Student of Nursing Science Program, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Lecturer of Nursing Science Program, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Bendungan Sutami No.188, Sumbersari, Malang 65145
Corresponding Author:
Key words: Hypercholesterolemia, Wet Cupping Therapy, Cholesterol level reduction, blood
cholesterol level
Stroke, acute myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease (CHD) in Indonesia still
occupy the first position as a disease causing death. Household Health Survey (SKRT) in 1998
diseases classified in the disease circulatory system reached a number of 24.4%, an increase
from 1985 at 5.9%. Ministry of Health Research and Development Agency stated that the
percentage of deaths due to cardiovascular disease increased from 5.9% (1975) to 9.1% (1986)
and 19.0 (1995). One of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease is high cholesterol or
2007). According to a 2002 World Health Organization (WHO) report, 4.4 million deaths were
due to hypercholesterolemia or 7.9% of total deaths at a young age (WHO, 2008). In Indonesia
13.4% for women and 11.4% for men, whereas in MONICA II (1998) study increased to 16.2%
for women and 14% for men. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in rural communities in
2004 reached 200-248 mg / dl or reached 10.9% of the total population. Patients in the younger
generation of the age of 25-34 years reached 9.3%. Women became the group most suffered
from this problem that is 14.5% or almost double the male group. Factors causing
hypercholesterolemia include heredity, high-fat diet, lack of exercise and smoking habits
(Setiati, 2009).
cupping therapy that has recently become more popular in the community and gained
credibility in the world of health biomedicine (Hill, 2003). The survey showed that about one-
third of the UK population (Ernst, 1996) and slightly higher in the United States (Wootton and
Sparber, 2001) use bruises in addressing various health problems such as hypertension,
headache, low back pain, stroke rehabilitation, and hypercholesterolemia ( Lee, 2001).
dirty blood in the form of toxids / toxins from the body through the skin surface (Jide, 2008).
Cupping itself is divided into four kinds, namely dry bruises, cupping skates, cupping and wet
bruises (Zhen, 2011). The benefits of cupping therapy are among others to increase
endurance (promotif), prevention of disease (preventive), cure of disease (curative) and post-
sickness treatment (rehabilitative). Cupping therapy does not cause severe side effects can
only cause inconvenience caused by the former pengepokan and penyayatan dikulit but the
former will disappear within 2-3 days. So the cupping therapy is safe to do. In this study the
curing is done by a professional and trained therapist. Based on this, researchers are
interested to see the phenomenon that exists to be able to prove the "Effectiveness of Wet
This research is pre-experimental study without control group with One Group Pretest-
Posttest Design approach done in the period of January 2012 until February 2012. Population
was the patient who have hypercholesterolemia at Rumah Sehat Dompet Dhuafa, Balikpapan,
East Kalimantan. The samples were taken by purposive sampling technique and 23 patients
with inclusion criteria were male or female, age 25-50 years old, had history or suffered
Dompet Dhuafa, Balikpapan, and they did not use other therapies.
Independent variable of research was wet cupping therapy and dependent variable was
the reduction of cholesterol level. While confounding variable were consumption pattern of
food containing high fat, weight, smoking, history of hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and
were an observation sheet and digital cholesterol monitoring system (cholesterol monitoring
t count is greater than t table with degrees of freedom (db = n-1) and alpha 5% (t hit> t table)
or significance value less than alpha 5% (sig <alpha). For analysis we used Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software 20. (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL)
Research subjects were 25 respondents. Respondents grouped by age with average value
43.12, median 42 and standard deviation 9.67. The percentage of respondents was mostly in
middle age group (between 40-60 years old) with 52% percentage. (Table 1) Respondents
consisted of 13 female or 52% and 12 male or 48%. The highest percentage of respondents was
in the overweight group with BMI 23-27,49 with 52% percentage. Based on family history that
has high cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia there were 13 respondents (52%) answered yes
and 12 respondents (48%) who answered no. The respondents who used therapy other than wet
cupping therapy which is medical therapy (doctor) amounted to 4 people or (16%), while
respondents who use wet cupping therapy alone were 21 respondents (84%).
that they never had any physical activity/exercise. Respondents who answered rarely doing
exercise were 4 people (16%), who answered doing fitness 1 person (4%), who answered
jogging and fitness 1 person (4%) and who answered doing morning walk 3 people (12%).
