Planet Earth Notes
Planet Earth Notes
Planet Earth Notes
Geologists use special suits with a metal coating to reflect the intense
temperatures of the volcano.
Nearly 2000 years ago, a volcanic eruption completely destroyed the city of
Pompeii in Roman Italy.
Section 2
2.1- What are Rocks and Minerals? (Page 369-376)
Rocks are made up of tiny little particles called grains. The appearance and
properties of a rock depend on the nature of these many grains and the particular
materials of which they are made.
The building blocks of rock are pure, naturally occurring solid materials called
minerals. All rocks are made of minerals. The most common minerals are calcite,
quartz, feldspar, mica, and hornblende.
You can classify rocks by different properties
o Colour
2.2- Three Classes of Rocks: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic (Page 377-
Igneous rocks form from hot, molten rock called magma, but by the time you hold
them in your hands, they are hard and cold. Magma may cool deep inside Earth,
or it may reach the surface before it cools. When it flows out onto the surface of
Earth either on land or beneath the ocean, it’s called lava. Examples are pegmatite
and basalt. Rock formed from magma that cooled and hardened beneath the
surface is called intrusive rock. Rock that was formed from lava cooling on the
surface is called extrusive rock.
Rocks that have layers in them are called sedimentary rocks. They form when
small pieces of rock are carried by water and wind and settle down onto the rocks
below them. The layers can also be salt or organic matter.
Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been changed. The intense heat and
pressure deep below Earth’s surface changed their appearance.
Classifying is the grouping of objects or events that have the same characteristics.
The following are tools that find mineral ore bodies:
o Remote sensing- mapping of Earth’s surface from aircraft or orbiting
satellites to find possible locations of valuable mineral deposits hidden
below the surface.
o Geophysical prospecting- using sensitive instruments to detect mineral
deposits hidden deep underground.
o Geochemical prospecting- making chemical analysis of samples taken
from the environment.
o Exploration- drilling holes to verify an ore’s body existence.
Scientists use seismographs to study the structure of the crust and mantle, which
has led to the development of a new theory to explain many of the major features
on Earth’s surface. Scientists noticed that volcanoes and earthquakes tended to
occur in the same areas around the world. They noticed distinctive deep valleys,
called trenches, under the oceans, usually near the edge of continents. They also
noticed long underwater mountain ranges called ridges.
The mountain range in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean was an important piece of
evidence in the development of the new theory to explain Earth’s surface
structures. This mountain range is called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The rock at its
top was younger than the rock surrounding the ocean floor.
The theory of plate tectonics was based on strong evidence:
o Most earthquakes and volcanoes are concentrated in specific areas.
o There are large areas on Earth where few or no earthquakes and
volcanoes occur.
o The ocean floor is spreading away from mid-ocean ridges.
o The ocean floor is moving down into deep trenches on or near the edges
of continents.
According to the theory, the lithosphere is broken up into large areas much like a
cracked eggshell. These areas are called plates. The plates usually carry both
continental and oceanic crust. All these plates are moving very slowly on a semi-
solid layer of crust. A boundary is the edge where plates meet.
A diverging boundary is one where two if Earth’s plates are moving apart. At
this type of boundary, lava flows from the ridge to form new oceanic crust.
At converging boundaries, plates are moving toward each other. We can feel
earthquakes and see mountains that grow up at or near these boundaries.
There are two types of converging boundaries. One kind happens where a
trench is formed in a process called subduction (collision between the oceanic
and continental plates where the dense, heavy ocean plate slides below the
lighter continental plate). The second kind happens where two plates with
continental crust move up against each other. They crush to form huge
mountain ranges.
The third type of boundary is called a transform boundary. Plates slide
sideways past each other, but the sliding does not take place smoothly. The
rocks catch and cause earthquakes.
A mountain is part of Earth’s surface that is much higher than the land around it.
A mountain range is a series of mountains. Mountain building is the process of
creating mountains. They form from plates colliding.
Read Building the Mountains: An Alberta Story (Page 403- 404)
The collision of plates caused sedimentary rocks to bend and break causing folds.
Faults occur wherever the rocks on either side of the crack moved. Most
mountains are created by a combination of folding and faulting.
There are two kinds of folds found in rocks:
o an anticline or an upfold in the rock
o a syncline or a downfold in the rock
Fossils are traces of once living things that are preserved in rocks. They form when
animals or plants die and sink to the bottom of a body of water. There, they are
buried by layers of sediments. This means fossils are the same age as the
sedimentary rock in which they are found.
Paleontologists are scientists who study early life forms by interpreting animal
and plant fossils. Often, the fossils that are found are not complete, consisting of
only parts of skeletons, shells or other animal traces.
How living things become fossils:
o First, sediments quickly have to bury the original plant of animal remains
so that scavengers and decomposers do no break them down.
o A cavity is created as the original organic form decays which is then filled
by other sediments which harden into rock.
o In other cases, a fossil can be formed when the original organism is slowly
replaced by mineral crystals.
A trace fossil is a cavity or track left behind by an organism. Another type of fossil
is a cast. Casts are the filled-in cavities left by the original organic bodies.
Fossilization is a process that can take thousands of years and only happen under
certain circumstances.
The layers of sediment that have formed over millions of years are called strata.
The fossil records show a sequence of different life forms appearing through time.
The ability to reconstruct fossils based on knowledge of current living things is an
important part of understanding the history of life on Earth. Much of what science
knows about fossils comes from educated guesses, or inferences.