Augustus Welby Pugin - Contrasts
Augustus Welby Pugin - Contrasts
Augustus Welby Pugin - Contrasts
Uhich Middeldorf
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The author gladly avails himself of the opportunity afforded him by the publica-
tion of this edition, to enlarge the text, and correct some important errors which
appeared in the original publication. When this work was first brought out, the
very name of Christian art was almost unknown, nor had the admirable works of
Montalembert and Rio appeared on the subject. It is not by any means sur-
prising that the author, standing almost alone in the principles he was advocating,
should have adopted some incorrect views in the investigation of a subject in-
the main point, but indistinctly developed. He was perfectly correct in the
abstract facts, that pointed architecture ivas produced hy the Catholic faith, and
ej^ect of some other more powerful agency, and in ascribing the highest state of
The real origin of both the revived Pagan and Protestant principles is to be
traced to the decayed state of faith throughout Europe in the fifteenth century,
which led men to dislike, and ultimately forsake, the principles and architecture
which originated in the self-denying Catholic princip)le, and admire and ado2')t
the luxurious styles of ancient Paganism. Religion must have been in a most
diseased state, for those two monsters, revived Paganism and Protestantism, ever
to have obtained a footing, much less to have overrun the Christian world. We
cannot imagine a St. Ambrose or St. Chrysostom setting up Bacchanalian groups
and illustrations of Ovid's fables as decorations to their episcopal residences, nor
a St. Bede or St. Cuthbert becoming Calvinists. If Henry VIII. exceeded Nero
himself in tyranny and cruelty, had not the Catholic spirit been at an exceedingly
low ebb, the Church of England, instead of succumbing, would have risen in glory
and purity, for such has ever been the effect of persecution in the days of lively
faith. But when the will of a schismatical king could so prevail with the whole
clergy of this country, that they actually erased from their missal and breviaries
the most glorious champion and martyr of the Church, St. Thomas of Canterbury,
and even put out the commemoration of the holy father himself (only one bishop
and a few abbots and priests being found true witnesses of the faith), it is evident
punishment for its decayed faith ; and those by whom it was carried on are now
considered in the true light of Church plunderers and crafty political intriguers,
instead of holy martyrs and modern apostles. It is, indeed, almost impossible for
any sincere person to see all episcopal and ecclesiastical power completely con-
trolled at the pleasure of a lay tribunal, without condemning the men who origin-
ally betrayed the Church, and feeling that in our present divided and distracted
state, consequent on the Reformation, we are suffering severely for the sins of our
fathers. This is the only really consistent view which can be taken of the subject.
England's Church was not attacked hy a strange enemy and overthrown, she was
consumed hy internal decay ; her privileges and abbeys were surrendered by
dissembling and compromising nominally Catholic ecclesiastics, and her revenues
and her glorious ornaments were despoiled and appropriated by so-called Catholic
nobles. Both Protestantism and revived Paganism were generated by unworthy
men who bore the name of Catholic ;
the former is, indeed, a consequence of the
and the Independent preaching-houses that now deface the land ; for both are
utterly oj^posed to true Catholic jyrinciples, and neither could have existed had
not those principles decayed. When that great champion and martyr for the
truth, Savonarola, the Dominican monk, preached his first sermon at Florence, he
predicted the desolation about to fall on the Church ; and after pourtraying,
the most powerful language, the terrible danger in the then new rage for classic
and Pagan styles, that were beginning to usurp the place of Christian art and
feeling, he exclaimed, " By your continued study of these things, and your neglect
of the sublime truths of the Catholic faith, you will become ashamed of the cross
of Christ, and imbibe the proud luxurious spirit and feelings of Paganism ;
weak both in faith and good works, you will fall into heresies, or infidelity
Who cannot see this terrible prediction fulfilled in the desolating religious
revolution of the sixteenth century, to which we owe the present divided state
Having explained and rectified the errors into which he had fallen, the author
It may be proper to observe, that most of the reviewers of this work have
fallen into a great error, by reproaching the author for selecting buildings of the
modern style to contrast with the ancient edifices, when so many better build-
ings had been erected during the last few years in imitation of the pointed style.
although erected in, are not buildings of, the nineteenth century, — their merit
must be referred back to the period from whence they were copied ; the archi-
tecture of the nineteenth century is that extraordinary conglomeration of classic
and modern styles peculiar to the day, and of which we can find no example in
Engraved Title.
Plate 1. Contrasted Altars. Woodcut.
2. ,,
Residences for the Poor.
3. Selections from the Works of various celebrated British Architects.
7. „ Episcopal Residences.
8. ., Public Inns.
9. A Catholic Town in 1440-1840.
12. New Church — Open Competition. The Practice of Architecture in the 19th Century-
a parallel
on the causes which have wrought this mighty change, and to en-
deavour to trace the fall of Architectural taste, from the period of its
first decline to the present day and this will form the subject of
that we look for the most splendid and lasting monuments, there can
be little doubt that the religious ideas and ceremonies of these
different people had by far the greatest influence in the formation
of their various styles of Architecture.
The more closely we compare the temples of the Pagan nations
with their religious rites and mythologies, the more shall we be
satisfied with the truth of this assertion.
In them every ornament, every detail had a mystical import. The
pyramid and obelisk of Egyptian Architecture, its Lotus capitals, its
of Pagan antiquity, we shall invariably find that both the plan and
decoration of the building is mystical and emblematic.
And is it to be supposed that Christianity alone, with its sublime
truths, with its stupendous mysteries, should be deficient in this
respect, and not possess a symbolical architecture for her temples
which would embody her doctrines and instruct her children ? surely
not, —
nor is it so from Christianit}^ has arisen an architecture so
matter of opinion, the latter, in the abstract, is no proof of excellence,
but in it alone we find the faith of CJiristianity embodied, and its prac-
tices illustrated.
acquainted with But there was nothing to call it into use, till the
* We may consider the introduction of the depressed or four-centred arch as the first
symptom of the dechne of Christian Architecture, the leading character of which was the
vertical or pointed principle.
is clearly seen in the annexed cut. But do not all the features and
details of the churches erected during the Middle Ages, set forth their
origin, and, at the same
time, exhibit the triumphs
of Christian truth? Like the
religion itself, their founda-
tions are in the cross, and
they rise from it in majesty
and glory. The lofty nave
and choir, with still loftier
towers, crowned by clusters
of pinnacles and spires, all
directed towards heaven,
beautiful emblems of the
Christian's brightest hope,
the shame of the Pagan ;
rood loft, with its lights and images, through the centre arch of which,
in distant perspective, may be seen the high altar blazing with gold
and surmounted by a golden dove, the earthly tabernacle of
the Highest; before which, burn three unextinguished lamps. It is,
indeed, a sacred place the modulated light, the gleaming tapers, the
tombs of the faithful, the various altars, the venerable images of the
just, —
all conspire to fill the mind with veneration, and to impress it
with the sublimity of Christian worship. And when the deep intona-
tions of the bells from the lofty campaniles, which summon the people
to the house of prayer, have ceased, and the solemn chant of the choir
swells through the vast edifice, —
cold, indeed, must be the heart of
that man who does not cry out with the Psalmist, laowtne tiiUvi
trecorem Jjomus tuae, tt locum i^atiitattoms gloriac tuae.
Such efi'ects mind by build-
as these can only be produced on the
ings, the composition of which has emanated from men who were
thoroughly embued with devotion for, and faith in, the religion for
whose worship they were erected.
Their whole energies were directed towards attaining excellence
they were actuated by far nobler motives than the hopes of pecuniary
reward, or even the applause and admiration of mankind. They felt
they were engaged in one of the most glorious occupations that can
fall to the lot of man —
that of raising a temple to the worship of the
true and living God.
It was this feeling that operated alike on the master-mind that
planned the edifice, and on the patient sculptor whose chisel wrought
each varied and beautiful detail. It was this feeling that enabled
the ancient masons, in spite of labour, danger, and difficulties, to
persevere till they had raised their gigantic spires into the very
regions of the clouds. It was this feeling that induced the ecclesiastics
and to labour
of old to devote their revenues to this pious purpose,
with their own hands in the accomplishment of the work and it is a ;
and ceremonies of the Church, formed an ample and noble field for
the exercise of their talents and it is an incontrovertible fact, that
Yes, it was, indeed, the faith, the zeal, and above all, the unity of
our ancestors, that enabled them to conceive and raise those wonder-
ful fabrics that still remain to excite our wonder and admiration.
They were erected for the most solemn rites of Christian worship,
Avhen the term Christian had but one signification throughout the
world ; when the glory of the house ofGod formed an important con-
sideration with mankind, when men were zealous for religion, liberal
in their gifts, and devoted to her cause. I am well aware that modern
writers have attributed the numerous churches erected during the
Middle Ages to the effect of superstition. But if we believe the great
principle of Christian truth, that this life is merely a preparation for
a future state, and that the most important occupation of man in this
world is to prepare for the next, the multiplicity of religious estab-
lishments during the ages of faith, may be accounted for on far nobler
motives than have been generally ascribed to them.
It may be objected, and with some apparent reason, that if pointed
Architecture had been the result of Christian faith, it would have been
was consequent on that of the faith itself; and all revived classic
buildings, whether erected in Catholic or Protestant countries, ace
evidences of a lamentable departure from true Catholic principles
and feelings, as will be shown in the ensuing chapter.
" The ancient Pagans were at least consistent ; in their architecture, symbols, and sculpture,,
they faithfully embodied the errors of their mythology ; but modern Catholics have revived
these profanities in opposition to reason, and formed the types of their churches, their paint-
ings, their images, from the detestable models of pagan error which had been overthrown by
the triumph of Christian truth, raising temples to the crucified Redeemer in imitation of the
Parthenon and Pantheon representing the Eternal Father under the semblance of Jupiter
nymphs; and angels in the form of Cupids." Translated from De FEtat Actuel de FAii
Relig^ieux en France, par M. le Comte de Montalembert. Paris, 1839.
Did not almost every edifice erected during the last few centuries
attest the fact, would hardly be believed, that after Christianity
a mere vehicle for their revival.* But every church that has been
* Almost all the celebrated artists of the last three centuries, instead of producing their
works from feelings of devotion and a desire of instructing the faithful, merely sought for a
display of their art and the increase of fame hence they not unfrequently selected the least
edifying subjects from sacred writ, such as Lot and his daughters, the chastity of Joseph,
Susanna and the elders, and many others of the same description, simply because they afforded
a better scope for the introduction of pagan nudities even St. Sebastian was more frequently
depicted from this motive, than from any veneration for the constancy of that holy martyr.
And what greater profanation could be conceived, than making the representations of the most
holy personages mere vehicles for portraits of often very unworthy living characters, who had
the audacity to be depicted as saints, apostles, and even as our blessed Lady and the divine
Redeemer himself a detestable practice, of which we have but too many instances, and which
form strikingly contrasts to the humble piety of the ages of faith, when the donors of sacred
pictures were figured kneeling in a corner of the subject in the attitude of prayer, with their
patron saints behind them, and not unfrequently labels with pious inscriptions proceeding from
their mouths.
* It is surprising how this edifice is popularly regarded as the ne phis ultra of a Catholic
church, although as a Christian edifice it is by no means comparable to either St. Peter's of
York or St. Peter s emblem
of Westminster, in both of which churches every original detail and
is of the purest Christian design, and not one arrcvigement or feature horroioed from pagan
antiquity ; and although these glorious piles have been woefully desecrated and shorn of more
than half their original beauty, they yet produce stronger feelings of religious awe than their
namesake at Rome, still in the zenith of its glory, with all its mosaics, gilding, and marbles.
As an English author justly remarks, above thirty millions of Catholic money, gathered for the
most part in the pointed cathedrals of' Christendom, have been lavished in the attempt to adapt
classic details to a Christian church, the very idea of which implied a most degenerate spirit.
St. Peter's, like other buildings of the same date and style, must convey to every Catholic mind
the most melancholy associations, —
it marks the fatal period of the great schism, and the
and clergy brought into bondage. France the kingdom of the saintly Louis overrun with —
Calvinists; her cathedrals pillaged, her abbeys given into the hands of lay rapacity, and the
first seeds of the terrible revolution disseminated. Germany, Sweden, Holland, and a great
part of the Low Countries, the same. For one religious house founded since that fatal period,
five hundred have been dismantled and suppressed; for one canonized saint, we find a thousand
professed infidels; for one country converted, six lost. These are some of the accompaniments
of the grand renaissance, or revival of classic art, which moderns so highly extol in preference
to the glorious works produced by the faith, zeal, and devotion of the Middle Ages; and such
have been the results of the revived pagan system, which began with the classicism of the
sixteenth century, was fostered in the mythological palaces of the Grand Monarque, and only
attained its climax in the great French revolution, when its principles were fully worked out
in the massacre of the clergy, the open profession of infidelity, and the exhibition of a
prostitute raised over the altar of God.
* Few persons are a\\"are of the riehiiess of this once <>lorioiis diapel, which nuist have
surpassed in splendour any existin<); nioiuinient of pointed art; the whole of the intei'nal archi-
tectuie was covered with excpiisite paintings and diapering. The Society of Anti((uaries have
engra\e(l portions of them ; in IJritton's Hi.stor// of J nh'ifccfitrc, \hv lower compartments are
faithfully figured.
-John Carter has etched sections of the chapel in his J>inciit A nhita tmr, but his restora-
tion of the loof is incorrect, although, in other respects, the plates give a tolerable idea of this
wonderful building. Its great beauties, however, found no favour in the eyes of the semi-
barbarians of modern times, who fitted it up for the House of Commons in a style not
dissimilar to a methodist conventicle. Still fragments of the ancient elaborate enrichments
were to i)e traced behind the unsightly additions till the great lire utterly destroyed them,
liritton and IJrayleyV A iifiqinfics of the Old Paldcc at ]Vc.sturn,.stf>\ contains many interesting
views of this buiiding as it appeared aftei' the conHagration.
with foreign foes. But these saintly names, so famous in our national
annals, and the very mention of which wrought such wonders in time
of old, have no charm for modern eais. In lieu of their venerable
images, we have now a pagan Victory or a Minerva, while the
standard of England is hoisted on a scalfold-pole, stuck above a mass
of soot-stained marble, miscalled a triumphal arch, and a sorry sub-
stitute for the turreted gateways of the ancient palace.
It is very curious to observe the extraordinary change in the
decoration of timber houses in the French cities that took place in
the short interval between the reigns of Charles VIII and Francis I.
Previous to, and during the reign of the former, and even under
Louis XII, all the ornaments on private houses were of a devotional
and Christian character. The Annunciation of our blessed Lady was
frequently carved over entrance doors saints in canopied niches
* It is quite a mistake to suppose that Christian or pointed architecture was not fully
developed in Italy, as in other countries, during the ages of faith. Formerly there w ere most
numerous examples to be found but as it has been the fountain-head of the Pagan revival,
few of these monuments of ancient piety have escaped uninjured, while manv have been totally
destroyed. At Assisiuni there are several beautiful pointed churches, and one, triply-divided,
of unrivalled design and execution, the vaults and walls being covered with frescoes in the finest
style of Christian art. The ciboriums or canopies over the high altars of the basilicas, were alj
in the pointed style. The church ornaments used in the ancient basilica of St. Peter's, of which
a few are to be found in the Vatican collection, are exquisitely beautiful, and precisely of the
samej'orm and design as those which belonged to the old English cathedrals at that period.
Had not the heads of the Catholic Church resided so long at Avignon, Rome would have
possessed a vast number of buildings in the purest Christian style. In the former city are tondjs
precisely the same ample chasuble, the same dignified vestments, the
same recumbent position, with the hands devoutly joined as in prayer,
the same brief and Catholic inscription, the same angelic supporters
at the head. But not a trace of one of these beautiful features is to
be found in monuments of later times. The inverted torch, the club
of Hercules, the owl of Minerva, and the cinerary urn, are carved, in
lieu of saints and angels, on the tombs of popes, bishops, kings, eccle-
siastics, statesmen, and warriors, frequently accompanied by Pagan
the soul of the deceased, is changed into a long and pompous inscrip-
tion detailing his virtues and exploits. Although the shameful
inconsistency of these monuments may not appear so striking in the
modern churches of Italian style, where they are partly in character
with the Paganism of the rest of the building, yet when they are
intruded beneath the grand vaults of a Westminster or a Cologne,
and placed by the side of the ancient memorials of the departed
faithful, where every niche and ornament breathes the spirit of
Catholic piety, they offer a perfect outrage to Christian feelings.
The furniture executed during and since the reigns of Henry VII
and Francis I, exhibits the same debased and Pagan character of
ornament which I have previously remarked about the houses them-
selves and this lamentable change of style extended itself to every
of ])opes, exquisitely beautiful, and corresponding in style and execution to our finest monu-
ments of the })eriod of Edward III. Italy was the very focus of Christian painting during the
IVIiddle Ages, and produced a most illustrious race of Catholic artists, amongst whom are to be
reckoned a Giotto, an Andrea Orgagna, a Fra Angelico, a Perugino, and a Raff'aelle. If those
students who journev to Italy to study art, would follow in the steps of the great Overbeck, and
avoiding ecjually the contagion of its ancioit and modern Pa^-an', confine their researches to
ifa Christian anftqiiHies, they would indeed derive inestimable benefit. Italian art of the 13th,
l4th, and 15th centuries, is the beau ideal of Christian purity, and its imitation cannot be too
strongly inculcated ; but when it forsook its pure, mystical, and ancient types, to follow those
of sensual I'aganism, it sunk to a fearful state of degradation, and for the last three centuries
its productions of every class should only be looked upon for the purpose of being avoided.
was surrounded. Indeed all idea of the respect due to sacred repre-
sentations was entirely lost, and the most holy emblems were treated
as mere ornament, and placed on a level with the grossest profanities.
Not long since I saw a dagger of the sixteenth century, which had been
undoubtedly used for assassinations, the blade being priced for blood
by successive scores, increasing the remuneration in proportion to the
depth that the steel was plunged in the body of the victim. Now the
handle of this murderous instrument (the very sight of which must
fill every Christian mind with horror) was surmounted by an ivory
image of the blessed Virgin with our Lord^ while Diana and Adeon were
sculptured beneath ! ! And many more instances could I readily
adduce to show the utter loss of Catholic art and feelings at this
memorable period. The very form of the ecclesiastical seals, which for
ages had resembled the Vesica Piscis, or fish, symbolical of the holy
name of our Lord, was changed into a circle, in imitation of the classic
medals, which were servilely copied even to their very ornaments.
The triumph of these new and degenerate ideas over the ancient and
Catholic feelings, is a melancholy evidence of the decay of faith and
morals at the period of their introduction, and to which indeed they owe
their origin. Protestantism and revived Paganism both date from the
same epoch, both spring from the same causes, and neither could pos-
sibly have been introduced, had not Catholic feelings fallen to a very
low ebb. The ravages of the former were carried on by plunder and
violence the inroads of the latter by pretended improvement and
tioii breathes the spirit of purity and reverence ; the sacred mystei-ies
are depicted in a mystical and devotional manner; the full, draped, and
tures, daggers, poisoning, and all the horrors which wretched crafty
politicians have perpetrated in various ages, under the name and
cloak of religion ; accounts of which, under exaggerated and multi-
plied forms, are most industriously circulated. On the other hand,
the externals and practices of the Church are so decayed at the
present time, that it is even difficult to point out to the enquirer
after truth any place where he can behold the rites of the Church
celebrated with the ancient solemnity.
It is only by communing with the spirit of past ages, as it is de-
veloped in the lives of the holy men of old, and in their wonderful
monuments and works, that we can arrive at a just appreciation of the
glories we have lost, or adopt the necessary means for their recovery.
It is now, indeed, time to break the chains of Paganism which
have enslaved the Christians of the last three centuries, and diverted
the noblest powers of their minds, from the pursuit of truth to the
reproduction of error. Almost all the researches of modern anti-
quaries, schools of painting, national museums and collections,* have
only tended to corrupt taste and poison the intellect, by setting forth
classic art as the summit of excellence, and substituting mere natural
and sensual productions in the place of the mystical and divine.
Before true taste and Christian feelings can be revived, all the pres-
ent and popular ideas on the subject must be utterly changed. Men
* Any shapeless fragment, any mean potter's vessel, any illegible inscription, provided it
be hut antiqne, will be deposited on a pedestal or within a glass case in our national nmseuni.
No price can be too great for a cameo or a heathen bust but every object of Catholic and
national art is rigidly excluded from the collection. In the whole of that vast establishment,
there not even one room, one shelf', devoted to the exquisite productions of the jNliddle Ages.
In this we are actually behind every other country in Europe. At Paris, amidst all the Pagan
collections of the Louvre, the Christian student will find exquisite specimens of enamels, ivory
carvings, jewels, silver work, chasings in metal— all in the first stvle of Catholic art, and of
every date. At Nuremberg, Rouen, and many mere provincial towns, are public galleries of
Christian antiquities of the greatest interest. England alone, the country of all others where
such a collection could best be formed, is utterly destitute of it. In sepulchral monuments we
are rich indeed. and
If correct casts of all the effigies of royal ecclesiastical persons, remaining
in the cathedral and other churches, were carefully taken, coloured fac-simile from the originals,
and arranged in chronological order, what a splendid historical and national series they would
form and this might easily be done at even a less cost than the transport of a monstrous frag-
been revived, that superstition was piety, and bigotry faith. The
most celebrated names and characters must give place to others at
present scarcely known, and the famous edifices of modern Europe
sink into masses of deformity by the side of the neglected and
mouldering piles of Catholic antiquity. If the renunciation of pre-
conceived opinions on these subjects, and the consequent loss of the
present enjoyment derived from them, be considered as a gi-eat
sacrifice,does not the new and glorious field that is opened offer far
more than an equivalent ? What delight to trace a race of native
artists hitherto unknown, in whose despised and neglected produc-
tions the most mystical feeling and chaste execution is to be found,
and in whose beautiful compositions the originals of many of the
most celebrated pictures of more modern schools are to be traced; what
exquisite remains of the sculptor's skill* lie buried under the green
mounds that mark the site of once noble churches what originality of ;
conception and masterly execution do not the details of many rural and
parochial churches exhibit f There is no need of visiting the distant
* During the excavations of St. [Mary's Abbey at York, excjuisite bosses and carved frag-
ments were discovered buried beneath the accumulated rubbish. There can be but Httle
doubt that, by judicious excavations, many interesting monuments and beautiful specimens of
ancient skill would be discovered. The excavations at St. Mary's Abbey were most laudable,
but the discoveries there made hardly compensate for the detestable building, consisting of a
Grecian portico and two wings, erected on part of the abbatial site and approach, through
a sort of Regent's Park lodge-gate, which is the present entrance to this venerable enclosiu'e.
