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The text discusses various factors that influence initial attraction and romantic relationships, including physical attractiveness, personality traits, and social influences.

Physical attractiveness, personality traits, earning potential, and expressiveness are some of the factors discussed as important for initial attraction.

The two types of love discussed are romantic love and confluent love.

McNair Scholars Journal

Volume 14 | Issue 1 Article 2


The Social Psychology of Love and Attraction

Princess Braxton-Davis
Grand Valley State University

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Braxton-Davis, Princess (2010) "The Social Psychology of Love and Attraction," McNair Scholars Journal: Vol. 14: Iss. 1, Article 2.
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Copyright © 2010 by the authors. McNair Scholars Journal is reproduced electronically by ScholarWorks@GVSU.
Table of Contents McNair Scholars 2010

6 Princess Braxton–Davis
The Social Psychology of Love and Attraction
Faculty Mentor: Cheryl Boudreaux, Ph.D.

13 Joi Dupler
Exploring Men’s Intimate Relationships (with Feminism):
Another Side of Feminist Consciousness
Faculty Mentors: Rachel Campbell, Ph.D. & Danielle DeMuth, Ph.D.

23 Andrea Gómez Cervantes

Breaking Stereotypes by Obtaining a Higher Education:
Latinas’ Family Values and Traditions on the School Institution
Faculty Mentor: Lisa Hickman, Ph.D.

55 Nathaniel J. Hansen
The Geomorphic Settings of Known Archaeological Sites in the
Lower Grand River Valley, Ottawa County, Michigan
Faculty Mentor: Patrick M. Colgan, Ph.D.

63 Erin Harshberger
Kappa Opioid Regulation of Stress-Related Behavior
Faculty Mentor: Glenn Valdez, Ph.D.

68 Chelsea Sage
Group and Individual Performance on a Creativity Task:
The Constraining Effects of Examples
Faculty Mentor: Christine Smith, Ph.D.

72 Aaron Schutza
Transmission of Quantum Information via Laguerre Gaussian Modes
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Richard Vallery, Ph.D.

85 Kraig S. Shattuck
Developing Evolutionary–Based Domain–Specific Loyalty Scales
Faculty Mentor: Robert O. Deaner, Ph.D.

97 Lisa Shattuck
Teaching Play Activities to Children with Autism Comparing Adult and Peer Models
Faculty Mentor: Jamie Owen–DeSchryver, Ph.D.

105 Jordan B. Sparks

Applying Anthropology to Water Quality Assessment:
An Investigation of pH and Nitrates in Drinking Water
Faculty Mentors: Elizabeth Arnold, Ph.D. & Heather Van Wormer, Ph.D.

111 About TRiO Programs

VOLUME 14, 2010
The Social Psychology of Love and Attraction

Abstract Love and attraction appear to be univer-

Love is a universal emotion that has become sal emotions. Romantic love has been the
the basis of marriage and family for many societ- norm since eighteenth-century Europe,
ies, which researchers continue to explore. This when we began connecting marriage with
research will add to the knowledge of interper- romance (Lamanna & Reidmann, 2009),
sonal romantic attraction, further exposing love’s but confluent love is on the rise in Western
complex nature. Dr. Earl Naumann’s (2001) society (Giddens, 1992). Romantic love re-
survey in his book, Love at First Sight, served fers to that which perpetuates gender ste-
as a model for the survey utilized in this study. A reotypes of the breadwinning father and
total of 206 students at a Midwestern university homemaking mother; these roles remain
were surveyed. Midwestern university students persistent throughout the relationship. It
were sampled in two ways: first an e-mail was is a love that is supposed to stand the test
sent to the professor of every third class from the of time, enduring all hardship. Romantic
Spring semester schedule with at least 10 students love emphasizes being in love with a cer-
in each class, and second, students were asked to tain individual, “the one.” On the other
participate in the study around campus. Students hand, there is confluent love that is more
Princess Braxton–Davis flexible with the roles that individuals play,
McNair Scholar were at least 18 years of age. They were asked
to identify what characteristics drew them to their and it emphasizes a relationship in which
partner or person of interest. the growth of each person is important.
The process of two individuals connect-
ing in a meaningful way is particularly fas-
Keywords: interpersonal romantic relation- cinating. Love and attraction in the West-
ships, romance, attraction, love, dating ern world is seen as foundational to the
formation and continuation of family, the
basic bond between families. An ideology
common to Western society is “Love at First
Sight.” While the majority of Americans
believe in this phenomenon, those with
higher levels of education are least likely
to believe in and have this experience.
Dr. Earl Naumann (2001) illustrated this
point in his book, Love at First Sight, based
on research on a sample from the general
U.S. population.
Cheryl Boudreaux, Ph.D In order to form a relationship, there
Faculty Mentor must be some type of attraction, either
physically or on a personality level. Ini-
tial attraction to a potential mate is highly
associated with physical attractiveness.
Many researchers have found this physi-
cal trait to be a major determinant in the
dating and relationship process (Luo &
Zhang, 2009; Simon, Aikins, & Prinstein,
2008; Langlois, Rogmann, & Reiser-
Danner, 1990). Even during the earliest
stages of life, infants show a preference
for attractive faces (Langlois, Rogmann,
& Rieser-Danner, 1990). Smith (1985)
demonstrated similar results by showing
that preferential treatment was shown to-
ward the prettiest preschooler peers. Syn-

