Farm Dams Fact

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Farm dams – Best practice guidelines i

Prepared by
Rural Solutions SA, on behalf of the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
Craig Liddicoat, Peter Ciganovic, Mark Sindicic and Stuart Wright

Steve Moore, retired Senior Engineering Hydrologist Primary Industries and Resources South
Australia (PIRSA)

Revisions by
Dave Cunningham - May 2011
Seb Drewer - May 2011

For further information, please contact….

David Cunningham or Seb Drewer

Water Resources Assessment Officer
Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board (EPNRMB)
PO Box 2916

Phone: (08) 8688 3111

Fax: (08) 8682 5644

29 March 2010
Revised Version: May 2011


1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Scope of this document .............................................................................................. 2
2. Permits and approvals ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1. Why control dam development? ................................................................................. 4
2.2. Establishing new dams ............................................................................................... 4
2.3. Modifying existing dams and catchments ................................................................... 5
3. Regional background ......................................................................................................... 6
4. Siting .................................................................................................................................. 7
4.1. General principles ....................................................................................................... 7
4.1.1. Types of farm dams ............................................................................................ 7
4.1.2. Size and storage ratio ....................................................................................... 11
4.1.3. Catchment or source of water ........................................................................... 14
4.1.4. Soils for foundation and bank materials ............................................................ 19
4.1.5. Site dams as close as possible to where water is used ..................................... 28
4.1.6. Spillway or by-pass site ..................................................................................... 28
4.1.7. Protecting sensitive environments ..................................................................... 28
5. Design .............................................................................................................................. 29
5.1. Dam capacities – upper limits to ensure equitable sharing ....................................... 29
5.2. Stock water requirements ......................................................................................... 34
5.3. Minimising evaporation ............................................................................................. 36
5.4. Dam embankment design ......................................................................................... 38
5.5. Other features of dam design ................................................................................... 40
5.6. Multiple use / wildlife conservation & Vegetation ...................................................... 52
5.7. Enhancing runoff in low rainfall areas ....................................................................... 53
6. Construction ..................................................................................................................... 61
6.1. General principles ..................................................................................................... 61
6.2. Example specifications for the construction of dams with bulldozers ........................ 63
7. Management .................................................................................................................... 68
7.1. Protecting water quality ............................................................................................ 68
7.2. Controlling evaporation ............................................................................................. 69
7.3. Desilting.................................................................................................................... 75

7.4. Monitoring potential problems ................................................................................... 76
8. Key contact people ........................................................................................................... 79
9. Glossary ........................................................................................................................... 80
10. References and further reading .................................................................................... 81
Appendix 1. Regional mapping information ............................................................................. 85
Appendix 2. Principles of dam construction (in priority catchments) ........................................ 92
Appendix 3. Design considerations for equitable sharing and environmental purposes (outside
priority catchments) ................................................................................................................. 96
Appendix 4. Examples of low flow bypass designs .................................................................. 98
Appendix 5. Water testing factsheet and water quality guidelines to salinity tolerences ........ 103

Water has always been an important factor
for farming on Eyre Peninsula. This fact has
been reinforced by the recent run of dry
years, 2006 - 2009. With generally low rainfall

Photo: Peter Ciganovic

(under 500mm), high evaporation rates,
permeable soils and flat landscapes – there is
a lack of abundant runoff and surface water
resources on EP (EPNRMB 2009b).
Despite this relative water scarcity, a
substantial proportion of Eyre Peninsula
farms rely on dams and catchment drains to
provide both critical livestock water supplies
and water for domestic uses.
The majority of dams occur in the southern and eastern ranges, where surface water flows are
generally ephemeral and responsive to dominant winter rainfall. Salinity has become a major
threat in the region (EPNRMB 2009b), a result of inherent factors (rainfall, evaporation and flat
landscapes) and compounded by vegetation clearance for agriculture, which has altered the
hydrology and salt movement in the landscape.
Increasing adoption of minimum and no-till farming practices (for production and
environmental benefits), and a run of dry years, have resulted in many farm dams struggling to
capture enough water to sustain existing stock and domestic requirements. Water is now very
often limiting the current and potential expansion of livestock enterprises.
Areas for improvement in the establishment and management of farm dams on Eyre Peninsula
have been identified. Dams are often poorly constructed due to inadequate compaction or are
built using unsuitable soil types. Siting of dams in low lying areas prone to salinisation has also
been an issue of concern on Eyre Peninsula. Many farms have an abundance of small stock
dams which invariably go dry or saline. Water lost to evaporation could often support
significant additional stock numbers.
Issues of water supply and delivery to livestock on Eyre Peninsula are being addressed
through the Sustainable Stock Water Supply Project run by the Eyre Peninsula Natural
Resources Management Board (EPNRMB or ‘the Board’). This document (Farm Dams – A
Guide to siting, design, construction and management on Eyre Peninsula ) aims to provide
technical information to support landholders in key areas of dam siting, design, construction
and management.
The wide variety of issues that need to be considered will be covered through discussion of
both generally applicable and situation-specific best practice principles.
A list of references and further reading is provided for the reader to find more detailed
information on particular topics of interest.

EP Farm Dams – Best Practice Guidelines 1


This document provides guidelines and introduces key concepts associated with farm dams.
Its intended audience includes farmers, advisors, dam builders, earthmoving contractors and
natural resource management (NRM) workers.
This Guide can be seen as a combination of:
 principles to ensure equitable sharing of the water resource and protection of
environmental assets
 design features to provide stable, safe and effective dam structures
 further information to optimise water supplies for farmers
This document is not intended to replace the need for appropriate professional engineering
advice, particularly in areas concerning dam construction where the failure of built structures
may endanger life, property or important environmental assets.
Professional consulting engineers should be engaged in such circumstances.
Figure 1 below depicts some of the terminology used when discussing dams. Figure 2
provides an outline of the content of this document.

Figure 1. Dam terminology

1. Introduction

2. Permits & Approvals

 Factors to consider
3. Regional Background  Types of dams
 Size & cost-effectiveness
 Catchment issues
4. Siting  Suitability of soils
 Sites to avoid

5. Design  Size limits for equitable sharing

 Runoff estimates
 Enhancing runoff in low rainfall
6. Construction  Stock water requirements
 Water security
 Spillways
 Low flow bypass
 Controlling sediment & nutrient
7. Management inflows

 Tips for successful construction

 Correct moisture levels to
achieve compaction

 Protecting water quality

8. Key Contact People  Monitoring
 Controlling evaporation
 Desilting
9. Glossary  Causes of dam failure

10. References & Further



Figure 2. Outline of content in this Farm Dams: – A Guide to siting, design, construction and
management on Eyre Peninsula )


Key points
 EPNRMB staff can provide advice on permits and approvals.
 In priority (southern EP) catchments new dams, and
modifications to existing dams, require permits, capacities are
restricted and principles of construction need to be followed
(see Figure 22, page 26).
 Across South Australia, dams above 5ML in capacity or with a
dam wall height of 3 metres or above will require
development approval from the local council.


Rules are needed to protect downstream users and to ensure the resource is shared equitably
between water users and the environment. This is particularly important where levels of dam
development are high (e.g. southern Eyre Peninsula).
The approval process (through the EPNRMB) also allows critical aspects of dam design to be
considered – such as preserving low flows for vulnerable water dependent ecosystems.
Larger dams are controlled under the Development Act 1993 and regulations, due to the risks
of failure to public safety, property and the environment.


Establishing a new dam is a water affecting activity (WAA), however permit requirements will
vary between regions. Due to significant levels of existing development and potential impacts
to sensitive water-dependent ecosystems, ‘priority catchments’ within southern Eyre Peninsula
have been identified, as outlined in the Board’s latest Plan (EPNRMB 2009a). Proposed new
dams in the Hundreds1 of the priority catchments (also see Figure 22) require permit approvals
through the EPNRMB and have restrictions on the allowable dam volumes (Section 5.1).
Proposed new dams in more northern regions (ie. Hundreds not listed in the footnote below),
and under the ‘development size’ (see below) do not require permits.
Is development approval under the Development Act 1993 required?
In some cases it will be. For example, if the dam wall is higher than 3 metres above the natural
surface of the ground or has a capacity greater than 5 Megalitres (ML).

1The dam construction objectives and principles of Section 127(5)(a) [EPNRMB 2009a] – see Appendix 2 -
apply only in the Hundreds of Ulippa, Cummins, Stokes, Yaranyacka, Warrow, Mortlock, Koppio, Hutchison,
Wanilla, Louth, Lake Wangary, Uley, Sleaford and Lincoln (see Figure 22).


Do I need a permit?
WAA permits may be required for some management activities in the priority (southern EP)
catchments only. The EPNRMB can be contacted for advice about your particular situation.
Native vegetation clearance applications (where exemptions are not covered under Native
Vegetation Council policy) are required throughout the whole State.
Table 1 below covers some of the dam and catchment management options that landholders
might consider.

Table 1. Permit requirements for dam and catchment management activities.

Management Options *Do I need a permit?
(1) Clean out silt - in accordance with EPNRMB policies** No
(2) Fence out stock
a) With no native vegetation clearance a) No
b) Involving native vegetation clearance b) Yes
(3) Establish native plants / grasses to stabilise soil & filter No
(4) Distribute water to an external trough No
(5) Enhancing catchment runoff via:
a) Herbicide control a) No
b) Graded or roaded catchments b) Yes
c) Plastic sheeted catchments c) Yes
(6) Changes to capacity, dam wall height or low flow Yes

Notes: 1. * Water affecting activity (WAA) permits are required in the priority catchments (southern EP) only. WAA
permit applications need to be submitted for assessment by the EPNRMB. Unless exemptions apply,
native vegetation clearance applications are required for the whole State.

2. ** See Appendix 2 ‘Dam maintenance’ (EPNRMB 2009a)

Even though permits are not required for dams outside the priority catchments it should be
pointed out that landholders still have a general statutory duty to protect the environment.


Key points
 On-site information is essential
 However … regional mapping information can highlight
important issues for dam siting and construction (see
Appendix 1).

The climate of EP varies from mild, moist, coastal conditions in the south and southwest to a
warmer, drier climate inland to the north. Mean annual rainfall varies from 250mm in the north
and northwest to more than 500mm in the south.
Evaporation is high throughout the region with mean monthly Class A pan evaporation
exceeding median monthly rainfall throughout the year, except in the south during winter.
Mean annual evaporation varies between 1550mm at the Tod River reservoir and 2300mm at
Ceduna (EPNRMB 2009b).
Farm dam settings
Farm dams occur across a broad range of climatic and on ground conditions.
The majority occur within surface water catchments of the eastern and southern ranges.
Elsewhere, localised suitable conditions and/or the necessities of livestock production will
influence the distribution of farm dams.
On-ground conditions are important for various aspects of farm dam establishment and
management, and usually dictate:
 the suitability of on-site materials
 the levels of technology and catchment management needed to establish a useful
water supply
 the economic viability of farm dam development.
The maps shown in Appendix 1 highlight important factors for consideration when planning
new dams. These factors include rainfall, evaporation, dominant soils, geology, soil sodicity
(indicating dispersion), acid sulphate soils, saline seepage, proportions of clay in soils, among
other information. The historic distribution of dams (taken from 1:50,000 topographic
mapping), is shown in Appendix 1.Higher dam densities indicate areas that have suitable clays
and topography for dam building (however runoff may be limited due to high numbers of
existing dams).
These maps are not intended to substitute for specific on-site investigations when it comes to
identifying potential problems or factors to consider!
On-site information needs are discussed in more detail in the following sections – and will
include the likes of: checking the quantity and quality of clay with a backhoe or soil auger
holes, performing soil and water tests and checking local flooding histories.

Key points
 A number of factors need to be considered simultaneously
when looking for dam sites.
 The type and size of dam, quantity and quality of clay soils
and catchment runoff characteristics are critical factors.
 Soil testing and professional advice will help with decisions.


Factors to consider when seeking a site for a dam include:

 type of dam
 size and storage ratio
 catchment or source of water
 soils for foundation and bank materials
 proximity of dams should be as close as possible to where water will be used
 spillway or by-pass site
 protection of sensitive environments

4.1.1. Types of farm dams

The siting, type and purpose of a farm dam will all be inter-related. Different factors will play a
greater role depending on the specific situation. Stock dams must be deep enough to allow for
losses through evaporation, so a site with deep suitable clayey soils is best. It is often
beneficial, where possible, to take advantage of natural topography to maximise the water
storage, compared to excavation volume (storage ratio).
Farm dams can be broadly divided into on-stream or off-stream:
On-stream dam
A dam, wall or other structure placed on, or constructed across a watercourse or drainage
path for the purpose of holding back and storing the natural flow of that watercourse or the
surface water runoff flowing along that drainage path.
Off-stream dam
A dam used to store water that is diverted from a watercourse or surface water run-off, by a
wall or other structure. Off-stream dams will normally capture a limited volume of surface water
from the catchment above the dam.

