Coding and Programming in C++ Language II (7261-229) - Code Presentation & Maintenance
Coding and Programming in C++ Language II (7261-229) - Code Presentation & Maintenance
Coding and Programming in C++ Language II (7261-229) - Code Presentation & Maintenance
4· handle comments
1 cFirstCharacter
5 iFirstNumber
There are few restrictions on the names a programmer may use for variables.
The name must start with a letter or underscore (_) character, optionally
followed by one or more further letters, underscores or digits. Further, the final
name may not match a C++ keyword. Some compilers only examine the first
eight characters of a variable name, so it pays to ensure that all variables differ
within this area.
It is not permissible to place spaces into variable names - the compiler uses
them to recognise the beginning and end of program statements. Instead, if a
space is required either use the _ character or capitalise the first letter of the
next word. For example if you wish to call a variable cDays of the week
the following would be acceptable definitions:
char cdays_of_the_week;
char cDaysOfTheWeek;
Variable names should always be chosen carefully to aid both the developer
and those who succeed to follow the source code. They should reflect the data
they hold, for example an integer that holds an identification number for a
product may be called iProductNumber;
It is common for the data type of the variable to be indicated by the first
character of the variable name - c for char, i for integer, f for float, etc.
The C++ compiler converts source files into object code. As a computer
program it is unconcerned with the legibility of the code, but humans do not
have this ability - consistent spacing within the file is essential for them. The
following two code fragments will be happily processed by the compiler, but
one is much easier for humans to handle than the other.
Fragment 1:
int iNumber1;
iNumber1 = 17;
Fragment 2:
iNumber1 =
Logical blocks within a program, such as functions, loops, decision blocks, etc.
are enclosed by { } braces. It is common practice to line the braces of a
logical block up, such that the opening and closing brace are above one
another. Code within these blocks is indented so the logical block may be
easily seen. An example:
void main ()
cout << “Hello, “;
cout << “world\n”;
Blocks of code may be nested (don’t worry that you have not yet met the for
loop), as in:
void main ()
cout << “Hello, “;
cout << “world”;
Variables and function names are usually lower case, an exception being
where the developer wishes to use a number of words in a variable or function
name (for example fValueOfPi) in which case mixed case is permitted.
Examples include:
int icolour;
float fCurrentTemperature;
Handle comments
A comment is text placed into source code with the intention of providing notes
to developers and future maintainers. Anything can be placed within comments
as the compiler will ignore them. A well structured C++ source file should
contain plenty of comments.
A comment block is started with /* and ended with */. All text between these
markers is ignored, whether it covers 1, 10 or 100 lines. Comment blocks are
often used to describe code that is to follow, for example it may describe the
purpose of a function, when it was written, etc. as in the following:
/* */
/* Function name: main */
/* */
/* Description: Main function of the program. */
/* */
/* Parameters: none */
/* */
/* Returns: none */
/* */
/* Change History: */
/* */
/* 10/10/1998 Function creation by RF */
/* */
void main ()
cout << “Hello World\n”;
A comment line begins with // with the compiler ignoring everything that
follows on the current line. These may exist on a line of their own or at the end
of a line processed by the compiler, for example:
void main ()
// Display a message to the user
Programmers should always make the operation of their program as easy and
straight forward as possible for the end user. A major step forward in this area
is to provide clear and unambiguous user instructions for the operation of the
program, both succinctly on screen and in accompanying paper