Agonizing Rebuke Animate Dead Animate Dead (Cont.) Archon's Aura
Agonizing Rebuke Animate Dead Animate Dead (Cont.) Archon's Aura
Agonizing Rebuke Animate Dead Animate Dead (Cont.) Archon's Aura
) Archon's Aura 3
School - illusion/phantasm CLERIC
School - necromancy CLERIC
School - evocation CLERIC
Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 standard action do not count toward this limit. Casting Time - 1 standard action
Components - V, S Components - V, S, M (an onyx gem worth at Components - V, S
least 25 gp per Hit Die of the undead) Skeletons: A skeleton can be created only from a mostly
Range - close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 level) Range - touch intact corpse or skeleton. The corpse must have bones. If a Range - 20 ft.
Target - one living creature Target - one or more corpses touched
skeleton is made from a corpse, the flesh falls off the bones. Area - 20-ft. radius centered on you
Duration - 1 round/level Duration - instantaneous Zombies: A zombie can be created only from a mostly intact
Duration - 1 minute/level
Saving Throw - Will negates; SR - yes. Saving Throw - none; SR - no corpse. Saving Throw - Will negates; SR - yes
The corpse must be that of a creature with a physical
With a word and a gesture, you instill such This spell turns corpses into undead skeletons or anatomy. You gain a powerful aura, similar to an
zombies (see the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary) that obey
apprehension about attacking you in your your spoken commands. archon's aura of menace.
target that doing so causes it mental distress
and pain. Each time the target makes an The undead can be made to follow you, or they can be Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius
made to remain in an area and attack any creature (or
attack against you, targets you with a just a specific kind of creature) entering the place. They of you must make a Will save to resist the
harmful spell, or otherwise takes and action remain animated until they are destroyed. A destroyed effects of this aura. If the creature fails, it
that would harm you, it takes 2d6 points of skeleton or zombie can't be animated again. takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and saving
nonlethal damage. Regardless of the type of undead you create with this throws and to Armor Class for the duration of
spell, you can't create more HD of undead than twice this spell, or until it successfully hits you with
your caster level with a single casting of animate dead. an attack. A creature that has resisted or
The desecrate spell doubles this limit.
broken the cannot be affected again by this
The undead you create remain under your control particular casting of archon's aura.
This functions like keen edge, except it You place a curse on the subject. Choose one of the When casting this spell, choose a single skill The target weapon turns a glossy black color
affects multiple weapons and requires your that you have at least one rank in. The target and deals bleed damage if it deals hit point
concentration. You select the weapons to be -6 decrease to an ability score (minimum 1). -4 penalty on gains a +2 insight bonus on skill checks with damage to a creature. The amount of bleed
attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. Each
affected, and can only affect one weapon per turn, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, this skill and is considered trained in that damage is equal to 1/2 your caster level
creature. If a creature's weapon exceeds the it takes no action. skill. The insight bonus increases by 1 for (maximum bleed 5).
spell's range, the spell ends for that weapon. You may also invent your own curse, but it should be no every four levels of the caster (maximum
more powerful than those described above. +6). Furthermore, once before the spell's
The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but it duration, the target can choose to roll two
can be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, checks and take the greater result. Doing so
miracle, remove curse, or wish spell. ends the spell's other effects.
Bestow curse counters remove curse.
Blessing of the Mole 3 Blindness/Deafness 3 Blood Biography 3 Blood Scent 3
School - transmutation School - necromancy School - divination School - transmutation
CLERIC CLERIC CLERIC Casting Time - 1 standard action CLERIC
Casting Time - 1 round Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 minute
Components - V, S Components - V, S, M/DF (a scrap of Components - V, S
Components - V Range - medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Range - close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range - medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) parchment) Target - one creature/2 levels, no two of which can be
Area - 1 creature/level Target - one living creature Range - touch more than 30 ft. apart
Duration - 1 minute/level Duration - permanent (D) Target - one creature's blood or one bloodstain Duration - 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw - none (harmless); SR - yes Duration - instantaneous Saving Throw - Will negates (harmless); SR - yes
(harmless) Saving Throw - Fortitude negates; SR - yes Saving Throw - Will negates (see text); SR - no (harmless)
The targets gain darkvision 30 feet and a +2 You call upon the powers of unlife to render You learn the answers to a specific set of questions about a You greatly magnify the target's ability to
creature so long as you have access to at least one drop of
competence bonus on Stealth checks. the subject blinded or deafened, as you its blood. You can cast this spell on the blood of the living or smell the presence of blood. The target is
choose. the dead, but living or undead creatures are entitled to a considered to have the scent universal
saving throw to resist the spell. You can cast the spell on
dried or fresh blood. Once you cast the spell the answers to monster ability, but only for purposes of
the following four questions appear on any flat surface you detecting and pinpointing injured creatures
designate (a wall, a piece of paper, and so on).
