Shivaji and His Times by Jadunath Sarkar
Shivaji and His Times by Jadunath Sarkar
Shivaji and His Times by Jadunath Sarkar
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fleoiaed and enlarged.
History of Aurangzib, based on original sources.
Vol. I. Reign of Shah Jahan.
,, II. War of Succession.
,, III. Northern India, 1658-1681.
,, IV. Southern India, 1645-1689.
Shivaji and His Times, an original life based on an
exhaustive study of Persian, Marathi and Hindi
sources, and English Dutch and Portuguese
Records. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged.
Studies in Mughal India, 22 historical essays.
Economics of British India,
4th edition, brought up to 1917.
. ... .....
Anecdotes of Aurangzib,
text of Ahkam-i-Alamgiri with English
tnarys.,*notes, and a life of Aurangzib.)
/'Mugiiai -AcfftTihfttration,
a study of its machinery, official duties, policy,
procedure, achievements and failure.
Chaitanya’s Life and Teachings,
translated from the saint’s 16th century Bengali
First Edition, ( April, 1919.)
A new and critical study of Shivaji’s life and
'character has long heen due, as the last scholarly
work on the subject was composed, by Captain
James Grant Duff, a century ago, and a vast mass
of original material unknown to him has become
accessible to the student since then. To put the
case briefly, the present work differs from his
-eminently readable and still valuable History of the
Mahrattas, (3 Vols., 1826), in the rigid preference of
contemporary records to later compilations, and the
exhaustive and minute use of the available sources,
both printed and MS. in Persian, English, Marathi
and Hindi, as well as the Dutch Records in the India
Office, London.
The present work marks an advance on Grant
'Duff *8 History in three points in particular :
First, among Persian materials his only autho¬
rities were Khafi Khan, who wrote 108 years after
the birth of Shivaji and is admittedly unreliable
where he does not borrow faithfully from earlier
writers, and Bhimsen, an incorrect and brief transla¬
tion of whose Journal (by Jonathan Scott, 1794)
alone was then available. I have, on the other hand,
relied on the absolutely contemporary official histories
of Shah Jahan and Aurangzib, Muhammad and
Ali Adil Shah, many historical letters in Persian,
the entire letter-books of Jai Singh and Aurangzib,
daily bulletins of Aurangzib's Court, and the full
text of Bhimsen as well as another contemporary
Hindu historian in Persian, viz., Ishwardas Nagar,
all of which were unknown to Grant Duff.
Secondly, he relied too much on the uncritical'
and often deliberately false Chttnis Bahfiar, written
183 years after Shivaji’s birth, while I have preferred
the work of Shivaji’s courtier, Sabhasad, and also
incorporated whatever is valuable and above
suspicion in the mass of Marathi materials published
by a band of devoted Indian workers at Puna and'
Satara during the last 40 years. Grant Duff, more¬
over, worked on single manuscripts of the Marathi
chronicles ; but we live in a happier age when these
sources have been carefully edited with variations
of reading and notes.
Thirdly, the English and Dutch Factory Records
have been more minutely searched by me and every
useful information has been extracted from them.
Two minor improvements which, I hope, will
be appreciated by the reader, are the exact positions
of all the places mentioned, traced with the help of
the extremely accurate Government Survey maps,
and the chronology, which is the most detailed
possible in the existing state of our knowledge and
corrects Grant Duff's numerous inaccuracies in this
From the purely literary point of view, die book
would have gained much by being made shorter. But
so many false legends about Shivaji are current in our
country and the Shivaji myth is developing so fast
(attended at times with the fabrication of documents),
that I have considered it necessary in the interests of
historical truth to give every fact, however small,
about him that -has been ascertained on unimpeach¬
able evidence and to discuss the probabilities of die
The Marathas were only one among the many
threads in the tangled web of Deccan history in the
Seventeenth century. Therefore, to understand the
true causes and full consequences of Shivaji’s own
acts and policy, it is necessary to have a detailed
knowledge of the internal affairs of the Mughal
empire, Bijapur and Golkonda also. The present
work is more than a mere biography of Shiva ; it
frequently deals with the contemporary history of
these three Muslim States, though an exhaustive
treatment of the subject belongs to my History of
Aurangzib, Vol. IV
Second Edition, ( June, 1920.)
In the second edition, occasion has been taken
to enlarge the book and subject it to a minute
revision and correction, the most noticeable
example of the last-mendoned being the position of
Ponda in Ch. X. Among die more important
additions are a critical examination of the evidence
for the Javli and Afzal Khan affairs, a full discussion
of the real nature of the Marathi sources and a com-
parative estimate of the evidential value of the
English. Persian and Marathi records, an account of
the very first battle between the English and the
Marathas (here published for the first time), Shivaji’s
letter of protest against the jaziya, and a long note
on his personal appearance and extant portraits. I
have also inserted at the proper places notes on the
extent of his dominion in 1648, 1655, 1660, and
1674-5, which together with their extent at his death
(previously given) will enable the reader to remember
the broad outlines of his territorial expansion and
thus take a bird’s-eye view of the growth of his
power in successive ages. His most authentic
portrait has, also, been reproduced in this edition.
Preface v
Chapter I. The Land and the People I—18
— —
Population speaking Marathi, 1 boundaries of
— ——
Maharashtra, 2—rainfall and crops, 3 isolated
valleys of the western belt, 5 hill-forts, 6 all
people work hard, 7 character : lack of elegance
and taste, 9 pride, courage and hardiness, 9 social
— — — —
equality, 10 religious reformers, 11 literature and
language. 12 minstrels, 14 Marathas a nation, 15
defects of character, 17.
Chapter II. Boyhood and Youth ... 19—54
Birth of Shivaji,
— —
19 neglected by father, 21
— ——
lonely boyhood, 21—miserable condition of Puna,
23 Dadaji Kond-dev’s improvements, 24 love of
justice, 25 Shivaji’s education, 25—the Mavals
— —
described, 27 subdued by Dadaji, 28 Shivaji’s
Hindu spirit, 29 love of independence, 30 decl'me
of Bijapur, 32 Shiva captures Toma, 32 seizes
—— — — —
Puna district, 33 gains forts, 34 invades N.
Konkan, 35 Shahji imprisoned, 37 Shiva appeals
to Murad, 40 Shahji released, why? 41 Baji
— — —
Shyamraje’s expedition, 42 Mores of Javli, 43-
— —
Mores murdered, 45 criticism of Shiva's conduct,
46 gains from the conquest of Javli, 47 early
officers, 48 extent of territory, 49 Appendix I.
Murder of the Mores, evidence discussed, 50.
Chapter III. First Wars with Mughals
and Bijapur 55-81
Shiva’s early negotiations
with Aurangzib,
raids Junnar and Ahmadnagar, 56 Mughal defensive
measures, 57 Nasiri Khan defeats Shiva, 58
— — —— —
Aurangzib guards frontier, 59 Shiva makes peace,.
61 Aurangzib's distrust of him, 62 Bijapur Govern¬
ment sends Afzal Khan against Shiva, 63 his
sacrileges, 65 Afzal's doings at Wai, 66—Shiva's
— — — — —
perplexity, 67—envoy from Afzal, 68—Afzal reaches:
place of meeting, 71 the affray, 72 Afzal's army
attacked, 74 local legends about Afzal, 76 the
"Afzal Khan ballad," 77 Maratha view of the
affair, 78 Appendix II. Affair of Afzal Khan,
evidence discussed, 79.
Chapter IV. Strenuous Warfare ... 82 IIO’
— —
Shaista Khan viceroy of Deccan, 82 Siddi
Jauhar besieges Shiva in Panhala, 83 Shiva’s
— —
escape, gallantry of Baji Prabhu, 84 Shaista Khan’s
— —
march on Puna, 85 siege of Chakan, 87 Firangji
Narsala, 89—Mughals in N. Konkan, 91 Netaji’s
— — ——
disastrous retreat, 91 night-attack on Shaista Khan,
93 Surat described, 98 panic and neglect of
defence, 99 heroic action of English factors, 101
Shivaji’s first sack of Surat, 103 attempt on his life,
106 Jaswant's siege of Kondana, 109 Shiva's
movements in 1664, 109.
Chapter V. Shivaji and Jni Singh ... Ill 151
— — — — — ——
Jai Singh sent to Deccan, 111 his character.
1 12 his plan of war, 115 unites all the enemies of
Shiva, 1 15 theatre of war described, 1 18 tMughaf
— —
outposts, 120 march on Purandar, 121 Purandar
hill described,. 124 Mughal siege-positions,: 125
Vajragarh stormed, 126 Daud Khan's faithless
— —
conduct, 127 Shiva's villages ravaged, 128
Marathas make diversions, 130 outer towers of
Purandar stormed, 132 Murar Baji’s death, 135
— —— — —
Shiva opens negotiations, 136 visits Jai Singh, 137
treaty of Purandar : its terms, 139 Shiva visits
Dilir, 141 forts delivered, 142 Jai Singh invades
Bijapur, 145 Shiva captures forts for Mughals, I45„
— — — —
and fights Bijapuri army, 146 retreat from Bijapur,
147 Shiva sent against Panhala, why? 148 fails to
storm it, 150 Netaji deserts to Bijapur, 150.
Chapter VI. Visit to Aurangzib ... 152—179
— —— —
Shiva’s reluctance to go to Aurangzib’s Court,
152 -hopes held out to him, 153 his arrangements
for home defence during his absence, 155 asserts
——— —
his dignity at Aurangabad, 156 his audience with
Aurangzib, 157 is placed under guard, 161 appeals
to prime-minister, 162 Aurangzib’s changes of
policy to Shiva, 163 Jai Singh’s advice, 163—Shiva
escapes from Agra by stratagem, 166 hue and cry,
168—Shiva at Mathura, 169 adventures during
— — — —
flight, 171 returns home, 173 Shambhuji's return,
174 Jai Singh's anxieties during Shiva’s flight, 175
renewed Maratha hostilities, 176 Jai Singh’s plot to
catch Shivaji, 178.
... 180 212
Chapter VII. 1667—1670
Death of Jai Singh, 180 disunion in Mughal
viceroy’s camp, 181—Shiva makes peace with
Emperor again, 183 Shambhu sent to Aurangabad,
185 causes of Shiva’s rupture with Mughals, 186
— —
captures Kpndana, named Singh-garh, 188 sieges of
Mahuli, 189 Daud Khan’s vigorous campaign, 190'
— — —
Dilir disobeys Prince Muazzam, 192 investigation
by Iftikhar Khan, 193 Dilir pursued by Muazzam,
195 second loot of Surat, 198 refugees at Swally,
— ——
201 frequent panic and ruin of commerce at Surat,
203 Shivaji gains battle of Vani, 205 sack of
Karinja, 208—Shiva captures Salhir, 211 Chhatra Sal
Bundela visits Shiva, 21 1 .
Chapter VIII. Struggle with the
Mughals, 1670—1674 ... 213-237
Large armies sent against Shiva, 213 Daud
Khan *8 campaign in the Chandor range, 214
Mahabat invades Maharashtra, massacre of Puna,
216—defeat of Ikhlas Khan near Salhir, 217
Mughals expelled from Puna, 217 Marathas con-
quer Jawhar and Ramnagar, 218 chauth demanded
from Surat, 219 Koli Rajahs, 221 Mughal officers
desert to Shiva, 222 raid into Berar, 223—-successful
— —
pursuit by Mughals, 223 Pedgaon, Mughal base.
225 Shiva fails at Shivner, 226—gains Satara and
— —
Panhala, 227 raids Bijapuri Kanara, 228 battle of
Umrani, 230 defeat and death of Pratap Rao, 231
— —
Hambir Rao’s raids, 232—Bahlol’s victory, 234—
Dilir defeated by Shiva, 234 Mughal power
weakened, 235 extent of Shiva's territory, 236.
Chapter IX. Coronation of Shivaji ... 238—259
— — — —
Why Shiva wanted to be crowned, 238 Gaga
Bhatta declares him a Kshatriya, 241 preparations
for coronation, 241 religious ceremonies, 242
—— —
Shiva performs penance and is "made a Kshatriya,"
but is denied Vedic mantras, 244 lavish gifts, 245
— ——
bath on coronation day, 247—coronation hall
described, 247 enthronement, 249 Oxinden pre¬
sented, 250 street procession at Raigarh, 250—cost
of coronation, 252 loot of Mughal camp, 253 raid
— —
into Baglana and Khandesh, 254 into Kolhapur,
255 Bahadur Khan deceived by pretended negotia¬
tions, 255 Maratha activities, 257 Shiva’s illness,
258 Mughals invade Bijapur, 259.
Chapter X. South Koaknn & Kanara 260 292 —
Kanara uplands and coast, 260—trade and ports,
261 Rustam-i-Zaman’s concert with Shiva, 262
— —
English collision with Shiva at Rajapur, 264 English
brokers and Mr. Gyffard imprisoned by Marathas,
— —— ——
264 released, 265 Englishmen fight against Shiva
at Panhala, 266 Rajapur factors seized, 266 Adil
Shah invades Bednur, 268 Shiva in S. Konkan
coast, 269 disorders in the coast, 270 Shiva’s
— ——
doings in Kanara, 272 loot of Barcelore and black-
maiHng of Karwar, 274 Bijapuris recover and lose
S. Konkan, 277 siege of Ponda raised, 280 plot to
capture Goa by stratagem, detected, 281 rebellion
of Rustam-i-Zaman, 282 sack of HubH, 283 Bahlol
expels Marathas from Karwar district, 284 Shiva’s
grand raid into Kanara fails, 285—Mian Sahib’s
rebellion in Bijapuri Kanara, 286 Shiva captures
Ponda, 288 and other forts, 290 Maratha failure in
Sunda and success in Bednur, 291.
Chapter XI. Naval Enterprises ... 293—321
The Siddis of Janjira, 293 Shiva’s early conflicts
with Siddis, 295—Shiva captures Danda, 296—
— —
Vyankoji Datto viceroy, 297 Shiva’s navy described, .
298 his sailors, 299—his mercantile marine, 299
—— —
doings of Maratha fleet, 300 revolution at Janjira :
Siddis enter Mughal service, 302 Portuguese defeat
Maratha fleet, 304 Siddis recover Danda, 305
Shiva’s efforts fail, 307 naval war 1672-75, 308
— —
battle of Satavli, 310—grand assault on Janjira fay
Marathas, 3H naval war 1676-80, 312—Marathas
fortify Khanderi, 315 naval battles with the English,
316 English make peace, 319—Siddis fortify Underi
and bombard Khanderi, 320.
— —
Chapter XII. Invasion of the Karnatak 322 352 ,
Shiva’s need of money, 322 Karnatak : its
— — —
wealth, 323—Vyankoji and Ids minister quarrel. 325
Bijapur in disorder, 327 Shiva secures Mughal
neutrality, 328 and alliance with Golkonda, 329
—— — —
strict discipline in Shiva’s army, 330—his grand entry
into Haidarabad, 331 audience with Qutb Shah,
334 treaty with Golkonda, 335 feasts and reviews,
336—pilgrimage to Shri Shaila, 338—religious frenzy,
339 marches by Madras city, 339 Jinji fort
captured, 340 siege of Tiruvadi, 341 siege of
Vellore, 342—defeat of Sher Khan, 342 presents
from Madras factors, 340 and 343 blackmail from
—— —
Nayak of Madura, 344 Shiva invites Vyankoji to
interview, 344 flight of Vyankoji, 345—Shiva at
_ —
Vriddhachalam, 347 asks for siege-engineers from
—— —
Madras, 347 enters Mysore plateau, 348 Vellore
capitulates, 349 value of Shiva's conquests in
Kamatak, 349 Vyankoji attacks Shiva’s agent
-Shantaji, 350 peace, Madras plains restored to
Vyankoji. 352.
... 353-383
Chapter XIII. His Last Years
Route of return from Kamatak, 353 fight with
Savitri Bai, 354 attempt to gain Bijapur fort by
— —— — —
bribery, 355 Shambhuji attacks Goa territory, 356—
Peshwa plunders Trimbak-Nasik, 357 the Mianas of
Kopal district, 357 annexations beyond Tunga-
bhadra, 358 second failure at §hivner, 359 disorder
in Bijapur and weakness of Masaud, 361 Shambhuji
deserts to Dilir, 362 Maratha stratagem to seize
— —— — —
Bijapur fort, detected, 363—Mughals and Bijapuris
against Shiva, 364 Dilir captures Bhupalgarh, 364
Marathas fight Ikhlas Khan, 365 and capture a
Mughal convoy at Karkamb, 366 Shivaji’s letter to
Aurangzib against the jaziya, 366 Dilir invades
Bijapur, 371—Shiva arrives near Bijapur to help,
372—Dilir ravages environs of Bijapur, 373 sacks
Athni, 374 Shambhuji returns to father, 375—
Shivaji defeated by Dilir, 376—fortifies Panhala as a
— — —— —
refuge, 376 raids Khandesh, 377 sack of Jalna, 377
curse of saint, 378 Shiva defeated by Ranmast
— —
Khan, 378 escapes with heavy loss, 379 anxiety
about succession, 380 lectures to Shambhu, 380
intrigues among Shiva’s wives, 382 death of Shivaji,
382—was he poisoned ? 383.
Chapter XIV. Shivaji and the English
merchants of the West Coast 384—404
Rajapur factors kept in prison, 384 their
— — —
-wrangle with Surat Council, 386 English think of
naval reprisal, 386 prisoners released, 387 English
negotiate for compensation for Rajapur factory, 389
— —
die secret aims of the two parties, 389—delicate
position of the English, 391 Ram Shenvi’s report,
391 Maratha envoy at Bombay, 392 mission of
—— — — —
Lt. Ustick, 393—embassy of Niccolls, 395—Shiva’s
letter to Bombay, 396 his evasiveness, 397 embassy
of Oxinden, 398—its result, 399 Rajapur factors
interview Shiva, 400 Austen's embassy, 401
indemnity in kind, 403 Rajapur indemnity how far
paid, 404.
'Chapter XV. Government, Institutions,
and policy
4K)5 428
Extent of his kingdom, 405 three provinces,
—— ——
405 belt of territory subject to chauth, 407 nature
of chauth, 407 his annual revenue, 408 hoarded
treasure, 408 strength of his army, 409 elephants
— —
—— —
and artillery, 410 early administrative officers, 410
ashta-pradhana : their powers, 41 1 their titles and
— ——
duties, 412 Kayastha clerks, 413 Army: orgamsa-
tion of forts, 414 cavalry, 415 infantry, 416
salaries of officers, 416—how his army subsisted, 417
— — —
Revenue system, 418 no farming of revenue, no
military fiefs, 419 district administration, 420
religious policy, 421 Ramdas, 421 practical effect
— ——
of Shivaji s regulations, 423 spirit of brigandage,
423 Aurangzib’s despair of subduing Shivaji, 42+
anecdotes, 424 Shiva's personal appearance, 425
his portraits, 426.
Chapter XVI. Shivaji’s achievement,
character and place in History ... 427-449
— ——
Shivaji’s foreign policy like that of Muslim kings,
427 mul\-giri, 428 causes of his failure to build an
— —
enduring State, 429 revival of Hindu orthodoxy,
-429 caste quarrels and divisions, 430 no elevation
— —— —
of people, 432 evil* of autocracy, 433 neglect of
the economic factor, 433 necessity of raids and
their ruinous effect, 434 excess of trickery and
intrigue, 435—failure against Wellesley, 436—
character of Shivaji, 436—his political ideal, 438-
natural insecurity of kingdom, 439 readiness for
war a condition of his existence, 439 his relations
with Bijapur, 440 his true greatness, 440" the last
constructive genius among Hindus, 441 his influence
on the Hindu spirit, 443.
Appendix III. Character of Marathi records about
Shivaji, 445.
Bibliography ... 449-459
Abbreviations ... 459
/ , « v • ’*.*
of Ahmadnagar and Sholapur, and probably the
western comer of Aurangabad, a rough total of
28,000 square miles. The Maratha race was also
settled in Konkan or the narrow land between the
Western Ghats and the Indian Ocean. Here the J
districts of Thana, Kolaba and Ratnagiri and the
State of Savant-vadi, with a total area of over
10,000 square miles, are now predominantly
Marathi-speaking ; but in the 16th century a consi¬
derable portion of the population, probably one-half,
belonged to other races and spoke other tongues.
Four centimes ago the population of Maharashtra
was very thin and forests covered much of the land.
The western edge of the Deccan plateau is subject
to a low and uncertain rainfall, cultivation is poor
from a superior, the Marathas resemble the
Afghans most among all Asiatic races.
Social distinctions were fewer and much less
sharp among the 16th century Marathas than among
richer and more civilised communities. The rich
man was not immeasurably above the poor in such
a simple society ; and even the poorest man had
his value as a fighter or indispensable labourer ; at
least, he preserved his self-respect, because where
few had anything to spare, none was tempted to
peasantry (of the Kunbi caste), “They are hard-working,
temperate, hospitable, fond of their children and kind to
strangers. At the same time they are cruel in revenge, and
seldom scruple to cheat either Government or their creditors.”
(Bom. Gaz. xviii. pt. I, 288.)
lead the pampered life of the professional beggars
and hangers-on of Agra or Delhi. Poverty and im¬
memorial custom alike preserved the womankind of
Maharashtra (except among those castes that aspired
to be Kshatriyas) from seclusion in the harem, and
thus the effective strength of society was doubled,
while life gained in health and sweetness.
§5. Religious teachers.
The same sense of equality was fostered by
religion. The Brahmans, no doubt, tried to maintain
their monopoly of the sacred lore and their aloofness
from other castes as a sort of spiritual aristocracy.
But strong religious movements arose and swept
through the length and breadth of the land, teaching
the sanctity of conduct rather than mere birth, the
superiority'~of a hvmg'p'efSOnaF faith to mere ritual,
and the oneness of all true believers before God.