The Social Psychology of Love and Attraction
GVSU McNair Scholars Journal
der, Berscheid, and Glick (1985) showed sites at times do attract, but people who traction. The surveys he implemented
evidence that high self-monitors showed share similar ideologies not only attract, integrated items that called for infor-
more interest in the physical appearance but tend to have longer lasting and more mation about what attracted each indi-
of their potential mates. For example, harmonious relationships than those who vidual to the person he or she fell in love
high self-monitors would be very self-con- do not (Buunk & Bosman, 1985; Lemay, with at first sight. These items included
scious about their own appearance and Jr., & Clark, 2008). Leitner and Klion physical attractiveness, similarity, ethnic-
would try to look their best at all times, (1986) extended this finding to individu- ity/race, education level, personal demo-
whereas low self-monitors typically would als with similar levels of self-esteem for graphic information, and so forth. The
not care as much. Clothing and cosmetics those who had high self-esteem. People present study used a modified version of
can enhance one’s physical attractiveness, who share attitudinal similarity in essence the survey that he utilized to gain more
in turn creating a greater commodity on share similar behavioral patterns. For in- comprehensive insight into how students
the dating market (Williamson & Hewitt, stance, individuals who have a sedentary became attracted to their potential mates.
1986; Buss, 1998). Physical attractiveness lifestyle may be overweight and seek out The results of this study from a sample
has a strong impact over the lifespan, af- an overweight partner, just as an athletic of Midwestern university students will be
fecting love and attraction. type may seek out another athletic type, compared to his findings.
Aging is negatively associated with the especially for younger and elderly couples We predicted that physical attractive-
physical attractiveness. Margolin and (Schafer & Keith, 1990; Kalick & Ham- ness and similarity would be the strongest
White (1987) demonstrated that hus- ilton III, 1986). Similarity proves to be predictors of attraction, in that order.
bands actually become less attracted to another great promoter of attraction. Personality is developed through a per-
their wives as their beauty fades, which What influences attraction between son’s identity, which is shaped by his/her
negatively affects men’s sexual and over- two individuals cannot be understood perspectives on life, so we expect two peo-
all relationship satisfaction. While physi- without identifying the context in which ple who share ideologies will have similar
cal attractiveness is valued highly by both it occurs. The context can be seen among personalities. Similarity is also measured
sexes, males show a higher preference for nations or within one’s own culture. Tang through demographic information about
beauty than do females (Stiles, Gibbons, and Zuo (2000) illustrated this point by the participants and the person they fell
Harardottir, & Schnellman, 1987; Buss, revealing that Americans are more likely in love with.
1998; Townsend & Levy, 1990; Feingold, to begin dating earlier, date more often,
1990; Margolin & White, 1987; Sprech- and become sexually active with their
er, 1989; Nevid, 1984). It is evident that partners than are the Chinese, suggesting Methods
physical attractiveness influences who that the Chinese have a more restrictive Participants
dates whom, but by no means is it the sole attitude toward their youth being involved
A total of 206 university students at a
force of attraction. in intimate relationships than do Ameri-
Midwestern university who were at least
There are a multitude of other factors cans. Oner (2000) found that Turkish
18 years of age participated in the study.
that contribute to love and attraction be- university students who exhibited more
One survey was discarded because the
sides physical attraction, including physi- future orientation reported less relation-
person reported an unrealistic response
ology and similarity. An example of the ship satisfaction versus those who were
of being in love more than 1,300 times.
former is the effect of pheromones sub- present oriented and reported being more
There was no way to verify what this ex-
liminally signaling attraction to a poten- content in their relationships, but sought
aggeration could mean.
tial mate by men and women (Miller & out many short-term relationships. Con-
trary to these results, a similar study con- Procedure
Maner, 2009; Cutler, Friedman, & Mc-
Coy, 1998; Foster, 2008). Another exam- ducted by Sakalli-Ugurlu (2003) found The proposed study utilized a modified
ple of the biological aspect of attraction that those who are highly future oriented version of the aided survey published in
is evident when the body is in a high state were more likely to report greater rela- the index of Love at First Sight. The survey
of physiological arousal, inducing the per- tionship satisfaction. What people are was given to the 250 university students
ception of others as being more attractive physically attracted to can be manipu- in classrooms, in the student center, and
and sexually desirable (Meston & Frolich, lated through music lyrics (Carpentier, in the library to diversify the range of stu-
2003; Allen Kenrick, Linder, & McCall, Knoblick-Westerick, & Blumhoff, 2007). dents. As in the Naumann study, there
1989; Cohen, Waugh, & Place, 1985). Sexually explicit lyrics are connected to was a pre-screening for age, and only stu-
Pheromones and attractiveness are only people zeroing in on a potential mate’s dents over 18 years of age were able to
sufficient for initial attraction, and the physical attributes rather than personality participate in the study. Every third class
passion that it causes will fade with time. or other traits in attraction. Qualities that was randomly chosen from the spring ros-
These variables are not shown to lend may be appealing in one setting may be ter to participate in the study. Students
substance to a relationship. negligible in another and vice versa. were approached at random and asked
In Love at First Sight, Dr. Earl Naumann to participate in the proposed study or
Research has shown similarity to be an
(2001) combined various perspectives to prompted in a classroom setting. The sur-
integral part of a relationship that con-
study the phenomenon of love and at- vey was collected after a 10 to 15 minute
tributes to love and attraction. Oppo-