(below full hit points). Creatures below half
Who are you? (The name by which the creature is most their full hit points or suffering bleed damage
commonly known) What are you? (Gender, race,
profession/role) How was your blood shed? (Brief outline of are considered strong scents for this ability.
the events that caused its wound, to the best of the victim's Orcs and any creature under the effects of
knowledge) When was your blood shed? These answers rage gain a +2 morale bonus on attack and
always appear in a language you can read even if the
creature cannot speak that or any language. damage rolls against creatures they can
smell with this spell, or a +4 morale bonus if
the target's blood counts as a strong scent.
A floating chain of force with hooks at each end The subject contracts one of the following A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch,
appears within an unoccupied space of your choosing
within range. This chain is a Medium object that has a diseases: blinding sickness, bubonic plague, springs forth from an object that you touch.
10-foot reach. Physical attacks cannot hit or harm the cackle fever, filth fever, leprosy, mindfire, red The effect looks like a regular flame, but it
chain of perdition, but dispel magic, disintegrate, a ache, shakes, or slimy doom. The disease is creates no heat and doesn't use oxygen. A
sphere of annihilation, or a rod of cancellation affects it
normally. The chain's AC against touch attacks is 10 + contracted immediately (the onset period continual flame can be covered and hidden
your Charisma modifier (sorcerer), Intelligence modifier does not apply). Use the disease's listed but not smothered or quenched.
(wizard), or Wisdom modifier (cleric). frequency and save DC to determine further
The chain can perform the dirty trick (blind or entangle), effects. For more information on these Light spells counter and dispel darkness
drag, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers, using diseases, see page 557. spells of an equal or lower level.
your caster level in place of your Combat Maneuver
Bonus, and your Charisma modifier (sorcerer),
Intelligence modifier (wizard), or Wisdom modifier
(cleric) in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
The chain does not provoke attacks of opportunity for
making combat maneuvers. It suffers no penalty or
miss chance due to darkness, invisibility, or other
forms of concealment.
The food that this spell creates is simple fare This spell functions like cure light wounds, You cause ammunition, including shuriken, You touch an object when you cast this spell, causing the
object to shed bright light in a 60-foot radius. This
of your choice--highly nourishing, if rather except that it cures 3d8 points of damage + 1 to exude radiant energy. Creatures that take illumination increases the light level for an additional 60 feet
bland. Food so created decays and becomes point per caster level (maximum +15). penalties in bright light take these penalties by one step (darkness becomes dim light, dim light becomes
normal light, and normal light becomes bright light).
inedible after 24 hours, although it can be for 1 round after being struck by such Creatures that take penalties in bright light take them while
kept fresh for another 24 hours by casting a ammunition. Undead and creatures harmed within the 60-foot radius of this magical light. Despite its
name, this spell is not the equivalent of daylight for the
purify food and water spell on it. The water by sunlight take an additional 1d6 points of purposes of creatures that are damaged or destroyed by
created by this spell is just like clean rain damage from such projectiles. This extra such light.
water, and it doesn't go bad as the food damage and half of any other damage you If daylight is cast on a small object that is then placed inside
does. deal with an affected projectile results or under a light-proof covering, the spell's effects are
directly from radiant energy and is not blocked until the covering is removed.
subject to damage resistance. Such a Daylight brought into an area of magical darkness (or vice
projectile sheds light as if it were a sunrod versa) is temporarily negated, so that the otherwise
prevailing light conditions exist in the overlapping areas of
for 1 round after it is fired or thrown. effect.