Gully dam
This is an on-stream dam commonly used in
undulating country. Runoff and watercourse
flows back up behind the embankment for
some distance, particularly in lower catchment
areas where drainage line gradients are
flatter. This type of dam is favoured for its
good storage to excavation ratio (large water
storage for minimal cost of excavation/ earth
These sites can be associated with good clay
deposits (within floodplains and flatter sloping
Potential problems can occur:
 where saline seepage is present.
 In hot, dry inland regions if the storage
is shallow with a large surface area,
potential for evaporation losses is
greatly increased.
Figure 3. Gully dam (Nelson 1985)
In priority catchments there are restrictions on placing new dams in lower (downstream)
catchment areas – ie. dams should not be placed on third order or higher level watercourses
(see Appendix 2).

Hillside dam
This is an off-stream dam often comprising a low three sided bank or long, curved bank
straight across the across the hillside slope (on the contour). They are usually filled by
diversion drains or graded catch drains. Suitable sites may rely on the presence of hillside clay
deposits (perhaps due to in-situ weathering of the underlying rock).
Potential advantages include:
 diversion drains can extend the
catchment area significantly,
enabling siting high in the catchment
to avoid saline seepage and
damaging floods which may occur
down slope.
 elevated positions can provide a
source of gravity supplied water.
Potential disadvantages include:
 lower storage (to excavation) ratios

 difficult or impractical to excavate in
shallow soil / rocky sites.

Figure 4. Hillside dam (Nelson 1985)

Excavated tanks
These are suitable for flat sites where
pumping is impractical or undesirable. The
excavation becomes the water storage,
below the surface level.
Earth removed is stockpiled nearby, unless
extra dam walls are constructed for
additional storage above ground level.
Potential for intercepting shallow saline
groundwater can be a disadvantage with
these tanks

Figure 5. Excavated tank (Nelson 1985)

The following are less common types of off-stream storages for South Australia. These are
generally considered unsuitable for South Australian conditions being prone to leakage and
high evaporation.

Ring tank / dam

This off-stream storage is constructed on
relatively low sloping ground by using earth
from inside the ring (circular or shaped to
suit topography) to build the surrounding
embankment. Water is mostly stored above
the natural surface. They may have external
sumps to temporarily store diverted surface
flows prior to pumping into the dam.

Figure 6. Ring tank (Nelson 1985)

‘Turkey’s nest’ dam

These are a variation of the ring tank where
the borrow pit is located outside the
embankment. As with ring tanks they need
to be filled from external sources as they
cannot capture runoff. Water is stored
above ground level, allowing gravity flows
through an outlet pipe from the dam’s
lowest point. These are not used in SA due
to excessive leakage.
Figure 7. Turkey’s nest dam (Nelson 1985)

View of dam inlet where drains discharge

Air photo: DEH

View from downslope

Hillside dams can provide a gravity-fed supply and

use diversion drains to expand the catchment. Off-stream dams sited adjacent to roads can take
The diversion drains (or banks) also protect the advantage of reliable runoff events from the bare,
downslope paddocks from soil erosion. compacted road (which acts as a catchment).

Photos: Peter Ciganovic
Excavated earthen tanks, sited in relatively low
Gully dams have the potential for large water
parts of the landscape are a common form of
storage from minimal earthworks. However on-
farm storage on EP. New dams of this type need
stream dams must cater for environmental flows
to factor in reduced runoff rates from no-till
and large dams need extra care with design and
farming practices to ensure sufficient
catchment area.
Figure 8. Examples of siting dams in different landscapes.

4.1.2. Size and storage ratio

Typically the most economic sites will be where the most water is stored for the least amount
of soil material moved. That is where storage to excavation ratios (also known as ‘storage
ratios’) are low. This means minimal excavation and low dam wall heights. Highly desirable
sites may have a storage ratio of 10 or higher (Cummings 1999b).
Gully dams
Gully dams can offer high storage to excavation ratios and are typically the most cost-
effective. A narrow valley with a flat area widening out upstream from the bank is ideal for
storing large volumes. If the floor slope is less than 1:20 (~3º) a relatively low bank will store
water over the natural surface for a considerable distance upstream (Cummings 1999c).
Difficulties with this approach may occur in priority catchments where dams are not allowed to
be placed on third order or higher level watercourses (Appendix 2). This restricts dam
placement further downstream where catchment slopes tend to flatten out.
Another potential issue will be in higher evaporation (inland, northern) regions, where flatter
sites, with shallow water storages will have higher potential evaporation losses and higher
rates of salinity build up. In these situations deep excavations are used to overcome
evaporation, through higher volume to surface area ratios.
Estimates for storage volumes in gully sites can be made using the following formula:

Storage size potential (Gully site):

Vg = (d x w x l)/3000 + Ve

Vg = Total volume of water stored behind bank
(Megalitres, ML)
d= depth of water adjacent to bank (m) but not
including excavation depth
w= width of water body at full supply level adjacent to
bank (m)
l= length of water body from bank to inflow point (m)
Ve = Volume of excavation below full supply level (ML)*
(Cummings 1999b)

Figure 9. Sketch of cross section of a gully dam (Cummings 1999c).

*The volume of a rectangular battered excavation can be estimated using:
Volume of rectangular sided excavation:
Lhalf height
Ve (rect pit) = Lhalf height x Whalf height x D
Where: Whalf height
Ve (rect pit) = Volume of a rectangular sided pit (kL)
Lhalf height = Pit length at half height of the pit (m)
W half height = Pit width at half height of the pit (m)
D= depth of the pit (m)

Hillside dams
With higher slopes associated with hillside dams, the storage to excavation ratio can be quite
low (1.5 is common). A site that is as flat as possible should be sought, taking into account soil
suitability and catchment yield. With small storages of less than 1 ML (commonly used for
stock water), storage to excavation ratios of less than 1.0 are likely if slopes are steeper than
1:10 (~6º) (Cummings 1999c).

Figure 10. Sketch of cross section of a hillside dam (Cummings 1999c).

Estimates for storage volumes for a hillside site can be made using the following formula:
Storage size potential (Hillside site):
Vh = (d x A)/3000 + Ve
Vh = Total volume of water stored behind bank (ML)
d= depth of water adjacent to bank (m) but not
including excavation depth
A= surface area of water body when full
Ve = Volume of excavation below full supply level (ML)*
(Cummings 1999b)

4.1.3. Catchment or source of water

A good dam site needs sufficient run-off, of a suitable quality.

Decisions on catchment suitability will be assisted by knowledge of local history, monitoring
data or other indicators of:
 quantity and quality of small to large runoff events
 catchment erosion and sedimentation issues
 potential pollutants or contaminants from agricultural land use (e.g. fertilisers,
pesticides, disturbed soils) or land degradation issues (salinity, acidity)
 potential for enhancing catchment runoff

Potential runoff
Do upslope soils run water well? Runoff will be reduced by permeable soils, areas of minimum
or no till cropping and large tracts of native vegetation. It is normal that soil moisture will need
to build up – before catchments will wet up and run water – following drought or extended dry

Runoff is determined
by the rate of
infiltration and
interception by
plants. Generally
pastures do not run
water. Antecedent
moisture levels need
to be high for runoff
to occur!

Photo: Peter Ciganovic

Figure 11. New farming practices which promote crop water use efficiency (e.g. no-till cropping,
increased perennials, etc.) will reduce run-off rates. Land use needs to be factored in
when considering new dams and catchments.
Runoff coefficients have already been estimated for priority catchments (EPNRMB 2009a), as
shown in Appendix 1. The EPNRMB has taken the further step of limiting the total allowable
capacity of all dams within an allotment based on a Megalitres per Hectare ratio in priority
catchments (Section 5.1).

In drier (inland, northern) catchments runoff yields can be estimated using Table 4 (page 28).
Estimates of average annual catchment yield (allowing for a variable climate) can be made
using the formula on page 28.
But note: In areas with less than 400mm annual
rainfall, runoff can be extremely variable!

Enhancing catchment runoff

A range of methods can be used to enhance catchment runoff:
 Roaded and graded catchments – these rely on exposing and rolling less
permeable clay layers to enhance runoff. The feasibility of these options is
determined by the presence of suitable soils and the cost of earthworks. It is
suggested that sub-soil clay needs to be within around 20 cm of the surface in order
to be cost effective.
 Roads and existing farm tracks – Historically roads as catchments have been
used to collect and divert water into dams. Both public and farm roads, can be
utilised to enhance water catchment.
 Use of diversion drains– this can extend the catchment area, and sometimes
enable dams to be placed high in the catchment (avoiding potential saline
 Spraying catchments (herbicide control) – may be used in conjunction with other
options discussed here, as well as controlled grazing. Site-specific soil and
seasonal conditions need to be taken into account – spraying at the optimum time
of year to reduce water use and interception by plant canopies while retaining
enough protective cover to offset erosion risk. Maintaining plant cover to avoid
erosion may be less of an issue in some highly engineered / compacted catchment
areas and on soils less prone to erosion.
WARNING: When using Pesticides adjacent to water-bodies, natural lakes or dams,
watercourses, and wetlands do not spray when weather conditions may cause drift,
leaching or run-off. The Board advises, that before using pesticides, read the product
label and that the products are always applied as per label instructions.

 Plastic sheeted catchments – welded plastic sheets provide maximum runoff and
good quality water, at higher cost.
Examples of improved catchments are shown in Section 5.7. WAA permit and approval
requirements should be discussed with the EPNRMB. The cost-effectiveness of these options
needs to be assessed by the landholder.
Salinity and acidity
The site should be free from saline seepage and avoid acidic runoff associated with acid-
sulfate / saline-sulfidic soils. Problems to look for include:
 Saline inflows – are typically associated with groundwater discharge zones /
springs / stream baseflow, or salts deposited in the surface soils which can leach
into dams following rainfall.

Look for signs of: springs and saline baseflow, areas of poor crop emergence,
seasonally or permanently wet areas, salt efflorescence in summer, indicator plant
species (e.g. sea barley grass, samphire, etc.). The depth to watertable should also
be investigated – e.g. if a backhoe pit fills with saline groundwater.
The foundation of the dam should be above the highest seasonal watertable height.
Low flow bypasses for on-stream dams will help to divert saline inflows (see page
38, Appendix 2 and Appendix 4 for more details).
 Acidity – low pH waters can cause health problems in stock by making toxic heavy
metals more available. While acidity is increasing in many agricultural soils
(associated with the use of nitrogen based fertilisers and the removal of plant and
animal products) this can be offset by the inherent alkalinity of much of Eyre
Peninsula’s calcareous soils.
Acid sulfate (also called saline sulfidic) soils are an issue that land managers are
becoming increasingly aware of. These occur where waterlogging and biological
activity has induced permanent changes in sulphur-containing sediments. When
these typically waterlogged areas dry out, or undergo periods of wetting and drying,
the sediments are oxidised forming sulfuric acid and hard setting layers. Runoff
events then cause the acid to be mobilised in surface water flows.
Look for normally wet areas that undergo drying cycles and are characterised by
one or more of the following: black boggy soil, slimy red ooze, reddish-yellow iron
rich deposits, hard impermeable iron-rich crusts, shiny oil-like surface layers,
scalded and infertile patches of earth, acidic topsoil and subsoil (Fitzpatrick 1999).
These areas should be further tested by a suitably qualified consultant and
managed carefully. They should not be drained!

Photos: Craig Liddicoat
Figure 12. What to look out for: Saline discharge is characterised by poor crop growth, bare
ground and indicator plants such as sea barley grass. This example shows saline
discharge on low lying areas adjacent to Yeldulknie Reservoir.

Davenport, Andrew Harding, Craig Liddicoat

Figure 13. What to look out for: Acid sulphate soils (and potential acid sulphate soils) are
characterised by waterlogging (and drying cycles), poor crop and pasture growth,
hard pans, red and black boggy soils, shiny oil-like surface layers and of course
acidic soils and runoff.

Flood history
Consider (or seek out) local historic knowledge of reliability of flows, flood heights, etc. Speak
to neighbours if you are new to the area.
Knowledge of flooding heights, severity and frequency may help with siting and design,
particularly spillway design. Siting off-stream out of flood prone areas (with a sacrificial
diversion bank) may avoid potential flood-induced damage to the main dam wall.
Sediment, nutrient and contaminants
Sites will typically need to make allowance for features such as sediment traps and grassed
filter zones. Additional actions may be needed in the upstream catchment to manage the
quality of harvested runoff.

