileApp) and
Select the SAP HANA Development create a sub-package named demo. A
op­tion and then click the OK button to Once the SAP HANA repository is sub-package is created only to organize
change the perspective. Once the per- created, a local folder is created on the the development artifacts. Now go to
spective is changed you are able to file system and you are able to view the SAP HANA Repositories, FirstMobile-
perform the next steps. contents of the connected SAP HANA App > Demo (Figure 9 on page 120),
system. right-click demo, and from the context
Next you want to create a new reposi-
menu select Check Out.
tory work space. SAP HANA is the The next step is to create a package on
source code repository but a representa- the SAP HANA server where all the Now the package folder structure is rep-
tion is needed on the local machine for artifacts of the SAP HANA project are resented on the local machine and you
every SAP HANA system. This is stored. In the SAP HANA System tab are ready for the next step, which is to
where users check out and store their right-click the Content folder. This create an SAP HANA XS project.
local files. In this step, create a work- opens the context menu (Figure 8)
space on the local machine and connect where you create a package. From the In the Project tab click File > New >

Figure 5 Manage the table definition and data mappings

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Figure 6 Select the SAP HANA Development option

Figure 7 Create a repository workspace

Figure 8 Create a package

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Project > SAP HANA Development > Click the Finish button and the project button to create the file (Figure 11).
XS Project, and enter the project name. is connected to the server.
For the location overwrite the default To create the file .xsaccess follow the
location and point it to the demo folder Now you need to create two files in the same steps that you performed to create
on the local machine. This is a key SAP HANA project. Create file .xsapp an .xsapp file. The .xsaccess file con-
step—otherwise you are not able to con (application descriptor) and file .xsac- trols the access and authentication
nect to the server. Now the project cess (application access). The .xsapp mech­anism to the XS application. Enter
is created and it appears in the Project file is completely empty and it just the source code (shown in Figure 12) in
Explorer tab. denotes to the system that this package the .xsaccess file.
and all the sub-packages are XS-based
The next step is to connect the project applications. To create an .xsapp file, Next you create the service definition
(FirstMobileApp) to the server. Right- right-click the FirstMobileApp folder, file (an .xsodata file) shown in Figure
click the project (FirstMobileApp) and and then click New and then File in the 13. To create an .xsodata file follow the
then, in the context menu, select Team context menu (not shown). Enter the same steps that you performed to create
and then Share Project (Figure 10). file name as .xsapp and click the Finish the .xsaccess and .xsapp files. You need

Figure 9 Create a sub-package

Figure 10 Share the project

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to supply a name for the service (serv­ice name of the entry for this OData to expose the data.
namespace). Usually the namespace is service. When consuming the service
Next you need to commit and activate
the name of the package hierarchy. You you do not see the table name but you
the service (Figure 14 on the next
also need to specify the table schema do see the entity name. The service def- page). To commit and activate the
and the table name that was created in inition file tells the system what to service, first select the pro­ject name
the previous step. Finally enter the expose, how to expose it, and to whom (FirstMobileApp) and then the next icon

Figure 11 Create file .xsapp

Figure 12 Create the .xsaccess file

Figure 13 Create the customer details .xsodata file

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in the toolbar. This opens the screen in from the CustomerDetails database In SAP HANA studio follow menu
Figure 15 which shows the activated table. The next steps are for creating a path File > New > Project and create
OData service. web application that consumes data a project with the name Customer­
from this OData service. Details_WebApp. This opens the
Once the activation is complete (Figure
New Project screen in Figure 17.
15), you have a URL that points to the
Here you open the General folder,
OData service. The OData service can Create a Web Application to select the Project folder, and click the
now be viewed in a web browser. To look Access Data from SAP HANA Next button, which launches the
at the metadata of the service definition,
Although you can create a mobile appli- wizard. In the screen that opens (not
you can append /$metadata to the URL.
cation directly without creating a web shown) enter the project name as
To view the data in a .json format, application, the preferred method is to CustomerDetails_WebApp. Then
append /CustomerDetails?$format=json first create a web application. This is click the Finish button.
to the URL. The .json format is a because it is easier to troubleshoot any Next double-click the CustomerDetails_
lighter-weight format than atom XML issues or debug a JavaScript file in a WebApp folder to open it (Figure 18 on
and is the preferred format if the data Chrome web browser. Once the web page 124) and create three new sub-
has to be consumed in JavaScript. In application has been tested and is ready, folders. Sub-folders can be created by
this example the data is exposed in the
it can then be integrated with the right­-clicking the project name (in this
.json format as shown in Figure 16.
Android mobile application. The fol- case, Customer­Details_WebApp) and
Now you have an OData service from lowing are the steps for creating a web clicking New and then Folder from the
SAP HANA that displays information application. context menu options. These sub-folders