With every enemy life you take, you become This spell functions as darkness, except that This spell functions like delay poison, except An object you touch emanates a 20-foot
increasingly dangerous and difficult to stop. objects radiate darkness in a 60-foot radius you divide the duration in 1-hour intervals radius of bright light. The effect looks like a
During the duration of the spell, you gain a and the light level is lowered by two steps. among the creatures touched. regular flame but creates no heat and uses
cumulative +1 luck bonus on melee attack Bright light becomes dim light and normal no oxygen. Allies within the area of this light
rolls, melee weapon damage rolls, Strength light becomes darkness. Areas of dim light gain a +2 enhancement bonus on Perception
checks, and Strength-based skill checks as and darkness become supernaturally dark. and Sense Motive checks, as well as on
well as DR 2/- each time you reduce a This functions like darkness, but even Knowledge checks to identify monsters that
qualifying opponent to 0 or few hit points creatures with darkvision cannot see within are also within the area and their special
(maximum +5 bonus and DR 10/-) with a the spell's confines. powers and vulnerabilities. When an
melee attack. A qualifying opponent has a inquisitor casts this spell, the light emanation
number of Hit Dice equal to or greater than This spell does not stack with itself. Deeper doubles (40-ft.-radius emanation) while that
your Hit Dice -4. darkness can be used to counter or dispel inquisitor has a judgment active. Light spells
any light spell of equal or lower spell level. counter and dispel darkness spells of an
equal or lower level.
Dispel Magic 3 Dispel Magic (Cont.) Dispel Magic (Cont.) Elemental Speech 3
School - abjuration CLERIC
School - divination CLERIC
Casting Time - 1 standard action For example, a 7th-level caster casts dispel magic, targeting You automatically succeed on your dispel check against Casting Time - 1 standard action
Components - V, S a creature affected by stoneskin (caster level 12th) and fly any spell that you cast yourself. Components - V, S, M (iron filings)
Range - medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) (caster level 6th). The caster level check results in a 19.
Area - one spellcaster, creature, or object This check is not high enough to end the stoneskin (which Counterspell: When dispel magic is used in this way, the Range - personal
Target - one spellcaster, creature, or object
would have required a 23 or higher), but it is high enough to spell targets a spellcaster and is cast as a counterspell. Target - you
end the fly (which only required a 17). Had the dispel check Unlike a true counterspell, however, dispel magic may not Duration - 1 minute/level
Duration - instantaneous resulted in a 23 or higher, the stoneskin would have been work; you must make a dispel check to counter the other
Saving Throw - none; SR - no dispelled, leaving the fly intact. Had the dispel check been a spellcaster's spell.
16 or less, no spells would have been affected.
You can use dispel magic to end one ongoing spell that This spell enables you to converse with creatures associated
You can also use a targeted dispel to specifically end one with a chosen element, including but not limited to true
has been cast on a creature or object, to temporarily spell affecting the target or one spell affecting an area (such
suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, or to elemental creatures. This spell gains the elemental subtype
as a wall of fire). You must name the specific spell effect to based on the version of the spell you cast. Elemental speech
counter another spellcaster's spell. A dispelled spell be targeted in this way. If your caster level check is equal to
ends as if its duration had expired. Some spells, as does not guarantee a friendly reaction; it merely enables
or higher than the DC of that spell, it ends. No other spells communication. You may converse with all creatures of the
detailed in their descriptions, can't be defeated by or effects on the target are dispelled if your check is not selected type with an Intelligence score of 1 or greater, even
dispel magic. Dispel magic can dispel (but not counter) high enough to end the targeted effect. if they do not understand one another.
spell-like effects just as it does spells. The of a spell
with an instantaneous duration can't be dispelled, If you target an object or creature that is the effect of an When cast as an air spell, you can converse in Auran and
because the magical effect is already over before the ongoing spell (such as a monster summoned by summon with any creature that has the air subtype or a fly speed.
dispel magic can take effect. monster), you make a dispel check to end the spell that
When cast as an earth spell, you can converse in Terran and
conjured the object or creature. with any creature that has the earth subtype or a burrow
You choose to use dispel magic in one of two ways: a
targeted dispel or a counterspell. speed.
