Marshall Goldsmith: Thought Leaders in The New Era of Business" Describes
Marshall Goldsmith: Thought Leaders in The New Era of Business" Describes
Marshall Goldsmith: Thought Leaders in The New Era of Business" Describes
Marshall Goldsmith
by Karen Christensen
You believe that two things differentiate truly successful ships, what else differentiates successful people from others?
people from everyone else. What are they? Happiness and meaning. Truly successful people spend a great deal
I’ve led sessions where I have successful people talk about their of their lives engaging in activities that simultaneously a) make
lives, and five things tend to really matter to them: the first is them happy and b) provide meaning. The trick is, the activities
health, which of course is critically important; the second is that create these results are highly individual: no one else can
wealth, but that doesn’t matter as much as you might think. determine what is meaningful for you or what will make you
Studies show that after about $65,000 to $80,000 a year, there is happy. But together, they lead to something very powerful: Mojo.
zero correlation between wealth and happiness. Third is relation-
ships; it’s very important to have positive relationships in your life How do you define Mojo?
with people that you love. So assuming that you’re healthy, you The term has evolved to describe a sense of positive spirit and
have a middle-class income and you have good personal relation- momentum, especially in the shifting tides of business, politics or
By understanding the impact and interaction of the following four Five qualities that we need to bring to an activity in order to do it
elements, you can begin to alter your own Mojo – both at work and well are; motivation, knowledge, ability, confidence and authenticity.
in your personal life. Likewise, five benefits we may receive from the activity after doing
it well are: happiness, reward, meaning, learning and gratitude.
1. Identity: Who do you think you are? Taking everyone else out of Think of a typical day in your life. Pick your important activities and
the equation, including the opinions of your spouse, family and closest rate yourself on each of the following questions on a scale of 1 to
friends, how do you perceive yourself? Without a firm handle on our 10; a perfect Mojo score would be 100. You can do this test after
identity, we may never be able to understand why we gain – or lose – a five minute phone call with a customer, a half-hour session to
our Mojo. return e-mails, or at the end of a long trip.
2. Achievement: What have you done lately? These are the accom- Professional Mojo: What I bring to this activity
plishments that have meaning and impact. If you’re a salesperson, it
might be landing a big account; if you’re a creative type, it could be 1. Motivation: You want to do a great job in this activity. If you are
coming up with a breakthrough idea. We often underrate or overrate just ‘going through the motions’, score yourself low.
our achievements based on how easy or hard they were to pull off; 2. Knowledge: You understand what to do and how to do it. If you are
until we can honestly put a value on what we’ve accomplished lately, unclear on processes or priorities, score yourself low.
we may not be able to create or regain our Mojo. 3. Ability: You have the skills needed to do the task well.
4. Confidence: You are sure of yourself when performing this activity.
3. Reputation: Who do other people think you are? What do other 5. Authenticity: You are genuine in your level of enthusiasm for
people think you’ve done lately? While identity and achievement are engaging in this activity. If you are faking it or being insincere,
definitions that you develop for yourself, your reputation is a score- your score will be low.
board kept by others: your co-workers, customers, friends. Although
you can’t take total control of your reputation, there’s a lot you can do Personal Mojo: What this activity brings to me
to maintain or improve it, which can have an enormous impact on your
Mojo. 6. Happiness: Being engaged in this activity makes you happy.
7. Reward: This activity provides material or emotional rewards that
4. Acceptance: What can you change, and what is beyond your con- are important to you.
trol? We must be realistic about what we can and cannot change in 8. Meaning: The results of this activity are meaningful for you. If you
our lives and accommodate ourselves to those facts. While this do not feel a sense of fulfillment or that you’re contributing to a
seems easier than creating an identity from scratch or rebuilding a greater good, your score would be low.
reputation, acceptance is often one of our greatest challenges. When 9. Learning: This activity helps you to learn and grow.
Mojo fades, the initial cause is often a failure to accept what is – and 10. Gratitude: Overall, you feel grateful for being able to do this
get on with life. activity and believe that it is a great use of your time.
sports. Mojo entails moving forward, making progress, achieving people I work with – not just at work, but also at home – is the
goals, clearing hurdles, passing the competition, and doing so discrepancy between how they feel on the inside and the way they
with increasing ease because what you are doing matters to you come across on the outside. Once we learn to ask for input and
and you enjoy doing it. Mojo plays a vital role in our pursuit of get feedback on how we are seen by others, we frequently realize
happiness and meaning, because it heralds the achievement of that a discrepancy exists. I teach my clients to take steps to close
two simple goals: loving what you do and showing it. People who the gap between the person they want to be and the person the
love what they do but never show it are doomed to be misunder- world sees on the outside. And I try to practice what I preach: in
stood; their Mojo and their careers will never reach their full my executive coaching practice, I don’t get paid if my clients don’t
potential. Likewise, people who hate what they’re doing but man- get better, and better is not judged by me or them – it’s judged by
age to convey a convincing positive spirit on the outside are everyone around them. So in essence, I only get paid if their rep-
phonies, and their lack of authenticity usually catches up with utation improves, and their reputation arises from what radiates
them in one way or another. The big challenge for many of the to the outside.