These popular movements were hostile to the
haughty claims of the Brahman hierarchy, and their
chief centre was Pandharpur, one of the most famous
seats of pilgrimage in the land.
“ Like the Protestant Reformation in Europe in
the 16th century, there was a religious, social, and
literary revival and Reformation in India, but notably
in the Deccan in the 15th and 16th centuries. This
religious revival was not Brahmanical in its ortho¬
doxy ; it was heterodox in its spirit of protest against
forms and ceremonies and class distinctions based
on birth, and ethical in its preference of a pure heart,
lower orders of society, tailors, carpenters, potters,
gardeners, shop-keepers, barbers, and even mahars
(scavengers) more often than Brahmans.
names of Tukaram [born about 1568], of Ramdas
monotonous metrical couplets like the epics, with
no lyric outburst, no long-flowing sonorous verses,
no delicate play on the whole gamut of sounds. Like
the other daughters of Sanskrit, the Marathi verna¬
cular had no literary prose till well into the 18th
century. The prose that was created by the official
class in their letters and chronicles, was a barbarous
jargon composed nearly three-fourths of Persian
words and grotesque literal translations of Persian
idioms. The highly Sanskritised, elegant and varied
prose that is now used, is a creation of the British
period. (Rajwade, viii. Intro, fully discusses the
Persian element.)
” On the whole it may be said that the written
[Marathi] poetry, consisting as it does in such very
14 SH1VAJ1. [CH. I.
large measure of moral disquisitions and reflections,
and the praises of this deity or that, is little known
to the ryots and the Mavalis of Maharashtra, and
that it would not command their attention or
admiration if it were known...In Maharashtra, where
the immense majority of the peasantry can neither
read nor write, it is a mere truism to say that the
literature of their country is absolutely unknown to
them.* It is not to be supposed, however, that they
are without a poetry of their own. With the
Marathas, the feelings of the commons have taken
shape in the ballads, which are the genuine embodi¬
ment of national enthusiasm...Over the plains of the
Deccan, and the deep valleys and bold ridges of the
Sahyadris, from village to village, the humble
Gondhali (minstrel) still travels, and still to rapt and
excited audiences sings of the great days when the
armed fathers of the men around him gave laws at
the spear’s point to all the princes of India, or
retreated wounded and dismayed before the sword
of the sea-dwelling stranger.” (Acworth and
haligram, Powadas, i and ii.) But this national
ballad literature was the creation of the age of
Shivaji and bis successors.
Not only was their literature poor, but their
popular spoken tongue was a rough practical speech,
speaking people in general, numbered five millions
and the Kunbis (of the Bombay Presidency alone),
two and a half millions, in 1911, and they bear the
following character in our times :
“ÿSL-ftjdass, Marathas (i.e., the caste so called)
are simple, frank, independent and liberal, courteous,
and, when kindly treated, trusting. They are a
manly and intelligent race, proud of their former
greatness, fond of show, and careful to hide poverty
...Stronger, more active, and better made than the
Kunbis, many of the Marathas, even among the
poorer classes, have an air of refinement. (They
take animal food, including fowls, and drink toddy
and other liquors, like the kunbis.) No caste
supplies the Bombay army with so many recruits as
the Ratnagiri Marathas. Others go into the police
or find employment as messengers. Like the Kunbis,
orderly, well-behaved, and good-tempered, the
Marathas surpass them in courage and generosity.
Very frugal, unassuming, respectable and
temperate,...they are a very religious class.”
“The Deccan Kunbis are [now] all cultivators,
steady ancT harcT-warking. ..A very quiet, easy-
tempered and orderly class, singularly free from.
crime, they have much respect for the gods. In the
Deccan they are strong, hardy, enduring and
muscular, [but in Konkan, smaller, darker and more
slightly made.] The Kunbi women, like their
husbands, are strong and hardy, but the veiled
Maratha women are generally weak...Widows are
generally allowed to marry.” {Bomb. Gaz., xxiv. 70;
x. 123, 121 ; xviii. pt. i, 285, 307.)
18 SHIVAfl. [CH. I.
insolvency, as to his aversion to touch his hoarded
treasure for die annual expenses of his army.
But the Marathas have a historic advantage of
unique importance in the India of to-day. Their .
near ancestors had faced death in a hundred battle¬
fields, had led armies and debated in the chamber
of diplomacy, had managed the finances of kingdoms
and grappled with the problems of empire ; they
I had helped to make Indian history in the immediate
i and not yet forgotten past. The memory of these
things is a priceless asset to their race. In the
combination of intellectual keenness, patient industry,
simplicity of life, devotion to the nobler ideals of
man, in the courage necessary for translating thought
into deed, in the spirit of sacrifice, grit of character,
and a diffused sense of democratic equality, the
vast middle class of modern Maharashtra have no
superior and hardly any equal among the other races
of India. Would that they also possessed the
organising skill, the power of co-operation, the tact
in the management of instruments and colleagues,
the foresight, and the saving common sense of the
Anglo-Saxon race !
boyhood, their early life and training, and the
development of their character, even as in the steps
by which they mounted to thrones, the forsaken son
of Shahji Bhonsla was the exact parallel of the
forsaken son of Hassan Sur. Shiyaji and Sher Shah
were not only alike in character and geniusTfeot also
grew up amidst like circumstances.
however, he wore an iron chain round his neck”
(T. S. 96), or “kept the offending arm confined in
a long glove!” (Chit. 29.)
Shivaji was unlettered, like three other heroes of
' mediaeval India, Akbar, Haidar Ali, and Ranjit
* Raj. xv. 316 and 393 records the story of one of his
reverses : “Dadaji Kond-dev came to Shivapur. Among the
12 Mavals, Krishnaji Nayak Bandal, the deshmukh of Hirdas
Maval, had seized another man's lands and refused to give
them up. Dadaji marched against him, but was defeated and
forced to retreat to Shivapur. He then sent Kanhoji Nayak
Zedhe to persuade Krishnaji and other Maval deshmukhs to
come for rut interview." Chitnis, 33, says that Bandal refused
to come and wait on Shivaji, who marched against him,
captured and put him to death. This is incorrect, as the
subjugation of the Mavals was completed by Dadaji.
as getting a first-hand knowledge of the country and
its people. During his residence at Puna his plastic
mind was profoundly influenced by the readings from
the Hindu epics and sacred books given by his
guardian and other Brahmans, and still more by the
teaching of his mother. The deeply religious, almost
/ ascetic, life that Jija Bai led amidst neglect and
Shah, gives the following earliest and most correct
account of the incident : “When the siege of Jinji
was protracted and fighting continued long, the cun¬
ning Shahji sent an agent to Nawab Mustafa Khan
begging leave to go to his own country and give
repose to his troops. The Nawab replied that to
retire then would be equivalent to disturbing [the
work of the siege.] Then Shahji sent to say that
grain was very dear in the camp, that the soldiers
could not bear the privation and labour any longer,
and that he would retire to his own country without
waiting for permission [from the commander-in-
chief.] The Nawab, being convinced that Shahji
meant mischief and would show fight, had him
arrested with such extreme cleverness and good
arrangement that no part of his property was plun¬
dered, but the whole was confiscated to Govern¬
A later but very reliable Persian history of Bija-
pur, viz., Basatin-i-Salatin (309-311), supplies some
additional information: “Shahji, withdrawing his
head from obedience to the Nawab Mustafa Khan,
began to oppose him, till at last the Nawab decided
to arrest him. One day he made Baji Rao Ghorpade
and Jaswant Rao Asad-Khani get their forces ready
and sent them very early in the morning to ShahjiV
camp. Shahji, having passed the preceding night in
mirth and revelry, was still sleeping in bed. As soon
as the two Raos arrived and he learnt of their pur¬
pose, he in utter bewilderment took horse and
galloped away from his house alone. Baji Ghorpade
gave chase, caught him, and brought him before the
Nawab, who threw him into confinement. His
contingent of 3,000 cavalry was dispersed, and his
camp was thoroughly looted...Adil Shah on hearing
of it. .sent from his Court Afzal Khan to bring
Shahji away and an eunuch to attach his'' property,
...Nov. 1648/’ Shahji was brought in chains to
Bijapur, and according to a late and very doubtful
Maratha tradition the door of his cell was slowly
walled up, in order to induce him to compel his son
to give up his lawless career and come to Bijapur.
(Chit. 37-38 ; Dig. 143-146.)
Shivaji was in a terrible dilemma : he could not
submit to Bijapur and thereby sacrifice all his gains
and hopes of future greatness ; nor, on the other
hand, could he leave his father in danger of torture
and starvation. By diplomacy alone could he rescue
his father, and diplomacy pointed to only one path
as open to a man in his position. The Mughi
Emperor was the hereditary enemy of Adil Shahj
and every rebel against Bijapur was sure to gain thel
Emperor’s patronage if he could hold forth the chance]
of strengthening the imperial cause in the Deccan by
the adhesion of his followers. The Mughal Emperor
alone was strong enough to intimidate Adil Shah.
Shivaji first wrote to Prince Murad Bakhsh,*
the Mughal viceroy of the Deccan, entreating him
to secure the Emperor’s pardon for Shahji's past con¬
duct and protection for him and his sons in future,
and offering to come and join the Mughal service on
receiving a written assurance of safety (qaul.) To
this Murad replied on 14th March 1649, telling him
to send first a trusty agent to report his demands.
This was evidently done, and Murad after reporting
the case to the Emperor and learning his wishes,
wrote to Shiva on 14th August asking him to come
ter Court with his father and kinsmen, that he might
be . created a 5-hazari, while Shahji would get back
the rank he had once held in the Mughal peerage.
Still later, on 31st October, Murad wrote directly to
Shahji to inform him that Shivaji’s appeal for his
release had been received, and that as the Prince
was soon going back to the imperial Court, he would
there report the prayers of Shahji to the Emperor
and take his orders. He asked the Maratha chief to
send his agent to Court to receive the. Emperor’s
furman and assurance of safety, and on his own
behalf presented him with a robe of honour. In this
44 SHIVAJI. [CH. 0.
of Konkan. The head of the family bore the
hereditary title of Chandra Rao, conferred by a
Bijapur king in recognition of the founder's personal
strength and courage. The younger sons enjoyed
appanages in the neighbouring villages. Eighth in
descent from the founder was Krishnaji Baji, who
succeeded to the lordship of Javli about 1652.*
/ The State of Javli, by its situation, barred the
/ path of Shivaji’s ambition in the south and south-
[ west. As he frankly said to Raghunath Ballal Korde,
“Unless Chandra Rao is killed, the kingdom cannot
be secured. None but you can do this deed. I send
you to him as envoy.” The Brahman entered into
the conspiracy, and went to Javli, attended by an .
escort of 125 picked men, on a pretended proposal
of marriage between Shiva and Chandra Rao’s
daughter. (Sabh. 10, Chit. 41, Dtg. 128, Shed.
On the first day the envoy made a show of
opening marriage negotiations. Finding out that
Chandra Rao was fond of drink and usually lived in
a careless unguarded manner, Raghunath wrote to
his master to come to the neighbourhood in force
and be in readiness to take advantage of the murder
immediately after it was committed. The second
interview with Chandra Rao was held in a private
chamber. Raghunath talked for some time on the
endless details of a Hindu marriage treaty, and then
•Parasnis Itih. Sangr. Sfuta lekh, i. 26.
drew his dagger all of a sudden and stabbed
Chandra Rao to death and wounded his brother
Surya Rao, who was despatched by a Maratha
soldier. The assassins promptly rushed out of the
gate, cut their way through the alarmed and confused
guards, beat back the small and hurriedly organised
band of pursuers and gained a chosen place of hid¬
ing in the forest.
Shivaji had kept himself ready to follow uptÿ/ÿ
his agent*8 crime; according to later accounts he
had arrived at Mahabaleshwar with an army on die
plea of a pilgrimage. Immediately on hearing of the
murder of the Mores, he arrived and assaulted Javli.
* The leaderless garrison defended themselves for six
, —
“an old chronicle,” written nobody knows when or
by whom, based nobody knows on what authorities,
'ÿ'f'tl —
aIKÿ transmitted nobody knows how, which asserts
that Chandra Rao had tried to seize Shiva by
treachery and hand him over to the vengeance of
Bijapur, and that he had at first been pardoned by
the latter and had then ungratefully conspired with
Baji Ghorpade to imprison Shivaji.* Unfortunately
for the credibility of such convenient "discoveries,”
none of the genuine old historians of Shiva could
anticipate that this line of defence would be adopted
by the twentieth century admirers of the national
hero ; they have called the. er.
The two sons of the murdered Chandra Rao
were taken to Pima and there put to death.f But
some of the Mores remained at large and sought to
be avenged on Shivaji, though in vain. In 1665ÿ
when Jai Singh opened a campaign against that
Maratha chief, he invited these-Mores to join him and
carry on their blood-feud with the Bhopalas- with
greater hope of success.
Thgÿannexation ofjavti> not only opened to
Shivaji a door for fheconquest of the south and
the west, but brought a very important accession to
his strength, in the form of many thousands of Mavle
infantrymen from among the subjects and former
retainers of Chandra Rao, In short, his recruiting
ground for these excellent fighters along the Sahyadri
range, was now doubled. The Mores had accumu¬
lated a vast treasure in eight generations of
undisturbed and expanding rule, and the whole of
it fell into Shivaji’s hands.
Two miles west of Javli he built a new fort
The earliest Maratha historian of Shivaji, viz.,
Krishnaji Anant Sabhasad (1694), writes that Shivaji
sent Raghunath BaHal as envoy to Chandra Rao,
frankly telling him, “Unless Chandra Rao is killed,
the kingdom cannot be secured. None but you can
<Jo this deed,” (p. 10), and that Raghunath committed
the murder on getting a suitable opportunity. This
book was written by a courtier of Shivaji, by order of
Shivaji’s favourite son. He had the best means of
knowing the truth and no motive for suppressing it.
It is inconceivable that such a writer invented a false
charge of murder against Shivaji, unless the latter
had been notoriously guilty of the crime. A century
later, Malhar Ram Rao, the hereditary secretary of
Shivaji’s descendants and keeper of their family re¬
cords, also tells the same story, (p.41.) What motive
could he have had for calumniating the great founder
of his master's family as a murderer? .The Marathi
life of Shivaji preserved in Raigarh castle when it
was in Maratha possession, and composed much
earlier than Chitnis’s history, tells us, "Raghunath
treacherously assassinated Hanumant Rao. Shivaji
was pleased with Raghunath's conduct,” (p.11.) But
as the original of this work has been lost, 1 attach no
importance to it.
Against the unanimous testimony of such known
and authentic wknesses, Rao Bahadur Parasnis puts
the evidence of the so-called Mahabaleshwar BakJiar,
which exists in a single anonymous undated MS.,
discovered some 20 years ago among the papers of
the modem Rajahs of Satara, while of Sabhasad
and Chitnis's babhors many MSS. have been found
and in different parts of the country. The unique
52 SH1VAJI. [Ch. IL
MS. of the Mahabaleahwar Bakhar has not been
shown to die public even in Maharashtra, nor ex¬
amined by experts with a view to judging its date and
authenticity. A critic, evidendy in die confidence of
the Rao Bahadur, now writes that the MS. contains a
statement that it was written by order of Rajah
Shahu. We do not know die authority for this entry,
nor whether die colophon was contemporaneous with
the body of the MS. or is a modem addition.
Now, Shahu overcame his domestic rivals, curbed
his Muslim enemies and became firmly seated on his
throne after 1725, and he could have had time to
think of rectifying his grandfather's reputation only
towards the peaceful close of his reign (which ended
in 1749.) This bakhar, if written by Shahu’s order
at all, was written about 1740 or even later, i.e.,
more than 80 years after the murder of die Mores.
What were its nameless author's means of knowing
the truth better than Shivaji's own courtier? Could any
written record about the Javli affair, contemporaneous
with die event, have survived till 1740 and then dis¬
appeared, while the bakhar alleged to have been
composed in that year and at the same place has
survived? The Mahabaleahwar Bakhar, therefore,
even if written in Shahu’s time, had no other basis
than unreliable oral tradition or deliberate invention.
To accept such a work against Sabhasad and Chitnis
is to defy the most elementary laws of historic
And even then, the Mahabaleahwar Bakhar
never really contradicts Sabhasad ; it does not cate¬
gorically deny that Shiva’s envoy murdered Chandra
Rao or that Shiva had authorised the deed. It merely
accuses Chandra Rao of implacable hostility to
Shivaji, but tells us nothing of what actually happen¬
ed at the fatal interview. And yet on its slender or
rather non-existent basis, Mr. Kincaid’s brilliant
imagination builds up the following scene which he
presses upon the public ignorant of Marathi as the
true and attested story of the Javli affair :
“From the recently discovered Mahabaleswar
account, it is clear that Shivaji repeatedly strove to
win More to his side, that More as often tried
treacherously to take Shivaji prisoner, and that he
eventually fell in a quarrel between him and Ragho
Ballal Atre, while the latter was delivering him an
ultimatum. Shivaji was thus clearly innocent of
More's death.”
“What happened [at the interview with More]
is obscure. It is probable that Shivaji’s envoy charged
Balaji [i.e., Chandra Rao More] with double dealing
and that the latter complained of Shivaji 's invasion
[i.e., occupation of Mahabaleshwar in force.] High
words were exchanged, swords were drawn and
Ragho Ballal Atre and Sainbhaji Kavji killed More
and his brother...Shivaji had not authorised his
envoy *8 acts.” (Kincaid and Parasnis, History of the
Maratha People, i. 272, 150-151.)
I trust that the astonishing method of appraising
evidence and drawing legitimate inferences exhibited
54 SHIVAJI. [Ch.lL
by the learned ex-Judge of Satara in the above
passage, will not be taken by scholars abroad as
typical of the way in which the amateur Judges of
die Indian Gvil Service deal criminal justice in India.
The historian who cues for his reputation has,
unfortunately, to place truth above popularity.
BIJAPUR, 1656-1659.
§1. Relations with the Mughals up to 1657.
For many years after his first assertion of in¬
dependence, Shivaji carefully maintained peace with
die Mughals. For one thing, his power was not yet
secure, and it would have been the height of folly tO|ÿ-
provoke both Bijapur and Delhi at the same time.
Secondly, from 1653 onwards Mughal Deccan
was >vemed by Pjdnce- AurangalP with singular
efficiency and vigour, and his neighbours rightly
dreaded giving him any offence. When Aurangzib
was involved in war with Golkonda (January-March
1656), Shivaji was too busy organising his conquests
in Javli and the northern Ratnagiri district to raid
Mughal territory during that Prince’s absence from
his charge.
On the death of Muhammad Adil Shah (4 Nov.
1656), Aurangzib began active preparations for the
invasion of Bijapur, and tried to seduce as many
Adil-Shahi nobles and vassals as he could. Shivaji
then wrote a letter to Multafat Khan, die Mughflhÿ
governor of Ahmadnagar, offering to join the im¬
perialists if Iris desires were granted. To this a
conciliatory reply was given, in accordance with
Aurangzib’s policy of “keeping the path of corres¬
pondence with him open.” An envoy from Shiva
approached Aurangzib directly at Aurangabad and
reported his demands. The Prince replied in
"reassuring and friendly terms, so as to make him
more devoted to the imperial cause than before.”
(A dab. 144fe, 1451).) This correspondence seems to
have passed in December 1656 or the next month,
though the letter to Multafat Khan may have been
•written as early as the preceding August.
Nizam-Shahi territory now in the hands of Adit
Shah, you will send Sona Pandit as your envoy to
my Court and a contingent of 500 horse under one
of your officers to serve me, and you will protect
the imperial frontiers. You are called upon to send
Sonaji, and your prayers will be granted.” (Parasnis
MS., Letter 5.)
Butwhile Aurangzib received Shiva’s submission
with outward pleasure, his mind was not really com¬
posed about him. He omitted no precaution to
maintain peace in that quarter by force, for he felt
convinced that the young Maratha chief was a raider
whose daring was only equalled by his cunning, and
an ambitious adventurer who would place self-
interest above fidelity to his plighted word or
gratitude for favours received. He wrote to Mir
Jumla (December, 1657), “At Nasiri Khan’s departure
that district has been left vaccant. Attend to it, as
the son of a dog is waiting for his opportunity.”
(A dab. Adil Shah was thus urged by the
Prince : “Protect this country. Expel Shiva who
has sneaked into the possession of some forts of the
land. If you wish to entertain his services, give
him jagirs in the Kamatak, far from the imperial
dominions, so that he may not disturb them.”
(A dab. 163a.)
Aurangzib, therefore, left the Deccan without
Smanting peace and pardon to Shivaji. The Mughals
also repaired and garrisoned the old and ruined fort
of Pedgaon, as a convenient outpost for operations
against Puna. (Adah. 1576.) But Shiva was freed
rrom all rear ot the Mughals by me war or oucces-
sionr which kepi* Aurangzib busy tor the next two
years, 1658 and 1659. ~
§5. Bijapur plans to subdue Shivaji.
After the Mughal invasion of 1657 had rolled
back and Aurangzib had marched away to Northern
India, the Bijapur Government gained respite and a
sudden accession of vigour. True, the old prime-
minister, Khan Muhammad, was murdered on a false
suspicion of collusion with Aurangzib during the late
war ; but his successor, Khawas Khan, was an able
-ÿadministrator. The Queen Mother, Bari Sahiba,
who virtually ruled the State till her fatal journey to
Mecca (1660), was a woman of masterful spirit and
experienced in the conduct of business. Freed for
the time being from the constant menace of the
Mughals on the frontier, the Bijapur Government
now began to call its refractory vassals to account.
Shahji was asked to punish his rebel son, but he
frankly repud i son and left the
Government free to punish him without any consi¬
deration for his father’s feelings. Measures had,
therefore, to be taken for crushing Shivaji by force.
(Sabh. 12.)
This was, however, no easy task. Shiva *8
military strength was not despicable*;'W'and the
Bijapuri nobles shrank from the idea of a campaign
among the hills and jungles of the Western Ghats.