If the object that you target is a magic item, you make a
dispel check against the item's caster level (DC = 11 + the When cast as a fire spell, you can converse in Ignan and with
Targeted Dispel: One object, creature, or spell is the item's caster level). If you succeed, all the item's magical any creature that has the fire subtype.
target of the dispel magic spell. You make one dispel properties are suppressed for 1d4 rounds, after which the
check (1d20 + your caster level) and compare that to item recovers its magical properties. A suppressed item When cast as a water spell, you can converse in Aquan and
the spell with highest caster level (DC = 11 + the spell's becomes nonmagical for the duration of the effect. An with any creature that has the water subtype or a swim
caster level). If successful, that spell ends. interdimensional opening (such as a bag of holding) is speed.
temporarily closed. A magic item's physical properties are
If not, compare the same result to the spell with the unchanged: A suppressed magic sword is still a sword (a
next highest caster level. Repeat this process until you masterwork sword, in fact). Artifacts and deities are
have dispelled one spell affecting the target, or you unaffected by mortal magic such as this.
have failed to dispel every spell.
Helping Hand (Cont.) Helping Hand (Cont.) Inflict Serious Wounds 3 Invisibility Purge 3
School - necromancy CLERIC
School - evocation CLERIC
4 miles | 3 hours | cracks and slits. The hand cannot travel more than 5 miles Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 standard action
from the spot it appeared when you cast the spell. Components - V, S Components - V, S
5 miles | 4 hours |
Range - touch Range - personal
Target - creature touched Target - you
Once the hand locates the subject, it beckons the creature Duration - instantaneous Duration - 1 min./level
to follow it. If the subject does so, the hand points in your
direction, indicating the most direct, feasible route. The Saving Throw - Will half; SR - yes
hand hovers 10 feet in front of the subject, moving before it
at a speed of as much as 240 feet per round. Once the
hand leads the subject back to you, it disappears. The damage dealt increases to 6d8 points of You surround yourself with a sphere of
damage + 2 points per caster level power with a radius of 5 feet per caster level
The subject is not compelled to follow the hand or act in any
particular way toward you. If the subject chooses not to (maximum +30). A living target is sickened that negates all forms of invisibility.
follow, the hand continues to beckon for the duration of the for 1 round per caster level (maximum 15
spell, then disappears. If the spell expires while the subject rounds) if it fails its saving throw. Anything invisible becomes visible while in
is en route to you, the hand disappears; the subject must
then rely on its own devices to locate you. the area.
If more than one subject in a 5-mile radius meets the
description, the hand locates the closest creature. If that
creature refuses to follow the hand, the hand does not seek
out a second subject.
You place your spirit in a receptive state so You sense the direction of a well-known or clearly visualized This spell functions like magic circle against All creatures within the area gain the effects of a
object. protection from evil spell, and evil summoned creatures
when you confirm a critical hit against a evil, except that it is similar to protection from cannot enter the area either. Creatures in the area, or
living enemy or reduce a living enemy to 0 or You can search for general items, in which case you locate chaos instead of protection from evil, and it who later enter the area, receive only one attempt to
the nearest of its kind if more than one is within range. suppress effects that are controlling them.
fewer hit points, you can steal some of that Attempting to find a certain item requires a specific and can imprison a nonlawful called creature.
creature's ki. This replenishes 1 point of ki as accurate mental image; if the image is not close enough to
If successful, such effects are suppressed as long as
the actual object, the spell fails.
long as you have at least 1 ki point in your ki they remain in the area. Creatures that leave the area
pool. This does not allow you to exceed your You cannot specify a unique item unless you have observed and come back are not protected. You must overcome a
that particular item firsthand (not through divination). creature's spell resistance in order to keep it at bay (as
ki pool's maximum. This ability does not in the third function of protection from evil), but the
stack with similar abilities (such as the steal The spell is blocked by even a thin sheet of lead. Creatures deflection and resistance bonuses and the protection
ki ability of the hungry ghost monk in the cannot be found by this spell. Polymorph any object and from mental control apply regardless of enemies' spell
nondetection fool it. resistance.