It would have been hardly possible to have erected more offensive objects than these buildings,
in the immediate vicinity of one of the purest specimens of Christian architecture in the country.
f There is scarcely an ancient parish church in England which does not present some ob-
ject of interest. The sculptured details of those churches which were ei-ected about the time
of the three first Edwards, are exquisitely beautiful. In accordance with my rule never to pass
an ancient church without examining its interior, I entered lately a small church near Stamford
of no very promising exterior, where I found a fine family chapel, and in it two canopied
niches, surpassing in combination and execution any I had previously seen. Some of the half
ruined and almost deserted churches along the Nox-folk coast are complete mines of carved and
beautiful ornament. How little is really known of old English art. The celebrated cathedral
may indeed arrest attention, but few ever penetrate among the many noble churches which lie
in unfrequented roads, and where the simplicity of a rural population has proved a far better
preservative to the sacred pile than the heavy rates of prosperous and busy towns.
* All those who are interested in the revival of Catholic art should possess en^ia\ iiii;s from
the works of this great artist, the reviver of Christian })ainting at Rome. He w as educated in
Lutheran errors, hut, a few years since, enihracetl Catholic truth, with several of his associate
artists, who, like himself, have directed their talents to the service of religion, hv pourtraying
its mysteries in the reverent and devotional form of the ancient days of faith.
afford to bear any obloquy or ridicule that they may incur in the
pursuit of their holy and glorious object. In what, I will ask, on
calm, dispassionate examination of the oj^inions, can the fanaticism
and extravagance be said to exist ? Is it in the assertion that art
was carried to far higher degree of perfection by the ennobling and
purifying influence of the Christian faith, than under that of Pagan
corruption ?
tion of Pagan
edifices, unworthy and unsuited to so sacred a purpose \
and faithful habits of the ages of faith, as far more admirable and
exemplary than the luxurious, corrupt, irreverent, and infidel system
of the present time ?
be fanaticism, for all these opinions are solidly based on it. And
however they may be assailed for a time, they must eventually pre-
to say a few words on the subject, to explain the rise of the Protestant
or destructive principle.
King Henry the Eighth, finding all the hopes he had conceived of
the Pontiff's acquiescence in his unlawful divorce totally at an end,
determined to free himself from all spiritual restraint of the Apostolic
see and, for that purpose, caused himself to be proclaimed supreme
head of the English Church. This arrogant and impious step drew
forth the indignation of those who had the constancy and firmness to
and who boldly
prefer the interests of religion to the will of a tyrant,
represented the injustice and impiety of a layman pretending to be
the supreme head of a Christian Church.
Their opposition was, however, fruitless, and a bitter persecution
was commenced against those who had boldly resisted this dangerous
and novel innovation and amongst the numerous victims whO'
suffered on this occasion, the names of those learned and pious men,
Bishop Fisher, Thomas More, and Abbot Whiting, need only be cited
to show the injustice and cruelty of this merciless tyrant.
ofwhose inmates we are indebted not only for the preservation and
advancement of literature and science, but even for the conception and
partial execution both of the great ecclesiastical buildings themselves,
and the exquisite and precious ornaments with which they were filled.
By the unwearied zeal and industry of these men, thus relieved
from all worldly cares, and so enabled to devote their lives to the
study of all that was sublime and admirable, their churches rose in
gigantic splendour their almeries and sacristies were filled with
that it Avas through their boundless charity and hospitality the poor
were entirely maintained.
They formed alike the places for the instruction of youth, and the
quiet retreat of a mature age and the vast results that the monastic
bodies have produced, in all classes of art and science, show the ex-
cellent use they made of that time which was not consecrated to
devotion and the immediate duties of their orders.
poor men and chantries and free chapels, 2374. The whole of the
strokes of whose chisel some beautiful form had been wrought, lived to
see the result of his labours mutilated by the axes of the destroyer.f
The effect of such scenes as these, on the minds of those clergy
who still remained in cathedral and other churches, may easily be
conceived. Apprehensive of a similar fate to that which had fallen on
their monastic brethren, they remained paralysed and no further ;
the next step which the sacrilegious tyrant would take, when either
his avarice or his necessities should lead him to it.
the truth is, that the great fabric of the Church was undermined, by
degrees, one step producing another, till, like all revolutions, it far
exceeded the intentions of its first advocates and I do believe that,
had Henry himself foreseen the full extent to which his first impious
step would lead, he would have been deterred by the dreadful
prospect from proceeding in his career. He was the father of
persecution against the tenets of Protestantism in this country.*
By his Six Articles, he confirmed all the leading tenets of the
Catholic faith;-)- and, indeed, the only alteration he made in the
mass itself was, erasing the prayer for the pope, and the name of St.
Thomas a Becket, from the missals. In fine, images were retained in
churches, the sacrifice of the mass everywhere offered up, in the usual
manner, and the rites of the old religion performed, with only this
difference, that their splendour was greatly reduced, in consequence
of the king having appropriated all the richest ecclesiastical orna-
ments to his own use.
It is impossible, therefore, that Henry can be, by any means,
ranked among the number of what are termed Reformers, except so
far as his disposition to plunder and demolition, feelings so congenial
to that body, will entitlehim to fellowship with them for, indeed, ;
ceive and deplore, that neither his fagots nor his halters could pre-
serve anything like unity of creed but that, the great spell being
broken which had so long kept men together, they were as little
disposed to be restrained by rules prescribed by him, as he had been
by those of the ancient faith from which he had departed.
During his life, however, the cathedral and parochial churches
suffered little, except being despoiled of their richest ornaments, all
till his infant son,Edward VI, ascended the throne, that the real
feelings produced by the new opinions were displayed, or the work
of robbery and destruction fully commenced.
;; ; ;
ISSarti's ileformatton.
which had, for so many centuries, rendered the sacred rites of religion
so solemn and imposing, secure to their own use all those ornaments
which served for these purposes, reduce a large number of the clergy.
they perished piecemeal, and all that now remains of their once
glorious piles are some unshapen masses of masonry, too firmly
cemented to render their demolition lucrative.
And in a similar state should we now behold the cathedrals, had
it not been arranged to keep just as much of the old system as would
* See Appendix, J.
down content in the same stalls, and in the same choir as that which
had so lately been occupied by their Catholic predecessors.
This is only one among the many inconsistencies that attended
the foundation of the Establishment ; and I only mention it to show,
to what base and sordid motives we are indebted for the partial
preservation of what remains, and how little any feelings, except
those of interest and expediency, had any part in it. I have hitherto
described the dreadful results which were produced on the buildings
by the combined ravages of avarice and fanaticism I will now pro- ;
ceed to show how materially they continued to suffer, when the new
system was, finally, by law established.
The altars had everywhere been demolished the stained windows ;
tion, everywhere trampled under foot the carved work broken down ;
* Hooper the puritan was the author of this horrible profanation ; his suggestion, as Heylin
says, being eagerly caught up hy those about the court, who anticipated no small p7-oJit tlierchi).
had long disappeared even brass was becoming scarce and the
; ;
leaden coffins of the dead had been so exhausted, they could but
rarely be found to supply the melting-pot.*
Further excesses were forbidden ; the buildings were declared to be
sufficiently purified of ancient superstitionthe axe and the hammer ;
has more to regret, during the period that the churches have been
used for their present purposes, than even during the fatal period in
which they were first desecrated.
The manner of preparing the churches for the exercise of the new
liturgy, consisted in blocking up the nave and aisles, with dozing-
pens, termed pews;f above this mass of partitions rose a rostrum,
for the preacher, reader, and his respondent whilst a square table, ;
It does not appear, on close investigation, that pews were generally introduced as early
as Edwai'd VI : they certainly did not attain the Jull groxvth
till the reign of Charles II nor ;
did the internal fittings of the country parish churches suffer any considerable mutilation till
the ascendancy of the puritanic faction under Cromwell, to whose withering influence half the
departures from solemnity and ancient observance, which so degrade the present establishment,
.are to be traced.
they were, and, fitting or not, they were used for the new service; hence
come all the incongruities we see in all ancient parochial churches.
The aisles cut to pieces by galleries of all sizes, and heights the nave ;
blocked up with pews screens cut away stalls removed from their
; ;
old position in the chancel, and set about in odd places chauntry ;
design, smeared over with paint, set up with the Creed and Com-
mandments, entirely covering some fine tabernacle work, the project-
ing parts of which have been cut away to receive it. Large portions
of the church, for which there is no use, walled ofi", to render the
preaching place more snug and comfortable ;
porches enclosed and
turned into engine-houses,f and a host of other wretched mutila-
tions and, when all has been done, what are they but inconvenient,
inappropriate buildings, for the purpose they are used for ? And, I
am grieved to say, these enormities are not confined to obscure
even large parochial churches abominations equally vile
villages, or :
with those I have above stated, and far more reprehensible, as pro-
ceeding from men whose name, education, and station, would have
* See Appendix, L.
•f By the real decrees of the estabhshment, the chui'ches and chancels were required to
remain as in times past but, notwithstanding, the Genevan doctrines imported with Bucer
and Peter Martyr made such rapid progress, that many of the finest churches were soon con-
verted into mere preaching-houses for the propagation of the most pestilential errors, and the
sanctity of the chancels shamefully disregarded. See Appendix, No. I.
I The beautiful southern porch of the once magnificent church at Howden, Lincolnshire,,
has just been converted into a vestry.
one of the most dreadful, the most disastrous, and one which efiectu-
ally prevents the possibility of achieving great ecclesiastical works :
it is the entire loss of religious unity among the people. When the
Common Prayer and Articles had been set forth, heavy fines were
imposed, and even death was inflicted, on those who did not receive
them as the only rule of faith or form of religious worship ;* and by
such means as these, men had been driven for a short time into an
outward show of uniformity. But where was the inward unity of
soul —
where that faith that had anciently bound men together ?
Alas that was utterly fled. Where were the spontaneous offerings,
the restoration of the Stuarts, and even at this present day are openly
manifested by a vast body of the people.
It is right to remark, that a great part of the dreadful devastation
described in this chapter, was caused by the rapacity of the govern-
ment or temporal power into whose hands the perfidious Cranmer
and his apostate associates had betrayed the clergy of the Church of
England, who were compelled in a great measure to be passive spec-
own ruin. Even those who framed the new liturgy
tators of their
had no intention of any very wide departure from ancient Catholic
practices but having been once drawn into the vortex of innovation,
nave was calculated for the immense congregation of the people, who,
without reference to rank or wealth, were promiscuously mixed in the
public worship of God while the aisles afl'orded ample space for the
the chapter-house was a noble chamber, where they frequently met and
settled on spiritual and temporal affairs relating to their office.
These churches were closed only for a few hours during the night,
in order that they might form the place from whence private prayers
and supplications might continually be offered up. But of what use
are these churches now ? do their doors stand ever open to admit the
devout ? No ;
excepting the brief space of time set apart twice a day
to keep up the form of worship, the gates are fast closed, nor is it
and even become the scene of the grossest pollutions. If this be true,
which I fear it is, what, I ask, must be the moral and religious state
of a country, where the churches are obliged to be fastened up to pre-
vent their being desecrated and destroyed by the people ? how must
the ancient devotion and piety have departed ? Indeed, so utterly
are all feelings of private devotion lost in these churches, that were
an individual to kneel in any other time than that actually set apart
for Divine service, or in any other part of the edifice but that which
is inclosed, he would be considered as a person not sound in his intel-
who have some ear for music, drop in, as it is termed, to hear the
anthem the third class are persons who go to see the church. They
are tourists ;
they go to see everything that is to be seen ; therefore
they see the church, they walk round, read the epitaphs, think
id est,
it very pretty, very romantic, very old, suppose it was built in super-
stitious times, pace the length of the nave, write their names on a
pillar, and whisk out, as they have a great deal more to see and very
little time.
The fourth class are those who, during assize and
fair times, go to
see the big church built by the old Romans, after they have been to
see all the other sights and shows. They are generally a good many
together, to make it worth the verger's while to send a satellite round
with them to show the wonderful things, and tell them wonderful
stories about the monks and nuns and after they have gaped round
they go out, and the sight serves for talk till they see some fun they
like a good deal better.
Such are most of the classes of visitors to these wondrous fabrics,
not one of whom feels in the slightest degree the sanctity of the place
or the majesty of the design, and small indeed is the number of those
on whom these mutilated but still admirable designs produce their
whole and great effect. Few are there who, amid the general change
and destruction they have undergone, can conjure up in their minds
the glories of their departed greatness, and who, while they bitterly
despise the heartless throng that gaze about the sacred aisles, mourn
for the remembrance of those ages of faith now passed and gone,
which produced minds to conceive and zeal to execute such mighty,
glorious works. 'Tis such minds as these that feel acutely the barren,
meagre, and inappropriate use to which these edifices have been put
and to them does the neat and modern churchman appear truly
despicable, as he trips from the door to the vestry, goes through the
prayers, then returns from the vestry to the door, forming the greatest
contrast of all with the noble works which surround him. What part
has he, I say, what connexion of soul with the ecclesiastic of ancient
days ? Do we see him, when the public service is concluded, kneeling
in silent devotion in the quiet retreat of some chapel ? Do we see
him perambulating in study and contemplation those vaulted cloisters,
which were erected solely for the meditation of ecclesiastical persons ?
No he only enters the church when his duty compels him he quits
; ;
his ;
income he lives by religion 'tis his trade. And yet these men
of cold and callous hearts, insensible to every spark of ancient zeal
and devotion, will dare to speak with contempt and ridicule of those
glorious spirits by whose mighty minds and liberal hearts those
establishments have been founded, and from whose pious munificence
they derive every shilling they possess.
Have they not common decent gratitude ? No daily do they put
forth revilings, gross falsehoods, and libels, on that religion and faith
which instigated the foundation and endowments which they enjoy,
and under whose incitement alone could the fabrics have been raised
which they pretend to admire, Avhile they condemn and ridicule the
cause which produced them.
Can we hope for any good results while such men as these use, or
rather possess, these glorious piles? men who either leave the churches
to perish through neglect, or when they conceive they have a little taste,
and do lay out some money, commit far greater havoc than even time
itself, by the unfitness and absurdity of their alterations. Of this de-
scription those made by Bishop Barrington at Salisbury, and conducted
by James Wyatt, of execrable memory, deserve the severest censure.
During this improvement, as it was termed, the venerable bell-tower, a
grand and imposing structure, which stood on the north-west side of the
church, was demolished, and the bells and materials sold the Hunger-
ford and Beauchamp chapels pulled down, and the tombs set up in the
most mutilated manner between the pillars of the nave and a host
the cathedrals have ever suff'ered ; for to what do all the altera-
tions that have lately been effected in Peterborough and Norwich
cathedrals tend, but utterly to destroy the appearance of a choir,
fillingup the centre with pews and seats, and contracting the
grandeur of the open space into a paltry aisle leading to boxes.
It is in vain to cover the fronts of these seats with tracery and
panelling ;
the principle of the thing is bad, and all that is done
only renders the defect more glaring.
This picture of the modern state of cathedrals is forcible, but it is
not overdrawn ;
any one may be satisfied of its truth by inspecting
the edifices themselves, and the manner in which the services are
Go to that wonderful church at Ely, and see the result of neglect
the water, pouring through unclosed apertures in the covering, con-
veying ruin into the heart of the fabric ; the opening fissures of the
great western tower, which, unheeded and unobserved, are rapidly
extending. Then look at what was once the chapter-house, but now
filledwith pews and vile fittings, brought from the parish church
which the chapter refused to repair.* See how the matchless
canopies have been pared down and whitewashed. Look on the
decay of the whole church, and then remember Ely is yet rich in
its revenues. What must be the hearts of those men forming the
chapter ? And yet they are but a fair type of many of the others
I only cite them in particular, because Ely is one of the most
interesting churches in existence, and it is decidedly in a vile state
of repair.
The same observations will apply to most of the other great
churches. Why, Westminster Abbey itself, by far the finest edifice
in the metropolis (if cleared of its incongruous and detestable monu-
ments), is in a lamentable state of neglect, and is continually being
disfigured by the erection of more vile masses of marble. Having
occasion lately to examine the interior of this wonderful church, I
was disgusted beyond measure at perceiving that the chapel of St.
Paul had been half filled up with a huge figure of James Watt,
sitting in an arm-chair on an enormous square pedestal, with some
tasteless ornaments, which, being totally unlike any Greek or Roman
foliage, I suppose to have been intended by the sculptor to be Gothic.
This is the production of no less a personage than Sir F. Chantrey.
Surely this figure must have been originally intended for the centre
of some great terrace-garden ; it never could have been designed for
the interior of the abbey : for so offensive is it in its present position,
* See Appendix, O.
Yet this takes place in the largest church of the metropolis, the
mausoleum of our kings a place rendered of the highest interest by
have since proved, —^that cathedral churches are become but show-
places for the people, and considered only as sources of revenue by
ecclesiastics ?
that exists amongst those who, both by their birth and station, might
be looked upon as the legitimate conservators of our national antiqui-
ties. Where can we find another spot, I will not say in England, but
queen Philippa King Richard II; and last, but not least, the shrine
who come to inspect this church, and the feelings with which they
perambulate its sacred aisles a mere flock of holiday people who
come to London to see sights, and take the Abbey on their way to
the Surrey Zoological Gardens. It might naturally have been
expected that, from its vicinity to the Houses of Parliament, the
Catholic members would occasionally enter its sacred walls, and try
to imbibe some of the devotional spirit of ancient days, which its
their own personal valour and energy, achieved the most important
victories, and were foremost in camp and council, is not sufiicient to
procure decent respect to their place of sepulture, into what extreme
oblivion and neglect must those sovereigns fall after their death,
whose lives ai-e a mere routine of fashionable luxury, their greatest
achievement a pony drive, their principal occupation to dine — !
the details individually are accurate and well worked, but the prin-
ciple of the design is so contrary to the ancient arrangement, that
I do not hesitate to say the effect is little short of detestable.
The same thing may be remarked at Canterbury, where I am
happy to make honourable mention of the restorations. A great deal
of money has been expended, and, I may add, judiciously ;
the rebuilding of the north-western tower is an undertaking quite
worthy of ancient and better days.
In these works, as far as recutting mouldings, pateras, bosses, &c.,
and the repainting and gilding, nothing can be better executed but ;
When this church was used for the ancient worship, the high altar
was the great point of attraction it was for the sacrifice continually
there offered, that the church itself was raised neither gold, jewels,
burning with zeal and devotion, expended their most glorious com-
positions and skill. The mass was gorgeous and imposing each ;
erecting an altar for the performance of the most solemn rites of the
Church, and it was the glorious nature of the subject that filled his
mind with excellence, and produced the splendid result. From such
feelings as these all the ancient compositions emanated and I ;
repeat, that without them pointed architecture can never rise beyond
the bare copy of the mechanical portions of the art.
ingmen may have returned to Catholic unity, that hearts and hands
may be found willing and able to protect these glorious piles from
further profanation, and, in the real spirit of former years, restore
them to their original glory and worship.
If we turn from the cathedrals themselves, to examine the ecclesi-
astical buildings with which they are surrounded, we shall find the
changes and destructions they have undergone, to suit the caprice and
ideas of each new occupant, are so great, that it is with considerable
difficulty anything like the original design can be traced.
All the ancient characteristic features have been totally changed,
for after the clergy had left off ecclesiastical discipline for ease and
become laymen in every other respect but in that of their income and
title, they found the old buildings but ill suited to their altered style
of living what had served for the studious, retired priest, or the
hospitable and munificent prelate of ancient days, was very unfit for
a married, visiting, gay clergyman, or a modern bishop, whose lady
must conform to the usages and movements of fashionable life.
Hence bishops' palaces have either been pulled down, and rebuilt
on a mean and reduced scale, or their grandest features left to decay
as useless portions of the building, and the inhabited part repaired
in the worst possible taste. Nor have the rectories and canonries
escajDed even worse treatment : many of the old buildings have been
entirely demolished, and some ugly square mass
set up instead and ;
windows cut out, and common sashes fixed in their stead great ;
plain brick buildings added, to get some large rooms for parties a ;
chambers a common hall where they assem bled at meals, and a chape]
(over which was a library stored with theological and historical learn-
ing), stood at opposite ends of the close. All these buildings were of
the most beautiful description, and received great additions from the
munificent Bishop Beckington and so excellent is the arrangement
of every part of this close, and its connexion with the cathedral
by a cloister passing over a sumptuous gatehouse, and leading to the
chapter-house stair, is so admirably managed, that, notwithstanding
* See Appendix, P.
the vile repairs and mutilations it has suffered, and its present de-
graded condition, it is still one of the most interesting specimens of
ecclesiastical buildings attached to cathedrals, and will give an
excellent idea of the venerable character the residences of ecclesiastics
formerly 23resented, and the unison of their appearance with that of
the structures to which they formed the appendages.
But no sooner was the blasting influence of the new opinions felt,
than this abode of piety and learning experienced a fatal change.
The vicars were reduced to less than a third of their original number,
and their lands so pillaged, that this ecclesiastical function was given
to laymen, whose only qualification was a trifling skill in vocal music,
— that the poor pittance they had left, although quite insufiicient for
the support of persons devoted to the duties of their office, might still
induce the needy shopkeeper to leave his counter twice in the day, and
hurry over the service, to return again to his half-served customers.
When the buildings, raised by the munificence of Roger de Salopia
and Thomas de Beckington, fell into the hands of such men as these,
the result may easily be imagined.
