Motz Enterprises, Inc. 3153 Madison Road Cincinnati, OH 45209 Office: 513-772-6689 Fax: 513-772-6690 Installation Guidelines

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Motz Enterprises, Inc.

3153 Madison Road

Cincinnati, OH 45209
Office: 513-772-6689
Fax: 513-772-6690


Flexamat® is a tied concrete block system that is manufactured with site specific
underlay. First, for applications where vegetation growth is expected, we use a 12-18
month degradable excelsior blanket (Curlex® II), second, for applications where
vegetation will be sparse, we use a permanent synthetic erosion control blanket
(Recyclex® TRM-V), and third, for sandy, non-cohesive soils, we use a non-woven
geotextile fabric

Flexamat® is available in widths of 4’, 5.5’, 8’, 10’, 12’, and 16’. For applications with
wider widths, mats are installed adjacent to another. The manufacturer or authorized
representative will provide technical assistance during installation as needed.


Flexamat® is packaged in rolls for shipment. The rolls have a minimum weight of 10
pounds per square feet. Rolls are packaged with handling straps. For safety, it is
recommended that these straps only be used for lifting below 2’ as a means to place
heavy duty lifting straps under rolls.

Upon delivery, rolls may be left exposed for up to 30 days. If exposure will exceed 30
days, the rolls must be tarped or otherwise covered to minimize UV exposure.

The prepared subgrade shall provide a firm, unyielding foundation for the mats. The
subgrade shall be prepared as detailed on the plans. Subgrade surface shall be free of
any debris, protrusions, rocks, sticks, roots or other hindrances which would result in an
individual block being raised more than ¾” above the adjoining blocks. Undulations,
rolls, knolls and rises in the subgrade to which the tied concrete mat is able to contour
over and maintain intimate contact with the subgrade will be allowed. The Flexamat
block has a height of 2.25”. When grading next to hard surfaces like a road, sidewalk,
or outlet pad, consider lowering the grade to allow for a smooth transition for water to
flow from the hard surface onto the Flexamat. Before unrolling the Flexamat, apply
seed and soil amendments directly to the prepared soil prior to installation of mats. Use
seed and soil amendments or topsoil per project specifications.

Position the rolls in the direction to be unrolled, with the leading edge at the bottom of
the roll with the line and grade shown on the plans and according to the manufacturer’s
installation guidelines. Flexamat can be unrolled down or across slopes. It is important
to considering the direction of any overland or channel flow when anchoring and
installing the succeeding rolls for seams or abutments in the design. All edges exposed
to concentrated flows, especially the upstream leading edges must be terminated and
properly anchored according to engineer drawings. If no hydraulic or overland flow is
expected, a soil transition cover of 4”-6” can be graded over the edges in lieu of
placement in an anchor trench. Overlapping seam should be installed like a shingle on
a roof.
Panel seams (Channel and Slopes) perpendicular to the hydraulic flow must be
overlapped. The downstream panels will be terminated and properly anchored
according to engineer drawings and placed under the upstream panel by overlapping
18”. If no hydraulic or overland flow is expected, butting the seams together is
acceptable along with a 4’ section of erosion control matting is used with 2’ being
placed under each neighboring panel.

Flexamat shall have an 18" toe-in at edges perpendicular to concentrated hydraulic
flow. For areas exposed to surface sheet flow, recess the mat 12”. Alternately, edges
not exposed to surface sheet flow do not need to be toed. Rather, a soil transition
cover may be placed 4” along the edge of mat to transition to landscape.

Where permanent anchoring is required, e.g., installing mats on steep slopes, the
cables (polypropylene grid) shall be attached to the anchoring system as indicated on
the contract drawings. Important areas for considering anchoring are the leading edges,
seams and overlaps. The design and layout of the anchored system shall be designed
by the engineer with assistance from manufacturer.

Inspect at regular intervals and after storm events. Mow and fertilize vegetation. Do
not maintain with grass killing chemicals. Remove sediment buildups in any swales or

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