(Figure 5) Respondents who did not have a history of diseases other than cholesterol amounted
to 14 people (56%), who had a history of hypertension as many as 7 people (28%), 1 person's
had heart history (4%), history of hypertension and vertigo numbered 2 people 8%), and for
The distribution of cholesterol levels based on the total cholesterol prestest classification,
obtained an average value of 219,52 mg/dl, median 218 mg/dl and standard deviation 16,84
mg/dl, with minimum value 202 mg/dl and maximum value 260 mg/dl. Total cholesterol levels
after treatment (posttest) were obtained an average value of total cholesterol 185,76 mg/dl,
median 192,00 mg/dl and standard deviation 32,97 mg/dl, minimum value 116 mg/dl and
The result of cholesterol calculation of hypercholesterolemia patients after wet cupping therapy
was found to decrease by 34,16 mg/dl with median value 28 mg/dl and standard deviation
(Sd)= 26,11 mg/dl, with minimum value 0 mg/dl and maximum value 105 mg/dl. (Table 3)
/ SPSS 15 (attached) on variable Cholesterol levels before treatment (pretest) and after
treatment (posttest). In table 5.5 we get the value of significance for the variable before
treatment got P value/significance = 0203 (P> 0,05) and variable after treatment got P value /
significance = 0,843 (P> 0,05). Both of these variables follow normal distribution because the
value of significance is greater than alpha 5% (0.05). From these results we can use the
parametric test with paired T-test statistic for further analysis (Table 4).
H1 hypothesis is accepted if t-count is greater than t-table with degrees of freedom (db=n-
1) and alpha 5% (t-count> t-table) or the significance value smaller than alpha 5% (sig <alpha).
The value of t-table obtained with n=24 was 2.064. The results of the T-Test Dependent (paired
sample test) using computerized program/SPSS 15 (attached) on the variable cholesterol levels
before treatment (pretest) and after treatment (posttest). The value of t-count was 6.414 and
significance/P value of 0.000. Because t-count> t-table (6,414> 2,064) and significance
said that there is a very significant difference between the variables before and after treatment
that means wet cupping therapy was effective in reducing cholesterol levels in patients with
hypercholesterolemia (Table 4). The result from descriptive statistical data showed that average
cholesterol level before treatment equal to 219,52 mg/dl and after treatment equal to 185,76
mg/dl (attached). From the average it can be concluded that there is a decrease in cholesterol
The average age of respondents were 43.12 years, and most respondents were aged
between 40-60 years, as many as 13 people or 52%. The results of the analysis found the
relationship between age and total cholesterol level, total cholesterol will increase with age
(Robbins and Kumar, 2000). Increasing the age of a person will decrease the ability of LDL
receptors, this causes LDL in the blood increases. In the United States cholesterol levels in both
men and women begin to increase at the age of 20 years. The cholesterol level of women before
menopause (45-60 years) is lower than in men of the same age. After menopause women's
cholesterol levels will usually increase to be higher than men (Imam, 2004).
Based on the American Heart Association in 2007 that men have a greater risk (within
a certain period) of heart attack and the incidence is earlier than in women. Some women use
oral contraceptives and during pregnancy will increase cholesterol levels. In pregnant women
cholesterol levels will return to normal 20 weeks after giving birth. Premenopausal women
appear to be more protected from CHD because they have higher HDL levels than men and
postmenopausal women (Robbins and Kumar, 2000). Estrogen is believed to prevent the
formation of plaque in arteries by raising HDL levels and decreasing LDL levels (Umar 2004)
Therefore, postmenopausal women have a higher risk than before (A.Maximin, LS Rust, and
Most respondents were overweight with BMI between 23-27.49. The result of previous
research on the relationship between age and BMI was found the prevalence of CHD by 17.5%,
12.5% were men and 22.5% were women. Total cholesterol levels between men (231.1±43.2
mg/dL) and women (225.3±39.0 mg/dL) did not differ significantly, but there was a significant
difference between HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels (Martiem Mawi (2003) The total
cholesterol in men and women is increasing with increasing BMI values.The results of this
study are consistent with studies conducted in Finland showing that serum cholesterol levels
are positively associated with BMI. others showed that increased BMI was associated with
increased cholesterol and tyriglyceride levels, lower HDL cholesterol and increased LDL
related to the results of the study of medical experts who showed that various diseases have a
the illness seems to be linked. This situation can be explained by the biological or genetic
sciences that chromosomes are part of the cell that contains the properties of offspring
Most respondents who have high cholesterol never do physical activity that is as much
as 16 people (64%). Physical activity in question is a daily activity and exercise habits. Exercise
can raise HDL cholesterol levels. Exercise is also very beneficial because it can improve lung
and myocardial function, decrease body weight so as to reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and
blood. Cholesterol in the blood generally comes from the diet that is consumed. High
cholesterol can be obtained from fatty food habits such as fried coconut oil, palm oil, avocado,
The average cholesterol level before wet cupping therapy was 219.52 mg/dl with a
median data point of 218 mg/dl means that 50% of the cholesterol content was above 218 mg/dl
and the rest was below, with a standard deviation of 16.84 mg/dl. Minimum value was obtained
to be 202 mg/dl and maximum value was 260 mg/dl. Cholesterol levels measured were total
cholesterol levels. So the average cholesterol level was ≥ 200 mg/dl. A person is said to be
suffering from hypercholesterolemia when the total plasma cholesterol level is ≥200mg / dl.