4.1.4. Soils for foundation and bank materials

Dig test soil pits – to detect the quality, quantity and range of suitable clayey soils, down to
around 0.6 to 1 m below the required foundation level for the embankment and storage using a
back hoe and/or auger holes. If a back hoe is available on site this can excavate to depth
quicker, without much extra cost, and will give a better view of materials than auger holes.
Digging test pits will also test for the presence of saline groundwater seepage and sand/
gravel seams (which may cause leakage).
A minimum set of test holes should be dug beneath the centreline of the embankment and in
the foundation of the excavation / borrow pit. For large dams, some experts recommend test
holes should be dug on a 15m grid (Bourchier 1998).
The foundation materials should comprise impermeable clay or rock 2. Where impermeable
materials are not found at depth, the site will not be suitable unless a liner is constructed, e.g.
from imported clay or plastic.
The volume of available clay should be estimated. If there is insufficient clay at the preferred
construction site, test for sources of good clay as close as possible to it. Construction costs will
increase dramatically with distance to the clay source.

2 Rock foundations are not ideal as the rock/ soil interface may provide a potential seepage path.

Figure 14. Example of a test digging pattern (Cummings 1999a).
Testing the suitability of clay soils
Achieving a ‘watertight’ seal in dams requires soil porosity (ie. soil pores / air voids) to be
minimised (see Figure 15a). Fine materials (clay particles) will help block up soil pores, and
this is aided by low to moderate dispersion3 and compaction. Compaction is required at the
correct moisture content such that clay clods are crushed and air voids squeezed out.
Only clays can hold water – but some clays require special treatment and others should not be
used. Desirable qualities for clay soils used in dam construction are summarised in Table 2.
Some coarse material (e.g. sand) in the soil is desirable for structural strength.

3 Some common soil terminology is explained in Box 1, on the following page.

Figure 15. Watertight dams need high density/ low porosity soils – this requires the right mix of
fines (clay) content, some dispersion and sufficient compaction (Charman and
Murphy 1991).

Box 1. Soil structural stability – definitions (Emerson 2002, Charman & Murphy 1991):
 Slaking – is the immediate break-up of dry aggregates into small fragments when dropped into

As a dry aggregate of soil is wetted, water enters from all sides and encloses the air within the
aggregate. If the mechanical strength of the aggregate is low, the compressed air shatters it,
generally into smaller aggregates.
 Dispersion – is the spontaneous deflocculation (dis-aggregation) of the clay fraction of a soil in

This is a characteristic of sodic soils (where there is an excess of Sodium ions on the ion exchange
surfaces between clay particle layers). When water is added, water molecules are attracted to the
Sodium ions, surrounding them and driving apart the clay layers – to the point where clay to clay
bonds break down. Dispersion is exacerbated with low salinity water (e.g. rain water), where high
osmotic pressures drive water molecules towards the Sodium ions on the clay exchange.

Conversely dispersion is alleviated with high salinity water. Dams containing saline water may be
more prone to leakage due to reduced dispersion.

 Flocculation – is the reverse process of dispersion involving the aggregation (or coagulation) of
clay in solution.

Slaking and dispersive soils are prone to erosion (see Figure 16). Highly dispersive soils are
prone to ‘tunneling’ or tunnel erosion. This is where a dam wall may suddenly (and often
dangerously) blow out after the development of an erosion tunnel starting at the wet side of the
dam wall. A dispersive soil and a subsoil seepage path (e.g. fine cracks) are considered
prerequisites for tunnel erosion.
Sodic, dispersive soils are common on Eyre Peninsula as indicated by Figure (9) in Appendix
1. A limited survey of dam embankment clays undertaken for the Audit of farm dam issues on
Eyre Peninsula (Ciganovic et al. 2009) also found a high proportion of dispersive soils.

Figure 16. Examples of rill and gully erosion on dam walls and inlets. Dispersive clays can hold
water well but are highly erodible if flows are concentrated and soil surfaces are
unprotected. (Figure 25 shows some options to control the risk of erosion on dam
inlets and walls.)

Table 2. Testing clay suitability for dam construction (adapted from Cummings 1999a).
Factor Desirable Undesirable What is the potential How do I test this?

Clay % A minimum clay Low clay content Without sufficient fine Hand texture ribbon length:
content of 30% is (clayey) material soil
High gravel
pores will leak.  More than 40mm
content (for approx > 30% clay)
Some experts
recommend 40% or  More than 50mm
more clay content (for approx > 40% clay)
(Matthews & Moore
See Box 2 (next page)
Slaking Low slaking Erosion and bank  Observe a dry soil crumb placed
stability in water (see Box 1)
Dispersion Low to moderate Too much or too Highly dispersive soils  Dry soils which have no or low
dispersion little dispersion. are prone to tunnelling spontaneous dispersion – but
(ESP > 15, but disperse after working when
- some dispersion Highly
potentially ESP > 6 in moist (shaken in water in a glass
enables fine clay flocculated clay
some soils with pure jar) should be suitable
particles to mobilise (ie. non-
dam water)
when wet to block dispersive, well
up and seal soil structured The presence of  Dry soils that spontaneously
pores. aggregates) can carbonates can make disperse in a glass of fresh water
behave like clay assessment more (within 2 hours) are prone to
gravel with high tricky! failure – treat carefully!
Some moderate to  Soils that will not disperse even
(Figure 15b). after working when saturated
highly dispersive soils
Too much can be treated by (vigorously shaken in a glass jar
dispersion will compaction at the then left for 10 minutes) – will be
lead to dam wall correct moisture content difficult to make watertight.
failure (e.g – so that clay clods are If uncertain, lab tests and expert
Figure 20). crushed and air voids interpretation are recommended:
squeezed out.
Suspect clays should be  *Emerson’s Aggregate Test
referred for expert
 *Exchangeable Sodium
advice! Percentage (ESP)
Linear Less than 15% More than 15% Low shrink / swell  See method in Cummings
shrinkage capacity with wet and (1999a) and Figure 21
dry cycles reduces
potential for shrinkage  *Lab testing
Organic Negligible organic > 0.5% organic Organic material is Top soil is only used to cover dam
matter matter matter considered unstable for embankments.
dam construction
- except for top soil Tree roots should be removed and
used to protect holes plugged with impervious clay
exposed faces of
dam walls
Permeability This refers to the Lab testing can confirm  Mould a handful of the clay soil
speed of water the suitability of a into a cup, fill with water and
movement through specific soil leave overnight. If the cup
soil. remains intact and no water has
Ideally less than 1 x leaked it should be watertight.
10-9 metres/sec
 *Lab testing will give the
(< 0.0036 mm/hr) accurate measure.

Other Further soil engineering tests can be used to determine suitability for dams, including those above(*) and:
testing  Particle size distribution

 Plasticity limits

Box 2. Testing soil suitability (Bourchier 1998)

Photo: Peter Ciganovic
Figure 17. Soil crumb tests showing low to moderately dispersive (left) and non-dispersive
(right) soils. Both of these samples show slaking.

Photos: Peter Ciganovic

Figure 18. A slaking and highly dispersive clay sample from Cummins shown at 5, 30 and 120
minutes after placing in distilled water. Highly dispersive soils need to be treated
with caution. Gain expert advice!

Photo: Peter Ciganovic
Figure 19. After being shaken and left to stand for 10 minutes, the soil on the left is showing
strong flocculation (re-aggregation). This particular soil shows low dispersive
properties and would be difficult to make watertight.

Photos: Steve Moore

Figure 20. Top photo: dam built in dry soil by bulldozer at Wharminda in 1974. Bottom photo:
dam bank breached at first filling due to insufficient compaction during construction.

Also note the minimal freeboard level visible by the high-water mark on dam wall,
this could also have contributed to the dam wall failure.

Figure 21. Linear shrinkage tests (Charman and Murphy 1991).

4.1.5. Site dams as close as possible to where water is used

Where possible dams should be located as close as possible to where water will be required.
Pipeline length and friction associated with pumping can contribute a substantial amount to
running costs.

4.1.6. Spillway or by-pass site

Dams, particularly gully dams in large catchments, have significant risks of failure during large
floods. Large flows can cause spillway erosion and failure, and overtopping and failure of
banks. Site selection should consider the availability of sufficient space, or opportunistic
natural structures, to provide an adequate spillway.
The site must be topographically suitable to enable the spillway to be constructed as an
integral part of the dam. (Spillway design is discussed in Section 5.5.)
Spillway flows should be returned to the normal drainage route before they leave a property.

4.1.7. Protecting sensitive environments

Dams should not be located in areas prone to erosion or areas that are ecologically sensitive.
The following are examples of ecologically sensitive areas:
 remnant vegetation
 wetlands, permanent pools and aquatic ecosystems
 habitat for rare and threatened flora and fauna species4

4Rare and threatened flora and fauna species (identified under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation [EPBC] Act and South Australia’s National Parks and Wildlife Act) and their
 conservation areas
 heritage agreement areas

Key points
 Principles of equitable sharing will place an upper limit on
dam sizes.
 Site topography and soils, stock requirements, water security
through dry years and the need to minimise evaporation – will
also determine dam dimensions.
 Dam design also needs to consider floods, spillway erosion
and low flow bypass requirements.
 Landholders will need to find the right balance between sound
engineering principles and cost of construction.


Priority (southern) catchments

In ‘priority’ surface water catchments of southern Eyre Peninsula, restrictions are placed on
allowable dam volumes. This has occurred due to historic high levels of dam development and
the need to ensure future equitable sharing of the water resource between downstream users
including the environment.
In order to administer policies relating to farm dams, permits are required for new dam
developments in the Hundreds within which the priority catchments are located (see Figure 22,
or the list at the bottom of page 4). In these catchments the principles outlined in Appendix 2
should be adhered to (EPNRMB 2009a).
For the construction of new dams in the priority catchments, the following applies (EPNRMB
Allowable dam volume:
Vpri = A x Vallow
Vpri = Allowable dam volume in priority catchments (ML)
A= Area of *allotment (ha)
Vallow = Allowable volume (ML/ha) defined in Table 3

recorded locations can be investigated via the Department for Environment and Heritage [DEH] “EnvMaps”

Note: *Allotment means section, lots or allotment identified on a certificate of title, including two or more adjacent
allotments owned or occupied by the same person and operated as a single unit for the purpose of primary

Example calculation (priority catchment):

For a 100ha allotment in the Upper Tod subcatchment, the allowable dam capacity = 100 x 0.054 = 5.4

Figure 22. Priority catchments for water affecting activities (EPNRMB 2009a).

Table 3. Total catchment capacity and allowable dam volumes – for priority catchments
(EPNRMB 2009a).

A B C D E F G Runoff ratio
Priority Catchment Mean Estimated Allowable Total Unit (Dx100/C)
catchments area (ha) average surface dam volume catchment threshold
rainfall runoff (ML/ha) capacity flow rate
(Figure 22)
(mm) (ML/ha) (ML) (L/s/ha)

Pillowarta 4000 475 0.14 0.042 168 0.004 0.029

Upper Tod 10800 500 0.18 0.054 583 0.008 0.036

Toolillie 3900 515 0.21 0.063 246 0.100 0.041

Charlton 6600 535 0.25 0.075 495 0.014 0.047

Lower Tod 14100 485 0.16 0.048 677 0.005 0.033

Lake 71900 530 0.24 0.072 5177 0.013 0.045


Big Swamp 4600 585 0.36 0.108 497 0.022 0.062

Little 7900 545 0.27 0.081 1450 0.015 0.050


Lake 84900 445 0.10 0.03 2547 0.003 0.022


Salt Creek 63100 400 0.06 0.018 1136 0.002 0.015

Lake 42000 490 0.16 0.048 2016 0.006 0.033


Pillana 4700 495 0.17 0.051 240 0.007 0.034


Lake Baird 8800 490 0.16 0.048 422 0.006 0.033

Tumby Bay 19400 385 0.04 0.012 233 0.002 0.010

Peake Bay 10400 410 0.06 0.018 187 0.002 0.015

Woolshed 7500 527 0.23 0.069 518 0.012 0.044


Louth Bay 10200 450 0.11 0.033 337 0.003 0.024

Coffin Bay 120000 555 0.29 0.087 10440 0.017 0.052

– Jussieu

Boston Bay 8100 435 0.16 0.048 389 0.005 0.037

Outside of ‘priority’ catchments
Design considerations for environmental purposes and equitable sharing of water resources
outside the priority catchments are discussed in Appendix 3.
Calculating catchment yields
The following formula can be used to estimate catchment yield:
Catchment Yield:
Ycatch = A x Rain x Runoff x 10
Ycatch = Catchment yield (kL)
A= Area of your property in the catchment (ha)
Rain = Average annual rainfall (mm)
Runoff = Runoff coefficient*

Notes: 1. Catchment areas can be delineated on topographic maps by sketching around the topographic high
points (hill tops, spur lines) from which water should flow to your dam site. 1 hectare (ha) = 100 metres x
100 metres = 0.01 km2.
2. *The following table contains example runoff coefficients (or seek local advice from the Department of
Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Science Monitoring and Information Division – Surface Water
Unit, or the EPNRMB).
3. Runoff coefficients for sheeted, roaded and graded catchments are shown in Table 13, Section 5.7.