VOLUME 14, 2010
administration period. Participants’ iden- Row Variable Column Variable p-value
tities were protected. The data were re-
corded with an identifying number rather Falling in Love .000**
than a name to represent the participants
in the study. Religion .075*
Measures Ethnic group .475
The attraction of love at first sight and Racial background .227
progressive love relationships were mea-
  ** p < .05, * p < .10
sured on Naumann and Associates’s ques-
tionnaire through demographic, physical, Table 1. The Fisher’s Exact summary statistics for determining whether there is an association
and personality traits (among others). between the row and column variables are given in the table above.

Preliminary analyses of data were tak-
en from the descriptive statistics. Rough-
ly, 79% of students chose personality over
both physical and career/achievement
traits as being the most influential in their
attraction to the other person. The ma-
jority of the participants reported being
in love (81%); the smile was named the
most attractive physical feature (93%).
Fun was the most desirable personal-
ity trait, as reported by 98% of students.
The most common location of initial at-
traction was in an educational setting
(33%), and second was through a friend
or at a friend’s place. A total of 72% of
students reported that they were raised by
both biological parents.
Further analyses were conducted using
the Chi-Squared Test of Significance (see
Table 1). There was a relationship be- Figure 1. Likelihood of entering into a relationship if a participant fell in love.
tween the response variable, “What was
the outcome of that experience of love?”
and, “Are you now or have you ever been
in love?” (Figure 1). A weak relationship
was found between being in a relationship
and religion of the other person (Figure
2). There was also no relationship be-
tween being in a relationship and ethnic-
ity of the other person (Figure 3). There
was no relationship between being in a
relationship and race of the other person
(Figure 4). Even though there is no statis-
tical significance between the type of fam-
ily structure the student was raised in, the
frequency shows that out of the 72% be-
ing raised by both biological parents, ap-
proximately 60% of those individuals re-
ported ending up in a relationship. There
is a similar situation for the participants’
parents’ marital status, with a frequency  
of nearly 68%; of that group, about 56% Figure 2. Likelihood of entering into a relationship if a participant fell in love with someone of
reported ending up in a relationship. the same or different religion.

The Social Psychology of Love and Attraction
GVSU McNair Scholars Journal
Our hypothesis, that physical attrac-
tiveness and similarity would be most
influential in producing attraction, was
partially supported by the frequencies
of attracting a potential mate. However,
physical attractiveness was not the most
sought after trait for the person of in-
terest as hypothesized, but rather it was
only second to personality, which was re-
ported to be most desirable. Therefore,
personality was a stronger determinant of
attraction that led to falling in love than
physical attraction. The fact that more
students chose personality as being a
more important factor of attraction could
be due to social desirability. In other
words, students could have reported be-  
ing attracted to the other personality so Figure 3. Likelihood of entering into a relationship with a person from the same or different
ethnic group.
that they do not appear shallow in the re-
searchers’ eyes. However, I propose that
the students’ responses are accurate. Ev-
eryone takes notice when there is an at-
tractive person in his/her midst, but ma-
ture individuals are aware of the fact that
simply being attractive is not sufficient to
sustain a satisfactory relationship. When
people choose partners, they are more
concerned with how the other person will
fit in their lives. This is where the person-
ality becomes important. An individual
contemplates how the other person makes
him/her feel, which outweighs the single
factor of physical attractiveness. It is not
rare to hear stories of individuals becom-
ing attracted to and growing to love some-
one only after they had spent much time
with that person. The time spent together
allows intimacy to develop, deepening the
attraction the individuals share. In other
words, while the personality is not neces-  
sary for initial physical attraction, it has Figure 4. Likelihood of entering into a relationship with a person from the same or different
the power to promote strong feelings of racial background.
attraction, and it can only enhance the
potential for a relationship. sample of university students because the time when many are feeling overwhelmed
When asked to choose which physical university is the first level of higher edu- and isolated. For many students, being
features university students found attrac- cation. This is a time when people are in college is their first time away from
tive in their potential mate, they chose the becoming more independent and finding their parents in an unfamiliar environ-
smile and general attractiveness, in that themselves, no doubt a vulnerable period ment. They are hoping to befriend oth-
order. The second most sought after trait in their lives. It was quite surprising that ers and form close bonds. Naumann’s
was general attractiveness. When com- such a small gesture can have such a large sample included anyone over the age of
paring Naumann’s results, men and wom- impact, even though it supports the lit- 21, while this study focused primarily on
en ranked these traits in reverse. Why is erature that suggests its significance at the undergraduates. For this study, the age of
it that the results are ranked very highly, time of initial attraction (Walsh & Hewitt, participants fell mostly between 18 and
but neither proves to be constant? Per- 1985). Smiling is a warm, welcoming 25. The varying age within his sample,
haps the smile is more important among a gesture that signals openness to others at therefore, yields different results because