Total plasma cholesterol levels of 200mg/dl are equivalent to LDL cholesterol levels of 130
mg/dl (Anwar, 2003). There is no influence of other factors in the measurement of cholesterol
levels before treatment was given, such as drugs. So the cholesterol level measured is the total
obtained to be 219,52 mg/dl and after treatment by wet cupping therapy was 185,76 mg/dl. The
average total cholesterol reduction after wet cupping therapy was done in 25
hypercholesterolemia patients was 33,76 mg/dl. So that there was a significant change from
The results of this study were the same as the previous study done by Suyono (2010)
that the average value of cholesterol before wet cupping therapy was 204.93 mg/dl and after
the therapy was 187.53 mg/dl. The difference is indicated by the decrease total cholesterol
levels between before and after cupping therapy with average reduction value of 17,4
Meanwhile, if seen from significance value (p = 0.0001), the value was less than α = 0.05 which
means that blood cholesterol level can be decrease using wet cupping therapy.
Cupping therapy was performed at specific points associated with the mechanism of
the disease. Cupping therapy is done by giving injuries to the three points of the body, namely
hump, right scapula and left scapula. Hump point is a point that serve as a source of healing
various diseases. This point is the meeting point of all the blood that flows throughout the body
(Ahmadia (2008), Fatahillah (2007) and Firy (2007) so that the placement was done in the hope
it will clean the blood circulation and also gives autoregulation effect. There are 3 physiological
mechanism influenced by wet cupping therapy, they are the nervous system, the hematological
system and the immune system (Ahmadia et al., 2009) The mechanism of the nervous system
provides regulatory effects of neurotransmitters and hormones such as serotonin, dopamine,
endorphin, CGRP (Calcitoni-Gene Related Peptide) and acetylcholine (Ahmadia et al, 2009;
Ullah, 2007) All the hormones are excreted as toxic substances in the body. Other toxic
substances that come out of the body were histamine and bradykinin (Nilawati et al, (2008).
The mechanism of the hematological system gives the main effect through coagulation-
hematocrit, increased blood flow and increased oxygenation of organ(Ahmadia et al, 2008).
Wet cupping therapy provides a primary effect through immune system irritation with
products such as interferon and TNF (Tumor Necrotizing Factor), the influence of thymus,
regulates lymph metabolism (Ahmadia et al, 2008). The curing attempt of wet cupping therapy
nervous system of the kidney. Strong stimulation of the noradrenergic sympathetic nervous
system of the kidney causes a considerable decrease in the blood of the kidneys. This effect is
to be due to the influence of hematologic system mechanisms that have a major effect through
the coagulation-anticoagulation regulatory system with increased blood flow and increased
oxygenation of organs (Ahmadia et al, 2008). Given liver is a place of blood filtration for
various toxic substances that enter into the body through the mechanism of the hematological
system and this mechanism that can decrease the blood cholesterol level can be done (Ahmadia
et al, 2008).
Decreasing cholesterol can slow pfatty laque buildup and can also reduce the size of
existing plaque. Intervention by providing cupping therapy can help prevent heart attacks,
strokes, and reduce the risk of death. Several factors influence the decrease of cholesterol level
such as knowledge of hypercholesterolemia patient, low fat diet, exercise, and medicine. In
addition to cupping therapy with the aim of lowering cholesterol levels, factors that affect the
reduction of cholesterol levels should also be considered and cannot be ignored. That's why
cupping therapy is not a substitute for treatment but as a complement or companion treatment
Based on the Dependent T-Test (simple paired test) it was found that giving wet
This is because in every process of cupping therapy skin suction was done and then followed
by collecting dead tissue and blood under the skin. It has the potential to heal the disease, which
after skin exploitation will continue by removing blood, the skin temperature in the local area
will increase. This is accompanied by capillary dilatation and increased vascular permeability,
resulting in improved metabolism. This process also results in improved blood circulation,
removes static blood, removes pathogens and wet pathogens and relieves pain, releases blood
The results of this study are the same as the research done by Fikri (2010). His
study obtained the average value of cholesterol before the therapy was given a bruise of 238.7
mg/dl and obtained the average cholesterol levels after the therapy cupping amounted to 207.9,
so the average decline was 30.78, after cupping therapy. Cupping therapy was performed
within approximately 30-45 minutes each person, as well as a significant reduction of the
results before and after broth therapy. The majority of respondents experienced a cholesterol
decrease due to the effects of cupping therapy, this is because cupping therapy pull out toxic
substances including cholesterol that is not excreted by the body through the surface of the skin
by injuring the skin and exploitation. Cupping therapy also provides the effect of relaxation
and vasodilation on the blood vessels so that it can improve blood circulation (Umar, 2010).
and based on T-dependent test results found that wet cupping therapy was effective as a
Table 4 Normality Test Result and T-Dependen test (Paired Sample Test)