Runoff in areas where rainfall is

< 400mm is extremely variable.
Table 4. Runoff estimates from different soil types (Nelson 1985).
Annual average Total annual Runoff as a percentage of average annual rainfall
rainfall (mm) evaporation
Shallow sand or Sandy clays (%) Elastic clays Clay pans,
loam soils (%) (%)# inelastic clays or
shales (%)##
Over 500 1300 to 1800 3 to 5 3 to 8 3 to 6.5 6.5 to 10
401 to 500 1300 to 1800 1.5 to 3 3 to 6.5 1.5 to 3 5 to 8
250 to 400 less than 1800 0 to 1.5 0 to 3 0 to 1.5 1.5 to 5
more than 1800 0 0 to 1.5 0 1.5 to 3

Notes: 1. Percentage runoff is expected to be equalled or exceeded in 9 out of 10 years. In wetter than average
years, % runoff is expected to be higher.
2. Percentage runoff values will vary with land use. Values at the lower end of ranges given are expected
for native vegetation blocks, forested, cultivated and pasture-improved areas. Upper limits should be used
with caution.
3. #Elastic clays when dry develop pronounced surface cracking, which reduces runoff
4. ##Inelastic clays are identified when dry by a fine dust cover; this dust prevents seepage into the ground
and so increases runoff.

Example calculation (non priority catchment):

For 200ha of hillslope catchment with loamy soils (comprising 80ha native vegetation and 120ha of
cleared land), mean annual rainfall of 350mm, and estimated runoff coefficient from cleared areas of 0.01
(1%) – annual average catchment yield is estimated = (80x0 + 120x0.01) x 350 x 10 = 4200 kL = 4.2 ML


The next important question is ‘how much water do I need for my stock?’
Consumption rates
Figures taken from a three year study (Wright & Ashton 1978) conducted in a hot environment
by the Minnipa Research Centre indicated that:
Average rates of
 Merino ewes drank an average of 1.6L a day over three years.
consumption are useful for
 The highest month of consumption was 3.7L a day in January designing storage capacity
and the lowest was 0.1L a day in August.
 The highest rate consumed over a week was 6.1L a day. Peak rates of consumption
 Cattle used twice as much water as sheep on a dry-sheep- are useful for designing
delivery systems (pipes,
equivalent (dse) basis. pumps & troughs)

Increased consumption will occur (at times):

 On saltbush (up to 14L a day but sheep very rarely graze pure saltbush all year)
 With British Bred sheep (20% more)
 On lupin stubbles (young sheep will drink up to 50% more)
 At various times (extreme hot weather, leakages, etc)

Security of water supply

Due to the unreliable nature of stream flows, Nelson (1985) recommends different storage
periods based on average annual rainfall. The thinking here is that dam capacities should be
adequate to meet water supply needs, evaporation and seepage losses over the storage
Table 5. Storage periods for different rainfall zones (Nelson 1985).
Average annual rainfall (mm) Storage period (months)
Less than 250 30 to 36
250 to 450 24
451 to 650 18
More than 650 12

Assuming average consumption rates of 1.6 litres per dse per day and evaporation losses of
50%, the table below summarises different dam volume requirements for different
combinations of livestock numbers and storage periods.

Table 6. Dam capacities to meet stock water requirements* (units in Megalitres, ML).

Storage Number of livestock (dse)

Years 250 500 1000 1500 2000
1 0.29 0.58 1.17 1.75 2.34
1.5 0.44 0.88 1.75 2.63 3.50
2 0.58 1.17 2.34 3.50 4.67
2.5 0.73 1.46 2.92 4.38 5.84
3 0.88 1.75 3.50 5.26 7.01
*Figures are based on average yearly water consumption of 1.6 litres / dse/ day and evaporation and seepage losses of

Water quality
Salinity and other aspects of water quality are also a concern for livestock performance. This is
discussed further in relation to dam and catchment management later in the document.
Water distribution systems
The fundamentals of pipeline design can be obtained from references such as Liquid Assets
(Bourchier 1998) or through advice from local water industry consultants (refer to Section 8).
One important point is that water distribution systems need to cope with peak demands – not
average rates of consumption. Also some form of back-up system or buffer storage should be
present to cater for breakdowns and repairs.


The following are common methods for estimating annual evaporation losses from dams:
Annual Evaporation Loss (method 1- rough Method 2 example:
guide only):
Farmer has a dam at Koppio which
Eloss = ½ V has a surface are of 570m2 when it is
Where: Eloss = Evaporation loss (ML) full. The annual evaporation is about
V= Dam volume at full capacity (ML)
Eloss = 0.67 x 1200 x 570
Annual Evaporation Loss (method 2 – more = 458280 Litres per year
Eloss = 0.67 x E x AFSL (Lewis 2002)
Where: Eloss = Evaporation loss (Litres) per year
E= Local annual evaporation (mm)
AFSL = Dam surface area at full supply level (m2) Eloss = 0.46 ML per year

ML = Litres ÷ 1,000,000

These estimates may be similar depending on the specific local climate and dam shape. Both
can be easily estimated to give an idea of potential evaporation losses.

Minimising evaporation loss can be achieved by:
 increasing dam depth and minimising surface area
 management actions – as discussed in Section 7.2


For gully dams, there are three major types of construction techniques (Bourchier 1998):
 Homogeneous
dams – are
constructed from
one material
(usually 20-30%
 Zoned dams –
use a clay core
surrounded by a
more pervious
shell. These are
more stable, and
have reduced
construction costs
with steeper
 Diaphragm dams
– are used when
suitable clay is
limited. A
compacted clay
layer acts us an
blanket over more
pervious sand or
Figure 23. Dam construction techniques (Bourchier 1998)

Box 3. ‘Unified soil classification’

groups (Bourchier 1998)
Soil classification codes used in Figure 23 are
outlined in Box 3. SC Clayey sand
SW Well-graded sand
SP Poorly-graded sand
CL Low-liquid-limit clay
CH High-liquid-limit clay
GW Well-graded gravel

GC Clayey gravel
GP Poorly-graded gravel

Cut off excavations

A cut off excavation is used to improve the watertight seal where the base of the embankment
meets the impervious dam foundations. In clay foundations cutoff excavations should have a
minimum width of 2.5m, 0.6 m deep and side batters of 1:2 or 1:1 (horizontal: vertical). In well-
cleaned (non-weathered) rock foundations, a cutoff excavation 0.3m wide and 0.3m deep is
recommended (Nelson 1985). However dams on rock foundations are not ideal as the
interface between rock and soil can form a seepage path.
Embankment structural risks due to seepage
When dams are kept full inevitably some water will seep through the embankment to the
downstream, dry side (Figure 24). This can potentially affect the structural stability of the wall.
Saturated soil has a much lower strength than dry soil (due to the lubricating effect of excess
water) and it can be liable to collapse. By keeping the dam wall as low as possible at the point
where the seepage exits, the risk of structural collapse is minimised (Bourchier 1998). Building
low slopes and ensuring proper soil compaction (see Construction section) reduces the height
of the seepage line. Higher dam walls will require flatter slopes to reduce the risk of soil

Figure 24. Seepage lines in earth embankments (Bourchier 1998).

Crest width
The width of crest should increase with dam wall height, as per the examples below.
Table 7. Suggested minimum crest widths (from Nelson 1985)
Height of dam wall (m) Crest width (m)
Up to 2 2.5
2.1 to 3 2.8
3.1 to 4 3.0
4.1 to 5 3.3
5.1 to 6 3.5

Diaphragm (clay blanket) thickness
For diaphragm dams, the recommended thickness of the diaphragm (measured at right angles
to the upstream face) will vary with dam wall height, as per examples below. Design of large
dams will require consultation with a suitably qualified consultant.
Table 8. Suggested diaphragm (clay blanket) thickness (from Nelson 1985)
Height of dam wall (m) Diaphragm / clay blanket
thickness (m)
Up to 5 0.6
5.1 to 6 0.75


Batter slopes
Slopes in contact with water should be no steeper than 3 horizontal:1 vertical. Slopes steeper
than this are prone to eroding and difficult to compact with machinery.
As mentioned above, downstream batter slopes on dam walls should be flat enough, so that
the seepage line emerges as low as possible.
Protection from drying
Shrinkage cracks in dam walls are a concern when heavy clays are subjected to wetting and
drying cycles. Covering the crest of the dam with 150-225 mm of sandy soil will provide a
mulch to help prevent the clay drying out (Nelson 1984).
This approach (a sandy mulch layer) can also be applied throughout the base of the dam,
where drying out and shrinkage cracks are a likely issue.
Protection for erodible (dispersive / slaking) soils
Dispersive and slaking soils are prone to erosion under the impact of rainfall, water inflows or
wave action. Measures to control this may include:
 Applying a layer of topsoil over the dam wall and batter slopes.
 Establishing drought-proof grasses (not trees!) on dam banks and diversion drains.
 Protecting batters and the embankment from wave action with tyres or additional
width of crest (to allow for some collapse).
 Install plastic or a rock or concrete chute to prevent erosion on dam inflow slopes.
Unprotected steep inflow slopes are prone to gullying erosion which can move up
the hillslope, and mobilise sediment into dams.

Well grassed diversion drains reduce the risk Maintenance of grass cover can protect the
of erosion and further sediment entering the dam diversion drain and dam inlet.

Old tyres can be used to protect the dam walls Spreading topsoil and establishing grass can be
and embankment crest from wave erosion. another cost-effective way to protect dam walls.

Photos: Peter Ciganovic and Steve Moore

A concrete structure provides protection from Cheap plastic sheeting also provides effective
inlet erosion, but at high cost. protection from inlet erosion.
Figure 25. Options for controlling erosion in dams and drains.

Dam inlet erosion is a common problem with

EP dams. Plastic sheeting (buried at the top
edge) can provide a cost effective solution.
A height difference of 1m is recommended between the crest of the dam and full supply level
(ie. to the spillway/ bywash height) for large dams to ensure stability of the dam wall against
wave action and during floods. In smaller stock and hillside dams 600mm is sufficient.
Spillways and flood flows
Spillways need to be designed to carry peak flood flows following heavy rainfall, typically
based on a 1 in 100 chance flooding event and be resistant against erosion. A good spillway
will carry peak flows, working with adequate freeboard to protect the dam wall from ‘over-
topping’ which can cause serious failure and wash out of the dam wall (see figure 41a). Costs
and potential impacts of failure will be greater for larger dams and expert engineering advice
should be sought5. For small catchments, which have small dams, designing for 1 in 100 year
events is not applicable. An example of a well constructed spillway is shown in Figure 40.
The following dot points provide a ‘first cut’ approach to spillway design (otherwise see the
footnote below):
 Nelson (1985) provides estimates of 1 in 100 year flood flow rates (in cubic metres
per second) for different catchment areas using Figure 26 and Table 9. The values
assume a worst case scenario conducive to maximum flood flow rates (ie. stony or
shallow soils, steep slopes and sparse vegetation).
 Taking these estimates of peak flood flow rates (= spillway discharge), a guide to
appropriate spillway dimensions can be obtained from Tables 10 and 11 (and refer
to Figure 26).
 Bourchier (1998) suggests spillways be designed to pass the 1 in 100 year event
with a flow depth of about 0.5m.

5 For a more detailed design approach, information for estimating flood flows can be obtained using the
‘Moore method’ (Moore 1979) for catchments up to 20ha, or the ‘rational method’ for bigger catchments -
from Australian Rainfall & Runoff - A Guide to Flood Estimation (Pilgrim 1987).

Figure 26. Flood flow zones (Nelson 1985).

Table 9. Estimated peak flood flows in different zones (Nelson 1985).

Catchment area (ha) Flood flow in zone 1 Flood flow in zone 2
(cubic metres per second) (cubic metres per second)
10 0.9 1.7
20 1.2 2.3
30 1.4 2.9
40 1.7 3.4
50 1.9 3.7
60 2.1 4.1
70 2.2 4.4
80 2.4 4.7
90 2.5 5.0
100 2.6 5.3

Figure 27. Sketch of earth spillway, plan view and cross section (Lewis 2002).

Table 10. Minimum inlet width of spillway (excerpt from Lewis 2002).
Spillway Depth of flow (m)
discharge /
peak flood 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
flow (m3/s)
Inlet width (m)
1 4 4 4 4 4
2 7 5 4 4 4
3 11 7 5 4 4
4 15 10 7 4 4
5 19 12 8 6 5
6 23 15 10 7 6
*Assumes well grassed spillways. Poorly grassed spillways should be wider.