Figure 14 Commit and activate the new service

Figure 15 The OData service

122 © 2015 BI Expert Reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
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contain the controller, .js, and view files, Figure 18 on the next page. Next you the next page) into it. (Follow this link
respectively. Once all the sub-folders are create an index.html file and cut and for a copy-and-paste version of the
created, you see the folders as shown in paste the code shown in Figure 19 (on code: http://bit.ly/1Gr9rwE.)

Figure 16 Data in the .json format from the OData service

Figure 17 Create a web project

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The different views are separated into • https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/ controller for the CustomerList.view.
files and each view has its own control- resources/sap-ui-core.js (contains all js file and it handles all the events
ler. The index.html code is the entry the SAPUI5 libraries) generated on the view)
point to the application and it includes
the following .js files: • datajs-1.1.1.js (contains the libraries • CustomerDetails.view.js (contains the
to read JSON data from the OData list to show the customer details; the
web service) customer details view shows customer
• CustomerList.view.js (contains the ID and customer name and address
list view to show the customer list [street name, country, and ZIP code]).
details—the customer list view shows
• CustomerDetails.controller.js (handles
the customer ID and name)
Figure 18 Web application folder the events that are generated from the
structure • CustomerList.controller.js (this is the CustomerDetails.view.js file)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=”ISO-8859-1”>
<title>First Web App</title>

<script id=”sap-ui-bootstrap”

<script src=”./js/datajs-1.1.1.js”></script>
<script src=”./view/CustomerList.view.js”></script>
<script src=”./controller/CustomerList.controller.js”></script>
<script src=”./view/CustomerDetails.view.js”></script>
<script src=”./controller/CustomerDetails.controller.js”></script>
<script src=”./view/App.view.js”></script>
<script src=”./controller/App.controller.js”></script>

<body class=”sapUiBody”>
<div id=”root”></div>


OData.read({ requestUri: “http://XXX.XXX.com:8000/pkgName/CustomerDetails/
customerdetails.xsodata/CustomerDetails?$format=json” }
function (data) {
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
var myData = {};
myData.CustomerDetails = data.results;

var myapp = sap.ui.jsview(“com.example.App”);


Figure 19 The index.html file

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• App.view.js (the application view; it tion object and it is set as one of the these links for copy-and-paste versions
contains both the customer list view properties of the App view. The instances of both codes: http://bit.ly/1GMy2dz
and customer details view). of all the views are created here and they and http://bit.ly/1AiElU8.)
are added to the App view as pages. The
• App.controller.js (the controller file Now you need to create a Customer-
instance of the application object is
for the App.view.js file) List.view.js file and a CustomerList.
re­turned back from this view. The App
controller.js file in the respective
The next step is to create the App.view.js view instance is placed at the root element
folders. The CustomerList view con-
in the document in the index.html file. tains an SAPUI5 list and the header is
and App.controller.js files in the view and
controller folders, respectively. These are Copy and paste the codes in Figure 20 called Customer List. Create an item
the main controllers of the application. into the App.view.js and the App.con- template for this list and bind the ID
The App.view.js file contains the applica- troller.js. files, respectively. (Follow and Name for this list. Later on the
whole list is bound to the root object in
the CustomerDetails data model. The
App.view.js root object with the CustomerDetails
sap.ui.jsview(“com.example.App”, { data model is populated from the JSON
service in the index.html file. This is
getControllerName: function() {
called aggregated binding because you
return “com.example.App”;
}, are not just binding one object but an
array of objects. Lastly create a page
createContent : function(oController) { and add the list to the page.
this.app = new sap.m.App();
The CustomerList.controller.js file has

var CustomerListPage = sap. the function that is called when the list
ui.jsview(“CustomerList”,”com.example.CustomerList”); item is clicked. The first thing it does
is it gets the source of the event. The