The command of the expedition against him went
abegging at the Bijapur Court, till Afzal Khan
accepted it. (Sabh. 13 ; Chit. 54 ; Powadas, 6-7 ;
Shed. 24.)
§6. Afzal Khan’s expedition against Shiva.
Abdullah Bhatari, sumamed Afzal Khan. was a
noble of the first rank, who had risen to power and
honour under the late Sultan of Bijapur. As a
general he was of the highest standing in the king-
dom, being the peer of Bahlol Khan and Randaula
Khan, and had fought with conspicuous bravery and
skill in the recent war with the Mughals. But the
resources of Bijapur had been crippled by that war
and the disorder and impoverishment natural in a
regency under a veiled woman. Only 10,000 cavalry*
could be spared to accompany Afzal, while popular
report had raised the strength of Shiva’s Mavle in¬
fantry to 60,000 as the result of his conquest of Javli,
and he had also enlisted a regiment of valuable
Pathan mercenaries from the disbanded soldiery of
Bijapur. (Chit. 33 ; T. S. 156.) .Afzal Khan, there¬
fore, did not prefer an open contest of force with
Shiva. Indeed, he was instructed by the. Dowager .
Queen to effect the capture or murder of Shiva by
“pretending friendship" with him and dtfering to
secure his pardon from Adil Shah.f
agility, Jiv Mahala, an expert swordsman, and
Shambhuji Kavji, the murderer of Hanumant Rao
More. Each of them carried two swords and a
As the party was about to descend from the
fort a saintly female figure appeared in their midst.
It was Jija Bed. Shiva bowed to his mother. She
blessed him saying, “Victory be yours 1“ and
solemnly charged his companions to keep him safe ;
they vowed obedience. Then they walked down to
the foot of the fort and waited.
§9. Interview between Shiva and Afzal.
Meanwhile Afzal Khan had started from his
camp at Par, with a strong escort of more than a
thousand musketeers. Gopinath objected to it,
saying that such a display of force would scare
away Shiva from the interview, and that the Khan
should, therefore, take with himself only two body¬
guards exactly as Shiva had done. So, he left his
troops some distance behind and made his way up
the hill-path in a palki accompanied by two soldiers
and a famous swordsman named Sayyid Banda, as
well as the two Brahman envoys, Gopinath and
Krishnaji. Arrived in the tent, Afzal Khan angrily
remarked on its princely furniture and decorations
as far above the proper style of a jagirdar's son.
But Gopinath soothed him by saying that all these
rich things would soon go to the Bijapur palace as
the first fruits of Shiva’s submission.
72 SHIVAJI. [CH. 01
Mawwigen wear sent to hurry up Shiva, who
was wailing below the fart. He advanced slowly,
thee halted on seeing Sayyid Banda, and sen* to
demand that the man should be removed from die
tent. This mt done, and at last Shivaji entered the
pavilion. Oh each side fioie men were present,—the
principal, two aatned retainer* and an envoy. But
Shiva was seemingly unarmed,* like a rebel who
had eonae to surrender, while the Khan had his
swoad at his side.
The attendants stood below. Shiva mounted
the raised platform and bowed to Afzal. The Khan
rose from his seat, advanced a few steps, and opened
his arms to receive Shiva in Ms embrace: The short
slim Mferatka only mwnp «p tha. of his
opponent. Suddenly’ Afzal tightened his clasp, and
held Shiva’s neck in his left arm with an iron grip,
* Khafi Khan, ii. 117, states that both Afzal and Shivaji
came to the interview unarmed. But kamar wa kfirda, 'with
no sword girt on the waist’ was the customary attitude of the
defeated party, so often, Jssrribrd in Persian histories.
AUfv sisls:. Tin woncM m— wAnwt Kis hold,
and Siunp wmtad himself (ns jumpeil dawn bom
the piatfeoa, and n»toMuok k»«mi msn outside.
The Khan cried onL. “Tresdiaqr! Murder ! Help!
Help!" The attendants ran upr ban both sides.
Sagged Banda, faced Shiva with hie lone, straight
MWWI and cat hi* turbans in twain, makings a deep
dirt in the steel cap beneath. Shura: quickly took
a rapier fram Jhr Mabala and began to paery. But
JTT Mtdrala. canoe round with his other sword, hacked
off the right arm. of the Sayyicb and then, killed
Meanwhile the bearers had placed the wounded
Khan hr his pedfer, and started for his. camp. But
Shambhujr Kavji slashed at their legs, made them
drop the puHtfi, and then, cafe off Afaal’s head, which
he carried in triumph to Shiva.*
§10. Ajzal’a army routed and plundered.
Freed from danger, Shivaji and his two comrades
then made their way to the summit of Pratapgarh,
and fired a cannon. This was the signal for whict
his troops were waiting in their ambush in.—the
valleys below. At once the armies of Moro Trimbak
and Netaji Palkar and the thousands of Mavles
sive —
Defeating another Bijapuri army, and making exten¬
conquests (Oct., 1659 Feb., 1660), which will
— —
fully convinced and with good reason, as we know,
that Afzal meant treachery. He would have been
wanting in common prudence if he had not taken
these precautions to save himself.
A friend (Prof. A. Rahman) has asked me, “If
Afzal meant treachery why did he not keep his troops
in readiness for delivering an assault or at least for
defending themselves?” My answer is that Afzal
believed that the death of Shivaji would lead to the
immediate collapse of his upstart power and1' no
attack on his leaderless troops would be necessary.
He was, moreover, ignorant of the position and
strength of the enemy's forces and did not know that
two large Maratha
marches in his neighbourhood .
— The weigETof recorded evidence as well as die
probabilities of the case supports he view that Afzal
Khan struck the first blow and that Shivaji only
committed what Burke calls, a ‘preventive murder’:
i;U ujt***-
§ I . Shaista Khan sent against Shivaji.
Among the administrative changes made by
Aurangzib at his second coronation (July, 1659) was
the posting of Shaista Khan to the viceroyalty of the
Deccan, in the of ’Prmce Muazzam. This able
and spirited general had already governed Malwa and
the Deccan and had taken a distinguished part in
Aurangzib's recent invasion of Golkonda. Chief
among the tasks entrusted to him was the suppression
of Shivaji. And in discharging this duty he was for¬
tunate enough to secure the hearty co-operation of
Bijapur, which forced the Maratha chief to divide
his army into two and therefore to be defeated in
both the theatres of war.
• After Shivaji had followed up his victory over
Puna and Chakan and removed all traces of habita¬
tion lAndnow the many rivers between Puna and
the Mughal frontier being in flood, no provision
reached his camp, and his army had to undergo great
hardship from scarcity. He, therefore, decided to
remove his camp from Puna to Chakan, 18 miles
northwards, as being nearer to Ahmadnagar and the
Mughal dominion, whence aupplfee could mote easily
reach him. (A. N. 584-‘5.)
Chakan m » pfaw tP”1* ’*ntt***c importance.
On tfie east it is separated from the imperial terri¬
tory by the shallow upper courses of die Bhima and
Ghod rivers only, with no difficult mountain pass to
cross. Its possession would have greatly shortened
Shaista Khan’s line of communication with his base
of supplies at Ahmadnagar and also secured his camp
against any attack from the north. Moreover, Chakan
is only 31 miles due east of the Bhorghat pass and
commands the shortest route leading from Ahmad-
napaf to KonlriTrT
Leaving Puna on 19th June, the Khan arrived
in the vicinity of Chakan on the 21st, reconnoitred
the fort and distributed the lines of investment among
his officers. The fort of Chakan is a square enclosure
with bastioned fronts and towers at the four comers.
The walls are high, with a ditch 30 ft. deep and 15 ft.
wide all around. The only entrance is in the eastern
face, and passes through five or six gateways.
Beyond the walls there is an outwork of mud with
a ditch, the remnant of a very old fortification. (Bom.
Gaz. xviii. pt. iii., p. 121 ; Ind. Antiq. ii. 43, iv. 352.)
Shaista Khan, after throwing up defensive earth¬
works round the positions taken up by the four divi¬
sions of his army, began to ran trenches towards
the fort-walls, construct raised platforms at suitable
points, and mount on them large pieces of artillery
brought from the Mughal forts in the Deccan.
Though the heavy showers of the rainy season ham¬
pered his work and die defenders kept up a galhng
foe, he the siege vigorously. After 54 days
of hard £abour a minÿ was carried from his own
position in die north to under the tower at' the north¬
eastern comer, and it was exploded at 3 P.M. on
14th August, 1660. The work and its defenders were
blown away ; the Mughals rushed to the assault, but
found to their surprise that behind the breach the
enemy had thrown up a high embankment of earth
which they held in force and from the shelter of
which they assailed the Mughals with rockets, musket.
shots, bombs and stones. The storming party was
checked with heavy loss, but clung to the blood¬
stained ground for the night.
Next morning (15th August) they resumed the
attack, scaled the wall, and captured the main fort,
putting many of the garrison to the sword and driving
the rest into the citadel. In a short time even the
last-named work capitulated. But
had to purchase their victory at a heavy price, losingÿ
268 killed and 600 wounded. (A. N. 585-588 ; Chit.
97 ; Dig. 216.)
Firangji Narsala, an old officer of the days of
Shahji, had been left by Shiva in charge of Chakan,
with orders to hold out as long as he could, bat to
surrender when driven to extremities, because it was
impossible for Shiva, then batding with the Bijapuris
near Panhala, to divert any force for the relief of
Chakan, 140 miles away in the north. For nearly
two months Firangji had defended his post with tire¬
less energy, “incessantly showering shots, bullets and
rockets at the besiegers.” He had disputed every
inch of the ground on the two days of assault. And
now, hopeless of his master’s aid (Dig. 217), he capi¬
tulated with honour. Shaista Khan greatly admired
the gallant qiladar and pressed him to enter the
imperial service on high pay. But Firangji refused
to prove false to his salt, and was allowed to go
[back to Shivaii with his army.*
§5. Desultory fighting, 1661-63.
The capture of Chakan was followed by the
return of Shaista Khan to Puna, where he took up
his residence, while his detachments continued to
improve the Mughal hold on N. Konkan. This long
period of inactivity on the part of the Mughal viceroy’s
main army has been very plausibly ascribed by Grant
Duff (i. 194) to reluctance on the part of Shaista
Khan to face again the heavy loss inevitable in the
siege of Maratha hill-forts.
The next time that we hear of the Mughals is
me, I imagined that you had already died fighting
against them!” Indeed, the public, both in the
Mughal camp and throughout the Deccan, ascribed
Shivaji’s exploit to the connivance of Jaswant.
Shivaji, however, asserted that this astonishing feat
was performed by him under the inspiration of his
God and not of any human counsellor. Immediately
after his retiim from it, he wrote to Raoji Rao, his
agent at Rajapur, boasting how he had been the
chief actor in this business and had himself wounded
Shaista Khan.
The Mughal viceroy, covered with shame and
grief, retired to Aurangabad for greater safety. The
Emperor heard of the disaster early in May, when on
the way to Kashmir, and ascribed it to the viceroy's
negligence and incapacity. As a mark of his dis-
* pleasure, he transferred Shaista Khan to the govern¬
ment of Bengal, (I Dec. 1663) which was thei
regardedÿ a penal province, or in Aurangzib's own
words, "a hell well stocked with bread,” without
permitting him even to visit the Emperor on his way
to his new charge. The Khan left the Deccan about
the middle of January 1664, on being relieved by
Prince Muazzam.
§7. Surat described.
While this change of governors was going on
at Aurangabad, ShlVUji ptifuuuul of even
greater audacity than he had ever displayed before.
/ From 6th to 10th January he looted the city of Snrat.
the richest port of the west coast and “the gateway
to the holy places of Arabia" for Indian Muslims,
who here embarked for the pilgrimage to Mecca.
The fort of Surat stood on the south bank of
the Tapti, 12 miles from the sea. It was impregnable
to a body of light raiders like Shiva's troopers.
But thtcifyylose to the fort offered a rich and
definecftjessprize. It had, at that time, no wall to
protect it. Its wealth was boundless. The imperial
customs alone yielded* 12 lakhs of
Rupees a year (in 1666, acc. to Thevenot, v. 81.)
The city of Surat covered nearly four square
miles, including gardens and open spaces, and had
a population of 200,000 souls. The streets were
narrow and crooked ; the houses of the rich were
near the river-side and substantially built ; but the
town was mainly composed of poor men’s huts i
Rao More, the family from which Shivaji had
wrested Javli, in response to Jai Singh’s invitation,
sent to him a Brahman named Mudha, asking for a
Puna (18 miles north-west of it), while the widen¬
ing plain east of it enabled cavalry to make an easy
and rapid dash into Bijapur territory, or bar the
path of reinforcements coming from that side. Even
now five main roads meet at Saswad.
strong sister enclosure, "amwi Vajiagarh, on a
ridge running out east of it. Purandar consists of
an upper fort or citadel with precipitous sides all
around and a lower fort or machi, 300 feet or more
below it. The latter is a ledge running round the
waist of the hill with many a winding, the entire
circuit being four miles. On the north side the
ledge widens out into a broad terrace, containing
the barracks and offices of the garrison. This terrace
is bounded on the east by the high spur named
Bhairav Khind, which starts from the base of the
steep overhanging north-eastern tower (called
Khand-kala or the Sky-scraper)* of the upper fort,
and runs for about a mile eastwards in a narrow
ridge, ending in a small tableland (3,618 feet above
sea-level), crowned with the fort of Rudramala, (now
called Vairagarh.)
This Vajragarh commands the machi or lower
iort of Purandar on its northern and most important
* Moleaworth, 2nd ed. 192, explains Khadkal as 'a rocky
126 SWVAJI. [CH. V.
hill-side. He visited the trenches every day,
encouraged his men, and supervised the progress
of the siege. At first all his efforts were directed to
‘dragging guns to the top of the steep and difficult
hill. It took three days to raise a ,named
126 SHIVAJI. [CH. V.
preferred above everything else to favour Shiva 1’*
Daud Khan, too, was a source of mischief in his
new station. He constantly declared that the capture
of Purandar was beyond the range of possibility,
and that the siege was a waste of men and money.
His intention in talking in this way was, as Jai
Singh detected, to discourage the commander-in-
chief from heartily supporting the siege-operations,
so that Dilir Khan would be left to bear the burden
of the fight unaided and would have to retire with
failure and disgrace. Jai Singh removed the
mischief-maker from the camp by creating an
independent flying column raid sending him at its
head, to make raids daily, or on alternate days, on
different places in the district. (Ben. MS. 191 b,
Faiyyaz. 592.)
On 25th April, the flying column six thousand
strong under Daud Khan, accompanied by Rajah Rai
Singh, Sharza Khan (a Bijapuri general), Amar Singh
Ghandawat, Achal Singh Kachhwa (the principal
officer of Jai Singh's household troops), and 400 of
Jai Singh’s own troopers, marched out with orders
to enter the region of Rajgarh, Singh-garh and Rohira
from two sides and “not to leave any vestige of
cultivation or habitation, but make an utter desola¬
tion.” (Paris MS. 133b.) At the same time
Qutbuddin Khan and Ludi Khan were ordered to
harry the district from the north and thus distract
and wear out Shivaji.
Daud Khan’s party arrived near fort Rohira on
die 27A and .burnt and totally ruined about 50
villages. A body of Mughal skirmishers entered
four populous villages hidden among the hills, which
had never before been visited by an enemy ; the
invaders soon received reinforcements, overcame the
opposition, oocupted the villages, razed them to the
ground, and brought away many of the peasants
and their cattle and other property as spoils of war.
After a day’s halt here, the Mughals marched
towards >Rajgarh on the 30th, homing the villages
on the way. Without stepping to besiege the fort
ffor which they were not prepared), they sacked the
villages around 'k,—the garrison watohing the work
of rain horn the shelter of the fort-guns, without
venturing to make a sally.
The ground in the neighbourhood was hiHy and
uneven. So, the column retreated fear miles to a
level place, near the pass of Gunjankhora, where
they encamped for the night, and next day (lat May),
reached Shivapur. Thence Daud Khan marched
towards Singh-garh and harried its environs, return¬
ing to Puna on 3rd May, by order of Jai Singh.
Meantime Qutbuddin Khan, in the midst of his
raids into the passes of Pur-khora and Tasi-khora,
near fort Kumari, was urgently recalled to Puna,
where he joined Daud Khan. The cause of this
new order was that Jai Singh had learnt that Shivaji
had mustered a large force near Lohgarh, which
required to be immediately broken up.
The two Mughal columns were, therefore,
130 SHIVAJI. [CH. V.
diverted to that side (the north-west.) Leaving Puna
they halted at Chinchwad (10 or 12 miles north) on
the 4th and reached Lohgarh on the 5th. When the
Mughal skirmishers arrived near the fort, 500
Maratha horse and 1,000 infantry sallied forth and
attacked them. But the imperialists held their
ground, were soon reinforced, and routed the enemy
with heavy loss after a severe fight. Then they
burnt the houses on the skirt of the hill, taking many
prisoners and cattle. The villages enclosed by the
four forts, Lohgarh, Visapur, Tikona, and Tangai,
were devastated, and much of Balaghat (high¬
lands) and Painghat (lowlands) harried. Thereafter
they returned, Qutbuddin Khan and his party taking
up an outpost near Puna, and Daud Khan and his
comrades rejoining the main army on 19th May,
after a fortnight’s absence.
stockade was untenable, and they retired to the
trenches behind it. (Ben. MS. 187i> 189a.) Thus
five towers and one stockade of the lower fort fell
into the hands of the Mughals.
Purandar now seemed doomed. And, as if to
complete its destruction, the Emperor had at Jai
Singh’s request despatched a train of very heavy
artillery which were now on the way to the fort.
The garrison had originally numbered only 2,000*
against at least ten times that number of Mughals,
and they had suffered heavy casualties during two
months of incessant fighting. Early in the siege they
had lost their gallant commandant Murar Baji
* Sabhasad, 42 43, gives this number, which is evidently
an underestimate. Alamgir-namah, 903, says that the fort had
4,000 combatants left in it at capitulation.
§14. Death of Murar Baji Prabhu.
Taking seven hundred select men with himself
Murar Baji made a sortie oh Dilir Khan, who was
trying to climb the hill with 5,000 Afghans and some
more troops of other races. The Marathas dashed
forward, mingled with the enemy on all sides, and
there was severe fighting at close quarters. Murar
Baji with his Mavles slew 500 Pathans besides many
Bahlia infantrymen, and at the head of sixty
desperate followers cut his way tp Dilir's camp.
His comrades were slain by the overwhelming
body of the Mughals, but Murar Baji rushed straight
on towards Dilir. The Khan, in admiration of his
matchless courage, called uoon him to yield and
promised him his life and a high post under him.
Murar indignantly refused, and was going to strike
at Dilir when the latter shot him down with an
arrow. Three hundred Mavles fell with him, and
the rest retreated to the fort. But the garrison, with
a courage worthy of the mother of Brasidas die r'
Spartan, continued the struggle, undismayed hv t-heirl
leader’s fall and saying, “What though one man _J
Murar Baji lU dead/ We are as brave as he, and
we shall fight with the same courage!" (Sabh.
43-44 ; T. S.)
* The invasion of Bijapur by
Jai Singh and Shivaji :
Anjuman, (Ben. MS.) 78a-94a, 138b, 172b 173b, 190b,
192a— 193b, 201b—202a, 214a—2I5a, 231a-233b; Storia, ii.
141—142; A. N. 968—1021 ; B. S. 378-392; die narrative in
Tbrikh-i-Ali //. is useless, the sense being completely buried
under the flowers of rhetoric. The Maratha writers are totally
silent. For details about the war, see my Hittory of Aumngzib,
vol. iv. ch. xli.
146 SHIVAJI. [CH. V.
Phaltan, on the 8th ; Khawan about a week later ;
and Mangalbirah itself on the 18th. For these services
Shivaji received a letter of praise, a robe of honour,
and a jewelled dagger from the Emperor. (Parasnis
MS. No. 9.)
* The invaders marched on, and then, on 24th
/December, they came into touch with the enemy for
f the first time. Next day, a Mughal detachment under
Dilir Khan and Shivaji marched 10 miles from their
camp and fought a Bijapuri army of 12,000 under
the famous generals Sharza Khan and Khawas
Khan and their Maratha auxiliaries under Jadu
Rao [Ghorpare ?] of Kalian and Vyankoji, the
halfsbrother of Shivaji. The Deccanis~evaded the
charge of the cavaliers of Delhi, but harassed
them by their “cossack tactics,” dividing them¬
selves into four 'bodies and fighting loosely with
the Mughal divisions opposite. After a long contest,
Dilir Khan’s tireless energy and courage broke
the enemy force by repeated charges, and they
retired in the afternoon, leaving one general (Yaqut
the Abyssinian) and 15 captains dead on the field and
many flags, horses and weapons in the Mughal hands.
But as soon as the victors began their return march
to camp, the elusive enemy reappeared and galled
them severely with rockets from the two wings and
rear. The Maratha rear-guard under Netaji bore the
brunt of the attack, but stood its ground well. When
the Deccanis hemmed Neta round and pressed him
hard, he called for reinforcements from Kirat Singh
and Fath Jang Khan, and with their aid repulsed the
enemy. Jadav Rao of Kalian received a musket
shot, of which he died in five or six days. Shivaji \
and his brother Vyankoji fought on opposite sides I )
After a two days’ halt, Jai Singh resumed his
march on the 27th. The next day, after reaching the
camping-ground in the evening, he detached a force
to attack and expel the Bijapuri army from the neigh¬
bourhood. The fight soon became general, and Jai
Singh himself had to charge the enemy’s largest
division. Shivaji and Kumar Kirat Singh, seated on
the same elephant, led his Van and dashed into the
Deccani ranks. After a hard fight, the enemy were
put to flight leaving more than a hundred dead and
many more wounded.