Advanced Player's Guide).
This spell has an alternative version that you may
This spell has no effect if you do not have a choose when casting it. A magic circle against evil can
be focused inward rather than outward. When focused
ki pool. inward, the spell binds a nongood called creature (such
as those called by the lesser planar binding, planar
binding, and greater planar binding spells) for a
maximum of 24 hours per caster level, provided that
you cast the spell that calls the creature within 1 round
of casting the magic circle. The creature cannot cross
the circle's boundaries. If a creature too large to fit into
Magic Circle against Evil (Cont.) Magic Circle against Evil (Cont.) Magic Circle against Good
3 Magic Circle against Law
School - abjuration School - abjuration
Casting Time - 1 standard action CLERIC Casting Time - 1 standard action CLERIC
the spell's area is the subject of the spell, the spell acts as a This task also takes 10 full minutes. If time is no factor at all,
normal protection from evil spell for that creature only. and you devote 3 hours and 20 minutes to the task, you can Components - V, S, M/DF (a 3-ft.-diameter circle of Components - V, S, M/DF (a 3-ft.-diameter circle of
take 20. powdered silver) powdered silver)
A magic circle leaves much to be desired as a trap. If the Range - touch Range - touch
circle of powdered silver laid down in the process of A successful diagram allows you to cast a dimensional Area - 10-ft.-radius emanation from touched creature Area - 10-ft.-radius emanation from touched creature
spellcasting is broken, the effect immediately ends. The anchor spell on the magic circle during the round before Duration - 10 min./level Duration - 10 min./level
trapped creature can do nothing that disturbs the circle, casting any summoning spell. The anchor holds any called Saving Throw - Will negates (harmless); SR - no; see Saving Throw - Will negates (harmless); SR - no; see
directly or indirectly, but other creatures can. If the called creatures in the magic circle for 24 hours per caster level. A text text
creature has spell resistance, it can test the trap once a creature cannot use its spell resistance against a magic
day. If you fail to overcome its spell resistance, the creature circle prepared with a diagram, and none of its abilities or
breaks free, destroying the circle. attacks can cross the diagram. If the creature tries a This spell functions like magic circle against This spell functions like magic circle against
Charisma check to break free of the trap (see the lesser evil, except that it is similar to protection from evil, except that it is similar to protection from
A creature capable of any form of dimensional travel (astral planar binding spell), the DC increases by 5. The creature is
projection, blink, dimension door, etherealness, gate, plane immediately released if anything disturbs the diagram-even good instead of protection from evil, and it law instead of protection from evil, and it can
shift, shadow walk, teleport, and similar abilities) can simply a straw laid across it. The creature itself cannot disturb the can imprison a nonevil called creature. imprison a nonchaotic called creature.
leave the circle through such means. You can prevent the diagram either directly or indirectly, as noted above.
creature's extradimensional escape by casting a
dimensional anchor spell on it, but you must cast the spell This spell is not cumulative with protection from evil and
before the creature acts. If you are successful, the anchor vice versa.
effect lasts as long as the magic circle does. The creature
cannot reach across the magic circle, but its ranged attacks
(ranged weapons, spells, magical abilities, and the like) can.
The creature can attack any target it can reach with its
ranged attacks except for the circle itself.
Any time before the duration expires, you can step out
of the stone through the surface that you entered. If the
spell's duration expires or the effect is dispelled before
You reduce the amount of uninterrupted sleep or rest This spell hides an object from location by You surge with ancestral power, temporarily You bring special favor upon yourself and
creatures within the spell's area need in order to recover
from injuries, regain spells, or other special abilities to 2 divination (scrying) effects, such as the embodying all the strengths of both your allies while bringing disfavor to your
hours instead of the normal eight. In addition, if creatures scrying spell or a crystal ball. Such an elvenkind and humankind simultaneously, enemies. You and each of your allies gain a
continue to sleep or rest beyond the initial 2 hours, every
additional 2 hours counts as a day of rest for the purpose of attempt automatically fails (if the divination is and transforming into a paragon of both +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon
recovering hit points, ability damage, as well as for enduring targeted on the object) or fails to perceive races, something greater than elf or human damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while
diseases, poisons, or other afflictions. This means 8 total
hours of sleep counts as 4 days for natural healing and for the object (if the divination is targeted on a alone. Unlike with most polymorph effects, each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such
saving throws as diseases or similar afflictions run their nearby location, object, or person). your basic form does not change, so you rolls.