source of the event is the list item that is
CustomerListPage.app = this.app;
this.app.addPage(CustomerListPage); clicked. To get the data from the list item
all you need is the binding context. This
var CustomerDetailPage = sap.ui.jsview(“Customer
object is then passed to the Customer-
CustomerDetailPage.app = this.app; ListDetails so that the details of
this.app.addPage(CustomerDetailPage); that object are shown in the Customer-
Details view. Both codes are shown in
return this.app;
} // end createContent Figure 21 on the next page. (Follow
}); these links for copy-and-paste versions
of both codes: http://bit.ly/1uVmNtF and
sap.ui.controller(“com.example.App”, { Next create the CustomerDetails.
view.js file and the CustomerDetails.
onInit : function() {
controller.js file in the respective
}, folders (Figure 22 on page 127 shows
the codes—follow these links for copy-
onBeforeShow : function(evt) {
and-paste versions of each:
}, http://bit.ly/1uPEbiK and http://bit.
ly/16q3rrn). The CustomerDetails view
navButtonTap : function(evt) {
is called from the customer list view.
} The onBeforeShow event is thrown just
}); before a view is being shown. This
event evt has the data that you need to
Figure 20 The App.view.js and the App.controller.js. files
display. When the application navigates

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sap.ui.jsview(“com.example.CustomerList”, {
getControllerName : function() {
return “com.example.CustomerList”;

createContent : function (controller) {

// Create a List
var customerList = new sap.m.List(
inset : true,
type : sap.m.ListType.DetailAndActive
headerText : “Customer List”

var itemTemplate = new sap.m.StandardListItem({
title : “{ID}”,
description : “{Name}”,
iconInset : false,
iconDensityAware : false,
type : sap.m.ListType.Navigation,
tap : [ controller.customerListTap, controller ]

customerList.bindItems(“/CustomerDetails”, itemTemplate);

var page = new sap.m.Page(“CustomerPage”,

title : ‘Customer List’,
content : [customerList]

return page;

sap.ui.controller(“com.example.CustomerList”, {

onInit : function() {

onBeforeShow : function(evt) {


customerListTap : function(evt) {
var data = {};
data.context = evt.getSource().getBindingContext();
var app = this.getView().app;
app.to(“CustomertDetail”, data);

navButtonTap : function(evt) {


Figure 21 The CustomerList.view.js and CustomerList.controller.js files

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to this screen it passes the event data. controller has method onBeforeShow in context is the binding context that you
Part of the event data are the Customer- which you have the event and the event passed—that means that only the
List details. The CustomerDetails has the data and also the context. The context of the data on which the list

sap.ui.jsview(“com.example.CustomerDetail”, {

getControllerName: function() {
return “com.example.CustomerDetail”;

onBeforeShow : function(evt) {

createContent : function(controller) {

// create page
this.page = new sap.m.Page({
title : “{Name}”,
showNavButton : true,
navButtonTap : [ controller.navButtonTap, controller ],
content: [
new sap.m.List({
items : [
new sap.m.DisplayListItem({
label : “ID”,
value : “{ID}”
new sap.m.DisplayListItem({
label : “Street”,
value : “{Street}”
new sap.m.DisplayListItem({
label : “City”,
value : “{City}”
new sap.m.DisplayListItem({
label : “Zip Code”,
value : “{ZIPCODE}”


return this.page;

sap.ui.controller(“com.example.CustomerDetail”, {

onInit : function() {
onBeforeShow : function(evt) {

Figure continues

Figure 22 The CustomerDetails.view.js and CustomerDetails.controller.js files

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item is clicked is shown. This view is see a customer list as shown in generation tools. After the app has been
different. Although you are using a list Figure 24. This is the list of custom- generated you then embed the web
you do not use ag­gre­gation binding. ers that were entered in the data­base assets in this mobile application.
Instead you bind a single object. A table.
Two major components have to be
Display List item is created for each
downloaded and configured even
object you want to show, explicitly Customer Details before you start the development of the
setting the binding for each object you
Once you click any of the customer mobile application. These are the
want to display.
names on the Customer List screen Android development tools and
After all the files have been created, the (Figure 24), it takes you to that cus- PhoneGap APIs. The details for how to
structure of the web application looks tomer’s details page where the details do this are as follows:
like the screen in Figure 23. You can for the customer (such as ID, street,
1. Download the Android ADT. You
test the application by opening the city, and ZIP Code) are shown. See
can use the following link to go to
index.html file in the Google Chrome Figure 25 for an example when the
the site and download it: http://
browser. customer John Doe is selected in
Figure 24.
Note that you have to open Google html. The Android ADT contains
Chrome with the disable-web-security everything that you need to develop
parameters or the call to the OData Create an Android App Using an Android mobile application. The
service will fail. Phone Gap ADT consists of:

