50 Tips For Steel Design

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Some key takeaways are to show reactions rather than require full member strength, minimize excessively conservative designs, understand fabricator preferences, and communicate design intent clearly.

Tips include showing reactions rather than arbitrary load factors, allowing alternative connection details, minimizing small pieces of steel, and configuring framing and bracing efficiently.

Connection design should be governed by code rather than arbitrary rules, utilize bearing strength where allowed, and consider the flow of forces through the structure.


Seminar goal
50 Tips For Designing
Constructable & Economical
Steel Buildings To review easy ways to enhance the
by Clifford Schwinger, P.E. constructability of steel'framed structures.
The Harman Group, Structural Engineers
King of Prussia, Pa.

Structural Engineers Association of Ohio

Annual Conference Presentation

3 4
Keep in mind).. Constructability

These tips are only suggestions.

There are often several good solutions. Constructability defines the ease with
which structures can be built.
The best solution often depends on local construction
practices and contractor preferences.
Constructability = Economy
The best design is one that provides steel fabricators
with options and flexibility.

5 6

Four principles of constructability Show the reactions

Simplicity = Economy
A significant percentage of cost is in the
Least weight does not always = Least cost connections.

Fewer pieces = Greater economy Excessively conservative connection design

requirements do not enhance safety.
Efficient connection design = Reduced cost

Tip #1

7 8

Show the reactions Show the reactions

Do not require connection strength to be based on
Do not require connections to be designed for full
the Table 3'6 maximum uniform load values.
shear strength of the member.
Avoid notes such as this on your drawings:
Avoid notes such as this on your drawings: “Connections shall be designed to support
reactions occurring from uniform loads equal
“Connections shall be designed to support to 150% of the uniform load capacity of the
the full shear strength of the member.” beams from Table 3'6 in the AISC Steel
Construction Manual.”
(This note is usually excessively conservative, but sometimes
can result in connections with insufficient strength.)

Tip #1 Tip #1

9 10
Show the reactions Show the reactions

Avoid notes such as this on your drawings:

“Shear connections shall be designed to support

150% of the Total Uniform Loads in Table 3'6 of the
AISC Steel Construction Manual. The effects of
concentrated loads near an end reaction shall also
be considered.”

The only way fabricators can “consider” the effects of

concentrated loads is to submit an RFI asking for the
reactions – so save yourself time and put the reactions
on drawings before they are issued for bid.

Tip #1 Tip #1

11 12
Provide load combinations & directions of
Provide moments & axial forces reactions, forces and moments

Moment connections

Axial loads in
' Hangers
' Drag struts
' Braced frames
' Truss members

Do not require connections to develop the full

Do not require shears and moments to be
capacity of the section unless required by analysis
considered in all directions unless they
or by the building code.
really might occur in all directions.
Tip #2 Tip #3

13 14

Require connections to be designed per Allow use of bearing bolt strength values where
the requirements of the building code, permitted by the building code
AISC 360'10 & AISC 341'10
Avoid notes such as this on your drawings:

“All bolted connections shall be designed as

Do not mandate connection design requirements slip'critical connections.”
beyond what is required by the building code.

Slip'critical connections are generally only required

when over'sized or slotted holes are used with loads
parallel to the slots

Tip #4 Tip #5

15 16
Allow use of bearing bolt strength values where
AISC 360'10, Section J1.10
permitted by the building code
Avoid notes such as this on your drawings: Limitations on Bolted and Welded Connections
Joints with pretensioned bolts or welds shall be used for the following
“The following connections must be slip'critical: connections:
' Connections within 3 feet of columns
' Connections directly supporting columns (1) Columns splices in all multi'story structures over 125 ft in height
' Hanger connections (2) Connections of all beams and girder to columns and any other beams
' Stair connections and girders on which the bracing of the columns is dependent in
' Cantilever connections structures over 125 ft in height.
' Bracing connections (3) In all structures carrying cranes over 5'ton capacity: roof truss splices
' All connections supporting 50k or more and connections of trusses to columns; column splices; column
' Connections to plate girders bracing; knee braces; and crane supports.
(4) Connection for the support of machinery and other live loads that
Bearing bolt shear strength values can be used for produce impact or reversal of load.
all of the above when STD or SSL holes are used
Pre tensioned ≠ Slip critical
with loads perpendicular to the slot. (Bolts may
have to be pre'tensioned.) Do not use the terms interchangeably.
Tip #5 Tip #5