course. When suffering from diseases, poison, or other
afflictions, sleepers experience vivid dreams that help them keep all extraordinary and supernatural
track their recovery. If things go poorly they can, at any time, abilities of your half-elven form as well as all
wake themselves up in order to seek a better alternative. If of your gear. For the duration of the spell,
awoken or otherwise disturbed during this 8-hour period,
creatures may return to sleep but they no longer enjoy the you receive a +2 enhancement bonus to
benefits of the accelerated recovery time. Creatures can only Dexterity and Intelligence and are treated as
enjoy the benefits of this spell once in any 1-week period.
if you possessed any one feat for which you
meet the prerequisites, chosen when you
cast this spell.
Protection from Energy 3 Raging Rubble 3 Remove Blindness/Deafness
3 Remove Curse 3
School - abjuration CLERIC
School - transmutation CLERIC
School - conjuration/healing CLERIC
School - abjuration CLERIC
Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 round Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 standard action
Components - V, S, DF Components - V, S, DF Components - V, S Components - V, S
Range - touch Range - close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range - touch Range - touch
Target - creature touched Target - creature touched Target - creature or object touched
Duration - 10 min./level or until discharged Effect - one swarm of stones Duration - instantaneous Duration - instantaneous
Saving Throw - Fortitude negates (harmless); Duration - concentration + 2 rounds Saving Throw - Fortitude negates (harmless); Saving Throw - Will negates (harmless); SR -
SR - yes (harmless) Saving Throw - none; SR - yes SR - yes (harmless) yes (harmless)
Protection from energy grants temporary You animate an area of rubble, gravel, or Remove blindness/deafness cures blindness Remove curse can remove all curses on an
immunity to the type of energy you specify other small stones, creating a dangerous, or deafness (your choice), whether the effect object or a creature. If the target is a
when you cast it (acid, cold, electricity, fire, rolling area of debris. The animated rubble is normal or magical in nature. The spell creature, you must make a caster level
or sonic). When the spell absorbs 12 points has a space of 10 feet and acts like a does not restore ears or eyes that have been check (1d20 + caster level) against the DC of
per caster level of energy damage (to a swarm, damaging (1d6 hit points) and lost, but it repairs them if they are damaged. each curse affecting the target.
maximum of 120 points at 10th level), it is distracting (DC 12) anything within it. As a
discharged. move action, you can direct the rubble to Remove blindness/deafness counters and Success means that the curse is removed.
move up to 10 feet. If the rubble is attacked, dispels blindness/deafness. Remove curse does not remove the curse
Protection from energy overlaps (and does treat it as a Medium animated object with the from a cursed shield, weapon, or suit of
not stack with) resist energy. If a character is young creature simple template and the armor, although a successful caster level
warded by protection from energy and resist swarm subtype. check enables the creature afflicted with any
energy, the protection spell absorbs damage such cursed item to remove and get rid of it.
until its power is exhausted.
Remove curse counters and dispels bestow
Remove disease can cure all diseases from This spell functions like resist energy, except For the duration of the spell, the target To use this spell, you first touch the intended
which the subject is suffering. You must you divide the duration in 10-minute intervals weapon acts as if it had the returning recipient, creating a sympathetic field of
make a caster level check (1d20 + caster among the creatures touched. weapon special ability (see page 471 of the healing energies between you.
level) against the DC of each disease Core Rulebook). This spell can be used as
affecting the target. Success means that the the prerequisite for the returning weapon Once the spell has been cast, you and the
disease is cured. The spell also kills some special ability. target may cast conjuration (healing) spells
hazards and parasites, including green slime with a range of touch upon each other so
and others. long as you are within close range (25 ft. + 5
ft./2 levels). Should either you or the target
Since the spell's duration is instantaneous, it remove your bracelet, the spell immediately
does not prevent reinfection after a new ends.