VOLUME 14, 2010
there are different life experiences that relationship. If dating proves disastrous,
accompany age, such as getting married, then there will not be a relationship. On
raising a family, divorcing, and becoming the other hand, if dating is fruitful, the
a widow. Everyone does not encounter two become a couple with hopes that
these circumstances, but for the vast ma- their love will unite them for a great while.
jority, this reflects the life cycle. Additionally, it should be noted that those
A similarity found between Naumann’s raised by both biological parents, espe-
study and this one is that the students cially those whose parents remained mar-
were more attracted to fun than any of ried or were widowed, were most likely to
the other personality traits. Traditional experience falling in love and enter into
age students are more likely to seek out a relationship. In line with the literature,
“fun” partners because they can feed off these students probably witnessed a more
this positive energy, feeling stress free in stable union between their parents and
an environment that is filled with the pres- were more likely to emulate what their
sure of constant deadlines. Naumann parents modeled and thus entered into
concluded that his sample was also inter- a relationship. It is necessary to model
ested in a fun personality. Men rated fun healthy relationships so that positive val-
as their most significant factor in attrac- ues and coping mechanisms can be pres-
tion, while women rated it as their fourth ent in future relationships through inter-
most significant factor (following intelli- generational transmission.
gence, kindness, and humor, respectively). The results of this study further sub-
Women in Naumann’s study found humor stantiate evidence from previous research
to be the most attractive personality trait, involving interpersonal romantic attrac-
which is closely related to fun. Someone tion and relationships. As demonstrated
who is not fun would not be perceived as in this study, the way an individual loves
having a good sense of humor. and to whom that individual is attracted
The overall most desired trait and per- are visibly affected by the relationships
haps the most astonishing result from both modeled by their caregivers, which sup-
studies was the personality. When falling ports the attachment and similarity theo-
in love, the personality is associated with ries (Holman et al., 2009; Luo & Zhang,
a long-term relationship, while lust that is 2009; Holland & Roisman; 2010), as well
highly driven by physical attractiveness. as the theory of beauty as a catalyst for
Attitudinal similarity is conveyed through attraction (Toma & Hancock, 2010).
the personality, which lets the other per- The goal of this study is to further the
son know how that person is likely to re- research in the area of love and attraction
spond in a particular situation, especially with regards to university students. Re-
within the context of a relationship. sults from this study cannot be general-
For this study and Naumann’s study, ized to the general undergraduate student
shared traits including similarity, religion, population because there may be differ-
ethnic group and race were important fea- ent regional climates that affect what stu-
tures of the other person for over half the dents find attractive in other places, such
participants. Each of these traits is linked as the Southwest or the East Coast. Ad-
to a commonality in background. People ditionally, the majority of students who
are subconsciously drawn to others who responded that they had not been in love
have the same familial background. The did not complete the survey while oth-
familiarity breeds comfort. The more ers did. They also expressed distress that
alike two individuals are, the more likely they were not able to complete the study.
those individuals are to have a stable, Future research could examine the quali-
long-lasting, and happy union. tative as well as quantitative approach to
clear up any doubt as to what information
A relationship developed most often the participants are trying to provide.
when the participant had experienced
love. In other words, individuals are
in the process of falling in love over the
course of dating or spending a lot of time
with each other before entering into a

The Social Psychology of Love and Attraction
GVSU McNair Scholars Journal
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The Social Psychology of Love and Attraction
GVSU McNair Scholars Journal

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