17 18
AISC 341'10, Section D2.2 Permit the use of one'sided connections
2. Bolted Joints (single angle and single'plate connections)
Bolted joints shall satisfy the following requirements:
(1) The available shear strength of bolted joints using standard holes shall be calculated as
that for bearing type joints in accordance with Specification Sections J3.6 and J3.10. The Example of what not to specify:
nominal bearing strength at bolt holes shall not be taken greater than 2.4dtFu.
(2) Bolts and welds shall not be designed to share force in a joint or the same force component in a
“Avoid one'sided connections if possible and do not
(3) Bolt holes shall be standard holes or short slotted holes perpendicular to the applied load.
use for beams deeper than 18”. If it is necessary to
Exception: For diagonal braces specified in Sections F1, F2, F3 and F4, oversized holes are
use a one'sided connection, this connection shall
permitted in one connection ply only when the connection is designed as a slip-critical joint for the be designed in accordance with the AISC Manual.”
required brace connection strength in Sections F1, F2, F3 and F4.
(4) All bolts shall be installed as pretensioned high strength bolts. Faying surfaces shall satisfy
the requirements for slip-critical connections in accordance with Specification Section J3.8 with a
faying surface with a Class A slip coefficient or higher.
(See AISC Steel Construction Manual for limitations and
procedures regarding design of single'plate and single
Even when designing an R>3 Seismic Load Resisting angle connections.)
System, bearing bolt strength values may be used (versus slip'
critical) when the holes are STD or SSL with loads applied
perpendicular to the slot.
Tip #5 Tip #6

19 20

Permit the use of any diameter & type of bolt Permit the use of short'slotted holes in shear
Example of what not to specify:
Example of what not to specify:
“All bolts shall be ¾” diameter. All holes shall be
13/16” diameter.” “All bolts shall be ¾” diameter. All holes shall be
13/16” diameter.”

Allow fabricator to determine the bolt diameter and type Most fabricators require short'slotted holes holes in shear
when connection design is delegated to the fabricator. connections to accommodate tolerances and facilitate
steel erection. (SSL holes are needed when beams are

AISC connection design procedures permit the use of SSL

holes with snug'tightened bolts for most types of shear

Tip #7 Tip #8

21 22
Delegate connection design to the Delegate connection design to the
fabricator fabricator – but do so properly
When option (2) or (3) above is specified, the owner’s designated representative
From AISC 303'10: for design shall provide the following information in the structural design
drawings and specifications:
3.1.2. The owner’s designated representative for design shall
indicate one of the following options for each connection: (a) Any restrictions on the types of connections that are permitted;

(1) The complete connection design shall be shown in the (b) Data concerning the loads, including shears, moments, axial forces and
transfer forces, that are to be resisted by the individual members and their
structural design drawings;
connections, sufficient to allow the selection, completion, or design of the
(2) In the structural design drawings or specifications, the connection details while preparing the shop and erection drawings;
connection shall be designated to be selected or completed by an
experienced steel detailer; or, (c) Whether the data required in (b) is given at the service-load level or the
factored-load level;
(3) In the structural design drawings or specifications, the
connection shall be designated to be designed by a licensed (d) Whether LRFD or ASD is to be used in the selection, completion, or design of
professional engineer working for the fabricator. connection details; and,

(e) What substantiating connection information, if any, is to be provided with the

shop an erection drawings to the owner’s designated representative for design.
Tip #9 Tip #9

23 24
Delegate connection design to the Frame girders to column flanges; beams to webs
Possible note for delegating connection design when R=3,

“Structural steel connections shall be designed in

accordance with the requirements of the building code and
with AISC 360'10 using connection design procedures
documented in publications such as the AISC Engineering
Journal, the AISC Steel Construction Manual, 14th Edition
and the AISC Steel Construction Manual Design

Tip #9 Tip #10

25 26
Size columns to eliminate need for stiffeners Where column stiffeners can’t be avoided,
make opposing beams the same depth

Square stiffeners are less

Stiffeners complicate connections expensive than skewed stiffeners

Tip #11 Tip #12

27 28
Use deepest practical column; avoid W8 Orient columns to minimize skewed
columns with connections to web connections

Square connections are less expensive than skewed


Tip #13 Tip #14

29 30
Orient columns in braced frames square Orient columns in braced frames square to the
beams and braces (preferably to the column flanges)

Tip #15 Tip #15

31 32
Frame members with very large reactions square Configure framing so that no more than one
to columns ' preferably to the flanges. beam frames to any one side of a column

Do not do this!

Tip #16 Tip #17

33 34
Configure framing so that no more than one Head off steeply skewed connections
beam frames to any one side of a column

Tip #17 Tip #18

35 36
Configure framing to minimize skewed Favor pipe columns over square/rectangular HSS when
connections there are skewed connections

Configure skewed framing to provide square connections at one end.

Square connections are less expensive than skewed connections. All connections to pipe
columns are square
Tip #19 Tip #20

37 38
Watch out for connection interference where Increase beam depth to avoid web reinforcement
beams are slightly offset from columns

Possible situations requiring web reinforcing:

' Large copes w/ heavy reactions
' High beams framing to low girders
' Skewed beams with long copes

Tip #21 Tip #22

39 40
Beams with flange'bolted moment Size members to have sufficient strength at
connections must have sufficiently wide the net section
flanges to install bolts

Max. recommended Required strength

stress ratio at gross = = 0.75 (max.)
section Usable strength

Tip #23 Tip #24

41 42
Here’s what can happen when you don’t anticipate,
Communicate and coordinate coordinate and communicate)

Talk to the architect if their design is creating structural


Failure to proactively communicate & coordinate early can

box you into a corner. (“You should have told us this would
be a problem two months ago-”)

Ask your client in writing for the information that you need
and give dates for when that information is needed.