Table 11. Minimum outlet width of spillway (excerpt from Lewis 2002)
Spillway Return slope (%)
discharge /
peak flood 3% 4% 5% 7% 10%
flow (m3/s)
Outlet width (m)
1 6 6 6 6 6
2 6 6 6 6 6
3 6 6 6 8 10
4 6 6 8 10 14
5 6 8 10 13 17
6 8 10 12 16 20
*Assumes well grassed spillways. Poorly grassed spillways should be wider.

Example calculation (i):

Assuming a 50 ha catchment in flood zone 1, peak flood flow rates = 1.9m m3/s (approx 2 m3/s).

Designing for a depth of flow of 0.5m, and a return slope of 5%: spillway inlet width = 4m and spillway
outlet width = 6m.

An alternative and much simpler rule of thumb – which is good for small catchments – is to
design the width of spillway = square root of the catchment area in hectares (Cummings
Example calculation (ii):

Assuming a 50 ha catchment, width of spillway = 50 = 7m.

Trickle pipes
Trickle pipes are high water level outflow pipes that discharge dam water before the earth
spillway comes into operation (Lewis 2002). These are useful where consistent small
overflows may cause spillway erosion. Professional advice should be sought regarding their
design to allow for incorporation during construction of the dam wall.
Low-flow bypass
In priority catchments, the EPNRMB Plan (EPNRMB 2009a) requires that dams or structures
that collect or divert water from a watercourse must incorporate a low flow by-pass
mechanism. This is a structure (e.g. drain or pipework) that diverts low flows around or through
the dam embankment.

This example consists of a 6 inch PVC diversion pipe set in

concrete across the diversion channel to the dam. The top
is cut off and covered with mesh to ensure it is kept free
from blockages. Pipework diverts flows at or below the
threshold flow rate to return them to the watercourse below
the dam. The outlet of the pipework needs to be located so
as to avoid scouring and may require the placement of
rocks. Engineering design is required (assessing the
pipework diameter, length and head difference) to ensure
that the pipework and friction losses do not impede
threshold flows (DWLBC 2003).
DWLBC’s fact sheets on low flow bypasses are currently
being reviewed but will be available from their website:

Figure 28. Example of a low flow bypass (DWLBC 2003).

This structure should divert flows up to the ‘threshold flow rate’, which are seen as
environmental flows essential for sustaining water dependent ecosystems (including sub-
surface flows). This means that the first flows after summer can not be captured and a dam
can only start to fill when watercourse flows exceed the threshold flow rate – defined as the
greater of 0.002 litres/ second/ ha or the 10th percentile of normal catchment flows (see
Appendix 2 for more detail).
The type and design of low flow by-pass mechanisms can vary and advice should be sought
from the EPNRMB or a suitably qualified consultant. Designs are usually site specific.
Example designs are shown in Figure 28 and Appendix 4.
Controlling sediment and nutrient inflows
Sediment traps which encourage uniform, slow flows (so that water-borne sediments slow and
settle out) can be constructed upstream of dams. Advice from a suitably qualified consultant
should be sought.
Plastic lined dams
Lined dams are an option where impervious materials are not found close to the site.
Polyethylene liners have been used in a number of locations across EP and are one of a
number of dam-lining options (see table below).
Lined dams may be combined with options to enhance catchment runoff (e.g. plastic sheeted
catchments) – as shown later.
Landholders will need to make their own assessments on the cost-effectiveness of different
lining options.
Important safety note: plastic lined dams are very slippery! They should be fenced off
and a safety rope installed to help people climb out if needed in emergencies.

Catchment water collection area
1.3ML Dam prior to lining

Water will
flow to
dam via
buried pipe

Aerial view of the catchment and dam

Dam liner in place but still to

have floating cover installed Dam cover in place

Figure 29. These 5 photos show the construction of a plastic-lined dam and catchment. Once
installed, the plastic lining will maximise runoff rates and create a reliable, good
quality water supply of 1.3ML for stock and domestic use. The plastic sheeting is
rolled out, welded together and buried at the edges (in trenches) to keep it in
position. The low point in the catchment area acts as a collection point, allowing time
for water to flow into the dam, and also as a sieve to remove leaves and other debris.
Photos: Andrea Hannemann (Cleve)

Table 12. Comparison costs for lining dams, from 1995 data (Lewis 2002).


Some landholders see wildlife conservation as an important secondary use for farm dams.
With some thought it is usually possible to incorporate dam design features that allow multiple
uses, e.g. stock water, habitat for waterbirds and/or fish, and refuge for native animals during
dry times (Lewis 2002, Victoria DNRE 2002, Bourchier 1998).
Vegetation, including trees planted at sufficient distance from the dam, can provide
windbreaks which reduce wave action (and hence bank erosion) as well as reducing
evaporation. At the same time they provide shelter for wildlife.
Shrubs, trees or other deep rooted plants should not be allowed to establish within 5 meters,
or the anticipated height of the mature growth of the dam embankments or spillway. The roots
of this type of vegetation can provide pathways for leakage through the dam wall and may
result in dam failure (VGDSE 2007)

Figure 30. Example dam layout for wildlife conservation (Lewis 2002).

Figure 31. Wildlife prefer a range of water depths and vegetation types (Source: Upper River
Torrens Landcare Group) (Bourchier 1998).

Fencing can be used to protect banks and limit grazing of vegetated filter areas, while also
providing an alternative limited (direct access) watering point. At the limited watering point:
 lack of shade and shelter can prevent stock camping or loitering near the site
 compacted soil, gravel or concrete can be used to protect the bank from erosion
(Bourchier 1998).


A number of different options are potentially available for enhancing catchment runoff and
these should be discussed with the EPNRMB or a suitably qualified consultant. Table 13
provides a guide to the range of runoff coefficients possible from different catchment
enhancement options. Runoff coefficients towards the higher end of the ranges provided are
expected in higher rainfall areas.

Cost, annual rainfall, soils and relevant approval requirements will be factors influencing the
potential success and applicability of different options.
Some example photos of different catchment treatments are shown below.

Table 13. Runoff estimates from different catchment types (adapted from Bourchier 1998).
Catchment type Runoff (%)
 Uncleared 0-0.5
 Farmland 0-8
 Sprayed (with herbicide) 2-10
 Roaded / Graded / Scraped / 5-20 (in low rainfall)
Contour banks 25-40 (in high rainfall)
 Rock outcrops 45-50
 Plastic or Bitumen 75-90

Plastic sheeted catchments

Photo: Brian Hughes

Figure 32. A plastic sheeted catchment for a farm water supply near Yalanda, approx 1 ha in
size. The tyres help to hold down the plastic in strong winds. Holes can be cut in the
tyres to avoid creating sites for water retention and mosquito breeding (P Davis 2009,
pers. comm.).

Photo: Adrian Simpson
Figure 33. A recently constructed plastic sheeted catchment to supplement the community
water supply at Scotdesco Aboriginal Community at Bookabie.

Roaded / graded / scraped catchments

Photo: WA Dept of Agricullture

Figure 34. Farmers and agency staff in Western Australia were the early pioneers of roaded
catchments in the 1940s (Bourchier 1998).

Photos: Steve Moore

Figure 35. A roaded catchment on Sims Farm near Cleve. Topsoil is heaped into rows, then the
mildly dispersive clay subsoil is spread over and compacted to make a more
impervious corrugated surface drainage network.

Photo: Steve Moore

Figure 36. A scraped catchment on Sims Farm, near Cleve. This involves lightly scraping the
topsoil back to expose a more impervious clay subsoil. (This photo was taken on the
same day as the bottom photo of Figure 35.)

Photo: Steve Moore
Figure 37. A contour bank catchment on Sims Farm (Cleve) as part of a runoff trial for steeper

Photo: Brian Hughes
Figure 38. A scraped / graded catchment for a farm water supply near Mangalo. Topsoil is
scraped away to enable better runoff along the clay subsoils. Some ground cover is
necessary on erodible soils, but controlling weeds helps to optimise runoff.

Photo: Adrian Simpson

Figure 39. This catchment at Koonibba Aboriginal Community uses cold mix asphalt.


Key points
Tips for successful dam construction:
 Employ a reliable and experienced contractor.
 Ensure there is at least 2m depth of suitable clay available on
site (use a backhoe for testing).
 Thoroughly prepare the foundation for the embankment.
 Don’t use dry soil – it must be pliable to achieve compaction.
 Ensure adequate freeboard – for safety in floods and to cope
with wave action.
 Allow for settlement (5-10% of embankment height),
particularly with bulldozer construction and dams over 3m
 Don’t plant trees on the embankment
(S Moore 2009, pers. comm.)


Soil moisture
Correct soil moisture is critical for construction purposes. The clay soil will layer and compact
more easily, and reduce leakage and settlement after the bank has been built.
The dam embankment should be constructed from soil that is sufficiently moist to be pliable
without crumbling, but not so wet as to excessively stick to, or flow away from machinery. A
simple test is to roll a small ball of the soil into a ‘rod’ between the hand and a smooth, hard
surface. If you can roll it into the thickness of a pencil (about 7mm) then the moisture content
is near optimum (Lewis 2002).
Soil that is too wet will stick to your palm. A soil that is too dry will crumble.
In average rainfall seasons, soil moisture contents are often close to the optimum level
(Nelson 1984). Dams should be built in Spring.
Building farm dams during droughts
Water scarcity during drought periods often causes an upsurge of interest in farm dam
building, but construction under such dry conditions is fraught with problems (Nelson 1984). It
is better to defer building dams until conditions are favourable because dams built in dry
periods are more prone to failure.

Clay – soil differences
Prior to construction testing should identify different qualities of clay. Think out and plan the
stages for excavation and placement of different soil types so that good quality clays are
placed appropriately. (This may be done by the contractor, as discussed below).
Spillway construction
Spillways should be designed to carry flood flows uniformly at a speed that will minimise
erosion. Designers will typically use ’Mannings Formula’ which estimates water velocities
allowing for different surface types. A well grassed waterway will generally be sufficient, but if
velocities are too high then rocks and gabions (wire and rock-filled mattresses) will be needed
to protect against erosion. Bare soils offer poor protection and are prone to erosion,
particularly when sodic and dispersive in nature.
Where rock reinforcement is required, a rough rule of thumb is to have 1/3 of the rocks directly
underlying the spillway channel, with 1/3 each on the side batters (to protect against high flood
flows). Site specific spillway design must allow for rainfall intensity and catchment size.
Reeds and other large vegetation should not be allowed to grow in spillways as this will
obstruct large flow events and place the dam embankment at increased risk of failure. Figure
40 shows an example of a well constructed spillway.

Photo: Mark Sindicic

Figure 40. An example of good spillway construction with rock reinforcement.

There is potential for rocks to cause problems in spillways when not used correctly.
Landholders using front end loaders to place rocks cannot move them once they have been
dropped in place. Problems occur particularly when rocks are placed directly in the path of
water, with the idea that the rocks will slow the water down. Placing rocks directly in the path of
flowing water will not slow the water down, rather it will speed up (becoming more erosive) as
the water tries to flow at the same rate through a constricted pathway.

Photos: Mark Sindicic

Figure 41. Examples of spillway erosion and a failed repair (right) causing additional erosion as
water flows around rocks placed in the flow path.

Figure 41a. Examples of dam wall failure and washout due to inadequate spillway design and
lack of sufficient freeboard. Photos Dave Cunningham (L) & Seb Drewer (R)



The following will provide a guide to considerations and activities during the construction
phase. The EP NRM Plan 2009 Caring for our resources (EPNRMB 2009a, pages 33-39)
outlines general principles for dam construction that also apply (as shown in Appendix 2).