Gradually they sunk into neglect and decay the dwellings were ;
* Within four years a baker's shop-front has been inserted in the end gable, adjoining- the
dose gate, by the senior vicar ; who unites that useful but incompatible occupation with his
choral duties.
brief space of a year, they committed such havoc, that the principal
treasures of the churches, and most of the finest specimens of art,
were plundered and demolished.*
Indeed, whether we regard the fanatic Knox in Scotland, the
Huguenots of France, the concocters of the English Establishment, or
the puritanic faction of Cromwell, we find that, divided as they were
on points of their schismatical opinions, they were united, heart and
hand, in robbery and destruction. f To them sanctity or art were
alike indifferent thirst of gold and wanton love of destroying all
ing to the soul, both on the score of common humanity and the love
of noble art.*
That these feelings have partially subsided, is purely owing to the
lukewarm feelings with which religion is regarded by the majority in
this country; since, only a few years back, the mere sight of a crucifix
or a Madonna would have excited far greater horror, and caused more
animadversion amongst the godly of the land, than the most obscene
and filthy idol that the grossest superstition of paganism could pro-
duce I and I do not hesitate to say, that there are many, among the
sins of the time, may be ranked those of trying for how small a sum
religious edifices can be erected, and how great a percentage can be
made, for money advanced for their erection,by the rental of pews.
It is a trafficking in sacred things, that vastly resembles that pro-
fanation of the temple which drew such indignation from our Divine
Redeemer, that, contrary to the mild forbearance he had ever before
shown, he cast forth the polluters of the holy place with scourges and
Yes ;
the erection of churches, like all that was produced by zeal
or art in ancient days, has dwindled down into a mere trade. No
longer is the sanctity of the undertaking considered, or is the noblest
composition of the architect, or the most curious skill of the artificer,
each sitting and the outline of the building, and each window,
* See Appendix, U.
raisers, thatthey form dry and spacious vaults underneath, which are
soon occupied, at a good rent, by some wine and brandy merchant.
Of the horrible impiety of trading in religious edifices I have
spoken more fully above and I repeat, that no offence can sooner
* In Wolsey's palace of Hampton Court, the heads in terra-cotta on the turrets of the inner
gatehouse, represent four of the Caesars. Bishop Gardener's tomb at Winchester exhibits a
variety of debased or ItaHan features and details.
In the Coinitess of Salisbury's chantry in the Priory church of Christ's Church, Hampshire,
are several details in what is termed the rcititi.s.siOHr style. Many instances might be cited to
prove that germs of the revived pagan style existed in England }jre\ ious to the separation of
the English Church from Catholic connnunion.
one has been preserved from the innovating and paltry taste of the modern clergy. Were
they to confine the display of their wretched ideas to mere fittings which could easily be
removed, the case would not be so distressing, but the fabrics themselves are frequently muti-
lated past restoration by these wholesale destructives. The Count de Montalembert gives a
harrowing description of these barbarities, the truth of many of which I have confirmed by
actual observation. Hundreds of stained windows have been either sold out, or destroyed, to
be replaced by white panes the most curious frescoes and rich painted ceilings have been
mercilessly covered by thick coats of white and yellow wash, the usual modern decorations of
ecclesiastical buildings. Every vestige of internal sculpture or ancient art has been destroyed,
to be replaced by the odious productions of modern manufacturers —
" cTohjets (TegUses^'' while
the new altars present every possible combination of outrageous architecture and paltry orna-
ment, and these are not unfrequently placed in such a position as to conceal the most interest-
ing portions of the original buildings. It is quite impossible to enter a French church without
being thoroughly disgusted with the extreme contempt of antiquity and degraded taste which
their fittings and ornaments display. The result of this is truly lamentable
; for few men are
sufficiently instructed in these matters, to discriminate between really Catholic productions,
and the wretched externals of modern paganism, which disguise the solemnities of the Church,
or to draw the vast distinction between the ancient solemn celebration of the Eucharistic
Sacrifice, and the theatrical trumpery of a modern fete. Many devout and well-intentioned
persons, who are conscious of the insufficiency of the Protestant system, and are favourably
disposed towards Catholic truth, go abroad full of expectation, and return utterly disheartened
by what they have beheld, and which they attribute to the effect of Catholicism, instead of
being the result of the opposite principle. Could they but have seen one of these very churches,
now so disfigured, as it appeared in all its venerable grandeur during the ages of faith, how
difi^erent would have been the result produced on their mind but while the present childish
and ornaments are mixed up with the most sacred rites, and bedizened dolls exhibited
Lady, it is impossible for a mei-e observer to receive any but
as representations of our blessed
unfavourable impressions from the externals of religion and to this cause may we principally
attribute the very small number of conversions among the numerous travellers who annually
visit Catholic countries. —See Appendix, No. 3.
* In the very act by which the lesser monasteries were suppressed, the great houses were
declared to be without blame.
It is truly edifying to see how Durham Abbey, one of the
exactly the rule was observed in
richest houses in England up to the time of its suppression. The vast wealth and possessions
of the monks were entirely employed in charity, hospitality, and the advancement of learning
and art, while they lived in a truly monastic state, sleeping in a common dormitory, rising
at midnight to matins, remaining content with one fire in winter-time, and passing their
whole time in devotion and study. I have printed some interesting extracts from a scarce
book called The A ntiquities of Durham, in the Appendix, which will fully illustrate these facts.
— See Appendix, No. 4.
At the Abbey of St. Ouen, Rouen, a sort of palace, now the Hotel de Ville, was erected
for the residence of the few monks, which resided in that famous house during the seventeenth
century, who having abandoned all regular observances of the cloister, resided in separate
suites of spacious apartments and while they expended an immense sum for their own per-
sonal luxury, suffered the western end of their unrivalled church to remain in the unfinished
state in which it was left before the Concordat, and which the amount they squandered away
in this irregular lodging, would have amply sufficed to complete. The contrast between the
abbatial church of St. Denis, near Paris, and the conventional buildings erected during the
reign of Louis XIV, is painfully striking. The former is a noble specimen of monastic archi-
tecture, raisedunder the auspices of the illustrious Suger the latter a mere classic sort of
barrack, undistinguishable by its architecture and arrangement from the hotels of that period.
Even the venerable Abbey of Jumieges was disfigured by similar erections, which are to be
found in almost all the abbatial buildings of France. At St. Wandrille, an abbey near Can-
debec, on the Seine, whose foundations date of the highest Christian antiquity of Normandy,
the whole of the conventional buildings, with the exception of the cloisters, were reconstiiicted
during the seventeenth century, in the worst style of French architecture ; and the ancient
chapter-house, which contained the tombs of several canonized abbots, was demolished, to be
and glorious indeed would they be could we but revive the old
solemnity but, owing to the long persecution and other causes, to
such a low ebb are the ancient ideas and feelings fallen, that I much
question the probability of finding sufficient English Catholics in any
one place who would understand the real use of one of these vast
piles, much better than their Protestant possessors and supposing ;
replaced by a mere modern room, while the sacred remains of the illustrious and saintly dead
were treated with almost Calvinistic irreverence, and scattered among the rubbish. I have
printed a full account of this proceeding in the Appenix, No. 5.
It is most interesting to observe the great similarity that exists between the proceedings
of modern pagans and Protestants. The Protestant canons of Durham only a few years since
demolished the magnificent chapter-house of that abbey, and erected a common sitting-room,
such as might be found in any ordinary inn, in its stead. Both the chapter-houses of St.
Wandrille and Durham were erected under the influence of the Catholic principle the former
was demolished by degenerate monks acting under the revived pagan ideas ; the latter by
degenerate canons instigated by Protestant principles.
host of other barbarous innovations, as the people could not see the
high altar through a pillar, or hear the preacher at the extreme end of
the nave, the buildings would be condemned as inconvenient and
uncomfortable, and by no means comparable to the new galleried
assembly rooms used for Catholic worship at the present day, and
which have even been built, as if in mockery, under the very walls of
our venerable cathedrals.* Indeed, a vast change must take place in
the minds of many modern Catholics, to render them really worthy
of these stupendous monuments of ancient piety, and heaven forbid
that they should ever be restored to a/tiythmg less than their former
glory ; for who could wish to see the cathedrals, where a St. Thomas
or a St. Hugh celebrated the holy mysteries in ample chasuble and
solemn chaunt, disgraced by buckram vestments of last Lyons cut, a
semi-pagan altar, and the theatrical quaverings of a Warwick Street-
choir ? It is a most melancholy truth that there does not exist much
sympathy of idea between a great portion of the present Catholic
body in England and their glorious ancestors, and they have fre-
it is a miserable failure. The west end of the cathedi'al was rebuilt a few years since by James
Wyatt, of Salisbury-destroying notoriety, and at the same time a large room \\-as erected
for concerts on the site of the west cloister, under the Protestant system, —
both vile burlesques
of the pointed style. It is difficult to say which of these works exhibit the greatest departure
from true Catholic principles.
The new Catholic church at Bury St. Ednmnd's, is another semi-pagan abortion. Having
occasion lately to inspect the glorious remains of ancient art in that venerable town, I could
not avoid remarking, that, excepting the new hotel, it was the most uncatholic-looking building
in the whole place.
precisely this : they left many of the original features standing through
indifference ; the latter removed them through a false idea of im-
provement. When
Protestantism did anything of itself, it was ten
times worse than their extravagances, since it embodied the same
wretched pagan ideas, without either the scale or richness of the
foreign architecture of the same period. Queen's College, Oxford ;
Cathedral, London, and many other buildings of the same class, are
utter departures from Catholic architecture, and meagre imitations of
Italian paganism. It is most fortunate for English architecture, that
during the greatest rage for classic art, the desire for church building
was nearly extinct, in consequence of Protestant ascendancy. Hence
many of our finest monuments remained comparatively safe in their
neglect, while all the furor for the new style was diverted into man-
sions, palaces, and erections for luxury and temporal splendour.
And now I cannot dismiss this subject without a few remarks on
those who seem to think, that, by restoring the details and accessories
of pointed architecture, they are reviving Catholic art. Not at all.
Unless the ancient arrangement be restored, and the true principles carried
out, all mouldings, pinnacles, tracery, and details, be they ever so well
executed, are a mere disguise. It is a great profanation to deck out
Protestant monstrosities in the garb of Catholic antiquity pew and ;
demands a chancel set apart for sacrifice, and screened off from the
people ; it requires a stone altar, a sacrarium sedilia for the offici-
ating priests, and an elevated roodloft from whence the Holy Gospel
may be chaunted to the assembled faithful it requires chapels for
They (the visitors) represented their offences in such multiplying glasses, as made them seem
both greater in number, and more horrid in nature, than indeed they were. Heylin, p. 262.
The commissioners threatened the canons of Leicester that they would charge them with
adultery and unnatural crimes, unless they would consent to give up their house. See Hid.
Collect,from 36 to 52.
Burnet owns that there were great complaints made of the violences and briberies of the
and perhaps, says he, not without reason. Ahrid. p. 182.
The infamous Dr. London was appointed visitor to Godstowe Nunnery, of whose vile
practices there, the abbess, Catherine Bukley, complains most feelingly, in a letter addressed
to the king, which may be seen at length in Steven's Continuation to Dugdale, p. 537. This
same Dr. London was so abominable a character, that he was afterwards convicted of perjury,
and adjudged to ride with his face to the horse's tail at Windsor and Oakingham, with papers
about his head. Steven's Continuation to Monasticon Anglicanurn, p. 538.
The learned and pious Abbot Whiting of Glastonbury, was condemned in consequence of
a book against the king's divorce, which had been introduced without his knowledge, being-
found in the abbey. This book was brought in solely for the purpose of accomplishing the
ruin of this abbot, who firmly opposed the surrender of his abbey.
In themonth of November, Hugh Farringdon, Abbot of Reading, with two priests, named
Rug and Dngon, were hanged and quartered at Reading. The same day was Richard Whiting,
Abbot of Glastonbury, hanged and quartered on the Torre Hill, beside his monastery. John
Thorne and Roger James, monks, the one treasurer, the other under-treasurer, of Glastonbury
church, were at the same time executed and shortly after, John Beech, Abbot of Colchester,
was executed at Colchester all for denying the king's supremacy. Stow's Chronicle^ p. 576.
The 29th of April, John, Prior of the Charter-house, at London Augustine Webster,
Prior of Beuall Thomas Laurence, Prior of Escham Richard Reginalds, doctor, a monk of
; ;
Sion and John Hale, Vicar of Isleworth were all condemned of treason, for the supremacy,
; ;
and were drawn, hanged, and quai'tered at Tyburn, the 4th day of May 1538, their heads and
quarters set on the gates of the city, all save one quarter, which was set on the Charter-house,
London. Stow.
The 18th of June, three monks of the Charter-house at London, named Thomas Exmew,
Humfrey Middlemore, and Sebastian Nidigate, were drawn to Tybiu-n, and there hanged and
quartered for denying the king's supremacy. Ibid,
—— — — —
The 22d of June, Doctor John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, for denying the king's
supremacy, was beheaded on the Tower Hill his head was set on London Bridge, and his
Within this clochier of St. Paul's M ere four very great bells, called Jesus Bells, in regard
they specially belonged to Jesus Chapel, situate at the east end of the undercroft of St. Paul's;
as also, on the top of the spire, the image of St. Paul : all standing, till Sir Miles Partridge,
knight, temp. Henry VIII, having M on them of the king at one cast of the dice, pulled them
doAvn. Which Sir oVIiles afterwards, temjj. Edward VI, suffered death on ToMer Hill, for
matters relating to the Duke of Somerset. Dugdale's St. PauTs Cathedral, p. 128.
Goodwin, speaking of a chapel which Stillington, Bishop of Wells, had built adjoining
the east side of the cloister there, and in which he was buried, says:
"His body rested but a short time; for it is reported that diverse olde men, who in their
youth had not only seene the celebration of his funeral, but also the building of his tombe,
chapell and all, did also see tombe and chapell destroyed, and the bones of the bishop that
built them turned out of the lead in which they were interred." This chapel was destroyed bv
Sir John Gates, in the time of Edward VI.
The following are among the executions on the score of religion in Henry's reign :
Twenty-second of July, 1534, John Frith, for denying the real presence in the sacrament,
the first executed in England for this cause. November, 1538, Mas John Lambert burnt in
Smithfield for the same opinion.
And StoM- mentioned sixteen different persons burnt for heresy; that is, holding the
present Protestant opinions. Fuller, Heylin, and other historians, shoM- that Cranmer sat in
judgment, and signed the condemnation of many of these, for the \evy opinions he held
himself privately.
In 1540, the king summoned a parliament, to be holden at Westminster the 28th of April;
also a synod of prelates, in M'hich six articles M-ere concluded, touching matters of religion,
commonly called "the M'hip with six strings."
was felony, without benefit of clergy. Fox's Martyrs, edit. 1589.
It will be seen from these articles what little differences of doctrine caused Henry's separa-
tion from the Catholic church, and proves that he was moved to that step from temporal
motives only.
It is, also, worthy of remark, that the leading apostle of the Reformation, Archbishop
Cranmer, subscribed to these articles, and proceeded on them by condemning others, when, in
fact,he secretly violated every one of them himself.
" Although I say the spiritual men be in fault, yet you of the temporality be not clear
and unspotted of malice and envy, for you rail on bishops, speak slanderously of priests, and
rebuke and taunt preachers and, although you be permitted to read Holy Scriptures, and to
have the word of God in your mother-tongue, you must understand it is licensed you so to do
only to inform your own consciences, and to instruct your children and families, and not to
dispute and make a railing and taunting stock of Scripture against priests and preachers, as
many light persons do. I am very sorrow to know and hear how irreverently the most precious
jewel, the word of God, is disputed, ruined, sung, and tangled, in every alehouse and tavern,
contrary to the true meaning of the same. I am even as much sorry that the readers of the
same follow it, in doing, so faintly and coldly for of this I am sure, charity was never so faint
among you, vertuous and godly living was never less ttsed, nor God himself amongst Christians
never less reverenced, honored, or served.'''' —Holixshed's Chronicle, vol. ii. p. 972.
Poynet, first Protestant Bishop of Winchester, passed away all the temporalities of his see
conditionally to his preferment to it, in return for which he was to receive certain rectories.
Strype, Mem. Ecc. vol. iii. p. 272.
Ridley, within nine days after his promotion to the see of London, alienated four of its
best manors to the king, to gratify some of the courtiers. Ibid. p. 234.
— — —— — ;
Barlow, at Wells, 20th May, 1548, consigned by license to the king a very considerable
portion of the demesnes and manors of his see. Collixsox.
Neither the Bishops of Lichfield and Coventry, nor LlandafF, had any recompense for their
demolished palaces, according to Spelman but Hooper, who had been chaplain to the Pro-
were pulled down in a.d. 1549 (3 Edward VI), by the Duke of Somerset's appointment, and
made use of for his building at Somerset House in the Strand the bones, which lay in the
vault underneath, amounting to more than a thousand cart-loads, being conveyed into Finnes-
bury Fields, and there laid on a moorish place, with so much soil to cover them as did raise
the ground for three windmills to stand on, which have since been built there. Dugdale's
Hist. St. PauTs, p. 130.
In this month of April, and in May, commissioners were directed through England for
all the church goods remaining in cathedral and parish churches —that is to say, jewels of
gold and silver, silver crosses, candlesticks, censers, chalices, and such like, with their ready
money, to be delivered to the master of the king's jewels in the Tower of London all coapes ;
and vestments of cloth of gold, cloth of tissue, and silver, to the master of the king's wardrobe
in London the other coapes, vestments, and ornaments, to be sold, and the money to be
delivered to Sir Edward Peckham, knight reserving church one chalice or cup, with table
cloathes for the communion board, at the discretion of the commissioners, which were, for
London, the lord mayor, the bishop, the lord chief justice, and other. Stow's Chronicle,
p. 609.
after Bath's rains, but as fast went the axes and hammers to work at Wells. The goodly hall,
covered with lead (because the roofe might seeme too low for so large a roome), was uncovered
and now this roofe reaches to the sky. The chapell of our lady, late repaired by Stillington, a
place of great reverence and antiquitie, was likewise defaced and such \\as their thirst after
lead (I would they had drank it scalding), that they took the dead bodies of bishops out of their
h'aden cojfins, and cast abroad the carcases scarce thoroitghljj putrijied. The statues of brass,
and all the ancient monuments of kings, benefactors to that goodly cathedral church, went all
plates fixed on the graves, and left no memory of such as had been buried under them —
great injury both to the living and the dead, forbidden by public proclamation in the reigne of
our soveraigne lady Queen Elizabeth, b^lt not forhorne by many, that, either of a preposterous
zeale, or of a greedie minde, spare not to satisfie themselves by so wicked a meanes.- Stow's
Survey, p. 475.
to place them again altarwise, as they are set at present, the zeal and opposition of the low
church party gave rise to many disgraceful scenes and foolish pamphlets. A book called
" The Holy Table, Name, and Thing," tells us that, when the vicar of Grantham fell upon
removing the communion table from the upper part of the choir to the altar-place, as he called
it, Mr. ^Tieatly, the Alderman, questioning him thereupon, what authority he had from the
their church.
letter was addressed to the vicar of Grantham about setting his table altarwise.
In answer to the letter comes out a book, entitled " A
Coal from the Altar,'" which was
answered again by the " Quench Coal." And this knotty point, where the table should stand,
engaged a host of writers of the time.
There no period of English history which has been more disguised than the reign of
that female demon, Elizabeth for while her unfortunate sister has been stigmatised as bloody
Mary, and ever held up to odium as an intolerant persecuting bigot, Elizabeth has been
loaded with encomiums, of which she is quite undeserving. The parliament during her reign
enacted most sanguinary laws equally directed against persons who professed the ancient
religion, or those who carried Protestant principles further than the new churchmen thought
advisable for the safety of their establishment.
During twenty years of her reign, a great number of persons were executed solely on the
score of professing the Catholic faith. Of these, many were in holy orders ; three gentle-
women ; and the remainder, and yeomen. Besides several priests, and
esquires, gentlemen,
Catholic lay persons who died in prison, and great numbers who were sent into perpetual
banishment to say nothing of many more who were whipped, fined (the fine for recusancy
was per month), or stripped of their property, to the utter ruin of their families.*
In one night, fifty Catholic gentlemen, in the county of Lancaster, M^ere suddenly seized
and committed to prison, on account of their non-attendance at church. At the sajne time,
an equal number of Yorkshire gentlemen were lying prisoners in York castle, on the same
account, most of whom perished there. These were every week dragged by main force to hear
the established service performed in the castle chapel. Dr. Milner's Letters to a Prebendary.
* For a full account of these cruel proceedings, see the third volume of Dodd's Church History, edited by
Rev. M. A. Tierney.
— — — ——
The torturing then in practice, Camden, in his Annals, confirms who, speaking of the ;
famous Father Campian, says, he was not so racked but that he was still able to write his
It appears from the account of one of these sufferers, that the following tortures were in
use against the Catholics in the Tower :
1. The common rack, by which the limbs were
stretched by levers 2. The Scavenger's daughter, so called, being a hoop in which the body
was bent till the head and feet met together 3. The chamber Little-ease, being a hole so
small, that a person could neither stand, sit, nor lie straight in it ; 4. The iron gauntlet.
Diar. Rar. Gest. in Turr. Lond.
With what we may gather from the following passage in a
cruelty Catholics were racked,
letter from John Nicols to Cardinal Allen, by way of extenuating the guilt of his apostasy
and perfidy in accusing his Catholic brethren :
" Non bona res est corpus, isto ciniciatu,
longius fieri per duos fere pedes quam natura concessit."
The continual harassing the Catholics suffered is amply shown by the following extract :
The 4th of April, being Palm Sunday, there was taken, saying of masse in the Lord
Morleie's house, within Aldgate of London, one Albon Dolman, priest and the Lady Morley, ;
with her and divers others, were also taken for hearing the said masse. There was
also taken, the same day and houer, for saying masse at the Lady Gilford's in Trinitie Lane,
one Oliver Heywood, priest and, for hearing the said masse, the Lady Gilford, with diverse
other gentlewomen. There was also taken, at the same instant, in the Lady Browne's house,
in Cow Lane, for saying masse, one Thomas Heiwood, priest, and one John Couper, priest,
with the Lady Browne and diverse others were likewise taken for hearing of the said masse.
All which persons were for the said offences indicted, convicted, and had the law according to
the statute in that case provided. There were also found in their several chappels diverse
Latine books, beades, images, palms, chalices, crosses, vestments, pixes, paxes, and such like.
The 22d July, 1576, two Dutchmen, anabaptists, were burnt in Smithfield, who died in
great horror with roaring and crying. Stow's Chronicle, p. 1162.
Mathew Hamont of Hetharset, by his trade a ploughwright, three miles from Norwich,
was convened before the Bishop of Norwich, for that he denied Christ to be our Saviour, and
other heresies.
