Gateway A2 Review Test 1A

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Review 1 Test A

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Grammar 3 Find and correct the mistakes in the

sentences. One sentence does not
have a mistake.
1 Complete the dialogue with the
correct present form of the verbs 1 A: Where’s Pat?
given. B: She’s in a kitchen.
A: Hi Karen! How are you?
B: I’m fine, thanks. What (1) __________ you 2 I usually don’t have coffee at breakfast.
__________ (do) here?
A: Oh, I (2) __________ (come) every Friday for a
dance class. It (3) ___________ (start) at 4.30. 3 Hurry up! Your dinner is in the table.
I’m early as usual!
B: (4) __________ you __________ (want) a
coffee? I (5) __________ (wait) for Steve, my 4 Do you often go swimming?
brother. He (6) __________ (have) a swimming
lesson at the moment.
A: Really? (7) __________ he __________ (swim) 5 We have cookery club after school at Mondays.
in competitions?
B: No, he doesn’t. He swims for fun! He (8)
__________ (like) meeting his friends at the /5
swimming pool.
A: That’s good. How about that coffee?
/8 4 Match the start of the sentences (1–6)
with the end (A–F).
2 Rewrite these sentences in the
negative and question forms using 1 I never do ___
the words given. 2 We usually have ___
1 I’m waiting for Jim. 3 Jack sometimes plays ___
Negative: ____________________ 4 I often ask ___
Question: Why ____________________? 5 My brother doesn’t usually make ___
2 Brett has tennis lessons. 6 We always walk ___
Negative: ____________________
Question: Where____________________? A questions in class.
3 Sally speaks another language. B the dog on Sundays.
Negative: ____________________ C the ironing at the weekend.
Question: ____________________ D his bed on schooldays.
4 Barry is working today. E dinner at 7.30.
Negative: ____________________ F football after school.
Question: Where ____________________?

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5 Choose the correct alternatives to

complete the sentences.
1 Do you usually ___ photos when you’re on 7 Read the magazine article. Decide if
holiday? the statements are true (T), false (F)
A make or not mentioned (NM).
B do Are you happy with your house? Perhaps you’d
C take like to move the sofa and the chairs or put the beds
2 It’s good exercise to ___ sport every week. in a different place? But that takes a lot of time and
you don’t want a bad back, do you? Well, now
A do
there is a website where you can do all these things
B make online! You can draw a plan of your house. Then
C have you can put your furniture in different parts of the
3 I like listening ___ rock music. house and look at it. Perhaps it looks good,
A at perhaps it doesn’t! OK, change it again. You can
try again and again until you finally decide where
B for you want to put your things. This is a really good
C to website and when you change your furniture, it
4 When do you get ___ on Sunday mornings? shows you the result in 3D. It’s very real. You can
A off have the perfect house! What do the website
visitors think?
B up
Anna from Medway
C on
I think it’s fantastic. I have a lot of furniture
5 Can you ___ the rubbish out before school, and I often get bored and want to change things.
please? With this website, I can try lots of different ways.
A go It’s easy to use, and the 3D is great. Now my
B take rooms are perfect.
C do Damian from Leamington
6 In the evenings, Brendan often ___ the Internet. I’m not very good with computers. I don’t surf
A reads the Internet or play games, but this website is
great! I have a new flat with three bedrooms, a
B searches
dining room and a kitchen. I’m not good at
C surfs planning things. I don’t know where to put my
things! I’m using the website, and it’s helping a
/6 lot. The bedrooms are OK now, and I’m working
on the kitchen and dining room. Thank you
6 Choose the correct alternatives to!!
complete the sentences. 1 is useful for people T/F/NM
1 I like learning about the past in biology/history. who want to buy a new house.
2 I want to borrow some books, so I’m going to 2 You need a computer to use T/F/NM
the stadium/library.
3 Can you lay the table/chairs for dinner, please? 3 It’s expensive to use T/F/NM
4 I need some more shelves/sinks in my bedroom. 4 You can only change your rooms once T/F/NM
5 We often draw plants in English/art.
5 Anna wants to move her furniture T/F/NM
/5 because she likes new and different
6 Damian is using to T/F/NM
help him with the furniture in his
bedrooms at the moment.


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Listening (Tests CD, Track 4)

2 Which poster does the girl have in her room?

8 You are going to hear three dialogues.

Listen and choose the correct picture
to answer the questions.
1 Which subject is the girl good at?

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3 When is the tennis match? 4 Where is the girl having her party?


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Use of English Writing

9 Complete the email with one word in 10 Write an email from Britt to Kristina
each gap. from 9 and tell her about a new
teacher you have at your school.
Hi Britt!
How (1) __________ you? Are you working Write 50–80 words.
hard for your exams? I’ve (2) __________ maths
and English tomorrow. Urggh! I hate maths – I just
can’t do numbers! I want (3) __________ be an
English teacher, so I don’t think maths is very
important. We had a surprise today – we
(4) __________ got a new teacher. Miss Ford is
getting married next month, and we’ve got Mrs
Davies – she’s English, but she (5) __________
here in Poland. I think her husband works in a
different school. He’s a maths teacher! She’s really
nice, but she doesn’t speak Polish very well. We’re
studying the present tense with her
(6) __________ the moment – and she always
gives us a lot of new words. She also gives us a lot
of homework! I (7) __________ have time to write
a long email today – I’ve got English homework!
I’ve got five exercises to do! And I’ve got to look
at my maths for tomorrow’s exam! No TV tonight.
Write soon! /60


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