exposure to the same disease at a later
Sands of Time 3 Searing Light 3 Severed Fate 3 Share Language, Communal
School - necromancy CLERIC
School - evocation CLERIC
School - enchantment CLERIC
School - divination CLERIC
Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 standard action
Components - V, S Components - V, S Components - V, S Components - V, S, M (a page from a dictionary)
Range - touch Range - medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Range - close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range - touch
Target - touched creature or object Target - creatures touched
Duration - 10 minutes/level or instantaneous Effect - ray Target - one living creature Duration - 24 hours
(see text) Duration - instantaneous Duration - 10 minutes/level Saving Throw - Will negates (harmless); SR -
Saving Throw - none; SR - yes Saving Throw - none; SR - yes Saving Throw - Will negates; SR - yes yes (harmless)
You temporarily age the target, immediately Focusing divine power like a ray of the sun, You curse the target, preventing it from This spell functions like share language
advancing it to the next age category. The you project a blast of light from your open drawing upon the powers of destiny. The (Advanced Player's Guide 243), except you
target immediately takes the age penalties to palm. You must succeed on a ranged touch target is shaken and cannot use hero points divide the duration in 1-hour increments
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for its attack to strike your target. A creature struck for the duration of the spell. This effect can among the creatures touched.
new age category, but does not gain the by this ray of light takes 1d8 points of be removed by dispel magic, remove curse,
bonuses for that category. damage per two caster levels (maximum or other similar effects.
5d8). An undead creature takes 1d6 points
A creature whose age is unknown is treated of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6),
as if the spell advances it to middle age. and an undead creature particularly
Ageless or immortal creatures are immune to vulnerable to bright light takes 1d8 points of
this spell. damage per caster level (maximum 10d8). A
construct or inanimate object takes only 1d6
If you cast this on an object, construct, or points of damage per two caster levels
undead creature, it takes 3d6 points of (maximum 5d6).
damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum
+15) as time weathers and corrodes it. This
version of the spell has an instantaneous
Speak with Dead 3 Stone Shape 3 Summon Monster III 3 Symbol of Healing 3
School - necromancy School - transmutation School - conjuration/summoning School - conjuration/healing
CLERIC CLERIC CLERIC Casting Time - 10 minutes CLERIC
Casting Time - 10 minutes Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 round
Components - V, S, M/DF (soft clay) Components - V, S, F/DF (a tiny bag and a Components - V, S, M (mercury and phosphorous, plus
Components - V, S, DF powdered diamond and opal worth a total of 500 gp)
Range - 10 ft. Range - touch small candle) Range - 0 ft.; see text
Target - one dead creature Target - stone or stone object touched, up to 10 Range - close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Effect - one symbol
Duration - 1 min./level cu. ft. + 1 cu. ft./level Effect - one summoned creature Duration - see text
Saving Throw - Will negates; see text; SR - no Duration - instantaneous Duration - 1 round/level Saving Throw - Will half (harmless) (see text); SR - yes
Saving Throw - none; SR - no Saving Throw - none; SR - no (harmless) (see text)
You grant the semblance of life to a corpse, allowing it to You can form an existing piece of stone into This spell functions like summon monster I, This spell functions as symbol of death,
answer questions. You may ask one question per two caster
levels. The corpse's knowledge is limited to what it knew any shape that suits your purpose. While it's except that you can summon one creature except all creatures within 60 feet of the
during life, including the languages it spoke. Answers are possible to make crude coffers, doors, and from the 3rd-level list, 1d3 creatures of the symbol of healing instead are bathed in
brief, cryptic, or repetitive, especially if the creature would
have opposed you in life. so forth with stone shape, fine detail isn't same kind from the 2nd-level list, or 1d4+1 positive energy and heal 2d8 points + 1 point
possible. There is a 30% chance that any creatures of the same kind from the 1st-level of damage per caster level (maximum +15).