For which he was condemned in the consistory, and sentence was read against him by the
Bishop of Norwich, the 14th of April, 1578, and thereupon delivered to the sheriffs of
Norwich and because he spake words of blasphemie against the queen's majesty, and others
of her counsel!, he was, by the recorder. Master Sergeant Wyndham, and the major. Sir Robert
Wood, condemned to lose both his eares, which were cut off", the 13th of May, in the market-
place of Norwich and afterwards, the 20th of May, he was burnt in the castle-ditch.
; Stow's
Chronicle, p. 1174.
Many more instances could be cited but, I trust, sufficient has been shown to prove that
the system on which the present establishment was founded and carried on was the very acme
of religious intolerance and persecution and it is only very lately that Catholics have been
relieved from degrading restrictions, which they continued to suffer after the more violent per-
secutions had ceased.
The Earl of Leicester (favourite of Elizabeth) was at the head of those who said that no
bishops ought to be tolerated in a Christian land, and that he had cast a covetous eye on
Lambeth Palace. Heylin's Hist, of Eliz. p. 168.
The magnificent chapter-house of Ely is now used as Trinity church, in consequence of the
chapter assigning it to the parishioners, to save the expense of repairing the parish church,
which they were bound to do ; and the lamentable havoc that has been made in this once
beautiful structure by the modern pewing, communion-screen, &c., and the fixing of some
wretched monumental tablets, nmst be seen to be properly conceived. Owing to the same
cause, three other cathedrals have been mutilated in a similar manner.
At Norwich cathedral, the ancient chapel of St. Luke, and the south aisle of the choir
and apsis, have been inclosed and blocked up with pews, to serve as a parish church for St.
At Hereford, the north transept is inclosed and filled with pews, &c., to serve as a parochial
church for the parishioners of St. John the Baptist.
At Chester, the south transept has been walled off, and serves for the parish church of St.
Formerly, not only the residences of ecclesiastics, but the houses of the laity, were all
provided with a private chapel, suitable to the size of the dwelling ; but, alas ! how is this
feeling now changed In vain do we look, in modern mansions, for a chamber devoted to
religious worship ; and in those ancient dwellings, where the piety of our ancestors had
directed chapels, in how few instances do we find them still employed for their pi'imitive desti-
nation ! how often do we find theyhave been levelled to the ground as useless portions of the
building or, if not so,
desecrated to the meanest purposes * Rarely, among the canonries,
or ecclesiastical residences attached to cathedrals, can we find one that has been retained to
its original use and how can we imagine religion to dwell with those who will not devote one
Domestic chapels and chaplains are alike falling into absolute disuse they will soon be ;
spoken of as things that used to be as the remains of old superstition, and the relics of
popery the excuse made, whenever any of the ancient practices and regulations which had
been preserved, are discontinued.
The committed by the Huguenots and Calvinists in France, during the year 1562,
are of so horrible and extensive a nature, that to give anything like a narration of them
would exceed the compass of a volume but I have here subj oined a few notes, to prove to
those who may be unacquainted with the subject, the truth of my assertion.
During the above-mentioned period, the whole of the rich ornaments belonging to the
cathedral at Rouen were pillaged and melted, of which the high altar alone contained six
hundred and eighty-two marks of silver, besides jewels, and twenty-seven marks of pure gold,
* The ancient chapel of the Bishop of Ely's palace, at Ely, was used as a beer-cellar in 1834.
— —
all wrought into the most beautiful forms. Not only did these sacrilegious wretches plunder
all that was valuable, but with fanatic fury tliey consumed all the holy relics contained in the
shrines, and treated the remains of St. Romain with the most barbarous indignity.
The cathedral was filled \\ith stores of annnunition, and the Divine service totally sus-
pended. —
DoM. PoJi. Hist. Cath. Rouen.
At tlie same time the magnificent Abbey of St. Ouen, in the same city, was ravaged
completely not only were all the precious ornaments and vestments pillaged, but the
fury of these miserable heretics was vented on the finest efforts of art the church contained.
The rood-loft, uniivalled as a specimen of elaborate and wonderful masonry, was totally
demolished the stalls burnt all the brass work of the choir, which was of the finest descrip-
; ;
tion, torn down and melted and even the tomb of the learned and munificent Abbe Marc
d'Argent (founder and designer of this glorious church) fell a prey to their savage fury, and
was totally destroyed. Histoire de rEgl'isc de Saint Ouen, par M. Gilbeht. Paris, 1822.
July the 1st, a large party of Calvinists quitted Rouen for a predatory excursion, and,
having burnt and pillaged several churches in the vicinity of Barentin, they re-entered Rouen
in a sort of tumultuous triumph, some wearing chasubles, others copes, bearing the crosses
mockery, and tossing the chalices and thuribles in their hands by way of derision some crying ;
"Death to the mass;" others, "Here's a death-blow to the Papists," and similar outrageous
expressions. Dom. Pojiehaye, Hist. Cath. Rouen. Rouen, 1686, p. 126.
Amanuscript chronicle of the Abbey of Jumieges relates, that two of the monks, going
to Evreux to meet their abbot, Gabriel le Veneur, fell into the hands of a similar party when ;
they twisted whipcord round their foreheads so tightly, to make them reveal the place where
the treasures of their abbey were concealed, that, their eyes starting from their sockets, oije
died from excess of agony immediately, and the other. Father Caumont, remained a miserable
object till his death. —
Doji. Pom. Hist. Cath. Rouen, p. 162.
The 10th of May, 1652, being Sunday, the Protestants of Bayeux and its vicinity entered
the cathedral church armed and having instantly caused the cessation of high mass, then
celebrating, they broke down the altars and images, and commenced pillaging the sacred
vessels and ornaments. Those Catholic citizens and ecclesiastics who endeavoured to repress
this outrage were immediately sacrificed, being either pistolled on the spot, or dragged to the
walls, from which, after having their throats cut, they were immediately precipitated. The
bishop, Charles de Humieres, and Germain Duval, the dean, only escaped the massacre by
gaining the haven, from whence they put to sea in a small fishing-boat that happened to be
lying there. Bezier's Histoire de la Ville de Bayeux, p. 24.
The procl'S verbal, presented to the king by the bishop and clergy of Bayeux, on the re-
establishment of the ecclesiastics in 1563, gives a detailed account of all the destructions and
robberies connnitted on the cathedral, while in the possession of tliese fanatics. It is too
long for insertion here, but the following facts may be gathered from it: That every precious
ornament whatever, as well as vestments of all descriptions, had been pillaged and destroyed;
that a great portion of the stained windows were dashed out. The stalls, bishop's throne,
chapel-screens, organ-case, and every description of wood carving, had been broken up and
carried away. The had been burned, as well
charters, all archi\'es belonging to the cathedral,
as the library. That the bodies of the ancient the Patriarch de
ecclesiastics, including
ship that hung in the choir, and other curious ornaments, had likewise been melted. That all
the scaffolding, cords, pulleys, and materials, that were employed about the repair of the
edifice, had been sold and removed. The ten great bells had been broken and melted, as well
as the oi'gan pipes, and four thousand weight of lead from the roof, which had been cast into
ammunition. Besides a great variety of other demolitions and acts of cruelty, practised on the
ecclesiastics in the city, the whole of which are given at length in Bezier's Histoire de la Ville
de Bayeux, beginning at page 3 of the Appendix.
From these historical accounts of only a few of the very extensive outrages committed by
the Protestants in France, I leave the candid and impartial reader to judge if I have gone too
far in my assertion.
To prove the truth of the great similarity of the various classes of Protestants in their out-
rages, I wish to refer the reader to the description of the demolitions at Wells, described in
this Appendix under the letter K. I have also subjoined some extracts from an account of
the excesses committed by the Puritans, during the civil wars, at Peterborough cathedral.
" Espying that rare work of stone over the altar, admired by all travellers, they made all of
it rubbish, breaking up, also, the rayles, of which they compiled bonfires tumbling the
It is well worthy of remark, that the outrage at Wells was conducted by the advocates of the
new opinions, in the time of Edward VI, and that this attack on Peterborough was carried on
by the Puritans, another class of Protestants, one century after so that those, who had been
the abettors of schism, suffered by the very principles they had introduced for these fanatics
seem to have held the surplices of the establishment in as much abhorrence and derision as the
others had formerly the vestments of the ancient church which they had plundered and
The fact is, the present establishment, in its episcopacy and ancient form of church go^'ernment,
has too much of the old system about it to suit the levelling and destructive feelings produced
by real Protestantism. At the time of the Commonwealth the establishment was overthi'own,
and is at present in a most insecure state, not from the combinations and cabals of Catholics,
but from the extending principles of contempt for ecclesiastical authority, and the all-sufficient
private judgment in matters of religion, which are inseparable from Protestant opinions.
The history of this country, since the change of religion, ought to convince the churchmen
of this country of the utter impossibility of preserving a national church or unity of creed
without Catholic communion. The daily extending sects of dissenters are ample evidences of
this fact all of which have been produced by the same principles as those which founded the
establishment itself but, either from inherent hatred against the ancient religion, or from
infatuation and blindness, many modern clergymen continually preach against the Catholics
of this country as unheeding the mass of zealous Protestant dissenters, who openly clamour
against them, and the undermining effects of nine-tenths of their own brethren, who not onlv
disbelieve, but openly condemn, various portions of the articles, creeds, and discipline, as they
are at present by law established. For a confirmation of this assertion, see that admirable
Letter of Dr. Milner to Dr. Sturges, of Winchester, demonstrating the low church principles
to be entirely subversive of the original tenets of the Church of England.
Wherever Vandemerk and Sonoi, both Keu tenants to the Prince of Orange, carried their
arms, they invariably put to death, in cold blood, all the priests and religious they could lay
hands upon, as at Odenard, Rureniond, Dort, Middlebourg, Uelft, and Shonoven. See —
Hist. Ref. des Pays Bas, by the Protestant minister Dk Bkaxt.
Of the horrible barbarities practised by this Sonoi, a copious account is given in UAbrege
<Ie VHistohe de la Hollatide, par M. Kkxoux, a Protestant author, who draws a most frightful
picture of the barbarities practised on the Catholic peasants of the Low Countries.
The reformation in Scotland began by the murder of Cardinal Beaton, in which Knox was
a party; and to which Fox, in his "Acts and Monuments," says, the murderers were actuated
by the Spirit of God.
Numberless instances might be cited, to show the horrible excesses connnitted by these
pretended reformers in the furtherance of their principles.
Such Avas the detestation, only a few years since, to the bare representation of the cross
(a symbol that has been used by Christians from the earliest periods), that, when the small
Catholic chapel was erected at Lincoln, a plain cross having been formed in the gable by the
omission of some bricks, the then mayor sent a message to the priest, desiring the same to be
immediately defaced. To which mandate the worthy pastor replied, that he should by no
means do so till the crosses on the cathedral, and other churches, were removed and owing to
To what miserable resoui'ces are not the designers of ecclesiastical decoration driven in
the present day, when all those exquisite symbols and powerful representations of the sacra-
ments and ceremonies of the Christian church, which formed an inexhaustible source for every
class of artists, have been expelled and prohibited, as savouring of superstition a name applied
by modern churchmen to every religious truth that surpasses their own narrow comprehension,
and every sacred rite which they find too irksome or expensive.
But, will it be believed, these pretended suppressors of superstition, these revilers of those
sacred badges which had distinguished religious \\ orship from the earliest period, fly to pagan
rites and heathen worship for emblems to replace those they had so barbarously rejected !
Yes the sacrifice of rams and heifers is sculptui-ed, in lieu of that of the divine Redeemer
sacrificed for the whole world ; the images of the pagan priestesses have replaced those of
the saints and martyrs, whose zeal and constancy laid the foundation of the great fabric of
the Christian Church and, indeed, so infatuated have been the builders of modern preaching-
houses in this new system, that, from the winged Osiris of the Egyptians to the votive wreaths
dedicated to the god Mars, they have adopted all descriptions of ornaments relating to pagan
rites, which they have introduced without the slightest consideration of their utter impropriety
in the places of worship of any class of Christians. Yet, such is the blind prejudice of the
mass of j)ersons in this country, that, while such gross violations of propriety are daily taking-
place without comment, were any one to be found bold enough to erect an image of the crucifietl
Redeemer within the walls of one of these edifices, an outcry would be immediately raised that
popish idolatry was about to be revived nor would the zealots cease till the object of offence
was removed and should no appropriate Greek or Roman figure be found to supply its place,
a neat king's arms, with some appropriate text, would be thought admirably suitable to fill the
vacant space.
Not only has this mania of employing heathen emblems filled the churches with incongrui-
ties,but they are universally employed about the sepulchral monuments of persons professing
to be Christians, and of which many have been erected at the expense of a nominally Christian
Let any candid person survey the monuments erected, during the last and present century,
and Westminster Abbey, and then pronounce, whether there
in those great edifices, St. Paul's
is one sign or symbol by which he could have supposed that the persons, to whom they are
erected, professed the Christian faith. Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Minerva, Apollo, and a host
of heathen divinities, are sculptured either receiving the soul of the departed, or assisting him
in the achievement of his exploits ;
and, when he regards the costume of the deceased, he is
equally at a loss to distinguish the rank, profession, or the age in which he lived. Statesmen,
warriors, and even ecclesiastics, have been alike enveloped in the Roman toga ; and thus made
to appear, both by costume and attributes, pagans of two thousand years ago.
No. I.
It not to be doubted, but that the Reformation, set on foot by Queen Elizabeth, was
contrary to the inclinations of all the governing part of the clergy, or at least of a great
majority and that they protested against it. The bishops were all deprived, and imprisoned,
on that account. The convocation met, as the reader has seen, and subscribed to a profession
of faith, directly contrary to the reformed doctrine. Great numbers of the most eminent
clergymen went abroad and there was scarce any university, either in Flanders, France, or
Italy, but one or more might be found in them, besides others, that were entertained as
professors of divinity in foreign monasteries. A great many, indeed, still remained in England,
and conformed for awhile, in hopes that the queen would relent, and things come about again.
But their hopes vanishing, they forsook their benefices, and followed their countrymen over
seas. There was not a province through all England, where several of Queen Mary's clergy
did not reside, and were commonly called the old priests. They served as chaplains in private
families. Their names and places of residence I have frequently met with in the manuscripts
I perused in composing this work. Again, several Catholic clergymen found such friends, as
to be permitted to enjoy sinecures, without being disturbed by oaths and other injunctions.
This non-compliance of so many of the clergy left the reformers unprovided with teachers,
and persons proper for that function in so much that Collier says, " that, upon the Catholic
clergy throwing up their preferment, the necessities of the Church required the admitting of
some mechanics into orders."* The strength of the party that opposed the Reformation
appears still more from the account which the Protestant writers give of the desertion that
happened in our universities, and scarcity of persons sufficiently qualified to instruct the
* [Collier, ii. 465. See also Strype, Annal. i. 178, 179. Among other schemes adopted in consequence of this
defection, it was proposed, in some instances, to unite several churches, and thus to carry on the duties of religion
with a smaller number of clergy. See a letter on this subject, from the bishop of Winchester to Cecil, in the
Appendix, No. XLY.—T.]
people." " It must be known," saith Anthony Wood, " that, in the beginning of the reign of
Queen Elizabeth, the University of Oxford was so empty, after the Catholics had left it, upon
the alteration of religion, that there was very seldom a sermon preached in the university
church called St. Mary." And, in another place, he adds, " there was not one then [an. 1564]
in that society [of Merton College], that could, or would, preach any public sermon in the
college turn ; such was the scarcity of theologi.sts, not only in that house, but generally
throughout the university." * The same Oxford historian also gives us several particulars of
this grand defection. twenty-two persons of note, ejected out of New College only
He names ;
seven out of St. John's College and great numbers out of the colleges of St. Mary Magdalen,
like order came out for liberty to make use of the Common-prayer in the Latin tongue, there
being some danger of losing that language in the university and that Thomas Sampson, and;
Ur. Humphrey, and perhaps a third, named Andrew Kingsmill, were the only persons that
could preach with any reputation. Now these preachers being all Puritans, they filled the
university with Calvinistical notions.-f- This desolate condition of Oxford is, in like manner,
taken notice of by Jewel, Parker, and othei's. " Our universities," saith Jewel, " are in a
most lamentable condition * * * there are not above two in Oxford of our sentiments." J
Archbishop Parker tells the queen, " that there were not two men able or willing to read the
lady Margaret's lecture and, though they had a great many preachers, yet he was afraid
several of them were but slenderly furnished for that employment." It appears from these
accounts, that, whatever these might be as to the number in the whole, most of the clergy of
character, upon account either of morals or of learning, stood firm in the belief of the old
It may be readily imagined, that when the English churches were brought under the control
of the new order of clergy (for the most part illiterate Puritans, and devoid of all sympathy
for Catholic traditions and art), their ancient and appropriate arrangements were speedily
destroyed, and they were used more as preaching conventicles than as places consecrated to
prayer and sacrifice. From the very commencement of the great schism, the canons of the
establishment have been far more Catholic than her practice ; and, notwithstanding all that
has been advanced to the contrary, the present position of the Church of England is a Protes-
tant one. That many good Catholic-minded men, and witnesses of better things, have been
found in her communion, even at the very worst periods, no one can doubt but these have ;
ever formed a very small minority, and were, in fact, exceptions to the rule. The change of
religion in England was compassed by crafty and avaricious statesmen, aided by Puritans and
foreign heretics and no one can doubt this fact, who has attentively perased the works of
Dodd, Heylin, Strype, Collier, and other old English historians. It is both false and absurd
for certain modern writers to assert, that the present establishment has been a conservator of
t Antiq. Oxon. 283, 284, 285. [He adds, that, after Sampson's departure, Humphrey was frequently absent,
that sermons of the most ridiculous kind were constantly delivered, and that, on one occasion, no preacher making
his appearance, Richard Taverner, the high sheriff of the county, decorated in the ensigns of his office, ascended
the pulpit of St. Mary's Church, and addressed his audience in a discourse, which thus commenced " Arriving at
the mount of St. Mary's, in the stony stage (the pulpit was of stone), where I now stand, I have brought you
some biscuits, baked oven of charity, carefully conserved for the chickens of the church, the sparrows of the
in the
spirit, and the sweet swallows of salvation." Ibid. T.j —
\ [Apud Collier, ii. 432. Jewel's letter, however, is dated May 22, 1559, some months before the deprivation or
removal of the Catholic members. T.\
! —
Catholic architecture, because Hooker, Laud, and a few other great men of the same school,
protested against the destructions that were going on in every direction. There is not one
sacred edifice in the whole country that does not exhibit a lamentable series of innovations
and demolitions, commencing with the and continued at intervals to
so-called Reformation,
the present time ;
we may ascribe the preservation of
indeed, as I have previously remarked,
the most interesting remains more to the feelings of apathy and neglect, than any veneration
for their beauty. None but party men can endeavour to set up such pi-etensions in the face
of existing facts all who are imbued with true Catholic feelings, must weep and deplore over
the fallen state of Christian art and ideas for the last few centuries, not only in England but
in Europe.
No. II.
The following glorious churches may be especially pointed out amongst a host of others, as
being in a most lamentable state of decay and neglect :
In the Abbey Church of Westminster, although the fabric is being slowly and partially
restored, the unrivalled sepulchral monuments are in a most miserable state.
The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury, one of the most solemn churches in England, contain-
ing tombs and chapels of the highest interest, at present woefully desecrated.
The Collegiate Chui'ch of Selby, the choir of which is a wonderful example of the fine
period of the First Edward. In this wonderful building, the font with a magnificent canopy is
disused. The chapels of the ti-ansepts are filled with rubbish, and one even used as a coal-hole.
Two stove pipes of large diameter have been carried right through the eastern aisle windows,
and up to the top of the eastern turrets. The nave is rendered useless, and galleries have been
erected in the choir, and many fine foliage caps cut away to receive them. A description of
the many barbarous mutilations that this glorious church has suffered would fill a volume.
N.B. —
The great tithes of this church are in the possession of a Catholic gentleman, who,
instead of contributing funds towards saving this noble example of ancient piety from ruin,
has actually affixed a most Protestant-looking tablet against one of the finely moulded pillars
of the chancel ! !
In the parish church of Cromer, Norfolk, an edifice which could not be erected at the present
time for £ 100,000, the eastern end has been suffered to go to utter ruin, and side galleries are
now being erected in the nave. All the porches are in ruin. This description will apply to
nearly all the fine churches on the Norfolk coast, most of the chancels are in ruins, and
several of the transepts. These churches are for the most part noble edifices, ei'ected by
Catholic piety at an innnense cost.
The disgust which the lamentable state of these neglected piles causes in the mind of the
beholder is not a little increased by the plantations, carriage-drives, stabling, and villa-like
arrangements of the adjacent parsonage-houses.
The high church of Hull is a magnificent edifice of immense size a preaching-place has :
been constmcted by walling up Jour compartments of the nave, leaving the western end of nave,
choir, chancel, eastern aisle, chapels, and transept, utterly bare and unoccupied galleries have
been erected with commodious staircases in the preaching-place. It is most amusing to hear
of a vestry meeting being called to consider the means of getting increased accommodation in
a church of which only one-third is occupied.
It is impossible even to hint at half of the enormities which have been perpetrated, and are
still tolerated in many of our most glorious churches ; but an annual account of the proceedings
of the destructives would do right good service ; as shame might in some instances have the effect
of staying their sacrilegious hands. A great revival of Catholic feelings in respect to ecclesias-
tical architecture has already taken place, but no one must relax for a moment ; innovations to
an alarming extent, and I speak Jrom actual observation, are yet going on.
cannot refrain from paying a just tribute of respect and gratitude to the labours of the
Cambridge Camden Society, who have already done much, and are still going on admirably in
the good cause.
I recommend to their special attention the edifices I have pointed out ; the remonstrances
of a body will produce far greater results than can be achieved by any individual, and immediate
steps should be taken to rescue these wonderful remains of ancient art from further destruction.
The state of fonts require particular investigation. In the parish church of St. Helen's, York,
on the 1st of May, 1841, the contents of the font were as follows three dusters, a sponge, a :
hammer, several pieces of old rope, some portions of old books, a hand broom, several tin candle
sockets and candle ends, besides a large deposit of dirt.
No. III.