It is recommended that specialist advice be sought for specific situations. The guide below
assumes that relevant approvals have been gained for native vegetation clearance and dam
construction, where needed.
The contractor must satisfy himself of the nature of the material to be excavated by actual
inspection of the site and testing of the materials.
 (2.1) The area to be covered by the embankment, borrow pits and spillway together
with an area extending beyond the limits of each for a distance of 16m all around shall
be cleared of all trees, scrub, stumps, roots, dead timber and rubbish. All these shall be
removed from the vicinity of the work or otherwise disposed of in a manner approved by
the landholder. Care must be taken to minimise disturbance in the vicinity of the
 (2.2) The area to be covered by the stored water outside the limits of the borrow pits
shall be cleared of all scrub and rubbish. Trees shall be cut stump high and removed
from the vicinity of the work.
 (2.3) All trees near the site which are likely to damage or obstruct work in any way shall
be cut down stump high or root felled as directed and removed from the vicinity of the
 (2.4) Top soil from the site is to be stockpiled beyond the downstream toe of the
embankment, refer to points 4.12 and 3.2. in this document.
 (3.1) The material for the construction of the embankment shall, as far as possible, be
excavated from within the area to be covered by the stored waters.
 3.2 If the material from within the area to be covered by the stored water is insufficient
or unsuitable to construct the embankment to the required dimensions, the balance of
filling shall be obtained from other borrow pits, the locations and dimensions of which
shall be as directed by the landholder. Any borrow area not covered by water must be
restored with a cover of top soil.
 (4.1) No tree branches, roots, organic or other perishable materials shall be placed in
the embankment.
 (4.2) Excavation shall commence at the downstream toe.
 (4.3) Each series of excavations should extend across the full width of the dam before
the next layer is commenced.
 (4.4) As excavation proceeds the machine will be working progressively upstream
 (4.5) Where, the soil from the excavation is of varying types from pervious to
impervious material, the embankment shall consist of two zones. The more impervious
material shall be placed in the upstream zone and the pervious material in the
downstream zone (See Figure 42)

Figure 42. A simplified order of soil excavation when building a bank with a bulldozer

 (4.6) Material to form the bank shall be spilt from the blade on the uphill journey so that
it is deposited in a layer not more than 20cm thick. No material will be tipped over the
downstream batter.
 (4.7) Each layer must be thoroughly consolidated by rolling or traversing with suitable
plant before the next layer is placed.
 (4.8) The distribution and gradation of the materials throughout the impermeable zone
of the embankment shall be such that this zone will be free from lenses, pockets,
streaks or layers of material differing materially in texture or gradation from the
surrounding material.
 (4.9) The moisture content of the material to form the embankment shall be such that
the material may be rolled by hand on a glass plate into a thread 3mm in diameter
which just begins to crumble (Alternatively see page 49). If the natural moisture of the
soil is less than this limit, water shall be added in borrow areas until the moisture
content is raised to the limit described or to the satisfaction of the landholder.
 (4.10) Excavated material which, in the opinion of the landholder, is not suitable for use
in the embankment shall be dumped in spoil banks clear of the works as directed.
 (4.11) The embankments shall be finished to the dimensions and levels as directed
making due allowance for final settlement – see note below. The specified batters are
to be obtained when the settlement as allowed for has taken place. Unless otherwise
directed the upstream batter shall be 1 in 3 and the downstream 1 in 2.

 (4.12) After the embankment has been completed as specified in 4.11 sufficient top soil
previously stripped from the area of the construction shall be uniformly spread over the
embankment so that a grass cover can be established.
Note: Allowance for settlement

With good compaction by rolling while the dam is built, it is safe to allow 5 % extra height
for settlement. For a bulldozer built dam with no compaction other than the pressure of the
bulldozer tracks, 10 % extra height in the embankment should be allowed for settlement.
The allowance in an embankment built with a carry-all scoop with no compaction other
than the tracks and wheels of the equipment should be about 8 %
The spillway shall be cut to the level and dimensions as directed by the landholder or his
agent. The material from the by wash shall be deposited on the embankment.

Source: Steve Moore 1986

Reference: South Australian Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Technical Manual
1986 (Internal Publication) Chapter 5 Engineering Aspects of Water Erosion Control

Key points
 Fence and restrict stock access
 Control sources and entry of organic pollution
 Monitor water quality
 Assess the cost-effectiveness of evaporation control options
 Inspect regularly and maintain dams to avoid problems which
can develop into dam failure


Stock access
Controlling stock access to dams is an important aspect of maintaining water quality, through
minimising contamination from dung (nutrients and pathogenic bacteria) and carcasses,
damage to soil structure and banks and overgrazing of surrounding filter vegetation.
Good water quality for stock
Essentially any aspect of water quality (e.g. salinity, taste, smell, organic pollution, etc) that
makes water unpalatable to stock is a problem. In some cases, poor water quality can lead to
poor stock health or deaths, however poor water quality can be an important problem just in
terms of reduced production and livestock profitability.
Organic pollution
During periods of low rainfall, when pasture cover falls to critical levels, wind-borne dung and
other organic materials may blow into dams. Rain-storms can also wash such materials into
Once in the water, the organic materials provide ideal food for bacteria and algae. These
organisms grow rapidly using up all free oxygen in the water (ie. it becomes anaerobic).
Symptoms are dark water, a bad smell and black scum around the edge.
Stock find the water unpalatable. Thick scum around the waters edge may also prevent stock
access to the water. It is believed that the water is not poisonous to sheep, but may be harmful
to the young or weak. Unpalatability can result in a period of days when stock refuse to drink,
resulting in lost body weight. They may eventually drink the poor quality water but the setback
period may be associated with tender wool problems (Cummings and Thomas 1999).
Recommendations (adapted from Cummings and Thomas 1999)
 Maintain vegetation (e.g. grasses and shrubs) around the dam so that it is
effectively able to filter and trap wind- and water-borne organic matter. (Trees
should not be planted close to dam banks!)
 Fence to restrict stock access and protect filter vegetation.

 Shelter the dam from direct movement of wind- and water-borne organic matter by
temporary mechanical barriers around strategic parts of the dam.
 Skim floating organic material and scum from the dam before it sinks.
 Desludge sunken materials from the edges of the dam, and the bottom if possible.
 Aerate and/or chemically treat anaerobic water if it is urgently needed for stock or
domestic use.
Monitoring water quality (e.g. salinity, nutrient pollution and palatability to stock), along with
quantity/availability, is an important management tool for farmers. Better water quality means
better feed utilisation and improved profitability of livestock.


Evaporation can be controlled using two main methods

 Windbreaks (Hipsey 2002) – however any trees planted need to be well away from
dam walls!
 evaporation control covers – as expanded on further below

There are three major classes of evaporation control covers for water storages, including
(Craig 2008):
 floating (continuous or modular)
 suspended shade structures
 chemical monolayers
Floating – continuous plastic sheet (Craig 2008)
Floating covers are impermeable barriers that float on top of the water surface, with the aim of
reducing evaporation rates. Of the different materials that have been trialled (including wax, foam
and polystyrene). Polyethylene plastic has been found to be the most satisfactory and durable
material for floating covers.
The material of the floating covers usually consists of a multi-layered, polyethylene membrane.
Buoyancy cells exist with in the material (similar to bubble wrap or swimming pool cover products)
which is made from a tough material to prevent degradation from sunlight. The multi-layering of
the floating cover enables the cover to reflect some of the heat from the sun. The reflective top
layer of the cover is white, while the under layers are black, to completely eliminate the
transmission of light to the water underneath the cover.
The type of polyethylene used to manufacture floating covers is used in food packaging and
storing, can be recycled, and is environmentally safe. Trials have demonstrated that a well
managed cover can effectively reduce evaporation from open water storages by over 95 per cent.
A number of covers that have been installed on water storages in South-West Queensland, using
specialised equipment designed and built for the installation of water storage covers. Existing test
sites include, Meandarra, Stanthorpe, Barossa and North Star feedlot.

Floating – modular covers (RMIT 1999, Allen 2008, Craig 2008, DKCRC 2009)
These are similar to continuous plastic covers, however, modular covers consist of individual
units which are not restrained and freely move across the water surface. Installation costs are
believed to be less expensive for modular covers than continuous cover types. The
evaporation reduction rates are based on how tightly the modules are packed together and
may be slightly lower than continuous plastic floating cover types.
Existing prototypes include circular, hexagonal, and rectangular designs. As each module is
small in size, thousands of modules may be required to cover some water storages.
Recycled waste materials have also been used as modular covers. Tyres and styrene can
form a buoyant cover. This type of module is manufactured by filling the voids of the tyres with
ground styrene foam. The recycled modular units are then closed and floated in the water
storage. Minimal pollution may be caused by these units, with very small trace amounts of zinc
released into the water storage. It is estimated evaporation can be reduced by 70-80% using
this method
As modules do not cover 100% of the water surface, their evaporation reduction rates will be
less than 100%.
Modular covers are free floating and will migrate with the wind movements to the downwind
margins of water storages. This is usually where the warmest water of the storage lies, and
where the highest evaporation rates occur.
Suspended covers (Craig 2008)
For this type of cover shade structures are usually suspended above the water surface with
the use of cables.
Shade structures reduce solar radiation and wind speed, and act as a trap for humid air
between the shade structure and the water surface. All of these factors affect evaporation
As the suspended shade structure is not in contact with the water, storages can be emptied
with the cover in place. Shade structures are not as effective in reducing evaporation rates
compared to well managed plastic covers, however they are less likely to have problems.
The suspended shade cloth structures dry out quickly after rainfall preventing wind blown soil
from collecting on the surface of the cloth (either it blows off or falls through). This also means
that the growth of weeds or algae on the cover surface is unlikely.
Shade cloth is available in a range of percentage-of-UV-reduction ratings. Storm damage may
be an issue (covers may need to be replaced), however hail shoots or valves can be installed
into the cloth to reduce potential damage.
The main disadvantage of this product is the relatively high capital outlay (mainly labour cost
for construction). This has now been offset by a new shade cloth knitting machine in Malaysia
which produces a much wider shade cloth roll. This means that fewer cables are involved in
the installation of a wider shade cloth roll.
More research also needs to be carried out into the aerodynamics of suspended structures in
high wind speeds. A limiting factor may be the ability to satisfactorily anchor the cables in poor
quality soils.

Photo: Peter Ciganovic
Figure 43. Controlling evaporation is an important component of water conservation, as shown
here at the historic Moody Rocks Tank. A range of different options for evaporation
control are available to landholders, to suit a large range of situations.

Chemical covers (Craig 2008, Aquatain 2009)

The most commonly used chemical monolayer is a long chain cetyl alcohol (C16-C18) which
forms a one-molecule-thick oily layer on the surface of the water. As these layers are
degradable, there is a need to reapply the chemical every two to four days. With smaller
storages the chemical layer can be applied by hand from the bank as the chemical has some
self-spreading ability. With larger storages a form of mechanised delivery system may be
Trials of chemical methods have generally proved to be not as effective as physical methods
in reducing evaporation. The evaporation reduction performance of chemical covers during
trials was possibly affected by wind (creating waves which disperse monolayers), UV radiation,
algae and bacteria.
Despite only a low evaporation saving rate, the main advantage of chemical monolayers is the
low initial setup cost. Also the product need only be applied when it is required e.g. when the
dam is full and/or during periods of high evaporation. Chemical monolayers are particularly
suited to low risk investment options for owners of agricultural storages that do not have water
in them all year and every year.

Examples of available products
Below is a summary table of evaporation control products available.
Table 14. Example evaporation control products, indicative performance and costs (RMIT 1999;
Allen 2008; Craig 2008; Aquatain 2009; DKCRC 2009)

Cover Type Cover Name Key Advantages Estimated Evaporation Savings Estimated Cost

Very low initial setup costs and relatively low ongoing Up to 30% $18.00/kg with an application rate of
WaterSavr maintenance costs. .5–1 kg/ha

Monolayer Very low initial setup costs requiring minimal capital 25-35% in larger storages $5.00/kg with an application rate of 1.5
Covers Hydrotect expenditure. kg/ha

Very low initial setup costs and relatively low ongoing around 50% $18/litre with an application rate of
Aquatain maintenance costs. 6 litre/ha

Chemical PAM can reduce erosion and nutrient runoff in the field Unknown at this stage It is expected to cost $25/ML.
(PAM) CIBA PAM and also reduce seepage from the water storage.

Evaporation Control Reduction of salt build up, improved water quality, As much as 90-95% $7.00/m2 but these costs are
System reduction in algal growth, reduction in wave action and dependant on transport costs and may
E-VapCap reduced bank erosion. be site specific.

Reduces algae growth, allows rainwater to enter the up to 90% The estimated cost is $6.00–$6.60/m2
Aquaguard storage, reduces erosion from wind and wave action, installed. Cost subject to site location.
Evaporation Cover slower salt build up.

CURV The product is relatively cheap and long lasting. Unknown at this stage The estimated cost is around $3.50/m2
or more.

Floating C.W. NEAL Corp Long lasting and prevents light from entering the by up to 95% The anticipated cost is $30/m2 but this
Covers Defined Sump storage and so eliminates algal growth and increases price is subject to size of site and the
floating cover water quality. site conditions.

Evap-Mat Heat reflective, self-protecting in high winds (up to 150 by up to 90% $3.50/m2 for complete installation.
kph) whether empty or full. It is simple and easy to
install, the cover is also suitable for all storage sizes,
shapes and profiles up to 2 km wide.

Fabtech Heat reflective, self-protecting in high winds (up to 150 by up to 95% $3.50/m2 for complete installation.
kph) whether empty or full. It is simple and easy to
install, the cover is also suitable for all storage sizes,
shapes and profiles up to 2 km wide.

