M.A Assignment: Physiography of India
M.A Assignment: Physiography of India
M.A Assignment: Physiography of India
A Assignment
Physiography of India
Ravi Kumar
Roll No –52
The Indian Mainland extends from 8°4′ north and 37°6′ North in length(latitudes). And
between 68°7′ East and 97°25′ East in width (longitudes). This makes the North-south
extension of 3214 km and East-west extension of 2933 km.
At 23°30′ North, the Tropic of Cancer passes through the centre of India, dividing the country
into two equal parts – Northern and Southern India. The Tropic of Cancer passes through
eight states in India – Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West
Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram.
Between the Western and Eastern longitudes there is a difference of 30 degrees which causes
a difference of about two hours between the western-most and eastern most areas of the
country. The Standard Meridian lies on 82°30′ East longitude, which falls in the middle of the
country. It sets the Indian Standard Time (5 and half hour ahead of GMT). The Standard
Meridian passes through Mirzapur near Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh.
To understand the geography of India, it is important to understand the Physiography of
4. Arunachal Himalyas: Absence of Shiwalik formations. From east of Bhutan
Himalyas up to Diphu pass in east. Direction of ranges is from southwest to
Northeast. Kangtu and Namcha Barwa are important mountain peaks. Brahmaputra
flows through a deep gorge after crossing Namcha Barwa. This region is rich in
biodiversity is preserved by indigenous communities. No inter-valley transportation
linkages due to rugged topography. Most interactions occur through duar region along
Arunachal and Assam border.
5. Eastern Hills and Mountains: They have their alignmnet from North and South. The
Barak river in Manipur and Mizoram. Manipur has large lake named as ‘Loktak’ at
the centre surrounded by mountains from all sides. Mizoram area is known as
‘Molassis Basin’ is made up of soft unconsolidated deposits. Rivers in Nagaland form
tributary of Brahmaputra. Barak river is tributary of Meghna. Rivers in eastern part of
Manipur are tributaries of Chindwin, which is tributary of Irrawady of Myanmar.
They are formed by alluvial deposits brought by rivers – Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra. The
Northern Plains extend 3200 km from east to west in Indian Physiography. The Maximum
depth of alluvium deposits from 1000-2000 km. Three zones from North to South –
Bhabar(narrow belt parallel to Shiwalik foothills at slope break-up), Tarai(They are situated
in south of bhabar, re-emerge without having any properly demarcated channel, this region
has luxurious growth of natural vegetation), Alluvial plains(located to the south of Tarai,
mature stage of fluvial erosional and depositional landforms like sand bars, meanders. It is
divided into Khadar and Bhangar).
Oldest and most stable landmass of India, general elevation from West to East. Important
physiographic features are tors, block mountains, rift valleys, spurs, bare rocky structures,
series of hummocky hills and wall-like quartzite dykes offering natural site for water storage.
The western and northwestern region has emphatic presence of black soil.
Peninsular plateau is extended till Jaisalmer in west, where it is covered by longitudinal sand
ridges and crescent shaped sand dunes called Barchans. Metamorphic chan history by
presence of metamorphic rocks such as marble, slate, gnesiss, etc.
The Peninsular Plateau is divided into three groups:- Deccan Plateau, Central Highlands and
Northeastern plateau.
1. The Central Highlands: extends from Narmada river to northern plains, bounded by
Aravalis in west and Satpura range in south. Malwa and Chhotanagpur Plateau are art
of central highlands. Eastern extension of Central Highlands is formed by Rajmahal
2. Deccan Plateau: It is separated by a fault from ChhotaNagpur Plateau. The balck soil
area of Deccan Plateau is known as Deccan trap, which is formed by volcanic activity
and supports Sugarcane and cotton cultivation. It has Western and Eastern ghats. Both
the Ghats meet each other at Nilgiri hills.
3. Northeastern Plateau: It is basically an extension of the main peninsular plateau. It
comprises of Meghalaya and Karbi Anglong plateau which are detached from the
main block. The Meghalaya plateau is divided into three parts- Garo hills, Khasi hills
and Jaintia hills. The Meghalaya plateau receives maximum rainfall and stands devoid
of any permanent vegetation cover. It is also rich in mineral resources.
The Indian desert is located in the northwest part of Aravali hills, also known as Thar desert.
It is 9th largest desert in the world. The rainfall recieved is below 150 mm per year. The
vegetation in the Thar is semi-arid type with thorny bushes. The rivers are ephemeral and
only Luni is a significant river.
The coastal plains in India are situated parallel to the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. On the
basis of location and active geomorphic processes, it is divided into Western and eastern
Coastal Plains.
1. The Western Coastal Plain – Extends from Rann of Kachchh to Kanyakumari. It has four
The western coast is narrow in middle and gets broader in north and south. The rivers in
Western Coast do NOT form DELTA.
2. Eastern Coastal Plain – extends along the Bay of Bengal. It is broader than the western
counterpart. It is an emergent coastal plain, hence has less number of ports and harbours. The
Eastern Coast has well-developed deltas in Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri. The
continental shelf extends upto 500 km into Sea.
In the physiography of India, there are two major Island groups. They are in Bay of Bengal
and Arabian Sea. The Bay of Bengal Island group are 204 in number known as Andaman
and Nicobar Islands. The Andaman is in North and Nicobar is in South of each other, they
are separated by “Ten degree Channel”. The coastal line of these islands has coral deposits
and beautiful beaches. They have equatorial type of vegetation.
The Arabian sea Group is known as Lakshadweep and Minicoy Islands. They are located
near the Malabar coast. They are built entirely on coral deposits. Out of the 43 islands,
Minicoy is the largest.