Nous sommes engages en ce moment dans une lutte qui ne sera pas sans quelque importance
dans I'histoire, et qui tient, de pres et de loin, a des interets et a des principes d'un ordre trop
eleve pour etre effleures en passant. En fait, il s'agit simplement de savoir si la France
arretera enfin le cours des devastations qui s'effectuent chez elle depuis deux siecles, et spe-
cialement depuis cinquante ans, avec un acharnement dont aucune autre nation et aucune
autre epoque n'a donne Texemple; ou bien si elle perseverera dans cette voie de i-uines, jusqu'a
ce que le dernier de ses anciens souvenirs soit efface, le dernier de ses monumens nationaux
rase, et que, soumise sans reserve a la parure que lui preparent les ingenieurs et les architectes
modernes, elle n'ofFre plus a Tetranger et a la posterite qu'une sorte de damier monotone
peuple de chifFres de la meme valeur, ou de pions tallies sur le meme modele.
Quoi qu'il en soit, et quel que doive etre le resultat des tentatives actuelles en faveur d'un
meilleur ordre de choses, il est certain qu'il y a eu, depuis un petit nombre d'annees, un point
d'arret que si le fleuve du vandalisme n'en a pas moins continue ses ravages periodiques, du
moins quelques faibles digues ont ete indiquees plutot qu'elevees, quelques clameurs energiques
ont interrompu le silence coupabl. et stupide qui regnait sous TEmpiie et la Restauration.
Cela suffit pour signaler notre epoque dans Thistoire de Part et des idees qui la dominent.
Cest pourquoi j'ose croire qu'il pent n'etre pas sans interet de continuer ce que j'ai commence
il y a cinq ans, de rassembler un certain nombre de faits caracteristiques qui puissent faire
juger de Petendue du mal et mesurer les progres encore incertains du bien. J'ai grande
confiance dans la publicite a cet egard c'est tou jours un appel a Tavenir, alors que ce n'est
point un remede pour le present. Si chaque ami de Thistoire et de Tart national tenait note
de ses souvenirs et de ses decouvertes en fait de vandalisme, s'il soumettait eusuite avec
courage et perseverance au jugement du public, au risque de le fatiguer quelquefois comme je
vais le faire aujourd'hui, par une nomenclature monotone et souvent triviale, il est probable
que le domaine de ce vandalisme se retrecirait de jour en jour, et dans le meme mesure ou Ton
verrait s'accroitre cette reprobation morale qui, chez toute nation civilisee, doit stigmatiser le
mepris du passe et la destruction de Thistoire.
II est juste de commencer la revue trop incomplete que je me propose de faire, par le
sommet de Fechelle sociale, c'est-a-dire par le gouvernement. Autant j'ai mis de violence a
Tattaquer en 1833, autant je lui dois d'eloges aujourd'hui pour I'heureuse tendance qu'il mani-
feste in faveur de nos monumens historiques, pour la protection tardive, mais affectueuse, dont
il les entoure. Ce sera un eternel honneur pour le gouvernement de juillet que cet arrete de son
premier ministre de Tinterieur, rendu presque au milieu de du combat et de toute
la confusion
Teffervescence de la victoire, par lequel on instituait un inspecteur-general des monumens his-
toriques, a peu pres au meme moment ou Ton inaugurait le roi de la revolution. C'etait un
admirable teraoignage de confiance dans Favenir, en meme temps que de respect pour le passe.
On que Ton pouvait desormais etudier et apprecier impunemment ce passe, parce
declai'ait ainsi
que toute crainte de son retour etait impossible. Cet an-ete nous a valu tout d'abord un
excellent rapport* sur les monumens d'une portion notable de TIle-de-France, de TArtois et
du Hainaut, signe par le premier inspecteur-genei'al, M. Vitet. C'etait, si je ne me trompe,
depuis les fameux rapports de Gregoire a la Convention, sur la destruction des monumens, la
premiere marque officielle d'estime donnee par un fonctionnaire public aux souvenirs de notre
histoire. A
cette premiere impulsion ont succede, il faut le dire, de Tinsouciance et de Foubli,
que Ton pent, sans trop d'injustice, attribuer aux douloureuses preoccupations qui ont rempli
les premieres annees de notre revolution. Cependant le progres des etudes historiques, forte-
ment organise et pousse par M. Guizot, amenait necessairement celui des etudes sur Part.
Aussi vit-on ces etudes former un des objets du second comite historique, institue au ministere
de rinstruction publique en 1834. Avec le calme revint une sollicitude plus etendue et plus
vigoureuse on demanda aux chambres et on obtint, quoique avec peine, une somme de 200,000
francs pour subvenir aux premiers besoins de Pentretien des monumens historiques. M. le
comte de Montalivet a mis le sceau a cette heureuse reaction, en creant, le 29 septembre 1837,
une commission specialement chargee de veiller a la conservation des anciens monumens, et de
repartir entre eux la modique allocation portee au budget sous ce titre. De son cote M. de
Salvandy, etendant et completant Toeuvre de M. Guizot, a cree ce comite historique des arts
et monumens que la rapport de M. de Gaspardin a fait connaitre au public, et qui, sous Tactive
et zelee direction de cet ancien ministre, s'occupe avec ardeur de la reproduction de nos chefs-
d'oeuvres, en meme temps qu'il denonce a I'opinion les actes de vandalisme qui parviennent a
sa connaissance. Enfin, M. le garde-des-sceaux, en sa qualite de ministre des cultes, a public
une excellent circulaire sur les mesures a suivre pour la restauration des ediiices religieux,
circulaire a laquelle il ne manquera que d'etre suffisamment connue et repandue dans le clerge.
II faut espei'er maintenant que la chambre des deputes renoncera a la parcimonie mesquine qui
a jusqu'a present preside a ses votes en faveur de Tart, et qu'elle suivra Timpulsion donnee par
le pouvoir.
II y a la, avouons-le,un contraste heureux et remarquable avec ce qui se passait sous la
Restauration. Loin de moi la pensee d'elever des recriminations inutiles contre un regime qui
* Rapport aM. le Ministre de Tlntereur sur les monumens, etc., des departemens de I'Oise, de I'Aisne, de la
Marne, du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais, par M. L. Vitet. Paris, de I'imprimerie royale, 1831. Depuis, M. Merimee,
qui a remplace M. Vitet, a etendu la sphere de ses explorations et nous a donne deux volumes pleins de renseigne-
mens curieux sur I'etat des monumens dans I'ouest et le midi de la France.
a si cruellement expie ses fautes, et a qui nous devons, apres tout, et nos habitudes constitu-
tionelles et la plupart de nos libertes ;
mais, en bonne justice, il est impossible de ne pas
signaler une difference si honorable pour notre epoque et notre nouveau gouvernement. Chose
etrange ! la nom seul semblait imposer la mission speciale de reparer
Restauration, a qui son
et de conserver les monumens du
passe, a ete tout au contraire une epoque de destmction sans
limites; et il n''a moins qu'un changement de dynastie pour qu'on s'aper^ut dans
fallu rien
les regions du pouvoir qu''il y avait quelque chose a faire, au nom du gouvernement, pour
sauver Thistoire et Fart national. Sous TEmpire, le ministre de Tinterieur, par une circulaire
du 4 juin 1810, fit demander a tous les prefets des renseignements sur les anciens chateaux et
les anciennes abbayes de TEmpire. J'ai vu des copies de plusieurs menioires fournis in exe-
cution de cet ordre ils sont pleins de details curieux sur Petat de ces monumens a cette
que Fon disait grand comme Notre-Dame de Paris, Feglise commencee par saint Bernard, et
ovi reposaient, a cote de ses reliques, tant de reines, tant de princes, tant de pieuses generations
de moines, et le coeur dTsabelle, fiUe de saint Louis cette eglise qui avait traverse, debout et
entiere, la Republique et FEmpire, ait attendu, pour tomber, la premiere annee de la Restau-
ration.'' Elle fut rasee alors, avec toutes ses chapelles attenantes, sans qu'il en restat pierre
sur pierre, pas meme la tombe de saint Bernard, et cela pour faire une place, plantee d'arbres,
au centre de la prison, qui a remplace le monastere.
Pour ne pas nous eloigner de Clairvaux et du departement de FAube, il faut savoir qu'il
s'est trouve un prefet de la Restauration qui a fait vendre au poids sept cents livres pesant
des archives de ce meme Clairvaux, transportes a la prefecture de Troyes. Le reste est encore
la, dans les greniers d'ou il les a tires pour faire cette belle speculation: et j'ai marche en
rougissant sur des tas de diplomes, parmi lesquels j'en ai ramasse, sous mes pieds, du pape
Urbain IV, ne a Troyes meme, fils d'un cordonnier de cette ville, et probablement le plus
illustre enfant de cette province. Ce meme prefet a rase les derniers debris du palais des
anciens comtes de Champagne, de cette belle et poetique dynastie des Thibaud et des Henri-
le-Large, pai-ce qu'ils se trouvaient sur la ligne d'un chemin de ronde qu'il avait malheureuse-
ment imagine. La charmante porte Saint-Jacques, construite sous Francis I ; la porte du
BefFroy, ont eu le meme sort. Un autre prefet de la Restauration, dans FEure-et-Loire, nous
a-t-on dit, n'a eprouve aucun scrupule a se laisser donner plusieurs vitraux de la cathedrale de
Chartres, pour en orner la chapelle de son chateau. Ce qui est sur, c'est qu'il n'y a pas un
departement de France ou il ne se soit consomme, pendant les quinze annees de la Restauration,
plus d'irremediables devastations, que pendant toute la duree de la Republique et de TEmpire
non pas toujours, il s'en faut, par le fait direct de ce gouvernement, mais toujours sous ses
yeux, avec sa tolerance, et sans eveiller la moindre marque de sa sollicitude.
Une pareille honte semble, Dieu merci, etre ecartee pour Favenir, quoique dans les allures
du gouvernement actuel tout ne soit pas egalement dignes d'eloges. Pourquoi faut-il, par
exemple, qu'a cote des mesures utiles et intelligentes dont nous avons parle plus haut, il y ait
quelquefois des actes comme celui que nous allons citer? Une societe s'est formee en Normandie
sous le titre de Societe fran9aise, pour la conservation des monumens elle a pour createur ;
M. de Caumont, cet infatigable et savant archeologue qui a plus fait que personne pour popu-
lariser le gout et la science de Fart historique ; elle a reussi, apres maintes difRcultes, a enre-
gimenter dans ses rangs les proprietaires, les ecclesiastiques, les magistrats, les artistes, non
seulement de la Normandie, mais encore des provinces voisines. Elle publie un recueil mensuel
plein de faits et de renseignements curieux, sous le titre de Bulletin monumental ; et ce qui
vaut encore mieux, avec le produit des cotisations de ses membres, elle donne de secours aux
fabriques des eglises menacees, et obtient ainsi le droit d'arreter beaucoup de destructions, et
celui plus precieux encore d'intervenir dans les reparations. Voila, on Favouera, une societe
qui n'a pas sa rivale en France, ni peut-etre en Europe, et qui meritait, a coup sur, Fappui et
la faveur du pouvoir. Or, devine-t-on quelle appui elle en a recu.'' M. le ministre de Finterieur
lui a alloue la somme de trois cents francs, a titre d" encouragement ! Que penser d'un encour-
agement de ce genre ? Et n'est-ce pas plutot une insulte, une veritable derision, que de jeter cent
ecus a une association des hommes considerables dans leur pays, et dont le zele et le devouement
sont propres a servir de modeles au gouvernement Esperons au moins que Fannee prochaine
ce delit contre Fart et Fhistoire sera repare d'une maniere conforme au bons sens et a la justice.
Apres le pouvoir central, il est juste de citer un certain nombre de magistrats et de corps
constitues, qui ont noblement seconde son impulsion. Ainsi plusieurs prefets, parmi lesquels
je dois specialement designer MM. les prefets du Calvados et de FEure M. Gabriel, prefet ;
a Troyes, apres Favoir ete a Auch; M. Rivet, a Lyon ; M. Chaper, a Dijon, et surtout M. le
comte de Rambuteau, a Paris, se montrent pleins de zele pour la conservation des edifices
anciens de leurs departemens. Ainsi, quelques conseils-generaux, et au premier rang ceux des
Deux-Sevres,* de FYonne,-f- et de la Haute-Loire, ont vote des allocations destinees a racheter
* La deliberation de ce conseil-general, dans sa session de 1838, merite d'etre citee textuellement. Apres avoir
vote 4,000 fr., au lieu de 3,000 que le prefet proposait, pour huit anciennes eglises du departement, le conseil
demande que ces sommes ne soient employees que sous la direction de I'architecte du departement et les avis de M.
de La Fontanelle, membre correspondant des comites historiques etablis pres le ministere de Tinstruction publique.
II recommande a M. I'Architecte de veiller a ce qu'on ne fasse pas disparaitre, comme il n'arrive que trop souvent,
les parties de I'edifice qui rappellent I'etat de I'art dans le pays, et qui meritent, par cela seul, d'etre conservees de
preference par des reparations faites dans le meme style.
|- Celui-ci a sauve, par sa genereuse intervention, deux eglises aussi precieuses pour Fhistoire que pour I'art
et a reparer des monumens qu'ils estiment, a juste titre, comme la gloire de leur contree.
Malheureusement ces exemples sont encore tres peu nombreux, et se concentrent dans la
sphere des fonctionnaires les plus eleves, et par consequent les plus absorbes par d'autres devoirs.
Partout, ou presque partout, les archives departementales et comnxunales sont dans un etat de
grand desordre si dans quelques villes elles sont confiees a des hommes pleins de zele et de
joug de cette ligne droite, c'est-a-dire de la forme la plus elementaire et la plus sterile qui
existe, au detriment de toutes les considerations de beaute et meme de prudence. Ce ne serait
vraiment pas la peine de se feliciter du talent des jeunes savans qui sorteut de nos ecoles, si
ce talent se borne a tailler la surface de la France et de ses villes en carres plus ou moins
gi-ands, et a renverser impitoyablement tout ce qui se trouve sur le chemin de leur regie. C'est
cependant la le principe qui semble prevaloir dans tous les travaux publics de notre temps et
qui amene chaque jour de nouvelles ruines. Ainsi a Dinan, dans une petite ville de Bretagne
ou il ne passe peut-etre pas vingt voitures par jour, pour elargir une rue des moins passageres,
n'a-t-on pas ete detruire la belle fa^'ade de Fhospice de son eglise. Fun des monumens le plus
curieux de ces contrees ? Le maire a essaye d'en faire transporter une partie contre le mur
du cimetere, mais tout s'est brise en route. Cest ainsi que naguere, a Dijon, Feglise St. Jean,
si curieuse par Fextreme hardiesse de sa voiite, qui s'appuie sur les murs de cote, sans aucune
colonne, cette belle eglise, que le xviii^ siecle lui-meme avait remarquee, reduite aujourd'hui a
Vezelay, oil saint Bernard precha le croisade, et Pontigny, qui servit d'asile a saint Thomas de Cantorbery pendant
son exil en France.
* Parmi les exploits du genie militaire, il faut citer le badigeonnage des vieilles fresques qui ornaient la chapelle
servir de magasiu de tonneaux, s'est vue honteusement mutilee : on a elague son choeur, rien
(jue cela, comme une branche d'arbre inutile, et un mur qui rejoint les deux transepts separe
la nef du pave des voitures. On n'en agit ainsi qu'avec les monumens publics et surtout
religieux : il en sei'ait tout autrenient s'il etait question d'interets prives. Que les maisons
voisines embarrassent autant et plus le un mal qu'on subit mais on se dit
voie publique, c'est ;
" Connnen^ons par miner Teglise ; c'est " et Ton peut affirmer har-
toujours cela de gagne ;
diment que le nioindre cabaret est aujourd'hui plus a Pabri des pretentions elargisseurs que le
plus curieux monument du moyen age. A Dieppe, toujours pour elargir, n'a-t-on pas detruit
la belle porte de la Barre, avec ses deux grosses tours, par laquelle on arrivait de Paris et ;
cela sans doute, pour la remplacer par une de ces grilles monotones, flanquees de deux hideux
pavilions d'octroi, avec porche et fronton, cet ideal de Tentree d\ine ville moderne, au dessus
duquel le genie de nos architectes n'a pas encore pu s'elever. A Thouars, le vaste et magni-
fique chateau des La Tremoille va etre demoli pour ouvrir un passage a la grande route ce :
chateau date presque entierement du moyen age, et Ton sait que les monumens militaires de
cette epoque sont d'une rarete desesperante. A Paris, nous approuvons de tout notre cceur
les nouvelles rues de la Cite, mais sans admettre la necessite absolue de detruire ce qui restait
des anciennes eglises de Saint-Landry et de Saint Pierre-aux-Boeufs, dont les noms se rattachent
aux premiers jours de Phistoire de la capitale; et si le prolongement de la rue Racine eut
porte un peu plus a droite ou a gauche, de maniere a ne pas produire une ligne absoknnent
droite de TOdeon a la rue de La Harpe, il nous semble qu'on eut trouve une compensation
suffisante dans la conservation de la precieuse eglise (Je Saint-Come, qui, bien que souillee par
son usage moderne, n'en etait pas moins Tunique de sa date et de son style a Paris. A Poitiers,
la fureur de Talignement est poussee si loin, que M. Vitet s'est attire toute Tanimadversion du
conseil municipal, pour avoir insiste, en sa qualite d'inspecteur-general, pour le maintien du
monument le plus ancien de cette ville, le baptistere de Saint-Jean, dont on place Torigine
entre le vie et le viii° siecle malheureusement ce temple se trouve entre le pont et le marche
aux veaux et aux poissons, et quoiqu'il y ait toute la largeur convenable pour que lesdits veaux
et poissons soient voitures tout a leur aise autour du venerable debris d'architecture franke, il
n"en est pas moins desagreable aux yeux eel aires de ces magistrats, deja renommes par la
destruction de leurs remparts et de leurs anciennes portes. lis se sont I'evoltes contre la pre-
tension de leur faire conserver malgre eux un ; de la des pamphlets
obstacle a la circulation
contre Taudacieux M. Vitet, dans lesquels il etait denonce aux bouchers et aux poissardes
connne coupable d'encombrer les abords de leur marche de la, demande au gouvernement ;
d\me somme de douze mille francs, pour compenser cette irreparable dommage de la, plainte ;
jusque devant le conseil d'etat, ou la cause de Phistoire, de Part et de la raison, n'a pu triom-
pher, dit-on, qu'a la majorite d\me seule voix. Terminons Phistoire de ces funestes aligne-
ments, en rappellant qu'au moment meme ou nous ecrivons, Valenciennes voit disparaitre la
derniere arcade gothique qui ornait ses rues, qui lui rappelait son ancienne splendeur, alors
qu'elle partageait avec Mons Phonneur d'etre la capitale de cette glorieuse race des comtes de
Hainaut, qui alia regner a Constantinople. On y detruit la portion la plus curieuse de Pancien
Hotel-Dieu, fonde en 1431 par Gerard de Pirfontaine, chanoine d'Anthoing, avec Pautorisation
de Jacqueline de Baviere, et le secours de Philippe-le-Bon. On voit que les plus grands noms
de Phistoire locale ne trouvent pas grace devant le municipalite de Valenciennes. II faut, du
reste, s'etonner de Pintensite tout-a-fait speciale de Pesprit vandale, dans ces anciennes pro-
vinces des Pays-Bas espagnols, qui pouvaient naguere s'enorgueillir de posseder les produits
les plus nombreux et les plus brillans de Part gothique. Ce n'est guere que la, a ce qu'il nous
semble, qu'on a vu des villes s'acharner apres leurs vastes et illustres cathedrales, au point d'en
fiiire disparaitre jusnuVi la dernicre pierre pour leur substituer unu place, coinine cela s'est fait
a Bruges pour la cathedrale de Saint-Donat ; a Liege, pour celle de Saint- Lambert ; a Arras,
pour de Notre-Dame a Caiiibray, pour celle de Notre-Danie aussi, avec sa mervcilleu^e
celle ;
fleche Ce n'est que la qu'on a vu, comme a Saint-Omer, la brutalite municipale poussee asse/
loin pour demolir, sous pretexte de donncr travail ai(<v ourrict-.s; les plus belles ruines de TEurope
centrale, celles de I'abbaye de Saint-Bertin, et nianiuer ainsi d\m inefFa^-able deshonneur les
Conibien de ne voit-on pas la destruction organise'e dans nos villas, sans qu'ii
fois d'ailleurs
y ait eu nieme Tonibre d'un pretexte ? Ainsi a Troves, nVt-on pas mieux aime detruire la
charniante chapelle de la Passion, au c-ouvent des Cordeliers, change en prison, et puis en
reconstruire une nouvelle, cpie conserver rancienne pour Fusage de la prison ? Ainsi a Paris,
peut-on concevoir une operation plus ridicule que ce renoiu ellenient de la grille de la Place-
Royale, c|ue la presse a deja si generalement, niais si inutilenient blame ? Mele a cette affaire
par les protestations inutiles que j'ai ete charge d'elever en connnun avec M. du Somerard et
]\L le baron Taylor, a Tappui des argumens sans replique, de* calculs approfondis et conscien-
cieux de M. Victor Hugo, j^ai pu voir de pres tout ce (ju'il y a encore de haine aveugle du
passe, de considerations mescpiines, d'ignorance volontaire et interessee, dans la conduite des
travaux d'arts vsur le plus beau theatre du monde actuel. Cette vieille grille avait en elle-
meme bien peu de valeur artistique niais elle representait un principe, celui de la conservation.