On 29th December, 1665, Jai Singh arrived at
Makhnapur,* ten miles north of Bijapur fort. Here
his advance was stopped, and after waiting for a
week, he was forced to begin his retreat on 5th
January, 1666, as he found his fondly hoped-foV
chance of taking Bijapur by a cout> de main gone. \
He was not prepared for a regular siege, because, in
his eagerness “to grasp the golden opportunity” of
attacking Bijapur while undefended and torn by
domestic factions, he had not brought any big
artillery and siege-materials with himself. On the
by the desertion of Netaji. Taking offence with
Shiva for some reason or other, probably because
fhe deemed his valuable services and gallant feats of
farms inadequately rewarded, Neta accepted the
I Bijapuri bait of 4 lakhs of hun and, deserting to Adil
Shah, raided the Mughal territory with great vigour
and effect. Jai Singh could not afford to lose such
a man ; and so he lured Netaji back (20th March)
with many persuasive letters and the granting of all
his high demands, viz., the mcmsab of a Commander
of Five Thousand in the Mughal peerage, a jagir in
the settled and lucrative old territory of the empire
(as distinct from the ill-conquered, unsettled, ever-
ravaged recent annexations in the Deccan), and
Rs. 38,000 in cash. (H. A. 193.)
Netaji’s defection at the end of January, 1666,
coming so soon after the recent reverses, greatly
alarmed Jai Singh. If Shiva were to do the same,
the entire Maratha army would swell the enemy’s
ranks and the Mughal invaders would be crushed
between the two. As he wrote to the Emperor,
“Now that Adil Shah and Qutb Shah have united
in mischief, it is necessary to win Shiva’s heart by
all means and to send him to Northern India to have
audience of Your Majesty.” (94a.) The Emperor
having consented to this proposal, Jai Singh set him¬
self to induce Shiva to visit the imperial Court.
§ 1 . Shivaji’s fears and hopes from a journey
to the Mughal Court.
61 gives a variant.) Shiva royally rewarded the faith¬
ful three Krishnaji, Kashi Rao and Visaji, gave
them die title of Viahwas Rao (Lords Fidelity) and
a lakh of gold pieces, and settled on them an annual
revenue of 10,000 turn. The devoted companions of
his own escape were similarly rewarded. (Sabh. 57.)
Shivaji’s escape from captivity caused lifelong
regret to Aurangzib. As the Emperor wrote in his
last will and testament : "The greatest pillar of a
"Government is the keeping of information about
everything that happens in the kingdom, while even
a minute’s negligence results in shame for long years.
"See, the flight of the wretch Shiva was due to careless¬
ness, but it has involved me in all these distracting
campaigns to the end of my days.” (Anec. §10.)
5th November, 1666 : “The times are bad for me.
My anxieties are ceaseless. The lying Bijapuris are
176 SH1VAJI. [CH. VI.
wasting time [by delusive negotiations.] There is
no trace or news of the fugitive Shiva. My days are
passing in distraction and anxiety. I have sent trusty
spies, in various disguises, to get news of Shiva.”
[H. A. 200a.]
About this time the officers left by Shiva in the
Deccan when starting for Agra began to display
ominous activity. Sayyid Masaud, the Mughal
qhactBi of RaigariT, wrote to Jai Singh’s Paymaster
complaining of the lack of provisions, etc. in the
fort, and the collection of lead, gunpowder, rockets
and infantry in the neighbourhood of Raigarh by
some men who gave themselves out to be Shiva’s
followers and pretended that they intended to invade
Bijapuri territory. At this alarming news Jai Singh
sent -orders to provision the fort as a precaution and
to. hold it strongly, pending the arrival of Udai-bhan
[the permanent qiladar ?] A reinforcement of 500
infantry under Sukh-man Chauhan was also ordered
to be thrown into the fort if necessary. [H. A. 234a
and f>.]
At last, in December, 1666, definite news was
received of Shiva’s arrival at Rajgarh. As Jai Singh's
secretory wrote, "Trusty spies have now brought die
news that Shiva himself has arrived but is very anxious
about his son who has not returned with him. He
professes a determination [to submit] to the imperial
Government. But who knows what is in his heart >
For some time past Mahadji Nimbalkar, the son of
Bajaji, the zamindar of Phaltan and son-in-law of
the infernal Shiva, has been causing disturbances in
-the region of Puna and other places. My master
[i.e., Jai Singh] has appointed the jagirdars of that
tract, such as, Tanaji [or Babaji ?] Bhonsla and
others to Supa, Halal Khan to Indapur, Ghalib Khan
to Chamargunda, Hassan Khan, Abdor Rased and
ether Deccanis also to that side, and Trimbakji
Bhonsla and others to Raisin. Before die others
could arrive at their posts, Tanaji Bhonsla went to
his jagir and getting an opportunity attacked Mahadji,
sent many of his followers to hell, captured his flag,
torah, 150 horses, arrows, etc., and returning lived
in pence of mind. As die Deccanis have some
[unknown} need for the flag and torah, Mahadji trod
the path of submission and humility ; but Tanaji
declined [to restore diem.} At last, four days after¬
wards, that wretch got help from the Bijaporis and
attacked Tanaji by surprise. That loyal and martial
officer fought valiantly on foot, till he fell in the
Emperor’s service. And Anaji (or Dataji) Deshmukh
went to hell in the neighbourhood of Pandharpur.
It is reported that Mahadji also was wounded
Jai Singh at first wanted to march there in person
[and retrieve the disaster], but was persuaded to
give up die idea, lot the Bijapuris should take
advantage of his absence. So, he has decided to
send Abdul Hamid with 5,000 men to that quarter.” .
[R A. 21 «,.]
Then, in a letter to the prime-minister Jafar Khan
We have (has astounding proposal from Jai Singh to
entrapShiva by the false proposal of a marriage
between his daughter and Jai Singh’s son, and get
him murdered during his journey to the Rajput
general's camp :
“I have not failed, nor will I do so in future,
to exert myself against Bijapur, Golkonda and Shiva
in every possible way I am trying to arrange
matters in such a way that the wicked wretch Shiva
will come to see me once, and that in the course of
his journey or return [our] clever men may get a
favourable opportunity [of disposing of] that luck¬
less fellow in his unguarded moment at that place.
This slave of die Court, for furthering the Emperor's
affairs, is prepared to go so far, regardless of praise
or blame by other people, that if the Emperor sanc¬
tions it, 1 shall set on foot a proposal for a match
with his family and settle the marriage of my son
with his daughter, though the pedigree and caste
of Shiva are notoriously low and men like me do not
eat food touched by his hand (not to speak of entering
into a matrimonial connection with him), and in case
this wretch’s daughter is captured I shall not con.
descend to keep her in my harem. As hg is of low
birth, he will very liÿelyÿswjJlpw this bait and be
hooked. BuFgreat'care should be taken to keep this
jjlan secret. Send me quickly a reply to enable me
to act accordingly." [H. A. 139a.]
This letter throws a lurid light on the political
morals of die 1 7th century. When people argue that
Afzal Khan could not have possibly intended to stab
during an interview, they should remember
that the sanctimonious Jai Singh was prepared to
prove his loyalty by lowering his family honour and
laying a fatal snare for'‘5hivail.~J M.
§1. State of Mughal Deccan, 1667.
On returning home from Agra in December 1666,.
Shivaji found the political situation in die Deccan
entirely changed. The Mughal viceroy, Jai Singh,
* The second loot of Surat : Surat Council to Co., 20 Nov.
1670. (Hedge’s Diary, ii. pp. ccxxvi ix.) F. R. Surat Vol. 3,
(Consult, at Swally Marine. October); Dutch Records, Trans.
Vol. 29, No. 763j_ M. A, 106 (bare mention.) Sabb. 63-64.
Chit. 72, confused and unreliable.
factories, the large New Serai of the Persian and
Turkish merchants, and the Tartar Serai midway
between the English and French houses, which was.
occupied by Abdullah Khan, ex-king of Kashgarh,
just returned from a pilgrimage to Mecca. The
French bought nff the raiders, bv means of "valuable
presents.” The English factory, though it was an
open house, was defended byÿ Streynsham Master
with 50 sailors,"and the Marathas were received with
such a hot fire from it that they lost several men,
and, leaving the English alone, assaulted the
Kashghar king’s serai from the advantageous position
of some avenues next to the French factory, which
they were suffered by the French to occupy. The
Tartars made a stout resistance all the day, but finding
the post untenable they fled with their king to the
fort at night, giving up to plunder their house with
its valuable property, including a gold pally and other
costly presents from Aurangzib.
From the safe shelter of the Tartar Serai the
Marathas prepared to open fire on the English factory
the next day, but the resolute attitude of the handful\
of Englishmen cowed them, and after an angry parley )
they came to an understanding and agreed not t(/
quiet. ...
molest the English. The Dutch warehouse was un¬
touched. "A messenger came from the invader to
assure us that no harm would befall us if we remained
and gave him our assurances that we would
not interfere for or against him.” (Dutch Records,
Translations, Vol. 29, Surat to Directors, 14 Nov.
1670.) The Turks in the New Semi successfully
defended themselves, inflicting some loss on the
The Marathas plundered the larger houses of the
city at leisure, taking immense quantities of treasure,
cloth, and other valuable goods, and setting fire to
several places, so that “nearly half the town” was
burnt to the ground. They then approached the
fortress of Surat, threatening to storm it ; but it was
a mere demonstration, as they were not prepared to
conduct a siege, and did not venture close to the
walls. The third day (5th Oct.) they again appeared
before the English factory, threatening to bum it
down. Shivaji and his soldiers were greatly enraged
at the loss of then men in the first assault on this
house, and they clamoured for vengeance. But the
wiser among his captains knew that a second attack
would result in further loss of life, and at their
request two English agents waited on Shivaji in his
tent outside the town, with some presents of scarlet
cloth, sword blades and knives. The Maratha king
t‘received them in a very kind manner, telling them
(that the English and he were good friends, and putting
his hand into their hands he told them that he would
do the English no wrong.” (Surat to Co., 20 Noy.
1670, m Hedge's Diary.)
j On 5th October, about noon Shivaji suddenly
(retreated from the town, though no Mughal army
was near or even reported to be coming. “But he
had got plunder enough and thought it prudent to
secure himself. When he marched away he sent a
letter to the officers and chief merchants, saying1 that
if they did not pay him twelve lakfu of Rupees as
yearly tribute, he would return the next year and
bum down the remaining part of the town. No sooner
Shhraji was gone than the poor people of Surat fell
to plundering what was left, in so much that there
was not a house, great or small, excepting those
which stood on their guard, which were not
ransacked.” Even the English sailors under S. Master
took to plundering.
During the three days that Surat was undergoing
this fate, the sea-port of Swally marine, ten miles west
of it across the Tapti, was not free from alarm.
There the English, Dutch and French had built their
warehouses and landing-places for ocean-going
vessels. Here lay during those days all the members
of the English factory, their treasure, and most of the
goods bought for Europe. Here the shah-i-bandar
, (harbour and custom-master), the qazi, and the most
eminent merchants (Hindu, Muslim and Armenian)
of Surat had taken refuge with the English. Many
rich people of the town, too, had Hed to the villages
north of Surat, across the river and close to Swally.
. On the 3rd it was reported that Shivaji wanted to
send 300 horsemen north of the river to plunder the
villages and seize these rich men ; and it was feared
that he might even come to Swally to demand the
surrender of the Surat refugees and blackmail from
the European merchants. But the coining of the
202 SHIVAJI. [CH. vn.
ring-tide made it impossible for the Marathas to
the river, and Swajiy"remained safe. So great
the alarm there, however, that on the 3rd the
English factors removed their treasure from the shore
to one of their ships, and next day loaded all their
broadcloth, quicksilver, currall (coral?) &c., on board
ship, “to secure them against any attempts of Shivaji.”
Two other English ships, which were due to sail,
were detained at Swally till 10th October, by which
time the Marathas were expected to withdraw from
the district. The English factors with the help of the
ships’ carpenters even ran up a wooden platform at
one end of the marine yard and mounted eight guns
on it, “to defend the Company’s estate the best we
could.” - manly
The attitude of -the Fnvlish and their
success in scaring away the Maratha myriads, greatly .
impressed thejggoplo of country. These traders
had, as a reward of their brave defence of their
factory during the loot of 1664, received commercial
privileges from the Emperor. And now the son of
Haji Said Beg, the richest merchant of Surat, who
Tiad found shelter at Swally, publicly swore that he
would migrate with his family to Bombay.
The fact that all the three European factories at
Surat were untouched while evey other shop and
house was ransacked by the raiders, naturally excited
SU8P1C101 j/* Both at Surat and the imperial Court
‘talked of the three Christian nations having
:e a league with Shivaji when he was here.” The
foreign merchants therefore received no reward frony
the ruler of the land this time. (Master to SwaUy
.Marine, 3 Jan. 1671, in F. R. Surat, 105.)
An official inquiry ascertained that Shivaji had
off 66 lakhs of Rupees’ worth of booty from
Surat, ofz., cash, pearls, and other articles worth
53 lakhs from the city itself and 13 lakhs worth from
Nawal Sahu and Hari Sahu and a village near Surat.
{Akhbarat, 13-10.)
But the real loss of Surat was not to be estimated
by the booty which the Marathas carried off. The
trade of this, the richest port of India, was practically
_Q) rears after Shivaji s with-
drawal from it, the town used to throb with panic
every now and then, whenever any Maratha force
came within a few days’ march of it, or even at false
alarms of their coming. On every such occasion the
merchants would quickly remove their goods to ships,
the citizens would flee to the villages, and the
Europeans would hasten to Swally. Business was 1
effectually scared away from Surat, and inland pro- I
ducers hesitated to send their goods to this the greatest \
emporium of Western India.
For one month after the second sack, “the town
was in so great a confusion that there was neither
governor nor Government,” and almost every day
was troubled by rumours of Shiva's coming there
again. "On the 12th (i. e., only a week after his
departure) it was again rumoured that he was return¬
ing with 6,000 horse and 10,000 foot, and that he had
already reached Pent, a place about 25 miles distant.
At once there was a general exodus and the town was
changed from a busy port into the death-like quiet
of a desert. The Turkish, English and French
merchants abandoned their factories.” But the Dutch,
52 men in all, with flags flying and drums beating
proceeded from their ship to their factory. This was
their belated imitation of the English demonstration
of January 1664, when ” the English president, at the
head of some 200 men, had marched through the
town, declaring that he meant to withstand Shivaji
with this handful of men!" (Dutch Records, Trans.,
Vol. 29, letter No. 763 and Vol. 27, No. 719.)
At the end of November, and again about 10th
December, 1670, the alarm was revived ; and the
European merchants met together to concert means
of guarding their respective interests. The landward
defences of Swally were strengthened by adding a
breastwork on the north side of the choultry, and the
entrance to the harbour or “hole” was guarded by
stationing a ship there. The English used to remove
their money and goods from Surat to this place at
every such alarm.
In June 1672 the success of the Maratha forces
under Moro Pant in the Koli State of Ramnagar, on
the way to Surat, kept the city in constant terror for
a long time. The Maratha general openly demanded
chauth from Surat, threatening a visitation if the
governor refused payment. There was the same
panic again in February and October 1672, September
T673, October 1674, and December 1679. In short,
the destruction of the trade and financial prosperity
of Surat was complete. (F. R.)
§6. Battle of Vani, Oct. 1670.
Having concluded the story of the Maratha
dealings with Surat, we turn to Shivaji’s activities in
other quarters.
Prince Muazzam had just returned to Auranga¬
bad after chasing Dilir Khan to the bank of the
Tapti, when he heard of the plunder of Surat. He
immediately summoned Daud Khan from Burhanpur
and sent him off to attack the Maratha raiders.
Meantime, Shivaji had left Surat, entered Baglana,
and plundered the villages nestling at the foot of the
fort of Mulhir. Daud Khan, after sending his
baggage back to Aurangabad, marched Westwards
with light kit to Chandor, a town at which the road
from Nasik to Baglana crosses the hiH range. Spies
brought him news that Shivaji had started from
Mulhir, and intended to cross the Chandor range
by the pus of Kanchana-Manchana, ten miles west
of Chandor. Arriving at the hamlet of Chandor
fbelow the fort) at about 9 P.M., Daud Khan waited
to verify the news of the enemy’s movements. At
midnight his spies reported that Shiva had already
issued from the pass and was rapidly following the
road to Nasik with half his forces, while the other
half of his army was holding the pass to pick up
stragglers. Daud Khan at once resumed his march.
But the moon set about three o'clock in the morning,
and in the darkness the Mughal soldiers were some-
what scattered.
Ikhlas Khan Miana (son of Abdul Qadir Bahlol
Khan, a former Pathan leader of Bijapur), com¬
manded the Mughal Vanguard. Ascending a hillock
in the early morning, he beheld the enemy standing
ready for battle in the plain below. While his men
were putting on their armour, which was conveyed
on camels, he himself with a handful of followers
recklessly charged the enemy. The—Maiaths rgy-
guard, which had faced about, was 10,000 strong
and CUium&nded by distinguished generals like
Pratap Rao Gujar, the Master of the Horse, Vyankoji
Datto and Makaji Anand Rao (a natural son of
Shahji Bhonsla.) Ikhlas Khan was very soon
wounded and unhorsed. After a time Daud arrived
on the scene and sent up Rai Makarand and some
other officers to reinforce the Van, while he left his
elephants, flags and drums at a ruined village on a
height, surrounded by nalaa, with orders to make
his camp and rear-guard halt there when they would
come up.
For hours together an obstinate and bloody
battle raged. Sangram Khan Ghori and his kinsmen
were wounded, and many were slain on the Mughal
side. The Marathas, "like the Bargis of the Deccan,
fought hovering round the imperialists.” But the
Bundela infantry of the Mughal army with their
abundant firearms kept the enemy back. Daud’
Khan himself entered the fight, repulsed the enemy
with his artillery, and rescued the wounded Ikhlas
Meantime, in another part of the field, Mir
Abdul Mabud, the darogha of the divisional artillery,
who had been .separated from the main army by a
fold in the ground, was attacked. He was wounded
with one of his sons and some followers, while
another son and many soldiers were slain ; and his
flags and horses were carried off by the enemy.
There was a lull in the fight at noon.
At that time Daud Khan had less than 2,000
men with him, while the Marathas outnumbered him
fivefold. In the evening they charged him again,
but were driven back, evidently by the artillery. At
night the Mughals bivouacked under the autumn sky,
their camp was entrenched, and they engaged in
burying the dead and tending the wounded. The
Marathas retreated to Konkan without further
opposition. This battle was fought in the Vani-
Dindori subdivision late in the month of October
1670.* <
This battle neutralised the Mughal power fori
more than a month. The day after the fight, Daud
Khan marched with the broken remnant of his army
to Nasik, and halted there for one month, evidently
• —
Dil. 96-100. Akhbarat, year 13 12. 15. T. S. 33a.
K. K. ii. 247-249 (give* another atory of the surrender of
against Aurangzib in Bundelkhand, saying, “Illus¬
trious chief ! conquer and subdue your foes. Recover
and rule your native land....It is expedient to com¬
mence hostilities in your own dominions, where your
reputation will gain many adherents....Whenever
the Mughals evince an intention of attacking you, I
will distract their attention and subvert their plans,
by active co-operation.” The contemporary
historian, Bhimsen, however, tells us that Chhatra
Sal returned from Raigarh in disappointment as he
found the provincial spirit of the Deccani Court un-
congenial to him and Shivaji never gave his trust
or any high office to men from Northern India.
(Chhatraprakash, canto 1 1 ; Pogson’s Boondelas,
pp. 52-53 ; Dil. 132.)
§1. Campaigns of Mahabat and Daud Khan, 1671.
The second sack of Surat and the Maratha
ravages in Baglana roused Aurangzib to a sense of
the gravity of the situation in the Deccan. As early
as 28th November, 1670, he had appointed Mahabat
Khan to the supreme command in the Deccan. The
events of December only deepened the Emperor’s
anxiety. On 9th January 1671, he sent orders to
Bahadur Khan to leave his province of Gujrat and
take the command of one of the imperial army corps
in the Deccan, Dilir Khan being directed to accom-
pany him. The Emperor also repeatedly talked of
going to the Deccan and conducting the war against
Shivaji in person, but the idea was ultimately
dropped. Daud Khan was instructed to attack Shiva
wherever he was reported. Amar Singh Chandawat
and many other Rajput officers with their clansmen
were posted to the Deccan. Reinforcements, money
and provisions were poured into Baglana in January,
1671. (Akhbarat, 13-1. 2, 8, 14, 16; M.A., 107.)
Mahabat Khan left Burhanpur on 3rd January
1671 with Jaswant Singh, reached Aurangabad on
the 10th, paid his respects to the viceroy. Prince
Muazzam, and set out to join the army near Chandor.
214 SH1VAJ1. [CH. vnr.
Daud Khan had been appointed his chief lieutenant
and the commander of his Vanguard ; but he des¬
pised this office as below his rank, and begged the
Emperor to recall him. (Aftft. 13-12 ; Dil. 102.)
We shall now trace the history of the war in
the Chandor range. Late in December 1670
Sbivaji's men had laid siege to Dhodap, and Daud
Khan had started on the 28th of that month to re¬
lieve the fort. But the qiladar, Muhammad Zaman,
successfully repelled the attack unaided. Daud
Khan had next advanced to the relief of Salhir, but
had been too late to save it, as we have already
seen. In January 1671, he held a fortified base near
the Kanchana pass from which he sallied forth in
every direction in which the Marathae were heard
of as roving. From the Emperor’s letters it appears
that Daud Khan was under a general order to right
everything that might go wrong in Baglana 1 Once
after a night-march he fell on a body of the enemy
near Hatgarh and slew 700 of them. (DU. 101 ;
Akhbarat, 13-15.)