REVOC floating The cover can be inflated for maintenance and by up to 95% The anticipated cost is $30/m2 but this
cover inspection of the storage. price is subject to size of site and the
site conditions.

RTD Enterprises Reduces algal growth and wave action. No information available $28.38–$63.86/m2 (US $21.53–
48.44/m2). The cost of this product is
site specific and therefore it may vary.

(continued next page)

NetPro cabled The cover does not float on the water so there are no around 75% $7.00–10.00 (US $6.00-7.50/m2)
shade cover problems with changing water levels.

Shade Aquaspan The structure is long lasting and the cover is not by 76-84% The cover costs approximately
Structures affected by changing water levels. $33.00/m2.

MuzCov The cover allows easy access to the storage for Unknown at this stage The anticipated costs are $7.50/m2.
maintenance operations.

Raftex Easy to install and remove form the storage. Still in trial The anticipated cost of this product is $

AQUACAP Minimal bank erosion and turbidity due to reduced wave an average of 70% The estimated cost is $17/m 2 installed.
action there will also be a reduced concentration of (when dam is 80% covered)
nutrients and salts in the water and possibly a reduction
in algal booms.

Euro-matic Bird Balls Reduce light penetration and therefore algal growth and by up to 90% The approximate cost is $22.80/m2.
are virtually maintenance free. They allow rainfall to
penetrate the storage and they adjust with changing
water levels.

Modular Layfield Modular Maintenance is easy to carry out as damaged modules Unavailable Unavailable
Covers Cover may be removed independently and with ease.

LemTec Modular Reduces algae and also reduces the amount of total Information unavailable. Information unavailable.
Single Sheet Cover suspended solids in the storage and this product is
System relatively easy to install.

HexDomeTM It has been shown to greatly reduce the effects of wave by up to 90% The anticipated cost is between $4.50–
actione – easily installed by the customer. 8.00/m2

MOD-E-VAP Easy to install by the land owner and easy to remove the Unknown at this stage The product has an estimated cost of
cover if necessary. There is no need for an anchor trench $3.00–3.50/m2 depending on the
and maintenance costs are expected to be minimal. catchment area shape.

POLYNET Quick and easy to install. Unknown at this stage The anticipated cost is $2.50/m2.

QUIT Evap Modular Lightweight and easy to install. 85-95% The estimated cost is around $6.00–
Floating Cover (when dam is 90-95% covered) 8.00/m2 plus transport and installation.

AgFloat Made from recycled materials, durable & long lasting, estimated 70-80% purchase price reported to be
(recycled tyres & little maintenance, stops wave action which can be a considerably less than other available
styrene foam) significant cause of bank erosion. products


Dams may leak after removing silt and fines. Dam site histories should be known (or sought
out) to better understand the potential impacts of cleaning out accumulated silt and sediments.
In priority catchments, desilting of a dam may be carried out following the following principles
(EPNRMB 2009a):
 Desilting of a dam does not require a permit provided desilting only involves the
removal of unconsolidated material deposited since construction of the dam or
material deposited since the dam was previously desilted.

 Any excavated material removed (for construction and maintenance) or during the
desilting of a dam must not be deposited within a watercourse, lake or floodplain of
a watercourse.
 The maximum holding capacity of the dam must not be increased by deepening or
enlargement of the dam without a permit.


Regular monitoring and maintenance can protect dams against some of the main causes of
failure. Typical problems, which can be fixed if detected early enough include (Lewis 2002):
 erosion, rilling and piping
 seepage / leakage
 cracking
 deformation and settlement
 concrete structure defects
 spillway blockage or erosion
 animal damage

Figure 44. Problem areas with dams (Lewis 2002).

Some dam cracking and failures will require expert attention to attempt to remedy (e.g. see
Figure 45). Some remedial works may have limited success, or be time consuming and
expensive. The important message here is to get it right during construction.

Figure 45. Types of potential problems with dam embankments (Lewis 2002, Nelson 1984).

Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
Please contact the EPNRMB for
Water Resources Officers
any queries on water affecting
Dave Cunningham or Seb Drewer activities, or to obtain an update
86 Tasman Terrace on consultants and contractors
that are accredited by the Board,
Port Lincoln SA 5606
who work in line with best practice
Ph: (08) 8688 3111 operating procedures for water
Fx: (08) 8682 5644 affecting activities.

Local Examples
There are many examples of works and projects that incorporate the various options for
harvesting and storing water on Eyre Peninsula. If you have a plan in mind relating to or
similar to something you have read in this book then there could be a local example in your
area. It might be possible to visit local examples and discuss things with other landowners or
groups to help plan your works or project. To see if there is a local example call the Eyre
Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board.

For dam and water-related industry consultants & contractors, look in the Yellow Pages under
(for example):
 Excavating & Earth Moving Contractors
 Natural Resources Consultants
 Geotechnical Engineers & Consultants
 Pumps--Mfrs & Merchants
 Pump Repairers
 Water Treatment & Equipment
 Environmental &/or Pollution Consultants
 Boring & Drilling Contractors
 Tanks & Tank Equipment

Dam terminology – see Figure 1, page 2.
Dispersion – the spontaneous dis-aggregation of the clay fraction of a soil in water (page 19).
DSE – Dry sheep equivalent, a standard unit used to compare the feed requirements of
different classes of stock. By definition, a 50kg wether maintaining a constant weight has a dse
rating of 1.
DWLBC – Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Government of South
EPNRMB – Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
Full supply level – the water level at a dam’s full storage capacity.
ha – hectare (100m x 100m)
kL – Kilolitre (1000 litres)
m – Metre
ML – Megalitre (a million litres)
mm – Millimetre
Priority catchments – Catchments within the southern high rainfall zone of EP for which the
EPNRMB has established principles for dam permitting, siting, design, construction and
maintenance. These are defined by the Hundreds listed at the bottom of page 4 for
administration purposes.
Runoff coefficient – the ratio of runoff to rainfall (expressed as a decimal fraction or %) and
usually evaluated as a long term annual average.
Slaking – the immediate break-up of dry soil crumbs into smaller fragments when dropped into
Storage ratio – the ratio of earth moved to excavate a dam compared to the volume of water
WAA – Water affecting activity

Allen D. 2008. Case Study: Gawler Ranges South Australia, Building Partnerships to Improve
Rangeland Management. Rural Solutions SA, Port Augusta
Aquatain 2009. Aquatain Liquid Anti-Evaporation Film (web page), Accessed online
BoM 2009. ‘Climate maps – evapotranspiration’, Bureau of Meteorology website, Accessed
online 1-09-2009:
BoM 2001. Climatic atlas of Australia – evapotranspiration, Bureau of Meteorology and
Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology
BoM 2000. Climatic atlas of Australia – rainfall, Bureau of Meteorology and Cooperative
Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology
Bourchier J. (Ed) 1998. Liquid assets: Water management for dryland agriculture, Kondinin
Group, Cloverdale Western Australia
Charman PEV and Murphy BW. (Eds) 1991. Soils: their properties and management – A soil
conservation handbook for New South Wales, Soil Conservation Commission of New
South Wales, Sydney University Press
Ciganovic P, Sindicic M and Liddicoat C. 2009. Audit of farm dam issues on Eyre Peninsula,
Prepared for the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Sustainable
Stock Water Project
Craig IP. 2008. Loss of storage water through evaporation with particular reference to arid and
semi-arid zone pastoralism in Australia, DKCRC Working Paper 19, The WaterSmartTM
Literature Reviews, Desert Knowledge CRC, Alice Springs
CSIRO 2009. Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS), Online database,
Produced as part of the Australian Collaborative Land Evaluation Program (ACLEP),
Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organisation, Accessed online 14-08-
Cummings D 1999a. Soil materials for farm dam A series of fact sheets on farm dams
construction, Landcare Note LC0069, Victoria is available from the Victorian
Department of Sustainability and Environment, Government, via:
December 1999
> “Information Notes” > “Soil &
Cummings D 1999b. Finding a dam site, Landcare
Water” > “Water conservation
Note LC0084, Victoria Department of Natural (dams)”
Resources and Environment, December 1999
Cummings D 1999c. A gully dam or a hillside dam?, Landcare Note LC0091, Victoria
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, June 1999
Cummings D 1999d. How to maintain your farm dam, Landcare Note LC0092, Victoria
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, November 1999

Cummings D and Thomas P 1999. Organic pollution in farm dams: prevention and treatment,
Landcare Note LC0074, Victoria Department of Natural Resources and Environment,
December 1999
DKCRC 2009. WaterSmart Pastoral Production™ (Project home web page), Desert
Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre, Accessed online 24/08/2009:
DWLBC 2003. Low flow by-pass device (Fact Sheet 19 – now under review), Department of
Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Government of South Australia
DWLBC 2006. State Natural Resources Management Plan 2006, Department of Water, Land
and Biodiversity Conservation, Government of South Australia, Accessed online 13-08-
DWLBC 2007. Sustainable limits of surface water use in South Australia (Fact Sheet 81),
Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Government of South
Australia, Accessed online 13-08-2009:
DWLBC has fact sheets relating to farm dams and low flow bypasses, currently under
development and review, but will eventually be available via the web at:
Edwards JA, Moore SD and Schultz GJ. 1977. Storing water in farm dams, Bulletin No 29/77,
AGDEX 583, Department of Agriculture South Australia, Reprinted November 1989
EPNRMB 2009a. Natural Resources Management Plan for the Eyre Peninsula Natural
Resources Management Region, Volume 2: Caring for our Resources - NRM
behavioural change framework for Eyre Peninsula, Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources
Management Board, Government of South Australia
EPNRMB 2009b. Natural Resources Management Plan for the Eyre Peninsula Natural
Resources Management Region, Volume 4: State of our Resources – Recognising the
state of natural resources of the Eyre Peninsula, Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources
Management Board, Government of South Australia
Fitzpatrick R. 1999. Rising saline watertables and the development of acid sulphate soils,
Information Sheet No. 13, Research Project Information from CSIRO Land and Water,
June 1999
Hipsey M. 2002. Using windbreaks to reduce evaporation from farm dams, Farmnote 72/2002,
Western Australia Department of Agriculture
Hughes B and Prance T 2004. A basis for maximum stock and domestic water requirements in
the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges, unpublished Rural Solutions SA report, prepared for
the River Murray Catchment Water Management Board
Lewis B. 2002. Farm dams: planning, construction and maintenance, Landlinks Press,
Collingwood Victoria
Matthews D and Moore S. 1993. Water supplies for South Australia’s pastoral zone, Bulletin
5/92, AGDEX 580, Primary Industries South Australia, May 1993

McMurray D. 2006. Impact of farm dams on streamflow in the Tod River catchment, Eyre
Peninsula South Australia, Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation,
Report DWLBC 2006/22
Moore S. 1984a. Maintaining water quality in dams, Fact sheet No. 7/84, AGDEX 582,
Department of Agriculture South Australia, April 1984
Moore S. 1984b. How to prevent dams leaking, Fact sheet No. 10/82, AGDEX 754,
Department of Agriculture South Australia, Reprinted April 1984
Moore S. 1979. A method for the estimation of floods in the agricultural regions of South
Australia, Soil Conservation Branch Report S12/79, Department of Agriculture South
Nelson KD. 1985. Design and construction of small earth dams. Inkata Press, Melbourne
Nelson KD. 1984. ‘Problems with farm dams built in droughts’, in Aqua, June 1984, pp20-22
Pilgrim DH. (Ed) 1987. Australian Rainfall & Runoff - A Guide to Flood Estimation, Institution of
Engineers, Australia, Barton, ACT
RMIT 1999. Aquacaps to save Water. RMIT News (web page) July 1999, Royal Melbourne
Institute of technology, Accessed online: 24/08/2009,
South Australian Department of Agriculture. 1986. ‘Chapter 5: Engineering aspects of water
erosion control’ in, Soil conservation technical manual, Internal publication
Stanton D. 2005. Farm dams in Western Australia, Western Australia Department of
Agriculture, Bulletin 4609, March 2005
State of Victoria. 2008. Guidelines for meeting flow requirements for licensable farm dams –
Victorian guidelines
Stevens C, McFarland I and Ashton B. 2005. Feeding and managing sheep in dry times,
Bulletin 4651, Department of Agriculture Western Australia, November 2005
van de Graaff R and Patterson RA. 2001. ‘Explaining the mysteries of salinity, sodicity, SAR
and ESP in on-site practice’ in Proceedings of On-site ’01 Conference: Advancing On-
site wastewater systems by RA Patterson and MJ Jones (Eds), Published by Lanfax
Laboratories, Armidale, pp 361-368
Victorian DNRE. 2002. Wildlife and farm dams (fact sheet), Land for wildlife notes LW0015,
Prepared by the Wildlife Branch, Victorian Department of Natural Resources and
Environment (first published Feb 1992)
VGDSE 2007. Your dam your responsibility. A guide to managing the safety of farm dams,
Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment 2007.
Western Australian Department of Agriculture and The University of Western Australia 2009.
‘Damcat4’ (Dam and improved catchment water supply design software), available via
webpage titled Software Tools:
Wetherby KG, Moore SD and Sinclair JA. 1982. The Tod River soil survey, Department of
Agriculture South Australia, Technical Paper No 2 (AGDEX 522)

Wright SJ and Ashton BL. 1978. ‘The water consumption of sheep and beef cattle on northern
Eyre Peninsula’ in Agricultural Record, Vol 5, January 1978, pp 9-12
RMIT (1999). "Aquacaps to save Water." Accessed online: 24/08/2009,

Personal Communications
Moore, Steve. 2009, Retired Senior Engineering Hydrologist, Department of Primary Industries
and Resources South Australia (PIRSA)
Davis, Peter. 2009, Port Lincoln Mayor & Farmer (Boston Island)


Figure (1) Average annual rainfall isohyets (data source: PIRSA)

EP Farm Dams – Best Practice Guidelines 85
Figure (2) Average annual evaporation (data source: PIRSA)
Note: ‘Class A Pan
Evaporation’ which is the
traditional measure of
evaporation (see Figure 2)
actually over-estimates the
evaporation from dams.
This is because a larger
body of water will have a
larger thermal mass (ie.
keep cooler at the surface
where evaporation occurs)
and have higher localised
humidity levels. Both of
these effects mean that
larger bodies of water (e.g.
farm dams) will evaporate
less water than shallow
Class A pans.
This map gives a rough
estimate of evaporation
losses from water bodies (<
1 km2) surrounded by a dry
area (eg. farm dam) and is
around 75% of Class A Pan
evaporation levels.