Now that the web application is ready, a. Eclipse (this is the Integrated
Customer List you need to put it in a hybrid web con- Development Environment [IDE]
After you have opened the index.html tainer. First you need to generate the that is used to develop Android
file in Google Chrome, you should Android application using the PhoneGap mobile applications)

if (evt.data.context) {

navButtonTap : function(evt) {
var app = this.getView().app;
if(app) {

Figure 22 Continued

Figure 23 Web application file and folder structure

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b. The ADT plugin PhoneGap only to create the Android md.html#Android%20Platform%20

project. However, this presents a good Guide. Make sure that the Windows
c. The Android SDK tools
opportunity to start using PhoneGap path variables are set properly for
d. The Android platform tools as you might need to use it to develop Java, or else you won’t be able to use
some complex mobile applications this Command Line interface to cre-
e. An Android emulator
that access some of the native capa- ate the Android project.
2. Set up the IDE (follow this link for bilities of the mobile device later on.
When you need to create the project, go
more details about how to do this:
4. Create an Android project by using to the folder and create it using the
the Cordova Command Line interface Create command. It needs three param-
(Figure 26). You can learn more eters: the name of the folder under
3. Download the latest version of about this interface by following this which the application will be created,
PhoneGap from http://phonegap.com/ link: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/ the namespace, and the name of the
install/. In this example you use edge/guide_platforms_android_index. application.

Figure 24 Customer List page

Figure 25 The customer’s details page

Figure 26 Cordova Command Line utility

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of copyright. For group rates and subscription information, call 1-781-751-8880 129
Use the Cordova Command Line utility Android project in Eclipse. select the files you want to import by
to create a project. Below is an example checking the appropriate check boxes.
of how you can create the CustomerDe- First you need to create an Android
In this example, select the CustomerDe-
tails_MobileApp project with this tool. Application project. To do this, follow
this menu path: Go to File > New > taials_Mobileapp and Customer-
To create an Android application project Other > Android Application Project Details_Mobileapp-CordovaLib files
go to the CustomerDetails_MobileApp from Existing Source Code (Figure 28). you created previously. Then click the
folder and execute the Cordova com-­ Click the Next button, which opens the Finish button. In the screen that appears
mand. Use the Cordova Command Line screen in Figure 29. (Figure 30), you see that two projects
parameters in Figure 27 to create an have been created, CustomerDetails_
Android project. Select the CustomerDetails_MobileApp
folder (the Root Directory) where the MobileApp and CustomerDetails_
Your Android application project is now Android project was created by the MobileApp–CordovaLib. The next step
created. The next step is to import this Cordova Command Line interface. Then is to test them.

Figure 27 Create a new Android project using the Cordova Command Line utility

Figure 28 Select the Android Project from Existing Code option

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To test the Android project you created

with PhoneGap, execute it as an
Android application in an Android emu-
lator. You can execute it as an Android
application by right-clicking the project
folder to open the context menu, and
then select Run As and then Android
Application (Figure 31 on the next

If the files have been created and imported

correctly you see a screen like Figure 32
on the next page.

Now that you have set up the Android

project successfully, the next step is to
integrate the web application that you
built with this mobile application.