Et les memes honnnes qui se sont ainsi obstines a aff'ubler la Place-Royale crune grille doiit
on avait nul besoin, ne rougissent pas de Tetat iguominieux ou se trouve Xotre-Uame, par
suite de Tabsence de cette grille indispensable qu'on leur demande depuis sept annees Peu
leur importe, en verite, que la cathedrale de Paris soit une borne d hnmondkes, comme le dit
avec tant de raison le rapport du comite des arts au ministre. lis trouvent de Pargent en
abondance pour planter un anachronisnie au milieu de la plus curieuse place de Paris, et ils
n\)nt pas un centime a donner pour preserver des mutilations ([uotidiennes, d'outrages indi-
metropole du pays pour fermer cet horrible cloa([ue (jui est pour Paris et la Erance
cibles, la ;
iugee, ce nous semble, par M. Vitet,-f- Tune des plus vastes et des plus anciennes de Ei aiue, si
belle pour sa position unique, par ses quatre tours merveilleusement transparentes, par le >ym-
bolisme trinitaire de son abside carre, par le nombre prodigieux de ses chapelles, cette cathe-
drale inspire aux chefs de la cite a peu pres autant de synipathie cjue Xotre-Uame aux ediles
parisiens. Ses abords, deja encombres d une maniere facheuse, le seront bientot completement
par la construction d\ni grand nombre de maisons sur Templacement du cloitre, vendu pendant
la revolution. Ce terrain pouvait etre rachete par la ville pour une somme insignifiante mais, ;
aux reclamations elevees par des personnes intelligentes et zelees, il a ete repondu, par un
mao-istrat, en ces termes " Franchement, je ne m'interesse pas aux edifices dece genre; c'est
a ceux (jui aiment le culte a Tappuyer."'' Reponse digne, comme on le voit, de cette nmnici-
palite (jui a eu le privilege de detruire le plus ancien monument historique de Erance, le tour
* En 1837, lors de la discussion, a la chambre des pairs, sur la cession du terrain de rarchevec-he a la ville, on
eleva quelques objections sur cette cession a titre gratuit. II fut repondu que Tetat etait suffisamment dedommage
par I'obligation que contractait la ville d 'entourer ce terrain dune grille On voit comme cette obligation a ete bien
de Louis d'Outiemer, et qui passera a la posterite, flagellee par Timpitoyable verve de M. Hugo.*
Ailleurs, c"'est encore le meme indifference, ou plutot le meme aversion pour tout ce qui tient
a Fhistoire ou a Tart. A Langres, quelques jeunes gens studieux avaient humblement demande
au conseil municipal Toctroi de Tabside de Saint-Didier, la plus ancienne eglise de la ville
(aujourd'hui enlevee au culte), afin d'y commencer un niusee d'antiquites locales, institution
vraiment indispensable dans une contree ou cliaque jour, en fouillant le sol, on decouvre d'in-
nonibrables monuniens de la domination romaine. Mais le sage conseil a refuse tout net, et a
prefere transformer sa vieille eglise en depot de bois et pompes. La guerre declaree a une —
grande idee historique vaut bien la guerre faite a un monument voila pourquoi nous allons ;
encore parler de Dijon. Ce n'est pas assez pour cette ville d'avoir detruit, en 1803, sa Sainte-
Chapelle, oeuvre merveilleuse de la generosite des dues de Bourgogne d'avoir transforme ses ;
On sait que saint Bernard est ne a Fontaines, village situe a peu pres aussi loin de Dijon
que Montmartre Test de Paris. On y voit encore, a cote d'une curieuse eglise, le chateau de
son pere, transforme en convent de feuillans, sou,s Louis XIII, et conserve avec soin par le
proprietaire actuel, M. Girault."f" On a ouvert dernierement une nouvelle porte sur la route
qui conduit a ce village la voix publique, d\m commun accord, lui a donne le nom de Porte
Saint-Bernard, et le lui conserve encore. Mais devant le conseil municipal il a en ete autre-
ment. Lorsque cette proposition y a ete faite, il s'est trouve un orateur assez intelligent pour
declarer que saint Bernard etait un Janatique et un mystique dont les allures sentaient le
carlisme et le jesuitisme, et qui, dans tous le cas, rCavait rienjciit pour la ville de Dijon! ! Et
le conseil municipal s'est range de cet avis. Je regrette, pour mon compte, que par voie
d'amendement on n'ait pas nomme la porte d'apres un homme aussi eclaire que cet orateur,
mais, dans tous les cas, il aura ete recompense par la sympathie et Papprobation de M. Eusebe
Salverte, qui, dans la derniere session a si energiquement blame le niinistere d'avoir consacre
quelques faibles sonnnes a Tentretien de Teglise de Ve'zelay, ou saint Bernard, en prechant la
seconde croisade, avait trouve moyen de plonger les populations fanatisees plus avant dans la
stagnation feodale.\
Si maintenant nous passons des autorites municipales a la troisieme des categories de
vandales que j'ai autrefois etablies, celle des proprietaires, il nous faut avouer que le mal, moins
facile a connaitre et a denoncer, est peut-etre la plus vaste encore que partout ailleurs. Nul
ne saurait mesurer toute la portee de ces devastations intimes comme le travail de la taupe,
elles echappent a Texamen et a Toppositibn. Ce qu'il y a de plus facheux pour Tart dans les
dispositions de la plupart des proprietaires fran^ais, c'est leur horreur des mines. Autrefois
on fabriquait des mines artificielles dans les jardins a Tanglaise aujourd'hui on trouve aux ;
mines veritables des edifices les plus curieux un air incomfortable, que Ton s'empresse de faire
disparaitre, en achevant leur demolition. Celui qui aura sur ses domaines ([uelques debris du
chateau de ses peres, ou d\ni abbaye incendiee a la revolution, au lieu de coniprendre tout ce
qu'il pent y avoir d'interet historique ou de beaute pittoi-esque dans ces vieilles pierres, n'y
* Ajoutons que le conseil-general de TAisne vote pres de deux millions par an pour ses routes, qu'il ne parvient
pas a employer toute cette somme mais qu'il refuse d'en consacrer un vingtieme, un oinquantieme aux reparations
urgentes de Tedifice le plus remarquable du departement. II se borne a exprimer le voeu que le gouvernement
veuille bien le classer parmi les monumens nationaux comme si tous les autres departemens n'avaient pas des
verra cju'iine carriere a exploiter. C" aiusi cjiront disparu iiotaninient toutes les belles
cglises anciennes des inonastcres, dont on a quelquefois utilise les bjitimens d'habitation c'est :
aiiisi, par exemple, cjiie nous avons vu vendre il y a trois naois, jusqu'ii la derniere pierre dc
Teglise de Foigny en Thierache, pres la Capelle, eglise fondee par saint Bernard, cjui avait
<juatre cent pieds de long, et (jui subsistait encoie, il v a (|uel(|ues ainiecs, dans toute sa pure
et native beaute et on a pu faire disparaitre ce niagniticiue udiHce, sans cju\nie seule recla-
mation se soit elevee pour conserver a la contree environnante son plus bel ornement et inie
preuve vivante de son importance historique. Pres de la, dans un site bien boise et tres soli-
taire, a Bonne-Fontaine, pres d'Aubenton, abbaye fondee en 1153, on voit encore le transejit
meridional et six arcades de la nef de Teglise qui est evidemment du xii** siecle mais Tannee :
prochaine on ne les verra peut-etre plus, parce (|ue raccjuereur installe dans i'abbatiale, en
arraclie chacjue jour quelques pierres pour les besoins de son menage. II v a (|uinze join's, un
ouvrier etait occupe a depecer la grande rosace (jui formait Tantefixe du transept, et cjui,
laissee a nu par la destruction du pignon, se decoupait a jour sur le ciel, et produisait un eft'et
aussi original que pittoresque. On ne con^-oit pas qu'un esprit de speculation purement indus-
triel n'inspire pas mieux, et qu'on ne songe jamais aux voyageurs iiombreux qu'on eloigne en
depouillant le pays de toute sa parure, de tout ce qui pent distraire de Pennui, eveiller la
curiosite ou attirer Petude. Quelle difference deplorable pour nous entre le systeme franyais
et les soins scrupuleux qui ont valu a TAngleterre la conservation des admii-ables mines de
Tintern, de Croyland, de Netley, de Fountains, et de tant d'autres abbayes qui, pour avoir etc
.suppriniees et a moitie demolies par la reforme, n'en off'rent pas moins aujourdluii d"inappre-
ciables ressources a Tartiste et a ranti(|uaire. l\t s'il faut absolument descendre a des con-
siderations aussi ignobles, (jn'on aille deinander aux aubergistes, aux voituriei's, a la population
en genei-al des environs de ces monumens, s'ils ne trouvent pas leur compte a la conservation
de ces vieilles pierres qui, situees en France, auraient depuis long-temps servi a reparer une
route ou une ecluse. Ou en seraient les rives du Rliin, si frequentees et si admirees, avec le
mode d'exploitation des ruines que Ton emploie en France ? II y a long-temps que les touristes
et les artistes auraient abandonne ces parages, connne ils ont abandonne la Fi-ance, cette
France cjui etait naguere, de tons les pays de TEurope, la plus richement pourvue en eglises,
en chateaux et en abbayes du moyen age, et qui le serait encore si on avait pu arreter, il y a
vingt ans, le torrent des devastations publiques et particulieres. Aujourcriiui c'est a FAlle-
magne qu'il faut ceder la palme, grace au zele (jui anime a la fois le gouvernement et les
individus contre les progres du vandalisme, lequel y a regne comme chez nous, mais bien moins
long-temps. Les mesures administratives y sont appuyees par cette bonne volonte et cette
intelligence des individus cjui manquent si generalement en France. C"est ainsi (ju"il s'est
forme dans plusieurs villes des associations avec le but special de conserver tel ou tel monument
voisin. Nous citerons celle creee a Bamberg pour racheter et entretenir Altenbourg, Tancien
chateau des eveques de Bamberg. M. le baron d'Aufsess, Tun des amis les plus zeles de Tart
chretien et histori([ue en Allemagne, en a forme une autre pour sauver le beau chateau de
Zwernitz, en Franconie, et la meme mesure a ete prise par une reunion de prctres et de
bourgeois dans Tinteret de la vieille eglise situee au pied du Hohenstaufen.
Peut-etre verrons-nous en France des ameliorations de ce genre la societe formee par :
]M. de C'auniont pour la conservation des momnnens, dont nous avons parle plus haut, pourra se
])ropager et former des succursales Uieu le veuille car en France, plus (ju'ailleurs, Thomme
: !
isole n'a presque jamais la conscience de Fetendue de sa mission. Pour un honnne vraiment
energique et eclaire conune M. de C4olbcry, (pii, par Finfluence tpie lui donne sa triple cjualite
de legislateiu', de magistrat et de savant trcs, distingue, a rendu des services si eminens a Part
Chretien en Alsace,* nous auron.s encore pendant long-tenips cincjuante lionimes connne ^l.
Nicolas, architecte (le Bourbon-rArchanibault, lequel, pour donner une preuve de ses con-
naissances architecturales, a fait deniolir la Sainte-Chapelle de Eourbon-rArchambault,rornement
et la gloire du Bourbonnais, pour en vendre les materiaux. C'est en 1833 cjue le dernier debris
en a disparu.
Mais comment qualifier le trait que je vais raconter, et dans quelle categorie de vandales
faut-il ranger ses auteurs ? II y avait a Montargis une tour antique qui faisait Tadniiration
des voyageurs. M. Cotelle, notaire a Paris et proprietaire a Montargis, j ugeant utile de con-
server ces venerables restes, avait provoque des souscriptions et obtenu ministere une meme du
somme de 1,200 francs pour reparations vu'gentes. Malheureusement, aux elections generales
de 1837, M. Cotelle se presente comme candidat ministeriel aussitot les meneurs de Toppo- ;
tion se sont cru parfaitement en droit d'exciter quelques individus a retirer petit a petit les
pierres qui faisaient la base de Tedifice, et, a leur grande joie, la tour s'ecroula avec un epou-
vantable fracas. La nouvelle de cette belle victoire fut aussitot expediee a Paris ; le tour y
fut juge bon, et plus d'un journal .scricu.f le raconta avec eloge.-|" Je ne pense pas qu'il y ait
un autre pays au monde oii un pareil acte serait tolere, bien loin d'etre encourage.
En quittant le temporel pour on examine Fetat du vandalisme chez le clerge,
le spirituel, si
on reconnait que sa puissance y est toujours a peu pres aussi etendue et aussi enracinee.
Malgre les I'ecommandations et les prescriptions de M. Teveque du Puy et de plusieurs autres
respectables eveques, il y a toujours dans la masse du clerge et dans les conseils de fabrique,
la meme manie meme indifference barbare pour les trop
d'enjoliveniens profanes et ridicules, la
rares debris de Tantiquite chretienne. Tannee dernierej combien le systeme suivi
J'ai dit
dans les me reste a parler de la maniere dont on
constructions recentes etait deplorable : il
traite les edifices anciens. Je sais qu'il y a dans chaque diocese dlionorables exceptions, et
que le nombre de ces exceptibns s'accroit chaque jour.§ ]\Iais il est encore beaucoup trop
petit pour lutter contre Tesprit general, pour empecher qu'il n'y ait un contraste afHigeant
entre cet etat stationnaire, cette halte dans la barbarie, et la reaction salutaire manifestee par
le gouvernement et par des citoyens isole's. A Tappui de ce que j'avance ici, qu'il me soit
permis de transcrire litteralement ce qu'on m'ecrit a la fois des deux extreniites de la France
Vous ne sauriez vous imaginer (c'est un pretre breton qui parle) Pardeur que Ton met dans
le Finistere et les Cotes du-Nord a salir de chaux ce qui restait encore intact. La passion de
batir de nouvelles eglises s'est emparee (Tun grand nombre de mes confreres malheureusement ;
elle n'est point eclairee. On veut partout du nouveau, de Tele'gant a la maniere des paiens:
pour ne pas ressembler a nos peres, pour ne pas imiter leur religieuse architecture, on nous fait
ou des salles de spectacle, ou de miserables masures sans dignite, sans elegance, sans aucun
cachet religieux, ou le symbolisme chretien est tout-a-fait sacrifie au caprice de ]MM. les
ingenieurs. Ce n'est pas que Ton ne fasse quelquefois des reclamations, mais comme elles ne
sont dictees que par le bon sens et la religion, et que, pour avoir des fonds, il faut suivre ser-
vilement les plans des architectes officiels, on passe a Tordre du jour." D'un autre cote, on
m''ecrit de Langres: "Le clerge de notre diocese est tellenient eloigne de tout sentiment de
Tart religieux, qu'il fi' geiitralement uux rcj)(ir(iti(»i.s faites dans le caractere des monmnens
gothiques, et qu'il n'est prescjue pas de pretre tjui ne prefere une eglise a colonnes et a pilastres
grecs, a fenetres carrees ou en demi-eercle, garnies de rideaux de couleur, aux nionuniens
gothiques. Et chaque jour on voit, cjuand une eglise est trop petite, qu'au lieu de Tagrandir
en suivant son architecture primitive, on la detruit, et on la remplace par une salle aux murs
badigeonnes de jaune et de blanc."
Je pourrais citer vingt lettres semblables, qui ne contiennent toutes cjue Pexacte verite,
connne pent s'en assurer quiconque est done de I'instinct le plus elementaire en matiere d'art
religieux, et (jui \eut se donner la peine d'interroger les hommes et les lieux. Fartout il
trouvera des cures cjui se reposent sur leurs lauriers, apres avoir reconvert leurs vieilles eglises
d\ni epais badigeon beurre-frais, releve par des tranches de rouge ou de bleu, api'es avoir jete
aux gravois les nienaux de leurs fenetres ogivales, et echange contre les produits de pacotille
religieuse qu'on exporte de Paris, les trop rares monumens d'art chretien que le temps
avait epargnes. Je prends au hasard quelques traits parnii ceux cjue me fournit une trop triste
experience de ce qu'il faut bien nommer le vandalisme fabricien et sacerdotal. Quelquefois
c'est une profonde insouciance qui fait la genereuse aux depens de Teglise. Ainsi plusieurs
tonnes de vitraux provenant de Peglise d'Epernay ont ete donnes a un grand-vicaire de
Chalons, pour orner la chapelle de son chateau ; ainsi une paix en ivoire du xiv^ siecle, appar-
tenant a Saint-Jacques de Rheims, a ete donnee par Tavant-dernier cure de cette paroisse, a
un antiquaire de la ville. un esprit de mercantile avidite qui specule sur les
Ailleurs, c'est
debris de Fantiquite chretienne, comme sur une proie assuree. On se rappelle la mise en vente
de Fancienne eglise de Chatillon, Fune des plus curieuses de la Champagne, par la fabrique, sur
la mise a prix de 4,000 fr., heureusement arretee par le zele infatigable de M. Didron, et le
rapport qu'il adressa au ministre de Fiustruction publique sur cette honteuse dilapidation.
Mais la oiion ne saurait vendre en gros, on se rabat sur le detail. A Amiens, on a vendu
trois beaux et curieux tableaux sur bois du xvi^ siecle, qui se trouvaient a la cathedrale,
moyennant le badigeonnage d'une des chapelles. II y en a d'autres qui servent en ce moment
de portes au poulailler d'un jeune abbe! Cest dans cette meme eglise qu'un des chanoines
disait naguere a M. du Sommerard en lui montrant des stalles du choeur, monument admirable
d'ancienne boiserie: "Voyez ce grenier a jmmiere! II nous empeche d'etre vus qui nous en ;
France, sous pretexte cjue ce n'etait plus de mode, et qui ne Fa epargne ciiFa condition de
pouvoir Fempater sous une epaisse couche de badigeon.* Rien nVchappe nu i)ri> sys- ;t
tematicjue de la venerable anticiuite; mais ce qui semble specialement expose a sis coups, ce
sont anciens fonts baptismaux, objets de Fetude et de Fappreciation toute paiticulicre de
nord et de Fest de la France partout ; les fonts sont brises ou relegues tlans un coin obscur,
* Arnaud, Antlquitih de Troyes, 1827.
pour faire place a quelque conque paienne. l)e Pautre cote de la France, pres Poitiers, dans
una eglise dont jai le tort d'avoir oublie le noni, il y avait un ancien font baptismal par
immersion. Cette particularite si rare et si curieuse n'a pas sufR pour lui faire trouver grace
devant le cure, qui Pa fait deti'uire. Ailleurs ce sent ces vieilles tapisseries, si estimees
aujourd'hui des antiquaires, surtout depuis que le bel ouvrage de
venu M. Achille Jubinal est
reveler toute la beaute et toute Tiraportance. A
Clermont en Auvergne, il y a dans la cathe-
drale douze tapisseries provenant de Tancien eveche, et faites de 1505 a 1511, sous la direction
de Jacques d'Amboise, membre de cette illustre famille si genereusement amie des arts elle.s ;
sont toutes dechirees, moisies et abimees de poussiere. M. Thevenot, membre du comite des
arts, avait ofFert de les nettoyer a ses frais et d'en prendre un cal(]ue mais le chapitre lui a ;
et du temps c'est ainsi que le vendredi saint de cette annee 1838, tout le monde a pu voir au
mieux que Ton pent a revetir d'un deguisement moderne. Quelle est Teglise de France qui ne
porte les traces de ces anachronismes trop souvent irreparables ? Helas ! il n'y en a litterale-
ment pas une seule. La ou la pioche et la rape n'ont pas laboure ces saintes pierres, Pignoble
badigeon a toujours souillees. Qu'ils parlent, ceux qui ont eu le bonheur de voir une de
nos cathedrales du premier ordre, Chartres, par exemple, il y a quelques dix ans, avant qu'elle
ne fut jaunie de cet ocre blafard que Teveque a mis tantde zele a obtenir, et qu'ils nous disent,
si la parole leur suffi pour cela, tout ce cju'une eglise pent perdre en grandeur, en majeste, en
saintete, a ce sot travestissement ! Statues, bas-reliefs, chapiteaux, rinceaux, fresques, pierres
tombales, epitaphes, inscriptions pieuses, rien n'est epargne : il faut que tout y passe ; il faut
cacher tout ce qui pent rappeler les siecles de foi et d'enthousiasme religieux, ou du iiioins
rendre meconnaissable ce qu'on ne pent completement aneantir. D'ovi il resultera cet autre
avantage, que les murs de Teglise seront plus eclatans cpie le jour qui doit penetrer par les
fenatres, meme quand celles-ci seront degarnies de leurs vitraux, et que par consequent les
conducteurs naturels de la lumiere auront Pair de lui faire obstacle. Faii-e Thistoire des
ravages du badigeon, ce serait faire la statistique ecclesiastique de la France ; je me borne k
invoquer la vengeance de la publicite contre les derniers attentats qui sont parvenus a ma
connaissance. A Coutances, dans cette fameuse cathedrale qui a si long-temps occupe les
archeologues, le dernier eveque a fait peindre en jaune les deux collateraux, et la nef du milieu
en blanc, en meme temps qu'il ecrasait Tun des transepts sous la masse informe d'un autel
dedie a saint Pierre, parce qu'il s''appelait Pierre. A Boury, village pres Gisors, le cure a
trouve bon de donner a sa vieille eglise le costume suivant : les gros niurs en bleu, les colonnes
«n rose, le tout releve par des plinthes et des corniches en Jnuiie. A Laon, Teglise romane de
la fameuse abbaye de Saint-Martin a ete badigeonnee en ocre des pieds a la tete, par son cure,
88 Al'I'EXDIX.
et dans la cathcdrale, cette charmante chapelle de la Merge qui a germe comme une fleur sur
les lignes severes du transept septentrional, a etc recouverte d'un jaune epais, et ornee d'une
serie d'arcades a rez-terre, en vert marhre, relevees par des colonnes orange ; cette mascarade
est due a un ecclesiastique de la paroisse, et il nV a de plus affreux que la longue balustrade
qui coupe par le milieu Textremite carree du que le mur
choeur, et qui est peint en noir parce
auquel elle s'appuie, est peinte en blanc. A
grande coUegiale de Saint-Quentin, il y a
autour du choeur cinq cliapelles que M. Mtet a cjualific'es avec raison de " ravissantes, d'un
gout et d\ni dessin tout-a-foit maurescjue." * IMais je ne sais si, de son temps, celle du chevet
etait deforce avec des bandes de papier peint niai-brc, absolument comme Fantichambre d'un
hotel garni, avec un prctendu vitrail en petits caiTcs de verre bleus et rouges, a travers lesquels
les enfans peuvent s'amuser a voir trembloter le feuillage d'un arbre plante au chevet de
Feglise. On n'a pas respectc davantage la curieuse eglise de Tabbaye de Saint-]\Iichel en
Thicrache, (jue je reconnnande vivement aux anti<juaires (jui seront charges de la statistique
si importante du departement de TAisne ; dans une position charmante et presque cachee au
bord des vastes forets (\\n longent la frontiere beige, elle off're le plus grand intcrct par la dis-
position tout-a-fait excentrique de ses cinq absides, et par son transept du xii" siccle. Les
moines Tavaient refaite a moitie dans le xvir siecle, et avaient plaque beaucoup de marbre sur
ce qui restait d'ancien. Mais il y a deux ans que sa solitude et sa beaute n'ont pu la mettre a
Tabri d'une couche generale de jaune, d'orange et de blanc qui en alourdit et altcre les propor-
tions. Dans le midi on doit deplorer les badigeonnages recens de St.-Andre-le-Bas a Vienne,
de Xotre-Dame d'Orcival en Auvergne, de St.-Michel au Puy-en-Velay, enfin de la cathedrale
de Lvon cette dernicre oeuvre est du fait de M. Chenavard, architecte a qui des juges plus
competens que moi ont deja impute Iccroulement de Tancienne nef de la cathedrale de Belley,
ainsi que des restaurations et constructions trcs affligeantes, a Saint- Vincent de Chalons-sur-
Saone.-f- Quant a ce qui se passe dans Paris, j'emprunte Tcnergique langage du rapport de
M. de Gasparin :
" On empate, dit-il, de peinture, et on cache sous le stuc deux chapelles de
Saint-Germain-des-Pres, en attendant qu'on ait assez d'argent pour habiller ainsi Feglise
entiere. On deguise, sous des couleurs vert-pomme et bleu-pale detrempees dans Fhuile,
Feglise Saint-Laurent, et on en transfornie en ce moment les chapelles en armoires. Enfin Fon
badigeonne et Fon gratte tout a la fois la grande eglise de Saint-Sulpice qu'une vieille teinte
grise commen9ait dcja a rendre respectable.'':!:
Ce n'est pas au clergc, c'est au conseil des batimens civils, sicgeant a Paris, qu'il faut
attribuer et reprocher Fodieux systcme que Fon suit partout a Fencontre des clochers d'eglises
rurales. II est a pen pres reconnu par tout le monde que les flcches gothiques, ou en pointe,
sont le plus bel ornement des horizons de nos campagnes. Mais malheur a celle qui exige des
reparations. Fut-elle la plus antique, la plus noble, la plus gracieuse du monde, point de
pitie. Des qu'on y touche, il faut la reinplacer par deux pans coupes, ou par une sorte
de calotte ou chaudicre. C'est la regie prescrite par le conseil des batimens, (lui ne souttre pas
mieux. Lade Charmes, dans les V'osges, avait pres de cent mille francs de fonds
municipaux disponibles, pour une reparation de cette nature on ne Fen a pas moins forcee a :
remplacer, par un capuchon en forme de marmite renversee, sa flcche elegante et ficre, qui de
trois lieues a la ronde ornait le paysage. On pourrait citer une foule d'autres exemples de ce
genre. Le resultat general de cette sorte de progres consiste a abaisser partout les croix de
village de trente a quarante pieds. Belle victoire pour la civilisation.