If the dead creature's alignment was different from yours, the
corpse gets a Will save to resist the spell as if it were alive. shape including moving parts simply doesn't list. Undead and other creatures harmed by
work. positive energy instead take 2d8 points of
If successful, the corpse can refuse to answer your
questions or attempt to deceive you, using Bluff. The soul damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum
can only speak about what it knew in life. It cannot answer +15); a Will save reduces this damage by
any questions that pertain to events that occurred after its half. A creature can only be healed or
harmed by the symbol once in any 24-hour
If the corpse has been subject to speak with dead within the period. Once triggered, the symbol remains
past week, the new spell fails. You can cast this spell on a
corpse that has been deceased for any amount of time, but active for 10 minutes per caster level.
the body must be mostly intact to be able to respond. A
damaged corpse may be able to give partial answers or
partially correct answers, but it must at least have a mouth in Symbol of healing can be made permanent
order to speak at all. This spell does not affect a corpse that with a permanency spell by a caster of 10th
has been turned into an undead creature.
level or higher for the cost of 10,000 gp.
Unravel Destiny 3 Vision of Hell 3 Water Breathing 3 Water Walk 3
School - divination School - illusion/glamer School - transmutation School - transmutation
CLERIC CLERIC Casting Time - 1 standard action CLERIC CLERIC
Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 standard action Casting Time - 1 standard action
Components - V, S, M/DF (short reed or piece of straw) Components - V, S, DF
Components - V, S, DF Components - V, M (a pinch of brimstone) Range - touch
Range - short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range - medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target - living creatures touched Range - touch
Duration - 2 hours/level; see text Target - one touched creature/level
Target - one creature Effect - 50-ft.-radius emanation Saving Throw - Will negates (harmless); SR - yes Duration - 10 min./level
Duration - 1 round/level Duration - 1 minute/level (D) (harmless) Saving Throw - Will negates (harmless); SR -
Saving Throw - Will negates; SR - yes Saving Throw - Will negates; SR - no yes (harmless)
You utter a dire portent, causing destiny and You overlay a realistic illusion of a terrifying The transmuted creatures can breathe water The transmuted creatures can tread on any
fate to unravel around the target. This hellscape upon an area. Structures, freely. Divide the duration evenly among all liquid as if it were firm ground. Mud, oil,
profoundly disturbing effect causes the target equipment, and creatures within the area are the creatures you touch. The spell does not snow, quicksand, running water, ice, and
to suffer a cumulative -2 penalty on all ability not hidden, though environmental features make creatures unable to breathe air. even lava can be traversed easily, since the
checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill take on an infernal appearance. While you subjects' feet hover an inch or two above the
checks for every hero point it possesses. are prepared for these images and are not surface. Creatures crossing molten lava still
The target can reduce this penalty by affected by them, any other creature within take damage from the heat because they are
spending hero points normally, but it takes the area must make a Will save or become near it. The subjects can walk, run, charge,
2d6 points of damage for each hero point shaken and also take a -2 penalty on saves or otherwise move across the surface as if it
spent while this spell is in effect. versus fear effects; the fear and penalty were normal ground.
persists as long as the creature remains in
the area. Devils and any lawful evil creatures If the spell is cast underwater (or while the
suffer no negative effects from this spell. subjects are partially or wholly submerged in
whatever liquid they are in), the subjects are
borne toward the surface at 60 feet per
round until they can stand on it.
An invisible vertical curtain of wind appears. It is 2 feet thick A shimmering mantle of light shrouds the
and of considerable strength. It is a roaring blast sufficient
to blow away any bird smaller than an eagle, or tear papers subject, light like a torch. The subject of the
and similar materials from unsuspecting hands. (A Reflex spell gains a +1 resistance bonus on all
save allows a creature to maintain its grasp on an object.)
Tiny and Small flying creatures cannot pass through the saving throws per four caster levels
barrier. Loose materials and cloth garments fly upward when (maximum +5 at 20th level). The subject can
caught in a wind wall. Arrows and bolts are deflected upward
and miss, while any other normal ranged weapon passing end the wrathful mantle at any time as a
through the wall has a 30% miss chance. (A giant-thrown swift action to deal 2d8 points of force
boulder, a siege engine projectile, and other massive ranged
weapons are not affected.) Gases, most gaseous breath damage to all creatures within 5 feet.
weapons, and creatures in gaseous form cannot pass
through the wall (although it is no barrier to incorporeal