Late in January 1671, Mahabat Khan joined
Daud Khan near Chandor and the two laid siege to
Ahivant, which Shiva had recently taken. After a
month had been wasted in a fruitless exchange of
fire, the fort was entered from the trenches of Da«d
Khan and the garrison capitulated to him. Mahabat
Khan became furiously angry at losing the credit of
this success. He had been previously treating Dattd
Khan, a 5-hazari, with discourtesy, and now the
relation* between them became strained to the
utmost. Leaving a garrison to hold Ahivant,
Mahabat spent three months at Nasik and then went
to Pamir (20 miles west of Ahmadnagar) to pass the
rainy season (June to September) there, while Daud
Khan was recalled to Court (about June.)*
There was excessive rainfall that year and many •
men and cattle perished of pestilence in the camp}
at Pamir. But while his troops were dying, Mahabat]
Khan attended daily entertainments in the houses}
of the nobles by turns. There were 400 dancing-1
girls of Afghanistan and the Panjab in his camp,
and they were patronised by the officers. (Dil.
§2. Campaign of Bahadur and Dilir, 1671-72.
Battle of Salhir.
The Emperor was dissatisfied with Mahabat
Khan for the poor result of his campaign in the
first quarter of 1671 and his long spell of inactivity
afterwards, and suspected him of having formed a
secret understanding with Shivaji. So, he sent
BaHadur Khan and Dilir Khan to the Deccan next
winter. They marched from Gujrat into Baglana,
•Da. 102-104, 106; Sabh. 73. "Mahabat Khan is come
Nasik Trimbak and hath taken 4 castles; Huturnt
as far as
( = Ahivant) and Salhir are the names of two of them.
(F. R. Surat, 105, Bomb, to Surat, 8 April 1671.) But the
Mughala did not recover Salhir, though Sabh. 73 says so.
They only captured Ravla-Javla and Markandagarh.
216 SHIVAJI. [CH. via.
, laid siege to Salhir (now in Maratha hands), and
leaving Ikhlas Khan Miana, Rao Amar Singh
Chandawat and some other officers to continue the
siege, proceeded towards Ahmadnagar. (Dil. 107 ;
O. C. 3567.)
From the environs of Ahmadnagar, Bahadur
Khan advanced to Supa (in the Puna district), while
Dilir Khan with a flying column recovered Puna,
massacring all the inhabitants above the age of 9
years, (end of December 1671.) Early in January
1672, Shivaji was at Mahad, draining his forts of
men to raise a vast army for expelling the invaders
from the home of his childhood.* But die pressure
on Puna was immediately afterwards removed and
Bahadur Khan was recalled from this region by a
severe disaster to the Mughal arms in Baglana.
their activity continued unabated even during the
hot weather and the rainy season of this year. About
5th June, a large Maratha army under More Trimbak
Pingle captured Jawhar from its Koli Rajah, Vikram
Shah, and seized there treasure amounting to 17
lakhs of Rupees. The place is only 100 miles from
Surat, and adjoins the Nasik district, from which it
is separated by the Western Ghats. Advancing
further north, he threatened the other Koli State of
Ramnagar* which is only sixty miles south of Stirat.
The Rajah fled with his family (about 19th June
1672) to Chihli, six miles s. e. of Gandavi and 33
m. 8. of Surat. Even Gandavi was deserted by die
people in fear of the coming of the Marathas. Bat
the invaders speedily retreated from Ramnagar on
hearing that Dilir Khan was assembling his forces
for a campaign. Heavy ram stopped die activity of
the Marathas for a few days. But soon afterwards
Moro Pant, with his army raised to 15,000 men,
returned to the attack, and took Ramnagar in the
first week of July.
The annexation of Jawhar and Ramnagar gave
the Marathas a short, safe and easy route from
Kalian up Northern Konkan to Surat, and laid that
port helplessly open to invasion from the south. The
city became subject to chronic alarm, whenever any
Marathas were heard of even 60 miles off, at
Now called Dharampur. The old capital Rainnagar,
now known as Nagar stands 24 m. s. w. of Dharampw, die
new capital.
220 SHIVAJI. [CH. VU1.
third of these epistles was very peremptory in tone ;
ijhivaji wrote, “I demand for the third time, which
f 1 declare shall be the last, the chauth or quarter
Vaÿrt of the king's revenue under your Government.
As your Emperor has forced me to keep an army
for the defence of my people and country, that army
must be paid by his subjects. If you do not send me
the money speedily, then make ready a large house
for me, for I shall go and sit down there and receive
the revenue and custom duties, as there is none now
to stop my passage.”
At the first news of the arrival of the Maratha
army in Ramnagar, the governor of Surat summoned
all the leading Hindu and Muhammadan merchants
and proposed that they should subscribe Rs. 45,000
for engaging 500 horse and 3,000 foot to guard the
town for two months. Officers were immediately
sent to make a list of all the Hindu houses in the
1 town for assessing this contribution. But no soldiers
vent their return. Soon afterwards the rains put
end to military operations, and Maratha activity
this region was checked, but for a time only. (B.
228 SHIVAJI. [CH. vm.
397-399 ; O. C. 3779 ; F. R. Surat 106, Bombay to
Surat 16 Sep., 1673 ; Dutch Records, Vol. 31.
No. 805 ; O. C. 3800.)
As Mr. Gerald Aungier, the English President
of Bombay, wrote on 16th Sep. 1673, “Shivaji bears
himself up manfully against all his enemies .and
though it is probable that the Mughal’s army may
fall into his country this year and Bahlol Khan on
the other side, yet neither of them can stay long for
want of provisions, and hi> flying army will constantly
keep them in alarm, nor is it either their design to
destroy Shivaji totally, for the Umarahs maintain a
politic war to their own profit at the king’s charge,
and never intend to prosecute it violently so as to
end it.” (F. R. Surat, 106.)
Shivaji took full advantage of his enefnies* moral
and political weakness.* Early in October 1673, he
was reported to have made 20,000 sacks ‘‘ready to
convey what plunder he can get, having also a con¬
siderable flying army ready for that action.” Soon
afterwards, this army, 25,000 strong, led by Shiva
in person, burst into w*est Bijapur territory, plunder¬
ing many rich towns, and then passed into Kanara
for more plunder. This work occupied him till the
end of December. In the first week of that month
he was at Kadra with 6,000 men, and stayed there
only four days. But his detachments were twice
-- —
by his annexation of Panhala in 1673 and Knlhannr
• '
1675 ex-
tended beyond the Kolhapur district well into western
Kamatak or Kanara uplands.
The full extent of his kingdom at his death (1680).
will be described at the beginning of Ch..XV.
1674 1676. —
§1. Why Shivaji warded to be crowned.
Shivaji and his ministers had long felt die
practical disadvantages of his not being a crowned
king.* True, he had conquered many lands and
gathered much wealth : he had a strong army and
navy and exercised powers of life and death over
/men, like an independent sovereign. But theoreti-
ically his position was that of a subject ; to the Mughal
I Emperor he was a mere zamindar ; to Adil Shah he
propound. Such a man was found in Bishweshwar,
nicknamed Gaga Bhatta, of Benares, the greatest
- n
— —
the seven metals, gold, silver, copper, zinc, tin, lead
and iron, as well as very fine linen, camphor, salt,
nails (sic), nutmegs, and other spices, butter, sugar
fruits and all sorts of eatables (betel-leaves and
country wine being among them.) All these metals
and other articles to the weight of his body, together
with a lakh of hun more, were distributed after the
coronation to the assembled Brahmans.
But even this failed to satisfy their greed. Two
of the learned Brahmans pointed out that Shiva, in the
course of his raids, had burnt cities "involving the
death of Brahmans, cows, women and children."
He could be cleansed of this sin, for a price. It
Brahmans are reverend men. It U not proper to appoint them
royal servants. They ought not to discharge any work except
worshipping God.’ So he removed all the Brahmans from
their poets and appointed Prabhu Kayasthas in their places.
Moro Pant interceded for die Brahmans.”
was not necessary for him to pay compensation to the
surviving relatives of the men and women who had
perished in his sack of Surat or Karinja. It would be
enough if he put money into the pockets of the Brah¬
mans of Konkan and Desh. The price demanded
for this ‘pardon’ was only Rs. 8,000, and Shiva could
not have refused to pay this trifle. (Dutch Records,
Vol. 34, No. 841.)
§5. Scene of Shivaji’s Coronation.
All his disqualifications having been thus re¬
moved with gold, the actual coronation was now
begun. The 5th of June was the eve of the grand
ceremony. It had to be spent in self-restraint and
mortification of the flesh, like the night of vigil
preceding knighthood in the age of chivalry. Shivaji
bathed in water brought from the holy Ganges, and
gave Gaga Bhatta 5,000 hun and the other great
Brahmans a hundred gold-pieces each. The day
was probably spent in fasting.
Next day (6th June, 1674) came the coronation
itself. Rising very early in the morning, Shivaji pre¬
pared himself by bathing amidst ceremonies intended
to avert evil, worshipped his household gods, and
adored the feet of his family priest, Gaga Bhatta,
and other eminent Brahmans, who all received gifts
of ornaments and cloth.
The essential parts of a Hindu king's coronation
are washing him (abhishety and holding the royal
umbrella over his head (chhatra-dharan.) Clad in a
pure white robe, wearing garlands of flowers, scented
essence, and gold ornaments, Shiva walked to the
place appointed for the bath. Here he sat down
on a gold-plated stool, two feet square and two feet
high. The queen-consort, Soyra Bai, occupied a seat
on his left with her robe knotted up with his, in sign
of her being his equal partner in this world and the
next (saha-dharmini), as the Hindu sacred law lays
down. The heir-apparent Shambhuji sat down close
behind. Then the eight ministers of his cabinet
(ashta-pradhan), who stood ready at the eight points
of the horizon with gold jugs full of the water of the
Ganges and other holy rivers, emptied them over
the heads of the king queen and crown-prince,
amidst the chanting of hymns and the joyous music
of the band. Sixteen pure-robed Brahman wives each
with five lamps laid on a gold tray, waved the lights
round his head to scare away evil influences.
Then Shivaji changed his dress for a robe of
royal scarlet, richly embroidered with gold, put on
sparkling gems and gold ornaments, a necklace, a
garland of flowers, and a turban adorned with strings
and tassels of pearls, worshipped his sword shield
bow and arrows, and again bowed to his elders and
Brahmans. Then, at the auspicious moment selected
by the astrologers, he entered the throne-room.
The hall of coronation was decorated with the
32 emblematic figures prescribed by Hindu usage
and various auspicious plants. Overhead an awning
of cloth of gold was spread, with strings of pearls
246 SHIVAJI. [CH. «.
hanging down in festoons. The floor was coveted
with velvet. In the centre was placed a “magnificent
throne," constructed after months of continuous
labour in a manner worthy of a king. Even if we
reject Sabhasad's statement that it contained 32
maunds of gold (worth 14 lakhs of Rupees), we
must accept the English observer's report that it
was "rich and stately." The base was evidently
coated with gold plate, and so also were die eight
pillars standing at the eight angles, which were
farther richly embellished with gems and diamonds.
They supported a canopy of the richest gold
embroidery from which strings of pearls were sus¬
pended in tassels and festoons, interspersed with
dazzling gems. The coverings of the royal seat were
a grotesque combination of ancient Hindu asceticism
and modem Mughal luxury : tiger skin below and
velvet on the top!
On the two sides of the throne, various emblems
of royalty and government were hung from gilded
lance-heads. On die right hand stood two large
fish-heads of gold with very big teeth, and on the
left several horses' tails (the insignia of royalty
among the Turks) and a pair of gold scales, evenly
balanced (the emblem of justice) on a very cosdy
lance-head. All these were copied from the Mughal
Court. At the palace gate were placed on either
hand pitchers full of water covered with bunches of
leaves, and also two young elephants suid two
beautiful horses, with gold bridles and rich trappings.
These latter were auspicious tokens according to
Hindu ideas.
As Shivaji mounted the throne, small lotuses of
gold set with jewels, and various other flowers made
of gold and silver were showered among the
assembled throng. Sixteen Brahman married women *
again performed the auspicious waving of lamps
round the newly enthroned monarch. The Brahmans
lifted up their voices in chanting holy verses and
blessing the king, who bowed to them in return.
The crowd set up deafening shouts of "Victory,
victory unto Shiva-raj!” All the instruments began
to play and the musicians to sing at once. By pre¬
vious arrangement the artillery of every fort in the
kingdom fired salvoes of all their guns exactly at this
time. The arch-pontiff Gaga Bhatta advanced, held
the royal sun-shade of cloth of gold fringed with
pearls over his head, and hailed him as Shiva
Chhatrapati, or Shiva the paramount sovereign 1
The Brahmans stepped forward and poured
their blessings on his head. The Rajah gave away
vast sums of money and gifts of every kind to them
and to the assembled beggars and general public.
"He performed the sixteen varieties of great alms¬
giving ( maha-dan) prescribed in the sacred books of
the Hindus. Then the ministers advanced to the
throne and made their obeisance, and received from
his hands robes of honour, letters of appointment,
and large gifts of money, horses, elephants, jewels,
cloth, and arms. Sanskrit titles were ordered to be
used in future to designate their offices, and the-
Persian titles hitherto current were abolished.’*
The crown-prince Shambhuji, the high-priest
Gaga Bhatta, and the prime-minister Moro Trimbak
Pingle, were seated on an eminence a little lower
than the throne. The other ministers stood in two-
rows on the right and left of the throne. All other
courtiers and visitors stood according to their ranks
at proper places in a respectful attitude.
By this time it was eight o’clock in the morning.
The English ambassador, Henry Oxinden, was now
presented by Naroji Pant. He bowed from a distance,
and his interpreter Narayan Shenvi held up a
diamond ring as an offering from the English to the
Rajah. Shivaji took notice of the strangers and
ordered them to come to the foot of the throne,
invested them with robes of honour, and then sent
them back.
§6. Street procession at Raigarh.
When the presentations were over, the Rajah-
descended from his throne, mounted his best horse,
decked with gorgeous trappings, and rode to the
palace-yard. There he mounted the finest elephant:
in his stable, dressed out most splendidly for the
occasion, and then rode through die streets of the
capital in full military procession, girt round by his
ministers and generals, with the two royal banners,
Jari-pataka and Bhagwe-jhanda, borne aloft on two
elephants walking in the Van, while the generals and
regiments of troops followed with their respective
flags, artillery and band. The citizens had decorated'
their houses and roads in a manner worthy of the
occasion. The housewives waved lighted lamps
round him and showered fried rice, flowers, holy
grass, &c., on his head. After visiting the various
temples on Raigarh hill and offering adoration with
presents at each, he returned to the palace.
On the 7th began a general distribution of gifts
to all the assembled envoys and Brahmans and of
alms to the beggars, which lasted twelve days, during
which the people were also fed at the king's expense.
The more distinguished pandits and sannyasis were-
not included in this alms-giving, as the men got only
3 to 5 Rupees and the women and children a Rupee
or two each.
Probably the day after the coronation the
monsoon burst, the rains set in with violence, and
the weather continued wet for some time, to the
intense discomfort of the assembled crowd. On the
8th, Shivaji took a fourth wife without any state or
' ceremony. Shortly before he had married* a third.
(Letter of Oxinden, 27 May ; Oxinden's Memorial
under date 8 June.)
* He took this third wife two days after his investiture
with the sacred thread. Z. C. says that the marriage was
celebrated with [Vedic] mantras, and we shall not he wrong
in supposing that Shivaji made these late marriages in order
to assert publicly his right as a ‘twice-born’ to hear Vedic
mantras I
After the coronation wu safely over, J(ja Bai
died on 18th June, in the fulness of years and
happiness, leaving to her son her personal property
worth 25 lakhs of hum, “some say more.” When
the period of mourning for her was over, Shivaji sat
on the throne a second time, to celebrate his
purification after her funeral. (Dutch Records.)
§1. Kanara, its mien and trade.
In the seventeenth century, Kanara, the extensive
country along our west coast, was held by various
Hindu chieftains. North Kanara (now included in
the Bombay Presidency) owned the overlordship of
Bijapur, which ruled directly over the coast-strip
from Karwar (south of Goa) to Mirjan (14*30 N. Lat.),
leaving the inland districts in the hands of feudatory
chiefs, among whom the Nayaks of Sunda were the
most important. The portion of Kanara that lay
south of Mirjan formed a large and independent
principality under the Keladi dynasty, whose capital
was then at Bednur.
A Muslim officer with the hereditary title of
Rustam-i-Zaman (originally Randaula Khan) was the
viceroy of the south-western comer of the Bijapur
kingdom. His charge extended on the west coast
from Ratnagiri town, going southwards round the
Portuguese territory of Goa to Karwar and Mirjan,
while landwards it included the southern part of the
Ratnagiri district, Kolhapur, Belgaum, a bit of
Dharwar and the western corner of the North Kanara
district. His seat was at Miraj. The fort of Panhala
lay within his province, but it was governed by a
commandant directly under the orders of the Sultan.
The viceroy administered by means of his agents the
flourishing ports of Rajapur in the north and Karwar
in the south, through which the trade of the rich
inland places flowed to Europe. In both towns the
English had factories.
“The best pepper in the world is of the growth
of Sunda, known in England by [the name of] Karwar
pepper, though five days’ journey distant from
thence.” (Fryer, ii. 42.) Indeed, after the loss of
Chau], Karwar became the greatest port of Bijapur
on the west coast. “The finest muslins of western
India were exported from here. The weaving
country was inland, to the east of the Sahyadris, at
Hubli (in the Dharwar district), and at other centres,
where the English East India Company had agents
and employed as many as 50,000 weavers.” (Bom.
Caz., xv., Pt. ii, pp. 123-125.)
At Mirjan, a port twenty miles south-east of
Karwar, pepper, saltpetre and betel-nut were shipped
for Surat. Gersappa, a district annexed by Bednur,
was so famous for its pepper that the Portuguese
used to call its Rani “the Pepper Queen." (Ibid,
333 and 124.)
In 1649 the pepper and cardamom trade of
Rajapur was the chief attraction that induced the
English Company to open a factory there. Vingurla
was spoken of in 1660 as a great place of call for
ships from Batavia, Japan and Ceylon on the one side,
and the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea on the other.
262 SHIVAJI. [CH. X.
AH the ports of the Ratnagiri district did much trade
also in calicoes, silks, grain and coarse lac, though
pepper was their chief export, ‘'which coming out
of Kanara is sent by sea to Persia, Surat and Europe.
This country is the storehouse for all its neighbours."
(Bom. Gaz., x. 175.)
plundered the English factory, and carried off four of
the factors, Henry Revington, Richard Taylor,
Randolph Taylor, and Philip Gyffard, as prisoners,.
first to Waisati, then to Songarh (a fort 3 miles n. w.
of Mahad in the Kolaba district), and finally to Rai-
garh. They were released after more than three
years of captivity, about 5th February, 1663, (Orme
MSS., Vol. 155, pp. 1-21.)
In March 1663, Rustam-i-Zaman did another
friendly turn to Shivaji. Netaji Palkar, Shiva’s
“lieutenant-general,” had raided the imperial terri¬
tory, but a large Mughal division of 7,000 cavalry
pursued him so close as to force him to march 45 or
50 miles a day. Rustam met this army near Bijapur
and persuaded the Mughal commander to give up the
chase as “that country was dangerous for any strange
army to march in, likewise promising them to go him¬
self and follow him, by which deceit Netaji got
escaped, though not without the loss of 300 horse
and himself wounded.” (Gyffard to Surat, 30th
March and 8th April 1663, F. R. Surat 103.) This
reverse defeated Shivaji’s plan of raiding North
Kanara and penetrating to the rich port of KarWar.
(F. R. Surat, Vol. 2, 9th October.)
On. 1st March 1663, Ali Adil Shah II., with all
his Court, left his capital for Bankapur.* There they
the 18th century. It is quite different from Phonda, in the
Ratnagiri district, 33 m. n. of Savant-vadi, though the two
places are spelt alike in the vernacular.
290 SHIVAJI. [cH- x.
in a town of his master’s about three miles from
Ponda, and sent word to the general of Shivaji that
he had only come to look after his own country.
The general suspected no stratagem, as his master
and Rustam were friends. He went with his Muslim
soldiery to a hill a mile off in order to say his prayers
in public. Muhammad Khan seized this opportunity ;
he surprised and routed the soldiers left in the siege-
camp, and after a long and well contested fight de¬
feated the rest of the Maratha army who had hurried
back from the hill. Thus the siege of Ponda was
raised after the poor men in it had been driven to
eat leaves for the last three days. “This business,
it is generally thought, hath quite broken the long
continued friendship between Rustam-i-Zaman and
Shivaji. Rustam hath taken now Ponda, Kudal,
Banda, Suncle and Duchole, five towns of note, from
§8. Plot to seize Goa, 1668.
Soon afterwards, at the end of March 1666,
Shivaji went to the Mughal Court. For the next
four years he gave no trouble to Bijapuri Konkan or
Kanara, his opponents during this interval being the
Portuguese and the Siddis. The English merchants
Kudal about four hours [journey] from here
[ = Vingurla] , one of Shivaji's generals called Annaji
came with 3,000 soldiers to surprise the fortress
Ponda, but Mamet Khan who was there armed
himself, so that the aforesaid pandit accomplished
nothing.*’ (Dutch Pec., Vol. 34, No. 841.)