Figure (3) Average annual point potential evapotranspiration – a better guide to evaporation from dams (data source: BoM)
Figure (16) Estimates of runoff coefficients in priority catchments (derived from EPNRMB 2009a)

Source: EPNRMB (2009a), pp 30 - 35

1. The combined capacity of all dams in a catchment shall not exceed the total
catchment capacity (see Column F, Table 3).
2. When the total catchment capacity has been reached or exceeded no new dams
will be approved in that catchment.
3. Where a new dam is constructed, the
Allowable dam volume (ML) = area of *allotment (ha) x allowable volume
(ML/ha) as defined in Column E of Table 3 page 27,
*Allotment means section, lots or allotment identified on a certificate of title, including two or
more adjacent allotments owned or occupied by the same person and operated as a single unit
for the purpose of primary production.
4. Water may be collected and diverted in a dam, wall and other structure as specified
in column E (Table 3).
5. In order to minimise downstream impacts on water dependant ecosystems or other
a. dams shall not be located within third order or higher order watercourses (see
Notes below)
b. any dam or structure that collects or diverts water from a watercourse shall
incorporate a low flow bypass mechanism
c. the low flow bypass mechanism shall be of an approved design and remain
d. any overflow from a dam, or water diverted by a low flow bypass mechanism
shall not be recaptured or diverted.
6. Provision shall be made for flow to pass the dam (ie. low flow bypass) as follows:
a. A diversion structure within a watercourse shall include a device that prevents
the diversion of water from the watercourse during periods of flow at, or below,
the threshold rate
b. A dam, wall or structure located within a watercourse shall include a device that
regulates the diversion of any flow at, or below, the threshold rate, away from
the dam and returning it back to the same watercourse or drainage line below
the dam, wall or structure.

EP Farm Dams – Best Practice Guidelines 92

Note: For the purposes of principle 6, the threshold flow rate (litres/second) means:

a) The flow rate of a watercourse or drainage line (litres/sec) determined by multiplying the unit
threshold rate (litres/sec/hectare) by the area of catchment (hectare) that contributes to the
watercourse, that is above the point where the water is diverted from the watercourse or
drainage line, or

b) 0.002 litres/second, whichever is the greater.

For the purposes of (a), the unit threshold flow rate of a subcatchment can be determined by dividing
the 10th percentile flow rate (litres/second) for a subcatchment (hectare). Where the 10 th percentile
flow rate is the flow rate (litres/second) obtained from a time weighted annual flow duration curve
(with the time step being 1 day – mean flow), which is greater than or equal to 10% of all flows
during that period.

7. Collection or diversion of water flowing in a watercourse, or over land, must not
adversely affect downstream water dependent ecosystems by causing reduced
stream flow duration, lengthened periods of no or low flow, or other such impacts,
unless it is part of a regional natural resources management plan project of the
Board (e.g. constructed wetland).
8. Dams shall not adversely affect the environmental flow requirements of ecosystems
dependent on surface water or watercourses.
9. Dams for stock and/or domestic purposes may only be erected or constructed if
there is insufficient or inadequate water available on the property.

10. Dams, including dam walls and spillways must not be located:
a. in, immediately upstream, or immediately downstream of ecologically sensitive
b. in areas prone to erosion;
c. in areas that may result in increase in land affected by salinity or water logging.
d. in an area that would adversely impact downstream water dependent
e. in third order watercourses or higher; or
f. where it is likely to adversely affect the migration of aquatic biota
Dam construction and design
11. Dams shall be designed and constructed to incorporate a range of features to
improve water quality and enhance ecological values where possible, for example:

a. Storage efficiency and effectiveness are optimised by sufficient depth and
minimum surface area
b. constructed in accordance to best practice
c. constructed in a manner that will prevent seepage to groundwater
d. should not cause adverse impacts to down stream users or neighbouring
12. Dams shall be sited and constructed to minimise:
a. the loss of soil from the site through soil erosion, siltation and bank erosion
b. the removal or destruction of in-stream or riparian vegetation
c. evaporation.
Dam maintenance
13. Desilting of a dam does not require a permit provided desilting only involves the
removal of unconsolidated material deposited since construction of the dam or
material deposited since the dam was previously desilted.
14. Any excavated material removed (for construction and maintenance) or during the
desilting of a dam must not be deposited within a watercourse, lake or floodplain of
a watercourse.
15. The maximum holding capacity of the dam must not be increased by deepening or
enlargement of the dam without a permit.

Outside of the priority catchments, the State NRM Plan 2006 (DWLBC 2006, DWLBC 2007)
can provide guidelines on the sustainable limits of surface water harvesting, in the absence of
better local information.
Outside prescribed areas, and until there is additional information, 25% of median
annual adjusted catchment yield should be used as an indicator of the sustainable limit
of the catchment surface water and watercourse water use. ‘Adjusted’ is defined as the
annual catchment discharge with the impact of dam storage removed.
(State NRM Plan 2006, Appendix 2)

The State NRM Plan’s ‘25% rule’ has evolved from the State Water Plan 2000 ‘50% rule’. This
required that half the average runoff from any property should pass to downstream users,
leaving a maximum of 50% to be captured. Due to a range of factors – lack of inflow in dry
years, unharvestable spills in large flows and wet years, evaporation and seepage –
experience has shown that only half of the volume captured can be reliably accessed from
farm dams every year, giving rise to the ‘25% rule’.

Losses: (~ 25%)
Catchment yield [kL]: (100%) = Evaporation, leakage
= Area (ha) x rainfall (mm)
x runoff coefficient x 10 Water use: (~ 25%)
= stock and domestic use

Downstream flows: (~ 50%)

Dam capacity: = Low flow by-pass, spills in
= ½ catchment yield wet years
from your property

Figure (1) Rough water balance associated with the ‘25% rule’ for sustainable water use. (100%
represents the long term average annual runoff/ yield, including wet and dry years.) In this case,
a suggested limit on dam capacity is ½ of catchment yield.

Important notes – the above guidelines are designed to protect environmental flows in
surface water catchments and watercourses (including ephemeral watercourses) and the
maintenance of recharge to useful (non-saline) groundwater resources. However, as the

guideline suggests there is a need for better localised information – which is an ongoing
There are potential problems in low rainfall regions with a broad-brush application of this
guideline because of the non-linear relationship between rainfall and runoff, and the need for
higher levels of water security required by livestock enterprises operating in regions of low and
unreliable rainfall.
Moving into low rainfall (e.g. northern, inland) regions of EP, as annual rainfall declines, the %
of runoff declines at a larger, non-linear rate. For example, considering two sites with the same
soil type and land management, a rainfall difference of 10% may produce a difference in runoff
of 30-40%. This relates to the threshold of moisture required to wet up a soil and produce
runoff. The lack of runoff in low rainfall areas is exacerbated by high evaporation rates, no-till
farming methods (which use more rainfall where it falls) and the recent run of dry years. This
run of dry years have contributed to a longer-term trend consistent with the early stages of a
projected drying climate.
In low rainfall, high evaporation areas:
 Leading farmers are already pursuing options (at high personal cost) to increase
water availability and reliability to support the sustainability of their farming
 Options include catchment runoff enhancement, e.g. via plastic sheeted, roaded
and/or graded catchments, combined with dam evaporation and seepage control. In
many cases, farms now have water available, where otherwise there would have
been little or no water, either for farms or the environment.
 Where catchment runoff enhancements are made (e.g. sheeted, roaded or graded
catchments), the standard runoff coefficients and expected catchment yields are no
longer relevant.
 After enhancements, good reliable water supplies can be obtained from small
catchment areas.
 This contrasts with the standard catchment where little or no runoff would be
generated from a much larger catchment area, and soil moisture levels are quickly
depleted due to high evaporation.
 Aside from production benefits, this increased water availability also offers
increased potential benefits to the local environment.

DWLBC has some draft fact sheets on low flow bypasses
Source: Guidelines for meeting flow currently under development. These will be another
requirements for licensable farm dams important source of information when available from
– Victorian guidelines (State of Victoria 2008). DWLBC’s website:

Environmental flows are important for ecological and stream geomorphological processes and
can be achieved by:
 Constructing dams away from watercourses and limiting extraction to periods of
high flow (subject to necessary approvals), or
 Installing bypasses which allow controlled flows to pass through or around a dam.
Farm dams typically have a much more pronounced effect on catchment health during
summer, and bypasses are intended to ensure that low flows and summer freshes are passed
downstream. (Minimum flow requirements for on-stream dams in the EP priority catchments
are described in Appendix 2.)
For on-stream dams there are 2 types of methods to construct a low flow bypass:
1. Diversion works from upstream of a dam
Options may include:
 Contour channel around the dam to a flow distribution pit, to pass low flows
downstream of the dam.
 Upstream weir with bypass pipeline to pass low flows downstream of the dam.

2. Diversion works within a dam

Options may include:
 V-notch weirs upstream and downstream of the dam (which measure flow rates),
with an outlet valve (on a pipe through the dam wall) operated to match the flows in
 Gauge board in the dam to monitor water level and an outlet valve to release any
inflows in summer.
 Floating offtake and manually operated outlet valve to release any inflows in
summer from the dam surface.
 Pressure-operated, electrically-actuated outlet valve to automatically release
summer inflows from the base of the dam.
 Floating offtake and pressure-operated, electrically-actuated outlet valve to
automatically release summer inflows from the dam surface.

Some preferred bypass mechanisms for different situations are shown below:

(Source: State of Victoria 2008)

Some example designs for low flow bypass mechanisms are shown below. (Actual designs to
suit your situation will depend on site-specific information.)

Figure (1) Upstream weir and bypass pipeline (State of Victoria 2008).

Figure (2) A typical weir arrangement (State of Victoria 2008).

Figure (3) An example diversion weir, looking down the stream bed (State of Victoria 2008).

Figure (4) Example detail of a bypass offtake arrangement, showing silt trap, screened inlet,
inspection hole and air ‘breather’ tube (State of Victoria 2008).

Figure (5) Piped outfalls should be constructed to discharge into the watercourse, hence
avoiding erosion of the spillway, stream bed and banks. If pipes cut through the embankment
wall, ‘cut-off walls’ (plates surrounding the pipe) need to be installed to prevent seepage (State
of Victoria 2008).

Figure (6) Contour channel and distribution pit (State of Victoria 2008).

Figure (7) Example bypass mechanism for an off-stream storage (State of Victoria 2008).


For further information 1. Deliver your water sample(s) to an EPNRM office located at Port Lincoln -
please call or go to our 8688 3111, Tumby Bay – 8688 2610, Elliston – 8687 9275, Streaky Bay –
8626 1108, Ceduna – 8625 3060 or Cleve – 8628 2077 for salinity and pH
86 Tasman Tce testing.
Port Lincoln SA 5606
Ph: (08) 8688 3111 2. If you require water testing for other factors such as bacteria levels, algae
or levels of other minerals, the sample will need to be sent to a
professional laboratory.
Or the Department for
Water website: 3. If you have any questions or want to discuss your water test results, contact an EPNRM officer.

Priority issues for stock water supply systems Page 106 of
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