Anticipate what other consultants will be doing in order to

avoid coordination problems and interferences during

Tip #25 Tip #26

43 44
Do not delegate design of reinforcing around Provide sufficient information on the drawings to
beam web openings minimize uncertainty among bidders

AISC 303 10 Section 3.1.1,

Permanent bracing, column stiffeners, column web doubler
plates, bearing stiffeners in beams and girders, web
reinforcement, openings for other trades and other special
details, where required, shall be shown in sufficient detail in
the structural design drawings so that the quantity, detailing
and fabrication requirements for these items can be readily

Tip #27 Tip #28

45 46
Do not delegate design of plate girder welds Think about how the connections will be
detailed even when connection design is
delegated to the fabricator

Use fillet welds sized for required strength

Tips #29 & 30 Tip #31

47 48
Configure HSS framing to simplify connections Some welding tips to enhance

Strive for downhand or vertical welds

Avoid specifying “all around” welds unless they are

needed to achieve the required strength

Avoid specifying arbitrary CJP welded moment


Favor fillet welds over groove welds

Tip #32 Tip #33

49 50
Select efficient diagonal braces Select efficient diagonal braces

Single angles: Good for small loads (tension only)

Double angles: Efficient connections (double shear
HSS’s: Highest brace strength per pound of steel
(field welding required for installation)
W shapes: Good for high axial loads (but
connections can be more intricate than with the
other brace types)

Tip #34 Tip #34

51 52
Configure slopes of diagonal braces at Configure slopes of diagonal braces at
35 to 55 degrees 35 to 55 degrees

Tip #35 Tip #35

53 54
Verify that framing can be installed Configure framing to minimize the
number beams

Braced frame shown. Similar conditions can occur

in floor framing and trusses.

Tip #36 Tip #37

Maximize slab span to minimize the 55 56

For seismic design use R=3 when possible

number of beams

There are significant connection and member

design requirements imposed when the seismic
response modification coefficient, “R” is > 3.

Ordinary Steel Concentrically Braced Frames

(R=3.25) and Ordinary Steel Moment Frames
(R=3.5) are not so “ordinary”!

Tip #38 Tip #39

57 58
Orient columns in moment frames for strong Strong axis beam'to'column moment connections are generally
axis bending less complex than weak axis beam'to'column moment

Tip #40 Tip #41

59 60
Run heavy moment'connected girders Run cantilevered roof beam over tops of columns
through columns to simplify flow of moment
through the columns

Tip #42 Tip #43

61 62
Minimize the “gingerbread” Selectively turn slab spans to reduce

“Gingerbread” = little pieces of steel.

' Brace angles

' Relieving angles
' Bent plates
'Web doubler plates
'Little beams

Tip #44 Tip #44

63 64
Avoid skewed beam'to'column moment Avoid full depth stiffeners where possible

Also, orient columns with

Difficult to detail webs parallel to beam
webs at these locations)
Tip #45 Tip #46

65 66
Simplify base plates and anchor rod details Some constructability tips for hangers

Tip #47 Tip #47

67 68
Understand fabricator preferences regarding Avoid torsion in W shape beams
preferred connection details

W shapes are inefficient in resisting torsion.

' Shear connections
' Moment connections Solutions:
' Braced frame connections ' Brace W shapes to take out torsion
' Truss connections ' Use HSS sections

Tip #48 Tip #49

69 70
Camber intelligently Summary
' Do not camber beams in moment frames & braced frames To enhance constructability,
' Do not camber short beams (< 25’ long)
' Do not camber light beams (< 19 plf) ' Think about the connections
' Do not over'camber (camber for 75% of slab + steel weight) ' Show the reactions, moments & axial forces
' Specify additional concrete be poured to achieve level floor ' Do not impose arbitrary constraints on connection design
' Include ponded concrete load in design ' Delegate connection design
' Do not specify camber < ¾” ' Strive to keep connections square
' Do not specify that camber be measured after erection. ' Use R=3 for seismic design (when permitted).
' Compare camber cost to material cost ' Understand fabricator preferences
' Permit alternative connection details
For more information, go to presentation on AISC website, ' Minimize the number of structural framing members
“Specifying Camber: Rules'of'Thumb for Designers” ' Minimize the “gingerbread”
www.aisc.org/elearning found under “Boxed Lunch” ' Communicate & coordinate

Tip #50


Thank you!
Clifford Schwinger, P.E.
Phone: 610533753360


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