At Bijapur everything was in confusion, “the
gÿeat Khans were at difference.” The worthless
-wazir Khawas Khan was driven to hard straits by the
Afghan faction in the State. Rustam-i-Zaman II.
after his visit to the capital evidently lost his vice-
royalty. This was Shivaji’s opportunity and he now
conquered Kanara for good. First, he befooled the
Mughal viceroy Bahadur Khan by sending him a pre¬
tended offer of peace, asking for the pardon of the
"Mughal Government through the Khan’s mediation
and promising to cede the imperial forts he had
recently conquered as well as the twenty-three forts
of his own that he had once before yielded in Jai
Singh’s time. By these insincere negotiations Shivaji
for the time being averted the risk of a Mughal attack
on his territory and began his invasion of Bijapuri
Kanara* with composure of mind.
in die
great slaughter (early 1639) Raghunath Ballal replaces him
d both parties retire for the monsoons—during
the time when Shivaji was besieged in Panhala (July 1660)
most parts of the Ratnagiri district, but chiefly' in the coast
villages. They supplied the former pirate chiefs with most ..
of their fighting men. A strong, healthy and fine-looking set
of men. .they we fond of athletic exercises and do not
differ from the Marathas and Kunbis.” (Bom. Gaz., x. 124.1
For the Koli pirates, ix. Pt. i. 519-522; and the Angrias, i. Pt.
ii. 87-88; xi. 145.
with Mocha (in western Arabia) surd loading them at
Jaitapur, two miles up the Rajapur river, with "goods
of considerable value which were by storms or foul
weather driven upon his coast.” Two years later
(12th March 1665), they write that from each of the
eight or nine “most considerable ports in the Deccan”
that he possessed, he used to “set out 2 or 3 or more
trading vessels yearly to Persia, Basra, Mocha, &c.”
Again, we learn that in April, 1669, a great storm on
the Karwar coast destroyed several of his ships and
rice-boats, “one of the ships being very richly laden."
(F. R. Surat, Vols. 2,86,105.)
the Revenge frigate, 2 ghurabs of two masts each, 3s
shibars and 2 munchuas, eight vessels in all, with
200 European soldiers on board, in addition to the-
lascars and white sailors. The Marathas advanced.
from the shore a little north of Chaul, moving so
fast that the English vessels at anchor near Khanderii
had scarcely time to get under weigh. In less than
half an hour the Dover, one of the English ghurabs,.
having Sergeant Mauleverer and some English
soldiersf on board, with great cowardice struck ittr
colours and was carried off by the Marathas. The
other ghurab kept aloof, and the five smaller vessels
§1. The Madras coast : its wealth.
Shcvaji’s grand coronation in June 1674 had
greatly reduced his treasury. Since then he had net
been able to seize any very rich prize, though his
roving bands had raided many places in Adil-Shahi
territory. Added to this, his wars with the Mughal*
and the Bijapuris in 1674 and 1675 and his siege of
Ponda had been costly affairs, and chequered by
defeats, while his invasion of the Sunda country or
Kanara uplands (May 1675) had failed. In the earlier
months of 1676 he had suffered from a protracted
illness, which had forced on him a long period of
He, therefore, looked about for some fresh field
of gain. In the Mughal territory, Surat had been
sucked dry by his two raids, while his permanent
occupation of the Koli country of Ramnagar and
Jawhar, close to Surat, had so alarmed that port that
its trade and wealth were well-nigh gone. The rich
Kanara coast had already been swept dean of booty.
The disorder and misgovernment of the Bijapur State
during the effete rule of the regent Khawas Khan and
the civil war between the Afghan and Deccani parties
at the Court had so impoverished the central part
of the realm as to make it no longer an object of
cupidity. An attack on the heart of the Adil-Shahi
kingdom might also have united all the factions at
the capital in a common resistance to the invader.
But there was an outlying province of this king¬
dom which had enjoyed many years of peace and
prosperity and whose wealth was fabulous. The
Kamatak plain or the Madras coast was known in
that age as the land of gold. It was an extremely
fertile tract, rich in agricultural produce, with a popu¬
lation that led a life of primitive simplicity and con¬
sumed very little in food and clothing. The many
ports on the long sea-board had fostered a brisk
foreign trade from remote antiquity, while the rich'
mines of the hinterland brought wealth into the plains.
Thus the annual addition to the national wealth was
very large. A part of it was spent on the grand
temples for which the land is Still famous ; but most
of it was hoarded under ground. (Dil 113a.) From
very early times the Kamatak has been famous for
its buried treasure and attracted foreign plunderers.
From this land Samudra-gupta and the Western
Chalukyas, Malik Kafur and Mir Jumla, had brought
away vast booties. And at the end of the 17th
century, even after the recent raids of Mir Jumla and
Muhammad Adil Shah, Shivaji and Nusrat Jang, the
land had still enough wealth left to tempt the cupidity
of Aurangzib. As the Emperor wrote (about 1703)
to his general, “Many large treasures of olden times
are reported to be buried in the Kamatak. The
324 SHIVAJI. [CH. xu:
zamindar of Tanjore, who is worthless (be-asal) and
a grandson of Shahji, the father of Shivaji now in
hell, is possessed of the country by usurpation. His
kingdom is not very strong. Its revenue, according
to the late Siddi Masaud Khan, is between 70 and
80 lakhs of hurt. Why should it be left in his pos¬
session? Inquire into the state of the country and
the means of wresting it from his hands.” (Ruqat,
No. 163.) To this real land of gold Shivaji’s eyes
were now turned. An attack on this frontier pro¬
vince would scarcely rouse the Government of Bija-
pur, as the Kamatak formed the fiefs of certain semi¬
independent nobles who alone were interested in its
defence. Moreover, Shiva, had a plausible claim to
a portion of it.
'Covered with gilded brass plates presented by Krishna
Dev, the victorious Rajah of Vijaynagar (1513.)
There is a smaller temple dedicated to Shiva’s con¬
tort. A flight of stone steps, built by a Vijaynagar
queen, leads down from the plateau to the bed of
'the Krishna, called Patal-Ganga, and a ford called
.Nila-Ganga, a little below, both of which are consi¬
dered as sacred bathing-places.
Shivaji ascended this difficult plateau, bathed in
the Krishna and spent some ten days at Shri Shaila
•doing religious rites. The quiet and secluded beauty
-of the scenery and the spiritual atmosphere of the
place penetrated his soul, and he believed that he
would find no purer spot to die in. So, he attempted
to cut off his own head before the goddess ; but his
ministers restrained his religious frenzy and recalled
him to a sense of his duty to his subjects and the
Hindu world at large. Here he built a ghat, named
Shri-Gangesha, a monastery, and a dharmashala, fed
a lakh of Brahmans, and gave away large sums to
Then, leaving Shri Shaila, he overtook his army
by rapid marches and, entering the Karriatak plains
in April 1677, hastened southwards. In the first
week of May, he arrived at Peddapollam, about
seven miles from Madras city, and halted there for
some time. On 14th May the English received a
letter from him, brought by his Brahman agent,
Mahadji Pant, asking for some cordial stones and
counter-poisons. The Madras Council gave him
presents worth 60 hurt, with 3 yards of broad-cloth.
and 4 veece of sandal wood for Mahadji, in fear of
his army "continuing now at 2 to 5 Gentu leagues
from this place and like to do so yet [for] some
time.” Oh 25th May Shivaji wrote to thank them
for the presents and to ask for a fresh supply, offering
to pay for them ; but the English merchants on 18th
June gave him the presents at a cost of 52 hurt to
themselves. A Madras letter dated 19th June tells
us that his men had already looted the English godown
at Timmery in Vyankoji’s territory to the value of
2,000 hun. (Records of Fort St. George : Diary and"
Consult., 1677, pp. 112.115 ; O. C. 4266.)
ministers, Jagannath (the son of Vyankoji Datto),
Konher Mahadev and Shivaji Shankar (two
majmuadara) and Niloji Nayak (a merchant), he
placed them under arrest and threatened to send
Janardan Narayan Hanumante to take possession of
the kingdom of Tanjore. He was rightly indignant
DU. 113-114. The Marathi accounts are much later and less
reliable ; Sabh. 89—90; Dig. 306-313; Chit. 139-140
((deliberate falsification); T. S. 38a; Zedhe Chronology.
at his brother’s conduct, as it implied distrust of his
solemn pledge of safety, and cried out in open Court.
"Was 1 going to imprison him? My fame has spread
over the sea-girt earth. 1 asked for my father’s
property, only because one should keep his heritage.
If he does not wish to part with it, he is under no
compulsion to give it. Why did he flee for nothing?
He is very young and has acted like a child.’"
(Sabhasad, 90.)
After a time the captive ministers of Vyankoji
were set free, and sent back to Tanjore with presents
and robes of honour. Thus Shivaji cleared himself
in the eyes of the public. But though he gave up
the idea of invading the Tanjore territory south of the
Kolerun, he seized the whole Kamatak north of that
river, both the jagirs of Vyankoji and those of Sher
Khan.* The few forts that held out were conquered*
by the end of September.
force of men and horse, 72 strong hills and 14 forts
[in the plain] , being 60 leagues long and 40 broad.”
(Diary and Consult. 1678-79, pp. 105-106.) But gold,
and not land, was his chief object. The whole of
the Kamatak was “peeled to the bones” by his
system of organised plunder and exaction, which is
thus described in the Madras President’s letter of
19th June, 1677. “He has ordered letters to be wrote
to all this part of the country, the sea-coast especially,
to borrow money to the amount of 200 thousand
pagodas, whereof 50,000 [is] from Palicat and as
much from hence [Madras.] The moneyed men all
about the country shift out of the way as fast as they
can, he having taken a minute account of all such as
he passed by within 2 leagues and 2/i of the place.”
(O. C. 4266.) The booty carried off in this expedition*
— —— —
* His route is thus given in Sabhasad, 91 : Kolhar
Ballapur Kopal Lakshmishwar Khangaada desai chastised
— — ——
Sampgaon district Balvada detain invested, captured, and
“taught a lesson" Panhala.
Gadag Lakshmishwar Khangaada
— — —
Chitnis, 142 : Srirangapattan
desai fled Gadag
Balved desain Mai Bai besieged for 27 days, captured and
— — —
released. Shioadigvijay, 347-357 : Savitri Bai of Belvadi
besieged Gadag Lakshmishwar Gaanda desai fled Balved
desain loots transport, is besieged and captured. I cannot find
Khangaada in the maps, but only Mulgund and Naotlgand,
(the last being 20 m. n. w. of Gadag.)
the Marathas. Bankapur, 20 miles a. w. of
Lakshmishwar, was besieged unsuccessfully, about
the middle of January, *1678. (0. C. 4314.) From
this place Shivaji retraced his steps northwards, and
arrived near Sampgaon in the Belgaum district. At
Belvadi, a small village 12 miles s. e. of Sampgaon
and 30 miles s. e. of Belgaum, Savitri Bai, the
widowed lady proprietor, plundered some transport
bullocks of Shiva’s army when passing by, Her
fort was at once besieged, but she defended it most
heroically for 27 days, after which it was carried by
assault and she herself was captured. *
This long check by a woman, before a petty
mud-fort, greatly lowered Shivaji’s prestige. As
the English merchants of Rajapur write on 28th
Feb., 1678: “He is at present besieging a fort
where, by relation of their own people come from
him, he has suffered more disgrace than ever he
did from all power of the Mughal or the Deccans
During this period (December, 1676 March,
1678), the army left at home under Mono Trimbak
in the Desh and Annaji Datto in Konkan, naturally
confined itself to the defence of die realm, without
venturing to make any aggression. In November
1677, however, Dattaji taking advantage of the crush¬
ing repulse of Dilir and Bahlol by the Golkonda
troops (September) roved the inland parts of Kanara
and looted Hubli. Early in January, 1678, Moro
Pant "plundered Trimbak, Nasik and other consider¬
able places in the Mughal territory.’’ Dilir Khan
hastened there with the remnant of his broken army,
(middle of February.) (F. R. Surat 107, Rajapur to
Surat, 8 Dec., 1677 ; Bomb, to Surat, 21 Feb., 1678 ;
O. C. 4314. Surat 89, Surat to Co., 21 Jan., 1678.)
§3. Conquest of the Tungabhadra bank •
Shivaji’s return home (March, 1678), revived
Maratha activity. The districts that he retained
in Central and Eastern Mysore as the result of his
Kamatak expedition, had to be connected with his
old dominions by the conquest of the southern comer
of the kingdom of Bijapur, which consisted of the
Kopal region north of the Tungabhadra opposite the
Bellary district, as well as part of the Dharwar and
Belgaum districts intervening between Kopal and
Panhala. This country was held by two Afghans,
Husain Khan Miana of Sampgaon (Belgaum) and his
brother Qasim Khan of Kopal. They were fellow-
clansmen of Bahlol Khan, and it seems probable that
on the death of that chief and the ruin of his family,
the defence of these tracts, formerly included in his
jajgir, was entrusted to them.
Husain Khan was as high and powerful a noble
as Bahlol Khan, a brave general renowned for his
358 SHIVAJI. [CH. xm.
martial spirit, and commanding 5,000 Pathan archers,
lancets, musketeers and artillery-men. The fort of
Kopal was secured by Moro Pant from Qaeim Khan
for a price. Husain Khan is said by Chitnis (p. 142)
to have opposed Shivaji's return by the Kopal-Gadag
route and to have been repulsed. Some time after¬
wards he Was defeated and Captured by Hambir Rao
near Sampgaon, but dismissed by Shivaji with honour.
According to a late tradition (7\S. 33b), Husain Khan,
being a man of a delicate sense of honour, took his
disgrace to heart and swallowed poison. This is
untrue, as we have contemporary evidence of Husain
Miana deserting from Bijapur to the Mughals on
llth March, 1683, (B. S. 445 ; M. A., 225.) The
Maratha troops who had won these triumphs under
Hambir Rao and Moro Pant were, on their return,
reviewed by Shivaji and highly praised and rewarded.
(Chit. 146.)
“Kopal (105 miles due south of Bijapur and a
slightly greater distance south-east of Belgaum) is the
gate of die south,*' and its possession enabled the
Maratha dominion to be extended to the bank of
the Tungabhadra river and even across it into the
Bellary and Chittaldurg districts. Many of the local
chieftains, who had long defied the Bijapur Govern¬
ment and withheld taxes in this ill-subdued border
country, were now chastised by the Marathas and
reduced to obedience, among them being the poli-
gars of Kanakgiri (25 miles n. e. of Kopal), Harpan-
halli (40 miles s. of Kopal), Raydurg, Chittaldurg,
Vidyanagar (? old Vijaynagar), and Bundikot
(? Gudicota, 45 miles e. of Harpan-halK.) This
country was now formed into a regular province
of Shivaji’s kingdom and placed under Janardan
Narayan Hanumante as viceroy.*
In the meantime, a few days after Shivaji’t
return to Panhala, his troops attacked Mungi-Pattan,
on the Godavari, 30 miles south of Aurangabad.
(M. A. 166.) It was probably next month that they
made a second attempt to get possession of Shivner.
They invested the village (of Junnar) at its foot, and
at night tried to scale the fort. “Three hundred
Marathas climbed the fort-walls at night by means
of nooses and rope-ladders. But Abdul Aziz Khan
was an expert qiladar. Though he had sent away
* The Mianaa : Sabh. 80-SI ; Chit. 142, 146, 179 ; Dig. 285,
339; T.S. 33a & b; BJS. 406 (one sentence only.) Dig. 335
speaks of a Yataf Khan Miana. Is it a misreading of Hmtain
(/sab for Haaen)? Sabh. B.S. and T. S. place the Maratha
expansion into the Kopal district before, and Ch'tnis and Dig.
after, Shivaji’s invasion of die Kamatak. The tatter view is
more probable. The conquest and consolidation must have
taken more expeditions than one and a pretty long time. The
narrative in Chit. 179 and Dig. 285-287 seems to me to he
confused and unreliable. Z. C. asserts that in January 1677
Hambir Rao defeated Husain Khan near Yelgedla (?=Yelburga)
in the Gadag district and took 2,000 horses and some elephants
from him; in May 1678, Shivaji after gaining the Gadag district
returned to Raigarh; in March 1679 Moro Pant, by sending
back the captive son of Husain Khan, secured the fort ef
Kopal ; he released Husain Khan, who noW entered his service.
360 SHTVAJI. [CH. xm.
his sons and followers to reinforce the Jaujdar
Yahiya Khan in the village, he personally with a few
men slew all the infantry of Shiva who had entered
the fort. Next morning he hunted out the few who
had concealed themselves in the hill [side] below
die fort and among rocks and holes, and released
them with presents, sending a message to Shivaji
to the effect, ‘So long as I am qiladar, you will never
take this fort.’ ” (Dil. 157.)
shade on the head of the world and gathered the
fruit of eternal life, which is only a synonym for
368 SHTVAJI. [CH. xni.
goodness and fair fame, as the result of his happy
time on earth. ( Veraea)
He who lives with a good name gains ever¬
lasting wealth,
Because after his death, the recital of his good
deeds keeps his name alive.
“Through the auspicious effect of this sublime
disposition, wherever he [Akbar] bent the glance of
his august wish, Victory and Success advanced to
welcome him on the way. In his reign many king¬
doms and forts were conquered [by him.] The state
and power of these Emperors can be easily under¬
stood from the fact that Alamgir Padishah has failed
and become distracted in the attempt to merely
follow their political system. They, too, had the
power of levying the jaziya ; but they did not give
place to bigotry in their hearts, as they considered all
men, high and low, created by God to be [living]
examples of the nature of diverse creeds and tempera¬
ments. Their kindness and benevolence endure on
the pages of Time as their memorial, and so prayer
and praise for these [three] pure souls will dwell for
ever in the hearts and tongues of mankind, among
both great and small. Prosperity is the fruit of one’s
intentions. Therefore, their wealth and good fortune
continued to increase, as God’s creatures reposed
in the cradle of peace and safety [under their rule] ,
and their undertakings succeeded.
“But in your Majesty’s reign, many of the forts
and provinces have gone out of your possession, and
1-679] POPULAR MISERY. 369
die rest will soon do so too, because there will be
no slackness on my part in ruining and devastating
them. Your peasants are down-trodden ; the yield
of every village has declined,-"-in the place of one
lakh [of Rupees] only one thousand, and in the
place of a thousand only ten are collected, and that
too with difficulty. When Poverty and Beggary have
made their homes in the palaces of the Emperor and
the Princes, the condition of the grandees and
officers can be easily imagined. It is a reign in
which the army is in a ferment, the merchants com¬
plain, the Muslims cry, the Hindus are grilled, most
men lack bread at night and in the day inflame their
own cheeks by slapping them [in anguish.] How
can the royal spirit permit you to add the hardship
of the jaziya to this grievous state of things? The
infamy will quickly spread from west to east and
become recorded in books of history that the Emperor
of Hindusthan, coveting the beggars’ bowls, takes
jaziya from Brahmans and Jain monks, yogis,
sannyasis, bairagis, paupers, mendicants, ruined
wretches, and the famine-stricken, that his valour
is shown by attacks on the wallets of beggars, that
he dashes down to the ground the name and honour
of the Timurids !
“May it please your Majesty! If you believe in
the true Divine Book and Word of God (i.e., the
Quran), you will find there [that God is styled] Rabb.
ul-alamin, the Lord of all men, and not Rabb-ul-
muealmin, the Lord of the Muhammadans only.
370 SHIVAJI. [CH. Xffl.
Verily, Islam and Hinduism are terms of contrast.
They are [diverse pigments] used by the true Divine
Painter for blending the colours and filling in the
outlines [of His picture of the entire human species.]
If it be a mosque, the call to prayer is chanted in
remembrance of Him. If it be a temple, the bell
is rang in yearning for Him only. To show bigotry for
any man’s creed and practices is equivalent to alter¬
ing the words of the Holy Book. To draw new lines
on a picture is equivalent to finding fault with the
“In strict justice the jaziya is not at all lawful.
From die political point of view it can be allowable
only if a beautiful woman wearing gold ornaments
can pass from one province to another without fear
or molestation. [But] in these days even the cities
are being plundered, what shall 1 say of the open
country? Apart from its injustice, this imposition of
the jaziya is an innovation in India and inexpedient.
“If you imagine piety to consist in oppressing
the people and terrorising the Hindus, you ought first
to levy the jaziya from Rana Raj Singh, who is the
head of the Hindus. Then it will not be so very
difficult to collect it from me, as I am at your service.
But to oppress ants and flies is far from displaying
valour and spirit.
“I wonder at the strange fidelity of your officers
that they neglect to tell you of the true state of things,
but cover a blazing fire with straw! May the Sun
of your royalty continue to shine above the horizon
of greatness!” (History of Aurangzib, iii. 325-329.)
§ 9. Dilir invades Bijapur. Shivaji aids Adil Shah.
On 18th August, Dilir crossed the Bhima at
Dhulkhed, 40 m. due north of Bijapur, and opened
a new campaign against Masaud. That helpless
regent begged aid from Shivaji, sending to him an
envoy named Hindu Rao charged with this piteous
appeal : “The condition of this royalty is not hidden
from you. There is no army, money, or ally for
defending the fort and no provision at all. The enemy
is strong and ever bent on war. You are a hereditary
servant, elevated by this Court. And, therefore, you
will feel for this house more than others can. We
cannot defend the kingdom and its forts without your
aid. Be true to your salt ; turn towards us. Command
what you consider proper, and it shall be done by
ns.” (B.S. 427.)
Shiva undertook the defence of Bijapur,* ordered
10,000 of his cavalry to reinforce Masaud, sent from
his forts 2,000 ox-loads of provisions to the city, and
bade his subjects send grain and other necessaries
to Bijapur for sale, so that the citizens and soldiers
there might not suffer scarcity. His envoy Visaji
Nilkanth brought to Masaud his cheering message,
* Shivaji as the ally of Bijapur in 1679 : B. S. 426-429,
432; Chit. 175-179. Sabh. (silent.) F. R. Fort St. George.
Vol. 28, p. 34 (Vira Raghav from Golkonda to Madras, 14
January,' 1680.)
372 SHIVA*. [CH. xm-
"You hold the fort. I shall go out and punish DiHr
Khan as he deserves.” Visaji reported to the regent
that 5,000 Maratha troopers had reached Ainapur
(20 m. s. e. of Miraj) and 5,000 others Bhupalgarh,
waiting for his call to come, when needed. (B. S. 427.)
