BIABacus PR1.3T - Haus Pale Ale (Casc - Mosaic) - Batch 1a
BIABacus PR1.3T - Haus Pale Ale (Casc - Mosaic) - Batch 1a
BIABacus PR1.3T - Haus Pale Ale (Casc - Mosaic) - Batch 1a
The BIABacus
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BIAB Recipe Designer, Calculator and Scaler - Putting the Beer of God into You!
Haus Pale Ale
Expected Original Gravity: 1.051 IBU (Tins): 35.6 ABV: 4.9 % Kettle Capacity: 14.5 L
Bitterness to Gravity Ratio: 0.697 Colour (EBC): 10.5 FG: 1.013 Desired Volume into Fermentor (V
This recipe requires an Original Gravity (OG) of : 1.051 For this batch though, I'd like to try an OG of:
Best Pale Ale 6 3.0 3628 8.00 76.2 Best Pale Ale
Totals: 10.0 5.1 4761 F 10.50 100 Col: 9.07 Totals: 10.5
METHODS: Blank = Mashed, S = Steeped and B = Boiled Only. If fermentable bill contains extract
D. The Hop Bill
I'm copying the recipe from an external source. The original recipe's Volume of Ambient Wort (VAW) was:
I'm designing my own recipe or wish to change the original recipe's bitterness. Please just set my Desired
Name, Form & Method AA% Mins Grams Ounces Tinseth Substituted With AA%
Pure BIAB (Full-Volume Mash): 60 mins at 66.65 C = 152.0 F Ingredient Name Orig.
Temp Reached: C= F Check temp before pitching. Pitching temperature attained with secon
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Haus Pale Ale ?
Batch Number: Brewing Date:
of BIAB - All-Grain Brewing in A Bag
Pitching Date: Packaging Date:
tributor or user only make changes to input fields.
God into You! Version PR 1.3T Click here to check for latest offical version.
cm = 13.39 in (Internal Diameter) Total Water Needed (TWN): 8.62 Litres = 2.28
cm = 6.30 in (Centre Internal Height) [Hot] Strike Water Needed (SWN): 8.79 Litres = 2.32
L = 3.84 Gal Boil for: 60 min Mash Volume: 9.62 Litres = 2.54
ume into Fermentor (VIF): 5.00 L = 1.32 Gal Volume into Boil (VIB): 7.92 Litres = 2.09
25 12.6903553299
53 0.12 4.7 4.7469019114
L. Your Actual Pre-Pitching Volumes
7.1 1.1
2.8 0.10 PE 4.5 28.6525510778
7.1 1.1
2.8 0.10 PE 1.8
Extra Water Added to Fermentor: Litres =
0.0436793366 39.2646070325
7.1 1.1
3.2 0.11 PE 0.0
Three Sub-Categories
12.8 1.1
1.4 0.1087200877
0.05 PE 4.1 F
F O. At Pitching
1.4 0.05 PE 1.6
12.8 0.0436793366
N/A Q. Packaging
ently with their first brews. They can then grow naturally
ure that the good work done here to date goes not get
d most efficiently.
Always save files in .xls format. Whilst only a spreadsheet, The BI
and more are planned. There are
sure you are registered at BIABrew
Always save your original recipe and batches in separate files. developments and can explore th
For users without Microsoft Excel, Libre Office is recommended.
0.10 Gal cm = L cm = L
1.22 Gal in = G in = G
0.61 Gal All estimates assume dilutions below will be made so be careful!
1.85 Gal Current Liquor to Grain ratio is: 7.75 l/kg = 3.71 qt/lb
1.95 Gal
1.85 Gal The BIABacus assumes an extract potential on a 'Fine Grind As Is' basis.
The default setting for all fermentables is 80% Fine Grind Dry Basis and
1.040 /0 4% Moisture Content. This is equivalent to an FGAI of 76.8% or 35.49
ppg. You can over-ride this default below.
8.4 EBC
% 283.8621822497
Best Pale Ale % % % ppg 76.2024784709
89.8 % 70.9655455624
Vienna % % % ppg 19.0506196177
85.0 % 17.682704848
CaraHELL % % % ppg 4.7469019114
? % % % ppg
? 16.5817434537
% % % ppg 35.49
Gal 4.1317243887
% % % ppg 35.49
3.90 35.49
OG in Plato
FG in Plato 35.49
t at 1.01
% % % ppg 35.49
only a spreadsheet, The BIABacus contains many features not seen before
re are planned. There are also many hidden layers to the BIABacus. Make
u are registered at to ensure you are notified of all future
ments and can explore the hidden or non-obvious benefits of The
Pitched: Packed:
Weight Miscellaneous
Priming Sugars
Volume (Metric & Imperial)
WHEN PRIMING 121 grams or
1.000 L= 1000 ml 1000 ml = 1.000 L
Is equivalent to: 105 grams or
10.000 L= 2.200 G 5.000 G= 22.730 L
Is equivalent to: 137 grams or
1.00 L= 0.88 qt 18.00 qt = 20.46 L
Is equivalent to: 147 grams or
1.00 L= 1.76 pt 8.00 pt = 4.55 L
Is equivalent to: 158 grams or
1000 ml = 0.220 G 0.22 G= 1000 ml
Is equivalent to: 189 grams or
Is equivalent to: 189 grams or
1000 ml = 0.88 qt 1.00 qt = 1137 ml
* Corn sugar is also known as gluco
1000 ml = 1.76 pt 2.00 pt = 1137 ml
** Also use this amount for demera
1000 ml = 35.20 floz 35.00 floz = 994 ml Note: Unbolded ingredients can vary in th
*** Note that the BIABAcus uses Metric and US Customary Units only on all other sheets.
1.00 in = 2.54 cm
68.0 F= 20.0 C
Colour Conversion
Priming Sugars
fic Gravity
of this section.
4.195 kg 8.600 kg
kg 17.100 kg
L 16.667 L
lb lb
lb lb
lb lb
lb lb
[b]Recipe Overview[/b]
Source Recipe Link:
ABV: 4.9% (assumes any priming sugar used is diluted.)
Note: If extracts, sugars or adjuncts are not followed by an exclamation mark, go to (needs link)
76.2% Best Pale Ale (6 EBC = 3 SRM) 848 grams = 1.87 pounds
19.1% Vienna (8 EBC = 4.1 SRM) 212 grams = 0.47 pounds
4.7% CaraHELL (25 EBC = 12.7 SRM) 53 grams = 0.12 pounds
[b]Mash Steps[/b]
Mash Type: Pure BIAB (Full-Volume Mash): Saccharifiaction for 60 mins at 66.7 C = 152 F
[b]Miscellaneous Ingredients[/b]
Secondary Used: N
Req. Volumes of CO2: 2.4
Serving Temp: 5 C = 41 F
Condition for 15 days.