Enfin, avant de sortir des eglises, il faut bien consacrer quelques mots a une classe speciale
de vandales qui y ont elu domicile, c'est-a-dire aux organistes. Si c'est un crime d'offenser les
yeux par des constructions baroques et ridicules, e'en est un, assurement, que d'outrager des
oreilles raisonnables par une pretendue music^ue religieuse qui excite dans Tame tout ce qu'on
veut, excepte des sentimens religieux, et d'employer a cette profanation le roi des instrumens,
Vorg-ane intime et majestueux des harmonies chretiennes. Or, dans toute la France, et
specialement a Paris, les organistes se rendent coupables de ce crime. Regie generale, toutes
les fois qu'on invoquera le secours si puissant et si necessaire de Torgue pour completer les
ceremonies du culte, toutes les fois qu'on verra affiche sur le programme de quelque fete que
Vorgue sera toucM par M. * * *, on pent etre d'avance sur d'entendre quelques airs du nouvel
opera, des valses, des contredanses, des tours de force, si Ton veut, mais jamais un motet
vraiment empreint de sentiment religieux, jamais une de ces grandes compositions des anciens
d'AUemagne ou d'ltalie jamais surtout une de ces vieilles melodies catholiques, faites
raaitres ;
pour Torgue, et pour lesquelles seules Porgue lui-meme est fait. Je ne con^'ois rien de plus
grotesque et de plus profane a la fois que le systeme suivi par les organistes de Paris. Leur
but semble etre de montrer que Torgae, sous des mains habiles comme les leui's, peut rivaliser
avec le piano de la demoiselle du coin, ou avec la musique du regiment qu'on entend passer
dans la rue. Quelquefois ils descendent plus bas, et le jour de Paques de cette annee 1838, on
a entendu au salut de Saint-Etienne-du-Mont, un air fort connu des buveurs, dont les pre-
mieres paroles sont
Mes amis, quand je bois,
Je siiis plus heureux qu'un roi.
On voit que ce n'est guere la peine pour Mgr. Farche'veque de Paris d'interdire la musique de
theati-e dans les eglises, puisque les organistes y introduisent de la musique de cabaret. Hya
longtemps cependant que ces abus, si patiemment toleres aujourd'hui, sont proscrits par
I'autorite competente et, pour me mettre a Pabri du reproche d'etre un novateur audacieux,
je veux citer deux anciens canons qu'on trouve dans le Breviaire de Paris. Le premier est du
concile de Paris, en 1528, decret 17: "Les saints Peres n'ont introduit dans TEglise Pusage
des orgues que pour le culte et le service de Dieu. Ainsi, nous defendons qu'on joue dans
Peglise sur ces instrumens des chants lascifs nous ne permettons que des sons doux, dont la
melodie ne represente que de saintes hymnes et des cantiques spirituels." Le second est de
Parcheveque Francois de Harlay, article 32 des statuts du synode de 1674 " Nous defendons :
expressement d'introduire dans les eglises et chapelles des musiques profanes et seculieres, avec
des modulations v'lves et saut'dlantes ; de jouer sur les orgues des chansons ou autres airs indignes
de la modestie et de la gravite du chant ecclesiastique. Enfin, nous defendons d'envoyer ou
. . .
d'afficher des programmes pour inviter les fideles a des musiques dans les eglises, comme a des
pieces de theatre ou a des spectacles."
Pour pardonner tout ce qu'on fait et tout ce qui se laisse faire dans les eglises, il faut se
souvenir qu'on se borne a suivre la route tracee par la plupart de nos savans et de nos artistes
attitres, dont tout le genie consiste a mepriser et a ignorer Part chretien il faut se souvenir ;
que Pun des architectes les plus renommes de la capitale, et qui postule aujourd'hui une impor-
tante restauration gothique, qualifie Parchitecture du moyen age d'' architecture a chauve-souris,
et qu'une des lumieres de PAcademie des Beaux-Arts deplore partout Pappui donne par le
gouvernement a la seule tendance qii'il importe de decourager.
Je ne puis terminer cette in\'ective sans faire une retractation exigee par la justice. J'ai
(lit naguere, que partout, excepte en France, les monumens d'art ancien etaient respectes, et
J'ai nomme la Belgicjue parmi les pays cjui lui donnaient cette salutaire le^-on. Apres avoir
pris une connaissance plus appi'ofondie des faits, je suis oblige de dire qu'il n'en est rien, et
que, si le gouvernenient et la legislation beige sont plus avances que les notres sous ce rapport,
en revanche, les dispositions gvnerales du pays sont plutot en arriere de celles de la France.
Par une contradiction remarcjuabk", la lk'lgi(|ue, (jui a\ait su se garantir plus qu'un autre pays
des doctrines gallicanes et philosopliitjues du connne Pa deniontre son insurrection
xviii"' siecle,
contre Joseph II, avait cependant subi ;i un degre incroyable Finfluence de Tart degenere des
epoques de Louis XIV et de Louis XV. Je ne connais rien en France de comparable aux
gaines colossales par lesquelles on a trouve nioyen de dcfigurer la nef de la cathedrale de
Malines a la fa^-ade de Notre-Dame-de-Finistere a Bruxelles, veritable passoir a cafe flanquee
<le deux bilboquets aux niiroirs, aux platres et aux niarbrures (jui deshonorent Saint-Paul et
Saint-Jacques a Liege a ces autels nionstres en niarbre noir, inventes expres pour dutruire,
comme a Anvers, Teffet de la plus belle eglise gothic]ue. La 13elgi(|ue n"a pas encoie su se
degager de ses langes grotestjues. Et, chez elle, le vandalisnie restaurateur luarche fierement
a cote du vandalisnie dcstructeur. Ce dernier lui fut apporte par la con(iuete franc^'aise, (|ui fit
disparaitre pres{|ue toutes ses magnifiques abbayes et deux de ses plus anciennes cathedrales.
Le regne de la maison dXJrange fut aussi une epocjue de devastation et (rabandon svsteniaticjue.
Je ne veux en citer ([ue deux traits. A
Tepoque ou le roi Guillaunie I" niettait en vente a son
profit pour 94 millions de domaines nationaux beiges, et ou il livrait a la hache d'impitoyables
speculateurs cette foret de Soignes, la plus belle de TEurope occidentale, Pornement de
Bruxelles et du pays tout entier, ce prince eclaire crut faire une bonne affaire en faisant vendre
aux eucheres Tancien chriteau de Vianden, dans le Luxembourg, edifice immense et admirable,
sur un roclier (jui domine FOur, parfaitement conserve et habite,* et qui devait en outre avoir,
a ses yeux, le merite d'avoir ete la premiere possession de la maison de Nassau dans les Pays-
Bas.-}- II fut adjuge pour six un entrepreneur, qui en enleva les plombs, les bois,
rn'dlc francs a
et le rendit ainsi aussi inhabitable que possible, jusqu^a ce que le roi, eveille par les clanieurs
que faisait pousser cet acte de vandalisnie inoui, racheta les mines du chateau de ses peres
moyennant 3,000 francs. Cetaient toujours 1,000 ecus de profit, et une gloire de moins pour
sa couronne et pour le pays et cependant voila ce qu'on appellait une rc.staumti(»i !
; Ces
ruines, dans leur etat actuel, sont, de Tavis unanime des voyageurs, plus \ astes et mieux con-
.servees que tout ce qu'on voit de ce genre sur les bords du Rhin (ju'on juge du prix cjifavait ;
un pareil monument dans son integrite. Sous ce meme regne, en 1822, on vovait encore, a
quatre lieues de Bruxelles, Timmense abbaye des Premontres de Ninove. Ses ipiatre fac^ades
offraient un vaste ensemble d'architecture classique, dans les proportions les plus imposantes et
les plus regulieres ; sa reconstruction, en 1718, avait coute 3,500,000 francs. En 1822, elle
etait dans un etat de conservation parfaite, et on la mettait en vente pour 80,000 francs. La
province de la Flandre-Orientale voulut en faire Tacc^uisition pour Toffrir comme chateau au
prince d'Orange, qui faisait alors batir a Bruxelles un palais dont tout IVtendue n'egale pas
une seule des quatre fac^-ades de Ninove ; mais
II nY'ut pas davantage
le roi refusa cette offre.
ridee d'utiliser cet immense edifice, pour en feire un hospice, un
si voisin de sa capitale,
college, ou une caserne; lieu le 15 Janvier, apres Paffiche
et Fadjudication definitive eut
suivante que nous croyons devoir transcrire comme une cui-ieuse ])iece justificative de la future
histoire du vandalisme " Cette abbaye, dont la construction a coute plus de 1,500,000 florins
avant la revolution, offre, sous le rapport de la demolition, des avantages innnenses. Tons les
* Le roi I'avait repris a M. de Marboeuf, qui I'avait re^u en dotation de Napoleon, et qui I'entretenait fort bien.
t En 1340, Marguerite de Spanheim, heriti^re du comte de Vianden, I'apporta en dot a Othon, comte de Nassau.
: ;
materiaux en sont de la plus grande beaute le : fer, le plonib, les ardoises fortes, les gres, le
marble, riy ont pas ete epargnes ; la charpente en est enorme aucune planche n'a ete clouee.
Pour le transport, la Dendre ofFre un nioyen facile. Les fortifications de Termonde, les
travaux a Bruxelles, etc., assurent le debit avantageux des materiaux. En un mot, cette vente
se presente aux speculateurs sous Faspect et dans les circonstances les plus favorables."
Tous si bien saisis qu'auj ourd'hui il ne reste pas pierre sur pierre de
ces avantages ont ete
Tedifice. Seulement on pent en examiner les plans chez un menuisier de la ville, et vraiment
c'est une viste qui vaut la peine d'etre faite, pour voir jusqu'ou la fureur de detruire pent aller,
mission royale des monumens, presidee par le comte Amedee de BeaufFort, et qui a deja rendu
de grands services. II faut esperer que, grace a ces precautions, on ne verra plus ce qui s'est
(chanoine de la collegiale de Chimay) fut enlevee et brisee pour faire une entree particuliere
dans la chapelle des fonts On est deja parvenu a sauver, entre autres debris curieux, la
vieille porte de Hall, a Bruxelles, qui renferme encore de tres-belles salles, et que Ton
s'acharnait a remplacer par deux de ces barraques a porche et a fronton obtus qui ornent
toutes les autres entre'es de la capitale. On a meme ete assez heureux pour rendre a Sainte-
Gudule une portion notable de son ancienne beaute, en detruisant le maitre-autel qui obstruait
son chevet. M. Rogier, ancien ministre de Tinterieur, et actuellement gouverneur de la
province d'Anvers, avait conc^-u et propose la magnifique idee de faire terminer la fleche de la
cathedrale de Malines, par une souscription populaire, afin de placer sous cette consecration
religieuse et nationale, le souvenir de la revolution de 1830, et le point central du systeme des
chemins de fer qui doit changer industriellement la face de la Belgique. Malheureusement on
a cru s'apercevoir que les fondemens de la tour ne supporteraient pas une augmentation de
poids aussi considerable. La ville de Malines meriterait, du reste, assez peu cet honneur, car
un arrete du roi Leopold, qui montre comment cette loi excellente est executee. II est date du 28
* Voici
novembre 1838. C'est un contraste humiliant pour nous que celui des mesures prises a Dinant en Belgique, avec
lesdevastations de Dinan en Bretagne, dont nous parlions plus haut.
" Vu I'arrete du 25 aout 1837, ordonnant le redressement de la route de premiere classe, n". 3, de Namur vers
Givet, dans la partie de la traverse de Dinant, comprise entre la place Saint-Nicolas et la sortie de la ville vers Givet
" Considerant que, par suite de ce redressement, la porte Saint-Nicolas devait etre demolie que cependant, cette ;
porte etant d'une belle construction et d'une grande antiquite, il est desirable qu'elle soit conservee intacte en la
d^gageant convenablement que, sous ce dernier rapport, de nouvelles depenses deviennent necessaires
; ; . . . .
" Considerant que la ville de Dinant est particulierement interesse a la conservation de la porte dont il s'agit,
et que I'Etat, tout en pretant son concours a la chose, n'est cependant determine que -par un interet secondaire
quant h la voirie ;
" Dispose
" Art. 1^'. II est accord^ a la ville de Dinant, a titre de subside, une somme de trois cents francs, pour contribuer
a la depense que necessitera la conservation de la porte dite de Saint-Nicolas en cette ville,
" Art. 2. Les terrains necessaires, et notamraent celui qui se trouve au-dela de la porte et qui forme Tangle de
separation de I'ancienne route de la nouvelle, seront acquis et occupes conformement aux lois en matiere d'expropri-
ation pour cause d'utilite publique.'
porte a tourelles cjui conduit a Bruxelles et lors(|u'on leur reproche cette barbarie, ils
repondent :
" Oh
nous en avons deti'uit une, il y a (juehiues annees, celle de Louvain, qui
L'tait bien plus belle encore!" Et ils disent vrai, a leur plus grande honte. Mais si le
gouvernement a quelque prise sur les administrations provinciales et municipales, il n'en a point
sur les particuliers ni sur le clerge. La vente des vitivaux et des chaires, de tous les fragmens
mobiliers d'art chrctien, a des Anglais ou a des brocanteurs de Paris, est organisee sur une
tres-grande eclielle il n'a fallu rien nioins (jue Pintervention du roi protestant, pour empecher
bon de faire arraclier un grand nombre de consoles richement sculptees sur les tours de la
fa^^ade, sous pretexte que ces consoles sans statues ne signifiaient rien. Quant au regne du
badigeon, il est encore bien plus universe! et plus solidement etabli qu'en France. Je ne crois
pas qu'a Pexception de Sainte-Waudru de Mons, il y ait une seule eglise de Belgi(]ue, grande
ou petite, qui ne soit pas periodiquement radoubee et masticjuee d'une pate inipitoyablenient
epaisse il en resulte (|ue la sculpture, si florissante au nioyen age en Belgique, est conime
annulee partout ou il s'en trouve quekjues monumens dans les eglises comment reconnaitre :
non seulement Pexpression, mais jusqu^aux premieres formes d'une figure qui est recouverte
d'au moins dix couches successives de platre ? On ne se figure pas le changement que subiraient
toutes les eglises beiges, si quelque chimiste tout-puissant trouvait le moyen de les degager de
cette enveloppe deja seculaire, et de les I'endre a leur legerete primitive. II n'y a pas jusqu^au
delicieux jube de Louvain, dont la transparence ne soit interceptee autant que possible par un
voile ecailleux. Seulement au lieu du beurre frais et de Tocre, usites en France, c'est le blanc
qui est universellement adopte en Belgique, un blanc vif, luisant, eblouissant, dont on ne se fait
pas une idee avant de Pavoir vu. On sort de la comme d'un moulin, avcc la crainte d'etre soi-
meme blanchi. Puis si on jette un regard en arriere sur Pedifice, on se croit encore poursuivi
par la brosse fatale, car, par un raffinement barbare, ce n'est pas seulement Pinterieur qui est
metamorphose en blanc de craie, ce sont encore les porches, les portails, tout ce qui peut se
relever sur la couleur sombre des pierres exterieures, et jusqu'aux meneaux et aux archi voltes
de toutes les fenetres, ([ui sont passes au blanc par dehors, comme pour avertir le passant du
sort qui Pattend au dedans. Je n'ai vu nulle part le moindre germe de reforme sur ce point.
Pour en revenir a notre France, et pour qu'on ne me reproche pas de parler si long-temps
sans indiquer un remede, je finirai en insistant sur la necessite de regulariser et de fortifier
Paction de Pinspecteur-general des monumens historiques, et celle de la commission qui delibere
sur ses propositions au ministere de Pinterieur une loi, ou au moins une ordonnance royale,
esturgente pour leur donner un droit d'intervention legale et inuncdiate dans les decisions des
municipalites et des conseils de ftibrique. J'ai deja cite la loi beige a ce sujet en Prusse il v ;
a un edit royal qui interdit strictement la destruction de tout edifice quelconque revetu
d'un caractere monumental ou se rattachant a un souvenir historique, et qui ordonne de con-
server, dans toutes les reparations de ces edifices, le caractere et le style de Parchitecture
primitive. En Baviere la meme prohibition existe, et s'etend, par une disposition rccente,
jusqu'aux chaumieres des montagnes de la Haute-Baviere, si pittorescpies, si bien calculees
pour le climat et la localite, et auxquelles il est defendu de substituer les boites carrees que
voulaient y importer certains architectes urbains. II faut que quelque mesure serieuse de ce
genre soit adoptee en France; c'est la seule chance de salut pour ce qui nous re.ste: c'est le
seul moyen d'appuyer les progres trop lents et trop timides de Topinion.
Et, en verite, il est temps d'arreter les demolisseurs. A mesure que Ton approfondit
Tetude de notre ancienne histoire et de la societe telle qu'elle etait organisee dans le.s siecles
catholiques, on se fait, ce me semble, une idee plus nette et une appreciation plus serieuse des
formes materielles que cette societe avait creees, pour lui servir de manifestations exterieures.
II est impossible alors de n'etre pas frappe du contraste que presente le monde actucl avec le
monde d alors,^ sous le rapport de la beaute. On a fait bien des progres de tons genres ; je
n'en tends ni les contester, ni meme les examiner; il en est que j^adopte avec toute la ferveur
de mon siecle; mais je ne puis m'empecher de deplorer que tous ce.s progres n'aient pu etre
obtenus qu'aux depens de la beaute, qu'ils aient intronise le regne du laid, du plat et du mono-
tone. Le beau est un des besoins de Thomme, de ses plus nobles besoins il est de jour en ;
jour moins satisfait dans notre societe moderne. Je m'imagine qu'un de nos harhares aYeux du
xv^ ou du xvi° siecle nous plaindrait amerement si, revenant du tombeau parmi nous, il com-
parait la France telle qu'il Tavait laissee avec la France telle que nous Tavons faite; son pays
tout parseme de monumens innombrables et aussi merveilleux par leur beaute que par leur
inepuisable variete, avec sa surface actuelle de jour en jour plus uniforme et plus aplatie ; ces
villes annoncees de loin par leur foret de clochers, par des ramparts et des portes si majes-
tuL'Uses, avec nos cjuartiers neufs qui s'elevent, tailles sur les memes patrons, dans toutes les
sous-prefectures du royaume; ces chateaux sur chatjue montagne, et ces abbayes dans chaque
vallee, avec les masses informes de nos manufactures; ces eglises, ces chapelles dans chaque
village, toujours remplies de sculptures et de tableaux d\me originalite complete, avec les
hideux produits de Tarchitecture officielle de nos jours; ces fleches a jour avec les noirs tuyaux
de nos usines, et, en dernier lieu, son noble et gracieux costume a\ ec notre habit a queue de
morue. Laissons au moins les choses telles cju'elles sont; le monde est assez laid conmie cela
gardons au moins les trop rares vestiges de son ancienne beaute, et, pour cela, empechons un
vandalisme decrepit de continuer a mettre en coupe reglee les souvenirs de notre histoire et de
defricher officiellement les monumens plantes sur le sol de la patrie par la forte main de
nos ai'eux.
In the north side of the cloisters, from the corner over-against the church door, to the corner
opposite to the dormitory door, was all finely glazed, from the top to the bottom, within a little
of the ground into the cloister-garth and
indow were three pews or carrels, where
; in every w
every one of the old monks had a carrel severally to himself, to which, after dinner, they re-
sorted, and there studied their books, every one in his carrel, till the time of even-song and ;
thus they exercised themselves every day. These pews or carrels were finely wainscotted, and
very close, except the fore-side, which was carved work, and admitted light through the carrel
doors, in each of which was a desk to lay books on and the carrels were no wider than from
the chapter, and betwixt every chamber was close wainscotted, and in each
the partition
window was a desk to support their books. On the west side of the said dortoir were the like
chambers, with their windows and desks towards the infirmary and the water; the chambers
being all well boarded.