The Mughal general Sujan Singh took Mangahride
from Shiva’s men about September (M.A. 182), and
came nearer to Bijapur. Masaud conciliated Sabaji
Ghatge and sent him with the array of Turgal to
Indi (28 m. n. of Bijapur.) This detachment had a
skirmish with Shambhuji who was out foraging ;
about fifteen men were slain on each side ; Sabaji
was wounded but captured 50 horses, 50 oxen, and
4 camels from the enemy. Shivaji's envoy now
reached Bijapur with Anand Rao at the head of
2,500 horse. They were welcomed by Masaud and
stationed in the Nauraspura suburb. Bajaji [Nim-
balkar], now in Mughal service, laid siege to the
fort of Akluj, but a Bijapuri general named Bahadur
marched up from Sangula (32 m. s.) and drove him
But on 15th September, Dilir Khan left his camp
at Dhulkhed and came very close to Bijapur, reaching
Baratgi, 6 m. n. e. of the city, on 7th October. Here
he halted and held palavers with Masaud’s envoys.
On 30th October Shivaji arrived at Selgur, midway
between Panhala and Bijapur, with 10,000 cavalry.
His first detachment left Nauraspura next day to
welcome him there. Shiva wanted to visit Adil
Shah ; Masaud permitted him to come with an escort
of 500 men only. But the Peshwa More Trimbak
dissuaded Shivaji from falling into the power of
Masaud by entering the fort.
So, on 4th November, 1679, the Maratha king
divided his army into two bodies : he himself with '
& or 9 thousand troopers started by the road of
Muslah and Almala, and Anand Rao with 10,000
cavalry by way of Man ( ? probably /at) and
Sangula, to raid the Mughal dominions and recall
Dilir from the environs of Bijapur. But Dilir Khan,
to whom the capture of Bijapur seemed easy, paid
no heed to the Maratha plunder and devastation of
those provinces, which was a familiar annual evil,
and hoped for the highest rewards from die expected
conquest of the Adil-Shahi capital. So, he pressed
his attack on it, without retreating.
fort. Many other persons Hindu merchants
(banians), Indian Muslims, Persians and Arabs were
kept there in his prison in a miserable plight and
beaten to extort ransom.
The Englishmen steadily refused to pay any
ransom and tried to secure their liberty by feigned
negotiations for helping the Marathas with English
ships in capturing Danda-Rajpuri, but taking care
- to impose such terms as always left the English “a
hole to creep out of their obligation” after recovering
liberty. Then they tried the effect of threat by saying
that if they were not released their countrymen at
Surat would grant Aurangzib’s desire by transporting .
a Mughal army into the Deccan [i. e., the Konkan
district] by sea. (Orme MSS., Vol. 155, pp. 1-21,
letter from the English prisoners at Songarh, 28 June
Raoji Pandit had been sent by Shivaji to take
charge of all the prisoners in Songarh and “do with
them as he thought fit.” The four Englishmen
were well-treated. But their captivity was prolonged
past endurance. To the demand for ransom they
replied that they could pay nothing, having lost their
all in the sack of Rajapur. Shivaji’s absence on an
expedition near Kalian (June, 1661) also delayed the
progress of negotiations about an alliance with the
English against the Siddis. The “disconsolate pri¬
soners in Raigarh,” after more than a year’s
confinement, lost their temper and wrote in
disrespectful and abusive terms to the President and
Council at Surat, charging the latter with making no
exertion for their release. The reply of the Surat
Council was a stem but well-merited rebuke (dated
10th March, 1662): “How you came in prison you
know very well. ‘Twas not for defending the
Company's goods, 'twas for going to the siege of
Panhala and tossing balls with a flag that was known
to be the English's. None but what [is] rehearsed
is the cause of your imprisonment.” (Ibid, also
Surat to the Prisoners in Rairi castle, 10 March,
1662. F. R. Swat, Vol. $5.)
It seems that the four Englishmen made an
attempt to escape from Songarh, but were caught
and sent off to Raigarh to be kept in "closer con¬
finement.” Towards the middle of 1662, when
their captivity had lasted a year and a half, the
Council at Surat, finding all appeals to Shivaji and
his suzerain fruitless, commissioned some of the
English ships to make reprisals by capturing on the
high seas Deccani vessels, whether belonging to the
king of Bijapur or Shivaji or any merchant of the
country, especially the one bringing the Dowager
Queen Bari Sahiba back from Mecca. They hoped
that such a success would cdmpel the Bijapur
Government to put pressure on Shivaji to release the
Englishmen. But no good prize offered itself to the
English privateers. The Surat Council also influenced
the Mughal governor of Surat to write to Shaista
Khan, who was then reported to be pressing Shivaji
hard (about November 1662), to importune him to
move for their release. (Surat to R. Taylor, 17 May,
1662, F. R. Surat, Vol. 85 ; Surat Consult., 21 July,
F. R. Surat, Vol. 2 ; also under 21st July, 19th August
ahd Nth November in Vol. 85.)
On 3rd February, 1663, the Council commissioned
the captain of H. M. S. Conoertite to capture two
vessels of considerable burden which Shivaji was
fitting out at Jetapur for Mocha and loading with
“such goods as were driven by storms upon his
coast, which was of considerable value.” (F. R.
Surat, Vol. 2.) But such a step became unnecessary,
as Raoji Pandit, the Maratha governor of Rajapur,
sent for the four captives from Raigarh and set them
free (about 5th February) with solemn assurances
from Shivaji that the English would enjoy his protec-
tion in future. (Rajapur to Surat, 6th February,
1663, in F. R. Surat, Vol. 103.) The Council at
Surat say that they "had desisted from calling that
perfidious rebel Shivaji to an account, because they
had not either conveniency of force or time.” They
were still resolved to avenge the wrong done to their
masters' property and the sufferings of their “loving
brethren,” but sadly realised that “as yet we are
altogether uncapable for want of shipping and men
necessary for such an enterprise, wherefore patience.”,
(Surat Council to R. Taylor, 9 Oct., 1663, in F. R.
Surat, Vol. 2.)
Therefore, instead of resorting to force, they
began negotiations with Shivaji (or compensation for
the loss done to their factoiy at Rajapur. These
were protracted for many years till the hearts of the
Englishmen grew sick. Even when Shivaji agreed as
to the amount of the damages and admitted his
liability for it, the actual payment was repeatedly
put off and never fully carried out. With the help
of the Factory Records preserved in the India Office,
London, we can clearly trace the history of these
negotiations through their successive stages,-r-the
alternate hopes and disappointments of the ‘English,
their diverse tactics, their series of embassies, and
their final conviction, at the close of Shivaji's life,
that they would get nothing at all from him. The
records of this long-drawn diplomatic intercourse
afford striking examples of the perseverance and
patience of the English traders, though one is apt to
smile when he reads how they held diametrically
opposite views of Shivaji’s character and feelings at
different stages of the negotiations, as they hoped or
despaired of a settlement of their claims. Our
psychology is naturally coloured by our emotions.
Shivaji’s encounter with the English during his
two raids on Surat (in 1664 and 1670) and the dispute
between them in connection with his fortification of
the Khanderi island have been dealt with in earlier
§2. Negotiations for Rajapur factory damages.
to be due (or satisfaction of our former losses, pro¬
vided that the commodities were not over-rated, but
cheap and good in their kind.” (Ibid, 30 November,
1671 .) A compromise was, however, made with the
Maratha ambassador ; the English lent him Rs. 1,500
upon his goods payable at two months’ time. Lieut.
Ustick was to have set out on his embassy on 15th
January, 1672, but was detained at Bombay by a
message from Shivaji saying that he was too busy
fighting the Mughal generals in Baglana to receive
the envoy then. (F. R. Surat, 106, Bombay to Surat,
13 and 20 January, 1672.)
§3. Mission of Lt. Ustick to Shiva fails, 1672.
At last Lieut. Ustick was sent on his mission on
10th March, 1672, and came back on 13th Mayv
with failure, “fcfe, after a long and tedious attend¬
ance, had half an hour’s discourse with him
(Shivaji) and his Brahmans to little effect, but at last
{Shivaji] proffered 5,000 pagodas towards our losses,
and promiseth, if your Honour will please to settle
a factory at Rajapur, to show all kindness and civility
imaginable to the said factory." (Bombay to Surat,
13 March and 14 May, 1672, F. R. Surat, 106.)
The negotiations broke down on the question
of the amount of the indemnity. A Bombay letter
to the Company, dated 21st December, 1672, (O. C.
3722) states, “We demanded one hundred thousand
Rupees, they offered 20,000, declaring that Shivaji
never made more advantage by what was robbed of
the English
that what was taken in the chests,
trunks and warehouses of particular men (i.e.,
European private traders), it may be was plundered
by his soldiers, but he never had anything thereof,
and therefore would not satisfy for it ; but what
(booty) was received and entered into his books he
was willing to restore and make satisfaction for...
While these things were transacting, Shivaji was
engaged in a great design against the Koli country,
whereupon the (Brahman) minister appointed to
treat (with Mr. Ustick) being called away, Mr. Ustick
also returned to Bombay." But the English factors
deliberately held off from pressing the negotiations
to a close. As they write, “We have a hard and
ticklish game to play, for the King (Aurangzib) being
highly enraged against Shivaji, should he understand
that we...hold any correspondence with him, it might
probably cause him to order some disturbance to
be given to your general affairs, not only in these
parts but in Bengal also. On the other hand, we are
forced to keep fair with Shivaji also, because from
his countries we are supplied with provisions, timber
and firewood, and likewise your inhabitants of
Bombay drive a good trade into the main [-land),
which would be a great prejudice to your island if
it were obstructed. On these considerations we
judge it your interest to suspend the treaty at
present... .We shall have great difficulty to recover
anything for those gentlemen (i.e., private traders)
who suffered particularly in that loss at Rajapur, for
Shivaji... by the merchants of Rajapur hath under¬
stood what did belong to the Company and what to
particular men ; the latter he disowns totally....Had
it not been for our standing on some satisfaction for
them, we had ended the dispute before now.”
conclusion with our neighbour Shivaji for the old
wrongs of Rajapur. .The new controversy
touching Hubli we have reserved for another time,
so that if Shivaji attempts Surat you may be
somewhat the safer, though we advise you not to
trust him, yet we daresay if he hath a kindness for
any nation it is for the English, and we believe he
will not disturb any house where the English flag is.”
But the treaty though hilly agreed on between
Shivaji*s envoy and the English in the third week of
October was not signed and confirmed by Shivaji
himself for more than two months afterwards, as he
was absent on a long campaign (O. C. 3910, Bombay
to Co., 13 December, 1673.)
of Konkan south of Bombay, Savant-vadi and the
North Kanara coast, formed the viceroyalty of
Annaji Datto. The south-eastern division, ruled by
Dattaji Pant, covered the Satara and Kolhapur dis¬
tricts of Deah and the Karaatak districts of Bdgaum
and Dharwar to Kopal west of the Tungabhadra.
fSabh. 77 ; Pamsnis MS. ; a Persian MS. coll of
Mr. Rejwade ; Cngÿish summary in Mawjee, /. Bo.
B. R. A. SJ
Shivaji’s latest annexation was the country
extending from the Ttmgahhadra opposite Kopal to
/ Vellore and Jinji, ijt., the northern, central and
eastern parts of the present kingdom of Mysore and
portions of the Madras districts of Bellary, Chittur
and Arcot. His two years' possession pf them before
his death was too short to enable him to consolidate
his gains here, and this province was really held by
an army of occupation and remained unsettled in
1680 ; only the forts garrisoned by him and as much
of the surrounding lands as they could command,
acknowledged Maratha rule.
Besides these places there was one region where
the contest for mastery was still undecided at the
time of his death. This was the Kanara highlands,
including the South Dharwar district and the princi¬
palities of Suada and Bednur. Shivaji had inflicted
seme defeats upon die local Nawob, a vassal of
Bijapur ; but Bankapur, the capital, was still un>
conquered when he breathed his last. So also was
Bednur, which merely paid him tribute. (Struggle for
Savanur, in Dig.)
Outside these settled or half -settled parts of his'
kingdom, there was a wide and very fluctuating belt
of land subject to his power but not owning his
sovereignty. They were the adjacent parts of the
Mughal empire (Mughlai in Marathi), which formed
the happy hunting-ground of his horsemen. In these
he levied blackmail (khandani, i.e., ransom, in
Marathi), as regularly as his army could repeat its
annual visit to them. The money paid was popularly
called chauth, because it amounted to one-fourth of
the standard assessment of the land revenue of a
place. But as this paper assessment was always
larger than the actual collection, the real incidence
of the chauth was considerably more than one-fourth
of what the peasants paid to their legitimate sovereign.
The payment of the chauth merely saved a place
from the unwelcome presence of die Maratha soldiers
and civil underlings, but did not impose on Shivaji
' any corresponding obligation to guard the district
from foreign invasion or internal disorder. The
Marathas looked only to their own gain and not to
the fate of their prey after they had left. The chauth
was only a means of buying off one robber, and not
a subsidiary system for the maintenance of peace and
order against all enemies. The lands subject to the
chauth cannot, therefore, be rightly called spheres of
The territory, old and new, under Shivaji con-
J tained 240 forts, out of which 79 were situated in
Mysore and Madras. (Sabh. 98-101 ; Out. 152-157
names 280 forts.)
§2. His revenue and hoarded treasure.
His revenue is put by his courtier Sabhasad
(p. 102) at the round figure of one ferore of hun,* while
the chauth when collected in full brought in another
80 lakhs. (T. S. 35a.) If these statements are cor¬
rect, Shivaji *s theoretical income at its highest was
nine fcrores of Rupees. The stun actually realised
was considerably less than this paper-estimate,
probably sometimes falling as low as one-tenth of it.
The treasure and other valuable things left behind
by Shivaji are enumerated in great detail by Sabhasad
(95-%) and the Tarikh-i-Shivaji (42-44.) But we can¬
not be sure that all the figures have been correctly
copied in the MSS. of these two works that have
come down to us. Moreover, the gold and silver
coins were of such an immense variety of denomina¬
tions countries and ages, a faithful index to the wide
range and thorough character of Shivaji's looting cam¬
paigns, that it is impossible to reduce the total value
of his hoard to any modem currency with even
* Chit., 157, speaks of 10 lcrores of l(f>azinah ; but it is
not clear whether he means Rupees or turns, not whether he
is ipnfisg of the annual income or the hoarded treasure.
tolerable accuracy. The curious English reader is
referred to my translation of T. S. in the Modem
Review for January 1910 and to Manker’s translation
of Sabhasad.
§3. Strength of his army.
The growth of his army is thus recorded : at the
outset of his career he had 1,200 household cavalry
(f>aga) and 2,000 silahdars or mercenary horsemen
provided with their own arms and mounts. (Sabh. 8.)
After the conquest of Javli (1655) the number was
increased to 7,000 paga, 3,000 silahdars and 10,000
Mavle infantry. (Sabh. 11 .) He also enlisted 700
Pathans from the disbanded soldiery of Bijapur (Chit.
33 ; T. S. 156.) After the destruction of Afzal Khan
(1659) he raised his forces to 7,000 paga, 8,000 silah¬
dars, and 12,000 infantry (Sabh. 27.) At the time of
his death (1680), his army consisted of 45,000 paga
(under 29 colonels), 60,000 silahdars (under 31
colonels) and one lakh of Mavle infantry (under 36
colonels.) (Sabh. 96-97.) But T. S. states that he
left 32,000 horses in his stables, besides 5,000 given
to the bargirs.
The core of his army was, therefore, formed by
30 to 40 thousand regular and permanently enlisted
cavalry in his own service, and about twice that
number of infantry militia (hasham), whom he. used
to withdraw from the cultivation of their fields during
the campaigning season only, as in England under
King Alfred. The infantry garrisoning his forts were
410 SMVAg. [CH. XV.
permanently recruited, though they were given field*
in the neighbourhood. The number of the dhMiw
who hired themselves ami their hones out to him
varied greatly from year to year, according to his
need, their expectation of plunder in the impending
campaign, and the demand for their services in the
neighbouring States at a particular time. In the
1 earlier stages of his career, local chieftains with their
retainers used to join him in his raids (e.g., Surat,
1664) and swell his army by the adhesion of a body
• of irregulars. But he soon learnt to do without such
allies of dubious military value.
His elephants numbered 1 ,260, according to
Sabhasad (p. 97) ; but T. S. gives 125 and Chit. 300,
which are more likely figures. The camels were
3,000 (T. S.) or 1,500 (Chit.) The number of his
artillery-pieces is not mentioned. Chitnis (a doubtful
authority) tells us that 200 guns were kept ready for
field service and the rest were placed in the forts.
Each piece of ordnance had some elephants and a
battalion of infantry attached to it.
It was Shivaji's settled policy to use his army
to draw supplies from foreign dominions every year.
"The troops were to go into cantonments in the
home territory during the rainy season (Jun<
September.) Grain, fodder and medicines were kept
in stock for the horses, and the huts of the troopers
were kept thatched with grass. On the day of
Dasahara (early in October) the army should set out
from the camp for the country selected by the Rajah.
At the time of their departure a list was made of all
the property that every man, high or low, of the
army carried with himself. The troops were to
r subsist in foreign parts for eight months and also
levy contributions. No woman, female slave or
dancing-girl was to be allowed to accompany the
army. A soldier keeping any of these was to be
beheaded. No woman or child was to. be taken
captive, but only men. Cows were exempt from
seizure, but bullocks might be taken for transport
only. Brahmans were not to be molested, nor taken
as hostages for ransom. No soldier should mis¬
conduct himself [during a campaign.]
Eight months were to be passed in such
expeditions abroad. On their return to their own
frontier in Baishakh (April) the whole army was to
be searched, the property found was to be compared
with the old list, and the excess was to be deducted
from their salary. Any one secreting any booty was
liable to punishment on detection by the general.
The generals on their return should see the
418 SWVAJl. [CH. XV.
Rajah, deliver their booty in gold silver jewels and
costly cloth to him, present their accounts, and take
their dues from the Treasury. The officers and men
were to be promoted or punished according to their
conduct during the late campaign. Then they would
again remain for four months in camp.” (Sabh.
§ 6. Revenue system and administration.
"The land in every province was to be measured
and the area calculated in chavars. The measuring-
rod was 3 cubits and 3 muthis (closed fists) in
length. A cubit was equal to 14 tansus, and the
measuring-rod was [therefore] 80 tansus long.
Twenty feaf/tts (rods) square made a bigha and 120
bighas one chaoar. The area of each village was
thus ascertained in detail. An estimate was made
of the expected produce of each bigha, three parts
y of which were left to the peasant and two parts
taken by the State.*
“New ryots who came to settle were to be given
money for seeds, and cattle, the amount being re¬
covered in two or four annual instalments. The
revenue should be taken in kind at harvest time.”
* Captain Robertson in 1820 and 1829 gave a different and
mare complicated account of Shivaji's revenue system. (Bom.
Cat., xviii. Pt. ii. pp. 321-322.) It is quite probable that the
system was not so simple and uniform as Sabhasad represents
it; but we do not know the Captain's authorities and have no
means of testing his statement about a system nearly two
centuries old and under a dynasty which had pasted away.
Shivaji wanted to sweep away the middle class
of revenue fanners and come into direct relations
with the cultivators. “The ryots were not subject to
the authority of the zamindara, deshmukha, and
deaaia, who had no right to exercise the powers of
a political superior (overlord) or harass the ryota.”
"In the Nizam-Shahi, Adil-Shahi and Mughal
territories annexed, the ryots had formerly been
subject to patila, kÿkomis and deshmukha, who
used to do the collection work and pay what they
pleased to the State, sometimes only 200 or 300 hun
for a village yielding 2,000 hurt as revenue. These
miraadara (hereditary landlords), thus growing
wealthy, built forts enlisted troops, and grew power¬
ful. They never waited upon the revenue officer of
Government and used to show fight if he urged that
the village could pay more to the State. This class
had become unruly and seized the country. But
Shivaji dismantled their castles, garrisoned the strong
places with his own troops, and took away all power
from the miraadara. Formerly they used to take
whatever they liked from the ryota. This was now
stopped. Their dues were fixed after calculating the
(exact) revenue of the village, and they were
forbidden to build castles." (Sabh. 32-33.)
Similarly, military fief-holders Were given no
political power over their tenants. “The aar-i-
naubata, majmuadara, Jkarkuna and the officers in
the Rajah’s personal service were given assignments
on the revenue (tanlfha barat) for their salary. The
lands cultivated by them were subject to assessment
like the fields of the ryota, and the amount of the
revenue due was deducted from their pay. For the
balance they got orders on the Treasury of the
capital or the districts. Men serving in the army,
the militia or the forts were not to be given pro¬
prietory (mokaaa) rights over any village in entirety.
Their dues were to be paid either by assignment of
revenue or by cash from the Treasury. None but
the karkana had any jurisdiction over the land. All
payments to the army were to be made by the
karkpns. The grant of mokaaa rights would have
created disorder among the peasants ; they would
have grown in strength and disobeyed the Govern¬
ment collectors ; and the growing power of the
ryota would have ended in rebellion at various
places. The moIjasa-holders and the zamindara if
united would become uncontrollable. No mokaaa
was to be granted to any one.” (Sabh. 30-31.)
Over two mahala, yielding a revenue of from
75,000 to 1,25,000 hurt in the aggregate, a aubahdar *
on 400 han and a majmuadar on 100 to 125 han a
year were appointed. The aubahdar was to have
a paifei allowance of 400 hun. All civil and military
officers with a salary of 125 hun or more were given
the right to hold parasols (aftab-gir) over their heads,
with an allowance from the State for bearers (Sabh.
31.) Where necessary, a aubahdar was posted over
a tract yielding only one lakh of Rupees. To the
disturbed provinces across the frontier, a military
force was sent with the collectors of blackmail.
(Sabh. 32.) The aabahdars were all Brahmans, under
the Peshwa’s supervision (Sabh. 77.)