Put all the web assets in the Assets

folder of the Android application as
shown in Figure 33 on page 133. You
can just copy and paste the files in their
respective folders. Files need to be
copied in the Android project because
when it is deployed as an Android
application, these files need to be exe-
cuted on the device. Figure 29 Import the new Android project

Figure 30 The Android project structure

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of copyright. For group rates and subscription information, call 1-781-751-8880 131
Figure 31 Run as an Android application

Figure 32 The Android emulator

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Modify the index.html file and replace calls to the back end and display the the app, and navigate to the first page.
it with the source code (shown in pages. To respond to app.initialize() you
Next, go to the src folder and open the
Figure 34 on the next next page). (Fol need to modify the index.js file.
CustomerDetails_MobileApp.java file
low this link for a copy-and-paste
version of the replacement index.html Go to the index.js file under the JS (Figure 36 on page 135). Change the
source code: http://bit.ly/1Gr9rwE.) folder and modify the onDeviceReady() timeout value to 60 seconds (if you are
Include all the view and controller files function with the code in Figure 35 on making online queries to load JavaS-
that are needed for this mobile applica- the next page. Follow this link for a cript files from the server or make
tion. The app.initialize() code is very copy-and-paste version of the code to OData calls, then it could take longer
important—it kicks off an event when modify the onDeviceReady() function: than the 2 seconds). The default timeout
the Cordova web container is ready to http://bit.ly/1wejRNh. This new code setting is 2 seconds and increasing it to
render the HTML code and it is only at instructs the OData to read to the 60 seconds ensures that the application
that point that you would like to make service, initialize the model, initialize does not time out.

Figure 33 Android project structure

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<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta charset=”utf-8” />
<meta name=”format-detection” content=”telephone=no” />
<!-- WARNING: for iOS 7, remove the width=device-width and height=device-height
attributes. See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-4323 -->
<meta name=”viewport” content=”user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1,
minimum-scale=1, width=device-width, height=device-height, target-densitydpi=device-dpi” />
<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”css/index.css” />
<title>Hello World</title>

<script id=”sap-ui-bootstrap”
<script src=”./js/datajs-1.1.1.js”></script>
<script src=”./view/CustomerList.view.js”></script>
<script src=”./controller/CustomerList.controller.js”></script>
<script src=”./view/CustomerDetails.view.js”></script>
<script src=”./controller/CustomerDetails.controller.js”></script>
<script src=”./view/App.view.js”></script>
<script src=”./controller/App.controller.js”></script>

<body class=”sapUiBody”>
<div id=”root”></div>

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”cordova.js”></script>

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/index.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>

Figure 34 The index.html of the Android mobile application

onDeviceReady: function() {
//OData.defaultHttpClient.enableJsonpCallback = true;
OData.read({ requestUri: “http://XXX.XXX.com:8000/XXX/XXX/customerdetails.xsodata/
CustomerDetails?$format=json” }
function (data) {
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
var myData = {};
myData.CustomerDetails = data.results;

var myapp = sap.ui.jsview(“com.example.App”);


Figure 35 The onDeviceReady function

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Integrate the Web lator. Right-click the project name (Figure 38 on the next page). When
(Figure 37) and from the context menu you click CUSTOMER LIST at the
Application with the Android select Run As and then Android top, you can navigate to the customer
Project and Deploy It on an Application. details view (Figure 39 on the next
Emulator page).
The Android Application opens in an
Now that all the setup is done, you are emulator and you can see the customer This article focused on creating an
ready to deploy this mobile app on an emu- list view on your mobile device Android application, but most of these

package com.example;

import android.os.Bundle;
import org.apache.cordova.*;

public class CustomerDetails_Mobileapp extends CordovaActivity

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
super.setIntegerProperty(“loadUrlTimeoutValue”, 60000);
// Set by <content src=”index.html” /> in config.xml

Figure 36 The CustomerDetails_MobileApp.java file

Figure 37 Run as an Android application

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Figure 38 List of customers

Figure 39 Details for customer John Doe

same steps can be followed to create an UI can be used as is). The ISE—Inte- have to use the Cordova Command
IOS application (e.g., the OData service grated Development Environment—for Line interface for IOS to create an IOS
and the HTML5 and JavaScript on the building an IOS app is XCode and you project. n

Vivek Sharma is a manager with Capgemini US and has 11 years of experience in SAP. He is certified by SAP AG as an
Application Associate for SAP HANA. His expertise includes SAP UI technologies, SAP HANA Application Development,
and SAP Mobile Application Development. His experience includes multiple full cycle SAP implementations spanning the
pharmaceutical, food, and media industries. Over the years he has played the roles of developer, solution architect, devel-
opment lead, and project manager. Views expressed in this article are his own and not those of his employer. You may
follow Vivek on twitter at @vivsharma20 or contact him via email at vivsharma20@gmail.com.

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