The novices had likewise their chambers in the south end of the said dortoir, adjoining to
the aforesaid chambers, having eight chambers on each side. Every novice had his chamber
to himself, but neither so close nor so warm as the other chambers were nor having any light
but what came in at the foreside of their chambers, being quite close both above and on each
At each end of the dortoir was a square stone, wherein was a dozen of cressets wrought in
each stone, being always filled and supplied by the cooks, as they needed, to afford light to the
monks and novices, at their arising to their matins at midnight, and for their other necessary
There was a large house and most decent place adjoining to the west side of the said dortoir,
towards the water, for the monks and novices to resort unto, called the privies. Two great
supported the whole floor thereof; and every seat and partition was wainscotted
pillars of stone
close on every side, so that they could not see one another when they were therein. There
were as many seats on each side as little windows in the wall, to give light to the said seats
which afterwards were walled up, to make the house more close. In the west end were three
beautiful glass windows; and on the south side above the seats, another fine glass window,
which windows gave light to the whole.
In the dortoir every night a private search was made by the sub-prior, who called at every
monk's chamber door, to see good order kept, and that none should be wanting. The middle
part of it was paved with fine tile stones the whole length: the sub-prior\s chamber was the
first, as he was to see order kept.
The sub-prior always dined and supped with the convent, sitting at the upper end of the
table; and supper being ended, which was always at five o'clock, upon ringing a bell to call
one of the novices to say grace, they went to the chapter-house to meet the prior, there to
remain in prayer and devotion till six o'clock. Then upon ringing a bell again they went to
the salvi, and all the doors of the cells, the frater-house, the dortoir, and the cloisters, were
locked, even at six o'clock, and the keys delivered to the sub-prior, till seven o'clock the next
There was also a door in the west end of the frater-house, just within the frater-house door,
at which the old monks or convent entered, and then ascended up a pair of stairs, having an
iron rail to sufjport themselves by, into a loft which was at the west end of the frater-house,
above the cellar, where the convent and monks dined and supped together. The sub-prior sat
at the upper end of the table, as chief and they had their meat served from the great kitchen,
in at the dresser-window, and brought through the frater-house the said kitchen served both
the prior and the whole convent, having t\\ o windows into the frater-house the one M as large
for principal days, the other not so large for every day. At the foot of the stairs was another
door, leading into the great cellar or buttery, where all the drink stood that served the prior,
and the whole convent of monks.
This loft, since the dissolution of the monastry, was made the dining-room of the fifth pre-
bendaries house.
The monks were accustomed every day after dinner, to go through the cloisters, in at the
ushers door, and so through the entry under the prior's lodgings into the centry-garth where
the monks were buried, where they all stood bareheaded a good space, praying among the
tombs for the souls of their brethren who were buried there : and when they had done their
prayers, they returned to the cloister, and stayed till three o'clock, that they went to even-
song. This was their daily practice after dinner.
The monks were the only writers of the acts and deeds of the bishops and priors of the
church of Durham, and of the other chronicles and histories they likewise recorded other :
most valuable things, as what acts, what occurrences, what miracles performed every year, and
in what month being always virtuously employed, either in writing good and godly works, or
studying the holy scriptures, to the setting forth the honour of God, and the edifying the
people, as well in example of good life and conversation, as by preaching the word of God.
Such were the labours of monks and religious men in ancient times.
On the right hand at going out of the cloisters into the infirmary, was the common house.
It was instituted to have a fire constantly by day in winter, for the use of the monks, who were
allowed no otherfire but the master and officers of the house had their o^^'n several fires.
; A
garden and bowling-alley belonged to the said house, towards the water, for the novices some-
times to recreate themselves, leave being first granted ; their master attending to see to their
good order. In this house once in the year, between Martinmas and Christmas, the master of
it kept his O Sapientia, a solemn banquet, at which the prior and convent were entertained
with figs, raisins, ale, and cakes, but not to superfluity or excess, being only a moderate
scholastical congratulation among themselves.
A famous house of hospitality was kept within the Abbey-garth of Durham, called the guest-
hall, and was situate on the west side towards the Avater. The terrer of the house ^vas master
thereof, as one appointed to give entertainment to all estates, noble, gentle, or what other
degree soever, came thither as strangers. Their entertainment was not inferior to that of any
place in England, both for the goodness of their diet, the clean and neat furniture of their
lodgings, and generally all and with all this entertainment, no
things necessary for travellers ;
man was required to depart, while he continued honest, and of good behaviour.
The houses belonging to the second, third, fourth, and tenth prebendaries, were erected out
of the apartments and other offices belonging to the guest-hall, the hall itself being whollv
demolished, nothing remaining except a part of the western wall but nothing remains to let :
king himself might very well lie in it, such was the stateliness thereof.
The victuals the guests were entertained with came from the great kitchen of the prior, the
bread and beer from his pantry and cellars. If they were honourable, they were served as
honourably as the prior himself, otherwise according to their quality.
The terrer had certain men appointed to wait at his table, and to attend upon his guests
and strangers ; and for their better entertainment he had always a hogshead or two of wines
kept in a cellar pertaining to the said hall.
The prior (whose hospitality was such as that, in reality, there was no need of the guest-hall,
but that the convent was desirous to abound in all liberal and free almsgivings) kept a most
splendid and noble house, being attended by the best gentlemen and yeomen in the country,
and the magnificent ser^'ice of his house deserved no less so great were the liberalities and
benevolence of his house-keeping, that constant relief and alms wei'e daily given, not only to
the poor of the city, but to those of the country round about.
The lord prior had two porters, one at the hall door, called Robert Smith, the other at the
usher-door, at going from the great chamber to the church, called Robert Clark which two
in learning, and relieved with the alms and benevolence of the whole house, having their meat
and drink in a loft on the north side of the Abbey gates, before the suppression of the said
house. This loft had a long slated porch over the stair-head, and at each side of the said
porch were stairs to go up to the loft, with a stable underneath it, and a door into it, under
the stair-head, to go into the said stable. This edifice, at the suppression of the house, became
Mr. Stephen Marley's lodging. Soon after the suppression he altered it, and took down the
porch and stairs that went up to the loft, and made a kitchen where the stable A\ as, and his
buttery above where the loft was. The children went to school at the infirmary school without
the Abbey-gates, which was founded by the priors of the Abbey, at the charge of the house.
The last schoolmaster was Sir Robert Hartburne, who continued master till the suppression of
the house. He was bound to say mass twice a week at Magdalen's chapel, near Kepier, and
once a week at Kimblesworth. The meat and drink these children had, was what the monks
and novices with their master had left. It was carried in at a door adjoining the great kitchen
window into a little vault at the west end of the frater-house, like a pantry, called the covie,
kept by a man. Within it was a window, at which some of the children received the meat
and drink of the said man, called the clerk of the covie, out of the covie or pantry window,
and carried it to the loft. This clerk waited on them at every meal to keep good older.
There were four aged women who lived in the infirmary, without the south gates of the
Abbey of Durham, each having her several chamber to lie in, being supplied and fed only with
the victuals that came from the prior's own table.
In the infirmary was a chapel, where the schoolmaster of the infirmary (having his chamber
and school above it) or some other priest for him, was appointed to say mass to these aged
women every holiday and Friday.
No. V.
AvEc Guillaume de la Douillie, mort en 1341, cessercnt, juscju'au dix-septieme siecle, les
reconstructions les plus remarquables auxciuelles la basilicjue de Fontenelle ait jamais donne
lieu; et dcpuis cet abbe jus(ju'a nos jours, cc \aste et beau monument demeura toujours
imparfait. Ce fut en vain que Clement VII, pape d'Avignon, comme Pappelle D. Duplessis^
octroya aux religieux, a la priere de Charles VI, la reunion a leur abbaye du prieure de
Quitri, dans le Vexin norniand. La modicite de ce secours, les evenemens deplorables qui
signalerent ces epoques de crimes, de deuil et de sang, la peste enfin, semblerent de concert
s'opposer a rachevement de cette entreprise. Peut-etre pourrions-nous citer encore une raison
un peu posterieure et bien difFerente, mais non moins puissante: le decouragement et Phumeur
assez fondes des moines qui, depuis le fameux concordat de Leon X
et de Francois P"",
voyaient avec depit les deux tiers de leurs revenus passer dans les mains des commendataires,
hommes du siecle, qui souvent les honoraient de la plus profonde indifference, quand ils ne les
accablaient pas de ruineuses procedures.* Aussi, a dater de cette epoque, sauf quelquefi
notables exceptions, soit penurie, soit refroidissement de zele, s'occupa-t-on beaucoup plus, au
fond des cloitres, des commodites de la vie et d'un vain luxe meme, que de ce qui pouvait
aj outer a la magnificence, a la majeste des lieux saints. * * *
Je ne puis passer sous silence quekjues extraits de la relation de ces evenemens inseree
dans VHistoire (MSS.) de Saint-Wandrille, deptiis la reforme. Ces details se rattachent
d'ailleurs a la destruction de deux edifices les plus importans de ce monastere, apres la
basilique, et qui, sans contredit, presentaient un bien plus haut degre d'interet, sous le rapport
de Tarcheologie. C'etaient Tancien dortoir et le vieux chapitre. Le premier etait construit
par Herleve, femme de Robert de Normandie, archeveque de Rouen, qui depuis y fut inhumee.
II avait trente-cinq pieds de haut sur cent vingt de large. Au-dessus de ce monument
regnait, egalement edifiee par Herleve, la premiere partie du chapitre, qui n'avait que douze
pieds d'elevation ; mais celle qui Fexcedait en portait trente de hauteur et autant en longueur
et en largeur. Cette deuxieme partie, ouvi-age de Maynai'd, vingt-sixieme abbe et restaurateur
de Fontenelle dans le dixieme siecle, etait eclairee par quatre grandes croisees, deux a Forient
et deux au septentrion ; mais il est presumable que ces grandes croisees avaient ete percees
a une epoque posterieure a Terection de cet edifice, ou qu'on avait considerablement agrandi
les anciennes, dont les bales devaient etre, selon le style du temps, d'une tres-mediocre dimen-
sion. Malgre la singularite de sa disposition, ce double chapitre, pris dans son ensemble, etait
regarde comme un chef-d'oeuvre de Tarchitecture de ces temps recules. Cependant, malgre
tout ce qui devait le rendre respectable, D. Laurent Hunault, prieur, entreprit et consomma sa
perte, ainsique celle du vieux dortoir, en 1671. II Parait que ce moine, doue d'un zele actif,
mais souvent mal entendu, etait un de ces hommes qui ne balancent pas a realiser leurs
aveugles conceptions, aux depens de ce que les siecles passes nous ont transmis de plus
admirable. Son insensibilite fit, au rapport de Tauteur qui me fournit ces details, verser bien
des larmes a Testimable D. Alexis Breard, Tinfatigable historien de cette abbaye, et a tons
ceux qui pensaient comme lui. L'obstine prieur n'en poursuivit pas moins son entreprise.
Deja les ouvriers etaient pres de defoncer le chapitre et de le demolir jusqu'aux fondemens,
* II est certain que les religieux veritablement attaches a leurs institutions primitives, regard^rent toujours les
commendataires comme des especes d'intrus, et ne virent jamais de bon oeil la revolution que le concordat avait
operee dans le regime monastique. Pres de deux siecles encore apres cet evenement, le P. Breard, historien de
Saint-Wandrille, exprimait a cet egard sans la moindre reserve son chagrin, ses regrets et ses esperances. En parlant,
dans ses Vies des Hommes illustres de Fontenelle, de Jacques Hommet, dernier abbe regulier de ce monastere, "son
corps fut enterre, dit-il, devant I'autel matutinal de la grande eglise, et avec lui la dignite abbatiale de Fontenelle,
dignite qui ne subsiste plus que de nom, le veritable pasteur de cette abbaye ne portant que le titre de prieur, tandis
que, les commendataires et ceconomes sarrogent les vinirahles noms d^abb6s.
" Louons nostre bon Dieu, poursuit le zele religieux, parmi ces desordres, et portons courageusement les
iniquites ou plus-tost les fruits des peches de nos peres. Peut-estre que ce debonnaire seigneur ne sera pas toujours
fasche, et qu'il se servira, pour remettre les abbayes en regie, de ceux-la mesme dont il a use pour en donner
I'administration aux laiqs et seculiers. Ainsi soit-il."
lorsqu'en creusant la terre a son entree, on rencontra quatre sepulcres de pierre, dont toutes
les parties etaient si bieu unies et si entieres, qu'on aurait ci-u que I'ouvrier venait d'y niettre
la derniere main. Quand on les eut ouverts, on trouva dans tons, sans exception, des bottines
d'un cuir si excellent qu'on pouvait encore s'en servir. On remarqua de plus, dans le premier,
une baguette de coudrier, de la longueur du tombeau. La cheveleure blonde de la tete du
troisieme corps, s'etait aussi conservee sans alteration. Mais le quatrieme sepulcre renfermait
ce qu'il avait de plus remarquable et de plus interessant pour Thistoire : je veux dire une
epitaphe en vers gravee sur une lame de plomb. II est certainement facheux que cette
inscription n'ait pas ete entierement dechiffree. La voici telle que les PP. Bonnefont et
Breard nous Pont laissee dans leurs ecrits. Comme ils ne s'accordent pas entre eux dans la
maniere de la lire, nous renvoyons dans les notes les variantes du dernier.
Telle est Tepitaphe qu'on decouvrit dans le quatrieme monument. Voici maintenant les
conjectures de D. Alexis Breard. Selon lui, Mauger comte d'Evreux, fils de Richard II comte
de la meme ville, de la nation des Normands, choisit sa sepulture, en 1118, a Tentree du
chapitre de Fontenelle, aupres de son pere; et dans la suite Raoul, ou Rodulphe, fils de
Mauger, et sa femme Arectrix, furent aussi inhumes au meme lieu. Cela suppose, D. Breard
soup^onne qu'il y a une meprise dans le Neustria pia du P. Artus du Moutier, qui aura con-
fondu Mauger avec Guillaume, lorsqu'il pi'etend que ce comte d'Evreux fut enterre a Saint-
Wandrille, dans le tombeau de Richard son pere, en 1118. Le P. Mabillon neanmoins, dans
ses Annales, a Fannee 1108, dit que le comte Guillaume fut inhume a Fontenelle, aupres de son
pere. S'il faut lire avec D. Bonnefont hk inhumatus jacet Willelmus, la difficulte sera levee,
sont trois comtes d'Evreux qui se sont succedes les uns aux autres que les quatre tombeaux ;
defonces sont ceux de ces trois comtes, et d' Arectrix, epouse de Rodulphe qu'ainsi ceux qui ;
ont dresse les divers catalogues des comtes d'Evreux, ont eu grand tort d'en exclure ce
dernier. Au reste, on ne pent que louer la modestie de notre auteur, qui s'est contente de
nous donner toutes ces observations historiques pour de fortes conjectures sans vouloir les
criger en faits certains.
Quant a D. Benoit Bonnefont, il est plus hardi et plus decisif il dit nettement que la lame ;
de plomb fit connaitre aux religieux de Saint- Wandrille " que Richard, comte d'Evreux, avec
sa femmeet ses deux enfans, avaient ete ense veils audit lieu en Fannee 1118." Mais dans son
troisieme volume des Vies des Saints de FoJitenelle, page 156, il rapporte un autre sentiment,
suivant lequel "le Richard dont il est parle dans Fepitaphe etait comte d'Evreux, auquel
succeda son fils, appele Guillaume tous deux furent ensevelis a Saint- Wandrille avec la femme
du second et un de leurs enfans, qui avait ete revetu de Thabit de la sainte religion, et etait
dece'de dans ce monastere."
Peut-etre qu'en examinant de plus pres Tepitaphe en elle-meme, et en la comparant a This-
toire du temps, on eut pu dire quelque chose de plus net et de plus exact que ces auteurs.
Les ouvriers, continuant a creuser la terre, rencontrerent, proche d'un gros pillier qui sou-
tenait le devant du chapitre, un cercueil d'une seule pierre. On ne douta point que ce ne fut
celui de Girard II, trente-cinquienie abbe de Fontenelle, qui, en 1126, avait t-te enterre
precisement en ce lieu-la, comme on Tapprend par un ancien catalogue anonyme des abbes de
ce monastere. La tete de cet abbe etait si entiere, qu'il ne lui etait pas tombe une seule dent.
II avait une crosse de bois fort legere, et qui etait tres-bien conservee : sa grosseur etait de
trois pouces et sa longueur de cinq pieds.
Au cote gauche de Tabbe Girard, parut, bientot apres, un autre tombeau de pierre : c'etait
NATIONS Teutonicus. D. Bonuefoiit semble supposer que ce n'etait qu'une partie de Pepi-
taphe, et qu'on n'avait pu lire le reste. II avance meme, comme un fait certain, que ce saint
pas neanmoins de cette attention dans le defoncement du chapitre tous les paves furent con-
fondus et jetes pele-mele, sans nulle pre'caution en sorte qu'on fut oblige de recourir a d'autres
moyens pour avoir connaissance de ces cinq abbes. Du reste, Tadmiration redoubla a Touver-
ture des quatre autres tombeaux. Tous ces abbes, sans en excepter le premier, avaient des
bottines qui leur montaient jusqu"'au-dessus des genoux. Trois avaient des crosses parmi
lesquelles il s'en trouva une garnie de clous dores et de quantite de fausses pierres precieuses de
diverses couleurs. Un serpent replie en formait le sommet, et une pomme d'or en terminait le
bout. Ces corps, ou plutot ces ossemens, etaient revetus de chasubles semblables ii celles dont
on se servait dans le douzieme siecle. II y en avait deux parmi elles qui j etaient beaucoup
d'eclat. Mais outre des bracelets de drap d'or tres-artistement travailles, la chasuble et Tetole
du troisieme surpassaient tous les autres ornemens par leur prix et la vivacite de leurs couleurs.
D. Bonnefont, qui avait eu les bracelets quelque temps entre les mains, les fit remettre dans
de Saint- Wandrille.
le tresor
Nous avons deja remarque que Roger etait le premier des cinq abbes; le deuxieme etait
Anfroy, ou Anfrede, trente-neuvieme abbe le troisieme, Geoffroy I" ou Gaufride, quarante-
et-unieme abbe c'est celui qui portait des oinemens si magnifiques le quatrieme etait Pierre
: ;
quatrieme abbe de ce monastere. Les cinq abbes furent, avec Girard II, transferes dans
Teglise principale et enterres au pied du grand autel.
Apres avoir defence le chapitre et Favoir creuse deux pieds plus bas que
fondemens de les
mirent en devoir d'en enlever les terres. Dans cette action, ils
Teglise, les travailleurs se
sentirent un nouveau sepulcre, que D. Bonnefont prend pour celui de saint Ansegise, dix-
neuvieme abbe de Fontenelle, au milieu du neuvieme siecle. Vis-a-vis celui-ci, on trouva un
autre sepulcre de pierre, trois pieds au-dessous de la place ou Ton avait decouvert les tombeaux
que Ton avait juge pouvoir renfermer comtes d'Evreux. D'abord, on nV aper^^ut que des
ossemens d'une blancheur extraordinaire. On y trouva aussi neanmoins une lame de plomb si
rouillee, que personne ne pouvait la lire. Elle fut portee au P. prieur, qui negligea quelques
jours d'en faire detacher la rouille. Enfin on y lut cette inscription
Onreconnut alors que cet abbe n'etait autre chose que le saint-Gerard, martyr, dont on
celebrait la fete a Saint- Wandrille le 9 novembre, et que Gerbert-le-Teutonique etait le saint
Girbert ou Gilbert dont on chomait aussi la fete le 4 septembre. II n'etait plus temps nean-
moins de recueillir precieusement ces reliques, ni meme de les distinguer. D. Pierre Lastelle,
depositaire de Tabbaye, choque du concours de peuple que la devotion attirait dans ces lieux
depuis la decouverte de ces tombeaux, et pour plusieurs autres raisons, avait malicieusement
mele les ossemens de ces deux saints avec ceux d'un ancien religieux et des comtes d'Evreux.
II n'avait pas plus favorablement traite le corps qu'on presumait etre celui de saint Ansegise.
Tous ces debris humains furent inhumes pele-mele, et confondus derriere le grand autel de
Teglise abbatiale, au milieu des plaintes ameres des religieux.
On ne sera point surpris de la decouverte de ces divers etages de sepultures dans Tancien
chapitre, s'il est constant, comme le pretend D. Breard, que cet edifice subsistait au meme lieu
que les prece'dens, et que son aire avait ete exhaussee deux ou trois fois.
Dans Tannee 1671, qui preceda celle de cet evenement, en reparant les fondemens des murs
de Teglise, du cote du midi, qui deperissaient par Thumidite, on avait trouve des fondemens
fort epais que Ton regarda comme les restes de Fancienne eglise de Saint-Servais, construite
par saint Wandon, douzieme abbe de ce monastere. L'on y decouvrit aussi beaucoup de corps
places par etage, et dont quelques-uns etaient renfermes dans des cercueils de pieiTes
ma9onnees. Tous ces ossemens furent remis plus haut, presque contre la muraille dont on
voulnit prevenir la ruine.
L demolition du chapitre excita le mecontentement de plusieurs superieurs et de beaucoup
de religieux de la province. Ce fut sans doute a cette occasion que le chapitre general de 1678
defendit de detruire les tombeaux et autres semblables monumens sans la permission du
reverend pcre general. On croit aussi que ce fut par suite de la meme entreprise que D. L.
Hunault fut eloigne de Saint- Wandrille, en 1678. II fut alors eleve au rang de visiteur de
Bretagne, et mourut dans cette province en 1697, prieur de Saint-Nicolas-d'Angely.
* Saint Gerard fut tue d'lin coup de hache, pendant son sommeil, par un moine indigne de ses reraontrances.
COKTft?;sT £ 5) C H A P€ LS
S.'Mar''cs y-'y'^.- .
" ij' O'Mfd, S. Bapdst Ch^ipd. . - • . U Nov ' Town- HaJl A' G^Kcer-c ReoTn, 12 Wesde^an Ce?ilena/y
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