— —
“No. 12, Shivaji. Three-quarter length, looking
to right, same face as in Orme’s Fragments. Black
beard and moustache long hair at sides gold pagri
— — —
jewelled aigrette black plume white jigah
(pearls ?) flowered coat with white ground purple
— —
silk scarf thrown across shoulder worked sash
peshqabz (dagger) sticking out from waist on left side
— —
right hand hidden in hilt of a pattah or rapier
left hand holding a dhup or straight sword.” (Note
supplied to me by Mr. W. Irvine, 10th March, 1904.)
The portrait of Shivaji given in Constable’s
edition of Bernier’s Travels (p. 187) follows an en¬
graving in F. Valentyn’s Oud-en Nieuw Oost-Indien
(1724-26), the pictures in which were most probably
acquired by the Dutch E. I. Co.’s mission to the
Mughal Court in 1712.
The Italian traveller Manucci in 1706 presented
to the Venetian Senate a volume of 56 portraits
drawn for him by Mir Muhammad, an artist in the
household of Shah Alam, before 1686. This volume
(now at Paris) contains a portrait of Shivaji (No. 39
in Blochet’s list), which Mr. Irvine has reproduced
by photography in his edition of the Storia do Mogor,
Vol. 111., picture No. XXXV. Earlier and less
faithful woodcuts of it are to be found in Langles'
Monuments Andens et Modemes (Paris 1821) and
De Jacigny and Raymond’s Inde (Paris, 1845.)
rainfall, could not possibly support die large army
that Shivaji kept or the imperial position and world-
dominion to which the Peshwas aspired.
The necessary expenses of the State could be
met, and all die parts of the body-politic could
be held together only by a constant flow of money
from outside its own borders, i.e., by a regular
succession of raids. As the late Mr. G. K. Gokhale
laughingly told me when describing the hardships
of the present rigid land assessment in the Bombay
Presidency, "You see, the land revenue did not
matter much under Maratha rule. In those old
days, when the crop failed our people used to sally
forth with their horses and spears and bring back
enough booty to feed them for the next two or
three years. Now they have to starve on their own
Thus, by the character of his State, the
Maratha’s hands were turned against everybody and
everybody’s hands were turned against him. It is
the Nemesis of a Krieg-staat to move in a vicious
circle. It must wage war periodically if it is to get
its food ; but war, when waged as a normal method
of supply, destroys industry and wealth in the invad¬
ing and invaded countries alike, and ultimately
defeats the very end of such wars. Peace is death
to a Krieg-staat ; but peace is the very life-breath of
wealth. The Krieg-staat, therefore, kills the goose
that lays the golden eggs. To take an illustration,
( Shivaji’s repeated plunder of Surat scared away
\ trade and wealth from that city, and his second raid
J (in 1670) brought him much less booty than his first,
and a few years later the constant dread of Maratha
incursion entirely impoverished Surat and effectually
up this source of supply. Thus, from the
economic point of view, the Maratha State had no
stable basis, no normal means of growth within itself.
§4. Excess of finesse and intrigue.
Lastly, the Maratha leaders trusted too much to
finesse. They did not realise that without a certain
amount of fidelity to promises no society can hold
together. Stratagem and falsehood may have been
necessary at the birth of their State, but it was
continued during the maturity of their power. No
one could rely on the promise of a Maratha minister
or the assurance of a Maratha general.|Witness the
long and finally fruitless negotiations of the English
merchants with Shivaji for compensation for die loss
of their Rajapur factory. The Maratha Government
could not always be relied on to abide by their
treaty obligations.
Shivaji, apd to a lesser extent Baji Rao 1.,
preserved an admirable balance between war and
diplomacy. But the latter-day Marathas lost this
practical ability. They trusted too much to diplo¬
matic trickery, as if empire were a pacific game of
chess. Military efficiency was neglected, war at the \
right moment and in the right fashion was avoided,
or, worse still, their forces were frittered away in/
unseasonable campaigns and raids conducted as a
matter of routine, and the highest political wisdom
was believed to consist in raf-kflTan or diplomatic
intrigue. Thus, while the Maratha spider was weaving
his endless cobweb of hollow alliances and
diplomatic counter-plots, the mailed fist of Wellesley
was thrust into his laboured but flimsy tissue of
state-craft, and by a few swift and judicious strokes
his defence and screen was torn away and his power
left naked and helpless. In rapid succession the
Nizam was disarmed, Tipu was crushed, and the
Peshwa was enslaved. While Sindhia and Holkar
were dreaming the dream of the overlordship of all
India, they suddenly awoke to find that even their
local independence was gone. The man of action,
the soldier-statesman, always triumphs over the mere
scheming Machiavel.
the holy men of all sects (Muslim as much as Hindu)
and toleration of all creeds. His chivalry to women
and strict enforcement of morality in his camp was
a wonder in that age and has extorted the admira¬
tion of hostile critics like Khali Khan.
He had the bom leader’s personal magnetism.
and threw a spell over all who knew him, drawing '
the best elements of the country to his side and
winning the most devoted service from his officers,
while his dazzling victories and ever ready smile
made him the idol of his soldiery. His royal gift of
judging character was one of the main causes of his
success, as his selection of generals and governors,
diplomatists and secretaries was never at fault, and
his administration, both civil and military, was un¬
rivalled for efficiency. How well he deserved to be
king is proved by his equal treatment and justice to
all men within his realm, his protection and endow¬
ment of all religions, his care for the peasantry, and
his remarkable forethought in making all arrange¬
ments and planning distant campaigns.
His army organisation was a model of \
efficiency ; everything was provided for beforehand
and kept in its proper place under a proper care-
. taker ; an excellent spy system supplied him in
advance with the most minute information about the
theatre of his intended campaign ; divisions of his
army were combined or dispersed at will over long
A> Marathi.
101. Shioa-chhatrapati-chen Charitra by Krish-
naji Anant Sabhasad, written In 1694 at Jinji, by
order of Raja Ram ; ed. by K. N. Sane, 3rd ed.
1912. A small book of barely 100 pages, composed
from memory without the help of written memoranda
or documents. The events are not arranged in the
order of time, and the frequent expression ‘then’
(pute) does not mean chronological sequence, as Mr.
Rajwade was the first to point out. Some of the
statements are incorrect. Weak in topography, no
dates. Language very condensed and sometimes
But the most valuable Marathi account of
Shivaji and our only source of information from the
Maratha side. All later biographies in the same
language may be dismissed as they have copied this
Sabhasad Bakhar (at places word for word), and the
additional matter they furnish is either incorrect or
trivial, often mere “loose traditions.” None of them
is based on any contemporary document, though
a few have recorded some correct traditions of true
events (as we know from non-Marathi sources.) But
they have padded out their source (Sabhasad) by
means of Sanskrit quotations, miracles, rhetorical
flourishes, emotional gush, and commonplace
remarks and details added from the probabilities of
the case or from pure imagination.
Translated into English by J. L. Manker as Life
and Exploits of Shivaji (Bombay, 1st. ed. 1884, 2nd
ed. 1886.)
102. ChHra-gtxpta Bakhar, composed about
1760 ; contains merely Sabhasad’s facts (and even
language), interspersed with copious extracts from
the Sanskrit Scriptures.
103. Shiva-chhatrapati-chen Sapta-prakaran-
atmak. Charitra, by Malhar Ram Rao, Chitnis, ed. by
N. J. Kirtane,
2nd ed. 1894. Incorrect, rambling or
pure guess-work in many places. No State-paper
used, no idea of correct chronology. Muhammadan
names grossly incorrect and anachronistic. Moro
Pant is perpetually conquering and having to conquer
again “twenty-seven forts in Baglana &c.“ (pp. 41,
71, 124 and 176) I« The editing is unscholarly and erf
no help to the reader.
104. Shioadigoijay, ed. or published by P. R.
Nandurbarkar and L. K. Dandekar, (Baroda, 1895.)
Falsely described as written by Khando Ballal (the
son of Shivaji’s secretary Balaji Avji) in 1718. The
published version was evidently fabricated at Baroda
by a writer, familiar with the style of modem
vernacular novels written by imitators of Bankim
Chandra Chatterji. Too much gush (esp. pp. 453, 208,
444), rhetorical padding and digression. The author
speaks of an English general being present at Shivaji’s
coronation (p. 435) and of goods from Calcutta being
used in decorating his hall in 1674 (p. 41 7) I ! I Shiva
•bows to his mother two years after her death
(p. 296)! Tanaji Malusare visits Haidarabad seven
years after his death! (p. 301.)
But the kernel of the book is some lost Marathi
work composed about 1760-75 and containing,
among many loose traditions, a few facts the truth
of which we know from contemporary Factory
Records. This lost source was also the basis of the
Persian Tarikfi-i-Shioaji, which agrees with Shiva-
digvijay in many passages.
105. The Raigarh Life. Original Marathi text
lost. English translation (badly made and worse
printed, esp. as regards proper names), published in
G. W. Forrest’s Selections from the Letters &c. in
the Bombay Secretariat, Maratha Series, Vol. I.
pp. 1-22. (1885.) “A loose traditional work” of no
authority. Adversely criticised bÿ Telang.
106. Shivapratap (Baroda), an utterly worthless
modem fabrication ; does not even claim to be old.
107. Shrimtmt Maharaj Bhonsle-yanchi Bakhar
[of Shedgaon], pub. by V. L. Bhabe (Thana, 1917.)
Utterly worthless expansion of Sabhasad with forged
letters and imaginary details. Probably composed
under the patronage of the Rajah of Satara (circa
108. Two alleged old bakhars (called More-
yanchi Chhoti Bakhar and Mahabaleshwar-chi Juni
Mahiti) pub. in Parasnis's Itihas Sangraha, Sfuta lekft,
i. 21-29 and ii. 9-12. Full of palpable historical errors
and deliberate fabrication (probably of the same
factory and date as No. 107.)
109. Zedhe-yanchi Shakavali, ed. by B. Q.
Tilak in Chaturtha Sammelan Britta (Pima.) A bare
record of events with dates, kept by die Zedhe
family. Fronj the nature of the work, it was written
by different hands at different times. Its value
depends on the fidelity with which these different
memorandum-sheets were copied for the MS. that
has come down to us. There are some evident
mistakes, which we can detect with the help of the
English and Persian sources ; but they were due to
the copyist and not to any deliberate fabrication.
Contains some correct dates which no forger could
have known. The dates are given in the Hindu
luni-solar era of the Deccan and defy conversion to
the Julian, calendar, except approximately.
1 10. Sanads and Letters, ed. by P. V. Mawjee
and D. B. Parasnis (1913) and
111. Marathyan-chya-Itihasachin-Sadhanen, ed-
by V. K. Rajwade and others ; Vols. viii and
xv-xxiv contain a few political letters and a vast mass
of private legal documents and charters of Shivaji
and his times. Some of them are clearly forgeries
made to deceive the Inam Commission and other
judicial bodies. Some others seem to have been
faked to support “popular” history or family prestige.
If we could be always sure of their genuineness and
the correctness of the editor’s transcription, they
would enable us to trace the growth of Shivaji’s
power in Desh and Konkan with minute accuracy
and exact dates. The editing leaves much to be
Stray documents of this class have been also
printed in the Annual Proceedings (Varshik Itibritta)
and Conference Reports (Sammelan Britta) of the
Varat Itihas Samshodhak Mandali of Puna, Itihaa
Sangraha, ed. by Parasnis, and severed other Marathi
periodicals. All letters published before 1915 are
noted with exact references in Sardesai, Vol. I.
1 12. Powadas, or Marathi ballads, collected by
H. A. Acworth and S. T. Shaligram, 2nd (reedly 3rd)
ed., 1911. Mostly legendary and of a much later
date than Sluvaji’s life-time. The Afzal Khan bedlad
is probably the oldest, and belonged to Shambhuji’s ’
33. Ruqat-i-A lamgiri, lithographed bazar ed.
11 7. Parasnis MS. A volume in which some
Persian letters from the Mughal Government to
Shivaji and his descendants have been copied
(evidently for the use of Grant Duff) by order of the
Rajah of Satara. Some of the dates are wrong.
There is a MS. English translation in another volume.
D. English.
118. Original Correspondence (O. C.), India
Office MS. records. This series includes letters from
Surat and Bombay to the E. I. Co., (London) and
letters between Surat and Bombay and the sub¬
ordinate factories. There is a catalogue of these,
giving writer, place and date, but very little
indication of the contents. In most cases there is a
volume for every year. The O. C. volumes deal
indiscriminately with all parts of India where the
Company had factories. From 1682 to 1689 they
contain little beyond duplicates of what is given in
the F. R. [The English records are extremely
valuable, being absolutely contemporary with the
events described and preserved without any change
or garbling. The English traders sometimes
engaged spies to get correct news of Shivaji. There
is no such old or authentic material in Marathi.]
1 19. Factory Records (F. R.), India Office MS.
records. There is a distinct series for each principal
factory, such as Rajapur, Surat, Bombay, Fort St.
George, &c. They include (a) Consultations at these
factories and (b) copies of letters received and dis¬
patched by them (some being repeated in 0. C.)
There are several gaps in the period 1660-1689 and
the existing volumes are unindexed.
Surat Consultations none extant for 1636-’60,
64. 67, 68, 71, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80, 81, and 84-%, but
the gaps are partially filled by the Letters received
and dispatched and the O. C. Only (our volumes
have survived for 1660-1683.
Surat Letters about 20 volumes for the period
in question.
Records of Fort St. George: Diary and Con¬
sultation Book, for 1672-78 and 1678-79, printed at
Madras, in 1910 and 1911. A few others are given
in Love’s Vestiges of Old Madras, 3 vols.
Orme MSS. in the India Office Library (cata¬
logued by S. C. Hill) contain copies of several
factory records the originals of which have perished.
After 1683 the English factory records are very
Diary of W. Hedges, ed. by Yule, (Hakluyt
Soc.) Vol. II. p. ccxxvi gives Surat to Co., 20 Nov.
120. Dutch Factory Records preserved in the
India Office, London. Vols. 23-29, covering 1659-70,
are in English translations, while Vols. 30-42, covering
1670-89, are in Dutch. They are very disappointing
to the historian of Shivaji and contain very few
references to the Marathas. The volumes from 1671
onwards contain scarcely any remarks on the affairs
of Western India.
121. Storia do Mogor or travels of Manucci, tr.
by W. Irvine, 4 vols.
122. Bernier’s Travels, ed. by Constable.
123. Tavernier’s Travels, ed. by Ball, 2 vols,
124. J. Fryer's New Account of East India, ecL
by W. Crooke, 2 vols. (1909.)
125. Orme'8 Historical Fragments of the Mogul
Empire &c., London (1805.)
126. J. Grant (Duff's History of the Mahrattas,
The Madras District Manuals are the old ed.,
while the Gazetteers are the new ed.
English translations are mentioned under their
Marathi Persian or Hindi originals.
E. Portuguese.
127. Vida e accoens do famoso e feUcissimo
Sevagy...escrita par Cosine da Guarda, natural de
Murmugao. (Lisbon, 1730.) Composed in 1695
(p. 40.) Contains 168 pages. Full of gross in¬
accuracies, mistakes of persons, useless digressions,
bazar gossip and things known to us from other
sources. It may more properly be styled ‘The
marvellous romance of Shivaji,' as it contains a
minimum of facts dates and proper names and a
maximum of words and general descriptions. It tells
us nothing new that is historically true.
Dr. D. G. Dalgado of the Academy of Sciences,
Lisbon, informs me that there are no Portuguese
State-papers relating to Shivaji at Lisbon. “I have
not been able to find any document, in any of the
Archives I have consulted, with reference to
Shivaji. To my mind the reason of this is that we
take more notice of our enemies than of our friends,
and Shivaji was a friend of die Portuguese."
(15 Feb. 1919.)
J. H. da Cunha Rivara's Archivo Portaguez
Oriental, fasc. 6, does not contain any reference to
A bbreoiattons.
A. N. A lamgir-namah (Persian.)
Bom. Caz. Bombay Gazetteer, 1st ed., by Sir
J. Campbell.
B. S. Basatin-i-Salatin (Persian.)
Chit. Chitnis Bakhar of Shivaji (Marathi.)
Dig. Shioadigoijay (Marathi.)
Dil. Nuskha-i-Dilkpaha, by Bhimsen (Persian.)
F.R. English Factory Records (India Office.)
H. A. Haft Anjuman (Persian.)
Ind. At. Indian Atlas (I inch = 4 miles) Survey
of Indja.
K. K.—Khafi Khan's Muntakhab-ul-Lubab.
M. A. Masir-i-Alamgiri (Persian.)
0. C. Original Correspondence of E. I. Co.
(India Office MSS.)
Raj. Maratha Itihas Sadhan, ed. by Rajwade
and others.
Shed. Bakhar of the Bhonslas of Shedgaon.
Storia Storia do Mogor, tr. by W. Irvine,
4 Vols.
T. S. ——
Tarikh-i-Shivaji (Persian.)
Z. C. Zedhe-yanchi Shakaoali (Marathi.)
4 vols., Rs. 3-8 each.
Based entirely upon original sources, (mostly in
manuscript), viz., contemporary Persian histories,
State-papers, memoirs and letters, Marathi chronicles
and letters, English Factory Records, etc. Public and
large private libraries in India and Europe exhaust¬
ively searched for Persian MSS.
—— —
Vol. I. Lessons of Aurangzib’s reign materials
Aurangzib’s boyhood and education early viceroy-
— —
alties marriage and family war in Central Asia
sieges of Qandahar second viceroyalty of the Deccan
invasions of Golkonda and Bijapur—Shivaji’s early
conflict with Aurangzib illness of Shah Jahan
character and doings of his sons Aurangzib’s prepara¬
tions for contesting the throne.
—— ——
Vol. II. Defeat of Jaswant Singh defeat of Dara
pursuit, capture and execution of Dara capture of
— —
Dara’s eldest son struggle with Shuja war in Bengal
tragic end of Shuja captivity and execution of
— —
Murad grand coronation of Aurangzib long and
critical bibliography of authorities in Persian.
Vol. III. Aurangzib’s sons, sisters, and chief
— — —
ministers relations with the outer Muslim world
strict moral and religious regulations, “burial of
—— ——
Music” captivity, sufferings and death of Shah Jahan
conquests of Kuch Bihar, Assam, Chittagong, &c.
rebellions of frontier Afghans persecution of the
Hindus, temple destruction, Jaziya tax fully dis¬
cussed war with the Rajputs annexation of Jodhpur
— ——
Durgadas and Ajit Singh peace with Maharana
Hindu reaction Satnamis Sikh gurus Tegh Bahadur —
and Guru Govind Singh Shivaji’s letter on religious
toleration Tod’s Rajasthan criticised correct chrono¬
logy of Aurangzib’s reign, ist half second Persian
— —— — —— —
Vol. IV. Keynote of Deccan histoiy in 17th
century rise of Shivaji Afzal Khan affair, Shivaji
and Shaista Khan Jai Singh’s war with Shivaji
Treaty of Purandar invasion of Bijapur 1666 decline
of the Adil-Shahis Shivaji’s adventures, conquests,
reign, character and achievements Shambhuji’s ac¬
cession Prince Akbar in the Deccan Deccan wars
— — —
1682-1685 siege and fall of Bijapur decline of Qutb-
Shahis capture of Golkonda—Shambhuji’s war with
the Portuguese capture and execution. The only
complete history of Shambhuji in any language.
OPINIONS : Vincent A. Smith.— “I repeat with
all -sincerity that I have the highest opinion of your
learning, impartiality, and critical ability. I trust that
you may be long spared to continue your good work
of giving honest history.”
Sir R. C. Temple. “The first connected authentic
account of these two reigns of the greatest
assistance to the students of this period.”
Sir E. D. Ross. “The author seems to me to
have used all the available Persian materials and to
have used them with discrimination and care. His
manner of treating the1 subject might well serve as
a model.”
English Historical Review. “The author has been
indefatigable in consulting all accessible authorities,
many of which are still in manuscript... He writes
graphically in an easy, flowing style/1
— —
available original materials Persian, Marathi and
English most of which were unknown to Grant Duff.
The complex interaction of Deccan politics clearly
shown by references to the Muslim powers. The most
comprehensive and correct narrative of the rise of the
Marathas, with minute details and exact dates.
Sir R. C. Temple. “This new historical study
by Mr. Sarkar has come out at an opportune time,
and I have no hesitation in saying also in an oppor¬
tune manner... The book is indeed History treated
in the right way and in the right spirit... He is able
to approach the subject with the necessary detach¬
ment, and has access to the best information and the
linguistic knowledge and capacity to use them.”
recorded facts —
J. R. A. S. “A conscientious presentation of
Bold and deliberately provocative
book, merits the closest study A sound critical
V. A. Smith. “The essays are charming and with
constant practice your style has attained ease and
flexibility. (29 Dec. 1919-)
Times of India. “The book under review con¬
tains valuable sketches of Mughal times written by
one of the few competent contemporary writers on the
great period of Aurangzib.” (3 Jan. 1920.)
Athenaeum. “This should prove a useful handbook to
students of Indian History.” (18 Jan. 1913).
Asiatic Quarterly Review.—“A series of essays on
Aurangzib and his times of the most entertaining description.
First comes a life of Aurangzib, succinctly, yet attractively
written. It sets out the perfect tragaedia of Aurangzib's
(Apr. 1913).
Indian Antiquary—‘‘All the essays are brightly written,
and several contain information not hitherto available to the
English student.” (June, 1913).
— .........
Pp. 384, Rs. 3.
questions essentielles
Jules Sion. "Ce petit livte eat le meilleur travail que
nous poasedions sur I'etat economique de I' Inde Pour lea
on trouvera un expose ties concis*
mais ties substan tiel, nourri de faits et de' chiffres, et d'allure
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Sir Theodore Morison. "The author of the present book
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The conscientious investigation of detail is no less evident
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J. R. A. S. “A good little bode on a big topic.”